2015年7月26日 星期日

*-[26/07/2015] -update:By-appledaily.com.tw-"Huangyan Island, the Philippines, China accounted for less than towed China Float!!"- mainland Communist rogue turtles are doing stupid things beetles slaves; they think no one knows they are stealing, greed, unreasonable, robbing the brutal behavior; "South China Sea" in China continuously privately construction / expansion of reclaimed land; and set up pose a threat of military equipment to neighboring countries ! Chinaman Communist mainland tortoise rogue to attacking in Vietnam network business ! They are mainland Communist slaves stupid thing!! !!, of course,we must to inform the international of the Heads of State around the world; to see the group of hooligans turtle behavior shameful despicable misdeeds China pig !fuck !! --[26/07/2015]-更新:by-appledaily.com.tw-"不滿中國佔黃岩 島,,菲律賓拖走中方浮球!!"-大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都在做愚笨的奴隸蠹事;牠們自以為沒有人知道牠們的偷盗,貪婪,沒道理,強搶的橫暴行為;在中南海海 域不斷私自興建/擴建填海土地;並設置了對周邊國家造成威脅的軍事裝備!而這群大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都正在攻擊越南的網絡商家!我們對這種腐敗共產主義的大 陸支那人愚笨的奴隸蠹事,當然要告知國際上的各國元首;看清一群流氓烏龜的行為!可恥的卑鄙劣行!他媽的支那豬!!-**All The World Lauguage**--Load"-[2015-07-25] Fuck the cn / hk.-website-p@r@dox17 -Our Love Anonymous- # TangoDown by p@r@dox17" #Palestine_DZ # AnonGhost-[http://www.badama.com.hk/ ] -and much more ..!- -加載"-[2015-07-25]Fuck the cn./hk.-website-p@r@dox17 ‏-我們熱愛的龐大的Anonymous- #TangoDown by p@r@dox17'' #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost-http://www.badama.com.hk/ ]- 和更多...!-**All The World Lauguage**

 *-[26/07/2015] -update:By-appledaily.com.tw-"Huangyan Island, the Philippines, China accounted for less than towed China Float!!"- mainland Communist rogue turtles are doing stupid things beetles slaves; they think no one knows they are stealing, greed, unreasonable, robbing the brutal behavior; "South China Sea" in China continuously privately construction / expansion of reclaimed land; and set up pose a threat of military equipment to neighboring countries ! Chinaman Communist mainland  tortoise rogue to attacking in Vietnam network business ! They are mainland  Communist slaves stupid thing!! !!, of course,we must to inform the international of the Heads of State around the world; to see the group of hooligans turtle behavior shameful despicable misdeeds China pig !fuck !! -
-[26/07/2015]-更新:by-appledaily.com.tw-"不滿中國佔黃岩 島,,菲律賓拖走中方浮球!!"-大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都在做愚笨的奴隸蠹事;牠們自以為沒有人知道牠們的偷盗,貪婪,沒道理,強搶的橫暴行為;在中南海海 域不斷私自興建/擴建填海土地;並設置了對周邊國家造成威脅的軍事裝備!而這群大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都正在攻擊越南的網絡商家!我們對這種腐敗共產主義的大 陸支那人愚笨的奴隸蠹事,當然要告知國際上的各國元首;看清一群流氓烏龜的行為!可恥的卑鄙劣行!他媽的支那豬!!-**All The World Lauguage**-

 -Load"-[2015-07-25] Fuck the cn / hk.-website-p@r@dox17 -Our Love Anonymous- # TangoDown by p@r@dox17" #Palestine_DZ # AnonGhost-[http://www.badama.com.hk/ ] -and much more ..!-
-加載"-[2015-07-25]Fuck the cn./hk.-website-p@r@dox17 ‏-我們熱愛的龐大的Anonymous- #TangoDown by p@r@dox17'' #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost-http://www.badama.com.hk/ ]- 和更多...!-**All The World Lauguage**-

24/7-*Yeah~Our Dear Anonymous Tribal huge legion ! #TangoDown by p@r@dox17"- we need you help to #OpChina #TangoDown-----https://twitter.com/dlcyleung ]-Chinaman shit dog back to the dog place!!  #Fuckcyleung #Opcyleung  #Opchina  #OpHongKong #OpISIS #OpHk #Op_Tibet  #OpRussian ]-**All The World Lauguge**-
-[23/07/2015]Updating our dear chivalrous Anonymous p@r@dox17 "huge tribal corps = [July 23] of #OpChina ,,!
# StopTerorismınChina, as well as well-known moral Anonymous= Damned Okie "+ ''Anonymous The Resistance" [July 11] = #OpHongKong. + ''Expect us UK"= #opprojectmayhem fame active message (Anonymous) released! We do not forgive! we do not forget !We do not negotiate with terrorists !** activists and hacktivsists solidarity and struggle ** -!! EXPECT US !! -
#StopTerorismınChina,還有知名道德匿名Damned Okie"+ Anonymous The Resistance"[7月11日]= #OpHongKong. + Expect us UK"( Anonymous)發佈的 #opprojectmayhem 聲名活動消息!我們不原諒,我們不要忘了,我們不與恐怖分子談判!**活動家和hacktivsists團結和鬥爭!**-EXPECT US!!-
-Aktualisieren von unseren lieben ritterlichen Anonymous p@r@dox17"großen Stammes Korps = [23. Juli] von #OpChina ,,! # StopTerorismınChina sowie bekannte Moral Anonymous = Damned Okie" + ''Anonymous The Resistance" [11.Juli] = #OpHongKong. + ''Erwarten Sie uns in Großbritannien "= #opprojectmayhem Ruhm aktive Meldung (Anonym) veröffentlicht Wir haben nicht verzeihen! wir nicht vergessen! wir nicht mit Terroristen verhandeln! ** Aktivisten und hacktivsists Solidarität und Kampf !**Erwarten, dass wir !!-
-私たちの愛する騎士匿名のp @ rをする@ dox17「巨大な部族の軍団= #OpChinaの[7月23日]を-Updating ,,!#StopTerorismınChina、並びに周知の道徳的匿名=ダムドオーキー」+ ''匿名ザ·レジスタンス」【7月11日] = #OpHongKong。 !+ ''私たちはテロリストと交渉していない! 私たちは忘れないように私たちは許していない米国英国 "= #opprojectmayhem名声アクティブメッセージ(匿名)をリリース**活動家やhacktivsists連帯を期待して**闘争 - !!米国を期待!!**All The World Lauguage**

-[6/07/2015]- see our friendship strong chivalrous Anonymous ''p@r@dox17'' Tribal Legion- hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina)) -Our Anonymous hero ''p@r@dox17'' will not let the various sins of evil Communist mainland Chinaman inhumane !!-please have a look at Apple Daily (1)."Guangxi land burst conflict,,500 police repression crazy !!"- (2).Evil communist North Korea to take people's lives to fire ?!- Title:fled to Finland by the end of the European Parliament to testify renegade scientists uncover evidence of North Korea alive palm measuring CW !!) - damn communist tyrant, Sad pity to ask the God, Jesus, Buddha, Virgin Mary,...and our all Anonymous chivalrous friendship strong corps tribal request uphold  justice! pack Communist demon....!!"-Melody.Blog sincerely pray`` ]-
[6/07/2015]-看我們的俠義友好強大的匿名''p@r@dox17''部落軍團-hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina))-
我們的匿名英雄''p@r@dox17''不會放過邪惡的大陸共產黨支那人滅絶人性的各種罪孽!!-也請各位看看蘋果日報報導的(1)."廣西徵地爆衝突,,500警瘋狂鎮壓!!"-(2).共產北韓拿人們的生命來開砲-標題:逃亡到芬蘭,,月底歐洲議會作證!變節科學家掌罪證!揭北韓活人測化武 !!)-該死的共產主義暴君,請求上帝,耶稣,佛佗,聖母,...和我們各位俠義友好強大的匿名部落軍團伸張正義!收拾共產黨邪魔....!!"-Melody.Blog衷心祈願``]-**All The World Lauguage**-

-Update: Supplementary...)-
-Update: Ergänzende...)-
-update:補足...) -
-Mise À jour: complémentaire...)-
-Update : 보충...)-*-Update: just by Apple Daily reported after the news - see our
Anonymous chivalrous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -For people to fight for peace and freedom courageous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -! people are in love with him great!-
-Update: Nur von Apple Daily berichtet, nach den Nachrichten - siehe unsere Anonymous ritterlichen Helden '' p@r@dox17 '' -Für Menschen für Frieden und Freiheit mutigen Helden '' p@r@dox17 '' zu kämpfen - Menschen sind in der Liebe mit ihm groß!-
-update:ちょうどアップルデイリーのニュース後に報告 - 平和と自由勇気英雄'' P@rをする@dox17''のために戦うために私たちの匿名の騎士の英雄'' P@rをする@dox17''-For人々を参照してください -!人々は彼と恋に素晴らしいです!-
-Mise À jour: il suffit par Apple Daily a rapporté après les nouvelles - voir notre héros chevaleresque Anonyme '' p@r@dox17 '' de personnes -Pour se battre pour la paix et la liberté courageux héros '' p@r@dox17 ''!- les gens sont en amour avec lui un grand!-
-Update : 그냥 애플 일보 뉴스 후보고 - 평화와 자유 용감한 영웅 ''P @ r에 @를 dox17 '를 위해 싸우고 우리의 익명 기사도 영웅' 'P @ r에 @를 dox17' '용 - 사람을 만나는 -! 사람들은 그와 사랑에 중대하다!-**All The World Lauguage**-

---A series of news by Apple Daily report- Which a is- "2015 Miss World Canada (Miss World Canada2015) The Chinese champion 林耶凡  (Anastasia Lin) the essence of the news," in the field of freedom of the sky,, reflecting the current cutting-edge technology civilization era,, and lives in unscrupulous hybrid dictatorial mainland Communist peoples persecuted reality ruthless evidence! also as the end of this series of articles! the unique wisdom  (Miss World Canada2015) The Chinese  champion 林耶凡 (Anastasia Lin), we to you on the most heartfelt respect! -
---一系列的新聞由蘋果日報報導-其中一篇為--"加拿大2015世界小姐(Miss World Canada2015)的華裔冠軍林耶凡(Anastasia Lin)的精要新聞",反映出現今科技尖端文明時代,在自由天空的領域下,,和生活在無良大陸共產黨雜種獨裁的人們所遭受迫害的殘酷無情的現實證據!亦是本編作為結尾的文章!這位

加拿大2015世界小姐(Miss World Canada2015)的華裔冠軍林耶凡小姐(Anastasia Lin),我們向妳致上最衷心的敬意!-
---Eine Reihe von Nachrichten von Apple Daily Berichts die eine ist- "2015 Miss World Kanada (Miss World Canada2015) Der chinesische Meister 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin) das Wesen der Nachrichten", auf dem Gebiet der Freiheit des Himmel,, die den aktuellen Spitzentechnologie Zivilisation Ära,, und lebt in skrupellosen Hybrid diktatorischen kommunistischen Festland Völker verfolgt Realität rücksichtslosen Beweise! auch als das

Ende dieser Reihe von Artikeln! die einzigartige Weisheit (Miss World Canada2015) Der chinesische Meister 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin), die wir Ihnen auf der innigsten Respekt!-
---アップルデイリーによるニュースの一連どのレポート - の自由の分野でIS-「2015ミスワールドカナダ(ミスワールドCanada2015)中国チャンピオン林耶凡(アナスタシア·リン)ニュースの本質、 "現在の最先端の技術文明の時代を反映して、空,, ,,と現実冷酷な証拠を迫害不謹慎なハイブリッド独裁本土共産

人々で生活!また、この記事のシリーズの最後のような!ユニークな知恵(ミスワールドCanada2015)中国チャンピオン林耶凡(アナスタシア·リン)、最も心からの敬意のあなたに私たち! -
---Une série de nouvelles par Apple Daily reporting Quels un «2015 Miss Monde Canada (Miss Monde Canada2015) Le champion chinois 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin) l'essence de la nouvelles," est- dans le domaine de la liberté de la ciel ,, réalité reflétant l'ère actuelle de la civilisation technologie de pointe ,, et la vie dans les peuples du continent sans scrupules hybrides dictatorial communistes persécutés preuves impitoyable! comme aussi la fin de cette série d'articles! la sagesse uniques (Miss Monde Canada2015) Le champion chinois 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin), nous avons à vous sur le respect le plus sincère!-
---애플 일보 뉴스의 일련의 어떤 리포트 -의 자유 분야는 - "2015 미스 월드 캐나다 (미스 월드 Canada2015) 중국 챔피언 林耶 凡 (아나스타샤 린) 뉴스의 본질" 하늘 ,, 현재의 최​​첨단 기술 문명 시대를 반영하는 ,, 그리고 파렴치한 하이브리드 독재 본토 공산당 사람들의 삶을 박해 현실 무자비한 증거! 또한 기사의이 시리즈의 마지막으로! 독특한 지혜 (미스 월드 Canada2015) 중국 챔피언 林耶 凡 (아나스타샤 린), 가장 진심으로 존중 당신에게 우리!-**All The World Lauguage**-

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**지역 / 국가 언어 ^^ 번역 하이테크 번역기의 구글 하나님을 사용하십시오 -
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**Bonvolu uzi la Google dio de alta-tech tradukisto por traduki vian nacian / lokan lingvon ah ^^-


Huangyan Island, the Philippines, China accounted for less than towed China Float

Turn from Google Mapon July 26, 2015..
 Located in the South China Sea island, also known as the Democratic reef, the Philippines and China have been competing for the strategic islands. Filipino fishermen near Huangyan Island China today arranged float, towed back to shore in Manila.

Reuters reported that China and the Philippines in 2012 for up to three months after the confrontation, sent troops stationed in the Huangyan Island, the Philippines and driving fishermen close to their traditional fishing grounds. It reported that annual economic Huangyan Island fishing catches amounted to $ 5 trillion, neighboring countries such as Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan all claim sovereignty. (Yu Chun Ann / Dow Jones reports).


不滿中國佔黃岩島 菲律賓拖走中方浮球

翻自Google Map 2015年07月26日


 *Fuck the China Pig !! #opchina #OpHongKong !!
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59. http://inventories-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
60. http://fastflowers.co.za/gst.html
61. http://ivsystems-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
62. http://xplorer.co.za/gst.html
63. http://xplorer-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
64. http://juneauve-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
65. http://arctoshoes-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
66. http://fastflowers-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
67. http://woes-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
68. http://filemakerpro-co-uk.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
69. http://reserveforce-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
70. http://midrandnurseryschool-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
71. http://ntha-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
72. http://lazybeans-com.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
73. http://luckyme-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
145. http://virtualguide-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html
146. http://vertexinternational-co-za.win2.wadns.net/gst.html


 *Fuck the Chinaman!! #Opchina #OpHongKong 
 *-[26/07/2015] -update:By-appledaily.com.tw-"Huangyan Island, the Philippines, China accounted for less than towed China Float!!"- mainland Communist rogue turtles are doing stupid things beetles slaves; they think no one knows they are stealing, greed, unreasonable, robbing the brutal behavior; "South China Sea" in China continuously privately construction / expansion of reclaimed land; and set up pose a threat of military equipment to neighboring countries ! Chinaman Communist mainland  tortoise rogue to attacking in Vietnam network business ! They are mainland  Communist slaves stupid thing!! !!, of course,we must to inform the international of the Heads of State around the world; to see the group of hooligans turtle behavior shameful despicable misdeeds China pig !fuck !! --[26/07/2015]-更新:by-appledaily.com.tw-"不滿中國佔黃岩 島,,菲律賓拖走中方浮球!!"-大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都在做愚笨的奴隸蠹事;牠們自以為沒有人知道牠們的偷盗,貪婪,沒道理,強搶的橫暴行為;在中南海海 域不斷私自興建/擴建填海土地;並設置了對周邊國家造成威脅的軍事裝備!而這群大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都正在攻擊越南的網絡商家!我們對這種腐敗共產主義的大 陸支那人愚笨的奴隸蠹事,當然要告知國際上的各國元首;看清一群流氓烏龜的行為!可恥的卑鄙劣行!他媽的支那豬!!-**All The World Lauguage**-

by p@r@dox17 ------------------------------


 2015-07-25 匿名者黑客X

沉默的祈愿者——Angel light
 2015-07-25 大鸦




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2015-07-23 02:25:15 NeT.Defacer http://bbs.51crl.com/kurdish.txt


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 *-Load"-[2015-07-25] Fuck the cn / hk.-website-p@r@dox17 -Our Love Anonymous- # TangoDown by p@r@dox17" #Palestine_DZ # AnonGhost-[http://www.badama.com.hk/ ] -and much more ..!-
-加載"-[2015-07-25]Fuck the cn./hk.-website-p@r@dox17 ‏-我們熱愛的龐大的Anonymous- #TangoDown by p@r@dox17'' #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost-http://www.badama.com.hk/ ]- 和更多...!-**All The World Lauguage**-

 ===FOLLOW   FOLLOW===>/





 24/7-*Yeah~Our Dear Anonymous Tribal huge legion ! #TangoDown by p@r@dox17"- we need you help to #OpChina #TangoDown-----https://twitter.com/dlcyleung ]-Chinaman shit dog back to the dog place!!  #Fuckcyleung #Opcyleung  #Opchina  #OpHongKong #OpISIS #OpHk #Op_Tibet  #OpRussian ]-**All The World Lauguge**-


by p@r@dox17 ------------------------------

by p@r@dox17 ------------------------------



Oklahoma Anonymous News


 @ZsgsDesign 7月21日
This is my lastest website for YZMUNC-2015. yzmun.org

 You Jie has Retweet
Xie Xue @ xiexue77 ,, July 21
$ 76 10 years ago, the international oil price, US dollar than the yuan is 1: 8.3, equivalent to 631 yuan at that time. Now the international oil price $ 103, US dollars over the renminbi is 1: 6.13, the equivalent of 632 yuan. Decade of the international oil price is relatively renminbi basically has not changed, but we never 3.2 yuan has risen to 7.8 yuan, understand it! You know Shajiao "Qiaoguxisui" it?
佑杰 已轉推
谢雪 ‏@xiexue77 ,,7月21日
10年前国际油价76美元,美元比人民币为1:8.3,相当于当时人民币631元。现在国际油价103美元,美元比人民币为1:6.13,相当于人民币632元。 十年了国际油价相对人民币来说基本没变,而我们却从3.2元一直涨到7.8元,懂了吧!知道啥叫“敲骨吸髓”吗?

