2015年8月2日 星期日

[3/8/2015]Please peoples around the world see the most recently updated by the Liberty Times'' brainwashing, writing, selling a whip? Gang members lesson provoke Yee''! - 113 users responded to respond- [3/8/2015]請全球的人們,看看由自由時報最近更新的''洗腦、撰寫、販售一條鞭?課綱委員惹議! -的網友回應113則回應-Update [3/8/2015] - by the Liberty Times and Apple Daily reported & ettoday.net reported--&-ettoday.net reported- 更新[3/8/2015]-由自由時報和蘋果日報的報導-&-ettoday.net reported--Update-2/8/2015-By-news.ltn.com.tw-&-appledaily.com.tw-&-appledaily.com.hk--Update---Anti lesson outline , lost son of 林冠华 mother !By---Liberty Times reported, "Lin Guan Hua mother PO article published her son thought ! Mother asking him to forgave her mother to insufficient qualifications. For her misunderstood ! Recalled his son said: He was very smart ! wise he still answered him: "Only have smart useless, and be wise." Watching her article will shed a tear...!(We also sad....!) 更新-反課綱痛失愛子的林冠華母親,,引用自由時報報導---"林冠華母親PO文發表兒子的思想,要他原諒媽媽資質不足,對其誤解,回憶起兒子曾說:他非常聰明!自己還回答他:「光聰明沒有用,要有智慧。」看著兒子文章便潸然淚下。(!我們也難過....)**All The World Lauguage**----The topic: "Freedom Square" this government is commit suicide [Author◎Chang Chen] !!By''the Liberty Times.TW- "Anti-Gang Division spokesman 林冠华 birthdays select end their lives, shocked all sectors of the Ministry of Education. the tragedy and anti lesson outline dissociate itself, expressed as depression should be induced; KMT DPP has to let students, stop incitement, except on her face outside the Ministry of Education, it is disdain political operation "---Shameful Taiwan KMT,,Bitch Ma Ying-jeou step down !sTaiwanese just Taiwanese; not being manipulated to the"China pig - angry Taiwanese peoples;!!! Melody.Blog declared global !! #Opchina #OpHongKong #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #OpRussian] to our global friendly chivalrous Anonymous legion brothers and sisters ...! ---- 由自由時報台灣版的專題:《自由廣場》這個政府正在燒炭自殺[作者◎ 張桂禎]!!-"反課綱發言人林冠華在生日當天選擇了結生命,震驚各界。教育部把這樁悲劇與反課綱撇清關係,表示應為憂鬱症所致;國民黨卻要民進黨放過學生,別再煽動,除了打臉教育部以外,政治操作令人不屑!"<老是把「依法行政」掛在嘴邊的馬政府,無視法院的違法判決,一意孤行,逼迫與自身權益息息相關的學生族群,非得要上街頭、甚至衝進教育部,以期能懸崖勒馬?!>---可恥的國民黨下台!狗娘養馬英九下台!台灣人是台灣人;不是被操控的支那豬!-憤怒的台灣國人;Melody.Blog宣吿全球!!#Opchina #OpHongKong #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #OpRussian]給我們全球友好俠義匿名軍團兄弟姐妹們...!-**All The World Lauguage**-

台北市長柯文哲。(資料照,記者張嘉明攝)[3/8/2015]Please peoples around the world see the most recently updated by the Liberty Times'' brainwashing, writing, selling a whip? Gang members lesson provoke Yee''! - 113 users responded to respond-
[3/8/2015]請全球的人們,看看由自由時報最近更新的''洗腦、撰寫、販售一條鞭?課綱委員惹議! -的網友回應113則回應-
Update [3/8/2015] - by the Liberty Times and Apple Daily reported & ettoday.net reported--&-ettoday.net
reported- 更新[3/8/2015]-由自由時報和蘋果日報的報導-&-ettoday.net reported--


-Update--Anti lesson outline , lost son of 林冠华 mother !By---Liberty Times reported, "Lin Guan Hua mother PO article published her son thought ! Mother asking him to forgave her mother to insufficient qualifications. For her misunderstood ! Recalled his son said: He was very smart ! wise he still answered him: "Only have smart useless, and be wise." Watching her article will shed a tear...!(We also sad....!) --Taiwan Kuomintang[KMT] always or every times find brain damage in the slag it! ---Continue to the Liberty Times reported that the Minister of Education within the text "Wu-si Hua吳思華<<<  more insisted sue, <<<and means" some groups "stealth Behind the very moral guidance.....!! "- ''Sad lad pity sacrificed his precious lives of his own''〜更新-反課綱痛失愛子的林冠華母親,,引用自由時報報導---"林冠華母親PO文發表兒子的思想,要他原諒媽媽資質不足,對其誤解,回憶起兒子曾說:他非常聰明!自己還回答他:「光聰明沒有用,要有智慧。」看著兒子文章便潸然淚下。(!我們也難過....)**All The World Lauguage**---
  ---台灣國民黨[KMT]到底是腦殘在找渣嘛!---繼續引用自由時報報導內文"教育部長吳思華<<<更堅持要提告<<<,並指「某些團體」隱身背後指導很不道德。....!!"- ''悲哀憐憫的小伙子犧牲了自已寶貴的生命''〜**All The Would Lauguage**----"Lesser students sacrificed his precious lives -- continued Liberty Times [trans black box lesson outline]!" We are very angry !! Wu -si Hua<吳思華>step down !!! - "International hacker organization" Anonymous "paralyzed,, education Ministry website !! "and" North of the city ordered the police to arrest people can not stand to stay rotten lesson outline the Ministry of Education own income !!" shameless! - Anonymous said all the real in this world!!-[#opchina #ophk #OpISIS #OpTaiwan #OpRussian] - chivalrous Anonymous support [trans black box lesson outline] "it is time to stand up and guard Taiwan, the guardian of our children, fine-tuning is the beginning of brainwashing education."!----The topic: "Freedom Square" this government is commit suicide [Author◎Chang Chen] !!By''the Liberty Times.TW-**All The World Lauguage**----**All The World Lauguage**-

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 *#OpTaiwan #Opchina #OpHongKong #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #OpRussian*

 113 responses -
Some of these ...
Ni Jiening
All you fucks blue camp legislators again, countries need to be sold do not know Ma Ying-jeou,
Ma Ying-jeou also do silly for thugs.
After your children or grandchildren will live in Hong Kong with the same life now,
Look up in the morning newspaper is Chinese newspaper, go out for dinner is the Chinese people to open restaurants,
Buy things that are Chinese goods, eat Taiwanese flavors found,
Quality of life decline, wages fall, no freedom of speech ----------- more.

Congress is now the DPP if not control, the national early demise, before Ma Ying-jeou to engage in "trade dress black box", and now put forward a "black box class outline" is planned toward the Chinese Communist Party unity the KMT legislators foolishly in endorsement, you are an accomplice in the blue camp legislators.

See "positive crystal limited batch 20150802" [http://www.maplestage.com/episode/115683/ positive crystal limited batch + 20150802 /]

Which comes determined why Wusi Hua refused to retreat lesson outline reasons to the CCP's hand into his, all the review team are not only professional, but also significant elements are uniform color, which refers to a "going out of their country to destroy its history "CCP first destroy our history, we have no future, there is also a review panel list. CPC not only from economic unification (MAST), but also to thought control. Course outline black box is a part of the united front.

Ma said no unity government on the mouth, one in each table, in fact, are doing things in secret unity with the CPC.
Jiahuei Jhu
There professionalism of historians should be clear on one thing: when the historical

record or convey,
By objective historical explanation is not biased,
In order to establish strong social and national identity,
Make minor shaping self-expectations,
Let adults collectively contribute to society and even the world single-handedly.
Today the other hand, these people, intent to distort history (vilify or landscaping),
To cover up the crime, or the spread of the message of subjective language as,
To let the Taiwan people to forget the past for the democratic process of hard work,
History has tarnished the significance of education still sounding advocated themselves "to make contributions to education",
Simply shameless.
Cai Rongji
Ruling incompetence, discredit others actually pretty good at it!
Chen Feng *
Wu-Si Wah: "printed textbooks, lesson outline can not retreat ...", so if that is pushing hard for profit?
Wu-Si Wah is booksellers keeper!
Is this not corruption? Tullie crime?
Ministry of Justice, prosecutors are asleep? In cover?
- Reply -
Lin Cheng-Yi
This is the same you ordered fried rice
But I lost the feces inside
But already fried rice dish side out gracefully
You must eat concept.
AU Chang · New York University
January 26 next year to sweep the garbage to ashes 𥚃 history.
Item Yukio · National Taipei University of Technology
Your mouth so-called correct view of history in the end mean?
Kuomintang shit praise it?
Qiu Yan Yu · Kaohsiung
In my eyes, 'These people are beasts!
Beast than you!
Liu Renxuan · International Business College
The lesson outline list of members listed, we would like to know...
Isaac Wang
Professor, Professor, how much evil fake thy name and the line!
Jane Hongjie · Kaohsiung
Continuous female prisoners horse twice voters elected, whether a little regret it ??????????????????
Hong Ru Zhao · 

They also learned of tourism, one-stop career continent ..
Andy Hsieh · Shanghai
States will die!
Ricky Huang ·
Course outline laid sell their own.
Lu sterile irrigation
And open press, and the trial lesson outline! Ye professor in the end there is no "ethical" ah? Pressing swearing! !
Liu Coco · Taichung
Protests have been sentenced to court as unlawful new courses Gang rapists way to see all the people have the right to catch him !!
Support new courses outline the road; on behalf of you see rapists; only choose to see him continue to rape !!
Because you can choose lesson outline illegal road! Why can not rape?

Note: Because our [b4-the 1st one]previous blog was hacked facebook attached,
So now we do not have a facebook!
Our facebook is useless
Because it has been unknown ISIS/
Chinaman rogue hacker invasion
And by their use of the

Our mailbox has appeared large number of users seeking information from friends friendship facebook issued;
Here we want to clarify that: we do not use facebook in a long time!
There are posing our- Chinaman/ISIS rogue hackers!

Peter King
KMT does not fall, Taiwan will not be good!
Xiao true
Course outline audit team Xieda Ning et al., But his own textbook publishers sell large .. prosecutors are truly the investigation?
Zue Pin Lin
Give these unscrupulous businessman fucks this continues, Taiwan's cultural immortality left Half-Life, forever may not bounce back up!
Scur Lai · 

Book burning pit rape Ru!
[ Http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1398945 ]
To revolutionize education. Only the compulsory education system independent from the executive to the system.
Real estate transactions transparent. Assess market each year. According to Nett taxation.
This tax, designed as the state religion of twelve completely free funds.
Technical and vocational education be included in the free state religion. Its specialist, practicum, closing equipment and material costs (student fees in half. Government subsidies 1/2).

Chinese Kuomintang opposition to Taiwan National Education Course outline all out brutal Chinese!
No country of the world, to its sovereignty, territory, culture, identity, all built on top of another country (People's Republic of China) is.

History, referring to past events and actions of human society, and the behavior of these events have systematic records, interpretation and research.
More importantly, Impact humanities Family. Culture society. Only investigate civil society programs.

Taiwan aboriginal culture. Japan and Japan culture. Europe and western culture and Chinese culture mix.
Taiwanese descent is definitely not Don. Pingpu aboriginal Taiwanese but it was strictly be said to be willing to be cooked .. descendant Fan Qing rule change surnames is cooked Fan Qing country to tax concessions, to be cooked fan Plains Aborigines change surnames. and strongly up schools to Holo and Hakka dialect teaching. Pingpu Fan cooked by Holo and Hakka people think they are.

Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Ming China, Qing Dynasty, Japan, Chiang Kai-shek of the Chinese Kuomintang. Colonized Taiwan are just passing through!

June 17, 1989, the CCP State Council spokesman Yuan Mu accepts American television reporters, lie said "64" No one died in Tiananmen Square.
Patterns of Chinese culture: the false excuse Saize full lie down dirty evil fruit as a result of brutal tyrannical false frame.....
United States, Canada, Northern Europe not only use Confucianism civilization is far better than Don American society!
China's one-party dictatorship without freedom, democracy, human rights, independent advocate proud patriotic education.
After all, the world of the threat of plus shame!
[Note: very good!] ^^Melody..^^
Huang Liang liter ·
In Chinese society, as long as the politically correct, you can make money, no wonder these great Chinese thinker, so likes to engage in "orthodox" This ㄧ sets. ㄧ understand that point, are also for personal gain, no wonder the weak appetite for ever.
Kang Yonn
Hip to know! China bandits must be the money! Bandit owned it!
Lee Jim ·
No wonder Wu-Si Wah will say textbooks have been printed and can not be changed ... Originally, I still want to say that if there is such a stupid businessman does not see the wind is likely to lose money does not avoid things that lose money also deserve the Ministry of Education for their own to worry about doing ... The original is one of us will lose money ah! No wonder no wonder ~~
Jack Yu
Own sell their own printing, they going to cover this kind of thing is what you want to be when it was too dark!
 Reply ·
Linda Chen ·
even 200,000 they still want, even let a hero die., tooo greedy.
Wimi Hsu
It is not that the tax should reject these people when salary? Why such a person can teach in the national first-class university?
Sy Fan
2015 facts: the face of China's Taiwan, the Ma administration a worm Policy: Lesson outline a whip sightseeing train.
Bien Chang
By Chinese pig washer, really unhappy,> <but there is a saying, or really need to say that:. "These courses Gang members bookseller shameless acts before the written history of the matter," a lot easier .... a.
Chengyuan Li ·
KMT serious profit consortium, Ma Yin Nine are (BOT expert), Hau is (BOT expert)
Isaac Wang
If the Japanese do such a thing came to light, it must be ritual suicide apology, but if it is People's Republic of China, and that's just a coincidence.
Sonya Yeh
Scholars such as the child is not simple, it can be called the Red Guards, shameless no limit.
Zou Zhiwei
More than brainwashing, the original there is a question of money.

We the people of Taiwan perseverance, sincere
Kind-hearted, hard-working,

Taiwanese was Taiwanese !No one can change!!
China pigs are slaves!
Please identify the authenticity with a conscience!

Melody.Blog Sincerely~




國會現在若沒民進黨把關,國家早滅亡,馬英九之前搞的 “黑箱服貿”,現在又搞個 “黑箱課綱” 都是有計劃地向著中共統一,這些國民黨立委還傻傻的在背書,藍營立委你們都是共犯。

請看“正晶限時批 20150802“[ http://www.maplestage.com/episode/115683/正晶限時批+20150802/ ]

裡面說到為何吳思華決意不肯退課綱的理由,是中共的手伸進來,所有審查小組不但都不專業,而且都是統一色彩明顯份子,其中提到一句 ”要滅其國先滅其史“ 就是中共要先毀滅我們的歷史,我們就沒有未來,裡面也有審查小組名單。中共不但要從經濟統一(服貿),也要思想控制。黑箱課綱是統戰的一部份。

Jiahuei Jhu
陳峰 ·
AU Chang · 紐約大學
項紀夫 · 國立台北科技大學
邱延譽 · 高雄市
在我眼裏' 這些人都是畜牲!
劉人瑄 · 國際商專
Isaac Wang
簡宏傑 · 高雄市
洪儒釗 · Stevens Institute of Technology International
他們也學到大陸的旅遊, 一條龍事業..
Andy Hsieh · 上海市
Ricky Huang ·
Liu Coco · 臺中市
抗議已被法院判違法的新課綱就像路上看到強姦犯 全民都有權去抓他!!
支持新課綱上路的; 就代表你看到強姦犯 ;只會選擇看他繼續強姦!!


在此我們要澄清的是: 我們沒在用facebook很久了!

Peter King
Zue Pin Lin
Scur Lai · 台北科技大學
焚書 坑奸儒 !
[ http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1398945 ]
要徹底改革教育.唯有 國民義務教育系統.獨立予行政系統之外.
此稅金, 專作為十二年 完全免費國教經費.
技職教育一併納入免費國教. 其專科,實習課程, 收設備及材料費(學生減半收費.政府補助1/2).

反對中國國民黨 要台灣國民教育課綱 全傾野蠻中國 !
全世界沒有任何一個國家,把自己的 主權、領土、文化、認同、全部建立在另一個國家(中華人民共和國)之上的。

更重要的是. 影響 人文. 家庭. 文化. 社會. .唯有在公民社會課程的探討.

台灣是原住民文化.日本大和文化.歐美西洋文化 和 中國文化 的 溶合.
台灣人絕非唐裔. 台灣人原來就是平埔族原住民. 嚴格應說是熟蕃後裔..願意被清國統治改漢姓就是熟番.清國以賦稅優惠,要熟番平埔族改漢姓.並大力興學, 以福佬話和客家話授課.平埔熟番逐認為自己是福佬人和客家人.

葡萄牙.荷蘭,西班牙,明國,清國,日本,蔣幫中國國民黨.殖民台灣.都只是過客 !

