2015年7月19日 星期日

---Update [17/07/2015] -our lovely of great Anonymous "DigitaShadow"- ''ISIS been the 'bugs' caused by the collapse,,and the ''ISIS 'bug' of destruction the world!! Our lovely of the great Anonymous"DigitaShadow'' is make the ''ISIS 'bug' collapse and punishment their global chivalrous hero!-By[Jul13] "Hunting ISIS On The Darknet:The FBI’s De facto Collaboration With Anonymous~"Famous White hat Anonymous "DigitaShadow",,FBI to reward Under the assistance of the tribe(#CtrlSec #GhostSec = " DigitaShadow " Legion )~[ http://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/ ]- ---更新[17/07/2015]-我們最愛偉大的匿名"DigitaShadow.一直把ISIS'小蟲'攻擊致崩潰了!ISIS'小蟲'的破壞全球,而我們最愛偉大的匿名"DigitaShadow便是懲罰它們的全球俠義英雄!由[Jul13]“獵捕ISIS上的地下網絡:美國聯邦調查局事實上的協作匿名〜"著名的白帽子匿名”DigitaShadow“,, FBI以獎勵在部(#CtrlSec#GhostSec=的援助”DigitaShadow“軍團)[HTTP://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/ ]- ---Update [17/07/2015] -Unsere schöne große Anonymous "DigitaShadow" - '' ISIS waren die "Bugs" ISIS "Fehler" der Zerstörung der Welt durch den Zusammenbruch verursacht ,,und der'!! Unsere schöne des großen Anonymous "DigitaShadow '' ist machen die '' ISIS 'Bug' Zusammenbruch und Bestrafung ihrer globalen ritterliche Held! -Mit [Jul13]"Hunting Isis auf der Darknet: Das FBI De facto Zusammenarbeit mit Anonymous ~" Famous White hat Anonymous "DigitaShadow" ,,FBI zu belohnen Unter der Unterstützung des Stammes (#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow" Legion)~[http://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]- ---更新[17/07/2015]偉大匿名 "DigitaShadow」の-our美しいは - ''崩壊によって引き起こされる,,と「バグ破壊の「ISIS」のバグ「世界」ISISはされて '!! 「偉大な匿名の私たちの素敵なDigitaShadow '' ISIS」のバグ」の崩壊と罰、グローバルな騎士英雄ようにすることです」!-by [Jul13]「ダークネット上で狩猟ISIS:匿名〜とFBIの事実上のコラボレーション「有名なホワイトハット匿名 "DigitaShadow" ,, FBIは部族の支援(#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow"レギオン)の下に報いるために〜[HTTP:/ /theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]- --- Mise à jour [17/07/2015] -notre belle grande Anonyme "DigitaShadow" - '' ISIS été les «bugs» causée par l'effondrement ,, et le '' ISIS 'bug' de la destruction du monde !! Notre belle de la grande Anonyme "DigitaShadow '' est de faire la 'ISIS' bug 'effondrement» et la punition leur héros chevaleresque mondiale! -En [Jul13]"Chasse ISIS Sur Le Darknet: De facto collaboration du FBI Avec Anonyme~ "White hat Célèbre Anonyme "DigitaShadow" ,,FBI pour récompenser Sous l'aide de la tribu (#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow" Légion) ~ [http: / /theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]-**All The World Lauguage**-

*---Update [17/07/2015] -our lovely of great Anonymous "DigitaShadow"- ''ISIS  been the 'bugs' caused by the collapse,,and the ''ISIS 'bug' of destruction the world!! Our lovely of the great Anonymous"DigitaShadow'' is make the ''ISIS 'bug' collapse and punishment their global chivalrous hero!-By[Jul13]"Hunting ISIS On The Darknet:The

