2015年2月6日 星期五

---Posted by.hotforsecurity.com (1).*CTB locker blackmail aimed at French companies,, by: Alexandra Georgi ,, [ 05,02 2015] - (2).United States* coverage of the tone of the Islamic State organization admitted 科巴尼 retreat [7 February 2015]! - and - (3).to trace a US health insurance companies were hacking case !! - (4) by.nownews. com *Jordan released the Islamic State of movie exposure,, airstrikes killed 55 people pass- by Apple Daily reported last series of the essence---"(Li ping) to make on China:! dishonesty negligent misconduct of the Minister of Education -"! & -[there are] [piece] fire escapes Tong Tong Siege room 50 feet out of a three live !! "- & -" Yip Liu,,hacking email accounts and stole $ 500,000 (this person is hit democracy and freedom= the old'fox' ,my dear brothers, or anyone/ Anonymous who did so good, very good ^^)! - & - off the ground, I do not have ~(a practicing lawyer,, Ren Jianfeng,Mr.) - & - richer people, red three generations administration of Hong Kong? (Senior hedge fund manager,,Qian Jian,Mr. ) -. & Appledaily.com.tw] released female primary school teacher incarnation sniper*,, help destroy "Islamic State" !! (Wooh, brave Supperwoman, praise good ~) - ---由.hotforsecurity.com發佈的(1).*CTB更衣室勒索瞄準法國公司,,通過:亞歷山德拉格奧爾基·,,[ 05,02 2015]-(2).美國之音的報導*伊斯蘭國組織承認在科巴尼敗退! [2015年02月07日]-和-(3).美國追查一健保公司遭黑客襲擊案 !!- (4).由.nownews.com發佈的*約旦空襲伊斯蘭國影片曝光,,傳擊斃55人!-最後是由蘋果日報報導的一系列精華---"(李平)盡論中國:失信失職失德的教育部長!-"&-【有片】【劏房危城】走火通道劏出50呎 住一家三口!!"-&-"葉劉電郵遭黑客入侵,,偷走戶口50萬$(此人是打擊民主自由的'老狐貍',,誰個哥兒幹得這麽好事,好極!^^)-&-功成,不必在我(執業律師,,任建峰)-&-富二代、紅三代管治香港?(資深對沖基金經理,,錢志健)-&.Appledaily.com.tw]發佈的*小學女老師化身狙擊手,,助剿「伊斯蘭國」!!(Wooh, 勇敢Supperwoman,讚好~)- **USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

ctbA sniper in the ruins of 科巴尼---Posted by.hotforsecurity.com (1).*CTB locker blackmail aimed at French companies,, by:

Alexandra Georgi ,, [ 05,02 2015] - (2).United States* coverage of the tone of the Islamic State organization admitted 科巴尼 retreat [7 February 2015]! - and - (3).to trace a US health insurance companies were hacking case !! - (4) by.nownews. com *Jordan released the Islamic State of movie exposure,, airstrikes killed 55 people pass- by Apple Daily reported last series of the essence---"(Li ping) to make on China:! dishonesty negligent misconduct of the Minister of Education -"! & -[there are] [piece] fire escapes Tong Tong Siege room 50 feet out of a three live !! "- & -" Yip Liu,,hacking email accounts and stole $ 500,000 (this person is hit democracy and freedom= the old'fox' ,my dear brothers, or anyone/ Anonymous who did so good, very good ^^)! - & - off the ground, I do not have ~(a practicing lawyer,, Ren Jianfeng,Mr.) - & - richer people, red three generations administration of Hong Kong? (Senior hedge fund manager,,Qian Jian,Mr. ) -. & Appledaily.com.tw] released female primary school teacher incarnation sniper*,, help destroy "Islamic State" !! (Wooh, brave Supperwoman, praise good ~) -
---由.hotforsecurity.com發佈的(1).*CTB更衣室勒索瞄準法國公司,,通過:亞歷山德拉格奧爾基·,,[ 05,02 2015]-(2).美國之音的報導*伊斯蘭國組織承認在科巴尼敗退! [2015年02月07日]-和-(3).美國追查一健保公司遭黑客襲擊案 !!- (4).由.nownews.com發佈的*約旦空襲伊斯蘭國影片曝光,,傳擊斃55人!-最後是由蘋果日報報導的一系列精華---"(李平)盡論中國:失信失職失德的教育部長!-"&-【有片】【劏房危城】走火通道劏出50呎 住一家三口!!"-&-"
葉劉電郵遭黑客入侵,,偷走戶口50萬$(此人是打擊民主自由的'老狐貍',,誰個哥兒幹得這麽好事,好極!^^)-&-功成,不必在我(執業律師,,任建峰)-&-富二代、紅三代管治香港?(資深對沖基金經理,,錢志健)-&.Appledaily.com.tw]發佈的*小學女老師化身狙擊手,,助剿「伊斯蘭國」!!(Wooh, 勇敢Supperwoman,讚好~)-
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

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- **Utere deo, domum usu translator Google Translate to the language of patriae, civitatem O ^^-
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-**Bonvolu uzi la dio hejmo uzo Google tradukisto por traduki la lingvon de via lando aŭ urbo Ho ^^- ** 


