2015年12月25日 星期五

-[26/12-2015]-Now our blog cant to updating...The China-evil to Complaints our tribe, our dear Anonymous please save us! This is significant for our tribe!''--[26/12-2015]-奸險狡猾的支那共產五毛魔習腫''畜牲對谷歌集團投訴我們的部落,請我們親愛的匿名拯救我們!這個部落對我們意義重大!-[25/12-2015]Mr. "Lu Feng" -- in saying that: "Since the Founding have continued to use this self-deprecating" Since interpolation "tactics to kill party members, intellectuals, self-esteem, self-confidence and hit their prestige in the eyes of others, so that they become self-denial and again after one willingly accept the party's nonsense, lies. - Just, Beijing authorities are wrong, and badly wrong. - Add the others various media reports - -[25/12-2015]"盧峯"先生-說得很對:"從中共建黨以來就不斷用這種自貶「自插」的手法來消磨黨員、知識分子的自尊,打擊他們的自信及在他人眼中的威信,令他們在一次又一次自我否定後變得甘心情願接受黨的胡言、謊言。-只是,北京當權者錯了,而且錯得厲害。-加上-不同的媒介報導-

*-[26/12-2015]-Now our blog cant updating...The China-evil to Complaints our tribe, our dear anonymous please save us! This is significant for our tribe!''--[26/12-2015]-奸險狡猾的支那共產五毛魔習腫''畜牲對谷歌集團投訴我們的部落,請我們親愛的匿名拯救我們!這個部落對我們意義重大!-
-[25/12-2015]Mr. "Lu Feng" -- in saying that: "Since the Founding have continued to use this self-deprecating" Since interpolation "tactics to kill party members, intellectuals, self-esteem, self-confidence and hit their prestige in the eyes of others, so that they become self-denial and again after one willingly accept the party's nonsense, lies. - Just, Beijing authorities are wrong, and badly wrong. - Add  the others various media reports -

 Now our blog cant to updating...The China-evil / Hong Kong theif-wolf Leung Chun-ying to Complaints our tribe, our dear Anonymous please save us! This is significant for our tribe!''
 We exact to the real facts and news as sharing text here pole!
Even strong autocratic dictator bandits total blockade, ban uncivilized screen backwards, do not open,
They are heinous, false accusation, '' self-censorship '' pedantic harsh regime,

God is - the root of evil visible!

Money, fame, power, hatred, materialism, fight .. so many people forget righteousness, conscience valuable!
We are just ordinary brave in a short life, complaints of human rights abuses, human rights are God-given talent five senses.
Free network does not belong to any person or institution.

Anonymous perfect skilled,
No cannot break the iron wall,
Justice forever destroy evil!

Devil are playing lead to the human loss of life,
Devil epilepsy touches right and wrong ,distorted black and white
Insult history spread immortal!

We are not afraid of the true teachus to face the tyrannical bully!
Until the termination of our life,
This by us will dead complaints sound off!







 *-[26/12-2015]-Now our blog cant updating...The China-evil to Complaints our tribe, our dear anonymous please save us! This is significant for our tribe!''--[26/12-2015]-奸險狡猾的支那共產五毛魔習腫''畜牲對谷歌集團投訴我們的部落,請我們親愛的匿名拯救我們!這個部落對 我們意義重大!-


"Destroy IS, or IS eliminate" USA and Russia jointly drafted the resolution of the United Nations united Islamic State of gold vein cut

December 18, 2015

United Nations Begins Plan to Disrupt ISIS Funding

wochit News
 IS presence of the day, the Earth is not safe." French Finance Changsha classes (Michel Sapin).

The United States and Russia in the 17th to the New York headquarters of the joint meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) , the joint cooperation drafted a resolution, unanimously adopted by the meeting of finance ministers of the 15 Member States after the vote. According to the draft resolution, the United Nations will set strict demands 193 Member States of the Islamic State (Islamic State, IS) take the equivalent of economic sanctions "cut gold veins Action" (Disrupting Revenue), hope after the tight pinch IS purse, let IS as soon as possible disappeared on Earth.

 The Associated Press AP
UN Security Council set to adopt resolution aimed at disrupting Islamic State group's funding: http://apne.ws/1QOcLIB 

Oil, antique, ransom

 The United States is currently the rotating presidency of the UNSC, therefore, the meeting on the 17th by the US Treasury Secretary Lu Wu (Jacob Lew) as its Chairman.
 Will be in the presidency of the United States Treasury Secretary Lu Wu.  (Associated Press)
Will be in the presidency of the United States Treasury Secretary Lu Wu. (Associated Press)
 The United States and Russia made ​​a rare joint resolution co-drafted with (Charter of the United Nations) "United Nations Charter" spirit of Chapter VII of the departure, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to propose strategic level within 45 days after it is passed Report (strategic-level Report), Member States will have 120 days after the adoption of the resolution, put forward measures to combat IS finances, UN every four months to Member States must also update the latest status of IS.

ISIL raises up to $1.5bn from bank looting, oil sales http://aje.io/qd94 

Lu Wu revealed, IS stealing and selling oil annually from illegal transactions, earned at least $ 500 million (about NT $ 15 billion yuan), the proportion of about 40% 至 45% IS total revenue, the rest including stealing and selling antique artifacts, for ransom and other proceeds of crime, but also the source of IS revenue. IS were roughly $ 30 million per year will cost (about NT $ 1.2 billion yuan) to purchase the weapons.

Further reading: " Islamic State of stealing and selling antiquities collectors in Europe and America as an accomplice "
To this end, UNSC resolution called on all Member States to IS international asset freeze, travel ban execution, arms embargo and other measures to ensure that IS sever all possible sources of income. Lu Wu expressed, IS not if other terrorist organizations rely heavily on donations and donations, "it can be self-sufficient."

Middle East Muslim Shiite Sunni WAR Global Threat Breaking News December 17 2015


Grabbed the purse, money hard work

Although the IS annual revenues and number but with the addition of more and more, spending also increased, including salaries holy warriors, to purchase arms and ammunition, and other people needed to provide basic rule areas.
15 finance ministers participating consensus, IS economic activity or through international financial mechanisms to operate existing, and therefore, UNSC resolution must start from the international financial management and control, by allowing IS revenue shortage of ways to assist countries in the eradication of IS.
French Finance Changsha classes (Michel Sapin) reminded France pernicious in November 13 suffered bloody attacks, if not as early as possible to take appropriate counter-IS, next time do not know what country would suffer IS attack.
 French Finance Changsha classes.  (Associated Press)
French Finance Changsha classes. (Associated Press).
Currently US-based coalition against IS main practice is to destroy the oil fields occupy IS, refineries and tanker trucks to interrupt oil supply chain of illegal way to force IS yield.

Think AgainTurn Away ThinkAgain_DOS
Coalition airstrike obliterates -controlled oil wellhead. https://youtu.be/qyn7PEWmdfM 

Dec 5: Coalition strike on ISIL controlled oil wellhead


Eradication of IS, or IS eradication

In addition, Shaaban said, after the results of the French police to trace, Paris fear attack murderers who are utilizing a prepaid card (Pre-paid cards) consumption, not only impossible to trace the identity of the international financial system has become a trade loophole, he called must be paid card management, "IS presence of the day, the Earth is not safe."
The contents of the draft resolution, UNSC originally the "Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee" (al-Qaeda Sanction Committee) changed its name to "the Islamic State Organizing Committee sanctions and base" (ISIL and al Qaeda Sanctions Committee) , not only as equivalent to IS at the base of the terrorist organization, the threat posed by IS is probably worse than the base.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) and Lu Wu (right).  (Associated Press)
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) and Lu Wu (right). (Associated Press)
In fact, from May 2013, IS already ranked UNSC sanctions blacklist, it is learned, the current IS has 22,000 from hundreds of countries outside mercenaries to help IS battle, since June 2014 , more than 1,600 people lost their lives in the hands of IS.
In February this year, UNSC has adopted a resolution calling for Member States to prohibit the purchase from Syria, Iraq, antique artifacts out of the country, or IS oil, also requires Member States to IS people were kidnapped, not to deliver the ransom, but effectiveness of the implementation is limited.

UN targets ISIS money: Symbolic gesture only?

Fox News


「消滅IS,或被IS消滅」 美國俄羅斯聯手起草決議 聯合國齊心斬斷伊斯蘭國金脈


United Nations Begins Plan to Disrupt ISIS Funding

wochit News
 IS存在的一天,地球就不安全。」法國財長沙班(Michel Sapin).

美國與俄羅斯在17日於聯合紐約總部大樓所召開的聯合國安理會(UNSC)中, 聯手合作起草了一份決議,與會的15個會員國財長表決後一致通過。根據這項決議草案,聯合國將嚴格要求193個會員國對伊斯蘭國(Islamic State, IS)採取等同經濟制裁的「斬金脈行動」(Disrupting Revenue),盼在緊掐IS錢包之後,能讓IS儘快消失於地球上。

The Associated Press @AP
UN Security Council set to adopt resolution aimed at disrupting Islamic State group's funding: http://apne.ws/1QOcLIB 
 美國是UNSC現任的輪值主席國,因此,17日的會議由美國財政部長陸伍(Jacob Lew)擔任主席。
這項由美國與俄羅斯難得聯手合作起草的決議案,以《聯合國憲章》(Charter of the United Nations)第七章的精神出發,秘書長潘基文要在決議通過後的45天內提出戰略層次的報告(strategic-level Report),各會員國則要在決議通過後的120天內,提出打擊IS財政的相關措施,UN每4個月也必須向各會員國更新IS最新狀況。

ISIL raises up to $1.5bn from bank looting, oil sales http://aje.io/qd94 


 延伸閱讀:《伊斯蘭國盜賣古文物 歐美收藏家成幫兇

Middle East Muslim Shiite Sunni WAR Global Threat Breaking News December 17 2015

u2bheavenbound u2bheavenbound.


