2015年4月22日 星期三

-Update(8).our favorite Anonymous chivalrous friendly tribe *Global Revolution" Corps released the latest accurate picture, please to enjoy this perfect technique to praise ah~ In this gratitude Anonymous chivalrous friendly tribe "Global Revolution* Corps headquarters infinite gratitude~Melody.Blog small as nothing ``- -更新(8).我們最愛的匿名俠義友好部落軍團Global Revolution發佈最新的精準圖片,請各位以欣賞這完美的技巧來讚美啊~在此感激匿名俠義友好部落軍團Global Revolution!本部無限感恩~Melody.Blog渺小如無物``-**All The World Lauguage**--Update (8) give news to great Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW and all friendly chivalrous Anonymous legion under different sky support of human rights, justice, conscience , I would urge justice #OPCHINA ,, #OPHK]] small as dust ``Melody.Blog Thanksgiving ~ -更新(8)給予支持人權,公義,良知的不同天空下的偉大俠義匿名各友好軍團的新聞,敬請各位伸張正義!#OPCHINA ,, #OPHK ]]微小如塵``Melody.Blog感恩敬上~ **All The World Lauguage**----Update (8) by the Apple Daily reported (14) .News Flash-''Google Map'' is tampered day become a cult temple palace!!((evil Chinaman crime of aggression in other countries proof!)-(15).[Political reform], "Thammasat Cyberwisdom" batch deprive the public of the right to elect the chief executive!!(LEUNG Chun-ying dog slave of corruption in Hong Kong @ shame @ let him hell !!) -(16).[political reform] LEE: poll majority support will still insist that veto-(17). LSD Huang Yongzhi morning arrested six hours after release!-(18). [Political reform] Leong: Wu Zhu bag for the next generation to live!(very good~)-(19).[Political reform] Huang Feng: China actively organized the attacks to learn!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).[Political reform] hairy LSD Leung Kwok-hung Mr. denounced government called on the dissolution of the legislature shameless re-election!!(really good! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )- ---更新(8).由蘋果日報報導的(14).News Flash-''Google Map''被竄改 日皇宮變邪教道場 ?!(大陸支那人又一侵略別的國家罪行證明了!)-(15).【政改方案】「法政匯思」批剝奪市民選特首權利!!(梁振英是狗奴隸的貪污腐化-@恥辱了香港人!!下地獄)-(16).【政改方案】李卓人:民調過半數支持仍會堅持否決!-(17).社民連黃永志早上被捕6小時後獲釋!-(18).【政改方案】梁家傑:袋住先對唔住下一代 !(very good~)-(19).【政改方案】黃之鋒:學民積極組織狙擊行動!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).【政改方案】長毛社民連梁國雄斥政府無恥籲解散立會重選!!(説得非常好! