2015年10月19日 星期一

*[20/10-2015]-Update by H.K Apple Daily reported-...very angry...!--Kyfx ‏@TheMeritz [10月20日] ((AHAHAHAHAHAHA))http://www.turman-actress.ru/xGB.php ]--Update: [18 / 10-2015] - Bulletin "Our tribe never accept to sell advertising, and earn interest so tiny profits, but was a lot of links to third party that came to haunt our tribe in this web site ! we do not know the name of the advertising link was very much to haunt our big sister the first Melody tribe!...!-*All The World Lauguage*- -更新:[18/10-2015]-公告"我們的部落從不接受賣廣告形式,賺取那麼微小的利潤,卻被很多第三方附帶的連結纏擾着我們的部落!從前大姐姐在此網址便是被非常多不知名稱的廣告連結纏擾著第一個Melody部落!...!- Update [18 / 10-2015] - [# TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina] - & - Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous- [D0Xed by Radical Edward]- [# OpHoodsOff # OpKKK] -and...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*- Update [18 / 10-2015] - [# TangoDown by p @ r @ dox17 .. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina] - & - Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous- [D0Xed by Radical Edward]- [# OpHoodsOff # OpKKK] -and...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*- -更新[18/10-2015]-[#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-&-Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous-[D0Xed by Radical Edward] -[#‎OpHoodsOff‬ ‪#‎OpKKK]-and...!-‬- Update [17 / 10-2015]Is what people would Treatment Muslims Will add prejudices?! - But our dear {Hacking ! is Art} our super favorite [#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-*All The World Country Lauguage*- -更新[17/10-2015]人們都會用偏見對待穆斯林嗎?!-可是我們親愛的{ Hacking is Art !}我們超級喜愛的[ #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina ]-- Turn Push by"TIBET" the push in twitter-''Free Tibet'' - Title: "Please join demonstrations (20 --- 23 Oct) during Xi Jinping's UK visit please join protests on October 20-23 Xi Jinping visit to the UK [http://ow.ly/TuDVK]" - We have always said: the mainland, is inhabited by different provinces, counties and cities of different people from the brutal dictatorship people are monsters hijacked on people's human rights, ... has an organization called "anti-Communist International (Anti! CCP Internationa) "~ See people around the world anti-communist mainland fifty cents monster various misdeeds it !!*All The World city Lauguage*- -由TIBET 轉推-Free Tibet ‏-標題:"Please join demonstrations( 20 - 23 Oct )during Xi Jinping's UK visit 请于十月20-23日参加示威抗议习近平访英[ http://ow.ly/TuDVK ]"-我們一直稱:大陸地區,是由不同省,不同縣市的人們聚居而成的!人們被殘酷專制的妖怪騎劫於人們的人權上,...有一個組織名叫"反共國際(Anti CCP Internationa)l"~看看全球人們反大陸共產五毛妖怪的各種劣跡吧!!-

**[20/10-2015]-Update by H.K Apple Daily reported-...very angry...!
-Kyfx ‏@TheMeritz [10月20日]
((AHAHAHAHAHAHA))http://www.turman-actress.ru/xGB.php ]-
-Update: [18 / 10-2015] - Bulletin "Our tribe never accept to sell advertising, and earn interest so tiny profits, but was a lot of links to third party that came to haunt our tribe in this web site ! we do not know the name of the advertising link was very much to haunt our big sister the first Melody tribe!...!-*All The World Lauguage*-

 Update [18 / 10-2015] - [# TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina] - & - Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous- [D0Xed by Radical Edward]- [# OpHoodsOff # OpKKK] -and...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*- Update [18 / 10-2015] - [# TangoDown by p @ r @ dox17 .. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina] - & - Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous- [D0Xed by Radical Edward]- [# OpHoodsOff # OpKKK] -and...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*-
-更新[18/10-2015]-[#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-&-Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous-[D0Xed by Radical Edward]
-[#‎OpHoodsOff‬ ‪#‎OpKKK]-and...!-‬
- Update [17 / 10-2015]Is what people would Treatment Muslims Will add prejudices?! - But our dear <All Muslime Hakers, # "pARADox17", & All AnonGoust Team, & Fallaga Team, & Albania Hackers Group AHG> {Hacking ! is Art} our super favorite [#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-*All The World Country Lauguage*-
-更新[17/10-2015]人們都會用偏見對待穆斯林嗎?!-可是我們親愛的<All Muslime Hakers,#"pARADox17",& All AnonGoust Team,& Fallaga Team,& Albania Hackers Group A.H.G>{ Hacking is Art !}我們超級喜愛的[ #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina ]-

- Turn Push by"TIBET" the push in twitter-''Free Tibet'' - Title: "Please join demonstrations (20 --- 23 Oct) during Xi Jinping's UK visit please join protests on October 20-23 Xi Jinping visit to the UK [http://ow.ly/TuDVK]" - We have always said: the mainland, is inhabited by different provinces, counties and cities of different people from the brutal dictatorship people are monsters hijacked on people's human rights, ... has an organization called "anti-Communist International (Anti! CCP Internationa) "~ See people around the world anti-communist mainland fifty cents monster various misdeeds it !!*All The World city Lauguage*-
-由TIBET 轉推-Free Tibet ‏-標題:"Please join demonstrations( 20 - 23 Oct )during Xi Jinping's UK visit 请于十月20-23日参加示威抗议习近平访英[ http://ow.ly/TuDVK ]"-我們一直稱:大陸地區,是由不同省,不同縣市的人們聚居而成的!人們被殘酷專制的妖怪騎劫於人們的人權上,...有一個組織名叫"反共國際(Anti CCP Internationa)l"~看看全球人們反大陸共產五毛妖怪的各種劣跡吧!!-

**Please use the Google god of high-tech translator to translate your national / local language ah ^^ -
**지역 / 국가 언어 ^^ 번역 하이테크 번역기의 구글 하나님을 사용하십시오 -
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**Bonvolu uzi la Google dio de alta-tech tradukisto por traduki vian nacian / lokan lingvon ah ^^-

by p@r@dox17 .. ---------- : ------ ------- : -----


 Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Yu, a 16-year-old son, was the Chinese authorities from Myanmar transnational hunt, recaptured Inner Mongolia, so the CCP's political implicate longer attention. A crime, family members affected, punishment system, in traditional Chinese imperial autocracy long prevailed. Outrageously, the CCP evil wind implicated in recent years has intensified the trend.
Qin Shihuang "book burning order" in there "in old days were the family" provisions, "family" is a family Manmenchaozhan punishment. Family punishment has prize, clan points, explaining different when specific application rather arbitrary. To the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di Fang Xiaoru for refusing to draw up the throne edict, were destroyed ten tribes, implicated beyond clan, plus disciple disciples, victims of 870 people. Family punishment even sit up when the system was abolished in Late Qing Reform.

But after last, before the practice was often taken to implicate CCP established its regime, established in 1949 far more than the traditional authoritarian totalitarian regime in the town of trans, rightist, land reform, the Cultural Revolution and other previous killings and political movement, to implicate practice play to an unprecedented degree, creating a disaster of unprecedented world. After the Cultural Revolution, class struggle thinking, contempt for the rule of law has always been a means of human rights is not over, especially against political enemies were classified as democrats, practices activists, relatives and even minor implicate relatives, and countless more into the 21st century more play more intense.

2005 I went with blind activist Chen Guangcheng in Linyi, Shandong investigate violent incidents IPPF, we found most commonly implicated. Zhong Xia Fei County Villagers room due to avoid forced abortion, her relatives had been arrested 22 people, including three children, a pregnant woman and a 70-year-old mother. Some towns not only implicate relatives, neighbors and implicate even the implementation of the village even to sit. In the process of the implementation of birth control policy are widely used all over the country implicate means. To come forward to expose the atrocities of Health Chen was still serving jail, his wife Yuan Weijing and children were put under house arrest for many years, and completely isolated from the outside world, and many times by savage beatings.
Prominent human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, the family often under house arrest, personal insults, forced away from the track and harassment. Conduct illegal surveillance of the secret police even live to his home. On one occasion, Gao Zhisheng and his wife Geng to the market to buy food, state security are tracking very close, a little theory, state security on a slap fight over. Geng and later again be beaten, her clothes were torn, had been knocked out a tooth, Manlianshixue.

In family as threatened

In 2010 won the Nobel Prize after Liu Xiaobo in prison, photographer, painter Liu Xia has been under house arrest by the Chinese Communists, and isolated a week will be allowed to go out under the supervision of a purchase necessities of life, long-term house arrest, causing a threat to Liu Xia serious psychological trauma. And the only reason the CCP is so ill Liu Xia Liu Xiaobo's wife Liu Xia. Even under domestic sustained international protests, the authorities have yet to lift the illegal house arrest of Liu Xia.
Well-known human rights activist Hu Jia's wife and daughter are often under house arrest, followed and harassed. Democrats suffered torture Hunan Li Wangyang after the mysterious death of his sister and her husband Zhao Baozhu 李旺玲 at least three times subjected to enforced disappearance. Inner Mongolian dissident Hada's wife Xinna and son Wheelers years has been the state security tracking, monitoring, arrest and detention. 71-year-old senior reporter Gao Yu was accused of leaking documents Nine jailed for seven years, while the authorities arrested his son to threaten Gao Yu, Zhao Meng, in the case of his son being held hostage, Gao Yu was forced against their will He pleaded guilty to repentance, and shame on CCTV.
In the United States of Radio Free Asia reporter Schoch Uighurs to mention. Howard Hugh, their families retaliation by the authorities in Xinjiang, the three brothers were detained, the third brother has been accused of crimes against national security was sentenced to five years. Uighur Democrats repeatedly won the Nobel prize nominated Rebiya Kadeer, exiled after her two sons were arrested. Trustee Party had warned her that if she does not worry President Ren Shiwei, her son would be lenient sentence, otherwise it will be sentenced. As a result, 26 November 2006 Kadeer was elected president, the next day her son was sentenced to seven years.
Chinese Communist Party in Tibet also adopted a brutal implicate means. Since 2009, the territory of at least 142 Tibetans self-immolation, the requirements of fundamental freedoms and human rights, asked the Administration to allow the Dalai Lama to go home. Many families of those who self-immolation was arrested, tortured, was put in jail on charges of security. August 7, 2012, after 27 years of cooperation measures in cooperation Zhuoga Temple City, Gansu Province died of self-immolation, the authorities forced him to admit that the couple husband disputes, but her husband refused to accept Zhuoga measures, was arrested authorities. Aba Ruoergai County Daza Sizhen women Gongjue Wangmo on March 13, 2013 self-immolation death, authorities asked her husband Zhuo Majia announced his wife was out because of marital discord and only choose self-immolation, after being rejected, Zhuo Majia authorities immediately arrested, was actually with "intentional homicide" and sentenced to death.
(Part of the CCP political implicate)

Chinese human rights lawyer Teng Biao

中國維權律師王宇的16歲兒子,被中共當局從緬甸跨國追捕,抓回內蒙,令中共的政治株連再受關注。一人犯罪,家族成員也受牽連、受懲罰的制度,在中國傳統 的皇權專制體制下長期盛行。令人憤怒的是,中共近年的株連邪風有越演越烈之勢。
秦始皇的《焚書令》中就有「以古非今者族」的規定,「族」就是滿門 抄斬的族刑。族刑有三族、九族之分,解釋不一,具體適用時相當隨意。至明初,方孝孺因拒絕為朱棣草擬即位詔書,被滅了十族,株連九族之外,另加弟子門生, 罹難者達870多人。族刑連坐制直到清末變法時才被廢止。

但好景不長,中共建政之前就常常採取株連做法,1949年建立遠超傳統專制的極權主義政 權之後,在鎮反、反右、土改、文革等歷次屠殺和政治運動中,把株連做法發揮到登峯造極的程度,製造了空前的人間慘禍。文革結束之後,階級鬥爭思維、蔑視法 治人權的一貫手段並未結束,尤其針對被列為政治敵人的民主人士、維權人士,株連親友甚至未成年親屬的做法,數不勝數,進入21世紀後更越演越烈。

2005 年我與盲人維權人士陳光誠去調查山東臨沂暴力計生事件,發現存在極其普遍的株連。費縣村民房鐘霞因躲避強制流產,她的親戚被抓了22人,包括三個孩子、一 個孕婦和一個70多歲的婆婆。有的鄉鎮不僅株連親屬,而且株連鄰居,甚至實行全村連坐。在全國各地執行計生政策的過程中都普遍使用株連手段。挺身而出揭露 計生暴行的陳光誠被構陷入獄,他的妻子袁偉靜和孩子被軟禁在家多年,與外界徹底隔絕,並多次受到野蠻的毆打。
著名人權律師高智晟,全家人經常受到 軟禁、人格侮辱、強制帶離、跟蹤和騷擾。實施非法監控的秘密警察甚至住到他的家裏。有一次,高智晟妻子耿和到市場買菜,國保們跟蹤得很近,稍一理論,國保 就一巴掌打過來。耿和後來又遭毆打,她的衣服被扯破,牙被打掉一顆,滿臉是血。


2010年獄中的劉曉波獲諾貝爾獎之後,攝影家、畫家劉霞就一直被中共軟禁,與外界隔絕,每周只准在監控下外出一次購買生活必需品,長期的軟禁、威脅給劉 霞造成了嚴重的心理創傷。而中共如此虐待劉霞的唯一理由就是劉霞是劉曉波的妻子。即使在國內國際持續的抗議之下,當局至今仍未解除對劉霞的非法軟禁。

著 名維權人士胡佳的妻子和女兒也經常受到軟禁、跟蹤和騷擾。飽受酷刑的湖南民主人士李旺陽離奇死亡後,他的妹妹李旺玲和妹夫趙寶珠至少三次遭到強迫失蹤。內 蒙古異見人士哈達的妻子新娜和兒子威勒斯多年來一直受到國保的跟蹤、監控、拘捕和關押。71歲的資深記者高瑜被指控洩漏九號文件而獲刑七年,當局同時逮捕 了他的兒子趙萌用以威脅高瑜,在兒子被當作人質的情況下,高瑜被迫違心地認罪悔過,並上央視受辱。

身在美國的自由亞洲電台維族記者肖赫來提.霍 休,其在新疆的家人遭到當局報復,三個兄弟均被關押,三弟已因被控危害國家安全罪被判刑五年。多次獲諾獎提名的維族民主人士熱比婭,流亡海外後,她的兩個 兒子被抓。中共曾託人向她警告說,如果她不擔任世維會主席,她的兒子會輕判,否則將重判。結果,2006年11月26日熱比婭被選為主席,第二天她的一個 兒子就被判刑七年。

中共在西藏同樣採取了野蠻的株連手段。2009年至今,境內至少有142名藏人自焚,要求基本自由和人權,要求當局准許達賴喇 嘛回家。而很多自焚者的家屬被捕、受酷刑、被安以罪名投入監獄。2012年8月7日,27歲的卓嘎措在甘肅合作市合作寺自焚身亡後,當局強迫他的丈夫承認 是夫妻糾紛問題,但卓嘎措的丈夫拒絕接受,被當局拘捕。四川阿壩州若爾蓋縣達扎寺鎮婦女貢覺旺姆於2013年3月13號自焚身亡,當局要求她的丈夫卓瑪嘉 向外公佈他妻子是因夫妻不和才選擇自焚,被拒絕後,當局立即將卓瑪嘉拘捕,後來竟以「故意殺人罪」將其判處死刑。
(中共的政治株連 上篇)



 "During the umbrella campaign, even to happen a case of shocking news!
We really want to ask: a group of violent police swinging batons to chased the protesters,  fled the violence a young girl being violently dragged to police repeatedly exposed her underwear, The more "violence police" violated the girl's chest; So this girl be the same day by the "violence police " Xiongxi to her!

And that violence police was despicable, shameful test to the court, Anti-accused the demonstrations Xiongxi's girl, is the girl to her chest as a weapon; attack the "violence police" ??!
A magistrate was in cahoots, harboring violent police invasion of the girl, the girl sentenced to prison to 3 Months!

This event, showing that Hong Kong is not legal, judicial system become political patronage tool!
In the international level, is there are have a place laws can confuse upside down!? Confuse black and white!?

Dark political make Hong Kong people have been numerous false accusation!

In zoonotic authoritarian regime violence's under, it is no conscience, there is no rule of law, not a fair system, there is no justice and righteous people!

By Hong Kong Apple Daily reading this topic,
More Let us feeling- they are " zoonotic, animal also not as " behavior - again felt "scared" extremely despicable outrageous!!

Human eventually perish by Human,
This vicious tyrant is zoonotic miscellaneous swollen Fifty Cent Party!

Please unity beings you are same as a human,,"Target down" attack that zoonotic devil no conscience action!
#opchina  #OP_Tibet@TrueTibet  #ophk  #OpISIS  #opRussian  #optaiwan

Melody.Blog very angry...










#opchina  #OP_Tibet@TrueTibet  #ophk  #OpISIS  #opRussian  #optaiwan



 *[20/10-2015]-Update by H.K Apple Daily reported-...very angry...!-


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Написано в

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Написано в

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Написано в

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Написано в

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Написано в

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Написано в

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Написано в

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[ Страница 1 ]

Holy fuck simple classic defaced ㅠㅠ well done

Site has been rekt by alot of hackers, defacing replaced, DB leaked and deleted and also even ddosing ! <- rekt

Wtf <- This ISIS dude defaced a fitness site.Not cool bro ~


  "Our tribe never accept to sell advertising, and earn interest so tiny profits, but was a lot of links to third party that came to haunt our tribe in this web site ! we do not know the name of the advertising link was very much to haunt our big sister the first Melody tribe!

Then big sister was lucky enough to get "Norton anti-virus software company," the company received under that for our first Melody tribe no longer subject to some rogue program / virus to haunt.
Thank again the Norton anti-virus software companies to protect ~

The last time, we said our tribe participated in the "Open Technology Fund ''

Because the whole tribe moved to Hong Kong, so we are apply again.
This form of sponsorship funds, we have waited a long time to find!

We said our tribe aim is: to fight for freedom, democracy, the rule of law and be fair,
Academic and intellectual freedom, to defend the local culture of each place is very important;
As well as providing a wide range of information and completely free to circumvention tools -
- The World's authoritarian communist countries evil people to screen blockade augmented knowledge network ports,

Thanksgiving for each chivalrous Anonymous legion of attention and help on Twitter get more,
Making our tribe augmented the exciting content,
Let Google God's global sphere of information brought to Earth of each city!

We just only ad the Dalai Lama on our tribe ,
Because Tibetan culture is mainland communist dictatorship devil rape Tibet aggression and forced the inclusion of  mainland territory!

Continental dictatorship in the last century until today in 2015 ,,by the devil are their own communist evil people to kill the lawyer,
And reporters and other provinces, cities and counties different dissidents,
Bullying vulnerable Neighboring countries despicable means, violations of manufactured goods in many countries' copyright law!
Until to death - refused to admit the barbaric, backward, no "good faith" of low quality place.

Because umbrella campaign '' moved, and awakening to the heart of conscience to think,
We decided to move to Hong Kong.

Experience the Hong Kong people daily life of feel is not fair,, communist mainland is no law, only a group of communist slavery big thieves Leung Chun-ying beast and their DAB rubbish collusion in Hong Kong!

Hong Kong local residents were deprived of political rights to vote, freedom of speech and academic freedom are mainland co-erosion ,

So that the Hong Kong University , Lingnan University, The Hong Kong Chinese University is to introduce some made no people, was caused by the number of "no popular support",
No responsibility, no political rule, there is no democracy, that is, [saying: think crooked (below) = Leung Chun-ying] that is distort, ignore people's demands!
Swollen with arrogance!!

Businessman collusion the official to profiteering of Hong Kong people !
The worst is- it ( think crooked )= Leung Chun-ying] No personality, no dignity, no conscience,
The sit-in protest corrupt, "There is no righteous, unfair, undemocratic, the protest movements ' think crooked''= Leung Chun-ying]monster,
In Hong Kong the evil 'think crooked''= Leung Chun-ying]monster violence police used batons waved casually, causing countless hit badly beaten,
In the case of Hong Kong people silent sitting,
Violence police used Launching many many pepper spray,
When the crowd fled in a 20 feet place, Violence police more despicable, shameless launch to 87 tear gas to 200,000 masses !!