法國財長沙班(Michel Sapin)提醒,法國在11月13日遭受的血腥攻擊殷鑑不遠,如果不趁早對IS採取相應的反擊,下次不曉得還有什麼國家會遭受IS的攻擊。

Think AgainTurn Away @ThinkAgain_DOS
Coalition airstrike obliterates -controlled oil wellhead. https://youtu.be/qyn7PEWmdfM 

Dec 5: Coalition strike on ISIL controlled oil wellhead



另外,沙班透露,經法國警方追查的結果,巴黎恐攻兇手們都利用預付卡(Pre-paid cards)消費,不但無從追查身分,也成為了國際金融體系的交易漏洞,他呼籲必須對預付卡進行管理,「IS存在的一天,地球就不安全。」
這項決議草案的內容,UNSC將原本的「制裁基地組織委員會」(al-Qaeda Sanction Committee)更名為「制裁伊斯蘭國與基地組織委員會」(ISIL and al Qaeda Sanctions Committee),不但將IS列為等同於基地的恐怖組織,IS所帶來的威脅恐怕較基地有過之而無不及。

UN targets ISIS money: Symbolic gesture only?

Fox News


 Iraq 43 years apart first international recognition beauty contest held by the 20-year-old female student Abdul Rahman (Shaymaa Qasim Abdelrahman) off the crown. There are media reports, she became "Miss Iraq" after receiving threatening telephone calls, threatening her to join extremist organizations "Islamic State" (IS).
Kuwaiti media reports, Abdel Rahman received telephone threats warning her to join IS, otherwise someone would take her abducted. But the beauty queen show, and not intimidated by her threat. She said: "I want to prove the existence of the Iraqi woman has social value, women have equal rights with men I fear no evil, because I am doing something right.." She had said on Saturday winning, to prove even in the face of terrorism and violence in Iraq, the country is still magnificent and culture. This time the pageant has caused controversy in the country, religious groups criticized the behavior among women in public is a cold defeat Germany, a number of contestants received a death threat reportedly due to exit. Assembly To reduce opposition, canceled swimsuit links. British "Daily Mail"

伊拉克相隔43年舉辦首場國際認可選美比賽,並由20歲女學生阿卜杜勒拉赫曼(Shaymaa Qasim Abdelrahman)摘下后冠。有傳媒報道,她成為「伊拉克小姐」後收到電話恐嚇,威脅她加入極端組織「伊斯蘭國」(IS)。



Putin's nightmare: the Caucasus increasingly robust reinforcements after the Islamic State

at 10:10 on November 28, 2015.

Living in Russia Caucasus (Caucasus) region Muslims, just as in many European External disgruntled Muslim community in general, likely to become the Islamic State (Islamic State, IS) to recruit new blood priorities. According to estimates of the Russian law enforcement officers, in Syria and Iraq holy warriors, at least 2,000 people from the Caucasus region, and IS more former Soviet vassal state to recruit more than 7,000 new recruits. Meanwhile, IS forces in the Caucasus region continued stable development, and this is all the Muslims to use these Kerim Palace (the Kremlin) violent repression of anger and hatred.

Russia: Eleven ISIS-linked militants killed in N. Caucasus counter-terror op - NAC

Ruptly TV

Caucasus Muslims turn defected IS

The more pronounced links between ISIS and the Caucasus are a source of concern for Russia. http://nyti.ms/1MZ2jgg 

The most southern Russian republic of Dagestan (Dagestan) this year, nearly 30 men and women were missing. 27-year-old town police Callaway (Abbas Karaev) said: "When they have that at this time, has begun to follow Reviewed by Islamic extremists, once among which one is chosen to leave, it will become a model for other people, so they All have left. These people are taught, noted that the Syrian civil war is a holy war (jihad), because jihad if they sacrifice, they will go to heaven after death. And this idea continues to linger in their minds. "
Russia in October this year, Syrian air strike Idlib Governorate (from Associated Press)
Russia in October this year, Syria Idlib Governorate air strike. (From AP)
Russia in 2014, strong coercive measures, so that thousands of armed Muslims arrived in Syria via Turkey was removed, some people joined the Al-Nusra Front (Al-Nusra) . Most are based in Al-Nusra Front in Syria Idleb (Idlib), one of which is the Russian military air strike in Syria violent areas.
These soldiers Caucasus to quickly make their local terrorists opened merits of the gap, they let Kurds (Kurdish) commander impressive, said: "These Muslim Caucasus war longer, tougher sniper attacks against targets very accurately, "experts said more highly qualified holy warriors of the Caucasus region has been so dominated by the war IS level increase, worse still, the number of holy warriors of the Caucasus are constantly on the rise. Further reading: " Islamic State of Sino-Russian forces entered the Asian-American high alert . "

 Russia sent troops to Syria to deepen Caucasus Assad Shiite Sunni opposition

Grim but realistic: if Putin doesn't budge on Assad, political solution will remain elusive, war will go on & on http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/11/30/isis-after-paris 

Recently, the Russian army to intervene in Syria civil war, support Assad regime (Bashar al-Assad) position, further angered the Sunni Caucasus (Sunnis), because as a Shia (Shiite) of Syrian President Assad During the reign of killing tens of thousands of Sunni opponents. The association between IS and the Caucasus region, but also began to let Kerim Palace began to feel the anxiety.
Because a decade ago, Russia has been a series of from Chechnya (Chechens) terrorist attacks, and now under the banner of the call of IS, these thousands of "enemies of Russia (Russia-hating)" holy warriors, let Russia heart warning sounded again.

IS worried forces waiting in the wings

Watch pictures on Twitter
End of ISIS? Russian bombs leave evil terror group on 'brink of DEFEAT' http://bit.ly/1OnioeS 

If the data point of view, compared to Syria and Iraq, the Caucasus, believe the number of radical Muslim jihad does not seem much.
In Dagestan, for example, as of September 2015, only 95 people were killed in violent incidents, compared with 413 in 2014 and 208 in 2011, the death toll was lower. However, know that IS is a name people will be waiting for an opportunity to guess, which may be launched before the next attack IS, is actively building local capacity building and training of military and plus IS still active in the Caucasus region, and vowed to return to Russia in retaliation for the release of the movie.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in September, will send air force to attack Syria IS, part of the reason is because, rather than wait until IS scored her energies back home land, he would prefer to strike first to remove IS. Yet the Russian airliner terrorist attacks occurred in a few weeks, IS claim that this is retaliation for Russia.

IS deepen extremist ideology in the Caucasus

Caucasus ethnic distribution (from Wikipedia)
Caucasus ethnic distribution. (From Wikipedia)
In the beginning of the civil war in Syria, Russia willing to look at the most violent extremists within their own country to leave Russia to Syria, because they think it represents a threat to the country disappeared.
But in June this year, claiming to be Islamic State of Dagestan government appeared, followed by a day on social media will see Russia's threat of retaliation movie appears. Young attractive extremists to recruit new members through the Internet, their propaganda, "added the Muslim guerrilla force in the Caucasus" in the film, and praised the benefits of leaving Dagestan.

Central Asian Militants Join 'Islamic State' In Syria

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Not all of the promotional video are focused on the war, some are discussing the institutionalization of IS management and public utilities. In Dagestan's capital Makhachkala (Makhachkala) Reviewed by Islamic fundamentalist (Salafi) defense lawyers say, IS can succeed in Dagestan there are three major reasons: the message clear and simple, in Iraq and Syria have occupied lands successfully realistic achievements in the fight against brutal enemies on extensive publicity.

"We Jianfeng feel the heat."

In extreme conservative who served as the mosque imam (imam) of 苏丹纳克哈 Maida Fu (Sultan Aakhmedov), its strict interpretation of religious texts and inspired extremism, he said in a promotional video: "Let your jihad IS easier Today you can without fear, to your family and parents would not have taken a pagan house where they easily entered, but no one laughed at or intimidate them. "
苏丹纳克哈 Maida Fu also among his films threaten Russia, IS will eventually spread from Iraq to Syria and the Caucasus: "We will keep your hands away from your land, we will kill you; slaughter you, Incineration you, if the need arises we will let you drown. You will wear our orange jumpsuits and feel our heat Jianfeng. "

ISIS Threatens Putin: Extremist militants threaten to take their fight to Russia





2015年11月28日. 居住在俄羅斯高加索(Caucasus)地區的 穆斯林,就如同歐洲許多對外在社會心生不滿的穆斯林一般,容易成為伊斯蘭國(Islamic State, IS)招募新血的優先目標。根據俄羅斯執法人員的估計,在敘利亞及伊拉克的聖戰士,起碼有2000人來自高加索地區,而IS更從前蘇聯的附庸國招募到 7000多名新兵。同時,IS在高加索地區的勢力仍在繼續穩定發展,而這全是利用這些穆斯林對克里姆宮(the Kremlin)狂暴鎮壓的憤怒與憎恨。

Russia: Eleven ISIS-linked militants killed in N. Caucasus counter-terror op - NAC

Ruptly TV


ISIS和高加索地區之間的更顯著的聯繫是關注俄羅斯的根源。HTTP:// nyti.ms/1MZ2jgg 

俄羅斯最南部的達吉斯坦共和國(Dagestan)今 年已有近30名男女失蹤。27歲的小鎮警察卡拉維(Abbas Karaev)說:「當他們還這在這時,已開始追隨某位伊斯蘭極端份子,一旦當中的其中1為選擇離開,就會成為其他人的範本,於是他們全部都離開了。這些 人被灌輸的,指出敘利亞內戰是一場聖戰( jihad),如果他們因為聖戰犧牲,那他們會在死後前往天堂。而這樣的想法不斷縈繞在他們腦海中。」

這些高加索地區來的戰士很快地讓自己與當地的恐怖份子拉開了優劣差距,他們讓庫德族(Kurdish)指揮官印象深 刻的說:「這些高加索穆斯林發動戰爭的時間更長、更堅韌,狙擊手對目標的攻擊非常精確」,更有專家表示,高加索地區聖戰士的高素質已經讓IS所主導的戰爭 層次提高,更甚者,高加索地區的聖戰士人數正不斷在上升。
延伸閱讀:《伊斯蘭國勢力進入中亞 美中俄高度警戒


嚴峻而現實的:如果普京不阿薩德讓步,政治解決仍遙遙無期,戰爭將繼續與有關 HTTP:// WWW newyorker.com/magazine/2015/ 三十零分之十一/ ISIS-後,巴黎  ...

