2015年8月28日 星期五

Update[31/08-2015]For My All Huge Anon & my all readers,friends-apples daily news' #opchina #OPHK #OpRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan ]-All The World Country Lauguage_# Look at our great chivalrous Anonymous huge legion #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -My Idol Anonymous & My friendly Anonymous..crashing revenge...!! #看我們偉大俠義匿名龐大軍團#opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan ]-My Idol Anonymous & My friendly Anonymous..轟然報復...!! # Schauen Sie sich unsere großen ritterlichen Anonymous riesigen Legion #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -Mein Idol Anonymous & My freundliche Anonymous..crashing Rache...!! #の我々の偉大な騎士道匿名を見巨大な軍団#opchina#OPHK OPKOREAN#opRussian#OpISIS#Op_Tibet#optaiwan]-Myアイドル匿名&マイ優しいAnonymous..crashingの復讐...!! # Bizim için büyük chivalrous Anonymous bak kocaman lejyonu #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -My Idol Anonymous & My dost Anonymous..crashing intikamı...!! # 1 우리의 위대한 기사도 익명을 봐 거대한 군단 #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] - 내 우상 익명 및 내 친화적 Anonymous..crashing의 복수를...!**All The World Country Lauguage**-

*Update[31/08-2015]For My All Huge Anon & my all readers,friends-apples daily news' #opchina #OPHK #OpRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan ]-All The World Country Lauguage_
# Look at our great chivalrous Anonymous huge legion #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -My Idol Anonymous & My friendly Anonymous..crashing revenge...!!
#看我們偉大俠義匿名龐大軍團#opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan ]-My Idol Anonymous & My friendly Anonymous..轟然報復...!!

# Schauen Sie sich unsere großen ritterlichen Anonymous riesigen Legion #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -Mein Idol Anonymous & My freundliche Anonymous..crashing Rache...!!
#の我々の偉大な騎士道匿名を見巨大な軍団#opchina#OPHK OPKOREAN#opRussian#OpISIS#Op_Tibet#optaiwan]-Myアイドル匿名&マイ優しいAnonymous..crashingの復
# Bizim için büyük chivalrous Anonymous bak kocaman lejyonu #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -My Idol Anonymous & My dost Anonymous..crashing intikamı...!!
# 1 우리의 위대한 기사도 익명을 봐 거대한 군단 #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] - 내 우상 익명 및 내 친화적 Anonymous..crashing의 복수를...!**All The World Country Lauguage**-

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 Kyfx *My Kyfx ~ &.....


李善德  26 分鐘前


Xi put beauty before the United States plans to introduce sanctions to punish Communist spy network diagram

