2015年5月27日 星期三

---Update(12).27-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong Newsletter-We are pleased...there are so amiable and to care peoples to warming great Anonymous''Kyfx''~ ---更新(12).27-05-2015] - 我們親愛的俠義無名氏'Kyfx'巨大的軍團部落發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong的最新資訊~我們欣慰...有這麼可親而且温暧人們的偉大匿名''Kyfx''~ **All The World Lauguage**-Update(12).25-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong]-& Hillary Clinton Emails]]- Dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' the miracle continues, is he make the light and hope to the desperate people beside , so untold grace ``)) - 更新(12).25-05-2015]-我們親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''龐大部落軍團發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong ]-& 希拉里·克林頓電子郵件] -親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''把奇跡繼續下去,是他把光和希望帶到絶望的人身旁,這樣的深重恩典``))- **All The World Lauguage**-update (12). by our friendly and chivalrous Anonymous "Kyfx" huge Legion! Post that the continent Taobao loophole, Baidu network vulnerabilities, amazon.cn XSS vulnerabilities, MailChimp vulnerabilities, and many more mainland site XSS vulnerabilities! He makes us hooked perfect technique his huge legion of ah! - Sincerely tiny we are grateful!-[ #OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD ] update(12).由我們友好俠義匿名"Kyfx"龐大軍團發佈的大陸淘寶網漏洞,百度網漏洞,amazon.cn XSS漏洞,MailChimp漏洞,和更多的大陸網站XSS漏洞!多麼令我們迷上他龐大軍團的完美技巧啊!-渺小的我們感恩敬上![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]- mise à jour (12). par notre Anonyme "Kyfx" Légion !énorme sympathique et chevaleresque.Diffusez que le continent Taobao échappatoire, Baidu vulnérabilités du réseau, vulnérabilités XSS amazon.cn, vulnérabilités MailChimp, et beaucoup d'autres sites de la partie continentale vulnérabilités XSS! Il nous rend accros technique parfaite son immense légion de ah!- Sincèrement petit nous sommes reconnaissants![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]- 更新(12)。私たちのフレンドリーで凛々しい匿名 "Kyfx"巨大な軍団による その大陸淘宝網の抜け穴、Baiduのネットワークの脆弱性、amazon.cn XSSの脆弱性、MailChimpの脆弱性、およびより多くの本土のサイトのXSS脆弱性の投稿!彼は、私たちは完璧な技術に、ああ、彼の巨大な軍団を夢中になります! - 誠意をこめて小さな私たちは感謝しています! [#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]- Actualización (12). por nuestro Anónimo "Kyfx" enorme legión !amable y caballeroso.-Publique que el continente Taobao laguna, vulnerabilidades de la red de Baidu, vulnerabilidades XSS amazon.cn, vulnerabilidades MailChimp, y muchos más sitios continental vulnerabilidades XSS! Él nos hace enganchados técnica perfecta su enorme legión de ¡ah!- Sinceramente diminuta estamos agradecidos![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-*All The World Lauguage**-*Update[21-05-2015]- (12) Look at the miracle has occurred, our friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" to attack bad demon evil cult of the Communist Party Chinaman of Xi Jinping Chinaman's brutal dictatorship corrupt, sorts of unscrupulous corrupt officials, ignoring all people's lives, make great revenge!- 更新[21-05-2015]-(12).看看奇跡一直在發生,我們的友好親愛的匿名"Kyfx"對大陸妖魔惡劣邪教共產黨支那人習近平的橫暴獨裁腐敗墮落,貪官污吏,漠視人們生命的種種無良,作出大報復!- Mise à jour[21-05-2015]-

*---Update(12).27-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong Newsletter-We are pleased...there are so amiable and to care peoples to warming great Anonymous''Kyfx''~
---更新(12).27-05-2015] - 我們親愛的俠義無名氏'Kyfx'巨大的軍團部落發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong的最新資訊~我們欣慰...有這麼可親而且温暧人們的偉大匿名''Kyfx''~
**All The World Lauguage**-

Update(12).25-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong]-& Hillary Clinton Emails]]- Dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' the miracle continues, is he make the light and hope to the desperate people beside , so untold grace ``)) -
更新(12).25-05-2015]-我們親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''龐大部落軍團發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong ]-& 希拉里·克林頓電子郵件] -親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''把奇跡繼續下去,是他把光和希望帶到絶望的人身旁,這樣的深重恩典``))-
**All The World Lauguage**-

update (12). by our friendly and chivalrous Anonymous "Kyfx" huge Legion!
Post that the continent Taobao loophole, Baidu network vulnerabilities, amazon.cn XSS vulnerabilities, MailChimp vulnerabilities, and many more mainland site XSS vulnerabilities! He makes us hooked perfect technique his huge legion of ah! - Sincerely tiny we are grateful!-[ #OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD ]
update(12).由我們友好俠義匿名"Kyfx"龐大軍團發佈的大陸淘寶網漏洞,百度網漏洞,amazon.cn XSS漏洞,MailChimp漏洞,和更多的大陸網站XSS漏洞!多麼令我們迷上他龐大軍團的完美技巧啊!-渺小的我們感恩敬上![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
mise à jour (12). par notre Anonyme "Kyfx" Légion !énorme sympathique et chevaleresque.Diffusez que le continent Taobao échappatoire, Baidu vulnérabilités du réseau, vulnérabilités XSS amazon.cn, vulnérabilités MailChimp, et beaucoup d'autres sites de la partie continentale vulnérabilités XSS! Il nous rend accros technique parfaite son immense légion de ah!- Sincèrement petit nous sommes reconnaissants![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
更新(12)。私たちのフレンドリーで凛々しい匿名 "Kyfx"巨大な軍団による
その大陸淘宝網の抜け穴、Baiduのネットワークの脆弱性、amazon.cn XSSの脆弱性、MailChimpの脆弱性、およびより多くの本土のサイトのXSS脆弱性の投稿!彼は、私たちは完璧な技術に、ああ、彼の巨大な軍団を夢中になります! - 誠意をこめて小さな私たちは感謝しています! [#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
Actualización (12). por nuestro Anónimo "Kyfx" enorme legión !amable y caballeroso.-Publique que el continente Taobao laguna, vulnerabilidades de la red de Baidu, vulnerabilidades XSS amazon.cn, vulnerabilidades MailChimp, y muchos más sitios continental vulnerabilidades XSS! Él nos hace enganchados técnica perfecta su enorme legión de ¡ah!- Sinceramente diminuta estamos agradecidos![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-*All The World Lauguage**-

