2014年10月19日 星期日

- Internet users * Peter Tung * reply message ---> "Upstairs a lady bits> Hong Kong police only magic, no mob (except blue ribbon), representing already 21 days you have not seen a car burned, there are shops robbed, police overthrown! you are obedient attitude ??! better to go back to the Qing Dynasty strike! '' --- '' this simple phrase has been sufficient proof shameful " 江凙民" whip service Leung Chun-ying how vicious animals, are trained to @ 張德江 "slaves of corrupt officials master a demon, lost humanity, conscience, ....!!"- ---**由蘋果日報的專頁))-網 民*Peter Tung *的回覆留言--->"樓上個位小姐>香港只有魔警,没有暴民(藍絲帶除外),佔中已21天了閣下有没有看見有車被燒,有店被搶,警車被推 翻!妳的是順民心態??!不如回到滿清時代去罷!''---''這段簡單的字句已足夠證明可恥的"江凙民"鞭役的牲畜梁振英有多狠毒,被主子@張德江"奴隸貪官污吏訓練成惡魔, 失去人性,良知,.....!!"- ---**))애플 데일리의 페이지에 의해 설계된 - 인터넷 사용자가 *피터 퉁*이--->"위층 여자 비트> 홍콩 경찰 전용 마법, 블루 리본 이외에는 폭도 (), 이미 나타내는 이십일일 당신 응답 메시지 경찰은 전복, 차량 강탈 상점이 불에 보지! 당신은 순종하는 태도입니다 ??! 더 나은 청나라 파업으로 돌아갑니다! ''--- '이 간단한 문구는 충분한 증거 부끄러운있다 "江 凙 民" 채찍 서비스 양조위 천@ 張德江 "부패한 관리의 노예 잉은 악마를 마스터하는 훈련 방법 악순환 동물, ..., 양심을 인류를 잃었다! "- **USA/UK/MACAU(FDZ)/TW/HKS/SEAOUL KOREN/FR/UKN/JP/VI/DE/VE/PH/ESP`/THAI/MAL/RU/COL/CA/WE/.....All the world country lauguage**-

*- Internet users * Peter Tung * reply message ---> "Upstairs a lady bits> Hong Kong police only magic, no mob (except blue ribbon), representing already 21 days you have not seen a car burned, there are shops robbed, police overthrown! you are obedient attitude ??! better to go back to the Qing Dynasty strike! '' --- '' this simple phrase has been sufficient proof shameful " 江凙民" whip service Leung Chun-ying how vicious animals, are trained to @ 張德江 "slaves of corrupt officials master a demon, lost humanity, conscience, ....!!"-
---**由蘋果日報的專頁))-網 民*Peter Tung *的回覆留言--->"樓上個位小姐>香港只有魔警,没有暴民(藍絲帶除外),佔中已21天了閣下有没有看見有車被燒,有店被搶,警車被推 翻!妳的是順民心態??!不如回到滿清時代去罷!''---''這段簡單的字句已足夠證明可恥的"江凙民"鞭役的牲畜梁振英有多狠毒,被主子@張德江"奴隸貪官污吏訓練成惡魔, 失去人性,良知,.....!!"-
---**))애플 데일리의 페이지에 의해 설계된 - 인터넷 사용자가 *피터 퉁*이--->"위층 여자 비트> 홍콩 경찰 전용 마법, 블루 리본 이외에는 폭도 (), 이미 나타내는 이십일일 당신 응답 메시지 경찰은 전복, 차량 강탈 상점이 불에 보지! 당신은 순종하는 태도입니다 ??! 더 나은 청나라 파업으로 돌아갑니다! ''--- '이 간단한 문구는 충분한 증거 부끄러운있다 "江 凙 民" 채찍 서비스 양조위 천@ 張德江 "부패한 관리의 노예  잉은 악마를 마스터하는 훈련 방법 악순환 동물, ..., 양심을 인류를 잃었다! "-


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 Apple Daily ---
[Occupied Mongkok: people have been beaten with batons to beat]

;; Vignette ** honorable fight wok ** = (collar Southern culture Guangdong language, meaning underworld violence of their own police force, police said light duty justice, and many victims of violent underworld taunt police lie to say too much, the fact that the victim hauled violence to no dark corners are a mob of police with batons / systemic damage caused by a hard object hit / beaten!!) @ -

[01] When the message 25 minutes of action in the occupied territories retrocession Mongkok night, riot police have just rushed by Nathan Dundas Street, police wielding batons open for rescue, at least two demonstrators were beaten with batons to the wall. Which Mr. Han in Dundas Street is PTU (PTU) is off the hook eye brow, blood Phi surface. He said the police during the siege, he had no police showed retreat behind the railing, but do not listen to reason PTU beat people with batons crazy, "simply pure vent."