This is a violent regime selfish and arrogant performance!
For unjust regime through peaceful sit-in protest of the way in the world, many countries / regions  also will occur !
However, with such violence as to kill their own Hong Kong people way,
Really shameful and barbaric, brutal, not to the people's demands through legal and human rights doing!

Because this is no conscience, there is no human dignity, are not eligible when the mayor of Wicked people,
We have to personally join the Hong Kong people plus a tiny fraction of social forces!

Living in Hong Kong almost six months, our life savings are running out!
At that moment, to see such a public science and technology funds,
We think, our tribe also qualify for this fund.

It is the others an urgent need to reach out to support us!
We ask you philanthropist to forgive us anxious...

If you are willing to sponsor our support for local in Hong Kong revival movement,
Please e-mail, leaving your Hong Kong contacted or moblie phone NO. and your name.
Note: All donations / contributions we must indicate the purpose and details! please everyone at here witness, we will post that!
Our e-mail: kityee6969@gmail.com

We hope it will not be attract to tease our, please behave! "
Virtue Unlimited -

We sincerely hope
Melody.Blog Sincerely Yours


Note: What boring people to make tease of us?
"Do unto others, do not impose on other "

These is a forwarding the e-mail without a title = --- not directly send us
But forwarded to our e-mail through a person / an organization.
We have on Twitter "Mr Bill Gates or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation"
Inquiries, but no reply.
Hereby paste on, reminder of others,

And statement, although we're poor
But we have a conscience,
We have said who attack our home: the United States, Taiwan (Taipei Ms. Tsai Ing-wen, strive oh),

That is our enemy!
(South Korea, "Park Geun-hye"樸謹惠" would like to benefit is the greed of politicians, make any attack, we do not recognize her!).


We declined transactions with the communist mainland renminbi miscellaneous swollen and  their slaves,
Filthy money do not wave to us, we see you as a scourge!
To maintain our reputation as incorruptible!
Thank you ~





上一次,我們說過我們的部落參加了"Open Technology Fund''














我們懇請各位慈善家 原諒我們的焦急和冒昧.

請以電郵方式,留下香港地區聯絡電話 及貴尊姓名.
我們的電郵: kityee6969@gmail.com

功德 無限~



附註: 甚麽無聊的人要捉弄我們呢?
"己所不欲 ,勿施於人"

我們到推特 "Mr Bill Gates or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation"






 *-Update: [18 / 10-2015] - Bulletin "Our tribe never accept to sell advertising, and earn interest so tiny profits, but was a lot of links to third party that came to haunt our tribe in this web site ! we do not know the name of the advertising link was very much to haunt our big sister the first Melody tribe!...!-*All The World Lauguage*-


 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous
D0Xed by Radical Edward
‪#‎OpHoodsOff‬ ‪#‎OpKKK‬

D0Xed by Radical Edward
#OpHoodsOff #OpKKK
Name: Amanda Barker
SSN: coming soon
DOB: coming soon
Gender: Female
Address: 413 Victor St
Location: Eden North Carolina 27288
Phone Numbers:  434-791-3129 Landline | 336-635-0918 | 336-623-2592 Landline | 336-635-0918 | 336-253-2975 | 770-546-3052 Mobile | 336-639-1239 Mobile | 336-589-1253 Mobile | 336-432-0386
Emails: queen_of_hearts8814@yahoo.com | Whiteangle2005@aol.com | Amanda.barker0025@yahoo.com | loyal.white.knights.office@gmail.com | lwk.application@gmail.com
Occupation: sales/service
Languages: English, Hillbilly
Religion (inferred by last name): Protestant
Relationship Status: Married
Spouse: Christopher Eugene Barker
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Financial & Assests:
1996 Jeep Cherokee
VIN: 1j4fj68s3tl302900
Estimated Networth: $1-4,999
Estimated Household Income: $10,000-14,999
IP Address:      | |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Social Networking Profiles:
Associated People:
Eugene Barker, Stephen Barker, Elena Barker
Previous & Other Addresses:
    Po Box 54
    Pelham North Carolina 27311
    Box 14863
    Greensboro North Carolina 27415
Old spot
    1214 Carolina Ave
    Eden North Carolina 27288
good~>  http://www.nate-thayer.com/patriot-games-kkk-leader-and-undercover-fbi-agent-heads-south-carolina-confederate-flag-rally/
   Registrar: LAUNCHPAD.COM, INC.
   Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 955
   Whois Server: whois.launchpad.com
   Referral URL: http://www.launchpad.com
   Status: clientTransferProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
   Updated Date: 30-jul-2015
   Creation Date: 03-mar-2010
   Expiration Date: 03-mar-2017
>>> Last update of whois database: Fri, 07 Aug 2015 16:29:27 GMT <<<
For more information on Whois status codes, please visit
Registry Domain ID: 1587385744_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.launchpad.com
Registrar URL: LaunchPad.com
Updated Date: 2015-07-30T22:00:30Z
Creation Date: 2010-03-03T18:47:47Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2017-03-03T18:47:47Z
Registrar: Launchpad, Inc. (HostGator)
Registrar IANA ID: 955
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Amanda Barker
Registrant Organization: N/A
Registrant Street: PO Box 54  
Registrant City: Pelham
Registrant State/Province: North Carolina
Registrant Postal Code: 27311
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.3364320386
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: lwk.application@gmail.com
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: Amanda Barker
Admin Organization: N/A
Admin Street: PO Box 54  
Admin City: Pelham
Admin State/Province: North Carolina
Admin Postal Code: 27311
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.3364320386
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email: lwk.application@gmail.com
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: Amanda Barker
Tech Organization: N/A
Tech Street: PO Box 54  
Tech City: Pelham
Tech State/Province: North Carolina
Tech Postal Code: 27311
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.3364320386
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email: lwk.application@gmail.com
Name Server: ns71.domaincontrol.com
Name Server: ns72.domaincontrol.com
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: abuse@websitewelcome.com
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.713-574-5287
2008 Resume
Amanda Barker
Eden, North Carolina, 27288, United States
April 18, 2008
Contact Info:
******.**********@*****.*** (***)***-****
Show Full Resume
 Name _Amanda Ann Barker __
DOB 6/20/1983
Street Address
_1504 E. Stadium Dr_
City, State, Zip Code
_Eden , NC , 27288 _
Phone Number
Email address ******.**********@*****.***
Are you eligible to work in the United States?
Yes _X__ No___
Have you been convicted of or pleaded no contest to a felony ?
Yes__ No_X__
Position Applied For
_Any Position _
I can work 1st , 2nd & 3rd Shift .
I can start work immediately .
Name and Address Of School - Degree/Diploma - Graduation Date
_Corner Stone Christian Correspondence School_
_High School Diploma _ May 1, 2001_
Skills and Qualifications: Skills, Training, Awards
_I have great computer skills . I know Windows 95/98 Windows XP. I know Word and Excal.
I was trained for Customer Service Representative in Oct ,3, 2004.
Knowledge of printer copier faxes and telephone skills.
Present Or Last Position:
Employer: Startek Inc ( Call Center )
Address:_Collinsville VA _
Supervisor: _Lisa Martin¬¬¬¬¬_
Position Title: _Customer Service Representative _
From: _Oct 3 ,2004_ To: _Aug 25, 2007_
Responsibilities: _I would take calls for bussiness customers and I would update their account info.
I also would correct there bill and order new devices . I would also trouble shoot there device.
I would answer any questions they would have about there service . I would set up new service.
I would take payments and issue out credits when due to the account. _I did Data Entry Work.
Call Quality and the accuracy, frequency and quality of monitoring and coaching.
Pay $9.37hr.
Reason for Leaving: A close family member had Breast Cancer and I had to help with her._
Previous Position:
Employer: _Eden Corner _
Address:__Eden NC__
Supervisor: _Debra Truney _
Position Title: _Night Time Supervisor _
From: _May 1999_ To: _Aug 2002__
Responsibilities: I would make sure every one was doing there job.
 I would help employees with there jobs as a team.
 I would make work schedule. I would do all payout to vendors. I would do the ordering .
 I would do payroll if needed
Salary: _$8.75_
Reason for Leaving: _I had a baby Aug 8 02 .
 I did not go back because I wanted to raise my child.
    I was working for West at home . There was no hours weeks at a time. I did enjoy taking calls and helping customers in my home.


 Financial & Assests:
1996 Jeep Cherokee
VIN: 1j4fj68s3tl302900
Estimated Networth: $1-4,999
Estimated Household Income: $10,000-14,999
 on Aug 6th, 2015

D0Xed by Radical Edward
#OpHoodsOff #OpKKK
Alias: Willie the Wizard, Willie Frazier
Name: Willis Frazier
SSN: coming soon
DOB: 1963
Gender: Male
Address: 56 County Road 327
Location: Cherry Valley Arkansas 72324
Phone Numbers: (501) 778-3394 Landline | (501) 590-2008  | 870-914-0607 Mobile | 870-904-5019  | 870-630-1410 Landline | 870-914-0607 Mobile
Emails: Wfrazier1963@gmail.com | Impwizard1996@gmail.com | Minnifieldmike41@yahoo.com | Hranea@hotmail.com | Ugoboi@blackplanet.com | arikkkk@aol.com | arkeystone@yahoo.com | arikkkk@blackplanet.com | arkeystone@aol.com | Wfrazierm@compuserve.com | Wfrazier1805@worldnet.att.net
Occupation: None
Languages: English, Hillbilly
Nationality: Some kinda inbred hillbilly go look at his pic eww
Education: Studied Studying Criminal Justice at Everest Colleges, Institutes, and Universities. Did not graduate.
Past: Brazil High School Class of 1982
Religion (inferred by last name): Catholic
Relationship Status: Married
Spouse: Married June 19, 2010 to Latha Denny divorce pending
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Financial & Assests:
Financial Details About Willie Frazier
Estimated Networth: $50,000-99,999
Estimated Household Income: $25,000-29,999
1992 Buick Regal
VIN: 2g4wb54t3n1500313
IP Address: Home | | | | |  | | | | |
Social Networking Profiles:
Cheyenne D Frazier
Charlene Vaughn
Married June 19, 2010 to Latha Denny divorce pending
Wife soon to be ex
Betty Fraizer
Previous & Other Addresses:
        952 Hwy 76
        Rosston Arkansas 71858
        100 Sfc 3628
        Colt Arkansas 72326
        Po Box
        Parkin Arkansas 72373
        3557 Highway 306 E
        Colt Arkansas 72326
Hometown:       Brazil, Indiana
        Possible alias ? William Foresman
        740 Gettysburg Ct 40
        Indianapolis Indiana 46217
        Dude is stalking black planet get a life loser, Ugoboi@blackplanet.com
Domain Name:IKKKKK.ORG
Domain ID: D151805712-LROR
Creation Date: 2008-02-22T03:18:54Z
Updated Date: 2014-02-23T11:45:37Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2016-02-22T03:18:54Z
Sponsoring Registrar:Wild West Domains, LLC (R120-LROR)
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 440
WHOIS Server:
Referral URL:
Domain Status: ok -- http://www.icann.org/epp#ok
Registrant ID:CR35082312
Registrant Name:Willis Frazier
Registrant Organization:Int. Keystone Knights
Registrant Street: 56 CR 327
Registrant City:Cherry Valley
Registrant State/Province:Arkansas
Registrant Postal Code:72324
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.8702085731
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:Impwizard1996@gmail.com
Admin ID:CR35082314
Admin Name:Willis Frazier
Admin Organization:Int. Keystone Knights
Admin Street: 56 CR 327
Admin City:Cherry Valley
Admin State/Province:Arkansas
Admin Postal Code:72324
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.8702085731
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email:Impwizard1996@gmail.com
Tech ID:CR35082313
Tech Name:Willis Frazier
Tech Organization:Int. Keystone Knights
Tech Street: 56 CR 327
Tech City:Cherry Valley
Tech State/Province:Arkansas
Tech Postal Code:72324
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.8702085731
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email:Impwizard1996@gmail.com

 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 分享了 1 張相片

 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 轉貼自 United Anonymous Canada
KKK Member was found harassing a woman on Twitter so in return an Anonymous hacker who's known for attacking ISIS websites took down KKK's and other white pride websites.

Another day and another story about Anonymous targeting someone, this…
hackread.com|由 Ryan de Souza 上傳.

Anonymous Shut Down KKK and White Pride Websites for harassing a woman

Another day and another story about Anonymous targeting someone, this time it’s the Ku Klux Klan’s website for harassing a woman on Twitter.
The reason this is not a big social media issue like the NSA spying, CIA drone killings or the racial issues in Ferguson, Missouri, is because it’s a simple defense of a woman who was under constant threats by KKK’s troll on Twitter.
The targeted woman (Conover Kenn Ard, wife of Pete Farndon, the founding member of the rock band the Pretenders) is now a blogger herself and has been involved in many controversies in the past.  She has also made some friends in the hacktivist group Anonymous.
When Kennard’s friend from Anonymous found out, he made the decision to respond to the Klan. Her friend who goes by the handle of @sgtbilko420 on Twitter started a massive DDoS attack on KKK’s and its affiliated white pride websites forcing them to stay offline.
An important note about the attacker is that he also targets websites spreading ISIS propaganda.
Here are few tweets from the attacker on KKK attack:

After the websites got attacked all of them displayed this message “Website is offline” and “Connection timed out”. The targeted website were related to Westboro Baptist Church AND Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK, who threatened lives of hacktivists members after the murder of Michael Brown last year.
Last year, a cyber war broke out when Anonymous took down many of Klan’s websites and even the twitter account. This incident may well be an indication of another cyber war building up, but we will have to wait and see.
The websites are since back up and in service and working fine, but lessons are surely learned by Klan. Moral for us is to stay away from such things because you don’t know whose friend you may be upsetting.
Anonymous has a history of targeting racist websites. In the past, the hacktivists hacked and defaced the official website of Mississippi-based white supremacist organization The Nationalist Movement.

Ryan De Souza

Ryan is a London-based member of the HackRead Editorial team. A graduate of Maths and physics with a passion for geopolitics and human rights. Ryan places integrity at the pinnacle of successful journalism and believes this is somewhat lacking in traditional media. Ryan is an educator who balances his time between family, social activism and humanitarian causes and his vice is Football and cars.


 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 轉貼自 United Anonymous Canada

4 in 10 Danish Muslims want Koran to be used in Denmark’s laws

Published time: 20 Oct, 2015.© Jean Ayissi
Almost 40 percent of Danish Muslims would like to see the country’s laws based partly on the Koran, according to a poll for Jyllands-Posten. Anti-immigration supporters say the results show “the number of Muslims in Denmark is a problem.”
The survey, conducted by Wilke for Jyllands-Posten, found that over 10 percent of Muslims asked said that Danish law should be solely based on the Koran, while over one-quarter believe the country’s legislation should be a mixture of the Islamic holy book and the Danish constitution.

Jonas Christensen @JonasChr88
Nearly 50% of Muslims in Denmark want the Quran to be a part of the constitution..
An Aarhus-based imam, Radwan Mansour, is also in favor of having a mixture of laws from the Koran and the Danish constitution, saying that there would be no conflict between the two.
“If this was an Islamic country, it should be the Koran. But Denmark is not an Islamic country – we don’t decide – so I think it should be both the Koran and the constitution. When it comes to justice, the sharing of resources and so on, there is a fine accordance [between the two],” The Local quoted him as telling Jyllands-Posten.
The anti-immigration Danish People’s Party seized on the results of the poll, saying it showed “the number of Muslims in Denmark is a problem.”
“When one believes that the Koran should play an essential role in legislation and for life in society, and when one believes – as previous polls have shown – that women of a certain age should be covered up, then one does not wish to be a part of Danish society and it is delusional to act like they were here first and it is the rest of us who came later. It is incredibly rude,” said Martin Henriksen, a spokesman for the Danish People’s Party.

RT @RT_com
Denmark to run anti-refugee ads to dissuade asylum seekers http://on.rt.com/6nt4 

Henriksen was referring to a recent survey, which found that 77 percent of Danish Muslims believe that the Koran should be “followed completely.” This was a 15 percent rise from when the same poll was conducted in 2006 and something of a surprise to Jens Peter Frolund Thomsen, a social studies professor at the University of Aarhus who specializes in the relationship between Danes and immigrants.
“Here is an indicator that religious beliefs interfere in some political opinions and attitudes. Our secular society, in which political power and the rule of law are hailed above all else, is something that many have reservations about. It shows that democratic norms haven’t taken root amongst all immigrant groups,” Thomsen told Jyllands-Posten.

 RT @RT_com
Denmark paid unemployment benefits to citizens fighting in Syria http://on.rt.com/9v6wnu 

However, Fatih Alev, who is the head of the Danish Islamic Center, says it will take time for Muslims to integrate into Danish society, calling it “an ongoing process.”
“Muslims have always been able to reconcile Islam’s precepts with various traditions and customs in different countries. It is an ongoing process in which we have also found our way of practicing Islam in a Danish context,” Alev told the newspaper.
In April, the Danish Conservative Party launched a controversial campaign, calling for radical Islam to be “fought and eliminated” and claiming that the religion shared many ideas with Nazism.

 RT @RT_com
Danish Conservatives campaign for elimination of ‘Nazi Islamism’ http://on.rt.com/5mz0n1 

In a statement to RT, the Danish Conservative Party said: “What we are saying in our campaign is that we want to stop this form of Islamism, a form that has many ideas in common with Nazism, and this is what we call Nazi-Islamism. It is the form of Islamism that Boko Haram and Islamic State are executing.”
Muslims now account for almost 5 percent of the Danish population, making it the largest minority religion in the country.


Now he must deliver on all those campaign promises.

Now the hard part: Trudeau must turn to implementing plan

October 20, 2015.Liberal Leader and Canada’s next prime minister Justin Trudeau stands on stage with his wife Sophie Gregoire after his speech at Liberal party headquarters in Montreal early Tuesday. (PAUL CHIASSON / The Canadian Press)
Liberal Leader and Canada’s next prime minister Justin Trudeau stands on stage with his wife Sophie Gregoire after his speech at Liberal party headquarters in Montreal early Tuesday. (PAUL CHIASSON / The Canadian Press).
OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau made a triumphant return to the nation’s capital Tuesday and immediately began setting a new tone for the Canadian government, both at home and abroad.
To those around the world who may have had difficulty recognizing the Canada of old during a decade of combative, militaristic Conservative rule under Stephen Harper, the Liberal prime minister-designate had a direct message.
“Many of you have worried that Canada has lost its compassionate and constructive voice in the world over the past 10 years,” Trudeau told a boisterous partisan rally in Ottawa. “Well, I have a simple message for you. On behalf of 35 million Canadians, we’re back.”


 At a news conference later, he also had a reassuring message for civil servants, many of whom complained of being muzzled and ignored by the Harper regime. Trudeau promised to run “a government that listens to, works with and respects the public service.”

And he had another message for the parliamentary press gallery, which has been shunned and vilified by the Harper Conservatives, that he intends to run a more open, media-friendly shop.
Fresh from his stunning victory in Monday’s election, Trudeau held a formal news conference in the national press theatre — something Harper did only handful of times and not at all since late 2008. Trudeau said “it’s important to underline the important role that the media fills in public discourse and public life” and, when the news conference was over, he vowed: “I’ll be back. I promise.”
For now, though, tone is all Trudeau can set. He will not officially take office until Nov. 4, when he plans to swear in a new cabinet.

He would not commit to recalling Parliament before Christmas, only to doing so “as quickly as is reasonable.”
His schedule for the next two months is anything but reasonable, with four back-to-back international summits scheduled starting in mid-November. Trudeau suggested he may not attend all of them.
He said he’s “committed” to attending the United Nations climate change conference with the premiers in Paris at the end of November. That leaves the Liberals just weeks to come up with a national position based on the party’s promise to join with the provinces and territories to put a price on carbon and reduce carbon pollution.
As for the G20 summit in Turkey and a meeting of leaders of Pacific Rim countries in the Philippines, Trudeau said only that he hopes to attend. He did not mention the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Malta, saying he’d have to see how many international trips he can squeeze in while trying to get his new government up and running at the same time.