FBI’s De facto Collaboration With Anonymous~"Famous White hat Anonymous "DigitaShadow",,FBI to reward Under the assistance of the tribe(#CtrlSec #GhostSec = " DigitaShadow " Legion )~[ http://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/ ]-
---更新[17/07/2015]-我們最愛偉大的匿名"DigitaShadow.一直把ISIS'小蟲'攻擊致崩潰了!ISIS'小蟲'的破壞全球,而我們最愛偉大的匿名"DigitaShadow便是懲罰它們的全球俠義英雄!由[Jul13]“獵捕ISIS上的地下網絡:美國聯邦調查局事實上的協作匿名〜"著名的白帽子匿名”DigitaShadow“,, FBI以獎勵在部(#CtrlSec#GhostSec=的援助”DigitaShadow“軍團)[HTTP://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/ ]-
---Update [17/07/2015] -Unsere schöne große Anonymous "DigitaShadow" - '' ISIS waren die "Bugs" ISIS "Fehler" der Zerstörung der Welt durch den Zusammenbruch verursacht ,,und der'!! Unsere schöne des großen Anonymous "DigitaShadow '' ist machen die '' ISIS 'Bug' Zusammenbruch und Bestrafung ihrer globalen ritterliche Held! -Mit [Jul13]"Hunting Isis auf der Darknet: Das FBI De facto Zusammenarbeit mit Anonymous ~" Famous White hat Anonymous "DigitaShadow" ,,FBI zu belohnen Unter der Unterstützung des Stammes (#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow" Legion)~[http://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]-
---更新[17/07/2015]偉大匿名 "DigitaShadow」の-our美しいは - ''崩壊によって引き起こされる,,と「バグ破壊の「ISIS」のバグ「世界」ISISはされて '!! 「偉大な匿名の私たちの素敵なDigitaShadow '' ISIS」のバグ」の崩壊と罰、グローバルな騎士英雄ようにすることです」!-by [Jul13]「ダークネット上で狩猟ISIS:匿名〜とFBIの事実上のコラボレーション「有名なホワイトハット匿名 "DigitaShadow" ,, FBIは部族の支援(#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow"レギオン)の下に報いるために〜[HTTP:/ /theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]-
--- Mise à jour [17/07/2015] -notre belle grande Anonyme "DigitaShadow" - '' ISIS été les «bugs» causée par l'effondrement ,, et le '' ISIS 'bug' de la destruction du monde !! Notre belle de la grande Anonyme "DigitaShadow '' est de faire la 'ISIS' bug 'effondrement» et la punition leur héros chevaleresque mondiale! -En [Jul13]"Chasse ISIS Sur Le Darknet: De facto collaboration du FBI Avec Anonyme~ "White hat Célèbre Anonyme "DigitaShadow" ,,FBI pour récompenser Sous l'aide de la tribu (#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow" Légion) ~ [http: / /theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]-**All The World Lauguage**-

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Defending and preserving freedom begins in cyberspace.



 Thanksgiving~ I must to say...love you~

  7月18日 offline by Ghost Security.


7月18日 offline by Ghost Security.


Ghost Security is pleased to announce the aversion of two major terror attacks in NYC and Tunisia.

Ghost Security battles the Islamic State.

7月15日 offline by Ghost Security.

We pursue the Islamic State to the darkest corners of the internet. You cannot hide from ghosts.


Ghost Security fights the Islamic State online. Read our story and consider supporting us at


  7月14日 offline by Ghost Security.


Former beauty queen is a part of hacktivist group GhostSec. Their mission? Take down ISIS

Hunting ISIS On The Darknet: The FBI’s De facto Collaboration With Anonymous


Hunting ISIS On The Darknet: The FBI’s De facto Collaboration With Anonymous

Now that ISIS is operating on both the surface web and the Darknet, the FBI is concerned about the nature of the group’s Darknet activities and the government’s inability to circumvent them. ISIS is currently using the Darknet to inspire terror attacks around the globe, recruit, boost finances and provide military training. ISIS has also been found to have access to classified US documents, including detailed missile diagrams, diagrams of weak armor points in US vehicles such as M1 Abram Tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles and combat training methods used by coalition forces.
Department of Homeland Security officials are worried about ISIS’ use of encryption, which they say cannot be intercepted by US government agents. Reportedly:

 “The FBI is currently pushing for government access to encrypted communications, but top security experts warn that giving government agencies backdoor access would result in a host of unanticipated security problems. FBI Director James Comey argues that without access to encrypted communications, terrorists, pedophiles and other criminals will able to communicate without law enforcement agencies knowledge, which poses major consequences for the security of all Americans. Whitfield Diffie, one of the inventors of modern cryptography, compared giving government agencies encryption keys to unlock people’s private communications to leaving the keys to the doors of one’s home under the doormat.”

