2015年11月11日 星期三

- Update [11 / 11-2015] information by Anonymous facebook's "Anonymous-Old-School" released of information - a reference to one of them snippets - "The British people, get this into your head before it's too late - look What happened to all the major countries in the West (World)- the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Australia, and more - in every one of the first, ... "! - -更新[11/11-2015]由匿名facebook的"Anonymous-Old-School"發佈的信息-引用其中1小段內容-"英國的人,得到這個到你的頭上之前,為時已晚-看看發生了什麼事在西方各主要國家-美國,加拿大,英國,法國,德國,土耳其,澳大利亞,還有更多-在每一個之一,...!"--Update[2710-2015]For My Dear President Barack Obama" Mr.-Update[2610-2015] Communist China fifty cents slaves liar, The developer how to profit to steal using "Taomike '' mobile applications! - They steal the mainland people use mobile phones all SMS / Privacy Information"!!---Title: "Taomike SDK hijack user All SMS / Privacy Information! "- as they are rogue hackers,, from the mainland white hat (FreeBuf.com) for you expose confidential ! Communism Chi na Fifty Cents is so kind of damage their own countrymen?! Shameful China-pig!! & By "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"-the Anonymous News!-"Brothers, men...thank you Oh!!"- -更新[2610-2015] 謊話連篇的共產支那五毛奴隸-標題:"淘米客SDK会劫持用户的所有短信!"-,由內地白帽子(FreeBuf.com)為你們揭露機密吧!損害對待自已的同胞的!可恥的支那豬!-"哥兒,爺們...謝謝喔!"- Update [12/10-2015]: Can you imagine a USB became a bomb it ?!- -from 'China-pig communist army black devil', 'evil despicable "# PCB manufacturer in China.", 'vulgar despicable 'communist mainland black Army devil '' actually manufactured so notorious bad track of breaking tool ?!!-By Chivalrous Anonymous "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" published information, and then by hackread.com show it on their blog ---Title:* Watch Out - This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop !*---evil sin behavior! See chivalrous Anonymous- "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" and hackread.com to unveil 'China-pig communist army black devil's ''conspiracy -! #opchina] -更新[12/10-2015]:"通過俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" 公佈的資訊,再由hackread.com展示了---標題:*Watch Out – This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop*---原罪之惡行為!請看俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"和hackread.com為我們揭開''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''的陰謀!-#opchina ]-* Update [12 / 10-2015] "Vintage Computer Fest: Berlin 2015 "{October 9, 2015 year] - by the (hackaday.com) led us to visit we will see different opportunities and German culture in reality -! "In addition to the Berlin machine laissez-faire, it has emerged Vintage Computer Festival 2015 session: Berlin (VCFB). ... "- -*更新[12/10-2015]"復古計算機巨星:柏林2015年"{October 9,2015年]- -Update[10/10-2015] - This Russian Webmaster on the network trumpeted, whether you are a student, working people, people who do not understand computer technology, the elderly, the most popular women in the family to join, its purpose was "to be able to access-( "因特網") " iainternet access provider! They ask the Webmaster How to get the money earned ?...!- For My All Great Anonymous & my readers and friends~Thanks^^-更新[10/10-2015] - 這一俄羅斯的網站管理員在網絡上大肆宣傳,無 論你是學生,工作的人,人誰不明白計算機..其目的是“要能訪問 -(“因特網”)“iainternet接入提供商”!他們發問如何獲得賺來的錢? - [10/10-2015]Mainland China-man , when what a day they does not stealing ??The answer is no ! They put Microsoft's original / creators need to make serious efforts in the world of science and technology studies WH final tool / life electronic equipment / other copyrighted's! The items have been stolen!! Then apply the CCP refuse dictatorship "no credibility" of sinful lying government! - see the thehackernews.com- famous software / tool analyst: 'Mo 希特库马尔 "- written on [18 / 09-2015]" Microsoft has established its own Linux operating system! "- then take a look at the Rubbish China-man is very cunning shameless to theft of Microsoft's copyright !!To: My All Geat Anonymous team and my readers & friends~-*All The World Country Lauguage

- Update [11 / 11-2015] information by Anonymous facebook's "Anonymous-Old-School" released of information - a reference to one of them snippets - "The British people, get this into your head before it's too late - look What happened to all the major countries in the West (World)- the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Australia, and more - in every one of the first, ... "! -

-Update[2710-2015]For My Dear President Barack Obama" Mr.--Update[2610-2015] Communist China fifty cents slaves liar, The developer how to profit to steal  using "Taomike '' mobile applications! - They steal the mainland people use mobile phones all SMS / Privacy Information"!! --- Title: "Taomike SDK hijack user All SMS / Privacy Information! "- as they are rogue hackers,, from the mainland white hat (FreeBuf.com) for you expose confidential ! Communism Chi na Fifty Cents is so kind of damage their own countrymen?! Shameful  China-pig!! & By "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"-the Anonymous News!-"Brothers, men...thank you Oh!!"-
-更新[2610-2015] 謊話連篇的共產支那五毛奴隸,如何进行偷竊盈利?开发者運用移动应用App"淘米客''來偷竊內地人們使用的手機所有短信"!!---標題:"淘米客SDK会劫持用户的所有短信!"-牠們的流氓黑客所為,,由內地白帽子(FreeBuf.com)為你們揭露機密吧!共產支那五毛是這麼樣損害對待自已的同胞的!可恥的支那豬!-"哥兒,爺們...謝謝喔!"-
- Update [12 / 10-2015]: Can you imagine a USB became a bomb it ?!-
-from 'China-pig communist army black devil', 'evil despicable "# PCB manufacturer in China.", 'vulgar despicable 'communist mainland black Army devil '' actually manufactured so notorious bad track of breaking tool ?!!-By Chivalrous Anonymous "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" published information, and then by hackread.com show it on their blog ---Title:* Watch Out - This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop !*---evil sin behavior! See chivalrous Anonymous- "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" and hackread.com to unveil 'China-pig communist army black devil's ''conspiracy -! # opchina] -

-更新[12/10-2015]:你能否想像得到一個USB成了炸彈呢?"通過俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" 公佈的資訊,再由hackread.com展示了---標題:*Watch Out – This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop*---原罪之惡行為!請看俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"和hackread.com為我們揭開''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''的陰謀!-#opchina ]-

* Update [12 / 10-2015] "Vintage Computer Fest: Berlin 2015 "{October 9, 2015 year] - by the (hackaday.com) led us to visit we will see different opportunities and German culture in reality -! "In addition to the Berlin machine laissez-faire, it has emerged Vintage Computer Festival 2015 session: Berlin (VCFB). ... "-
-*更新[12/10-2015]"復古計算機巨星:柏林2015年"{October 9,2015年]-
-Update[10/10-2015] - This Russian Webmaster on the network trumpeted, whether you are a student, working people, people who do not understand computer technology,  the elderly, the most popular women in the family to join, its purpose was "to be able to access ---( "因特網") " iainternet access provider! They ask the Webmaster How to get the money earned ?...!- For My All Great Anonymous & my readers and friends~Thanks^^-
*All The World Country Lauguage*-
更新[10/10-2015] - 這一俄羅斯的網站管理員在網絡上大肆宣傳,無

論你是學生,工作的人,人誰不明白計算機技術,老年人,婦女在家庭中最流行的加盟,其目的是“要能訪問 - - (“因特網”)“iainternet接入提供商”!他們發問如何獲得賺來的錢?...!-
- [10/10-2015]Mainland China-man , when what a day they does not stealing ??The answer is no ! They put Microsoft's original / creators need to make serious efforts in the world of science and technology studies WH final tool / life electronic equipment / other copyrighted's! The items have been stolen!! Then apply the CCP refuse dictatorship "no credibility" of sinful lying government! - see the thehackernews.com- famous software / tool analyst: 'Mo 希特库马尔 "- written on [18 / 09-2015]" Microsoft has established its own Linux operating system! "- then take a look at the Rubbish China-man is very cunning shameless to theft of Microsoft's copyright !!To: My All Geat Anonymous team and my readers & friends~-*All The World Country Lauguage*-

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 Anonymous Old School 分享了 1 條連結
People of the UK, get this into your head before it's too late - look at what's…
  05 November 2015.

If Cameron Is So Concerned About UK Security, How In The Blazes Has He Refused To Aid The Russians In Their Fight Against ISIS?

 By Michael Aydinian.

People of the UK, get this into your head before it's too late - look at what's happening in every major country in the West - the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Turkey, Australia and many more - in each and every one, there exists an insatiable urge to usher in laws that no one wants; no one ever asked and never once was included in any manifesto pledge.

Let's for now forget how elections are being rigged left, right and center. Just think about this - they want to outlaw criticism of Israel and needless to say, outlaw any criticism of governments that guess what...... just happen to be totally under the Zionist thumb. I mean, does it have to be spelled out - our entire political system has been compromised by a handful of people and their intentions couldn't be worse!
Cannot people see the ramifications of allowing any of this.... ever? Well I'll tell you now - their goal is nothing less than to be able to eliminate, yes - murder anyone and that's exactly what's going to happen if we don't stop this. Cameron even admitted this at the UN when he said, "anyone questioning 9/11 is as dangerous as ISIS terrorists!" Yes, the very terrorist organisation Israel, US and UK created! He went on "& the government should use all means at its disposal to eradicate these people!".......So we're not allowed to question and right now Cameron is chomping at the bit to bring new laws that will open the door for him to do just that. Look at the title and ask yourself - what the hell is going on here?
Let's go back and examine what occurred when Cameron first tried to pull this stunt. Bear in mind - the media's job is not to tell you what's going on!..... I will though! Our vile, pathetic Home Secretary Teresa May drew up a bill that basically allowed the government to label anyone a terrorist. This is the very antithesis of democracy. Even if like me you abhor violence you could nevertheless be classified as a terrorist and so fall foul of these new laws. At the time the LIb Dems held the balance of power and refused to back this heinous act. The bill had to be shelved. From that moment I knew - no more of this hung parliament nonsense for the true power-brokers. The Tories had to have a majority. That's why way before the last election I predicted they would be donated one.
And what do you suppose happened to the Lib Dems for scuppering these Zionist plans? The media proceeded to blame them for everything! Forget about the 300 odd Tory MP's - those terrible 30 odd Lib Dems! How could they do whatever they did? Come on. Cast your mind back. Tell me I'm wrong. You don't think you can succumb to subliminal brain-washing? I can just see a whole load of people saying 'oh yeah! He's right you know!'..... It's easy if you think. This is a game of pawns and power-brokers. In this case the Lib Dems wouldn't play ball and their party was destroyed. They spent 40 years trying to obtain the balance of power. When they finally did instead of having something to show for it, look at what occurred - cross the Zionists at your peril.
Cameron couldn't have done more to help those who control our government. I'll tell you now - the reason why there are so many sexual perverts embedded in Westminster is because of these Zionist bankers. Why do you think they're being protected at all costs? When Labour was in power they could have torn the Tories apart! They didn't. Now that the Tories are in power, even after Cameron was forced to say on TV 'he would leave no stone unturned' to this day Labour's Greville Janner evades justice even though over a dozen victims have come forward to sign sworn affidavits saying this child molesting pervert abused them when they were kids.
So Cameron protects pedophiles and he also protects war criminals. I could list countless examples of where an independent media would have ripped Cameron to shreds. Of course if you want play the deaf, dumb and blind merchant and just fob off this 5 year delay of the findings of the Chilcot inquiry and think Cameron has nothing to do with it, then you're a blithering idiot, plain and simple. For those who believe Cameron is actually angry the inquiry has taken so long as if our Prime Minister has no power whatsoever, well you lot really do deserve what could well be coming our way - it's a thing called slavery........ that's if you're lucky!
Yesterday we saw how desperate Cameron is to usher in these new laws. Before the Russians declared what may have brought down flight 7K9268, he's pointed the finger at ISIS. Cameron is playing a dangerous game here because anyone with a modicum of intelligence has to have some reservations of whether the West is fighting ISIS or actually supplying IT! There have been countless reports with solid evidence suggesting ISIS is in fact an Israeli run band of mercenaries, bought and paid for by the US tax payer. The Israelis have even admitted they are treating ISIS wounded in their hospitals and just the other day Israeli Colonel Yussi Elon Shahak was captured in Iraq. Well.... What the hell was he doing there? Under interrogation he admitted Tel Aviv was providing assistance to militants fighting against the Iraqi government. Did this make the news? Hell no! What, the Israelis assisting terrorists? Never!