Nevertheless, Trudeau is already getting a quick introduction to international affairs, fielding congratulatory phone calls from U.S. President Barack Obama, as well as the leaders of the United Kingdom, France, Mexico and Italy.
While he and Obama had a “warm conversation” in which the president teased him about his lack of gray hair, Trudeau said they also discussed his commitment to withdraw Canadian fighter jets from the U.S.-led aerial bombing mission against Islamic radicals in Syria and Iraq. Trudeau believes Canada’s military involvement should be restricted to training missions only.

“We talked about Canada’s continued engagement as a strong member of the coalition against ISIL. And I committed that we would continue to engage in a responsible way,” Trudeau said.
“But he understands the commitments I’ve made around ending the combat missions.”
At the rally earlier, Trudeau used the occasion to thank staff in party headquarters and the 80,000 volunteers whom he credited with making nearly 12 million phone calls and door knocks over the course of the longest campaign in modern Canadian history. But as gruelling as the campaign was, he acknowledged the hard part starts now.
“This afternoon we can celebrate, but our hard work is only beginning.”
Both at home and abroad, Trudeau faces several pressing priorities and a raft of longer-term promises.

On the horizon domestically loom key promises from his party’s successful campaign: lower taxes for the middle class, the legalization of marijuana, and a slate of democratic reforms including a new electoral system to replace the venerable first-past-the-post regime under which he won a majority of the seats with just under 40 per cent of the vote.
He will also have to move quickly to institute the reforms he’s promised to the disgraced Senate, where the Conservatives still hold sway and could prove a roadblock to Liberal legislation. Tory dominance of the chamber could be instantly diluted by filling the 22 vacancies left by Harper.
Trudeau has kicked senators out of the Liberal caucus and has vowed to create a blue chip advisory body to recommend non-partisan Senate nominees in future, a move designed to return the institution to its intended role as an independent chamber of sober second thought.

Trudeau has said the first piece of legislation his government would put forward is one to lower taxes for the middle class and raise taxes for the wealthiest Canadians.
A Liberal government is also committed to revamping the recently enacted omnibus security bill, known as C-51, that gave Canada’s spy agency substantial new powers and angered civil libertarians.
Trudeau has also promised the largest new infrastructure investment in Canadian history. The plan would nearly double federal spending on public transit, affordable housing, recreational facilities and other items to almost $125 billion over the next decade.


Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 分享了 1 條連結

COVER-UP EXPOSED! UK Govt Deleted Entire Database of Evidence Documenting Pedophile Rings


COVER-UP曝光! 證據歸檔戀童癖團伙的英國官立刪除整個數據庫


 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 分享了活動
11 月
週四 1 下午 · Halifax, Canada
76 位來賓

Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 轉貼自 OpChina
November operation against china Government for censoring it's own people!
Great internet wall of censor will come down

Greetings world We bring a quick message about upcoming operation Op-China. Our Halifax anonymous Brothers and Sisters, is proud to join in the campaign Why ...


Terry Smith

Greetings world
We bring a quick message about upcoming operation Op-China.
Our Halifax anonymous Brothers and Sisters, is proud to join in the campaign
Why , Because the people of China should NOT have to use V-P-N or proxy to access the Internet.
Internet censorship is anonymous main No No.
To Government of china, we have a message for you.
We will hold you accountable for this, as we hold police accountable on the streets of Taiwan,
We love the support Every child matters , like every Life matters , this we know to be true !
When the government censors its people,
United as One,
Divided by zero,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget ,
We are legion,
From Canada ,to Palestine , Taiwan, Asia ,World Wide.
Expect Us.

To The China government we know you are ready, Expect the unexpected.













Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 轉貼自 United Anonymous Canada

The US government has apparently decided to risk both of its arms, the…

US Sends Navy To Disputed Islands, As China Warns That Its “military will stand up and use force to stop it”

October 19th, 2015 | by CoNN.
 US Sends Navy To Disputed Islands, As China Warns That Its “military will stand up and use force to stop it”

The US government has apparently decided to risk both of its arms, the first by bear mauling and the second via fiery dragon’s breath as it has decided to poke BOTH Russia and China at the same time.
With a year-long campaign of bombing/supplying ISIS on one side and the decision to send in the navy to bump into islands that China is in the midst of reclaiming on the other, the US govt might just be biting off more than it can chew- or more accurately, it seems to be hoping that it would cause Russia and China a severe bout of diarrhea.
The region surrounding the Spratly Islands (or Spat-ly Islands, hehe) have been a hotbed for controversy, with the US and its allies in the region refusing to recognize China’s claims.
This comes a month after Obama had a pleasant conversation with Xi Jinping, apparently about the disputed area:
“I conveyed to President Xi our significant concerns over land reclamation, construction and the militarization of disputed areas, which makes it harder for countries in the region to resolve disagreements peacefully,” Obama said.
“I indicated that the United States will continue to sail, fly and operate anywhere that international law allows,” Obama added.
“Islands in the South China Sea since ancient times are China’s territory,” Xi resolutely stated.
Clearly the talks weren’t very effective, as the US has decided that a show of military force would solve their problems. As usual. Forget speaking softly and carrying a big stick; speak loudly and wave the good ole stick around several times for good measure seems to be the go-to response… sans actual bombing, at this point anyway.
Though Chinese officials have claimed that the reclamation of the islands served civilian purposes, it is likely that China hopes to extend its military’s reach in the only unclaimed/disputed area bordering its coast, and to do that they have built:
port facilities, military buildings and an airstrip on the islands, and recent imagery shows evidence of two more airstrips under construction. The installations bolster China’s foothold in the Spratly Islands, a disputed scattering of reefs and islands in the South China Sea more than 500 miles from the Chinese mainland.
Although the islands are as yet still too small to support large naval/ air force units, they allow the Chinese to embed a persistent force with which to monitor… and even defend the area until support arrives from the mainland.
Admiral Scott Swift has declared that China is not following international law:
“It’s my sense that some nations view freedom of the seas as up for grabs, as something that can be taken down and redefined by domestic law or by reinterpreting international law,” Swift said, according to a report by Reuters.
“Some nations continue to impose superfluous warnings and restrictions on freedom of the seas in their exclusive economic zones and claim territorial water rights that are inconsistent with (the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea). This trend is particularly egregious in contested waters.”
Other sources seem to indicate that the US is keen on showing China who is top dog in the area:
“I think it’s clear that there is not a good set of options for convincing, or even compelling, China not to dredge and build artificial islands in the South China Sea,” said Scott Harold, deputy director at Rand Corp.’s Center for Asia Pacific Policy.
But operating ships and aircraft near the artificial outposts would underline Washington’s stance that it does not recognize China’s legal claims or its aggressive methods of asserting them, Harold said.
There’s a concern that if you don’t … stand up for your positions, the Chinese will take that as evidence that you are unwilling to defend what you have claimed as your principles,” he said.
While concerned about showing its allies in Asia that it is still a major player in the region, the navy has been keen on assuring everyone that the moves were not “provocative”:
“It should not come as a surprise to anybody that we will exercise freedom of navigation wherever international law allows,” John Richardson, the U.S. chief of naval operations, told reporters in Tokyo.
I don’t see how this can be interpreted as provocative.”
Unfortunately, the Chinese are unlikely to back down from their position:
“From this perspective, China absolutely must not permit the U.S. side’s warships and planes to behave unscrupulously near islands and reefs reclaimed by China and in skies overhead, and challenge China’s bottom line,” said the paper, which is published by the ruling Communist Party’s official People’s Daily
China mustn’t tolerate rampant US violations of China’s adjacent waters and the skies over those expanding islands,” the newspaper said, warning thatif the US encroaches on China’s core interests, the Chinese military will stand up and use force to stop it.”
It seems that the military industrial complex must be elated with the news; the Chinese have stated that they will not allow the  US navy to sail in the contested waters, and the navy is saying that they will do so because provoking China for the sake of provoking it is NOT a provocation.
Both sides have drawn a line in the sand.
Both lines intersect.
At least one nation sees the potential for horrific conflict when the immovable object meets the unstoppable force; Australia has openly stated that it will sit this one out, despite ideologically supporting the US’s position:
We wouldn’t participate in any surveillance or whatever other activities the United States might have talked about,” Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb said on Thursday in an interview with Bloomberg. He was commenting on the Pentagon’s plan to test China’s resolve to protect the waters around its artificial islands.
On that issue, we’re not taking sides,” Robb added.
When Eagle and Dragon collide, the Kangaroo says “f*** me mate, I’m not stickin’ my neck into THAT s***storm”.

Sources: The Free Thought Project, Foreign Policy, Reuters, RT

This Article (US Sends Navy To Disputed Islands, As China Warns That Its “military will stand up and use force to stop it”) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.



二零一五年十月十九日| 通過CONN.
隨著為期一年的運動轟炸/一側,並決定提供ISIS 派遣海軍碰到的島嶼,中國是在回收之中 ;另一方面,美國官立可能只是貪多也可以chew-或者更準確地說,它似乎是希望它會導致俄羅斯和中國的一個嚴重回合腹瀉。
這都一個月之後,奧巴馬進行了愉快的交談習近平 ,顯然是對有爭議的地區:
顯然,這次談判是不是很有效,因為美國已經決定,顯示軍事力量將解決他們的問題。 像往常一樣。 忘記輕聲和手持大棒; 大聲說話和波的老好人堅持圍繞多次良好的措施似乎是去到響應... SANS實際的轟炸,在這一點無論如何。
雖然中國官員聲稱這些島嶼的開墾擔任民用目的,很可能是中國希望擴大其軍事的範圍中唯一無人認領的/有爭議的地區接壤的海岸線, 要做到這一點,他們有BUIL T:
港口設施,軍事建築,並在島上的飛機跑道,和最新的圖像顯示了在建的兩個簡易機場的證據。 該設施促進中國立足於南沙群島,來自中國大陸超過500英里島礁和島嶼在中國南海的有爭議的散射。
“一些國家繼續對多餘的警告和限制公海自由在其專屬經濟區,並聲稱與(在聯合國海洋法公約)不一致的領海權。 這種趨勢是在有爭議的水域特別惡劣。“
其他消息來源似乎表明, 美國是熱衷於展示中國誰是該地區最高的狗
我認為, 很明顯,沒有一個很好的一套令人信服的,甚至引人注目的,中國沒有疏通和建立在中國南海人工島方案,”斯科特·哈羅德,副主任蘭德公司的中心說,亞太政策。

“從這個角度來看, 中國絕對不能容許美方軍艦和飛機,以不擇手段的行為被中國收回島礁附近,在天空的開銷,並挑戰中國的底線,說:”論文,這是由執政的共產黨的出版官方人民日報
中國絕不能容忍猖獗美國侵犯中國的附近海域和上空的那些不斷擴大的島嶼,”報紙上說, 警告說:“ 如果美國侵犯中國的核心利益,中國軍隊將站起來,用武力來阻 ​​止它“。
看來,軍工複合體必須是興高采烈的消息; 中國人已經表示,他們不會允許美國海軍在有爭議的海域航行,而海軍說他們會做,因為刺激中國,為了挑起它不是一種挑釁。
至少有一個國家看到了可怕的衝突的可能性時,不可移動的物體滿足了不可阻擋的力量; 澳大利亞已公開表示將參加這一個,儘管思想上支持美國的立場:
我們不會參與任何監督或任何其他活動,美國也許已經談到 ,”澳大利亞貿易部長安德魯·羅布在接受彭博社採訪時說,在星期四。 他在評論五角大樓的計劃,以測試中國的決心,以保護其周圍的人工島水域。
在這個問題上,我們不會偏袒任何一方 ,”羅博補充。
當鷹和龍碰撞,袋鼠說:“F ***我隊友,我不朵朵我的脖子到那個S ***風波”。
資料來源: 自由思考項目外交政策路透社 ,RT

本文(美國發送海軍有爭議的島嶼,作為中國警告說,它的“軍方會站起來,用武力阻止它”)是免費的,開源的。 您有權重新發布本文下一個知識共享許可與歸屬於作者(CONN)AnonHQ.com。


Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 轉貼自 United Anonymous Canada
JERUSALEM -- The Israeli military removed dozens of Jewish worshippers Sunday who clashed with Palestinians after illegally entering a biblical shrine in the West Bank that was recently torched by Palestinians.
The military said some 30 Jews descended upon the Joseph's Tomb compound in Nablus, a site revered by Jews as the tomb of the biblical figure Joseph. The area is under full Palestinian control but Jewish prayer is permitted there when co-ordinated with authorities. The military said Sunday's visit was not, and the worshippers had no permit. When they arrived they were confronted by Palestinians and a violent clash ensued. In consultation with Palestinian security forces, the military extracted the worshippers. One of them was lightly wounded and five were taken for police questioning.

The Israeli military removed dozens of Jewish worshippers Sunday who…

Assailant opens fire on Israeli bus station, killing 1 and injuring 10

 Tia Goldenberg, The Associated Press
Published Sunday, October 18, 2015.
 ERUSALEM -- An Arab attacker armed with a gun and a knife opened fire in a southern Israel bus station on Sunday, police said, killing an Israeli soldier and wounding 10 people in one of the boldest attacks yet in a monthlong wave of violence.
The attack came as Israel further tightened security around the country, highlighted by the construction of a barrier separating Jewish and Arab neighbourhoods in east Jerusalem. In a bid to halt the fighting, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said he would meet the Israeli and Palestinian leaders in the coming days.
Israel has deployed thousands of police, backed up by troops, to maintain order following a spate of attacks, mostly stabbings, by Palestinian assailants. Those measures have so far failed to stop the violence.

In Sunday night's attack, police said the Arab assailant entered the central bus station in the southern city of Beersheba and began shooting and stabbing people. They said an Israeli soldier was killed, five police were lightly wounded and five civilians were wounded to varying degrees.
Yoram Halevy, a police commander in southern Israel, told reporters that in addition to the knife and gun he entered with, the attacker also snatched a weapon from the soldier he killed.
The attacker, whose identity was not immediately known, was shot and killed.
A foreigner was shot by police during the attack after they apparently mistook him for an assailant. Halevy said security forces responding to the attack entered the bus station from another area and saw a "foreign national," shooting and wounding him.
Israeli media said the foreigner was an Eritrean national living in Israel.
Israeli media showed footage of a blood-streaked floor and rows of ambulances outside the bus station. Security camera footage from the bus station aired on Israeli TV showed what appeared to be a civilian shooting the attacker as soldiers and civilians crouched for cover nearby.

The attack was one of the most serious incidents amid near-daily bouts of violence that has hit Israel and the Palestinian territories over the past month. After the attack, a crowd of Israelis gathered outside the bus station and chanted "death to Arabs."
The unrest erupted in Jerusalem a month ago over tensions surrounding a Jerusalem holy site sacred to Jews and Muslims. It soon spread to Arab neighbourhoods of east Jerusalem and then to the West Bank, Gaza and Israel.

Israel has struggled to contain near-daily attacks by Palestinian assailants. Authorities have blocked roads and placed checkpoints at the entrances of Palestinian neighbourhoods in east Jerusalem. Other security measures include ID checks and requiring some Palestinian residents to lift their shirts and roll up pant legs as they exit their neighbourhoods to prove they are not carrying knives. Soldiers have been deployed in Jerusalem and cities across Israel.
On Sunday, Israeli police erected a barrier to separate the Jewish neighbourhood of Armon Hanatziv from the adjacent Palestinian neighbourhood of Jabal Mukaber as part of the heightened security. A number of attackers have come from Jabal Mukaber.
Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said the barrier, a row of six concrete slabs about five meters (16 feet) high, was meant to protect Armon Hanatziv from rocks and firebombs lobbed from Jabal Mukaber.

But erecting a barrier dividing areas of Jerusalem is a sensitive step, testing Israel's repeated statements over the years that the city is its undivided, eternal capital.
Israel captured east Jerusalem in the 1967 Mideast war and later annexed the area in a move that is not recognized internationally. The Palestinians want east Jerusalem as the capital of their hoped-for state.
"This has no political meaning, said Emmanuel Nahshon, a spokesman for Israel's foreign ministry. "It's one more aspect of our security measures."
Samri, the police spokeswoman, said the barrier would remain "for as long as needed" and that it could be lengthened based on security needs.

On Sunday, the six slabs lined a sidewalk on a road between the Jewish and Arab neighbourhoods. Writing in Hebrew on the barrier said it was a "temporary, mobile police barrier." It did not prevent pedestrians from leaving or entering.
Palestinians said the roadblocks are collective punishment and ineffective in deterring attackers.
Israeli leaders say the violence is due to Palestinian incitement. But Palestinians say it is the result of years of Israeli occupation, failed peace efforts and lack of hope among their youth.
Much of that hopelessness is found in Arab areas of east Jerusalem. They complain of discrimination, noting that municipal services from education to garbage pickup in their areas are neglected.

Over the past month, nine Israelis have been killed in Palestinian attacks, most of them stabbings. In that time, 41 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire, including 20 labeled by Israel as attackers, and the rest in clashes with Israeli troops.
The daily attacks have caused a sense of panic across Israel and raised fears that the region is on the cusp of a new round of heavy violence.
The outbreak was fueled by rumours that Israel was plotting to take over Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site, a hilltop compound revered by Jews as the Temple Mount and home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third-holiest shrine and a key national symbol for the Palestinians.

Israel has adamantly denied the allegations, saying it has no plans to change the status quo at the site, where Jews are allowed to visit but not pray. It accuses the Palestinians of inciting to violence through the false claims.
Also Sunday, the Israeli military removed dozens of Jewish worshippers who clashed with Palestinians during an unauthorized visit to a Jewish shrine in the West Bank that was recently torched by Palestinians.
The military said some 30 Jews visited the Joseph's Tomb compound in Nablus, a site revered by Jews as the tomb of the biblical figure Joseph. The area is under Palestinian control but Jewish prayer is permitted there when co-ordinated with authorities. The military said Sunday's visit was not, and the worshippers had no permit. When they arrived they were confronted by Palestinians and a violent clash ensued. In consultation with Palestinian security forces, the military extracted the worshippers. One of them was lightly wounded and five were taken for police questioning.

On Friday, Palestinian assailants firebombed the West Bank compound, the first assault on a religious site in the current round of violence.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that his government would start going after the finances of the Islamic Movement in Israel, a group he accuses of being the chief inciter of the recent violence.
"Israel is not the problem at the Temple Mount, Israel is the solution," he told his Cabinet. "We will protect the status quo, we are the only ones who are doing this and we will continue to do it responsibly and seriously."

 Associated Press photographer Ariel Schalit in Jerusalem contributed to this report.