 佑杰 已 轉 推
DalnimAllRiseSilver 7 月 20 日
"I'll wipe those tears' is to match the amount lyrics ohneunge hand index finger next to eye eyes turning round again head back up right next to the original should be placed on free-!!!! I'm not sure I still chumsin chumwang ... https://instagram.com/p/5WTpdTCb7P/
佑杰 已轉推
Dalnim ‏@AllRiseSilver 7月20日
'내가 그 눈물 닦아줄게'란 가사에 맞춰서 양 손 검지손가락을 눈 바로 옆에 붙인 뒤 머리위로 한바퀴 돌려서 다시 눈 옆에 오는게 원래 안무임!!!! 나 안틀림 나 아직 춤신춤왕… https://instagram.com/p/5WTpdTCb7P/

 Zhang YoujieZsgsDesign July 1History is not an objective reality? If a history of living people Nobody knows, no record, then how to prove it exists?


* 13小時 offline by Ghost Security.


GhostSec helps stop terrorist attacks in New York and Tunisia

GhostSec helps stop terrorist attacks in New York and Tunisia

 GhostSec helps stop terrorist attacks in New York and Tunisia
 Security - The Fundamentals

A hacktivist group assisted in preventing terrorist attacks planned on the city of New York and Tunisia, the media reported on Thursday.
As reported by IBTimes, a hacktivist group known as GhostSec helped thwart terrorist attacks planned by the notorious Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, sometimes also referred to as ISIL).
GhostSec is affiliated with Anonymous, the report claims.
Michael Smith, an adviser to the US Congress and co-founder of national security firm Kronos Advisory, revealed that information regarding potential attacks provided by the group GhostSec was used by law-enforcement agencies to disrupt IS operations.
“It is my understanding that data collected by the group, and presented to law enforcement and intelligence officials by me, was helpful to authorities in Tunisia, who disrupted a suspected Islamic State cell around 4 July,” Smith told IBTimes UK.
“This data was collected pursuant to the group’s efforts in monitoring social media accounts managed by suspected Islamic State supporters. As per their assessment, this plot would have been mobilised soon after the recent attack that occurred at a popular resort in Tunisia.”
A member of GhostSec, going by the name DigitaShadow, explained that the group monitored social media and forwarded any information they believed to be relevant. The result is 17 arrests made in Tunisia earlier this month.
“GhostSec is constantly monitoring social media and the internet for threats against governments and its citizens,” DigitaShadow told IBTimes UK. “On 2 July, we encountered an Islamic State account engaging in threats against tourists in Tunisia. They made references to a suicide bomber in an area near the Homut Souk market, which is a very populated area.”
“They also made direct threats against British and Jewish tourists, so we began looking for events near areas that those nationalities visited. We located two churches in the direct vicinity that were holding services where British and Jewish tourists frequented. We collected all of the relevant intel and evidence and forwarded it to the FBI through our government contact.”
“Two days later, we were debriefed that arrests had been made as a result of our intelligence.”



Security - The Fundamentals
據報導由IBTIMES子欄目 ,被譽為GhostSec一個黑客活動組幫助挫敗計劃由臭名昭著的伊拉克伊斯蘭國和敘利亞(ISIS,有時也被稱為ISIL)恐怖襲擊。
“這個數據是根據收集到的監控涉嫌伊斯蘭國家的支持者管理社交媒體帳戶組的努力。 按照他們的評估,該地塊將被很快,在一個著名的度假勝地在突尼斯發生在最近襲擊後調動起來。“
GhostSec的成員,打算由名稱DigitaShadow解釋說,該集團監視社交媒體和轉發,他們認為是相關的任何信息。 其結果是17人被捕本月早些時候在突尼斯進行。
“GhostSec不斷地監測社會媒體和互聯網對政府和公民的威脅,”DigitaShadow告訴IBTIMES子欄目英國。 “7月2日,我們遇到一個伊斯蘭國家賬戶從事反對突尼斯的遊客的威脅。 他們在附近的Homut市場市場,這是一個非常居住面積做參考給一名自殺式襲擊者。“
“他們還提出了反對英國和猶太遊客的直接威脅,因此我們開始尋找附近的那些民族地區的參觀活動。 我們位於兩座教堂的直接附近發現了在那裡舉行的英國和猶太人遊客經常光顧的服務。 我們收集了所有相關的英特爾和證據,並通過我們的政府聯繫其轉交聯邦調查局“。

Operation ISIS damage report for 07/22/15.


The largest forum at in is now offline.



July 22, 2015isis anonymous islamic state ghostsec

EXCLUSIVE: Hactivists have foiled Islamic State terror plots by tracking the group online
Online hacktivists affiliated with Anonymous have assisted in preventing terrorist attacks on New York and Tunisia planned by Islamic State (Isis), according to a counter-terrorism expert.
Michael Smith, an adviser to the US Congress and co-founder of national security firm Kronos Advisory, revealed that information regarding potential attacks provided by the group GhostSec was used by law-enforcement agencies to disrupt IS operations.
"It is my understanding that data collected by the group, and presented to law enforcement and intelligence officials by me, was helpful to authorities in Tunisia, who disrupted a suspected Islamic State cell around 4 July," Smith told IBTimes UK.

"This data was collected pursuant to the group's efforts in monitoring social media accounts managed by suspected Islamic State supporters. As per their assessment, this plot would have been mobilised soon after the recent attack that occurred at a popular resort in Tunisia."
A member of Ghost Security – or GhostSec – by the name of DigitaShadow revealed that information gathered from social media regarding potential attacks was sent to Smith, who evaluated each threat and forwarded those he believed to be credible to the relevant law-enforcement agencies. This led to the arrests of 17 suspects in Tunisia earlier this month.
"GhostSec is constantly monitoring social media and the internet for threats against governments and its citizens," DigitaShadow told IBTimes UK. "On 2 July, we encountered an Islamic State account engaging in threats against tourists in Tunisia. They made references to a suicide bomber in an area near the Homut Souk market, which is a very populated area.
"They also made direct threats against British and Jewish tourists, so we began looking for events near areas that those nationalities visited. We located two churches in the direct vicinity that were holding services where British and Jewish tourists frequented. We collected all of the relevant intel and evidence and forwarded it to the FBI through our government contact.
"Two days later, we were debriefed that arrests had been made as a result of our intelligence."

New York IS plot foiled

DigitaShadow revealed that the group also provided leads to authorities that proved instrumental in foiling a terror attack in New York on 4 July. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported that more than 10 arrests took place in the US in the build-up to the 4 July Independence Day holiday weekend on suspects connected to IS terrorism plots.
Neither Smith nor the FBI was able to confirm whether the arrests in New York came as a result of information gathered by GhostSec. However Smith did confirm that data from GhostSec was used in counter-terrorism operations in Tunisia.
"Why not embrace the efforts of third-party hackers like Anonymous to dismantle the Islamic State – and even give them the resources to do so?" – Emerson Brooking
The collaboration between the hacktivist group and law-enforcement agencies comes after a US defence policy researcher urged the US government to support groups such as Anonymous in the fight against IS.
Emerson Brooking, a research associate at the Council of Foreign Relation, said in March that the semi-anonymous digital currency bitcoin could be used to fund the efforts of hacktivists in taking down websites and social-media accounts associated with IS.
Brooking said: "How is it that the US government, capable of coordinating a complex air campaign from nearly 6,000 miles away, remains virtually powerless against the Islamic State's online messaging and distribution network?
"If the United States is struggling to counter the Islamic State's dispersed, rapidly regenerative online presence, why not turn to groups native to this digital habitat? Why not embrace the efforts of third-party hackers like Anonymous to dismantle the Islamic State – and even give them the resources to do so?"
GhostSec has previously worked with hacktivist collectives CtrlSec and Anonymous to take down websites and release databases of Twitter accounts associated with IS. The #OpIsis campaign recently saw the details of more than 25,000 accounts released online.
"To date our operations have met with resounding success," said a spokesperson for GhostSec. "We have terminated over 57,000 Islamic State social media accounts that were used for recruitment purposes and transmission of threats against life and property.
"Our operatives have also detected numerous terror plots and responded accordingly with federal law enforcement agencies. Defending and preserving freedom begins in cyberspace."




isis anonymous islamic state ghostsec


或GhostSec - - 鬼安全的成員由DigitaShadow的名字透露,從有關潛在攻擊社交媒體收集到的信息發送到史密斯,誰評估各種威脅,並轉發那些他認為是可信的相關執法機構。 這導致了17名犯罪嫌疑人被逮捕在突尼斯本月初。
“GhostSec不斷地監測社會媒體和互聯網對政府和公民的威脅,”DigitaShadow告訴IBTIMES子欄目英國 “7月2日,我們遇到一個伊斯蘭國家賬戶從事對遊客的威脅在突尼斯,他們提出在靠近Homut市場市場的地區,這是一個非常居民區引用一名自殺式襲擊者。


DigitaShadow透露,該集團還提供線索,以被證明有助於挫敗紐約的恐怖襲擊7月4日當局。 調查的聯邦調查局(FBI)報告,超過10人被捕發生在美國集結到7月4日獨立日假期週末相連就是恐怖主義陰謀嫌疑人。
無論是史密斯還是FBI能夠確認是否在紐約被逮捕之際,由GhostSec收集信息的結果。 然而史密斯並確認從GhostSec數據在突尼斯的反恐行動中使用。
“為什麼不接受第三方黑客喜歡匿名拆除伊斯蘭國的努力-甚至給他們的資源這樣做” -愛默生布魯金
“如果美國正在努力對抗伊斯蘭國的分散,快速再生的網上存在,為什麼不能變成群體原產於這個數字的棲息地為什麼不接受第三方黑客喜歡匿名拆除伊斯蘭國的努力 - 甚至給他們的資源,這樣做呢?“
GhostSec已同黑客行動主義集體CtrlSec和匿名的工作撤下網站和數據庫發布的Twitter賬戶有關聯 該#OpIsis活動最近看到網上公佈的25000多帳戶的細節。
“迄今為止,我們的業務已經遇到了巨大的成功,說:”發言人GhostSec。 “我們已經終止了被用於招聘目的和對生命財產的威脅變速器,57000伊斯蘭國家的社交媒體賬戶。


9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators

Russian 9/11 Data Dump Reveals State Actors

State of the Nation
9/11 was an Anglo-American black operation executed in collusion with Israeli Secret Services and Saudi Arabian financiers.” — 9/11 Investigator
Undoubtedly the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC are the most misrepresented by officialdom in US history.
Whereas the assassination of John F. Kennedy is now understood to have been a classic CIA Execution Plan, it does not come close to 9/11 in terms of the number and magnitude of outright falsehoods, misleading statements, fake science and fraudulent facts submitted by officials and agents of the US Government.  The ‘official’ 9/11 Commission Report stands as the most fabricated document ever produced by US tax dollars.  Not only did the investigation avoid every serious inquiry about how two steel frame building came down after being dustified in NYC, it also subverted every initiative to ferret out the truth.
That’s all about to change in 2014.
9/11 False Flag Operation: HUGE Tipping Point As State-Sponsored Terrorism Is Exposed — The Millennium Report
It appears that Russia has been conducting systematic data dumps on 9/11, the release of which represents more factual information on the attacks than any US Government source.  In the wake of the Anglo-American coup d’état conducted by the CIA and MI6 in Kiev, it appears that Russia has no more patience for Western interference.  Especially when nations are destabilized on Russia’s borders do the stakes in this highly consequential geopolitical chess match go up.
Since Vladimir Putin has no intention of starting World War 3, he can only respond to US-EU meddling by using asymmetric warfare on the internet.  Were the American people to understand that the US Federal Government perpetrated the 9/11 destruction, everything would change in a heartbeat.  Because the Obama Administration has shown no sign of aborting its planned takeover of the Ukraine, Russia is left with very few, but still quite potent options.
The following excerpt recently appeared on an alternative news website — Veterans Today — under the subtitle “Too Classified to Publish”.  Essentially this unprecedented release of ultra-secret and highly classified information illustrates Putin’s new tack toward Western intractability.  Simply put, Russia will no longer stand by idly while the Anglo-American Juggernaut projects it power wherever it so chooses to across the planet.

Too Classified to Publish

According to a retired FXX agent specializing in Israeli counter intel: The type of nuclear devices used on 911 were a modified version of the W-54 nuclear artillery shells that were covertly provided to the Israelis between 1988 and 1998 from US surplus stockpiles illegally exported during the Bush/Clinton era.
Chemical analysis done by DOE Sandi was able to identify the chemical/radiation footprint or fingerprint of the warheads based on samples taken after 911 of the fallout at ground zero. (Editor’s note: Nuclear weapon use at ground zero is confirmed from multiple sources)
All plutonium based warheads have a chemical fingerprint that can identify the type of design and where the PU was made and how old it is. This was the 911 blackmail on Bush 1 and 2, the illegal transfer of surplus US nuclear weapons to the Israelis and why the continued cover up, along with the stolen gold and stock fraud that was going on Wall Street etc. According to file ENW57.pdf on page 66. (Editor’s note: Document received and confirmed)
Only a 2 kiloton device was needed to drop the buildings. A 2 kiloton device will produce a fireball of apx 150 to 200 feet in diameter at over 4000 degrees Centigrade. Just large enough to melt the I beams of the central core of the building and drop them in place. The light flash would last less than 1 second and primarily be in the UV light range. Overpressure would only be at 60PSI max and directed upwards with the blast. See underground effect.
Fallout would be minimal and located to within ground zero range only. Radiation would drop to acceptable levels within 72 hrs. after the blast. Most fall out was trapped in the cement dust thus causing all of the recent cancer deaths that we are now seeing in NYC amongst first responders. (Editor’s note: Consistent with site data)
High FluxIsotope Reactor Core - Cross Section
High FluxIsotope Reactor Core – Cross Section
Melted steel and iron oxide or “nano thermite” is a byproduct of the very high gamma ray / Neutron flux induced into the central steel core. The radiation dissolves the steel into iron oxide consuming the carbon and silicone in the steel.
This explains the missing steel columns and the very important clue of the “vaporized’ 20 ton antenna tower atop the south tower. The upward blast of radiation literally vaporized it. Video evidence proves this to be true. (Editor’s note: Tower issue a vital one.)
The total XXOO data file from DOE Sandia on the 911 event is well over 72 MB. P.S. Snowden didn’t have a Q clearance so he missed this one. Carnaberry had a pretty good stash of documents on the subject. (All under the transit stuff.) The entire nuclear nonproliferation story of stolen nuclear material coming from Russia was an Israeli cover story to hide the original source of weapons material coming from the US stock piles. (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed)
Illegal distribution of US nuclear material to foreign allies was not limited to Israel. Virtually all NATO allies were in on this scam too. Dick Cheney was the bad guy on this one. Bush2/Cheney traded nuclear pits to foreign country as IOU’s in order to get what they wanted. Tom Countryman a well-known Israeli operative is curiously now in charge of N.N.P. at the State Department under Obama.(?) He was put there by Ram Emanuel.
Early Israeli core model - Vannunu photo
Early Israeli core model – Vannunu photo
It appears that the weapon of choice for the Israelis were the W-54 and follow on series of nuclear pits taken from the Amarillo TX storage dump. This was what Carnaberry was working on for Bush senior in Houston.
A total of over 350 pits were transferred to the Israelis over a 10 to 20 year period of time. The W-54 type of pit design were the most desirable due to the 2 point implosion pit design. This is the easiest to re manufacture and modify as compared to other circular pit designs.
The pill shaped design of the W-54 type weapon contains over 1.5 times more plutonium than a standard pit. This would allow enough Plutonium to be recovered that was still of weapons grade use even after 32 plus years of age. Americium build up in the pit over time eventually makes the Pit unusable as a weapon so they have a limited shelf life based on how fast or slow the Plutonium was produce in the reactor at Stanford.
Usually it was about 150 days max. Irradiation time in the reactor during production determines the shelf life of the pit as weapons grade material. All of the micro nukes used by the Israelis are re-manufactured W-54 type series devices.