Civil liberties groups agree with Diffie, arguing that it would violate users’ 4th Amendment rights. Encryption is a problem for government agents, but there are those on the Darknet who can get around it–which suggests government agents might consider learning how to do this themselves.
Meanwhile, ISIS is beginning to feel at home on the Darknet, safely tucked away from the US government. And, since fundraising is one of ISIS’ priorities, the group has been accepting donations in Bitcoin. But, because Bitcoin management poses some challenges to a terrorist organization, an American supporter of ISIS created a Bitcoin guide. Known as Amreeki (‘American”) Witness, on Twitter, prior to being nabbed by the police, he posted a Bitcoin guide on a WordPress blog. The guide covers, in detail, the potential problems terrorists will typically face in funding their operations.
Bitcoin solves all of them, according to the guide, because it’s anonymous, decentralized and has an extra layer of encryption known as mixing. Hence, transactions are “untrackable,” the author explains. The document can be viewed at this link. There is also a large weapons market on the Darknet.
The US government is nowhere close to being able to counter all that ISIS is plotting on on the Darknet. Historically, the government has always struggled to stay on top of the emerging new technologies used by criminals and terrorists on the Internet. Because of that, they are almost always using obsolete technology, which is not designed to withstand new threats and is out of pace with what the people they are pursuing are using.
There are now five domains of warfare: land, water, air, space and cyber. It would be a grave error to ignore the potential deadliness of the latter. As a vehicle for recruitment, it directly impacts the battlefield. It allows terrorists to meet and plot without worrying about being interrupted by a US federal agent.
While ISIS continues to move forward with its nefarious goals, the US government is still trying to decide which government agency should be in charge of a response to a cyber attack and which agency should be responsible for drafting policy on the matter. This issue didn’t just pop up recently—they’ve been “working” on this for the past four years. Granted, it involves 19 different agencies but it’s hardly an insurmountable endeavor.
So, what should the government do about these impending threats? Tor, which ISIS now uses, but which the government has not really mastered yet, is not the only option available. Singapore’s S2T, a company which specializes in Darknet data and identity extraction has a package specifically designed for governments.
And, S2T is very up front about the relevance of classic human intelligence or HUMINT. Taking an alternate route onto the Darknet, “cyber sock puppets” or false identities are used in addition to social engineering. The combination of the two enables the hunter to penetrate sites on the Darknet. Cyber-HUMINT, used in tandem with other Darknet data searching tools, can achieve much more. It should be noted that on at least one occasion S2T’s analysts used these weapons to crack open an ISIS fundraising site hidden on the Darknet. The site targeted US ISIS sympathizers willing to donate Bitcoins. The company offers many more tools for any government that is serious about unleashing a war on ISIS online. And, there are other companies with similar products, such as the Israeli-based SenseCy, which offers products such as “virtual spies” or “avatars.”
The US government also has the option of collaborating with hackers in order to thwart ISIS’ Internet activities. Calls for the feds to do just that are being heard with more frequency now that the government has openly admitted it is in over its head in trying to fight ISIS online. Detractors are wary of involving individuals “of dubious intent.” But, the same label has also been applied to government agents. What’s more, the two are already working together on threat analysis, though not officially.
In March 2015, an article in Foreign Policy made a case for the US government to not only collaborate with Anonymous, but also pay the hacktivist collective in Bitcoins. Anonymous factions and affiliated hacktivists have a good handle on ISIS operations on the surface web and are in the process of delving deeper into terrorist activity on the Darknet. The Foreign Policy article states:
“Employees in government, the article argues, are best suited for countering attacks of rogue nation-states and “sophisticated non-state actors.” However, for IS, perhaps a better group is better suited to counter the threat.
The U.S. government should look to those unaffiliated, socially minded hackers (“hacktivists”) who have their own reasons to despise the Islamic State. This includes self-declared, underutilizedwhite hat” hackers, who use their expertise to test and improve the cyber-defenses of companies. It also includes those individuals and hacktivist collectives like Anonymous who have had a traditionally antagonistic relationship with the U.S. government.”
France has also come to the conclusion that it lacks the skills necessary to deal with ISIS online, so it recently announced that it will start to recruit hackers, in order to battle ISIS attackers and recruiters. According to DarkGovernment.Com:
 “‘Their job would be to monitor popular websites, and search and find recruiters before they have had the chance to talk to and try to convert French teenagers.’
According to BatBlue, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls stated that the aim is to prevent the jihadists from turning “the Internet space” into their propriety.”
At least two times in the past, a US federal agency has publicly asked for help from hackers. In 2006, the FBI publicly asked hackers for help in fighting cybercrime. “We need your expertise and input as we develop strategies to battle cybercrime in the 21st century,” FBI official Daniel Larkin said while addressing the annual Black Hat security conference. He confessed that though the government has tried to stay current on possible threats, there are others who likely know about potential threats before federal agents do. “Critical information on terrorism and cybercrimes could be in your hands and might be in your hands before they reach ours,” he said to the group of black hat hackers.
And then again on July 27, 2012, at the DefCon conference in Las Vegas, General Keith Alexander, then-director of the National Security Agency (NSA), came right out and invited the hackers at the conference to work for the spy agency. The stunned hackers were then directed to a job recruitment site which was created specifically for the conference. Alexander unabashedly referred to the hacker audience as “the world’s best cybersecurity community.”
Incidentally, there is a bit of a history of hackers assisting the authorities. For instance, in 2013, a Huffington Post article described how Anonymous helped police track down Chinese hackers. Anonymous is also credited with warning police, in advance, about the Garland, TX attack. Additionally, earlier this year, when the FBI was searching for the Centcom hackers, they were aided by information acquired by Anonymous. And, the hacktivist collective was also instrumental in shutting down a child pornography website, while also helping the police arrest Canadian, Chris Forcand.
For the past few months, the Operation ISIS (#OpISIS) team has been in regular contact with the authorities regarding specific threats found while perusing the Internet for ISIS activity. Some of the activity is done right out in the open on social media, while other activities are carried out in a more covert manner on the Darknet.
A recent incident that occurred a couple of days before the 4th of July weekend was reported to the FBI by Ghost Security, a group loosely affiliated with Anonymous. ‏Ghost Security member, @ISHuntingCIub, came across a tweet that appeared to be a threat from an ISIS supporter in regard to the 4th of July. The FBI and CIA were notified. On last Thursday, James Comey announced that a number of plots surrounding the July 4th holiday weekend were foiled and suspects who were inspired by ISIS were arrested. Comey credited the leads received and the work of the FBI in averting the plots.