Update (12) Look at the miracle has occurred, our friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" to attack bad demon evil cult of the Communist Party Chinaman of Xi Jinping Chinaman's brutal dictatorship corrupt, sorts of unscrupulous corrupt officials, ignoring all  people's lives, make great revenge!-
Mise à jour(12).Regardez le miracle a eu lieu, notre sympathique Cher Anonyme "Kyfx" pour attaquer démon mauvais secte perverse du Parti Communiste Chinois de la dictature brutale de Xi Jinping Chinois corrompue, sortes de fonctionnaires corrompus sans scrupules, ignorant la vie de tous les gens, faire de grands vengeance!-
更新(12)偉大なこと、すべての人々の生活を無視して、破損している習近平中国人の残忍な独裁の共産党中国人、不謹慎な腐敗した役人の種類の悪い悪魔悪のカルトを攻撃するために、発生した奇跡で私達の優しい親愛なる匿名 "Kyfx」を見てください復讐! -
Actualización (12) Mira el milagro se ha producido, nuestro amable Estimado Anónimo "Kyfx" para atacar el mal demonio maligno culto del Partido Comunista Chino de la brutal dictadura de Xi Jinping chino corrupto, tipo de funcionarios corruptos sin escrúpulos, haciendo caso omiso de la vida de todas las personas, hacer grande venganza!-
Update (12) Hanapin sa mga himala ay naganap, ang aming friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" sa pag-atake ng masamang demonyo masasamang kulto ng Chinaman Communist Party ng brutal diktadura XI Jinping Chinaman ni corrupt, mga uri ng mga walang konsiyensya corrupt na opisyal, hindi papansin ang mga buhay ng lahat ng tao, na gumawa ng dakilang mga paghihiganti!-
Update (12) Kijk naar het wonder heeft plaatsgevonden, onze vriendelijke Beste Anoniem "Kyfx" te slecht demon kwaadaardige sekte van de Communistische Partij Chinees van wrede dictatuur Xi Jinping Chinaman's corrupt, allerlei gewetenloze corrupte ambtenaren aan te vallen, het negeren van het leven van alle mensen, maken grote wraak! -
업데이트 (12) 큰 수 있도록, 모든 사람들의 삶을 무시하고, 손상된 시진핑 중국인의 잔인한 독재 공산당 중국인, 파렴치한 부패한 관리의 종류의 나쁜 악마 악마 숭배를 공격, 발생 기적에 우리의 친절한 친애하는 익명 "Kyfx"를 봐 복수!-
**All The World Lauguage**-

*Update (12). By My Dear Anon...."Kyfx" to attacked the evil cult Chinaman website!....That's is a miracle, and the life of my life lost loved ones, meaningful...! All people are forced to suffer the threat, this is a great Anonymous appease of peoples countless lost heart and soul!...we are Thanksgiving...]! -
Update(12). By My Dear Anon...."Kyfx" to attacked the evil cult Chinaman website....That's is a 奇跡的不斷發生,對我失去生命的親人,意義深長...!對所有受苦受難被迫脅的人們,這是一個偉大的匿名者在安撫著無數的失落心靈...!我們感恩..]-
Mise à jour (12). Par My Dear Anon .... "Kyfx" pour attaquer le culte site mal Chinois! .... Voilà est un miracle, et la vie de ma vie perdu des êtres chers, de sens ...! Tous les gens sont obligés de subir la menace, ceci est un grand Anonyme apaiser des peuples innombrables de cœur et l'âme perdue! ... Nous sommes Thanksgiving ...]! -
更新(12)。私の親愛なるアノンによって.... "Kyfxは"!....それは奇跡ですだ、邪悪なカルト中国人のウェブサイトを攻撃し、私の人生の失われた愛する人の生命、意味のあります...!すべての人々が脅威を受けることを余儀なくされ、これは人々の無数の失われた心と魂の偉大匿名なだめるです!...我々は感謝祭は...]! - **All The World Lauguage**-

**Please use the Google god of high-tech translator to translate your national / local language ah ^^ -
**지역 / 국가 언어 ^^ 번역 하이테크 번역기의 구글 하나님을 사용하십시오 -
**Se il vous plaît utiliser le dieu Google de traducteur de haute technologie pour traduire votre ah langue nationale / locale ^^-
**あなたの国内/地域言語ああ^^翻訳するハイテクトランスレータのGoogleの神を使用してください -
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**กรุณาใช้พระเจ้าของ Google แปลที่มีเทคโนโลยีสูงในการแปล / ชาติภาษาท้องถิ่นของคุณอา ^^-
**Si prega di utilizzare il dio Google Traduttore di high-tech per tradurre il vostro / ah lingua locale nazionale ^^-
**Fadlan isticmaal ilaah Google ee turjumaan farsmada heerka sare ah loo turjumi / ka ah luuqada maxaliga ah ee qaranka ^^-
**Gunakan dewa Google penerjemah berteknologi tinggi untuk menerjemahkan nasional / ah bahasa lokal ^^-
**Por favor, utilice el dios Google Traductor de alta tecnología para traducir su / ah nacional idioma local ^^-
**आफ्नो राष्ट्रिय / स्थानीय भाषा आह ^^ अनुवाद गर्न उच्च-प्रविधी अनुवादक को गुगल देवता प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् -
**Bonvolu uzi la Google dio de alta-tech tradukisto por traduki vian nacian / lokan lingvon ah ^^-

---Update(12).27-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong Newsletter-We are pleased...there are so amiable and to care peoples to warming great Anonymous''Kyfx''~
---更新(12).27-05-2015] - 我們親愛的俠義無名氏'Kyfx'巨大的軍團部落發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong的最新資訊~我們欣慰...有這麼可親而且温暧人們的偉大匿名''Kyfx''~
**All The World Lauguage**-

Update(12).25-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong]-& Hillary Clinton Emails]]- Dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' the miracle continues, is he make the light and hope to the desperate people beside , so untold grace ``)) -
更新(12).25-05-2015]-我們親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''龐大部落軍團發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong ]-& 希拉里·克林頓電子郵件] -親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''把奇跡繼續下去,是他把光和希望帶到絶望的人身旁,這樣的深重恩典``))-
**All The World Lauguage**-

*Update[21-05-2015]- (12) Look at the miracle has occurred, our friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" to attack bad demon evil cult of the Communist Party Chinaman of Xi Jinping Chinaman's brutal dictatorship corrupt, sorts of unscrupulous corrupt officials, ignoring all  people's lives, make great revenge!-
Mise à jour
[21-05-2015]-(12).Regardez le miracle a eu lieu, notre sympathique Cher Anonyme "Kyfx" pour attaquer démon mauvais secte perverse du Parti Communiste Chinois de la dictature brutale de Xi Jinping Chinois corrompue, sortes de fonctionnaires corrompus sans scrupules, ignorant la vie de tous les gens, faire de grands vengeance!-
[21-05-2015]-(12)偉大なこと、すべての人々の生活を無視して、破損している習近平中国人の残忍な独裁の共産党中国人、不謹慎な腐敗した役人の種類の悪い悪魔悪のカルトを攻撃するために、発生した奇跡で私達の優しい親愛なる匿名 "Kyfx」を見てください復讐! -
[21-05-2015]-(12) Mira el milagro se ha producido, nuestro amable Estimado Anónimo "Kyfx" para atacar el mal demonio maligno culto del Partido Comunista Chino de la brutal dictadura de Xi Jinping chino corrupto, tipo de funcionarios corruptos sin escrúpulos, haciendo caso omiso de la vida de todas las personas, hacer grande venganza!-
[21-05-2015]- (12) Hanapin sa mga himala ay naganap, ang aming friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" sa pag-atake ng masamang demonyo masasamang kulto ng Chinaman Communist Party ng brutal diktadura XI Jinping Chinaman ni corrupt, mga uri ng mga walang konsiyensya corrupt na opisyal, hindi papansin ang mga buhay ng lahat ng tao, na gumawa ng dakilang mga paghihiganti!-
[21-05-2015]- (12) Kijk naar het wonder heeft plaatsgevonden, onze vriendelijke Beste Anoniem "Kyfx" te slecht demon kwaadaardige sekte van de Communistische Partij Chinees van wrede dictatuur Xi Jinping Chinaman's corrupt, allerlei gewetenloze corrupte ambtenaren aan te vallen, het negeren van het leven van alle mensen, maken grote wraak! -
[21-05-2015]- (12) 큰 수 있도록, 모든 사람들의 삶을 무시하고, 손상된 시진핑 중국인의 잔인한 독재 공산당 중국인, 파렴치한 부패한 관리의 종류의 나쁜 악마 악마 숭배를 공격, 발생 기적에 우리의 친절한 친애하는 익명 "Kyfx"를 봐 복수!-
**All The World Lauguage**-