Khazelov confirmed this a micro nuke bombing
These devices were used in the Bali bombing and the London bombing and in Japan on their reactors. (Editor’s note: Nuclear weapon use in Bali confirmed) Also used in Damascus, Iraq and Afghanistan by the US. (Editor’s note: Multiple confirmation including site samples.)
These are stored in most Israelite embassies for ease of deployment. The one’s used on 911 were kept at the Israeli consulate in NYC until put in place. After 911 the FBI now checks all diplomatic pouches with a Geiger counter before entering or leaving the US. The South African weapons were also surplus W-54 artillery shells acquired from Israeli and final assembly and testing was done in South Africa with Israel assistance. (Editor’s note: This explains Pelendaba production issues.)
This was done because the Israelis needed a testing ground in order to make sure that there rebuilt weapons would work as designed. (Editor’s note: Testing on Sept. 22, 1979 multiple confirmations.) The North Korean weapons are also of the 155 mm artillery design as provided by Israel.
The true North Korean nuclear weapons program is based on nuclear artillery use and not missiles. The plan is to use a massive artillery barge on South Korea if war breaks out this include the use of small nuclear artillery shells to counter US tanks rockets and artillery.
The Saudi’s also have a stash of W-54′s acquired from the US under Bush2. (Editor’s note: Confirmed) The Israelis have also provided them to India, Brazil, China, Taiwan, Japan, North and South Korea etc. (Editor’s note: All but South Korea confirmed. Canada had been believed to be the source of Brazilian nuclear weapons.) Dimona is a standard 75 megawatt thermal open top reactor as used in France for their plutonium weapons production program, their version of Stanford (Editor’s note:  Probably “Hanford”).
Dimona - Israel
Dimona – Israel
Due to over use as a fast breeder reactor by the Israelis, Dimona suffered a “steam explosion” IE a flash over indecent due to neutron criticality back in the late 1980′s under Bush 1. This shut down its operation for many years until repairs could be made.
It know only operates at very low power levels due to neutron absorption damage to the containment vessel. Now mainly use for isotope production. This forced the Israelis to turn to stolen nuclear stock piles from the US for the continuation of their nuclear program.
The Israelis knowing that the nuclear material that they had acquire only had a limited shelf life left before it was no longer usable as weapons grade then tried to dump it on the surplus market as fast as possible before it was of no use to them. So they dumped it on unsuspecting nations who would only sit on it and not be able to test it. These were the fissile tests in North Korea. (Editor’s note: Confirmed, multiple sources)
When everybody caught on to the scam such as Japan and Korea. (IE the Korean sub sinkings etc) they were angry because they paid big bucks for junk. This started a mini cold war with Israel and her old clients. However with micro nukes even as the plutonium ages it will still fissile producing a smaller size detonation well under 2 kiloton in size.
So they can still be used as small dirty bombs or as very small tactical nukes such as the nuclear artillery strikes on Damascus with rocket assisted W-54′s. (Editor’s note: Confirmed strike, May 4, 2013) On the W-54 pit design it is pill shaped and it is only about 4 inches in diameter and weighs about 24 pounds.
Most of the fuel is consumed in the plasma fire ball when detonated so there is very little plutonium fallout left to escape. If it is salted with other materials the fallout can be even reduced to lower levels such as in an enhanced radiation device or the so called neutron bomb. This is what was used on 911.
Falling man - 911
Falling man – 911
The primary purpose of the nuclear weapon used on 911 was to produce a massive Gamma ray / neutron flux that would vaporize about 150 to 300 feet of 6 inch thick steal I-beams that constituted the central core of the WTC buildings. This created a free fall event as seen on TV that day. (Editor’s note: Critical information here.)
The flash would be hidden from sight due to the underground detonation. Most of the light was in the non-visible light spectrum any way. Over pressure would be reduced to 6 psi due to the blast traveling up the central core and neutron radiation vaporizing the TV antenna at the top of the building as see on TV.
The fallout would be mainly vaporized concrete cement and iron oxide. This is why after 911 they told everyone on TV that the beta radiation burns that people were getting were due to the caustic cement dust and not due to the radiation effects from the radioactive cement fallout. (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed)
The iron oxide found all over the place was what was left of the steel I beams. This was the so called Nano Thermite that was found everywhere. Fallout was limited to a 1 mile area around down town NYC. See charts. (Editor’s note: Received)
Radiation decay was reduced to safe low levels after 72 hrs., (Editor’s note: Fully confirmed) outside of ground zero its self. This is why the area was blocked off from the public for 3 days after the event, in order to let the radiation drop to safe levels.[1]
If you read this excerpt closely,  you can clearly see that Russia means business.  It is what they did not say — directly — that makes this data-dump so poignant … and dangerous to the Anglo-American power structure.
Michael Thomas
May 29, 2014


 Donating to Snowden is now illegal and the US Government can take all your stuff. - Thanks Obama. ( self.Bitcoin )
submitted by RainBTC
"Sec. 2. I hereby determine that the making of donations of the type of articles specified in section 203(b)(2) of IEEPA (50 USC 1702(b)(2)) by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to section 1 of this order would seriously impair my ability to deal with the national emergency declared in this order, and I hereby prohibit such donations as provided by section 1 of this order.
Sec. 3. The prohibitions in section 1 of this order include but are not limited to:
(a) the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; and
(b) the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person."
Sec. 7. For those persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence in the United States , I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken pursuant to this order would render those measures ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to section 1 of this order. " ... aka, they can take all your stuff without due process instantly if you have "constitutional rights" in the US (wow).
The rabbit hole is deep people. This is almost as bad as the patriot act... a national emergency LOL what a joke. I pray that non of you donated to Snowden using Coinbase or any other bitcoin platform that keeps your identity on file
 捐贈給斯諾登現在是非法的,美國政府可以把所有的東西。 -由於奧巴馬。 self.Bitcoin
提交 通過RainBTC
“秒2,在此,我決定捐款203節規定的物品類型的製作(B)(2)國際節能環保協會(50 USC 1702(B)(2))的,要,或為利益任何人的財產和利益的財產依照被封鎖,以這個命令第1節會嚴重損害我來處理這個順序申報國家應急能力,我在此禁止 此類捐贈這個命令第1的規定。
秒。 3.以該順序的第1節的禁令包括但不限於:
秒。 7.對於這些人的財產和財產權益按照這個順序誰可能在美國憲法的存在被封鎖,我發現,因為資金或瞬間其他資產,事先通知轉移到措施,這些人的能力根據將要採取的這種順序會使這些措施無效的。 因此,我決定採取這些措施能有效地解決這個順序宣布國家緊急狀態, 有必要時依照對本命令第1節的列表或確定沒有事先通知。“...又名,他們可以採取一切你的東西未經正當程序瞬間,如果你有在美國(WOW)“憲法權利”。
兔子洞深人。 這是幾乎一樣糟糕愛國者法案......一個國家緊急大聲笑什麼笑話。 我祈禱,非你使用Coinbase或任何其他Bitcoin的平台,讓您的身份上的文件捐贈給斯諾登
Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/04/01/executive-order-blocking-property-certain-persons-engaging-significant-m


Ghost Security fights the Islamic State online. Read our story and consider supporting us at
 Ghost's Photo

Operation ISIS

Organized by: Ghost Security


Ghost Security is an internationally based nonprofit counter terrorism organization that specializes in combating terrorism on the digital front lines of today utilizing the internet and social media as a weapon for change. Our operations consist of collecting real time threat intelligence, reporting of potential terror attacks against governments and citizens, slowing the online recruitment of terrorist groups and silencing the spread of propaganda and hate.
To date our operations have met with resounding success. We have terminated over 55,000 Islamic State social media accounts that were used for recruitment purposes and transmission of threats against life and property. Our team has also detected numerous dangerous terror plots and responded accordingly. Additionally we have located and shut down over 100 Islamic State websites that were used heavily to circulate propaganda and plan attacks against civilized nations but with the help of people just like you we can achieve so much more.
Our small dedicated nonprofit team works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to protect the lives of innocent people who have been displaced from their homes, persecuted for their religious beliefs and brutally murdered for exercising the right to free speech. In order to continue and expand our fight for the people we are in need of funding for additional computers, servers and monthly maintenance costs.
We believe in the people and their right to freedom without fear of judgment or persecution and we ask that you believe in us. Together with your help we can save the lives of many and impact profound change. Support us and together we can change the world.


Donor Comments


 *[24/7/2015]-*Yeah~hugeOur Dear Anonymous Tribal  legion ! #TangoDown by p@r@dox17"- we need you help to #OpChina #TangoDown-----https://twitter.com/dlcyleung ]-Chinaman shit dog back to the dog place!!  #Fuckcyleung #Opcyleung  #Opchina  #OpHongKong #OpISIS #OpHk #Op_Tibet  #OpRussian ]-&-Our Lovly Anonymous "DigitaShadow ‏13小時] #Target http://alqyst.com offline by Ghost Security. #GhostSec #OpISIS ]-&-By-http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=4958]-"9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators!!"&...much more...to...-**All The World Lauguage**-


Anonymous Hackers Declare Cyberwar on Chinese Regime, List Over 150 Targets (+Video)

In a graphic from hacker group Anonymous, Nyan Cats from a popular meme are shown flying into China. On Oct. 15, Anonymous declared cyberwar on the Chinese regime and announced a new series of attacks. (Anonymous)

Members of the hacker collective Anonymous officially declared cyberwar on the Chinese regime in an Oct. 15 video announcement.
“We have now declared cyberwar on the government of China,” says a transparent figure in the video, as scenes from Hong Kong are shown behind him.
(Article continues after video)



China Attacks Success!

!************#China Government************!
!       You thought you could stop us?    !
!             Anonymous - 9001            !
!                China - 0                !
| Some of the attacked sites during twitterstorm on October 11th: |
[--- We are still in the beginning of this operation, we will continue to fight the Chinese Government as long as the citizens of Hong Kong fight for their freedom ---]
# credit.gov.cn      http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4ae2c0 #
# chinamil.com.cn    http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4ae2aa #
# cyberpolice.cn     http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4ae21f #
# moj.gov.cn         http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4ae14b #
# mod.gov.cn         http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4ae059 #
# sjz.gov.cn         http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adf21 #
# xm.gov.cn          http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adf14 #
# gaohang.gov.cn     http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adee6 #
# shmec.gov.cn       http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adec8 #
# saic.gov.cn        http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4add61 #
# mwr.gov.cn         http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4add4b #
# gzjjzd.gov.cn      http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4add27 #
# ndrc.gov.cn        http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adc33 #
# gdd.gov.cn         http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adbd5 #
# stats.gov.cn       http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adb88 #
# shgaoqiao.gov.cn   http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4adb0a #
0                         Database Breaches                                  0
| 42,419 E-mails, Usernames, Passwords HACKED  http://pastebin.com/B8960WTS |
| 5,552 E-mails, Usernames, Passwords HACKED   http://pastebin.com/KivUV9VQ |
| 3,265 Emails, Phone #'s, Names HACKED        http://pastebin.com/k7MDMGXH |
| 16 Total DB's Hacked and Released, Enjoy     http://pastebin.com/X3dvRc8j |
| 35 Total DB's Hacked and Released, Enjoy     http://pastebin.com/1VhJwHNh |
| nftz.gov.cn #Hacked 5k more entries #Leaked  http://pastebin.com/NtuVZFax |
| More Leaks from NFTZ.gov.cn #Hacked          http://pastebin.com/URdebf27 |
[---------------------------------------------------------------------------] Among the leaks were a trove of 42,419 emails, usernames, and passwords.



 ontained 3,265 emails, names, and phone numbers. Another had 5,552 emails, usernames, and passwords.

 Links were also posted to the databases of 51 Chinese government websites (1, 2), which they had mentioned the day before the leaks.

 Anonymous claims they have already infiltrated more than 50 databases in Chinese government websites. They said they had previously leaked 50,000 usernames and emails from the databases, and still had more than 100,000 that had not yet been leaked.

Try To Stop Us #OpHongKong

 By: OpHK

############################## Try To Stop Us ################################
Here's a taste:
web application technology: PHP 5.2.5 |
back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0              |
database management system users [4]: |
[*] 'root'@''           |
[*] 'root'@'localhost'                |
[*] 'yake'@'%'                        |
[*] 'yake'@'10.2.%'                   |
available databases [16]:
available databases [35]:
%%%%%%%%%%%  Tomorrow these 51 DB's will be public to the World %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Dear Citizens of the World, this is Anonymous; once again releasing a statement for #OpHongKong
We've read several news articles about our scheduled attacks on the Chinese Government.  To clarify, these are not 'threats', these are promises.  We have already infilitrated over 50 databases within Chinese Government Databases.  We have already leaked 50,000 usernames, emails from these databases.  We have over 100,000 more.  
In response to:
Beijing responded by saying: "This kind of internet attack violates the law and social morals, and we have already reported it to the police."
Report it to everyone, you cannot arrest an idea.  We are criminals, our crime is that of presenting freedom to the opressed.  Our crime is that of using our undefined power against those who use their power against the weak.  We stand and fight along side the citizens of Hong Kong.  Try to stop us.
In response to:
"The Chinese government says that it is ready for any attempt by Anonymous to illegally access its documents or tamper with its websites."  -- Challenge Accepted
As we are typing this message, we are currently extracting data from your Government databases.  You have already failed.  We have already won.
Tomorrow, October 11th at 1PM MST we will begin our DDoS attacks on every Chinese Government server.  We will be releasing all the information from the 50+ databases we have already infiltrated.

Strudalz said by launching the cyberattacks, Anonymous is showing the students protesting for democracy in Hong Kong that they aren’t alone, and that people around the world support them.
He said “it shows that the people (Anywhere) have more than they think backing them.”


China Attacks on Facebook Using The Great Cannon

For the past few days, we have been hearing about the Great Cannon. This Great firewall system developed by China is terrorizing the whole internet world by its potential to hijack anything and everything. Now the terror has started to spread its wings and taken it’s first attack on none other than Facebook. It should be noted that recently China accepted the fact that it’s having a large army of hackers.
For past three days, JavaScript of Facebook login is being intercepted by this firewall system. This will allow the third party sites to authorize users through Facebook. First attack was reported on Sunday, in which sites using Facebook Login are being redirected to a third-party website’s page for many internet users in China.
A Facebook spokesperson also told The Verge that this behavior is occurring locally and beyond the reach of their servers. He added by saying that they are investigating the situation. Also, it’s not a issue to worry for users outside the China or the users who are using VPN services because the code was only intercepted in China.
The Great Firewall began intercepting the Facebook Login Java applet on Sunday, replacing it with a single-line redirection code for two other third-party sites. Because of that, whenever a user in China was trying to login in his Facebook account, they all were being redirected to these two sites: wpkg.org and ptraveler.com, an open-source software project and a personal travel blog respectively. I am still confused that why Great Cannon’s hackers were promoting these two sites in particular.
But this hacking brought a bittersweet experience for ptraveler.com. The site become popular in one day, but after sometime, it become so popular that it didn’t even load because of high traffic.
In conclusion, attempt of this hacking shows that now China has a power that can bring down any site even if it’s world’s biggest social network Facebook or programmer’s favorite site GitHub. If you own a site, then you have to fear the fury of China’s cannon.

 South West Uk Anonymous collective
South West Uk Anonymous collective

South West Uk Anonymous collectiveSouth West Uk Anonymous collective
Anonymous targets IS sympathisers on Twitter
Link: http://bit.ly/RedCult789
‪#‎Anonymous‬ ‪#‎RedCult‬ ‪#‎OpISIS‬


8 月
 公開 · 由 Expect us UK 主辦

8月1日 0:00 到 8月2日 0:00 在 UTC+01

any where evil resides, the many planet earth.

 Greetings brothers and sisters.
for to long have the powers that be gotten away with murder.
for to long have we suffered at the hands of our oppressors. its time to strike back. on Saturday the 1st of august 2015 we are asking for a day of international civil disobedience.

we would ask that you commit one act of peaceful civil disobedience. what you do is up to your self IE. drawing on walls,,guerrilla poster/sticker-in,call the police and tell them what you think of there behavior and generally doing your best to be a thorn in the side of the establishment.
we the people have the power and we the people can reclaim it.

be careful in your actions and don't break the law :-)we do not condone nor encourage anons to break the law. be smart

until they give us justice we will give them no peace.
operation project mayhem is engaged
we are everyone
we are everywhere
we are for ever watching

 our demands for this event to be called off are easy and reasonable !
1. a full and public inquiry in to allegations of establishment child abuse is to be launched.
2. the world bank is to write off all debts owed and return its banking powers to the nations.
3.all political party's are to disband and new party's formed from anybody willing to participate. no salary is to be offered to anyone holding public office.
4.all laws are to be rewritten and must be approved by at least 51% of any given population and the judiciary system made more transparent.
5.the royal family are to be disband and made live on a council estate on £30 a week.
6.a full apology is to be issued from the world leaders to all and every citizen of the world for the 1000 years + of slavery
7. tax for the people is to be eradicated and corporations and the world bank are to be charged for all and any money needed to finance a new system.
8.all weapons company's are to be turned in to comedian company's and find better ways to bring happiness to the world rather than misery
9.all information held as "secret" or "top secret" is to be disclosed imminently and no further information is to be kept from the people.
10. and finally the 5 richest family's on the planet are to be rounded up and imprisoned

we do not forgive and we do not forget and we do not negotiate with terrorists
activists and hacktivsists unite and fight


#OpHongKong Targets

90 Sites Taken Offline - November 8th
http://www.sdpc.gov.cn     http://www.check-host.net/check-report/4e4a47
http://term.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e50bd
commerce.gov.cn            http://check-host.net/check-report/4e50ca
seed.gov.cn                http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5128
gdgs.gov.cn                http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5139
hp.gov.cn                  http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5168
big5m.hp.gov.cn            http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5171
web.hp.gov.cn              http://check-host.net/check-report/4e517e
xxgk.hp.gov.cn             http://check-host.net/check-report/4e518a
sdta.gov.cn                http://check-host.net/check-report/4e51a1
bjpta.gov.cn               http://check-host.net/check-report/4e51ca
cgs.gov.cn                 http://check-host.net/check-report/4e51eb
21cnhr.gov.cn              http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5210
afa.gov.cn                 http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5221
thx.gov.cn                 http://check-host.net/check-report/4e52d1
szz.quanjiao.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e52d8
ahcoop.gov.cn              http://check-host.net/check-report/4e52db
ahfengle.gov.cn            http://check-host.net/check-report/4e52e0
www.gyxcz.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e52fd
www.hnxsjj.gov.cn          http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5303
www.scxzx.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e530b
http://www.sxkj.gov.cn     http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5313
http://www.tczjj.gov.cn    http://check-host.net/check-report/4e531b
www.xnxcq.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5325
nlrs.gov.cn                http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5328
old.tongcheng.gov.cn       http://check-host.net/check-report/4e532b
www.ahszkfq.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5330
www.ahxiaomiao.gov.cn      http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5334
www.aq.gov.cn              http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5339
http://www.bzpfw.gov.cn    http://check-host.net/check-report/4e533b
www.dashu.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5340
www.fdldj.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5343
http://www.fxmzj.gov.cn    http://check-host.net/check-report/4e534a
www.fytjj.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5359
 www.gylyj.gov.cn          http://check-host.net/check-report/4e535c
 www.hqfy.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5361
 www.lajgj.gov.cn          http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5368
 www.ljhbj.gov.cn          http://check-host.net/check-report/4e536c
 www.nlrs.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5371
 www.ahszdj.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5362
 www.djkfq.gov.cn          http://check-host.net/check-report/4e532e
 www.fdjgbz.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e533f
 www.fyxrsj.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5323
hainan.gov.cn              http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55d0
 http://en.hainan.gov.cn   http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55cb
 baisha.hainan.gov.cn      http://check-host.net/check-report/4e553c
 dfoca.hainan.gov.cn       http://check-host.net/check-report/4e554c
 dongfang.hainan.gov.cn    http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5559
 expo2010.hainan.gov.cn    http://check-host.net/check-report/4e556a
 gkzf.hainan.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5572
 gzw.hainan.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5578
 itb.hainan.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5585
 jhsy.hainan.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e558b
 lyj.hainan.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5593
 search.hainan.gov.cn      http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5599
 tunchang.hainan.gov.cn    http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55be
 www.changjiang.gov.cn     http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55a3
 www.cjxc.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55ad
 www.hainanzx.gov.cn       http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55b8
 www.hnjn.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55b9
 www.lingao.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55ac
 www.wenchang.gov.cn       http://check-host.net/check-report/4e55a5
 www.wzs.gov.cn            http://check-host.net/check-report/4e559f
 xxgk.hainan.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5595
 changjiang.hainan.gov.cn  http://check-host.net/check-report/4e558d
 dof.hainan.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5586
 enfaohn.hainan.gov.cn     http://check-host.net/check-report/4e557c
 gcjs.hainan.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e54d6
 ggw.hainan.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e54dc
 goffice.hainan.gov.cn     http://check-host.net/check-report/4e54e7
 hi.hainan.gov.cn          http://check-host.net/check-report/4e54f8
 iitb.hainan.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5504
 jgdj.hainan.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e550b
 khb.hainan.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5519
 wenchang.gov.cn           http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5528
 wtt.hainan.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5531
 www.danzhou.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5540
 www.hi.stats.gov.cn       http://check-host.net/check-report/4e554e
 www.wanning.gov.cn        http://check-host.net/check-report/4e555a
 www.wst.hainan.gov.cn     http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5564
 www.yangpu.gov.cn         http://check-host.net/check-report/4e556f
gaohang.gov.cn             http://check-host.net/check-report/4e574a
dangjian.shgaoqiao.gov.cn  http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5744
tangzhen.pudong.gov.cn     http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5750
justice.gov.cn             http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5794
www.v.gov.cn               http://check-host.net/check-report/4e57dd
q.gov.cn                   http://check-host.net/check-report/4e57ee
e.gov.cn                   http://check-host.net/check-report/4e57f6
post.gov.cn                http://check-host.net/check-report/4e5817
url.gov.cn                 http://check-host.net/check-report/4e582a