Hacker organization and implementation of attacks, theft activity (network picture).
reported that the Obama administration is ready to order hacking theft of trade secrets of Chinese enterprises and individuals to implement an "unprecedented" economic sanctions. Sanctions in the before and after the President Xi Jinping to visit the United States to implement. It reported that the US has been the CCP's intolerable attack on the network. Currently, the object of sanctions have not specifically delineated. Meanwhile, the United States also worried that once the sanctions will lead to the CCP's counterattack.
Washington Post cited several US officials said the United States has not yet decided whether to impose sanctions. The sanctions include the freezing of assets and prohibition of attacks involved in a financial transaction parties.
But US officials say the final decision may in the future be made ​​within two weeks, that is Xi Jinping to Washington around the first state visit.
US cyber attacks have been unbearable
It reported that the imposition of sanctions on the occasion of visit of Xi Jinping that the US officials continued network theft are extremely dissatisfied.
Although the existence of a dispute with the US and China in a number of areas of conflict, such as tough aggressive behavior in the South China, devaluation and other issues , but at the same time, trade between the two countries have been continuously deepened. But the report said the United States before considering the introduction of sanctions against China Xi Jinping visited the program itself was a reflection of this point, the United States continues to suffer in the face of China's Internet from malicious attacks this problem has been quite intolerable. University of Miami Professor Bradley Il 
USA said:
"The Obama administration to consider sanctions against Chinese hackers may be to send a signal to the American people, because today many Americans continue to suffer from malicious attacks from Chinese hackers have been very angry, and even a lot of people claim Obama administration to reduce the size Xi Jinping's visit."
"Washington Post," the report also quoted another US government officials, the implementation of such sanctions will show the Chinese side, the United States began to cyber attacks and economic espionage to fight back, but it will also show the American business community US government support for them, on their side, and warned China:! The Americans and Chinese hacker activity so far wide network expert Li said the US government is long overdue to impose sanctions against Chinese hackers, but now do better than do not do anything better.
Washington Post quoted US officials as sanctions alone will not change China's behavior, if both diplomatic pressure, law enforcement, military and intelligence means, China will be able to begin to pay the price.
China is not the implementation of network intrusion, the only country to steal business intelligence, but the "Washington Post" that China is the most active in this area of ​​the country. Last month, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report noted that last year's economic espionage rose by 53%, of which China's share is highest.
US first counterattack was started in May
April this year, President Obama signed a decree authorizing the government to freeze participation in economic espionage network of personal and business assets and bank accounts. If the current sanctions program starts, it will be the first practice of this decree.
US government network intrusions from China once the first heavy blows in May 2014. At that time, five Chinese military system because hackers to sneak into the United States Steel Corporation and other corporate networks prosecuted the Federal Department of Justice.
US concerns about China will fight back
US sanctions also exist within the government concerns. Some officials believe, still cautious as well, lest cause unnecessary disputes. Some US government officials are concerned that sanctions against China after the start, China will take retaliatory action, such as suspension of the contract, the ban on US companies to enter certain markets. But the "war party" national security department and responsible for the views of sanctions in the Federal Ministry of Finance active, promoting plans to eventually introduce sanctions.
Specific sanctions target range
Obama in April signed an executive order authorizing the Federal Minister of Finance with the Minister of Justice and the Secretary of State to consult and make decisions on a range of sanctions, including targeted sanctions cause to national security, economic and diplomatic harm to individuals and companies. How much of this range, involving the unclear.
citing officials familiar with the matter as saying that all large international companies. Once these companies subject to sanctions, the future will be difficult to continue to expand activities in the international financial sector.
The object of sanctions decided upon jointly coordinated by the US Treasury, the Department of Justice, Office of the President and the intelligence services. Last year, the Justice Department is preparing to sue to collect information on the case of China's economic espionage, these data can now be delineated sanctions that target reference.
May 2014, the United States accused China of "61398" network warfare units of five officers invade the United States nuclear energy, metal and solar energy company networks to steal trade secrets. 2013, US Internet security company Mai Dian company alleged Chinese cyber warfare against the United States involved in the business, government and other key infrastructure.
Apollo reported net Yu Fei
Source: Apollo reported net Yu Fei


习放美前 美国计划推出制裁 惩罚中共网络间谍 图

* * 




《华盛顿邮报》的报道还援引另一名美国政府官员的话说,实施这种制裁将向中国方面显示,美国开始对网络攻击和经济间谍活动进行反击,同时,这也将向 美国企业界显示,美国政府支持他们,站在他们一边,并告诫中国:将黑客活动到此为止!旅美中国网络问题专家李洪宽表示,美国政府其实早就应该针对中国黑客 采取制裁措施,但现在开始做总比不做任何事要好。


美国政府内部对制裁也存在顾虑。一些官员认为,还是谨慎为好,以免引发不必要的纠纷。美国政府一些官员担心对中国的制裁开始后,中国会采取报复行 动,比如中止合同、禁止美国公司进入某类市场等等。但“主战派”的国家安全部门以及负责本次制裁的联邦财政部则在积极活动,推动制裁计划最终出台。







 李善德 34 分鐘前
多国际人权组织呼吁释放财经记者王晓璐  嵌入永久的圖片連結

34 分鐘前
沪指险守3200点 外媒:陆股动荡未平  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNyGuY9UcAA1t8j.jpg