CTB Locker Ransomware Targets French Companies

A spam campaign delivering CTB Locker is targeting employees from French companies, Bitdefender researchers found.
The spam e-mails carry an attachment,a .cab file and a message claiming to be from a co-worker of the victim . The e-mails look like authentic bills and are allegedly sent to management departments.
The e-mails invite people to open the .cab file, an auto-executable Microsoft archive. Once accessed, the CTB Locker cryptoware executes itself on the user's computer and ciphers any file found on the computer, along with everything it's connected to – including external hard drive disks, file servers and backups.
The company is urged to pay a ransom to recover the encrypted files, within a very short period of time – usually 72 hours.
How can users and companies protect themselves?
The e-mails usurp the identity of the victim's co-worker, which adds a layer of trust and credibility to the scam . They are well-written, in the language of the user, making it even harder to identitfy the scam. Users are advised to be extremely careful when opening e-mails from unknown senders, especially if they carry an attachment – it's quite unusual to receive a .cab document. It's also critical to use an anti-malware solution that proactively protects against threats, and to perform external backup of the company's data on a regular basis in order to avoid losing valuable data with a double-click.
This article is based on information provided courtesy of Profil Technology and Bitdefender researchers.



垃圾郵件攜帶的附件,一個.cab文件和消息,聲稱是來自同事的受害者。 這些郵件看起來像真幣,並涉嫌發送到管理部門。
在電子郵件邀請其他人打開.cab文件,自動可執行微軟存檔。 一旦訪問時,CTB洛克cryptoware用戶的計算機和密碼上執行自己的計算機上發現的任何文件,以及一切它的連接 - 包括外部硬盤驅動器,文件服務器和備份。
該公司要求支付贖金來恢復加密的文件,在很短的時間內 - 通常是72小時。
該電子郵件奪取被害人的同事,這增加了一層信任和信譽的騙局的身份。 他們寫得很好,在用戶的語言,使它更難identitfy騙局。 建議用戶來自未知發件人打開電子郵件時,尤其是當他們攜帶的附件很謹慎 - 這是相當不尋常收到一個.cab文件。 這也是至關重要的使用反惡意軟件解決方案,積極主動地抵禦威脅,並為了避免與雙擊失去寶貴的數據執行公司的數據的外部備份定期。

 Obama to pay tribute to the Dalai Lama at prayer breakfast
Obama prayer breakfast hands together to pay tribute to the Dalai Lama
 Obama prayer breakfast hands together to pay tribute to the Dalai Lama.
 VOA Cantonese group
Chinese government spokesman said Friday that China opposes foreign reception of the Dalai Lama. The day before, the Tibetan spiritual leader attended in Washington at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters in Beijing, the Dalai Lama is a political exile, that he has long been engaged in the name of religion under the guise of anti-China separatist activities.
US President Barack Obama on Thursday to meet with the Dalai Lama is not directly, but their seats are very close, and mutual compliments.
Dalai Lama at the National Prayer Breakfast meeting with White House senior adviser Garrett handshake Dalai Lama at the National Prayer Breakfast meeting with White House senior adviser Garrett handshake
Obama ignored China earlier protest against the US in any way contact the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, he praised the heart of compassion.
At the annual meeting of the National Prayer Breakfast, Obama about the religious and political leaders in 3600, said: "I want a good friend, His Holiness the Dalai Lama a special welcome to the Dalai Lama is a powerful role model for him. show mercy, he encouraged the United States speak out for freedom and dignity of all mankind. "
While the Dalai Lama insists he is not seeking independence for Tibet, but the Chinese authorities regarded him as dangerous separatists, and often he met with foreign leaders accused.


The Islamic State organization admitted Ke Bani retreat

A sniper in the ruins of 科巴尼
A sniper in the ruins of科巴尼.
 Voice of America
The Islamic State organization admitted Ke Bani retreat
 After the attack the Kurdish army and coalition air strikes after Islamic militants in the country after months of fierce fighting, Saturday admitted defeat and withdrawal from the Syrian border town of Ke Bani major. US commander Lieutenant James Terry is responsible for coordinating the fight against extremists allied air strikes, he confirmed the victory of Kurdish militants. He said in a statement, the coalition will support further air strikes Kurdish armed offensive, armed militants expelled from northern Syria in the border areas with Turkey junction.
US Secretary of State Warren Saturday in Boston, said the fight against the Islamic State of occupation Ke Bani war organization made a strategic and symbolic targets.
In the video clip, the two men claiming to be militants, said the US-led coalition air strike that the organization was forced to retreat from Ke Bani main reason. But they vowed to target Islamic State organizations 科巴尼 city and surrounding areas to launch attacks in the future.
A militant in the segment, said: "Not long ago, as a result of the bombing, and some of our brothers were killed, we began to slowly retreat from 科巴尼."
Ke Bani campaign could be a major turning point defeat of the Islamic State organizations. This organization has been in a few months to occupy the vast territory of Syria and Iraq.