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-**All The World Lauguage**-Update(8).from a variety of media coverage---report the continent evil cult 'Xi Jinping demons' Communist 'China pigs' also corrupt and ignoring the majority of the people living with life & hurt them with all kinds of abuse !! by NDTV reported (1). [Smell] Sichuan ban Pakistani rescue people signature "Peng Ying Hua" -!.by the BBC reported (2) Gao Yu jailed numerous international human rights organizations criticized the media !!?! - by the Liberty Times reported (3) When the Bloomberg terminal Britain was forced to postpone the issue of bonds out ! - (4).Taiwan singer Jam Hsiao exclusive,,the studio sound engineer was China demolitions light !! - by Apple Daily reported (5) HKU forced to go to another deputy school support Mainland exchange: Good valuable experience ?? (shameful @!) - (6) Chinese teachers 'Zhang Xinxin' H government Putonghua to teach: Well send earners mainland officials to study? (Good teachers!) -. (7) HSBC website salty network connection error,,suspect employees?(foolish..@) - By Taiwan's Apple Daily reported (8).to prevent fraud - Japanese paper verification push cloud services ^^(very good!)- Apple Daily (9). LU students reported spray "retrocession Sheung Shui" and assaulting police officer ,,: Young mistakes and should be given the opportunity (good judge ^!) - (10) of CSSA two thieves robbed her mother ,, again!. OAA man robbed TWP ,, Hong Kong at least three cases involving !! - (11) Mainland men and three bank robbery,,Graphs defeated a mistake -.!. (12) 155 billion Venezuelan debt China,,38.8 billion refinancing boom suffer !!! (Communist 'China pigs'....fuck)- Last by an Apple forum author, associate professor of public and large computer system' Mr. Li Decheng'李德成' (13). forcing students. AC northward no reason! take this update as a knot pen ~ Dedicated to Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW defending human rights and their links or all righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets, welcome to your visit to this small part of! honored the pole~ #OPCHINA #OPHK]]- 更新(8).從各式媒體報導的大陸邪教'習近平妖魔'共產黨'支那豬'如此貪污腐敗,漠視廣大的人們生活與生命威脅!!由新唐人電視台報導的(1).【禁聞】四川巴中民眾簽名營救"彭樺英"!-.由BBC報導的(2).高瑜獲刑?! 國際媒體人權組織紛批評!!-由自由時報報導的(3).彭博終端機當掉,,英國被迫延後發債.-(4).台灣歌星蕭敬騰專屬錄音師,,錄音間遭中國強拆光!!-由蘋果日報報導的(5).港大另一副校撐強制赴內地交流:好珍貴經驗??!(可恥@!)-(6).中文名師'張欣欣'轟政府推普教中:高官唔送仔女內地讀書?(Good!)-(7).滙豐網站連接鹹網,,疑員工出錯?-由台灣蘋果日報報導的(8).嚴防造假~日推論文驗證雲端服務^^(very good!)-蘋果日報報導的(9).嶺大生噴「光復上水」兼襲警,,官:年輕人知錯應給予機會!(好的法官^!)-(10). 搶婆婆綜援金雙賊,,再劫老翁生果金,,持雙程證來港,,最少涉三案 !!-(11).內地男三度圖劫銀行,,寫錯字敗走!-(12).委國欠債1,550億,,中國再貸款388億捱轟!!!(共產黨'支那豬'....他媽的)-最後由一篇蘋果論壇作者,公大電腦系副教授'李德成先生的(13).強制學生北上交流全無道理!藉此作為本更新的結筆~奉獻給匿名DIGITΛSHΛDØW及其連結或各捍衛人權,公義的偉大俠義匿名部落軍團的一篇詳盡推文,歡迎各位駕臨本小部!榮幸之極~#OPCHINA #OPHK ]]-**All The World Lauguage**-