Yet Cameron has the gall to step in and announce a halt to British flights to the Sharm el Sheikh resort. Note the emphasis has been placed on the security of British passengers. Even though ISIS is being routed by the Russians, according to Cameron ISIS is still this dreaded power that no one can stop! I mean what a nasty, little weasel Cameron has turned out to be. He's using this situation to help push through Teresa May's new security bill so that once again our fundamental rights are under serious threat. Understand this - there is no justification for this bill. It's specifically for the Zionist agenda! I always knew Cameron was the perfect Zionist puppet but never did I realise he would stoop this low. The only thing we need to be protected against are treacherous politicians!

Of course Cameron knows who really was behind this outrageous bomb attack. ISIS are simply a rag-tag bunch of mercenary killers that are being donated state-of-the-art weaponry by America. Since when were they trained saboteurs? Since when did they have the ability to get through airport security and plant bombs like this? How could they suddenly make the switch while running like frightened rabbits from the Russians? There is only one group of people who have the ability to do this; they also have the nerve - the Israelis! There are two main reasons - they are crazy enough & since they were responsible for 9/11, we've long since passed the point of no return. 

Frankly who else had motive to put a bomb on a Russian plane? From day one it was obvious ISIS was a terrorist organisation but how could it be an Islamic one when the only people they kill are Arabs and Muslims and the only countries they wreak carnage in are ones Israel wants to see destroyed! There are no ifs and buts about this and if you think any different you're brainless! And sure enough, what did I say about crossing the Zionists? The Russians finally help Assad by doing the job the West claimed they were doing and lo and behold - a Russian plane falls out of the sky!

Finally I'll say this - David Cameron does not possess an ounce of decency. He is a total fraud. He will lie through his back teeth. The only thing he wants to do is strip us of our civil liberties. Why? Because this is precisely what the Zionists bankers who control him want! Cameron is a traitor & if the people of this country realised the true extent of his crimes & what he intends to do, few people would argue he should be tried for treason!

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, the Whatsupic.
 By Michael Aydinian



 英國的人,得到這個到你的頭上之前,為時已晚-看看發生了什麼事在西方各主要國家-美國,加拿大,英國,法國,德國,土耳其,澳大利亞,還有更多-在每一個之一,存在一個貪得無厭的慾望在,沒有人願意法律迎來; 沒有人問過,從來沒有一次被列入任何宣言的承諾。

讓我們現在忘記怎麼選舉被操縱的左,右和中心。 想想這一點-他們要取締對以色列的批評和不用說,取締政府認為你猜怎麼著......恰好是完全根據猶太复國主義拇指任何批評。 我的意思是,難道一定要清楚地說明-我們的整個政治系統已經受到損害由少數人和他們的意圖不能更糟!
人們不能看到任何允許本的後果....永遠? 嗯,我會告訴你現在-他們的目標無外乎是能夠消除的,是的-謀殺任何人,這正是將要發生,如果我們不阻止這一切。 卡梅倫甚至承認這在聯合國時,他說,“有人質疑911是作為ISIS恐怖分子一樣危險!” 是的,非常恐怖組織,以色列,美國和英國創造! 他接著說“與政府應該利用一切手段在其處置,以消除這些人!”......因此,我們不准的問題和現在卡梅倫大嚼在位帶來新的法律,將開門讓他做到這一點。 看標題,並問自己-這到底是怎麼回事?
讓我們回頭審視時,卡梅倫第一次試圖把這個特技發生了什麼。 請記住-媒體的工作不是告訴你這是怎麼回事.....我會的,但! 我們的卑鄙,可憐的內政大臣特雷莎月起草了一項法案,基本上使政府得以任何標籤恐怖。 這是非常對立的民主。 即使你像我一樣痛恨暴力,你仍可以被歸類為恐怖分子,因此落入這些新法律犯規。 當時的自民黨召開的力量平衡,並拒絕支持這一令人髮指的行為。 該議案不得不被擱置。 從那一刻起,我知道-沒有更多的這種懸浮議會廢話了真正的權力經紀人。 保守黨必須有一個多數。 這就是為什麼這樣的上屆選舉之前,我預測他們將捐贈之一。
那你猜發生了自民黨的scuppering這些猶太复國主義的計劃? 媒體著手責怪他們的一切! 忘掉300多保守黨國會議員的-那些可怕的30多自由民主黨! 他們怎麼可以做任何他們做? 來吧。 大家回憶一下。 告訴我,我錯了。 你不認為你可以屈從於潛意識的洗腦? 我可以看到,人們說,'哦,是的整個負載! 他是對的,你知道!“......這很容易,如果你想。 這是一個遊戲的走卒和電力經紀人。 在這種情況下,自民黨會不會起球和他們的黨被摧毀。 他們花了40年時間試圖獲得權力的平衡。 當他們終於做到了,而不必東西給它,看看發生了什麼-穿越猶太复國主義,後果自負。
卡梅隆不可能做得更多,以幫助那些誰控制我們的政府。 現在我來告訴你-為什麼有鑲嵌在威斯敏斯特這麼多的性變態的原因是因為這些猶太复國主義銀行家。 為什麼你會認為他們是被保護的,不惜一切代價? 當工黨執政時期,他們可能已經撕裂了保守黨分開! 他們沒有這樣做。 現在,保守黨執政,即使卡梅倫被迫說在電視上',他會想盡一切辦法“,這一天勞動的格雷維爾Janner逃避正義,即使超過一打的受害者出面簽署宣誓書說這個孩子調戲變態虐待他們,當他們還是孩子。
所以卡梅隆保護戀童癖者,他也保護戰犯。 我可以列出,其中獨立媒體會撕開卡梅倫撕成碎片的例子不勝枚舉。 當然,如果你想打聾,啞又瞎的商人,只是搪塞過這家推遲一年的齊爾考特調查的結果,並認為卡梅倫無關,用它做,那麼你是胡扯的白痴,簡單明了。 對於那些誰相信卡梅倫實際上是憤怒查詢了這麼久,如果我們的總理已經沒有任何力量,以及你很多確實應得的很可能是未來我們的方式-這是一個被稱為奴隸的事情....... 。那是,如果你是幸運的!
昨天我們看到了卡梅隆多麼絕望是迎來這些新的法律。 在俄羅斯宣布什麼可以擊落飛行7K9268,他的矛頭指向ISIS。 卡梅倫是在玩一場危險的遊戲,因為這裡的人用智慧的一點點必須有西無論是戰鬥ISIS一些保留或實際提供IT! 已經有確鑿的證據表明ISIS其實僱傭兵,收購以及由美國納稅人支付的以色列運行帶無數的報告。 以色列人甚至承認,他們對待ISIS傷員在他們醫院就在幾天前,以色列上校Yussi倫沙哈克被抓獲的伊拉克。 嗯....到底他在幹什麼呢? 在審訊他承認特拉維夫被提供給武裝分子對伊拉克政府爭取援助。 這是否成為新聞? 該死的! 什麼,以色列人協助恐怖分子? 從來沒有!
然而,卡梅倫居然介入並宣布停止向沙姆沙伊赫度假的英國航班。 注意的重點一直放在英國乘客的安全性。 雖然ISIS是被路由由俄國,據卡梅隆ISIS仍是沒有人能阻止這個可怕的力量! 我的意思是一個討厭的,小黃鼠狼卡梅倫竟然是。 他用這種局面的形式,通過鄧麗君五月的新的安全法案,以便再次我們的基本權利是推動受到嚴重威脅。 明白了這一點-沒有理由對這一法案。 它是專為猶太复國主義的議程! 我一直都知道卡梅隆是最完美的猶太复國主義的傀儡,但從來沒有,我才意識到他會屈尊這種低。 我們必須防止的唯一的事情是奸詐的政客!
當然,卡梅隆知道誰是真正背後的殘忍炸彈襲擊。 ISIS是一個簡單的烏合之眾一群正在捐贈先進設備,最先進的武器裝備由美國僱傭軍殺手。 從什麼時候起,他們訓練的破壞者? 從什麼時候開始,他們必須打通這樣的機場安檢加彈廠的能力嗎? 怎麼樣從俄國受驚的兔子運行時,可能他們突然作出這樣的轉變? 只有一組的人誰也做到這一點的能力; 他們也有神經-以色列人! 主要有兩個原因-他們是瘋了足夠的和,因為他們負責911,我們早已通過了不歸路。
坦率地說還有誰有動機把一個炸彈在俄羅斯飛機? 從第一天開始很明顯ISIS是一個恐怖組織,但它怎麼會和一個伊斯蘭之一,當他們殺的唯一的人是阿拉伯人和穆斯林,他們大肆殘殺的是那些以色列希望看到破壞的唯一的國家! 沒有如果和但是這件事,如果你認為有什麼不同,你是沒腦子! 果然,我說關於穿越猶太复國主義是什麼? 俄羅斯最終幫助阿薩德通過做任務西方聲稱他們正在做的和你瞧-一個俄羅斯飛機掉下來的天空!
最後,我會說這一點-戴維·卡梅倫不具有正派盎司。 他是一個總的欺詐行為。 他會說謊通過他的後牙。 他想要做的唯一的事情就是剝奪公民自由我們。 為什麼呢? 因為這正是猶太复國主義銀行家誰管他想要的! 卡梅隆是一個叛徒&如果這個國家的人認識到了自己的罪行和什麼樣的真實程度,他打算做什麼,很少有人會認為他應該受到審判以叛國罪!