#OpHongKong Targets

- Our Pastebin :: http://pastebin.com/u/OpHK
- Our Twitter :: @OpHongKong
http://www.nscc-tj.gov.cn/ -Microsoft-IIS/6.0- National Super Computer Center
Hong Kong Targets
http://www.doj.gov.hk  -- Edgecast
http://www.aud.gov.hk/ - Audit Commission  - Edgecast
http://www.cso.gov.hk/ -Chief Secretary for Administration -  Apache F5 BIG-IP
http://www.customs.gov.hk/ - Edgecast
http://www.cpu.gov.hk/ Central Policy Unit - Edgecast
http://www.gpa.gov.hk/ - Government Property Agency - Edgecast
http://www.judiciary.gov.hk - Edgecast
http://www.govtlab.gov.hk - Government Laboratory - Edgecast
http://www.ogcio.gov.hk/ - Office of the Government Chief Information Officer -Edgecast
http://www.oso.gov.hk - Edgecast
http://www.bjo.gov.hk Beijing Office  - Edgecast
http://www.pland.gov.hk - Planning Department  - Edgecast
http://www.grs.gov.hk - Government Records Service - Edgecast
http://www.try.gov.hk - The Treasury  - Edgecast
http://www.fstb.gov.hk - Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau - Edgecast
http://www.admwing.gov.hk - Administration Wing, Chief Secretary for Administration's Office - Apache F5 BIG-IP
http://www.afcd.gov.hk/ - Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department  - IIS 6
http://www.td.gov.hk Transport Department - Apache F5 BIG-IP
http://www.immd.gov.hk/ - Edgecast
http://www.dh.gov.hk - Department of Health  - Apache F5 BIG-IP
http://www.ird.gov.hk/ - Edgecast
http://isd.gov.hk - Information Services Department - Edgecast
http://www.csd.gov.hk Hong Kong Correctional Services - F5 BIG-IP
Top Targets
www.china.org.cn - Sun-ONE-Web-Server/6.1 [http://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-5/product_id-2239/SUN-One-Web-Server.html]
www.china-embassy.org - Apache/2.4.4 (Unix) mod_jk/1.2.37
www.china.com/ - nginx/1.1.5
www.chinese-embassy.org.uk - Apache/2.4.4 (Unix) mod_jk/1.2.37
http://www.mps.gov.cn - Chinese Police
http://www.police.gov.hk - Hong Kong Police
http://www.mod.gov.cn - Ministry of Defence of China
http://www.moj.gov.cn - Ministry of Justice for China
http://www.gov.cn/ Server Info:: Apache/Squid
Secondary List
http://www.spp.gov.cn - Supreme People's Procuratorate
http://www.ebeijing.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.4.4 (Unix)
http://eng.mod.gov.cn/  Server Info: Apache
http://www.credit.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.0.49 (Unix)
Apache Servers:
http://www.gov.cn/ Server Info:: Apache/Squid
http://mail.gov.cn -
http://ssl.gov.cn -
http://blog.gov.cn -
http://www.cnnic.cn/ Server Info: Apache
http://www.ebeijing.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.4.4 (Unix)
http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache
http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.25 (Win32)
http://english.mep.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.4.3 (Unix)
http://en.ndrc.gov.cn/ Server Info:: Apache/2.4.7 (Unix)
http://eng.mod.gov.cn/  Server Info: Apache
http://www.saic.gov.cn/english/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.22 (Win32)
http://www.saic.gov.cn/sbjenglish/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.22 (Win32
http://www.cma.gov.cn/en/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) PHP/5.2.6
http://www.chinalaw.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache
http://english.sanya.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.4.7 (Unix)
http://english.ningbo.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.23 (Unix)
http://english.gz.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache
http://www.npc.gov.cn/Server Info: Apache
http://www.safea.gov.cn/english/ Server Info: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) PHP/4.4.8
http://english.wh.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache-Coyote/1.1
http://www.mwr.gov.cn/english/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.25 (Win32)
http://www.csrc.gov.cn/pub/csrc_en/ Server Info: Apache
http://en.changsha.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.3 (Asianux)
http://en.beidou.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache
http://en.wuxi.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache
http://en.msa.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.23 ((Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.23 OpenSSL/0.9.8b PHP/5.4.4)
http://www.nlc.gov.cn/english.htm Server Info: Apache
http://english.bjedu.gov.cn/publish/portal1/ Server Info: Apache/2.4.3 (Unix)
http://www.bjgaj.gov.cn/eng/ Server Info: Apache-Coyote/1.1
http://english.shaanxi.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.0.47 (Win32)
http://english.hebei.gov.cn/ Server Info:Apache/2.4.6 (Unix)
http://www.zhuhai.gov.cn/english/ Server Info: Apache
http://www.mlr.gov.cn/mlrenglish/ Server Info:Apache/2.2.23 (Unix)
http://www.chinare.gov.cn/en/ Server Info: Apache/2.2.9 (Win32) PHP/5.2.5
http://www.credit.gov.cn/ Server Info: Apache/2.0.49 (Unix)
http://library.cma.gov.cn Server Info: Apache/2.2.6 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.32
http://mail.sjz.gov.cn Server Info: Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat)
http://fgj.gdd.gov.cn Server Info: Apache, Linux 2.6.18-22
http://www.chinare.gov.cn Server Info: Apache/2.2.9 (Win32) PHP/5.2.5
http://www.dqghj.gov.cn Server Info: Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) PHP/5.2.17
http://www.gaohang.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://www.gdofa.gov.cn Server Info: Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)
http://www.haoyunjiao.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://www.hbqx.gov.cn Server Info: TWebAP/
http://www.hljcredit.gov.cn Server Info:  Apache-Coyote/1.1
http://www.hzfgj.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://www.islandsdc.gov.hk Server Info: Apache
http://www.bhxq.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://www.laobian.gov.cn Server Info: Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.8
http://www.lcsd.gov.hk Server Info: Apache
http://www.zuoyun.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://form.nlc.gov.cn Server Info: Apache (Trace Method Allowed)
http://www.tj.gov.cn/english/ Server Info: Apache 2.4.9 (Unix)
http://www.gzjjzd.gov.cn Server Info: Apache (Tomcat/Cayote JSP engine 1.1)
http://www.hljcredit.gov.cn Server Info:  Apache (Tomcat/Cayote JSP engine 1.1)
http://www.jledu.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.15
http://www.ykaj.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.3 (CentOS)
http://www.ft.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.0.59 ((Unix) DAV/2 PHP/5.2.8)
http://www.lcsd.gov.hk Server Info: Apache
http://zyz.sipac.gov.cn Server Info: Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mos_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8.o PHP/5.3.4 mos_perl/2.0.4 Per
http://www.safea.gov.cn Server Info: Apache httpd 1.3.41 ((Unix) PHP/4.4.8)
http://www.tyrd.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://event.familycouncil.gov.hk Server Info: Apache
https://csboa2.csb.gov.hk Server Info: Apache
http://m.hketransport.gov.hk Server Info: Apache 2.2.24
http://ccne.mofcom.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.4 ((Win32) mod_jk/1.2.25)
http://www.tjlottery.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://www.thx.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.26 (CentOS)
http://www.zjww.gov.cn Server Info: Apache (Coyote/1.1)
http://www.cdmbc.gov.cn Server Info: Apahe 2.2.22 ((Win32) PHP/5.2.11)
http://www.shmec.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://www.safea.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 1.3.41 ((Unix) PHP/4.4.8)
http://www.amo.gov.hk Server Info: Apache
http://www.pixianzx.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.9 ((Win32) PHP/5.2.6)
http://www.shgaoqiao.gov.cn Server Info: Apache
http://www.ft.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.0.59 ((Unix) DAV/2 PHP/5.2.8)
http://www.aqtyj.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.17 ((Unix) PHP/5.2.17)
http://www.chenghua.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.17
http://www.tjca.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.8 (DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8e PHP/5.2.5 mod_apreq2-20051231/2.6.0 mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/V5.10.0)
http://www.lcsd.gov.hk Server Info: Apache
http://english.qingdao.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.23 (Unix)
http://sc.legco.gov.hk Server Info: Apache 2.0.64 (FJT 4.4.48) (Win32) mod_ssl/2.0.64 OpenSSL/1.0.0 mod_is
http://en.msa.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.23 ((Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.23 OpenSSL/0.9.8b PHP/5.4.4)
http://hzzcpd.train.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.2.15
http://sc.legco.gov.hk Server Info: Apache 2.0.64(FJT4.4.48) (Win32) mod_ssl/2.0.64 OpenSSL/1.0.0 mos_is
http://wsj.weifang.gov.cn Server Info: Apache 2.4.7 (Win32)
IIS Servers:
http://english.sipo.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.most.gov.cn/eng/ Server Info:Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://en.cnta.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://english.customs.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.enghunan.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://en.changchun.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0,iis-1-157
http://english.pudong.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.sipac.gov.cn/english/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.973.gov.cn/English/Index.aspx Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://english.xm.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://english.dg.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://english.agri.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
http://english.eximbank.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
http://qinghe.mzfz.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.51a.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.ahhs.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.panzhihua.gov.cn:8001 Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
http://www.meizhou.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://english.agri.gov.cn/ Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
http://fgj.getdd.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0 MSQL (Open FTP Port 21)
http://www.cnsa.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.ytboc.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
http://www.hbshrss.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS
http://www.meizhou.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.jsfpc.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.sjzqxga.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://hkerouting.gov.hk Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.ytboc.gov.cn Server Info: Micorosoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.jsfpc.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.dywfy.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 7.0
http://www.fso-createhk.gov.hk Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 7.5
http://qinghe.mzfz.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS
http://www.hljdep.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS
http://www.matahu.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS
http://www.meizhou.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.sjzgaj.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.npjm.gov.cn Server Info: Mirosoft-IIS
http://www.gxq.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS 6.0
http://www.big5.xm.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft-IIS
http://www.pets.gov.hk Server Info: Microsoft HTTPAPI 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
http://en.cq.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft HTTPAPI 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
http://www.hx.gov.cn Server Info: Microsoft HTTPAPI 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
Nginx Servers:
http://www.pbc.gov.cn:8080 Server Info: IBM_HTTP_Server
http://www.jxedz.gov.cn/ Server Info: Nginx 0.7
http://en.hainan.gov.cn/ Server Info: Nginx
http://www.nmshh.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx/1.4.4
http://www.fdi.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx/1.4.1
http://www.cnao.gov.cn/ Server Info: Nginx
http://www.dttz.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx/1.0.15
http://english.jsjyt.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx, OpenSSH 4.3 (Protocol 2.0)
http://nsaww.nsa.gov.cn/ Server Info: Nginx/0.7.67
http://www.nanjing.gov.cn/en/ Server Info: Nginx
http://www.createhk.gov.hk Server Info: Nginx
http://eng.weather.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx 1.1.8
http://www.wangjiang.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx
http://www.ncct.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx 1.0.2
http://www.sdnsf.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx
http://fair.shandongbusiness.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx
http://www.hr.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx 1.0.15
http://www.sdjgj.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx 1.4.4
http://english.zhangjiajie.gov.cn Server Info: Nginx
DB Leak: Gov E-Mails (http://pastebin.com/QVC0gsSk)
http://mail.tj.gov.cn/ --> mail login page IP:
http://mail.mps.gov.cn/ --> mail login page
http://app.mps.gov.cn:8102/consult/ --> login page
http://mail.chinalaw.gov.cn/  --> mail login page
http://bm.kjzfw.net/Member/Login --> member login
http://bm.kjzfw.net/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2fAdmin --> admin login
http://mail.cnsa.gov.cn/ --> mail login
New Targets
http://www.fehd.gov.hk Server Info: ECAcc  (sea/1C3C)
http://www.mcor.swd.gov.hk Server Info: ECAcc (ewr/14B9)
http://www.energylabel.emsd.gov.hk Server Info: ECAcc (ewr/14B9)
http://lyw.sh.gov.cn Server Info: Squid proxy 2.2.STABLE4
http://english.sz.gov.cn/ Server Info:: IBM_HTTP_Server
http://www.nbcp.gov.cn/ Server Info: IBM_HTTP_Server
http://www.chinaipr.gov.cn/ Server Info: Oracle-Application-Server-10g
http://english.nanning.gov.cn/ Server Info: ASERVER/1.2.9-3
http://eng.sfda.gov.cn/ Server Type: server_50604cf2a6f65
http://www.fmprc.gov.cn Server Info: FC
http://big5.fmprc.gov.cn Server Info: FC
http://www.cmse.gov.cn Server Info: FC
http://en.cmse.gov.cn Server Info: FC
http://www.hefei-stip.gov.cn Server Info: WAF
http://eng.hangzhou.gov.cn Server Info:
http://www.pcoss.labs.gov.cn Server Info:
http://aqxxgk.anqing.gov.cn Server Info:
http://gbcode.ofca.gov.hk Server Info:
http://minzheng.pengzhou.gov.cn Server Info:
http://tgzp.jledu.gov.cn Server Info:
http://translate.legislation.gov.hk Server Info:
http://www.shunqing.gov.cn Server Info:
http://www.ziyangxian.gov.cn Server Info:
http://www.zsda.gov.cn Server Info:
http://www.ipass.gov.hk Server Info:
KillApache Vuln
www.shgaoqiao.gov.cn << uber easy
 *For My All Human Right Friends= attack and Fuck edward-snowden!! (Fuck the Russian! #OpRussian )I hate him ,he was an dirty mouse! storen my home / National message ! My Grandfather was a American!!he often teaches us to forgive others sincerely...Unfortunately, he left the ~But he conduction us to do a man's rule and purpose is never forgotten!edward-snowden-


 FUCK !!!!!!


        FUCK!!!    F U C K                       YoU!!!!!!!


 [23/07/2015]-Updating our dear chivalrous Anonymous p@r@dox17 "huge tribal corps = [July 23] of #OpChina ,,!
# StopTerorismınChina, as well as well-known moral Anonymous= Damned Okie "+ ''Anonymous The Resistance" [July 11] = #OpHongKong. + ''Expect us UK"= #opprojectmayhem fame active message (Anonymous) released! We do not forgive! we do not forget !We do not negotiate with terrorists !** activists and hacktivsists solidarity and struggle ** -!! EXPECT US !! -
#StopTerorismınChina,還有知名道德匿名Damned Okie"+ Anonymous The Resistance"[7月11日]= #OpHongKong. + Expect us UK"( Anonymous)發佈的 #opprojectmayhem 聲名活動消息!我們不原諒,我們不要忘了,我們不與恐怖分子談判!**活動家和hacktivsists團結和鬥爭!**-EXPECT US!!-
-Aktualisieren von unseren lieben ritterlichen Anonymous p@r@dox17"großen Stammes Korps = [23. Juli] von #OpChina ,,! # StopTerorismınChina sowie bekannte Moral Anonymous = Damned Okie" + ''Anonymous The Resistance" [11.Juli] = #OpHongKong. + ''Erwarten Sie uns in Großbritannien "= #opprojectmayhem Ruhm aktive Meldung (Anonym) veröffentlicht Wir haben nicht verzeihen! wir nicht vergessen! wir nicht mit Terroristen verhandeln! ** Aktivisten und hacktivsists Solidarität und Kampf !**Erwarten, dass wir !!-
-私たちの愛する騎士匿名のp @ rをする@ dox17「巨大な部族の軍団= #OpChinaの[7月23日]を-Updating ,,!#StopTerorismınChina、並びに周知の道徳的匿名=ダムドオーキー」+ ''匿名ザ·レジスタンス」【7月11日] = #OpHongKong。 !+ ''私たちはテロリストと交渉していない! 私たちは忘れないように私たちは許していない米国英国 "= #opprojectmayhem名声アクティブメッセージ(匿名)をリリース**活動家やhacktivsists連帯を期待して**闘争 - !!米国を期待!!**All The World Lauguage**-

*[6/07/2015]- see our friendship strong chivalrous Anonymous ''p@r@dox17'' Tribal Legion- hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina)) -Our Anonymous hero ''p@r@dox17'' will not let the various sins of evil Communist mainland Chinaman inhumane !!-please have a look at Apple Daily (1)."Guangxi land burst conflict,,500 police repression crazy !!"- (2).Evil communist North Korea to take people's lives to fire ?!- Title:fled to Finland by the end of the European Parliament to testify renegade scientists uncover evidence of North Korea alive palm measuring CW !!) - damn communist tyrant, Sad pity to ask the God, Jesus, Buddha, Virgin Mary,...and our all Anonymous chivalrous friendship strong corps tribal request uphold  justice! pack Communist demon....!!"-Melody.Blog sincerely pray`` ]-
[6/07/2015]-看我們的俠義友好強大的匿名''p@r@dox17''部落軍團-hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina))-
我們的匿名英雄''p@r@dox17''不會放過邪惡的大陸共產黨支那人滅絶人性的各種罪孽!!-也請各位看看蘋果日報報導的(1)."廣西徵地爆衝突,,500警瘋狂鎮壓!!"-(2).共產北韓拿人們的生命來開砲-標題:逃亡到芬蘭,,月底歐洲議會作證!變節科學家掌罪證!揭北韓活人測化武 !!)-該死的共產主義暴君,請求上帝,耶稣,佛佗,聖母,...和我們各位俠義友好強大的匿名部落軍團伸張正義!收拾共產黨邪魔....!!"-Melody.Blog衷心祈願``]-**All The World Lauguage**-

hello China .. by p@r@dox17 ..