-Update(8).our favorite Anonymous chivalrous
friendly tribe *Global Revolution" Corps released the latest accurate picture, please to enjoy this perfect technique to praise ah~ In this gratitude Anonymous chivalrous friendly tribe "Global Revolution* Corps headquarters infinite gratitude~Melody.Blog small as nothing ``-
-更新(8).我們最愛的匿名俠義友好部落軍團Global Revolution發佈最新的精準圖片,請各位以欣賞這完美的技巧來讚美啊~在此感激匿名俠義友好部落軍團Global Revolution!本部無限感恩~Melody.Blog渺小如無物``-**All The World Lauguage**-

-Update (8) give news to great Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW and all friendly chivalrous  Anonymous legion  under different sky support of human rights, justice, conscience , I would urge justice #OPCHINA ,, #OPHK]] small as dust ``Melody.Blog Thanksgiving ~
-更新(8)給予支持人權,公義,良知的不同天空下的偉大俠義匿名各友好軍團的新聞,敬請各位伸張正義!#OPCHINA ,, #OPHK ]]微小如塵``Melody.Blog感恩敬上~
**All The World Lauguage**-

---Update (8) by the Apple Daily reported (14) .News Flash-''Google Map'' is tampered day become a cult temple palace!!((evil Chinaman crime of aggression in other countries proof!)-(15).[Political reform], "Thammasat Cyberwisdom" batch deprive the public of the right to elect the chief executive!!(LEUNG Chun-ying dog slave of corruption in Hong Kong @ shame @ let him hell !!) -(16).[political reform] LEE: poll majority support will still insist that veto-(17). LSD Huang Yongzhi morning arrested six hours after release!-(18). [Political reform] Leong: Wu Zhu bag for the next generation to live!(very good~)-(19).[Political reform] Huang Feng: China actively organized the attacks to learn!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).[Political reform] hairy LSD Leung Kwok-hung Mr. denounced government called on the dissolution of the legislature shameless re-election!!(really good! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-
---更新(8).由蘋果日報報導的(14).News Flash-''Google Map''被竄改
日皇宮變邪教道場 ?!(大陸支那人又一侵略別的國家罪行證明了!)-(15).【政改方案】「法政匯思」批剝奪市民選特首權利!!(梁振英是狗奴隸的貪污腐化-@恥辱了香港人!!下地獄)-(16).【政改方案】李卓人:民調過半數支持仍會堅持否決!-(17).社民連黃永志早上被捕6小時後獲釋!-(18).【政改方案】梁家傑:袋住先對唔住下一代 !(very good~)-(19).【政改方案】黃之鋒:學民積極組織狙擊行動!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).【政改方案】長毛社民連梁國雄斥政府無恥籲解散立會重選!!(説得非常好! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-**All The World Lauguage**-

*Update(8).from a variety of media coverage---report the continent evil cult 'Xi Jinping demons' Communist 'China pigs' also corrupt and ignoring the majority of the people living with life & hurt them with all kinds of abuse !! by NDTV reported (1). [Smell] Sichuan ban Pakistani rescue people signature "Peng Ying Hua" -!.by the BBC reported (2) Gao Yu jailed numerous international human rights organizations criticized the media !!?! - by the Liberty Times reported (3) When the Bloomberg terminal Britain was forced to postpone the issue of bonds out ! - (4).Taiwan singer Jam Hsiao exclusive,,the studio sound engineer was China demolitions light !! - by Apple Daily reported (5) HKU forced to go to another deputy school support Mainland exchange: Good valuable experience ?? (shameful @!) - (6) Chinese teachers 'Zhang Xinxin' H government Putonghua to teach: Well send earners mainland officials to study? (Good teachers!) -. (7) HSBC website salty network connection error,,suspect employees?(foolish..@) - By Taiwan's Apple Daily reported (8).to prevent fraud - Japanese paper verification push cloud services ^^(very good!)- Apple Daily (9). LU students reported spray "retrocession Sheung Shui" and assaulting police officer ,,: Young mistakes and should be given the opportunity (good judge ^!) - (10) of CSSA two thieves robbed her mother ,, again!. OAA man robbed TWP ,, Hong Kong at least three cases involving !! - (11) Mainland men and three bank robbery,,Graphs defeated a mistake -.!. (12) 155 billion Venezuelan debt China,,38.8 billion refinancing boom suffer !!! (Communist 'China pigs'....fuck)- Last by an Apple forum author, associate professor of public and large computer system' Mr. Li Decheng'李德成' (13). forcing students. AC northward no reason! take this update as a knot pen ~ Dedicated to Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW defending human rights and their links or all righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets, welcome to your visit to this small part of! honored the pole~ #OPCHINA #OPHK]]-
更新(8).從各式媒體報導的大陸邪教'習近平妖魔'共產黨'支那豬'如此貪污腐敗,漠視廣大的人們生活與生命威脅!!由新唐人電視台報導的(1).【禁聞】四川巴中民眾簽名營救"彭樺英"!-.由BBC報導的(2).高瑜獲刑?! 國際媒體人權組織紛批評!!-由自由時報報導的(3).彭博終端機當掉,,英國被迫延後發債.-(4).台灣歌星蕭敬騰專屬錄音師,,錄音間遭中國強拆光!!-由蘋果日報報導的(5).港大另一副校撐強制赴內地交流:好珍貴經驗??!(可恥@!)-(6).中文名師'張欣欣'轟政府推普教中:高官唔送仔女內地讀書?(Good!)-(7).滙豐網站連接鹹網,,疑員工出錯?-由台灣蘋果日報報導的(8).嚴防造假~日推論文驗證雲端服務^^(very good!)-蘋果日報報導的(9).嶺大生噴「光復上水」兼襲警,,官:年輕人知錯應給予機會!(好的法官^!)-(10). 搶婆婆綜援金雙賊,,再劫老翁生果金,,持雙程證來港,,最少涉三案 !!-(11).內地男三度圖劫銀行,,寫錯字敗走!-(12).委國欠債1,550億,,中國再貸款388億捱轟!!!(共產黨'支那豬'....他媽的)-最後由一篇蘋果論壇作者,公大電腦系副教授'李德成先生的(13).強制學生北上交流全無道理!藉此作為本更新的結筆~奉獻給匿名DIGITΛSHΛDØW及其連結或各捍衛人權,公義的偉大俠義匿名部落軍團的一篇詳盡推文,歡迎各位駕臨本小部!榮幸之極~#OPCHINA #OPHK ]]-**All The World Lauguage**-