He was referring to the time that they have not the station front, there are two to three rows in front of the protesters, "(PTU) in the front row kept pushing back a line to flutter, a system to poke you, a lot of people have been playing nearby hurt. "Han said the four friends were all peers, including Miss Sun header two sticks.

[Live] Mongkok
YouTube: http: //bit.ly/umbrellalive
Website: http://umbrella.appledaily.com/

[Occupied Latest news: http://bit.ly/ZHUOoq or http://bit.ly/1wivtxS]
[Umbrella revolution special page: http://bit.ly/1vYfiDx]

(Because Apple Daily network further attacks, the reader through the phone app, or use the following link to browse news: http: //hk.apple.appledaily.com/ download app: iOS http://bit.ly/1w7rwdk | Android. http://bit.ly/1xTc2Lj)

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애플 데일리 ---
[몽콕 (Mongkok) 사용중 : 사람들은 이길 곤봉으로 구타되었습니다]
; 네트 ** 명예로운 싸움 냄비는 ** = (칼라 남부 문화 광동 언어, 자신의 경찰의 지하 폭력을 의미 경찰은 경량의 정의, 폭력 지하 도발 경찰의 많은 피해자가 너무 많은, 사실 피해자가 그 말을 거짓말을했다 더 어두운 구석에 운반 폭력은 단단한 물체 히트에 의한 봉 / 조직 손상과 함께 경찰의 폭도 아르 / 구타!) @ -

[01]은 점령 지역에서 행동의 메시지 이십오분 밤 몽콕 (Mongkok)을 재재 할 때, 진압 경찰은 네이선 던 대스 거리에 의해 돌진 한 구조 오픈 곤봉을 휘두르는 경찰은, 적어도이 시위대는 벽에 곤봉으로 구타했다. 후크 눈 이마 떨어져 어느 던다스 거리에서 한씨는 PTU (PTU)이며, 피 피 표면. 그는 경찰이 포위 공격하는 동안, 그는 어떤 경찰이 난간 뒤에 후퇴는 없었다했지만, PTU는 봉 미친 사람들을 이길 추론하기 위하여 듣지 않아 말했다 "단순히 순수 통풍구."

그는이 시스템이 당신을 찌를 그들은 떨림하는 선을 다시 밀어 보관 앞줄에서 시위대, "(PTU)의 앞에 2-3 행이 아닌 역 앞에있는 시간으로 언급했다, 많은 이웃 사람에게 상처를 재생 한의. "한강은 네 친구가 미스 일 헤더 두 개를 포함하여 모든 동료 말했습니다.

[라이브] 몽콕 (Mongkok)
유튜브 : HTTP://bit.ly/umbrellalive
웹 사이트 : http://umbrella.appledaily.com/

(2014년 10월 18일)
[점유 뉴스 http://bit.ly/ZHUOoq 또는 http://bit.ly/1wivtxS]
[우산 혁명 특별 페이지 : http://bit.ly/1vYfiDx]

(애플 데일리 네트워크 추가 공격, 전화 응용 프로그램을 통해 독자 또는 뉴스 검색 아래의 링크를 사용하기 때문에 : HTTP://hk.apple.appledaily.com/ 다운로드 응용 프로그램 : 아이폰 OS http://bit.ly/1w7rwdk을 | 안드로이드. http://bit.ly/1xTc2Lj)
#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

Apple Daily ---
[Occupés Mongkok: les gens ont été battus avec des bâtons pour battre]
;; Vignette ** honorable lutte wok ** = (col Sud culture langue Guangdong, ce qui signifie pègre violence de leur propre force de police, la police a déclaré la justice légers, et de nombreuses victimes de la pègre violent la police de raillerie se trouvent trop en dire, le fait que la victime violence transporté à pas de coins sombres sont une foule de policiers avec des matraques / dommages systémique causée par un objet coup dur / battu !!) @ -

[01] Lorsque le message de 25 minutes de l'action dans les territoires occupés rétrocession Mongkok nuit, la police anti-émeute ont juste précipité par Nathan Dundas Street, des policiers armés de matraques ouvert pour le sauvetage, au moins deux manifestants ont été battus avec des matraques à la paroi. Qui M. Han dans la rue Dundas est PTU (PTU) est hors du front crochet oeil, sang surface Phi. Il a dit que la police pendant le siège, il n'avait pas de police a montré retraite derrière la grille, mais ne l'écoutez pas à raisonner PTU battre les gens avec des matraques fou », évent simplement pur."