 In another incident, involving Tunisia, the hacktivists were able to assist in the arrests of 17 suspects. @DigitaShadow, of Ghost Security, explained in detail how the situation unfolded. While operating undercover on social media, “one of our accounts detected a militant account citing threats against British and Jewish tourists in Djerba, Tunisia.” He said that he and the other operatives took the threat seriously due to the nature of this particular account, the manner in which it was conducting itself and its connection with other high profile ISIS accounts.
And, there was mention of suicide bombings. “We instantly began looking for major events in that area where a suicide bombing would yield the highest amount of casualties. That particular day there was an open market where many tourists visited known as Houmt Souk open market. Next we began searching for other attractions that draw high numbers of British and Jewish tourists to find that at least two churches in the immediate area were holding services which is yet another prime target for causing maximum damage due to the closed quarters of buildings and the high occupancy. All evidence of the plot was collected by us, including social media account names, screenshots, images and detailed maps.” This, too, was communicated to the authorities and a tweet was posted on Twitter.

RT Information coming in of another possible terror attack on Tunisia today. Houmt Souk, Djerba

@DigitaShadow continued: “Since our aim is to stop terrorism threats wherever they are found we have multiple government contacts and intelligence contractors we can relay intel to in order to deploy military and police forces if required. On this instance we contacted the FBI and a United States intelligence firm to respond to the threat.” The total number of arrests made, so far, have increased to 17.
Ghost Security consists largely of ex-military members and individuals with strong backgrounds in computer security. A former Miss Jordan has also joined the ranks of Ghost Security. Lara Abdallat is an accomplished individual with a strong desire to see ISIS defeated. “We won’t stop until our mission is complete,” she is quoted as saying. Ghost Security works closely with CtrlSec and coordinates efforts with several other Anonymous factions.
According to @MikroSec, who represents both GhostSec and CtrlSec, “We have taken offline over 100 websites and suspended over 55,000 Twitter accounts. Some are having to be shut two-three times a day.” He commented that “we are literally stalking” those accounts. “Everybody can do something. You don’t have to pick up a gun to do something to prevent this. Public effort really mattersthat’s important.”
#OpISIS is Anonymous’ largest operation to date. It has garnered a lot of support from across the political spectrum, with the majority of its support coming from the right. #OpISIS is a diverse group of individuals from around the world who came together in an attempt to minimize the suffering around the world, inflicted by ISIS.