Oh Wow LOL MyBB SQL error

Mad Bro vuln to sqli/sql chinese gov

Vuln to mmm... decrypt the code its all urs :) greggunner/epbRZP3Ngy damico/j85aPsmdLv

"><svg/onload=alert('XSSED BY KYFX')>

*---Update(12).27-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong Newsletter-We are pleased...there are so amiable and to care peoples to warming great Anonymous''Kyfx''~
---更新(12).27-05-2015] - 我們親愛的俠義無名氏'Kyfx'巨大的軍團部落發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong的最新資訊~我們欣慰...有這麼可親而且温暧人們的偉大匿名''Kyfx''~
**All The World Lauguage**-




I updated this vulnerable deface web

Chinese gov not dead yet bro ;)


Hillary Clinton Emails lool just no hhuhuuhu :D

 *Update(12).25-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong]-& Hillary Clinton Emails]]- Dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' the miracle continues, is he make the light and hope to the desperate people beside , so untold grace ``)) -
更新(12).25-05-2015]-我們親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''龐大部落軍團發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong ]-& 希拉里·克林頓電子郵件] -親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''把奇跡繼續下去,是他把光和希望帶到絶望的人身旁,這樣的深重恩典``))-
**All The World Lauguage**-



mmm xss but i dont really get xss doesnt do anything just a clientside deface :P

Report Email Alerts 14582 reported vulnerabilities, 2517 fixed vulnerabilities
12206 vulnerable websites, 2477 vulnerable VIP websites
357 security researchers, 864 notification subscribers
Launched on 18/06/14, latest submission on 23/05/15

baidu.com XSS vulnerability

Reported by BruteLogic on 24/04/2015
On 24 of April 2015 security researcher BruteLogic reported XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability on baidu.com (that has 13 vulnerabilities in total reported by security researchers).
The vulnerability was patched on 20 of May 2015, total time baidu.com was vulnerable is 27 days.
On the 24/04/2015 security researcher BruteLogic discovered and reported XSS vulnerability affecting baidu.com
Vulnerable Website Description:
Vulnerable URL:
VerifiedYes, at 24/04/2015
PatchedYes, at 20/05/2015
Latest check for patch20/05/2015 18:20 GMT
VIP StatusYes
Alexa Rank4
Google Pagerank9
Screenshot: baidu.com XSS vulnerability
Mirror: Click here to view the mirror


baidu.com Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

Website baidu.com systematically puts its users at risk by negligence and poor website security management: baidu.com and its subdomains have at least 3 of reported Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, 2 of them are still unpatched and may be exploited by hackers against baidu.com users, visitors and administrators.
Theft of cookies, personal data, authentication credentials and browser history are probably the less dangerous consequences of XSS attacks, which are becoming more and more sophisticated these days and are being used in pair with spear phishing, social engineering and drive-by attacks.

Reported vulnerabilities on baidu.com

24/04/2015 XSS in baidu.com by BruteLogic (patched)
27/02/2015 XSS in temai.baidu.com by Anonymous (unpatched)
27/02/2015 XSS in nandu.media.baidu.com by Anonymous (unpatched)

baidu.com.cn XSS漏洞

在2015年4月的安全研究人員24 BruteLogic報導XSS(跨站腳本)漏洞baidu.com.cn
On the 24/04/2015 security researcher BruteLogic discovered and reported XSS vulnerability affecting baidu.com.cn
驗證 是的,在24/04/2015
補丁 是的,在22/05/2015
最新的檢查補丁 22/05/2015 21:23 GMT
類型 XSS
VIP狀態 是的
Alexa的排名 97896
谷歌的PageRank 9
截圖: baidu.com.cn XSS漏洞
鏡子: 點擊此處查看鏡子



在排名前50位研究人員的XSS位置 №1
在排名前50位貴賓XSS研究員職位 №1
在TOP-50打開重定向記者位置 尚未有
在排名前50位貴賓開放重定向記者位置 尚未有
批准的XSS漏洞: 1407
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞: 472
批准開放重定向漏洞: 0
在網站的VIP開放批准重定向漏洞: 0
報導中固定漏洞: 630
活躍自: 23/01/2015


24/04/2015 XSS在baidu.com.hk BruteLogic
24/04/2015 XSS在baidu.com.cn BruteLogic
24/04/2015 XSS在baidu.cn BruteLogic
24/04/2015 XSS在baidu.com BruteLogic


baidu.com XSS漏洞

在2015年4月的安全研究人員24 BruteLogic報導XSS(跨站腳本)漏洞baidu.com (有13漏洞在總報告的安全研究人員)。
On the 24/04/2015 security researcher BruteLogic discovered and reported XSS vulnerability affecting baidu.com
驗證 是的,在24/04/2015
補丁 是的,在20/05/2015
最新的檢查補丁 20/05/2015 18:20 GMT
類型 XSS
VIP狀態 是的
Alexa的排名 4
谷歌的PageRank 9
截圖: baidu.com XSS漏洞
鏡子: 點擊此處查看鏡子