 A sniper in the ruins of 科巴尼

在經歷了庫爾德軍隊的攻擊和聯軍的空襲後,伊斯蘭國武裝份子在數月的激戰後,星期六承認被打敗並撤出敘利亞主要邊境城市科巴尼。美軍指揮官詹姆斯特 里中將負責協調聯軍打擊極端份子的空襲行動,他證實了庫爾德武裝的勝利。他在一份聲明中說,聯軍的進一步空襲將支持庫爾德武裝的攻勢,將激進份子武裝趕出 敘利亞北部與土耳其交界的邊境地區。


US health insurance companies to trace an assault by hackers

 Anse Mu (Anthem) healthcare company said this week that hackers have been deep into the company's database
 Anse Mu (Anthem) healthcare company said this week that hackers have been deep into the company's database.
 Voice of America
US investigators trying to determine, on the US's second-largest health insurance company whether to launch cyber attacks by hackers in China. Meanwhile, the US network security personnel as well as the insurance company is taking emergency response measures.
Anse Mu (Anthem) healthcare company said this week that hackers have been deep into the company's database, which stored 80 million copies of personal information, including both company employees, but also the company's existing customers and existing customers, the company's chief executive Official profile among them.
Western media, citing people familiar with the investigation said that Chinese hackers may be the initiator of the event. Because of this hacking technique and is very similar to previous similar attacks. The FBI is investigating this.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Friday denied that Chinese companies were black volume Ruansemu events.
He said: "relevant guess is totally unfounded." He added, "should not be groundlessly accused the Chinese."
Meanwhile, Anse Mu companies and network security experts are taking emergency response measures, including events that may affect the assessment.
Fast 7 security company personnel 里尼阿古罗 said: "our greatest fear is that hackers though did not get credit card information, but customers have Social Security numbers have Social Security number, you can enter the account number, credit card number to modify. and change passwords, Social Security numbers to change very, very difficult. In addition, upon receipt of e-mail with a Social Security number, one would think that e-mail is certainly no problem, then most likely immediately clicked, so the system was so compromised . "
Fast seven security personnel 里尼阿古罗 company said: network hacker crime was able to succeed, often because the network security policy on the budget and may have vulnerabilities.
阿 古罗 said: "Economically, launch cyber attacks against attackers advantageous because people will always defend the network to find new ways to defend the network, at a loss and the problems they often argue there are, how much money should be used in the budget. counter-action, how much money is considered enough. "
The network security work even more people worried about is often a national network of advanced technology is now able to use the leaked.
He said: "Indeed these attacks in progress, and its technology is very advanced way, often only country to use, however, these technologies have begun to grasp for criminals.."
Investigate the ongoing attacks. China has always supported the hacking denies and says China is also network hacking victim, and therefore supports the fight against cybercrime.


Jordan Islamic State of air strikes killed 55 people pass the film exposure


2015 Feb 06,

 International Centre / roundup
 ▲ burned in retaliation for the Islamic State of Jordan flying officer, received professional flight training Jordanian King Abdullah may pro on the firing line, the army air raids. (Figure / turn taken since the Daily Mail website www.dailymail.co.uk).

burned in retaliation for the Islamic State of Jordan flying officer, received professional flight training Jordanian King Abdullah may pro on the firing line, the army air raids. (Figure / turn taken since the Daily Mail website www.dailymail.co.uk).

 In retaliation for the Islamic State (Islamic State) killed captive Jordanian pilots Casa Bay (Maaz al-Kassasbeh), Jordan 5, dispatched dozens of military fighter jets, the first time the Islamic State of targets to attack Syria. Allegedly killed 55 Islamist militants in the country.

 According to the US Cable News Network (CNN) reported that the air campaign entitled "Moss martyr operations" (Moath the Martyr). Moss is a Jordanian military pilots Casa Bay (Moath al-Kasasbeh) name. After the raid mission complete fighter, came flying over the Bay of Casa home, to pay tribute to Casa bay.
Jordanian officials said the Department of Defense, the headquarters of the Islamic State of airstrikes focused on La (al-Raqqa) suburbs. According to the Ministry of Defence of Jordan exposure of the film, former fighters starting ground crew still writing slogans on the bomb, the Islamic State audibles.
Arab TV station (Al Arabiya) quoted Iraqi media reports, the Jordanian Islamist wave of air strikes killed 55 militants in the country, including a senior commander nicknamed "Prince Nineveh" is.

jordan air force bombing ISIS

News Source

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On the Chinese do: dishonesty negligent misconduct of the Minister of Education

Chinese Minister of Education Yuan Guiren (Figure) for universities to issue "a three never never" ban (not to allow the spread of Western values ​​of textbooks in the classroom; never allow an attacker to defame the party's leadership to discredit socialism remarks appear in the classroom ; never allow a variety of speech in violation of the Constitution and laws of the spread in the classroom; never allow teachers in the classroom complain, vent grievances), set off a new round of ideological war, it detonated its official questioned people, all kinds of messages straight Minister promises refers Yuan, dereliction of duty, misconduct.
Yuan Guiren injunction issued contrary to his own Commitment Two ○ 一 year CPPCC National Committee meeting. He said at the time, Chinese universities to introduce more foreign resources no risk, "We also sent out so many people in the capitalist nest are not affected, afraid in their affected here?" Yuan Minister turn hand drive, not only reflects changes in the political situation, but also reflect his untrustworthy, Siyanerfei.