Guangxi land conflict burst 500 police repression madness

 Nanning, Guangxi Heng Zhou Zhen Ishimura government forcibly cross the land, triggering local villagers revolt, officials yesterday triggered massive clashes. Government sent 500 police and anti-riot police arrived at the scene repression. Some netizens refers to the batch of riot police "like animals, like telling anyone pull, even the elderly, women are left off, camera phones are (are not) collected the dozens."

Another netizen refers to the use of armed police and local government to deal with the village dogs, a number of villagers were severely beaten and wolf dog bites. It is reported that nearly 10 villagers were injured, and nearly 20 people were arrested.

The trigger this time the causes of conflict, is the local government want to force expropriation of 600 acres of land, causing the villagers collective rights.


廣西徵地爆衝突 500警瘋狂鎮壓





He fled to Finland by the end of the European Parliament to testify North Korean defectors living scientists measured the palm uncovering evidence of chemical weapons


逃亡到芬蘭 月底歐洲議會作證

變節科學家掌罪證 揭北韓活人測化武


 *[6/07/2015]- see our friendship strong chivalrous Anonymous ''p@r@dox17'' Tribal Legion- hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina)) -Our Anonymous hero ''p@r@dox17'' will not let the various sins of evil Communist mainland Chinaman inhumane !!-please have a look at Apple Daily (1)."Guangxi land burst conflict,,500 police repression crazy !!"- (2).Evil communist North Korea to take people's lives to fire ?!- Title:fled to Finland by the end of the European Parliament to testify renegade scientists uncover evidence of North Korea alive palm measuring CW !!) - damn communist tyrant, Sad pity to ask the God, Jesus, Buddha, Virgin Mary,...and our all Anonymous chivalrous friendship strong corps tribal request uphold  justice! pack Communist demon....!!"-Melody.Blog sincerely pray`` ]-
[6/07/2015]-看我們的俠義友好強大的匿名''p@r@dox17''部落軍團-hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina))-
我們的匿名英雄''p@r@dox17''不會放過邪惡的大陸共產黨支那人滅絶人性的各種罪孽!!-也請各位看看蘋果日報報導的(1)."廣西徵地爆衝突,,500警瘋狂鎮壓!!"-(2).共產北韓拿人們的生命來開砲-標題:逃亡到芬蘭,,月底歐洲議會作證!變節科學家掌罪證!揭北韓活人測化武 !!)-該死的共產主義暴君,請求上帝,耶稣,佛佗,聖母,...和我們各位俠義友好強大的匿名部落軍團伸張正義!收拾共產黨邪魔....!!"-Melody.Blog衷心祈願``]-**All The World Lauguage**-



 -Update: Supplementary...)-
-Update: Ergänzende...)-
-update:補足...) -
-Mise À jour: complémentaire...)-
-Update : 보충...)-


AFP Lai: give up fight democracy as well give up human dignity

 Next Media founder Jimmy Lai interview with AFP, he believes Hong Kong's constitutional reform was rejected is a great encouragement (It's very encouraging for Hong Kong), although I do not know how the future political development trend, but I believe Hong Kong people will still insist that the fight for democracy freedom, democracy and freedom because of abandonment, equivalent to abandon human dignity.

Jimmy Lai refers, in the past it has been throwing firebombs at their mansion outside during the occupation he threw some people to pluck, since the words have not been accompanied by bodyguards, when you take the MTR often been accused of "traitor," but he did do not mind, we will only continue to do what they think the right thing (I just do what I think is right).

Mr Lai said that at present many of the media's position closer to Beijing, but I believe the future of media content more readers than the current dominant, the central government will be difficult to continue to control speech. He believes that Hong Kong people should be wary of some of the organizations established by the Beijing, the name of the flag on behalf of the Hong Kong people to express their views, intended to undermine the unity of the Hong Kong people.

AFP describes him as "Hong Kong tycoon" (Hong Kong tycoon), refers to June incident command Lai firmer faith, and in the following year founded Next Media. Lai means "as long as a day in my life, Next Media will not change." (As long as I'm alive, I do not think Next Media will change), because of his own money and will not be happy, nor They want their children and grandchildren that their grandfather to be rich, but it is a bad person.

Lai also refers to its own origin roots, but descendants but grew up in a greenhouse, growing experience different, so he did not want his sons to inherit clothes earthern bowl media, to re-take his path.



 壹傳媒創辦人黎智英接受法新社訪問,他認為政改被否決對香港是一大鼓舞(It's very encouraging for Hong Kong),雖然不知未來政治發展趨向如何,但相信港人仍會堅持爭取民主自由,因放棄民主自由,等同放棄做人的尊嚴。

黎智英指,過去曾有人在其大宅門外投擲燃燒彈,佔領期間亦有人向他投擲動物內臟,自言一直都沒有保鑣隨行,乘港鐵時經常被人指責「叛徒」,但他並不介意,只會繼續做自己認為對的事(I just do what I think is right)。


法 新社形容他為「香港大亨」(Hong Kong tycoon),指八九民運後令黎智英信念更為堅定,並於翌年創立壹傳媒。黎智英指「只要我一日在生,壹傳媒都不會改變」(As long as I'm alive, I don't think Next Media will change),因自己不會因擁有金錢而快樂,亦不希望自己的子孫認為自己的爺爺雖然富有,但卻是一個壞人。



 A conscience boss, Mr. Li Zhiying, under his leadership, Apple Daily reporters, editorial department, layout department, as well as "One Weekly" award-winning  Publications are countless.
Communists on the mainland Unscrupulous and Hong Kong unscrupulous bastard "Corpse crooked'' to suppress freedom of speech, freedom of thought, body freedom !! physical abuse , ' the unnamed crime' added applied for peace, democracy and freedom of the person marches or rallies!
If the pressure against the various media, No one same as Mr. Li Zhiying the real mission of broadcasting conscience newspaper media, this has been known as 'the Pearl of the Orient' place in Hong Kong,will be changed to the mainland no human rights, no comments freedom, no freedom of religion, no freedom of the individual body, not even freedom of thought! many mainland pro-democracy people soil was framed prison, was maltreat body, deprived even live organ !!

Pedantic fall back mainland Communists and evil extremists ISIS is no difference!

Look at today's Hong Kong media outspoken voice, personally, Money-bribery Chinaman as an enemy of the Hong Kong peoples!
Good and evil clearly, Mr. Li Zhiying conscience mission more abundant than any a regal!
AFP also to interview him, but he is humble and friendly, such a figure, comparable to the Nobel Prize contributor!
He plead for the people, a local population of 7000,000, he forget the regal identity, witnessed in an umbrella movement, suffered tear gas and pepper sprayer hurt, but he did not back down,  as in the July 1 march in hot weather next, with a variety of support groups in the fight for freedom and democracy involved!
This is one of our admiration and respect for the people, Mr. Li Zhiying ~

Then look at the plight of the mainland stock market crash ...
Advise the general public not to serve as a continental mainland Taobao made false things,
They are now going to explode, and quickly discard it!

Yours sincerely Melody.Blog ``








Margin deleveraging tide lost more bailout more or central
A person shares one week evaporation eight trillion Dollars

 WASHINGTON repeatedly try to keep the center of the bailout, A shares slumped. On Saturday the People's Bank announced the rate cut RRR sudden, after almost daily there are tricks to save the city, the Securities and Futures Commission, the Ministry of Finance repeated battle, but lost the mainland margin deleveraging frenzy. This week, the Shanghai Composite Index and Shenzhen Component Index tired down 12% and 15%, total market value evaporated 8 trillion yuan (RMB), it is equivalent to twice the 2008 4 trillion bailout. A survey refers to the mainland this year, nearly 80% of investors' money Nuisance "or pitting money.
Reporter: Huang Yin Hua
CSRC late last night and then moves, hair microblogging warning "Air Force" can no longer big short, and made it clear that the verification, "the alleged crime, transferred to public security and resolutely investigate and deal!" However, the SFC stern warning obviously counter-productive, Shanghai Composite Index opened slightly higher yesterday after the rapid fall, most diarrhea 7.2%, closing the day down 225 points, or 5.8 percent, to close at 3686 points; Shenzhen Component Index fell 772 points, or 5.1 percent, to close at 14,286 points, traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen 1.15 one trillion yuan.
A round of falling market share, from the stock offer for deleveraging tide was called off the margin. Because of high leverage and lack of supervision, the Securities and Futures Commission in June with capital requirements for the trading brokerage services are not allowed. With capital forced a large number of OTC positions, hurt the brokerage margin liquidate the venue, resulting in an avalanche chain reaction.

Greece enough debt market value evaporated four times

Since June 12, A-share has been high for three consecutive weeks down, the Shanghai Composite Index and Shenzhen Component Index fell 29%, respectively, tired, and 32%, the market value evaporated more than 22 trillion yuan, equivalent to 10 times the GDP of Greece last year. Compared with this round of A-share stock market crash caused the recent international market turmoil, the Greek debt crisis, but trivial, A-share market value evaporated week alone, enough to pay off all the debt of Greece more than four times; even the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link segment is called astronomical, but the latest cost of HK $ 85.3 billion dollars this week, A-share market value evaporated at least 110 high-speed rail construction.
Mainland A-share investors currently holds about 5,000 people in the last three weeks in a falling market, an average loss of 40 million. Mainland retail Sina Finance survey results released yesterday, more than 78 percent so far this year has recorded a loss of investors or eat ginkgo, more 24 percent of the retail year loss of more than 50%.
As the parties suffered heavy losses, in addition to constantly rescue center outside the city, brokers and listed companies to actively help themselves. Mainland media statistics, there are nearly 500 companies to apply the suspension to avoid falling market. In addition, yesterday the first batch of 28 GEM listed company boss collective position, to pass positive energy stock, no holdings of shares. Guotai Junan securities firms yesterday announced the suspension trading (ie short-selling the stock) business. Mainland stock index futures in gold, said the crackdown made deliberately empty, the review will focus on short-selling customers a big hand.

4 strokes yesterday pushed the market is not optimistic

After the market closed yesterday, the Securities and Futures Commission to continue step by step, and then launched four rescue measures, including the QFII (Qualified Foreign Insitutional Investor, foreign investment) limit increased from $ 80 billion to $ 150 billion; and reducing the number of IPO funds raised; the special funding for the brokerage margin securities finance company, the capital of 24 billion yuan to 100 billion, provide more ammunition. A last resort, it is a market rumor crackdown along with the public security organs.
However, due to the central moves before the more the more down market, market participants generally are not optimistic about the market outlook. Guotai Junan Securities chief analyst Ren Zeping suggested the Central Government should follow the practice of the financial turmoil in 1998, direct admission to fight predators.

What 8 trillion yuan equals?

Central bailout twice
2008 Central 4 trillion rescue plan at twice the amount that can save the city in the year 2 times

Greece debt four times the current Greek debt 2,428 million euros (about 1.67 trillion yuan) of 4.8 times, can repay all debt in Greece at least 4 times

110 high-speed rail project in Hong Kong high-speed rail segment 112 times latest cost of HK $ 85.3 billion, to build 110 high-speed rail project in Hong Kong

Source: "Apple" Reference Room


不敵孖展拆倉潮 中央越救市越跌

【本報訊】中央救市屢試屢敗,A股狂瀉。上周六人行突宣佈降息降準,之後幾乎日日也有招數救市,中證監、財政部連番上陣,但不敵內地孖展拆倉狂潮。本周滬 綜指和深成指再累跌12%及15%,市值共蒸發8萬億元(人民幣,下同),已等同2008年4萬億救市的兩倍。有調查指今年內地股民近80%已「冇錢賺」 或蝕錢。
中證監前晚深夜再出招,發微博警告「空軍」不可再大肆沽空,並明言將進行核查,「涉嫌犯罪的,堅決移送公安查辦!」不過,中證監嚴厲警告明顯產生反效果, 昨日滬綜指稍微高開後,迅速狂跌,最多瀉7.2%,全日收市跌225點或5.8%,收報3686點;深成指則跌772點或5.1%,收報14286點,滬 深兩市成交1.15萬億元。


自6月12日起,A股已由高位連續3個星期下跌,滬綜指和深成指分別累跌29%和32%,蒸發市值超過22萬億元,相當於希臘去年GDP的10倍。與這輪 A股股災相比,造成最近國際市場動盪的希臘債務危機,只是小巫見大巫,單單本周的A股蒸發市值,就足夠還清希臘所有外債4次有餘;即使廣深港高鐵香港段被 稱為天價,但以最新造價853億港元計,本周A股蒸發市值至少可建造110條高鐵。
由 於各方損失慘重,除中央不斷救市外,券商和上市公司積極自救。內地媒體統計,目前已有近500家公司申請停牌,以避開跌市。另外,昨日創業板首批28家上 市公司老闆集體表態,要傳遞股市正能量,不減持股份。券商國泰君安昨日宣佈,暫停融券(即股票沽空)業務。內地股指期貨交易所中金所則表示,將嚴打蓄意造 空,將重點審查大手沽空客戶。

昨再推4招 市場不樂觀

昨日收市後,中證監繼續出招,再推出4項救市措施,包括將QFII(Qualified Foreign Insitutional Investor,境外投資)額度從800億美元擴大至1,500億美元;減少新股發行數目以及集資金額;將專門為券商孖展提供資金的證券金融公司,資本 金由240億元增加到1,000億元,提供更多彈藥。最後一招,則是連同公安機關嚴打市場造謠。






 -Update: just by Apple Daily reported after the news - see our Anonymous chivalrous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -For people to fight for peace and freedom courageous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -! people are in love with him great!-




  18小時18 小時前
hello China by p@r@dox17 ..

p@r@dox17 已轉推 Fallaga Team
fuck israhell
p@r@dox17 已加入,

hello China by p@r@dox17 ..


 *-Update: just by Apple Daily reported after the news - see our Anonymous chivalrous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -For people to fight for peace and freedom courageous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -! people are in love with him great!-
-Update: Nur von Apple Daily berichtet, nach den Nachrichten - siehe unsere Anonymous ritterlichen Helden '' p@r@dox17 '' -Für Menschen für Frieden und Freiheit mutigen Helden '' p@r@dox17 '' zu kämpfen - Menschen sind in der Liebe mit ihm groß!-
-update:ちょうどアップルデイリーのニュース後に報告 - 平和と自由勇気英雄'' P@rをする@dox17''のために戦うために私たちの匿名の騎士の英雄'' P@rをする@dox17''-For人々を参照してください -!人々は彼と恋に素晴らしいです!-
-Mise À jour: il suffit par Apple Daily a rapporté après les nouvelles - voir notre héros chevaleresque Anonyme '' p@r@dox17 '' de personnes -Pour se battre pour la paix et la liberté courageux héros '' p@r@dox17 ''!- les gens sont en amour avec lui un grand!-
-Update : 그냥 애플 일보 뉴스 후보고 - 평화와 자유 용감한 영웅 ''P @ r에 @를 dox17 '를 위해 싸우고 우리의 익명 기사도 영웅' 'P @ r에 @를 dox17' '용 - 사람을 만나는 -! 사람들은 그와 사랑에 중대하다!-**All The World Lauguage**-



18-year return of Hong Kong to become the point?

[Return] 18 years
WASHINGTON - is over 18 years, or from the "Doomsday" there for 32 years? Horse racing, dancing, cover less than bizarre shrouded island, after the return to the property market bubble burst a negative asset, living either charcoal or else teeth, SARS, the financial tsunami, the former real estate hegemony late crossover freedom OK, bottom Seung prices up again, when the salary is not enough grass to eat a meal Greenwood tea; generation of lost Star Queen proud identity, to catch the first rush of life overseas passport before applying suzerain play migrants.
Three chief executive popularity is inversely proportional to the dough, accountability in exchange for a basket of scandal, spending 1 billion, the islanders were forced to take to the streets, afraid to die calm the rally to 掟 egg 掟 Dinglumuxi bottles, glass enclosed occupation explosion , suffer pepper top tear bombs by batons, anti-state religion stays in Hong Kong, as the Vietnam war, to hang on until the last 79 days occupied even basic steps to restore seemingly nothing, only Hong Kong people awareness, since the rise of civil society, their home, called Hong Kong.
Reporter: Zhangjia Wen Tan Jingwen

Local characteristics disappear

Mainland compatriots consumption alarming, since 2003, opening up its freedoms, international brands and large chain stores as a share of the price have to rob the shop. Causeway Bay, Wan Chai, Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui and other places, neighborhood pharmacies and goldsmith shops replaced many old demons raging in rent forced to close down. After the reunification, the colonial standard being demolished, according to a rich colonial history, Hong Kong people's collective memory of Queen's Pier, 2007 was destroyed. Hong Kong streets full of life and culture, but also for urban renewal quietly disappear. Old streets full of character, are bulldozers destroyed, side streets disappeared, and in return is the same as a type of large shopping malls, chain stores and brand-name stores.

Peaceful demonstrations by the change valor

  By the 50 million people took to the streets not smash a glass window is proud to rally "sing k", "bulk water" is considered left glue; set aside by the 23 legislation, the Secretary for Justice to know the ugly step down, to the ascetic surrounds illuminated by high-speed rail funding, "I Yaodi Kong, as the" result can only Air ATV, northeast funding you account legislature he Chengluan "㩒 catch" the impact of the occupation sniper 79 days, 8.31 decided not to move nothing. Back 18 years, to no avail peaceful means, by force local school violence rise, opening a new chapter in cultural demonstrations.

Hong Kong Fusion forward speed of light

The freedom of all to "Big brother is watching you", Hong Kong and the integration with the speed of light ahead. UNESCO brainwashing students narrowly escaped the country, love Hong Kong force, love Hong Kong; 2009 Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail from relying on the name of development, and end up overspending 20.3 billion and traffic-free period bitter; Media Mei sidelined altogether, press freedom plummeted section 70 Voices and other pro-communist organizations emerge; 7.1 Convicted dissident flag raising ceremony near the scene, leading the 1967 riots Yang actually eligible for honors in the 21st century with the universal values ​​of Hong Kong appears to have decoupled.

Expanding governing team

97 return, Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa government set up under the rule of 13 bureaux and two resource bureaux; in 2002, the implementation of the accountability system Tung, head of the bureau changed to political appointments, 11 bureaux and three Director collectively " three Division 11 Bureau. "
In 2007, when he was chief executive Donald Tsang new Board, become a "three Division 12th Bureau"; the following year, an additional two politically appointed officials, including the Deputy Secretaries and Political Assistants rank, deputy director of a monthly salary of more than 200,000, Political Assistant 130,000 per person "From Table" at least 50 million additional annual expenditure.