 15 XSS鏡(S)符合你的要求
24/04/2015 XSS在baidu.com.hk BruteLogic
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:472( 未打補丁
24/04/2015 XSS在baidu.com.cn BruteLogic
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:472( 補丁
24/04/2015 XSS在baidu.com BruteLogic
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:472( 補丁
27/02/2015 XSS在temai.baidu.com 由Anonymous( 未打補丁
27/02/2015 XSS在nandu.media.baidu.com 由Anonymous( 未打補丁
31/10/2010 XSS在youxi.m.baidu.com 通過Hexspirit(從XSSed存檔)
23/06/2008打開重定向utility.baidu.com 通過Log0(從XSSed存檔)
22/05/2008 XSS在passport.baidu.com 通過S_e_YM_e_N(從XSSed存檔)
2008年12月5日在XSS zhangmen.baidu.com 多米諾 (從XSSed存檔)
16/03/2008 XSS在www2.baidu.com 由MOX(從XSSed存檔)
16/03/2008 XSS在ir.baidu.com 由MOX(從XSSed存檔)
16/03/2008 XSS在ir.baidu.com 由MOX(從XSSed存檔)
16/05/2007 XSS的post.baidu.com 通過zuppergazi(從XSSed存檔)
16/05/2007 XSS在www.baidu.com 通過zuppergazi(從XSSed存檔)
16/05/2007 XSS在www1.baidu.com 通過zuppergazi(從XSSed存檔)


taobao.com XSS vulnerability

Reported by wangjing on 09/01/2015
On 9 of January 2015 security researcher wangjing reported XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability on taobao.com (that has 4 vulnerabilities in total reported by security researchers).
The vulnerability was patched on 26 of January 2015, total time taobao.com was vulnerable is 18 days.
On the 25/01/2015 security researcher wangjing discovered and reported XSS vulnerability affecting taobao.com
Vulnerable URL:
http://www.taobao.com/go/rgn/tw/writecookie.php?ck=tw"-->'-alert(/xssp osed/ )-'";&redirect=0
VerifiedYes, at 25/01/2015
PatchedYes, at 26/01/2015
Latest check for patch26/01/2015 14:24 GMT
VIP StatusYes
Alexa Rank8
Google Pagerank7
Mirror: Click here to view the mirror

 5 XSS mirror(s) match your request
09/01/2015 XSS in taobao.com by wangjing (patched)
07/08/2008 XSS in search1.taobao.com by kInGoFcHaOs (from XSSed archive)
07/08/2008 XSS in member1.taobao.com by kInGoFcHaOs (from XSSed archive)
07/12/2007 XSS in www.domaintaobao.com by DerickTham (from XSSed archive)
17/09/2007 XSS in search1.taobao.com by Langy (from XSSed archive)


tmall.com XSS vulnerability

Reported by Buglloc on 04/01/2015
On 4 of January 2015 security researcher Buglloc reported XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability on tmall.com.
The vulnerability was patched on 11 of January 2015, total time tmall.com was vulnerable is 8 days.
On the 04/01/2015 security researcher Buglloc discovered and reported XSS vulnerability affecting tmall.com
Vulnerable URL:
http://www.tmall.com/go/app/sea/writecookie.php?ck='-prompt(/XSSPOSED/ )-'
VerifiedYes, at 04/01/2015
PatchedYes, at 11/01/2015
Latest check for patch11/01/2015 18:25 GMT
VIP StatusYes
Alexa Rank16
Google Pagerank7
Mirror: Click here to view the mirror


amazon.cn XSS vulnerability

Reported by PsychoMantis on 09/04/2015
On 9 of April 2015 security researcher PsychoMantis reported XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability on amazon.cn (that has 4 vulnerabilities in total reported by security researchers).
The vulnerability was patched on 12 of April 2015, total time amazon.cn was vulnerable is 3 days.
On the 09/04/2015 security researcher PsychoMantis discovered and reported XSS vulnerability affecting amazon.cn
Vulnerable Website Description:
亚马逊-网上购物商城:要网购, 就来Z.cn!.
Vulnerable URL:
http://www.amazon.cn/gp/kindle/kcpApp.html?ref=windowsDirectW1&url=dat a:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgvWFNTUE9TRUQvKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg==
VerifiedYes, at 09/04/2015
PatchedYes, at 12/04/2015
Latest check for patch12/04/2015 04:28 GMT
VIP StatusYes
Alexa Rank73
Google Pagerank8
Screenshot: amazon.cn XSS vulnerability
Mirror: Click here to view the mirror

 4 XSS mirror(s) match your request
09/04/2015 XSS in amazon.cn by PsychoMantis (patched)
07/04/2015 Open Redirect in amazon.cn by ral249 (unpatched)
07/04/2015 Open Redirect in amazon.cn by ral249 (unpatched)
15/06/2009 XSS in www.amazon.cn by TurKPoweR (from XSSed archive)





30/09/2014打開重定向edu.cn 由en4rab( 未打補丁
14/04/2015 XSS在liser.ustc.edu.cn MLT
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:68( 補丁
2015年12月4日在XSS jpkc.hfut.edu.cn MLT
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:68( 未打補丁
26/03/2015 XSS在psych512.swu.edu.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
26/03/2015 XSS在hsit.edu.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 補丁
26/03/2015 XSS在hanqing.ruc.edu.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
24/03/2015 XSS在jwk.dlvtc.edu.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
24/03/2015 XSS在aetc.sicnu.edu.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
24/03/2015 XSS在jingji.xaufe.edu.cn 由PyschoMantis( 未打補丁
19/03/2015 XSS在xxgk.qust.edu.cn 由GlobalSecurity( 未打補丁
28/09/2014打開重定向liser.ustc.edu.cn 由Tactic4l( 未打補丁
28/09/2014打開重定向bbs.hfut.edu.cn 由Tactic4l( 未打補丁
23/09/2014打開重定向grid.hust.edu.cn 由en4rab( 未打補丁
2014年4月8日在XSS platform.mmc.edu.cn 由V1RUS4( 未打補丁
2014年4月8日在XSS kjxy.jxnu.edu.cn 由V1RUS4( 未打補丁

edu.cn Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

Website edu.cn systematically puts its users at risk by negligence and poor website security management: edu.cn and its subdomains have at least 15 of reported Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, 13 of them are still unpatched and may be exploited by hackers against edu.cn users, visitors and administrators.
Theft of cookies, personal data, authentication credentials and browser history are probably the less dangerous consequences of XSS attacks, which are becoming more and more sophisticated these days and are being used in pair with spear phishing, social engineering and drive-by attacks.

Reported vulnerabilities on edu.cn

30/09/2014 Open Redirect in edu.cn by en4rab (unpatched)
14/04/2015 XSS in liser.ustc.edu.cn by MLT (patched)
12/04/2015 XSS in jpkc.hfut.edu.cn by MLT (unpatched)
26/03/2015 XSS in psych512.swu.edu.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
26/03/2015 XSS in hsit.edu.cn by PsychoMantis (patched)
26/03/2015 XSS in hanqing.ruc.edu.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
24/03/2015 XSS in jwk.dlvtc.edu.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
24/03/2015 XSS in aetc.sicnu.edu.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
24/03/2015 XSS in jingji.xaufe.edu.cn by PyschoMantis (unpatched)
19/03/2015 XSS in xxgk.qust.edu.cn by GlobalSecurity (unpatched)
28/09/2014 Open Redirect in liser.ustc.edu.cn by Tactic4l (unpatched)
28/09/2014 Open Redirect in bbs.hfut.edu.cn by Tactic4l (unpatched)
23/09/2014 Open Redirect in grid.hust.edu.cn by en4rab (unpatched)
04/08/2014 XSS in platform.mmc.edu.cn by V1RUS4 (unpatched)
04/08/2014 XSS in kjxy.jxnu.edu.cn by V1RUS4 (unpatched)


info.search.news.cn XSS漏洞

該漏洞是未打補丁還是把info.search.news.cn用戶,遊客和管理者在受到損害惡意黑客的風險。 餅乾,個人資料,身份驗證憑據和瀏覽器歷史記錄盜竊很可能是XSS攻擊的危險性較小的後果。
On the 01/05/2015 security researcher v0raz discovered and reported XSS vulnerability affecting info.search.news.cn
http://info.search.news.cn /result.jspa?ss=2&t=1&t1=0&rp=10&np=1&n1=</t書名& gt; <SCRIPT>提示符(/ XSSPOSSED /)</ SCRIPT>&BTN =
驗證 是的,在2015年1月5日
補丁 沒有
最新的檢查補丁 從來沒有( 現在檢查
類型 XSS
VIP狀態 沒有
Alexa的排名 未知/未計算
谷歌的PageRank 6
鏡子: 點擊此處查看鏡子