 We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. We are Anonymous. Expect Us.
A U.S. B-52 strategic bomber flew over Chinese manmade islands in the…

U.S. bombers flew near Chinese-built island in South China Sea - Pentagon

WASHINGTON, Nov 12 (Reuters) - Two U.S. B-52 strategic bombers flew near artificial Chinese islands in the South China Sea this week and were contacted by Chinese ground controllers but continued their mission undeterred, the Pentagon said on Thursday.
China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion in global trade passes every year, and the United States has said it will continue conducting patrols to assure freedom of navigation. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims in the region.

In the latest mission, which occurred overnight on Nov. 8-9, the bombers flew "in the area" of the Spratly Islands but did not come within the 12-nautical-mile zones that China claims as territory around islands it has built in the chain, said Commander Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman.
"The B-52s were on a routine mission in the SCS (South China Sea)," taking off from and returning to Guam, Urban said.
Chinese ground controllers contacted the bombers but the aircraft continued their mission unabated, Urban said.

"We conduct B-52 flights in international air space in that part of the world all the time," Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told a news briefing earlier on Thursday.
Last month, a U.S. warship challenged territorial limits around one of China's man-made islands in the Spratly archipelago with a so-called freedom-of-navigation patrol, the most significant U.S. challenge yet to territorial limits China claims around its new islands.
U.S. and Chinese warships and aircraft regularly communicate when operating near each other in Asian waters, U.S. military officials say.


五角大樓 - 美國轟炸機在中國南海飛近中國製


  路透社 16分鐘 Yeganeh Torbati和大衛·亞歷山大·

 華盛頓11月12日(路透社) - 兩個美軍B-52戰略轟炸機飛近,本週中國的人工島,在中國南海和中國地面控制人員進行了聯繫,但繼續他們的使命偏向虎山行,五角大樓週四表示。
中國聲稱大部分的中國南海,通過超過$ 5萬億美元的全球貿易每年都通過,而美國已經表示,將繼續進行巡邏,以確保航行自由。 越南,馬來西亞,文萊,菲律賓和台灣在該地區的競爭對手索賠。


 Shameful cunning British - corruption royal family,
Like as "China" communist "Fifty Cent Party" and their slave,
The denial of human rights, corruption suffering full, non-compliance with international law, to confuse black and white,
Positive moral degeneration, false democracy of hypocrisy,
Ugly as "China" - "Fifty Cent Party" and their slaves exposure on the international stage!

Unconscionable! Buddha also angry !!

We would hope our all chivalrous Anonymous tribes launched an angry attack!
#OpUK  #opchina  #ophk  #OPKOREAN
All above of the places is rubbish!

Look Ma Wan like a " Big Head Monster " ,,appearance is definitely drinking manufactured in the Mainland, "the big-head of the toxic milk powder" formed.
In the yellow-skinned people , Ma Wan eyes grow like as " Frankenstein "(cartoon / movie characters)
Face 5 senses are moved, he was in "full of yellow-skinned people" of the ugliest,
It looks ugly looks unimportant,

But he steal other people's things, and then to refuse to sell counterfeit manufacturing toxic goods/ food/ things...etc.,
This is the most unconscionable crime.
These garbage harm make how many people to died of it ??!

Of course appearance is so ugly.
He have a evil thinking , his reason,,..... he must be retribution!

Melody.Blog sad sigh angry ...




#OpUK  #opchina  #ophk  #OPKOREAN




 **- Update [11 / 11-2015] information by Anonymous facebook's "Anonymous-Old-School" released of information - a reference to one of them snippets - "The British people, get this into your head before it's too late - look What happened to all the major countries in the West (World)- the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Australia, and more - in every one of the first, ... "! -
-更新 [11/11-2015]由匿名facebook的"Anonymous-Old-School"發佈的信息-引用其中1小段內容-"英國的人,得到這個 到你的頭上之前,為時已晚-看看發生了什麼事在西方各主要國家-美國,加拿大,英國,法國,德國,土耳其,澳大利亞,還有更多-在每一個之 一,...!"-


 *-Update[2710-2015]For My Dear President Barack Obama" Mr.-


 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 分享了 Jamie Gordon影片

 Jamie Gordon
其他 44 人

You Stand In Numbers the elite are irrelevant., "you choose who serves and protects you" when those in that position of power violate your RIGHTS, then you have the right to defend your self against the terror & tyranny "definition: a novel form of government. take what you own. disarm the elite before you are expired...

Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 分享了 Million Mask March相片

 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous

Massage To All Muslim Hackers From Mujahidin Cyber Army

By: Mujahidin_Cyber_Army on Oct 26th, 2015.
 O Muslim hackers ....
open your eyes ...! What you do not see syria? Muslim syria killed every day by Bashar Assad and his coalition !! what you think of Muslim Palestinians who need to be helped? no ..!!in fact all Muslims are brothers !! syria Muslim and Palestinian Muslims are the same. and every Muslim for another Muslim is brothers ..
Join Us!
#OpSaveSyiria #OpRussia #OpVietnam 
Contact me: izzamujahid123@gmail.com
We Are Not ISIS
We Are Mujahidin Cyber Army
We Love Al-Qaeda
~Izza009 | Mujahidin Cyber Army

Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous 分享了 Anonymous Art Of Revolution相片

Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous
So once again The Department of community Services in Nova Scotia . wants to steal a child from a home .
Please sign the petition .
As we are in contact and looking in to further .

Lorraine Poulin has passed all the requirements as a (kinship) foster home but Nova Scotia Department of Community Services (DCS) is saying that; after living with her grandmother for almost 2 years that they will soon take her little granddaughter and put her up for adoption; and that Lorraine has not met requirements through the adoption process.

Please click the link for more info -  Grandmother told adoption is not an option - Truro Daily News If you would like to assist Lorraine with her mounting legal bills; you can do so at the following link:     https://www.gof…


 "Taomike SDK hijack user All SMS / Privacy Information!
 Published: 2015-10-25 21:50 Source: unknown.

 App mobile application developers are faced with how to profit the inevitable problems, the most common method is to join in the application advertising. Advertising alliance to create a library of functions to facilitate the developers can quickly advertising into its applications. We will emphasize the use of IAPs install these applications is very dangerous, because usually these applications can read before sending

 App mobile application developers are faced with how to profit the inevitable problems, the most common method is to join in the application advertising. Advertising alliance to create a library of functions to facilitate the developers can quickly advertising into its applications. We stressed before the installation of these applications using IAPs very dangerous, because often these applications can be sent to mobile phone users to read all the messages.
Of course, not all of the SMS-based IAP application will steal user data, we recently analyzed the Taomike SDK will capture and send a copy of the message to wash rice passenger control server , data from August 1 Palo Alto Networks WildFire obtained show more than 18,000 apps include this library. These applications do not exist exclusively in Google Play app store, are spread through a third-party application store in China.
WildFire captured many mobile malware samples will intercept and upload text messages, most of these applications are developed by third-party managed space set up a command and control server, and regularly updated position evade detection.
In these malicious software, we found that many of them are created by the "mobile monetization" company, these applications are usually deceive the user clicks on the pop-up window installation, after the user has only to find tricky from telephone bills, the anti-virus software typically identify such App as malicious software. But this malicious software described herein is somewhat different, it is difficult to detect it.
Wash rice and passenger is a Chinese company whose goal is to become China's largest mobile advertising solution platform. They offer a SDK to help developers and service display rich advertising content, after wash rice passenger and not malicious behavior related, but a recent update added a steal SMS function. Embed this repository App authors can be very clean hands, but developers will choose SDK Taomi passengers themselves caught in a dangerous situation.
Technical details: steal SMS
Not all applications use Taomi off SDK will steal user messaging, our analysis shows that the sample only contains an embedded URL in hxxp: // has this feature. The URL address is uploaded messages, and this IP address belongs to Taomike API services. We captured 63,000 Android App in there stealing 18,000 applications include the SMS function.
We believe Taomi off SDK sure there are many versions, some versions do not contain steal SMS feature is also normal. Based on our data, this feature is to steal SMS versions starting from August to join, so the previous version was quite safe.
This Taomi guest library is called "zdtpay", is Taomike's IAP system component.

We see from the manifest file in the library requires SMS and network privileges, the library also for SMS_RECEIVED and BOOT_COMPLETED registered a called com.zdtpay.Rf2b receiver.

This register will read the receiver Rf2b message, as shown below, also it collects the message content and the sender's phone number.

If the device has just restarted, then start the service again Rf2b registered MySd2e one receiver

Save the receiver to collect messages to hashmap, and then upload it to

All messages sent to mobile phone text messages will be uploaded, not just those associated with Taomike internet. The following figure shows when an upload test message packet to crawl to the short message has been marked with a red dotted line "hey test msg".

Wash rice and guest library also links following URL, but only "2c.php" is used to steal SMS messages, other paths are some other features libraries. 
Risks and Solutions
As of August this year, we caught a total of about 18,000 samples contain messages steal library, which also means that the amount of affected users is how large. We expect this figure as more developers update the latest guest library wash rice will increase.
We do not know Taomi off message is used to steal user what to do, but a library to fetch messages and upload real non right path! In the Android 4.4 version of Google SMS steal prevents application, unless the application is the default message procedure.
Outside of China, download the application from the official Google Play application store will not be such a threat.
in conclusion
Even very popular third-party ad network platform is not too trustworthy! Developers using the SDK is best based on the user responsible attitude to see if there are unusual circumstances.
* Reference Source: Palo Alto , compile / FB Xiao Bian Iris, please indicate from FreeBuf hackers and geeks (FreeBuf.COM)



发布时间:2015-10-25 21:50文章来源:未知.