Self-accountability has been introduced, a conservative estimate of the total expenditure of nearly 10 billion yuan, "star men" includes a business card on behalf of income proof of Gregory So, cheat Room Tianjin convicted Mak Chai-kwong, chief operating Tong room of Paul Chan suspected of drunk driving and so on.
2012 Chief Executive election win in Mr Leung had proposed "five Division Shisiju" concept, an additional Deputy Chief Secretary and the Deputy Financial Secretary, plus a set of Cultural Affairs, is the restructuring of providers by the Bureau of Science and Technology and Communications Bureau and Industry and Commerce and Industry Bureau, but suggested that was rejected by the Legislative Council. Earlier this year propose to break the legislature fails to bypass the legislature Liang eventually appointed Nicholas Yang as innovation and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Science and Technology.
Seventy-one Parade:


回歸18年 香港變成點?

【本報訊】是過了18年,還是離「大限」尚有32年?馬照 跑、舞照跳,掩蓋不到籠罩小島的光怪陸離,回歸後樓巿泡沫爆破一地負資產,生活要不燒炭要不咬緊牙關,沙士、金融海嘯,原來不及地產霸權 crossover自由行,樓價谷底升完再升,基層時薪不夠吃一頓翠華下午茶餐;新一代失去皇后天星自豪身份,趕頭趕命申請前宗主國海外護照扮移民。
三 任特首民望與面皮成反比,問責制換來醜聞一籮、開支10億,島民被迫上街,由貪生怕死平靜集會,到掟蛋掟樽掟路姆西,包圍佔領爆玻璃,捱胡椒頂淚彈受警 棍,反國教撐港視越戰越勇,撐到最後佔領79日竟然還原基本步看似一無所有,惟有港人意識、公民社會從此抬頭,他們的家,叫香港。
記者:張嘉雯 譚靜雯


內地同胞消費力驚人,自2003年開放內地自由行,國際名牌、大型連鎖店為分一杯羹,紛紛以天價搶舖。銅鑼灣、灣仔、旺角及尖沙嘴等地,街坊小店換成藥房 及金舖,不少老字號在租魔肆虐下被迫結業。回歸後,殖民地標遭拆卸,記載了豐富殖民地歷史、港人集體回憶的中環皇后碼頭,2007年被毀滅。滿載港人生活 文化的街道,也為市區重建悄悄地消失。昔日充滿特色的街道,被推土機毀滅,橫街窄巷消失了,換來是一式一樣的大型商場、連鎖店或名牌店。


由以50萬人上街不打爛一隻玻璃窗為傲,到遊行集會「唱k」、「散水」被視為左膠;由23條立法擱置、司長局長知醜下台,到苦行包圍高鐵撥款照通過,「我 要睇港視」結果只能睇亞視,東北撥款你佔立會他乘亂「㩒掣」,狙擊衝擊佔領79日,8.31決定不動分毫。回歸18年,和平手段不得要領,本土派以武制暴 抬頭,開啟示威文化新一頁。


由自由之都到「Big brother is watching you」,中港融合以光速邁進。2009年廣深港高鐵挾發展之名而來,落得超支203億兼通車無期苦果;傳媒媚共靠邊站,新聞自由暴跌至第70位;中小學 生險遭國教科洗腦,愛港力、愛港之聲等親共組織冒起;7.1升旗禮現場異見者勿近,領導六七暴動楊光竟然獲授勳,21世紀香港似已跟普世價值脫鈎。


2012 年在特首選舉中勝出的梁振英曾提出「五司十四局」構思,增設副政務司司長及副財政司司長,另加設文化局,商經局則改組為科技及通訊局和工商及產業局,但建 議遭立法會否決。今年初建議再闖立會失敗,梁最終繞過立會,委任楊偉雄出任創新及科技諮詢委員會主席。

 on July 2, 2015

We are afraid of North Korea Kim Jong-un pass more officials to flee

 Recently, the news came out, because the North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un reign of terror, so many mid-level cadres of the party and government bodies tremble with fear. Reuters.
 Recently, the news came out, because the North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un reign of terror, so many mid-level cadres of the party and government bodies tremble with fear, a dozen North Korean cadres stationed overseas defectors have fled, shaken very serious.

According to "Yonhap" reported that Kim Jong-un's reign of terror did not affect North Korea's most high-level cadres, but let middle-level cadres, cadres in particular was sent to work overseas have shaken the psychological, and some people even defected to South Korea, while others Choose fled third countries. Also in North Korea high-level cadres, the majority of people in order to play it safe, do not want to be the person in charge of the actual charge of affairs.

South Korean Intelligence Service noted that the number of executions this year to reach the North Korean cadres 8, the number of cadres in 2012 and 2014 executions each year was 3, 30 and 31 people. South Korean side said that with Mr. Kim in order to deepen the distrust level cadres, arbitrary executions and other means of terror intensified, and between cadres of Kim Jong-un's leadership has also been suspected in spread. (Fluttering Shi Jie / roundup)

 on July 2, 2015

大家都怕金正恩 傳北韓多名官員逃亡



南 韓情報院指出,北韓今年處決的幹部人數達到8人,在2012年~2014年間每年處決的幹部人數分別為3人、30人和31人。南韓方面表示,隨著金正恩對 中階幹部不信任程度加深,任意處決等恐怖統治手段越演越烈,而在幹部之間對金正恩領導能力的懷疑也不斷在擴散。(施旖婕/綜合報導)


Democratic unfinished road

 WASHINGTON not accept their fate. Off the gate of the National People's Congress, elections dream come true, there are still 4.8 million people refused to silence, in a sunny day, I do not know how many times back to take the road of struggle.
When the "National Security Law" Dignity without limits, even in space and polarization control everything, they happens chanted "build democracy in Hong Kong, the city regain my future."
Zhang different faces, all touch and genuine emotion, full of hope for the future of Hong Kong. Organizers Fretilin declared: "We are still trying to guard our cherished freedoms and the rule of law, for democratic government and parliamentary elections, insisted veto 8.31, nominated for citizens."
Yesterday umbrella block pepper, held today covered the sun, no matter how distant the democratic road, Hong Kong people have forgotten the original intention.

 Seventy-one Parade:






Sudden cut in local school occupies leading

  Many young people participate in the parade yesterday to express their demands. Young 柏贤摄.
 WASHINGTON - In recent years, the Pan-people activities in social movements in pursuit of radical political groups were frequently yesterday FRODEBU parade, originally organized by students and teaching co-led the parade. About 50 local school who suddenly midway join the brigade, a large Hong Kong-British flag immediately occupy faucet. Local faction members deny hijacked processions, but also refers to the public in Hong Kong alone increasing acceptance.

I do not think hijacked parade

When the procession arrived at 4 pm yesterday faucet Canal Bridge Causeway, early in the morning in the street compiled and local school suddenly flag waving on hold, occupy empty spaces between giant banners with the team. Cheng Xia Hong Kong alone among supporters across the giant banners went alone to try the front, next to a collision with PTU 叶建源 occur.
Batch of local school along shouting "Hong Kong founding," he suddenly left the band in Queensway, gathered in the center of the road, the police became agitated, was surrounded by demonstrators shot looks. The returnees singing "Return of the city will overcome" after the dissolution.
Local citizen members LEUNG Kam-shing said in the past 7.1 procession along with members of the public to challenge their slogans and flags, this year was no opposition. He described the DFLP leader to join their show "tolerance", also known as the local school also have the freedom to express their demands, and do not think that this hijack the parade.
Cheng Xia Kong Independent Supporters said that the biggest appeal is its parade "off altogether," "Why I Do not understand Democrats Wugan speak off altogether, unless drainage Die support of communist rule in Hong Kong."
■ reporter bailin
Seventy-one Parade:



【本報訊】近年泛民社運活動頻頻被激進政團追擊,昨日民陣遊行,原本由學生組織及教協帶領遊行隊伍。約50名本土派人士忽然中途加入大隊,大片港英旗旋即 佔據龍頭。本土派成員否認騎劫遊行,又指市民對港獨接受程度日增。




The current term of the Government may refer legislation to expand the electoral base pan people took to the streets to promote the restart of political reform

 cartoonist Takako pen holding a black stick and "violent LICE" shield "Mr. Leung cockroach" LSD printed in yesterday's giant posters will be on the road to the public any step.王子俊 .photo.
 [7.1] Parade
WASHINGTON - After the political reform package veto, down 8.31 Congress decided to restart the political reform has become one of this year's parade theme 7.1, although the government claims will no longer deal with the current term political reform, but the parade of Democratic Party Chairman Martin LEE Chong Next Media founder Jimmy Lai, etc. agree that the Hong Kong people to have confidence to restart the political reform can not be left to the next government before doing. Former Chief Secretary Anson Chan more proposals, referring to the present Government can through local legislation, expand Legislative Council and the Chief Executive Election voter base.
Reporter: Lin Junqian Yaoguo Xiong
Democratic Party Chairman Martin LEE Chong, emeritus bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, and Next Media founder Jimmy Lai participated in the parade before 7.1, the first attended by a number of Catholic and Protestant groups organized by "1 July prayer."
Mr Martin said after the prayer, the significance of this year's parade participation 7.1, that the Council has rejected the reform package, can not let the constitutional development to mark time, the Government must restart the current political reform as soon as possible, to produce a better government reform program. 7.1 reduce the turnout for this year's Martin believes the number of people participating in 7.1 will not affect his determination to march, "few people on the line, the first line of more to come out and walk."
Mr Lai also agreed to participate in the parade 7.1 importance, not because of undemocratic political reform package that was rejected, abandoned hope for universal suffrage, "If Hong Kong people to retain the faith and perseverance, there is hope, restart determination to fight for political reform . " Reduce the turnout for this year's 7.1, Li bluntly, "Well critical" refers to the total height of the march, without identity "overthrow" the fake elections program will no longer required to participate in the march, "I Die will have to fight to happen, we must continue to fight , do not attempt to give up. "

Anson: voters do not puppets Members

Zen is through press releases, it shows that Hong Kong people away from the true goal of universal suffrage is still very far away, but if it is rejected because of political reforms in the future to stop the fight for democracy was "absurd" that the people of Hong Kong should adhere to "know they are impossible "continue to adhere to strive for true universal suffrage," for our own dignity, for the next generation is the mission, "Hong Kong people will achieve" final victory. "
The former Chief Secretary Anson Chan believes that the reform package was an overwhelming majority of the Legislative Council rejected after the next parliamentary elections and the constituency of the Legislative Council elections, will no longer want "puppet, Mr megaphone."
In addition to calling young men to register as voters to support the people outside of the pan, Mrs Chan also stressed that the new chief executive should not be left only to restart the political reform, and proposed by the present Government through local legislation, the expansion of the Legislative Council and the Chief Executive election electoral base, increase electoral democracy ingredients, this is a matter within the competence of the SAR government, "it GOD all lines can be done by local legislation, no need for a central government promised."
Mrs Chan also said that at present to do not modify the "Basic Law" since establishment lawmakers may tighten Hong Kong people freedom, human rights by modifying the "Basic Law."

Calls district ballot kick institution subordinated debt vote

Democratic Party legislators Albert believe, the next will focus on civil society to participate in the District Council elections at the end of this year. Albert appealed to the public must be "Jedi" at the end of the District Council elections, support for the Pan-people candidate, highlighting the fight for universal suffrage true strength.
Albert also said that this year, after 7.1 procession civil forces will focus on defending the Hong Kong University academic autonomy, and said the University of Hong Kong now has hundreds of HKU alumni organized, attention Johannes Chan as vice president was to obstruct the issue, and It will be launched this month in large gatherings, to enable the public to participate in the University of Hong Kong, together with the requirements of Hong Kong schools to resist political pressure and intervention.
Ching commentators pointed out that the implementation of universal suffrage is the constitutional responsibility of the Government, since the Government does not restart remainder of the term political reform, the public must show strength through the parade, asking the Government to restart political reforms. Ching also urged the public to kick out at the end of the District Councils election support establishment of universal suffrage leave school, asking them to "vote counting subordinated debt."
Seventy-one Parade:


指現屆港府可立法 擴大選民基礎
泛民上街 促重啟政改


【本報訊】政改方案否決後,推倒人大8.31決定、重啟政 改成為今年7.1遊行主題之一,雖然政府聲稱現屆不會再處理政改,但參加遊行的民主黨創黨主席李柱銘、壹傳媒創辦人黎智英等人均認為,港人要對重啟政改有 信心,不能留待下屆政府才做。前政務司司長陳方安生更提出建議,指現屆政府可透過本地立法,擴大立會及特首選舉選民基礎。
記者:林俊謙 姚國雄
李 柱銘在祈禱會後表示,今年參與7.1遊行的意義,在於立法會否決政改方案後,不能讓政制發展原地踏步,必須要本屆特區政府盡快重啟政改,交出一個更好的政 改方案。對於今年7.1遊行人數減少,李柱銘認為人數多少不會影響他參加7.1遊行的決心,「就係人少,先更加要行出嚟」。
黎智英也同意,參加 7.1遊行重要性,在於不能因為不民主政改方案被否決,就放棄爭取普選希望,「如果港人保留到信念和堅持,就會有希望,重啟對政改爭取的決心」。對於今年 7.1遊行人數減少,黎直言「唔緊要」,指遊行人數總有高低,又不認同「推翻」了假普選方案就毋須再參加遊行,「我哋要爭取先會有事發生,要繼續爭取,唔 好放棄」。


陳日君則透過新聞稿,表明港人距離真普選的目標仍然很遠,但若因為政改方案遭否決,日後就停止爭取民主是「荒謬」,認為港人要堅持「知其不可為而為之」, 繼續堅持爭取真普選,「為我們自己是尊嚴,為下一代是使命」,港人將取得「最後勝利」。


時 事評論員程翔指出,落實普選是特區政府憲制責任,既然政府表示餘下任期不重啟政改,市民必須透過遊行展示力量,要求政府重啟政改。程翔又呼籲,市民要在年 底區議會選舉踢走支持假普選的建制派,要他們「票債票償」。


Zen: implacable Leung Chun-ying

  Joseph (right), pictured with a procession yesterday.
 WASHINGTON nearly 200 Catholics attended the procession yesterday in front 7.1 "prayer meeting July", the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, bishop emeritus shelling Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, dissatisfied he refused LSD Legislative Councillor Leung Kwok-hung, "Long Hair" attend government Celebration reception, bluntly Leung Kwok-hung votes in the election of more than 689 votes out of Leung Chun-ying for several times, but was stopped by Mr Leung expressed his aspirations at the reception as voters make him difficult to tolerate, condone the behavior of Mr Leung, referring to the beam if repent, "God is so hard to forgive canal."

Liang refused to attend the reception denounced hairy

Zen 7.1 yesterday to participate in the parade before, in Victoria Park music pavilion at the "prayer meeting July" Zen is not the first time the SAR Government is very dissatisfied with the invitation to attend the Celebration Reception Leung Kwok-hung, was "lib" shelling of Leung Chun-ying, speaking, had criticized the beam 689 votes is elected, but refused to vote than he attended the reception most times of Leung Kwok-hung, "the chief executive GOD I Die Link not even be able to tolerate, what a Person to a point like generous?"
Zen also called himself as a believer "unforgiving (Leung Chun-ying) Link like a generous man", referring to the beam repent, "God is so hard to forgive canal", called on Mr Leung Kwok-hung courage to apologize, "Drainage ( Leung Chun-ying) Link insult like I Die generous brother, I Die generous people on behalf of, I really very excruciating. " Prayer meetings with the attendance auxiliary bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong 夏志诚 also criticized the way the central push for universal suffrage, "to confuse, distort the truth, distorting the facts" approach chilling.
■ reporter Lin Junqian
Seventy-one Parade:



【本報訊】近200名教友昨日在7.1遊行前出席「七一祈禱會」,天主教香港教區榮休主教陳日君樞機炮轟特首梁振英,不滿他拒絕社民連立法會議員梁國雄 「長毛」出席政府慶回歸酒會,直言梁國雄在選舉中的票多出梁振英的689票達數十倍,但梁振英卻阻止他在酒會中為選民表達訴求,令他難以容忍、寬恕梁振英 的行為,指梁若不悔改,「天主都好難寬恕佢」。


陳日君昨日參加7.1遊行前,在維園音樂亭出席「七一祈禱會」,陳日君對特區政府破天荒不邀請梁國雄出席慶回歸酒會十分不滿,發言時一度「爆肚」炮轟梁振 英,批評梁只得689票當選,卻拒絕得票比他多數十倍的梁國雄出席酒會,「我哋啲特首咁都唔能夠容忍,呢個係一個點樣嘅人?」
陳日君又稱,自己作 為一個信徒也「難以寬恕(梁振英)一個咁樣嘅人」,指梁若不悔改,「天主都好難寬恕佢」,呼籲梁振英拿出勇氣向梁國雄道歉,「佢(梁振英)咁樣侮辱我哋嘅 兄弟、我哋嘅人民代表,我真係好難忍受」。同場出席祈禱會的天主教香港教區輔理主教夏志誠亦批評,中央推動普選的手法「混淆視聽、歪曲真理、指鹿為馬」, 做法令人心寒。


Civic Party and a half hours to see Mr. Leung called on Alan Leong Excuse "cross stitch Essentials"

 Civic Party four Legislative Council Members Alan Leong, Dennis Kwok, Kwok Ka-ki and Claudia Mo Leung Chun-ying, today met with the Chief Executive, after the two sides met for half an hour, the Civic Party leader Alan Leong, Mr Leung said at the meeting directed to construct a new relationship between the executive and the legislature, but at the same time repeatedly criticized the democrats Raab hinder Hong Kong's economy and make political reforms Sometimes, called on Mr Leung "Excuse cross stitch Essentials." He believes that Mr. Leung "If Refused to answer belligerent lower generous nature, of Hong Kong obstacles to the harmonious reconstruction generous."

During the meeting quoted Leong mentioned high-speed rail project, a number of people's livelihood issues of housing, free television license and welfare of the elderly, but some failed to get a positive response, Leung Chun-ying more welfare for the elderly excuses again to the land issue, saying that depends on change zoned land resolved. About the current shortage of flats, Leong A law consistently refers to Mr Leung responded, saying, "Ye do no previous government, this year's (government) to do a lot of Ye Zo", but no response is expected of flats "talk big Zo."

In terms of television licensing Hong Leong refers Civic Party in the meeting mentioned that if a number of a free television channel for the public to watch is also one of the people's livelihood issues, but Mr Leung responded refers ATV in need of protection, and later refers to them legal implications, Leong said the Civic Party does not accept this argument.