Sub suspect to trial materials for profit

Peking University Law School Professor Shen Kui questioned Yuan Guiren how to distinguish slander, discredit and reflection, exposing the darkness. Obviously, the "three no way" will only be in the interests of one party dictatorship as a zone boundary, the result is to stifle academic freedom and independent thinking teachers and students, is tantamount to stifle the country's future, as the Minister of Education, as a professor of Beijing Normal University , Yuan Guiren is dereliction of duty.
The challenge facing public intellectuals, has left scholars seeking official web author, murderously urged "punish ministers siege education teachers and well-known large-V, we must dare to pull a nail." Yuan Guiren 缓颊 no words. Worse still, the real name for the public to report illegal submittals his son Yuan Xin, 12 sets of "Yuan textbook" hundreds of millions of dollars profit, Yuan Guiren also dumb, so official people, so why not misconduct?



[There are] [piece] fire escapes Tong Tong Siege room 50 feet out of a three live

[There are] [piece] fire escapes Tong Tong Siege room 50 feet out of a three live

Created: 0205 18:57

Wan Tong attic room deadly fire, re-make social concerns Tang house the city's problems.

"One hammer tuning" discovered security issues covered room doubtful Tang Hong, Mongkok owners of the units have a bad first floor of a small fire escapes, privately Tang 50 feet into the room rental.

Photos can be seen from the environment is very harsh, Co-Director concerned about the rights of children developing 何汝瑛 even said that the flat had a family of three, $ 2,000 rent.

When an illegal room door, other residents can not enter the back staircase, for safety reasons, the head of household does not shut the door on their own.

Because the environment is too bad, plus-year-old son suffers from hyperactivity disorder, there is not such 劏 room rental is now concerned about the rights of children by the co-development assistance to move to better-劏 living room.

At present, more rose above Tong room rent two thousand three hundred yuan, and successfully re-let.

These inferior Tong room still has a price city, which shows how the government ying "effective" to solve the housing problem.

"One tuning hammer" on the issue will continue to follow Tong room, please refer to reports.


Liu Ye hacking email accounts and stole 500,000

 [Update: New Movie]
Former Secretary for Security Regina Ip New Democracy Party has recently been hacked emails impersonating its signature indicates that the bank transfer $ 65,000 (HK $ 500,000) to another bank account, she said Tuesday, the day of receipt of the guild bank staff meeting notice remittance, Email only knows the invasion, has been the police for help. Ye Liu recalled earlier after an open e-mail sent by the MTR Chairman Ch'ien, noted that other e-mail stolen, no doubt change your email password hacking.

Mrs Ip said earlier bank authorization via email, let the police get the information, but she has yet to receive, so the police will check her office and home electronic account. She stressed that the documents are personally guild settlement, there is no charge via email, describe the event is a personal financial oversight.

Secretary for Security Regina Ip Mr Lai was asked by reporters to fraud incident, he pointed out that as the event has just occurred, so Write data on hand, but he guarantees that any Hong Kong, such as online cheated and losses, will try to detect . He also think we should take preventive measures, urged the public to be careful use of electronic products, in order to avoid leakage of important personal information.


Off the ground, I do not have (a practicing lawyer Ren Jianfeng)

  Kyorin awakening is concerned about political reform organized by a group of doctors.
 Today Monday, Kyorin awakening Dr. Huang Renkuang in this op-ed published an article. Because the relationship between the content of the article, the online version of this article, use the Thammasat Cyberwisdom convener photos. Dr Wong took me with him on some of the contents of this issue jokingly put a facebook, and then he says serious: "But to be honest, in fact, it does not matter Thammasat Cyberwisdom good, Kyorin awakening or, off the ground, I do not have . "
Dr Wong this sentence makes me very touched, simply because a fellow traveler should equally, mutual support. At the same time, this one "off the ground, do not have me." Yiling I reflect on the composition, mode of operation and the succession mechanism of civil society. Because there are a lot of new civil society umbrella organization founded after exercise, so analysis of these issues become even more important, more urgency.
Based on personal experience and the different reports in the press, many civil society groups are composed of a group because of ideals, powered off comes together, thus setting up groups. These groups usually have a small number of the soul, and opened in the early group, these characters will exercise almost overwhelming influence on whether operational or direction. This is not necessarily a bad thing: If the group at this stage are rudderless, timid, it is difficult to do anything, will no direction.
But the most dangerous time of these groups, but they are on track, some results of the time. If the groups continue to rely too much on the soul, this group will become weak and strong internal and external. When the soul is still, groups seems okay. But if they leave again or severely affected discredit, groups will be brought to its knees, undo all our efforts. Likewise, if the soul were reluctant to do for a long time, "down", groups will be gradually reduced to a private kingdom of the soul, when the founder of the ideal individual will gradually (office) to make way for the political interests of the soul. Over time, the group will be aging, stiff or even wither.
Therefore, any civil society groups must bear in mind that the soul of Dr. Huang phrase "off the ground, I do not have." Soul absolutely organizations have the responsibility to do even without them, the same group can continue and grow. To do this, it must be the soul of the first day to remind ourselves, as soon as possible to find a successor candidate, and tried to cultivate them. To the extent permitted by the time it is best to gradually step down, because the more difficult to stay too long back, but also to individuals or groups who are not healthy. After stepping down, if you agree with the direction of group time permits, you may wish to continue to do ordinary volunteers or members of the group, but if you do not agree to no longer participate at most, it is best not to make irresponsible remarks.
Personally, I am now the participation of civil society groups are holding these purposes, because I fear most is the one-man, I do not want to see me, I have taken the creation of the group become (or anyone) private kingdom. Mobil home. Governance, I started is not a leader, but at this stage is biased quote me to do a foreign background role to help organizations bring the outside world's attention. But as we began to do on the track (Mobil home. Crew politics is simply a group of terrific Oddities!), But members also started with the media, civil society has a direct contact friends, my role would naturally and rightly can (also should) gradually subside. Similarly, I think one of the convener of the Department of Law and Politics, I have long made it clear to the crew that the young lawyer when there will be more able to stand up and speak on behalf of community groups and leaders, I hope to achieve the effect of Passing the torch And Tuiweirangxian.
Above all this has brought me recently, "Wen Wei Po" and "Ta Kung Pao" on my "favor." Their writing skills and learn praiseworthy. Their discredit, in addition to my "thank indulgence, but you are mistaken," outside, do not feel the need to make any response. But I hope they (and their supporters) can understand, "off the ground, I do not have" the truth in these circumstances. Like those old fashioned eighties late Qing / early Republican one common dialogue like episodes (though I would not start spurting in violin music in the background!), "Even if you go to play 任建峰, the legal profession are also ten ten one hundred one hundred Ren Jianfeng, the entire community has hundreds of thousands of Ren Jianfeng there! "
Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Kyorin awakening doctors. They may humbly say, "off the ground, I do not have," but the medical community has recently rejected the framework of this wonder of the 831 is definitely "off the ground, because there they are." Doctors, make a prayer by brother!
* Note: The above represents the personal views of the author and do not represent the views of the firm to which he belongs.