1989年6月17日,中共國務院發言人袁木接受美國電視記者採訪時,撒謊稱"六四"天安門 廣場沒有死一個人。
中國文化的樣版 : 虛假滿騙. 推諉塞責. 邪惡齷齪. 倒果為因. 栽贓誣告. 強橫野蠻
美,加,北歐. 沒獨尊儒學. 文明遠勝唐裔社會 !
中國 一黨專政 沒有自由, 民主, 人權, 獨倡狂傲愛國教育.
終究是世界的威脅加恥辱 !
黃亮升 ·
Kang Yonn
用屁股想也知道! 一定是支那共匪的錢! 匪資啦!
Lee Jim ·
難怪吳思華會說教科書已經印好不能再改... 本來我還在想說如果有這麼蠢的商人不會看風向不對避免很可能賠錢的事情,那賠錢也是自己活該教育部替他們擔心幹嘛...原來會賠錢的都是自己人啊! 難怪難怪~~
Jack Yu
 回覆 ·
Linda Chen ·
even 200,000 they still want, even let a hero die., tooo greedy.
Wimi Hsu
是不是應該拒絕那稅給這些人當薪水? 為什麼這樣的人能夠在國家一流大學任教?
Sy Fan
2015史實: 面對中國的台灣馬政府一條蟲策略: 課綱一條鞭 觀光一條龍.
Bien Chang
被中國豬洗板, 真的很不爽,.>< 但是有句話還是不吐不快 那是:" 這些課綱委員賣書的無恥勾當, 才該寫在歷史啦",....輕鬆多了.
成元立 ·
Isaac Wang
Sonya Yeh



Yok called on the government to thoroughly investigate the attack site "anonymous" users Xiaofan

 2015-08-02 21:27
[Breaking News / Roundup] Ministry of Education website has recently been suspected hacker attacks, international hacker organization "Anonymous" Asian branch then face book Profile "surrender", and expressly solidarity with Taiwan in order to outline the anti-class students. New Party Chairman Yok Mu-ming today at the Presidential Palace and face book PO NSA telephone, said hackers are very serious national security issues, call for the government to call requires a thorough investigation, to understand who is deliberately attacking the government website, the text of a transfer User dumbfounding.

New Party Chairman Yok Mu-ming. (Data according to the reporter Chen Qu photo).
 Yok Mu-ming today (2) days in face book says hacker organization "Anonymous" paralyzed several website of the Ministry of Education, and even attack the presidential palace sites, this is a very serious national security issue, "the past is not a day when only the other side enemy, the anti-China scored our government website? I see now really touches Taiwan civil war broke out! sue to withdraw into Office said, is to attack the government website, endanger national security is not held accountable? "
Yok PO the NSA phone "02-28817088" and presidential phone "02-23113731" We appeal to the Office of the President, the National Security Bureau expression, the government must conduct a thorough investigation clearly to the people a complete description, in the end who is deliberately attacking the government website? Xingsha name of what? The purpose behind in the end why? Anti lesson outline? Or that there are other groups hiding behind the black hands?
Let the message be posted to PO PTT users after dumbfounding, he has said: "? This is the right to anonymous provocation", "use of zombie computers which may catch ah," "can be found in the Taiwan government can call it anonymous ? "," it really was not familiar with the Internet eco-old man, "" he is not that person is anonymous villagers organization in Taiwan, then there FB fans? ", another suggestion was Yok Mu-ming, who is the Association's direct suspected Anonymous party peripheral tissues now!

 Related Links See: Yok Facebook

⋯⋯ 更多


郁慕明籲徹查攻擊政府網站的「匿名者」 網友笑翻

2015-08-02  21:27
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕教育部網站近日疑似遭到駭客攻擊,國際駭客組織「匿名者」亞洲支部隨後在臉書專頁「自首」,並明確表示是為了聲援台灣反課綱 學生。新黨主席郁慕明今在臉書PO出總統府和國安局的電話,稱駭客攻擊是極為嚴重的國安問題,呼籲大家打電話要求政府徹查,了解是誰蓄意攻擊政府網站,此 文一出讓網友哭笑不得。

郁慕明今(2)日在臉書表示,駭客組織「匿名者」幾次癱瘓教育 部網站,甚至還攻擊總統府網站,這已是極為嚴重的國安問題,「過去不是整天只把對岸當假想敵,防著大陸攻入我們政府的網站?我看現在真開打的倒是台灣內 戰!闖入公署說要撤告,難道攻擊政府網站、危及國家安全也不追究?」
該 PO文被轉貼到PTT後讓網友哭笑不得,紛紛表示:「這是向匿名者挑釁嗎?」、「用殭屍電腦哪可能抓到啊」、「能被台灣政府查到還能叫匿名者嗎?」、「果 然是不熟悉網路生態的老先生」、「他是不是以為匿名者是台灣的鄉民組織,然後有FB粉絲團?」,另外有人建議郁慕明,直接懷疑匿名者是民進黨外圍組織就好 啦!

⋯⋯ 更多

 131 responded. Some of ...

Wang Wen-Xiang ·

Head still stuck in the early Republican era veterans die ..... really just dying
Man Te Hong ·
He spoke of birds who him? ! ? ? ?
High Rui Xi *
International organizations Kuomintang tried to grab you a man ??
Chen Baihong ·
Still living in the 20th century that era Marine
hello world! Welcome to the 21st century
Want to go read a few books related information come to express an opinion?
There is this old, you do not read enrich themselves, the older generation will be young now so despised that good ,, lifelong learning it?
Tommy Huang ·
He was surprised to be treated as "anonymous" by the opposition
Really bad enough to see ...
Veronica Jhang
Gee, a thorough investigation Yok and New Party members in China, overseas illegal economic crimes! Yu bandit group to thoroughly investigate the Chinese annexation of Taiwan to assist rebel crimes!
wow! very Good ~ ^^ hahaha ,,, Melody ^^
Zeng wise
This old man is like the Qing Dynasty to resist the royalist republic.
Su Zhi Quan · U of Arizona
Taiwan people, Hello everyone,
Everyone should go and see the real history,
Not by the Chinese Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China distorted adaptation of official history.

Taiwan battle of guningtou of saying the generals (Bo will simply)

Taiwan people, Hello everyone,
I implore you to look at this in 1949, the Golden Gate battle of guningtou the commander said this, there will bo (alias Lin Baoyuan will), the real historical deeds.
Chinese Nationalist Party under Chiang Kai-shek was defeated remnants (especially often defeated generals Tang Enbo).

The only thing is the famous Tang Enbo 228 incident reports when Chiang Kai-shek of Taiwan governor Chen Yi (228 Chiang event not only did not punish massacre Chen Yi, Chen Yi also promoted to chairman of Zhejiang Province) Tang Enbo surrender to the Chinese Communist Party.
He discovered one of 228 great sinner Chiang Chen Yi has been secretly vote total, and only then Chen Yi arrested and later shot.

This proved to Chiang Kai-shek (is not said this NCO school graduates, Chiang Kai-shek just read said this preparatory school Zhenwu school Military Academy, and he was more than a year in Japan, Chiang Ching-kuo's mother did not know and who Ms. Mao Tai Health Chiang Ching-kuo) and Chen Yi (like saying this Military Academy graduates) both in the 228 events are informed of sin is the culprit.
Taiwan recently lesson outline trimming WangXiaoBo this guy (he does not deserve a university professor) would like to Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, 288 events massacre acquittal.

Wang Xiaobo was no common sense judgment and without conscience shameless.
Wang Xiaobo (probably not a Ph.D.) and Deer Antler and Taiwan premier and officials of his (her) appointment of the same (especially now that the Minister of Education Wu (I) Reith) is common sense, but no judgment and no conscience PhD shameless believers. Shame shame shame! ! !
Su Zhi Quan (Dr. Jim J. Su),
Nuclear Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in Taiwan 1976 (NTU give up power lines in 1972 to enter the first volunteer Nuclear Engineering Department of Tsinghua University), Institute of Tsinghua core 1980,
Tao Fei Fei Taiwan and the United States a number of outstanding achievement honors graduate member of the Institute, the American Motor Master (all achieved A), an American electrical Ph.D.,
Working in several US research institutions world-famous 30 years.
 Reply ·
Chen Qinghui · Taichung
Just look at this government in exile was hit four escape, even begonias are lost, but also let Taiwan GDP year after year ugly now, I do not believe him how the trip entirely take the Japanese experience Japanese assets, to mix Taiwan a.
Lin Zhenyi · Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Fart people always say that they do not fart
We say to this man, how could A ......
Melody.Blog Sincerely~


王玟翔 · 腦袋還停留在民國初年.....果然 老兵不死 只是凋零
Man Te Hong ·
高睿希 ·
陳柏宏 ·
hello world!歡迎來到21世紀
Tommy Huang ·
Veronica Jhang
嘖嘖, 徹查郁慕明與新黨成員在中國, 在海外非法經濟犯罪活動! 徹查郁匪集團協助中國併吞台灣叛亂罪行!
wow! very Good~^^ hahaha,,,Melody^^
蘇志銓 · U of Arizona

台灣古寧頭戰役的曰本將軍 (根本博中將)




蘇志銓 (Dr. Jim J. Su),
 回覆 ·
陳慶輝 · 台中市
林振益 ·

 *[3/8/2015]Please peoples around the world see the most recently updated by the Liberty Times'' brainwashing, writing, selling a whip? Gang members lesson provoke Yee''! - 113 users responded to respond- [3/8/2015]請全球的人們,看看由自由時報最近更新的''洗腦、撰寫、販售一條鞭?課綱委員惹議! -的網友回應113則回應-
Melody.Blog===FOLLOW   FOLLOE===



自由時報Brainwashing, writing, selling a whip?

Gang members lesson provoke Yee

  • 台大教授張亞中。(資料照,記者方賓照攝) Ya professor in National Taiwan University. (Data according to the reporter Fang Bin photo photo).2015-08-03.
 North" and other three publishers have published three versions of high school history books, to school teachers to promote, without considering the problem of avoiding conflicts of interest.
 Concerned that these particular professors on the one hand lesson outline government intervention 'tuned' decision, on the one hand the commercial behavior of writing and selling textbooks, their adequacy? It should explain to the community that this is not collusion deformation. In particular, the funding for the three publishers whether sensitive domestic and foreign sources? It is necessary to carry out the investigation.

 Ya in early in the year before that the author points out in the comments in the Chinese media network, between September 2012, and its consultation with the cross-strait integration of cadres to learn that unless they compiled history textbooks, otherwise there is no way to establish the correct view of history in Taiwan. To the history books, it is necessary to start his own publishing house, and have the intention of losing money.
CEO strait integration Zheng Qi students learn to play an important responsibility in charge of the establishment of the publishing house, he resigned from the validation committee to work with Professor Xie Daning and some scholars find the well-known university professor in charge of participation in the writing of textbooks.
Ya said that they set up in October 2013 between the "g Yi", "Historical Records", "a North" and three publishers, led to the publication of history textbooks to work, but also the only stage work, were prepared in three versions high school history textbooks.

  • 高中課綱審核小組成員謝大寧教授。(資料照,記者陳志曲攝) High school class outline audit team members Professor Xie Daning. (Data according to the reporter Chen Qu photo).
 Ya declares that they are standing on both sides of the same textbook for the Chinese nation, belong to the position of the Chinese culture, with the writing "national history" view of history to write "Taiwan History" and "Chinese History." After intensive work full three months, we in the beginning of January 2013, the three high school history textbooks to the state religion hospital for review. He does not deny that these textbooks suffered questioned state religion hospital submittal process, the councilors of a horse come forward to deal with the government's clearance.
Ya also said, "We want to sell textbooks in all schools, so that more high school students to be able to read in order to shape them the correct view of history. This aspect we want high school teacher can use our textbook, overseas Chinese schools overseas It can be used. Secondly, to continue to fund, roots down, social studies textbook publishing countries, so that young students can establish the correct view of history as soon as possible. We hope the community a lot of people soil can support our work. "



  • 台大教授張亞中。(資料照,記者方賓照攝) 台大教授張亞中。(資料照,記者方賓照攝).2015-08-03.

  •  〔記者鄒景雯/台北報導〕馬政府的新課綱在8月1日強行上路,與新課綱關係密切的張亞中、課綱審核小組謝大寧等人,卻自己開出版社大賣教科書?據了解,《克毅》、《史記》、《北一》等三家出版社已經出版了三個版本的高中歷史書,向學校老師推銷,毫不考慮利益迴避的問題。


  • 高中課綱審核小組成員謝大寧教授。(資料照,記者陳志曲攝) 高中課綱審核小組成員謝大寧教授。(資料照,記者陳志曲攝).
  • 張亞中宣稱,他們的教科書是站在兩岸同為中華民族、同屬中華文 化的立場上,用撰寫“本國史”的史觀來撰寫“台灣史”與“中國史”。整整密集的工作三個月以後,我們於2013年1月上旬,將三本高中歷史教科書送到國教 院接受審查。他不諱言,這些教科書在國教院送審過程中遭遇質疑,經一名馬政府的政務委員出面處理過關。
    張亞中還說,「我們要將教科書賣到各 個學校,讓更多的高中同學能夠閱讀,以形塑他們正確的史觀。這一方面我們希望高中老師能夠採用我們的教科書,海外的華僑學校也能使用。其次繼續籌措經費, 往下紮根,出版國中社會學科教科書,讓年輕學生能儘早建立正確史觀。我們希望社會人土能夠多多支持我們的工作。」



    Course outline control horses president ordered Chen Chi-mai: Dark Emperor

    DPP Legislator Chen Chi-mai (right). Profile Photo.on August 3, 2015.
     DPP Legislator Chen Chi-mai today at a press conference that in the past more than the previous lesson outline correction is bottom up, grassroots initiated by teachers, but this history lesson outline is top-down, outside the rule of law through the black authorities seized nuclear group to fine-tune. He also refers to July 12, 2012, then he served as KMT chairman of the KMT Central Standing Committee in President Ma Ying-jeou had expressly ordered that the Ministry of Education to modify the lesson outline, consider replacing the curriculum committee, so "this is the lesson outline lesson outline horse . "

    Chen Chi-mai said that Ma Ying-jeou was mentioned in the first term of his presidency, many class members and high school textbooks of the trial is due to appoint the former, he can not change, so he set up outside the system check by the pro-nuclear group horse scholar, directly assigned lesson outline revise opinion. And Ma has also said that he put on the table a bunch of high school textbooks, the content of full independence, Kominka, let the horse feel ridiculous. Chen Chi-mai question: He called President Ma must come out of clarity, are not behind, in the end is a horse an order requiring the inspection of nuclear Panel modify lesson outline or check nuclear panelists convince "Who is to modify the lesson outline Dark Emperor is a horse chairman?!" Ma?

    Chen Chi-mai said that KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou not Chu and his son donkey, collaborate with each other, so that the KMT into a two-headed carriage, if the KMT group or "horse caucus" defend "the horse lesson outline" that Chu "KMT chairman would not have done ! "he called KMT legislators do not listen to horses intended, with the opening temporary suspension of fine-tuning will make lesson outline resolution. (Huang Yang Ming / Taipei)


    控馬總統下令修課綱 陳其邁:暗黑大帝

     民進黨立委陳其邁今舉行記者會指出,過去歷次課綱修正多是由下而上,由基層教師發起,但這次歷史課綱卻是由上而下,透過法制外的黑機關檢核小組來微調。他 還指,2012年7月12日,當時擔任國民黨主席的總統馬英九就曾在國民黨中常會中明確下令要求教育部修改課綱、更換課程審議委員會委員,所以「這個課綱 是馬的課綱」。

    陳其邁說,當時馬英九提及,在他總統第一任時,許多高中教科書的課審委員因是前朝任命,他無法更改,所以他透過體制外親馬 學者成立檢核小組,直接交辦課綱修改意見。且馬還曾說他桌上放了一堆高中教科書,內容充滿台獨化、皇民化,讓馬覺得很荒謬。陳其邁質疑:「誰是修改課綱的 暗黑大帝?就是馬主席!」他呼籲,馬總統必須出來說明清楚,是不是幕後黑手,到底是馬下令要求檢核小組修改課綱還是檢核小組成員說服馬?


     Do not listen to student opinions also sue NTU Vice President Chen Liangji: Education Ministry mistake again
     ▲ education minister to outline the anti-class students sue. (Figure / reporter Zhang language antelope photo).Life Center / RoundupAnti-Gang Division, Ministry of Education student night raids, a total of 33 people were arrested, Minister of Education Wu Sihua "reluctantly sue." In this regard, NTU Vice President Chen Liangji 26 evening, said the Ministry of Education to allow the police to arrest reporters "very nasty" against press freedom, social should be rushed to the attack, and accused the students practice is not appropriate, do not listen to advice also sue, It is simply "the same mistake again," lost educational style.After attending the 26th Chenliang Ji Macronix Golden Silicon Awards will be said that students do not listen to the views of the Ministry of Education, students and reporters and even arrest and sue, there is "the same mistake again," student sue inappropriate manner, These behaviors can be made by the rules and regulations related to the disposal, he believes the Ministry of Education to have a "guide" the student mind, it is like "education officer" to obey all students, rather than the "educator."Chenliang Ji pointed out that the Ministry of Education and student representatives to discuss communicate, modify lesson outline that should remain flexible, just say "no disputes in the exam" does not really solve the problem, when the student opinion has not been resolved, nor the Ministry of Education told Listen, I had expressed in action.Minister of Education Chen Dehua responded, the Ministry of Education has been and students to communicate, scholars may not understand the situation on the next comment, "very appropriate" again and Chenliang Ji communicate instructions, in addition, has also been requested not to invade the Ministry of Education school students demerit, Reporters part to be police gathering evidence to determine the day behavior.►►► transfer firsthand news, locking "ET instant" Fans on the right!▼ Anti-Gang lesson before students surrounded the Ministry of Education. (Figure / reporter Chen Mingren photo).


    不聽學生意見還提告 台大副校長陳良基:教部一錯再錯



    This shows that [anti-black box lesson outline] was right!
    Communist slaves asshole Ma Ying-gao' with a [anti-black box lesson outline] "Cheung Ya-Chung[張亞中] close to the,
    Course outline audit team Xie Daning garbage China pigs,
    Able [collusion] to start his own publishing house sold textbooks? !

