2014年12月27日 星期六

---update* To My Anonymous*Please care this meng. with evil"RIU蜥蜴隊"!! **USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**----**Famous"Anonymous// chivalrous white hat for our first tribal revenge a note of the [is to be '' Lizard team 'cut off, our first coherent Twitter, Yahoo Mail, face account books have been destroyed can not use the @!]---@ that implicated IsIS / ISIL role of a variety of network crime devil '' lizard team '' @ [fuck]@!, is \\Anonymous// chivalrous white hat for xBox and Microsoft's US headquarters is infringement of intellectual property, and more on a large number of international gamers ''Anonymous// call \\white hat justice ah! but to compensate Microsoft's US headquarters and a large number of international players on the loss !! \\ Anonymous // What allegiance purpose is?! ``...I am sure you will not forget ~! ---**著名的"匿名"俠義白帽子替我們的第一部落報一記之仇了[就是被''蜥蜴隊'砍掉了,連貫我們的第一個推特,雅虎郵箱,面書賬號,都被破壞不能使用@!]---@那個牽連IsIS/ISIL的多種網絡角色犯罪惡魔''蜥蜴隊''@[fuck]@!,被\\匿名//俠義白帽子替xBox和微軟美國總公司的被侵犯知識產權,更加上大量國際游戲玩家的呼喚\\匿名//白帽子伸張正義啊 !更要賠償微軟美國總公司和國際上的大量玩家的損失!!\\匿名//的忠旨是甚麼?!``...相信各位也不會忘記的~! **USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

---update* To My Anonymous*Please care this meng. with evil"RIU蜥蜴隊"!! **USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-
---**Famous"Anonymous// chivalrous white hat for our first tribal revenge a note of the [is to be '' Lizard team 'cut off, our first coherent Twitter, Yahoo Mail, face account books have been destroyed can not use the @!]---@ that implicated IsIS / ISIL role of a variety of network crime devil '' lizard team '' @ [fuck]@!, is \\Anonymous// chivalrous white hat for xBox and Microsoft's US headquarters is infringement of intellectual property, and more on a large number of international gamers ''Anonymous// call \\white hat justice ah! but to compensate Microsoft's US headquarters and a large number of international players on the loss !! \\ Anonymous // What allegiance purpose is?! ``...I am sure you will not forget ~!


知識產權,更加上大量國際游戲玩家的呼喚\\匿名//白帽子伸張正義啊 !更要賠償微軟美國總公司和國際上的大量玩家的損失!!\\匿名//的忠旨是甚麼?!``...相信各位也不會忘記的~!
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

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- **Utere deo, domum usu translator Google Translate to the language of patriae, civitatem O ^^-
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-**Bonvolu uzi la dio hejmo uzo Google tradukisto por traduki la lingvon de via lando aŭ urbo Ho ^^- ** 
 *First Thanks for "Anonymous Anonymous// friendly sharing,
& i could not / would not ..write your blog site here, cause i am you friend , & cause of yours make human right & being far in this world~
 we   Sincerely Thankgiving "Anonymous // ~
 ---update* To My Anonymous*Please care this meng. with evil"RIU蜥蜴隊"!!  
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**
  30米 31分鐘前
我不能相信IM甚至啁啾這一點。 但許多困惑。 100% 沒有哈克失踪噴氣飛機。



亞航已設立了緊急呼叫中心,可用於那些誰可能是在飛機上的家人或朋友。 的數量是:622129850801。
亞航將變得可用,盡快公佈進一步的信息。 更新後的信息將公佈在亞航網站另外,在www.airasia.com。

  5H 2小時前
 https://twitter.com/bakoon7 https://twitter.com/tgareerr https://twitter.com/the_fact8





如果你不希望看到這些警告,登錄更改分享Tweet媒體設置。還沒有賬號? 註冊!
0回复 2451銳推 2,976收藏夾
有些你們是生氣我來了在數學那樣。 我不是hatin對微積分或什麼的。 我只是在說,那些歌探針




0回复 42621轉推 4,440收藏夾
我們正在協助救援機構救助箱發送到東海岸水災災民。 非政府組織可以通過電子郵件foundation@airasia.com更多信息


