2014年10月10日 星期五

-- Update (13) * --- * Apple Daily reported that a large number of injunctions under the Apple Daily, Next Media continent hooligans outside the building bustle, police dogs, regardless of male / female only lenient treatment, the same contempt of court warrant !!. - while the "Taiwan's Apple Daily reported * --- occupation long Road 5 hours,, Force to the host and violence plus" pepper spray "cleared, no inch iron hand to deal with students and citizens,Learn more abuse of power and arrested 30 people !!! police dog execute commands, loss of humanity, favoring law enforcement, law impartial judge politicians on big flat under the law to maintain a fair justice!! Unscrupulous livestock animal behavior unworthy of such officers! !! - Hope is not allowed in heaven! - --更新(13).*蘋果日報報導*---蘋果日報禁制令下大批大陸流氓到壹傳媒大樓外擾嚷,狗警不分男/女只寬鬆對待,同樣藐視法庭的執行令!!-同時在"台灣蘋果日報報導*---佔領龍和道5小時,,港警暴力加"胡椒噴霧"清場,對付手無吋鐵的學生和市民,更濫用權力拘捕30學民!!!狗警執行命令,失去人性,偏袒執法,請大法律下的公正持平的法政界法官維持公正公義!!該等獸行為的無良牲畜不配當警員!!!-天上地靈也不容許!!!- -Update- (12a). *"In the end of this continent @Tanguan sell cup is suffering from early dementia, Tsui Barry mouthful of feces in himself.@@!!Waste Obsolete Communist rotten, that what Zhang Ming feces slaves, not the Chinaman droppings out of the city, a paste mixed with water imports feces barking!Hong Kong people do not accept these wastes Stink's extremely dull darn! @Get out gang DAB and the mainland are also greedy dog ​​feces fecal waste, and even sent back to farming to play with it! http://melody-free-shaing.blogspot.com/2014/10/by-new-tang-dynasty-tv-apple-daily.html ---*Update(12).By *Apple News Report & The-sun.on.cc/cnt/news*And the size of the media in Hong Kong (without energy exhaustive ^), New Tang Dynasty TV. Agence France-Presse, BBC.com, ... so the world media, in addition to distorting the Communist mainland's corrupt media@@cattle dog--[short] [occupied]Arbour Canpi penatrated Admiralty Head string mouth evil man claiming to be " A Sir. "!!!?" I really angry with the bad gug doing...!!'&-*Taxi Brother Blew the money Caichang!!!* Evil #@%!! .. &&& more news cannot forgive...!!*-更新(12).由蘋果日報,太陽報和香港各大小媒體(恕不能盡錄^),新唐人電視.法新社,BBC.com,...等等全世界媒體,除了大陸內地腐化扭曲之共產黨牲畜狗媒以外@@.可見傷害香港人新聞與列證如下....!!"- **USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/SEAOUL KOREAN/HKS/FR/UKN/SA/JP/PH/LA/MAl/THAI/DE/VI/VE/.....All the world city lauguage**-

 *- Update (13) * --- * Apple Daily reported that a large number of injunctions under the Apple Daily, Next Media continent hooligans outside the building bustle, police dogs, regardless of male / female only lenient treatment, the same contempt of court warrant !!. - while the "Taiwan's Apple Daily reported * --- occupation long Road 5 hours,, Force to the host and violence plus" pepper spray "cleared, no inch iron hand to deal with students and citizens,
Learn more abuse of power and arrested 30 people !!! police dog execute commands, loss of humanity, favoring law enforcement, law impartial judge politicians on big flat under the law to maintain a fair justice!! Unscrupulous livestock animal behavior unworthy of such officers! !! - Hope is not allowed in heaven! -
--更新(13).*蘋果日報報導*---蘋果日報禁制令下大批大陸流氓到壹傳媒大樓外擾嚷,狗警不分男/女只寬鬆對待,同樣藐視法庭的執行令!!-同時在"台灣蘋果日報報導*---佔領龍和道5小時,,港警暴力加"胡椒噴霧"清場,對付手無吋鐵的學生和市民,更濫用權力拘捕30學民!!!狗警執行命令,失去人性,偏袒執法,請大法律下的公正持平的法政界法官維持公正公義!!該等獸行為的無良牲畜不配當警員!!!-天上地靈也不容許!!!- *

Update- (12a). *"In the end of this continent @Tanguan sell cup is suffering from early dementia, Tsui Barry mouthful of feces in himself.@@!!Waste Obsolete Communist rotten, that what Zhang Ming feces slaves, not the Chinaman droppings out of the city, a paste mixed with water imports feces barking!Hong Kong people do not accept these wastes Stink's extremely dull darn! @Get out gang DAB and the mainland are also greedy dog ​​feces fecal waste, and even sent back to farming to play with it! http://melody-free-shaing.blogspot.com/2014/10/by-new-tang-dynasty-tv-apple-daily.html --

UNWIRE.HK mobile technology life *Update(12).By *Apple News Report & The-sun.on.cc/cnt/news*And the size of the media in Hong Kong (without energy exhaustive ^), New Tang Dynasty TV. Agence France-Presse, BBC.com, ... so the world media, in addition to distorting the Communist mainland's corrupt media@@cattle dog--[short] [occupied]Arbour Canpi penatrated Admiralty Head string mouth evil man claiming to be " A Sir. "!!!?" I really angry with the bad gug doing...!!'&-*Taxi Brother Blew the money Caichang!!!* Evil #@%!! .. &&& more news cannot forgive...!!*-

*Update(11).By**Apples News Report**---**[Occupied] Huang Feng called on Admiralty stick: "just do not attempt to think Hong Kong people good !!"**-
更新(11).由**蘋果日報**報導--**【佔領金鐘】黃之鋒籲堅守:唔好以為香港人好恰 !!**-

--*Update (10).---**a comment Day ""--- News;;(does not offer the news, language boring, a little stench ... without paste)"Al London accounted for street demonstrations that damage Hong Kong's future !!! "That Eldon 'why not tune talk梁振英 abuses of public consultation and the Legislative Council or the program is not in favor of the resolution by any citizen square off ??!!!-"Continental Army and rogue network attacks NMW in Hong Kong's Apple Daily!!
Beast 'hands residue is made ​​of this yoshikidai
Beast that has a conscience, ugly to hone
Ridiculous shameful! Hey .... "

 "대륙의 군대와 악성 네트워크는 홍콩의 애플 데일리에 NMW 공격!
비스트 손 잔기는 yoshikidai 이루어지는
양심을 가지고 야수, 추한 연마하기
말도 부끄러운! 안녕 .... "
"Armée continentale et le réseau de voyous attaque salaire minimum dans de Hong Kong Apple Daily !!
Mains résidu Bête »est faite de cette yoshikidai
Bête qui a une conscience, laid à parfaire
Ridicule honteux! Hey .... "
"Kontinenta Armeo kaj fripono reto atakas NMW en Hong Kong Apple Daily !!
Besto manoj restaĵo estas el ĉi yoshikidai
Besto kiu havas konsciencon, malbela por akrigi
Ridinda hontinda! Hej .... "

---*Update (9) face book by*Apple*and*News*Apollo released ---**accounted for the Blue Ribbon Anti-convener Lee Shih Yan play games with their clients 3P is Zhuojian - [Photos]!! - "Haha ... turned out to have a wife, formerly known as" Li Yanqing "turned out to be??" The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents' chairman, president, "Yau Tsim Mong District parent-Teacher Association," ~??!! "- ---*更新(9).由*蘋果臉書*和*阿波羅新聞*發佈的---**反佔中藍絲帶召集人李偲嫣踢場 與嫖客3P被捉姦 --[組圖]!!--"哈哈...原來有個婆娘原名為"李艷青"竟然是??!「香港家長聯會」會長,「油尖旺區家長教師會」會長??!"-
- Update (8) .-- Apple Daily and (Hong Kong Correspondents Association, Next Media unions, RTHK Programme Staff Union, and Ming Pao Daily News Staff Association issued a joint statement, the size of the media jointly broadcast) - Hong Kong Leung Chun-ying corruption beast in wireless news program "clarifying speak chu" speech in a statement, Leung Chun-ying really out of control, and the audacity to defy public opinion right and wrong!! Leung Chun-ying refused dialogue !!! dog slave @ 689 not dare to openly face the masses, is the turtle chickened , afraid to face and respond to public opinion !! distort affair !! beast than the corrupt, ignoring the people, so ** [umbrella] ACSF learning revolution in China accounted for peace issued a statement in response to Leung Chun-ying !!! "-
--更新(8).--蘋果日報及( 香港記者協會、壹傳媒工會、港台節目製作人員工會, 以及明報職工協會發表聯合聲明,各大小媒體共同播報)--香港貪污腐化畜牲梁振英在無綫新聞節目《講清講楚》的講話發表聲明,梁振英真正失控了,並厚顏無恥顛倒是非!!梁振英違逆民意拒絕對話!!!狗奴隸@689不敢公然面對群眾,是烏龜縮頭,不敢正視和回應民意!!歪曲事理!!禽獸不如的貪贓枉法,漠視民眾,故**【雨傘革命】學聯學民和平佔中發聲明回應梁振英 !!!"-

**--Update(7).-**Unwire.com.hk**----Hacker group Anonymous began leak! Has successfully invaded 52 Chinese government's official websiteAuthor: Grace in talk of the town , the focus of news!!^-更新(7).--由Uneire.com.hk--報導--**黑客組織 Anonymous 開始洩密 ! 已成功入侵 52 個中國政府-{官網作者: 天恩 in 城中熱話, 重點消息}**--!!^-
---Update(6).By **Apples News Reported**--DTZ administrator Ernst & Young's largest creditor RBS wonder Liang received $ 50 million senior counsel: or involving bribery & Tax evasion!!!'**---更新(6).由**蘋果曰報**--的報導--DTZ管理人安永,,最大債權人RBS;;"不知梁收5,000萬"-- 資深大律師:或涉受賄 ,逃稅!!!"----Update(5)By.UDN.com---** Obama to promote human rights report on the United States put pressure on Beijing**---更新(5).**美人權報告,,促"歐巴馬"總統對北京施壓**---**By New Tang Dynasty TV, Apple Daily,  the media reported  broadcast (more likely the world's major media is not exhaustive, please forgive me) ---**(1).-in Hong Kong accounted for dishonesty keep peace the Hong Kong Government Lin Cheng month old fox turtle chickened delay universal suffrage in Hong Kong for democracy provocation / ignore demands a lot of excuses Lin Cheng month old fox also involves collusion with profiteers, so that profiteers to buy low Hong Kong Lin Cheng month old fox will get tens of millions of darkness money rebates .....!!??"...**-
---**由新唐人電視,蘋果日報,,媒體報播(更多世界各大媒體未可能盡錄,敬請原諒)---** (1).-.香港和平佔中對失信守的香港政府林鄭月老狐貍的烏龜縮頭,拖延香港人爭取民主普選的挑釁/漠視訴求,一大堆藉口的林鄭月老狐貍也涉及與奸商勾 結,從而令奸商低價買入港地,林鄭月老狐貍便得到幾千萬的黑暗金錢回佣.....!!??"-

**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/SEAOUL KOREAN/HKS/FR/UKN/SA/JP/PH/LA/MAl/THAI/DE/VI/VE/.....All the world city lauguage**-

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 *! kick this link to see the mv
 - Update (13) * --- * Apple Daily reported that a large number of injunctions under the Apple Daily, Next Media continent hooligans outside the building bustle, police dogs, regardless of male / female only lenient treatment, the same contempt of court warrant !!.-更新(13).*蘋果日報報導*---蘋果日報禁制令下大批大陸流氓到壹傳媒大樓外擾嚷,狗警不分男/女只寬鬆對待,同樣藐視法庭的執行令!!-

 ! kick this link to see the mv


 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20141015/487943/港警清場爆衝突 場面混亂
Initial Image

At 4:11 on October 15th, 2014
(Update Video)

Morning nearly 3:00, police Senior Superintendent Xuwei Xiong noted that because the dragon and road traffic was back and forth with the protesters and barricades blocking the manhole cover, the police official on Long Road were cleared and the authorities to remove the iron railings, cut the straps with pincers . There are those who have occupied the open umbrella and raised his hands. The Long Road police and protesters rushed to the nearby Tamar Park, LSD Chairman Leung Kwok-hung scene understanding. On-site sources, the demonstrators and the police have injured.

Long influx of large numbers of police and road, jostling with protesters during many demonstrators were forcibly opened and taken away, some people once the police or dragged on the ground, the police had pepper spray to disperse the cast, has repeatedly cited From red warning banners that does not exclude the use of force. Another batch of police presence also removed the barricades. A large number of police officers equipped with riot gear, and occupation of the dragon and said demonstrators launched confrontation, police dismantled cavalry clashed with the protesters, the police erected a red flag warning, some demonstrators were taken away, the police also sprayed with pepper spray, and the scene confusion. A television photojournalist injured lying on the ground, some demonstrators and police officers were injured during the chaos.

3:30, the police continue to advance the dragon and road tunnel in front of police holding shields to advance Tamar Park, and protesters confrontation. The police are clean drains rear cover, behind a police for supplies. Police repeatedly used violence against the occupation who snatch their umbrellas and down them. (Mainland Center / Dow Jones reports)
Police in Long and road clearance operation launched.
Authorities to clear the iron railings. Hong Kong's independent media face turned photo book
Forced displacement occupiers. Hong Kong's independent media face turned photo book
Police repeatedly used violence against the occupation person. Hong Kong's independent media face turned photo book
Hong Kong's independent media face turned photo book
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20141015/487943/港警清場爆衝突 場面混亂

Initial Image


凌 晨近3時,警方高級警司徐偉雄指出,由於龍和道來回交通被示威者用路障及孔蓋阻塞,警方正式對龍和道進行清場,當局先清除鐵馬,用鐵鉗剪開索帶。有佔領人 士已張開雨傘及舉起雙手。警方將龍和道示威者趕至附近的添馬公園,社民連主席梁國雄到場了解。現場消息指,示威者和警察都有受傷。

大批警 察湧至龍和道,與示威者推撞,期間不少示威者被強行拉開和帶走,部分人一度被警察拖行或按在地上,警方曾施放胡椒噴霧驅散,又多次舉起紅色警告橫額,指不 排除使用武力。在場亦有另一批警察拆走路障。大批配備防暴裝備的警員,和佔領龍和道的示威者展開對峙,警員拆除鐵馬,與示威者發生衝突,警方豎紅旗警告, 有示威者被帶走,警員還噴灑胡椒噴霧,場面混亂。一家電視台攝影記者受傷倒地,亦有示威者和警察在混亂時受傷。


 "Junk Force to the host dog behavior exposed now, for the Lord of the Falun Gong injunction issued under terror, a group of a hundred people in the mainland Tian Geng,
Accent not quit the anti-occupation rogue (regardless of male / female) look on their Next Media's Apple Daily buildings, streets in the injunction,
A lot of bustle, look and behavior of rogue Jin Lu, mainland invasion of Hong Kong's place, resulting in garbage littering cigarette butts discarded in the lens multiplayer not be prosecuted, and Lord of the police dog nor the pollution of the environment, such as rogue prosecution and arrest !! does that mean that the dog police for contempt of court, without any protection of the interests of Hong Kong people, a group of police dogs large village rogue extreme tolerance, hey, do rogue beast love slaves, another witness scum!! "

"Long and Road Force to the host student violence clearance umbrella movement, the public, the same day without any explanation to batons beat reporter interviewed injuries which caused a fall, more times to the public to impose pepper spray, followed by a group of police dogs to occupation Hong Kong people arrested, 30 Hong Kong people were arrested after police dog to ask what is wrong with the arrest of Hong Kong, this time beaten and subjected to pepper spray, police dogs large abnormal sex (whether male / female) is also suitable for the post of police officers Well!! "

"Dog police account of how the right and duty of the anti-parties, how fair,
Just darn, in cahoots, right and wrong, abuse of power and contempt of court !!!
Great law, we must liquidate the gang filthy dog line called "police"!!
Hong Kong is also a fair !! dog cheap dog Leung Chun-ying subordinates! Shame words certainly do not understand!
Rogue Force to the host, the atrocities unforgivable! Tiandiburong !!! "
       I call the major energy force who anonymously chivalrous rescue people in Hong Kong are treated violence
          Sincerely pray fervently on Melody.Blog ~



"同日在龍和道港警暴力清場 雨傘運動的學生,市民,不由分説以警棍暴打致其中所採訪記者受傷跌倒,更多次向市民施以"胡椒噴霧",其後一班狗警把佔領的香港人拘捕,30名香港人被捕,請問香港狗警以何罪拘捕市民,這一次暴打及施以"胡椒噴霧"後,大失良知人格的狗警(不論男/女)還適合當警員一職嘛!!"