    Communist beast Cheung Ya-Chung[張亞中] slaves in the also make a big full !!
    Open three publishers; (do not spend money it ??!) [Collusion really hand in glove!]
    While printing and publishing of the three versions of the high school history books, to sell different school teacher !!?

    Do not pretend to morally people!
    Liberty Times reported half already know the authenticity of their behavior!
    The following text in disguise was ugly behavior!

    Why we cheat the Taiwan people well?
    Ya the ungrateful!
    We explain to the people of Taiwan of your filthy corruption!
    Communist China the world's first hybrid greedy dictatorship
    Communist mainland slaves dog playing with the people of Taiwan!?

    We have made every chivalrous anonymity, said the most authentic -

    We remember executioner "Wusi Hua" step down!
    Anti-black box with comfort reborn lesson outline deceased classmate Lin Guanhua!

    Anonymous will not forget!
    Anonymous does not forgive!
    Anonymous everywhere!
    Anonymous will not let you alone and helpless!

    We are anonymous!
    We are legion!
    ...Expect us!


    這説明了 [反黑箱課綱]是對的!





    以慰藉往生的 反黑箱課綱林冠華同學在天之靈!




     Update [3/8/2015] - by the Liberty Times and Apple Daily reported & ettoday.net reported--&-ettoday.net reported- 更新[3/8/2015]-由自由時報和蘋果日報的報導-&-ettoday.net reported--
     ===Melody.Blog===FOLLOW   FOLLOW===>/



    [Education] anti-brainwashing "Anonymous" network storm the Ministry of Education to put words "This is just the beginning."

     Taiwan anti lesson outline controversy intensified. International hacker group "Anonymous" Asian branch (Anonymous Asia), began early this morning after another attack Taiwan Ministry of Education and the Office of the President Web site to outline student class solidarity with the anti-evening "anonymous" in facebook then sent a message to indicate hear Taiwan shouting, "This is just the beginning."

    "Anonymous" in both Chinese and English in facebook send a message, indicating that this action is not only Asian branch of action, thanks to participate in overseas branches, and said, "# Taiwan, we hear you cry, this is just the beginning" It seems to notice the next will continue to attack government offices.

    Taiwan, "Apple Daily"


    反洗腦教育】「匿名者」強攻教育部網 放話「這只是開始」

    台灣反課綱爭議,越演越烈。國際黑客組織「匿名者」亞洲支部(Anonymous Asia),今日凌晨開始接連攻擊台灣教育部及總統府網站,以聲援反課綱學生,晚間「匿名者」在facebook再發出訊息,表示聽到了台灣的呼喊,「這只是開始」。




    自由時報"This is a" middle of the night to defend the young voice behind the anti-gang black box class

    Schilling and her daughter to the square in front of the Ministry of Education in response to anti-black box lesson outline protests. (Reporter Jiang Xiangshe).
     2015-08-02 03:40
    [Reporter Jiang Xiang / Taipei former Education Ministry] anti black box lesson outline scene late at night ... but there is still a stick in the square in front of people, quietly giving support young students. 2:30, protesters square in front of the Ministry of Education has been mostly asleep, but Schilling and daughter from Xinzhuang District of New Taipei pulled Zhang bench sitting in the square, Energetic says, "to keep to the dawn", and said " We do not want their kids to be obliterated. "
    Schilling for the period of martial law in Taiwan, it was thought to suppress, laughing, "I was cheated for years." She said that when the beautiful island of the incident, was also discussed, and Mr. "These insurgents Why good day, however, going to stir up trouble?" But with the media after the reform and opening up, two people gradually found a lot of things, "not exactly the same as the government told . "
    Lin said, it is the younger generation can not bear to be bullied again. Therefore, from the beginning of last year, 318 student movement, and her husband own it, many children come out to support the anti-gang black box class occupied the Ministry of Education into the first three days, the family is "designed to work at night," while the late-night crowds sparse when the scene support.
    Anti-black box for the North Course outline charcoal University Union spokesman Lin Guanhua died, Schilling said, "He's immortal spirit, love forever"; black box class for classes, she says, "the government not to deprive students are known."



    「這一家」捍衛年輕的聲音 深夜力挺反黑箱自由時報課綱


     2015-08-02  03:40
    〔記者姜翔/台北報導〕教育部前反黑箱課綱現場夜已深...但仍有一家人堅守在廣場前,默默的給予年輕學子支持。凌晨2點半,教育部前廣場的抗議民 眾多半已入睡,但來自新北市新莊區的林女士和女兒拉了張板凳坐在廣場,精神奕奕的說「要守到天亮」,還說「不希望孩子的未來被抹煞」。



    Course outline not withdraw called on students to reclaim Taiwan series

    Anti-Gang yesterday evening lesson into more than 500 people involved in staffing a white rose. Hang Dapeng photo.
     on August 2, 2015.
     Anti-Gang Division yesterday announced plans to initiate students in Taiwan series, vowed to "Lesson outline subside, we reclaim."

    Today's issue of "Apple" reported that the Ministry of Education anti Division Gang live people yesterday remained at about five hundred people last night party held in memory of Lin Guanhua, hold masses on stage Ku Cheng, we hand and stroked the White Rose mast the hope of call for more people to come forward, we hope Taiwan series, continued to struggle to hold on to defend the "withdrawal lesson outline" so far. (HU Zhi Yan / roundup).


    課綱不撤就不退 學生號召全台串聯




    Black-class outline you dare to use? Nantou county government is painting

    Nantou county government building outside the walls, this morning people were painting, writing on "sinister lesson outline you dare?" Words, the county staff was busy wiping. (Reporter Zhang Association or photo).
     2015-08-02 10:57
    [Reporter Zhang Xie liters / Nantou Nantou county government building facades] reported early this morning by painting the people, write "sinister lesson outline dare you? 'Word, the county government to mobilize human wipe 8:00 pm, police went to the county access to monitor and trace the painting near the intersection who represents the painting may have been in violation of Social Order Maintenance Act.
    Anti-class black box outline in full swing, Nantou County once heard only want to use a new lesson outline counties, Nantou County Government building's exterior walls, this morning that is being next to "Nantou County" title cards to black spray "Black-class outline you dare?" words, and from the public debate triggered, county 8:00 pm wiping mobilize human, but for a time still can not completely remove black stains.
    Nantou police precinct subsequently send officials to investigate, because the county exterior wall painting represents, restitution, prima facie, should not to involve the destruction of sin and the words painted nor belong abusive or abusive words, and use questions, Corruption should not constitute the crime of insulting, but may have violated Social Order Maintenance Act, related laws involved still have to study, have access to the county and near the junction of the monitor to trace the painting by.
    Magistrate Lin Ming Qin said that at present, Nantou County to adopt a new, old lesson outline parallel, he urged the public to remain rational.
    Nantou county government building outside the walls, this morning people were painting, writing on "sinister lesson outline you dare?" Words, the police arrived at the scene. (Reporter Zhang Association or photo).




     2015-08-02  10:57
    南 投警分局隨後也派員到場調查,表示因在縣府外牆噴漆,可以恢復原狀,初步看來應不致涉及毀損罪,且噴漆的字眼也非屬辱罵或謾罵字眼,並使用問句,應該也沒 有構成侮辱公署罪問題,但可能已違反社會秩序維護法,涉及的相關法令還要再研究,已調閱縣府及附近路口監視器追查噴漆者。


    [Update] Anti-class students despised Gang Ma, Wu against the action will not stop

    Anti-class students today Gang said anti lesson outline action would not stop. 侯世骏 photo.
      on August 1, 2015
    (Update: New video)

    Anti lesson outline black box black box class of students and anti-gang Action Coalition held press conference today, and there are more than 30 legislators to the scene to support Solidarity, will outline the Counter class student, said Minister of Education Wu Sihua, President Ma Ying-jeou and indifference regrets weakness, but also on the use of the dead was contemptible behavior, August 1, Ministry of Education is still strong push new course outline, outline the student anti-class action would not stop.

    Anti lesson outline student said it will push legislators plan, let lesson outline establish procedures legalization, the legislature has more than 190 legislators, 147 interviews have been successful, including 65% support legalization lesson outline the development of the program, 31% do not position, 4% oppose, in which 85% of the KMT legislators interviewed not stand, and what lesson outline absurd to what extent, will allow so many KMT legislators can not stand, in addition, the DPP, the Taiwan Solidarity Union, the People First Party and other legislators are one hundred percent of the respondents.

    Anti-class Gang students today also announced the legislators for and against lists, KMT legislators merely Yang Qiong Ying expressed support for the anti-lesson classes, but this was not to the press conference live appearances, another KMT legislators include Chenxue Sheng, Ting Shou-chung, Chen Sheng, Sun Daqian, Huang Zhixiong, Linguo Chun, fees tai 7 people also publicly stated its opposition to student demands. DPP Legislator interviews only Yangyao declined to say, the rest support.

    University Union on behalf of peach area, Wuling high school students 廖浩翔 said very grateful DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen to support lesson outline suspended, but also anxiety, the KMT presidential candidate Hung Shiu-chu said students have been instigated by the DPP, Course outline but not the blue-green of the dispute, nor reunification and independence of the dispute, but not the product of a blue-green battles under appeal Hung Shiu-chu of the lesson outline dispute should learn more about, and talk and students.

    Students stressed at a press conference in the election is a game, but education is not, has not been manipulated in any political party, not a product under the blue-green battles, but to participate in press conference in the military and government coalition candidate Party legislator Huang Jun Min is asking first to speak, and When triggered student dissatisfaction yellow spot student requests should respect the students, the last people to speak with Huang Jun, a more passionate show, referring to his students also protest site, lesson outline would suspend implementation of the disputed, but the Minister of Education is not resolved by the Legislative Yuan to solve minister not accept, let controversy becomes political. Huang Jun, the more people talk about the passion, and finally climb the table and beg President Ma come forward to solve, triggered student protests site and hope not to blur the focus of press conference. (Lizi Hui / Taipei)

    Published: 10:53
    Update Time: 12:37


    【更新】反課綱學生不齒馬、吳 反對行動不會停止


    反 課綱學生指出,將推動立委計畫,讓課綱制定程序法制化,立法院有190多名立委,已成功訪談147人,其中有65%支持課綱制定程序法制化、31%不表 態、4%反對,其中國民黨受訪立委有85%不表態,而究竟課綱荒謬到何程度,才會讓這麼多國民黨立委不敢表態,另外,民進黨、台聯、親民黨等受訪立委則是 百分百支持。



    學 生於記者會中強調選戰是遊戲,但教育不是,沒有被任何政黨操控,不是藍綠惡鬥下的產物,但參與記者會中的軍公教聯盟黨立委候選人黃鈞民卻要求搶先發言,並 引發學生不滿,現場學生要求黃應尊重學生,最後黃鈞民發言時更激情演出,指他的學生還在抗議現場,課綱有爭議就要暫停施行,但教育部長卻不解決,透過立院 解決部長也不接受,讓爭議變政治。黃鈞民越講越激情,最後還爬上桌子跪求總統馬英九出面解決引發現場學生抗議,盼不要模糊記者會焦點。(李姿慧/台北報導)



    自由時報Case Kun Kun Xu Zhijian question: Chu

    even suspected of harboring suspects

    Xu Zhijian important heads of public and agencies.

     [Reporter Chen Weizong, who Wei Zhen, Lin Mengting / Roundup] President Ma Ying-jeou and the new North Mayor Chu former love will Xu Zhijian involved in bribes was taken into custody last year, had questioned promised retirement is not simply a "prophet", former premier Kun Kun yesterday held a press conference questioned, Zhu suspected of harboring even involved the possibility of calling for a thorough investigation of the new North prosecutors are more cases, in addition, Xu Zhijian Development Bureau in Taipei City are the leading case in the past is more, the North should take check out the city.

     Kun Kun said that when the new North nutritious lunch scandal broke out, Zhu to cut most of the principal transferred to prosecutors, was a lot of principals acquitted, very odd, but the control handle Zhu Xu case, the difference is obvious, "Why Xu Zhijian can flash back? "reasonable suspicion, Zhu suspected of harboring even involved.
    DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen yesterday when you visit Tainan said he hoped the judiciary to clarify the facts as soon as possible, while respecting judicial investigation unit, see the KMT will happen self vigilance, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party all counties in the future if the opportunity arises to what the ruling Kuomintang would have occurred as a guard.

    Legislator: Agrees Zhu Xu flash back to make it clear

    DPP Legislative Yuan group also held a press conference yesterday questioned Xu Zhijian in two more cases are suspected bribery five million yuan of property, he handled dozens of cases are more, including floating continents appropriate housing, and other large dome case, Are there drawbacks? And prosecutors have long mastered, why sell now?
    Ye Yi-chun pointed out that legislators yesterday, Xu Ma Ying-jeou, Taipei Hau Lung-bin as any in the long, are made as Secretary, promote the great Dome, Beitou cable car, built in rings and other development projects; within a year more than any of the Executive Yuan adviser promote Southport二 二 ○ Arsenal move the case; in New Taipei City deputy mayor for nearly four years in office, participate in hundreds of pieces are more consider the text, pushing the floating continents appropriate housing. So many cases, whether with or without other scandal?
    Ye Yi-chun, and questioned whether the other accomplices involved in corruption promise? No executives involved in the case? Why the new North Mayor Chu last June on "Agree" Xu Zhijian retire? You are not already informed occult? All this must be stated clearly.
    Legislator 段宜康 is directed at, when we questioned the floating continents appropriate housing problems, Chu took responsibility for all push to the Ministry of Interior; results Xu Zhijian was discovered in one of the jury, with the announced re-election to a second Chu Days resignation, "behind Xu Zhijian, is the Ma Ying Chu."


    自由時報許志堅案 游錫堃質疑:朱立倫涉嫌包庇 甚至



     〔記者陳韋宗、曾韋禎、林孟婷/綜合報導〕馬英九總統和新北市長朱立 倫昔日愛將許志堅涉收賄被收押,去年就曾質疑許退休不單純的「先知」、前行政院長游錫堃昨召開記者會質疑,朱涉嫌包庇,甚至有涉案的可能性,呼籲檢調徹查 新北都更案,此外,許志堅過去在北市都發局主導的都更案,北市府也應好好查一查。


    立委:同意許閃退 朱要說清楚

    立法院民進黨團昨也召開記者會質疑,許志堅在兩起都更案就涉嫌收賄五百萬元財物,那他經手的數十件都更案,包括浮洲合宜住宅、大巨蛋案等,是否也有弊端 ?且檢調掌握已久,何以現在才出手?
    立 委葉宜津昨指出,許在馬英九、郝龍斌擔任台北市長任內,擔任都發局長,推動大巨蛋、北投纜車、建成圓環等開發案;在行政院顧問一年多任內,推動南港二○二 兵工廠搬遷案;在新北市副市長近四年任內,參與上百件都更審議案,推動浮洲合宜住宅。這麼多的案件,究竟有無其他弊案?



    自由時報Chen Xincong obscure horse lesson outline the government changed again friends: residual brain to understand

    Anti-gang campaign has intensified black box class, lesson outline development has become the focus. Course outline Modifying let the public television host 陈信聪 can not help shaking his head, he reluctantly said: "This is logical, it is more than the younger intellectual" (Reporter Wang Min as photo)

     2015-08-02 10:25
    [Breaking News / Roundup] anti-gang campaign has intensified black box class, lesson outline development has become the focus. President Ma Ying-jeou took office in 2008, Chen Shui-bian government adopted the "98 lesson outline" on hold, revise the composition of the ad hoc group to "101 lesson outline" and published for implementation in 2012. But now have to modify the class outline, some minor changes to make the public television host 陈信聪 can not help shaking his head, he reluctantly said: "This is logical, it is younger than intelligence."
    • 陳信聰臉書全文。(圖擷取自陳信聰臉書) Chen Xincong face the full text. (Figure retrieved from Chen Xincong face book)
    Chen Xincong Earlier in the face book issued a document said: "President Ma Ying-jeou took office, the government set aside 98 lesson outline flat through the period, and then the 101 class 101 class Gang Gang now saying that Taiwan independence through their own view of history, must set things right, to be implemented. 104 new courses Gang "so preposterous as the decree Chen Xincong understand, he reluctantly said:" This is logical, it is more than the younger intelligence "Chen Xincong remarks while causing users lively discussion.
    Users have agreed, friends said: "join the KMT, person, one blue, brain on disability, will understand" "Today's my denial yesterday of me, so Jiang Yi Hua Ma Ying-jeou so, the KMT is not unexpected", " Anyway, all the wrong people wrong. "


    自由時報陳信聰難解馬政府對課綱一改再改 網友:腦殘就懂


     2015-08-02  10:25
    〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕反黑箱課綱運動至今越演越烈,課綱發展問題也成為焦點。總統馬英九於2008年上任後,將陳水扁政府所通過的「98課綱」擱 置,組成專案小組重新修改成「101課綱」,並在2012年公布實施。但是如今又要修改課綱,一番修修改改讓公視主持人陳信聰也不禁搖頭,他無奈地說: 「這邏輯,實在超過小弟智力。」
    • 陳信聰臉書全文。(圖擷取自陳信聰臉書) 陳信聰臉書全文。(圖擷取自陳信聰臉書)
    陳信聰稍早在臉書發 文表示:「總統馬英九上任後,擱置扁政府時期通過的98課綱,然後通過了101課綱。現在卻說自己通過的101課綱是台獨史觀,必須撥亂反正,要推行 104新課綱。」如此前後顛倒的作法令陳信聰費解,他無奈地說:「這邏輯,實在超過小弟智力。」陳信聰發表的言論同時引發網友熱烈討論。



    自由時報Retaliation stolen want to tear down a US-funded network firewall

    [Compile Wei Jin / Roundup] "New York Times" reported that day, President Obama decided to Chinese hackers stealing more than twenty million civil servants regarding a funding from the Federal Office of Personnel Management database, retaliation China; however, how to fight back not lead to conflict between the two countries increased network, the relevant authorities are still wondering. Staff recommended a most innovative means of retaliation, it is to help Chinese people to break through China's Internet blockade.