移动应用App开发者都面临着如何进行盈利这项不可避免的问题,其中最常见的方法便是在应用中加入广告。广告联盟创建一个函数库,方便开发者能够快速的将 广告植入其应用之中。我们之前就强调了安装这些使用了IAPs的应用十分危险,因为通常这些应用能够读取发送到用户手机上的所有短信。
当然并非所有基于IAP的SMS应用都会盗取用户的数据,我们最近分析的Taomike SDK就会捕获短信并将副本发送到淘米客控制服务器,自8月1日起Palo Alto Networks WildFire获得的数据表明超过18,000款应用包含这个库。这些应用无一例外都不存在于Google Play应用商店,都是通过第三方应用商店在中国传播。
在这些恶意软件中我们发现很多是由“mobile monetization”公司创建的,这些应用通常都是欺骗用户点击弹出窗口进行安装,用户之后才从电话账单中发现猫腻,反病毒软件通常将此类App识 别为恶意软件。但是本文所讲述的这款恶意软件有些不同,很难检测到它。
淘米客是一家中国公司,其目标是成为中国最大的移动广告解决方案平台。他们提供了一个SDK和服务帮助开发者展示丰富的广告内容,此前淘米客并没有相关的 恶意行为,但最近的一次更新中增加了一项盗取短信的功能。嵌入了这个库的App作者手可能是非常干净的,但是开发者选择淘米客的SDK就将他们自己陷入了 危险的境地。
并非所有使用淘米客SDK的应用都会盗取用户短信,我们的分析表明仅有包含嵌入式URL的样本hxxp://有 这个功能。这个URL就是上传短信的地址,并且这个IP地址属于Taomike API服务。在我们捕获的63,000 Android App中就有18,000个应用包含这个盗取短信的功能。
这个淘米客library被称之为“zdtpay”,是Taomike’s IAP系统中的一个组件。




 接收器收集到的短信保存到hashmap,然后上传到112.126.69.51  .

 所有发送到手机的短信都会被上传,不仅仅是那些与Taomike相关的平台。下图显示了一个上传测试消息时抓取到的数据包,短消息已经用红色虚线标记出来“hey test msg”。

我们还不清楚淘米客盗取用户的短信是拿来做什么,但是一个library抓取短信并上传实非正途!在Android 4.4版本谷歌就阻止应用程序盗取短信了,除非默认该应用为短信程序。
中国以外的用户,从官方Google Play应用商店上下载应用不会受到这类威胁。
* 参考来源: paloalto ,编译/FB小编鸢尾,转载请注明来自FreeBuf黑客与极客(FreeBuf.COM)


 -Update[2610-2015] Communist China fifty cents slaves liar, The developer how to profit to steal  using "Taomike '' mobile applications! - They steal the mainland people use mobile phones all SMS / Privacy Information"!! --- Title: "Taomike SDK hijack user All SMS / Privacy Information! "- as they are rogue hackers,, from the mainland white hat (FreeBuf.com) for you expose confidential ! Communism Chi na Fifty Cents is so kind of damage their own countrymen?! Shameful  China-pig!! -& By "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"-the Anonymous News!-"Brothers, men...thank you Oh!!"-
-更新 [2610-2015] 謊話連篇的共產支那五毛奴隸,如何进行偷竊盈利?开发者運用移动应用App"淘米客''來偷竊內地人們使用的手機所有短信"!!---標題:"淘米客 SDK会劫持用户的所有短信!"-牠們的流氓黑客所為,,由內地白帽子(FreeBuf.com)為你們揭露機密吧!共產支那五毛是這麼樣損害對待自已的 同胞的!可恥的支那豬!-"哥兒,爺們...謝謝喔!"-

 Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous

Watch Out – This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop

Do you know the USB devices we carry each day can be converted into a bomb? You must be thinking like “yeah whatever.
No, it’s true, a researcher just showed how a USB can be converted into a killer USB that can kill your whole PC within seconds.

Though, this is not the first time such a USB has been demonstrated. In March, the same researcher showed that a USB can cause harm to vital components of a system if plugged in. But, this time around the USB he demonstrated was significantly more powerful and was named as “Dark Purple”

The USB has been developed with a DC/DC converter, caps and FET. On plugging, the DC/DC converter charges the USB to -220V in the new version (in the old version it was -110V). This voltage is applied to the signal lines of the USB interface.
The process repeats itself until all the components of the PC are destroyed.
What’s more troubling about the version2.0 is that the reaction rate is much more than the earlier version, which allows it to destroy the whole system within few seconds.


當心 - 這個殺手USB驅動器將炒你的筆記本電腦

 你知道,我們進行每天可以轉換成炸彈的USB設備? 你一定會認為像“是啊什麼的。”
所述USB已經被開發用的DC / DC轉換器,瓶蓋和場效應管。 上堵塞,在DC / DC轉換器充電的USB在新版本到-220V(在舊版本是-110V)。 這個電壓施加到USB接口的信號線。



Beware– This Killer USB Drive Can Fry Your Laptop


The killer USB Drive has been designed especially to burn laptops – So be careful while inserting someone’s USB on your laptop.
Have you heard about the subway USB theft? In case you haven’t let us tell you that someone took a flash drive from a passenger while both were travelling. The drive was later plugged by the thief into his computer and he learned that the drive literally fried his computer instead of loading any valuable data.
It is a fake flash drive and has a specifically designed circuitry that can almost break the computer these are plugged into. Isn’t it an alluring concept? Perhaps, the thief believed so and initiated the task of creating a similar computer frying USB drive.

It is a fact that almost every electrical port on a laptop or computer serves as a potential entry point for hazardous signals. And USBs generally are well protected. So, the port can simply shut off if you short power and ground together. If it is passed via any KV of electricity and TVS diodes, it is possible to shove the power safely. If you feed in an RF signal then the inline filtering beads will dissipate all the energy.
To break through these safety procedures, the Killer USB’s design utilizes an inverting DC-DC converter which takes USB port’s power for charging the capacitor bank to up to -110VDC. Once the caps are charged, the converter is turned off and a transistor shoves the capacitor’s voltage to the post’s data points.
After discharging the caps, the supply fires back up and this cycle is performed repeatedly until the computer is completely fried or as long as the bus voltage is alive.
To defeat the small TVS diodes present on the bus lines and burn some critically important components as well as the CPU, the combo of high voltage and high current is perfect. USB drive is usually integrated with the CPU and in almost all modern laptops this feature makes the attack very productive.
Images Via: Kukuruku.co |.


Waqas Amir is a Dubai based cybersecurity journalist with a passion for covering latest happenings in cyber security and tech world. In addition to being the founder of this website, Waqas is also into gaming, reading and investigative journalism.



你有沒有聽說過地鐵USB盜竊? 如果你還沒有讓我們告訴你,有人乘客花了閃存驅動器同時兼具了旅行。 驅動後來被小偷插入他的電腦,他得知驅動字面上炒裝載任何有價值的數據,他的電腦來代替。
這是一個假的閃存驅動器,並有一個專門設計的電路,幾乎可以打破這些插入到計算機中。 這難道不是一個誘人的概念? 也許,小偷認為這樣並開始建立一個類似的電腦油炸的USB驅動器的任務。

 這是幾乎在筆記本電腦或計算機上的每個電口作為一個潛在的切入點危險信號的事實。 而USB的普遍得到很好的保護。 因此,該端口可以簡單地關閉,如果你做空力量和地在一起。 如果它是通過電和TVS二極管任何千伏傳遞,能夠安全地推的力量。 如果在RF信號養活那麼內聯濾波磁珠將消耗所有的能量。
為了突破這些安全程序, 殺手USB的設計採用反相DC-DC轉換器這需要USB端口的電源為電容器組充電到高達-110VDC。 一旦帽被充電時,轉換器被關斷和晶體管猛推電容器的電壓到後的數據點。
為了戰勝目前的公交線路的小TVS二極管和燃燒一些極為重要的組成部分,以及對CPU,高電壓和高電流的組合是完美的。 USB驅動器通常與CPU集成在幾乎所有的現代筆記本電腦的這一功能使得進攻非常有成果的。



Waqas阿米爾是一家總部位於迪拜的網絡安全記者與激情覆蓋最新發生的事情在網絡安全和技術的世界。 除了作為這個網站的創始人,Waqas也進入遊戲,閱讀和新聞調查。


USB Killer v2.0 testing.

Dark Purple

During the demonstration, the researcher lost his new laptop which can be seen in the video above. This is what he said after the demonstration:
“Do not worry about the laptop, the new motherboard is on the way – and the laptop will live again,” He specifically bought new laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad X60) just for this experiment, according to the researcher’s blog post.
This is not the first time a USB has been used as a weapon. USB drives have been used many times for compromising systems in air-gapped networks.
Stuxnet worm is the best example in the recent past when a USB drive was used as a weapon. Stuxnet worm was designed to destroy centrifuges at a nuclear facility.
So, our advice for you would be to be very careful while using anyone’s USB (better still, do not use anyone’s USB in your system), as one wrong step on your side can put all your data on risk.



Carolina works for HackRead as a technical writer. She is a Brazilian traveller who has been to almost every country around the world. She has a keen interest in technology, gadgets and social media.


 必讀 8技術,可以侵入您離線計算機和手機

USB Killer v2.0 testing.

Dark Purple

 演示過程中,研究者失去了他的新的筆記本電腦,可以在上面的視頻中可以看出。 這就是他的演示後表示:
“不要擔心筆記本電腦,新的主板是在路上-與筆記本電腦將重新生活,”他特意買新的筆記本電腦(聯想Thinkpad X60),只是為了這個實驗,根據研究人員的博客文章
 這是不是第一次使用USB已被用作武器。 USB驅動器已被多次使用的影響在空氣間隙的網絡系統。
Stuxnet蠕蟲病毒是在最近的過去最好的例子,當一個USB驅動器被用作武器。 Stuxnet蠕蟲的目的是要摧毀離心機的核設施。



卡羅來納州工程HackRead作為一個技術作家。 她是一個巴西人旅客誰一直在幾乎每一個國家在世界各地。 她在技術,工具和社交媒體產生了濃厚興趣。

8 октября в 10:32

USB killer v2.0

 Finally we managed to organize the installation and testing of prototypes of a new version of the device. Devices that perform only one function - the destruction of computers. But let's not limited to computers, the device is able to incapacitate almost any equipment equipped with USB Host interface. For example, I have on the table is an oscilloscope with USB interface (but it is still useful), almost all smart phones support USB OTG mode, TV, routers, modems, etc.

The main feature of the new version of the device is increased twice, "output" voltage, it is now 220 (strictly speaking, minus 220). Also in the new version the efforts were aimed at making the device even more compact, as in the first version had slightly modifying the body, so that everything fits.