  1. 娜雅PC kharid是
  2. nhibbe往世書喜海:P 15yrs:P
  3. OLX PE BHI NAHI bikega AB,酷睿i5 i7的雅樂
  4. mujhe bechna BHI NHI海:P MEKO ISS本身PYAAR海:P
  5. ...窗口98 P4 machine..m仍在使用它......
  6. 哦這種懷舊! :D
  7. 這很有趣...... GR8 ... :)
  8. P3的魔術; 運98; 128 MB RAM SD!
  9. 盜版XP +互聯網瀏覽器+盜版殺毒+ 512MB RAM
  10. uPAR的本身124kbpsき速度瓦拉網

  1. 我們是否應該停止擊中 RT的Yes或最愛的地獄YES。
  2. 打破巨魔&讓人覺得他敲 的注意事項朱迪停止
  3. 的Xbox RT跟從我,如果你想回來


TedCruz @終極騙子,魔鬼激情師和模糊處理,如果不是徹底撒謊。



 * 荷蘭
微博的備份: @FinestSec
Youtube頻道: @FinestSquad

LizardSquad成員厭惡被捕: 新聞文章在這裡 - 證明(這裡)
@GaySexWithDad不見了。 http://prntscr.com/5fgmy8
@PussySquirting不見了。 http://prntscr.com/5fh5zc
@LizardPatrol不見了。 http://prntscr.com/5gyj99
@LizardSquad不見了。 http://prntscr.com/5gylfs
@GDKJordie不見了。 http://prntscr.com/5gyjqt
@chFthemango飄。 http://prntscr.com/5gylaz
@NotClerk飄。 http://prntscr.com/5gylt5
證明我們暫停他們。 http://prntscr.com/5gyjmg

代表我們,我們願意道歉,那些誰曾經歷被騷擾,這些孩子的不幸。 罪犯永遠贏不了。
+--------+------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ | _ _ _ _ ___ | | | |(_)_____ _ _ _ __ | / __ | __ _ _ _ __ _ __ | | | | | | __ | | _ / _` |'_ / _` \ __ \ / _` | || / _` / _` | | | | ____ | _ / _ \ __,_ | _ | \ __,_ | ___ / \ __,| \ _,_ \ __,_ \ __,_ | | | | _ | | | | |丟棄的“FinestSquad”@FinestSquad @FinestSec | +--------+------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ |蜥蜴Skypes瓦特/ IP地址|網站後台| | | | | 1. Skype的:進化(| LizardSquad.ru -主IP)| | 2. Skype的:氮(| irc.lizardsquad.ru -主IP)| | 3. Skype的:ultraleansmoker(| darkode.com -主IP)| | 4. Skype的:rouge.exe(| liz.darkode.com -主IP)| | 5. Skype的:下劃線(| Crime.li -主IP)| | 6. Skype的:doornuller(| undoxable.com -主IP)| | 7,Skype的:鏡頭。 (| digitalgangster.com -主IP)| | 8. Skype的:秘密(| p0ison.org -主IP)| | 9 Skype的:neekors(| lizardpatrol.com -主IP)| | | +--------+------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ | ____ __ __ ____ ____ | | / __ \ / / _ / / _ ___ _____ / _ / _ / __ / __ | | / / / / __ / __ \ / _ \ / ___ / / // __ \ / / _ / _ \ | | / / _ / / / _ / / / / __ / / _ / // / / / __ / / _ / / | | \ ____ / \ __ / _ / / _ / \ ___ / _ / / ___ / _ / / _ / _ / \ ____ / | | | +--------+------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ | | | darkode直接IP | |> darkode&lizardsquad IRC(直接IP)| |>上crime.li域IP | | | |>> @chfthemango | |> @NotClerk | |> @pussysquirting | |> @pussysquirting | | | | irc.lizardsquad.ru連接DUMP | | | |> - 佛羅里達| |康卡斯特) - 馬里蘭| |的| |康卡斯特) - 明尼蘇達州| |巴西電信)| |康卡斯特) - 亞利桑那州| |中國移動​​)| | - 伊利諾伊州| |全球) - 伊利諾伊州| |>>沃達丰) - 澳大利亞| |三人間C) - 以色列(可能刑事@Fatally)| |爵士電信)| | VPN)| | | | Skype的:鏡頭。 > @wreking | | Skype的:ultraleansmoker> @chFthemango | | | +--------+------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------+ | | | __ __ __ _______ _____ __ | | __ / // / _ / ____(_)___ ___ _____ / / _ / _ / ____ ___ ______ _____ / / | | / _ _ __ / / / _ / / __ \ / _ \ / ___ / __ / \ __ \ / __`/ / / /`__ / __ / | | / _ _ __ / / __ / / / / / / __(__)/ _ ___ / / / _ / / / _ / / / _ / / / _ / / | | / _ // _ / / _ / / _ / _ / / _ / \ ___ / ____ / \ __ // ____ / \ __ / \ __,_ / \ __,_ / \ __,_ / | | / _ / | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

