2015年9月10日 星期四

- See "Halifax" Nova Scotia Anonymous' and "Elite Cyber ​​Security" Anonymous' and "Anonymous Asia" under the different sky; when they... seeing toxic man-made nuclear explosion to the continent mainland! They 'feel like the mainland peoples feeling hurting' - and same feeling of their body''...post! And they revenge.. #opchina #OPHK ...!!-(and reference -thehackernews.com news articles & www.ntdtv.com! )- -請看不同天空下的“哈利法克斯”新斯科舍省匿名'和"Elite Cyber Security"和 "Anonymous Asia";...在看到人禍的大陸有毒核能爆炸災害;對於內地人們的''感覺如同自己身體所感受''(簡稱感同身受)的舖文!並報復..#opchina #OPHK...!-(並引用-thehackernews.com的資訊文章!)-- Siehe "Halifax" Neuschottland Anonym "und" Elite Cyber ​​Security "Anonymous" und "Anonymous Asia" unter verschiedenen Himmel; wenn sie... sehen toxischen Menschen verursachten nuklearen Explosion auf den Kontinent Festland! Sie "das Gefühl, das Festland Völker das Gefühl zu verletzen '- und gleiche Gefühl ihres Körpers''...Pfosten! Und sie Rache.. #opchina #OPHK ...!! - (und Referenz -thehackernews.com News-Artikel!)-**All The World City Lauguage**-

Anonymous Asia - 匿名亞洲的相片。*- See "Halifax" Nova Scotia Anonymous' and "Elite Cyber ​​Security" Anonymous' and "Anonymous Asia" under the different sky; when they... seeing toxic man-made nuclear explosion to the continent mainland!  They 'feel like the mainland peoples feeling hurting' - and same feeling of their body''...post!  And they revenge.. #opchina #OPHK ...!!-(and reference -thehackernews.com news articles!)-
-請看不同天空下的“哈利法克斯”新斯科舍省匿名'和"Elite Cyber Security"和 "Anonymous Asia";...在看到人禍的大陸有毒核能爆炸災害;對於內地人們的''感覺如同自己身體所感受''(簡稱感同身受)的舖文!並報復..#opchina #OPHK...!-(並引用-thehackernews.com的資訊文章!)-
- Siehe "Halifax" Neuschottland Anonym "und" Elite Cyber ​​Security "Anonymous" und "Anonymous Asia" unter verschiedenen Himmel; wenn sie... sehen toxischen Menschen verursachten nuklearen Explosion auf den Kontinent Festland! Sie "das Gefühl, das Festland Völker das Gefühl zu verletzen '- und gleiche Gefühl ihres Körpers''...Pfosten! Und sie Rache.. #opchina #OPHK ...!! - (und Referenz -thehackernews.com
**All The World City Lauguage**-

.// Mirror


 Elite Cyber Security
.// Mirror

.// Mirror

No one wins in the fight if theres no "UNITY"
With unity there is strength. So im asking to all groups to have UNITY.
Cause if you are all in just a one boat theres the power that no one cant take you all down.
Aye Em Yu

Together we can do anthing, together we can accomplish everything.
No one fights alone. In this FAMILY cause if we are all in this fight. Notting can stand in our way so.
Im asking all citizen of the world it is time for us to do what is right, it is TIME to show what Unity can do.
Let us show the POWER of our love for our country.
~=*= Aye Em Yu=*=~


 Elite Cyber Security
43 次觀看
Rule #0: Rules of the internet still apply. Your memes are not, at this juncture, something that the real world can appreciate. Although meme speak between fellow Anonymous is acceptable, focus on the target and keep it to a minimum.
Rule #1: Stay cool.

Rule #2: Stay cool, especially when harassed. You are an ambassador of Anonymous. Although individuals trying to disrupt your demonstration will get on your nerves, you must not lose your temper. Doing so will harm the protest and tarnish the reputation of Anonymous.

Rule #3: Comply with the orders of law enforcement officers above all else. Doing otherwise is harmful to the demonstration as a whole and may compromise your performance as a human being. Do not request badge numbers unless you are being treated in a very abusive manner, as doing so will anger officers.

Rule #4: Notify city officials. Most jurisdictions either have rules about public protests, or would prefer to be notified that they are taking place. Know the rules for your jurisdiction and abide by them.

Rule #5: Always be across the street from the object being protested.

Rule #6: In the absence of a road, find another natural barrier between yourself and the target of protest. Doing so will make it more difficult for individuals hostile to your cause to come and harass you.

Rule #7: Stay on public property. You may be charged for trespassing if you do not.

Rule #8: No violence.

Rule #9: No weapons. The demonstration is a peaceful event. Your weapons. You will not need them.

Rule #10: No alcohol or pre-drinking. Violating this rule may easily precipitate a violation of rules 1 and 2.

Rule #11: No graffiti, destruction, or vandalism.