    President Barack Obama.jpg
     US President Obama. (Associated Press).
    It reported that the US government concluded that the scale of the attack and an attempt has been far beyond the traditional situation after the search routine, to make decisions in retaliation. Officials convened for this purpose a series of secret meetings to discuss response options from the symbolic diplomatic protest the expulsion of Chinese spies in the United States are known to be more significant, but the fear of increased action network conflict between the two countries, and so forth. Report also said that the decision does not means that any retaliatory measures will soon be implemented.
    Officials said, Obama's assistant being explored possible economic sanctions against China; but a senior economic official bluntly: "Such ratio will not work." US Department of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance to provide a long list of American companies fear China Anti sanctions implementation of the project, these companies have been overwhelmed by the Chinese authorities in fact.
    The US Justice Department is conceived to steal information Chinese organizations and individuals to take legal action, similar to the practice last summer five People's Liberation Army accused of stealing the intellectual property of American companies prosecuted the case. Analysts believe that the punishment is only symbolic: unless the defendant came to the United States, otherwise no one will be sent to court.

    Re-transmission of University of Connecticut 6,000 injured

    Two officials, one of the most creative retaliation is to find ways to break through the Chinese government to review and monitor the network information Great Firewall, as the Chinese authorities to show, if not the convergence of cyber attacks against the United States, their most important absolute surveillance mechanism national political rhetoric of fear in jeopardy.
    Chinese hackers across all walks of life, University of Connecticut United States July 31 stated that as many as six thousand university students and faculty of Social Security number, credit card details stolen by Chinese hackers.
    The spokesman said the school, the school in March to monitor the Engineering College computer network suspected to have been invaded, the survey results found that computer hackers may already invasive early school by September ○ 一 three years. He said that based on the cyber attacks patterns and software used by judge, hackers from China.


    報復中竊個資 美想推倒網路防火牆

    〔編譯魏國金/綜合報導〕《紐約時報》一日報導,歐巴馬總統決定對於中國駭客從聯邦人事管理局資料庫竊取逾兩千萬名公務員個資一事,報復中國;不 過,該如何反擊而不引發兩國網路衝突升高,有關當局仍在尋思。幕僚建議的一項最具創意報復手段,就是協助中國民眾突破中國的網路封鎖。

     President Barack Obama.jpg

    報導指出,美國政府在斷定該起攻擊的規模與企圖已遠超乎傳統情 蒐慣例後,做出報復決定。有關官員為此召開連串秘密會議,討論的回應選項從象徵性的外交抗議、驅逐已知在美的中國特務,到更重大、但恐升高兩國網路衝突的 行動,不一而足。報導也說,該決定並不意謂著任何報復措施將很快施行。





    自由時報Japan was critical listening credible reputation WikiLeaks

     2015-08-01 22:31
    [Breaking News / Roundup] WikiLeaks (WikiLeaks) yesterday broke the US National Security Agency (NSA) since 2006 began wiretapping of politicians in Japan, government sources and the Mitsubishi Group and other large bodies corporate executives. However, the US State Department refused to confirm that, saying the documents released by WikiLeaks and credible, said the relationship between the United States, Japan firm can overcome this challenge.
    • 維基解密昨爆料美國國安局竊聽日本國內的政治人物、政府機構人士及三菱集團等大企業高層。不過美國國務院拒絕證實,並稱維基解密公布的文件並不可信。(圖擷自WikiLeaks) WikiLeaks yesterday broke the NSA wiretapping American political figures in Japan, government sources and the Mitsubishi Group and other large bodies corporate executives. However, the US State Department refused to confirm, saying WikiLeaks documents released credible. (Figure captures from WikiLeaks)
    • 維基解密踢爆,美國國安局至少從日本首相安倍晉三於2006年第一次執政開始,就開始對日本進行竊聽。圖為今年4月美國總統歐巴馬到東京參與雙邊會談的資料照。(美聯社) WikiLeaks exposed that, at least from the United States National Security Bureau, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2006 began the first ruling, the Japanese began to eavesdrop. Pictured in April this year, US President Barack Obama to Tokyo to participate in bilateral talks according to the information. (Associated Press)
    WikiLeaks blew the whistle on March 31, the US National Security Bureau, at least from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2006 began the first ruling, the Japanese began to eavesdrop. According to "Associated Press" reported that the list published by WikiLeaks, including Japan, the Cabinet Office, Japan's central bankers, finance ministry, METI and Mitsubishi, Mitsui and wait at least 35 goals. Japanese Foreign Ministry Press Secretary Yasuhisa Kawamura (Yasuhisa Kawamura) said that Japan will take the necessary measures to protect information.
    However, according to "NHK WORLD News" reported that the US State Department deputy spokesman Downer (Mark Toner) yesterday in a press conference that he does not believe in documents released by WikiLeaks, saying, "The Japanese government has not received a formal protest." He also said that the Japanese government did not take it as a big problem, if the Japanese side proposed consultation will be carried out, but he also believes that relations between the United States, Japan firm can overcome this challenge.
    Reported that so far, the United States still represents, for foreign intelligence collection performed, it is to protect the security of US citizens and allies.


    自由時報遭爆監聽日本 美稱維基解密不可信

     2015-08-01  22:31
    〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕維基解密(WikiLeaks)昨日爆料美國國家安全局(NSA)自2006年起就開始竊聽日本國內的政治人物、政府機構人 士及三菱集團等大企業高層。不過美國國務院則拒絕證實,並稱維基解密公布的文件並不可信,還說美、日之間關係牢固,可以克服這次的挑戰。
    • 維基解密昨爆料美國國安局竊聽日本國內的政治人物、政府機構人士及三菱集團等大企業高層。不過美國國務院拒絕證實,並稱維基解密公布的文件並不可信。(圖擷自WikiLeaks) 維基解密昨爆料美國國安局竊聽日本國內的政治人物、政府機構人士及三菱集團等大企業高層。不過美國國務院拒絕證實,並稱維基解密公布的文件並不可信。(圖擷自WikiLeaks)
    • 維基解密踢爆,美國國安局至少從日本首相安倍晉三於2006年第一次執政開始,就開始對日本進行竊聽。圖為今年4月美國總統歐巴馬到東京參與雙邊會談的資料照。(美聯社) 維基解密踢爆,美國國安局至少從日本首相安倍晉三於2006年第一次執政開始,就開始對日本進行竊聽。圖為今年4月美國總統歐巴馬到東京參與雙邊會談的資料照。(美聯社)
    維基解密在上月31日踢爆,美國國安局至少從日本首相安倍晉三於2006年第一次執政開始,就開始對日本進行竊聽。據《美聯社》報導指 出,維基解密公布的名單中,包含日本內閣辦公室、日本央行官員、財務省、經產省及三菱、三井等至少35個目標。日本外務省新聞秘書川村泰久 (Yasuhisa Kawamura)表示,日本將採取必要的措施來保護相關信息。
    不過據《NHK WORLD News》報導,美國國務院副發言人唐納(Mark Toner)昨在記者會表示,他不會輕信維基解密公布的文件,並稱「並未接獲日本政府正式抗議」。他還表示,日本政府並未把這件事看成大問題,若日方提出 也會進行商量,但他也相信美、日之間的關係牢固,可以克服這次的挑戰。


     Mainland Communist Party mouthpiece pig monster China pig tongued network media issued as Snowden formula (Russian mouse) WikiLeaks "
    ---In Taiwan [trans black box lesson outline] is causing worldwide concern,
    As well as our great chivalrous Anonymous tribes have joined the huge Legion #OpTaiwan;
    This shows the true Anonymous, and  mainland Communist monster pseudo-democracy,
    False fair, false humane, false morality, fake imitation, fake everything to do in the Southeast Asian of mainland in!

    Every time any unfavorable on corrupt and incompetent bunch of monsters  Communist mainland 'China pig,
    Then,They put all kinds of distortions of Japan and the United States,
    Then zoom in on the continent China pig monster tongued network media mouthpiece of the Communist Party,

    A kind of national intelligence rebel spy, and that is who is also can be a rewritable WikiLeaks ''
    what kind of creature will believe it?

    Real monster China pig mainland Communist was rogue hackers,
    Cracked Snowdon formula (Russian rat) of espionage password.
    Then in turn copied....how big Japanese comfort women 100 years ago, so...boring to the extreme!
    are your......when to stop doing it??!When?

    China pig Communist mainland monster ; they really is not 'a person'???!

    Anonymous Today tell you
    The world is most corrupt was the Communist continent 'China pig!

    Well ??!China pig Communist Party;now happy,
    You are the world's first
    Ask you to return to your monster hole
    Do not appear with the human place!

    Do not take our big Japanese and American Empire to create any false twisted and wrong news!
    Your Integrity also undertaking of a global the last!

    Taiwan [trans black box lesson outline] will not stop, in addition to the withdrawal of the 'black box outline lesson!
    'The Ministry of Education'- Ng Si-Wah step down!! culprit Ma Ying-jeou step down !!

    Anonymous brothers and sisters gathered #OpTaiwan
    #opchina #ophk

    Do you known deliberately lowercase What does that mean in English?
    You are despicable to not being taken seriously,
    Shameful pole!

    Melody.Blog angry ...










    匿名兄弟姐妹集結 #OpTaiwan
    #opchina #ophk







    Lin Guan Wah: We need "to know the
    power of" mother Wang Wen tears

    Lin Guanhua mother face book PO article published in his son's thinking, references to: history education is not through intentional screening, we can not have a landscaping package, and what we need is "the power of knowledge" (taken from the forest mother turned face book).
     [Breaking News / Roundup] Anti-Gang Division spokesman Lin Guanhua July 30, committed suicide by burning charcoal shocked the community at home, but also to make the anti-gang event class intensified. Lost son of 林冠华 mother today (1) published in face book PO son thought the text, references to: history education is not through intentional screening, can not have a landscaping package, and what we need is "the power of knowledge." instead of selecting ignore, let education become a political tool.

     Lin Guanhua mother PO article published son thought, asking him to forgive the lack of qualifications of their misunderstanding mother, recalled his son said he is very smart, he still answered him: "bright light does not work, and be wise," he looked at his son article tears. Lin Guanhua wrote in the article: Lesson outline trim on the fight against it, we are asked, "What use is what state of mind, thinking against what?" Some people say we have "for a particular political party for the state of mind" or by another effect effect peers to follow suit, blind opposition, but whether there is these ingredients exist?
    He believes that we learn from history, so history education is not through intentional screening, can not have landscaping package on political positions and not take sides, this is the moral education. He believes in education, we need a "known power," so we stand up and fight, rather than selecting ignore, let education become a political tool, we do not like to see "who is in power who can express history" such a situation.
    He also said he can do, just kept under repeated speculative, carry out their own values, and Anan pray for what you do, can be more close to the truth. Emphasizing the need for the ability to think independently, so that education can not become a political tool.


    林冠華:我們需要「知的權力」 母親望文落淚



     〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕反課綱發言人林冠華7月30日在住家燒炭自殺 身亡震驚社會,亦使反課綱事件越演越烈。痛失愛子的林冠華母親今(1)日在臉書PO文發表兒子的思想,文中提及:歷史教育是不能經過有意篩選、不能有美化 包裝的,而我們需要的是「知的權力」,而不是選擇漠視,任由教育成為政治的工具。

    林冠華母親PO文發表兒子的思想,要他原諒媽媽資質不足對其誤 解,回憶起兒子曾說他非常聰明,自己還回答他:「光聰明沒有用,要有智慧。」看著兒子文章便潸然淚下。林冠華在文中寫道:關於反對課綱微調這件事,有人問 我們「究竟用的是何種心態、什麼思維來反對?」有人說我們有「對於特定政黨的針對心態」又或是受同儕效應的影響跟風、盲目反對,但究竟有沒有這些成分存在 呢?
    他認為,歷史是我們的借鏡,所以歷史教育是不能經過有意篩選、不能有美化包裝的,在政治立場上並不能偏向任何一方,這才是教育的道德。 他認為在教育中,我們需要的是「知的權力」,所以我們站出來爭取,而不是選擇漠視,任由教育成為政治的工具,我們並不樂見「由誰執政誰就能表述歷史」這樣 的狀況。



    自由時報History Teachers deep roots coalition: Anti-Gang black box class of high school students in Taiwan hope

     [Reporter Lin Xiaoyun / Taipei] History Teachers deep roots coalition issued a statement today calling on the community to face up to the anti-gang black box class of high school students in Taiwan to be turned education, to address student anti-black box, anti-brainwashing, anti-authoritarian demands, the students not only idiot, or hope of Taiwan's future.
    Anti-gang black box class of students in the Ministry of Education are not satisfied with the reply after 31 am destroy barricades, snake dragon into the Ministry of Education, and the grounds of the rest. (Reporter Fang Bin photo photo).

     Alliance said that with the anti-lesson outline student 林冠华 suicide, anti-black box outline lesson learned fortune like a prairie fire, nor must it sound derogatory, some say students are very naive, manipulated by others, hope the DPP put Children and the like, but as far the lawyer Lu autumn, the KMT in the face of this wave of student movement, just as the case of Shen Chong process in general, always said the students had been instigated, but can not find any evidence that the KMT asking many, that is student goes to the DPP, please funds to buy five umbrella invoice, but how there will be people more than a thousand dollars, the north-south and forth, and even their lives?
    The teachers said that the student movement does have some childish, such as North Comens, north vocational Union, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, apple commune, high school league, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and so, it seems no obvious head individualist tradition, students choose The campaign strategy was not very hearty effective, such as access to education minister office, misfires a little, a little reckless, if there is wily leadership group, so how can there not off the childish romantic?
    Alliance said that this wave of student movement in three Sketching ideas, anti-black box, anti-brainwashing, anti-authoritarian, almost the way to make Taiwan Education chronic disease, the trimming outline lesson "really black box of the" Gang of new courses have been developed substantially, but Through nuclear inspection team to fine-tune the name, dodge normal lesson program outline norm, so 林冠华 dead admonished to defend the dignity of education, it is not a political force to intervene, anti-brainwashing, anti-authoritarian education, to fight for their right to sound and space, and this is a symbol of Taiwan's education should be state-based, to the social standard of transitional justice.
    History teachers have said in the past Taiwan's education is a national selfishness, from the state religion Institute, State Department named to know, under this system, everything is from top to bottom, government officials collaborative scholars and experts, primary and secondary schools to develop lesson outline specification teaching field, not only the students, the parents did not sound space, even if it can only express on behalf of the teachers in the implementation of classes where class is not convenient, complementary points only, such a system is the political force of the students strongly opposed the involvement of education.
    The teachers noted that 林冠华 death to protest the authoritarian regime, from top to bottom, do not follow a specific program of the Mighty Ducks of style, and this authoritarian system, not only have classes in history class or classes of trimming lesson phenomenon, in fact, the entire high school education classes because of class system, and became extremely ridiculous, Taiwan education need transformation towards social standard, so that all relevant social actors, such as parents, students and teachers have the dignity and worth of their choice should not only officials, scholars and experts vassal or infusion objects.





    聯盟表示,隨著反課綱學生林冠華的自殺,反黑箱課綱學運勢如燎 原之火,對其貶抑之音亦不絕,有人說學生很幼稚,受人操控,希望民進黨放了孩子之類的,但如同呂秋遠律師反駁,國民黨面對這波學運,就像以前處理沈崇案一 般,總是說學生被人煽動,卻找不到任何證據,國民黨找來找去,就是那張學生向民進黨請款買五把雨傘的發票,但怎麼會有人為一千多塊錢,南北奔波,甚至犧牲 生命?
    老師們表示,這次學運確實有些稚氣,如北高盟、北職盟、桃園、新竹、蘋果樹公社、中學盟、台南、高雄等等,似乎山頭林立找不到明顯的 頭,學生們選擇的運動策略,也不是很爽朗有效,如進入教育部長辦公室,有點擦槍走火,有點莽撞,如果有老謀深算的集團領導,如何能有如此不脫稚氣的浪漫?
    聯 盟表示,這波學運所揭櫫的三大主張,反黑箱、反洗腦、反威權,幾乎道盡台灣教育宿疾,這次微調課綱「真是黑箱了」,實質上已經制定新課綱,卻透過檢核小組 微調之名,閃避正常課綱制定程序的規範,因此林冠華死諫要捍衛的教育尊嚴,正是不容政治力介入、反洗腦、反威權的教育,要爭取自己發聲的權利與空間,這也 正象徵台灣教育應從國家本位,走向社會本位的轉型正義。
    歷史老師們表示,過去台灣教育是國家本位主義,從國教院、國教署命名即可知,在此體 制之下,一切是由上往下,政府官員協同學者專家,制定課綱規範中小學教學現場,不僅學生、家長沒有發聲空間,就算是教師代表也僅能表示課綱在執行上哪裡不 方便,拾遺補闕而已,這種體制就是學生們所極力反對的政治力介入教育。
    老師們指出,林冠華的死,抗議的是威權體制,由上而下,不遵循特定程 序的鴨霸作風,而這種威權體制,並不是只有在歷史課綱或微調課綱中才有的現象,其實整個高中教育因為課綱體制,而顯得荒謬無比,台灣教育亟需轉型,走向社 會本位,讓各個相關社會行動者,如家長、學生、老師都有其選擇尊嚴與價值,不應該只是官員、學者專家的附庸或灌輸對象。


    自由時報Mourn the souls of premature death, "Lin

    Guan Wah" equivalent "Taiwan historical truth."