The principle of operation is not changed. Connecting to the USB port starts operation of the voltage converter, which charges the capacitor to 220V. By achieving this voltage converter is switched off and the stored up energy in the capacitor is supplied to the signal lines USB interface. After the capacitors discharge cycle is repeated.


USB Killer v2.0 testing.

Dark Purple
 Do not worry about the laptop, the new "motherboard" is on the way - he will live. Originally did not plan to restore it, the laptop was purchased specifically for the test, but now I miss him, built-in 3G, ergonomics, the keyboard ...

Definitely out of order I / O Controller Hub, which burned more difficult to say. But it is extremely unlikely that the hard disk was damaged and the information on it.

Circuitry Interface USB Laptop killed

Structural scheme.

I / O Controller Hub.

Spare USB connector.

The scheme completely.

Who has once MBP for the test, write in a personal. 



 最後,我們設法組織的裝置的一個新版本的原型的安裝和測試。 設備執行只有一個功能 - 電腦的破壞。 但是,我們不要局限於電腦,該設備能夠癱瘓幾乎所有的設備配有USB Host接口。 例如,我在桌子上與USB接口的示波器(但它仍然是有用的),幾乎所有的智能手機都支持USB OTG模式,電視,路由器,調製解調器等。

的裝置的新版本的主要特徵是增加了兩次,“輸出”的電壓,它現在是220(嚴格地說,減去220)。 另外,在新的版本的努力都是為了使設備更加緊湊,如在第一版本略有修改體內,使一切都適合。

操作的原理是不會改變。 連接到USB端口啟動電壓轉換器,它為電容器充電至220V的操作。 通過實現該電壓轉換器被關斷,所存儲的能量在電容器被提供給所述信號線的USB接口。 電容器後放電循環被重複。


USB Killer v2.0 testing.

Dark Purple


I / O控制器中樞。




 February 25 at 16:08

USB killer

 It was the usual gloomy winter morning, my colleagues and I, as usual, drinking morning coffee, shared news, there were no signs woes. But then a friend told ... more quote from Skype chat:

Once I read an article like the guy in the subway pulled from chavaka a mesh pocket bags flehi on which 128 were written. I came home, put in a laptop -> burned flooring company ... Posted on flehi 129 and now is in the outer pocket of her bag ...

Picture for attracting attention:

Since I work in the company, which is engaged in the development and production of electronics, we are colleagues began to actively discuss options for implementing such a stick - which "would spalivala polkompa." There was a lot of hardcore, fiction, as well as the very real option. And everything is so over this cheerful discussion, if I was not going to order the production of printed circuit boards for its other projects.

So, USB computer interface, as a rule, has in its composition USB razёm-> ESD diodes (anti-static) -> filter elements -> Protective elements of the chip containing the physical layer interface USB. In modern computers USB "Physics" is built almost in the processor, slightly older computers for severoyuzhnye The USB bridges. The task developed by the stick the whole thing zhestachayshe burn burn, kill at least USB.

Within a week, I have developed a very specific implementation of circuitry, components ordered and after a few months of waiting was assembled components fully functional prototype. It was tested the idea and "slept" all that is possible.

Next it was designed and ordered printed circuit boards in China, mounted combat sample.
I ordered to sail here . Quality is not terribly pleased - copper seems to be nothing but a mask falls off, silkscreen general horror. Consider anti-advertising.
I soldered manually assembling of me so yourself.

It made it under the body of a conventional stick.

The principle of operation of the flash drive is quite simple. When connected to a USB port starts inverting DC / DC converter and charges the capacitor to a voltage -110v, when that DC / DC voltage is switched off at the same time opens the FET through which -110v applied to the signal lines USB interface. Further increase in the voltage drop at the capacitor to -7v transistor closes and runs DC / DC. And so the cycle until you will break everything. The inquisitive mind of the reader is familiar with the electronics already realized why use a negative voltage to the other I will explain that a negative voltage switching easier, as required N-channel field-effect transistor, which, unlike the P-channel may be significantly more current in the same space.

About the area of ​​application will not speak, but a former colleague says it's like an atomic bomb, cool to have, but can not be applied.

In connection with the advent of the Internet many copies of my article, as well as translations into other languages ​​supposedly my authorship, I bring to the attention of the readers that my article is published only online habrahabr.ru and elsewhere.
For any questions write here: darkzpurple@gmail.com



 這是通常的陰沉冬天的早晨,我和我的同事,像往常一樣,喝早上喝咖啡,分享新聞,沒有任何跡象的困境。 但後​​來有朋友告訴...來自Skype的聊天更加報價:

有一次,我的念想在地鐵的傢伙一篇文章裡,chavaka拉flehi上128人寫了一個網狀口袋袋。 我回到家,把一台筆記本電腦 - >燒地板公司...張貼於flehi 129,現在是她的包包的外袋...


由於我工作的公司,這是一家從事電子產品的開發和生產,我們的同事們開始積極商討方案實施這樣的棍子 - 這“將spalivala polkompa”有很多鐵桿,小說,還有非常現實的選擇。 一切都是那麼在這歡快的討論,如果我不打算訂單生產印刷電路板為它的其他項目。

所以,該USB計算機接口,作為一項規則,在其組合物中的USBrazёm-> ESD二極管(防靜電) - >過濾器元件 - >包含物理層接口的USB芯片的保護元件。 在現代計算機的USB“物理”是建立幾乎是在處理器,年齡稍大的電腦進行severoyuzhnye的USB橋接。 由棒整件事zhestachayshe燒傷燙傷開發的任務,殺死至少USB。

一周之內,我已經開發出電路的一個非常具體的實現,組件訂購和等待組裝部件功能齊全的原型幾個月之後。 經測試的理念和“睡”一切都是可能的。

我奉命起航這裡。 質量是不是非常高興 - 銅似乎只是一個面具脫落,絲印一般恐怖。 考慮防廣告。



閃存驅動器的工作原理很簡單。 當連接到USB端口啟動反相DC / DC轉換器和充電電容器的電壓-110V,當DC / DC電壓被關閉的同時打開,通過該-110V施加到信號線的USB接口的FET。 在電容器的電壓降進一步增加到-7V晶體管關閉和運行的DC / DC。 如此循環,直到你將打破一切。 閱讀器的探究精神是熟悉已經意識到為什麼使用一個負電壓施加到其它我將解釋,將負電壓的開關更容易的電子,根據需要N溝道場效應晶體管,其中,與P溝道可以是在同一空間顯著更多的電流。




 I ordered to sail here . Quality is not terribly pleased - copper seems to be nothing but a mask falls off, silkscreen general horror. Consider anti-advertising.



 Can you imagine a USB became a bomb it ?!-
-from 'China-pig communist army black devil', 'evil despicable "# PCB manufacturer in China.", 'vulgar despicable 'communist mainland black Army devil '' actually manufactured so notorious bad track of breaking tool ?!!-By Chivalrous Anonymous "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" published information, and then by hackread.com show it on their blog ---Title:* Watch Out - This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop !*---evil sin behavior! See chivalrous Anonymous- "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" and hackread.com to unveil 'China-pig communist army black devil's ''conspiracy -! # opchina]

 你能否想像得到一個USB成了炸彈呢?''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''罪惡卑鄙無恥!"#PCB製造商在中國。"粗鄙的''大陸共產黑軍魔鬼''竟然製造這麽惡劣跡昭彰的破壞工具!!通過俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" 公佈的資訊,再由hackread.com展示了---標題:*Watch Out – This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop*---原罪之惡行為!請看俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"和hackread.com為我們揭開''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''的陰謀!-#opchina ]-

 *Update [12 / 10-2015]: Can you imagine a USB became a bomb it ?!-
-from 'China-pig communist army black devil', 'evil despicable "# PCB manufacturer in China.", 'vulgar despicable 'communist mainland black Army devil '' actually manufactured so notorious bad track of breaking tool ?!!-By Chivalrous Anonymous "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" published information, and then by hackread.com show it on their blog ---Title:* Watch Out - This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop !*---evil sin behavior! See chivalrous Anonymous- "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" and hackread.com to unveil 'China-pig communist army black devil's ''conspiracy -! # opchina] -
-更新[12/10-2015]:你能否想像得到一個USB成了炸彈呢?''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''罪惡卑鄙無恥!"#PCB製造商在中國。"粗鄙的''大陸共產黑軍魔鬼''竟然製造這麽惡劣跡昭彰的破壞工具!!通過俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" 公佈的資訊,再由hackread.com展示了---標題:*Watch Out – This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop*---原罪之惡行為!請看俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"和hackread.com為我們揭開''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''的陰謀!-#opchina ]-

 ===Melody.Blog===FOLLOW   FOLLOW===>/
 *Note: In order not to divulge the whereabouts of the original author, without attaching the original site, please forgive me!*

 Berlin was a good city to be a geek in last weekend. Alongside the Berlin Maker Faire, there was the 2015 meeting of the Vintage Computing Festival: Berlin (VCFB). Each VCFB has a special theme, and this year it was analogue computers, but there was no lack of old computers large and small, teletext machines, vintage video game consoles, and general nerdy nostalgia.

Analogue Computing

We spent a lot of time playing with the Electronic Associates, Inc. EAI Mini-AC that came from the collection of the Heinz Nixdorf Computer Museum. It’s a miniature analog computer that was probably designed for training purposes, but could be used for a few interesting demos. It has most of the analog circuits you need to do math: integrators, adders, multipliers, limiters, comparators, switches, etc. It was programmed up with a bouncing ball in a box simulator (with gravity!).

 A very clever feature of this computer is that the entire faceplate pulls off so that you can save a working program. (You can see another program plate sitting on top of the machine.) The pins poke through the faceplate and make contact inside when it’s properly installed. Unfortunately for modern vintage computer curators, this means that the machine has special pins compared to the other machines on display which all used regular banana plugs.
Another very cool feature of the EAI Mini-AC was that it had a run/stop button.

How can you stop an analog computation, you ask? Lots and lots of internal switches and some clever circuitry. In addition to hand-wiring (programming) the computer, there’s a switch inside just before each amplifier circuit that disconnects the incoming signal. When the stop button is pressed, all the inputs to all of the amplifiers gets disconnected, and the value should hold for a while. If you’re us, you’d expect the voltage on the capacitors to sag slowly over time. As we stood there watching and talking about how it was built on the inside, the displayed number didn’t change in the third decimal place for at least five minutes.

There’s a ton of other fancy circuitry inside this beast. The op-amps of the day were all built out of discrete transistors, and nonetheless had chopper stabilization to minimize the offset voltage. Differences of very tiny voltages matter tremendously in an analog computer, and it is exactly analog’s amazing demand for precision that ended up killing off the analog computers in the end.

