2015年9月30日 星期三

Update -By our huge Anonymous' p@r@dox17 'Legion~He uses magic magic - attacks the mainland communist rubbish 'miscellaneous swollen' immoral shame corrupt beast all acts of violence!-#The collapse of retaliation -[ p@r@dox17,,9/28,,#TangoDown by p@r@dox17 & M@lti..]#Palestine_DZ,, #AnonGhost,,#Opchina ]]-**All The World Lauguage**- 更新- 由我們的龐大的匿名'P1R2dox17“軍團〜他使用魔法 - 攻擊大陸共產垃圾”雜腫'不道德的羞恥畜牲所有腐敗暴力行為 - !的崩潰報復[P1 R 2 dox17,9月28日,,#TangoDown為P1 R 2 dox17 & M@LTI..]#Palestine_DZ,,#AnonGhost,, #Opchina ]]-**世界上所有的語言** - - [29/09-2015] Continue -Our World HERO= Kyfx Anonymous, he does not forget the Hong Kong student, Hong Kong Human Right Group , All in Hong Kong peoples affected by tear gas and violence "Junk Public Security"'s damage~ When the call sign umbrella movement , he stand by to support people of Hong Kong umbrella movement ;# Target-down= attack [Gov.cn # OccupyHK # OPHK] - Let the hold-world people know that ' Umbrella Movement and Our World Great Anonymous = ' Kyfx '~For My All Great Anonymous and My All Readers & Friends~ Thanksgiving for Apple Daily Sharing~ -**All The World Lauguage** [29/09-2015]- 繼續 - 我們的世界英雄=Kyfx匿名,他沒有忘記香港的學生,香港所有受催淚彈和暴力"垃圾公安"的傷害的人們;香港人權小組〜當雨傘運動呼號召集時,他站在了香港人民的目標下,攻擊[Gov.cn#OccupyHK#OPHK] - 讓全世界人都知道,“傘運動和我們的世界偉大匿名='Kyfx'~給我所有的巨大的匿名和我所有的讀者和朋友〜感恩蘋果日報分享〜 - **世界上所有的語言**-

*Update -By our huge Anonymous' p@r@dox17 'Legion~He uses magic magic - attacks the mainland communist rubbish 'miscellaneous swollen' immoral shame corrupt beast all acts of violence!-#The collapse of retaliation -[ p@r@dox17,,9/28,,#TangoDown by p@r@dox17 & M@lti..]#Palestine_DZ,,
#AnonGhost,,#Opchina ]]-**All The World Lauguage**-
更新- 由我們的龐大的匿名'P1R2dox17“軍團〜他使用魔法 - 攻擊大陸共產垃圾”雜腫'不道德的羞恥畜牲所有腐敗暴力行為 - !的崩潰報復[P1 R 2 dox17,9月28日,,#TangoDown為P1 R 2 dox17 & M@LTI..]#Palestine_DZ,,#AnonGhost,,
#Opchina ]]-**世界上所有的語言** -
- Continue -Our World HERO= Kyfx Anonymous, he does not forget the Hong Kong student, Hong Kong Human Right Group , All in Hong Kong peoples affected by tear gas and violence "Junk Public Security"'s damage~ When the call sign  umbrella movement , he stand by to support people of Hong Kong umbrella movement ;# Target-down= attack [Gov.cn # OccupyHK # OPHK] -
Let the hold-world people know that ' Umbrella Movement and Our World Great Anonymous = ' Kyfx '~For My All Great Anonymous and My All Readers & Friends~ Thanksgiving for Apple Daily Sharing~ -**All The World Lauguage**
- 繼續 - 我們的世界英雄=Kyfx匿名,他沒有忘記香港的學生,香港所有受催淚彈和暴力"垃圾公安"的傷害的人們;香港人權小組〜當雨傘運動呼號召集時,他站在了香港人民的目標下,攻擊[Gov.cn#OccupyHK#OPHK] -
讓全世界人都知道,“傘運動和我們的世界偉大匿名='Kyfx'~給我所有的巨大的匿名和我所有的讀者和朋友〜感恩蘋果日報分享〜 - **世界上所有的語言**-

 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx & p@r@dox17 ~
我們的世界俠義匿名Kyfx 和
p@r@dox17 ~*



 *You due not want to deleted me~ bb^.^ 
 You are remember me~ You due not want to forget me~
I am very happy! Do you know i also miss you...?~


 p@r@dox17 9月28日
by p@r@dox17 & M@lti .. -----------------

 p@r@dox17 9月28日
by p@r@dox17 & M@lti .. -----------------------

  p@r@dox17 9月27日

 You're smart ~ You also my hero~

 *Update -By our huge Anonymous' p@r@dox17 'Legion~He uses magic magic - attacks the mainland communist rubbish 'miscellaneous swollen' immoral shame corrupt beast all acts of violence!-#The collapse of retaliation -[ p@r@dox17,,9/28,,#TangoDown by p@r@dox17 & M@lti..]#Palestine_DZ,,
#AnonGhost,,#Opchina ]]-**All The World Lauguage**-
更新- 由我們的龐大的匿名'P1R2dox17“軍團〜他使用魔法 - 攻擊大陸共產垃圾”雜腫'不道德的羞恥畜牲所有腐敗暴力行為 - !的崩潰報復[P1 R 2 dox17,9月28日,,#TangoDown為P1 R 2 dox17 & M@LTI..]#Palestine_DZ,,#AnonGhost,,
#Opchina ]]-**世界上所有的語言** - 