Il faisait allusion à la période où ils n'ont pas l'avant de la station, il ont deux à trois rangées devant les manifestants, "(PTU) dans la première rangée maintenu repoussant une ligne à flotter, un système de vous piquez, beaucoup de personnes ont joué à proximité de mal. "Han a déclaré que les quatre amis étaient tous les pairs, y compris Mlle Sun tête deux bâtons.

[Live] Mongkok
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive
Site Web: http://umbrella.appledaily.com/

[Occupés Dernières nouvelles: http://bit.ly/ZHUOoq   ou   http://bit.ly/1wivtxS]
[Umbrella révolution page spéciale: http://bit.ly/1vYfiDx]

(Parce réseau Apple Daily de nouvelles attaques, le lecteur à travers l'application téléphone, ou utiliser le lien ci-dessous pour parcourir nouvelles: http:téléchargement //hk.apple.appledaily.com/ application: iOS http://bit.ly/1w7rwdk | Android. http://bit.ly/1xTc2Lj)
#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

*Apple Daily ---
[Okupita Mongkok: homoj estis batita per bastonoj bati]

http://bit.ly/ZyjiQG;; Vignette ** estimata lukto wok ** = (kolumo Suda kulturo Guangdong lingvo, signifanta submondon perforto de sia propra polico, polico diris lumo devo justeco, kaj multaj viktimoj de perfortaj submondon mokatajxo polico kuŝas diri tro multe, la fakto ke la viktimo trenita perfortu mallumaj anguloj estas amaso da policanoj kun bastonoj / sistémica damaĝo kaŭzita de malmola objekto sukceso / batita !!) @ -

[01] Kiam la mesaĝo 25 minutojn de agado en la okupitaj teritorioj retrocession Mongkok nokton kontraŭtumultaj policanoj ĵus kuregis por Nathan Dundas Street, polico ekprenas bastonoj malferma por rekupero, almenaŭ du manifestaciantoj estis batita per bastonoj al la muro. Kiun ro Han en Dundas Street estas PTU (PTU) estas malŝaltita la hoko okulo frunto, sango Phi surfaco. Li diris al la policano dum la sieĝo, li ne havis polico montris retiriĝo malantaŭ la balustradon, sed ne aŭskultas rezoni PTU batis homo kun bastonoj freneza, "simple pura vent".

Li aludis al la tempo kiun ili ne havas la stacidomo fronto, estas du al tri vicoj antaŭ la manifestantes, "(PTU) en la unua vico konservis puŝante reen linion al Flutter, sistemo por poke vi multe de homoj ludis apude malbono. "Han diris la kvar amikoj estis ĉiuj paroj, inkluzive de Miss Suno kaplinion du bastonoj.

[Live] Mongkok
Youtube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive
Retpaĝo: http://umbrella.appledaily.com/

[Okupita Lastaj novaĵoj: http://bit.ly/ZHUOoq   aŭ    http://bit.ly/1wivtxS]
[Umbrella revolucio specialan paĝon: http://bit.ly/1vYfiDx]

(Ĉar Apple Daily reto pliaj atakoj, la leganton tra la telefono app, aŭ uzi la jenan ligilon al foliumi novaĵon: http://hk.apple.appledaily.com/   

download app: iOS http://bit.ly/1w7rwdk | Android. http://bit.ly/1xTc2Lj)
#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

 Apple Daily
[Liverpool fans raising newspaper condemned Tam Yiu-chung]
Liverpool fans: "Tam Yiu-chung, you Dixia you hate it a few degrees only system board Zo 2000 signatures, to board the contempt of all the people you condemn generous generous signature, afraid to be out of a special issue of the Air brothers and sisters, this time with a full ball!! altar of unity, you and I have copies! thanks again! listen day grab "Apple"! "

=== <Statement reads> ===

We are a group of Liverpool fans in Hong Kong, on DAB chairman Tam Yiu-chung in October 2014, the Legislative Council on 16 May, citing the Liverpool anthem You'll never walk alone encouraged Hong Kong Police Force, we deeply regret and strongly condemned Tan Yiu Chung's remarks.

You'll never walk alone not with ordinary English sentence, but in 1945 by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote the song, has become Dortmund later, Celtic and Liverpool in our songs. Before the game before the start of every home, three club fans will sing You'll never walk alone. While YNWA not our unique, but football sport in the world, our relationship with YNWA is almost known to everybody. Mr Tan also 许尊贵 do not know that we left chest emblem embroidered printed You'll never walk alone in the Shankly Gates pattern, which is derived from a period not forget history.