近來俄國軍隊介入敘利亞內戰,支持阿塞德政權(Bashar al-Assad)的立場,更進一步地激怒高加索地區的遜尼派( Sunnis),因為身為什葉派( Shiite)的敘利亞總統阿塞德,在位期間殺了數 以萬計的遜尼派反對者。而IS與高加索地區間的關聯,也開始讓克里姆宮開始感受到焦慮。
因為在十多年前,俄羅斯也曾受到來自車臣( Chechens)一系列的恐怖攻擊,而如今在IS的旗幟號召下,這些數以千計的「仇俄羅斯(Russia-hating)」聖戰士,讓俄羅斯內心再次響起警訊。


在 Twitter 上觀看圖片
ISIS結束了嗎?俄羅斯炸彈留下的邪惡恐怖組織的“失敗的邊緣' 的http:// bit.ly/1OnioeS 

以達吉斯坦為例,2015年截至9月只有95人因暴力事件喪生,與2014年的413人及2011年的208人相比,死亡人數正在降低。然而,深知 IS是出了名會等待時機的人就會猜測,這也可能是IS在發動下一次攻擊前,正在積極打造地方建設及培養軍事能力,且加上IS仍活躍在高加索地區,並釋出誓 言返回俄羅斯報復的影片。




Central Asian Militants Join 'Islamic State' In Syria

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty



曾在極端保守的清真寺擔任阿訇(imam)的蘇丹納克哈邁達夫(Sultan Aakhmedov),其嚴格解釋宗教典籍並啟發極端主義,他在宣傳影片中說:「IS讓你的聖戰變得更容易。今天你可以毫不畏懼的,把你的家人和父母帶到 一個不會有異教徒輕易踏進他們房子的地方,更不會有人嘲笑或是恐嚇他們。」

ISIS Threatens Putin: Extremist militants threaten to take their fight to Russia



 Saudi Arabia's southwestern province of Jizan (Jizan) a hospital fire broke out yesterday morning, killing at least 31 people died, more than 100 people injured, cause of the fire remains to be verified.
Civil Protection Bureau said yesterday two o'clock receiving the report, a 3-storey house means Jizan public hospital intensive care, obstetrics and neonatology fire, then sent 21 small team to assist the rescue, and sealed off the scene. Civil Defence spokesman said the cause of the fire is unknown, is investigating. Emergency services means that the dead included 31 children, and another 107 people were injured, they were sent to other local hospitals.
Seen from the Civil Defence issued photo site fierce fire, emitting a lot of smoke, the original white facade Xunde black, also within the hospital was severely damaged (Figure), peeling ceilings. Local social networks caused by fire in the criticism that the event reflects the Jizan Region neglected by the government for many years, especially the serious shortage of hospital infrastructure, even asked the health minister France Saleh (Khalid al-Falih) dismissed.


從 民防局發佈的相片可見現場火勢猛烈,冒出大量濃煙,原為白色的外牆被熏得烏黑,醫院內部亦損毀嚴重(圖),天花剝落。火警在當地社交網絡惹起批評,指事件 反映吉贊省被政府忽視多年,基建尤其是醫院嚴重不足,甚至要求將衞生大臣法利赫(Khalid al-Falih)革職。


 US military air strikes to support Iraqi Army (Figure) yesterday stormed the Sunni city of Ramadi city center, close to government buildings, threatened to victory in the 48 hours, the extremist group "Islamic State" (IS) hands to regain pull Mady.
Ramadi, 110 km from the capital in addition to just outside Baghdad, is also the core area of ​​the Sunni population in Iraq, with an important strategic position, but the fall in May. Iraqi security forces and Sunni tribal fighters deployed to fight back more than a month, vows revenge, two weeks ago to regain the La Di Dongnan suburbs, IS ditch, car bombs, heavy artillery returned fire, blew up three bridges Euphrates, attempts to block Iraqi forward.
The day before yesterday morning, the Iraqi use of military transport bridge to cross the river to provide liquidity destroy the city center, the first time the outbreak of fighting in the city center and IS, said the recovery in sight. However, most of the downtown area is still in the hands of IS, the buried roadside bombs and snipers fighting so add a lot of variables. Iraqi air raid yesterday, also known in many IS killed eight commanders.
"The New York Times"


拉 馬迪除離首都巴格達僅110公里外,亦是伊拉克遜尼派人口的核心地區,具重要戰略地位,卻在5月淪陷。伊拉克保安部隊及遜尼派部族戰士部署反擊多月,誓雪 前恥,兩星期前重奪拉馬迪東南市郊,IS負隅頑抗,汽車炸彈、重型炮火還擊,炸毀幼發拉底河三條大橋,企圖阻撓伊軍推進。


Chinese hackers lock people into the network and sent to Taiwan media attack Mobility

Chairman of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party leader Tsai Ing-wen (images from DPP)
Chairman of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party leader Tsai Ing-wen (images from DPP).
Voice of America
 Chinese hackers lock people into the network and sent to Taiwan media attack Mobility
US media reported that Chinese hackers are on Taiwanese Internet users into the network media and opposition attacks, trying to get people into the network's policy and content of the speech before the election. People into the network, said the face of a wide range of network attacks, network access people have their own set of defense systems, and to keep strengthening the network information security education.
Taiwan's presidential election from the remaining 26 days, the United States on Monday, Bloomberg published a report titled "Chinese spy network to strengthen the offensive, Taiwan opposition network hacking 'of the text quoted owned security company' FireEye Inc 'research report one supported by the Chinese government, the hacker group called 'APT16' positive through the network, opposition to Taiwan media, Taiwan's Internet users into the network and launch a variety of network attacks.
Reported that this called 'APT16' hacker organization sent to 'the Association Netcom recorded Update' for the title of the e-mail, the invasion of the Association Wangyuan e-mail, change security settings, and even send e-mail to the address book fraud Everyone on. According to reports, about 50 victims of the Association Wang Yuan.
China spokesman Wang Min into the network being expressed, in fact, has always been the people into the network have suffered a wide variety of cyber attacks, including a form of attack traffic, paralysis pages, email invasion, and even to fake identity send virus letter and so on. With elections approaching, the frequency of attacks has also been increased. Wang Min being said, people are concerned about network access at any time network security issues, in the face of possible attacks, people into the network has its own set of defenses.
He said: "With the election is getting closer and closer to this frequency is high, our approach is to strengthen the response to internal information security education, we will ask colleagues to be vigilant."
Wang Min said positive, people are not into the net to send confidential information to a network, it is important to communicate the message can not be transmitted through the Internet.


中國黑客 鎖定民進網及台灣媒體發動網攻

距離台灣總統大選剩下26天,美國彭博社星期一發表了一篇名為‘中國網絡間諜加強攻勢,台灣在野網遭黑客入侵’的報道,內文引述資安公司 ‘FireEye Inc’的研究報告稱,一個由中國政府支持、名為‘APT16’的黑客組織正透過網絡,對台灣媒體及台灣在野網民進網發動各種網絡攻擊。

民進網發言人王閔正對此表示,其實一直以來,民進網都遭受了各式各樣的網路攻擊,形式上包括了流量的攻擊、癱瘓網頁、電子郵件的入侵,甚至還以假冒 身份寄發病毒信等等。隨著選舉臨近,網絡攻擊的頻率也不斷增高。王閔正說,民進網隨時都在關注網絡安全問題,面對可能的攻擊,民進網有自己的一套防禦系 統。


Pu Zhiqiang case hearing solidarity with
the people being taken away

[International Media Center / roundup] Chinese well-known human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang suspicion of "inciting ethnic hatred and affray 'case, the fourteenth day of trial in Beijing, the end of the trial was not in court for sentencing. Defense lawyer Shang Baojun said the case will be scheduled for sentencing, sentencing eight years. Trial hundreds of people gathered outside the court, a dozen Western diplomats were stopped at the entrance of the court, can not into the gallery. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and other foreign media attended the interview pushing driven more by the police, some demonstrators and media reporters also scuffle with the police, was arrested.
  • 中國知名維權律師浦志強案14日在北京開審,上百人聚在法庭外高呼「浦志強無罪」。 (美聯社) Chinese well-known human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang case trial in Beijing on the 14th, hundreds of people gathered outside the court shouted "Pu Zhiqiang not guilty." (Associated Press)

Pu not guilty, said defense lawyer sentenced to eight years possible

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation reported that Chinese network, Pu Zhiqiang has not pleaded guilty in court. "Amnesty International" noted researcher in Hong Kong, Pu Zhiqiang opportunity to get a fair trial "almost zero."
"Voice of America" ​​report, Pu Zhiqiang case nine o'clock in the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court, Pu Zhiqiang wife Meng Group is the only family members attending the meeting. Half past eight or so, hundreds of people gathered outside the court, was asked to attend refused within the scene sounded slogans from time to time and bawl, someone shouted, "Pu Zhiqiang innocence" claim "justice." Soon, police arrived at the scene shouting slogans expelled people, more than a dozen people have been forcibly taken away.
When the police tried to arrest activists outside the court solidarity, a man surnamed Yang said in an interview: "Pu Zhiqiang is conscientious lawyer, so he would arrest us support him, that means we have to defend their rights. "
Pu Zhiqiang is a Chinese high-profile human rights lawyer, was arrested June incident attend 25th Anniversary commemoration of last year, Beijing prosecutors in May this year with "the crime of incitement to ethnic hatred", "disturb the crime" prosecution against him, the United States and other countries Government calls on China to release Pu Zhiqiang.