863現在,ISIS運行在兩個表面網絡和地下網絡,聯邦調查局關注的是,該組織的地下網絡活動的性質和政府的無力迴避他們。 ISIS是目前使用的地下網絡,以激勵世界各地的恐怖襲擊,招募,促進財政和提供軍事訓練。 ISIS也被發現有接觸機密文件的美國,包括詳細的導彈圖,在美國的車輛,如使用聯軍M1艾布拉姆坦克和布雷德利戰車和作戰訓練方法裝甲薄弱點圖。
國土安全官員擔心ISIS'使用加密技術,他們認為這不能被美國政府截獲代理。 據說
“在美國聯邦調查局目前正在推動政府訪問加密的通信,但頂級安全專家警告說,讓政府機構後門會導致許多意想不到的安全問題。 美國聯邦調查局局長詹姆斯·科米認為,沒有獲得加密通信,恐怖分子,和戀童癖者其他罪犯將能夠在沒有執法機構的知識,這對主要影響對所有美國人的安全通信。 惠特菲爾德的Diffie,現代密碼學的發明者之一,與給政府機構的加密密鑰來解鎖人們的私人通信而使鍵之一的主門門墊下“。
公民自由團體同意迪菲,認為這會違反用戶“第四修正案的權利。 加密是政府代理人問題,但也有一些在地下網絡誰能夠解決它,這表明政府的代理人可能會考慮學習如何做自己。
同時,ISIS漸漸感到在家裡的地下網絡,安全地隱藏起來,從美國政府。 而且,由於籌款是ISIS的優先事項之一,該集團已接受捐贈的比特幣。 但是,因為Bitcoin的管理帶來了一些挑戰恐怖組織,ISIS的美國支持者創建一個比特幣引導。 被稱為Amreeki(“美國”)見證,在Twitter上,之前被抓獲警方,他發布了比特幣導在WordPress博客。 該指南的封面,詳細,潛在的問題恐怖分子通常會面臨他們的行動提供資金。
Bitcoin的解決了所有的人,根據指南,因為它是匿名的,分散的,具有加密額外的層稱為混合。 因此,交易是“無法跟踪”的作者解釋說。 該文件可以在這個鏈接查看 還有在地下網絡的大型武器市場。
美國政府是無處接近能夠對付所有的ISIS是在地下網絡策劃上。 從歷史上看,政府一直在努力留在使用互聯網上的罪犯和恐怖分子的新興技術之上。 正因為如此,他們幾乎總是使用過時的技術,這是不能承受新的威脅和超出步伐與什麼人,他們所追求的使用。
還有現在的戰爭五個領域:土地,水,空氣,空間和網絡 這將是一個嚴重的錯誤忽略後者的潛在致命。 作為招聘的車輛,它直接影響戰場。 它允許恐怖分子以滿足和情節,而不必擔心被美國聯邦特工被打斷。
雖然ISIS繼續向前邁進,其邪惡的目的,美國政府仍試圖決定哪些政府機構應負責以網絡攻擊和哪個機構的響應應負責就此事起草政策。 這個問題不只是彈出最近 - 他們已經在此“工作”在過去的四年。 誠然,它涉及到19個不同的機構,但它幾乎沒有一個不可逾越的努力。
那麼,應該怎樣做政府對這些即將到來的威脅? 托爾 ,這ISIS現在使用,但政府並沒有真正掌握呢,是不是唯一的選項可用。 新加坡S2T ,公司專門從事地下網絡數據和身份提取具有專為政府設計了一個包。
而且,S2T很前面對經典的人類智力或HUMINT的相關性。 走不同的路線到地下網絡,“網絡襪子木偶”假身份,除了社會工程使用。 兩者的結合,使獵人穿透的地下網絡站點。 的Cyber​​-HUMINT,串聯與其他地下網絡數據檢索工具使用,可以實現更多。 應當指出的是,至少有一次S2T分析師利用這些武器來破解打開一個ISIS籌款網站隱藏在地下網絡。 該網站定位美國同情者ISIS願意捐贈比特幣。 該公司提供更多的工具,對於任何一個政府是認真的釋放ISIS上一戰網上。 此外,還有其他公司的同類產品,如以色列為主SenseCy ,它提供的產品,如“虛擬間諜”或“化身”。