1989 TAM spring and summer of this year's remarks, believe they had forgotten completely. But for us, but can not erase history and over time. This year on April 15, in addition to the death of Hu Yaobang, we dare not forget the memories do not want the same thing happened. Day tragedy occurred Hillsborough Stadium, 96 of our brothers and sisters never to come back. 20 years, 96 families and our next meeting to withstand the immense ball of pain and injustice. Then Daizhuoerfu and police deliberately concealed and rewrite the investigation report, the buck to 96 people and us. Until 2012, in our persistent efforts, justice has finally been demonstrated. Heath Fort investigation report will be released when the police scandal, Prime Minister David Cameron to apologize, to rehabilitate 96 people. Then the police will not only change the 164 investigation files, and there are 116 police oral information is marked a major change, which is not conducive to the testimony of the police have been deleted or modified. The South Yorkshire County police did not construct the stadium before the game to find out about the results of the internal investigation were not disclosed to the public, for the victims of the autopsy and medical evidence handling disputes and so on.

Universal values​​, regardless of geography, please do not think that the British police force has nothing to do with Hong Kong evil. Hong Kong Police Force recently on show, no checks and balances the force of police power and violence, how to destroy Asia's first police force in the world. Violence against demonstrators by the police, but was captured shot hit seven police surrounded the demonstrators unable to fight back, we had all kinds of pictures are brought pain and fear. Today, the Honourable Member actually use You'll never walk alone pay tribute to the police, this is an insult to us.

Mr TAM may not know You'll never walk alone after the tragedy, which became remind us not forget the 96 people, there are law enforcement unjust terrible injustice most powerful homily.

Please cherish the hard-won image of the police, please do not hurt us in ignorance of history and conscience. However, we did not ask the Honourable Member to apologize, because we know the truth and conscience are not suitable for use in some people.

MAKE US DREAM fb special page: http://on.fb.me/1pkxbsr
[Live] Mongkok
Website: http://umbrella.appledaily.com/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive

[Occupied Latest news: http://bit.ly/1F4wMVk]
[Umbrella revolution special page: http://bit.ly/1vYfiDx]

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

 애플 데일리
[신문을 제기 리버풀 팬들은 Yiu 비난]
리버풀 팬들은 " Yiu , 당신 시스템 보드 배리 2000 서명, 에어 형제의 특별한 문제 벗어날 수 두려워 당신이 관대 관대 서명을 비난하는 모든 사람들의 경멸 보드에 싫어 Dixia 자매, 화합의 전체 ! 제단이 시간, 당신과 나는 사본을! 덕분에 다시! 잡아 "애플"을 들어! "

=== === < 읽기>

우리 10 월 2014 년 DAB 의장 Yiu 홍콩, 리버풀 의 그룹입니다, 당신은 혼자 걸을 수 없을거야 리버풀 애국가를 인용 5월 16일 입법 회의 홍콩 경찰청 격려, 우리는 깊이 후회하고 강력하게 Yiu 의 발언 비난했다.

당신은 일반 영어 문장으로 혼자 걸을 수 없을거야, 리처드 로저스 오스카 해머 스타 인이 노래를 작성하여 1945 년, 도르트문트 후, 우리의 노래에서 셀틱 리버풀. 모든 가정 시작하기 전에 게임을하기 전에, 클럽 이되었다 YNWA는 세계에서 우리 고유의, 그러나 축구 스포츠 YNWA과의 관계 거의 모든 사람에게 알려진 것은 아니지만 당신은. 혼자 걸을 수 없을거야 노래 것입니다. Tan 씨 Xuzun 구이는 우리가 가슴에 엠블럼 당신은거야 인쇄 자수 왼쪽 모르겠어요 역사를 잊지 기간에서 파생 샹 클리 게이트 패턴, 혼자 걸을하지 않습니다.

1989 TAM 의 발언 여름, 그들은 완전히 잊어. 그러나 우리를 위해, 그러나, 우리는 추억을 잊지 감히 후진타오 총서기의 죽음에 추가로 4 월 15 일에 역사와 시간에. 을 지울 수 없습니다했다 생각 같은 일이 일어 싶지 않아요. 비극은 힐스 버러 스타디움, 다시는 돌아 오지 결코 우리의 형제 자매 (96)가 발생했습니다. 이십년, 96 가족과 우리의 다음 모임 고통과 불의 엄청난 공을 견딜 수 있도록. 다음 Daizhuoerfu 경찰이 의도적으로 은폐 2012 년까지 우리의 지속적인 노력, 정의가 마지막으로 증명되었다. 조사 보고서, 96명하고 우리에게 책임을 다시 작성합니다. 히스 요새 조사 보고서는 경찰 스캔들, 데이비드 캐머런 총리 사과 할 발표 될 예정, 96 찾다 사람들이. 그리고 경찰 164 조사 파일을 변경하지 않으며, 경구 정보가 삭제되거나 수정 된 경찰의 증언에 도움이되지 않는 큰 변화 표시되어 116 경찰이 있습니다. 사우스 요크셔 카운티 경찰은하지 않았다 그래서 분쟁을 처리하는 부검 및 의료 증거의 피해자, 대중에게 공개되지 않은 내부 조사의 결과에 대해 알고 게임을하기 전에 경기장을 구성.