Leong described the meeting "so no baa Hello everyone surprise" because the Civic Party and Vice Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong asked recruitment, mentioned the Vice-Chancellor Peter Mathieson took a long time, the management of Hong Kong is still "immature formations" that have to wait for new chief Vice President Vice President took office only deal with the appointment of the third issue, it takes nine months to one year, but Mr Leung's reply on this issue so that the Civic Party, "was not able to meet the answer" that Mr Leung performance does not meet expectations, it is difficult to obtain in Hong Kong People trust.


公民黨見梁振英半小時 梁家傑籲唔好「撩交嗌」

 公民黨4名立法會議員梁家傑、郭榮鏗、郭家麒及毛孟靜今日與特首梁振英會面,雙方會面半小時後,公民黨黨魁梁家傑直指梁振英會上稱要建構新行政立法關係, 但同時多次批評民主派拉布阻礙香港經濟及令政改寸步難行,籲梁振英「唔好撩交嗌」。他認為梁振英「如果唔肯放低好勇鬥狠嘅本性,係香港重建政通人和嘅障 礙」。

梁家傑引述會面期間提及高鐵工程、建屋、免費電視發牌及老人福利等多個民生議題,但部份未能得到正面回應,梁振英更再次將老人福利 問題推搪至土地問題,稱要靠改劃土地解決。有關現時建屋量不足,梁家傑指梁振英以一貫答法回應,稱「上屆政府無做嘢,今屆(政府)就做咗好多嘢」,但無回 應預計建屋量是否「講大咗」。


梁 家傑形容這次會面「無咩令大家好驚喜」,因公民黨問及香港大學副校長招聘問題、提及港大校長馬斐森上任多時,港大管理層仍「未成隊形」,認為要等待新任首 席副校長上任才處理第三名副校長委任問題,需時9個月至1年,但梁振英的回覆令公民黨認為對此議題「得唔到答案」,認為梁振英表現不符合期望,難以得到港 人信任。


Seventy Han surgery adhere to the streets

 Pande Bin.
 WASHINGTON - Last year today, over the age of 70 in 潘德斌 Chater Road was carried away to send police to become involved in one of the first batch of 511 warrior civil disobedience. In the past year, three in the occupied territories, he had left behind, tasted the sour smell of tear gas, pepper spray spicy sting know more suspect to undergo an operation and therefore make sinusitis worsen. He stressed that as long as his legs can still move around the streets will continue to fight for justice.

Sinusitis worsen after taste of tear gas

Pan had been arrested after the interview, then said with a smile is not the only concern in their hometowns spring and autumn festival, a year in the past, unfortunately prophecy fulfilled, but he refused to talk about the details. 9.28 Occupy movement broke out last year, Pan are in Admiralty, Hong Kong universal suffrage and fight side by side, "suffered tear gas, pepper spray are food too," he said, since so suspect sinusitis worse, yet last year after radical surgery, then they No more open top taxi 搵食, elderly CSSA recipients by $ 3,000 per month to live, but still would like to contribute to Street Station.
He suffered pain, but no democratic way to inch forward, Pan said no disappointment, "while there, then you have to give me you will instantly Han good, the Communist Party Nuisance Link, along stalls." We have relatives working in the mainland do not go too before him, but he asserted that "democracy, on foot secondary line will continue to give me the line come out and walk." He said 7.1 is asked to restart the streets again political reform, "it kind should be continued, the first ballot can kick establishment faction", but also refers to district election, Legislative Council elections next battlefield, whether traditional or umbrella people after Pan Youth should be supported.
■ reporter Ma Zhigang
Seventy-one Parade:




【本報訊】去年今日,年逾70的潘德斌在中環遮打道被抬走送上警車,成為首批參與公民抗命的511壯士之一。一年過去,3個佔領區他都曾留守,嘗過催淚彈 的酸臭味、知道胡椒噴霧的辛辣刺痛,更懷疑因此令鼻竇炎惡化要動手術。他強調只要雙腿仍能走動,會繼續上街爭取公義。


潘伯被捕後曾接受訪問,當時笑言唯一顧慮是不能回鄉春秋二祭,一年過去,預言不幸應驗,但細節他不願多談。去年9.28爆發佔領運動,潘伯身在金鐘,與爭 普選港人並肩,「受過催淚彈,胡椒噴霧都食過」,他說懷疑自此令鼻竇炎惡化,去年底動手術後仍未根治,隨後便沒有頂更開的士搵食,靠每月3,000元長者 綜援過活,但仍願向街站捐款。
受過苦楚,民主路卻未見寸進,潘伯說沒失望,「邊有話你要就即刻畀你咁好,共產黨冇話咁順攤」。有在內地工作的親人 叫他別走得太前,他卻斷言「為民主,對腳仲行得我都會繼續行出嚟」。他稱7.1再上街是要求重啟政改,「呢樣應該要繼續,先可以用選票踢走建制派」,又指 區選、立會選舉是下一戰場,無論是傳統泛民還是傘後青年都應支持。


[Voter registration] table before the deadline rush to pay full fax line congestion telephone message

 [Update: REO respond]
Because not enough Members to support the political reform package was rejected two-thirds, security spokesman Major League general election against violence Chow threatened voters to "vote counting subordinated debt." District Council elections in November this year, today is the deadline to register as voters, many people rush to register at the last day. But Labour Community Officer Neil positive noon today ready to collect a number of duly completed application forms for voter registration information, the fax to the REO, we found that the fax line congestion can not fax, wheat call the REO hotlines But the hotline voicemail is full, you can not leave a message.

Wheat to "apple", said a lot of people or groups would take advantage of today was the last day to submit voter registration application form, although the applicant to follow the online submission of application forms, but online submission procedures complicated, "first scanning application form, You can e-mail to the past, not every citizen know, or can Link do. "

REO reply "Apple", said today at noon due to the need to be responsible for the hotline staff rotation lunch, so most of the people calling the hotline are connected to a voice mailbox, leading to appear briefly mailbox full, mail messages in the afternoon staff When returning to normal has immediately processed and cleared. As of receipt of the fax also because a larger number of lines is sometimes more busy, people may need a slight wait to get through. Prescription reiterated that all the time before midnight tonight received fax or e-mail voter registration application or to apply by mail postmarked before or on July 2, will be processed.

According REO data show that eligible voters to submit their applications to follow more than one way, such as through the Hong Kong GovHK online registration, the user must have a valid or Hongkong Post e-Cert Services Limited e-Cert (Personal) certificates; complete and sign the registration forms later by mail, fax (Fax: 28911180) or e-mail (e-mail address: form@reo.gov.hk) sent to the Electoral Office.


【選民登記】截止前趕交表 傳真線擠塞電話留言爆滿

政改方案因不夠三分之二議員支持遭否決,保普選反暴力大聯盟發言人周融揚言選民要「票債票償」。今年11月區議會選舉, 今日就是登記成為選民的截止日,不少人趕在最後一日登記。但工黨社區幹事麥德正今日中午準備將收集到的一批已填妥選民登記資料的申請表,傳真予選舉事務處 時,發現傳真線路擠塞,無法傳真,麥致電選舉事務處熱線電話查詢,但熱線留言信箱已爆滿,無法留言。


選 舉事務處回覆《蘋果》表示,今日中午時由於負責接聽熱線的職員需輪流午膳,令部份致電熱線的市民被轉駁至留言信箱,導致信箱曾短暫出現爆滿,信箱的留言於 午後人手回復正常時已即時處理並清除。至於傳真亦因為收到的表格數量較多,線路有時較為繁忙,市民可能需要略為等候才能接通。處方重申,所有在今晚午夜十 二時前收到的傳真或電郵的選民登記申請,或郵戳日期為7月2日或之前的郵寄申請,都會獲處理。

根據選舉事務處資料顯示,合資格的選民可 循多個途徑遞交申請,如透過香港政府一站通網上登記,使用者必須持有有效的香港郵政或電子核證服務有限公司的電子核證(個人)證書;填妥及簽署選民登記表 格後,以郵寄、傳真(傳真號碼:2891 1180)或電郵方式(電郵地址:form@reo.gov.hk)送交選舉事務處。


Democracy force pendulum Street Station to promote its political philosophy umbrella Corps area of ​​anti-establishment election

 umbrella movement after more Hong Kong people care about politics, for democracy, yesterday took to the streets together. 马泉崇 photo.
 [7.1] Parade
WASHINGTON umbrella movement after a group of young people open their umbrellas political prime land in different communities, and actively consider participating in the parliamentary elections at the end zone, vows to break the monopoly of government camp. Yesterday least five paratroopers groups in the parade along the pendulum Street Station, including shouting "in Hong Kong for a segmentation, annihilate sell Port thief," the youth of the New Deal, to promote local and parliamentary route defend justice, and to raise funds for future action in preparation ; another paratrooper North activation source shouting "Northern people do non-North generous thing," I hope the public together with the anti-Communist takeover of Hong Kong.
Reporter: Pei ice

Yesterday, about 30 young members of the New Deal put Canal Bridge Street Station in Wan Chai. By netizens called "Goddess BB 'tour Zhen Hui, is actively considering to play Huangpu District Councils election east, by force shake NLD Priscilla. Tour in the past rarely participate in social movements, this time is to put Street Station Reflection with the public, "Zo I Die return for 18 years, Younie Ye slowly Nuisance Zo, what a procession to mean I Die Younie Ye addition Zo parade Air should help his own district board Youmao residents. " Huangpu District residents minibuses are important means of transport, she hopes to win the minibuses from the 16 to $ 20, to solve the traffic problems.

Follow local anti-Communist takeover interest

Youth of the New Deal is actively considering Zhou Shijie played in Kennedy Town, he said yesterday the slogan "annihilate sell Kong thief" is not for a political party, and I hope the public to distinguish betrayed Hong Kong people. Parliament aging and neglected traditional democrats, District Councils was red, "I Die, Third force, hope all the people in politics, reversing it a situation" not going to the people with the pan coordination District Council elections.
Another source is the North paratrooper groups move came Wan Chai North. Member Mavis said first pendulum Street Station at 7.1 procession is hope that people understand that the North face of the parallel off, insufficient restructuring of degrees and bus routes, sooner or later will spread to other regions, Hong Kong people have to wake up, to hold the Communist takeover of Hong Kong The first line of defense. In recent weeks they put Street Station in the North, he urged the public to register as voters and to assist public housing tenants handling of suspected Fanling bidding for building maintenance issues.
Yesterday's move source in North Street Station placed under Mr Leung card for the public and Mr Leung photographed film that is photo to take home, I hope the public after the parade, do not forget to continue to fight for justice. Many passers-by after Mr Leung will play solitaire dissatisfaction. Actively consider the election of the District Councils Jia Hao expressed the hope that the voices of residents into the parliament, "Well residents would not be representative of that senseless." "We are the future plans" has been assisting actively considering paratrooper District Councils election, yesterday there are 30 members of the pendulum Street Station paratroopers making potential, and to coordinate the position of the paratroopers put Street station, shouting "Hong Kong where I was coming by me record. "
Ngau Tau Kok livelihood of the people will convener Chan Ka-kui said that since the political reform was rejected, more public awareness and political awakening and paratroopers. He is actively considering to play in the District Council elections in Ngau Tau Kok village, Chen Guohua DAB challenge, "Drainage Nuisance of the district public benefit"; bluntly Mr Chan in the past did not send rice, but since he said that positive consideration after the election, the recent 1 send meters within three months.

"Tung Chung people" anti three-run fundraising

Admiralty had long left behind, Wang Tung Chung Tung Chung Future people into the ocean, director of community development to Victoria Park yesterday, for the anti-three-run project for judicial review and future regional job Thrift Shop forthcoming. Wang said the organization of the main service area residents hope that people understand how they work and supported, will strive for the unjust sound. He has coordinated with the Pan Min, is considering participating in the election district. Chairman of the Hong Kong people in the field Wu Yongde said that many young people are actively involved after the umbrella of community affairs, serving the community and the people's livelihood issues such as anti-sounding three-run of his own, Western effort. He said the district council by the government camp monopoly, will actively consider candidates for the residents to do practical things.
"Apple" in the public opinion poll conducted yesterday to attend the procession, 47 percent of respondents said they would vote in this year's race umbrella District Council elections in a vote, higher than the traditional pan people said they would cast a vote of nearly 5 percentage points; said it would vote for the radical faction of the local respondents also Jin Yicheng. Large Political and Administrative Studies Department senior lecturer Eddie Choi believes that many of the demonstrators had participated in an umbrella movement, it is an umbrella family get the most support in the polls is a very natural thing; but an umbrella term District race in the coming election election still depends on the final number of candidates drop zone.
Seventy-one Parade:


民主生力軍擺街站 宣傳政治理念
雨傘兵團 區選抗建制


【本報訊】雨傘運動後一班年輕政治素人撐開雨傘降落不同社 區,積極考慮參加年底區議會選舉,誓打破建制派壟斷局面。昨最少5個傘兵團體在遊行沿途擺街站,包括高呼「港中要區隔,殲滅賣港賊」的青年新政,宣揚以議 會路線捍衞本土及公義,及籌款為未來行動作準備;另一傘兵北區動源高呼「北區事非北區人嘅事」,希望市民一起防香港赤化。

青 年新政昨有約30名成員於灣仔鵝頸橋擺街站。被網民封為「女神BB」的游蕙禎,正積極考慮於區議會選舉出戰黃埔東,力撼經民聯梁美芬。游以往甚少參加社會 運動,今次擺街站是希望與市民一起反思,「我哋回歸咗18年,有乜嘢慢慢冇咗,呢個遊行對我哋有乜嘢意思。除咗遊行都要睇自己區議會有冇幫自己居民」。小 巴是黃埔區居民重要的交通工具,她希望爭取將小巴由16座增至20座,解決交通問題。


青年新政的周世傑則積極考慮出戰堅尼地城,他說昨日的口號「殲滅賣港賊」並非針對某一政黨,而希望市民分辨出賣港的人。議會老化及被傳統民主派忽視,令區 議會被染紅,「我哋係第三勢力,希望全民參政,扭轉呢個局面」,暫時不會與泛民協調區議會選舉。
另一傘兵團體北區動源由北區走到灣仔。成員 Mavis表示,首次於7.1遊行擺街站是希望市民明白,北區面對的水貨客、學位不足及巴士路線重組問題,遲早會蔓延至其他地區,香港人必須醒覺,要守住 香港赤化的第一道防線。近數周他們在北區擺街站,呼籲市民登記做選民,及協助粉嶺公屋居民處理懷疑大廈維修圍標問題。
昨日北區動源在街站擺下梁振英紙牌,為市民與梁振英拍下即影即有照片帶回家,希望市民遊行後,不要忘記繼續爭取公義。不少途人經過會打梁振英的紙牌宣洩不 滿。積極考慮參選區議會的嘉浩表示,希望將居民的聲音帶入議會,「居民唔會無無謂謂被代表」。「我們是未來計劃」一直協助積極考慮參選區議會的傘兵,昨有 30名成員擺街站為傘兵做勢,及協調各傘兵擺街站的位置,高呼「香港我地方,未來由我創」。
牛頭角民生關注會召集人陳家駒表示,自政改被否決後, 更多市民政治覺醒及認識傘兵。他積極考慮在區議會選舉中出戰牛頭角上邨,挑戰民建聯陳國華,「佢冇為當區市民謀福利」;直言陳國華以往沒有派米,但自他表 示積極考慮參選後,近期1個月內派米3次。


曾長期留守金鐘、東涌人Tung Chung Future社區發展主任王進洋昨到維園外,為即將展開的反三跑工程司法覆核及未來地區工作籌務經費。王稱組織主力服務地區居民,希望市民了解他們的工作 並予以支持,會努力為不公義發聲。他已與泛民協調,正考慮參加區選。港民領域董事主席伍永德表示,不少傘後青年都積極投身社區事務,服務社區並為民生議題 如反三跑發聲,自己也在西環努力。他稱區議會由建制派壟斷,會積極考慮參選為居民做實事。
《蘋果》昨在出席遊行的市民中進行民調,有47%的受訪 者表示會在今年區議會選舉中投雨傘族一票,比起表示會投傳統泛民一票的高出近5個百分點;表示將票投激進本土派的受訪者亦有近一成。中大政治與行政學系高 級講師蔡子強認為,在遊行人士中不少曾參與雨傘運動,故雨傘族在民調中獲得最多支持是很自然的事;但雨傘族在來屆區選的選情仍要視乎最終落區參選的人數。


Guth Yao involving regional flag burning arrested

 Guth Yao (left) and hairy, who burned yesterday in the vicinity of the Golden Bauhinia Square portrait of cards printed with Leung Chun-ying. Zhang Zhihua photo.
 WASHINGTON line of more than 20 members of the Legislative Council Leung Kwok-hung, "Long Hair" and LSD members Guth Yao, April Fifth Action Group members, etc., was held yesterday morning procession to return 7.1 Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai flag-raising ceremony demonstrations petition, aged 69 Guth way Yao accused SAR flag burned area on a card tombstone, involving "desecrating the regional flag," police arrested the crime, later granted bail at the end of report back to Police.