 409 XSS mirror(s) match your request
13/04/2015 XSS in old.gl.gov.cn by MLT (unpatched)
13/04/2015 XSS in hnsqjgdj.gov.cn by MLT (unpatched)
04/04/2015 XSS in mjrd.gov.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
02/04/2015 XSS in ahipo.gov.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
02/04/2015 XSS in shuangyang.gov.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
01/04/2015 XSS in watsagri.nstl.gov.cn by PsychoMantis (unpatched)
25/10/2014 Open Redirect in big5.fmprc.gov.cn by en4rab (unpatched)
18/06/2009 XSS in www.fmprc.gov.cn by Rohit Bansal (from XSSed archive)
01/04/2009 XSS in sbj.saic.gov.cn by Woo (from XSSed archive)
08/02/2012 XSS in www.ccpitzj.gov.cn by Prashant Uniyal (from XSSed archive)
09/02/2012 XSS in www.nh.gov.cn by 03storic (from XSSed archive)
09/02/2012 XSS in www.nbstats.gov.cn by 03storic (from XSSed archive)
01/02/2012 XSS in zjh.dalang.gov.cn by longrifle0x (from XSSed archive)
13/02/2011 XSS in www.ccpitzj.gov.cn. by Gamoscu (from XSSed archive)
18/12/2011 XSS in www.lf.gov.cn by CoMPLEX (from XSSed archive)
08/01/2009 XSS in www.cdgs.gov.cn by Xylitol (from XSSed archive)
26/09/2010 XSS in www.yzagri.gov.cn by Gamoscu (from XSSed archive)
25/07/2010 XSS in english.huaian.gov.cn by Prashant Uniyal (from XSSed archive)
24/07/2009 XSS in www.bagongshan.gov.cn by lljkrieg (from XSSed archive)
15/07/2009 XSS in www.nmmzt.gov.cn by Milisx (from XSSed archive)



409 XSS鏡(S)符合你的要求
13/04/2015 XSS在old.gl.gov.cn MLT
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:68( 未打補丁
13/04/2015 XSS在hnsqjgdj.gov.cn MLT
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:68( 未打補丁
2015年4月4日在XSS mjrd.gov.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
2015年2月4日在XSS ahipo.gov.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
2015年2月4日在XSS shuangyang.gov.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
2015年1月4日在XSS watsagri.nstl.gov.cn PsychoMantis
在VIP批准的網站XSS漏洞:302( 未打補丁
25/10/2014打開重定向big5.fmprc.gov.cn 由en4rab( 未打補丁
XSS 18/06/2009www.fmprc.gov.cn 由羅希特班薩爾 (從XSSed存檔)
01/04/2009 XSS在sbj.saic.gov.cn 由宇 (從XSSed存檔)
08月02 XSS在www.ccpitzj.gov.cn 由PRASHANT Uniyal(從XSSed存檔)
09/02/2012 XSS在www.nh.gov.cn 通過03storic(從XSSed存檔)
09/02/2012 XSS在www.nbstats.gov.cn 通過03storic(從XSSed存檔)
01/02/2012 XSS在zjh.dalang.gov.cn 通過longrifle0x(從XSSed存檔)
XSS 13/02/2011www.ccpitzj.gov.cn。 通過Gamoscu(從XSSed存檔)
18/12/2011 XSS在www.lf.gov.cn 通過複雜 (來自XSSed存檔)
2009年8月1日在XSS www.cdgs.gov.cn 由木糖醇 (從XSSed存檔)
26/09/2010 XSS在www.yzagri.gov.cn 通過Gamoscu(從XSSed存檔)
25/07/2010 XSS在english.huaian.gov.cn 由PRASHANT Uniyal(從XSSed存檔)
24/07/2009 XSS在www.bagongshan.gov.cn 通過lljkrieg(從XSSed存檔)
15/07/2009 XSS在www.nmmzt.gov.cn 通過Milisx(從XSSed存檔)

 11 XSS mirror(s) match your request
24/02/2011 XSS in gp.search.gov.hk by Anthony Lai from VXRL (from XSSed archive)
11/04/2011 XSS in ovt.lcsd.gov.hk by lljkrieg (from XSSed archive)
24/07/2009 XSS in www.ofta.gov.hk by lljkrieg (from XSSed archive)
27/10/2008 XSS in www.lcsd.gov.hk by xylitol (from XSSed archive)
11/07/2008 XSS in amo.gov.hk by xylitol (from XSSed archive)
11/07/2008 XSS in www.hkpl.gov.hk by xylitol (from XSSed archive)
30/06/2008 XSS in sc.lcsd.gov.hk by xylitol (from XSSed archive)
15/02/2008 XSS in www.gld.gov.hk by BBc04 (from XSSed archive)
03/10/2007 XSS in www.lcsd.gov.hk by xeno3dx (from XSSed archive)
20/06/2007 IFRAME Injection in www.esd.gov.hk by Nullflow (from XSSed archive)
25/03/2007 XSS in search.info.gov.hk by TotalSchaden (from XSSed archive
 11 XSS鏡(S)符合你的要求
24/02/2011 XSS在gp.search.gov.hk 由安東尼·賴從VXRL(從XSSed存檔)
11/04/2011 XSS在ovt.lcsd.gov.hk 通過lljkrieg(從XSSed存檔)
24/07/2009 XSS在www.ofta.gov.hk 通過lljkrieg(從XSSed存檔)
27/10/2008 XSS在www.lcsd.gov.hk 木糖醇 (從XSSed存檔)
11/07/2008 XSS在amo.gov.hk 木糖醇 (從XSSed存檔)
11/07/2008 XSS在www.hkpl.gov.hk 木糖醇 (從XSSed存檔)
30/06/2008 XSS在sc.lcsd.gov.hk 木糖醇 (從XSSed存檔)
15/02/2008 XSS在www.gld.gov.hk 通過BBc04(從XSSed存檔)
03/10/2007 XSS在www.lcsd.gov.hk 通過xeno3dx(從XSSed存檔)
20/06/2007 IFRAME注射www.esd.gov.hk 通過Nullflow(從XSSed存檔)
25/03/2007 XSS在search.info.gov.hk 通過TotalSchaden(從XSSed存檔)


Any Injectors or learners here is a dork that you can use if you want to find the other country doamin (dork)(site:kr

2015 SQL DORKS (Az-Security.Org)

By: Explosion-AST on Feb 25th, 2015

Ah my old site that i hacked vuln mass defaced :P still going

Never trust the scam money making website by inviting they are actually vuln to a sql injection lol