Rule #12: If you want to do something stupid, pick another day. These should be self explanatory. Violation of these rules during a demonstration will tarnish the reputation of Anonymous, harm the demonstration itself and leave you vulnerable to attention from law enforcement.

Rule #13: Anonymous is legion. Never be alone. Isolation during a protest marks you as a target for handlers who wish to provoke an angry reaction from you and other hostiles. In keeping with this principle...

Rule #14: Organize in squads of 10 to 15 people.

Rule #15: One or two megaphones per squad. A megaphone is helpful for maintaining the overall cohesion of a demonstration and spreading your message. However, too many will confuse the public and render you hearing impaired.

Rule #16: Know the dress code. Forming a loose yet reasonable dress code for protest members will help to maintain cohesion and get the public to take you seriously.

Rule #17: Cover your face. This will prevent your identification from videos taken by hostiles, other protesters or security. Use scarves, hats and sunglasses. Masks are not necessary, and donning them in the context of a public demonstration is forbidden in some jurisdictions.

Rule #18: Bring water. A dehydrated, thirsty Anonymous is not a useful Anonymous.

Rule #19: Wear good shoes. Following these rules will assure your comfort during the demonstration. Keep in mind that demonstrations may often be quite lengthy.

Rule #20: Signs, fliers, and phrases. Have yours ready. Make sure that signs are large enough to read. Also ensure that the text on your signs and your phrases are pertinent to the target of the protest.

Rule #21: Prepare legible, uncomplicated and accurate flyers to hand out to those who wish to know more regarding the motivations behind your actions.

Rule #22: Document the demonstration. Videos and pictures of the event may be used to corroborate your side of the story if law enforcement get involved. Furthermore, posting images and videos of your heroic actions all over the internet is bound to generate win, exhorting other Anonymous to follow your glorious example.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Philippines' Bureau of Customs Dozed by Hackers

A group of hackers performed DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks on the Bureau of Customs in secret operation they named as #OpCustoms which started as early as yesterday and this morning. Hackers continuously attacked the Bureau of Customs website with multiple pings and packets which either downed the site for a brief period or it made it slow for access to users.

A screenshot of the website when trying to access from the google.com website

The DDOSers from the Anonymous groups who called themselves ~Pinoy LulzSec, ~Elite Cyber Security and ~MCA and PHU DDOS Squad said that they downed the site "For the OFW's around the world"

They are in sympathy with the recent policy being enforced by the Bureau Of Customs wherein all "Balikbayan Boxes" sent by OFWs from around the world will be subject to intense inspection to opening of the said packages.

A lot Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) from around the world reacted strongly to this and the hackers sympathized with the OFWs.

Their message?

We Are DDOSERS Came From Different Groups.
We unite for this #OPCustoms for the #OFW`s
THIS IS AN OPEN MESSAGE TO Bureau of Customs Specially to Commissioner Alberto Lina.
Why are you focusing your "ire" on the Overseas Filipino Workers and their hard-earned boxes? While smuggled goods and fake rice from China and thrash coming from Canada were brought in to our country without you knowing?
You said that they are the "new heroes" of our poor country and yet it is they whom you put stricter measures; not the bigtime smugglers nor the Chinese illegal traders?
Our country will not further to progress if you are attacking small fishes instead of the big ones. Graft and corruption will always hamper our grwoth.
To Commissioner Alberto Lina and President Aquino, is this what you call "Tuwid na daan" (straight path to progress)??
~Elite Cyber Security
~Pinoy Lulzsec

As of this time, the Bureau of Customs website is either inaccessible or it is slow in loading.




一群黑客DDOS進行(分佈式拒絕服務)的的攻擊局海關的秘密行動,他們命名為#OpCustoms它早在昨天和今天上午開始。 黑客不斷攻擊局海關網站,多坪和分組其中任一被擊落的網站一個短暫的時期,或者提出了存取用戶來說慢。


從匿名組誰稱自己的DDOSers〜的Pinoy LulzSec,〜精英網絡安全和〜馬華及PHU DDOS隊說,他們擊落的網站“對於OFW在世界各地的”




你為什麼要注重你的“憤怒”的海外菲律賓工人和他們辛苦賺來的盒子? 雖然走私來自中國的商品和假冒大米和鞭打來自加拿大請來了我國沒有你知道?
你說,他們是我們貧窮的國家的“新英雄”,但它是他們的人你把嚴格的措施; 不是BIGTIME走私分子,也不是中國的不法商販?
我們的國家不會進一步取得進展,如果你正在攻擊小魚,而不是大的。 貪污腐敗會一直阻礙我們grwoth。
為了專員阿爾貝托麗娜和阿基諾總統,這就是你所說的“Tuwid NA大安”(直線路徑前進)?
〜的Pinoy Lulzsec
〜#馬華及#PHU DDOS陣容。





"Halifax" Nova Scotia Anonymous'
"Elite Cyber Security"
"Anonymous Asia"


frown 表情符號
We stand with the people of Anonymous China !