李善德34 分鐘前
辛灏年:抗日战略(8):中共一年抗战 七年卖国 ?图 嵌入永久的圖片連結

 *Lien Chan 'with the mainland' 'miscellaneous swollen' China-pig collusion, dirty dirty liar rubbish! Do not come back to Taiwan! You're fucking slave-rubbish!
Lien Chan 'mit dem Festland' 'verschieden geschwollene' China-Schwein Absprachen, dirty dirty Lügner Müll! Kommen Sie nicht zurück nach Taiwan! Du bist verdammt Slave-Müll!
Lien Chan, «avec le continent '' divers gonflée» de collusion sino-cochon, sale sale menteur ordures! Ne pas revenir à Taiwan! Tu baises esclave-ordures!
Lien Chan 'con el continente' '' colusión entre China y cerdo hinchadas varios, sucio sucio basura mentirosa! No vuelvas a Taiwán! Estás jodido esclavo-basura!
Lien Chan 'dengan tanah besar' 'Pelbagai bengkak' pakatan sulit China-babi, kotor kotor pendusta sampah! Jangan kembali ke Taiwan! Anda fucking hamba sampah!
Лянь Чжань "з материка '' різний опухлі" Китай-свиня змови, брудний брудний брехун сміття! Чи не повернутися на Тайвань! Ви чертовски рабська сміття!
Lien Chan 'sa mainland' 'mga iba't namamaga' China-baboy sapakatan, marumi marumi sinungaling basura! Huwag bumalik sa Taiwan! Ikaw fucking alipin-basura!
Lien Chan 'cum continenti' insedit tumidis 'Sinis-sus collusione detegenda, putide Victi sordida mendax rudera! Ne in Taiwan! Tu fucking ancillam rudera!
'기타 부어'중국 돼지 공모, 더러운 더러운 거짓말 쟁이 쓰레기 '본토와'롄잔! 대만에 돌아 오지 마! 당신은 노예 쓰레기를 빌어 먹을거야!*


李善德 2 小時前


李善德1 小時前

李善德1 小時前



*Update[31/08-2015]For My All Huge Anon & my all readers,friends-apples daily news' #opchina #OPHK #OpRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan ]-All The World Country Lauguage_


Introduction of OPKOREA
Spreading propaganda on sites.... Korea and Japan Dokdo is part of South Korea!!!

 Kyfx 10 小時前

 10 小時前

 10 小時前

 10 小時前

 10 小時前

 10 小時前

Kyfx 10小時
 wow this is still up for OPHK LOL

從成立伊始作為英國殖民地,香港曾擔任國際貿易中心。在動盪年代的20世紀初,城市的人口是由難民帶動,大部分來自中國。大量移民的到來幫助發起的一個主要製造中心,香港的新角色。它也帶來了經濟刺激能源和工業城市的性格。近幾十年來,隨著中國內地的經濟經歷了開放的過程中,香港又一次改變 - 這一次為以服務業為主的經濟,也是一個重要門戶,是世界上最大的市場。




Çin'in güneydoğu kıyısında yer alan, Pearl River Delta ve Güney Çin Denizi Hong Kong'un stratejik konumu, dünyanın en başarılı ve kozmopolit şehirlerinden biri yapmıştır.
Çin'in Qing hanedanı hükümeti İngiltere Hong Kong Adası devredilirken 1842, Birinci Afyon Savaşı yenildi zaman Hong Kong bugün bildiğimiz olarak doğdu. 60 yıl içinde, Kowloon, New Territories ve 235 Dış Adaları da İngiltere'ye kiralanmıştır. Ancak, Hong Kong şimdi kaplar 1100'den fazla kilometrekarelik tarihinin binden fazla yıl Qing hanedanının olayları öncedir. Ve, kentin renkli mirasını keşfetmek gibi, güçlü klan, yağmacı korsanlar ve Avrupalı ​​tüccarların hikayeleri keşfedeceksiniz.
Bir İngiliz kolonisi olarak ilk günlerinden itibaren, Hong Kong uluslararası ticaret merkezi olarak görev yaptı. 20. yüzyılın başlarında çalkantılı yıllarda, kentin nüfusunun çoğunlukla Çin, mülteciler tarafından takviye edildi. Çok sayıda göçmen gelişi önemli bir üretim merkezi olarak Hong Kong için yeni bir rol çıkmasına yardım etti. Ayrıca şehrin karakterine enerji ve sanayi uyarıcı ekonomik getirdi. Son yıllarda, Anakara Çin ekonomisi olarak açılması sürecini geçirmiştir, Hong Kong yine değiştirdi - Bir servis tabanlı ekonomiye bu sefer yanı sıra dünyanın en büyük pazarı önemli bir geçidi.
'Bir Ülke, İki Sistemleri' ilkesi çerçevesinde, Hong Kong, Bu düzenleme şehir kapitalist sistemi muhafaza dahil özerklik yüksek derecede, keyfini çıkarmanızı sağlar, 1 bağımsız Temmuz 1997 Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Özel İdari Bölgesi oldu yargı ve hukuk, serbest ticaret ve ifade özgürlüğü kuralı.
Kentin tarihine baktığımızda burada tek sabittir değiştirmek güçlü bir izlenim verebilir. Ancak, bütün kendini yeniden yaratmış rağmen, Hong Kong'un ruhu hiç değişmedi. Aslında, uluslararası ticaretin bir kavşak haline uykulu balıkçı köylerinden bir grup çevirdi aynı enerji ve dinamizm şimdi 21. yüzyılda Asya'nın dünya kenti alıyor. Kentin zengin kültür ve mirasını keşfederek o ruhu ve Hong Kong'un hikayesini kendiniz yaşayın.