Ren Jianfeng practicing lawyers


Wealthy people, red three generations administration of Hong Kong?
(Senior hedge fund manager Qian Jian)

  There are websites that have produced videos showing Chinese wealthy people, red three generations of students of luxury living in America.
 There are a few days in North America. On the road and "Not enough scale" director Matthew Torne (student leader Feng Huang is one of the protagonists of the documentary) attended several public forums, talked about "The Battle of Hong Kong." 689 aside, the future of Hong Kong, who is the ruler? What is the quality of the people? People in North America, of course, concerned about the red three generations, rich second reading ability, social skills. Under the country's reform and opening up, state or, enterprises or all go international, so a handful of people rich. During the last decade, a lot of wealthy people, and even red three generations abroad, preferred are the United States eight Ivy League (Ivy League), Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Brown University, Cornell University , University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth College. These established universities, even the US local talents admitted students is not easy, wealthy people, red three generations, but also admitted what? Were admitted, how many are with the strength, the relationship is by how many? Let us join together to explore. Most people are familiar with, than the former Communist "strongman", now serving in the former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai's son Bo Guagua, commuting schools in Europe and America, it was reported that he was admitted to the School of Law at Columbia University. As for the red three generations, was admitted to Yale University, according to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have heard that before Wu's granddaughter, there Councilor Yang's daughter, and Stanford University, according to Wen Jia Qinglin's granddaughter there, and Li's daughter is studying in the US. And all passed the scholarship.
In this, I question and answer two questions: First, ask: "Those" princelings "After graduating really okay?" A: "In fact in the financial investment banks, many wealthy people graduated from prestigious universities in the United States, and the line Perhaps being laughed at as "princelings", in time, many have mastered the "Warlords", but there is always Hu continued diving. family of wealthy people in the extensive business and political contacts, after graduating from naturally become eager to recruit object! Work opportunities, naturally bring more development space, "two, and asked:" That is to say, still rely on "relationship" "? A:" to maintain the visibility of a university student family background has created a lot of star power companies The same is true, wealthy people, it also brings three generations of the same red effect! "relationship" has always been a two-way. It is said that "relationship" is a kind of strength, I wonder if you would deny the same? "studying" Yu , a handful of people know how to enjoy life. close to two hundred and fifty thousand American students among a handful compared to Hong Kong, the city dudes know how to play with the car. "
Multi-media companies have Vocativ, filmed Chinese wealthy people, red three generations in exaggerated Southern California in Los Angeles, playing the car scene. These three generations play car fresh red hot, these 80,90 (18-25 years old) of luxury living, including YouTube and online reports by domestic social media reprinted billions times! All units also mainland "gold rush" of corrupt officials, and will foot the earthquake? These overseas "studying" red three generations dudes, Starter Edition minimum To Ferrari, decent those to Lamborghini chariot out of Hollywood Boulevard. Bentz too old-fashioned, needs modification, to show a grand party, available on Bugatti16.4 Veyron special edition cars, the lowest admission is $ 1,300,000. I have not studied whether these "studying" the students' feelings in the world, is the same "substantial"? A look at the Internet, welcome to give us some advice. http://m.wimp.com/secretmeet/ (you have to see this film, which will understand luxury).
To broaden the conversation that expatriate Chinese corrupt officials and relatives heard that there is a part of the country will return to surrender because of the intensity of a violent fight corruption (whether dealing with political opponents is another topic), implicated in the human network is still involved in the Mainland family, the greater the penalty was "raid." This time to fight corruption, the Chinese Communist Party is really great "determination." Also the return of former head of the ruler who will be the future of Hong Kong? Will be part of this group of "studying" Chinese youth, ultra-rich Chinese spoiled kids? How many of these "professionals" will flow into Hong Kong? After the movement's umbrella, the original people of Hong Kong, will the Communist wealthy people, red three generations, "declared war" defend my city? I do not see too much waste in Hong Kong Green, wealth is not balanced, there is no relative fair competition in Hong Kong, Hong Kong will enter the next phase of the battle to another?
Finally, Toronto, Canada and you have a date: "After an umbrella movement of Hong Kong's democratic path," Open Forum: Date: 2 Jul (星期六); Time: 2 pm-4pm; Location: Splendid China (467 Steeles Ave. E.) . We continue along the democratic path Hong sound. For inquiries, please e-mail: 2047HKMonitor@gmail.com.