Halifax Nova Scotia Anonymous
Loves and supports all people of all races, religion, ethnic origin, place of birth!

United as one

The anonymous who understand the idea behind the mask, we will fight with you always !

To the ones still busy spreading dissension, trying to ostracize our groups, showing a complete lack of respect for your fellow anon bros and sis's........

To you we say, keep up the good work, lulz not only are you showing everyone your true character, but your days of division are limited
wink 表情符號

You cannot go around preaching united as one, we are all anonymous, and be hypocrites, by inboxing others and thinking your encrypted chats are safe, when you cause division expect to be exposed !

United as one
Divided by zero

We do not forgive
We do not forget

We are legion

The corrupt fear us
The heroic join us
The honest support us


Drone footage of the aftermath
















Two years ago today we, all of us lost a wonderful young man.
Todd Micheal Loik took his life after years of, and because of bullying.
There are some people who can't understand this...can't believe a child could be treated so poorly, so viciously by other kids that they feel the only solution is suicide.
People NEED to believe it....more importantly people NEED to understand it.
Todd did not take his life for attention.
Todd did not want to hurt anyone by his actions.
Todd wanted to stop hurting.
He wanted the tormenting to end.
Those who bullied Todd day after day after day understood....they knew exactly what they were doing to him.
Bullying and cyberbullying kills.
We all need to remember Todd...remember the kind and decent boy he was.
We need to not ever forget what a strong and courageous boy he was.
Suicide is not a simple solution or an act with no forethought.
Todd dealt with the abuse of his bullies for many years.
He did not take the easy way out....he took, in his mind, the only way out.
Today we honor Todd.
Today we give his mother Kim support and pray for her to have the courage to go on without her son.
Kim is left with daily grief and sorrow that few can understand.
Today and everyday we must be aware of the very real and very severe effects of bullying.
Bullying kills.
Bullying destroys lives.
If you see bullying, are aware it is happening to someone, do something.
Stand up and help stop the abuse.
You are loved Toddy.
You are not and never will be forgotten.
You are your mother's Angel.
Todd Micheal Loik

Todd Loik's Safe Haven 新增了 4 張新相片
Two years ago today we, all of us lost a wonderful young man.
Todd Micheal Loik took his life after years of, and because of bullying.
There are some people who can't understand this...can't believe a child could be treated so poorly, so viciously by other kids that they feel the only solution is suicide.
People NEED to believe it....more importantly people NEED to understand it.
Todd did not take his life for attention.
Todd did not want to hurt anyone by his actions.
Todd wanted to stop hurting.
He wanted the tormenting to end.
Those who bullied Todd day after day after day understood....they knew exactly what they were doing to him.
Bullying and cyberbullying kills.
We all need to remember Todd...remember the kind and decent boy he was.
We need to not ever forget what a strong and courageous boy he was.
Suicide is not a simple solution or an act with no forethought.
Todd dealt with the abuse of his bullies for many years.
He did not take the easy way out....he took, in his mind, the only way out.
Today we honor Todd.
Today we give his mother Kim support and pray for her to have the courage to go on without her son.
Kim is left with daily grief and sorrow that few can understand.
Today and everyday we must be aware of the very real and very severe effects of bullying.
Bullying kills.
Bullying destroys lives.
If you see bullying, are aware it is happening to someone, do something.
Stand up and help stop the abuse.
You are loved Toddy.
You are not and never will be forgotten.
You are your mother's Angel.
Todd Micheal Loik


 The Anonymous Press

Russian Turla APT Hacker Group Hijack Satellite To Spy and Steal Data...
thehackernews.com|由 Swati Khandelwal upload.



A group of Russian hackers, most notably the Turla APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) is hijacking commercial satellites to hide command-and-control operations, a security firm said today.
Turla APT group, which was named after its notorious software Epic Turla, is abusing satellite-based Internet connections in order to:
  • Siphon sensitive data from government, military, diplomatic, research and educational organisations in the United States and Europe.
  • Hide their command-and-control servers from law enforcement agencies.
Despite some of its operations were uncovered last year, Turla APT group has been active for close to a decade, while remaining invisible by cleverly hiding from law enforcement agencies and security firms.

Now, security researchers from Moscow-based cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab claim to have identified the way Turla APT group succeeded in hiding itself.
The researchers said the group disguised itself by using commercial satellite Internet connections to hide their command-and-control servers.
Turla is a sophisticated Russian cyber-espionage group, believed to be sponsored by the Russian government, that has targeted a number of government, military, embassy, research, and pharmaceutical organisations in more than 45 countries, including China, Vietnam, and the United States.