 *Note This Sharing for ^Anonymous

DIGITΛSHΛDØW & All righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets. Wellcome to your visit to this small part of honored pole~^^


 **Note:  This Sharing By

Global Revolution &

All righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion...

*Anonymous fright for human right..
Anonymous everywhere...!!^



 * 4月21日



 -Update(8).our favorite Anonymous chivalrous friendly tribe *Global Revolution" Corps released the latest accurate picture, please to enjoy this perfect technique to praise ah~ In this gratitude Anonymous chivalrous friendly tribe "Global Revolution* Corps headquarters infinite gratitude~Melody.Blog small as nothing ``-
-更新(8).我們最愛的匿名俠義友好部落軍團Global Revolution發佈最新的精準圖片,請各位以欣賞這完美的技巧來讚美啊~在此感激匿名俠義友好部落軍團Global Revolution!本部無限感恩~Melody.Blog渺小如無物``-**All The World Lauguage**-


*Note:  see from xxxVPN list :

DIGITΛSHΛDØW & All righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion...

*Anonymous fright for human right..
Anonymous everywhere...!!^

 *Anonymous #OpISIS same the evil Chinaman beast hurt peoples !!@ FuCk ISIS #OpISIS #OPCHINA #OPHK !

 & Dedicated to Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW defending human rights and their links or all righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets, welcome to your visit to this small part of! honored the pole~ #OPCHINA #OPHK]]-

-Update (8) give news to great Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW and all friendly chivalrous  Anonymous legion  under different sky support of human rights, justice, conscience , I would urge justice #OPCHINA ,, #OPHK]] small as dust ``Melody.Blog Thanksgiving ~
-更新(8)給予支持人權,公義,良知的不同天空下的偉大俠義匿名各友好軍團的新聞,敬請各位伸張正義!#OPCHINA ,, #OPHK ]]微小如塵``Melody.Blog感恩敬上~
**All The World Lauguage**-






 All peoples can be anon...
Anonymous everywhere!!
Anonymous will mot forgive!!

 *-Update (8) give news to great Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW and all friendly chivalrous  Anonymous legion  under different sky support of human rights, justice, conscience , I would urge justice #OPCHINA ,, #OPHK]] small as dust ``Melody.Blog Thanksgiving ~
-更新(8)給予支持人權,公義,良知的不同天空下的偉大俠義匿名各友好軍團的新聞,敬請各位伸張正義!#OPCHINA ,, #OPHK ]]微小如塵``Melody.Blog感恩敬上~
**All The World Lauguage**-

 *Note This Sharing for ^Anonymous

DIGITΛSHΛDØW & All righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets. Wellcome to your visit to this small part of honored pole~^^