**Note : this all sharing from the Anonymous News sharing  for all in this world peoples !~



匿名 @ YourAnonNews · 12米 11分鐘前
蜥蜴隊成員algod假貨自己被捕 - 看一下這篇文章中的圖片。

匿名 @ YourAnonNews · 50米 51分鐘前
SCADA奇愛博士:太智能電網在大雲[ ]

 ---update* To My Anonymous*Please care this meng. with evil"RIU蜥蜴隊"!! **USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**

Fake Christmas offers by Santa infect PCs with banking Malware.

‘It’s the season to be jolly and to infect a few hundred PC’s with a nasty virus too while you’re at it!
Spammers are taking advantage of the Christmas season to infect computers all over the world by emailing you a tempting word document file with the name “CHISTMAS OFFERS.docx”. With shoppers on the hunt for the best deals this holiday in terms of gifts, who wouldn’t be tempted to open such a file!





Sony’ PlayStation, Xbox Live taken offline, Lizard Squad claims responsibility.

If you are looking for PlayStation or Xbox for this Christmas, our advice is to let it go because Lizard Squad hackers have taken down the online game networks Xbox Live and PlayStation Network on Christmas Day in what appears to be a massive DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack. 
Lizard Squad is the same group which took down the Sony‘s PlayStation network a couple of weeks ago. The same group had claimed it took down online games like League of Legends and World of Warcraft.
While visiting the PSN and Xbox Live page visitors were welcomed with offline status.
A tweet from Lizard Squad account claiming it took down Sony PlayStation online network.
Sony has also confirmed the outage from its official Twitter handle: 
  Ask PlayStation         @AskPlayStation
We are aware that there have been issues reported with PSN. Thanks for your patience as we investigate.

In our previous article on PSN hack we had mentioned how Lizard Squad vowed to take down Xbox and PSN on Christmas. It seems the group has kept it words. 
However, Lizard Squad is not the only group being discussed this time. A pro-gamer group ‘The Finest Squad’ is not happy with the hackers, vowing to expose their real identity.
  The Finest @FinestSquad 
We are constantly scanning and getting our servers prepared for anything. We are doing our best to help @PlayStation @Xbox

It was indeed a bad year for Sony, let’s see what is the next target of Lizard Squad hackers to make Sony’s new year eve worse. At the time of publishing this article, both PSN and Xbox services were offline. 
Remember Kim Dotcom? Yes, the founder of MegaUpload and Mega.co.nz. Apparently he has offered Lizard Squad hackers 3000 MegaPrivacy premium vouchers if they stop attacking XBOX Live and PSN immediately.

 View image on Twitter

  Kim Dotcom         @KimDotcom 
A Christmas Miracle. How @MegaPrivacy saved @Xbox & @PlayStation from the @LizardMafia attack. Enjoy your games! :-)

  Kim Dotcom         @KimDotcom 
Going to play some on Xbox Live today ;-) Phew!

 Well that was unexpected but All’s Well That Ends Well. However, current status of Xbox Live Core service is limited and the status for PSN is still offline.


Facebook to face lawsuit for ‘reading’ users’ messages.

U.S District Judge Phyllis Hamilton ruled that Facebook must “face the consequences” of violating its users’ privacy by actually scanning the messages they have been sending to other users as a form of advertising.
The US judge from Oakland, California denied Facebook the right to dismiss the lawsuit but acquiesced to dismissing a few other claims against the company.
Read More: Facebook Monitors Everything You Type Even If You DON’T Post A Comment or Update
Facebook insists that their scanning of the messages is not unlawful under the Federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The social media giant claims that in this act, there is an exception for service providers using the act in their everyday business.
Judge Hamilton, on the other hand, insisted that this explanation by Facebook was not convincing enough nor did it stand in the light of “ordinary course of business”.
The 2013 lawsuit says that Facebook scanned private messages which contained website links for advertisers and then collected the “likes” count of the pages. They used this count to create their own profiles and used them to deliver advertising to its users.
Read More: Facebook Sued for spying on private messages and sharing them with third party
Matthew Campbell, the FaceBook user filing the lawsuit on behalf of all US users who had sent private messages containing website addresses, says that FaceBook’s actions were against the federal and California state law.
Read More: Facebook shares your data but what about WhatsApp? Do you still want to use it?
While Facebook claims that is put a halt to this practice back in October 2012, it admits that it still analyses messages for the purpose of protection against viruses and spam.