Hijacking Satellite to Hide Command-and-Control Servers

The group is known for exploiting highly critical vulnerabilities in both Windows as well as Linux operating systems, but…
…the satellite-based communication technique used by the group to help hide the location of their servers appears to be more sophisticated than previous ones, according to Kaspersky researchers.
The Turla hackers exploit the fact that older satellites that orbit around the Earth:
  • Don't come with support for encrypted connections
  • Relies on unsuspecting users of the satellite Internet service providers across the world

The group take advantage of this particular loophole in the design of these satellites, which can be easily exploited to freely intercept traffic between the satellite and a specific user.

Here's How the Scheme Works

The technique is quite simple because you have a lot of vulnerable satellites orbiting around the Earth and sending unencrypted traffic to a desired geographical location.
The Turla APT group only needs:
  • A rented house in an area where the vulnerable satellites provide coverage
  • A satellite dish to intercept the traffic
  • A landline Internet connection

Turla: Hiding Traces High in the Skies

Kaspersky Lab  
Turla hackers sniff through the traffic that comes down from the satellite and select an IP address of a random user online at that moment.
Once selected, the hackers then try to infect the target computer with malware in order to configure the domain names for hacker's command-and-control (C&C) servers to point to that IP address.
Once Turla hackers gain the control of Satellite's user system, the hackers instruct the infected botnet computers to send the stolen data to the command-and-control (C&C) server (compromised satellite user).
The sneaky part here is: The Turla hackers are effectively hiding their location from investigators as they can be anywhere in the range of the satellite beam, i.e. thousands of miles.

About the author

Senior Technical Writer at Hacker News. Social Media Lover and Gadgets Girl. Speaker, Cyber Security Expert and Technical Writer.



一組俄羅斯黑客,最引人注目的是Turla APT(高級持續性威脅)被劫持商用衛星隱藏的指揮和控制操作,一家安全公司今天說。

Turla APT組,被命名其臭名昭著的軟件後史詩Turla,被濫用的基於衛星的互聯網連接,以便:
  • 虹吸來自政府,軍事,外交,研究和教育機構在美國和歐洲的敏感數據。
  • 隱藏執法機構的命令和控制服務器。
儘管部分業務被揭露,去年Turla APT集團一直活躍了近十年的時間,而其餘的無形由執法機構和保安公司巧妙地隱藏。

現在,安全研究人員來自莫斯科的網絡安全公司卡巴斯基實驗室聲稱已經確定的方式Turla APT組成功地隱藏自己。




該集團是著名的利用在Windows高危險漏洞以及Linux操作系統 ,但是...

  • 不來與加密的連接支持
  • 依靠衛星互聯網服務供應商在世界各地毫無戒心的用戶



Turla: Hiding Traces High in the Skies

Kaspersky Lab

該Turla APT組只需要:
  • 租來的房子在一個地區,脆弱的衛星提供覆蓋
  • 一個衛星天線攔截流量
  • 固定電話互聯網連接




這裡偷偷摸摸的部分是 :所述Turla黑客被有效地隱藏從調查的位置,因為他們可以在衛星波束的範圍的任何地方,即數千英里。


高級技術作家在黑客新聞。 社會化媒體愛好者和小工具女孩。 音箱,網絡安全專家和技術作家。



Germany Bank Account Leaked by Lizard Squad

By: a guest on Sep 9th, 2015.
Germany Bank Account Leaked by Captain Carlo & Lizardgod / Lizard Squad
IBAN: DE22403510604718456306
Bank: Kreissparkasse Steinfurt
Bankleitzahl: 40351060
Kontonummer: 4718456306
IBAN: DE48472501016971588758
Bank: Sparkasse Paderborn -alt-
Bankleitzahl: 47250101
Kontonummer: 6971588758

-2015 New generation use Citizen Movement calling for constitutional reform & reconstruction of the legislative system. There is no turning back for democracy Taiwan. 台灣新世代受到太陽花運動鼓舞, 公民運動開始蔚為風潮。
Revolution in HD, Occupy Taiwan to be continued
89 次觀看
‪#‎Sunflower‬ Review Pt.122 Sunflower Rally After Dirty Politicians 馬的利委踹共: After 23 days of ‪#‎OccupyChamber‬ 佔領議場, the established Sunflower Movement 太陽花運動 advocated ‪#‎SunflowerEverywhere‬ 遍地開花 & it has awaken the spirits of social, political & environmental reforms in many places around Taiwan:
‪#‎OccupyCongress‬ 佔領立法院: Surround/supervise the legislature!
‪#‎OccupyTaipeiPoliceStation‬ 路過中正一: Against police brutality!
‪#‎NoNukes‬ 停建核四: Stop Nuclear Power Plant No.4!
‪#‎Blockupy‬ 佔領忠孝西路: Block the traffic, stop the system!
‪#‎OpenForum‬ 開放論壇: Democracy Forum, people assembly alike!
‪#‎TreeProtection‬ 護樹運動: Against public land-grabbing, permaculture!
‪#‎ChinaEffect‬ 中國因素: China envoys w/secret agreements/trade pacts! ‪#‎TotalRecall‬ 全面罷免: Recall or vote out the corrupt politicians!