美國政府還與黑客以阻止ISIS“互聯網活動合作的選項。 呼籲聯邦政府要做到這被聽到更多的頻率,現在政府已經公開承認它是在它的頭,試圖打ISIS網絡。 批評者都持謹慎態度,涉及個人的“可疑的意圖。”但是,相同的標籤也被應用於政府機構。 更重要的是,這兩個已經開始合作的威脅分析,雖然不是正式。
在2015年3月,在外交政策的文章做了一個案例 ,美國政府不僅要與合作的匿名,也付出黑客行動主義集體的比特幣。 匿名派別和附屬黑客行動主義者對ISIS業務辦理好表面上網絡,並在鑽研更深的地下網絡恐怖活動的過程。 外交政策的文章中指出:
美國政府應該對那些無黨派,社會意識的黑客(“黑客行動主義者”),誰都有自己的理由來鄙視的伊斯蘭國家。 這包括自我聲明, 未充分利用的白帽”黑客,誰使用他們的專業知識來測試和完善的網絡,防禦公司。 它還包括那些個人和集體黑客行動主義像無名氏誰曾與美國政府的一個傳統對立的關係。“
法國也來,它缺乏必要的應對ISIS網絡技能的結論,因此它最近宣布,將開始招募黑客,以ISIS戰鬥攻擊者和招聘者。 DarkGovernment.Com
在過去的至少兩倍,美國聯邦機構已經公開要求從黑客的幫助。 2006年 ,美國聯邦調查局公開要求黑客在打擊網絡 ​​犯罪的幫助。 “我們需要你的專業知識和投入,我們制定戰略,以打擊網絡 ​​犯罪在21世紀,”聯邦調查局官員丹尼爾·拉金,同時滿足年度說黑帽安全會議 他交代說,雖然政府一直試圖保持目前在可能的威脅,還有其他人誰可能了解潛在的威脅之前,聯邦特工做的。 “關於恐怖主義和網絡犯罪的關鍵信息可能是在你的手中,可能會在你的手中達到我們之前他們,”他對一群黑帽黑客說。
然後再次在2012年7月27日,在DEFCON 會議在拉斯維加斯,一般基思亞歷山大,美國國家安全局(NSA)的再主任,來到右出,並邀請黑客們在會議上努力,為間諜機構。 目瞪口呆的黑客然後定向到一個招聘求職網站這是為會議專門創建。 亞歷山大毫不掩飾地提到了黑客觀眾譽為“世界上最好的網絡安全社區”。
順便說一下,有一點黑客協助當局的歷史。 例如,在2013年,一個赫芬頓郵報的文章中描述匿名如何幫助警方追踪中國黑客。 匿名也相信警方的警告,提前,有關花環,TX的攻擊。 此外,今年早些時候,當美國聯邦調查局正在尋找的中央司令部黑客,他們資助由匿名獲得的信息。 而且,黑客行動主義集體也有助於關停兒童色情網站,同時也幫助警方逮捕加拿大,克里斯Forcand。
在過去的幾個月裡,操作ISIS( #OpISIS )的團隊一直在與有關發現而細讀互聯網ISIS活動的具體威脅,當局經常聯繫。 一些活動的完成右出在對社會媒體的開放,而其他活動中的地下網絡更加隱蔽的方式進行的。
發生一兩天的週末月4日之前,最近的事件是由報告給聯邦調查局鬼保安 ,一組鬆散隸屬於匿名。 鬼保安員, @ISHuntingCIub ,遇到了一個鳴叫這似乎是從一個ISIS的支持者就7月4日的威脅。 聯邦調查局(FBI)和中央情報局進行了通報。 上週四,詹姆斯·科米宣布了一些周圍的7月4日假日週末地塊被挫敗,誰被ISIS啟發犯罪嫌疑人被抓獲。 科米記收到的線索和聯邦調查局在避免重複的工作。