 ===Melody.Blog===FOLLOW  FOLLOW===>/

 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx & p@r@dox17 ~
我們的世界俠義匿名Kyfx 和
p@r@dox17 ~*



if u need somwhere to relax or need to meet me up for a chat ill be always on





 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx ~


 Kyfx 9月29日


 Kyfx 9月29日

 Kyfx 9月29日

 Kyfx 9月27日

 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx ~


 Kyfx 9月27日

 Kyfx 9月27日

 Kyfx 9月27日


 Kyfx 9月26日
ftp://ftp.hmtech.co.kr OpKorea Leaked

 Kyfx 9月26日

 Kyfx 9月26日

 Kyfx 9月26日

Email body text leaked by Kyfx OpKorea
 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx ~

 Kyfx 9月26日
 Kyfx 9月27日


Internet Hate Machine - Volume 1 - Track #2


 Kyfx 9月27日
지금 한국 대학교 .kr,.ac.kr,.co.kr 사이트 해킹 위험에 있습니다, 빨리 고쳐주세요 ~


 Kyfx 9月27日
Vulnerable to leak c:

 Kyfx 9月26日
I would like to join in a team, Anyone want to hire me they can :) But i'm not joining a Dos or DDosing group kay :l

 Kyfx 9月26日


 Kyfx 9月26日
I've hacked a document of Data in gov predicting their future developments plan

 Kyfx 9月26日

Hidden txt file found But this is so true should read this ^_^

 Kyfx 9月26日
This is so sad Hyundai Brazil Vulnerable to a sql syntax injection

Last DNS hijack for today just testing out that's all.... Not really a hack LOOL
 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx ~

Doc and Files of Gov.cn Leaked all


 Kyfx 9月25日
 Kyfx 9月26日
All these gov's have similar minds, I'm sorry but u folks wont change at all!

 Kyfx 9月26日
Vuln to sql injection


 Zen and Mr Martin yesterday to attend the rally outside the legislature held the Christian community. He 柏佳摄.
 WASHINGTON umbrella movement seemingly no results, the Democratic party chairman Mr Martin tells creating confidence in the future, that the whole field as an umbrella movement, initially only be expected several thousand people to participate in, adhere to a few days will be considered, surprise occupation movement lasts 79 days, Wan could not imagine to make political reforms were rejected by a large majority, bluntly, "I'll wait for the next bear a miracle, when you know what a good umbrella movement strength." Bishop Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong Joseph Zen also means, "I Will not Die definitely lose! Zo I Die've won a lot."
The right of Mr Martin and Joseph crutches yesterday afternoon to attend the rally outside the Legislative Council by the yellow umbrella held street Christian grass-roots groups, kneeling on the ground praying for the Hong Kong Mr Martin spoke of democracy refers to democratic road confidence in Hong Kong, because before 9.28, The number of people who can tell the occupation: "Three sub-accounts (initially) I spoke with a maximum of two or three thousand people, even if carried away one by one, carried (last) October 3 to lift the sun, 𠵱 a home out Zo Link generous umbrella movement come out and walk, if you do a line microphone signs? Pulled day I saw you Die (protesters) emission road, I think the Department has been a miracle. "

Zen: Well I Die lose

Lee continued political reform means was rejected, during which there was even formed faction "shrimp busy" absentee voting, even though Hong Kong has yet to democracy, the Central Authorities and the HKSAR government took a tough stance, but as long as there is confidence, continued to love and express their demands in a peaceful manner, the final victory also belongs to the people: "𠵱 family system fails, then I entirely Disagree Department, the Department has not yet succeeded only speak words ...... we Qianqiwuhao fails, then disappointed." When he finished, people continue to clap their hands, said good.
Last year, 9.28 in the occupation field overnight stay, Midnight slept in "the fate of independent Taiwan" next to Joseph, yesterday to return to the old way, just the opening he said: "I started to know I Die win, because I Die together with God, I Die Well definitely going to lose "true universal suffrage by the year Trailwalker, 6.22 referendum even when occupying the entire investment Zen, said the pro-democracy Hong Kong has won a lot, even if not a complete victory:!" complete victory of the Department of the Air generous Pulled last day, so I Die have to continue to work hard. "He also recalled that last year, 9.28 in the evening, he had been alarmed, afraid of the two camps misfires, fortunately the police finally retreat. Mr Martin and Joseph attend silent stand together after the ceremony, during which has been propped yellow umbrella, after leaving the ceremony.
■ reporter Yaoguo Xiong