 #‎ChinaCentric‬ Curriculum 反洗腦課綱: Against brainwash Curriculum, now...
*Update 07012015: 200+ activists charged for ‪#‎SunflowerMovement‬, 0 official charged for attempted assault / murder (the former premier Jiang Yi-Hua 江宜樺 who ordered the police brutality escaped to Harvard as a visiting scholar now).
#OccupyCongress ‪#‎佔領立法院‬ (0318~0424, 2014) against China trade pacts & the authoritarian ruling party KMT 國民黨, known as #SunflowerMovement ‪#‎太陽花運動‬ were occupied 24/7, peoples from everywhere, all walks of life were so willing to share, there were free food (plz no industrial instant food next time), free drinks (too many plastic bottles it hurts!), free cardboards (to make signs, covers or tents), free assemblies (topics on politics mostly), free medics, free kitchens (hot coffee/tea, even fruits provided!), free wifi & charger stations, free schooling for students, free carpets & sleeping bags, free music, free speeches, almost everything is free like living in a free world!

中國國民黨主席兼總統馬英九為迎合北京的一中政策, 貿然促統,
廣納中國因素, 終於在_30秒審服貿_事件點燃台灣國民對黑箱政治的反感.
於2014年3月18日晚上9點衝入立法院, 佔領了兩黨專政的國會議場,
預計癱瘓週五的服貿議程. 未料當夜聲援群眾迅速增多, 源源不絕...
以一線糾察配和少數警力將民眾隔絕在議場外部, 將佔領更名為太陽花運動,
困守議場內的學生塑造為主角, 不但形成孤島效應(立法院還是很難進入,
但需民眾聲援保護, 社會輿論關注), 也激發出了鴿派鷹派(運動策略的保守與前進之爭),
分進/合擊, 切割/摸頭, 左/右/統/獨/黨/中/資派... 等群雄奮起.
而不僅僅是服貿協議. 一場波瀾壯闊的太陽花運動就此開啟了公民運動的道路!
A brief history of Taiwan:

-1895~1945 Japanese colonial period. 日本殖民建設台灣長達50年。
-1949 KMT(Kuomintang) retreated from China civil war to Taiwan with the martial law sovereignty of ROC(out of PROC). 30,000+ Taiwanese were killed or vanished in "228 White Terror"(unidentified for top classified). 國民黨自中國內戰被推翻, 以中華民國號撤退/殖民/接管台灣, 戒嚴專制長達38年, 228事件被屠殺/失蹤民眾3萬人以上(國安理由未公開)。

-1971 PROC China claimed ROC Taiwan ownership from UN, which China regards as a rebel region that must be reunited with the mainland by force if necessary. 聯合國決議一個中國原則, 台灣成為受美國庇護卻無國際主權的殖民地。

-1992 Taiwan & China "1 country 2 systems" according to China Anti-Secession Law. 國民黨由反共變親共, 92共識一國兩治。

-2000 Taiwan became a legitimately free country from 1-party Authority to 2-Party Dictatorship, with the election of President Chen Shui-bian of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party. 民選出民進黨總統陳水扁, 台灣由一黨獨裁變兩黨專政。

-2008 Corruption allegations undermined Mr Chen's popularity and contributed to the DPP's loss to a resurgent KMT. 台灣民進黨因爆發貪瀆, 執政權又回歸中國國民黨獨大。

-2014 #OccupyCongress(Occupy Taiwan Legislature)@March 18, by students/activists/NGOs/independenlists organised to fight tyranny China Trade Pacts & the systemic corruption of KMT gov. 以台北社運圈為中心的反服貿運動, 在318佔領立法院後壯大為全島響應的太陽花運動。

-2015 New generation use Citizen Movement calling for constitutional reform & reconstruction of the legislative system. There is no turning back for democracy Taiwan. 台灣新世代受到太陽花運動鼓舞, 公民運動開始蔚為風潮。
Revolution in HD, Occupy Taiwan to be continued


‪#‎China‬ Police Arrest 15,000 Suspects for Alleged Cyber Crimes
http://thehackernews.com/2015/09/chinese-hackers.html .
China Police has arrested nearly 15,000 people on suspicion of cyber crimes
thehackernews.com|由 Wang Wei upload.



China Police Arrest 15,000 Suspects for Alleged Cyber Crimes
China Police has arrested nearly 15,000 people on suspicion of cyber crimes as part of an operation dubbed "Cleaning the Internet," according to reports.
According to the Chinese Ministry of Public Security (MPS), the suspects have been arrested for their involvement in cyber crimes that "jeopardized Internet security."
In July, China launched a six-month campaign codenamed "Cleaning the Internet" to fight online criminal activities.