보편적 가치에 관계없이 지리, 영국 경찰 홍콩 악마와 아무런 관련이 없다고 생각하지 마십시오. 홍콩 경찰청 최근 쇼에, 어떤 견제와 균형 경찰 권력과 폭력의 힘이 어떻게 파괴하지 않으려면 아시아 최초의 경찰 경찰 시위대에 대한 세계. 폭력에서 시행하지만, 캡처 한 , 우리는 사진 모든 종류의 고통과 두려움. 오늘을 가져 아르했다 일곱 경찰이 다시 싸울 시위대 없습니다 포위 공격, 명예 회원은 실제로 당신을 사용 '경찰에 혼자 경의 결코 걸을 수 없을 것이다, 이것은 우리에 대한 모욕이다.

TAM 법 집행 부당 끔찍한 불의 가장 강력한 설교, 당신은 우리가 96명 잊지 상기가 된 비극 혼자 걸을 수 없을거야 알 수 없습니다.

경찰 하드 이미지를 소중히하십시오, 우리는 우리가 진실과 양심 알고 있기 때문에 어떤 사람들에서 사용하기에 적합하지 않을 수도 있습니다, ​​사과 명예 회원 요구하지 않았다. 그러나, 역사와 양심의 무지에서 우리를 다치게하지 마십시오 .
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(2014년 10월 17일)
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[우산 혁명 특별 페이지 : HTTP://bit.ly/1vYfiDx]

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement


 apple Daily
[Les fans de Liverpool qui élèvent journal condamné Tam Yiu-chung]
Les fans de Liverpool: "Tam Yiu-chung, vous Dixia vous détestent un conseil de quelques degrés seulement du système Zo de 2000 signatures, à bord du mépris de toutes les personnes que vous condamnez signature généreux généreux, peur d'être sur un numéro spécial des frères Air et sœurs, cette fois avec l'autel d'un ballon plein d'unité, vous et moi avons des copies! merci encore! écouter grab jour "Apple"! "

=== <Déclaration lit> ===

Nous sommes un groupe de fans de Liverpool à Hong Kong, sur DAB président Tam Yiu-chung en Octobre 2014, le Conseil législatif le 16 mai, citant l'hymne de Liverpool Vous ne marcheras jamais seul encouragé la Police de Hong Kong, nous regrettons profondément et fortement condamné les propos de Tan Yiu Chung.

Tu ne marcheras jamais seul pas de peine ordinaire en anglais, mais en 1945 par Richard Rodgers et Oscar Hammerstein écrit la chanson, est devenu plus tard Dortmund, Celtic et Liverpool dans nos chansons. Avant le match avant le début de chaque maison, trois ventilateurs de club va chanter Vous ne marcherez jamais seul. Alors que YNWA pas notre unique, mais le football sport dans le monde, notre relation avec YNWA est presque connue de tous. M. Tan a également Xuzun Gui ne savent pas que nous sommes partis emblème brodé sur la poitrine imprimé Vous aurez jamais marcher seul dans le modèle Shankly Gates, qui est dérivé d'une période pas oublier l'histoire.

1989 TAM printemps et en été des remarques de cette année, estiment qu'ils avaient complètement oublié. Mais pour nous, mais ne peut pas effacer l'histoire et dans le temps. Cette année, le 15 Avril, en plus de la mort de Hu Yaobang, nous n'osons pas oublier les souvenirs ne veulent pas la même chose. tragédie s'est produite jour Stade de Hillsborough, 96 de nos frères et sœurs de ne jamais revenir. vingt années, 96 familles et notre prochaine réunion pour résister à l'immense boule de douleur et d'injustice. Puis Daizhuoerfu et la police ont délibérément caché et réécrire le rapport d'enquête, la balle à 96 personnes et nous. Jusqu'en 2012, nos efforts persistants, la justice a enfin été démontré. rapport Heath Fort d'enquête sera publié lorsque le scandale de la police, le Premier ministre David Cameron de présenter des excuses, de réhabiliter 96 personnes. Ensuite, la police ne sera pas seulement changer les dossiers d'enquête 164, et il ya 116 policiers information orale est marqué un changement majeur, qui n'est pas propice au témoignage de la police ont été supprimés ou modifiés. la police South Yorkshire County n'ont pas construire le stade avant le match pour en savoir plus sur les résultats de l'enquête interne n'ont pas été divulgués au public, pour les victimes de la gestion des litiges et ainsi de suite preuve d'autopsie et médicale.