 耶路撒冷 - 阿拉伯的一個攻擊者手持一把槍和一把刀開了火上週日以色列南部公交車站,警方表示,殺害一名以色列士兵和暴力的一個月的波炸傷10人在襲擊最大膽的一個呢。
攻擊之際,以色列全國各地進一步加強安全性,在東耶路撒冷隔離猶太人和阿拉伯居民區修建隔離牆突出。 在申辦停止戰鬥,美國國務卿約翰·克里說,他將滿足以色列和巴勒斯坦領導人在未來的日子裡。
以色列部署了數千名警察中,備份的部隊,跟隨攻擊,主要是刺傷,巴勒斯坦襲擊者接連發生維持秩序。 這些措施至今未能制止暴力。

 在週日晚上的襲擊,警方說,阿拉伯襲擊者進入中央汽車站在南部城市貝爾謝巴,並開始射擊和刺人。 他們說,一名以色列士兵被打死,五名警務受輕傷和五名平民受傷程度不同。
在攻擊期間外國人被槍殺警察後,他們顯然是弄錯了他為攻擊者。 哈勒維說,安全部隊應對攻擊進入汽車站從另一個區域,看到一個“外國人”,射擊,打傷了他。
以色列媒體表現出了血絲樓的錄像和行公交車站外的救護車。 從播出的以色列電視上的公交車站的安全攝像頭畫面顯示,似乎是民用射擊場攻擊者的士兵和平民蹲在了蓋附近。
這次襲擊是最嚴重的事件之中的暴力幾乎每天較量已經打到以色列和巴勒斯坦領土,在過去一個月的。 襲擊事件發生後,一群以色列人聚集在公交站外,並高呼“打倒阿拉伯人。”
 在耶路撒冷騷亂爆發一個月前在圍繞耶路撒冷的聖地神聖的猶太人和穆斯林的緊張關係。 它很快蔓延到東耶路撒冷阿拉伯社區,然後到西岸,加沙和以色列。
以色列一直在努力遏制巴勒斯坦襲擊者幾乎每天攻擊。 當局已經封鎖了道路,並放置在檢查站東耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦居民區的入口。 其他安全措施包括檢查身份證,並要求一些巴勒斯坦居民解除他們的襯衫和捲起褲腿,因為他們離開自己的社區,以證明他們沒有攜帶刀具。 士兵已被部署在耶路撒冷和以色列各地的城市。
上週日,以色列警察築起了一道屏障,阿蒙Hanatziv的猶太社區裡的Jabal Mukaber的相鄰的巴勒斯坦社區分隔為提高安全性的一部分。 許多攻擊都來自的Jabal Mukaber。
警方發言人盧巴SAMRI說不通,一排六個混凝土板約五米(16英尺),是為了保護阿蒙Hanatziv由石塊和燃燒彈距離的Jabal Mukaber投擲。
以色列佔領東​​耶路撒冷在1967年中東戰爭,後來在一個未被國際公認的移動吞併的區域。 巴勒斯坦人希望東耶路撒冷作為其希望的國家的首都。
上週日,六板內襯人行道上的猶太人和阿拉伯人的街區之間的道路。 在阻擋寫在希伯來文說,這是一個“臨時性,機動警察障礙。” 這並沒有阻止行人離開或進入。
以色列領導人說,暴力事件是由於巴勒斯坦人的煽動。 但巴勒斯坦人說,這是多年來以色列的佔領,失敗的和平努力,並沒有在他們的青春希望的結果。
多,絕望的在東耶路撒冷阿拉伯地區發現的。 他們抱怨受到歧視,並指出,從教育到他們的地區垃圾收集市政服務被忽視。
在過去的一個月,九名以色列人喪生的巴勒斯坦人的襲擊,其中大多數是刺傷。 在此期間,41名巴勒斯坦人喪生以色列的炮火,包括以色列20標為攻擊者,而其餘則在與以色列軍隊發生衝突。
以色列堅決否認了這一指控,稱它沒有計劃要改變現狀的網站,在這裡的猶太人被允許訪問,但不祈求。 它指責通過虛報煽動暴力的巴勒斯坦人。
軍方說,一些30猶太人參觀了約瑟夫墓化合物納布盧斯,猶太人尊為聖經人物約瑟夫墓網站。 該地區是由巴勒斯坦人控制,但猶太人的祈禱被允許在那裡當與之配合當局。 軍方說,星期天的訪問是不是和崇拜者沒有許可證。 當他們來到他們被巴勒斯坦人面臨和暴力衝突接踵而至。 在與巴勒斯坦安全部隊協商,軍中提取的崇拜者。 其中一人輕傷,5人採取了拘留審查。
“以色列是不是在聖殿山的問題,以色列是解決方案,”他告訴他的內閣。 “我們將保護的現狀,我們是唯一誰是這樣做的,我們將繼續以負責任的態度,認真去做了。”


 ** Update [18 / 10-2015] - [# TangoDown by p @ r @ dox17 .. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina] - & - Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous- [D0Xed by Radical Edward]- [# OpHoodsOff # OpKKK] -and...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*-
-更新[18/10-2015]-[#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-&-Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous-[D0Xed by Radical Edward]
-[#‎OpHoodsOff‬ ‪#‎OpKKK]-and...!-‬





 All Muslime Hakers, # "pARADox17", &...
Their technology to - originally sinful ugly pages removed,
He showed us a beautiful picture and a beautiful pictures, synthesized, full of art!
This is our super favorite # "pARADox17" Anonymous ~

Tibet place - Are also many Muslims,
We believe that many Muslims are very friendly and enthusiastic,
Only mainland Communist Fifty Cent Party Monsters framed them!

No matter what prejudice is caused by people make,
Prejudiced people seem cowardly and panic

Communist mainland Fifty Cent Party Monster abusive treatment of dissidents,
Believed to have been the world's notorious!
Shame of human dignity!

Melody.Blog Sincerely Thanksgiving~


All Muslime Hakers,#"pARADox17",&...




Melody.Blog 感恩敬上~


 *- Update [17 / 10-2015]Is what people would Treatment Muslims Will add prejudices?! - But our dear <All Muslime Hakers, # "pARADox17", & All AnonGoust Team, & Fallaga Team, & Albania Hackers Group AHG> {Hacking ! is Art} our super favorite [#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-*All The World Country Lauguage*-
- 更新[17/10-2015]人們都會用偏見對待穆斯林嗎?!-可是我們親愛的<All Muslime Hakers,#"pARADox17",& All AnonGoust Team,& Fallaga Team,& Albania Hackers Group A.H.G>{ Hacking is Art !}我們超級喜愛的[ #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina ]-

 ===Melody.Blog===FOLLOW   FOLLOW===>/

Please join demonstrations 20 - 23 Oct during Xi Jinping's UK visit 请于十月20-23日参加示威抗议习近平访英

10月20日 10:00 到 10月23日 20:00 在 UTC+01


 The Chinese President is making a four-day State Visit to the UK, starting on Tuesday 20 October 2015.

Tibet supporters will be standing in solidarity with Tibet during the visit, including at Xi Jinping's official welcome and procession on Tuesday. All are welcome to join us.

The main protests are:
Tues 20th: from 11am, on The Mall
Tues 20th: from 3pm, Parliament Square
Tues 20th: from 6pm, outside Buckingham Palace
Wed 21st: time tbc, opposite Downing Street
Wed 21st: from 6pm, outside Guildhall

Xi Jinping's known schedule and protests:
Tuesday 20 October
11.45am - Official welcome ceremony at Horseguards Parade, followed by a procession along The Mall to Buckingham Palace.
Gather from 11am by King George Memorial steps (north side, half-way along The Mall).
Tuesday 20 October
3.30pm - Houses of Parliament. Xi Jinping is due to speak to MPs & Lords in the Royal Gallery, House of Lords.
Gather from 3pm at Parliament Square.
Tuesday 20 October
Evening - State Banquet at Buckingham Palace. The Queen is hosting Xi Jinping for a banquet to be attended by government officials, business leaders and dignitaries.
Gather from 6pm near Victoria Memorial (by Buckingham Palace). Note: The exact time of the banquet has not been officially confirmed.
Wednesday 21 October
Downing Street. Xi Jinping will meet David Cameron (time not confirmed).
Gather on Richmond Terrace (opposite Downing Street).
Wednesday 21 October
During the day Xi is due to visit:
Imperial College London (with George Osborne)
Lancaster House (creative industry event)
Mansion House (UK-China Business Summit)
Huawei Technologies
(times not known)
Wednesday 21 October
Evening - Guildhall. Lord Mayor of London hosting banquet for Xi. Gather from 6pm outside the Guildhall, Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HH. (Exact location of protest tbc.)
Thursday 22 October
Xi leaves Buckingham Palace in the morning and is due to visit:
Inmarsat (global satellite communication company) - with the Queen
UCL Institute of Education - for a Confucius Institute conference
(times not known)
Friday 23 October
Xi will be in Manchester and to visit:
National Graphene Institute at University of Manchester (with George Osborne)
City Football Group (with David Cameron)
Manchester Town Hall - lunch with Lord Mayor of Manchester and David Cameron)
Manchester Airport - formal farewell, with David Cameron and Lord Chamberlain

We will update this page when we have further details of Xi's schedule. Please check back here for updates!

These peaceful demonstrations are being organised by a coalition of UK-based Tibet groups including Free Tibet, Students for a Free Tibet UK and Tibet Society. We welcome Chinese, Uyghur, Hong Kongers and other activists to join us.

Galleri Rivelta

反共國際|Anti CCP International 分享了 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / 中國維權律師關注組的相片。
 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / 中國維權律師關注組
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 Students for a Free Tibet

Tenzin Delek's family speaks out. ‪#‎JusticeForTenzin‬
We demand an international inquiry into the death of Tenzin Delek.
TAKE ACTION: http://is.gd/SCWhA9
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目前大陸居民使用的所謂第二代身份證 是採用了內嵌RFID技術的高科技芯片式身份證。

高速公路出入口等車輛,人員進出的必經區 域,



目前很多人還不知道共匪的這個陷阱,請友好朋友們多多轉發,助反共義士行動成功,成就我中華復國大業!‪#‎反共指南‬ ‪#‎RFID射頻卡讀寫與定位‬

要 香港身份證系統與中國公安部系統接軌,根據MULTOS International介紹香港智能身份證系統的資料,香港智能身份證系統資料保安和儲藏部份是由法資軍火大廠Thales負責。受制於歐盟的規 定,Thales肯定不會將關鍵參數向北京透露。Thales之前賣了整套叫ALLISS的高能量短波廣播系統給北京,讓北京可以干擾美國之音等廣播,已 經令Thales被西方盟友罵翻天,不敢再做類似事情。因此,北京暫時不可能取得香港人身份證資料。只有透過智能身份證再招標,讓北京為首的公司接手整個 香港身份證資料庫系統,北京才能正式掌握香港人的資料。新的智能身份證更換計劃在梁振英連任後發生,他想幹甚麼實在天曉得。

  government before submission to the Legislative Council, it is recommended for the entire population replacement ID card system. Profile picture.
Security Bureau recently proposed to the Legislative Council to replace the new smart ID card discussion paper, referring to Hong Kong smart identity card has reached the end of life, plus get support system is not easy, and therefore proposed in 2018 put support RFID identification.
I get support is not easy to have reservations on this point card system, Hong Kong is using MULTOS smart card technology, not only in Hong Kong with Japan's Basic Resident Register also use similar technology, now many of the world standard EMV payment cards, including credit and ATM cards, MULTOS technology are used, how the Immigration Department failed to prove in the coming years to achieve the necessary system support? That non-like MTR has become increasingly difficult to buy due to magnetic card reader unit, and a one-way ticket MTR technology has been a product of the seventies, and therefore had to be one-way ticket into RFID systems, technology integration Octopus to save costs. Usually such systems as identity, expected life of the entire system is based on two decades or more dollars, I still can through the Hongkong Post to buy the Hong Kong Smart Identity Card can read card reader, said great difficulty acquiring system support lie too.
In terms of smart ID cards on grounds of possible forgery is not justified, first, we have not identified the precise scale counterfeiting smart ID card, on the other hand, no hackers cracked the smart card algorithm. Existing smart card with Data Encryption Standard (abbreviated DES) algorithm, although no time now Wi-Fi and other commonly used Advanced Encryption Standard (abbreviated AES) rigorous, but most of the smart card or RFID documents, are using DES algorithm , nor large-scale hacker to crack the problem, which is obviously also a pseudo-issues.

For this reason I believe outdated technology, purely to deceive the public, the government really has two purposes. First, the introduction of RFID system, so the police can not allow parties, has made information on the demonstrators. Although the Legislative Council document, the government pledged to read the ID card surface information through optical reading system, in order to read chip data. However, during the revolutionary umbrella, police flagrant violation "PGO" and does not produce a warrant card on duty. I have tried to show in Mong Kok police warrant card requirements, was acrimony, even the intention to arrest the author, I ask how I believe the government will keep its own regulations laid down. Hong Kong Police will keep its own regulations laid down, that is ridiculous.

Another aim is to Hong Kong identity card system with Chinese Ministry of Public Security systems integration, according to MULTOS International introduces Hong Kong Smart Identity Card System data, Hong Kong Smart Identity Card System data security and storage part is the responsibility of the French-owned arms maker Thales. Subject to EU rules, Thales certainly not the key parameter to Beijing disclosed. Thales sold the package before ALLISS called high-energy shortwave broadcasting system to Beijing, so Beijing can interfere with the Voice of America and other broadcast, it has made Thales been scolded earthshaking Western allies, not to do similar things. Therefore, Beijing temporarily impossible to obtain Hong Kong identity card information. Only through the smart ID card and then tender, let Beijing take over the whole company, headed by Hong Kong identity card database system, Beijing to Hong Kong's official master data. The new smart ID card replacement program re-occur after Leung Chun-ying, who knows really what he wanted.

Therefore, Hong Kong people do not naively believe that a government of integrity, sincerity for the public welfare and replace smart ID card system. When the government no self-discipline, unwilling to disclose key technical details, the Pan-China Members oppose the new system to deal with the replacement in the end.

Huangshi Ze commentator



筆 者對身份證系統取得支援不易這點有所保留,香港現時的智能身份證採用MULTOS技術,不只香港在用,日本的住民基本台帳也用同類技術,現時世界上很多 EMV標準的付款卡,包括信用卡和提款卡,都是用MULTOS技術的,入境處怎證明在未來若干年未能取得必須的系統支援?那非像港鐵因已經越來越難買到磁 卡讀卡部件,而港鐵的單程票技術已經是上世紀七十年代的產物,因而不得不將單程票改成RFID系統,以八達通技術整合來節省成本。一般像身份證之類系統, 預計整個系統的壽命是以二十年或以上計,筆者至今仍然可以透過香港郵政,買到能讀香港智能身份證的讀卡機,說取得系統支援困難大有撒謊之嫌。

若以 智能身份證有可能偽冒為理由,也是未說得過去,首先,暫時未發現大規模精確偽冒的智能身份證,另一方面,暫時未有黑客成功破解智能身份證的算法。現有智能 身份證用的Data Encryption Standard(簡稱DES)算法,雖然未及現時Wi-Fi等常用的Advanced Encryption Standard(簡稱AES)嚴謹,但大部份智能身份證或RFID證件,都是使用DES算法,亦未有大規模黑客破解的問題,這明顯亦是偽議題。

筆 者相信技術過時這個理由,純粹只是欺騙公眾,政府真正目的有兩個。首先,要引進RFID系統,讓警方可以未經當事人容許下,取得示威者資料。雖然立法會文 件中,政府表示要透過光學閱讀系統讀取身份證卡面資料後,才能讀得晶片資料。但在雨傘革命期間,有警察公然違反《警察通例》,不出示委任證執勤。筆者試過 在旺角要求警員出示委任證,遭到惡言相向,甚至意圖拘捕筆者,請問筆者怎信政府還會守自己定下來的規章。香港警察會守自己定下來的規章,那簡直是天方夜 譚。

另一個目的,是要香港身份證系統與中國公安部系統接軌,根據MULTOS International介紹香港智能身份證系統的資料,香港智能身份證系統資料保安和儲藏部份是由法資軍火大廠Thales負責。受制於歐盟的規 定,Thales肯定不會將關鍵參數向北京透露。Thales之前賣了整套叫ALLISS的高能量短波廣播系統給北京,讓北京可以干擾美國之音等廣播,已 經令Thales被西方盟友罵翻天,不敢再做類似事情。因此,北京暫時不可能取得香港人身份證資料。只有透過智能身份證再招標,讓北京為首的公司接手整個 香港身份證資料庫系統,北京才能正式掌握香港人的資料。新的智能身份證更換計劃在梁振英連任後發生,他想幹甚麼實在天曉得。



1949黃俄共匪竊奪中國後,已殺害8000萬中華同胞。有責任、有擔當、有血性的精英非死即監。苟活的都是通匪通共的投降主義者。共匪維穩本質就是撲殺精英的反抗。實力不對等,必然失敗。武裝反共,勢在必行。@wangaizhong https://t.co/tgcN7in4Xq

1979 年堅拒中共提出通航、通郵、通商的「三通」要求。蔣經國當年重申對中共政權的基本立場:「我們黨根據過去反共的經驗,採取不妥協、不接觸、不談判的立場, 不唯基於血的教訓,是我們不變的政策,更是我們反制敵人最有力的武器。」此言對今天的台灣以及實行「一國兩制」的香港,皆是重要啟示。

"Li Ka-shing event" Hong Kong businessmen chilling

 Under China's economic slowdown, foreign large-scale withdrawal of China, became in 2015 concern the phenomenon. Among the massive sell-off three years ago, Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka-shing Chinese assets, is considered to be the eyes and shrewd investment benchmark, its highly anticipated every move. CCP official media recently a "Do not let Li Ka-shing run," the article, public criticism of Li Ka-shing divestment is "ungrateful" in the world, caused a shock, then began to rise Zhongnanhai incident cool. Some analysts believe that the remarks exposed the Chinese Communist Party, "the local tyrants, sub-fields" rogue bandits, which also reflects the rich cooperation with the Chinese Communists, still can not escape its threat against the helpless situation.

September 8, Li Ka-shing's Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings announced and electricity restructuring, which means a huge Lee long and the Department of Enterprise registered in all out of Hong Kong. On the 12th, the CCP's Xinhua News Agency, "lookout think tank" published "Do not let Li Ka-shing run," the article, Li Ka-shing to criticize the move in China's economy is sensitive moment, is ungrateful;they describe Li by privilege wealth, threatened "In China, the real estate industry and the power to go close, no power resources, is unable to do real estate business. As a result, real estate wealth, not entirely from the complete market economy. I'm afraid not want to stay away." Although the article was later removed, but the shock effect of the past few days continued.

Remarks provoke rebound official media frequently cool

Thereafter, the "Securities Times" published on the 15th, "Li Ka-shing openly let go heaven will not fall," said Lee adjust the asset will not seriously affect the mainland economy; CCP official media, "People's Daily" published a signed article yesterday "to Li Ka-shing , its retention is better watched, "referring to public clamor," Do not let the Li Ka-shing run "would not seem confident, is not conducive to entrepreneurs build confidence for granted Lee's remarks cooling; The article also optimistic about China's economy, saying that" the mainland miss It may be just one or two businessmen, one or two companies, and they lost, it will grow together with China whole era, "but the focus of the recent global economic downturn, stock market volatility and capital outflows mentioned.
Long and the Department spokesperson yesterday in response to media inquiries, a vice-chairman Victor Li has reiterated earlier, the group did not withdraw, and the sale of assets is a normal business practice.
Li Ka-shing is also the first time on the 17th utterance real estate through a long interim report, although not a direct response to the allegations within the text, but said the Chinese economy will continue to be optimistic. He added that the economic problems of some countries affect the global financial market stability, the global market is expected to continue to face a number of uncertainties.
However, the announcement data show that as of June 30, long held to a total of about 1.5 million square meters of the investment property portfolio, which accounted for 1.3 million square meters in Hong Kong, and mainland China, leaving only 200,000 square meters.
Currently, long way in the last privately owned commercial property in Pudong - located in Shanghai Pudong Lujiazui century in the construction of complex exchange, is seeking to change hands, the ad hoc offer close to 20 billion yuan.

Chilling effect or lead to withdrawal of foreign investment

Tao Jie commentators criticized recently in a radio program, "Do not let Li Ka-shing run," a text tone like "thief and pull people", and words with subjective political bias, semantic ambiguity, and Leung Chun-ying, "Chief Executive transcendental theory" exactly the same. He stressed the businessmen to invest in the most important thing is to see if there is no independent judiciary, "are not allowed to go on it, you can not go, this is what country?"
His analysis, the article exposed the Chinese Communist hatred of the rich psychological, requires merchants and the CPC through thick and thin, otherwise it is not moral, ungrateful, unpatriotic; on the contrary, in 2000 Li Ka-shing in the UK "selling orange" (ie sell Orange British Telecom business large earn more than $ 110 billion, breaking the record of history of Hong Kong), the British government did not use their own media criticism Li Ka-shing, "This is the mind and tolerance, people will naturally know where to invest."
Taojie Jiang stressed that Li Ka-shing incident shocked the world, other foreign investment are to see the latest trends, "whether caused by foreign Great Escape, really worrying."
He said that the CCP regime's legitimacy in recent discussions, just explain the sense of crisis. Li Ka-shing high popularity in recent years, because then the chief executive election event, Li Ka-shing, Mr Henry Tang insisted cast a vote, did not turn hand drive, showing Businessman rare strength of character, so the CCP take shing surgery, wants to Li Ka-shing event, on the domestic tycoon "Qiaoshanzhenhu" "because all power to support state-owned enterprises."
Bao Weicong power elite culture Publishing House bluntly withdrawal of foreign investment in mainland reason is that the CCP's trick: "foreign book to make money, but people who have the official right to collaborate, expand their business, and then invest the money, but in the end they voted inside, finally earned all take away. "

CCP Hong Kong tycoons ungrateful

Commentator Liu Ruishao said, "Do not let the Li Ka-shing run" release a danger signal: "You listen, I give to eat, you do not listen, my fingers Gaosi you can end this is the mentality of the CCP's ruling Hong Kong, very alarming. "
For example, he, in fact, "ungrateful" Communist worse. Early that year reform and opening up so-called Communist Party, because the United States does not trust the CCP was unable to get China's satellite launch technology to rely on a Hong Kong tycoons signed at the Mandarin Hotel in Hong Kong, the United States acquired from satellites, resold China. In other words, the CCP by Hong Kong tycoons to help China jump world, but now it has hit Hong Kong tycoons.