         誠懇熱切祈求   Melody.Blog上~





【短片】【忽然1周】擺陳豪上枱 廖碧兒搬竇激陳茵媺
【短片】【壹錘】黎智英擬發禁制令 禁阻《蘋果》出版
【短片】【雨傘革命】學民稱警清路障行動是突襲 【雨傘革命】曾俊華否認與梁振英對佔中立場有矛盾 【雨傘革命】黃之鋒:警方拆鐵馬為試水溫 【雨傘革命】鄧國威座駕進入特首辦被截終折返 【雨傘革命】政府不考慮開放公民廣場 【雨傘革命】張炳良專車駛入政總不果折返 【佔領旺角】佔領區遇警拆路障綠絲帶挑機 【佔領金鐘】近百口罩人突出手清鐵馬爆衝突 【雨傘革命】梁振英強調不會亦不需辭職 【雨傘革命】行管會大部份成員同意周三復會 壹傳媒網絡被攻擊 《蘋果》網站不穩定 【佔領金鐘】中午泥頭車突襲強拆路障 【佔領金鐘】中午多名佔領者遇襲 【雨傘革命】何秀蘭斥堵塞《蘋果》破壞新聞自由 【雨傘革命】和平佔中譴責暴力衝擊促警嚴厲執法 【雨傘革命】明日行會繼續改到禮賓府舉行 團體中聯辦外要求釋放聲援佔中內地人 【雨傘革命】消防處籲佔領區居民小心防火 【雨傘革命】許sir預告警方將清除金鐘道怡和街路障 【雨傘革命】阿根廷隊明大球場獻技 警料交通擠塞 【雨傘革命】許Sir:反佔中衝擊金鐘3人被捕 【雨傘革命】團體質疑警方挑起暴力以民制民 【雨傘革命】許鎭德稱密切留意《蘋果》被圍 壹傳媒員工大集合 無畏無懼守護良知 【雨傘革命】行政署對局長入政總受阻感遺憾 【佔領金鐘】周三立會大會邀警方部署候勤 【雨傘革命】有人冒認《明報》記者傳病毒電郵 【雨傘革命】學聯質疑警方與「口罩人」合作 【雨傘革命】五傳媒工會強烈譴責滋擾傳媒 【雨傘革命】黃之鋒批警方寛待持利器示威人士 【佔領銅鑼灣】怡和街晚上有人用英泥加固鐵馬 【雨傘革命】副總理汪洋指西方撐港搞顏色革命 【雨傘革命】林鄭西班牙國慶活動致辭遇撐傘 【佔領金鐘】「地盤佬」有良知撐學生幫搭棚架陣

 *"Continental garbage floating corpse Hong Kong people of democratic self-pollution solidarity, most understand the birth of the Communist Party hybrids,
Big thing in the world, pedantic continent greed wash black money, the world witnessed in the cutting-edge technology,
Help for a disability is no longer shameful heart.
What makes me most angry is a thirty-year-old man, nor work to find a good job to earn a living,
But then mercenary anti-corruption accounted for in the thousand Yuan inducements participate on one leg,
Shame value of man,
He took the most odious is filthy money, actually on a support umbrella campaign dirty old man using abusive language after
Hands-old man beaten with objects hit !!!
The rogue must have been days thunder clap, life can not be better than @ !!! @
Liang Ying dog thief difficult cause corruption in Hong Kong sulked,
People you would like conscience, causing him to treat them with torture! "
    Caused by the extreme anger Melody.Blog

   極憤怒 Melody.Blog致上*

--*Update (10).---**a comment Day ""--- News;;(does not offer the news, language boring, a little stench ... without paste)"Al London accounted for street demonstrations that damage Hong Kong's future !!! "That Eldon 'why not tune talk梁振英 abuses of public consultation and the Legislative Council or the program is not in favor of the resolution by any citizen square off ??!!!-

 * * Update (10) .--- ** a comment Day "" --- News;; (does not offer the news, language boring, a little stench ... without paste) "Al London accounted for street demonstrations that damage Hong Kong's future !!! "That Eldon 'why not tune talk梁振英 abuses of public consultation and the Legislative Council or the program is not in favor of the resolution by any citizen square off ??!!!

"The most certain is that Jasper :: President said he had not received the application, and no one informed him!!" - Leung Chun-ying has been to ignore public opinion, arrogant recklessly, except during his tenure, put six big fake, corruption, money laundering, and criminal societies, groups of colluding with prostitutes, wanton indulgence black police beat reporter, students, unarmed citizens !!! this beast alone abuses blockade Lands citizens Square, Eldon put down easily, living in Higher Regional to evaluate products' umbrella movement for peace, "then the northeastern region, Hong Kong is a cheap price to sell, and how a large number of people that live in the area of treatment / compensation ??!
      "Besides Citizens Plaza, Continental Plaza, Tiananmen Square is also often open to the public rallies, Hong Kong more than seven million people, who are willing / agree with this greedy, arrogant heads ??! Most, to the foot of the @ 689 tickets now! Or seven more than one million of our population oppose this beast!!
    "The Eldon better to you then issued a document to that beast Leung Chun-ying, asked that it not be selfish, depriving the people of Hong Kong are Cuttings this beast nowhere / no complaints this beast made ​​dirty behavior, forced students the public, community organizations each group slept on the street Boulevard, but also by a variety of nefarious government official black, black police, the dark continent rogue multiple disorders Communist invasion!!
Make your Mr. Liang Zhen Ying told to step down waste faster, but also citizens in the public square, and that naturally would not have occupied the streets of Hong Kong !!!
   "In England it is not caused by Liang Zhen beast under the stage, those provocations, please try the taste of sleeping in the streets thing!!
Do a Multilateral hypocritical to pole, while the number of TV drama shabby old fashioned yuan, utterly tucao a Lands pits!
Shame unscrupulous slave beasts @ @! -
Oh, patriotic love of the continent is to have a British passport party, I also did not know yesterday, Oh))))
Hey hey hey ..."

     True words MelodyRO real pen.

Note: people who do not respect others, we imperial rule in its way but also their body!
      This is to recognize the reality of our human nature - good and evil-


"Continental Army and rogue network attacks NMW in Hong Kong's Apple Daily!!
Beast 'hands residue is made ​​of this yoshikidai
Beast that has a conscience, ugly to hone
Ridiculous shameful! Hey .... "


"대륙의 군대와 악성 네트워크는 홍콩의 애플 데일리에 NMW 공격!
비스트 손 잔기는 yoshikidai 이루어지는
양심을 가지고 야수, 추한 연마하기
말도 부끄러운! 안녕 .... "

"Armée continentale et le réseau de voyous attaque salaire minimum dans de Hong Kong Apple Daily !!
Mains résidu Bête »est faite de cette yoshikidai
Bête qui a une conscience, laid à parfaire
Ridicule honteux! Hey .... "

"Kontinenta Armeo kaj fripono reto atakas NMW en Hong Kong Apple Daily !!
Besto manoj restaĵo estas el ĉi yoshikidai
Besto kiu havas konsciencon, malbela por akrigi
Ridinda hontinda! Hej .... "



    真人真語  MelodyRO筆.



 ---*Update (9) face book by*Apple*and*News*Apollo released ---**accounted for the Blue Ribbon Anti-convener Lee Shih Yan play games with their clients 3P is Zhuojian - [Photos]!! - "Haha ... turned out to have a wife, formerly known as" Li Yanqing "turned out to be??" The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents' chairman, president, "Yau Tsim Mong District parent-Teacher Association," ~??!! "- ---*更新(9).由*蘋果臉書*和*阿波羅新聞*發佈的---**反佔中藍絲帶召集人李偲嫣踢場 與嫖客3P被捉姦 --[組圖]!!--"哈哈...原來有個婆娘原名為"李艷青"竟然是??!「香港家長聯會」會長,「油尖旺區家長教師會」會長??!"-*

Anti accounted for in the Blue Ribbon convener Lee Shih Yan kicked field with clients 3P be unto Photos
- Blue Ribbon convener Lee Shih Yan accounted for in the anti-prostitute identity wherever he goes again kicked exposure (Photos)

[ Apollo News 2014-10-09 News]
 With the recent Hong Kong accounted for in the ongoing protests by the Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents Association, "Justice League" convener Lee Shih Yan start "Occupy Central" against "blue ribbon" action, she continued to account for the CPC Taiwan, its actions in Hong Kong public disgraced, prostitute identity has suffered another exposure. Lee Shih Yan formerly engaged in the sex industry, due to her ex-husband from good to know. 2007, once again set foot on the sex industry, due to a number of clients at home and playing 3p was found, so the couple divorced.
According to Apple Daily reported, October 7 Lee Shih Yan night with more than a dozen "Blue Ribbon Campaign" supporters, put forward three demands to the Admiralty to participate in public meetings; accounted for in the immediate stop to apologize and promise to no longer occupied Hong Kong, as well as surrendered to police.
Lee Shih Yan trouble wherever he goes in the accounts of the site map
Admiralty Centre early in the morning waiting in the public immediately return to boos, sing the birthday song to her, there have been people shouting that they "knock off", and finally Lee Shih Yan under the "Blue Ribbon Campaign" supporters holding hands, escorted leave , but was surrounded by a large number of people even said Lee Shih Yan was attacked, and then show an off-duty police warrant card said that if the people are peaceful and rational should give way, events disturbing brew about 10 minutes later, 10 police officers arrived at the scene, Four of them armed with shields escorted Lee Shih Yan, who left.
Lee Shih Yan background information
According to Wikipedia information, Lee Shih Yan (English: Leicia), or Liu Li Cai Yan. Formerly known as Li Yanqing, (English: Lettie), "Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents' Association," Yau Tsim Mong District Parent-Teacher Association "president.

 Prostitute who divorced due to play 3P
Lee Shih Yan formerly engaged in the sex industry, due to her husband Liu met before, down from the good life of prostitutes. 2007, due to financial difficulties at home, forced to embark on the porn industry once again, due to play at home with a few ex-off 3p was found, so the couple divorced. The two have a son (but her ex-husband insisted that this child is born contraband cigarettes and grace passenger) original attending the Hong Kong Management Association David Li High School, has been admitted to college.
Financial chaos cited debt dispute
Lee Shih Yan financial chaos from time to time. Lee Shih Yan in 1991-1993 has been involved in four civil claims cases, of which two were involved 425,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan, culminating in May 1993 to be filed for bankruptcy in January 1994 was issued by the bankruptcy court order. In 1998, she was ho was filed to recover the investment company 104,000 yuan and 4,680 yuan rental rates. 1999, Lee Shih Wei Yan was again one hundred million development of the company to recover 63,000 yuan management fee.
Paid as a consultant at Priscilla
Establishment faction of the Legislative Council Priscilla confirmed accept the "Ming Pao Daily News" interview, Lee Shih Yan is paid to her, as a part-time consultant, the scope is to provide advice on education policy and charging consultancy fees, Lee Shih Yan is claiming to earn only "traveling expenses" after Yvonne Li Yan found a real part-time employees for Priscilla offices. On the political stance and Priscilla Lee Shih Yan also a number of similar places, such as support national education, anti accounted for and against homosexuality in position. Lee Shih Yan currently a director of Hong Kong's new power transmission, inside it contains a number of programs hosted by Priscilla. Deputy Chairman Priscilla and Lee Shih Yan also were concerned about the power of education in Hong Kong as
Expose users to join special page name containing foul language words
Lee Shih Yan personal Facebook account, "Leticia Lee" by netizens discovered had joined one called "universal condemnation Wong Yuk-man, Albert Chan, Chen Quan, Leung Kwok-hung, yan!! Cock twist dove shooting your friends!! Five earners!! 'S special page. Since the special page name contains a lot of foul language characters, words extreme, vulgar, so users always questioned the anti-swearing Yan Li Ssu their body is not correct, stop thief. She had hastily exited the group after the incident.
Another user said: Baidu just a bit, "Blue Ribbon sponsor Li Si Yan Hong Kong", discovered she actually was a very good experience in underground workers ah, look at this experience meet the conditions to join the party, the party really need you, you have surrender it?
Apollo network Wang Jun reports.


反佔中藍絲帶召集人李偲嫣踢場 與嫖客3P被捉姦 組圖
——藍絲帶召集人李偲嫣反佔中踢場子 妓女身份再曝光(組圖)

 阿波羅新聞網 2014-10-09 訊】

近期隨着香港佔中抗議活動的持續進行,由香港家 長聯會會長、「正義聯盟」召集人李偲嫣啟動反對“佔領中環”的“藍絲帶”行動,她不斷替中共佔台,其行動為香港市民所不恥,妓女身份也再遭曝光。李偲嫣原 從事色情行業,後因認識了前夫從良。2007年,再次踏上色情行業,後因在家中與數名嫖客玩3p時被發現,因而夫妻離異。
李偲嫣在佔中現場鬧場子 圖
一早在金鐘海富中心等候的市民隨即以噓聲回報,並向​​她高唱生日歌,其間有市民大叫他們「收工」,最後李偲嫣在「藍絲帶行動」支持者手牽手的護送 下離開,不過被大批市民包圍,李偲嫣更表示被人襲擊,隨後一名休班警展示委任證表示,若群眾是和平理性就應該讓路,事件擾釀約10分鐘後,10名警員到 場,其中4人手持盾牌護送李偲嫣等人離開。
李偲嫣的財政不時出現混亂情況。李偲嫣於1991至1993年先後曾涉及4宗民事索償案,當中2宗分別涉及42.5萬元及20萬元,最終在1993 年5月被申請破產,1994年1月被法院發出破產令。1998年,她又被浩得投資的公司入稟追討10.4萬元租金和4,680元差餉。1999年,李偲嫣 再被億煒發展公司追討6.3萬元管理費。
建制派立法會議員梁美芬接受《明報》採訪時證實李偲嫣乃受薪於她,擔任非全職顧問,範圍是就教育政策提供意見,並且收取顧問費,李偲嫣則自稱只賺取 「車馬費」,後被發現李偲嫣實為梁美芬辦事處兼職員工。在政治立場上,李偲嫣與梁美芬亦有多項相似地方,如撐國民教育、反佔中及反對同性戀等立場。李偲嫣 現時擔任公司董事的香港新力量傳播,內里便包含了多個由梁美芬主持的節目。梁美芬與李偲嫣亦分別擔任香港教育關注動力的正副主席
李偲嫣之個人Facebook帳戶「Leticia Lee」被網民揭發曾加入一個名為「全民聲討黃毓民,陳偉業,陳志全,梁國雄,李卓人!!屌捻鳩你啦!!五條打靶仔!!」之專頁。由於該專頁名稱含大量粗 口字元,用詞極端、粗鄙,令網民質疑一直反粗口的李偲嫣其身不正,賊喊捉賊。她於事發後已急忙退出該群組。



"Really dark, the original police support his aging mother," Li Yanqing "background dirty!! @ Really truly tucao a Hong Kong Lands septic tanks, to see her ugly and fat goose neck chin, turned out to be ??! Hong Kong parents Federation, "the president," Yau Tsim Mong District parent-Teacher Association, "the president ?? embarrassing, scary ....!!!" - Wow ha ha .... do "chicken" prostitute, after being abandoned, when the Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents can actually "president ????! not it!! Wow, the world's joke again!
"Rotten Xian black money @ 689 being bitter, plus triad police brutality, plus a prostitute in Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents' Association, Wow ha ha ha, accounting for a very decent anti-ah))))) Haha, this heartless beast together ridiculed Hong Kong turtle Leung Chun-ying, hardcore into withdrew, Hey !! it is not a Briton Mody ??!
--- Why do not flee to the hills in the UK ah?! Jian Tao its rigorous investigation into corruption scandal is English, so refused entry !!! Ha ha ha ....
I do not know if dignitaries; unless Mo is "!
China's first saint who really smart, huh `` `

        Most happy to see the joke MelodyRO ~


" 真黑暗,原來撐警的老娘"李艷青"的背景骯臟不堪!!@真的名符其實吐槽一片香港政總糞池,看到她醜陋的下巴和肥鵝頸,竟然是??!香港家長聯會」會長, 「油尖旺區家長教師會」會長??!囧,嚇死人....!!"-嘩哈哈....,做"雞"的妓女,被人拋棄後,竟可當香港家長聯會」會長????!不是 吧!!嘩,世界笑話又來了!
"爛透冼黑金錢@689正苦,加黑社會警方獸行,加妓女香港家長聯會」會長,嘩哈哈哈,反佔中很正派啊))))) 哈哈,一起恥笑這個無良畜牲香港烏龜梁振英,死撐到縮回內來,咦!!牠一家不是英國藉的麽??!

       最開心看笑話   MelodyRO上~


 UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活

Hacker group Anonymous began leak! Has successfully invaded 52 Chinese government's official website


 Anonymous hackers due to the solidarity umbrella organization of the revolutionary movement in Hong Kong, the Chinese government declared war early in the morning, earlier there are many Hong Kong SAR Government to stop the operation of the site was originally just before the dish, the most terrible is that they have announced that the Chinese government (all in gov. cn end of the site) attack was very successful, starting from October 6 to today, a total of 52 successful hack into the official website of the Chinese government and the removal of more than 42,000 important information. Here are more details:

At present, the organization has released a portion of the outside back hack email users, passwords and even personal phone number, if users log on again with the information found in e-mail within any state secrets, then it would be disastrous Chinese information security events. Members TREZ more hands to remind them there are more than 42,000 waiting for payment account information.
The following is a hacker to "record the record" is the second action:
Most are public information:
Source: twitter @ trezsec

 UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活
黑客組織 Anonymous 開始洩密 ! 已成功入侵 52 個中國政府官網

黑客組織 Anonymous 開始洩密 ! 已成功入侵 52 個中國政府官網


黑客組織 Anonymous 因為要聲援香港的雨傘革命運動,一早聲明向中國政府宣戰,早前有不少香港特區政府網站停止運作原來只是前菜,最要命的是他們已經對外宣佈對中國政府(所有 以 gov.cn 結尾的網站) 的攻擊非常成功,由 10 月 6 號開始至今天,一共成功駭進 52 個中國政府官方網站並取走 42,000 個以上的重要資料。以下有更多詳細資料:

組織現時向外已發佈了部份駭回來的 電郵用戶、密碼甚至有個人電話號碼,如果網民用這些資料登入電郵內再發現有任何國家機密電郵的話,這會是中國的災難性資訊保安事件。組織成員 TREZ 更提醒他們手上還有 42,000 個以上的帳戶資料等待發放。


部份被公開的資料 :
來源 : twitter@trezsec

 "@ Hong Kong shameless beast #% ^ $ @ ---> Legislative Council by Pakatan @ $% ^ # @ @ @ @ Mr Lam sinister slave dog raised by the Authority, including the privilege law to investigate whether there is occupation by organizing and planning its sources of funding, such as !!! shame the majority of people in Hong Kong umbrella movement for democracy and freedom, this Jeffrey Lam sinister slave@@dog should be shot hit the heart causing instant death, garbage its corpse crime shows !!!
"World-renowned knight ** ** anonymous white hat banner ~
Injustice, injustice garbage Government resorted to pen nirvana,
Anonymous ** ** chivalrous declare The police, as some people do not respect the instructions.
Hey, good !!! the blow of a variety of graffiti simply perfect and moving,
Filled me with a sense of grace, and that grace the big energy force persons;
That is what I desire most intimate ** ** anonymous knight great white hat action.
"You can also say that the grace of the Communist Party of China all slaves beast unconscionable,
Hong Kong for peace, love and adhere to the majority of the people for democracy and freedom are
Force to the host dog slave beaten on the frontline reporters who interviewed toil to impose heavy play,
Right in the sit-in protest atrocities little girls subjected to indecent assault,
Plus a variety of independent Communist beast group umbrella movement for peace framed
"Mainland, Hong Kong hybrid hard to ignore the demands of the majority of people,
"This time the dog owned Tu Hong Kong and Chinese Communist Party's all-Villains Anonymous ** ** knight in the hands,
See you and other British tyranny Liang dog waste, Mrs Lam fox, and Lord of the Communist Party of black police dog how student affairs, Federation Federation withdrew government dirty "green warrior group", the Democratic Liberal Party, and all the volunteers social rank groups, tertiary university Sung Chi president ... and so on.'s tough to respond!
Fiscal or corrupt love, when a data privacy and exposure, is a chicken flying dog walking mutual accusations of Hong Kong's most vomit black police, filthy black officer Avenue !!! hey ...