I love how The Mole is easier dump than sqlmap but Themole and sqlmap has its one based... and manual is pretty much self injecting :) <3
 sure, you are the best one~^^

mmm when people never realised that his site is vuln to a sql injection

mmm when people never realised that his site is vuln to a sql injection

 must very sweety ah~^^

 *update (12). by our friendly and chivalrous Anonymous "Kyfx" huge Legion!
Post that the continent Taobao loophole, Baidu network vulnerabilities, amazon.cn XSS vulnerabilities, MailChimp vulnerabilities, and many more mainland site XSS vulnerabilities! He makes us hooked perfect technique his huge legion of ah! - Sincerely tiny we are grateful!-[ #OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD ]
update(12).由我們友好俠義匿名"Kyfx"龐大軍團發佈的大陸淘寶網漏洞,百度網漏洞,amazon.cn XSS漏洞,MailChimp漏洞,和更多的大陸網站XSS漏洞!多麼令我們迷上他龐大軍團的完美技巧啊!-渺小的我們感恩敬上![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
mise à jour (12). par notre Anonyme "Kyfx" Légion !énorme sympathique et chevaleresque.Diffusez que le continent Taobao échappatoire, Baidu vulnérabilités du réseau, vulnérabilités XSS amazon.cn, vulnérabilités MailChimp, et beaucoup d'autres sites de la partie continentale vulnérabilités XSS! Il nous rend accros technique parfaite son immense légion de ah!- Sincèrement petit nous sommes reconnaissants![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
更新(12)。私たちのフレンドリーで凛々しい匿名 "Kyfx"巨大な軍団による
その大陸淘宝網の抜け穴、Baiduのネットワークの脆弱性、amazon.cn XSSの脆弱性、MailChimpの脆弱性、およびより多くの本土のサイトのXSS脆弱性の投稿!彼は、私たちは完璧な技術に、ああ、彼の巨大な軍団を夢中になります! - 誠意をこめて小さな私たちは感謝しています! [#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
Actualización (12). por nuestro Anónimo "Kyfx" enorme legión !amable y caballeroso.-Publique que el continente Taobao laguna, vulnerabilidades de la red de Baidu, vulnerabilidades XSS amazon.cn, vulnerabilidades MailChimp, y muchos más sitios continental vulnerabilidades XSS! Él nos hace enganchados técnica perfecta su enorme legión de ¡ah!- Sinceramente diminuta estamos agradecidos![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-*All The World Lauguage**-



Site>> wootwoot . com go to then put the site or the ip of the site then try to check all website on that server :3

Odd have anyone tried to inject sql injection hackforums.net/showthread.php i think its vuln

Yea i was in the leader board these players was mad lol ;D

Wow nice one oday :P made it vuln

Sql injection vuln gov br :P

 ''Please Look-friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" - skills, so beautiful and perfect skills to attack evil cult Communist mainland Chinaman network.
Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" intrusion has become to evil cult Communist mainland Chinaman huge revenge!
because that is a killed our loved ones the best comfort!
It is also in the mainland's Countless Communist Chinaman evil cult make many lost lives of  innocent people, were framed !
This is of a death after a great soul comfort!
Our friendship dear anonymous "Kyfx" -which he did not forget us how important ah ~ ''
In addition to Thanksgiving...
This is our lucky
Dear anonymous because "Kyfx" has been concerned about peoples being oppressed, slandered, framed...in their life!
This miracle is dear anonymous "Kyfx" Tribal Legion grant our gift -
by the Communist mainland Chinaman Xi Jinping evil cult of corruption destroyed the lives of the people of...

We have again to Thanksgiving ~
small as dust Melody.Blog Sincerely sincere heartfelt ``



如麈渺小 Melody.Blog衷心誠摯敬上``


''S'il vous plaît Regardez-friendly Cher Anonyme "Kyfx" - compétences, de sorte que les compétences belles et parfaites pour attaquer le mal culte réseau de Chinois de la partie continentale communiste.
Cher Anonyme "Kyfx« intrusion est devenu culte au mal Chinois de la partie continentale communiste énorme vengeance!
parce que ce est un tué nos proches le meilleur confort!
Il est également dans d'innombrables Communiste Chinois secte perverse de la partie continentale de faire de nombreuses vies perdues de personnes innocentes, ont été encadrée!
Ceci est d'un mort à l'issue d'un grand réconfort de l'âme!
Notre amitié cher anonyme "Kyfx»,ce qui, il ne nous a pas oublier l'importance ah~''
En plus de Thanksgiving...
Ceci est notre chance
Cher anonyme parce que «Kyfx" a été préoccupé par les peuples opprimées, calomnié, encadré...dans leur vie!
Ce miracle est cher anonyme "Kyfx" Tribal Légion accorder notre cadeau -
par la partie continentale communiste Chinois Xi Jinping culte pervers de la corruption détruit la vie des gens de...

Nous avons à nouveau pour Thanksgiving ~
réduit en poudre Melody.Blog Sincèrement sincère sincère ``


''してください見て優しい親愛なる匿名 "Kyfx」 - スキル、邪悪なカルト共産本土の中国人のネットワークを攻撃するように美しく、完璧なスキル。
親愛なる匿名 "Kyfx"侵入悪のカルト共産本土の中国人巨大な復讐になっています!
彼はどのように重要なああ私たちを忘れなかった-which私たちの友情の愛する匿名 "Kyfx"〜 ''
この奇跡は親愛なる匿名 "Kyfx"部族レギオンである私達のギフトを与えます -



''Por favor, Mira-friendly Estimado Anónimo "Kyfx" - habilidades, por lo que las habilidades bellos y perfectos para atacar el mal de culto a la red continental chino comunista.
Estimado Anónimo "Kyfx" intrusión se ha vuelto al mal culto chino continental comunista enorme venganza!
porque eso es un matado a nuestros seres queridos el mejor confort!
Es también en innumerables chino comunista culto maligno de la parte continental a hacer muchas vidas perdidas de personas inocentes, se enmarca!
Se trata de una muerte después de un gran confort alma!
Nuestra amistad querida anónimo "Kyfx" -que él no nos olvide lo importante que ah ~ ''
Además de la acción de gracias...
Esta es nuestra suerte
Estimado anónimo porque "Kyfx" se ha preocupado por los pueblos están oprimidos, calumniado, enmarcado...en su vida!
Este milagro es querida anónimo "Kyfx" Tribal Legión conceder nuestro regalo -
por la parte continental comunista chino Xi Jinping culto maligno de la corrupción destruye la vida de las personas de...