Liu Zhijun, Gu prison recommend life imprisonment

In the meantime, the former Chinese Communist Party Secretary of Chongqing Bo Xilai wife Gu Kailai murder of British businessman Heywood, formerly sentenced to death suspended for two years, but during the Beijing Higher People's Court of the fourteenth day of the announcement, Gu served not intentional crime, prison sentences commuted to life imprisonment recommendations. The Chinese Minister of Railways Liu Zhijun case before, but also because Liu in prison "good performance", "no intentional crime", recommended that the original death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.



浦志強案開庭 聲援民眾被帶走

〔國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕中國知名維權律師浦志強涉嫌「煽動民族仇恨和尋釁滋事」案,十四日在北京開審,庭審結束並未當庭宣判。辯護律師尚寶軍表 示,本案將擇期宣判,可能判刑八年。審判時法院外有上百人聚集,十餘名西方外交官在法院入口被攔下,無法入內旁聽。英國廣播公司(BBC)等到場採訪的境 外媒體更遭警方推擠驅趕,部分示威者和媒體記者還與警方扭打,遭警方拘捕。
  • 中國知名維權律師浦志強案14日在北京開審,上百人聚在法庭外高呼「浦志強無罪」。 (美聯社) 中國知名維權律師浦志強案14日在北京開審,上百人聚在法庭外高呼「浦志強無罪」。 (美聯社)

浦未認罪 辯護律師稱可能判8年

「美 國之音」報導,浦志強案上午九時在北京市第二中級人民法院開庭審理,浦志強妻子孟群是唯一到場旁聽的家屬。上午八時半左右,法庭外就聚集上百人,有人要求 入內旁聽遭拒,現場不時響起口號和叫罵聲,有人高呼「浦志強無罪」,要求「司法公正」。不久,警方到場驅離呼口號的民眾,十幾人被強行帶走。

劉志軍、谷開來 獄方建議無期徒刑

在 此同時,中共重慶市委前書記薄熙來妻子谷開來涉嫌謀殺英國商人海伍德,原被判死刑緩期兩年執行,但北京市高級人民法院十四日公告,谷開來服刑期間未故意犯 罪,獄方建議刑期減為無期徒刑。而中國前鐵道部長劉志軍案,也因劉在服刑期間「表現良好」,「無故意犯罪」,建議將原本的死刑減為無期徒刑。


Chinese well-known human rights lawyer

Pu Zhiqiang was sentenced to three years in prison today

Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang. (Data according to the Associated Press).
 2015-12-22 11:08.
[Breaking News / roundup] Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang alleged "incitement to ethnic hatred and affray 'case, the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court today ruled that Pu Zhiqiang was sentenced to three years and three years probation.
According to "Xinhua News Agency" reports, the court based on the facts the defendant Pu Zhiqiang crime, nature, circumstances and the degree of harm to society, in accordance with "The People's Republic of China Criminal Law" and other laws and regulations, according to Pu Zhiqiang their concurrence of two crimes, decided to implement 3 years imprisonment, suspended for three years. Report also said Pu Zhiqiang represent the judgment is not subject to appeal.
When hearing the case on the 14th, hundreds of people gathered outside the courthouse, a dozen Western diplomats were stopped at the entrance of the court, can not into the gallery. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and other foreign media attended the interview pushing driven more by the police, some demonstrators and media reporters also scuffle with the police, was arrested.


中國知名維權律師浦志強 今遭判3年徒刑


2015-12-22  11:08.



  Pu Zhiqiang microblogging accused because seven "disturb" and "inciting ethnic hatred" case, the sentencing today.

 10:00 today, concern the mainland due to the seven human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang microblogging accused "disturb" and "inciting ethnic hatred" case, the verdicts in the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court. Mainland legal profession that the present case is to examine whether the CCP will turn out "words as crimes," the classic case, the rule of law is a reflection of China is a symbol of progress or regress. Defense lawyers called on the judge ruled to stand the test of history.
Since early May 2014, Pu Zhiqiang was arrested, the case much attention at home and abroad, mainly due to the authorities to cook up charges Pu, actually he comments on the microblogging on current affairs. The prosecution case was rejected several times POLICE "Supplemental reconnaissance" charges from the initial "trouble and incitement to subvert state power, illegally obtained personal information of citizens and inciting ethnic hatred," four sins, to eventually prosecute two crimes, showing the internal authorities hesitate indefinite.

Over a long time supporter of detention

When the first instance court on the 14th of this month, a large number of solidarity with those who appear in court outside of Solidarity Pu Zhiqiang, the United States, Europe and other countries to the scene diplomats read a statement demanding the release of Pu CPC; to interview a number of international media, diplomats and foreign media reporters are subject to maltreatment. Supporters chanted "Pu Zhiqiang not guilty" in which 17 people were taken away, people were detained afterwards, long after others in custody or released.
Beijing Lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan, said the reporter, Pu case eligible for a high degree of concern, on the one hand is his years of long-term accumulation in the institutional space edge action, on the other hand we can not ignore his prominent status and history imprinted in the 1989 movement. Offences authorities tried another way, one retaliation for his disrespect for the system, the second is for his behavior after Tiananmen and total liquidation. Pu Liu estimated that there could face three to five years imprisonment, in order to pump and similar warned.
Pu Zhiqiang lawyer 尚宝军 at first instance last supplement that Pu guilt believe classroom gentlemen heart has the answer, "I know the gentlemen duties in the body, some things had to. But as a Chinese legal person, final must face up to history. " He begged the judge keep "muzzle raise one centimeter sovereignty," Conscience of the play, if not innocent, they should be minor, exempted from criminal punishment, "not to the cold side of the world to study the human heart, more Chinese legal person save face! "
"Apple" Correspondent

今日上午10時,備受關注的內地人權律師浦志強因七條微博被控「尋釁滋事」和「煽動民族仇恨」案,將在北京第二中級人民法院一審宣判。內地法律界人士認 為,本案將是檢驗中共是否又搞「以言治罪」的經典案例,是反映中國法治是進步還是退步的象徵。辯護律師籲法官裁決要經得起歷史考驗。
自2014年5月初浦志強被捕,本案備受海內外關注,主因是當局羅織浦的罪名,竟是他在微博上對時政的評論。案件被檢察機關多次退回公安「補充偵察」,罪 名由最初「尋釁滋事、煽動顛覆國家政權、非法獲得公民個人信息和煽動民族仇恨」四罪,到最終以兩罪起訴,顯示當局內部也猶豫不定。


本月14日一審開庭時,大批聲援者到庭外聲援浦志強,美國、歐洲等多國外交官前往現場宣讀聲明,要求中共釋放浦;眾多國際媒體前往採訪,外交官和外媒記者 均受粗暴對待。支持者們高呼「浦志強無罪」,其中17人被帶走,多人事後被刑事拘留,其他人則拘押多時後或釋放。
北京刑辯律師劉曉原對本報記者表 示,浦案獲高度關注,一方面是他多年來長期在體制空間邊緣行動積累,另一方面也不能忽視他在八九運動中的突出身份和歷史烙印。當局想盡法子治罪,一是報復 他對體制的不敬,二是對他六四及以後的行為總清算。劉估計浦有可能面臨三至五年刑期,以此對浦及同類人士警告。
浦志強的辯護律師尚寶軍在一審最後 補充說明時稱,浦是否有罪相信堂上諸公內心已有答案,「我知道諸公職責在身,有些事不得不為。但作為中國法律人,最終都要面對歷史」。他懇求法官謹守「槍 口抬高一厘米主權」的良知與擔當,即使不能無罪,也應是情節輕微,免予刑事處罰,「方不至寒了天下讀書人的心,更為中國法律人留點面子」!


 Mainland involving alleged human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang "inciting ethnic hatred", "disturb" public display called the prosecution evidence in court, in fact, 7, a total of more than 600 words microblogging, which has criticized Beijing Pu authorities in Xinjiang policy, sarcasm officials.
7 Microblogging as follows:
● "people want to look like a duck, or play the fool, or the fool." (January 31, 2013, Pu Zhiqiang, who served the longest Shen Jilan ability deputies questioned)  
● "" Without the Communist Party, why not? "I [swearing] where know why not?! In addition to fraud evading ax sickle, the party has [swearing] What Ruling mystery?" (July 26, 2013, for political Lunzhu "China Great Logic:? Without the Communist Party, why not" comment) ● "change only in relation to ask you mad:" Your boss told you what unit I cooked ah, I play the recorder by children "(July 29, 2011, comments Wenzhou motor car event)??  
● "says Xinjiang is China, you do not take it as a colony, not as conquerors and looters." (May 1, 2014, criticized the Beijing authorities in Xinjiang's ethnic policy of assimilation)
  ● "every day, said the party's policy yikes, Uighur people to the party, so Flesh?" (March 2, 2014, attacks in comments Uighurs in Kunming Railway Station)  
● "Han Chinese head crazy? Or head Han crazy?!" (January 25, 2012, criticized the requirements include Temple temple, hanging leader portrait)  
● "Yining has banned the Muslim veil, known as dilute religious consciousness, Han whole crazy?" (January 25, 2012, criticized the Xinjiang officials banning women wearing the veil)



http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20151220/757240/1/深圳廠房話倒就倒 網友:偷工減料嗎?