Disregard for people's lives
Zhigu collusion
Ignore perverting the people to survive
This should also be a bunch of garbage waste reported !!"

Nirvana again freely chivalrous person ** anonymous **
Reported the most revered in the most heartfelt gratitude ~ ~ ~
You make my heart bowed Chi Wang, really very grateful ~
      Yours sincerely Egypt MelodyRO small stag.





     小麈埃  MelodyRO真心誠意敬上.


- Update (8) .-- Apple Daily and (Hong Kong Correspondents Association, Next Media unions, RTHK Programme Staff Union, and Ming Pao Daily News Staff Association issued a joint statement, the size of the media jointly broadcast) - Hong Kong Leung Chun-ying corruption beast in wireless news program "clarifying speak chu" speech in a statement, Leung Chun-ying really out of control, and the audacity to defy public opinion right and wrong!! Leung Chun-ying refused dialogue !!! dog slave @ 689 not dare to openly face the masses, is the turtle chickened , afraid to face and respond to public opinion !! distort affair !! beast than the corrupt, ignoring the people, so ** [umbrella] ACSF learning revolution in China accounted for peace issued a statement in response to Leung Chun-ying !!! "-
--更新(8).--蘋果日報及( 香港記者協會、壹傳媒工會、港台節目製作人員工會, 以及明報職工協會發表聯合聲明,各大小媒體共同播報)--香港貪污腐化畜牲梁振英在無綫新聞節目《講清講楚》的講話發表聲明,梁振英真正失控了,並厚顏無恥顛倒是非!!梁振英違逆民意拒絕對話!!!狗奴隸@689不敢公然面對群眾,是烏龜縮頭,不敢正視和回應民意!!歪曲事理!!禽獸不如的貪贓枉法,漠視民眾,故**【雨傘革命】學聯學民和平佔中發聲明回應梁振英 !!!"-


[Umbrella] ACSF learning revolution in China accounted for Peace issued a statement in response to Leung Chun-ying

 Zhuyong Lun photo (Apple Daily)

[19:30] ACSF news, science people thought, peace accounting in respect of the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, radio news program in "clarifying the stresses of Chu" speech issued a statement to refute the beam that the occupation movement out of control, out of control government that truly , but also refers to defy public opinion to refuse dialogue Leung Chun-ying, the following is the full text of the statement:

Leung Chun-ying said the "occupation movement" is a runaway mass movement, in fact, really out of control, is our government. He radiology tear gas on unarmed people, even against the unilateral termination of a dialogue with the public to students.

Leung Chun-ying to whether he decides to tear gas by vague, sometimes said to be the field commander's decision, saying the whole situation a moment he participates, what his specific role in that? Whether he has decided to force to suppress, and then handed over to the field commanders decide on the specific operation? As the head of the accountability of officials, how he missed this serious perfunctory, not to explain the truth to the public, not to punish negligent officials? If the government refuses to explain, we can only believe that repression orchestrated by Leung Chun-ying, and he should be solely responsible, accountable to step down.

We expect to require accountability Leung Chun-ying is not futile, because the exercise of his freedom of assembly since the use of force against citizens fifteen days since, still reluctant to explain directly to the public, but through published four times a televised speech, and the acceptance of a television program access to respond, this is unacceptable.

Political reform controversy began in the central government's constitutional reform submitted reports to mislead the central decision violate the spirit of the Basic Law. Legislative Council elections approach in 2016 without modification, in 2017 Chief Executive election nomination threshold increased from eighth to improve to more than half, in clear violation of the principle of "progressive" is. Judging from the performance of the strong public demand for democracy in a referendum, strikes and the occupation movement, we will know the NPCSC's decision does not comply with the SAR, "the actual situation." Determine cause of this error, Leung Chun-ying government responsibility.

Now Leung Chun-ying scandal, according to the standard of civilization honest society, someone's officials had to resign in order to avoid the government's credibility can not be dragged down and caught in the governance of the disadvantages. If Leung Chun-ying to the public welfare in mind really, they should know that retreat. In fact, the central government is now vigorously against corruption, Leung Chun-ying Shall lust of power and position, trapped central injustice? We call on law enforcement agencies and the Legislative Council of Hong Kong and just to act immediately to investigate, a person can not let Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong and the destruction of our cherished core values! (End)

[Umbrella] http://umbrella.appledaily.com revolution

[Revolution] Pan-China umbrella privilege France intends to close 50 million check Leung Chun-ying





梁 振英對於是否由他決定施放催淚彈含糊其辭,一時說是現場指揮官的決定,一時說整個形勢他有份參與,究竟他的具體角色為何?是否他已決定武力鎮壓,再交由現 場指揮官決定具體操作?作為問責官員之首,他怎能對此嚴重錯失敷衍了事,不向社會交待事情真相、不去懲處失職的官員?假如政府拒絕交待,我們只能相信鎮壓 是由梁振英一手策劃,而他亦應獨力承擔,問責下台。


政 改爭議,始於政府提交中央的政改報告書,誤導中央作出違反基本法精神的決定。立法會選舉辦法在2016年不作修改、2017年特首選舉提名門檻由原來的八 分之一提升至過半,明顯違反「循序漸進」的原則。觀乎市民在全民投票、罷課和佔領運動中表現對民主的強烈訴求,便知道人大常委的決定不符合特區「實際情 況」。造成這個錯誤的決定,梁振英政府責無旁貸。

現在梁振英醜聞纏身,按文明廉潔社會的標準,涉事官員早已請辭,以免政府的公信力受到拖 累而陷於不能管治之弊。若梁振英真的以市民福祉為念,便應知所進退。事實上,中央政府現正大力打擊貪腐,梁振英豈可貪戀權位,陷中央於不義?我們呼籲香港 執法機關和立法會秉正行事,馬上開展調查,不能讓梁振英一人,破壞我們珍愛的香港及其核心價值! (完)




"If this corruption beast than @ 689 Leung Chun-ying do not step down this beast had better carry a heavy price @!"
"Leung Chun-ying @ unscrupulous abject corruption to step down, come quickly disappeared in the Hong Kong government agencies!"
Leung Chun-ying @ unscrupulous abject corruption step down !!!"
Leung Chun-ying @ unscrupulous abject corruption step down !!!"




DTZ administrator Ernst & Young's largest creditor RBS wonder Liang received $ 50 million senior counsel: or involving bribery

 [Leung Chun-ying involved in corruption]
WASHINGTON charge Australia Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying consortium UGL's secret $ 50 million large sums of money, the two events were held company Ernst & Young and Royal Bank of Scotland and then speak up, reiterated Leung Chun-ying and UGL has no knowledge of the agreement; there Leung Chun-ying believe the evidence before the Commission to charge illegal commissions more fully. Leung Chun-ying to continue retreating scandal protagonist does not show up, even the Chief Executive's Office also failed to respond to queries.
Reporter: Linwei Cong Liang Yu and Zhang Tingting
Liang large sums of money to provide UGL, the day before yesterday issued a statement that the largest creditor Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is aware of the company intends to sign an agreement with Leung Chun-ying, but RBS last night to show that there is no negotiation involved in the development agreement, the terms of the agreement and Leung Chun-ying were unaware of the amount charged. Ernst & Young has issued a statement reiterating as manager, Ernst & Young was not aware of details of the agreement between UGL and others.

Loss of the purchase price after deducting the benefit of creditors

Ernst & Young's statement also explain the process of selling the year DTZ, UGL year pointed to 9,650 million pounds (approximately HK $ 1.2 billion) proposed acquisition of DTZ's business, is the best and only viable buyer proposal, the transaction contributed to make DTZ able to continue operations and keep 4,700 jobs worldwide.
UGL earlier showed that 400 million pounds in the purchase price paid Leung Chun-ying charge deducted, Ernst & Young refers to a statement on the purchase price if paid in full RBS, still not enough to pay off 110 million pounds (approximately HK $ 1.37 billion) of debt; but also refers to other creditors totaling holds 2,000 pounds (approximately HK $ 250 million) of debt, the same can not be repaid by selling income.
Integrated days to respond, DTZ administrator Ernst & Young, when he was chairman Tim Melville-Ross, and RBS were the largest creditor to receive large sums of money for Leung Chun-ying said they did not know; reporters by email to the then director of DTZ several inquiries, but without reply.

Director-General of the Democratic Party, former ICAC investigation director Lin Zhuoting question, UGL RBS knows that agreement, is suspected of "lying" to cover up the table deal with the beam. The Board voted in favor of the beam in charge large sums of money after selling to UGL, UGL has admitted that remuneration will be deducted from the purchase price of the beam, and that the evidence collected Liang Lin illegal rebates and betray the interests of shareholders and creditors more fully.
Senior Counsel Ronny think I do not know Leung Chun-ying as management and creditors to receive UGL remuneration arrangements and unreasonable. He was referring to the common areas of the fiduciary duty of directors (fiduciary duty), there are strict requirements, Leung Chun-ying was as DTZ directors receive remuneration according to the case must be unanimous consent of the shareholders; he refers to the beams made gratuities, all because he is the director of DTZ, that trustee person (fiduciary) the identity of the legal requirements the money shall be returned to the company, is also obliged to disclose its contract with UGL to management and shareholders, otherwise it would violate the integrity of responsibility.

Accountants question of conflict of interest and promote explain

Tom does not agree that it was a common arrangement UGL departure arrangements and beam genus "golden handshake" and the like, because of the "golden handshake" is provided by the employer to the employee, the employee is not a secret to the seller by the buyer; latter may involve bribery. Normal practice is to discuss the terms with buyers and sellers, the seller is required to ensure that some employees do not reinvent the wheel competition or poaching, by the seller to make arrangements with their employees.
Leung Chun-ying has been shown recently claimed that when the contract does not provide services for UGL when there is a conflict of interest, in order to show their inaction UGL work after taking office. Accountants Pu Jinwen rebuttal, Leung Chun-ying has the largest public power as the chief executive, should be a separate contract, setting out the arrangements for providing services for 12 years before July 1 termination, or even simply to cancel the contract, "should explain, before you agree" not signing made by the Chief Executive "on Link a count."
Leung Chun-ying yesterday did not show up, the reporter made inquiries to the Chief Executive's Office has notified the Board of Directors agreement, Ernst & Young and RBS, why not cancel the contracts after the election, are not eligible for a reply.

 Update(6). http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20141011/18896522

DTZ管理人安永 最大債權人RBS 不知梁收5,000萬


【本報訊】特首梁振英秘密收取澳洲財團UGL的5,000萬 元巨款,事件中兩大持份公司安永會計師事務所和蘇格蘭皇家銀行再開腔,重申對梁振英與UGL的協議內容毫不知情;有廉署前人員認為梁振英收取非法回佣的證 據越來越充份。醜聞主角梁振英就繼續龜縮不露面,連特首辦亦未有回覆查詢。
記者:林偉聰 梁御和 張婷婷.

向梁提供巨款的UGL,前日發聲明指最大債權人蘇格蘭皇家銀行(RBS)是知悉公司有意與梁振英簽訂協議,但RBS前晚就表明,並無參與制訂協議的談判, 對協議的條款和梁振英收取的金額均不知情。安永會計師事務所亦發表聲明,重申作為管理人,安永並不知悉UGL與其他人士之間的協議詳情。

收購價扣除 損債權人利益


綜合連日回應,DTZ管理人安永、時任主席Tim Melville-Ross、和最大債權人RBS均對梁振英收取巨款表示不知悉;記者以電郵向DTZ當年的幾位董事查詢,但未獲回覆。
資 深大律師湯家驊認為,如管理人和債權人不知梁振英收取UGL酬金,安排並不合理。他指普通法地區對董事誠信責任(fiduciary duty)有嚴格要求,梁振英當時作為DTZ董事,根據案例必須經股東一致同意才可收酬金;他指梁取得酬金,全因他是DTZ董事,即受託人 (fiduciary)的身份,法律上規定這筆錢須交還公司,亦有責任向管理人和股東披露其與UGL的合約,否則便違反誠信責任。


湯不同意有人指UGL和梁的安排屬「黃金握手」之類的常見離職安排,因「黃金握手」是由僱主向僱員提供,並非由買家秘密向賣方僱員提供;後者可能涉及行 賄。正常做法是買賣雙方商討收購條件時,要求賣方確保某些員工不另起爐灶競爭或挖角,由賣方跟其僱員作安排。

梁振英日前聲稱簽約時已經表明有利益 衝突時不會為UGL提供服務,以示自己上任後無為UGL工作。會計師蒲錦文反駁,梁振英作為擁有最大公權力的特首,理應另立合約,列明提供服務的安排在 12年7月1日之前終止,甚至索性取消合約,「應解釋清楚,唔係『簽約之前未做特首』就咁一句算數」。


 "Liang was rude dog lie big burst its Australian media scandal.
I think this news can be said that Hong Kong people are most happy preferred news.
Leung Chun-ying corruption into sin, >>> sentenced to imprisonment for life!! <<< Its felony
As the head of a city, greedy selfish, seeking only their own interests,
Not close to the people, but also to violence against Hong Kong to the public.
Well, come to roost this beast afterwards!

Thank Australia's media and mighty strength / anonymous chivalrous's rescue Hong Kong action.
Cause the most heartfelt most revere Zan America ~
              Small stag Egypt Melody.Blog ~


             小麈埃  Melody.Blog~


 "'Really had enough of those mainland official media, Xinhua News Agency asshole, Finet worships rub communist rotten shoes, livestock Daily World, Universal flow obliterate Daily, China Democratic National Construction Couplet pug garbage down feces Party establishment, except Korea lick total demon Fan , Mr Tsang shooting black police thugs, Ye Liu falsely magic, Tan Yaozhong mammals garbage, Paul Chan is not a man, born evil, death will be drawn and quartered!!
Above interracial have often framed in Hong Kong, which state waste madness epilepsy, the newspaper said the real media reported swastika full distort and stretch the mainland and overseas ting reports fake news / information 訉! @ Hybrids Communist slave beast, we do mainland media reports at face value! remember Communist impossible to believe, but they are dirty split personality, the people playing, unrepentant, wicked thing to do to make !! @ shame not to speak of personality, all are dead society wedding, waste reduction livelihood! ""


For:     ANONYMOUS  ``` chivalrous's rescue Hong Kong action.!! 
thanks a lot of you doing~


(5).  Obama to promote human rights report on the United States put pressure on Beijing
[United Evening News

 Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement on the 9th to get the United States, backed by the United States to observe and supervise the progress of China is responsible for human rights and the rule of law across the House will rise "Congressional - Executive Commission on China" (CECC) publish an annual report, to Hong Kong in a rare high-decibel criticism and accused Beijing , asked the United States President Barack Obama to Beijing to express concern about the direct democracy, and asked the United States to restore the supervision of the State Council Hong Kong situation.
This report may annoy Beijing. Beijing warned Washington last week was angry Forget China "chores."

Report worded, restore American criticism of the Chinese government's human rights record, Ming refers to Chinese President Xi Jinping "stubbornness of their authoritarian predecessors mode."

CECC Chairman Brown announcing the report said, "China is tantamount to exclude the 2017 election of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong after a fair and democratic development in Hong Kong suffered a major setback."

Brown said Obama APEC summit next month in Beijing when meeting with Xi Jinping, should be directed to the "Hong Kong issues" put pressure on the latter.

Committee and moved to restart in 1992 a law (Hong Kong returned to China's sovereignty in 1997 to develop the first five years), the provisions of the United States State Department annual report on the situation in Hong Kong, the report must "pay particular attention to the development of democracy in Hong Kong and China in international treaties and obligations under the agreement. "

In addition, CECC recommend U.S. senior officials to visit Hong Kong to understand remind Beijing, Washington is looking at Hong Kong. Senior officials visiting the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last time, in July 2011.

The report concluded that the Hong Kong from Beijing's hardline stance and suppress all dissent seems Xi's "control freak and objections may not be much more than served the Beijing government."

Republican Senator Smith said: "The Chinese mainland has spent a horrible human rights, and today there are people that should not be the reform of Xi Jinping, the protection of the rights of relatively open new Chinese leaders."

CECC was established in 2000 by Congress each nine Senators and Representatives, and five senior officials of the presidential specified composition, functional observation of the progress of human rights and rule of law in China.