 [Dr. Stephan Höltgen] brought along these racks of analog gear from the 60s and 70s. Included was a tube-based(!) Heathkit EC-1 learning computer, and a bunch of Telefunken gear.
Even with the beautiful lights and hands-on pleasure of plugging in patch cables to implement mathematical functions, nobody I talked to in the analogue computing exhibit would want to turn back the hands of time and ditch their digital computers, much less spend the time to make a recreation of one of these analog beasts. We think that this is all the more reason that they’re preserved as-is: they’re a great deal of fun to play around with, but once these are gone nobody will have the patience and knowledge to rebuild them.

PDPs Galore

You might be forgiven for thinking that if nobody would recreate analogue computers, the same would hold true for the early exemplars of the digital era, but you’d be very, very wrong. To look at the east wall of the exhibit, you’d think you were in a DEC PDP museum.
 [Phillipp Hachtmann] brought along a complete vintage PDP-8/e running just as fast as the day it was built, which was reading in tapes that were driven up from Munich just for the festival. (All of the data on the tapes was being saved to more modern media for convenience. The one loading at the time we asked seemed to contain largely computer games.) The computer itself and even the tapes that it was running seem surprisingly robust, having remained readable from the mid-70s until today. Good luck saying the same about your current laptop and its hard drive in 2055.

 Next to the real PDP-8 was a slew of real PDP faceplates. [Jörg Hoppe] and his project brought a bunch of these back to life again, albeit with modern internals. We’ve actually covered this particular build before, but the short version is that there are custom adapter boards attached to the faceplate that then allow it to be run from a BeagleBone utilizing PDP-10 emulator software. [Jörg] also has fantastically-detailed simulators of each of his faceplates available online for you to check out. Built from real photos of the real faceplates, each LED is unique and many of the switches are slightly wonky; the simulations have 95% of the charm of the actual faceplates, but weigh about 100 pounds less. If you use a touchscreen, you may not even miss the difference.

 Progressing from the vintage to the half-vintage, we came to a fully-modern rebuild of one of the earliest PDP-8 models, the PiDP-8/l, which is also a project on Hackaday.io in the running for our 2015 Hackaday Prize Best Product award. When I asked [Oscar Vermeulen] why this particular computer, he pointed out that it’s the PDP-8 model with the most blinkenlights. We don’t need further convincing.

Anyway, the PiDP-8 project takes [Jörg]’s adaptation of the old PDP faceplates a step further and re-creates them entirely from scratch, drastically simplifying all of the interface electronics and shrinking a fully realistic looking PDP-8 clone that runs on a Raspberry Pi and can sit comfortably on your desktop. If the actual PDP-8/e takes a small moving van to carry around, and the faceplates can probably fit in your hatchback, the PiDP-8 project gives you a PDP clone that you can bring in your carry-on luggage. But you don’t get that old-tape-drive smell.

Video Games

 Most time spent at the VCFB was in yakking about old computers, but when it was time to take a break there was a whole room dedicated to old video game consoles, and even many of the regular exhibitors were loading up their favorite games on their exhibited computers when they had a little downtime. Mario Cart in the original SNES version was a crowd pleaser, and was occupied each time we tried to sneak by and give good old Yoshi’s tires a spin.
 There was an old Atari Activision Track and Field game with these original hardware pedals that seem to have been designed for the game. Instead of mashing buttons as fast as you could to make your character run, you had to tap your feet. It gave the game an entirely more realistic feel, and was probably half-decent exercise to boot. The Wii Fit isn’t looking so revolutionary anymore.

 Even 3D gaming doesn’t seem so forward-thinking. We’d never played Nintendo’s 1995 3D Virtual Boy console until last weekend, and it was good fun. It had Mario’s Tennis installed, which made good use of the 3D effect. Apparently, the Virtual Boy has a vibrating mirror inside that alternately projects a channel to the left and right eyes to produce the 3D image, and you could hear the machine whirring a little bit.

Until Next Time…

 If you’ve got any kind of technostalgia (we just invented that word) or just want to see what all the fuss is about, have a look at the US or European (read: German) Vintage Computer Festivals near you, troll through our archives, or simply stay tuned for more coverage because we’ll definitely be going back.
And if there’s any particular old-computer fetish that you want to get off your chest, or just have us be on the lookout for, let us know in the comments.
Posted in computer hacks, cons, Hackaday Columns.

 柏林是一個很好的城市是在上週末一個怪胎。除了柏林機自由放任,又出現了2015年會議的老式電腦節:柏林(VCFB)。每個VCFB有一個特殊的主題,今年則是模擬計算機,但沒有缺乏舊電腦大大小小圖文機,老式遊戲機,和一般的書呆子留戀。模擬計算我們花了很多時間與電子Associates公司EAI的Mini-AC是來自亨氏多富電腦博物館收藏玩。那就是可能是設計用於訓練目的,但可用於一 些有趣的演示一個微型計算機模擬。它擁有最需要做數學模擬電路:(!重力)集成,加法器,乘法器,限幅器,比較器,開關等,被編程了在一個盒子裡模擬一個 彈跳球。這台計算機的一個非常聰明的特點是,整個面板拉了,這樣就可以節省工作計劃​​。 (你可以看到另一個程序盤坐在機器頂部)的銷戳通過面板,使它的正確安裝時,裡面的接觸。不幸的是,現代的老式計算機策展人,這意味著,相對於上展出其全 部用於普通香蕉插頭的其他機器的機器有特殊的針。EAI的小型交流的另一種非常酷的功能是它有一個運行/停止按鈕。你怎麼能停止模擬計算,你問?很多很多的內部開關和一些聰明的電路。除了手工佈線 (編程)的計算機,還有只是斷開輸入信號的每個放大器電路之前,裡面的開關。當按下停止按鈕,全部投入到所有的放大器被斷開,並且該值應保持一段時間。如 果你是我們的,你所期望的電容器上的電壓慢慢下垂隨著時間的推移。當我們站在那裡觀看和談論如何構建在裡面,顯示的號碼並沒有在第三位小數改變至少五分 鐘。有一噸的此獸內的其他花哨的電路。所述運算放大器的一天均建出分立晶體管的,並且仍然不得不斬波穩定以減少偏移電壓。的非常微小的電壓物質大大以模擬計算機差異,它是完全模擬的用於精密稱最終殺死的模擬計算機到底驚人需求。[博士斯蒂芬Hö​​ltgen]帶來了模擬設備從60年代和70年代的這些機架。包括是一個管為基礎的(!)Heathkit EC-1的學習電腦,和一幫德律風根齒輪。即使有美麗的燈光和動手插拔接線電纜實現數學函數的快感,沒有人我在模擬計算顯示出跟想回頭手中的時間和拋棄他們的數字計算機,更不用說花時間使這些 模擬野獸之一的娛樂。我們認為這是更有理由說他們保留原樣:他們是一個很大的樂趣玩弄,但是一旦這些都消失了,沒有人會耐心和知識來重建它們。等離子電視嘉豪你可能會誤以為,如果沒有人會重現模擬電腦,同樣也都適用於數字時代的早期典範,但你會非常,非常錯誤的。為了看展覽的東牆,你會覺得你是​​在DEC PDP博物館。[Hachtmann了了Phillipp]帶來了一個完整的老式的PDP-8 / E跑一樣快的一天建成,這是讀被趕出從慕尼黑只為節日的磁帶。 (所有的磁帶上的數據被保存到更多的現代媒體為方便起見,在一個裝載在我們要求的時間似乎包含大部分電腦遊戲。)電腦本身,甚至是它運行的磁帶顯得意外強 勁,有仍然可讀從70年代中期直到今天。祝你好運說你目前的筆記本電腦,並在2055的硬盤驅動器一樣。面板。 [約爾格·霍普]和他的項目帶來了一堆這些起死回生再次,儘管有現代化的內部。我們在實際覆蓋這個特殊的版本,但短期的版本是,有連接到面板的再允許它從 使用PDP-10仿真軟件BeagleBone運行自定義適配器板。 [約爾格]也有飛馳詳細的每一個他的面板可在網上的模擬器為你檢查出。內置的實物照片真實面板,每個LED都是獨特的,許多交換機都略有靠不住的;模擬有 95%的實際面板的魅力,但體重約100磅以下。如果您使用的是觸摸屏,你甚至可能不會錯過的差異。從復古到半復古與時俱進,我們來到了一個完全現代化的重建最早的PDP-8車型之一,在PIDP-8 /升,這也是在運行中為我們2015年Hackaday.io項目Hackaday獎最佳產品獎。當我問[奧斯卡Vermeulen的]為什麼這個特定的 計算機,他指出,這是PDP-8的模型最blinkenlights。我們不需要進一步的說服力。無論如何,PIDP-8項目以[約克]老PDP的“改編面板更進了一步,並從頭開始重新創建它們完全,大大簡化了所有的接口電路和萎縮運行一個完全逼真的PDP-8的克隆在樹莓派,並可以在桌面上舒適地坐在。如果實際的PDP-8 / E採用小麵包車移動攜帶,並且面板可以或許適合你的兩廂車中,PIDP-8項目給你一個PDP克隆,您可以在您的隨身行李帶上。但是,你不要老磁帶驅動器的氣味。大多數的VCFB花費的時間是yakking約舊電腦,但現在是時候休息一下有一個整個房間專門用於舊的視頻遊戲機,甚至許多普通參展商都加載了自己 喜歡的遊戲對他們的表現當他們有一個小的停機時間的計算機。在原來的SNES版馬里奧車是取悅觀眾,而我們試圖每次都用偷襲,並給予良好的老Yoshi的 輪胎旋轉佔領。有這些原有的硬件踏板,似乎已經被設計為遊戲中的一個老雅達利Activision的田徑比賽。相反,糖化按鈕一樣快,你可以​​使你的性格來看,你必須挖掘你的腳。它給遊戲一個完全更真實的感受,並且大概半像樣的鍛煉來引導。 Wii遊戲機的飛度是不是顯得很革命了。即使是3D遊戲不會顯得如此前瞻性的思維一樣。我們從來沒有玩過任天堂的1995年3D虛擬控制台的男孩,直到上週末,這是非常有趣。它有馬里奧網球 裝,它充分利用了3D效果。顯然,虛擬男孩具有振動鏡裡面交替地投射一個通道到左眼和右眼,以產生三維圖像,並可以聽到機器呼呼一點點。直到下一次...索尼DSCIf你有什麼樣的technostalgia的(我們剛剛發明了這個詞),或者只是想看看有什麼大驚小怪的,看看美國或歐洲(讀:德語)您附近的老式電腦節,巨魔通過我們的檔案,或者乾脆敬請期待更多的覆蓋,因為我們將肯定會回去。如果有,你要下車你的胸部,或只是讓我們是在尋找,讓我們在評論中知道任何特定的舊電腦神物。張貼在電腦黑客攻擊,缺點,Hackaday列


 From many hackers Bowen, we have the opportunity to enjoy a lot of the "little-known" wealth of knowledge!
We love to watch the Hacker / Anonymous tribes, they know more than the world of many technology experts!
And they are not stealing someone else's information to sell (like Snowden).
They put their own personal or team experience and knowledge to share tribe readers and enthusiasts together to discuss the exchange.