IS Hunter - Official @ISHuntingCIub
@FBI @CIA Twitter ID 3256953408  

在另一起事件中,涉及突尼斯,黑客行動主義者們能夠協助犯罪嫌疑人17逮捕。 @DigitaShadow ,鬼安全,詳細解釋了情況展開。 而在社會化媒體經營臥底,“我們的帳戶一個檢測一個好戰的賬戶援引傑爾巴,突尼斯反對英國和猶太遊客的威脅。”他說,他和其他操作工採取了嚴重的威脅,由於這個特殊賬戶的性質,以何種方式它正在進行自身及其與其他高調的ISIS帳戶連接。
而且,有提到自殺式炸彈襲擊的。 “我們立刻開始尋找在這個領域,其中一個自殺式炸彈襲擊將產生最大量的人員傷亡的重大事件。 那一天有一個開放的市場,許多遊客參觀被譽為烏姆蘇克開放的市場。 接下來,我們開始尋找該畫高的數字英國和猶太遊客發現,至少有兩個教堂附近區域分別持有這又是對造成最大傷害的另一個主要目標的服務,由於建築物的封閉小區和高等景點入住。 劇情的所有證據收集我們,包括社交媒體帳戶名,屏幕截圖,圖像和詳細的地圖。“這也傳達給當局和鳴叫被張貼在Twitter上.

 IS Hunter - Official @ISHuntingCIub
RT Information coming in of another possible terror attack on Tunisia today. Houmt Souk, Djerba

@DigitaShadow繼續說道:“既然我們的目的是阻止恐怖威脅的地方,他們發現我們有多個政府聯繫和情報承包商,我們可以根據需要,以部署軍隊和警察部隊中繼英特爾。 在這種情況下,我們聯繫了美國聯邦調查局和美國情報事務所的威脅做出反應。“製作人被捕的總人數,到目前為止,已經增加到了17。
鬼安全主要是前軍事人員和個人組成,在計算機安全強的背景。 一位前喬丹小姐也加入了鬼安全的行列。 拉拉Abdallat是一個多才多藝的個體具有強烈希望看到ISIS敗下陣來。 “我們不會停止,直到我們的使命就完成了,”她被引述的話說。 鬼安全密切配合CtrlSec並協調與其他幾個匿名派別的努力。
@MikroSec ,誰代表雙方GhostSec和CtrlSec,“我們已經採取了離線100個網站和懸浮超過55,000 Twitter賬戶。 有些人不得不被關閉兩三次的一天。“他評論說:”我們是從字面上跟踪“這些帳戶。 “每個人都可以做一些事情。 你不必拿起一把槍做點什麼來防止這種情況。 公眾的努力真的很重要......這很重要。“
#OpISIS是無名氏“最大的操作日期。 它已經從各政治派別贏得了很多的支持,與廣大支持從右邊過來。 #OpISIS是來自世界各地的個人誰走到了一起,企圖以減少世界各地的苦難,通過ISIS造成一個多元化的群體。

Read more at http://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/


  7月11日 offline by Ghost Security.


You can now find us on Facebook at We are the ghosts that you have created.