Lizard Squad takes down PSN and Xbox service AGAIN, also targeting TOR.

The Lizard Squad hackers who yesterday conducted a massive cyber attack on Sony‘s PlayStation and Xbox, forcing both platforms to remain offline during whole Christmas have announced a new target and this time its the online anonymity software TOR. 
In a Tweet by one of the active twitter handle of the Lizard Squad it was announced that the group is no longer attacking PSN or Xbox, but they are testing new Tor 0day.
Here is the tweet announcing group’s plan to attack TOR:
The hacker group appears to be attempting to dominate Tor’s relays to the point where it can comprise anonymity. Tor keeps you anonymous by bouncing your communications around a network of volunteer nodes. But if one group is controlling the majority of the nodes, it could be able to eavesdrop on a substantial number of vulnerable users. Which means Lizard Squad could gain the power to track Tor users if it infiltrates enough of the network.
So far, they have already established over 3000 relays, nearly half of the total number. That’s very not good.
There's a total of ~8,000 Tor relays - @LizardMafia now owns almost half of them. Big implications on Tor anonymity. https://metrics.torproject.org/networksize.html?graph=networksize&start=2014-12-15&end=2014-12-20 
Latest attack on Xbox and PlayStation:
Though the hackers announced they will not attack Xbox and PlayStation, but things right now have changed and a massive DDoS attack has again forced both platforms to stay offline. While visiting the PSN and Xbox Live page visitors were welcomed with offline status.
Here are tweets from the hackers on their ongoing attack on Xbox and PSN: 
A tweet from official Twitter support for PlayStation, PSN, PS4, PS3, and PS Vita from Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) is interacting with its followers, calming them down on current outage.
  Ask PlayStation         @AskPlayStation 
Please follow @AskPlayStation to get the latest updates as we work to restore full network functionality.

Hackers have also announced that they are givingaway free PSN and Xbox games on Twitter. However, it is unclear if hackers really have access to these games or not.
The Lizard Squad has ruined Christmas for many, especially those who got PSN or Xbox as a gift from ‘Santa’.
Stay with us, updating the article soon..!


哈克讀 @ HackRead · 18小時 19小時之前
它再次發生:蜥蜴隊再次撤下索尼的PSN和Xbox Live服務脫機。 該集團是..

哈克讀 @ HackRead · 18小時 19小時之前
蜥蜴隊取下服務,同樣,也將目標瞄準TOR。 |

根@ Cyberkill:〜#@ AnxnKiller · 12月25日
RT :更新: 停止蜥蜴隊的攻擊索尼PSN和Xbox。 |

Panteralandia @ Panteralandia · 12月26日
Facebook的面對訴訟的'閱讀'用戶'的消息。 通過

Panteralandia @ Panteralandia · 12月26日
索尼公司的PlayStation,Xbox Live的脫機,蜥蜴隊聲稱責任。 通過

哈克讀 @ HackRead · 12月25日
更新: 停止蜥蜴隊的攻擊索尼PSN和Xbox。 |

黑客讀取其次DIGITΛSHΛDØW , 金·達康 , 登記冊和2人
哈克讀 @ HackRead · 12月24日
您對接下來的朋友可以是一個警察看胸圍你或你的朋友列表。 由於採用了...

 Anonymous* Thanks so much ! Anonymous~


 This is what the Tor network looks like right now.
This is what the Tor network looks like right now.


  Whois & Quick Stats
Registrant Org Privacy Protection Service INC d/b/a PrivacyProtec was found in ~2,355,799 other domains
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  1. All I want to do is play Destiny but noooooo
  2. How hasn't Sony fixed the problem yet? You're professionals are you not?
  3. If you're signed in on psn DO NOT SIGN OUT. You won't be able to sigh back in
  1. Was finally able to get on the CoD servers for the first time since wednesday night
  2. gta snow is gone :(
  3. Turned on my PS4 and it didn't work then i seen tweet saying to change MTU and it worked !
  4. Spent all xmas waitin to get on my ps4 and now iv to go back to work what is life!!
  5. Psn is back up
  6. For Those With The Network Is Up And Is Running!!!
  8. all I want Is a friendly game of Monopoly you ungrateful twats, I hope you got shit in your stockings for Christmas!
  9. Fav if you think Lizard Squad is gay af.
  10. Anonymous@LatestAnonNews 12月25日
    is confirmed to be BACK ONLINE. Including many places in the United States & more countries. We now focus on PSN.
  11. Anonymous@LatestAnonNews 12月25日
    Status: Digging into Lizard Squads IP, resolving Xbox and PSN networks, helping peeps who just want to enjoy the holidays.