[2014/10/10 United Evening News] @ http://udn.com/


 美人權報告 促歐巴馬對北京施壓










【2014/10/10 聯合晚報】@ http://udn.com/

Click here to see the big picture
October 9, 2014, in order to meet the Occupy movement for true universal suffrage, Federation, school people thought, peace accounting, the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non-cooperation campaign to pressure the government. (XAUME OLLEROS / AFP / Getty Images)
[NTD October 9, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Xuhui An roundup) earlier today, in order to meet the Occupy movement for true universal suffrage, Federation , learn people thought, peace accounting for the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non- cooperative movement , to pressure the government. Around 19:00, the Chief Secretary, Mrs Carrie Lam, announced the move has shaken the foundation of dialogue, shelving and ACSF dialogue.

Lin Cheng: Full ACSF linked to dialogue with occupation

According to the "Hong Kong independent media network" face book the latest news, Carrie Lam, said this afternoon announced a new round of academic non-cooperation movement , revisit the decision to withdraw the NPC, for citizens to nominate, and by the dialogue called for more people for illegal assembly, has been shaken basis for dialogue, dialogue difficult tomorrow.

Mrs Lam believes, to universal suffrage and occupation separately, otherwise things more complicated, more difficult to solve.

As the government insists on dialogue to the NPC decisions, and the public to evacuate occupied these two principles, whether the "Conditions Precedent" dialogue, Mrs Lam said the dialogue between these two principles are not "pre-set" but dissatisfied Federation conversation Hook and occupation.

Mrs Lam also said that for the occupation has made the greatest patience, will continue to persuade the occupiers to leave. However, if Wu Liqing field? Lin Cheng did not respond, only emphasized the police to take appropriate action when appropriate.

Accounted for in : a new round of non-cooperation movement

It is reported that today close to the evening, the Federation, learn people thought, peace accounting, the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non-cooperation movement.

Federation Secretary-General Zhou Yongkang said that the government has not replied meeting place tomorrow. The Government must explain how to respond to public demands.

Federation stressed the need to stay occupied positions, will not lightly evacuation, continue strike, put pressure on the government through street politics, parliamentary protest, the Government does not respond, will not be able to govern Hong Kong.

Science China thought convener Huang Feng urged the public to adhere to the streets, and that if the government does not respond to the demands of high school students do not rule out launching a third strike.

Leong said the Civic Party, Leung Chun-ying has no governing legitimacy, Parliament will cooperate with the occupation movement, the Pan-China success in the Public Works and Finance Committee of the Establishment Subcommittee made chairman and deputy chairman, and the majority, will use funding authority, In addition to non-controversial, there is urgent funding provided "humanitarian channels", the rest of government funding will not be approved. Pan-China and will move to impeach Leung Chun-ying.

LSD refers Leung Kwok-hung, must firmly defend, appealed to all members of the public came to the Admiralty, not just sightseeing, "To come out and walk (to) live."
- See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf

Click here to see the big picture
October 9, 2014, in order to meet the Occupy movement for true universal suffrage, Federation, school people thought, peace accounting, the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non-cooperation campaign to pressure the government. (XAUME OLLEROS / AFP / Getty Images)
[NTD October 9, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Xuhui An roundup) earlier today, in order to meet the Occupy movement for true universal suffrage, Federation , learn people thought, peace accounting for the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non- cooperative movement , to pressure the government. Around 19:00, the Chief Secretary, Mrs Carrie Lam, announced the move has shaken the foundation of dialogue, shelving and ACSF dialogue.

Lin Cheng: Full ACSF linked to dialogue with occupation

According to the "Hong Kong independent media network" face book the latest news, Carrie Lam, said this afternoon announced a new round of academic non-cooperation movement , revisit the decision to withdraw the NPC, for citizens to nominate, and by the dialogue called for more people for illegal assembly, has been shaken basis for dialogue, dialogue difficult tomorrow.

Mrs Lam believes, to universal suffrage and occupation separately, otherwise things more complicated, more difficult to solve.

As the government insists on dialogue to the NPC decisions, and the public to evacuate occupied these two principles, whether the "Conditions Precedent" dialogue, Mrs Lam said the dialogue between these two principles are not "pre-set" but dissatisfied Federation conversation Hook and occupation.

Mrs Lam also said that for the occupation has made the greatest patience, will continue to persuade the occupiers to leave. However, if Wu Liqing field? Lin Cheng did not respond, only emphasized the police to take appropriate action when appropriate.

Accounted for in : a new round of non-cooperation movement

It is reported that today close to the evening, the Federation, learn people thought, peace accounting, the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non-cooperation movement.

Federation Secretary-General Zhou Yongkang said that the government has not replied meeting place tomorrow. The Government must explain how to respond to public demands.

Federation stressed the need to stay occupied positions, will not lightly evacuation, continue strike, put pressure on the government through street politics, parliamentary protest, the Government does not respond, will not be able to govern Hong Kong.

Science China thought convener Huang Feng urged the public to adhere to the streets, and that if the government does not respond to the demands of high school students do not rule out launching a third strike.

Leong said the Civic Party, Leung Chun-ying has no governing legitimacy, Parliament will cooperate with the occupation movement, the Pan-China success in the Public Works and Finance Committee of the Establishment Subcommittee made chairman and deputy chairman, and the majority, will use funding authority, In addition to non-controversial, there is urgent funding provided "humanitarian channels", the rest of government funding will not be approved. Pan-China and will move to impeach Leung Chun-ying.

LSD refers Leung Kwok-hung, must firmly defend, appealed to all members of the public came to the Admiralty, not just sightseeing, "To come out and walk (to) live."
- See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf

 "Finally, this story is my letter for: White House and President Barack Obama's demand investigation and supervision Mainland China miscellaneous total inhumane treatment of people., And ---
But also to urge the Hong Kong government rotten political rule of Hong Kong pro-establishment camp left DAB, the police administration, "Pepper Pen fog"
Impose on unarmed citizens, students, of which eighty seven students, the public attacks inexcusable apart,
DAB party members actually use the law to falsely flatter privilege "accounted for the two umbrella movement", the party actually beast bluster, not appease
Leung Chun-ying Gouzei people is abuse of power and police violence Za accountability hurt people and students, but one-sided to
Support Gouzei Leung Chun-ying and excessive powers of the Hong Kong police brutality (whether male / female), but will '' America / White House slander on 'account of the umbrella campaign' background and false accusations' 'American' for students, public financial assistance backing!
DAB Chinese Communist Party is the dominant tone of the genus hybrid corrupt political officials dirty Mainland, Hong Kong people to fight for democracy and freedom to support the demands of human rights law, the minimum number of personnel for the rule of politics.

Zhiling DAB thousand inhuman, unscrupulous livestock to people bully people less democratic, Liberal Party.
Therefore unscrupulous government officials and Leung Chun-ying beast Gouzei conspiracy, ignoring the demands of the people, regardless of public life by Viagra , treat the injured in the violent batons, and more on the eighty-seven rounds, including poison gas, harm the people of the body, "Pepper  fog "!!
And such jerk Gouguan, not impaired students, the public apology, the participants also intensified sue people, the peace movement. Now more framed American / White students, the public peace umbrella campaign money and support behind the plan sponsor!! !

Hong Kong's waste so rotten government does not respect the people,
More to the self-timer, "bin Laden" type of video to circumvent the people's discontent!!
People born human rights conferred were ignored, distorted people's dissatisfaction
This arrogant arrogance of Leung Chun-ying, Mrs Lam fox,
Only stop oppressing people, greedy ugly storm now, and still do not know regret wrong.
Gang beast umbrella movement for peace harm the general public,
I am now advised to the White House and President Obama Commissioner severe conduct a thorough investigation,
Prosecuted for those with the greatest beast of unarmed students in Hong Kong, the public, the Democratic Liberal Party groups physical harm on the International Tribunal on charges !!! "

        To my dearest only
                            White House special special and cordial generosity of President Obama
                                         Sincerely, ~ tiny MelodyRO

Note: see this tribe relevant news and videos to help forensic investigation, thank you!

Or check out the Apple Daily, New Tang Dynasty TV, BBC international network media, CDN.com...etc.
Have detailed information provided proof! Thanks again ~

或請査看蘋果日報,新唐人電視,BBC國際網媒,CDN.com  等等.





                                        渺小的   MelodyRO敬上~



(1). "Accounted for the" non-cooperation movement announced that the Government hold dialogue.
Update time: 2014-10-09 08:12 AM [New York time] -


"Accounted for the" non-cooperation movement announced that the Government hold dialogue

Update time: 2014-10-09 08:12 AM [New York time] - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf
 Click here to see the big picture
October 9, 2014, in order to meet the Occupy movement for true universal suffrage, Federation, school people thought, peace accounting, the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non-cooperation campaign to pressure the government. (XAUME OLLEROS / AFP / Getty Images)

[NTD October 9, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Xuhui An roundup) earlier today, in order to meet the Occupy movement for true universal suffrage, Federation , learn people thought, peace accounting for the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non- cooperative movement , to pressure the government. Around 19:00, the Chief Secretary, Mrs Carrie Lam, announced the move has shaken the foundation of dialogue, shelving and ACSF dialogue.

Lin Cheng: Full ACSF linked to dialogue with occupation

According to the "Hong Kong independent media network" face book the latest news, Carrie Lam, said this afternoon announced a new round of academic non-cooperation movement , revisit the decision to withdraw the NPC, for citizens to nominate, and by the dialogue called for more people for illegal assembly, has been shaken basis for dialogue, dialogue difficult tomorrow.

Mrs Lam believes, to universal suffrage and occupation separately, otherwise things more complicated, more difficult to solve.

As the government insists on dialogue to the NPC decisions, and the public to evacuate occupied these two principles, whether the "Conditions Precedent" dialogue, Mrs Lam said the dialogue between these two principles are not "pre-set" but dissatisfied Federation conversation Hook and occupation.

Mrs Lam also said that for the occupation has made the greatest patience, will continue to persuade the occupiers to leave. However, if Wu Liqing field? Lin Cheng did not respond, only emphasized the police to take appropriate action when appropriate.

Accounted for in : a new round of non-cooperation movement

It is reported that today close to the evening, the Federation, learn people thought, peace accounting, the Pan-China Legislative Council announced a new round of non-cooperation movement.

Federation Secretary-General Zhou Yongkang said that the government has not replied meeting place tomorrow. The Government must explain how to respond to public demands.

Federation stressed the need to stay occupied positions, will not lightly evacuation, continue strike, put pressure on the government through street politics, parliamentary protest, the Government does not respond, will not be able to govern Hong Kong.

Science China thought convener Huang Feng urged the public to adhere to the streets, and that if the government does not respond to the demands of high school students do not rule out launching a third strike.

Leong said the Civic Party, Leung Chun-ying has no governing legitimacy, Parliament will cooperate with the occupation movement, the Pan-China success in the Public Works and Finance Committee of the Establishment Subcommittee made chairman and deputy chairman, and the majority, will use funding authority, In addition to non-controversial, there is urgent funding provided "humanitarian channels", the rest of government funding will not be approved. Pan-China and will move to impeach Leung Chun-ying.

LSD refers Leung Kwok-hung, must firmly defend, appealed to all members of the public came to the Admiralty, not just sightseeing, "To come out and walk (to) live."

- See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf.

 (1).「佔中」宣佈不合作運動 港府擱置對話
更新時間: 2014-10-09 08:12 AM [紐約時間]

「佔中」宣佈不合作運動 港府擱置對話

更新時間: 2014-10-09 08:12 AM [紐約時間] - See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html#sthash.UIJhSHWA.dpuf
2014年10月9日,為了滿足真正的普選的佔領運動,協會,學校的人認為,和平核算,泛中國的立法會公佈新一輪的不合作運動,以向政府施壓。 XAUME OLLEROS/法新社/蓋蒂圖片社)

【新唐人2014年10月9日訊(記者台幣徐匯一綜合報導)今天早些時候,為了滿足真正的普選的佔領運動,協會,學會的人認為,和平佔泛中國的立法會公佈新一輪的非 - 合作社運動,向政府施壓。 19:00左右,政務司司長林鄭月娥宣布,此舉動搖了​​對話,擱置和學聯對話的基礎。













- 在查看更多: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf.


 (1). 협력 운동 "을 차지"정부가 대화를 개최한다고 발표했다.
업데이트 시간 : 2014년 10월 9일 오전 8시 12분 [뉴욕 시간] -

点此看大图片큰 그림을 보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오
2014년 10월 9일진정한 보통 선거에 대한 점령 운동을 충족하기 위해, 연맹, 학교 사람들은 평화 회계, 팬 - 중국 입법 회의정부압박하는 협력 운동의 새로운 라운드발표 생각했다. (XAUME OLLEROS / AFP / 게티 이미지)

[NTD2014년 10월 9일 로이터 (NTD 기자 서가 검거) 오늘 아침, 진정한 보통 선거에 대한 점령 움직임을 충족하기 위해, 연맹, 사람들이 생각하는 배우팬 - 중국 입법 회의를 차지 평화 의 새로운 라운드발표 - 협동 조합 운동은 정부에 압력을합니다. 19시 주위에, 수석 장관, 부인 캐리 , 이동, 대화, 선반 및 ACSF 대화의 기초를 흔들어했다고 발표했다.

: 전체 ACSF직업과의 대화에 연결

"홍콩 독립 미디어 네트워크"페이스 의 최신 뉴스, 캐리 에 따르면, 시민들이 지명 , NPC철회 할 수있는 결정을 다시 방문하고 대화에 의해, 오늘 오후에 학업 협력 운동의 새로운 라운드발표했다 불법 조립을위한 더 많은 사람을 촉구, 대화, 대화 어려운 내일 기초를 동요하고있다.

부인 보통 선거별도로 직업, 더 복잡한 다른 것들을 해결하기가 더 어렵다으로 생각합니다.

정부는 NPC 결정대화를 주장하고, 대중은 "선행 조건"대화, 부인 두 가지 원칙 사이의 대화는 "사전 설정"아니다 말했다 여부,이 두 가지 원칙차지하지만, 페더레이션 대화 후크 불만 대피으로 직업.

부인 은 또한 직업가장 큰 인내심을했다 위해, 떠나 점령설득하기 위해 계속했다. 그러나 Liqing 필드 경우? 응답하지 않았습니다 , 적절한 경우에만 적절한 조치를 취하도록 경찰을 강조했다.

협력 운동의 새로운 라운드 : 회계

그것은 저녁에 가까운 오늘, 연맹, 사람들이 생각 평화 회계배울 것을보고, 팬 - 중국 입법 회의 협력 운동의 새로운 라운드발표했다.

연합 사무 총장 저우 Yongkang의 정부가 내일 만남의 장소대답하지 않았다고 말했다. 정부는 대중의 요구에 응답하는 방법을 설명한다.

연맹점유 위치를 유지해야 할 필요성을 강조 파업계속 대피 가볍게하지 않습니다, ​​거리 정치, 의회 시위를 통해 정부넣어 압력, 정부는 홍콩을 관리 할 수 없습니다, ​​응답하지 않습니다.

과학 중국 소집 거리 준수하기 위해 공개촉구하고, 정부가 세 번째 파업을 시작 배제하지 않는 고등학교 학생들의 요구에 응답하지 않을 경우 생각했다.

레옹시민 파티, 양조위 이 더 지배 정당성, 의회점령 운동과 협력 할 것이다이 없습니다 말했다 설립 분과위원회공공 금융위원회팬 - 중국성공은 회장부회장, 그리고 대부분을합니다했다 논란뿐만 아니라, "인도 주의적 채널"정부 자금의 나머지 부분은 승인되지 않습니다 제공하는 긴급 자금자금 권한을 사용합니다. 팬 - 중국과양조위 탄핵하기 위해 이동합니다.

LSD 단단히 방어해야, 양조위 중단의미, 해군뿐만 아니라 관광, 국민모든 회원들에게 호소 "나와서 () 걸어."

- 에서보기 : http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf.

 (1).«Comptabilisés le« mouvement de non-coopération a annoncé que le gouvernement de tenir le dialogue.
Mettre à jour: 09/10/2014 08h12 [heure de New York] -

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9 octobre 2014, afin de répondre le mouvement d'occupation d'une véritable suffrage universel, la Fédération, les gens de l'école pensait, la comptabilité de la paix, le Conseil législatif Pan-Chine a annoncé une nouvelle série de campagne de non-coopération pour faire pression sur le gouvernement. (Xaume olleros / AFP / Getty Images)

[NTD 9 Octobre, 2014 Reuters (MTN journalistes Xuhui Une rafle) plus tôt aujourd'hui, afin de répondre le mouvement d'occupation d'une véritable suffrage universel, la Fédération, les gens pensaient savoir, la paix représente pour le Conseil législatif Pan-Chine a annoncé une nouvelle série de non - mouvement coopératif, à faire pression sur le gouvernement. Autour de 19h00, le secrétaire en chef, Mme Carrie Lam, a annoncé le déménagement a ébranlé les fondements du dialogue, de rayonnages et de dialogue de l'ACSF.

Lin Cheng: ACSF complet lié au dialogue avec l'occupation

Selon le "Hong Kong réseau de médias indépendants" visage livre les dernières nouvelles, Carrie Lam, a déclaré cet après-midi a annoncé une nouvelle série de académique mouvement de non-coopération, revoir la décision de retirer l'APN, pour les citoyens de désigner, et par le dialogue a appelé à davantage de personnes pour rassemblement illégal, a été ébranlée base pour le dialogue, le dialogue difficile demain.

Mme Lam estime que, au suffrage universel et de l'occupation séparément, sinon des choses plus compliquées, plus difficiles à résoudre.

Alors que le gouvernement insiste sur le dialogue pour les décisions NPC, et le public à évacuer occupé ces deux principes, si les «Conditions préalables» dialogue, Mme Lam a déclaré que le dialogue entre ces deux principes ne sont pas "pré-série" mais insatisfait Fédération conversation, Crochet et de l'occupation.