Regal and the CPC to deal more pain

Over the past thirty years, Li Ka-shing invested in the mainland increased. He not only met twice, and Deng Xiaoping, and self-proclaimed and former president Jiang Zemin is an old friend of the CPC. Jiang not only in Beijing, met with Li Ka-shing, Li Ka-shing's bound to stay Harbour Plaza Hotel, Hung Hom, inbound, and Li Ka-shing and his son but will have breakfast.
Li Ka-shing is also reciprocated, as in 1989 after the Tiananmen incident, foreign investment in full retreat, Li Ka-shing is still a substantial increase in investment in the mainland, the largest real estate companies, but through the "Li Ka Shing Foundation" donate money throughout the continent. According to the 2015 Global Chinese Charities report Hoogewerf statistics, contributions of at least 10 billion yuan.
However, Li Ka-shing development in the country has not been easy. Mainland media have a number of high-profile criticism of Li Ka-shing's Hutchison Whampoa large real estate development in Beijing "Plaza Crest" is on schedule, so that Li Ka-shing's reputation severely damaged; with his son Richard for a "true democracy" event has been blocked, so Lee Family relations and CCP cracks.

CPC site celebrity many ups and downs

Throughout a number of celebrities, wealthy businessmen, and the CPC in close cooperation, even as the Communist Platform, the results end up rough lives for the better, before Henry Fok, after Li Ning, Jackie Chan, Zhao Benshan and so on.
The late former Vice Chairman of the CPC, "patriotic businessmen" Henry Fok, China had donated ten billion yuan, but the same was the CCP extortion and exclusion. He invested in Nansha, ready to build the shipyard, the red line on the map was covered with the Guangzhou municipal government 32 seal. Unexpectedly started soon, actually connected to the Guangzhou municipal government 13 files, say it with another piece of land, the original contract "wrong" and so on. Huo swallow this, he lamented: "Thirteen stick a seal head can make you bankrupt!." "What the law!"
There are the "Prince of Gymnastics" Li Ning said its sporting goods before 2008 a virtual monopoly on all the important events of the podium aboard Chinese players clothing. August 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Li Ning in Beijing over the "Bird's Nest" play "trapeze" to light the Olympic torch for the Chinese Communist Party propaganda. However, Li Ning's business has plummeted since then, has been the huge loss year after year.
He has published "Chinese people want to pipe" remarks star Jackie Chan, and the CCP also powerful, especially Vice President Jiang's faction in charge of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs before Zeng, Zeng Huai brothers closely, after reports showed that the son of Jackie Chan and Bo Xilai thin melon melon close. However, his son Jaycee indicted last year because of drug abuse in the mainland, it was reported that Chan repeatedly run RBI, Room ultimately jailed for six months. But also because of its pro-Jackie Chan remarks by netizens as the "Ten scum."

Li Ka-shing and the CPC to deal with pain more

September 2015
Batch ungrateful official media
Xinhua News Agency issued its lookout think tank "Do not let Li Ka-shing run" and criticized Li Ka-shing in the economy is a sensitive time withdraw Chinese mainland assets are ungrateful, but not going to just walk away. Article subsequently deleted.
April 2013
Hating mood strikes under the pier
Kwai Chung Container Terminal strikes, surrounded by a ring of demonstrators hit the center of the Yangtze River shing exposed fangs horned bulk of photos, accused of similar practices denounced during the Cultural Revolution; then there is that there are political forces to incite hatred mood for Li Ka-shing. It is also this time, "Do not let the Li Ka-shing run," the article refers to Lee was "long fangs monster" of the source.
December 2006
Batch schedule high-profile official media
Hutchison Whampoa in Beijing's first large-scale development of residential real estate "Yat Crest" After four years of cold storage, 2005 Building, 2006 sale, the average 9,230 yuan per square meter, but then was three hundred owners boycott dissatisfaction schedule. CCP official media activism has always been low-key, but this time out of CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, "Reference News" and dozens of official media widely reported and criticized.
December 2006
Dongguan idle land was subject to heavy penalties
Hutchison subsidiary in Dongguan, a few days ago on account of idle land over nearly 14 million square feet of undeveloped, was fined 7,915 ten thousand yuan of local land bureau, since the introduction of idle land in Dongguan City, the largest fine.

(Table 2) Li Ka-shing in Hong Kong in recent years, selling or restructuring of assets

201,382,600,000 yuan sell all Hui Guangzhou West Plaza
2013.10 7.16 billion yuan sold through the center of Shanghai Lujiazui Oriental
2013.11 sold only listed company in the A-share, a 15% stake Changyuan Group
Li Ka-shing holdings 2013.12 ARA Asset Management to sell 3 billion yuan Nanjing International Financial Center
2014.1 split HEC Listed
2014.4 Watson 25% stake will be sold to Temasek Holdings
2014.10 second son Richard Li to sell 118 million shares of Cable & Wireless HKT
2015.1 announced Cheung Kong and Hutchison will be restructuring and merger, spin-off real estate business, named and long and long, a registered land into the Cayman Islands, long lines disguised move volumes.
2015.9 registered overseas CKI will merge energy industry, the future of which will be delisted. Li Ka-shing's eviction of all companies registered in China.

Chiang Ching-kuo not compromise future generations do not negotiate a revelation

Chiang Kai-shek's son, Chiang Ching-kuo, former President of Taiwan have joined the Communist Party early that communism is China's hope, followed by the Communist Party gradually see the lies and violence is one of the two sides of its nature, the CPC put forward in 1979 refused navigation, postal and trade " three links "requirements. Chiang Ching-kuo year reaffirmed the basic position of the Chinese Communist regime: "We are anti-Communist party in accordance with past experience, take no compromise, no contact, no negotiation stance, not only the blood-based lesson is the same policy, it is our counter The most powerful weapon the enemy. "remark today in Taiwan and the introduction of" one country two systems "in Hong Kong, are all important revelation.
During the last year, Hong Kong umbrella movement, the CCP's official media, "Xinhua" has published a signed article in English, has not named the four tycoons in Hong Kong on "umbrella campaign" position, followed by the article to be deleted. Many Hong Kong people have seen Eye CCP resorted rich "Everyone stand" during the Cultural Revolution to pass approach, highlighting the Communist regime of cowardice and an unprecedented sense of crisis.
Today, on the eve of the first anniversary of an umbrella movement, the CCP again verbally intimidate the rich divestment, together with the recent Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong and Macao Research Association, the National Party, Chen et al. Zuoer remarks overriding rule is that an atmosphere of terror in the society, the way the same.
China expert quarter amounted to believe that the Chinese Communist Party for decades to strict ideological control, threatening consequences of telling lies, is to make the Chinese people's ethical standards are distorted. A measure of right and wrong is not the conscience of view, but in the CCP's policy as the standard. CPC gave people systematically set up a party culture, it is entirely in order to rule people, domesticated people, distorting human standards of good and evil purposes.
Quarter of reminders, and the CCP exposure, to adhere to hold conscience, hold basic conscience in life. Like last year, actor Chow Yun student umbrella peaceful and rational, transferred included the mainland censorship "account" on the list of artists. He was with the sentence "Useful little microphone GOD Hello!" (It earned less) laugh blocked, highlighting the CCP means to abandon the principle of pressing interest and fear of failure often. "As long as we do, to hold the core values ​​of Hong Kong, you have hope." ◇ #
Source: The Epoch Times


中国经济放缓下,外资大举撤离中国,成为2015年备受关注的现象。当中,三年前已大举抛售中国资产的香港首富李嘉诚,被认为是精明的投资眼和风向标,其 一举一动备受瞩目。最近中共官媒一篇《别让李嘉诚跑了》的文章,公开批评李嘉诚撤资是「过桥抽板」,在全球引起震动,随即中南海高层开始为事件降温。有分 析认为,此番言论暴露出中共「打土豪、分田地」的流氓匪性,也反映了富豪与中共合作,仍难逃其威胁打击的无奈境况。
9月8日,李嘉诚旗下长江基建集团宣布和电能重组,意味着庞大的李氏长和系企业注册地将全部迁离香港。12日,中共新华社旗下的「瞭望智库」发表《别让李 嘉诚跑了》的文章,批评李嘉诚在中国经济正处敏感时刻作出此举,是过桥抽板;又形容李靠特权致富,扬言「在中国,地产行业与权力走的很近,没有权力资源, 是无法做地产生意的。由此,地产的财富,并非完全来自彻底的市场经济。恐怕不宜想走就走」。虽然文章其后被删除,但连日来震荡效应不断。

言论惹反弹 官媒频频降温

其后,《证券时报》15日发表《让李嘉诚大大方方走 天塌不下来》,称李氏调整资产不会严重影响大陆经济;中共官媒《人民日报》昨日刊发署名文章《对李嘉诚,与其挽留不如目送》,指公开叫嚣「别让李嘉诚跑 了」就会显得不自信了,也不利于企业家树立信心,为批李的言论降温;文章同时表示看好中国经济,称「大陆错过的可能只是一两个商人、一两家企业,而他们失 去的,则将是与中国一起成长的整个时代」,但对近日全球聚焦的经济下行、股市波动和资金外流等只字不提。


他分析,文章暴露出中共仇富心理,要求商人和中共共患难,反之则是不道义、过桥抽板、不爱国;相反,2000年李嘉诚在英国「卖橙」(即卖英国电讯业务 Orange,大赚逾1,100亿元,破香港有史以来的纪录),英国政府没有动用自己的媒体批评李嘉诚,「这就是胸襟和宽容,人家自然会知道往哪里投资 了。」


他举例,实际上「过桥抽板」,中共更厉害。当年中共所谓改革开放的初期,因美国等不信任中共,当时中国卫星发射拿不到技术,就靠着一位香港富豪在香港文华 酒店签约,从美国手中收购卫星,转手卖给中国。换句话说,中共靠香港富豪帮助中国跳入世界,但如今却打击香港富豪。




已故前中共政协副主席、「爱国商人」霍英东,曾向中国捐资百亿元,但一样遭到中共敲诈和排挤。他投资南沙,准备建船厂,红线图上盖满了广州市政府32个公 章。岂料动工在即,竟连接广州市政府13个文件,说那块地另有它用,原合约「不妥」等。霍某对此有苦难言,哀叹:「当头十三棒!一个公章就可以令你破 产。」「法律有甚么用!」
曾发表「中国人要管」言论的明星成龙,亦和中共权贵,尤其是主管港澳事务的江派前国家副主席曾庆红、曾庆淮兄弟关系密切,此前有报道显示,成龙与薄熙来儿 子薄瓜瓜关系密切。不过,其子房祖名去年因吸毒在大陆被公诉,据报成龙多次奔走打点,房最终仍入狱半年。而成龙也因其亲共言论而被网民评为「十大人渣」。


和记黄埔在北京发展的首个大型住宅楼盘「逸翠园」,经过4年冷藏期,2005年起楼,06年卖盘,每平方米平均9,230元,但随即遭二三百名业主杯葛, 不满烂尾楼。中共官媒向来低调处理维权活动,这次却出动央视、新华社、《参考消息》等几十家官媒大篇幅报道和抨击。


2013.8 26亿元出售广州西城都荟广场
2013.10 71.6亿元出售上海陆家嘴东方汇经中心
2013.11 出售在A股唯一上市公司、长园集团15%股权
2013.12 李嘉诚持股的ARA资产管理以30亿元出售南京国际金融中心大厦
2014.1 分拆港灯上市
2014.4 将屈臣氏25%股权售予淡马锡控股
2014.10 次子李泽楷抛售香港电讯1.18亿股
2015.1 宣布长实及和黄将重组合并,分拆地产业务,分别命名为长和及长地,注册地转为开曼群岛,长和系变相迁册。
2015.9 注册地在海外的长江基建将合并电能实业,未来后者将退市。李嘉诚旗下所有公司注册地迁离中国。


蒋介石之子、前台湾总统蒋经国早年也曾加入共产党,认为共产主义是中国的希望,其后渐渐看清共产党谎言与暴力是其本质的一体两面,1979年坚拒中共提出 通航、通邮、通商的「三通」要求。蒋经国当年重申对中共政权的基本立场:「我们党根据过去反共的经验,采取不妥协、不接触、不谈判的立场,不唯基于血的教 训,是我们不变的政策,更是我们反制敌人最有力的武器。」此言对今天的台湾以及实行「一国两制」的香港,皆是重要启示。

季达提醒,和中共接触,要坚持守住良心,守住做人的基本良心。去年影帝周润发赞伞运学生和平理性,被传列入内地封杀「占中」艺人名单。他当时以一句「咪揾 少啲囉!」(那就赚少些)笑对封杀,凸显中共以利益和恐惧逼人放弃原则的手段屡屡失效。「只要坚持做,守住香港核心价值,你就有希望。」◇#

 Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula
 Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula
  Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula

Coalition members dedication
A remote control device to detonate production

Ammonium nitrate explosives easy to make, but how to make many users remotely detonated device is relatively anxiety problems. Although the majority of people Kudachoushen, but bandits blocked people total channels and the ability to obtain weapons of homemade weapons, long subject to armed resistance, now the Chinese justice coalition members to help themselves accumulated experience simple and reliable in operation, we promptly will it be made public, to share with you, hope greatly accelerate the process of democratic justice anticommunist Chinese self-help. We emphasize that such explosive devices, all people can be produced.
1. Prepare 5 samples of small things: buy a simple 12-volt remote control switches on the market set, for one-time use, the price is about 15-25 yuan, including two things, an antenna and a remote control terminal 5 switch; third was ready about 30 centimeters long line four ordinary flower; fourth member, buying a 12-volt storage battery, comprising two terminals, is 20 yuan or so, please keep the voltage stability; fifth member is a detonator, is ready 10 cm long iron pipe segment or iron pipe chair also, to a closed end (welded on the line, much of the waste station is).
2, the working principle: Wiring switch is to disconnect the power, will power only by pressing the remote control button. If you press the remote control, 12V power supply will power, instantaneous short circuit fire wire, plastic wire burning, can ignite gunpowder. Gunpowder detonators, detonating large Baozha Yao ammonium nitrate. In addition the remote antenna extended, can Accessible remotely detonated about 100 meters. We emphasize: detonator is to be prepared, because the explosive ammonium nitrate is very stable, as TNT explosive, detonator must impact they be devastating explosion.
3, the production of explosive devices: A positive, negative each one access to the remote switch two terminals; B positive and negative each one from two lines connected to a remote control switch column, these two FireWire and the zero line to be short circuit connection, into lightning detonated. C, detonators gunpowder firecrackers to be poured black powder, such as fear of flammability, peelable into the match head, to detonators in sulfur mix. After making detonators, the head of the short-circuit wire junction inserted detonator.
4, the test, in order to avoid a total dog found detonator explosions in the wilderness ravine, or connect 0.5-1 kg of ammonium nitrate explosives detonated, after the success of another volume production 15-500 kg of explosives needed. Please note: more than 500 kilograms of explosives is to combat the CCP luxury buildings must be in their basement or the wall, many find holes embedded explosives, which can detonate, blow up people building.

Second, the ammonium nitrate explosives conventional production method is as follows

After the above detonating device production, the next step is the production of ammonium nitrate explosives. Ammonium nitrate is the most commonly used explosive material, a mixture of powdered explosive machinery, people want the best of explosives and stability, not just on the bombing, but also creates a problem, stability is not easy to detonate, and TNT (TNT) very The strong, touched on the deep-fried, not keeping the CPC for its control is strict, if they can get TNT, can only appropriate a little mixed.
More production methods, please reference http://baike.soso.com/v19366764.htm
Ammonium nitrate is an important chemical fertilizers, most countries have a considerable size of lively capabilities, rich source of low prices. It can be directly with some elemental explosives and combustible agents into various mixing explosives, blasting for industrial and military purposes. Ammonium nitrate explosives to use the earliest, the largest amount of explosives in the two world wars, each belligerent almost made extensive use of such explosives for filling close-range artillery, mortars and bombs, is in the United States During the invasion of the war, but also heavy use of ammonium nitrate explosive filling generic bomb.
Explosive has the following advantages: extremely rich source of raw materials, low cost; the composition is simple, easy manufacturing, using existing civilian production line capable of producing more, or a small amount of change in technology, equipment that is capable of producing; composition ratio may be properly selected to suit different requirements, can be done combining military and civilian, peacetime and wartime; safety, manufacturing, transportation, storage and use are safe and reliable. Its biggest drawback is that there is a serious moisture absorption, caking and lack of water resistance, which limits its application to a certain extent.

1, the production of ANFO

ANFO is a simple mixture of explosive ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, also known as ammonium nitrate - fuel oil explosives. Granular ANFO, ammonium nitrate and fuel oil its porous granular ratio of 94.5: 5.5, complete, exothermic reaction a large amount of this ratio. Powdered ANFO is added wood flour in the recipe, the ratio was 92 percent ammonium nitrate, fuel oil 4%, 4% wood flour, outdoor ANFO is ammonium nitrate of 92%, 3% and 5% of diesel wood flour composition, if chosen porous granular ammonium nitrate, a system of production Lu was porous granular ANFO, using its aperture capillary action will fuel adsorption to live. Generally effective porosity 0.07cm2 / g, it can absorb about 6% of fuel oil, the charge density of the product is generally 0.80 ~ 0.85g / cm3. Large diameter detonation velocity conditions is 4300 ~ 4500m / s.
ANFO rich source of raw materials, low cost, easy to manufacture, safe operation, easy to use. Once the invention, its development and application of extremely active, and soon occupied the major markets of industrial explosives, heavy use of ANFO in place in the mining, quarrying and mining take to buy special low-salt aspect of explosives, ammonium nitrate and fuel oil at the same time or even anti- Load drilling machine use. Its main drawback is easy to absorb moisture and is water purification, fire sensitive, easy to produce static electricity, filling low density, small blast force, the surfactant is added to ANFO, the better.
ANFO production usually jet mixing method, will be mixed with fuel oil from the nozzle ammonium nitrate particles. Now more car use mixed method, the project site of the explosion, mixed side by side with the compressed air hose in bulk medicament injection boreholes, using this method to promote modern open-air blasting. If ANFO then add 18% or less of aluminum powder, which will greatly improve the blasting power, current, ANFO has become an open-air large-diameter hole blasting dynamite blasting of the most important.

Powdered formula commonly used ANFO

The amount of ammonium nitrate 94.0 ± 1.0 g of light diesel oil 6.0 ± 0.5

Preparation of the first ammonium nitrate powder and dried, so that 90% of the particles pass through a sieve aperture 0.44mm, water ≤0.5%; in Hunban machine will ammonium nitrate and diesel hybrid 10 ~ 20min; then by standing 0.5 ~ 2h immediately after use. Mixing, materials and ambient temperature must not exceed the flash point of diesel, usually 20 ~ 40 ℃.

Indicating that the explosives are cheap, easy to process, dry environment suitable for open-air blasting.

2, powdery ammonium oil explosive formulation wood 1

The amount of the proportion of ammonium nitrate: 92 ± 1.5 Diesel: 4.0 ± 0.5 Wood Flour: 4.0 ± 0.5

Preparation of the first pulverized ammonium nitrate, dried to 90% by 0.44mm aperture sieve, water ≤0.3%; flour dried, crushing to 90% by 0.44mm aperture sieve, water ≤4%; in accordance with ammonium nitrate, wood flour and sequencing diesel hybrid 20min Serve mill wheel.
Description explosives apply anhydrous occasions open-air blasting.