İngiltere'den Iam biraz destekçisi



Das Hotel liegt an der Südostküste von China, hat die strategische Lage Hongkongs auf dem Pearl River Delta und das Südchinesische Meer ist eines der weltweit am meisten florierenden und kosmopolitischsten Städte gemacht.
Hong Kong, wie wir sie heute kennen, wurde geboren, als Chinas Qing-Dynastie Regierung war im Ersten Opiumkrieg im Jahre 1842, als es abgetreten Insel Hongkong nach Großbritannien besiegt. Innerhalb von 60 Jahren Kowloon, die New Territories und 235 Überseeinseln wurden nach Großbritannien verpachtet. , Die Geschichte der mehr als 1.100 Quadratkilometern, die Hong Kong jetzt einnimmt älter aber die Ereignisse der Qing-Dynastie von mehr als tausend Jahren. Und wie Sie bunte Erbe der Stadt zu erkunden, werden Sie Geschichten von mächtigen Clans, plündernde Piraten und europäische Händler entdecken.
Von seinen frühesten Tagen als britische Kolonie, serviert Hong Kong als ein Zentrum des internationalen Handels. In den turbulenten Jahren der Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde die Bevölkerung der Stadt von Flüchtlingen vor allem aus China gestärkt. Die Ankunft der Einwanderer in großer Zahl geholfen zu starten eine neue Rolle für Hong Kong als eine Hauptproduktionszentrum. Es brachte auch ökonomisch anregende Energie und Industrie, um den Charakter der Stadt. Dieses Mal in eine Dienstleistungsgesellschaft als auch ein wichtiges Tor zu den weltweit größten Markt - in den letzten Jahrzehnten, als die Wirtschaft der Volksrepublik China hat einen Prozess der Öffnung unterzogen, hat Hong Kong noch einmal umgewandelt.
Nach dem Grundsatz "ein Land, zwei Systeme" wurde in Hongkong eine Sonderverwaltungsregion der Volksrepublik China am 1. Juli 1997 Diese Anordnung ermöglicht es die Stadt, um einen hohen Grad an Autonomie, einschließlich der Beibehaltung seiner kapitalistischen System zu genießen, unabhängig Justiz und Rechtsstaatlichkeit, den freien Handel und die Freiheit der Rede.
Ein Blick auf die Geschichte der Stadt konnte einen starken Eindruck, das ist hier die einzige Konstante zu ändern geben. Doch trotz all seiner Neuerfindungen, Hongkong Geist hat sich nie geändert. In der Tat wird die gleiche Energie und Dynamik, die eine Gruppe von verschlafene Fischerdörfer in der Kreuzung des internationalen Handels einge jetzt stattWeltStadt Asiens in das 21. Jahrhundert. Erfahrung, dass Geist und Hongkongs Geschichte selbst durch die Erforschung reiche Kultur und Erbe der Stadt.

Iam ein wenig Fan aus Großbritannien



中国の清朝政府は、それがイギリスに香港島を割譲1842年に阿片戦争に敗れた時、香港我々が今日それを知っているようが誕生しました。 60年以内に、九龍、新界と235離島もイギリスにリースされました。しかし、香港は今占める以上の1100平方キロメートルの歴史は千年以上によって清王朝のイ​​ベントに先行。そして、あなたが街のカラフルな遺産を探るように、あなたは強力な氏族、略奪海賊や欧州のトレーダーの物語を発見するでしょう。
イギリスの植民地としての黎明期から、香港は国際貿易の中心地としての役割を果たしました。 20世紀初頭の激動の年では、都市の人口は主に中国から、難民に支えられました。大量に移民の到着は、主要な製造拠点としての香港のための新たな役割を起動助けました。また、市内の文字に経済的刺激エネルギーと産業をもたらしました。ここ数十年では、中国本土の経済として開放の過程を経た、香港はまだ再び変えてきました - サービス・ベースの経済に、この時間だけでなく、世界最大の市場への重要なゲートウェイを。