Mme Lam a également déclaré que pour l'occupation a fait la plus grande patience, va continuer à convaincre les occupants de partir. Toutefois, si le champ Wu Liqing? Lin Cheng n'a pas répondu, ne fait que souligner la police de prendre des mesures appropriées, le cas échéant.

Pris en compte dans: un nouveau cycle de mouvement de non-coopération

Il est rapporté que, aujourd'hui près de la soirée, la Fédération, apprendre les gens pensaient, la comptabilité de la paix, le Conseil législatif Pan-Chine a annoncé une nouvelle série de mouvement de non-coopération.

Fédération Secrétaire général Zhou Yongkang a indiqué que le gouvernement n'a pas répondu réunion demain. Le gouvernement doit expliquer comment répondre aux demandes du public.

Fédération a souligné la nécessité de rester postes occupés, ne sera pas à la légère évacuation, continuer la grève, la pression sur le gouvernement à travers la politique de la rue, protestation parlementaire, le gouvernement ne répond pas, ne sera pas en mesure de gouverner Hong Kong.

Sciences Chine a estimé animateur Huang Feng exhorté le public à adhérer à la rue, et que si le gouvernement ne répond pas à la demande des étudiants du secondaire ne pas exclure de lancer une troisième grève.

Leong dit le Parti civique, Leung Chun-ying n'a pas de légitimité au pouvoir, le Parlement va coopérer avec le mouvement d'occupation, le succès Pan-Chine dans des ouvrages et du Comité des finances publique du Sous-Comité d'établissement nommé président et vice-président, et la majorité, sera utiliser autorité de financement, en plus de non-controversé, il est urgent de financement fournis "canaux humanitaires», le reste du financement du gouvernement ne seront pas approuvés. Pan-Chine et se déplacer pour attaquer Leung Chun-ying.

LSD se réfère Leung Kwok-hung, doit défendre fermement, a lancé un appel à tous les membres du public sont venus à l'Amirauté, et pas seulement le tourisme, "Pour venir marcher (à) vivre."
- Voir plus: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf.

(1). "Konsistigis la" ne-kunlaboro movado anoncis ke la Registaro teni dialogon.
Ĝisdatigi epoko: 2014-10-09 08:12 AM [Novjorko tempo] -

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Oktobro 9, 2014, por renkonti la Occupy-movado por vera universala voĉdonado, Federacion, lernejo homoj pensis, paco librotenado, la Tut-Ĉinio Leĝdona Konsilio anoncis novan ĉirkaŭvojon de ne-kunlaboro kampanjo por premi al la registaro. (XAUME Olleros / AFP / Getty Images)

[NTD Oktobro 9, 2014 Reuters (NTD raportistoj Xuhui An ĉirkaŭiron) frue hodiaŭ, por plenumi la Occupy-movado por vera universala voĉdonado, Federacion, lerni homoj pensis, paco librotenado por la Pano-Ĉinio Leĝdona Konsilio anoncis novan ĉirkaŭvojon de ne - kunlabora movado, por premi al la registaro. Ĉirkaŭ 19:00, ĉefsekretario, Mrs Carrie Lam, anoncis la movadon skuis la fundamenton de dialogo, shelving kaj ACSF dialogo.

Lin Cheng: Plena ACSF ligita al dialogo kun okupacio

Laŭ la "Hong Kong sendependaj komunikiloj reto" multekosta libro la lastaj novaĵoj, Carrie Lam, diris posttagmeze anoncis novan ĉirkaŭvojon de akademiano ne-kunlaboro movado, reviziti la decido retiriĝi la NPC, por civitanoj nomumi, kaj por la dialogo alvokis pli da personoj por kontraŭleĝaj asembleo, estis skuita bazo de dialogo, dialogo malfacila morgaŭ.

Mrs Lam kredas, al la universala balotrajto kaj okupacio de aparta, alie aferoj pli komplikaj, pli malfacila por solvi.

Kiel la registaro insistas dialogo al la NPC decidojn, kaj la publiko evakui okupis tiujn du principojn, ĉu la "Kondiĉoj Precedenco" dialogo, Mrs Lam diris la dialogon inter tiuj du principoj ne estas "pre-aro" sed malkontenta Federacio konversacio Hook kaj okupado.

Mrs Lam ankaŭ diris ke la okupacio kreis la plej grandan paciencon, sekvos persvadi la okupantoj eliri. Tamen, se Wu Liqing kampo? Lin Cheng ne respondis, nur emfazis la polico por preni konvenajn mezurojn kiam taŭgas.

Konsistigis en: nova ĉirkaŭvojo de ne-kunlaboro movado

Oni informis, ke hodiaŭ proksime al la vespero, la Federacio, lerni homoj pensis, paco librotenado, la Tut-Ĉinio Leĝdona Konsilio anoncis novan ĉirkaŭvojon de ne-kunlaboro movado.

Federacio Ĝenerala Sekretario Zhou Yongkang diris ke la registaro ne respondis renkontiĝejo morgaŭ. La Registaro devas klarigi kiel respondi al publikaj postuloj.

Federacio emfazis la bezonon resti okupita pozicioj, volo ne leĝere evakuado, daŭrigi striko, meti premon sur la registaro tra strato politiko, parlamenta protesto, la Registaro ne respondas, ne povos regi Hongkongo.

Scienco Ĉinio pensis convener Huang Feng urĝis la publika aliĝi al la stratoj, kaj ke se la registaro ne respondas al la petoj de mezlernejanoj ne forĵetas ĵeti trian strikon.

Leong diris la Civic Party, Leung Chun-Ying ne regas legitimeco, Parlamento kunlaboros kun la okupacio movado, la Tut-Ĉinujo sukceso en la Public Works kaj Finance Committee de la Starigo Subcomité faris prezidanto kaj deputito prezidanto, kaj la plimulto, estos uzi fundojn auxtoritato krom ne-polemika, estas urĝa fundoj havigis "humana kanaloj", la resto de registaro fundoj ne estos aprobita. Pan-Ĉinio kaj moviĝos Impeach Leung Chun-Ying.

LSD referencas Leung Kwok-hung, devas firme defendi, apelaciis al ĉiuj membroj de la publiko venis al la Almirantazgo, ne nur sightseeing, "eliri kaj promeni (al) loĝas."

- Vidu pli ĉe: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/b5/2014/10/09/a1144871.html&usg=ALkJrhhTrn4zOGSB--tmpTd32mi1_YYM6A#sthash.e4xndhvm.dpuf.


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Wine Fair moved to the cruise terminal


 ■ Wine and Dine Festival, held this year's change in the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. 王俊龙 photo.

[Umbrella Revolution 13 days]
Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival WASHINGTON Tourist Development Council, scheduled for four days on the 30th of this month the new Central waterfront location held, but exhibitors HKTB yesterday received notice sudden changes take place in the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, Exhibitors may choose to continue to participate, won tickets participation fees concessions, or exit to retrieve the full costs. It is understood that the Government in due account yet resolved, so the green light to change the location. Refers to the cruise terminal exhibitors inaccessible, difficult attracting people to decide retreat exhibition; trip Parliament are worried that the influx of withdrawal leads unfinished.
Reporter: Long Cai Qing 袁柏恩 Wine and Dine Festival debut in millet frozen Chief Executive Officer CHEUNG Yiu Sing said it has ordered a large number of wild deer in New Zealand, grass-fed lamb, etc., for the spectators tasting, yesterday received the HKTB sudden notice from the venue Originally the new Central waterfront, to the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. Exhibitors may choose to continue participating, four percent participation fees refunded; or opt out, get back the full participation fees, deadline reply today, "Nuisance letter made it clear that the reason to change the location, but the system we all share the same assessment related."

Traffic inconvenience, "not even to take a taxi."

CHEUNG Yiu Sing criticism redirected Kai Tak cruise terminal, the traffic is very inconvenient, "Pulled degree entirely Nuisance public transport, the General Assembly would arrange shuttle bus, but people are so hard to attract tourists to the Department or though a lot of goods set Zo exhibitors, they are all decided to quit. " He believes that many SMEs will choose to retire exhibition.
Dining is responsible for promoting French culture Sopexa responsible Anita said that this exhibition stalls rented more than 20 exhibitors from France, Bordeaux and other wine or food and beverage company, has just received notice to change locations, but will continue to exhibitors, "Kai Tak every department involving GOD, GOD transportation company will do more publicity arrangements, multi GOD concessions, abortion should be OK. "
It is understood that the HKTB original Wine and Dine Festival held in Central Lands outer space, but accounted for in government departments think so severely blocked traffic in the area, causing impact on logistics and transport, "the stage, the sound, the wine must be large trucks directly arrival at the venue, the road is blocked or traffic congestion, the impact of site layout with events held. "
Sources said previously held Wine and Dine Festival of the West Kowloon project has been carried out, can not do activities; open space next to the new site located at Kai Tak cruise terminal building, a new waterfront area and Central Pavilion similar, but the lack of lead time, the scale may reduced.
Travel Industry Council chairman Michael Wu pointed out that changes to the Wine and Dine Festival at Kai Tak will affect the public and visitors to participate in sentiment, "Kai Tak Link convenient transportation Well, not even to even take a taxi, it will certainly affect the flow."

If more than half of the exhibitors or unfinished exit

He said he expects some of the local exhibitors retreat, foreign exhibitors are caught in a dilemma, "GOD European exhibitors wine vintners have been shipped tight GOD come out and walk, then suddenly changed Kai Tak, should participate; anticipation Wushao disputes, even in conjunction with the HKTB to pursue compensation. " Worst case, if more than half of the exhibitors of withdrawal, Wine and Dine Festival at any unfinished. HKTB said the decision and details announced later.


美酒展 移師郵輪碼頭


【雨傘革命 第13天】
【本報訊】旅遊發展局主辦的香港美酒佳餚巡禮,原定 本月30日一連四天選址中環新海濱舉行,但參展商昨突接獲旅發局通知改在啟德郵輪碼頭舉行,參展商可選擇繼續參加,獲六折參展費優惠,或退出取回全數費 用。據了解,港府因佔中暫未解決,於是拍板更改地點。有參展商指郵輪碼頭交通不便,難吸引人流,決定退展;旅議會擔心會出現退展潮導致爛尾。
記者:蔡朗清 袁柏恩
首 次參加美酒佳餚巡禮的小米凍肉行政總裁張耀成表示,已經在新西蘭訂購大量野生鹿肉、草飼羊肉等,供入場人士試食,昨突收到旅發局通知,將舉辦地點由原本中 環新海濱,改為啟德郵輪碼頭。參展商可選擇繼續參展,獲退回四成參展費;或選擇退出,取回全數參展費,限期今日回覆,「封信冇講明更改地點原因,但係大家 都估同佔中有關」。




他說,預計部份本港參展商會打退堂鼓,外國參展商則進退兩難,「啲歐洲參展酒商已經運緊啲酒嚟,突然間話改啟德,都要參加;預料會有唔少爭拗,甚至會同旅 發局追究賠償」。最壞情況,若過半參展商退展,美酒佳餚巡禮隨時爛尾。旅發局稱稍後公佈決定及詳情。


와인 박람회 크루즈 터미널로 이동

 와인과 식사 축제 ■, 카이 탁 크루즈 터미널에서 올해의 변경을 개최했다. 王俊龙 사진.

[우산 혁명 십삼일]
홍콩 와인과 새로운 중앙 해안 지역에 위치하고 개최 이달 30 일에 사일 예정 식사 축제 워싱턴 관광 개발위원회,하지만 전시 HKTB 어제 예고 급격한 변화가 카이 탁 크루즈 터미널에서 개최받은 전시, 계속 참여하도록 선택 티켓에게 참가비의 양보를 원하거나 종료는 전체 비용을 검색 할 수 있습니다. 인한 계정의 정부가 아직 해결 것으로 이해되므로, 녹색광은 위치를 변경. 크루즈 터미널 참가를 말합니다 액세스 할 수없는 사람들이 후퇴 전시회를 결정 유치 곤란, 여행 의회가 철수의 유입이 미완성 리드 걱정입니다.
기자 : 기장의 롱 카이 청나라 袁柏恩 와인과 식사 데뷔 축제 냉동 최고 경영자 (CEO) CHEUNG Yiu 노래는 어제 장소에서 HKTB 갑자기 통지를받은, 그것은 맛 관중 등 뉴질랜드, 잔디 공급 양고기, 야생 사슴의 큰 숫자를 주문했다고 밝혔다 카이 탁 크루즈 터미널에 원래 새 중앙 부두. 참가 업체는 환불, 4 %의 참가비를 계속 참여하도록 선택할 수 있습니다 또는 옵트 아웃, 전체 참가비를 다시 얻을 마감 응답이 오늘, "성가신 편지는 분명히 이유가 위치를 변경하는 것을 만들었지 만, 시스템 우리 같은 평가와 관련된 모든 주."

교통 불편, "심지어 택시를 이용하지."

그들은 모두, CHEUNG Yiu 노래 비판 재 카이 탁 크루즈 터미널, 트래픽을 뽑아도 완전히 성가신 대중 교통이 총회는 셔틀 버스를 주선 것 "매우 불편하지만, 사람들은 배리의 참가를 설정 한 부서 또는 제품을 많이하지만 관광객을 유치하기 위해 열심히 아르 종료하기로 결정했다. " 그는 많은 중소기업이 전시회를 은퇴를 선택할 것이라고 믿고있다.
식사는 Sopexa 책임 아니타이 전시 노점 위치를 변경하는 프랑스,​​ 보르도 등 와인과 음식 및 음료 회사, 그냥받은 통지에서 20 개 이상의 전시를 임대했다 프랑스 문화 홍보에 대한 책임이지만, 전시를 계속 할 것 "카이 탁 모든 부서 하나님은 더 많은 홍보 준비를 할 것입니다 하나님 운송 회사, 멀티 하나님의 양보, 낙태 확인해야합니다 포함. "
이 HKTB 원래 와인과 식사 축제 물류 및 운송에 미치는 영향은, "무대, 소리, 와인이 직접 대형 트럭해야 원인, 중앙 토지 우주 공간에서 개최하지만, 정부 부처에 심하게 지역에서 트래픽을 차단 생각 차지하고 있음을 알 수있다 장소에 도착은, 도로가 차단되거나 교통 혼잡 개최 이벤트와 사이트 레이아웃의 영향. "
소스는 이전에 와인을 개최, 상기와 웨스트 구룡 프로젝트의 식사 축제 활동을 할 수 없으며, 수행 된, 열린 공간을 카이 탁 크루즈 터미널 빌딩, 새로운 워터 프론트 영역과 유사한 중앙 파빌리온에있는 새로운 사이트하지만, 리드 타임의 부족, 규모는 수도 옆에 감소했다.
여행 산업 협회의 회장 마이클 우 카이 탁의 와인과 식사 축제에 대한 변경 사항은 공공 및 방문자가 심리에 참여하도록 영향을 미칠 것이라고 지적했다 "카이 탁 링크 편리한 교통 음, 심지어 심지어 택시를 이용, 그것은 확실히 흐름에 영향을 미칠 것입니다."

만약 전시 또는 미완성 출구의 절반 이상

그는 현지 참가 업체 중 일부는 외국 참가 업체가 하나님 유럽 전시 와인 양조 하나님이 나와​​서 도보로 꽉 제공되었을 딜레마 "에 잡힌 후퇴 기대한다고 말했다, 갑자기 카이 탁 변경, 참여해야한다 기대를 분쟁 Wushao도 HKTB와 함께 보상을 추구합니다. " 최악의 경우,있는 경우 미완성에서 철수, 와인과 식사 축제의 참가 업체의 절반 이상. HKTB는 의사 결정 및 세부 사항은 추후 공지했다.


Foire aux vins déplacé vers le terminal de croisière

 ■ Vin et Dine Festival, qui s'est tenue le changement de cette année dans le Tak Cruise Terminal Kai. 王俊龙 photo.

[Révolution Umbrella 13 jours]
Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival WASHINGTON Conseil de Développement Touristique, prévue pendant quatre jours sur le 30 de ce mois, le nouvel emplacement en bord de mer centrale a tenu, mais les exposants BTHK a reçu hier remarquez des changements brusques ont lieu dans le Tak Cruise Terminal Kai, Les exposants peuvent choisir de continuer à participer, a remporté billets participation frais concessions, ou à la sortie pour récupérer la totalité des coûts. Il est entendu que le gouvernement en tenant compte encore résolu, si le feu vert pour modifier l'emplacement. Fait référence aux exposants de terminaux de croisière inaccessible, difficile d'attirer les gens à décider exposition de retraite, voyage Parlement craignent que l'afflux de retrait entraîne inachevé.
Reporter: Fête du Vin et Dine débuts de Long Cai Qing mil congelés chef de la direction CHEUNG Yiu Chantez dit qu'il a ordonné un grand nombre de cerfs sauvages en Nouvelle-Zélande, nourri à l'herbe agneau, etc, pour les spectateurs de dégustation, a reçu hier l'avis soudaine BTHK du lieu l'origine, le nouveau front de mer central, au Tak Cruise Terminal Kai. Les exposants peuvent choisir de continuer à participer, quatre frais de participation pour cent remboursé, ou retirer, récupérer les frais de participation complètes, date limite de réponse aujourd'hui ", lettre de nuisance a clairement indiqué que la raison de modifier l'emplacement, mais le système que nous partageons tous la même appréciation liée."

Trafic inconvénients ", pas même à prendre un taxi."