 on December 20, 2015.
 China landslide buried Shenzhen Guangming New Willow Creek Industrial Park, was severely damaged, the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau refers to at least 20 plant collapse. In the nearby site of the incident, the Red Au Village opened computer repair shop Mr. Jiang directed, cause landslides this year's massive construction projects in Shenzhen in recent years, digging taken out of the muck pile up against the mountain, piled out of the hill about 100 meters high. Suspect because of morning rain, muck loose Zhaohuo.
"Terrible, hundreds of thousands of square!" A large number of users have in microblogging message, the situation of terror:! ". This is a true story, startling look safe," "down, like the debris as it was shoddy it? Like murder, must not cut corners on construction materials "," such terrorist who planned the plant. ".
 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20151220/757240/1/深圳廠房話倒就倒 網友:偷工減料嗎?

 on December 20, 2015
中國被山泥掩埋的 深圳光明新區柳溪工業園,損毀嚴重,深圳公安局指,至少20幢廠房倒塌。在事發地點附近、紅坳村開設電腦維修店的姜先生直指,造成今年山泥傾瀉的是近兩年 深圳大興土木,挖地基取出來的渣土靠着山堆起來,堆出的小丘大約100公尺高。疑因今早落雨,渣土鬆脫肇禍。
「真可怕 ,十萬平方!」大批網友紛紛在微博留言,當時的情況恐怖:「這還是真事,嚇我一跳。望平安」、「倒得就像碎片一樣!這是偷工減料嗎?如同謀財害命,絕不能在建築材料上偷工減料」、「這麼恐怖,誰規劃的廠房」。

ROC flag is still flying in the United Nations Interim Headquarters

The United Nations (UN) headquarters in Manhattan, but few people know, after the UN was established, was in the initial six-year temporary headquarters in Lake Success, Long Island. The buildings date outside the Republic of China still hanging five original member countries of the Council big flag. (Central News Agency reporter Huang Zhaoping New York photo).
 2015-12-20 15:28.
[Breaking News / roundup] United Nations (UN) since its inception in 1945, has gone through 70 years, this year also celebrating the 70th anniversary of the related activities. But few people know that in 1946 to 1951 had set up temporary headquarters in Lake Success on Long Island, was the Republic of China, one of the permanent members of the Council, has flags still hanging in the temporary headquarters was built was outside this building.
According to the "Central News Agency" reports, the United Nations on October 24, 1945 was established, the first choice in New York City as the seat of the UN General Assembly headquarters. However, it takes time to build the headquarters, during construction, temporary headquarters will be located in about one hour's drive from Manhattan, Long Island Nassau County (Nassau) successfully lake (Lake Success) Marcus Avenue (Marcus) a building park. At that time, the United States, Britain, France, Russia and the founding members, is also a permanent member of the Security Council, the national flag hanging in front of the provisional headquarters building plaza.
Currently located in the East River of Manhattan present site since 1946, began to build a six-year, in 1952 after the United Nations Headquarters was officially moved into evacuation temporary headquarters, and then one after another in Geneva, Nairobi, Kenya (Nairobi), Austria Vienna and other places to set up distribution offices. However, once hung in the square in front of the United Nations ROC flag, after October 25, 1971 United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758, the Republic of China quit the United Nations flag will be changed.
The United Nations Interim Headquarters was built still stands in Lake Success, Long Island, near the environment is very beautiful, and despite the withdrawal of the United Nations for many years, was the banner of the five founding members still hanging on, the Republic of China flag and therefore the US, Britain, France, Russia together flying in the air.


自由時報中華民國國旗 仍飄揚於聯合國臨時總部


 2015-12-20  15:28.
據 《中央社》報導,聯合國於1945年10月24日成立,首屆聯大選擇紐約市作為總部的所在地。然而總部需要時間興建,在興建期間,臨時總部便設在距曼哈頓 約1小時車程的長島拿索郡(Nassau)成功湖(Lake Success)馬卡斯大道(Marcus)一棟大樓園區。當時中、美、英、法、俄為創始國,也是安理會常任理事國,國旗高掛於臨時總部大樓前廣場。

目 前位於曼哈頓東河邊的現址,自1946年開始建了6年,1952年後聯合國總部才正式搬進,撤離臨時總部,而後也陸續在瑞士日內瓦、肯亞奈洛比 (Nairobi)、奧地利維也納等地設置分布辦公處。然而一度懸掛於聯合國前廣場的中華民國國旗,在1971年10月25日聯合國大會通過第2758號 決議後,中華民國退出聯合國,國旗也就被換了。


自由時報Teenager photographed IS headquarters was crucified for public display

 2014-10-19 11:43.
[Breaking News / roundup] IS organizations often extreme way executions rebels, a 17-year-old boy recently Syria Aibu Xi (Abdullah Al-Bushi), depending on the shooting IS headquarters in Syria, was crucified militants publicly executed .
  • 敍利亞少年偷拍IS總部,慘遭毒打,並釘十字架示眾。(圖擷自網路) Syria juvenile candid IS headquarters, brutally beaten, and crucified in public. (Figure captures from network)
According to the Anti-IS and IS organizations some support in the social networking site to upload photos show, there is a juvenile suspect who have been beaten, the body covered with bruises, covered with blood, was crucified, also hung a board around his neck, He said each shot IS bases photograph, can sell 500 Turkish lira (about 6771 circular NT), is a traitor IS organization, and finally says: "verdict: execution and crucified three days."
IS continues to control parts of Syria extreme way, there are many countries that will train troops to the joint fight against IS, hoping to overthrow the IS as soon as possible, so that the Syrian people from living under fear.


自由時報少年偷拍IS總部 遭釘十字架示眾

 2014-10-19  11:43.
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕IS組織常以極端方式處決叛亂者,日前敍利亞一名17歲少年艾布希(Abdullah Al-Bushi),因拍攝IS在敘利亞的總部,被武裝分子公開釘在十字架處死。
  • 敍利亞少年偷拍IS總部,慘遭毒打,並釘十字架示眾。(圖擷自網路) 敍利亞少年偷拍IS總部,慘遭毒打,並釘十字架示眾。(圖擷自網路)
據反IS及一些支持IS的組織在社交網站上傳的照片顯示,有1名少年疑似曾遭毒打,身上佈滿傷痕、滿身鮮血,被釘在十字架上,脖子上還 被掛著一塊板子,稱他每拍攝一張IS軍事基地照片,可賣得500土耳其里拉(約6771圓台幣),是IS組織的叛徒,最後還寫著:「判決:處決並釘在十字 架上3天。」


 During the past year, Mongkok occupied cleared, LSD members of Zhou Jia hair and Shi City Granville of the occupied supplies transferred from Mong Kok to Admiralty by the police to Tibet have articles for illicit purposes accusation detained for 48 hours and confiscated on the spot all the supplies, the next day two people are more houses were searched. One year later, the police sent notice Zhou Jia Wei and Shi City have completed the investigation, but has not seized any suspicious evidence, and notify the duo retrieve all items, about ten members of the LSD scene solidarity, criticism of police abuse of police power.
Reporter: Liangpei Shan Last November 27 the two confiscated occupied supplies including sleeping bags, umbrellas, medical supplies, warm bag, plastic wrap and blankets, and the other two mobile phones and detaining three computers, and refers to the definition of such materials for the police danger to the public, is absurd behavior, criticizing the police, "Qu Qu was on the abuse of police power," trumped-up charges equivalent dubbed citizens. LSD and that the police then detained the two without bail and subsequently more search homes, like punishment without trial, a political pressure, criticized police behavior only to deter the masses to participate in social movements. LSD refers to the police in the past year abuse of police powers, in addition to this incident, which also has Jian Chao was seven police hit the counter-accused, Zhu Jingwei involving stick assault passers-by and other instances, LSD requires the Commissioner of Police to apologize, said that it would continue to protest Action to support other arrested persons in the umbrella operation.


去年旺角佔領區清場期間,社民連成員周嘉發及施城威把佔領物資從旺角轉移至金鐘,被警方以涉藏有物品可作非法用途的罪名扣留48小時,並當場沒收所有物 資,翌日二人更被搜屋。事隔一年,警方通知周嘉發及施城威已完成調查,但未有搜出任何可疑證據,並通知二人取回所有物品,約十名社民連成員到場聲援,批評 警方濫用警權。
記者:梁佩珊二人去年11月27日被沒收的佔領物資包括睡袋、雨傘、醫療用品、暖包、保鮮紙及棉被 等,另扣查兩部手提電話及3部電腦,並指警方定義此類物資對公眾構成危險,屬荒謬行為,批評警方「屈得就屈、濫用警權」,等同冠以市民莫須有罪名。社民連 認為警方當時拘留二人並不准保釋,其後更搜屋,猶如未審先罰,屬於政治打壓,批評警方行為只為阻嚇群眾參與社會運動。社民連指警方過去一年 濫用警權,除了是次事件,當中還有曾健超被七警圍毆反被控、朱經緯涉棍毆途人等事例,社民連要求警務處長道歉,稱會繼續以示威行動支援其他在傘運中被捕人 士。


 WASHINGTON - "Message" and then delete politically sensitive column. After accounting for one in ten children suffer the 钱志健 other columns, many public support accounts for the commentator Li Fen is also the "Message" notice will cease its columns, the newspaper questioned Lebanese political purposes. Guo Yanming the editor to the media argued that only "ordinary revision."

"Complicit body is better and retire."