     Anti-Gang Division, Ministry of Education continued occupation of the masses in the atrium, one of the foundations of civil society on the 1st night next to the Ministry of Education was held in solidarity with the anti-lesson outline student party, before the stage filled with white roses, to mourn the dead before the charcoal outline student admonished anti lesson Lin Guanhua. (Reporter Luopei De photo).
     [Reporter Wu Boxuan / Taipei Jinan road tonight] militia gathered outside the Ministry of Education, organized 林冠华 memorial party, white rose mourning the untimely death of a young life, the mother from Pingtung, deep forest green sacrifice, deep feel deeply uneasy conscience, also he said: "! If Cheng Nan-jung words equate freedom of speech, so Lin Guanhua words, the equivalent of" Taiwan historical truth. '"
    Anti-Gang Division, Ministry of Education continued occupation of the masses in the atrium, one of the foundations of civil society on the 1st night next to the Ministry of Education was held in solidarity with the anti-lesson outline student party, to participate in the public hand-held white roses, to mourn the dead before the charcoal admonished anti lesson outline student Lin Guanhua. (Reporter Luopei De photo).

     Pingtung north from the Humanistic Education Foundation volunteers Qiuhuang Li Ya said, saw Lin Guanhua sacrifice, was troubled, why adults and children actually so painful, but also respect children, they come forward to praise anti-lesson outline black box, is " Times giant "will written into its own history of Taiwan, the Ministry of Education criticized shame, cause all this pain, 吴思华 minister to step down.
    林 冠华 age and Chang Gung University freshman Wang products 媗 said, was to hear Lin Guanhua suicide, really very sad, because a lot of students think that things adults do not like to hear the above, if we have anything to say, it was as talk back, Linsheng also feel frustrated because refuted disappointed, but suicide is not worth living to do more. Wang Xin Xie female side of the instrument students also said that in order to inherit the behest of the lesson outline and we hope to return and the establishment of monitoring rule of law, hope the Review Panel lesson outline can truly neutral, professional face up History.
    Seven-year-old retired crew Guojia Shu also came away from Chiayi to Taipei, holding white roses condolences Lin Guanhua, he said he will not resist this political generation, and now the children stand out flip, and even make the greatest sacrifices, very reluctant, hope Do not be too aggressive children, adults want to stand out together quite young.
    Chairman of the National Society Coalition 吴福滨 parents that the child is public money, is paid adults, our future, the attitude of the Ministry of Education is deeply angry, and even commit suicide due to personal factors 林冠华, roaring: "Return lesson outline black box! Wusi Hua step down! discredit the students! "
    Party scene gathered more than 300 people, the white rose to give Lin Guanhua, hoping to comfort his soul in heaven, "the young man left his body this summer, I hope you do not forget!" Seriously Lin Guanhua spiritual inspiration of many groups, also have arrived podium, a high school English teacher Luo Yifeng deep singing "tomorrow will be better>, fire extinguisher also to sing vocals <Goodnight Taiwan> party from 19:30 to 10:40 a bit until the end.
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    自由時報哀悼英魂早逝 「林冠華」等同「台灣歷史真




    與 林冠華同齡的長庚大學大一生王品媗說,當時聽到林冠華輕生,真的很難過,認為就是因為學生很多事情,上面的大人都不願聽,只要我們有話想說,就被當成頂 嘴,感覺林生也是因被反駁而感到沮喪失望,只是輕生並不值得,活著才能做更多事。王女一旁的同學謝馨儀也說,為了繼承遺志,我們希望退回課綱,並建立監督 法治,希望將來課綱的審議小組能夠真正中立、專業地正視史觀。
    晚 會現場聚集超過300多人,將白玫瑰獻給林冠華,希望告慰其在天之靈,「這個年輕人在這個夏天留下他的身體,希望大家不要忘記!」許多身受林冠華精神感召 的團體,也紛紛到場上台演講,成淵高中英文老師羅逸楓高歌<明天會更好>,滅火器主唱也來獻唱<晚安台灣>,晚會從晚間7點半到10點40幾分才結束。



    Funny stinky Chen Bo Gaoxiong northward overnight delivery very snack students

    Asked Uncle age, he says, "u guess? I'm 78 years old ah!" (Reporter Chen Enhui photo).
     [Reporter Chenen Hui / Taipei] morning 6:30, the anti-gang black box class students who officially declared "occupied the first 29 hours!" At the same time, stinky Funny monopoly known 78-year-old boss Chen Lao color, large bags took three boxes of homemade bread, honey cakes to reward these students, so that students deeply moved; Taipei CKS police a police notice students who , will be removed at 7:00 Ministry of Education, barricades the door, if there is goodwill related to high-level, students comment.

    "Anti-Gang class black box" 6:30 this morning formally enter the first 29 hours, the students were very happy at the moment the record. (Reporter Chen Enhui photo).
     "Um I read, listen to the cocking European friends (listen to radio)!" Living in Kaohsiung Chen Lao more than three three-way color Arbor, yesterday 22:00, with a full 3 large boxes of homemade honey cake, crisp cake overnight passenger aboard Unification north, due to the early arrival at 3:00, Uncle to disturb the rest of the students who sat for hours in the Taipei Main Station, took his three large boxes of delicious pastries, go for nearly 30 minutes to arrive within the Ministry of Education, students established materials station.

    Monopoly Funny stinky famous Kaohsiung Chen Lao color Arbor, with delicious homemade pastries night north to comfort students. (Reporter Chen Enhui photo).

    Uncle addition to bringing homemade cakes, also to possession delicious is personally open to students who enjoy the goods station. (Reporter Chen Enhui photo).

    Uncle said he usually at night in high Normal selling his "egg salad with tofu," call it a day after the last night, as heard on the radio broadcast students protest anti lesson outline black box, they see the TV news broadcast students are in danger Refusing immediately climb, I feel bad, so quickly make a delicious cake to sympathy.

    Uncle said, "I also celebrity Oh, a lot of food show to interview me stinky Oh!" (Reporter Chen Enhui photo).

    • 陳伯帶來的糕餅,一抵達,工作人員立刻將愛心分送大家。(記者陳恩惠攝) Uncle brought cakes, arrived, the staff immediately dispensed love you. (Reporter Chen Enhui photo).


    搞怪臭豆腐陳伯 高雄連夜北上送點心挺學子


     〔記者陳恩惠/台北報導〕清晨6時30分,反課綱黑箱的學子們,正式 宣布進入「佔領第29小時」!同時,專賣搞怪臭豆腐聞名的78歲老闆陳老色,大包小包拉著三大箱自製的餅、蜂蜜蛋糕前來慰勞這些學子,讓學子深深感動;北 市警中正一警方也通知學子們,將在上午7時拆除教育部大門的拒馬,是否有相關高層釋出善意,學子不予置評。

  • 「反課綱黑箱」今晨6時30分正式進入第29小時,學子們很高興的紀錄此刻。(記者陳恩惠攝) 「反課綱黑箱」今晨6時30分正式進入第29小時,學子們很高興的紀錄此刻。(記者陳恩惠攝)
  • 專賣搞怪臭豆腐聞名的高雄陳老色阿伯,帶著自製的美味糕餅連夜北上來慰問學子。(記者陳恩惠攝) 專賣搞怪臭豆腐聞名的高雄陳老色阿伯,帶著自製的美味糕餅連夜北上來慰問學子。(記者陳恩惠攝).

    「我嘸識字,聽拉機歐啦(聽收音機)!」住在高雄市三多三路的 陳老色阿伯,昨天晚間10點,帶著滿滿3大箱的自製的蜂蜜蛋糕、酥餅,連夜搭乘統聯客運北上,由於提早在凌晨3時抵達,陳伯為免打擾休息的學子們,在台北 車站坐了數小時,才拖著這3大箱美味糕餅,走了近30分鐘才抵達教育部內,學子所設的物資站。
  • 陳伯除了帶來自製糕餅,還來私藏美味則是親自打開給物資站的學子們享用。(記者陳恩惠攝) 陳伯除了帶來自製糕餅,還來私藏美味則是親自打開給物資站的學子們享用。(記者陳恩惠攝)
  • 陳伯說「我也是名人喔,很多美食節目來採訪我的臭豆腐喔!」(記者陳恩惠攝) 陳伯說「我也是名人喔,很多美食節目來採訪我的臭豆腐喔!」(記者陳恩惠攝)
  • 陳伯帶來的糕餅,一抵達,工作人員立刻將愛心分送大家。(記者陳恩惠攝) 陳伯帶來的糕餅,一抵達,工作人員立刻將愛心分送大家。(記者陳恩惠攝)

  •  =====

    Tsai Ing-wen attended the first fan club boom horse arrogant dictatorial government

    Tsai Ing-wen first "New Taipei City fan club," 3,000 people squeezed into the scene. 林修卉 photo.
     on August 1, 2015.
     DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen even field this afternoon, "the new Taipei Tsai fan club", "national engineering Tsai fan club," the inaugural meeting. When the new Taipei Tsai fan club speech said, "I promise to Taiwan, once to say, did not meet, I will not stop!" She stressed that Taiwan's politics must be clear, we must be able to build inexpensive, open, fair, prosperous and stick to the subject of Taiwan.

    Tsai Ing-wen from August 1, in addition to his policy, the country hundreds of hands hundred Prelature nature fan club has been set up. First "new Taipei Tsai fan club," held at the seamount Engineering stadium, scene squeeze in 3000, the second "national engineering Tsai fan club 'is also up to 1,800 people, a consultancy charter, flag presentation. "Macaron pink green line" piggy bank, also officially unveiled today, each consultant is hired, staff a piggy bank, I hope you pig, to raise funds for the general election. However, the two grand support group, Tsai Ing-wen campaign office is not open interviews before the event once the scene reporter asked appearances, as internal activities.

    Tsai Ing-wen in his speech shelling lesson Kuomintang votes if people have not been and will never get better; she also criticized the KMT political chamber to engage the two sides dignitaries, collusion, and therefore called for political courage on this old saying goodbye.

    Tsai Ing-wen said, "if people are willing to give me the opportunity to serve as its President, I think that after 10 years in Taiwan. Taiwan to let people around the world believe that beautiful country, democracy, freedom and dignity."

    For the last year of the student movement and the recent controversy lesson outline, Anpi Tsai Ing-wen said, "if you are dogmatic arrogance of those in power, not listening, no empathy, even though more than half of Congress, social conflicts still are opposites." She stressed , a competent government, in addition to ability to govern, more than half of Congress, but also to communicate with the community, to coordinate the most important thing is the faith of those in power to have justice, and compassionate empathy.

    For each community charter consultant, Tsai Ing-wen said, "From now on, everyone is my permanent consultant, you are my eyes, ears and mouth." She said what helped her to see social problems and difficulties, we have any comments to her, please give her some collected, if some of the opponents spread rumors to discredit, please clarify for her, crushing false rumor, and actively help Debate clear, let everyone know she's policy is clear and unambiguous.

    Followed by Tsai Ing-wen of the community representatives flag, host Luozhi Zheng said there was no election Wynn, flag presentation will be shouting and cheering. Nobody shouted site participants "elected" only "fuel" word. (Linxiu Hui / Taipei).

    New Taipei City fan club was founded, Tsai personally presented the flag. 林修卉 photo
    New Taipei City fan club was founded, Tsai Ing-wen speech. 林修卉 photo
    "Macaron pink green line" piggy bank, today officially unveiled. 林修卉 photo
    The second field of the "National engineering fan club," Tsai Ing-wen speech on the stage. 林修卉 photo.


    蔡英文出席首場後援會 轟馬政府獨斷傲慢

     民進黨總統參選蔡英文今下午連場「新北市蔡英文後援會」、「全國工程界蔡英文後援會」成立大會。蔡英文在新北市後援會致詞時表示,「我對台灣的承諾,一旦 說出口,沒有達到,我就不會停!」她強調,台灣的政治一定要清明,一定要建立廉能、開放、公平、富裕、堅守主體性的台灣。

    蔡英文自8月 1日起,除了發表政策,全國百工百業社團性質後援會也陸續成立。首場「新北市蔡英文後援會」在海山高工體育場舉行,現場擠進3000人,第二場「全國工程 界蔡英文後援會」也達1800人,進行顧問授證、授旗。「馬卡龍粉綠色系」小豬撲滿,也在今天正式對外亮相,每為受聘的顧問,人手一隻小豬撲滿,希望大家 養豬,為大選籌募經費。不過,這兩盛大的後援會,蔡英文競選辦公室不對外開放採訪,在活動開始前一度把現場記者請出場,視為內部活動。



    對 於去年的學運與近日的課綱爭議,蔡英文暗批說,「如果你是獨斷傲慢的執政者,不傾聽、沒有同理心,即使國會過半,社會衝突依然是對立的。」她強調,一個能 幹的政府,除了要執政能力、過半國會,還要跟社會溝通、能夠協調,最重要的是執政者要有公平正義的信念,以及體恤民情的同理心。

    對於各 社團授證的顧問,蔡英文表示,「從今以後,大家是我的永久顧問,你們就是我眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴」。她說,幫她看看社會有什麼問題和困難,大家對她有什麼意 見,也請大家幫她收集整理,如果對手流傳一些謠言抹黑,請大家替她澄清,粉碎不實謠言,並幫忙積極辯清,讓所有人知道她的政策是清楚明確。




    Lin Guan Wah mother: Please do not say the children were operating parties

    Anti-Gang District spokesman Lin Guanhua lesson to commit suicide the way he died, triggering social shock. Pictured anti lesson outline the masses will read 林冠华 hanging posters hanging on the barbed wire next to the Ministry of Education. (Reporter Zhang Jiaming She).
     [Breaking News / Roundup] Anti-Gang North Division spokesman Lin Guanhua committed suicide a few days ago in charcoal, cause social shock, faced with the outside world, said the anti-class masses are manipulated gang accused parties. Linguan Hua's mother today (1) represented to the outside world, please do not say the children were political operation, emphasizing "They (anti lesson outline student) is no political support, is so isolated, the sound will not be heard."

    Lin Guanhua mother said today, please do not say the children were operating parties. (Figure retrieved from Facebook).
     Linguan Hua's mother, said she often found Guanhua day only one meal, so she once thought Guanhua is spending money, only money to eat, but the last to know, the original Guanhua is to take photocopies of anti-money lesson outline used instruments used, will have no money to eat.
    林冠华's mother appealed to the outside world, for these innocent children, please listen to their voices sincerely.







    Wu si Hua said, "not formally sue" student grant: Do not play word games

    For Wusi Hua morning conversation, student representatives, apple commune Xiao bamboo are (from left) criticized, "Minister do not play word games with the students." (Reporter Cai Yingshe).
     [Reporter Cai Ying / Taipei] Minister of Education this morning to accept the CNR 吴思华 one hour interview, saying, "The Ministry of Education has not yet formally sue"; earlier student representatives criticized, "Minister do not play word games with the students" to Report withdrawal must be treated equally, whether or not sub-adult; students and reiterated Wusi Hua immediately "withdraw black box class Gang, apologized responsible."

     For 吴思华 conversation broadcast programs, student representatives, apple commune Xiao Zhu expressed that one day he was arrested 723 minor students, the same day the police to determine the grounds of "breach of invasion residence, damage public property", etc. When the students caught in flagrante delicto up, and the Ministry of Education, also said he would sue.
    Xiao Zhu emphasized, "Minister do not play word games with the students," and demanded a public apology Wusi Hua promised withdrawal lesson outline black box, otherwise students will fight in the end; the high school students 廖崇伦 also said, has not yet drawn procession or series of specific activities planning, if further information will be immediately announced.
    In addition, from 19:00, the Ministry of Education vestibule and Jinan Road, Zhongshan South Road have citizens' groups organized the "black box class citizen solidarity with the anti-gang party," inviting people to participate in together.


    吳思華稱「還沒正式提告」 學生批:別玩弄文字遊戲!!





     (We are...sad....!) also moved to tears watching silently ...
    Students are more mature than adults
    It is today a huge WARNING!! Hong Kong Today; Taiwan Tomorrow !
    The people of Taiwan will eventually unite to overthrow the KMT corruption and incompetence!

    Monopoly Funny tofu famous 78-year-old boss Chen Lao color, large bags took three boxes of homemade bread, honey cakes to reward these students, so that students deeply moved;

    DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen she stressed that Taiwan's politics must be clear, we must be able to build inexpensive, open, fair, prosperous and stick to the subject of Taiwan.

    Whether the  mainland evil demons of the Communist Party of Chinaman garbage slaves goto where?
    They show the world a false hypocritical behavior!

    Chairman of the National Society Coalition 吴福滨 parents that : the child is public money, is paid adults, our future, the attitude of the Ministry of Education is deeply angry, and even commit suicide due to personal factors 林冠华, roaring: "Return lesson outline black box! Wu si Wah step down! dared discredit the students! "
    Shame for the humanity!

    Mourn the souls of premature death, "Lin Guanhua" equivalent "Taiwan historical truth."!