Formulation 2 (4 # outdoor Explosive)

Ratio: Ammonium nitrate: 91 ± 2.0 Diesel: 3 ± 0.3 flour: 6 ± 1.0
Description its density 0.85 ~ 1.10g / cm3.

Porous granular ANFO formula 1 (M)

The amount of the proportion of porous granular ammonium nitrate: 94.5 ± 1.5 Diesel: 5.5 ± 0.5

Preparation and description of the first concentrated ammonium nitrate solution at a surfactant effect, spray granulation, in this process, changes made by a porous crystalline granular ammonium nitrate; followed by concrete mixer into the category of equipment carried, mixed at room temperature; static Set 0.5 ~ 2h, it is ready to use. Its density is 0.9g / cm3, detonation velocity of 2500 ~ 3600m / s.
The explosive is suitable for open-air blasting dry environment.

New non-Explosive (high performance wood ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosive) Formula 3 as follows:
Dosage ratio: lightweight porous modified ammonium nitrate: 92.0 ± 1.5 composite oil phase materials: 4.0 ± 0.5 Wood Flour: 4.0 ± 0.5; surfactant (plus) 0.15 to 0.20
Preparation of the first concentrated ammonium nitrate solution (90%) in the role of a cationic surfactant, forcing rapid crystallization, get bulky, porous, brittle flakes of ammonium nitrate, and then pulverized with a pulverizer to 90% by 0.22mm aperture sieve; wood flour was dried and pulverized to 90% passing 0.44mm aperture sieve, water ≤4%; diesel, paraffin, soft wax and a surfactant material the hot-mixed oil phase to prepare a composite fuel oil; re sequentially ammonium nitrate, wood, composite fuel oil mill wheel was added to the homogeneous mixing 20min; cold medicine to below 40 ℃, charge Serve.
Description explosives using ammonium nitrate as an oxidant sensitive modified, explosive performance greatly improved, can directly replace 2 # Rock Ammonium Nitrate Explosive for call types no gas and no ore dust explosion hazard in dry blasting. Non-toxic, non-polluting, low cost, is a new kind of industrial explosives promising.
Caution waterproof packaging, the anti-moisture and caking.

3, ammonium aluminum oil explosive formulation 1 (AC-8)

Dosage ratio: granular ammonium nitrate 89 ± 1.5; Fuel: 3 ± 0.5; aluminum: 8 ± 1.0
Explain the density 0.87 ~ 0.92g / cm3, explosive crash 3000 ~ 3600m / s.

Formulation 2 (AC-4)
Dosage ratio: granular ammonium nitrate: 91.8 ± 1.5; Fuel: 4.2 ± 0.5; aluminum: 4.0 ± 0.5
Explain the density 0.8 ~ 0.85g / cm3, explosive crash 2600 ~ 3200m / s.

4, activation ball ANFO formula
Dosage ratio:
Ball ammonium nitrate (industrial grade, initial moisture 0.1%): 100
Xylene (industrial grade): 40
Water: 5
Nitromethane (sensitizer): 185

Preparation and Properties of the amount of the above formula, the ammonium nitrate ball on the beaker, add 5g of water (equivalent to 0.5% of ammonium nitrate was), thoroughly mixed, the mixed material through an oven heated to 80 ℃, in this temperature for about 30min, until the ammonium nitrate was dried to less than 0.2% moisture. Then remove the ammonium nitrate ball, cooled to room temperature, the ammonium nitrate to give the ball-activated, ammonium nitrate initial density 0.89g / cm3, after treatment 0.73g / cm3, the particles are finer, the treated ammonium nitrate weighing approximately 1000g, and di toluene and nitromethane were mixed ammonium nitrate own moist, namely due to the capillary action and its absorption, the liquid penetration into the whole sphere, without a mix, you can completely put the ball wetted. Oil absorption rate of 10% ammonium nitrate ball before activation, and his 20 percent after activation, the explosive propellant system in people with the 6th detonator fuse connection 1min, then mix in the grain, into the boulders, lighted tube Kyrgyzstan, grain explosion, with considerable power.

Spherical ANFO formula
Dosage ratio:
Spherical ANFO ①: 500
Water: 30
Fuel oil (diesel value of 2) 6
Ammonium nitrate (low density fertilizer grade): 94

Preparation and description of the above formula amount, the spherical ANFO at room temperature, mixed with water in a polyethylene bag, hydration and activation process. In the mixing process, the spherical structure is partially lost, until the ball softened to be crushed in the fingers, ammonium nitrate into a finely divided solid spherical break. After aging, in the 10d, the mixture was no significant change in appearance, oil and ammonium nitrate aqueous phase are not isolated, see the end of agglomeration. Improved with ANFO-based explosives made of ammonium nitrate fuel oil whose density is larger than the ball. When these explosives loaded into a flexible, impermeable when the kits, particularly suitable for the use of water-filled borehole.

5, emulsion ANFO (ammonium nitrate fuel oil explosive special) Formulation

Dosage ratio:
A latex: 30; ANFO: 70;
Latex B: 40; ANFO: 60;

Preparation and description in order to overcome the low energy density of the disadvantages of oil explosive, with a high density granular ammonium nitrate finely and add the right amount of fluid fuel, in order to increase the energy density ANFO. The high density of emulsion matrix and ANFO blend, both to increase the energy density ANFO, and make ANFO get sensitized. This emulsion and ANFO blend abroad often called "heavy ANFO," the Chinese general called granular emulsion explosives, said emulsion ANFO more precise.
In such a physical blend, milk quality matrix holding ratio can be changed to 100% to 0%, the proportion of ANFO the corresponding change from 100% to 0%. Performance blends with different mass ratio of the two components and latex matrix itself varies. For the above two formulations, Formula 1 blend of power equal to the volume of aluminum powder containing 5% of the volume of ANFO power, while the volume of Formulation 2 blends the power of the sold close to 10% of aluminum powder ANFO. Blend latex content holders increased to 40% after its power decreases.
Blend mixed system process is fairly simple. Latex matrix can be pre-mixed in a fixed system of good factory, then transported to the site by tanker or pumped to a storage tank in the natural setting; ANFO often pre-mixed system, it can be mixed in a fixed factory system, you can In bulk ANFO mixing board, mixed, then add the emulsion matrix in proportion to ANFO, a blended uniformly blended to obtain the product for blasting.
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 (Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula) Continued Boxun www.peacehall.com
Indicated, the explosive used in open pit blasting operations under wet conditions, especially in surface mine blasting operations.

Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula

Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula

Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula

Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula

Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula

Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula

(Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula Applause Boxun www.peacehall.com)
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(2012/11/05 published)
Remote control explosive ammonium nitrate production process and formula


    硝酸铵炸药容易制作,但如何制作遥控引爆装置是很多网民比较焦虑的问题。广大民众虽苦大仇深,但匪共封锁了人们获得武器的渠道与自制武器的能力,武装反抗 长受制约,现在中华正义自救联军成员在行动中积累了简便易行的可靠经验,我们及时将其公之于众,与大家分享,希望大大加速中华反共自救的民主正义进程。我 们强调,这种爆炸装置,所有民众均可制作。
    1、准备5样小东西:在市场上购买简易的 12伏的遥控开关一套,供一次性使用,价格约在15-25元,含两样东西,一个有天线的遥控器和一个5接线柱的开关;第三件是准备约30公分长的普通花线 四根;第四件,购买12伏的蓄电瓶一个,含两个接线柱,也是20多元左右,请保持电压稳定;第五件是雷管一支,即准备10公分长的铁水管或铁管椅子的一段 也行,要封闭一端(焊死就行,废品站多的是)。
    2、工作原理:接线开关的作用是断开电源,只有按下遥控器按纽时才会接通电源。如果按遥控,12V电源会接通电源,电线瞬间短路起火,胶线燃烧,可点燃火 药。雷管火药爆炸,引爆硝酸铵大包炸药。另外遥控器天线拉出,可在100米左右无障碍遥控引爆。我们强调一下:雷管是必须准备的,因为硝酸铵炸药很稳定, 不如TNT易爆,必须雷管起爆冲击,才具毁灭性爆炸。
    3、制作爆炸装置:A 正、负各一根接入遥控开关的两个接线柱;B 正、负各一根从遥控开关的两个线柱接出,这二根火线与零线要进行短路连线,插到雷电引爆。C,雷管的火药要灌入鞭炮的黑火药,如担心可燃性,可剥入火柴 头,硫黄到雷管里混合。雷管制作好后,将短路的电线结头子插入雷管。
    4、试验,为避免共狗发现,在荒野山沟里试爆雷管,或连接0.5-1公斤硝酸铵炸药起爆,成功后,再根据需要放量制作15-500公斤炸药。请注 意:500公斤以上炸药是打击中共豪华楼宇的,必须在其地下室或墙根下,多处找洞预埋炸药,可同时起爆,炸毁万人大楼。


    上述起爆装置制作之后,接下来就是硝铵炸药的制作。硝酸铵是目前最常用的炸药材料,为粉状爆炸性机械混合物,人们都希望炸药最好能稳定,不要随便就炸了, 但也产生了一个问题,稳定就不易起爆,而梯恩梯(TNT)非常之烈,一碰就炸,不好保管,中共对其控制也严,如能弄到TNT,也只能适当混入一点。
    更多制作方法,请参考文献 http://baike.soso.com/v19366764.htm
    硝酸铵是重要的化学肥料,多数国家具有相当规模的生龙活虎能力,来源丰富,价格低廉。它可以直接与一些单质炸药和可燃剂制成各种混合炸药,用于工业爆破和 军事目的。硝酸铵混合炸药是使用最早、用量最大的炸药,在两次世界大战中,各参战国几乎都广泛使用了这种炸药,用于装填近射程的炮弹、迫击炮弹以及炸弹 等,就是在美国侵战争期间,也大量地使用了硝铵炸药装填通用航弹。
    硝铵炸药具有以下优点:原料来源极为丰富,成本低廉;组成简单,加工制造方便,利用现有民用生产线能大量制造,或少量变动工艺、设备即能生产;成分配比可 适当选择,以适应不同要求,可以做到军民结合、平战结合;安全性好,制造、运输、贮存和使用均安全可靠。它的最大的缺点是有严重的吸湿性、结块性和缺乏抗 水性,这在一定程度上限制了它的应用。


   铵油炸药是硝酸铵和燃料油的简单混合物炸药,也称硝酸铵-燃料油炸药。粒状铵油炸药,其多孔粒状硝酸铵和燃料油配比为94.5:5.5,此配比反应 完全,放热量大。粉状铵油炸药是在配方中加入木粉,其配比为硝酸铵92%、燃料油4%、木粉4%、露天铵油炸药则是由92%硝酸铵、3%柴油和5%木粉组 成的,若选取用多孔粒状硝酸铵,制出的产吕则为多孔粒状铵油炸药,利用其孔径的毛细管作用将燃料油吸附住。通常有效孔隙率为0.07cm2/g时,可吸收 约6%的燃料油,产品的装药密度一般为0.80~0.85g/cm3。大直径条件下的爆速为4300~4500m/s。
    铵油炸药原料来源丰富,成本低廉,制造容易,操作安全,使用方便。一经发明,其研制和应用极为活跃,很快就占领了工业炸药的主要市场,在采矿、采石和开采 食盐方面大量使用铵油炸药代替低拿买特炸药,甚至反硝酸铵和燃料油同时装入钻孔机中使用。它的主要缺点是易吸潮而被水纯化,对火敏感,易产生静电,装填密 度较低,爆破力小,将表面活性剂加入铵油炸药中,效果较好。
    铵油炸药的生产通常采用喷混法,即将燃料油由喷嘴喷出与硝酸铵颗 粒混合。现多采用混装车法,在爆炸工程现场边混制边用压缩空气通过软管将药剂以散装方式注入炮眼中,这种方法的使用促进了露天爆破工程的现代化。如果在铵 油炸药中再加入18%以下的铝粉,其爆破威力会大大提高,当前,铵油炸药已成为露天大直径炮孔爆破中最重要的爆破炸药。

   粉状铵油炸药 常用配方
   用量 g 硝酸铵 94.0±1.0 轻柴油 6.0±0.5

   制备 先将硝酸铵粉和干燥,使90%颗粒通过0.44mm孔径的筛,水分≤0.5%;在混拌机中将硝酸铵和柴油混合10~20min;再经静置0.5~2h后即可使用。混合时,物料及环境温度不可超过柴油的闪点,一般为20~40℃。

   说明 该炸药价格便宜,加工方便,适用于无水环境露天大爆破。

2、粉状铵木油炸药 配方1

   用量比例 硝酸铵:92±1.5 柴油:4.0±0.5 木粉:4.0±0.5
   制备 先将硝酸铵粉碎、干燥至90%通过0.44mm孔径的筛,水分≤0.3%;木粉经干燥、细碎到90%通过0.44mm孔径的筛,水分≤4%;按照硝酸铵、木粉和柴油的先后顺序,在轮碾机中混合20min即成。
   说明 本炸药适用于无水场合的露天大爆破。


   比例:硝酸铵:91±2.0 柴油:3±0.3 木粉:6±1.0
   说明 其密度0.85~1.10g/cm3。

   多孔粒状铵油炸药 配方1(M)

   用量比例 多孔粒状硝酸铵:94.5±1.5 柴油:5.5±0.5

   制备及说明 先将硝酸铵浓溶液在表面活性剂作用下,喷雾造粒,在此过程中经晶形变化而制得多孔粒状硝酸铵;然后用混凝土搅拌机类的设备在室温进进行混制;静置0.5~2h后,即可使用。其密度0.9g/cm3,爆速2500~3600m/s。

   用量比例:轻质多孔改性硝酸铵:92.0±1.5 复合油相材料:4.0±0.5 木粉:4.0±0.5;表面活性剂(外加)0.15~0.20
   制备 先将硝酸铵浓溶液(90%)在阳离子型表面活性剂作用下,强制快速析晶,得到膨松、多孔、片状的脆性硝酸铵,然后用粉碎机粉碎至90%通过0.22mm孔 径的筛;木粉经干燥和粉碎至90%通过0.44mm孔径的筛,水分≤4%;将柴油、石蜡、软蜡及表面活性剂等油相材料加热熔混,配制成复合燃料油;再按硝 酸铵、木粉、复合燃料油的顺序加入轮碾机中混合20min至均匀;凉药至40℃以下,装药即成。
   说明 本炸药采用敏感的改性硝酸铵作氧化剂,爆炸性能大为提高,可直接替代2#岩石粉状铵梯炸药用于呼种无瓦斯、无矿尘爆炸危险的无水爆破工程。无毒、无污染、成本低,是一种很有发展前途的新型工业炸药 。
   注意事项 采用防水包装,经防吸湿和结块。

3、铵铝油炸药 配方1(AC-8)

   用量比例:粒状硝酸铵 89±1.5; 燃料油:3±0.5;铝粉:8±1.0
   说明 其密度0.87~0.92g/cm3,爆速成3000~3600m/s。

   说明 其密度0.8~0.85g/cm3,爆速成2600~3200m/s。

4、活化球铵油炸药 配方


   制备及性能 按上述配方用量,将硝铵球放在烧杯中,加入5g水(相当硝酸铵得的0.5%),彻底混合,混合过的物料放在烘箱中,加热到80℃,在此温保持约 30min,直到硝酸铵的水分干燥到低于0.2%。然后取出硝酸铵球,冷却至室温,硝酸铵球得到活化,硝酸铵初始密度0.89g/cm3,处理后 0.73g/cm3,颗 粒也更细了,称量处理过的硝酸铵约1000g,与二甲苯和硝基甲烷进行混合,硝酸铵自行湿润,即由于毛细管作用和它的吸附性,使液体渗透到整个球内,不经 搅混,就能完全把球润湿。活化前的硝酸铵球的吸油率为10%,活化后为人20%,将炸药制在民药柱,用6号雷管连接1min导火线,再拌入药柱中,入在圆 石上,点燃吉管,药柱爆炸,具有相当大的威力。

   球形铵油炸药 配方

   制备及说明 按上述配方用量,将球形铵油在室温下,放入聚乙烯袋中与水混合,进行水化和活化处理。在混合过程中,球形结构部分地失掉,直到球软化到可在指间压碎,球形 硝酸铵变成细碎的固休。熟化后,在10d内,混合物外观无显著变化,油相和硝酸铵水相不分离,末见结块。所制成的改进的以铵油为基的炸药,其密度较球形铵 油要大。当把这些炸药装入柔性的、不透水药包中时,特别适合于在充满水的炮眼中使用。


   A 乳胶:30;铵油炸药:70;
   B 乳胶:40;铵油炸药:60;

   制备及说明 为了克服油炸药能量密度低的缺点,借助将高密度粒状硝酸铵进行细碎并添加适量的流体燃料,以增加铵油炸药的能量密度。将高密度的乳胶基质与铵油炸药掺合, 既增加了铵油炸药的能量密度,又使铵油炸药得到敏化。这种乳胶与铵油炸药掺合物,国外通常称为“重铵油炸药”,中国一般称为乳化粒状炸药,称乳化铵油炸药 更确切。
   在这种物理掺合物中,乳持基质的质量比可由0%变化为100%,铵油炸药的比例则相应由100%变化为0%。掺合物的性能随两组分的质量比例和乳胶 基质本身的不同而变化。上述举两种配方,配方1掺合物的体积威力等于含有5%铝粉铵油炸药的体积威力,而配方2掺合物的体积威力则接近于售10%铝粉的铵 油炸药。掺合物中乳胶基持含量增大至40%以后,其威力随之减小。
   掺合物的混制工艺相当简单。乳胶基质可以在一个固定工厂里预先混制好,然后用罐车输送到现场存放或者泵送到固有定贮罐中;铵油炸药也常预先混制,它 可以在固定工厂里混制,也可以在散装铵油炸药混合车上混制,继而将乳胶基质按比例添加到铵油炸药中,掺合均匀即得到掺合产品,用于爆破。










(硝酸铵遥控炸药制作工艺及配方 全文完博讯www.peacehall.com)
(2012/11/05 发表)
反共國際|Anti CCP International
Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
Sept. 24

Xi bandit channeling visit, the United States only to cope. Taiwan DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen before the visit by US examination, and strengthen the relationship between the United States and Taiwan, and even change the United States has long been the so-called "1992 consensus" of support. Printing a lot of rumors, said Tsai Ing-wen in power after the United States will send a large gift, the United States will re-establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of China, and supports the Republic of China re-enter the United Nations.



 反共國際|Anti CCP International
Not historical hero is condemned by history! We Chinese people do things, each of us Chinese people to the historical merit!
Wanted for the global anti-communist network of volunteers, promote my anti-communist ideas, boost morale, strengthen anti-Communist network anticommunist volunteer team 1-; 2- worldwide anti-communist representatives / team; 3 - funded raising volunteer, please help diffusion

面向全球誠徵反共網絡義工,宣傳我反共理念,提振士氣,壯大反共隊伍 1-網絡反共義工;2-全球各地反共代表/團隊;3-資助籌募義工,請協助擴散 http://t.co/FNtSOqbPmx

 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International added two new photos.
Sept. 25

#Bandit #Xi #nude exposure. Internal corruption, foreign missions, in the final analysis are lying! Communist political fraud 60 years in China, the biggest fear is that the bandits party cheat do not go so desperate desperately internet censorship, arrest any who dare to expose their lies. Hong Kong early in the morning to see through the Communist political fraud, support the Hong Kong anti-communist independence, an independent state is the real degree of autonomy! Freedom without charity, is Communist unity is slavery!

‪#‎共匪‬ ‪#‎习近平‬ ‪#‎裸照‬ 曝光。 对内反腐,对外出访,归根到底都是在骗!共匪在中国政治诈骗60多年,这个土匪党最大的恐惧就是骗不下去了所以拼死拼命的封杀互联网,抓捕任何敢于戳穿牠 们谎言的人。香港人一早看穿共匪的政治诈骗,支持香港反共独立,独立建国才是真正的高度自治!自由无需施舍,被共匪统一就是奴役!