Li will succeed Albert Cheng Fen at the end of 2012, "Economic Journal," wrote "Political Economics" column, published every Wednesday. Lebanese newspaper editor last week has received written notification: "This year will do, the new year is coming," the letter reported that "Each forum will also be introduced to the new look to meet with readers, including current affairs commentary version," Li Fen is published next Wednesday The column will be the last one.
Li announcement yesterday in the news column, he wrote: "I do not regret, there is a feeling of anti-release, because instead of continuing to" sauce "in the cylinder, in cahoots, and the body is better retire, unnecessary buried."
Li Fen when the interview with this inquiry revealed that at the beginning when writing the column, "Economic Journal" by Albert Cheng executives have conveyed to him, "do not attempt to Chengri trouble Leung Chun-ying," nor when their articles have been falsified, such as the "mainland" is replaced "Mainland", yesterday it on Alibaba White "South China Morning Post," the column, described as "South early" to "pro-media" have been deleted one go, "Actually sentences good mild, editor of both the Department of the Communist Party of the South early friends, Zhong Wu Department of pro-communist media? Message are all pro-friends. "
Li Fen for the revision of the interpretation of disapproval, "stem line, then the revision, Well baa call you politically incorrect." He also said that "the letter reported that" the past is not a financial analysis valuable point, but allowed to express different political views, inspire social debate and controversy, "𠵱 home Nuisance sun sharpness, as intellectuals, Wudi early in the morning." "Economic Journal" editor 郭艳明 time to "stand News" reply said: "The only department general revision, no supplement."
"Message" in recent years has repeatedly revised by deletion of politically sensitive column. In June, another writer 黎德怡 in newspaper columns written four years have been deleted, Li suspicion of articles criticizing the mainland in the field of human behavior, causing dissatisfaction mainland resident, and mention Xi Jinping related. In September last year, accounting for one in ten sub 钱志健 in newspaper columns written nine years also been deleted.
■ reporter bailin

【本報訊】《信報》再刪政治敏感專欄。繼佔中十子之一的錢志健等專欄遭殃之後,多次公開支持佔中的時事評論員黎則奮也被《信報》通知將會停止其專欄,黎質 疑該報有政治目的。總編輯郭艷明則向傳媒辯稱只是「普通改版」。


黎則奮2012年底接替鄭經翰在《信報》撰寫「政治經濟學」專欄,逢周三出版。黎上周接獲該報編輯書面通知:「今年將盡,新的一年快到,《信報》各版面也 將陸續以新貌與讀者見面,包括時事評論版」,黎則奮下星期三刊出的專欄文章,將會是最後一期。

黎 則奮接受本報查詢時透露,初寫專欄之時,《信報》高層曾經透過鄭經翰轉告要他「唔好成日鬧梁振英」,其文章也不時遭到刪改,例如把「大陸」改為「內地」, 昨天其關於阿里巴巴入主《南華早報》的專欄文章中,形容《南早》為「親共傳媒」一句也被刪走,「其實呢句好mild,南早主編都係共產黨啦,仲唔係親共傳 媒?信報都係親共啦」。
黎則奮對改版的解釋不以為然,「梗係話改版,唔通話你政治不正確咩」。他又指《信報》以往可貴之處並非財經分析,而是容許 發表不同政治觀點,激發社會辯論和爭議,「𠵱家冇晒尖銳性,作為知識分子,一早唔睇」。《信報》總編輯郭艷明向《立場新聞》回覆時表示:「只係普通改 版,無補充。」



 WASHINGTON - "Do not leave advice, but also I really surrender!" Retirement became a replica of CSSA poverty alleviation measures 180 scholars decided to boycott the government's false advice, consultation, held their own in the private sector, academic detailing to the public proposed universal pension scheme to collect support. Zhongshan University associate professor of social work promoters Wong Hung severely criticized the consultation document strongly surrender default position, full of misleading and intimidating the public will be substantial tax deterred, 'Net-based talk money, too poor to mind only money. "

Bi Hua according to: File intimidate young

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work in big blue birch according to the consultation document also criticized the bullying of young people, both now and also future tax contributions, but in the end the money pocket. HKCSS former Chief Executive Officer Christine Fang Hong Kong University who refers to scholars universal pension scheme is feasible, financial sustainability, but the government refused to incorporate the consultation paper, "Why Well put off the go? Because surprise, because all the people can do . "
180 scholars signatories universal pension scheme earlier proposal submitted by the Commission on Poverty, but only in the consultation document notes listed. CPRs government funding $ 100 billion, half of the future MPF employer and employee contribution rate that is 2.5 percent each, switched pension; plus profits tax 1.9%, above 65 years of age or elderly people can receive 3,500 yuan per month, program to 2064 is still more than $ 160 billion surplus.
Wong Hung stressed that the universal retirement protection did not give up, will hold more than private consultation to collect views, I believe that the next Chief Executive candidate can not evade the question of surrender.
National pension scheme has been set up for public inspection site: http: //www.hkscholarspension.com.
■ reporter Wang Jiawen


【本報訊】「不要假諮詢,還我真退保!」退休保障淪為翻版綜援的扶貧措施,180名學者決定杯葛政府的假諮詢,自行在民間舉行諮詢會,向市民詳述學者提出 的全民養老金方案,收集支持。發起人中大社會工作學系副教授黃洪狠批退保諮詢文件有強烈預設立場,充滿誤導,恐嚇會大幅加稅令市民卻步,「淨係講錢,窮得 心中只有錢」。


中大社會工作學系助理教授碧樺依亦批評諮詢文件威嚇年輕人,現時既要供款將來又要加稅,但最後沒錢落袋。社聯前行政總裁兼港大學者方敏生指,學者提出的全 民養老金是可行方案,財政可持續,但政府拒絕納入諮詢文件,「點解唔放落去?因為驚,因為全民可以做到」。
180名學者聯署建議的全民養老金方案 早前提交扶貧委員會,但諮詢文件只以備註列出。方案建議政府注資1,000億元,日後強積金僱主及僱員一半供款比率即各2.5%,改投養老金;另加利得稅 1.9%,年滿65歲或以上長者每月可領取3,500元,方案至2064年仍有逾1,600億元結餘。


 [Small] Comment
Richard Lam appeared 12 years ago, the article refers to a program change will make amateur artists, inch Joshua Wong will test to less than 12A, "even eight universities Well into the test."
Many of the world there are successful people, the young are very aggressive. The current mayor of Seoul Park Won-soon, a student will participate in South Korean anti-authoritarian student movement, was arrested and imprisoned, was also expelled from school. Japan is known as the "Godfather of organic agriculture," Fujita and Fang, a student is an active participant in the left-wing student movement, who occupied the University of Tokyo campus, almost arrested. Chinese student leader Luo May Fourth Movement, later became the first president of Tsinghua University; another student leader Fu Sinian, when the NTU president. Young radical, because there is an ideal, the pursuit of social justice, full of blood to promote social progress. If the young are a conservative society as a whole, that is equal to social death knell sounded.
Joshua Wong body of 14-year-old student movement 瞓 social movements at the Hong Kong education system malformations, test less than 12A, can not enter the eight universities, can be said to be the inevitable result. But there is such a young community, there is progress. Joshua Wong in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong hope. If in a foreign country, like Joshua Wong such students, have long been eager to recruit a prestigious university.
(Column Tuesdays, Thursdays published)

Li Yi

世 界上許多有成就的人,年輕時都是很激進的。現任首爾市長朴元淳,學生時代就參加過韓國反獨裁的學生運動,被捕下獄,還被學校開除。日本被稱為「有機農業教 父」的藤田和芳,學生時代是左翼學生運動的積極參與者,曾佔領東京大學校園,幾乎被捕。中國五四運動的學生領袖羅家倫,後來做了清華大學首任校長;另一學 生領袖傅斯年,當了台大校長。年輕人激進,是因為有理想,追求社會的公平正義,充滿熱血推動社會進步。若整個社會的年輕人都保守,那等於敲響了社會喪鐘。



Indian experts: China intended to

challenge the international order through "along the way"

 Indian experts: China intended to challenge the international order through "along the way"
After that "along the way" initiative in China, many countries have responded positively. But in the big countries in the region, India's attitude has been somewhat reserved. One Indian experts believe that the intent of this initiative is to China to expand its influence, is the beginning of China's challenge to the international order, while India is reluctant to see its regional influence is being undermined.
Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward in 2013 of the "Silk Road economic belt" and "Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century" (referred to as "the area all the way") strategic vision to the adoption of economic and cultural ties make Asia, Europe, the Indian Ocean and West Africa Internet exchange. In South Asia, this initiative has been a positive response to the Maldives, Sri Lanka and other countries. China also invited India to join, but so far India has not made ​​a clear statement.
December 16, the US think tank, "East-West Center" held a Perspective from India to China "along the way" of the report.
Visiting scholar from India Rahul · m even pull (Rahul Mishra) Dr. believes that China launched the "along the way" both due to economic factors, but also the security and strategic considerations. He said that China can resolve this initiative by domestic overcapacity, solve their own faces, "Malacca dilemma", to ensure the safety of maritime trade routes, but also to get rid of an isolated US-led coalition against China constituted.
However, he believes, is more important, "along the way" is the beginning of Chinese challenge to the international order.
"East-West Center" visiting scholar Rahul · m even pull, said: "I think it has nothing to do with international isolation, but (China) wants an international leading position in China 'along the way' is intended to wealth into power. The new China more confident, more eager to want to play a role on the world stage. So I think this is the beginning of China challenges the international system, although the challenge is not necessarily negative. "
Some Indian security analysts believe that China is actively promoting "along the way" to the Indian Ocean coastal countries, especially the "Marine Silk Road", one of the aims is to expand influence in the Indian Ocean region, trying to "contain India." M even pull that India itself as a regional power has not been willing to weaken its influence.
He said: "This ('along the way') will be formed after the implementation of the central idea - the pattern of spokes do is to say, China is in the axis, while others definitely do not want to become spokes India spoke of the role-playing?.."
India is also no shortage of advocates adding "along the way" people. They believe that China's initiative to help India to promote infrastructure construction and interconnection with other countries, and thus attract more investment and open up new markets.
M even pull that India is currently China's "along the way" There are many positive reviews, but the security issue is still worried about India.
"East-West Center" visiting scholar meters even pull, said: "At present, I do not think India is totally opposed to this idea, but India does have security concerns, but also made ​​it clear through the progress of India and Pakistan economic corridor of worried. And make sure it does not go into the disputed area, while bringing more positive developments in Pakistan, because Pakistan is a stable interest of India. "
M even pull that China and India on this issue needs to have more open communication. He also said that China increase the implementation of "all the way along the" transparency should be clearly told what India and other countries, this initiative is how to implement, and how countries would benefit.