This loaded with history and info Bowen let us broaden the knowledge, an eye-opener!
For Bloggers: Elliot Williams
Extend - Thanksgiving unlimited ~
Melody.Blog Sincerely Yours ~





對博主:Elliot Williams


 -* Update [12 / 10-2015] "Vintage Computer Fest: Berlin 2015 "{October 9, 2015 year] - by the (hackaday.com) led us to visit we will see different opportunities and German culture in reality -! "In addition to the Berlin machine laissez-faire, it has emerged Vintage Computer Festival 2015 session: Berlin (VCFB). ... "-
-*更新[12/10-2015]"復古計算機巨星:柏林2015年"{October 9,2015年]-由(hackaday.com)帶領我們參觀我們不會在機遇和現實中看到不同的德國文化!-"除了柏林機自由放任,又出現了2015年會議的老式電腦節:柏林(VCFB)。..."-





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1.下載並學習一門課程下面的鏈接。 它並不需要很多的時間,並且由於這樣的事實,記錄格式為詳細的視頻教程,率來應對它,就像一個小學生,以及領取養老金!

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 This Russian Webmaster on the network trumpeted, whether you are a student, working people, people who do not understand computer technology,  the elderly, the most popular women in the family to join, its purpose was "to be able to access ---( "因特網") " iainternet access provider "!
They ask the Webmaster How to get the money earned ? The Russian Webmaster name is:'' Wladimir , he replied and said: "Hello, you can put their wallet or card.--- Wladimir setting rules (1). Download and learn a curriculum on the link below. It does not take a lot of time, and due to the fact that the recording format is detailed video tutorials rate to cope with it, like a schoolboy, and pensioners!
(2) registered rights secret service. The registration process is very simple and takes less than five minutes.
(3) Create your mobile application, in just five minutes to put your money!
(4) once a day, 15 ~ 20 minutes, do some simple, repetitive movements.
(5) Regular deductions earned money in your wallet or bank card at any time, even at night !..

Such conditions === reminds us of the Russian students, working people, and people who do not understand computer technology,  the elderly,  housewives, in the "Internet" on;-  Both for the communist government of the ''Russian rat'' doing spy part-time  !! - Please every one leave a message or judgment discuss it- right or false !!-
 Melody.Blog sincere sincerely ~

Melody.Blog  doubt, wondering ``



這個網主名字是:弗拉基米爾,他回覆道:"你好,你可以把他們的電子錢包或卡。--- 弗拉基米爾的設定規則(1).下載並學習一門課程下面的鏈接。 它並不需要很多的時間,並且由於這樣的事實,記錄格式為詳細的視頻教程,率來應對它,就像一個小學生,以及領取養老金!

(2).註冊為秘密服務的權利。 註冊過程非常簡單,花費不到5分鐘.




 *Update[10/10-2015] - This Russian Webmaster on the network trumpeted, whether you are a student, working people, people who do not understand computer technology,  the elderly, the most popular women in the family to join, its purpose was "to be able to access ---( "因特網") " iainternet access provider! They ask the Webmaster How to get the money earned ?...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*- For My All Great Anonymous & my readers and friends~Thanks^^-
更新[10/10-2015] - 這一俄羅斯的網站管理員在網絡上大肆宣傳,無論你是學生,工作的人,人誰不明白計算機技術,老年人,婦女在家庭中最流行的加盟,其目的是“要能訪問 - - (“因特網”)“iainternet接入提供商”!他們發問如何獲得賺來的錢?...!-



Microsoft has built its own Linux-based operating system called Azure Cloud Switch (ACS ) and believe me, under Satya Nadella, Microsoft has become more open than ever.

 According to the announcement made through an official blog post on Microsoft website, Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) describes as "cross-platform modular operating system for data center networking built on Linux." or Simply, " Commodity switch software stack for data center networks".

The Purpose of developing Linux-based Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) operating system at Microsoft is to make it simpler to control the hardware from multiple vendors ( such as Switches ) that powers their cloud-based services.

And here's the Kicker:

"Running on Linux, ACS [Azure Cloud Switch] is able to make use of its vibrant ecosystem. ACS allows to use and extend Open Source, Microsoft, and Third Party applications."
You can see the main functional blocks from top to the bottom of the ACS stack as shown in the image below.
Microsoft has Built its own Linux Operating System
However, Microsoft's Linux distribution is not going to appear on Desktops or Servers anytime soon, because this isn't a typical consumer-grade Operating System.

For Now, Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) Linux OS is just an internal tool that Microsoft uses to "debug, fix as well as test software bugs much faster" , scale down software and develop features for enterprise and cloud computing services.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) was demonstrated at the SIGCOMM conference in August 2015 at Imperial College London.

This move by Satya Nadella's Microsoft is really significant.

If you're interested in the technical deep dive into Azure Cloud Switch (ACS), you will find it on the Microsoft Azure blog .

Microsoft... To Win, Make Love, Not War.

It is not the first time that Microsoft is partnering with rival technologies.

Earlier this year, Microsoft had announced its partnership with Cyanogen , the most popular third-party ROM for Android phones and tablets.

And Cyanogen is reportedly working on deeper integration of Microsoft's Digital personal virtual assistant, Cortana, into its latest version of Operating System.

About the author

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of 'The Hacker News'. Cyber Security Analyst, Information Security Researcher, Developer and Part-Time Hacker.



 根據通過官方宣布了這一消息的博客文章對微軟的網站,Azure雲開關(ACS) 描述的“ 跨平台模塊化的操作系統基於Linux的數據中心網絡。”或簡稱為商品交換的數據中心網絡的軟件堆棧“。

開發基於Linux的Azure雲開關(ACS)操作系統在微軟的目的是為了更方便地控制來自多個供應商的硬件( 如交換機 )的權力,他們的基於雲的服務。


“在Linux上運行,ACS [Azure雲轉]是能夠利用其充滿活力的生態系統,ACS允許使用和擴展開源,微軟和第三方應用程序。”
Microsoft has Built its own Linux Operating System




如果你有興趣在技術深潛到Azure雲開關(ACS),你會發現它在微軟的Azure 博客



今年早些時候,微軟曾宣布,其與氰合作夥伴關係 ,最流行 ​​的第三方ROM為Android手機和平板電腦。



方正與“黑客新聞”主編,首席。 網絡安全分析師,信息安全研究人員,開發人員和兼職黑客




And it seems Okara China in some years would be an entirely independent IT economy; building homegrown Mobile and computer devices, Operating Systems, Applications, Browsers and almost everything existing in the IT ecosystem.
Well, Okara China was not at all happy when Microsoft finally announced the end of official support for Windows XP. At the time, Windows holded 91% of total market share, compared to just for Mac OS X and just 1% for Linux.
*"To monitor the whole two mainland provinces, cities and counties of the privacy of people's daily lives!
People do not know the inside will be installed theft tools,
The naked and you gave communist dictatorship violent interference you !!"*

However, Okara China wasn't interested to pay either for extended support for Windows XP or for switching to Windows 8. So, they decided to develop their own Operating System.
Yes,Okara China has developed a Desktop Operating System named “Okara NeoKylin” (and ‘Okara Kylin’ in Chinese),Note=it is simple chinese!! tagged as a substitute to Windows XP by Quartz, who got an opportunity to have a hands-on experience of its “community version” OS.
Okara  NeoKylin is developed by Shanghai-based Okara China Standard Software Company and already running on more than Okara 40% of commercial units sold in the country by Dell.

Okara  NeoKylin Looks Like Windows XP

Okara  NeoKylin looks something like this:
Okara  NeoKylin, the Microsoft Windows XP replacement is similar in the following manner:
  1. The complete user interface and essentials like Window’s Okara control, XP’s classic start button and folder’s icon are exactly the same.
  2. The folder names used are also same like: there’s a Recycle Bin, My Okara  Computer and Okara Control Panel to name a few.
  3. Okara NeoShine Office Suite offering similar functionalities of Windows Okara Excel, Okara Word and Okara PowerPoint.
The classic rolling-hills-and-clouds Okara desktop Wallpaper as was in XP gets a new face with qilin, the mythical Okara chimera-like beast that the OS is named after.
*"To monitor the whole two mainland provinces, cities and counties of the privacy of people's daily lives!
People do not know the inside will be installed theft tools,
The naked and you gave communist dictatorship violent interference you !!"*

Okara  NeoKylin has Built-in Linux Terminal

Moreover, the Okara Chinese OS has something more on board i.e. Linux terminal.
Yes, the Okara Linux terminal also exists where commands can be run, and information about the OS can be captured from it.

Beware! It is Not an Easy Going Okara OS

While exploring Okara NeoKylin, Okara Quartz found out that it has certain restrictions which does not allow any Okara third party installations on the system.
The operating system comes with pre-installed applications like:
  • Okara Firefox for web browsing
  • Okara A music player
  • Okara An open-source image editor GIMP
  • Okara A calculator

Though besides this, the version on Dell systems is packed with more Okara applications and Okara games.
However, while trying to install Google Chrome, Okara NeoKylin pushed the installation backwards. Moreover, according to Okara Quartz “It wasn’t just Chrome”.

However, with the availability of Okara Yellowdog Updater, Modified (Yum) package management, a commoner in Linux allowed additional Okara program installations.
*"To monitor the whole two mainland provinces, cities and counties of the privacy of people's daily lives!
People do not know the inside will be installed theft tools,
The naked and you gave communist dictatorship violent interference you !!"*

To Push Windows 10 in Okara China, Microsoft Partners with Baxxx

Okara  China’s dodgy intentions on not installing Windows 8 raised a few eyebrows, some said because Windows 8 is expensive while some also said because of suspicion over China-pig spying; reason why Windows 8 couldn’t make a landing in Okara China.
*Because China-pig communist dictatorship of violence!!*
Okara  China has always been cautious about the IT infrastructure of their country, even after updates and supports are closed 14-year old Windows XP is still in use in the majority of the systems in the country.
Though a few percentage of Okara Chinese Government also use Windows 7, now that percentage might get drop too after the availability of their native Okara OS.
*"To monitor the whole two mainland provinces, cities and counties of the privacy of people's daily lives!
People do not know the inside will be installed theft tools,
The naked and you gave communist dictatorship violent interference you !!"*
Okara  China has always believed in accepting things on their terms and conditions. This proves correct with their recent teaming up with Microsoft with the goal of pushing Windows 10 in Okara China, but…
...Microsoft Edge will be having Baixxx, the domestic search engine of China-pig instead of Microsoft .