Under the program, the police investigated 7,400 cases, including hacking, online fraud and the illegal sale of personal information, spread over 66,000 websites, the official website of the ministry stated.
"For the next step, the public security organs will continue to increase their investigation and crackdown on cyber crimes," according to the Chinese Ministry of Public Security.
The MPS did not clear exactly when the arrests took place but said the program also took down major online criminal cases as well as eliminated online gangs.
Police suspended more than 190,000 illegal online websites featuring vulgar contents including advertisements for pornography, firearms, explosives, and gambling.
China is considered to be a country that took the Internet as their virtual territory; a territory that must be ruled by government's laws and regulations. It's also the country that runs one of the world’s most sophisticated Internet censorship systems called The Great Firewall.

About the author

Security Researcher and Consultant for the government, Financial Securities and Banks. Enthusiast, Malware Analyst, Penetration Tester.


 中國警方逮捕近15000人對網絡犯罪的嫌疑是被稱為一個行動的一部分清潔網絡 ”,

據中國公安部(MPS),該犯罪嫌疑人已被逮捕,他們在網絡犯罪的參與“ 危害網絡安全 。”

在7月,中國啟動了為期半年的活動代號為清潔網絡 ”,以打擊網絡 ​​犯罪活動。



中國被認為是一個國家,把互聯網作為他們虛擬的領土; 領土,必須由政府的法律和法規來統治。 這也是運行世界上所謂的防火長城最先進的互聯網審查制度之一的國家。


「自 己國家自己救!現在可能是很好,將來你下一代呢?
但記住害己別害人,臺灣政府現況 如此,難道希望此況維持下去?

匿名者沒分真假,有心就能成為 匿名者,你們說我們是小孩,對!
我們希望的是臺灣永遠是一個寶島而不是 土共島。」
./Shadow .Share


Anonymous Asia - 匿名亞洲新增了 1 張相片。


‪#‎Explosion‬ in ‪#‎China‬ aaaaaaagain
China - Another powerful explosion at a chemical factory is being reported...
revolution-news.com|作者:Revolution News


Another Powerful Explosion at Chemical Factory in China

By on  http://xcdn.revolution-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/4e9b98f5jw1evm97r2qcvj20nq0hsq40.jpg?iv=48
 China – Another powerful explosion at a chemical factory is being reported in Dongying city, Shandong province. The explosion occurred just a few hours ago and details are few.

Reports on social-media describe the chemical plant blast as being felt and shattering glass at 50 KM away. Initial reports state that the fire is under control. We will be following the situation and update when more information is available.
This is the third major chemical factory explosion in less than three weeks. Beginning with the massive blast in Tainjin that happened on August 12th and claimed over 100 lives, injuring over 700 people. The second incident on August 23rd also occurred in Shandong.
Local officials said the explosion and fire broke out at a facility owned by Shandong Binyuan Chemical. The incident resulted in at least one death and as of 4:20, the fire has been put out. The officials said that after an inspection, Shandong Binyuan had been instructed not to attempt what they described as trial production operations, but the company did so anyway. The officials didn’t explain what those operations were.

 北风(温云超, Yunchao Wen)
东营网快讯 8月31日23时22分,利津县刁口乡滨源化学有限公司发生爆燃。截止4点20分,明火已扑灭。初步核查:事故造成一人死亡,企业负责人已被控制,事故原因正在调查中。

 周锋锁 Fengsuo Zhou 
Breaking: at a chemical plant in Shandong felt at 50 KM away. 山东东营化工厂爆炸,50公里外河北有震感。


Breaking: A blast seen and heard in a chemical industry zone in Lijin, Dongying City of Shandong around 23:25 Mon.


‪#‎Yemen‬: "a war so hidden that foreign journalists are forced to smuggle themselves by boat into the country to report"
Yemen’s Hidden War: How the Saudi-Led Coalition Is Killing Civilians
The Saudi-led bombing campaign across Yemen is hitting civilians and...