Oram orientem sita Sinis scriptor opportuna loco Pearl flumen Delta et Hong Kong meridiem Sinis mare mundi elegit cosmopolitan maxime viget ac civitatum.
Hong Kong ut eam cognoscimus ortus esset imperium Sinis Qing dynastia Opium primo bello victam MDCCCXLII cum Hong Kong cesserit Britannia insula. Intra LX annos Kowloon nova insularum Outlying CCXXXV territoriis et locavit etiam in Britanniam transvecta. Sed ut quadrata MC historia quam nunc occupat, Hong Kong prior Qing imperi rebus plus quam mille annis. Et sicut vos exploraret civitatem scriptor fugatur hereditatem, youll 'reperio stories potentum cognationes populandum venerunt piratae et Europae negotiatorum posuit illam.
Sicut ultima ex Britannica colonia, Hong Kong Commercium internationale velut centrum. In mane 20th century turbulentis anni, multitudo urbis urbanissimus profugorum maxime elit. Aduentus new migrantium multos adiuvit partes deducere amet vestibulum ut Hong Kong hub. Oeconomicam industriam ac diligentiam excitare attulit urbis moribus. In proximis decenniis continenti Sinarum oeconomiae patitur ut patefacta via, Hong Kong adhuc transmutavit - hoc tempore obsequium dicentur oeconomia Mauris porta quam sit amet elit.
Circa principium unam patriam systematum, Hong Kong est Praecipua administrativus Regionis Rempublicam Popularem Sinarum die I mensis Iulii 1997. Ita urbe frui permittat eminentia cuiusque possidet capitalist ratio servata est, independens judiciaria et cognito legum regimine commerciaque libertatemque dicendi.
Vide historiam tradere urbem fortem in speciem tantum constante mutationem. Sed tamen omnes reinventions Hong Kong spiritus numquam mutatur. Nam pari diligentia et promptam in exitibus ut verto vicis nisl somnolentus coetus gentium commercia mundi nunc peragitur Asiae civitatem Saeculum 21. Usus est spiritus Hong Kong tibi fabulam perlustrando urbem dives culturae hereditatem.

Iam paulo fautor a UK



중국의 남동쪽 해안에 위치한 주강 삼각주와 남중국해에서 홍콩의 전략적 위치는 세계에서 가장 번성하고 국제적인 도시 중 하나 만들었습니다.
중국의 청나라 정부는이 영국에 홍콩 섬을 양도 1842 년에 제 1 차 아편 전쟁에서 패배 할 때 홍콩 오늘날 우리가 알고있는이 탄생했습니다. 육십년 내에서, 구룡, 신계 (235) 군도는 영국으로 임대되었다. 그러나 홍콩은 지금 점유 이상 1,100km2의 역사는 천 년 이상에 의해 청나라의 이벤트를 선행한다. 그리고, 당신이 도시의 화려한 문화 유산을 탐험, 당신은 강력한 가문, 약탈을 일삼는 해적과 유럽 상인의 이야기를 발견 할 것이다.
영국 식민지로서의 초기 시절부터, 홍콩은 국제 무역의 중심지로 봉사했다. 20 세기 초반의 난류 년, 도시의 인구는 대부분 중국에서 난민에 의해 강화되었다. 많은 수의 이민자의 도착은 주요 제조 허브로 홍콩의 새로운 역할을 시작 도왔다. 또한 도시의 성격에 에너지와 산업을 자극 경제적으로 가져왔다. 최근 수십 년 동안, 중국의 경제가 개방의 과정을 겪고있다, 홍콩은 다시 한번 변화 시켰습니다 - 서비스 기반 경제로이 시간뿐만 아니라 세계에서 가장 큰 시장에 중요한 게이트웨이.
'일 국양제'의 원칙에 따라, 홍콩, 이러한 배열이 도시는 자본주의 체제 유지를 포함하여 높은 수준의 자율성을 즐길 수있는 1에 독립적 인 1997 년 7 월 중국의 인민 공화국의 특별 행정구가되었다 사법부와 법, 자유 무역과 언론의 자유의 규칙입니다.
도시의 역사를 보면 여기에 유일한 일정 변경 강한 인상을 줄 수 있습니다. 그러나, 모든 reinventions에도 불구하고, 홍콩의 정신은 변경되지 않았다. 사실, 국제 무역의 교차로에 조용하던 어촌의 그룹을 설정 같은 에너지와 역 동성이 지금 21 세기에 아시아의 세계 도시하고있다. 도시의 풍부한 문화 유산을 탐구하여 그 영혼과 홍콩의 이야기를 직접 경험해보십시오.