Qian Zhijian senior hedge fund managers


Female primary school teacher incarnation sniper help destroy "Islamic State"

 Shi Xipan female war. Turn taken since the "Daily Mail".February 6, 2015.
Syria, a female primary school teachers, five months ago decided to quit teaching, join local rival extremist groups "Islamic State" (IS, formerly known ISIL "Iraq and Levant Troy Islamic country") forces, and served as a sniper, and a group of housewives, farmers and businessmen and other volunteer alongside.

Xipan (Denis Sipan) was originally a Kurdish elementary school teacher, can not stand, "Islamic State" heinous evil, take the initiative to join the Kurdish People's Union for Conservation (YPG), in the vicinity of the front guard 科巴尼 homes : "If we do not act, the entire area will fall into the hands of IS, they will destroy everything."

She and other righteous with firearms bought from the black market to battle the enemy, but the troops lack of resources, the gun had to share her with others. After five months of fighting, IS admit defeat in 科巴尼, YPG to gradually regain the town, has been regained 50 villages. (In celebration of / Dow Jones reports)


 "Chinaman -mainland Communist bastard did not credit the world's most pedantic, depraved ban lock people places.
Southeast Asia is very popular word language, is also believed,, >> prostitute could be trust,, BUT the mainland Chinaman all of the hybrids you must not believe. Chinaman not have the integrity , is the most rotten place in this world, they will make your eyes in fact clear!
So whenever the Communist mainland Chinaman kinds of evil, they just like the mainland Chinaman's unique 'fake newspaper' ', as the ban lock is closed to deceive domestic ban all people!

One of the most backward continent, every day the number mainland people
of the evil Communist Chinaman killed of @!

Taiwan alias is 'Republic of China', under the leadership of Tsai Ing-wen,
make Taiwan as an independent country warmth and kindly~

The mainland is the People's Republic of China Communist mainland alias @
Please distinguish these two were very different place.
Communist mainland Chinaman corruption,
Crafty, cunning conspiracy,
Continent in the world, only one thing is true ----> counterfeiting and imitation, fake food, no law but their own perceived Communist system called '' false law ''. @ Really is the world's most shameless dirty despicable @ !! ''

People are also to willing understand authenticity.
Distort people's mainland Communist Chinaman,
International is to eliminate the Communist Chinaman bastard fuck@!







"중국인 -mainland 공산주의 자식은 세계에서 가장 현학적 인, 타락한 금지 잠금 사람들이 장소를 신용하지 않았다.
동남 아시아는 매우 인기있는 단어 언어도,, >> 매춘부 신뢰 될 수있다 생각됩니다,,하지만 본토 중국인은 하이브리드의 모든 당신이 믿을 수 있어야합니다. 중국인 무결성을하지,이 세상에서 가장 썩은 곳으로, 그들은 분명 사실에 눈을 만들 것입니다!
그래서 때마다 악마의 공산주의 본토 중국인 종류, 그들은 단지 본토 중국인 특유의 '가짜 신문' '와 같은, 금지 잠금이 국내 금지 모든 사람들을 속이기 위해 폐쇄로!

가장 뒤로 대륙 중 하나는, 매일 수 본토 사람들
사악한 공산주의 중국인의 살해 @!

대만 별명은, 차이 잉원의 지도력하에, '중국의 공화국'이다
~ 친절하게 독립 국가 따뜻함과 대만을

본토 중국 공산당 본토 별칭 인민 공화국입니다 @
이 두 매우 다른 곳이었다 구분하시기 바랍니다.
공산주의 본토 중국인 손상,
교묘 한 음모 교활,
세계의 대륙, 단 한 가지가 '거짓 법' ''라는 사실 ----> 위조 및 모방, 가짜 음식, 법이 없다고하지만 자신의 인식 공산주의 시스템이다. @ 정말 세계에서 가장 뻔뻔한 비열한 더러운 @! ''

사람들은 또한 기꺼이에있는 신뢰성을 이해합니다.
사람들의 본토 공산당 중국인 왜곡
국제 씨발 공산주의 중국인의 자식을 제거하는 것입니다 @!


«Chinois -mainland bâtard communiste ne ont pas crédit les plus pédants, dépravés lock interdiction personnes endroits du monde.
Asie du Sud-est mot langue très populaire, est également soupçonné,, >> prostituée pourrait être la confiance,, mais les Chinois de la partie continentale de tous les hybrides il ne faut pas croire. Chinaman pas l'intégrité, est l'endroit le plus pourri dans ce monde, ils font vos yeux clair, en effet!
Donc, chaque fois que les continentaux communiste sortes Chinaman du mal, ils ont juste unique comme «faux journal" du Chinois du continent », comme le verrou de l'interdiction est fermé pour tromper interdiction nationale toutes les personnes!

Un des le continent le plus en arrière, tous les jours du peuple numéro du continent
du mal communiste Chinois tué de @!