 *---Update (8) by the Apple Daily reported (14) .News Flash-''Google Map'' is tampered day become a cult temple palace!!((evil Chinaman crime of aggression in other countries proof!)-(15).[Political reform], "Thammasat Cyberwisdom" batch deprive the public of the right to elect the chief executive!!(LEUNG Chun-ying dog slave of corruption in Hong Kong @ shame @ let him hell !!) -(16).[political reform] LEE: poll majority support will still insist that veto-(17). LSD Huang Yongzhi morning arrested six hours after release!-(18). [Political reform] Leong: Wu Zhu bag for the next generation to live!(very good~)-(19).[Political reform] Huang Feng: China actively organized the attacks to learn!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).[Political reform] hairy LSD Leung Kwok-hung Mr. denounced government called on the dissolution of the legislature shameless re-election!!(really good! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-
---更新(8).由蘋果日報報導的(14).News Flash-''Google Map''被竄改
日皇宮變邪教道場 ?!(大陸支那人又一侵略別的國家罪行證明了!)-(15).【政改方案】「法政匯思」批剝奪市民選特首權利!!(梁振英是狗奴隸的貪污腐化-@恥辱了香港人!!下地獄)-(16).【政改方案】李卓人:民調過半數支持仍會堅持否決!-(17).社民連黃永志早上被捕6小時後獲釋!-(18).【政改方案】梁家傑:袋住先對唔住下一代 !(very good~)-(19).【政改方案】黃之鋒:學民積極組織狙擊行動!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).【政改方案】長毛社民連梁國雄斥政府無恥籲解散立會重選!!(説得非常好! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-**All The World Lauguage**-


 Continental Chinaman evil crime of aggression in other countries prove it!
Tampering with our Great God Google Maps, retarded performance! @

@689LEUNG Chun-ying dog slave of corruption in Hong Kong @ shame @ let him hell !!




Continental Chinois crime d'agression mal dans d'autres pays le prouver!
Altération de notre grand Dieu Google Maps, la performance retardé! @

@689LEUNG Chun-ying esclave de chien de la corruption à Hong Kong @ honte @ le laisser enfer !!

我々の偉大な神、Googleマップ、遅滞パフォーマンスの改ざん! @

香港の汚職の@689LEUNGチョン·英犬のスレーブ恥@ @彼は地獄ましょう!!

Continental Chinaman crimen malvado de la agresión en otros países probarlo!
La manipulación de nuestro gran Dios de Google Maps, el rendimiento retrasados! @

@ 689LEUNG Chun-ying esclavo perro de la corrupción en Hong Kong @ vergüenza @ dejarlo infierno !!

Continental Chinaman malum facinus aggredi, in aliis probare it!
Jack and sollicitare summe Deus noster impediebat effectum! @

@ 689LEUNG Chun-Ying canis servus corruptionis in Hong Kong @ @ ignominia ei infernum !!


대륙 중국인은 다른 나라에 침략의 사악한 범죄가 그것을 증명!
우리의 위대한 하나님 구글지도, 지체 성능을 함부로! @

@ 689LEUNG 천 잉 수치 @ 홍콩의 부패의 개 슬레이브 @ 그에게 지옥을하자!

Continental Chinaman paha hyökkäysrikoksia muissa maissa todistaa sen!
Kajoaminen suuren Jumalan Google Maps, jälkeenjäänyt suorituskyky! @

@ 689LEUNG Chun-ying koira orja korruption Hongkongissa @ häpeä @ anna hänen helvetti !!

Kontinenta Ĥino malica krimo de agreso en aliaj landoj provu ĝin!
Manipulado kun nia granda Dio Google Maps, prokrastitaj rendimento! @

@ 689LEUNG Chun-Ying hundo sklavo de korupteco en Honkongo @ honto @ lasu lin infero !!

 *Note This Sharing for ^Anonymous

DIGITΛSHΛDØW & All righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets. Wellcome to your visit to this small part of honored pole~^^



