Anonymous then said it made good on its pledge, staging disabling cyber attacks against numerous Twitter and Facebook accounts that it said were used by ISIS for recruiting purposes. Under the Twitter hashtag #OpISIS, Anonymous then released a list of what it said were ISIS sites crippled by the cyber attack.

  † Ⓡ➌➍ℵ † @TehR34X
LIST OF ACCOUNTS FROM IS RECRUITERS  And D0X and FB Acc  @DigitaShadow @GhostSecurity_
The attack on ISIS recruiting by the Anonymous hackers comes just days after Jordan stepped up its aerial attacks on ISIS positions in Syria, as retaliation for the brutal murder of a Jordanian pilot captured by the militants.
ISIS released a video last week showing the pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, burned to death while imprisoned in a cage.
According to the Counter Current News site, which initially reported on the Anonymous cyber attacks, the hacks “destroyed months of recruiting work for the terrorist network known as ISIS.”