More than 20 people to the Golden Bauhinia petition

7:00 yesterday morning, 20 people set in Southorn Centre, Wan Chai, long-haired first read the statement means "the selection of the Chief Executive does not require the central authorities' requirements and Leung Chun-ying to step down, then carrying a written" Hong Kong is dead "cards tombstone grave, "I do not want to nominate citizens were screened" and other protest slogans and banners departure. Procession along Hennessy Road and O'Brien Road footbridge and then to the Golden Bauhinia Square, shouting slogans along the way, the police sent nearly 40 people in the next surveillance. But the team off the bridge outside the hotel underwent harbor was intercepted by police erected heavy cavalry, can not go forward.
Then petitioners gathered outside the iron railings, hairy hands tore statement, and burned with a lighter ignition shredding; at the same time, some demonstrators had torn portrait of Leung Chun-ying cards and cards will be on the regional flag tombstone suspected bad burn. Police officers seized after the ashes, and refers to Guth Yao involve desecrating the regional flag of the crime, he was arrested with the Department. Then long-haired response refers to Guth saw Yao red objects burn out, unable to determine whether the regional flag was burned.
■ reporter Tang Jiahui, Li Zhiwei
Seventy-one Parade:



【本報訊】立法會議員梁國雄「長毛」與社民連成員古思堯、四五行動成員等一行20多人,昨天早上遊行往舉行7.1回歸升旗禮的灣仔金紫荊廣場示威請 願,69歲的古思堯途中被指燒毀一個紙牌墓碑上的特區區旗,涉「侮辱區旗」罪被警員拘捕,稍後獲准保釋,下月底返回警署報到。


昨晨7時,20多人在灣仔修頓中心集合,長毛先讀聲明指「推選行政長官不需要中央批准」及要求梁振英下台,然後抬着一個寫有「香港已死」墓碑的紙牌墳墓、 「我要公民提名不要中共篩選」等抗議標語及橫額出發。隊伍沿着軒尼詩道遊行至柯布連道行人天橋再走向金紫荊廣場,沿途高叫口號,警方派出近40人在旁監 視。惟隊伍落橋後行到海港酒店門外,被警方架起的重重鐵馬截停,不能再前進。
請願人士其後在鐵馬外聚集,長毛將手中的聲明撕爛,並用打火機點火燒 毀碎紙;同時,有示威者撕下有梁振英肖像的紙牌及將紙牌墓碑上疑似區旗燒爛。在場警員事後撿走灰燼,並指古思堯涉侮辱區旗罪,將他拘捕帶署。長毛其後回應 指,只見到古思堯拿出紅色物件燒,未能確定燒毀物是否區旗。


Criticizing China's human rights daughter family father Communist threat was Miss World Canada threatened to sever relations

  林耶凡  was elected Miss World Canada 2015.
 Canada 2015 Miss World (Miss World Canada2015) The Chinese champion Lin Ye Fan (Anastasia Lin), recently wrote that the newspaper in the United States, because of her long criticized China's human rights, so that she was still living in China, Hunan father repeatedly by national security personnel threatened. To make a living and be able to continue to do business, Lin Fu asked her to stop human rights activities, or sever relations. But 林耶 where human rights continue to be resolute voice, and said: "If I was intimidated, I was conspiracy to violate the human rights of"
25-year old 林耶 Where in Canada in May this year the Miss World 2015 beauty pageant crown off the game in the competition process, she criticized the human rights in China. She also refers to the cult by the Chinese Falun Gong practitioners, has appeared in about Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in mainland China film, it fears that if she can make in December, the representative of Canada to China to participate in the 2015 Miss World in Sanya, Hainan Island Pageant .

To "Washington Post" Tougao provoke concern

It is reported that Lin Ye Song Minjun where the age of 13 moved to Canada with his mother, father Lin Zhenglong Hi-Tech Co., Ltd., Hunan Bolin. Lin's parents are divorced, Lin Fu in Hunan also has a new family. "Apple" reporter yesterday to call Lin Zhenglong company in Hunan, but no one answered the phone.
林 耶 who recently wrote to the US "Washington Post" that she won the 2015 Miss World Canada title, body home in Hunan for her daughter's father was proud to win the championship, after another received the blessing congratulate all parties, but soon his father began threatened by Chinese police officers. To make a living and be able to continue to do business, the father asked her to stop criticizing China's human rights, or sever relations. After receiving her father's ultimatum did not stop criticizing, but in case the father threatened once again confirms how the Chinese government's persecution of human rights.

"If the Communist Party continues to oppress the sound off."

林 耶 who wrote in a letter to: foreign criticism of Chinese government the Chinese people, they loved in the country will often be the public security, please go to "tea", and then warn them, if not put an end to their loved ones overseas speech, will there are adverse consequences. But she stressed that would not stop criticizing China's human rights. She hoped that through constant criticism, to make her father and many families have similar situations end free.
Lin and criticized the behavior of the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese authorities denounced the persecution of people of the same, but she reiterated that operations would thus yield, "For me this is not political, it is human values ​​should not be abolished if we destroyed the sound ...... Communists will continue to oppress the people, and not be punished. " She was heartbreaking for the father's request, but that the silence will not protect him, "he was concerned about the international attention, the ratio of shelter security in the CCP."
United States, "Washington Post" / CNA

Linye where small files

Age ︰25 year-old native of Hunan Changde ︰ ︰1.68 meters tall Education University of Toronto majoring in theater resume ︰ ︰
. 13-year-old mother's immigration to Canada. 2013 is eligible for the Miss World runner-up Canada. Miss Canada 2015 is eligible for the Performing Arts world champion works ︰
Acted in over 20 movies and television, including the Canadian production of "big pants" TV series and the movie "Red Lotus" and so on. Movie "pre-existence edge" (Beyond Destiny) was awarded the California The Indie Fest Film Festival Excellence Award and the 2011 Mexico International Film Festival Palme d'Or.
Source ︰ "Apple" Reference Room


女兒批評中國人權 家人遭中共威脅


加拿大2015世界小姐(Miss World Canada2015)的華裔冠軍林耶凡(Anastasia Lin),近日在美國的報章撰文表示,因她長期批評中國人權,使得她仍住在中國湖南的父親屢屢受到國安人員威脅。為了生活及能繼續做生意,林父要求她停止 人權活動,否則斷絕關係。但林耶凡堅決繼續為人權發聲,並說:「如果我被嚇倒,我就是侵犯人權的串謀者。」
現年25歲的林耶凡今年5月在加拿大2015世界小姐比賽摘下選美后冠,在參賽過程中,她批評中國大陸人權。她亦是被中國指為邪教的法輪功學員,曾參演講 述法輪功學員在中國大陸被迫害的電影,故令外界擔心她能否在今年12月,代表加拿大赴中國海南島三亞參加2015世界小姐選美。


林 耶凡最近投書美國《華盛頓郵報》指出,她贏得2015加拿大世界小姐頭銜,身在湖南家鄉的父親也為女兒贏得冠軍感到驕傲,接二連三收到各方的恭賀祝福,但 不久其父便開始受到中國公安人員的威脅。為了生活及能繼續做生意,父親要求她停止批評中國的人權,否則斷絕關係。她收到父親的最後通牒後並沒停止批評,反 而以父親受威脅的事例,再次印證中國政府如何迫害人權。


林耶凡在投書中寫道:在國外批評中國政府的中國人,他們在國內的親人經常會被公安請去「喝茶」,然後警告他們,若不制止親人在海外的言論,將會有不良後 果。但她強調不會停止批評中國人權。她希望經由不斷的批評,能使她的父親及許多有類似情形的家庭終獲得自由。
林又批評,中國當局的行為與文化大革 命迫害人民批鬥無異,但她重申不會因而屈服,「對我來說這不是政治,這是不應被廢除的人類價值……如果我們被滅聲,共產黨就會繼續欺壓人民,而不會受到懲 罰」。她為父親的要求感到心碎,但認為保持緘默不能保護他,「他在國際目光關注下,比在中共的庇護安全」。


演過20多部影視劇,包括加拿大製作的《大褲衩》電視劇和電影《紅蓮》等。主演的電影《前生緣》(Beyond Destiny)曾榮獲美國加州The Indie Fest電影節優秀獎和2011年墨西哥國際電影節金棕櫚獎。


 *-[26/07/2015] -update:By-appledaily.com.tw-"Huangyan Island, the Philippines, China accounted for less than towed China Float!!"- mainland Communist rogue turtles are doing stupid things beetles slaves; they think no one knows they are stealing, greed, unreasonable, robbing the brutal behavior; "South China Sea" in China continuously privately construction / expansion of reclaimed land; and set up pose a threat of military equipment to neighboring countries ! Chinaman Communist mainland  tortoise rogue to attacking in Vietnam network business ! They are mainland  Communist slaves stupid thing!! !!, of course,we must to inform the international of the Heads of State around the world; to see the group of hooligans turtle behavior shameful despicable misdeeds China pig !fuck !! -
-[26/07/2015]-更新:by-appledaily.com.tw-"不滿中國佔黃岩 島,,菲律賓拖走中方浮球!!"-大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都在做愚笨的奴隸蠹事;牠們自以為沒有人知道牠們的偷盗,貪婪,沒道理,強搶的橫暴行為;在中南海海 域不斷私自興建/擴建填海土地;並設置了對周邊國家造成威脅的軍事裝備!而這群大陸共產黨流氓烏龜都正在攻擊越南的網絡商家!我們對這種腐敗共產主義的大 陸支那人愚笨的奴隸蠹事,當然要告知國際上的各國元首;看清一群流氓烏龜的行為!可恥的卑鄙劣行!他媽的支那豬!!-**All The World Lauguage**-

*-Load"-[2015-07-25] Fuck the cn / hk.-website-p@r@dox17 -Our Love Anonymous- # TangoDown by p@r@dox17" #Palestine_DZ # AnonGhost-[http://www.badama.com.hk/ ] -and much more ..!-
-加載"-[2015-07-25]Fuck the cn./hk.-website-p@r@dox17 ‏-我們熱愛的龐大的Anonymous- #TangoDown by p@r@dox17'' #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost-http://www.badama.com.hk/ ]- 和更多...!-**All The World Lauguage**-

*[24/7/2015]-*Yeah~hugeOur Dear Anonymous Tribal  legion ! #TangoDown by p@r@dox17"- we need you help to #OpChina #TangoDown-----https://twitter.com/dlcyleung ]-Chinaman shit dog back to the dog place!!  #Fuckcyleung #Opcyleung  #Opchina  #OpHongKong #OpISIS #OpHk #Op_Tibet  #OpRussian ]-&-Our Lovly Anonymous "DigitaShadow ‏13小時] #Target http://alqyst.com offline by Ghost Security. #GhostSec #OpISIS ]-&-By-http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=4958]-"9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators!!"&...much more...to...-**All The World Lauguage**-  
[23/07/2015]-Updating our dear chivalrous Anonymous p@r@dox17 "huge tribal corps = [July 23] of #OpChina ,,!
# StopTerorismınChina, as well as well-known moral Anonymous= Damned Okie "+ ''Anonymous The Resistance" [July 11] = #OpHongKong. + ''Expect us UK"= #opprojectmayhem fame active message (Anonymous) released! We do not forgive! we do not forget !We do not negotiate with terrorists !** activists and hacktivsists solidarity and struggle ** -!! EXPECT US !! -
#StopTerorismınChina,還有知名道德匿名Damned Okie"+ Anonymous The Resistance"[7月11日]= #OpHongKong. + Expect us UK"( Anonymous)發佈的 #opprojectmayhem 聲名活動消息!我們不原諒,我們不要忘了,我們不與恐怖分子談判!**活動家和hacktivsists團結和鬥爭!**-EXPECT US!!-
-Aktualisieren von unseren lieben ritterlichen Anonymous p@r@dox17"großen Stammes Korps = [23. Juli] von #OpChina ,,! # StopTerorismınChina sowie bekannte Moral Anonymous = Damned Okie" + ''Anonymous The Resistance" [11.Juli] = #OpHongKong. + ''Erwarten Sie uns in Großbritannien "= #opprojectmayhem Ruhm aktive Meldung (Anonym) veröffentlicht Wir haben nicht verzeihen! wir nicht vergessen! wir nicht mit Terroristen verhandeln! ** Aktivisten und hacktivsists Solidarität und Kampf !**Erwarten, dass wir !!-
-私たちの愛する騎士匿名のp @ rをする@ dox17「巨大な部族の軍団= #OpChinaの[7月23日]を-Updating ,,!#StopTerorismınChina、並びに周知の道徳的匿名=ダムドオーキー」+ ''匿名ザ·レジスタンス」【7月11日] = #OpHongKong。 !+ ''私たちはテロリストと交渉していない! 私たちは忘れないように私たちは許していない米国英国 "= #opprojectmayhem名声アクティブメッセージ(匿名)をリリース**活動家やhacktivsists連帯を期待して**闘争 - !!米国を期待!!**All The World Lauguage**-  

*[6/07/2015]- see our friendship strong chivalrous Anonymous ''p@r@dox17'' Tribal Legion- hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina)) -Our Anonymous hero ''p@r@dox17'' will not let the various sins of evil Communist mainland Chinaman inhumane !!-please have a look at Apple Daily (1)."Guangxi land burst conflict,,500 police repression crazy !!"- (2).Evil communist North Korea to take people's lives to fire ?!- Title:fled to Finland by the end of the European Parliament to testify renegade scientists uncover evidence of North Korea alive palm measuring CW !!) - damn communist tyrant, Sad pity to ask the God, Jesus, Buddha, Virgin Mary,...and our all Anonymous chivalrous friendship strong corps tribal request uphold  justice! pack Communist demon....!!"-Melody.Blog sincerely pray`` ]-
[6/07/2015]-看我們的俠義友好強大的匿名''p@r@dox17''部落軍團-hello China.. #TangoDown by p@r@dox17.. #Palestine_DZ #AnonGhost #OpChina))-
我們的匿名英雄''p@r@dox17''不會放過邪惡的大陸共產黨支那人滅絶人性的各種罪孽!!-也請各位看看蘋果日報報導的(1)."廣西徵地爆衝突,,500警瘋狂鎮壓!!"-(2).共產北韓拿人們的生命來開砲-標題:逃亡到芬蘭,,月底歐洲議會作證!變節科學家掌罪證!揭北韓活人測化武 !!)-該死的共產主義暴君,請求上帝,耶稣,佛佗,聖母,...和我們各位俠義友好強大的匿名部落軍團伸張正義!收拾共產黨邪魔....!!"-Melody.Blog衷心祈願``]-**All The World Lauguage**-
-Update: Supplementary...)-
-Update: Ergänzende...)-
-update:補足...) -
-Mise À jour: complémentaire...)-
-Update : 보충...)-

-Update: just by Apple Daily reported after the news - see our Anonymous chivalrous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -For people to fight for peace and freedom courageous hero ''p@r@dox17'' -! people are in love with him great!-
-Update: Nur von Apple Daily berichtet, nach den Nachrichten - siehe unsere Anonymous ritterlichen Helden '' p@r@dox17 '' -Für Menschen für Frieden und Freiheit mutigen Helden '' p@r@dox17 '' zu kämpfen - Menschen sind in der Liebe mit ihm groß!-
-update:ちょうどアップルデイリーのニュース後に報告 - 平和と自由勇気英雄'' P@rをする@dox17''のために戦うために私たちの匿名の騎士の英雄'' P@rをする@dox17''-For人々を参照してください -!人々は彼と恋に素晴らしいです!-
-Mise À jour: il suffit par Apple Daily a rapporté après les nouvelles - voir notre héros chevaleresque Anonyme '' p@r@dox17 '' de personnes -Pour se battre pour la paix et la liberté courageux héros '' p@r@dox17 ''!- les gens sont en amour avec lui un grand!-
-Update : 그냥 애플 일보 뉴스 후보고 - 평화와 자유 용감한 영웅 ''P @ r에 @를 dox17 '를 위해 싸우고 우리의 익명 기사도 영웅' 'P @ r에 @를 dox17' '용 - 사람을 만나는 -! 사람들은 그와 사랑에 중대하다!-**All The World Lauguage**-

*---A series of news by Apple Daily report- Which a is- "2015 Miss World Canada (Miss World Canada2015) The Chinese champion 林耶凡  (Anastasia Lin) the essence of the news," in the field of freedom of the sky,, reflecting the current cutting-edge technology civilization era,, and lives in unscrupulous hybrid dictatorial mainland Communist peoples persecuted reality ruthless evidence! also as the end of this series of articles! the unique wisdom  (Miss World Canada2015) The Chinese champion 林耶凡 (Anastasia Lin), we to you on the most heartfelt respect! -
---一系列的新聞由蘋果日報報導-其中一篇為--"加拿大2015世界小姐(Miss World Canada2015)的華裔冠軍林耶凡(Anastasia Lin)的精要新聞",反映出現今科技尖端文明時代,在自由天空的領域下,,和生活在無良大陸共產黨雜種獨裁的人們所遭受迫害的殘酷無情的現實證據!亦是本編作為結尾的文章!這位獨具智慧的
加拿大2015世界小姐(Miss World Canada2015)的華裔冠軍林耶凡小姐(Anastasia Lin),我們向妳致上最衷心的敬意!-
---Eine Reihe von Nachrichten von Apple Daily Berichts die eine ist- "2015 Miss World Kanada (Miss World Canada2015) Der chinesische Meister 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin) das Wesen der Nachrichten", auf dem Gebiet der Freiheit des Himmel,, die den aktuellen Spitzentechnologie Zivilisation Ära,, und lebt in skrupellosen Hybrid diktatorischen kommunistischen Festland Völker verfolgt Realität rücksichtslosen Beweise! auch als das Ende dieser Reihe von Artikeln! die einzigartige Weisheit (Miss World Canada2015) Der chinesische Meister 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin), die wir Ihnen auf der innigsten Respekt!-
---アップルデイリーによるニュースの一連どのレポート - の自由の分野でIS-「2015ミスワールドカナダ(ミスワールドCanada2015)中国チャンピオン林耶凡(アナスタシア·リン)ニュースの本質、 "現在の最先端の技術文明の時代を反映して、空,, ,,と現実冷酷な証拠を迫害不謹慎なハイブリッド独裁本土共産人々で生活!また、この記事のシリーズの最後のような!ユニークな知恵(ミスワールドCanada2015)中国チャンピオン林耶凡(アナスタシア·リン)、最も心からの敬意のあなたに私たち! -
---Une série de nouvelles par Apple Daily reporting Quels un «2015 Miss Monde Canada (Miss Monde Canada2015) Le champion chinois 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin) l'essence de la nouvelles," est- dans le domaine de la liberté de la ciel ,, réalité reflétant l'ère actuelle de la civilisation technologie de pointe ,, et la vie dans les peuples du continent sans scrupules hybrides dictatorial communistes persécutés preuves impitoyable! comme aussi la fin de cette série d'articles! la sagesse uniques (Miss Monde Canada2015) Le champion chinois 林耶 凡 (Anastasia Lin), nous avons à vous sur le respect le plus sincère!-
---애플 일보 뉴스의 일련의 어떤 리포트 -의 자유 분야는 - "2015 미스 월드 캐나다 (미스 월드 Canada2015) 중국 챔피언 林耶 凡 (아나스타샤 린) 뉴스의 본질" 하늘 ,, 현재의 최​​첨단 기술 문명 시대를 반영하는 ,, 그리고 파렴치한 하이브리드 독재 본토 공산당 사람들의 삶을 박해 현실 무자비한 증거! 또한 기사의이 시리즈의 마지막으로! 독특한 지혜 (미스 월드 Canada2015) 중국 챔피언 林耶 凡 (아나스타샤 린), 가장 진심으로 존중 당신에게 우리!-**All The World Lauguage**-

 ===Melody.Blog===To You on the most heartfelt respect!===>/




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