Tenemos de nuevo para Acción de Gracias ~
reducido a polvo Melody.Blog Sinceramente sincera sincera ''


''Paki Hanapin-friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" - kasanayan, kaya maganda at sakdal na mga kasanayan sa pag-atake ng kasamaan ng kulto mainland Communist Chinaman network.
Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" panghihimasok ay naging sa kasamaan ng kulto Communist mainland Chinaman malaking paghihiganti!
sapagkat iyon ay isang pumatay sa aming mga minamahal sa mga pinakamahusay na kaginhawaan!
Ito ay din sa mabilang Communist Chinaman masasamang uri ng pagsamba ang Mainland gumawa ng maraming nawalang buhay ng mga inosenteng tao, ay natatag!
Ito ay ng isang kamatayan pagkatapos ng isang dakilang kaluluwa aliw!
Ang aming friendship mahal anonymous "Kyfx" -na hindi niya makalimutan sa amin kung gaano kahalaga ah ~ ''
Sa karagdagan sa Thanksgiving...
Ito ang aming mapalad
Dear anonymous dahil "Kyfx" ay nag-aalala tungkol sa mga tao na inaapi, slandered, naka-frame...sa kanilang buhay!
Himala na ito ay mahal na anonymous "Kyfx" Tribal kakapalan bigyan ang aming mga regalo -
sa pamamagitan ng mainland Communist Chinaman XI Jinping masasamang kulto ng katiwalian nawasak ang buhay ng mga tao ng...

Mayroon kaming muli sa Thanksgiving~
maliit na bilang ng alikabok Melody.Blog Sincerely sincere taos``


'' Gelieve Look-vriendelijke Beste Anoniem "Kyfx" - vaardigheden, zo mooi en perfect vaardigheden om kwaadaardige sekte communistische vasteland Chinees netwerk aan te vallen.
Beste Anoniem "Kyfx" inbraak is geworden om kwaadaardige sekte communistische vasteland Chinaman enorme wraak!
want dat is een doodde onze geliefden de beste comfort!
Het is ook in het vasteland van de Talloze Communistische Chinaman kwaadaardige sekte te veel verloren levens van onschuldige mensen werden ontworpen!
Dit is van een dood na een grote ziel comfort!
Onze vriendschap lieve anonieme "Kyfx" -die hij niet vergeten ons hoe belangrijk ah ~ ''
In aanvulling op Thanksgiving ...
Dit is ons geluk
Geachte anoniem omdat "Kyfx" bezorgd is over de volkeren onderdrukt, belasterd, ingelijst ... in hun leven!
Dit wonder dierbaar is anoniem "Kyfx" Tribal Legion verlenen ons geschenk -
door de Communistische vasteland Chinees Xi Jinping kwaadaardige sekte van corruptie verwoest de levens van de mensen van ...

We hebben opnieuw om Thanksgiving ~
klein als stof Melody.Blog Sincerely oprechte oprechte ``



''제발 봐 친화적 인 친애하는 익명 "Kyfx"- 기술, 악마 숭배 공산주의 본토 중국인의 네트워크를 공격하기 때문에 아름답고 완벽한 기술.
친애하는 익명 "Kyfx은"침입 악마 숭배 공산주의 본토 중국인 거대한 복수로되어 있습니다!
그 때문에 우리의 사랑하는 사람 최고의 편안함을 죽였어!
그것은 무고한 사람들의 많은 손실 삶을 본토의 수많은 공산주의 중국인 악마 숭배에 또한, 프레임했다!
이것은 훌륭한 영혼의 편안함 후 죽음입니다!
그가 얼마나 중요한지 아 우리를 잊지 않았다 - 어떤 우리의 우정 친애하는 익명의 "Kyfx"~ ''
추수 감사절에 추가...

이것은 우리의 운이
친애하는 익명의 "Kyfx는"사람들이 걱정 되었기 때문에 자신의 인생에...액자, 억압 비방 중!
이 기적은 익명의 사랑입니다 "Kyfx"부족 군단은 우리의 선물을 부여 -
공산주의 본토 중국인 시진핑에 의해 부패의 악마 숭배의 사람들의 삶을 파괴...

우리는 ~ 추수 감사절에 다시이
먼지가``진심으로 감사합니다 진심으로 Melody.Blog으로 작은


 *Update (12) Look at the miracle has occurred, our friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" to attack bad demon evil cult of the Communist Party Chinaman of Xi Jinping Chinaman's brutal dictatorship corrupt, sorts of unscrupulous corrupt officials, ignoring all  people's lives, make great revenge!-
Mise à jour(12).Regardez le miracle a eu lieu, notre sympathique Cher Anonyme "Kyfx" pour attaquer démon mauvais secte perverse du Parti Communiste Chinois de la dictature brutale de Xi Jinping Chinois corrompue, sortes de fonctionnaires corrompus sans scrupules, ignorant la vie de tous les gens, faire de grands vengeance!-
更新(12)偉大なこと、すべての人々の生活を無視して、破損している習近平中国人の残忍な独裁の共産党中国人、不謹慎な腐敗した役人の種類の悪い悪魔悪のカルトを攻撃するために、発生した奇跡で私達の優しい親愛なる匿名 "Kyfx」を見てください復讐! -
Actualización (12) Mira el milagro se ha producido, nuestro amable Estimado Anónimo "Kyfx" para atacar el mal demonio maligno culto del Partido Comunista Chino de la brutal dictadura de Xi Jinping chino corrupto, tipo de funcionarios corruptos sin escrúpulos, haciendo caso omiso de la vida de todas las personas, hacer grande venganza!-
Update (12) Hanapin sa mga himala ay naganap, ang aming friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" sa pag-atake ng masamang demonyo masasamang kulto ng Chinaman Communist Party ng brutal diktadura XI Jinping Chinaman ni corrupt, mga uri ng mga walang konsiyensya corrupt na opisyal, hindi papansin ang mga buhay ng lahat ng tao, na gumawa ng dakilang mga paghihiganti!-
Update (12) Kijk naar het wonder heeft plaatsgevonden, onze vriendelijke Beste Anoniem "Kyfx" te slecht demon kwaadaardige sekte van de Communistische Partij Chinees van wrede dictatuur Xi Jinping Chinaman's corrupt, allerlei gewetenloze corrupte ambtenaren aan te vallen, het negeren van het leven van alle mensen, maken grote wraak! -
업데이트 (12) 큰 수 있도록, 모든 사람들의 삶을 무시하고, 손상된 시진핑 중국인의 잔인한 독재 공산당 중국인, 파렴치한 부패한 관리의 종류의 나쁜 악마 악마 숭배를 공격, 발생 기적에 우리의 친절한 친애하는 익명 "Kyfx"를 봐 복수!-
**All The World Lauguage**-



  7小時7 小時前
lol OperationHongKong isnt dead yet ;) Hacked/Defaced

  12小時12 小時前

  Kyfx 已轉推
Lol, busy night for . Over a dozen gov.cn sites hacked and defaced.


Good Game my old defaced i mess up there site (!) DB deleted (!) Weak Security (!) Messed up their index directory

Defaced/Hacked Chinese Gov Main Index .:Meh i know someone else may upoad their deface on main :PP:.