Alias Taiwan est «République de Chine», sous la direction de Tsai Ing-wen,
faire Taiwan comme une chaleur de pays indépendant et aimablement ~

La partie continentale est de la République populaire de Chine continentale alias communistes @
Se il vous plaît distinguer ces deux étaient très différent.
Communiste Chinois continentale corruption,
Crafty, ruse conspiration,
Continent dans le monde, une seule chose est vrai ----> contrefaçon et l'imitation, faux nourriture, pas de loi, mais leur propre système communiste perçue appelé '' fausse loi ''. @ Ce est vraiment du monde la plus éhontée sale méprisable @ !! ''

Les gens sont également disposés à comprendre authenticité.
Déformer continentale communiste Chinois de personnes,
International est d'éliminer le bâtard Communiste Chinois baise @!


東南アジアでは、非常に人気の単語言語であるにも,,>>売春婦が信頼可能性が考えられている,, BUT本土の中国人は、ハイブリッドのすべてのあなたは信じてはいけません。中国人の整合性を持っていない、この世界で最も腐った場所で、彼らは明確な事実であなたの目を行います!



世界で大陸、一つだけの事は「偽の法則'''と呼ばれる真---->偽造や模倣、偽の食品、ない法律が、自分自身の知覚共産システムです。 @本当に世界で最も恥知らずな卑劣な汚い@!! ''



"Chinese -mainland kommunistischen Bastard nicht gutschreiben der weltweit pedantisch, verdorbenen Verbot Sperre Menschen Orte.
Südostasien ist sehr beliebt Wort Sprache, wird auch geglaubt,,, >> Prostituierte könnte Vertrauen sein,, ABER das Festland Chinesen alle Hybriden müssen Sie nicht glauben. Chinesen nicht die Integrität haben, ist die faulen Platz in dieser Welt, werden sie die Augen in der Tat deutlich zu machen!
Also, wenn die kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Arten des Bösen, sie genau wie das Festland Chinesen einzigartigen 'fake Zeitung' ', wie das Verbot Schloss geschlossen ist, um zu täuschen Hausverbot alle Menschen!

Eines der am meisten rückständigen Kontinent, jeden Tag die Anzahl Festland Menschen
des bösen kommunistischen Chinesen getötet von @!

Taiwan Alias Republik China ", unter der Leitung von Tsai Ing-wen,
machen Taiwan als unabhängiges Land Wärme und freundlich ~

Das Festland ist die Volksrepublik China kommunistischen Festland alias @
Bitte unterscheiden Sie diese beiden waren ganz anderer Ort.
Kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Korruption,
Crafty, schlau Verschwörung,
Kontinent der Welt, ist nur eine Sache ist wahr ----> Fälschung und Nachahmung, gefälschte Nahrung, kein Gesetz, sondern ihre eigenen wahrgenommenen kommunistischen System namens '' false Gesetz ''. @ Wirklich ist die weltweit am meisten schamlosen schmutzig verabscheuungswürdigen @ !! ''

Die Menschen sind auch bereit zu verstehen Authentizität.
Verzerren der Menschen Festland kommunistischen Chinesen,
International ist die kommunistische Chinesen Bastard ficken beseitigen @!


"Ĥino -mainland Komunisma bastardo ne akrediti la mondaj plej pedanta, mensmalsanaj malpermeso seruro homoj lokoj.
Sudorienta Azio estas tre populara vorto lingvo, ankaŭ kredas,, >> prostituitino eblis konfidon,, sed la ĉeftero Ĥino ĉiuj híbridos vi ne devas kredi. Ĉino ne havas la sincerecon, tiu estas la plej putran lokon en ĉi mondo, ili faros viajn okulojn fakte klara!
Do kiam ajn la Komunisma ĉeftero Ĥino specoj de malbono, ili simple kiel la ĉeftero Ĥino la sola 'falsaj ĵurnalo' ', kiel la malpermeso seruro estas fermita trompi hejma malpermeson ĉiuj homoj!

Unu el la plej malantauxen kontinento, ĉiutage la nombro ĉeftero homoj
de la malbono Komunisma Ĥino mortigita de @!

Tajvano alias estas 'Respubliko de Ĉinio', sub la ĉefeco de Tsai Ing-wen,
fari Tajvano kiel sendependa lando varmon kaj afable ~

La ĉeftero estas la Popola Respubliko de Ĉinio Komunisma ĉeftero alias @
Bonvolu distingi tiujn du estis tre malsama loko.
Komunista ĉeftero Ĥino korupteco,
Crafty, ruzaj konspiro,
Kontinento en la mondo, nur unu afero estas vera ----> falsificación kaj imitaĵo, falsa manĝaĵo, neniu leĝo sed al sia perceptita komunista sistemo nomita '' falsaj leĝon ''. @ Vere estas la monda plej senhonta malpura malestiminda @ !! ''

Homoj ankaŭ al volante kompreni autenticidad.
Distordi popola ĉeftero Komunisma Ĥino:
Internacia estas forigi la Komunisma Ĥino bastardo fuck @!