Les valeurs universelles, indépendamment de la géographie, s'il vous plaît ne pense pas que la police britannique n'a rien à voir avec Hong Kong le mal. Police de Hong Kong récemment sur ​​spectacle, pas de freins et de contrepoids la force du pouvoir de la police et de la violence, comment détruire premier coup police de l'Asie dans le monde. violence contre les manifestants par la police, mais a été capturé frappé sept policiers ont encerclé les manifestants incapable de se battre, nous avions toutes sortes d'images sont amenés douleur et la peur. Aujourd'hui, l'honorable membres utilisent effectivement vous 'll never walk alone hommage à la police, c'est une insulte pour nous.

M. TAM peut ne pas savoir Vous ne marcheras jamais seul après la tragédie, qui est devenu rappelons nous de ne pas oublier les 96 personnes, il ya l'application de la loi injuste injustice terrible le plus puissant homélie.

S'il vous plaît chérir l'image durement acquise de la police, s'il vous plaît ne pas nous faire de mal dans l'ignorance de l'histoire et de la conscience. Cependant, nous n'avons pas demandé à l'honorable parlementaire de présenter des excuses, parce que nous connaissons la vérité et la conscience ne sont pas adaptés pour une utilisation chez certaines personnes .

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Site Web: http: //umbrella.appledaily.com/
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[Occupés Dernières nouvelles: http: //bit.ly/1F4wMVk]
[Umbrella révolution page spéciale: http: //bit.ly/1vYfiDx]

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement


 Apple Daily
[Liverpool ŝatantoj levante ĵurnalo kondamnis Tam Yiu-chung]
Liverpool fanoj: "Tam Yiu-chung, vi Dixia vi malamas kelkaj gradoj nur sistemo tabulo zo 2000 subskribojn, enŝipigi malestimo de ĉiuj homoj vi kondamnos sindona sindona subskribon, timema esti ekstere de speciala eldono de la Aero fratoj kaj fratinoj, ĉifoje kun plena pilko !! altaro de unueco, vi kaj mi havas kopiojn! dankon denove! aŭskulti tago grab "Apple"! "

=== <Statement legas> ===

Ni estas grupo de Liverpool fanoj en Honkongo, en DAB prezidanto Tam Yiu-chung en oktobro 2014, la Leĝdona Konsilio je 16 majo, citante la Liverpool himno Vi neniam iros sole kuraĝigis Hong Kong Police Force, ni profunde bedaŭras kaj forte kondamnis Tan Yiu Chung rimarkoj.

Vi neniam iros sole ne per ordinara angla frazo, sed en 1945 de Richard Rodgers kaj Oscar Hammerstein skribis la kanton, fariĝis Dortmund poste keltoj kaj Liverpool en niaj kantoj. Antaŭ la ludo antaŭ la komenco de cxiu hejme, tri klubo fanoj kantos Vi neniam iros sole. Dum YNWA nia unika, sed futbalo sporto en la mondo, nia interrilato kun YNWA preskaŭ konata. Sro Tan ankaŭ Xuzun Gui ne scias, ke ni lasis brusto emblemo brodita presita Vi neniam iros sole en la Shankly Gates modelo, kiu estas derivita de periodo ne forgesas historion.

1989 TAM printempo kaj somero de tiu jaro rimarkoj, kredu forgesis tute. Sed por ni, sed ne povas forviŝi la historion kaj la tempo. Ĉijare sur Aprilo 15, krom la morto de Hu Yaobang, ni ne kuraĝas forgesu la memoroj ne volas la sama afero okazis. tago tragedio okazis Hillsborough Stadium, 96 de niaj gefratoj neniam reveni. 20 jaroj, 96 familioj kaj nia sekva kunveno rezisti la inmensa bulo de doloro kaj maljusteco. Tiam Daizhuoerfu kaj polico intence kaŝita kaj reverki la esploro raporto, la cervo al 96 personoj kaj nin. Ĝis 2012, en niaj konstantaj klopodoj, justeco finfine pruvita. Heath Fort esploro raporto estos liberigita kiam la polico skandalo, ĉefministro David Cameron pardonpeti, por rehabiliti 96 homoj. Tiam la policano ne nur ŝanĝos la 164 esploro dosierojn, kaj ekzistas 116 policanoj parola informo markis gravan ŝanĝon, kiu ne estas favoraj por la atesto de la polico esti forigita aŭ modifitaj. The South Yorkshire County polica ne konstrui la stadiono antaŭ la ludo eltrovi pri la rezultoj de la interna esploro ne estis malkaŝitaj al la publiko, por la viktimoj de la nekropsio kaj medicina evidenteco uzado disputoj ktp.