 反共國際|Anti CCP International
Anticommunist International | Anti CCP InternationalSept. 25Ma government strongly condemned the repatriation of Ms. Yang Lu charming appeal to the people of Taiwan to protect the other four mainland youth.According to the latest news, the Macedonian Government in spite of appeals all walks of life, regardless of humane care and democratic ideals of the cardinal, was the residence Sept. 25 morning 7:05 five mainland Taiwan's "Republican faction" anti-Communist youth Yang Lu scenery Ms. Oshiage aircraft repatriated mainland via Hong Kong transfer of Chongqing, the other four only to be repatriated will notify the CPC.In this regard, the recovery of the Republic of China (mainland) Working Committee expressed its strongest condemnation! The Chinese Communist Party sent a weak woman tiger's mouth, the Macedonian Government conscience lie? Your act, contrary to the basic humanitarian principles, unworthy of the Republic of China and the people of Taiwan!Now, we look forward to Ms. Yang in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party less tormented, dealt with leniently, she is after all the most low-key of five young people, it can be said to her boyfriend Mr. Wang Rui was stranded in Taiwan. On the other hand, it is imperative to keep the other four young people, their words and deeds far more than anti-communist Yang, if returned, would inevitably be subjected to torture and long term imprisonment. We urge the Malaysian government not to repeat the mistakes again, not to make a move of pro-pain enemies fast! If Taiwan inconvenience to accept them, you can also look for a third country, the continent never to repatriate them!At the same time, we especially give to the people of Taiwan Taiwan youth appeal, will you transcend political stance, in a humanitarian spirit and their own conscience, to stand up and stop the Malaysian government repatriated four other continental youth! You have to rely on their own strength to stop the Malaysian Government and the ruling party forced through "service trade agreement" attempt, now, you can protect these same four young! Thank you!Mr. Xin crew cum retrocession Republic (Mainland) Working CommitteeTaipei, Republic of China a hundred times September 25, 2004Report: Restoration Committee open letter: Do not let the mainland "anti-Communist freedom fighters" reentry Communist clutcheshttp://huanghuagang.org/updates09212015.html

强烈谴责马政府遣返杨卢旖旎女士 呼吁台湾人民保护另外四位大陆青年

现在,我们盼望杨女士在中共手中少受折磨、从轻发落,她毕竟是五位青年中最为低调的,可以说是为了男友王睿先生才滞留台湾。另一方面,当务之急是保住另外 四位青年,他们的反共言行远甚于杨女士,如果被遣返,将难免遭到酷刑并被长期监禁。我们敦促马政府不要一错再错,不要再做出亲痛仇快之举!如果台湾不便收 留他们,还可以寻找第三国,千万不要将他们遣返大陆!


 反共國際|Anti CCP International

 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
Sept. 25
Bandits have just arrested Gao Zhisheng again.
Today's German high-profile commemorate once against fascist tyranny person. Our heartfelt thanks to the high lawyers and tribulations we all Chinese people suffered. His courage and perseverance for our humble and cowardly nation left a touch of dignity in the future.
Here we pray to God, ask God in our nation experienced the darkest days, bless our nation's most courageous man, he humbled for our entire nation and weak in atonement! Please God have mercy on him, Amen! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Interview with Gao Zhisheng

China Aid


Interview with Gao Zhisheng

China Aid

 反共國際|Anti CCP International
Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
Sept. 25

Today, Germany has been against high-profile commemoration of fascist hero. We thank Xiegao Zhi Sheng attorneys for the whole Chinese people affliction. He is our humble and cowardly nation left a touch of dignity in the future.
We pray to God, I ask bless our nation's most courageous man, his atonement for our entire nation! Please God bless him, Amen! @genghe1.



 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
Sept. 28

After six months, Gao Yu had to admire. Gao Yu in October 2013 in New York strongly criticized Xi Jinping's remarks should be the real reason to be sentenced. Gao Yu warned in his speech do not have any illusions of habit. She believes that once in power the inevitable comeback conventional retaliation. Party without foundation
http://t.co/qQ8dvwDxuj中国/20150418-ideo: Gao Yu Xi Jinping and crony capitalism Review.

大半年过后,不得不佩服高瑜。高瑜2013年10月在纽约强烈批评习近平的言论应是被判刑的真正原因。高瑜在讲话中警告不要对习存有任何幻想。她认为习一旦得势必然翻盘报复。党内无基础 http://t.co/qQ8dvwDxuj中国/20150418-视频:高瑜评习近平及权贵资本.

 反共國際|Anti CCP International
Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
Sept. 28
From China Shandong, Sun Yu accept NTDTV reporters, he said he came to the United States nine years ago to study, during which the CPC learned many historical truth and evil, so this form of protest came out.
He said: "Whatever I have and how poor their strength, there will be much change whether actions against the CCP, in order to express a belief, for those who do not want to be fooled (referring to the person next to lift the flag CPC) without conscience one platform. "
He said: "In fact, my ideal is simple, that is to overthrow the Communist Party of China, the Republic of China to restore constitutional democracy."
Is interviewing room, surrounded by a number of suspected Communist Party has come to regard "eyes and ears." Reporters asked whether they fear retaliation by the Chinese Communists, Sun said, are afraid if so, what hope is there China!


william tang

 反共國際|Anti CCP International

 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
October 1

Freedom without charity, dignity can not be trampled! An independent state, is a high degree of autonomy! ! !
Hong Kong, you will truly willingly accepted authoritarian state power, to live in your native place pointing? ? ? ! ! !


 反共國際|Anti CCP International
9 月28日,中共首腦習近平在紐約聯合國總部發表演講,照例門外彙集了大批異議人士舉牌抗議。與往日不同的是,一批大陸旅美青年在人群中高高舉起了中華民國 國旗,還有「中華民國才是中國」、「The Republic of China is the Legitimate China; the People's Republic of China is the Counterfeit」等大幅標語, 抗議中共竊據中國,收割中華民國政治遺產的無恥行徑。
  9月28日,中共首腦習近平在紐約聯合國總部發表演講,照例門外彙集了大批異議人士舉牌抗議。與往日不同的是,一批大陸旅美青年在人群中高高舉起了中華民 國國旗,還有「中華民國才是中國」、「The Republic of China is the Legitimate China; the People's Republic of China is the Counterfeit」等大幅標語, 抗議中共竊據中國,收割中華民國政治遺產的無恥行徑。 



       然而衆所周知,聯合國創始之日,中華人民共和國還不存在。參與創立聯合國,取得安理會常任理事國地位的是中華民國。中華民國之所以取得這個國際地位,是 憑藉與英美盟邦並肩取得對法西斯戰爭的勝利。這背後離不開蔣中正與國民政府堅苦卓絕、苦撐待變,更離不開四萬萬人民的犧牲奉獻。可是這一切與中國共產黨有 何相干?抗日戰爭期間,中共不打日軍,專打國軍,趁國難當頭陰篡奪政權;在戰後世界秩序當中,中共也一直以一個破壞者的角色出現,為蘇聯張目、顛覆中華民 國、支持金日成對抗聯合國軍、軍援北越胡志明,在東南亞及第三世界輸出共產革命,直到今天仍然在不斷挑釁普世價值和國際規則。我們今天來抗議,就是要提醒 聯合國諸會員國,這樣一個無惡不作、喪盡天良的犯罪集團,與聯合國所秉持的《世界人權宣言》精神南轅北轍,有何顏面站上世界舞臺偽充領袖?聯合國背棄其創 始國,自由中國中華民國,去與暴力邪惡集團合污,當年創立之宗旨何在?置公理正義於何顧? 


       空氣:抗戰前後,有兩個事實不能被遺忘,一個是抗戰前一年,1936年5月5日,國民政府公佈了「五五憲草」。另一個是抗戰勝利後一年,1946年12 月25日,由735名區域選舉代表、406名職業選舉代表、142名特種選舉代表以及216名黨派代表組成的制憲國民代表大會議決通過了《中華民國憲 法》。這彰顯了戰爭陰影覆蓋下的中華民國對於國內自由的追求——亦即國父孫中山先生念茲在茲的民權主義的實踐。 

       而在國際政治上,中華民國國民政府也堅持著孫中山先生「扶持弱小民族」的信念。他曾經說過,「我們要先決定一種政策,要『濟弱扶傾』,才是盡我們民族的 天職。」 外交部長宋子文在耶魯大學發表演講時也表示中國參加同盟國對法西斯國家的戰爭,有著兩大目標,一是「亞洲之政治自由」——「 中國之作戰,在求本國之獨立,但亦渴求所有亞洲國家之自由 」;二是「經濟自由」——「政治自由與經濟正義,除非在國際安全保障之情形下,必屬幻想,且轉瞬即逝。 」正因如此,中華民國在抗戰期間支持過韓國、印度、越南等亞洲國家的民族獨立運動,又以人道精神救助猶太難民。 

       我們堅信,一個堅持民族民權民生主義——亦即民有民治民享精神的中華民國,才是,也才能夠擔負起建設一個良善國際秩序的角色。這樣的中華民國才是全中國 人民的祖國,才是負責任的安理會理事國,才是一個正常的、可愛的中國。可惜,中華民國的成就今天都成了「竊國者」的政治資產。如果說江胡時代中共粉飾這段 不光彩的歷史時還有點羞羞答答,從習近平開始又回到了毛澤東那樣的恬不知恥。我們可以看到今年中共文宣當中,對《開羅宣言》等問題以羊易牛、顛倒黑白的醜 態,可以看到在「紀念抗戰勝利七十週年」的大閱兵上對於中華民國抗戰成果的掠奪,除了滿足他們亟需的「合法性」資源,在外交上也獲益匪淺,譬如韓國總統朴 槿惠參加了習的大閱兵活動,訪問行程中,她特意去了位於上海的大韓民國臨時政府舊址。譬如以色列政府為了感念中國人的義舉由其駐滬領事館拍攝製作《謝謝上 海》宣傳片,向上海致敬,總理親自出鏡致謝,而這部片子又被中共移花接木。

       近年來,隨著國內外歷史研究的進展,許多專家學者提出的著述都在衝擊中共脆弱的統治基礎。今年9月9日,王岐山在會見國外前政要及知名學者時表示:「中 國共產黨的合法性源自於歷史,是人心向背決定的,是人民的選擇。」這顯示中共對自身合法性問題的憂慮,以及想要利用歷史資源來「亡羊補牢」的心機。因此, 除了民主憲政不要以外,中共在今年大膽地全面收割中華民國的遺產,這無疑是竊國手段的又一版升級。為了不讓中共進一步指鹿為馬,為了不讓中共進一步欺詐人 民,為了不讓中共再一次使聯合國憲章蒙灰,我們身為中國人,更有必要站出來澄清:「中華民國才是中國!」

      這張中華民國地圖是她在歷史斷代前既有的版圖,我明白您想指出她與現實情況已經很大差異,但中華民國的地圖就是這樣子,我們不可能生造一張令各界都滿意的 地圖貼出來。然而,未來的自由的中華民國的版圖會是什麼樣,這是可以商榷的,是可以協商到令各界都滿意的。而協商,正是憲政的要義。
       我個人不是Nationalist,我是Internationalist, 我相信全球化乃大勢所趨,也就是「天下為公,世界大同」。雖然這個終極理想距目前的現實還很遙遠,雖然我有生之年應該都不會有機會看到這一天,我還是渴望 阻隔親人團聚、阻礙自由遷徙、阻滯自由貿易的邊境線可以儘量的少,因為歷史上各種種族的、宗教的、地域的偏見和狹隘已經令人類蒙難深重!  
       進而論之,在我看來,統或者獨都不是真正的問題(民主的前提下),或者說不是我最關心的問題,因為,我們不是分手後就可以遠避的路人,無論我們最終是統 一還是分離,我們都會是鄰居,我們總要在一起。在為是統是獨以及邊境線該如何劃分吵得聲嘶力竭和打得頭破血流之前,我們不如先學會如何在一起和平地共同生 活?

 空 氣:孫文在一百年前說:「我們說滿清政府,而不說中國政府,這是有意識地這樣說的。中國人現在並沒有自己的政府。」今天的情況也一樣。雖然自1970年代 聯合國承認中共政權以後,各國首腦、各大媒體均習慣將「中國」、「北京」等同於「中共政權」,我個人絕不在這個問題上含糊措辭。中共是中共,中國是中國。 我們中國人民沒有授權中共代表中國。

       蔣中正在中華民國退出聯合國告全國同胞書中有這樣一句話:「維護正義的道德勇氣,乃是世界安全和平的堅固磐石;而強權政治的霸術運用,則是走向戰爭的道 路。」習近平此次到聯合國大會,是要收割中華民國的歷史遺產來為其「新型國際關係」,究其實乃為其國際霸權,奠基。而緊隨習近平內政外交實力的增強,中國 國內人權狀況更肆無忌憚地惡化,加上目前深重的經濟問題,會不會進一步影響中共的政治態度,從而對整個世界局勢造成更大的影響呢?我始終認為,中國問題的 解決在於中共,中國威脅的解決在於中共。中國不是自由世界的敵人,中共才是。希望此番在聯合國總部的抗議行動可以引起國際社會的關注與思考——中華民國才 是中國!當你默認了中共就是中國,是不是也放棄了對另一個中國的想像?當你對「中國威脅論」懷憂喪志之時,是不是也放棄了去爭取一個民主、自由、和平、多 元的中國?


 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
October 1

September 28, Communist summit Xi Jinping delivered a speech at United Nations Headquarters in New York, as usual, brought together a large number of dissidents outside the placards to protest. The difference is that with the past, a group of young people living in America continent in the crowd aloft the flag of the Republic of China, as well as "Republic of China is China", "The Republic of China is the Legitimate China; the People's Republic of China is the Counterfeit "and other large banners to protest the CCP usurped China, harvesting the Republic of shameless political legacy.


‪#‎中國‬ 是我們 ‪#‎中國人‬ 的,不是#牠們 共匪的!China belongs to Chinese, not communists! 中共不代表中國;中共不代表漢族; ‪#‎愛華反共‬ ‪#‎全民起義‬ ‪#‎分省自立‬ ‪#‎光復民國‬ https://t.co/UF8D2iBPDD

twitter.com/thefreedompowe…|由反共國際 #followback 上傳

 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
October 4

China is our # #Chinese people, not the # bandits of them! China belongs to Chinese, not communists CCP does not represent China;! CPC does not mean Han; #Epworth anticommunist National Uprising # # # Restoration of the Republic provincial self
Anticommunist International #followback on Twitter
"RT China has subjugated sixty years, gangs and the Russian army has been kidnapped, enslaved our agents. Han, accounting for the world's largest nation one-fifth of the total population, had not representatives of political parties in the best interests of their own nation, Russian gangs were enslaved so far, which was a great insult! anticommunist only a means, but the purpose of the recovery of the Chinese people own regime! speed Forward "
twitter.com/thefreedompowe... | by the anti-Communist International #followback Upload


 反共國際|Anti CCP International

“今日德國高調紀念曾反抗法西斯的英雄。我們感謝高智晟律師為全中國人所遭的苦難。他為我們這個卑微和懦弱的民族在未來留下了一抹尊嚴。 我們向上帝祈禱,懇請賜福給我們這個民族最最勇敢的男子漢,他在為我們整個民族贖罪!請上帝保佑他,阿門!@genghe1”
twitter.com/thefreedompowe…|由反共國際 #followback 上傳

 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
October 5

https://t.co/mWzChL0T0x @ Genghe1
Anticommunist International #followback on Twitter
"Today, Germany has been against high-profile commemoration of fascist heroes. We thank 谢高智 Sheng attorneys for the whole Chinese people were suffering. He is our humble and cowardly nation left a touch of dignity in the future. We pray to God, I implore the blessing to our nation's most courageous man, he atonement for our entire nation! Please God bless him, Amen! @ genghe1 "
twitter.com/thefreedompowe... | by the anti-Communist International #followback Upload

 反共國際|Anti CCP International

These photos are from inside, which are communists afraid to let public know. The communists wish that you will forget it as soon as possible, same like the June 4th Tian An Men Square massacre, you almost couldn't remember, right?! Share means NO!
China≠Communism. China belongs to Chinese, not communists!

 反共國際|Anti CCP International
既然共匪根本聽不懂我們在講什麼,不如使用牠們聽得懂的語言。不哭不鬧不上吊,上訪喝藥是傻蛋。反共抗暴燃燒彈,汽油酒瓶呱呱叫!積極借鑒國際先進抗暴經驗,不斷提高 ‪#‎反共抗暴‬ 技戰術水平。‪#‎反共指南‬ ‪#‎抗暴指南‬ ‪#‎morotovcocktail‬ ‪#‎汽油彈‬ ‪#‎燃燒瓶‬ China≠Communism. China belongs to Chinese, not communists!
視頻轉自網絡,版權歸屬原作者。This video is from internet, the copyright belongs to original author.



 反共國際|Anti CCP International
小朋友手把手教你做 ‪#‎燃燒彈‬ ‪#‎汽油彈‬ 教程
China≠Communism. China belongs to Chinese, not communists!

习匪夫妇即将窜访 ‪#‎英国‬,未经 ‪#‎中国‬ ‪#‎公民‬ 批准就大把撒钱 ‪#‎卖国买面子‬ 归根到底就是 ‪#‎政治诈骗‬ 此条信息已经关联英国议会和首相卡梅伦,请多多转发表示抗议!

 Anticommunist International | Anti CCP International
October 9

Xi's visit # bandit couple about to flee Britain, citizens approved without # China # # traitorous to throw more money to buy face the final analysis, political fraud provision of information already # associate Parliament and Prime Minister David Cameron, a lot of forwards to protest!



 反共國際|Anti CCP International 新增了 2 張新相片
Xi`tler and his wife are going to visit UK, photos here are welcome to use for demonstration, copyleft, free using!
习匪夫妇即将窜访 ‪#‎英国‬,此图片用于抗议使用,版权放弃,任意转载!