來自印度的訪問學者拉胡·米甚拉(Rahul Mishra)博士認為,中國推出“一帶一路”既源於經濟因素,又有安全和戰略方面的考量。他說,中國可以通過這項倡議化解國內的產能過剩,解決自身面臨的“馬六甲困境”,確保海上貿易通道的安全,同時也是為了擺脫美國主導的聯盟對中國構成的一種孤立。









 One union condemned the police unreasonably detained, "Apple Daily" reporters
One union for police on suspicion of loitering the two being interviewed, "Apple Daily" reporters strongly condemned the police station.
Education news recently concern, the Secretary for Education Eddie Ng every move of public interest, "Apple Daily" today sent a reporter pursued, in line with the principles of industry reports; peers and "Apple" Reporters have also met in the past during police questioning pursued , usually after unidentified eligible for release, but this time the police only stop once notification newspaper reporter called the boss, but also to the suspicion of loitering to reporters brought back to the police station, which later changed to indicate invited reporters to assist in the investigation and taking statements before and after detained for two hours, obviously hinder the interview, this will become a powerful tool for police, obstructive behavior public scrutiny of public officials strongly condemned, asked the police to stop interfering in an interview behavior, and it apologized.




 After seeing the mainland feel more human rights lawyers, Mr. Pu Zhiqiang case and convicted on the basis of the famous writer Orwell (George Orwell) really insightful, autocratic regime of the evil nature of a thorough understanding of quality.
Orwell in "one thousand nine hundred eighty-four" this past half-century novel mentions specifically the right person to tell the truth of how to combat people, how to fight outspoken people, how to do anything to put a lie to the people absorbed mind, let us not divide true and false, just know to follow the party, followed by Big Brother's will dance. Some describe it this way: "a pair of hypnotic eyes looked him (Provincetown) eyes ...... beating your brain, you are scared to lose faith, almost convince you refuse to believe the evidence of his senses raised By the last Party will announce 2 + 2 = 5, and you have to believe it. "
Pu Zhiqiang microblogging because seven of sedition and sentenced to ethnic hatred and convicted of affray, three years' imprisonment and three years probation. That seven micro-Bo said something outrageous or even hate speech? No, Mr. Pu only criticism of the original number one political and legal system, has been struck down by the big corrupt Zhou Yongkang abuses; Mr. Pu only criticism of Mao's grandson Mao Xinyu promoted fast. Mr. Pu just criticize Beijing's minority policy did not take care of cultural nationalism Muslim tradition like "beard", "veil", he just points out the Beijing too harsh. Is that what affray completely different, which can be considered incitement to ethnic hatred which completely different? These entirely show freedom of speech.

Truth is truth party have the final say

Beijing authorities may incriminate not only to this, but also to force Mr. Pu voluntarily pleaded guilty to admit, on the one hand against Mr. Pu's self-esteem by all kinds of visible and invisible pressures, on the other hand you want to a warning to others, let others know what rights, freedoms, Truth is the party have the final say, are the leaders say. Yesterday you could talk of government policies, government officials criticize poor governance, the same remarks today becomes affray, tomorrow it could be subversion of the state, felony endangering national security, could be sentenced to ten years in prison or life imprisonment. This party is the law, the party that practices the truth of errors was with the "one thousand nine hundred eighty-four" Big Brother the same? It is not to say that two plus two equals stifle freedom of four it?
Of course, forcing Mr. Pu and other innocent plea not to admit any new tricks. Since the founding of the CPC will continue to use this self-deprecating "Since interpolation" tactics to kill party members, intellectuals, self-esteem, self-confidence and hit their prestige in the eyes of others, to make them again and again become willingly accepted after self-denial Party nonsense, lies. Beijing authorities believe that the social outspoken people act, the courage to say, "Two plus two equals four," the man arrested, sentenced to imprisonment can successfully rule, you can not see the accident, we can achieve social harmony .

Silent as standing still

But, Beijing authorities are wrong, and badly wrong. In today's political pressure environment, still dare to speak the truth, people are still willing to take political risks criticism unreasonable policies and abuse of power officials are sincere people who love this land, this place is the people who care. Get them into the prison is very easy, too scared to put them reluctant to sound too hard. After Beijing authorities in power today, from the legal to the political to economic power have, ranging from those who lose their jobs can make outspoken lose their jobs, while you can "be missing", "is jail." Available to Mr. Pu such as when people are desperate, are reluctant to speak on the stand most of the people and things in this country will like skin deep "Potemkin" country, neat facade, magnificent, essentially broken rotten, and no one will point out the dangers among.
More importantly, we do not talk, we will not remain silent on the crisis represents everything will be fine. Shenzhen landfills big collapse just happened a serious accident spilled buried entire industrial park is an example. Before the great man-made disasters occur residents manufacturers have their worries will accumulate a lot of dirt out of any accident; but we are afraid speaker, silently hope that things will get better, pray for the relevant authorities in time to maintain the safety of life and property residents. Just when everyone obediently silent, the yellow mud piled higher, into the hill, into a "new mountain." To finally collapse without warning at the time did not rain down, flooded the 53 football fields where, buried alive I do not know how many lives.
Pu Zhiqiang of the case and Shenzhen "landslides" avalanche accidents linked up more feel helpless, sad, more think China this place is full of tragedy taste. Will speak the truth were arrested and imprisoned, silence may be buried alive by landslides, or in case of other man-made, even life also lost. Really "talk and die Well tell has died." This is not strange country Biouweier pen more terrible it!
Lu Feng published Monday to Saturday



看了內地維權律師浦志強先生的案件及定罪依據後更覺得著名作家歐威爾(George Orwell)真的有洞見,對專權政體的惡質本性了解透徹。

歐 威爾在《一九八四》這本半世紀以前的小說就提到專權者如何打擊講真話的人,如何打擊敢言的人,如何無所不用其極的把謊言貫注到人們的腦子裏,讓大家分不了 真假,只知道跟着黨、跟着老大哥的意旨起舞。有一段描述是這樣說的:「那雙催眠的眼睛直視着他(溫斯敦)的眼睛……敲打着你的大腦,把你嚇得失去信念,幾 乎說服你拒絕相信自己的感官提出的證據。到最後黨會宣佈二加二等於五,而你必須相信這一點。」

浦志強因為七條微博而被判煽動民族仇恨罪及尋釁滋事 罪名成立,入獄三年及緩刑三年。那七條微博說了些甚麼大逆不道甚至煽動仇恨的話呢?沒有,浦先生只是批評原來政法系統一把手,已被打倒的大貪官周永康胡作 非為;浦先生只是批評毛澤東的孫子毛新宇升官太快。浦先生只是批評北京的少數民族政策沒有照顧穆斯林的文化民族傳統如「留鬍子」、「戴面紗」,他只是點出 北京太不近人情。這算是哪碼子尋釁滋事、這算是哪碼子煽動民族仇恨?這些完全是公民言論自由的展現。


可北京當權者不單要以此入罪,還要用種種有形無形壓力逼浦先生自行認罪認錯,一方面打擊浦先生的自尊,另一方面要來個殺雞儆猴,讓其他人知道甚麼權利、自 由、真相都是黨說了算、都是領導人說了算。昨天你可以議論政府政策,批評官員施政不當,今天同樣的言論則變成尋釁滋事,到明天就可能成為顛覆國家、危害國 家安全的重罪,可以被判處十年徒刑甚至無期徒刑。這種黨就是法律、黨就是真理的做法不正正跟《一九八四》中的老大哥一樣嗎?不正是在扼殺說二加二等於四的 自由嗎?
當然,逼浦先生等無辜者認罪認錯不是甚麼新招數了。從中共建黨以來就不斷用這種自貶「自插」的手法來消磨黨員、知識分子的自尊,打擊他們 的自信及在他人眼中的威信,令他們在一次又一次自我否定後變得甘心情願接受黨的胡言、謊言。北京當權者相信,把社會上敢言的人打下去,把敢於說「二加二等 於四」的人拘捕、判刑、監禁就可以順利管治,就可以不出事故,就可以達致社會和諧。


只是,北京當權者錯了,而且錯得厲害。在今時今日的政治高壓環境下,仍敢於講真話,仍願意冒政治風險批評不合理政策及濫權官員的人才是真心愛護這片土地的 人,才是愛惜這個地方的人。把他們弄進牢獄中很容易,把他們嚇得不敢不願再發聲也不難。畢竟北京當權者今天大權在握,從法律到政治到經濟大權都有,輕則可 以令敢言者丟官丟飯碗,重則可以「被失蹤」、「被入獄」。可到當像浦先生這樣人都心死,都不願再就看不過眼的人和事說話時,這個國家將更像虛有其表的「波 特金」國家,門面漂漂亮亮,金碧輝煌,實質上殘破腐朽不堪,而且沒人再點破當中的危險。

更重要的是,大家都不說話,大家對危機默不作聲絕不表示萬 事大吉。剛發生的深圳堆填區大崩瀉掩埋整個工業園的嚴重事故就是例子。巨大人禍發生前居民、廠家已憂慮、擔心大量泥土堆積會出甚麼意外;但大家都不敢揚 聲,默默的希望事情會好轉,祈求有關當局及時處理,維護居民生命財產安全。就在大家乖乖不作聲下,黃泥越堆越高,變成小丘,變成一座「新山」。到最後在毫 無預警沒有風雨的時候崩塌下來,淹沒了53個足球場大的地方,活埋了不知多少生命。


The Daily Show - Exclusive - Barack Obama Extended Interview

Comedy Central

"Take the case of Pu Zhiqiang and Shenzhen's" landslide "avalanche accidents linked up more feel helpless, sad, but think this place is full of tragedy Chinese flavor. Will speak the truth were arrested and imprisoned, silence may be buried alive by landslides, or in case of other man-made, even life also lost. Really "talk and die Well tell has died." This is not strange country Biouweier pen more terrible it! "

This last section is important enough to murder 14 billion people across the continent life "proposition"!
Only people living in the mainland,
Eating poisonous food every day, drinking toxic drinks,
Breathing air containing chemical highly toxic,
Live in every 3 meters, it has been installed in 500,000 - stealing people's privacy camcorder lens.
Mr. Pu Zhiqiang just being Communist dictatorship monster Xi Jinping brought his "horse monkey" scene,
Communist "insane" patients, did not stop persecution / killing their people!
A show, playing the people, on a daily basis in the Mainland!