    Anonymous will not forget!
    Anonymous does not forgive!
    Anonymous will not let you feel lonely helpless!
    Anonymous everywhere!
    We are Anonymous !
    Expect us....

    Melody.Blog sorrow whispered cry


    這是今日台灣 明日香港的巨大警示!
    台灣人的團結 最終會打倒國民黨的腐敗無能!





    哀悼英魂早逝 「林冠華」等同「台灣歷史真相」!



    #OpChina    #OpTaiwan 

    #OpTaiwan Engaged Facebook: 
    Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p-eJY18TGs 
    www.edu.tw http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/edu.tw.html 
     We watch all peacefull protesters 
    We will be watching We are everywhere 
    We are no where United as one Divided by zero 
    We do not forgive We do not forget Taiwan Gov Its to late to expect us 
    我们看所有的郎君抗议者 我们将密切关注 
    我们无处不在 我们没有在那里 团结一心 除以零 
     #anonymousasian #anonymoustaiwan #anonymoushalifax #anonymous


    We will not watch protesters get beat and murdered by those who are paid to protect
    Until there is change
    The Lights Stay Out

     My Lovely Anonymous

    和其他 34 人 個跟隨者

    Anonymous China joined #OpTaiwan action

    China Anoymous


      4小時4 小時前


     *Update -Anti lesson outline , lost son of 林冠华 mother !By---Liberty Times reported, "Lin Guan Hua mother PO article published her son thought ! Mother asking him to forgave her mother to insufficient qualifications. For her misunderstood ! Recalled his son said: He was very smart ! wise he still answered him: "Only have smart useless, and be wise." Watching her article will shed a tear...!(We also sad....!) Lin Guan Wha wrote in the article: Lesson outline trim on the fight against it, Someone are asked, "What use is it? What state of mind?; What holds against thinking? "Some people say we have "For against the mentality of a particular political party?" or But also by peers or effect, Effects follow suit, blind opposition, but whether there is these ingredients exist?"-and by the appledaily.com.tw reported" Miss Cai Yingwen attend the first fan club,,boom Macedonian Government dictatorial arrogance !!-
    更新-反課綱痛失愛子的林冠華母親,,引用自由時報報導---"林冠華母親PO文發表兒子的思想,要他原諒媽媽資質不足,對其誤解,回憶起兒子曾說:他非常聰明!自己還回答他:「光聰明沒有用,要有智慧。」看著兒子文章便潸然淚下。(!我們也難過....)林冠華在文中寫道:關於反對課綱微調這件事,有人問我們「究竟用的是何種心態、什麼思維來反對?」有人說我們有「對於特定政黨的針對心態」又或是受同儕效應的影響跟風、盲目反對,但究竟有沒有這些成分存在呢?"-和 由appledaily.com.tw報導的"蔡英文女士出席首場後援會,,轟馬政府獨斷傲慢!!-

    ===Melody.Blog sorrow whispered cry===



    Cai Zhengyuan boom Xiaoying very anti-money lesson outline black box lead users controversy

    [Breaking News / Roundup] Anti-Gang black box class students arrested Yechuang the Ministry of Education, the Minister of Education to sue 吴思华 more insistent, and means "some groups" hidden behind the very moral guidance. Nationalist groups held a press conference this morning to come up with 1495 yuan to buy the umbrella of receipts, invoices the buyer means the DPP, KMT legislators blasted the DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen 蔡正元 more on Facebook, netizens debate.

     Legislative Yuan KMT group opened the morning press conference, behind the Ministry of Education. "Apple Daily" reported that the chief deputy secretary-Te-fu took a picture, above the 5 July to buy the umbrella of receipt, and this 1495 yuan invoice the buyer is the Democratic Progressive Party, he criticized the DPP to buy umbrella support anti lesson outline students.
    DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen 蔡正元 shelling on face book, refers to the 13 county and city requirements Tsai Ing-wen called on the Ministry of Education are not allowed to tell these students, and so was told in high school do not have control laws. Cai Zhengyuan more with "Ma Zu call you by change of position" to describe the behavior of Tsai Ing-wen, Tsai Ing-wen criticized was "violent old English", donated money called "Little Britain" to offense.
    Remarks lead users controversy, users agree Cai Zhengyuan argument that the DPP use of students. However, there are users that it is only a few umbrellas, as well as acid - says, "the Kuomintang each made 500 to see if they should not go home," "party assets out to buy ah", "1495 yuan can allow students to listen to your very cost-effective." , "trimming lesson outline communist forces behind it" and so on.
    Pictures should be taken from the "Lesson outline trimming Truth" Facebook Pages, source of the "anti-black box lesson outline the North (north base peach should bamboo) University Union" early out after 7 PO has caused users to discuss different positions . Kuomintang and Cai Zhengyuan sue the Ministry of Education and then mention the matter again fueled debate.
    Cai Zhengyuan Facebook link:蔡正元Fuck!!


    蔡正元轟小英出錢挺反黑箱課綱 引發網友論戰





     -Continue to the Liberty Times reported that the Minister of Education within the text "Wu-[吳思華]si Hua <<< <<< more insisted sue, and means" some groups "hidden behind the very moral guidance.
    Nationalist groups held a press conference this morning to come up with 1495 yuan to buy the umbrella of receipts, invoices the buyer means the DPP, KMT legislators blasted the DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen 蔡正元 more on face book ???!

    Do KMT' pigs slave dont know??!***A student Lam-Guan Wah[ 林冠華 ]select end his lives in his birthday !!***

    Still controversial Miss Cai Yingwen DPP chairman????
    pays small of money to avoid students being sun at high temperature,
    A lot of water loss, exhaustion,Considerate and caring for the students donated umbrella ~
    This 1495 yuan for those brain-dead Communist Kuomintang[kmt] slaves should "face the wall thinking too (facing the wall ,,face of Thinking the fault of your,, very shame!)" ,,shame pigs slave called mud soil!
    Minister of Education 吴思华 executioner is a turtle ,, face of the Taiwan peoples; resign now!! Wu -si Hua[吴思华] step down !!

    Our chivalrous Anonymous brothers and sisters in support student #OpTaiwan]!-
    ===Melody.Blog===very angry===>/




    我們的俠義匿名兄弟姐妹在支援學生! #OpTaiwan]-


    -Fahren Sie mit der Freiheits Times berichtete, dass der Minister für Bildung innerhalb des Textes "Wu-[吳思華] si Hua <<< mehr bestand darauf klagen, <<<und bedeutet" einige Gruppen "hinter der sehr moralische Führung verborgen.
    Nationalistischen Gruppen auf einer Pressekonferenz heute Morgen zu kommen mit 1495 Yuan auf dem Dach der Einnahmen zu kaufen, Rechnungen der Käufer bedeutet die DPP, gestrahlt KMT-Abgeordnete die DPP Vorsitzende Tsai Ing-wen 蔡正元 mehr auf Gesichtsbuch ???!

    Sie KMT 'Schweine Slave weiß nicht ??! ***Ein Student Lam-Guan Wah [林冠華] auszuwählen Ende seines Lebens in seinem Geburtstag !!***

    Noch umstritten Fräulein Cai Yingwen DPP Vorsitzende ????
    zahlt kleines Geld, um zu vermeiden, dass Studenten Sonne bei hoher Temperatur,
    Viele Wasserverlust, Erschöpfung, rücksichtsvoll und Fürsorge für die Schüler gespendet Regenschirm ~
    Diese 1.495 Yuan für die hirntoten Kommunistische Kuomintang [KMT] Sklaven sollten "Gesicht zur Wand zu denken (Gesicht zur Wand ,, Gesicht Denken die Störung Ihres ,, sehr schade!)" ,, Schande Schweine Slave genannt Schlamm Boden!
    Bildungsministerin 吴思华 Henker ist eine Schildkröte,,sichts der Taiwan Völker; Rücktritt jetzt !! Wu Hua -si [吴思华] Schritt nach unten !!

    Unser ritterlichen Anonymous Brüder und Schwestern in Unterstützung Student #OpTaiwan ]! -
    ===Melody.Blog===sehr wütend===>/


    - 自由時報はテキスト内の教育大臣いくつかのグループは、「非常に道徳的な指導の後ろに隠れて「WU-[吳思華] SI華<<< <<<より主張を訴える、との意味」と報告し続けています。

    国民党「豚スレーブは知らないん??!***学生ラム·関ワウ【林冠華]彼の誕生日の彼の生命を終わらせる選択!! ***

    まだ論争のミスカイYingwen DPP会長????
    これらの脳死共産国民党【国民党]スレーブのためのこの1495元は,,恥豚と呼ばれるスレーブ泥土壌 "あまりにも考えて(壁に直面して,,あなた,,非常に恥の障害を考えるの顔!)壁に直面している」必要があります!

    支援学生#OpTaiwanにおける当社の騎士道匿名の兄弟姉妹]! -
    === Melody.Blog ===非常に怒っています===> /


    ---Taiwan Kuomintang[KMT] always or every times find brain damage in the slag it! ---Continue to the Liberty Times reported that the Minister of Education within the text "Wu-si Hua吳思華<<<  more insisted sue, <<<and means" some groups "stealth Behind the very moral guidance.....!! "-
    ''Sad lad pity sacrificed his precious lives of his own''〜
    ''悲哀憐憫的小伙子犧牲了自已寶貴的生命''〜**All The Would Lauguage**-

    ===Melody.Blog===VERY ANGRY===>/


    International hacker organization "Anonymous" paralyzed Ministry of Education website

     Department of Education Web site was hanging point. (Figure retrieved from Anonymous Asia face book).
     2015-08-01 07:00
    [Breaking News / Roundup] International hacker organization "Anonymous" also support Taiwan's anti-student class outline action! International hacker organization "Anonymous" Asian branch (Anonymous Asia) announced yesterday afternoon period of "Anonymous Letters #OpTaiwan" (Anonymous Taiwan Operations) videos on face book, solidarity with the anti-lesson classes of students, he said that if the contents of the police and government protesters hurt insult, government agencies will attack site, and later the Ministry of Education website was hanging point.
    • "Anonymous" more on face book posting: "It is time to stand up and guard Taiwan, guard our children, fine-tuning is the beginning of brainwashing education." (Figure retrieved from Anonymous Asia face book)
    "Anonymous" more on face book posting: "It is time to stand up and guard Taiwan, guard our children, fine-tuning is the beginning of brainwashing education." PO and subsequently on the website of the Ministry of Education website face book, and website linked photo point, the Education Department's web site was unable to open, but is now back to normal.
    "Anonymous" movie said: "Taiwan's government and the police, if you insult or hurt the demonstrators, we will attack the Taiwanese government websites, please treasure we give you the opportunity to withdraw from the front lines, this is not a threat, it's a promise ", which also encouraged the protesters to continue to cheer on street protests.

    See Related Links


    Anonymous Letters #OpTaiwan

    Hize Eli



    國際駭客組織「匿名者」 一度癱瘓教育部網

     教育部的網站一度掛點。(圖擷取自Anonymous Asia臉書).
     〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕國際駭客組織「匿名者」也支持台灣學生反課綱 行動!國際駭客組織「匿名者」亞洲支部(Anonymous Asia)昨下午在臉書上公布一段「Anonymous Letters #OpTaiwan」(匿名者台灣行動)的影片,聲援反課綱的學生,內容提到若警方和政府侮辱傷害抗議者,將會攻擊各政府機構網站,後來教育部的網站一度 掛點。




    Anonymous Letters #OpTaiwan

    Hize Eli


    North of the city ordered the police to arrest people can not stand to stay rotten lesson outline the Ministry of Education own income

    Anti-Gang class people gathered in the square to protest the Ministry of Education. (Reporter Yao Yue Hongshe).
     2015-07-31 03:51
    [Reporter Yao Yuehong / Taipei] Since the Taipei City Government to explain clearly CKS a police precinct, "No just arrest people," and sent "on-site supervision," the Ministry of Education had waited at the police plaza, had watched the people down iron barricades, "symbolic" of the wrist a few times, after see no use, it withdrew and both sides stick to the main construction material, leaving the masses to climb into the Ministry of Education, Square.

    Anti-Gang class people down barricades, burst into the Ministry of Education. (Reporter Yao Yue Hongshe).
     People constantly shouting into the square "Wusi Hua step down", "withdrawn lesson outline" enraged because the number of collisions police guard at the sides of the square, the process of constantly shouting back the police, but the police did a reversal on the back tough only formed a human wall stick, and no arrest action.
    Because the process was pierced by iron barricades hands and feet, it was emotional because of dizziness, taken to a nearby emergency room NTU dressing treatment, fortunately no serious problem.
    • 民眾還把鐵拒馬打開缺口讓其他人可以走進去。(記者姚岳宏攝) People also iron barricades to open the gap so that other people can go into. (Reporter Yao Yue Hongshe)
    • 抗議民眾一度衝撞守在廣場兩側的員警方陣。(記者姚岳宏攝) Protesters clash once waited at members of the police on both sides of the square array. (Reporter Yao Yue Hongshe)
    • 抗議戰場轉移,一旁的立法院人去樓空。(記者姚岳宏攝) Protest battlefield transfer, empty side of the Legislative Yuan. (Reporter Yao Yue Hongshe)

    The city police received command is "No random arrests" and "flexible treatment", it is understood, will carry out this command should work time today to protest the lesson outline dispute between the public and the Ministry of Education, will "leave "Today, the Ministry of Education to solve their own.


    北市府下令警方不得抓人 課綱爛攤留教育部自己收


     2015-07-31  03:51

  • 反課綱民眾推倒拒馬,衝進教育部。(記者姚岳宏攝) 反課綱民眾推倒拒馬,衝進教育部。(記者姚岳宏攝).
  • 進入廣場的民眾不斷大喊「吳思華下台」、「撤回課綱」,由於群情激憤,數度衝撞守在廣場兩側的警力,過程中不斷喊叫警察退後,但警方卻一反上回強硬態度,只結成人牆固守,並沒有任何逮捕動作。

  • 民眾還把鐵拒馬打開缺口讓其他人可以走進去。(記者姚岳宏攝) 民眾還把鐵拒馬打開缺口讓其他人可以走進去。(記者姚岳宏攝)
  • 抗議民眾一度衝撞守在廣場兩側的員警方陣。(記者姚岳宏攝) 抗議民眾一度衝撞守在廣場兩側的員警方陣。(記者姚岳宏攝)
  • 抗議戰場轉移,一旁的立法院人去樓空。(記者姚岳宏攝) 抗議戰場轉移,一旁的立法院人去樓空。(記者姚岳宏攝)

  • 警方接受到的市府命令,是「不准隨便抓人」及「柔性處理」,據了解,此命令應會貫徹到今天上班時刻,抗議民眾與教育部之間的課綱爭議,將「留待」今天教育部自己來解決。


    ---"Lesser students sacrificed his precious lives -- continued Liberty Times [trans black box lesson outline]!" We are very angry !! Wu -si Hua<吳思華>step down !!! - "International hacker organization" Anonymous "paralyzed,, education Ministry website !! "and" North of the city ordered the police to arrest people can not stand to stay rotten lesson outline the Ministry of Education own income !!" shameless! - Anonymous said all the real in this world!!-[#opchina #ophk #OpISIS #OpTaiwan #OpRussian] - chivalrous Anonymous support [trans black box lesson outline] "it is time to stand up and guard Taiwan, the guardian of our children, fine-tuning is the beginning of brainwashing education."!-
    ---"悲憐的同學犧牲了寶貴的生命!續自由時報[反黑箱課綱]"我們感到極憤怒!!吳思華下台!!!-"國際駭客組織「匿名者」,,一度癱瘓教育部網站!!"和"北市府下令警方不得抓人,,課綱爛攤留教育部自己收!!"無恥之極!-匿名説盡一切最真實的![ #opchina #ophk #OpISIS #OpTaiwan #OpRussian ]-俠義匿名支持[反黑箱課綱]!「是時候站出來守衛台灣,守護我們的下一代,微調就是洗腦教育的開端。」-**All The World Lauguage**-

     ===Melody.Blog===VERY ANGRY===>/


    自由時報Mr statement called DPP 6 P Ke Gang declared Taipei hold new courses

    • 台北市長柯文哲。(資料照,記者張嘉明攝) Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe. (Data according to the reporter Zhang Jiaming She).
     [Breaking News / Roundup] is different from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party county total boycott of the new class Gang, Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe face lesson outline controversial choice to remain neutral, independent decision by the school. DPP Taipei City Councilor six today issued a joint statement calling on hold in April this year, Covey said "maintaining the Old Course outline" stand clear declaration of Taipei use the old lesson outline, outline new courses set aside, and asked a former 103 Class Secretary of Education Gang Members Tang Zhimin this policy to avoid.