 反共國際|Anti CCP International 分享了 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / 中國維權律師關注組貼文

謝謝大家,我們已把你的留言發給律師的家屬了!!! Thank you all for leaving your message, we have sent it to the lawyers' families.
[100個祝福, 1個要求:釋放律師]
1. Easter Tong: I plead with you- never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. BE NOT AFRAID. (我懇求你們 -永遠不要放棄希望,永遠不要懷疑,永不疲憊,永不氣餒。不要害怕。) 求聖若望保祿二世和聖母的轉禱,創造一個奇蹟,立即釋放所有被捕的維權律師!
2. Gill Boehringer: Keep the faith brothers and sisters. The world is watching. Down with tyranny and up the rule of law. Stay strong. (兄弟姐妹,請保持信念。全世界都在關注。打倒暴政,堅持法治。請繼續保持剛強)。
3. Nuoming Zhang: 轉型正義遲早會來!
4. Vivian Shi: 願你們平安!
5. 許琇婷: 願命運眷顧你們,下輩子不要再受苦了。
6. Sophiya Ho: 希望你們安好!如此辛酸會是值得的!
7. Constance Ma: 不知道還應說些什麼?一切盡在不言中!
8. Emily Ho: BE BRAVE! (要勇敢!)
9. Dennis Kwok: You are the legal heroes. We shall continue to support and remember. (你們是法律界的英雄。我們會繼續支持你們,掛念你們。)
10. JohnandShu Boswell: Never give up, never lose hope. (永不放棄,永遠不要失去希望。)
11. Luk Kit-ling: in solidarity we stand (我們團結,我們站在一起)
12. Thomas Ching-Wei Tu: Love and be strong ! (愛與堅強!)祈願平安!
13. Jai Sze Chi Chan: Future Chinese people will remember what sacrifice you have extended to them. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (未來的中國人都會記住你們為他們作出的犧牲。謝謝!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
14. Hui Lai Ming: 感謝您們的勇敢!黑政權快倒台,讓大家重獲自由,重拾尊嚴。
15. 王冰: 中国民主党人与你们同在,监狱里仍关押着数十名中国民主党人,你们不孤单!
16. Ivy Li: 極度勇敢!衷心佩服!願中國人民能早日得到真正的民主公義。
17. Paul Ng: 祈望法治能在國內伸張,無辜被捕的律師能早曰得到平反和釋放,我們在港人仕能做的可能不多,但我們的心是永遠站在公義一邊,與你們在一起!
18. Cheung Tat Ming Eric: 已一百天了!衷心祝願我所敬佩的一群願意為法治犧牲事業前途以至人身安全的國內維權律師可以早日獲釋。
19. Sio KaI: 謝謝你們,讓我明白這條公義路上,自己並不孤獨。
20. Polly Chan 你們身心靈所受的苦楚,主必記念、憐憫與保守。我們一群香港信徒,也在禱告中切切記念你們!願你們平安!!
21. Howard Au: 中共的暴行只會被世人所銘記,你們的犧牲與遭受的苦難,將會是對中共的一大打擊!
22. Fredrik Fällman: 感謝你們的工作!加油!我們為你們禱告。Thank you for your work! Keep going! You are in our prayers.
23. 香港市民婉儀:致 各家屬:您們的親屬因協助維權而失去自由,讓老百姓因他們的犧牲而讓公義彰顯。他們的軀體雖被囚禁,而內心卻是自由的。求主繼續保守他們,讓他們在心靈的 黑夜裡頭都見到曙光。多謝維權律師朋友們,有了您們才顯得這個世界的美好。更要多謝親人們,您們的苦不會白費,我們在香港會繼續送上默默的祝福。
24. So Ming Tat Timothy: 願公義臨在中國土地上, 堅持是為了看見那美好的將來! 努力!!
25. Cheng Fu: 丹心照汗青!衷心感謝你們的堅持與犧牲,願公義彰顯,願你們的寃情得雪。
26. Clarisse Yeung: 謝謝你們,在最困難的年代,閃著最人性的光輝。祝福你們,衷心希望你們早日獲釋。而我們的世界,會更公義,更平等,更自由。
27. KY Wong: 感謝您們家人為中國民主人權的奮鬥和付出,抱歉你們為此受苦,請支撐著,你們的家人需要你,中國人民將會感激你們的付出,謝謝!
28. 張淑婷: 謝謝你們付出的一切,謝謝你們這麼為人權勇敢,祝福你們和家人可以平安喜樂! —來自臺灣
29. Candice Orange Liu: 為公義受苦的人,正正體現了勝過強權暴政的勇氣和良心,世界都看見了!「光照在黑暗裡,黑暗卻未曾勝過光」;願受制約的人早日獲釋,家庭團聚,得享平安自由
30. Joseph Yau: 為你們的犧牲而感動,願你們早日與家人重聚,願中國可以尊重個人的權利。
31. Stephen Lo: 律師應該以你們為榜樣。維權不是作對生事,是捍衛法治與保障民生。中國人亦要記念你們的犧牲。
32. Anthony Kwok: 不要害怕,你們並不孤單,我們會在這裡支持著你們,一定要堅持著,不要放棄,黑夜盡頭,黎明將至!互勉之!
33. Ng Ka Lun: 在沒有法治的國度以法律維護人的權利,是條艱苦的道路。願你們早日獲釋,早日可以安心工作。
34. Danielle Szeto:尊敬你們無懼的堅持,多謝你們為公義的犧牲及付出,世界因你們變得更美、更善!祝願你們早日獲得自由和團聚。「為義而受迫害的人是有福的,因為天國是他們的。」(瑪:五章十節)
35. Queenie Wong: 我在安全的環境中知道,意識到你們的苦與犧牲,除了禱告,只得擔心憂心。但願彩虹快現 !
36. Enrico Wang: 加油! 中国的未来看你们be brave, be strong. you are the hope of China. (要勇敢,要堅強。你是中國的希望。)
37. Chris Fan: 被捕的本是世界不配有的人。願他們都平安, 並早日獲釋放!
38. Lala Pikka Lau: 最艱難的時光會過去的,我們會越來越堅強,越來越折不斷。要記住還有在支持著你們的我們。撐下去!願你們早日平安歸來。
39. Fung O Ling: 加油!
40. Chung Tse: 祝安好.
41. Bela Al: 你們將會平安回來!感恩你們為世界正義所做的一切、所受的ㄧ切冤屈 ㄧ切終將大白!謝謝你們對人類正義人權的貢獻!全世界為你們加油!
42. U'ton Lowe: 妳們一定會看見獨裁崩潰的那一天的!
43. Ivy Ho: 逢凶化吉,闔府安康!
44. Beyondave Arielovebola: I am on your side(我站在你們這邊)祝平安
45. John Law: IN UNITY, THERE IS STRENGTH. YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN. (我們只要團結,就會有力量。你們是不會被遺忘的。)
46. 蘇玉樹: be strong support (要堅強,支持你們!)
47. Teresa Lo: 感謝你們,祝願一家團聚,為你們祈禱
48. Christy Shum: 你们很勇敢,敬佩!
49. StuartRussell: The Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers of the International Association of People's Lawyers stands in total support with these brave lawyers and their families! We extend to you all our solidarity and hope that the crackdown stops immediately. (國際律師協會律師權益侵害監測委員會完全支持這些勇敢的律師和他們的家人!希望今次打壓立即停止。)
50. Donna Sureta Puna: Keep strong!! I support (要堅強!!我支持你們)
[Forwarded from 小萦]
51. Adam Breasley: Many people from around the world, including from here in Australia are with you and supporting you all. To me this crackdown, like the imprisonment of Nobel Peace Laureate Liu Xiaobo for Charter 08 and for words, as Liu Xia's house arrest, are signs of the weakness of the regime and its own awareness of how much its power is based on falsehood and lies, which can never last. (很多來自世界各地的人都支持你們,包括在澳洲的我。對我來說,這次的打壓,就像將發起08憲章和行使言論自由的諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波關入牢獄,就像將 劉霞軟禁,都顯示了這個制度的弱點,以及這個國家自己也意識到它的權力是建基於虛假和謊言,而此政權是無法長久的。)
52. Chrisann Ting Ling Palm: What crime did these detained rights lawyers commit? What crime did their children commit to deserve this kind of physical and mental tortures? Praying for your release and justice be served. (這些被拘留的維權律師犯了什麼罪?他們的孩子犯了什麼罪而遭到這樣的身體和精神折磨?祈禱你們早日釋放和正義的來臨。)
53. Kao Meow Pei: Everyone will be back soon.Be strong. We stand on your side.(每一位都將在不久的將來得到釋放。要堅強。我們與你們站在一起。)
54. Robert Whitehouse: Stay strong in the cause of the world wide struggle to implement the rule of law. Your commitment and endurance is an inspiration to us all. (在爭取世界各地法治落實的過程中,大家一定要保持堅強。你們的承擔及堅持不懈正鼓舞著我們每一個人。
55. Servando Servando: We are one in your struggle. (在你們的抗爭中,我們和你們站在同一陣線)
56. The spirit of solidarity for truth justice and human rights keep on burning. (爭取真理、正義和人權的團結精神,正在繼續燃燒。)
57. 傅佩芬: You have given the term "Chinese Attorney" a new definition. We will keep supporting you. (你們賦予了「中國律師」一個新的定義。我們會繼續支持你們。)
58. Kane Leung: 惟耶和華坐著為王,直到永遠;他已經為審判設擺他的寶座 (詩篇 9:7)
59. Ellen Yan: 為義而受迫害的人,是有福的,因為天國是他們的
60. Justin Chung: 慚愧不知道怎麼才能幫助到你們 一定會持續關注的 祝早日獲釋
61. Wang Hsing-chung: 萬山不許一溪奔,攔得溪聲日夜喧,到得前頭山腳盡,堂堂溪水出前村。
62. Paul Tsui: 到今天为止, 你们已经为正义而受苦了100天。不单你们帮助过的人士会感谢你们, 将来法治的中国都一定会记得你们的功劳。祝愿你们早日获释, 再上征途。
63. 黃美珍: 中國歷史永遠不會忘記這一頁!您們的犧牲與奉獻必將激勵來者!挺住!
64. Yuqing Zhang: 盼望您们早日平安回家!
65. 何俊仁: 各位於709被抓捕的維權律師、法律工作者和家屬:今 日您們站在為法治人權抗爭的最前線,受盡當權者的打壓,付出了極大包括失去自由的代價。我們絕對不會忘記您們的奮鬥和犧牲,並深信您們的努力會有深遠影 響。對您們的道德勇氣、和無私的付出,我們致以最崇高的敬意,並矢志繼續團結國際社會的文明力量,爭取您們重獲自由,和支持實現您們的理想!
66. 志在心,囚不了,理在神,禁不绝,爱在人,灭不尽,天在上,魔不长。
67. 求上帝大大保守保護你哋!多謝你哋無私的付出!
68. 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ : 我和我認識的朋友們關注和支持你們,也感謝你們,希望你們平安、健康!其他盡在不言中,知道你們能理解,獄卒也能!



It's been 101 days, finally, at least we get to see your face.

Detained human rights lawyer, Wang Yu, on Chinese state TV informed of 'failed attempt to smuggle son overseas'

Distraught civil rights lawyer and husband, detained for months, are filmed being informed of 'failed attempt to smuggle son out of China'
 Verna Yu.
 Human rights lawyer Wang Yu was detained in July in a crackdown against civil rights activists.

Human rights lawyer Wang Yu and her husband Bao Longjun, who have been detained incommunicado for three months, were shown on state television in a distressed state yesterday, condemning a failed attempt to smuggle their teenage son out of China.
But a San Francisco-based family friend, Liang Bo, who was to receive 16-year-old Bao Zhuoxuan in the US, said friends were trying to help the boy escape round-the-clock surveillance and his parents had been misled by the authorities.
State broadcaster CCTV yesterday aired footage of the couple, filmed separately, talking emotionally about their son, who was caught after he entered Myanmar earlier this month while trying to flee abroad with the help of two activists.
Watch: Detained Chinese lawyer shown denouncing son's asylum bid on state TV

After the plan failed, the boy was taken back to China to stay with his grandparents and is now under 24-hour surveillance, according to Liang.
CCTV and Xinhua depicted the incident as an illegal smuggling operation that transferred the boy from Inner Mongolia to Yunnan province then into Myanmar. The plan was to take him to Thailand then to "a Western country".
Wang and Bao were the among the first of more than 290 to be taken away in a sweeping crackdown on rights lawyers and activists since July. They have been placed in "residential surveillance" - a form of solitary detention that can last up to six months - on a charge of "incitement of subversion of state power" and have been denied visits from lawyers or family.


Analysts say the crackdown is an effort by authorities to discredit the rights defence movement and to deter other lawyers from taking on rights cases.
Upon hearing their son had been led illegally across the border, Bao Longjun became emotional and Wang fainted, the narrator said in the CCTV broadcast.
"My boy is too young, he is not yet an adult. Regardless of what organisation took him away, it's wrong," Bao said on camera. Another shot showed him breaking down in tears.
A shot showed Wang panting heavily, looking fatigued and stressed. In separate footage, she said: "I want to condemn this behaviour, this is very dangerous and it's illegal."
"I don't want this to happen again... as his parent, I hope the police can protect him," she continued. "I hope those with ulterior motives will not disturb our child's normal life again."
Speaking from San Francisco, Liang noted that Wang and her husband had been kept in isolation for three months and had no access to information outside. She feared that they had been tortured and misled.
Liang said she and others were trying to help the boy regain freedom and that Wang and Bao always wanted their son to study abroad. They were detained as Bao and his son were leaving for Australia to start school.
"It was a righteous act that we were forced to make," Liang said.

 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / 中國維權律師關注組新增了 2 張新相片

Today the lawyers are detained for 100 days. We are still waiting for your best wishes to the lawyers and their family. We will send the messages to the family of the lawyers.
if you want to write to the lawyers and their family, please leave your message here: http://on.fb.me/1OuTD2J
如果你也想跟律師和家屬說點什麼,請在這裡留言: http://on.fb.me/1OuTD2J


We have always said: the mainland, is inhabited by different provinces, counties and cities of different people made!
It was brutally autocratic monsters hijacked on people's human rights,
Therefore, we do not pay attention to communist monster China-pig Fifty Cent Party 'miscellaneous swollen''
It can not be called a government leadership of a country!

We can respectfully called to Hubei people, Shenzhen people, Guangzhou people, Heilongjiang people, Harbin people, Shenyang people ... etc;
IF no people, no inhabited married, then the family/people can not be close to each other,
China-pig  mainland Communist Fifty Cent Party 'miscellaneous swollen' is disregard for human rights,
Abuse their own people to trade; therefore it monster can not from the different provinces,
People from different counties inhabited place,
Was its brutal rape erosion is a communist country!
So we do not call China, because uncivilized,
Not to treat people equally, poor to no science education of people,
Only as the people is the use of the tool! All these despicable acts of poor quality,
Teach people how to treat them with courtesy?!

A monster to playing life of the people ,with body, with mind, plus 100,000 shackles!
When  with the people have to be patient to waiting to be freeing??!

In mainland by authoritarian regimes violent abuse of imprisoned human rights lawyer , and the reporters, professors, religious person..etc..,
See :This is an organization =
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group -
Please share to support the lawyers
Please forward support lawyer
# Freethelawyers

Taiwan Solidarity with Chinese human rights lawyers network ,,
Amnesty International - Taiwan Chapter [Amnesty International Taiwan] ,,
Amnesty International Hong Kong Branch [Amnesty International Hong Kong SHRIC - Supporting Human Rights in China Human Rights in China] ,,
Amnesty International China Group [Amnesty International China Team] ,,
Chinese democracy and human rights supporters (Democracy and Human Rights for China) ,,
Human Rights in China ,,

The same as the (Chinese)華族 people are in solidarity, to seek ways and means can be saved them!
People in mainland China, will you look at your violent communist authoritarian government of true of fact!

Look at the anti-Communist International (Anti CCP Internationa) introduction and info:

Also wish the same sky in the global peoples, reach out, support for human rights that should be enjoyed !-

I believe we all know that Amnesty International, the organization that is the place to be deprived of their human rights occur worldwide,
Whether they are poles apart, they must reach the victims of violations of human rights's place / personal what happened,
With being political, are dictators, by their insidious cunning fierce torture, cruel treatment to all dissidents; violent the fight such as , a man imprisoned prison room, control of food and medicines,, Control of their continually monitor guards not allowed inmates to sleep, if they sleep, the evil monster will to  take the very cold ice water soaked body of prisoners, so that the prisoners in a weak state and strong oppression they signed a "confession" of a paper.
There are happen deprived of human organs...etc.,Thy are not human! They are a monsters behavior,and was dictator of violence '' POLICE 'arrest support There are dissidents, religious figures, reporters,  defend human rights's in numerous lawyers, academics professors...etc. Mainland people / solidarity with the people is also has be false accusation !

Tibetan people is the best proof.
Because Tibet is believed despicable, shameless communist mainland China-pig  Fifty Cent Party 'miscellaneous swollen deception,
Communist Mainland is cunning China-pig Fifty Cent Party '' hybrid 'miscellaneous swollen, then it is bullying the weak, it gave the territory occupied Tibet into mainland territory annexation dead inside!
So Mainland is the world's no '' integrity '' place!

As Mr. Li Yi said, the so-called '' Lee Tim-Ming ''It distorted the truth.
But is so poor that only money,
Self-esteem, personality, conscience, culture,It has been fifty cents behavior   Devil of darkness collusion. They lost it all!
How they worthy to called a people?

A democratic movement teach us more to look good and evil, respectively,
In those fifty cents evil false manipulation continent false news name: Xinhua News Agency, China fully-staffed, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hetero sexual intercourse section) ( corrupt prostitute, or a group of corrupt officials to find a group of wolf hybrids domestic prostitutes, formerly known as: MFA) (which is China-pig the Special Recognized worldwide! ha), Central Daily News, Globe Daily News, World News, People's Daily, Xinhua, Finet network, Hong Kong and Macao fully-staffed...etc., are the toxic critique of the intellectuals!
So the mainland communist fifty cents slaves, as eager to master - seeking to bow down to get "a communist mainland the host dung"
To comfort them insane arrogance masturbation sick! Haha ..

ISIS communist extremists put fifty cents China-pig miscellaneous swollen, to the worthless criticism!
Timid as a mouse, in the international coalition elite army,
China-pig alone fifty cents communist miscellaneous swollen not dare to violate ISIS,
China-pig Fifty Cent communist ' the dregs place'' startling guts out,

In fact, the Grand Duchy Myanmar miscarriage bombs,
It is ridiculed mainland communist 'the dregs corps'' vulnerable!

A Fifty Cent communist Mainland '' Okara corps '' did not receive the science and technology education -so,they called the 'dregs corps'' ah!
Even if they have high altitude artillery and how ??!
You have not seen international military exercises and arms race it?
Haha .. if you do not know see China-pig fifty cents party communist military operation called: 'the dregs corps''

Cannon is indeed real, but was ignorant of the 'the dregs corps''
This is characteristic of what continent?! Haha .. "

Melody.Blog small as dust
Thanksgiving taken human rights beings
Amen ..!





China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / 中國維權律師關注組 -
Please share to support the lawyers

國際特赦組織 -台灣分會 [Amnesty International Taiwan],,
國際特赦組織香港分會[ Amnesty International Hong Kong SHRIC - Supporting Human Rights in China Human Rights in China ],,
國際特赦組織中國組[Amnesty International China Team ],,
中國民主人權支持者 (Democracy and Human Rights for China) ,,
Human Rights in China,,


請看這個反共國際(Anti CCP Internationa)的介紹和資訊:










感恩 人權被重視 

 *[20/10-2015]-Update by H.K Apple Daily reported-very angry...!-
-Kyfx ‏@TheMeritz [10月20日]
((AHAHAHAHAHAHA))http://www.turman-actress.ru/xGB.php ]-

-Update: [18 / 10-2015] - Bulletin "Our tribe never accept to sell advertising, and earn interest so tiny profits, but was a lot of links to third party that came to haunt our tribe in this web site ! we do not know the name of the advertising link was very much to haunt our big sister the first Melody tribe!...!-*All The World Lauguage*-

Update [18 / 10-2015] - [# TangoDown by p@r@dox17 .. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina] - & - Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous- [D0Xed by Radical Edward]- [# OpHoodsOff # OpKKK] -and...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*-
-更新[18/10-2015]-[#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-&-Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous-[D0Xed by Radical Edward]
-[#‎OpHoodsOff‬ ‪#‎OpKKK]-and...!-‬

- Update [17 / 10-2015]Is what people would Treatment Muslims Will add prejudices?! - But our dear <All Muslime Hakers, # "pARADox17", & All AnonGoust Team, & Fallaga Team, & Albania Hackers Group AHG> {Hacking ! is Art} our super favorite [#TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina]-*All The World Country Lauguage*-
-更新[17/10-2015]人們都會用偏見對待穆斯林嗎?!-可是我們親愛的<All Muslime Hakers,#"pARADox17",& All AnonGoust Team,& Fallaga Team,& Albania Hackers Group A.H.G>{ Hacking is Art !}我們超級喜愛的[ #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina ]-

 - Turn Push by"TIBET" the push in twitter-''Free Tibet'' - Title: "Please join demonstrations (20 --- 23 Oct) during Xi Jinping's UK visit please join protests on October 20-23 Xi Jinping visit to the UK [http://ow.ly/TuDVK]" - We have always said: the mainland, is inhabited by different provinces, counties and cities of different people from the brutal dictatorship people are monsters hijacked on people's human rights, ... has an organization called "anti-Communist International (Anti! CCP Internationa) "~ See people around the world anti-communist mainland fifty cents monster various misdeeds it !!*All The World city Lauguage*- -由TIBET 轉推-Free Tibet ‏-標題:"Please join demonstrations( 20 - 23 Oct )during Xi Jinping's UK visit 请于十月20-23日参加示威抗议习近平访英[ http://ow.ly/TuDVK ]"-我們一直稱:大陸地區,是由不同省,不同縣市的人們聚居而成的!人們被殘酷專制的妖怪騎劫於人們的人權上,...有一個組織名叫"反共國際(Anti CCP Internationa)l"~看看全球人們反大陸共產五毛妖怪的各種劣跡吧!!-*
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