 -Cold Blood devil '' Lizard team '' [ISIS terrorist organization], forgetting Network / reality swastika righteous idea, if bullying people's owner / all things, will be ordered to pay for their crimes, to being \\Anonymous// to people mainly for people around the world to defend the team, especially for [ISIS terrorist organizations], and self-interest attack mixed team projects,...''do not forget that we do not forgive, we are 'anonymous// !''-

-膽大妄為的惡魔''蜥蜴隊''[ISIS恐怖組織],忘記了網絡/現實卍義的主意,假如欺凌人們的所有者/所有事情,都將被追討其罪行,以正\\匿名//的以人們為主,為全球人們的保衛隊伍,尤其對[ISIS恐怖組織],和私利攻擊的混球隊目,...''別忘記我們不會原諒,我們是''匿名// !''-

Cold Blood사람들의 소유자 / 모든 것을, 자신의 범죄를 지불하도록 명령 할 경우 주로 사람들에게  \\ 익명 // 인으로, 네트워크 / 현실 만자 의로운 생각을 잊고, '도마뱀 팀'[ISIS 테러 조직] '악마를 -Daring 특히 [ISIS 테러 조직, 자기 관심 공격 혼합 팀 프로젝트, 팀을 방어하기 위해 전 세계 사람들을위한 ... '익명 //'우리는 우리가 용서하지 않는 것을 잊지 마세요!''-
Cold Blood Diable '' équipe Lizard '' [organisation terroriste ISIS], oubliant Réseau / réalité croix gammée idée juste, si le propriétaire de l'intimidation de personnes / toutes choses, sera condamné à payer pour leurs crimes, d'être \\ Anonyme // aux personnes principalement pour les gens partout dans le monde pour défendre l'équipe, en particulier pour les organisations terroristes [ISIS], et les projets de l'équipe attaque mélangé auto-intérêt ... '' ne pas oublier que nous ne pardonnons pas, nous sommes 'anonyme//  !''-Cold Bloodの所有者が/すべてのものは、彼らの犯罪のために支払うよう命じされる場合は、主に人に//\\匿名であることに、ネットワーク/リアリティ卍正義のアイデアを忘れて、「リザードチーム''[ISISのテロ組織] '悪魔を-Daring特に[ISISのテロ組織]、および自己の利益の攻撃を混合チームプロジェクトのために、チームを守るために、世界中の人々のために、... '匿名//'私たちは私たちが、許していないことを忘れてはいけない'  !''-

Cold Blood Diablo '' Lacerto teamo '' [ISIS terorisma organizo], forgesante Reto / realeco swastika justa ideo, se intimidar popola posedanto / cxio, estos ordigita pagi por siaj krimoj, al esti \\ Anonima // al homoj ĉefe por homoj ĉirkaŭ la mondo por protekti la teamon, speciale por [ISIS terorismaj organizoj] kaj mem-intereso atako miksita teamo projektoj,...''ne forgesu ke ni ne pardonos, ni estas 'anonima //!''-