 Update(8).from a variety of media coverage---report the continent evil cult 'Xi Jinping demons' Communist 'China pigs' also corrupt and ignoring the majority of the people living with life & hurt them with all kinds of abuse !! by NDTV reported (1). [Smell] Sichuan ban Pakistani rescue people signature "Peng Ying Hua" -!.by the BBC reported (2) Gao Yu jailed numerous international human rights organizations criticized the media !!?! - by the Liberty Times reported (3) When the Bloomberg terminal Britain was forced to postpone the issue of bonds out ! - (4).Taiwan singer Jam Hsiao exclusive,,the studio sound engineer was China demolitions light !! - by Apple Daily reported (5) HKU forced to go to another deputy school support Mainland exchange: Good valuable experience ?? (shameful @!) - (6) Chinese teachers 'Zhang Xinxin' H government Putonghua to teach: Well send earners mainland officials to study? (Good teachers!) -. (7) HSBC website salty network connection error,,suspect employees?(foolish..@) - By Taiwan's Apple Daily reported (8).to prevent fraud - Japanese paper verification push cloud services ^^(very good!)- Apple Daily (9). LU students reported spray "retrocession Sheung Shui" and assaulting police officer ,,: Young mistakes and should be given the opportunity (good judge ^!) - (10) of CSSA two thieves robbed her mother ,, again!. OAA man robbed TWP ,, Hong Kong at least three cases involving !! - (11) Mainland men and three bank robbery,,Graphs defeated a mistake -.!. (12) 155 billion Venezuelan debt China,,38.8 billion refinancing boom suffer !!! (Communist 'China pigs'....fuck)- Last by an Apple forum author, associate professor of public and large computer system' Mr. Li Decheng'李德成' (13). forcing students. AC northward no reason! take this update as a knot pen ~ Dedicated to Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW defending human rights and their links or all righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets, welcome to your visit to this small part of! honored the pole~ #OPCHINA #OPHK]]- 








 *Note This Sharing for ^Anonymous

DIGITΛSHΛDØW & All righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets. Wellcome to your visit to this small part of honored pole~^^



 * ''Continental evil cult place of 'Xi Jinpingdemons' Communist 'China pig' framed cunning plan...
You say it is China pig ,, is an insult to pigs
You say it is a beast beast ,,is an insult to beasts
You say that it is a slave of slaves ,, is an insult to slaves
There is a country that will let people suffered humiliation!
People find ways to leave this place like the Wicked hole,
Such a terrible place also known as 'national' do ??!''

Small as nothing  Melody.Blog Sincerely ~


你說它是支那豬,, 是對豬的侮辱
你說它是畜牲 ,, 是對畜牲的侮辱
你說它是奴隸,, 是對奴隸的侮辱

渺小如無物Melody.Blog 敬上~


 -Update(8).our favorite Anonymous chivalrous friendly tribe *Global Revolution" Corps released the latest accurate picture, please to enjoy this perfect technique to praise ah~ In this gratitude Anonymous chivalrous friendly tribe "Global Revolution* Corps headquarters infinite gratitude~Melody.Blog small as nothing ``-
-更新(8).我們最愛的匿名俠義友好部落軍團 Global Revolution發佈最新的精準圖片,請各位以欣賞這完美的技巧來讚美啊~在此感激匿名俠義友好部落軍團Global Revolution!本部無限感恩~Melody.Blog渺小如無物``-**All The World Lauguage**-