Universalaj valoroj, sendepende de geografio, bonvolu ne pensas ke la britoj policanaro havas nenion por fari kun Hong Kong malbono. Hong Kong Police Force ĵus sur show, neniu ĉekojn kaj ekvilibrojn perforte de polico potenco kaj perforto, kiel detrui Azio unua polica forto en la mondo. Perforto kontraŭ manifestantes de la polico, sed estis kaptita pafo trafis sep policanoj ĉirkaŭis la manifestantes nekapablaj batali reen, Ni ĉiuj specoj de pentraĵoj estas alportita doloro kaj timo. hodiaŭ, la Honora Membro vere uzas Vi 'll neniam iros sole omaĝas al la policano, tio estas insulto al ni.

Mr TAM ne scias Vi neniam iros sole post la tragedio, kiu igis memorigas nin ne forgesu la 96 personoj, ekzistas leĝo maljusta terura maljusteco plej potenca homilio.

Bonvolu flegu la malmola gajnis bildo de la polico, bonvolu ne difekti nin nesciado de la historio kaj la konscienco. Tamen, ni ne demandas la Honora Membro pardonpeti, ĉar ni scias la veron kaj konscienco ne estas taŭgaj por uzo en iuj personoj .

Nin DREAM fb specialan paĝon: http://on.fb.me/1pkxbsr
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Retejo: http://umbrella.appledaily.com/
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[Okupita Lastaj novaĵoj: http://bit.ly/1F4wMVk]

 #HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement


Black police frantically beating more irrefutable evidence exposure


[The first 21 days umbrella revolution]
WASHINGTON - Police on Wednesday night to regain the Chief Executive's Office and outside the Long Road, violence against demonstrators, in addition to a vignette beaten demonstrators were dragged outside, and then was beaten demonstrators to show injury, neck have bloodstains, Eye bleeding and knees injuries. There are demonstrators that night like a wolf-like police "crazy" when they are terrorists, even if they kept back, is still playing three police caught face of boxing, kick back tripod, shake his physical injuries but no action to support the occupation determination.
Reporter: Ice Pei Ying Zhang Tingting Wang Jiawen Zhu Jun
Theatrical performances in the 26-year-old Ronald said that on the 16th morning rush Tamar park near the beach solidarity, about 3:00 the police to disperse the demonstrators advancing park, he and other demonstrators back, suddenly there are two to three police officers caught him, pulled into the police group. He lost balance and fell to the ground police, commotion face was beaten three fist, raised his hands and feet after being police, facing the ground. Police ready to lift off the crowd on the occasion of his, suddenly a plainclothes policeman kicked the back of his left shoulder blade two to three feet.
Police brought his hands tied with rope car, when the mouth is bleeding, a police officer handed him a tissue in his request. Wong Chuk Hang up to the police station toilet, only to see his mouth was "hit blew up." He then escorted by police to Ruttonjee Hospital, and self-injury assessment to private doctors, both of which proved to have severe bruising in his right mouth, bruises yesterday still persisted. His right eye bags also have damage, there are red marks left back shoulder blade.

Demonstrators are treated as terrorists

Ronald said he did not resist after his arrest, that the police are indiscriminate violence, "police state Department generous crazy, like I Die Department of terrorists, including a Tactical Unit in good wolf generous long-term status." He questioned a police officer because of falling glasses in the chaos, angry and kicked him.
"Let love and peace occupied Central" dedicated facebook page shows including the evening along with Ronald, six policemen were wounded demonstrators injury picture. Among them, a 21-year-old junior college guy, he was pulled off the police in Tamar Park goggles, spraying pepper spray at close range, pain in his eyes fell on the ground, the body curled into a ball, then feel batons, fists and body head. His hands on the straps detained after police used batons are still playing surface, foot chest, even forcibly opened his feet, kneeling down with a knee medial thigh.
Another man in Long Road Tunnel position and pulled down by the police because the police violently pulled his necklace has a clear trail of blood leading to the neck, hands and feet injuries. More than protesters fell to the ground being detained fork neck, and landed on the head shake. One sophomore boys in Tamar Park shooting clearance process using a mobile phone, fled after police pulled from the backpack and pushed him landing, he tries to get back up again a number of policemen were on the ground with a beat fork neck, shake hands after being locked is still head landed, police Hema: "? play Ye acridine Vanilla" there are at least two significant neck bruises, there is a large area of ​​damaged knees.
Lung Wo Road was beaten by seven police had towed vignette Jian Chao, according to his friends said, had the injury and is recovering, but at present only slowly on his way, while still being very painful to sit back, the body is still tired. His lawyer yet received a notice about the progress of private prosecution to police officers allegedly beat him raised.
 reporter filed promote civic plaza to reopen