"Umbrella anniversary": http://umbrella.appledaily.com

 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx ~



【本報訊】雨傘運動看似未見成果,民主黨創黨主席李柱銘卻對未來充滿信心,認為一如 整場雨傘運動,起初只預料有數千人參加、堅持幾天便算,豈料佔領運動持續79日,萬料不到令政改方案遭大比數否決,直言「我等緊下一個神蹟,到時就知道呢 個雨傘運動好勁」。天主教香港教區榮休主教陳日君樞機亦指,「我哋絕對唔會輸!我哋已經贏咗好多」。
右手撐着枴杖的李柱銘和陳日君昨午到立法會門 外出席由黃傘街頭基督徒基層團體舉行的集會,跪在地上為香港民主禱告的李柱銘發言指,對香港民主路充滿信心,因為9.28之前,誰能預料佔領人數之多: 「佔中三子(最初)同我講得最多兩、三千人,即使逐個抬走,抬到(去年)10月3日就抬晒,𠵱家搞咗一個咁嘅雨傘運動出嚟,你話呢個係咪神蹟呢?嗰日我 見到你哋(示威者)湧出馬路,我已覺得係一個神蹟」。


李續指政改遭否決,其間更出現建制派「蝦碌」缺席投票,縱使香港至今未有民主,中央及特區政府態度強硬,但只要有信心,續以愛與和平方式表達訴求,勝利最 終也屬於人民:「𠵱家話係失敗我係完全唔同意,只能講係尚未成功……大家千祈唔好話失敗、話失望。」說罷,市民不斷拍掌稱好。
去年9.28在佔 領場通宵留守、午夜還睡在「命運自主台」旁邊的陳日君,昨日重返舊地,甫開口便說:「我一開始就知道我哋會贏,因為我哋同天主一齊,我哋絕對唔會輸!」由 去年毅行真普選、6.22公投甚至佔領時全程投入的陳日君,稱支持民主的港人已贏了很多,即使未完全勝利:「圓滿嘅勝利係睇最後嗰日,所以我哋一定要繼續 努力。」他還憶述去年9.28晚上,他一直膽顫心驚,很怕雙方陣營擦槍走火,幸警方最後撤退。李柱銘和陳日君之後一起出席默站儀式,其間一直撐着黃傘,儀 式後離開。

《雨傘一周年》: http://umbrella.appledaily.com


 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx ~

 *See Figure Read the story
Our world chivalrous Anonymous Kyfx ~

 Our World HERO= Kyfx Anonymous, he does not forget the Hong Kong student, Hong Kong Human Right Group , All in Hong Kong peoples affected by tear gas and violence "Junk Public Security"'s damage~ When the call sign  umbrella movement , he stand by to support people of Hong Kong umbrella movement ;# Target-down= attack [Gov.cn # OccupyHK # OPHK] -
Let the hold-world people know that ' Umbrella Movement and Our World Great Anonymous = ' Kyfx '~For My All Great Anonymous and My All Readers & Friends~

 *Update -By our huge Anonymous' p@r@dox17 'Legion~He uses magic magic - attacks the mainland communist rubbish 'miscellaneous swollen' immoral shame corrupt beast all acts of violence!-#The collapse of retaliation -[ p@r@dox17,,9/28,,#TangoDown by p@r@dox17 & M@lti..]#Palestine_DZ,,
#AnonGhost,,#Opchina ]]-**All The World Lauguage**-
更新- 由我們的龐大的匿名'P1R2dox17“軍團〜他使用魔法 - 攻擊大陸共產垃圾”雜腫'不道德的羞恥畜牲所有腐敗暴力行為 - !的崩潰報復[P1 R 2 dox17,9月28日,,#TangoDown為P1 R 2 dox17 & M@LTI..]#Palestine_DZ,,#AnonGhost,,
#Opchina ]]-**世界上所有的語言** -

 - [29/09-2015] Continue -Our World HERO= Kyfx Anonymous, he does not forget the Hong Kong student, Hong Kong Human Right Group , All in Hong Kong peoples affected by tear gas and violence "Junk Public Security"'s damage~ When the call sign  umbrella movement , he stand by to support people of Hong Kong umbrella movement ;# Target-down= attack [Gov.cn # OccupyHK # OPHK] - Let the hold-world people know that ' Umbrella Movement and Our World Great Anonymous = ' Kyfx '~For My All Great Anonymous and My All Readers & Friends~ Thanksgiving for Apple Daily Sharing~ -**All The World Lauguage** [29/09-2015]- 繼續 - 我們的世界英雄=Kyfx匿名,他沒有忘記香港的學生,香港所有受催淚彈和暴力"垃圾公安"的傷害的人們;香港人權小組〜當雨傘運動呼號召集時,他站在了香港人民的目標下,攻擊[Gov.cn#OccupyHK#OPHK] - 讓全世界人都知道,“傘運動和我們的世界偉大匿名='Kyfx'~給我所有的巨大的匿名和我所有的讀者和朋友〜感恩蘋果日報分享〜 - **世界上所有的語言**
 ===Melody.Blog===FOLLOW   FOLLOW===>/




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