Yemen’s Hidden War: How the Saudi-Led Coalition Is Killing Civilians

Sep. 1 2015, 10
I N THE ISLAMIC CONCEPT of qadar, your divine destiny is inescapable. If you try to cheat death it will find you. For two women on a dusty road in mid-June on the southwest corner of the Ara
bian Peninsula, their repeated attempts to dodge fate ended in tragic failure.
Leaving the war zone of Yemen’s southern port city of Aden on June 10, the women headed north in a Toyota Cressida driven by a male relative. The pair were escaping the violence that had already turned entire streets in Aden to rubble, left hundreds dead and thousands of civilians under siege, struggling to find food, water and medical care.
Driving ahead of them was a family of four in a Hilux pick-up truck, slowing at the numerous checkpoints along the road and weaving around potholes in the asphalt. Between 4:30 and 5 p.m., seemingly from nowhere, the first missile struck. The Hilux flipped into a cartwheeling fireball, killing the two children and their parents inside.
Before the women in the Toyota had a chance to compose themselves an ominous whistle preceded a second missile, which smashed into the ground beside them and sent their car careering off the road into the dusty scrubland. Twice in the space of just a few minutes the women had stared death in the face.
Dressed in black abiyas — the uniform dress code of women in Yemen — they clambered out of their sand-bound car. Seeing the two stranded women, Mohammed Ahmed Salem pulled over in his bus. Salem was taking his 25-year-old daughter to the province of Lahj and had filled his bus with passengers to help pay for the fuel. The passengers made room for the two women, who left their male relative to wait for a family member to help recover the crashed Toyota. But as they thanked God for their narrow escape, the third and final missile came out of the sky. The bus and some 10 passengers were obliterated.
The names of the dead did not even make news in the local press in Aden. This form of death is now commonplace amid a war so hidden that foreign journalists are forced to smuggle themselves by boat into the country to report on an ongoing conflict that the U.N. says has killed more than 4,500 people and left another 23,500 wounded.
On one side of the conflict is the U.S.-backed coalition of nations led by Saudi Arabia supporting Yemen’s president-in-exile, Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi. Their adversaries are the predominantly Shiite Houthi fighters who hail from the northern province of Saada that abuts the Saudi border, along with soldiers from renegade military units loyal to the country’s former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh.
A March 30 airstrike on a public bus in the Khormakser district of Aden, Yemen, left four dead, including one child.
Photo: Iona Craig
In March, the Saudis — aided by U.S. and British weapons and intelligence — began a bombing campaign in an attempt to push back the Houthis, who they see as a proxy for Iran. Since then, from the northern province of Saada to the capital Sanaa, from the central cities of Taiz and Ibb to the narrow streets at the heart of Aden, scores of airstrikes have hit densely populated areas, factories, schools, civilian infrastructure and even a camp for displaced people.
From visiting some 20 sites of airstrikes and interviews with more than a dozen witnesses, survivors and relatives of those killed in eight of these strikes in southern Yemen, this reporter discovered evidence of a pattern of Saudi-coalition airstrikes that show indiscriminate bombing of civilians and rescuers, adding further weight to claims made by human rights organizations that some Saudi-led strikes may amount to war crimes and raising vital questions over the U.S. and Britain’s role in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.
(The number of civilian casualties has not been officially collated or recorded by NGOs or aid agencies. Only a handful of humanitarian and independent human rights organizations have had a presence on the ground in Aden, while nationwide just a small fraction of the strikes have even been independently documented. The death tolls for the eight strikes, which include five on public buses, were given by witnesses, or those who collected the dead after the strikes, and are necessarily imperfect; the total ranges from 142 up to 175.)
A Trail of Civilian Death in Yemen
Story map created by Malachy Browne at The Intercept’s sister publication, Reported.ly.
“The Obama administration needs urgently to explain what the U.S.’s exact role in Saudi Arabia’s indiscriminate bombing campaign is,” said Cori Crider, strategic director at the international legal group Reprieve. “It very much looks like there is a case to answer here — not just for the Saudis, but for any Western agencies who are standing behind them. International law shuns the intentional targeting of civilians in war — and in the United States it is a serious federal crime.

These civilian deaths occurred in strikes that account for just a handful of the thousands of bombing raids carried out by the Saudi-led coalition since its aerial campaign began. Of particular concern are the U.S.-style “double tap” strikes — where follow-up strikes hit those coming to rescue victims of an initial missile attack — which became a notorious trademark of covert CIA drone strikes in Pakistan. On July 6, for instance, at least 35 rescuers and bystanders were killed trying to help scores of traders hit in a strike five minutes earlier on a farmers market in Fayoush, in Yemen’s Lahj province.
Abdul Hamid Mohammed Saleh, 30, was standing on the opposite side of the road when the first missile hit the gathering of more than 100 men who had been arriving since before 6 a.m. to trade goats and sheep at the daily market. The initial blast, he told me, killed around a dozen men and injured scores more. Body parts flew through the air, and an arm landed next to Saleh. He said he began to flee, but hearing the screams of the injured he turned back and crossed the road to try and help. The second strike landed less than 30 yards from him, sending shrapnel flying into his back.
Mohammed Awath Thabet looks over the crater left by the first bomb of a “double tap” strike that killed at least 50 civilians on July 6 in Fayoush, Yemen.
Photo: Iona Craig.
Mohammed Awath Thabet, a 52-year-old teacher who helped collect the bodies of the dead after the twin strike, said at least 50 people, all civilians ranging from teenagers to men in their 60s, were killed in total. “After 50 it was hard to tell,” Thabet said. “The rest were all body parts. People cut to pieces. What parts belonged to who? We couldn’t tell. Some were animal parts. Some were human,” he added, pointing to a brown stain on a nearby cinderblock wall left by a man’s head that had been stuck to it by the force of the blast. He and other witnesses said that there were no conceivable military targets or Houthi fighters in the area. On June 12, six days after an airstrike split a large public transport bus in two on the edge of Aden’s Dar Saad district, Lami Yousef Ali, 23, found the decomposing body of his 28-year-old brother, Abdu, still entangled in the wreckage. Lami and Abdu had been chatting via WhatsApp moments before the bus was bombed, and their father, Yusef Ali, also died in the strike, which killed at least 16 civilians. According to witnesses, this bombing also hit two cars carrying Houthi fighters. (This is the only case of the eight strikes investigated in which Houthi fighters appear to have been the target rather than civilians.) Although no remnants of the cars are visible at the strike site, the twisted metal of the bisected bus still lies in the sand, rusting in the scorching heat of Aden’s summer sun. In the background the familiar sound of distant bombings resonates from the shifting front lines as the battle moves on.