President Barack Obama on Tweeting and Smartphones

Jimmy Kimmel Live

But now with more mainland people do not be afraid to lose self-esteem had been denounced by the body as well as erosion of freedom of thought!
People willing to be 'buried dead' their 'moral bottom line! "
One after another anti-communist, anti-authoritarian, anti-Xi beast of civil society organizations,
In different mainland cities, burning the dolphin "Santa Claus"
Rise up in the mainland, grave abuse of people's bandit beast altogether county government office building,
A total collapse of numerous bandit buses, blow up numerous toxic products bandit total factory ...!

'Bandit total' threat forced - people against them
Wei might no longer be afraid of!

See the world, that there are people of a country,
Want to flee their country every day!
Xi Jinping is bandit beast altogether - "No motherfucker!"

See my dear sister '' Xie Xue 'from Twitter,
Every day she put in over the wall bandit beast altogether Xi Jinping impeccable behavior of all evil,
Written on Twitter,
She is every day for help, help,
To Mainland suffer persecution of people trying to cross the wall of her every day ..
Even mainland media was blocked, banned the screen,
She is still in consultation with international organizations concerned with human rights and aid every day.

Every time we can see her on the Internet,
Her tweets because it is simplified,
No other users can read,
Therefore, she's Tweets only one person in her own release,
No one else to help her forwarding,
We because of "chance encounters" met her on Twitter.

We touched by her perseverance,
We promised her that as long as our lives are still of the day, untill die,
Support her forever,
Every time when on Twitter,
We must to her tribe,
Retweet for her Tweets again,
Although this is not a great thing;
We just want to have more and more people can be exploited for some >> human rights people, get a little more attention and assistance of the international community!


The President Addresses the Nation on Keeping the American People Safe

The White House
Life is fragile too fleeting,
Money, fame, material desires, hatred, struggle to make the world's people expense,
Human rights were trampled, eroded,
Born with different sky were great different,
Education makes us remember an important conscience.

Obama to pay tribute to the world's persecuted Christians table

 President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference in the White House Brady Press Briefing Room in Washington, Dec. 18, 2015.
 President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference in the White House Brady Press Briefing Room in Washington, Dec. 18, 2015.
 Voice of America
US President Barack Obama issued a statement to the world of persecution, Christians celebrate Christmas not freely express respect. Christmas is one of the holiest Christian festival.
Obama said Thursday that he and first lady Michelle Obama will not forget, "in order to avoid language that is difficult to describe people fleeing violence and persecution in their ancestral homeland," such as some areas in the Middle East, the Islamic State of militants ban sounded Traditional church bells.
Obama said he and the people of the world together, to pray to God to protect persecuted Christians and other religious believers; protection work in the army, the diplomatic service of men and women; protection in order to end the suffering of the people, to their country to bring hope and effort humanitarian aid workers.
Somalia and Brunei Christians these two countries may not be for Christmas this year, the two countries have banned all public activities to celebrate Christmas.
Somali officials say, all with Christmas and New Year celebrations New Year are contrary to Islamic culture related, which may lead to the Islamists attacked.
Last year, the Shabab militants in Mogadishu airport to launch the Christmas attacks, at least 12 people were killed.
In Brunei, the Head of State, Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah has been promoting the implementation of Islamic law in the country.
Brunei's religious leaders announced a ban on organizing various celebrations tangible or there Christmas sign and prohibit Muslims to participate in any activity that may be considered associated with Christmas.

Small life to let people experience honed,
Even without a sound body, such as: Mr. Edison.
He has not received a lot of education,
But he later invented the light bulb to the people have been using!

Recently, Facebook founder Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) and his Chinese wife Pulli Sheila (Priscilla Chan) announced that the first child has been born, and named for the daughter of Max, a couple more coming their intention to donate 99% facebook Share the establishment of a charitable fund.

[Zuckerberg] the best gift her daughter was born kai wife donate shares to charity 99% fb

Social media facebook founder Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) and its Chinese wife Pulli Sheila (Priscilla Chan) announced that the first child has been born, and named for the daughter of Max, a couple more coming their intention to donate 99% facebook Share the establishment of a charitable fund.
31-year-old Zuckerberg announced the good news on facebook, and refers Pulli Sheila is very pleased to welcome her daughter Max came into the world, but intends to donate nearly all the wealth. He said, "We love you, I feel a great responsibility to bear, and all the children to leave u better world" to her daughter.
Zuckerberg decided, with 99% facebook stake held by the couple, set up a new charity fund "The Chan Zuckerberg" to help deal with the disease, education, the fight against poverty, promote rights and the development of new energy sources. He will in the next three years, the annual sale or donation of up to $ 1,000,000,000 shares to retain voting control of the facebook. At the current share price, facebook stock now worth about $ 45 billion.
Zuckerberg had earlier paternity leave to accompany his wife for two months, apart from the view that its approach will set a precedent for the United States Information Technology industry.
Abreast of the latest news, please Like "Ming Pao instant news" special page fb! http://www.facebook.com/mingpaoinews

{31-year-old Zuckerberg announced the good news on facebook, and refers Pulli Sheila is very pleased to welcome her daughter Max came into the world, but intends to donate nearly all the wealth. He said, "We love you, I feel a great responsibility to bear, and all the children to leave u better world" to her daughter.

Zuckerberg decided, with 99% facebook stake held by the couple, set up a new charity fund "The Chan Zuckerberg" to help deal with the disease, education, the fight against poverty, promote rights and the development of new energy sources. He will in the next three years, the annual sale or donation of up to $ 1,000,000,000 shares to retain voting control of the facebook. At the current share price, facebook stock now worth about $ 45 billion. }

Some celebrities do charity donation is very low-key,
And is respected by the world admire!

Some "wicked" insulting historical mainland "bandit total" rich do  the worst charity, but the impression of "slander abuse 'charitable intention!
Took the corruption of the ( mainland )"ordinary people" money, do a " monkey show" of the world's newspapers,
Really is an insult '' slander '' this word!

Educated people can be bullying Bandit,
Uneducated people can be a great contribution!

Some Britons complain that work 44 hours a week so that they are too tired;

They may not know in Hong Kong, people work six days a week, 12 hours a day = 72 hours a week.
Their monthly salary is only about HK $ 10000.

This is the arrangement of God do?
Anyone else who is happiness?

Only contented people will meet!
Google Great God rich in content, full of different share borders, investors, users,
No matter that a country in transition, it is always led by different people across Maxthon.
Typical advanced search engine makes us into a lot of blur and exciting and real tribe;
2015 Christmas Eve, are you can be so much like us will feel?!

Pray for world peace - 2016~












President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference in the White House Brady Press Briefing Room in Washington, Dec. 18, 2015.
President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference in the White House Brady Press Briefing Room in Washington, Dec. 18, 2015.


最近,Facebook創辦人朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)與其華裔妻子普莉希拉(Priscilla Chan)宣布首個孩子已經出生,並為愛女取名為Max,兩夫婦更打算把其99% facebook股份捐給即將成立的慈善基金。

【最好禮物】朱克伯格愛女出生 偕妻捐99%fb股份做慈善

社交媒體facebook創辦人朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)與其華裔妻子普莉希拉(Priscilla Chan)宣布首個孩子已經出生,並為愛女取名為Max,兩夫婦更打算把其99% facebook股份捐給即將成立的慈善基金。


朱 克伯格決定,用兩夫婦持有的99% facebook股權,成立新慈善基金「The Chan Zuckerberg」,協助處理疾病、教育、打擊貧窮、推動維權及發展新能源。他會在往後3年,每年出售或捐贈多達10億美元股票,以保留對 facebook的表決控制權。按目前股價,facebook股票現總值大約450億美元。




朱克伯格決定,用兩夫婦持有的99% facebook股權,成立新慈善基金「The Chan Zuckerberg」,協助處理疾病、教育、打擊貧窮、推動維權及發展新能源。他會在往後3年,每年出售或捐贈多達10億美元股票,以保留對facebook的表決控制權。按目前股價,facebook股票現總值大約450億美元。}










 *-[26/12-2015]-Now our blog cant updating...The China-evil to Complaints our tribe, our dear anonymous please save us! This is significant for our tribe!''--[26/12-2015]-奸險狡猾的支那共產五毛魔習腫''畜牲對谷歌集團投訴我們的部落,請我們親愛的匿名拯救我們!這個部落對我們意義重大!-
-[25/12-2015]Mr. "Lu Feng" -- in saying that: "Since the Founding have continued to use this self-deprecating" Since interpolation "tactics to kill party members, intellectuals, self-esteem, self-confidence and hit their prestige in the eyes of others, so that they become self-denial and again after one willingly accept the party's nonsense, lies. - Just, Beijing authorities are wrong, and badly wrong. - Add  the others various media reports -

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