영국에서 스피 조금 후원자



 Kyfx 12 小時前


 Kyfx 8月27日

 Kyfx 8月27日

 Kyfx 8月27日
Your security gov.cn vuln to a leak


 My  JhonJoe  ~

JhonJoe 8月26日
 Tamim Yasin Adress: B-14-9 Green Garden, Istanbul, Turkey 49300
 Phone #: +90.0604488993 Email: ahrar99@gmail.com __________________________________________________
 Ibrahim Al Fatih Adress:Jalan Merkeda Susukan/Rambutan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone #: +62.812646467 Email: alazzammedia@gmail.com __________________________________________________
 Abu Adzka Adress: Jl. Palem Raya Rt. 5/07, Jati Mekar, Jati Asih, Bekasi, Jakarta, Indonesia Phone #: +62.85883255463 Emails: aktivis_fani@yahoo.com, muskunbisnis@gmail.com
Abdullah Fahed Shamsudeen Adress: ???, MADINAT AL-KUWAIT,
Kuwait Phone #: +965.99965222 Email: abdullah.fahed@gmail.com __________________________________________________
Saoud Alsubaiey Adress ???, Doha, Qatar Phone #: +974.66166603
Email: eng.rimawi@gmail.com
 Mohamed Saleh Adress: ???, Al Quds, Palestine Phone #: +972.59906831 __________________________________________________
 Mustafa Demir Adress: ???, Istanbul, Turkey Phone #: +90.2129876985
Email: sehdet_yolcusu@gawab.com __________________________________________________
Ismail Uludag Adress: ???, Konya, Turkey DOB: 19 NOV 1990 __________________________________________________
Ahmmad Mohammed Adress: ???, Baghdad, Iraq Phone #: +964.7702211221
Emails: jrt.nqshbnd@gmail.com, nakshisite@yahoo.com __________________________________________________


9 小時前
80,000 ISIS twitter accounts down since January! Great job guys!




 Our persian hack team ~ #opchina

 2015/08/30         By  persian hack team

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 www.masjzy.com      Hong Kong                             Win 2003

www.hyj.asia             China                              Linux

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 www.e-uav.com          China                               Win 2008

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 www.zajg-hz.com/index.php     Hong Kong               Win 2003

 czjljsj.com/index.php      China                              Linux

 czcjzn.com/index.php     China                        Linux

 www.czyyfrp.com/index.php China                          Linux

www.czyqgd.com/index.php  China                           Linux

 www.cuabaro.com/index.php China                         Linux


*Update[31/08-2015]For My All Huge Anon & my all readers,friends-apples daily news' #opchina #OPHK #OpRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan ]-All The World Country Lauguage_
# Look at our great chivalrous Anonymous huge legion #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -My Idol Anonymous & My friendly Anonymous..crashing revenge...!! #看我們偉大俠義匿名龐大軍團#opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan ]-My Idol Anonymous & My friendly Anonymous..轟然報復...!! # Schauen Sie sich unsere großen ritterlichen Anonymous riesigen Legion #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -Mein Idol Anonymous & My freundliche Anonymous..crashing Rache...!! #の我々の偉大な騎士道匿名を見巨大な軍団#opchina#OPHK OPKOREAN#opRussian#OpISIS#Op_Tibet#optaiwan]-Myアイドル匿名&マイ優しいAnonymous..crashingの復讐...!! # Bizim için büyük chivalrous Anonymous bak kocaman lejyonu #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] -My Idol Anonymous & My dost Anonymous..crashing intikamı...!! # 1 우리의 위대한 기사도 익명을 봐 거대한 군단 #opchina #OPHK OPKOREAN #opRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet #optaiwan] - 내 우상 익명 및 내 친화적 Anonymous..crashing의 복수를...!**All The World Country Lauguage**-*



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