 *---Posted by.hotforsecurity.com (1).*CTB locker blackmail aimed at French companies,, by: Alexandra Georgi ,, [ 05,02 2015] - (2).United States* coverage of the tone of the Islamic State organization admitted 科巴尼 retreat [7 February 2015]! - and - (3).to trace a US health insurance companies were hacking case !! - (4) by.nownews. com *Jordan released the Islamic State of movie exposure,, airstrikes killed 55 people pass- by Apple Daily reported last series of the essence---"(Li ping) to make on China:! dishonesty negligent misconduct of the Minister of Education -"! & -[there are] [piece] fire escapes Tong Tong Siege room 50 feet out of a three live !! "- & -" Yip Liu,,hacking email accounts and stole $ 500,000 (this person is hit democracy and freedom= the old'fox' ,my dear brothers, or anyone/ Anonymous who did so good, very good ^^)! - & - off the ground, I do not have ~(a practicing lawyer,, Ren Jianfeng,Mr.) - & - richer people, red three generations administration of Hong Kong? (Senior hedge fund manager,,Qian Jian,Mr. ) -. & Appledaily.com.tw] released female primary school teacher incarnation sniper*,, help destroy "Islamic State" !! (Wooh, brave Supperwoman, praise good ~) -
---由.hotforsecurity.com發佈的(1).*CTB更衣室勒索瞄準法國公司,,通過:亞歷山德拉格奧爾基·,,[ 05,02 2015]-(2).美國之音的報導*伊斯蘭國組織承認在科巴尼敗退! [2015年02月07日]-和-(3).美國追查一健保公司遭黑客襲擊案 !!- (4).由.nownews.com發佈的*約旦空襲伊斯蘭國影片曝光,,傳擊斃55人!-最後是由蘋果日報報導的一系列精華---"(李平)盡論中國:失信失職失德的教育部長!-"&-【有片】【劏房危城】走火通道劏出50呎 住一家三口!!"-&-"葉劉電郵遭黑客入侵,,偷走戶口50萬$(此人是打擊民主自由的'老狐貍',,誰個哥兒幹得這麽好事,好極!^^)-&-功成,不必在我(執業律師,,任建峰)-&-富二代、紅三代管治香港?(資深對沖基金經理,,錢志健)-&.Appledaily.com.tw]發佈的*小學女老師化身狙擊手,,助剿「伊斯蘭國」!!(Wooh, 勇敢Supperwoman,讚好~)-
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

--- 게시 by.hotforsecurity.com (1)에 의해,, 프랑스어 회사 목표 * CTB 로커 협박 : 알렉산드라 게오르기, [05,02 2015] - (2) .United 미국 *이슬람의 톤의 범위. 국가 조직은 [2015년 2월 7일]를 후퇴 科巴尼 인정! - 및 -(3) 미국 건강 보험 회사가 해킹 된 경우를 추적! - (4).nownews에 의해. COM *요르단 공습 애플 일보 비밀번호 55명 사망,, 영화 노출의 이슬람 국가를 출시 본질의 마지막 시리즈를보고---"(리 핑) 교육 장관의 중국 :! 부정직 과실 위법 행위에 만들기 -"! & -[가] [조각] 화재 50 피트 세 라이브에서 통통 공성 방을 탈출! "- & -"깨갱 리우,, 이메일 계정을 해킹하고 50 만 달러 훔친 (이 사람이 민주주의와 자유 = old'fox '명중 너무 좋아했던 내 사랑하는 형제, 또는 사람 / 익명, 아주 좋은 ^^)! - 및 - 땅에서, 내가 ~하지 않아도 (연습 변호사를,, 르네 Jianfeng 씨.) --풍부한 사람, 홍콩의 빨간 3 세대 관리? (수석 헤지 펀드 매니저,, 키안 지앤 씨.) -. & Appledaily.com.tw] 출시 여성 초등학교 교사 화신 저격 *,, "이슬람 국가"를 파괴하는 데 도움이! (우우, 용감한 Supperwoman는 ~ 좋은 찬양) -
---Posté by.hotforsecurity.com (1) *CTB casier chantage destiné aux entreprises françaises,, par: Alexandra Georgi,, [05,02 2015] - (2) .United States * la couverture de la tonalité de la République islamique. organisation de l'État a admis 科巴尼 retirer [7 Février 2015]! - Et - (3).Pour tracer un cas compagnies d'assurance américaines de la santé ont été piratage !!- (4) by.nownews. com * Jordan libéré l'Etat islamique d'exposition de film,, frappes aériennes ont tué 55 personnes de passe par Apple Daily a rapporté dernière série de l'essence---"(Li ping) à formuler sur la malhonnêteté conduite négligente de la Chine de la ministre de l'Éducation-"! & -[Il ya] [pièce] feu échappe chambre Tong Tong Siege 50 pieds sur trois live !! "- & -"Yip Liu,, le piratage des comptes de messagerie et volé $ 500 000 (cette personne est frappée démocratie et de liberté = l'old'fox ', mes chers frères, ou ne importe qui / Anonyme qui a fait si bon, très bon ^^)! - & -Sur le sol, je ne ai pas ~ (avocat,, Ren Jianfeng, M..) - Et - les personnes plus riches, rouge administration de trois générations de Hong Kong? (Gestionnaire principal des fonds de couverture,, Qian Jian, M..) -. & Appledaily.com.tw] publié femme enseignant incarnation sniper de l'école primaire *,, aider à détruire "Etat islamique" !! (Wooh, courageux Supperwoman, louez bon ~) -
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-





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