     "Old and New courses are Ma Gang tenure through, non-critical, blue and green."
    DPP Taipei City, Mr Wang Min of Health, Yanruo Fang, Wang Wei, and Chen Tze Hui, Xu Jiabei, Jane 舒培 six deputies today (31) days signed a petition, should be used as Taipei mayor Ke Wenzhe students backing, insisted in Parliament in April this year " maintaining the old (101) in response to inquiries position Course outline ", a clear declaration of Taipei adopt legally old lesson outline, outline new courses set aside illegal and asked the Secretary of Education had served 103 gang members Tang Zhimin lesson to be avoided in this policy .
    Lawmakers said the anti-gang operations class students' self-initiated in recent months in full swing all over Taiwan, the DPP 13 counties have been declared refused to use a new lesson outline, but the Ministry of Education tomorrow will still allow illegal gang forced a new lesson on the road lead young students at birthdays dead admonish, to express the strongest protest, a number of DPP Taipei City Councilor today jointly called on the mayor Ke Wenzhe adhere to the position, expressed support for legal Taipei follow the old lesson outline, outline new courses set aside illegal.
    Lawmakers stressed that both the old and new courses outline, horse presidency are adopted, there is no obvious lesson outline blue-green position, the outside world should not be hostile to the anti-gang operation class crown cyan, attempt fuzzy focus should return to class Gang of legal controversy, when the administrative court has sentenced 103 lesson outline the review process illegal, the Ministry of Education Now that loses, the government should not use the law as a textbook lesson outline, called on the Ministry of Education precipice, illegal withdrawal of 103 lesson outline, re open and transparent review process.
    Ke Wenzhe April said that "the tendency to maintain the current lesson outline."
    Ke Wenzhe April 22 this year, had said in press conference after the town hall meeting, the Ministry of Education since losing administrative proceedings, the issue is not resolved before the law, "the tendency to maintain the current class Gang", but also look forward to the Ministry of Education as soon as possible to fine-tune the end of lesson outline legal issues.


    民進黨6議員聲明 要求柯P宣示北市擱置新課綱

  • 台北市長柯文哲。(資料照,記者張嘉明攝) 台北市長柯文哲。(資料照,記者張嘉明攝).

  •  2015-07-31.
     〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕不同於民進黨執政縣市全面抵制新課綱,台北市 長柯文哲面對課綱爭議選擇保持中立,交由各校自主決定。民進黨6名台北市議員今天發出聯合聲明,要求柯維持今年4月曾說「維持舊課綱」的立場,明確宣示台 北市採用舊課綱、擱置新課綱,並要求曾任103課綱委員的教育局長湯志民於此政策中迴避。

    台 北市民進黨議員王閔生、顏若芳、王威中、陳慈慧、許家蓓、簡舒培等6名議員今(31)日聯名要求,柯文哲市長應做為台北市學生的後盾,堅持今年4月份在議 會「維持舊(101)課綱」的答詢立場,明確宣示台北市採用合法的舊課綱、擱置違法的新課綱,並要求當初曾任103課綱委員的教育局長湯志民於此政策中予 以迴避。
    議員們表示,學生自主發起的反課綱行動近月來在全台各地如火如荼展開,民進黨13縣市也已宣佈拒用新課綱,但教育部明天依舊將讓違 法新課綱強行上路,導致年輕學子不惜在生日當天死諫,以表達最強烈的抗議,多位民進黨台北市議員今聯名籲請市長柯文哲堅持立場,表態支持台北市沿用合法舊 課綱、擱置違法新課綱。
    議員們強調,不論是新舊課綱,都是馬總統任內所通過的,顯見課綱沒有藍綠立場,外界不應惡意把反課綱行動冠上藍綠, 企圖模糊焦點,應該回歸課綱的法理爭議,當行政法院已判103課綱審議程序違法,教育部既已敗訴,政府就不該採用違法的課綱做為教材,呼籲教育部懸崖勒 馬,撤回違法的103課綱,重新進行公開透明的審議程序。


    自由時報Herr Anweisung aufgerufen DPP 6 P Ke Gang erklärte Taipei halten neue Kurse

    • 台北市長柯文哲。(資料照,記者張嘉明攝) Bürgermeister von Taipei, Ke Wenzhe. (Data nach dem Reporter Zhang Jiaming Sie).
     [Breaking News / Roundup] unterscheidet sich von der regierenden Demokratischen Fortschrittspartei Kreis totalen Boykott der neuen Klasse Gang, um Bürgermeister von Taipei, Ke Wenzhe Gesicht im Unterricht kontrovers Wahl bleiben neutrale, unabhängige Entscheidung der Schule. DPP Taipei Stadtrat erteilt sechs heute eine gemeinsame Erklärung fordern gehalten im April dieses Jahres, sagte Covey "Aufrechterhaltung des Old Course outline" stehen klare Erklärung der Taipei benutzen die alte Lehre skizzieren, umreißen neue Kurse beiseite und fragte ein ehemaliger 103-Klasse Bildungsminister Bandenmitglieder Tang Zhimin diese Politik zu vermeiden.

     "Alte und neue Kurse sind Ma Gang Amtszeit durch, unkritischen, blau und grün."
    In diesem Jahr "DPP Taipei City, Herr Wang Min of Health, Yanruo Fang, Wang Wei und Chen Tze Hui Xu Jiabei, Jane 舒培 sechs Abgeordneten heute (31) Tagen unterschrieben eine Petition, sollte als Taipei Bürgermeister Ke Wenzhe Studenten Lage verwendet werden, bestand darauf, in das Parlament im April Beibehaltung der alten (101) als Reaktion auf Anfragen Position Course outline ", ein klares Bekenntnis von Taipei zu erlassen rechtlich alt im Unterricht, Exposé neue Kurse illegal beiseite und fragte die Bildungsminister hatte 103 Gang-Mitglieder Tang Zhimin Lektion, die in dieser Richtlinie vermieden werden serviert .
    Der Gesetzgeber die in den letzten Monaten auf Hochtouren in ganz Taiwan die Anti-Gang-Operationen Klasse Schüler selbst initiierte, die DPP 13 Landkreisen erklärt wurden abgelehnt, eine neue Lektion Gliederung verwenden, aber das Ministerium für Bildung morgen wird immer noch erlauben, illegal Bande zwang eine neue Lektion an der Straße führen junge Studenten an den Geburtstagen Toten ermahnen, um die stärkste Protest zum Ausdruck bringen, eine Reihe von DPP Taipei Stadtrat heute gemeinsam auf dem Bürgermeister Ke Wenzhe in die Position zu halten aufgerufen, ihre Unterstützung für Rechts Taipei folgen der alten Lehre skizzieren, umreißen neue Kurse beiseite illegal.
    Der Gesetzgeber betont, dass sowohl die alten und neuen Kurse Umriss, Pferde Präsidentschaft angenommen werden, gibt es keine offensichtliche im Unterricht blau-grünen Position, die Außenwelt sollte nicht feindlich gegenüber der anti-gang Betriebsklasse Krone cyan sein, versuchen Fuzzy Schwerpunkt sollte die Klasse zurück Gang der Rechtsstreit, wenn das Verwaltungsgericht verurteilt 103 Lektion skizzieren den Review-Prozess illegal, das Ministerium für Bildung Nun, das ist, verliert die Regierung sollte nicht mit dem Gesetz als Lehrbuch im Unterricht, auf dem Bildungsministerium Abgrund genannt, illegale Entnahme von 103 im Unterricht, re offene und transparente Überprüfungsprozess.
    Ke Wenzhe April sagte, dass "die Tendenz der aktuellen im Unterricht zu halten."
    Ke Wenzhe 22. April dieses Jahres, hatte in der Pressekonferenz nach der Bürgerversammlung sagte, das Ministerium für Bildung seit der Niederlage Verwaltungsverfahren, das Problem nicht vor dem Gesetz, "die Tendenz, die aktuelle Klasse Gang zu halten", sondern auch freuen uns auf das Bildungsministerium so schnell wie möglich, um eine Feinabstimmung der Ende im Unterricht Rechtsfragen gelöst.



    DPP 6 P柯ギャングと呼ばれる氏の文は、台北が新しいコースを開催宣言しました

    • 台北市長柯文哲。(資料照,記者張嘉明攝) 台北市長ケWenzhe。 (記者張嘉明彼女に係るデータ).
     [ニュース速報/ラウンドアップ]は台北市長柯Wenzhe面レッスンは中立を保つために物議を選択、学校が独自に決定を概説し、新しいクラスギャングの与党民進党の郡の総ボイコットとは異なります。 DPP台北市議会議員は、6つの今日は、今年4月に保留に呼び出し共同声明を発表し、コヴィーは「オールドコースの概要を維持すること」、台北使用古い レッスンの概要を明確に宣言をスタンド脇に置き、新しいコースを概説言うと、かつての103クラスを尋ねました秘書教育のギャングメンバー唐Zhimin 回避するには、この方針。

    DPP台北市、健康、Yanruo牙、王偉、とチェンツィホイ、徐Jiabei、ジェーンの王氏ミン舒培6議員今日(31)日が請願書に署名し、台北市長 柯Wenzheの学生がバックアップとして使用する必要があり、今年の「4月に議会で主張お問い合わせ位置コース概要」、台北の明確な宣言に対応して (101)旧を維持することは、法的に古いレッスンの概要を採用脇違法設定された新たなコースの概要を説明し、教育長官は、このポリシーに回避すべき 103ギャングのメンバー唐Zhiminレッスンを務めていた尋ねました。
    議 員は反ギャングの操作クラスの生徒の自己開始されたすべての台湾にわたって本格的にここ数カ月の間に言った、DPP 13の郡は明日、新しいレッスンの概要を使用することを拒否したが、教育省と​​宣言されている、まだ違法ギャングは、道路上に新しいレッスンを強制でき るようになります誕生日死ん訓戒のリード若い学生、共同市長ケWenzheで呼び出さDPP台北市議会議員の数今日は位置に付着する、最も強い抗議を表現 するには、法的台北はさておき違法設定した新しいコースの概要を説明し、古いレッスンの概要をフォローするためのサポートを表明しました。
    議 員は、古いものと新しいコースの概要、馬の大統領の両方が採用され、明白なレッスンの概要青緑色の位置が存在しないことを強調し、外の世界は、反ギャング 操作クラスクラウンシアンに敵対すべきではない、試みファジィフォ​​ーカスがクラスに戻ります法的論争のギャング、行政裁判所は103レッスンでは、レ ビュープロセスが不正概要宣告したときに、教育省は、今では、政府が教育の絶壁省に呼ばれる教科書のレッスンの概要、103レッスン概要の不正な撤退、再 として法律を使用しないでください、失いますオープンで透明なレビュープロセス。
    柯Wenzhe 4月には「傾向は、現在のレッスンの概要を維持するために。」と言いました
    柯Wenzhe 4月22日今年は、タウンホールミーティング後の記者会見で述べていたが、教育省行政手続を失っているので、問題は、だけでなく、レッスンの概要法律上の 問題の終わりを微調整するために、できるだけ早く教育省を楽しみにして法の前に、「現在のクラスのギャングを維持する傾向を「解決されません。

     ---Continued by the Liberty Times reported that---"when the administrative court has sentenced 103 lesson outline the review process illegal, The Ministry of Education, in Taiwan It has failed lawsuit !! Now that Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan junk" zoonotic slave China pig Government ( I added on, Ma Ying-jeou play of the 'dirty play' on the Taiwan peoples, do not ignore the Taiwan peoples !! Taiwanese garbage Ma Ying-jeou administration !!!) should not use the law as a textbook lesson outline !! - [6 DPP Taipei City Councilor today issued a joint statement calling on hold this year,,Requirements to maintain Ke P said in April this year; "maintaining the old Course outline" stand clear declaration of Taipei use the old lesson outline, 103 lesson outline and asked former Secretary of Education members 'Tang-Zhimin[湯志民] this policy to avoid. ] - Taipei 6 DPP city councilors absolutely "anti-black box class program," the people of Taiwan refuse !! Ma Ying-jeou government step down !!! - Very angry...Melody.Blog ===FucK !! to around the world global ,, have conscience peoples !-
    ---續由自由時報報導---"當行政法院已判103課綱審議程序違法,台灣教育部既已敗訴!!台灣垃圾馬英九"畜共奴隸支那豬政府(我加上去的,馬英九把台灣人民玩弄,忽視民情!!台灣人不要垃圾馬英九政府!!!)不該採用違法的課綱做為教材!!-[民進黨6名台北市議員今天發出聯合聲明,要求柯P維持今年4月曾說「維持舊課綱」的立場,明確宣示台北市採用舊課綱、擱置新課綱,並要求曾任103課綱委員的教育局長湯志民於此政策中迴避。]-台北6名民進黨市議員絕對"反黑箱課綱"!!台灣人民不要垃圾馬英九政府!馬英九下台!!-憤怒極...Melody.Blog===Angry!!給全球每個有良知的人!-**All The World Lauguage**-

     ===Melody.Blog===TOO ANGRY===>/


    "Freedom Square" this government is commit suicide

     ◎ Chang Chen
    Anti-Gang Division spokesman Lin Guanhua birthdays select end their lives, shocked all walks of life. The Ministry of Education of the awful tragedy and anti lesson outline dissociate itself, indicate that you caused the depression; KMT DPP has to let students, stop incitement, except on her face outside the Ministry of Education, it is disdain political operation.
    If young people likely to incite, and that the Kuomintang defeated last year after massive organizational network unit, in the community of the media plan to promote the wind of public opinion, should be sufficient to affect the students; however, even if the young reckless, impulsive, naive, but not stupid enough to lose the ability to judge right from wrong. Always put the "legal administration" talks about the Macedonian Government, ignoring the illegal court decisions, bent, forcing students and their rights is closely related ethnic groups, have to be on the streets, even stormed the Ministry of Education, with a view to the brink.
    Unfortunately, within a variety of institutional, means outside the system have tried the whole, the Government continued indifference, play dead, but also to wear, "You are political brainwashing" hat, humiliation personality; cohesion and social forces is not enough, Seeing a few more days, the black box would outline the road courses, under extremely frustrated, he had embarked on the road to ruin, with death the bridge, hoping to awaken more people. Education patriarch 吴思华, if the thought of charcoal when Lin Guanhua, the last few seconds of life will do, but also the promise of birthday wishes, "Return lesson outline" of thugs as you can sleep peacefully? History will remember, you are a murderer!
    Lin Guanhua last speech in the media: "Why do the right things to be indicted?" Now listen to, too harsh. The disappearance, not a filled with blood, a fair fight on the front lines of young students, but knowing that does not match the program, but also ignorant of the conscience, do a cold-blooded political spending government. (The author is the American Ivy League school, Tainan citizens)

    ◎ pool Guoping

    Gang class event, the Court has ruled that the Ministry of Education in violation of procedure, as long as the suspension of the implementation, revisited, could quell a social storm. However, the Ministry of Education insisted the illegal lesson outline the road, and finally lead to a strong rebound, and therefore life Guanhua imminent demise! Ministry of Education officials did not know if the students anger, ignorance and incompetence that is abominable; lesson outline knowing if there is a problem, but insisted on the implementation of that knowingly terrible! Things are now, the Ministry of Education but also insists it?
    More appalling is that the KMT chairman Edward Lam will Interfax! In Guanhua death, actually hastened to publish "all victims of the DPP," this brain-dead speech! People are dead, but also to attack his political opponents as a tool Pini. And you Guanhua itself is the object of the attack, actually face to take his death to do the article, hateful to the extreme! The same political workers, I do not understand why u would shameless to such a degree, u or people? A regime, a death sentence had so much happiness, why? Why? Why?
    Depression does not necessarily commit suicide, but some things will induce the onset. The death Guanhua, who is induced? All of us indifferent, so that the incidence of depression Guanhua; the Ministry of Education's outrageous, so Guanhua mood fell to the bottom. Edward Lam, Ruonai a little bit of humanity, to stop this shameless extreme remarks it!
    I am very sad and very angry. I have always been concerned that if the DPP lesson outline public involvement event too, will make the outside world more misunderstanding anti lesson outline legitimacy; but I did not expect, we deliberately keep their distance, but it became the source of their stress isolated. Starting today, we do not escape this topic. State power is outrageous and our implicit, evoked the imminent demise of a young life, we absolutely have a responsibility!
    (The author is Secretary-General of Cultural Development Association of Taiwan forward)




    ◎ 張桂禎
    如 果年輕人容易被煽動,那國民黨在去年大敗後,大規模組織網路部隊,在社群媒體有計畫性地帶動輿論風向,應足以影響莘莘學子;然而,就算年輕人魯莽、衝動、 不懂事,但還沒笨到喪失判斷是非的能力。老是把「依法行政」掛在嘴邊的馬政府,無視法院的違法判決,一意孤行,逼迫與自身權益息息相關的學生族群,非得要 上街頭、甚至衝進教育部,以期能懸崖勒馬。
    但很可惜,各種體制內、體制外的手段都已全試過了,政府繼續冷漠、裝死,還要扣上「你是被政黨洗 腦」的帽子,羞辱人格;社會的凝聚力量又不夠,眼見再過幾日,黑箱課綱就要上路,極度心灰意冷之下,只得走上絕路、以死相諫,希望能喚醒更多群眾。教育界 的大家長吳思華,如果想到林冠華燒炭時,人生將盡的最後幾秒,還許著「退回課綱」的生日願望,做為打手的你,能睡得安穩?歷史會記住,你是劊子手!

    ◎ 池國平

    課 綱事件,法院已判決教育部程序違法,只要暫緩實施、重新討論,就可平息一場社會風暴。但教育部卻堅持將違法課綱上路,終引發強烈反彈,而冠華的生命也因此 殞落!若教育部官員不知道學生們的憤怒,那是無知與無能的可惡;若明知課綱有問題卻硬要施行,那就是明知故犯的可怖!事已至此,教育部還要一意孤行嗎?
    更 可惡的是國民黨文傳會主委林奕華!在冠華死後,竟忙不迭地發表「都是民進黨害的」這種腦殘言論!人都死了,還要被妳當成攻擊政敵的工具。而且你們本身就是 冠華所抨擊的對象,竟還有臉拿他的死來做文章,可惡到了極點!同為政治工作者,我不懂為何妳會無恥到這種程度,妳還是人嗎?一個政權,逼死了這麼多原本快 樂幸福的人,為什麼?為什麼?為什麼?
    我 非常難過,也非常憤怒。一直以來,我擔心若民進黨公職涉入課綱事件太深,會讓外界更加誤解反課綱的正當性;但沒想到,大家的刻意保持距離,卻成了他們孤立 無援的壓力來源。從今天起,我們不要再逃避這個話題了。是國家權力的蠻橫及我們的含蓄,誘發了一個年輕生命的殞落,我們,絕對有責任!