CHEUNG Yiu Chantez critique redirigé Kai Tak de terminal de croisière, le trafic est très gênant, "degré Tiré transport public entièrement nuisance, l'Assemblée générale organiser navette, mais les gens sont si difficiles à attirer les touristes dans le département ou si beaucoup de produits figurant exposants Zo, ils sont tous décidé d'arrêter ". Il croit que de nombreuses PME choisissent de prendre leur retraite exposition.
Salle est chargé de promouvoir la culture française Sopexa Anita responsable a déclaré que cette exposition stands loués plus de 20 exposants venus de France, Bordeaux et autres avis de vin ou de la nourriture et des boissons compagnie, vient de recevoir à changer de lieu, mais continuera à exposants, "Kai Tak chaque département impliquant DIEU, société de transport Dieu fera plus de modes de publicité, les concessions multi-Dieu, l'avortement devrait être OK ".
Il est entendu que le vin d'origine BTHK et Dine Festival eu lieu dans les terres centrales de l'espace extra-atmosphérique, mais pris en compte dans les ministères pense donc sérieusement bloqué la circulation dans la région, à l'origine impact sur la logistique et le transport, "la scène, le son, le vin doit être gros camions directement arrivée sur les lieux, la route est bloquée ou la congestion du trafic, l'impact de l'aménagement du site avec des événements organisés ".
Sources dit précédemment contenu du vin et Dine Festival du projet West Kowloon a été réalisée, ne peut pas faire des activités; espace ouvert à côté du nouveau site situé à Kai Tak bâtiment terminal de croisière, un nouveau front de mer et le Pavillon Central similaire, mais le manque de temps de plomb, l'échelle peut réduite.
Président du Conseil de l'industrie Voyage Michael Wu a souligné que les changements à la fête du vin et dîner à Kai Tak auront une incidence sur le public et les visiteurs à participer à un sentiment, "Kai Tak Lien transport commode Eh bien, pas même encore de prendre un taxi, il va certainement affecter le flux."

Si plus de la moitié des exposants ou sortie inachevé

Il a dit qu'il s'attend à ce que quelques-uns des exposants locaux retraite, les exposants étrangers sont pris dans un dilemme, "DIEU exposants européens vignerons de vin ont été expédiés serré DIEU sortir et de marcher, puis tout à coup changé de Kai Tak, devraient participer; anticipation Wushao différends, même en collaboration avec le BTHK de poursuivre compensation ". Pire des cas, si plus de la moitié des exposants de retrait, de vin et Dine Festival à tout inachevé. BTHK dit que la décision et les détails annoncés plus tard.


Vino Foiro movis al la transepto fina

 ■ Wine kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo, tenis ĉijara ŝanĝo en la Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. 王俊龙 foto/

[Umbrella Revolution 13 tagoj]
Hong Kong Wine kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo VAŜINGTONO Tourist Development Council, planita por kvar tagoj en la 30a de tiu monato la nova Centra Waterfront situo tenis, sed expositores HKTB hieraŭ ricevis avizon subita ŝanĝoj okazos en la Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, expositores povas elekti daŭrigi partopreni, gajninta biletoj partopreno kotizoj koncesioj aŭ eliro al ricevi la plenan kostoj. Ĝi komprenas ke la Registaro gxustatempe konton solvita, do la verdan lumon por ŝanĝi la situon. Referencas al la transepto fina expositores nealirebla, malfacila altirante homoj decidi retiriĝo ekspozicio; vojaĝo Parlamento estas maltrankviligita ke la enfluo de retiriĝo kondukas nefinita.
Raportisto: Longa Cai Qing 袁柏恩 Wine kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo debut en mileo glaciiĝinta Chief Executive Officer Cheung Yiu Kantu diris ĝi ordigis grandan nombron de sovaĝaj cervoj en Nov-Zelando, herbo-nutritaj ŝafido ktp, por spektantoj gustumas, hieraŭ ricevis la HKTB subita anonco de la ejo Origine la nova Centra Waterfront, la Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. Expositores povas elekti daŭre partopreni, kvar procentoj partopreno kotizoj reintegrados; aŭ desvincularse, reiri plena partopreno kotizoj, limdato respondon hodiaŭ, "Lio letero klarigis ke la kialo por ŝanĝi la situon, sed la sistemo ni ĉiuj dividas la saman taksadon rilatigitaj."

Trafiko malkomforto, "ne eĉ preni taksion."

Cheung Yiu Kantu kritiko redirigido Kai Tak transepto fina, la trafiko estas tre maloportuna, "Pulled grado tute Lio publika transporto, la Ĝenerala Asembleo devus aranĝi shuttle buso, sed homoj estas tiel malfacile por altiri turistojn al la Fako aŭ kvankam multajn posedajxojn starigis zo expositores, ili ĉiuj decidis forlasi. " Li kredas ke multaj pymes elektos retiriĝi ekspozicio.
Manĝoĉambro estas respondeca por promocii franca kulturo Sopexa respondeca Anita diris ke ĉi tiu ekspozicio stalojn luis pli ol 20 expositores de Francio, Burdeos kaj aliaj vino aŭ manĝaĵo kaj trinkaĵo kompanio, ĵus ricevis avizon ŝanĝi lokojn, sed daŭre expositores, "Kai Tak ĉiu fako engaĝante DIO, DIO transporto kompanio faros pli publikeco aranĝoj, multi DIO koncesioj, aborto devus esti en ordo. "
Ĝi komprenas ke la HKTB originalaj Wine kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo okazinta en Centra Teroj ekstera spaco, sed reprezentis en registaraj fakoj pensas tiel severe blokis trafikon en la areo, kaŭzante trafon sur loĝistiko kaj transportado, "la scenejo, la sono, la vino devas esti grandaj kamionoj rekte alveno al la ejo, la vojo estas blokita aŭ trafiko kongesto, la trafo de loko aranĝo kun eventoj okazis. "
Fontoj diris antaŭe tenis Wine kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo de la Okcidenta Kowloon projekto estis efektivigita, ne povas fari aktivecojn; malferma spaco apud la nova loko situas ĉe Kai Tak transepto fina konstruaĵo, nova Waterfront areo kaj Centra Pavilono similaj, sed la manko de plumbo tempo, la skalo may reduktita.
Vojaĝado Industry Council prezidanto Michael Wu atentigis ke ŝanĝoj de la Vino kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo ĉe Kai Tak tuŝos la publiko kaj vizitantoj partopreni en la sento, "Kai Tak Link oportuna transporto Nu, eĉ ne eĉ preni taksion, ĝi certe influas la fluon."

Se pli ol duono de la expositores aŭ nefinita eliro

Li diris ke li atendas kelkajn el la lokaj expositores retiriĝi, fremdaj expositores implikigxintaj en dilemo, "DIO Eŭropa expositores vino vintners estis senditaj firme DIO eliras kaj marŝas, tiam subite ŝanĝis Kai Tak, devus partopreni; anticipación Wushao kvereloj, eĉ kunlabore kun la HKTB persekuti kompenso. " Plej malbona kazo, se pli ol duono de la expositores de retiriĝo, Wine kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo en ajna nefinita. HKTB diris la decido kaj detaloj anoncita poste.


[Revolution] Liang Qi Xin umbrella warning message otherwise withdraw foreign media defamation charges

 facebook screenshot.

 [11:30] message daughter Liang Qi Xin, chief executive Leung Chun-ying on facebook posting, warning "Daily Mail", "Huffington Post" (England), "Business Insider" and a number of foreign media, must withdraw the article and a public apology Otherwise, she will take legal action in the absence of choice, the sue for libel. She then issued a document which refers glad he studied law, and "defamation" is the category she was most interested and most familiar.

Since the Government to tear gas to suppress a peaceful student demonstration, the Hong Kong Occupy movement has become the focus of international media, and social networking sites are often published in the thoughts of Qi Xin Liang, has become the object reported.

[Umbrella] 16:00 live the revolution
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive


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 【11時30分消息】特首梁振英女兒梁齊昕於facebook發文,警告《每日郵報》、《赫芬頓郵報》(英國)、《商業內幕》等多家外國媒體,必須撤回文 章並公開道歉,否則她將在沒有選擇情況下採取法律行動,控告誹謗。她其後再發文,指慶幸自己修讀法律,而「誹謗」是她最有興趣和最熟悉的範疇。


YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive

 (4). http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20141010/18895659

Mainland netizens support Hong Kong to be occupied Tiananmen Square

 ■ Avalon self-style protest raids will be conducted prior to the presidential palace. Taiwan, "Apple Daily".

Hong Kong action into account in the first 13 days, the mainland netizens have launched six week adventure "occupied Tiananmen" action to solidarity with the democratic movement in Hong Kong. It is reported, accounting for day of action will also be holding an umbrella for the cypher mark, Wangfujing as an alternative venue.

Holding an umbrella for identification cypher

In the social networking site Twitter yesterday issued a document from the mainland Internet users, known as the solidarity of the people of Hong Kong accounted action plan initiated by the occupation of Tiananmen action on Saturday, awakening the public and petitioners appealed to friends by word of mouth, to take part. Action time is 10:00 to 17:00, participants in holding umbrellas to recognize cypher; tight blockade by the authorities if Tiananmen Square, in front of the McDonald's restaurant near Wangfujing Street will serve as an alternative set of venues. It is said that the Mainland, Hong Kong accounted for solidarity movement who were summoned who has more than 40 people.
In addition, Taiwan accounted for protesters to follow in the form of hand-held umbrellas near the presidential palace once occupied intersection. 4:00 yesterday afternoon, Avalon will be about 50 members of self-help for employers to protest pension arrears, armed with a yellow pen to write on the number "28" in black umbrella, a symbol of modification "of the Labor Standards Law" Article 28 demands, raid presidential palace protest, was occupied Chongqing North Road, Taipei City Baoqing intersection corner.
Person will be responsible for self-help, support black umbrella disability to express their national government dead condolences. With the approach of double ten, a large number of police surrounded the scene, protesters lifted one by one by the police from the scene.
Twitter / Taiwan, "Apple Daily"

  (4). http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20141010/18895659

內地網民撐港 擬佔領天安門


香港佔中行動踏入第13天,有內地網民冒險發起本周六「佔領天安門」行動,以聲援香港民主運動。據悉,佔天行動也將以手拿雨傘為暗號標記,王府井作為備選 場地。


由內地網民昨日在社交網站Twitter發文,稱為了聲援港人的佔中行動,計劃周六發起佔領天安門行動,呼籲覺醒人士及訪民朋友口耳相傳、踴躍參加。行動 時間為上午10時到下午5時,參與者以手拿雨傘為識別暗號;如果天安門廣場被當局嚴密封鎖,附近王府井大街的麥當勞餐廳門前將作為備選的集合場地。有消息 稱,內地因聲援香港佔中運動而遭拘傳者已超過40人。


[Bell] kindness housewife occupied bed stays accounted bell donated 50

 A charcoal (left) points out to the public because of dissatisfaction with police tear gas and join the occupation. (PAN Bailin She)

[03] When the message 19 minutes to learn the people who thought a tent called for a long-term struggle, there are good-hearted people I sent out 50 beds volunteer station supplies the rest. There are volunteers to disclose their donors is a housewife friend, originally planned to donate 30 beds, noted that volunteers need 50, immediately overweight. It is understood that the original price 500 yuan per bed, the seller to the purchase price 300 yuan a sale, that the entire donor action with 15,000 yuan.

Stationed outside the Red Cross station A carbon material that he usually does not care about politics, but because the police manhandled the students, the 13th consecutive night of stay Admiralty and never returned home, volunteers nicknamed him "Daddy." He was referring to the case of nervous at first one week, the 7th slept a total of less than 10 hours, by refreshing beverage "hardcore", even if only on the grounds of sleep and sleep also, but there are good-hearted people to donate bed, so he finally can sleep well.

[Umbrella] http://umbrella.appledaily.com revolution



【03時19分消息】學民思潮呼籲一人一帳篷長期抗爭,有善心市民送出50張單人床予物資站義工休息。有義工透露捐贈人是一名家庭主婦及其朋友,原本計劃 捐30張床,得悉義工需要50張,立即加碼。據了解每張單人床原價500元,賣家以入貨價300元一張出售,即整個捐助行動用1.5萬元。

駐 守紅十字會外物資站的阿炭指,自己平時不關心政治,但因為警方粗暴對待學生,已連續13日與夜留守金鐘未曾返家,義工暱稱他「老豆」。他指起初一星期情況 緊張,7日合共只睡不足10小時,靠提神飲料「死撐」,即使睡覺亦只是席地而睡,而有善心人捐贈單人床,令他終於可好好睡覺。



What do good definition?!
Probably everyone has a consensus
Advocate is to make the subject well spent.

Communist Party as corrupt as the continent full of suffering, had been disasters, regardless of seasons, in case of flood, fire, typhoon, earthquake. Artificial poison gas disaster victims is difficult to ignore the continent from corrupt cases, each one giving a winter cotton quilt Zhang, hey,
This is a billion people hybrid governance process, and how the population is not 1.3 billion Well, among the three hundred million years is not emigrate to this human organ harvesting from living hybrids killed.
Often useful when sophistry of, took advantage of the billions of people as a shield, wild dogs better than its bastard,
Shamelessly taking advantage of people. Quedui dissidents people do everything possible to deal with!
Hybrids that understand conscience and human touch, never seen it from democracy,
So hybrid is the hybrid, more than the beasts cheap price
Difficult for frontline reporters covering, Journalists who endured it's full of bloody Tsui Pen words.
May be more damage to the body than those of tear gas, please toiled reporters, Journalists who take care ah!! ^
                tiny Melody.Blog


          渺小的  Melody.Blog


''Government incompetence dogs @ 689, and Lin Cheng month old fox of the same stench big nostrils,
Greedy, students, citizens fight for genuine universal suffrage insincere !!! @

'' With has become increasingly news, mapping out the Hong Kong government,
Female officials, to the size of the occasion (whether public / non-public type).
Are addicted to drink foreign wines, red wine, white wine, wine series,
This female officials of the government tax collection department in which a planner.
Often subject to tax when the Hong Kong government, only to impose a cigarette tax series,
It was suggested from the levy but not wine, liquor taxes.
This proves that Hong Kong would be more establishment faction officials,
Collusion between government officials, mutual benefit,
Oppress ordinary people only focus a little hobby,
Not fair plucking profits tax.
Establishment of the Communist faction in the great DAB corrupt henchmen,
Zhigu collusion, ignoring the demands of people's lives.
Shameful beast !!!

''Speaking Lin Zheng months old fox insincere.
On for what to talk about that stuff Conclave Mainland pug one, what name is not clear,
It is wise to go home by the door talking Conclave !!!?
Mainland to Hong Kong people as they really fool it !!? Dull Mody !! ?????
Ibid; see the same day news ---> "Wine and Dine Festival moved to Kai Tak six fold wine market rent to stay"
"Wine Fair moved to the cruise terminal" ---- ** ** Hong Kong's Apple Daily reported.
Some people ignore the people's livelihood, ignore the demands,
Only care about selfishness, you can see the title.
Food & Wine Kai Tak (former Hong Kong the Airport) 6 fold,
Tickets so obvious, hey, hey, [ridiculed .... corrupt]
--- The corrupt officials secretly attracted to each independent music, not more money out to buy liquor.
Also do not pay taxes such as cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Rotten government of Hong Kong, the mainland are all a bunch of corrupt dispatch
When corrupt officials in the Mainland have had a clean,
Some are honest and upright official Communist persecution caused his sudden loss of DTT / imprisonment / death.
Continental fake goods particularly, even the personality is hypocritical in the end.
Communists did not save the continent, shame the Chinese sage who face its first contributor,
This and other livestock also spurn unscrupulous land Pa! @

''Hong Kong officials also some shameless waste dependents,
It shows the attitude of arrogance related remarks
Its greed, arrogance relatives with out a thorough recklessly.
China's Yan sages first language is just a metaphor =
Like father like son / daughter.!!
Unless corrupt infertility, told him one of his generation yoshikidai,
Disrespectful of others, arrogant attitude, stench large, self-righteous ... etc.
Have a low quality of this yoshikidai heads how to manage their children ~ ~ ~ Ye
How Tube Metallurgical Society ~ ~!!
Rotten bear @ !! shameful !!!

''Hybrid talk mainland people's absurd theory of governance.
More than a month before the early mention it to people considered political rule of tools
When useless people in the mainland, living in buildings 10,000 deterrence as monitoring, the
Mobile homes are installed with all the listening tools.
Only the Communist tyrants news right news,
Who one o'clock dissent would blockade the network, in jail,
So that people can not see the Mainland / hear the real news / knowledge.
Such a blockade confinement of political retrogression,
People fear their own country against dictatorship.
Well, today's Tiananmen Square rally
Mainland is the same as the human voice call sign,
They were forced to pressure in the long term, toxic, urban / Police threatened to pay bribes received red packets, only to not be falsely declare The / bear trap harmful 'unwarranted' s prison on charges of being, and then be more greedy Mainland black officer the bully with huge money transactions .... life is corrupt, public security, urban management constantly bullied / suppress !!! @
Today's mainland netizens spontaneously in Tiananmen Square Plaza, rally.
Hong Kong is mainly solidarity for peace and love, fight for democracy and freedom of thought people learn, the Federation Council of large pro-Democratic Party in the three sub-accounts for each combination of social rank 'strike does not stop learning' '= * umbrella movement for democracy and freedom * ! =

''Whether the parties mainland people, the major democracies of Western Europe, a large American Empire, Japan, Taiwan, the three places accounted for in solidarity,
Southeast Asian states each of friendship, even all the countries on the Pacific coastline, are condemned brutal authoritarian Communist mainland China, Hong Kong people want is the head of government of Hong Kong people's vote has been selected from the region, and internal officials, not the brutal nine Pa down right filthy stream !!!
Hong Kong's wealthy have poor economy may have life savings of the middle class,
And the same in every city in the world, but the history / background of Hong Kong people do not in Hong Kong,
So by 1997 after waiting more than 30 years of freedom and democracy in Hong Kong,
The student movement by citizens, civic auditorium in one after another from the conscience awakening. Erupted from the blood sport!