  Sincerely small as dust Melody.Blog Thanksgiving ~



---update* To My Anonymous*Please care this meng. with evil"RIU蜥蜴隊"!! **USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-
---**Famous"Anonymous// chivalrous white hat for our first tribal revenge a note of the [is to be '' Lizard team 'cut off, our first coherent Twitter, Yahoo Mail, face account books have been destroyed can not use the @!]---@ that implicated IsIS / ISIL role of a variety of network crime devil '' lizard team '' @ [fuck]@!, is \\Anonymous// chivalrous white hat for xBox and Microsoft's US headquarters is infringement of intellectual property, and more on a large number of international gamers ''Anonymous// call \\white hat justice ah! but to compensate Microsoft's US headquarters and a large number of international players on the loss !! \\ Anonymous // What allegiance purpose is?! ``...I am sure you will not forget ~!
---**著名的"匿名"俠義白帽子替我們的第一部落報一記之仇了[就是被''蜥蜴隊'砍掉了,連貫我們的第一個推特,雅虎郵箱,面書賬號,都被破壞不能使用@!]---@那個牽連IsIS/ISIL的多種網絡角色犯罪惡魔''蜥蜴隊''@[fuck]@!,被\\匿名//俠義白帽子替xBox和微軟美國總公司的被侵犯知識產權,更加上大量國際游戲玩家的呼喚\\匿名//白帽子伸張正義啊 !更要賠償微軟美國總公司和國際上的大量玩家的損失!!\\匿名//的忠旨是甚麼?!``...相信各位也不會忘記的~!
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

---를 기록해 우리의 첫 번째 부족 복수를---** 유명한"Anonymou // 기사도 흰색 모자 [ '도마뱀 팀이'차단 '이 될 것입니다, 우리의 첫 번째 일관성 트위터, 야후 메일, 페이스 계정 책은 없습니다 파괴 된 사용 @!] @--->'도마뱀 팀' ''네트워크 범죄 악마의 다양한 ISIS / 이실 역할을 연루 @ [] 섹스 @! X 박스 마이크로 소프트의 미국 본사에 대한 익명 // 기사도 흰색 모자 \\입니다 지적 재산권의 침해이며, 많은 수의에 대한 국제 게이머 ''익명 // 아 흰색 모자 정의 \\ 전화!하지만 마이크로 소프트의 미국 본사 및 손실에 국제 선수의 큰 숫자를 보상하기! \\ 익명 // 충성의 목적은 무엇?!``...나는 당신이 ~잊지 않을 것입니다 확신합니다!
---**Famous "chapeau blanc // chevaleresque ''Anonyme// pour notre première vengeance tribale une note de la [est d'être '' équipe Lizard 'coupé, notre premier cohérente Twitter, Yahoo Mail, compte face livres ont été détruits ne peut pas utiliser le @!]---@ qui impliquait ISIS / ISIL rôle d'une variété de diable de la criminalité réseau '' équipe de lézard '' @ [baiser] @!, est \\ Anonyme chapeau blanc // chevaleresque le siège social américain de Xbox et Microsoft est une violation de la propriété intellectuelle, et plus sur un grand nombre de joueurs internationaux '' Anonyme // appeler \\ chapeau blanc justice ah! mais pour compenser le siège américain de Microsoft et un grand nombre d'acteurs internationaux sur la perte !! \\ Anonyme // Quel est le but de l'allégeance est ?! ``...Je suis sûr que vous ne oublierez pas ~!
---のノート私たちの最初の部族の復讐のために---**有名な「匿名//男気白い帽子は['トカゲのチームは「カットオフ」であるとされ、私たちの最初のコヒーレントTwitterやYahooメールは、顔の帳簿はできません破壊されている使用@!]---@ 'トカゲチーム' ''ネットワーク犯罪悪魔の様々なISIS/ ISILの役割を関与@[]性交@!、XboxとMicrosoftの米国本社のための匿名//騎士道白い帽子\\です知的財産の侵害であり、多数の方法の詳細国際ゲーマー''匿名//ああ白い帽子の正義\\呼ぶ!しかし、Microsoftの米国本社と損失に関する国際プレーヤーの多数を補償する!!\\匿名を//忠誠の目的は何ですか?!``...私はあなたが〜忘れないと確信しています!
---**Fama "Anonymous // kavalireca blanka ĉapelo por niaj unuaj triba venĝo noton de la [estas esti '' Lacerto teamo 'dehakitaj nia unua kohera Twitter, Yahoo Mail, vizaĝo konton libroj estis detruitaj ne povas uzi la @!]---@ ke implicita ISIS / ISIL rolo de vario de reto krimo diablo '' lacerto teamo ''@ [fiki]@ !, estas \\ anonima // kavalireca blanka ĉapelo por Xbox kaj Microsoft usona sidejo estas malobservo de intelekta proprieto, kaj pli je granda nombro da internaciaj ludantoj "'Anonymous // vokas \\ blanka ĉapelo justeco ah! sed por kompensi Microsoft usona sidejo kaj granda nombro da internaciaj ludantoj sur la perdo !! \\ anonima // Kio lojalecon celo estas ?! ``...mi certas ke vi ne forgesos ~!
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

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