黑警瘋狂打人 更多鐵證曝光

Initial Image
【雨傘革命 第21天】
【本報訊】警方本周三深夜為重奪特首辦外的龍和道, 暴力對待示威者,除有示威者被拖到暗角毆打外,再有示威者展示被打傷勢,頸有血痕、眼睛出血及雙膝損傷。有示威者指當晚警員像狼般「瘋狂」,當他們是恐怖 分子,即使自己不停後退,仍被警方捉住面打三拳,背踢三腳,身體受傷卻沒動搖他支持佔領行動的決心。
記者:陳沛冰 張婷婷 王家文 朱雋穎
從事舞台劇表演的26歲Ronald表示,16日凌晨趕往添馬公園近海邊聲援,約凌晨3時警方進逼公園驅散示威者,他與其他示威者後退,突有兩至三名警察 捉住他,扯入警察群中。他與警察失平衡跌在地上,混亂之際面部被打三拳,之後被警察抬起雙手雙腳,面向地下。警方準備將他抬離人群之際,突然有一名便衣警 察踢了他左背肩胛骨兩至三腳。
警方將他雙手綁上索帶送上車,當時口已流血,一名警察在他要求下遞上紙巾。直至到黃竹坑警署的洗手間,才看到自己被 口部「打到爆缸」。其後他由警方陪同到律敦治醫院,及自行往私家醫生驗傷,兩者均證實他右嘴角內有嚴重瘀傷,昨日瘀傷仍未消退。他的右眼袋也有損傷,左背 肩胛骨有紅印。


「讓 愛與和平佔領中環」的facebook專頁展示當晚連同Ronald在內,六名被警察打傷的示威者的傷勢圖片。其中一名21歲大學三年級男生,他在添馬公 園被警察扯脫眼罩,近距離噴胡椒噴霧,他雙眼劇痛倒在地上、身體蜷曲成一團,之後感到被警棍、拳頭打身及頭。他雙手被扣上索帶後,仍被警察用警棍打面,腳 踩胸口,甚至強行張開他雙腳,用膝頭跪落大腿內側。
另一名男子在龍和道隧道口位置被警方拉跌,因警方猛力拉扯他的頸鏈導致頸有一條明顯血痕,手腳 有損傷。多名示威者跌倒在地上仍被警方叉頸,及將頭撼落地上。其中一名大學二年級男生,在添馬公園用手機拍攝清場過程,走避時有警察從後拉扯背囊及將他推 落地,他嘗試爬起時遭多名警察用力壓在地上叉頸,雙手被反鎖後仍被撼頭落地,警察喝罵:「玩嘢吖嗱?」其頸部最少有兩條明顯瘀痕,雙膝有大面積破損。



  - Internet users * Peter Tung * reply message ---> "Upstairs a lady bits> Hong Kong police only magic, no mob (except blue ribbon), representing already 21 days you have not seen a car burned, there are shops robbed, police overthrown! you are obedient attitude ??! better to go back to the Qing Dynasty strike! '' --- '' this simple phrase has been sufficient proof shameful " 江凙民" whip service Leung Chun-ying how vicious animals, are trained to @ 張德江 "slaves of corrupt officials master a demon, lost humanity, conscience, ....!!"-
---**由蘋果日報的專頁))-網 民*Peter Tung *的回覆留言--->"樓上個位小姐>香港只有魔警,没有暴民(藍絲帶除外),佔中已21天了閣下有没有看見有車被燒,有店被搶,警車被推 翻!妳的是順民心態??!不如回到滿清時代去罷!''---''這段簡單的字句已足夠證明可恥的"江凙民"鞭役的牲畜梁振英有多狠毒,被主子@張德江"奴隸貪官污吏訓練成惡魔, 失去人性,良知,.....!!"-
---**))애플 데일리의 페이지에 의해 설계된 - 인터넷 사용자가 *피터 퉁*이--->"위층 여자 비트> 홍콩 경찰 전용 마법, 블루 리본 이외에는 폭도 (), 이미 나타내는 이십일일 당신 응답 메시지 경찰은 전복, 차량 강탈 상점이 불에 보지! 당신은 순종하는 태도입니다 ??! 더 나은 청나라 파업으로 돌아갑니다! ''--- '이 간단한 문구는 충분한 증거 부끄러운있다 "江 凙 民" 채찍 서비스 양조위 천@ 張德江 "부패한 관리의 노예  잉은 악마를 마스터하는 훈련 방법 악순환 동물, ..., 양심을 인류를 잃었다! "-





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