''Technologically advanced in 2014, information seeking simple answers can be found online,
As I like ignorance is the great God by Google search various kinds of information in taste.

''In our previous generation or longer on the previous generation, my mother's grandfather's,
Today's network is not as simple wonderful,
Often we can only ask parents / friends / teachers encountered problems.
But this is different from the past, a lot of knowledge is this generation teenager, teenagers know more clearer than the previous generation.
So busy to work to earn money to feed their families earn elders / parents, have forgotten their own lives in the city
Rights and responsibilities and obligations within at this time Hong Kong people to vote for the election of democracy and freedom, conscience and sense
Wake up, is one of the most precise gravity peace movement, which makes the world peace movement caring!
Proved fair, equality, the concept of peace is with the majority of internationally recognized human survival as witness and thinking
Victoria, do not want to be the continent's political corruption and the rule of bully tarnished! Hong Kong people do not want to be slaves of the Communist Party of China dirty puppet,
Therefore, the Pearl of the Orient people stood up and walked the streets, to the pedantic political rule of the Black Hand, majestic to say "no"! -

        Yours sincerely small as dust Melody ~










       渺小如塵   Melody衷心敬上~


''정부의 무능력은 689 @ 개, 같은 악취 큰 콧 구멍의 린 쳉 개월 된 여우,
욕심, 학생, 시민들은 진정한 보통 선거의 성의를위한 싸움! @

"점점 뉴스가 홍콩 정부를 매핑하고있다으로 '',
여성 공무원, 행사의 크기 (공개 / 비공개 여부 형).
외국 와인, 레드 와인, 화이트 와인, 와인 시리즈를 마시는 중독되어,
정부의 세금 징수 부서에서 계획의이 여성 공무원.
홍콩 정부가 만 담배 세금 시리즈를 부과하는 경우 납세 종종 따라
그것은 부과 아니라 와인, 주류 세금에서 제안되었다.
이 홍콩보다 설립 파 공무원이 될 것이라고 증명
정부 관리들 사이의 담합, 상호 이익,
보통 사람들은 약간의 취미에 초점을 억압,
아니 공정 따 버릴 이익 세금.
큰 DAB 손상 졸개의 공산주의 진영의 설립,
사람들의 삶의 요구를 무시 Zhigu 담합.
부끄러운 짐승!

"불성실 '말하기 린 청 개월 여우.
그 물건 비밀 결사 본토 퍼그 일에 대해 무엇을 이야기하기에, 분명 어떤 이름이 아닙니다
그것은 비밀 결사 이야기 문 옆에 집에 가서하는 것이 현명하다!?
그들은 정말 바보로 홍콩 사람들에게 본토!? 둔한 MODY! ?????
같은 책; 같은 날 뉴스를 참조 ---> "와인과 식사 축제 머물 여섯 배 와인 시장 임대료 카이 탁으로 이동"
"와인 박람회 크루즈 터미널로 이동"---- ** 홍콩의 애플 데일리가 보도했다.
어떤 사람들은 요구를 무시하고, 국민의 생활을 무시,
오직 당신 만이이 제목을 볼 수 이기심에 대한 관심.
6 배 음식과 와인 카이 탁 (공항 전 홍콩),
티켓 그리 명확, 헤이, 헤이, [조롱 .... 손상]
--- 부패한 관리 몰래 술을 구입하는 각각의 독립적 인 음악을하지 더 많은 돈을 끌었다.
또한 담배 및 기타 담배 제품 등의 세금을 납부하지 않습니다.
홍콩의 썩은 정부, 본토가 손상 파견의 모든 무리 아르
본토에서 부패한 관리가 깨끗하고 있었다 때,
일부는 정직하고 똑바로 공식 공산당의 박해는 DTT / 감금 / 죽음을 그의 갑자기 발생합니다.
대륙의 가짜 제품 특히, 심지어 성격은 결국 위선적이다.
공산주의자들은, 수치 최초의 기여에 직면 중국어 세이지, 대륙을 저장하지 않은
이것과 다른 가축도 파렴치한 땅 아빠를 일축! @

''홍콩 당국 일부 뻔뻔한 폐기물 부양,
그것은 오만과 관련된 발언의 태도를 보여줍니다
그 탐욕, 무모 철저한 밖으로 오만 친척.
중국의 얀 = 첫번째 언어가 단지 은유 현인
아들 / 딸처럼 아버지처럼.!
손상 불임하지 않는 한, 그의 세대 yoshikidai 중 하나 그에게 말했다
다른 사람, 거만한 태도, 악취 큰 독선적 ... 등의 무례 함
이 머리를 yoshikidai의 자녀를 관리하는 방법에 대해 낮은 품질을 가지고 ~ ~ ~ 예
어떻게 튜브 금속 학회 ~ ~!
썩은 곰 @! 부끄러운!

"지배 구조의 '하이브리드 이야기 본토 사람들의 터무니없는 이론.
초 전에 개월 이상은 도구의 정치적 규칙을 고려 사람들에게 그것을 언급
때 건물 모니터링과 같은 10,000 억제 생활 본토에서 쓸모 명,
모바일 주택은 모두 청취 도구와 함께 설치됩니다.
만 공산주의 독재자 뉴스 바로 뉴스,
누가 1시의 반대 것 봉쇄 네트워크, 감옥에,
사람들이 본토를 볼 수 있도록 / 실제 뉴스 / 지식을들을 수 있습니다.
정치적 퇴보의 이러한 봉쇄 감금,
사람들이 독재에 대해 자신의 나라를 우려하고있다.
음, 오늘날의 천안문 광장 집회
본토는, 인간의 음성 호출 부호와 동일
그들은 장기적으로 압력을 강요하고, 독성, 도시 / 경찰은 존재의 혐의로 / 베어 트랩 유해 '부당한'의 감옥을 선언하고 더 욕심 본토 수 거짓되지 만에 뇌물 빨간색 패킷을 수신 지불 위협 검은 색 장교 큰 돈 거래와 깡패 .... 인생은 손상, 공공 보안, 도시 관리가 지속적으로 괴롭힘 / 억제! @
자발적으로 천안문 광장 (Tiananmen Square) 광장의 오늘의 본토 네티즌은 집회.
홍콩 배울 생각을 사람들이 민주주의와 자유를 위해 싸우고, 평화와 사랑을 위해 주로 연대이다 ','파업 학습 멈추지 않는다 '사회 계급의 각 조합에 대한 세 개의 하위 계정에서 큰 친 민주당의 연합위원회 = * 민주주의와 자유에 대한 * 우산 운동! =

''당사자 본토 사람이든, 서유럽, 큰 미국 제국, 일본, 대만의 주요 민주주의는 세 곳은 연대를 차지
동남 아시아 국가 우정의 각, 태평양 해안에 심지어 모든 국가는 중국, 홍콩 사람들이 원하는 잔인한 독재 공산주의 본토 지역에서 선택되어있는 홍콩 사람들의 투표의 정부 수반 및 내부 관계자 아닌 비난 아르 잔인한 구 아빠 아래 오른쪽 더러운 스트림!
홍콩의 부자가 가난한 경제는 중산층의 삶을 절감 할 수 있습니다
그리고 세계의 모든 도시에서 동일하지만 홍콩 사람들의 역사 / 배경 홍콩에서하지 않습니다,
홍콩에 자유와 민주주의의 30 년 이상을 대기 한 후 1997에 의해 그래서
시민들 학생 운동, 양심의 각성에서 다른 후 한 시민 강당입니다. 혈액 스포츠에서 분출!

''기술적으로는 간단한 답을 찾고 정보를 온라인으로 볼 수 있습니다 2014 년 고급
내가 좋아하는 바와 같이 무지 구글 위대한 하나님이 맛​​에 다양한 종류의 정보를 검색 할 수 있습니다.

''이전 세대에 우리의 이전 세대 이상에서, 어머니의 할아버지,
오늘날의 네트워크는 멋진 간단하지 않습니다
종종 우리는 문제가 발생 부모 / 친구 / 선생님을 요청할 수 있습니다.
하지만이 과거와 다른 지식의 많은 청소년은 이전 세대보다 더 명확하게 알고,이 세대 십대입니다.
가족이 장로 / 부모를 적립 공급하기 위해 돈을 버는 일을 바쁜 도시에서 자신의 삶을 잊어 버린
이 시간에 내 권리와 책임과 의무는 홍콩 사람들은 민주주의와 자유, 양심과 감각의 선거에 투표하기
일어나, 세계 평화 운동의 배려를 만드는 가장 정확한 중력 평화 운동 중 하나입니다!
공정, 평등 증명, 평화의 개념은 증거와 생각 국제적으로 인정 인간 생존의 대다수입니다
빅토리아, 대륙의 정치 부패와 깡패 변색의 규칙 싶지 않아! 홍콩 사람들이 중국 더러운 꼭두각시 공산당의 노예가되고 싶지 않아,
따라서, 동양 사람들의 진주는 일어 서서, 검은 손의 현학적 인 정치 규칙에, "아니오"말할 장엄한 거리를 걸었다! -

         먼지 멜로디로 진심으로 작은 너의 ~


"Incompétence du gouvernement chiens @ 689, et le vieux Lin Cheng mois renard des mêmes grandes narines puanteur,
Greedy, les étudiants, les citoyens se battent pour une véritable suffrage universel sincère !!! @

'' Avec devenu de plus en plus nouvelles, traçant le gouvernement de Hong Kong,
Fonctionnaires féminins, à la taille de l'occasion (qu'ils soient publics de type non-public /).
Sont adonné à la boisson vins étrangers, vin rouge, vin blanc, vin série,
Cette femelle fonctionnaires du gouvernement collecte des impôts département dans lequel un planificateur.
Souvent soumis à l'impôt lorsque le gouvernement de Hong Kong, que d'imposer une série de taxes sur les cigarettes,
Il a été suggéré de la taxe mais pas de vin, taxes sur l'alcool.
Cela prouve que Hong Kong serait plus responsables établissement de faction,
La collusion entre les représentants du gouvernement, du bénéfice mutuel,
Oppriment les gens ordinaires ne se concentrent un peu passe-temps,
Pas de bénéfices juste plumer impôt.
Mise en place de la faction communiste dans les DAB grand sbires corrompus,
Zhigu collusion, en ignorant les exigences de la vie des gens.
Bête honteux !!!

«Parler mois Lin Zheng vieux renard sincère.
Pour obtenir de quoi parler ça Conclave continentale carlin un, ce nom n'est pas clair,
Il est sage de rentrer à la maison par la porte de parler Conclave !!!?
Continentale à Hong Kong les gens comme ils ont vraiment tromper il !!? Dull Mody !! ?????
ibid; voir les mêmes nouvelles de jour ---> "Wine et Dine Festival déplacés à Kai Tak six fois le loyer de marché des vins de rester"
"Wine Fair déplacé vers le terminal de croisière", a rapporté l'Apple Daily de ---- ** ** Hong Kong.
Certaines personnes ignorent la vie du peuple, ignorer les demandes,
Ne se soucient que de l'égoïsme, vous pouvez voir le titre.
Food & Wine Kai Tak (ancien Hong Kong l'aéroport) 6 fois,
Billets tellement évident, hey, hey, [ridiculisé .... corrompu]
--- Les fonctionnaires corrompus secrètement attirés l'un par la musique indépendante, pas plus d'argent pour acheter de l'alcool.
Aussi, ne paient pas d'impôts tels que les cigarettes et autres produits du tabac.
Gouvernement pourri de Hong Kong, le continent sont tout un tas d'envoi corrompu
Lorsque les fonctionnaires corrompus dans la partie continentale ont eu un propre,
Certains sont persécution communiste officiel honnête et droit ont causé la perte soudaine de la TNT / emprisonnement / mort.
Produits contrefaits Continental particulier, la personnalité même de l'hypocrisie à la fin.
Communistes n'ont pas sauver le continent, la honte du sage chinois qui font face à son premier contributeur,
Ceci et d'autres animaux dédaigne aussi des terres sans scrupules Pa! @

«Fonctionnaires de Hong Kong aussi des personnes à charge des déchets sans vergogne,
Il montre l'attitude des remarques arrogance liées
Son avidité, les parents de l'arrogance avec une enquête approfondie par imprudence.
Yan de Chine sages première langue est juste une métaphore =
Tel père, tel fils / fille. !!
Sauf infertilité corrompu, lui a dit l'un de ses yoshikidai génération,
Irrespectueux des autres, l'attitude arrogante, puanteur grand, bien-pensants ... etc
Avoir une faible qualité de cette yoshikidai têtes comment gérer leurs enfants ~ ~ ~ Ye
Comment Tube métallurgique Société ~ ~ !!
Rotten ours @ !! honteux !!!

«Théorie absurde'S hybrides parler continent gens de la gouvernance.
Plus d'un mois avant le début de le mentionner aux personnes considérées domination politique d'outils
Quand les gens inutiles dans la partie continentale, vivant dans des bâtiments 10.000 dissuasion que la surveillance, la
Les maisons mobiles sont installées avec tous les outils d'écoute.
Seul le communiste tyrans nouvelles droit nouvelles,
Qui une voix dissidente heures bloquerait le réseau, en prison,
Alors que les gens ne peuvent pas voir la partie continentale / entendre les vraies nouvelles / connaissances.
Un tel confinement du blocus de régression politique,
Les gens ont peur de leur propre pays contre la dictature.
Eh bien, la place Tiananmen rallye d'aujourd'hui
Continentale est le même que l'indicatif d'appel de la voix humaine,
Ils ont été contraints de pression dans le long terme, toxique, urbain / police a menacé de payer des pots de vin reçus paquets rouges, que de ne pas être faussement déclarer Le / piège à ours nuisibles d 'injustifiée' la prison sur l'accusation d'être, et ensuite être Mainland plus gourmand officier noir de l'intimidation avec des transactions énorme de l'argent .... la vie est corrompu, la sécurité publique, la gestion urbaine constamment victimes d'intimidation / supprimer !!! @
Les internautes du continent d'aujourd'hui spontanément sur ​​la place Tiananmen Plaza, se mobilisent.
Hong Kong est principalement solidarité pour la paix et l'amour, la lutte pour la démocratie et la liberté des personnes de pensée apprendre, le Conseil de la Fédération de grande pro-démocratie dans les trois sous-comptes pour chaque combinaison de rang social "grève ne s'arrête pas apprendre '' = * mouvement de parapluie pour la démocratie et la liberté *! =

«Que les gens partis du continent, les grandes démocraties de l'Europe occidentale, un grand empire américain, le Japon, Taiwan, les trois lieux pris en compte dans la solidarité,
Etats d'Asie du Sud-Est chacune amitié, voire tous les pays sur la côte du Pacifique, sont condamnés continentale communiste autoritaire et brutal de la Chine, les habitants de Hong Kong veulent est le chef du gouvernement de Hong Kong vote du peuple a été sélectionné à partir de la région, et les responsables internes, pas la brutale neuf Pa en bas à droite flux sale !!!
Riches ont une mauvaise économie de Hong Kong peut avoir des économies de la vie de la classe moyenne,
Et le même dans toutes les villes dans le monde, mais l'histoire / fond des habitants de Hong Kong n'ont pas à Hong Kong,
Ainsi, en 1997, après avoir attendu plus de 30 ans de liberté et de démocratie à Hong Kong,
Le mouvement étudiant par les citoyens, auditorium municipal dans un après l'autre à partir de l'éveil de la conscience. Éclaté dans le sport de sang!

«Technologiquement avancés en 2014, la recherche d'information des réponses simples peut être trouvé en ligne,
Comme j'aime l'ignorance est le grand Dieu par Google recherche différents types d'informations dans le goût.

«Dans notre précédente génération ou plus sur la génération précédente, le grand-père de ma mère,
Le réseau actuel n'est pas aussi simple merveilleux,
Souvent, nous ne pouvons que demander parents / amis / enseignants rencontré des problèmes.
Mais ceci est différent du passé, beaucoup de connaissances est cette adolescente de génération, les adolescents savent plus claire que la génération précédente.
Tellement occupés à travailler pour gagner de l'argent pour nourrir leurs familles gagnent anciens / parents ont oublié leur propre vie dans la ville
Droits et responsabilités et obligations au sein de ce temps, les gens de Hong Kong de voter pour l'élection de la démocratie et de la liberté, de conscience et de sens
Réveillez-vous, est le mouvement de la paix la plus précise de la gravité, ce qui rend la prise en charge de mouvement pour la paix du monde!
Prouvées juste, l'égalité, la notion de paix est avec la majorité de la survie humaine internationalement reconnu en tant que témoin et de la pensée
Victoria, ne veut pas être la corruption politique du continent et de la primauté du tyran terni! Population de Hong Kong ne veulent pas être les esclaves du Parti communiste de Chine marionnette sale,
Par conséquent, la Perle des gens Orient se leva et marcha dans les rues, à la domination politique pédant de la Main Noire, majestueux à dire «non»! -

         Cordialement petits comme Melody de poussière ~


''Registaro nekompetenteco hundoj @ 689, kaj Lin Cheng monaton maljuna vulpo de la sama fetoro grandaj nazotruoj
Avida, studentoj, civitanoj luktas por aŭtentika universala voĉdonado sinceraj !!! @

'' Kun fariĝis pli novaĵoj, surĵeto la Hong Kong registaro,
Ina respondeculoj, la grandeco de la okazo (ĉu publika / nepublikaj tipo).
Estas toksomaniulo trinki eksterlandaj vinoj, ruĝa vino, blanka vino, vino serio,
Tiu ino funkciuloj de la registaro imposto kolekto fako en kiu planificador.
Ofte temo imposti kiam la Hong Kong registaro, nur trudi cigaredon imposto serio,
Ĝi estis sugestita de la imposto sed ne de vino, brando impostojn.
Tiu pruvas ke Hongkongo estus pli starigo frakcio funkciuloj,
Koluzio inter ŝtatoficistoj, reciproka profito,
Premu ordinaraj homoj nur enfokusigi iom hobio,
Ne justa desxiris gajnoj imposto.
Starigo de la Komunista frakcio en la granda DAB korupta secuaces,
Zhigu koluzio, ignorante la postuloj de popola vivoj.
Hontinda besto !!!