Currently there are over 200 terrorism websites being monitored by Ghost Security. We are always watching.



Today marks our sixth consecutive month of Operation ISIS. This is only the beginning.


  7月10日 offline by Ghost Security.


Pro Caliphate website invaded by in - can u b sure not all data belongs to us? ;-D


  7月9日 offline by Ghost Security.



  7月8日 offline by Ghost Security.


  7月7日 offline by Ghost Security.


we do not desire to be negotiated with nor will we be negotiated with.

The latest Islamic State Twitter census shows that ISIS accounts have dropped 20 to 25 percent.



  7月6日 under attack by Ghost Security.


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 *---Update [17/07/2015] -our lovely of great Anonymous "DigitaShadow"- ''ISIS  been the 'bugs' caused by the collapse,,and the ''ISIS 'bug' of destruction the world!! Our lovely of the great Anonymous"DigitaShadow'' is make the ''ISIS 'bug' collapse and punishment their global chivalrous hero!-By[Jul13]
"Hunting ISIS On The Darknet:The FBI’s De facto Collaboration With Anonymous~"Famous White hat Anonymous "DigitaShadow",,FBI to reward Under the assistance of the tribe(#CtrlSec #GhostSec = " DigitaShadow " Legion )~[ http://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/ ]-
---更新[17/07/2015]-我們最愛偉大的匿名"DigitaShadow.一直把ISIS'小蟲'攻擊致崩潰了!ISIS'小蟲'的破壞全球,而我們最愛偉大的匿名"DigitaShadow便是懲罰它們的全球俠義英雄!由[Jul13]“獵捕ISIS上的地下網絡:美國聯邦調查局事實上的協作匿名〜"著名的白帽子匿名”DigitaShadow“,, FBI以獎勵在部(#CtrlSec#GhostSec=的援助”DigitaShadow“軍團)[HTTP://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/ ]-
---Update [17/07/2015] -Unsere schöne große Anonymous "DigitaShadow" - '' ISIS waren die "Bugs" ISIS "Fehler" der Zerstörung der Welt durch den Zusammenbruch verursacht ,,und der'!! Unsere schöne des großen Anonymous "DigitaShadow '' ist machen die '' ISIS 'Bug' Zusammenbruch und Bestrafung ihrer globalen ritterliche Held! -Mit [Jul13]"Hunting Isis auf der Darknet: Das FBI De facto Zusammenarbeit mit Anonymous ~" Famous White hat Anonymous "DigitaShadow" ,,FBI zu belohnen Unter der Unterstützung des Stammes (#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow" Legion)~[http://theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]-
---更新[17/07/2015]偉大匿名 "DigitaShadow」の-our美しいは - ''崩壊によって引き起こされる,,と「バグ破壊の「ISIS」のバグ「世界」ISISはされて '!! 「偉大な匿名の私たちの素敵なDigitaShadow '' ISIS」のバグ」の崩壊と罰、グローバルな騎士英雄ようにすることです」!-by [Jul13]「ダークネット上で狩猟ISIS:匿名〜とFBIの事実上のコラボレーション「有名なホワイトハット匿名 "DigitaShadow" ,, FBIは部族の支援(#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow"レギオン)の下に報いるために〜[HTTP:/ /theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]-
--- Mise à jour [17/07/2015] -notre belle grande Anonyme "DigitaShadow" - '' ISIS été les «bugs» causée par l'effondrement ,, et le '' ISIS 'bug' de la destruction du monde !! Notre belle de la grande Anonyme "DigitaShadow '' est de faire la 'ISIS' bug 'effondrement» et la punition leur héros chevaleresque mondiale! -En [Jul13]"Chasse ISIS Sur Le Darknet: De facto collaboration du FBI Avec Anonyme~ "White hat Célèbre Anonyme "DigitaShadow" ,,FBI pour récompenser Sous l'aide de la tribu (#CtrlSec #GhostSec = "DigitaShadow" Légion) ~ [http: / /theblacksphere.net/2015/07/hunting-isis-darknet-fbis-de-facto-collaboration-anonymous/]-**All The World Lauguage**-

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