 您是否知道:豆渣支那國已計劃消除所有外國技術和服務,到2020年, 就像谷歌和Facebook。
 它似乎豆渣中國在一些年份將是一個完全獨立的豆渣IT經濟; 建設自主開發的豆渣移動設備和豆渣電腦設備,豆渣操作系統,豆渣應用程序,豆渣瀏覽器和幾乎所有現有的豆渣IT生態系統。
那麼,支那國是不是在所有幸福的時候,微軟終於宣布了用於Windows XP的官方支持結束。 當時的Windows holded者的市場總份額的91%,這一比例僅為為豆渣Mac OS X和豆渣Linux的只有1%。

但是,豆渣中國不感興趣支付無論是Windows XP的擴展支持,或切換到Windows 8。於於是,他們決定開發豆渣自己的豆渣操作系統。

是的,豆渣中國已經制定了桌面操作系統命名為“豆渣NeoKylin”( 和“ 豆渣麒麟 ”在中國 ),標記作為替補到Windows XP由豆渣石英 ,誰得到了一個機會,它的“社區版”豆渣OS中的親身體驗。


豆渣NeoKylin看起來像Windows XP

豆渣NeoKylin時,Microsoft Windows XP的更換是通過以下方式相似:
  1. 完整的豆渣用戶界面和類似豆渣窗口的控制,XP的經典開始按鈕和豆渣文件夾的​​圖標要領是完全一樣的。
  2. 所使用的豆渣文件夾名稱也同樣喜歡:有一個豆渣回收站,我的豆渣電腦,豆渣控制面板,僅舉幾例。
  3. 中標普華豆渣Office套件提供Windows版豆渣Excel,豆渣Word和豆渣PowerPoint類似的功能。
經典的豆渣滾動的山丘和 - 豆渣雲桌面壁紙就像在XP中獲得一個全新的面貌與麒麟,該操作系統被命名的豆渣神話幻想般的野獸。




當心! 這不是一個容易相處的操作系統

  • 豆渣Firefox瀏覽器瀏覽網頁
  • 豆渣音樂播放器
  • 一個豆渣開放源碼的圖像編輯器GIMP
  • 一個豆渣計算器


然而,在嘗試安裝谷歌Chrome,豆渣NeoKylin推安裝倒退。 此外,根據石英“ 這不只是Chrome瀏覽器 ”。


要推的Windows 10在中國,微軟的合作夥伴與百度

豆渣中國對不安裝狡猾的意圖的Windows 8提出了一些眉毛,也有人說是因為Windows 8是昂貴的....What???同時也有人說是因為涉嫌在支那國從事間諜活動的; 為什麼Windows 8的下不了登陸豆渣中國。*因支那共產獨裁暴力政府*

豆渣中國一直持豆渣謹慎態度的國家的豆渣IT基礎設施,豆渣更新,並支持豆渣關閉14歲的Windows XP仍然在使用的大多數系統在全國甚至在。

雖然豆渣中國政府的幾個百分點也使用Windows 7,現在這一比例可能會得到他們的本地操作系統的可用性後降得。

豆渣中國始終認為,在接受的東西對他們的條款和條件。 這證明正確的與他們最近聯手與微軟在豆渣中國推的Windows 10的目標,但...


 *Because China-pig communist dictatorship of violence!!*


"This is the mad / neuropathy, the mainland '' zoonotic 'vulgar, backward,
Forced themselves corrupt countries continue to go on to prove!

Stealing resources of each of States, should severe fine!
Every time stealing other countries / places of manufactures / original works should be sentenced to the penalty they pay USD$ 2 million!
They dishonest, refused to admit committing a lot of serious crimes,
Please each Heads of State put this cunning "turtle bastard" alliance of abandoned outside the United Nations list !

Asian investment bank's losses - so many "Asian heads of state" do not wish to join meeting !
Some "Heads of State" will thing that - "recognize the big thief is their own father ?!!" Cantonese proverb = "Renzeizuofu"!

Share knowledge under the same sky, regardless of geography, regardless of race, regardless of religion...etc.,

Since a no conscience, no human rights, no knowledge / open information, abuse people's physical and thinking!
Coupled with corruption and collusion full of whole mainland, theft of resources  to other countries,, Become a habit !
This communist beast also murderous ,Also murder incalculable !!

Bible has been show to "doomsday" Advent's warning !

Might is displayed zoonotic miscellaneous swollen  - A hand full of blood, died alone in a dark corner of doom !! shameful of the devil behavior !!" Vain called in - people"!

#opchina  #ophk  #opLeungChunYing  #OpISIS
OPKOREAN  #Op_Tibet@TrueTibet  #opRussian #optaiwan

To: My All Geat Anonymous team and my readers & friends~

Melody.Blog very angry``







#opchina  #ophk  #opLeungChunYing  #OpISIS
OPKOREAN  #Op_Tibet@TrueTibet  #opRussian #optaiwan

To: My All Geat Anonymous team and my readers & friends~



 *- Update [11 / 11-2015] information by Anonymous facebook's "Anonymous-Old-School" released of information - a reference to one of them snippets - "The British people, get this into your head before it's too late - look What happened to all the major countries in the West (World)- the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Australia, and more - in every one of the first, ... "! -

-Update[2710-2015]For My Dear President Barack Obama" Mr.-
--Update[2610-2015] Communist China fifty cents slaves liar, The developer how to profit to steal  using "Taomike '' mobile applications! - They steal the mainland people use mobile phones all SMS / Privacy Information"!! --- Title: "Taomike SDK hijack user All SMS / Privacy Information! "- as they are rogue hackers,, from the mainland white hat (FreeBuf.com) for you expose confidential ! Communism Chi na Fifty Cents is so kind of damage their own countrymen?! Shameful  China-pig!! -& By "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"-the Anonymous News!-"Brothers, men...thank you Oh!!"-
-更新[2610-2015] 謊話連篇的共產支那五毛奴隸,如何进行偷竊盈利?开发者運用移动应用App"淘米客''來偷竊內地人們使用的手機所有短信"!!---標題:"淘米客SDK会劫持用户的所有短信!"-牠們的流氓黑客所為,,由內地白帽子(FreeBuf.com)為你們揭露機密吧!共產支那五毛是這麼樣損害對待自已的同胞的!可恥的支那豬!-"哥兒,爺們...謝謝喔!"-
*Update [12 / 10-2015]: Can you imagine a USB became a bomb it ?!-
-from 'China-pig communist army black devil', 'evil despicable "# PCB manufacturer in China.", 'vulgar despicable 'communist mainland black Army devil '' actually manufactured so notorious bad track of breaking tool ?!!-By Chivalrous Anonymous "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" published information, and then by hackread.com show it on their blog ---Title:* Watch Out - This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop !*---evil sin behavior! See chivalrous Anonymous- "Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" and hackread.com to unveil 'China-pig communist army black devil's ''conspiracy -! # opchina] -
-更新[12/10-2015]:你能否想像得到一個USB成了炸彈 呢?''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''罪惡卑鄙無恥!"#PCB製造商在中國。"粗鄙的''大陸共產黑軍魔鬼''竟然製造這麽惡劣跡昭彰的破壞工具!!通過俠義匿 名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous" 公佈的資訊,再由hackread.com展示了---標題:*Watch Out – This Killer USB Drive Will Fry Your Laptop*---原罪之惡行為!請看俠義匿名"Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous"和hackread.com為我們揭開''支那共產黑軍魔鬼''的陰謀!-#opchina ]-

 * Update [12 / 10-2015] "Vintage Computer Fest: Berlin 2015 "{October 9, 2015 year] - by the (hackaday.com) led us to visit we will see different opportunities and German culture in reality -! "In addition to the Berlin machine laissez-faire, it has emerged Vintage Computer Festival 2015 session: Berlin (VCFB). ... "-
-*更新[12/10-2015]"復古計算機巨星:柏林2015年" {October 9,2015年]-由(hackaday.com)帶領我們參觀我們不會在機遇和現實中看到不同的德國文化!-"除了柏林機自由放任,又出現了2015年 會議的老式電腦節:柏林(VCFB)。..."-

*Update[10/10-2015] - This Russian Webmaster on the network trumpeted, whether you are a student, working people, people who do not understand computer technology,  the elderly, the most popular women in the family to join, its purpose was "to be able to access ---( "因特網") " iainternet access provider! They ask the Webmaster How to get the money earned ?...!-*All The World Country Lauguage*- For My All Great Anonymous & my readers and friends~Thanks^^-
更新[10/10-2015] - 這一俄羅斯的網站管理員在網絡上大肆宣傳,無論你是學生,工作的人,人誰不明白計算機技術,老年人,婦女在家庭中最流行的加盟,其目的是“要能訪問 - - (“因特網”)“iainternet接入提供商”!他們發問如何獲得賺來的錢?...!-

- [10/10-2015]Mainland China-man , when what a day they does not stealing ??The answer is no ! They put Microsoft's original / creators need to make serious efforts in the world of science and technology studies WH final tool / life electronic equipment / other copyrighted's! The items have been stolen!! Then apply the CCP refuse dictatorship "no credibility" of sinful lying government! - see the thehackernews.com- famous software / tool analyst: 'Mo 希特库马尔 "- written on [18 / 09-2015]" Microsoft has established its own Linux operating system! "- then take a look at the Rubbish China-man is very cunning shameless to theft of Microsoft's copyright !!To: My All Geat Anonymous team and my readers & friends~-*All The World Country Lauguage*-
-[10/10-2015]支那人有那天不偷竊的呢?答案是沒有!把微軟原創的/各個國家所有原創者精心努力硏究的科技成品工具/生活所需的電子用品/其他擁有版權的物品,都被卑鄙劣行為的支那人偷竊,然後套用在中共垃圾獨裁"沒有誠信"的充滿罪惡的説謊政府中!-請看由thehackernews.com-著名軟件/工具分析師:''莫希特庫馬爾"-於18/09-2015]所編寫的"微軟已經建立了自己的Linux操作系統!"-接著看看支那人是那麼狡猾無恥的偷竊微軟的版權!!To: My All Geat Anonymous team and my readers & friends~

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