''Parolante Lin Zheng monatojn maljuna vulpo sinceraj.
On por kio paroli pri tio stuff Conclave kontinenta Pug unu, kiu nomo ne estas klara,
Ĝi estas saĝa por iri hejmen tra la pordo parolas Conclave !!!?
Ĉeftero al Hong Kong homoj kiel ili vere trompi ŝin !!? Sensprita MODY !! ?????
samloke; vidi la sama tago novaĵoj ---> "Wine kaj vespermanĝu Festivalo kopiis al Kai Tak ses gregejo vino merkato renton por resti"
"Vino Foiro movis al la transepto fina" ---- ** ** Hong Kong Apple Daily raportis.
Iuj homoj ignoras la popola vivteno, ignori la postulojn,
Nur zorgas pri egoismo, vi povas vidi la titolon.
Manĝaĵo & Vino Kai Tak (eksa Hong Kong la Flughaveno) 6 restejo,
Biletoj tiom evidentaj, hey, hey, [ridindigis .... korupta]
--- La koruptaj funkciuloj sekrete altiris al ĉiu sendependa muziko, ne pli mono por aĉeti likvoro.
Ankaŭ ne pagas impostojn, kiel cigaredoj kaj aliaj tabako produktoj.
Rotten registaro de Hong Kong, la kontinento estas ĉiuj faskon de korupta ekspedo
Kiam korupta funkciuloj en la kontinenta havis puran,
Iuj estas honesta kaj justa oficiala Komunista persekutado kaŭzis lian subitan perdon de TDT / malliberigo / morto.
Kontinenta falsaj varoj aparte, eĉ la personeco estas hipokritaj en la fino.
Komunistoj ne savas la kontinento, honto la ĉina saĝulo kiu alfrontas lian unuan kontribuanto,
Ĉi tiu kaj aliaj brutaro ankaŭ malestimos senskrupulaj lando Pa! @

''Hongkongo respondeculoj ankaŭ iuj senhonta malŝparo dependaj,
Ĝi montras la sintenon de aroganteco rilataj rimarkoj
Lia avareco, aroganteco parencoj kun el funda imprudentemente.
Ĉinio Yan saĝuloj unua lingvo estas nur metaforo =
Kiel patro kiel filo / filino. !!
Se korupta infertilidad, rakontis al li unu el lia generacio yoshikidai,
Malrespekta de aliuloj, aroganta sinteno, fetoro granda, mem-justuloj ... ktp
Havas malaltan kvaliton de ĉi yoshikidai kapoj kiel manipuli liajn filojn ~ ~ ~ Vi
Kiel Tube Metalúrgica Socio ~ ~ !!
Rotten urso @ !! hontinda !!!

''Hybrid talk kontinenta popola absurda teorio de regado.
Pli ol monaton antaŭ la frua dankinde al homoj konsideritaj politika regado de iloj
Kiam senutilaj homoj en la kontinento, vivante en konstruaĵoj 10.000 deterrence kiel sekvado, La
Poŝtelefono hejmoj estas instalita kun ĉiuj aŭskultado iloj.
Nur la Komunista tiranojn novaĵoj dekstra novaĵoj
Kiu unu horo malkonsento farus blokado la reto, en malliberejo,
Por ke homoj ne povas vidi la kontinenta / aŭdi la vera novaĵo / konoj.
Tia blokado limigo politikaj retrogression,
Homoj timas sian propran landon kontraŭ diktatoreco.
Nu, la hodiaŭa Placo Tiananmen amaskunveno
Ĉeftero estas la sama kiel la homa voĉo alvoko signo,
Ili estis devigitaj al premo longtempe, venena, urbaj / Policano minacis pagi sobornos ricevis ruĝan pakoj, nur por ne esti false deklari La / urso kaptilo malutila 'injustificada' s malliberejo sur akuzoj de esti, kaj tiam estos pli avidaj Mainland nigra oficiro la bravulaĉo kun grandega mono transakcioj .... vivo estas korupta, publika sekureco, urba mastrumado senĉese intimidado / subpremi !!! @
Hodiaŭaj kontinenta cibernautas spontanee en Placo Tiananmen Placo, rekolekti.
Hongkongo estas ĉefe solidareco por paco kaj amo, batali por la demokratio kaj la libereco de penso homoj lernas, la Federacio Konsilo de grandaj por-Demokrata Partio en la tri sub-kontojn por ĉiu kombinaĵo de socia rango striko ne ĉesas lerni '' = * ombrelo movado por demokratio kaj libereco *! =

''Ĉu la partioj kontinento homoj, la grandaj demokratioj de okcidenta Eŭropo, granda usona imperio, Japanio, Tajvano, la tri lokoj konsistigis en solidareco,
Sudoriento Aziaj ŝtatoj ĉiu de amikeco, cxiuj landoj de la Pacifika marbordo, estas kondamnitaj brutala aŭtoritata Komunista kontinenta Ĉinio, Honkongo homoj volas estas la estro de la registaro de Hong Kong popola voĉdono estis elektitaj de la regiono, kaj interna respondeculoj, ne la brutala naŭ Pa malsupren dekstren malpurega rivereto !!!
Hong Kong riĉuloj havas malriĉa ekonomio havu vivon ŝparadoj de la meza klaso,
Kaj la sama en ĉiuj urboj de la mondo, sed la historio / fono de Hong Kong homoj faras ne en Hong Kong,
Do per 1997 post atendi pli ol 30 jaroj de libereco kaj demokratio en Honkongo,
La studenta movado de civitanoj, civitana aŭditorio en unu post alia de la konscienco vekiĝo. Erupciis el la sango sporto!

''Teknologie evoluigitaj en 2014, informoj sercxante simplaj respondoj povas esti trovita enreta,
Kiel mi ŝatas nescio estas la granda Dio per Google serĉi diversajn specojn de informoj en gusto.

''En nia antaŭa generacio aŭ pli longe en la antaŭa generacio, mia patrina avo,
Hodiaŭ reto ne estas tiel simpla mirinda,
Ofte oni povas nur demandi gepatroj / amikoj / instruistoj renkontis problemojn.
Sed tio estas malsama de la pasinteco, multan scion estas tiu generacio adoleskanto, adoleskantoj scias pli klara ol la antaŭa generacio.
Do okupata labori por gajni monon por nutri siajn familiojn perlabori plejagxuloj / gepatroj, forgesis siajn proprajn vivojn en la urbo
Rajtoj kaj respondecoj kaj devoj ene tiutempe Hong Kong homoj voĉdoni por la elekto de demokratio kaj libereco, konscienco kaj sento
Vekiĝu, estas unu el la plej precizaj gravito paco movado, kion faras la mondpacon movado zorgan!
Montriĝis bela, egaleco, la koncepto de paco kun la plimulto de internacie rekonitaj homa postvivado kiel atestanto kaj pensado
Viktorio, ne volas esti la kontinento politika korupteco kaj la regulo de bully makulite! Hong Kong homoj ne volas esti sklavoj de la Komunista Partio de Ĉinio malpuran pupon,
Sekve, la Perlo de Oriento homoj stariĝis kaj piediris la stratojn, la pedanta politika regado de la Nigra Mano, majesta diri "ne"! -

         Sincere malgranda kiel polvo Melody ~

 *- Update (13) * --- * Apple Daily reported that a large number of injunctions under the Apple Daily, Next Media continent hooligans outside the building bustle, police dogs, regardless of male / female only lenient treatment, the same contempt of court warrant !!. - while the "Taiwan's Apple Daily reported * --- occupation long Road 5 hours,, Force to the host and violence plus" pepper spray "cleared, no inch iron hand to deal with students and citizens,
Learn more abuse of power and arrested 30 people !!! police dog execute commands, loss of humanity, favoring law enforcement, law impartial judge politicians on big flat under the law to maintain a fair justice!! Unscrupulous livestock animal behavior unworthy of such officers! !! - Hope is not allowed in heaven! -
--更新(13).*蘋果日報報導*---蘋果日報禁制令下大批大陸流氓到壹傳媒大樓外擾嚷,狗警不 分男/女只寬鬆對待,同樣藐視法庭的執行令!!-同時在"台灣蘋果日報報導*---佔領龍和道5小時,,港警暴力加"胡椒噴霧"清場,對付手無吋鐵的學生 和市民,更濫用權力拘捕30學民!!!狗警執行命令,失去人性,偏袒執法,請大法律下的公正持平的法政界法官維持公正公義!!該等獸行為的無良牲畜不配當 警員!!!-天上地靈也不容許!!!- *

Update- (12a). *"In the end of this continent @Tanguan sell cup is suffering from early dementia, Tsui Barry mouthful of feces in himself.@@!!
Waste Obsolete Communist rotten, that what Zhang Ming feces slaves, not the Chinaman droppings out of the city, a paste mixed with water imports feces barking!
Hong Kong people do not accept these wastes Stink's extremely dull darn! @
Get out gang DAB and the mainland are also greedy dog ​​feces fecal waste, and even sent back to farming to play with it!

 *Update(12).By *Apple News Report & The-sun.on.cc/cnt/news*And the size of the media in Hong Kong (without energy exhaustive ^), New Tang Dynasty TV. Agence France-Presse, BBC.com, ... so the world media, in addition to distorting the Communist mainland's corrupt media@@cattle dog--[short] [occupied]Arbour Canpi penatrated Admiralty Head string mouth evil man claiming to be " A Sir. "!!!?" I really angry with the bad gug doing...!!'&-*Taxi Brother Blew the money Caichang!!!* Evil #@%!! .. &&& more news cannot forgive...!!*-
 *Update(11).By**Apples News Report**---**[Occupied] Huang Feng called on Admiralty stick: "just do not attempt to think Hong Kong people good !!"**-
更新(11).由**蘋果日報**報導--**【佔領金鐘】黃之鋒籲堅守:唔好以為香港人好恰 !!**-

--*Update (10).---**a comment Day ""--- News;;(does not offer the news, language boring, a little stench ... without paste)"Al London accounted for street demonstrations that damage Hong Kong's future !!! "That Eldon 'why not tune talk梁振英 abuses of public consultation and the Legislative Council or the program is not in favor of the resolution by any citizen square off ??!!!- --*Update(10).---**是日評論""---新聞報導;;(不奉上該新聞,語言乏味,有點銅臭味...恕不貼上)"艾爾敦指佔馬路示威損香港前景!!!"那艾爾敦'何不調喻梁振英濫權未徵詢民意和未通過立法會程序否或贊成决議關閉公民廣場??!!!-
 "Continental Army and rogue network attacks NMW in Hong Kong's Apple Daily!!
Beast 'hands residue is made ​​of this yoshikidai
Beast that has a conscience, ugly to hone
Ridiculous shameful! Hey .... "

 "대륙의 군대와 악성 네트워크는 홍콩의 애플 데일리에 NMW 공격!
비스트 손 잔기는 yoshikidai 이루어지는
양심을 가지고 야수, 추한 연마하기
말도 부끄러운! 안녕 .... "
"Armée continentale et le réseau de voyous attaque salaire minimum dans de Hong Kong Apple Daily !!
Mains résidu Bête »est faite de cette yoshikidai
Bête qui a une conscience, laid à parfaire
Ridicule honteux! Hey .... "
"Kontinenta Armeo kaj fripono reto atakas NMW en Hong Kong Apple Daily !!
Besto manoj restaĵo estas el ĉi yoshikidai
Besto kiu havas konsciencon, malbela por akrigi
Ridinda hontinda! Hej .... "

---*Update (9) face book by*Apple*and*News*Apollo released ---**accounted for the Blue Ribbon Anti-convener Lee Shih Yan play games with their clients 3P is Zhuojian - [Photos]!! - "Haha ... turned out to have a wife, formerly known as" Li Yanqing "turned out to be??" The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents' chairman, president, "Yau Tsim Mong District parent-Teacher Association," ~??!! "- ---*更新(9).由*蘋果臉書*和*阿波羅新聞*發佈的---**反佔中藍絲帶召集人李偲嫣踢場 與嫖客3P被捉姦 --[組圖]!!--"哈哈...原來有個婆娘原名為"李艷青"竟然是??!「香港家長聯會」會長,「油尖旺區家長教師會」會長??!"-
-- Update (8) .-- Apple Daily and (Hong Kong Correspondents Association, Next Media unions, RTHK Programme Staff Union, and Ming Pao Daily News Staff Association issued a joint statement, the size of the media jointly broadcast) - Hong Kong Leung Chun-ying corruption beast in wireless news program "clarifying speak chu" speech in a statement, Leung Chun-ying really out of control, and the audacity to defy public opinion right and wrong!! Leung Chun-ying refused dialogue !!! dog slave @ 689 not dare to openly face the masses, is the turtle chickened , afraid to face and respond to public opinion !! distort affair !! beast than the corrupt, ignoring the people, so ** [umbrella] ACSF learning revolution in China accounted for peace issued a statement in response to Leung Chun-ying !!! "-
--更新(8).--蘋果日報及( 香港記者協會、壹傳媒工會、港台節目製作人員工會, 以及明報職工協會發表聯合聲明,各大小媒體共同播報)--香港貪污腐化畜牲梁振英在無綫新聞節目《講清講楚》的講話發表聲明,梁振英真正失控了,並厚顏無恥顛倒是非!!梁振英違逆民意拒絕對話!!!狗奴隸@689不敢公然面對群眾,是烏龜縮頭,不敢正視和回應民意!!歪曲事理!!禽獸不如的貪贓枉法,漠視民眾,故**【雨傘革命】學聯學民和平佔中發聲明回應梁振英 !!!"-

---Update(7).-**Unwire.com.hk**----Hacker group Anonymous began leak! Has successfully invaded 52 Chinese government's official websiteAuthor: Grace in talk of the town , the focus of news!!^-更新(7).--由Uneire.com.hk--報導--**黑客組織 Anonymous 開始洩密 ! 已成功入侵 52 個中國政府-{官網作者: 天恩 in 城中熱話, 重點消息}**--!!^-
---Update(6).By **Apples News Reported**--DTZ administrator Ernst & Young's largest creditor RBS wonder Liang received $ 50 million senior counsel: or involving bribery & Tax evasion!!!'**---更新(6).由**蘋果曰報**--的報導--DTZ管理人安永,,最大債權人RBS;;"不知梁收5,000萬"--資深大律師:或涉受賄 ,逃稅!!!"
---Update(5)By.UDN.com---** Obama to promote human rights report on the United States put pressure on Beijing**---更新(5).**美人權報告,,促"歐巴馬"總統對北京施壓**--
-**By New Tang Dynasty TV, Apple Daily,  the media reported  broadcast (more likely the world's major media is not exhaustive, please forgive me) ---**(1).-in Hong Kong accounted for dishonesty keep peace the Hong Kong Government Lin Cheng month old fox turtle chickened delay universal suffrage in Hong Kong for democracy provocation / ignore demands a lot of excuses Lin Cheng month old fox also involves collusion with profiteers, so that profiteers to buy low Hong Kong Lin Cheng month old fox will get tens of millions of darkness money rebates .....!!??"...**-
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/SEAOUL KOREAN/HKS/FR/UKN/SA/JP/PH/LA/MAl/THAI/DE/VI/VE/.....All the world city lauguage**-
---**새로운 당나라 TV, 애플 데일리, , 미디어가보고  --- **(1).홍콩에서 부정 행위를 차지 (가능성이 세계의 주요 미디어가 철저하지 않습니다, ​​용서해주십시오) 부당 이득이 낮은 홍콩 린 쳉를 구입 있도록 / 홍콩 정부 린 쳉 개월 된 여우 거북이 민주주의 도발 홍콩 지연 보통 선거권을 겁 평화를 유지 요구보기 린 쳉 개월 된 여우는 부당 이득으로 담합을 포함 변명을 많이 무시 개월 된 여우 ..... 수십 어둠 돈 리베이트 수백만 얻을 것이다!!??"...**-
---**Par New Tang Dynasty TV, Apple Daily, , les médias ont rapporté  (grands médias de plus probable que le monde n'est pas exhaustive, s'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi) ---**(1). à Hong Kong représentait malhonnêteté maintenir la paix le mois vieille tortue de renard Hong Kong Lin gouvernement Cheng dégonflé retard suffrage universel à Hong Kong pour la démocratie provocation / ignorer les demandes beaucoup d'excuses Lin Cheng mois vieux renard implique également la collusion avec les profiteurs, de sorte que les profiteurs à acheter bas Hong Kong Lin Cheng mois vieux renard obtiendrez des dizaines de millions de remises d'argent de l'obscurité ..... !!??"...**-
---**Por Nova Tang Dinastio TV, Apple Daily,, la amaskomunikiloj raportis  (pli verŝajna la mondaj grandaj komunikiloj ne estas ĝisfunda, bonvolu pardoni min) ---**(1).en Honkongo konsistigis malhonestecon konservi pacon la Hong Kong Registaro Lin Cheng monaton maljuna vulpo testudo chickened malfruo universala voĉdonado en Honkongo por demokratio provoko / ignori postuloj multajn ekskuzojn Lin Cheng monaton maljuna vulpo ankaŭ engaĝas koluzio kun utiligitaj, tiel ke utiligitaj aĉeti malaltan Hong Kong Lin Cheng monaton maljuna vulpo ricevos dekoj de milionoj de mallumo mono rabatoj ..... !!??"...**-
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/SEAOUL KOREAN/HKS/FR/UKN/SA/JP/PH/LA/MAl/THAI/DE/VI/VE/.....All the world city lauguage**-





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