---Update (8) by the Apple Daily reported (14) .News Flash-''Google Map'' is tampered day become a cult temple palace!!((evil Chinaman crime of aggression in other countries proof!)-(15).[Political reform], "Thammasat Cyberwisdom" batch deprive the public of the right to elect the chief executive!!(LEUNG Chun-ying dog slave of corruption in Hong Kong @ shame @ let him hell !!) -(16).[political reform] LEE: poll majority support will still insist that veto-(17). LSD Huang Yongzhi morning arrested six hours after release!-(18). [Political reform] Leong: Wu Zhu bag for the next generation to live!(very good~)-(19).[Political reform] Huang Feng: China actively organized the attacks to learn!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).[Political reform] hairy LSD Leung Kwok-hung Mr. denounced government called on the dissolution of the legislature shameless re-election!!(really good! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-
 ---更新(8).由蘋果日報報導的(14).News Flash-''Google Map''被竄改
日皇宮變邪教道場 ?!(大陸支那人又一侵略別的國家罪行證明了!)-(15).【政改方案】「法政匯思」批剝奪市民選特首權利!!(梁振英是狗奴隸的貪污腐化-@恥辱了香港人!!下地獄)-(16).【政改方案】李卓人:民調過半數支持仍會堅持否決!-(17).社民連黃永志早上被捕6小時後獲釋!-(18).【政改方案】梁家傑:袋住先對唔住下一代 !(very good~)-(19).【政改方案】黃之鋒:學民積極組織狙擊行動!(well~support!!. #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-(19).【政改方案】長毛社民連梁國雄斥政府無恥籲解散立會重選!!(説得非常好! #OPCHINA,, #OPHK )-**All The World Lauguage**-
*Update(8).from a variety of media coverage---report the continent evil cult 'Xi Jinping demons' Communist 'China pigs' also corrupt and ignoring the majority of the people living with life & hurt them with all kinds of abuse !! by NDTV reported (1). [Smell] Sichuan ban Pakistani rescue people signature "Peng Ying Hua" -!.by the BBC reported (2) Gao Yu jailed numerous international human rights organizations criticized the media !!?! - by the Liberty Times reported (3) When the Bloomberg terminal Britain was forced to postpone the issue of bonds out ! - (4).Taiwan singer Jam Hsiao exclusive,,the studio sound engineer was China demolitions light !! - by Apple Daily reported (5) HKU forced to go to another deputy school support Mainland exchange: Good valuable experience ?? (shameful @!) - (6) Chinese teachers 'Zhang Xinxin' H government Putonghua to teach: Well send earners mainland officials to study? (Good teachers!) -. (7) HSBC website salty network connection error,,suspect employees?(foolish..@) - By Taiwan's Apple Daily reported (8).to prevent fraud - Japanese paper verification push cloud services ^^(very good!)- Apple Daily (9). LU students reported spray "retrocession Sheung Shui" and assaulting police officer ,,: Young mistakes and should be given the opportunity (good judge ^!) - (10) of CSSA two thieves robbed her mother ,, again!. OAA man robbed TWP ,, Hong Kong at least three cases involving !! - (11) Mainland men and three bank robbery,,Graphs defeated a mistake -.!. (12) 155 billion Venezuelan debt China,,38.8 billion refinancing boom suffer !!! (Communist 'China pigs'....fuck)- Last by an Apple forum author, associate professor of public and large computer system' Mr. Li Decheng'李德成' (13). forcing students. AC northward no reason! take this update as a knot pen ~ Dedicated to Anonymous ^DIGITΛSHΛDØW defending human rights and their links or all righteousness great chivalrous ^Anonymous tribal Legion a detailed Tweets, welcome to your visit to this small part of! honored the pole~ #OPCHINA #OPHK]]- 更新(8).從各式媒體報導的大陸邪教'習近平妖魔'共產黨'支那豬'如此貪污腐敗,漠視廣大的人們生活與生命威脅!!由新唐人電視台報導的(1).【禁聞】四川巴中民眾簽名營救"彭樺英"!-.由BBC報導的(2).高瑜獲刑?! 國際媒體人權組織紛批評!!-由自由時報報導的(3).彭博終端機當掉,,英國被迫延後發債.-(4).台灣歌星蕭敬騰專屬錄音師,,錄音間遭中國強拆光!!-由蘋果日報報導的(5).港大另一副校撐強制赴內地交流:好珍貴經驗??!(可恥@!)-(6).中文名師'張欣欣'轟政府推普教中:高官唔送仔女內地讀書?(Good!)-(7).滙豐網站連接鹹網,,疑員工出錯?-由台灣蘋果日報報導的(8).嚴防造假~日推論文驗證雲端服務^^(very good!)-蘋果日報報導的(9).嶺大生噴「光復上水」兼襲警,,官:年輕人知錯應給予機會!(好的法官^!)-(10). 搶婆婆綜援金雙賊,,再劫老翁生果金,,持雙程證來港,,最少涉三案 !!-(11).內地男三度圖劫銀行,,寫錯字敗走!-(12).委國欠債1,550億,,中國再貸款388億捱轟!!!(共產黨'支那豬'....他媽的)-最後由一篇蘋果論壇作者,公大電腦系副教授'李德成先生的(13).強制學生北上交流全無道理!藉此作為本更新的結筆~奉獻給匿名DIGITΛSHΛDØW及其連結或各捍衛人權,公義的偉大俠義匿名部落軍團的一篇詳盡推文,歡迎各位駕臨本小部!榮幸之極~#OPCHINA #OPHK ]]-**All The World Lauguage**-
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