Main Index Defaced Live ^^ I'm not dead for u ophk

Gov Index Defaced Mad Bro? :)

lol OperationHongKong isnt dead yet ;) Hacked/Defaced

i may come back and deface/hack websites for you with a special messages pictures also info




Bingo another chinese gov defaced :) this is 4 u :P

Defaced .:Hacked:. Once Again :)

ill leave a new update deface on this one :) Chinese Gov

---Update(12).27-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong Newsletter-We are pleased...there are so amiable and to care peoples to warming great Anonymous''Kyfx''~
---更新(12).27-05-2015] - 我們親愛的俠義無名氏'Kyfx'巨大的軍團部落發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong的最新資訊~我們欣慰...有這麼可親而且温暧人們的偉大匿名''Kyfx''~
**All The World Lauguage**-

*Update(12).25-05-2015]- our dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' huge legion tribe released #OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong]-& Hillary Clinton Emails]]- Dear chivalrous Anonymous ''Kyfx'' the miracle continues, is he make the light and hope to the desperate people beside , so untold grace ``)) -
更 新(12).25-05-2015]-我們親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''龐大部落軍團發佈的#OpChina #OpOccupyHK #OpHongKong ]-& 希拉里·克林頓電子郵件] -親愛俠義匿名''Kyfx''把奇跡繼續下去,是他把光和希望帶到絶望的人身旁,這樣的深重恩典``))-**All The World Lauguage**-

update (12). by our friendly and chivalrous Anonymous "Kyfx" huge Legion!
Post that the continent Taobao loophole, Baidu network vulnerabilities, amazon.cn XSS vulnerabilities, MailChimp vulnerabilities, and many more mainland site XSS vulnerabilities! He makes us hooked perfect technique his huge legion of ah! - Sincerely tiny we are grateful!-[ #OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD ]
update(12).由我們友好俠義匿名"Kyfx"龐大軍團發佈的大陸淘寶網漏洞,百度網漏洞,amazon.cn XSS漏洞,MailChimp漏洞,和更多的大陸網站XSS漏洞!多麼令我們迷上他龐大軍團的完美技巧啊!-渺小的我們感恩敬上![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
mise à jour (12). par notre Anonyme "Kyfx" Légion !énorme sympathique et chevaleresque.Diffusez que le continent Taobao échappatoire, Baidu vulnérabilités du réseau, vulnérabilités XSS amazon.cn, vulnérabilités MailChimp, et beaucoup d'autres sites de la partie continentale vulnérabilités XSS! Il nous rend accros technique parfaite son immense légion de ah!- Sincèrement petit nous sommes reconnaissants![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
更新(12)。私たちのフレンドリーで凛々しい匿名 "Kyfx"巨大な軍団による
その大陸淘宝網の抜け穴、Baiduのネットワークの脆弱性、amazon.cn XSSの脆弱性、MailChimpの脆弱性、およびより多くの本土のサイトのXSS脆弱性の投稿!彼は、私たちは完璧な技術に、ああ、彼の巨大な軍団を夢中になります! - 誠意をこめて小さな私たちは感謝しています! [#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-
Actualización (12). por nuestro Anónimo "Kyfx" enorme legión !amable y caballeroso.-Publique que el continente Taobao laguna, vulnerabilidades de la red de Baidu, vulnerabilidades XSS amazon.cn, vulnerabilidades MailChimp, y muchos más sitios continental vulnerabilidades XSS! Él nos hace enganchados técnica perfecta su enorme legión de ¡ah!- Sinceramente diminuta estamos agradecidos![#OPHONGKONG #OPCHINA #OpISIS #OPSEAWORLD]-*All The World Lauguage**-

 Update (12) Look at the miracle has occurred, our friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" to attack bad demon evil cult of the Communist Party Chinaman of Xi Jinping Chinaman's brutal dictatorship corrupt, sorts of unscrupulous corrupt officials, ignoring all  people's lives, make great revenge!-
Mise à jour(12).Regardez le miracle a eu lieu, notre sympathique Cher Anonyme "Kyfx" pour attaquer démon mauvais secte perverse du Parti Communiste Chinois de la dictature brutale de Xi Jinping Chinois corrompue, sortes de fonctionnaires corrompus sans scrupules, ignorant la vie de tous les gens, faire de grands vengeance!-
更新(12)偉大なこと、すべての人々の生活を無視して、破損している習近平中国人の残忍な独裁の共産党中国人、不謹慎な腐敗した役人の種類の悪い悪魔悪のカルトを攻撃するために、発生した奇跡で私達の優しい親愛なる匿名 "Kyfx」を見てください復讐! -
Actualización (12) Mira el milagro se ha producido, nuestro amable Estimado Anónimo "Kyfx" para atacar el mal demonio maligno culto del Partido Comunista Chino de la brutal dictadura de Xi Jinping chino corrupto, tipo de funcionarios corruptos sin escrúpulos, haciendo caso omiso de la vida de todas las personas, hacer grande venganza!-
Update (12) Hanapin sa mga himala ay naganap, ang aming friendly Dear Anonymous "Kyfx" sa pag-atake ng masamang demonyo masasamang kulto ng Chinaman Communist Party ng brutal diktadura XI Jinping Chinaman ni corrupt, mga uri ng mga walang konsiyensya corrupt na opisyal, hindi papansin ang mga buhay ng lahat ng tao, na gumawa ng dakilang mga paghihiganti!-
Update (12) Kijk naar het wonder heeft plaatsgevonden, onze vriendelijke Beste Anoniem "Kyfx" te slecht demon kwaadaardige sekte van de Communistische Partij Chinees van wrede dictatuur Xi Jinping Chinaman's corrupt, allerlei gewetenloze corrupte ambtenaren aan te vallen, het negeren van het leven van alle mensen, maken grote wraak! -
업데이트 (12) 큰 수 있도록, 모든 사람들의 삶을 무시하고, 손상된 시진핑 중국인의 잔인한 독재 공산당 중국인, 파렴치한 부패한 관리의 종류의 나쁜 악마 악마 숭배를 공격, 발생 기적에 우리의 친절한 친애하는 익명 "Kyfx"를 봐 복수!-
**All The World Lauguage**-

*Update (12). By My Dear Anon...."Kyfx" to attacked the evil cult Chinaman website!....That's is a miracle, and the life of my life lost loved ones, meaningful...! All people are forced to suffer the threat, this is a great Anonymous appease of peoples countless lost heart and soul!...we are Thanksgiving...]! -
Update(12). By My Dear Anon...."Kyfx" to attacked the evil cult Chinaman website....That's is a 奇跡的不斷發生,對我失去生命的親人,意義深長...!對所有受苦受難被迫脅的人們,這是一個偉大的匿名者在安撫著無數的失落心靈...!我們感恩..]-
Mise à jour (12). Par My Dear Anon .... "Kyfx" pour attaquer le culte site mal Chinois! .... Voilà est un miracle, et la vie de ma vie perdu des êtres chers, de sens ...! Tous les gens sont obligés de subir la menace, ceci est un grand Anonyme apaiser des peuples innombrables de cœur et l'âme perdue! ... Nous sommes Thanksgiving ...]! -
更新(12)。私の親愛なるアノンによって.... "Kyfxは"!....それは奇跡ですだ、邪悪なカルト中国人のウェブサイトを攻撃し、私の人生の失われた愛する人の生命、意味のあります...!すべての人々が脅威を受けることを余儀なくされ、これは人々の無数の失われた心と魂の偉大匿名なだめるです!...我々は感謝祭は...]! - **All The World Lauguage**-

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