    "Platz der Freiheit" diese Regierung Selbstmord

     ◎ Chang Chen
    Anti-Gang Abteilung Sprecher Lin Guanhua Geburtstage wählen Sie beenden ihr Leben, schockiert allen Bereichen des Lebens. Das Ministerium für Bildung von der schrecklichen Tragödie und anti im Unterricht distanzieren sich, zeigen an, dass Sie die Depression verursacht; KMT DPP hat die Studenten lassen, stoppen Anstiftung, außer auf ihrem Gesicht außerhalb des Ministeriums für Bildung, ist es Verachtung politischen Betrieb.
    Wenn junge Menschen wahrscheinlich zu schüren, und dass die Kuomintang besiegte im vergangenen Jahr nach massiven organisatorischen Netzwerkeinheit, in der Gemeinschaft der Medienplan, um den Wind der öffentlichen Meinung, sollte ausreichen, um die Schüler zu beeinflussen zu fördern, aber auch dann, wenn der junge leichtsinnig, impulsiv, naiv, aber nicht dumm genug, um die Fähigkeit, aus falsch richtig beurteilen zu verlieren. Immer wieder die "rechtliche Verwaltung" spricht über die mazedonische Regierung, die illegalen Gerichtsentscheidungen zu ignorieren, gebogen, zwingt Schüler und ihre Rechte ist eng mit ethnischen Gruppen, müssen auf den Straßen, auch stürmten das Ministerium für Bildung, im Hinblick auf den Rand.
    Leider in einer Vielzahl von institutionellen, bedeutet, außerhalb des Systems haben die ganze versucht, die Regierung weiterhin Gleichgültigkeit, tot, sondern auch zu tragen, "Sie sind politische Gehirnwäsche" hat, Demütigung Persönlichkeit, Zusammenhalt und soziale Kräfte nicht genug ist, Sehen Sie noch ein paar Tage, die Black Box würde die Straßenzüge unter extrem frustriert skizzieren, hat er auf dem Weg zur Ruine begonnen hatte, mit dem Tod der Brücke, in der Hoffnung, um mehr Menschen zu wecken. Bildung Patriarch 吴思华, wenn der Gedanke von Holzkohle, als Lin Guanhua, die letzten paar Sekunden des Lebens tun wird, sondern auch das Versprechen der Geburtstagswünsche, "Return im Unterricht" von Schlägern, da kann man ruhig schlafen? Geschichte wird sich erinnern, Sie sind ein Mörder!
    Lin Guanhua letzte Rede in den Medien: "Warum haben die richtigen Dinge zu angeklagt werden?" Nun hören Sie, zu hart. Das Verschwinden, nicht mit Blut gefüllt, ein fairer Kampf an der Front von jungen Studenten, aber zu wissen, dass das Programm nicht übereinstimmen, aber auch nichts von der Gewissen, machen einen kaltblütigen politischen Ausgaben Regierung. (Der Autor ist der amerikanische Ivy League Schule, Tainan Einwohner)

    ◎ Pool Guoping

    Gang Klasse-Event hat der Gerichtshof entschieden, dass das Ministerium für Bildung in Verletzung des Verfahrens, so lange die Aussetzung des Vollzugs, revisited, konnte eine soziale Sturm niederzuschlagen. Aber das Ministerium für Bildung, beharrte der illegale Lektion skizzieren den Weg, und schließlich zu einer starken Erholung führen und damit Leben Guanhua bevorstehenden Untergang! Ministerium für Bildung Beamten wussten nicht, ob die Schüler Zorn, Unwissenheit und Unfähigkeit, die abscheulich ist, im Unterricht zu wissen, ob es ein Problem gibt, aber bestand auf der Umsetzung dieser wissentlich schrecklich! Die Dinge sind jetzt, das Ministerium für Bildung, betont aber, es auch?
    Mehr erschreckend ist, dass die KMT Vorsitzender Edward Lam wird Interfax! In Guanhua Tod tatsächlich beeilte sich, "alle Opfer der DPP," diese hirntoten Rede veröffentlichen! Die Menschen sind tot, sondern auch auf seine politischen Gegner als Werkzeug Pini angreifen. Und Sie Guanhua selbst ist das Ziel der Attacke, tatsächlich von Angesicht zu seinem Tod zu nehmen, um den Artikel, hasserfüllt auf die Spitze zu tun! Die gleichen politischen Arbeiter, ich weiß nicht, warum u würde in einem solchen Maße schamlos, u oder Menschen? Ein Regime, hatte ein Todesurteil so viel Glück, warum? Warum? Warum?
    Depression nicht unbedingt Selbstmord begehen, aber einige Dinge werden den Ausbruch auslösen. Der Tod Guanhua, der induziert wird? Alle von uns gleichgültig, so dass die Häufigkeit von Depressionen Guanhua, dem Ministerium für Bildung ist empörend, so Guanhua Stimmung fiel auf den Boden. Edward Lam, Ruonai ein wenig Menschlichkeit, um diese schamlose extreme Äußerungen es zu stoppen!
    Ich bin sehr traurig und sehr wütend. Ich war immer besorgt, dass, wenn die DPP im Unterricht Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung Ereignis zu, wird die Außenwelt mehr machen Missverständnis anti im Unterricht Legitimität, aber ich hatte nicht erwartet, wir ihre Distanz zu halten bewusst, aber es die Quelle ihrer Stress isoliert wurde. Ab heute haben wir nicht entgehen dieses Thema. Die Staatsgewalt ist empörend und unsere impliziten, evoziert den bevorstehenden Untergang eines jungen Lebens, unbedingt haben wir eine Verantwortung!
    (Der Autor ist Generalsekretär der Cultural Development Association von Taiwan nach vorne)




    アンチギャング部門のスポークスマン林Guanhuaの誕生日には、自分たちの生活を終了する選択すべての人生の歩みに衝撃を与えました。 ひどい悲劇と抗レッスンの概要は、自分自身を解離の教育省はあなたがうつ病の原因となったことを示している。国民党DPPは教育省外彼女の顔を除いて、扇動を停止し、学生を聞かせする必要があり、それは軽蔑政治的操作です。
    、しかし、若い無謀場合、衝動的、扇動する若者がそうであれば、と国民党が大規模な組織のネットワークユニットの後、昨年敗れ、世論の風を促進するための メディアプランのコミュニティで、学生に影響を与えるに十分であるべきであること素朴な、しかし、善悪を判断する能力を失うには十分愚かではありません。 常に、マケドニア政府について「法的管理」協議を置く違法判決を無視して、曲がって、強制的に学生とその権利が密接に路上である必要はあり、民族グループを関連している、でも瀬戸際を視野に入れて、教育省を襲撃。
    残 念ながら、制度の多様な範囲内で、システムの外部全体を試してみました意味、政府は、無関心を続けて死んだふりするだけでなく、帽子 "あなたは政治的な洗脳されている」、着用する、屈辱の人格、凝集および社会的勢力では十分ではありません、さらに数日見て、非常にフラストレーションの 下で、ロードコースの概要を説明だろうブラックボックスは、彼はより多くの人々を目覚めさせることを期待して、橋の死で、破滅への道に乗り出していまし た。 教育家長吴思华、林Guanhuaは、人生の最後の数秒致します炭の考えだけでなく、誕生日の願いの約束は、凶悪犯の「戻りレッスンの概要 "あなたは平和的に眠ることができるようにしたら? 歴史は、あなたが殺人者であり、覚えているだろう!
    林Guanhuaメディアの最後のスピーチ:「なぜ起訴されるべき権利の観光名所が "今、あまりにも過酷な、耳を傾けます。 消失は、血液で満たされた若い学生の第一線でフェアな戦いが、それはプログラムに一致するだけでなく、良心の無知、冷血な政治的支出政府を行いません知りません。 (著者は、台南市民アメリカのアイビーリーグの学校です)


    ギャングクラスイベントは、裁判所は手続きに違反して教育省限り、実施の懸濁液は、再訪、社会的な嵐を鎮めることができるとの判決を下しました。 しかし、教育省は違法な教訓は、道路の概要を説明し、最後に力強い回復につながるため、生活Guanhua差し迫った終焉を主張しました! 問題がある場合はレッスンの概要を知ることが、その故意にひどいの実施を主張し、教育関係者省は学生不愉快で怒り、無知と無能があれば知りませんでした! 物事は、今ある教育省だけでなく、それが主張していますか?
    もっと恐ろしい国民党会長エドワード·ラムは、インタファクス通信ということです! Guanhua死では、実際には「DPPのすべての犠牲者、「この脳死音声を公開する急いで! 人々が死んでいるだけでなく、ツールピニとして彼の政敵を攻撃します。 そして、あなたGuanhua自体が攻撃の対象である、実際には極端な憎しみに満ちた記事を、行うには彼の死を取るために直面​​します! uはそのような程度に恥知らずなる理由と同じ政治的労働者は、私は、uまたは人々を理解していませんか? 政権は、死刑判決は、なぜそんなに幸せを持っていましたか? どうして? どうして?
    うつ病は必ずしも自殺していませんが、いくつかのものは発症を誘発します。 誘導される死Guanhua、? 無関心私たちのすべては、そのようにうつ病Guanhuaの発生率、教育の法外なので、Guanhua気分省は底に落ちました。 エドワード·ラムは、人類の少しRuonai、この恥知らず極端な発言にそれを停止します!
    私は非常に悲しく、非常に怒っていると思います。 私 はいつもDPPレッスンがあまりにも市民参​​加のイベントの概要を示した場合、外の世界は、複数の抗レッスンアウトライン正当性を誤解行うことを懸念し ていた。しかし、私は、期待していなかった私たちは意図的に自分の距離を保つが、それは孤立した彼らのストレスの原因となりました。 今日から、我々はこのトピックをエスケープしません。 国家権力はとんでもないと私たちの暗黙的である、若い人生の差し迫った崩壊を誘発、我々は一切責任を持っています!



     *[3/8/2015]Please peoples around the world see the most recently updated by the Liberty Times'' brainwashing, writing, selling a whip? Gang members lesson provoke Yee''! - 113 users responded to respond- [3/8/2015]請全球的人們,看看由自由時報最近更新的''洗腦、撰寫、販售一條鞭?課綱委員惹議! -的網友回應113則回應-
     Update [3/8/2015] - by the Liberty Times and Apple Daily reported & ettoday.net reported--&-ettoday.net reported- 更新[3/8/2015]-由自由時報和蘋果日報的報導-&-ettoday.net reported--
    Update -Anti lesson outline , lost son of 林冠华 mother !By---Liberty Times reported, "Lin Guan Hua mother PO article published her son thought ! Mother asking him to forgave her mother to insufficient qualifications. For her misunderstood ! Recalled his son said: He was very smart ! wise he still answered him: "Only have smart useless, and be wise." Watching her article will shed a tear...!(We also sad....!) Lin Guan Wha wrote in the article: Lesson outline trim on the fight against it, Someone are asked, "What use is it? What state of mind?; What holds against thinking? "Some people say we have "For against the mentality of a particular political party?" or But also by peers or effect, Effects follow suit, blind opposition, but whether there is these ingredients exist?"-and by the appledaily.com.tw reported" Miss Cai Yingwen attend the first fan club,,boom Macedonian Government dictatorial arrogance !!-
    更 新-反課綱痛失愛子的林冠華母親,,引用自由時報報導---"林冠華母親PO文發表兒子的思想,要他原諒媽媽資質不足,對其誤解,回憶起兒子曾說:他非常 聰明!自己還回答他:「光聰明沒有用,要有智慧。」看著兒子文章便潸然淚下。(!我們也難過....)林冠華在文中寫道:關於反對課綱微調這件事,有人問 我們「究竟用的是何種心態、什麼思維來反對?」有人說我們有「對於特定政黨的針對心態」又或是受同儕效應的影響跟風、盲目反對,但究竟有沒有這些成分存在 呢?"-和 由appledaily.com.tw報導的"蔡英文女士出席首場後援會,,轟馬政府獨斷傲慢!!-

    Update---Taiwan Kuomintang[KMT] always or every times find brain damage in the slag it! ---Continue to the Liberty Times reported that the Minister of Education within the text "Wu-si Hua吳思華<<<more insisted sue,<<<and means" some groups "stealth Behind the very moral guidance.....!! "-
    ''Sad lad pity sacrificed his precious lives of his own''〜
    ''悲哀憐憫的小伙子犧牲了自已寶貴的生命''〜**All The Would Lauguage**-

    ---"Lesser students sacrificed his precious lives -- continued Liberty Times [trans black box lesson outline]!" We are very angry !! Wu -si Hua<吳思華>step down !!! - "International hacker organization" Anonymous "paralyzed,, education Ministry website !! "and" North of the city ordered the police to arrest people can not stand to stay rotten lesson outline the Ministry of Education own income !!" shameless! - Anonymous said all the real in this world!!-[#opchina #ophk #OpISIS #OpTaiwan #OpRussian] - chivalrous Anonymous support [trans black box lesson outline] "it is time to stand up and guard Taiwan, the guardian of our children, fine-tuning is the beginning of brainwashing education."!-
    ---"悲憐的同學犧牲了寶貴的生命!續自由時報[反黑箱課綱]"我們感到極憤怒!!吳思華下台!!!-"國際駭客組 織「匿名者」,,一度癱瘓教育部網站!!"和"北市府下令警方不得抓人,,課綱爛攤留教育部自己收!!"無恥之極!-匿名説盡一切最真實的![ #opchina #ophk #OpISIS #OpTaiwan #OpRussian ]-俠義匿名支持[反黑箱課綱]!「是時候站出來守衛台灣,守護我們的下一代,微調就是洗腦教育的開端。」-**All The World Lauguage**-

    ---Continued by the Liberty Times reported that---"when the administrative court has sentenced 103 lesson outline the review process illegal, The Ministry of Education, in Taiwan It has failed lawsuit !! Now that Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan junk" zoonotic slave China pig Government ( I added on, Ma Ying-jeou play of the 'dirty play' on the Taiwan peoples, do not ignore the Taiwan peoples !! Taiwanese garbage Ma Ying-jeou administration !!!) should not use the law as a textbook lesson outline !! - [6 DPP Taipei City Councilor today issued a joint statement calling on hold this year,,Requirements to maintain Ke P said in April this year; "maintaining the old Course outline" stand clear declaration of Taipei use the old lesson outline, 103 lesson outline and asked former Secretary of Education members 'Tang-Zhimin[湯志民] this policy to avoid. ] - Taipei 6 DPP city councilors absolutely "anti-black box class program," the people of Taiwan refuse !! Ma Ying-jeou government step down !!! - Very angry...Melody.Blog ===FucK !! to around the world global ,, have conscience peoples !-
    ---續由自由時報報導---"當行政法院已判103課綱審議程序違 法,台灣教育部既已敗訴!!台灣垃圾馬英九"畜共奴隸支那豬政府(我加上去的,馬英九把台灣人民玩弄,忽視民情!!台灣人不要垃圾馬英九政府!!!)不該 採用違法的課綱做為教材!!-[民進黨6名台北市議員今天發出聯合聲明,要求柯P維持今年4月曾說「維持舊課綱」的立場,明確宣示台北市採用舊課綱、擱置 新課綱,並要求曾任103課綱委員的教育局長湯志民於此政策中迴避。]-台北6名民進黨市議員絕對"反黑箱課綱"!!台灣人民不要垃圾馬英九政府!馬英九 下台!!-憤怒極...Melody.Blog===Angry!!給全球每個有良知的人!-**All The World Lauguage**-

     ===Melody.Blog===TOO ANGRY===>/
    ---The topic: "Freedom Square" this government is commit suicide [Author◎Chang Chen] !!By''the Liberty Times.TW- "Anti-Gang Division spokesman 林冠华 birthdays select end their lives, shocked all sectors of the Ministry of Education. the tragedy and anti lesson outline dissociate itself, expressed as depression should be induced; KMT DPP has to let students, stop incitement, except on her face outside the Ministry of Education, it is disdain political operation "---Shameful Taiwan KMT,,Bitch Ma Ying-jeou step down !sTaiwanese just Taiwanese; not being manipulated to the"China pig - angry Taiwanese peoples;!!! Melody.Blog declared global !! #Opchina #OpHongKong #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #OpRussian] to our global friendly chivalrous Anonymous legion brothers and sisters ...! ----  由自由時報台灣版的專題:《自由廣場》這個政府正在燒炭自殺[作者◎ 張桂禎]!!-"反課綱發言人林冠華在生日當天選擇了結生命,震驚各界。教育部把這樁悲劇與反課綱撇清關係,表示應為憂鬱症所致;國民黨卻要民進黨放過學生,別再煽動,除了打臉教育部以外,政治操作令人不屑!"<老是把「依法行政」掛在嘴邊的馬政府,無視法院的違法判決,一意孤行,逼迫與自身權益息息相關的學生族群,非得要上街頭、甚至衝進教育部,以期能懸崖勒馬?!>---可恥的國民黨下台!狗娘養馬英九下台!台灣人是台灣人;不是被操控的支那豬!-憤怒的台灣國人;Melody.Blog宣吿全球!!#Opchina #OpHongKong #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #OpRussian]給我們全球友好俠義匿名軍團兄弟姐妹們...!-**All The World Lauguage**-




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