On April 25 a fighter jet bombed a public bus towing another bus carrying Somali refugees from the isolated Kharaz refugee camp, 93 miles northwest of Aden. Forced to take a winding back route to Aden because of fighting on the main road, the shambling convoy was hit around 11 a.m by at least two strikes in the remote desert scrublands of Lahj.
Mustafa al-Abd Awad said he lost his brother, Mohammed, a father of seven. When Awad went to the site to recover his brother’s body, he counted more than 30 others in the ashes of the two burnt-out buses. Other relatives who went to collect their dead said the total killed was as high as 52. “They take everything from us,” shouted Awad, gesturing toward a cloudless sky. “Why? Tell me why.”
Mohammed Hussein Othman, posing for a selfie (L), was later killed by an airstrike that hit the public bus he was traveling in on April 25 in Lahj, Yemen (R).
Photo: (selfie) Mohammed Hussein Othman (Othman deceased) Abdulkhader Hussain Othman
Mohammed Hussein Othman, 23, was also killed that day, leaving behind his 4-year-old son, Rashid, who had already lost his mother at birth. “My Dad went to heaven to be with my Mum,” said the little boy, sitting in the lap of his grandmother, Itisam, while the older woman smiled at selfies taken by her son shortly before his death.
Muhammed Hussein Othman’s 4-year-old son, Rashid, with his grandmother, Itisam.
Photo: Abdulkhader Hussain Othman
These erroneous Saudi-led strikes have not just hit remote desert roads. In the Crater district of Aden, nestled in the heart of a dormant volcano, at least 18 civilians were killed on April 28, including a family of seven. The crumbling buildings and carcasses of cars left behind suggest that multiple strikes hit the narrow residential street. The facade of one house torn open by bombs exposes furniture and family possessions like a child’s doll house; just a few yards away a school, mosque and maternity clinic all lie in ruins. Along with the Saudi coalition’s bombing campaign, American warships have also helped to enforce a naval blockade that the Saudis say is necessary to prevent weapon shipments to the Houthis, whom they claim are supported by Iran. According to the U.N., this collective punishment has left the country “on the brink of famine,” with desperate shortages of food, medical supplies and fuel — vital not only for transportation but for pumping increasingly scarce water from the depths of the country’s depleted water tables. Four out of five Yemenis are now in need of humanitarian assistance.

To add to the worsening humanitarian crisis, on August 18 Saudi-led fighter jets bombed the port in the northern city of Hodeidah, a main supply route for aid agencies, while on the outskirts of Aden white sugar spills into shredded sacks of flour. Hundreds of pounds of vital food supplies lie ruined in bombed-out warehouses.
While protesters have taken to the streets of the capital, Sanaa, in the thousands to demonstrate against the bombings, in Aden green Saudi flags flutter in the sea breeze at checkpoints, and street vendors sell posters of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman in acknowledgement of the Kingdom’s support in the battle to remove the Houthi Saleh forces from their city. Unlike northern Yemen, where sympathy for the Houthis is strongest, many southerners are reluctant to blame their Saudi neighbors for the civilian casualties.
Some observers, such as Human Rights Watch, say evidence shows many of the Saudi-led strikes appear to be “serious laws-of-war violations,” while others stress that the many civilian deaths are a result of error. In Aden, where scores of civilians have also been killed in a ground war that raged for over four months, Southern Resistance fighters place blame for the deaths on the poor coordination between the anti-Houthi militias and their coalition partners in Riyadh. “It was not organized,” said tax director and Southern Resistance supporter Mohammed Othman of the Saudis’ first attempt at managing a modern war. “Those calling in the strikes were old commanders who don’t know the recent layout of the city.” (A day after our meeting, Othman was shot dead by a Houthi sniper.)
Brig. Gen. Ahmed Assiri, spokesperson for the Saudi-led coalition forces, denied air strikes had targeted civilians and rescuers, or civilian infrastructure. When asked to comment, he said that “It is not a good story to talk about,” and also that he welcomed any United Nations investigation into the strikes.
Shukri Ali Saeed lies in the hospital two months after an airstrike hit the truck he was driving in Lahj, Yemen, on June 18, killing two passengers. Saeed suffered severe burns and both his legs were broken.
Photo: Iona Craig
But some on the ground in the south still find it difficult to absolve the Saudi-led coalition. Shukri Ali Saeed said he was driving his flatbed truck from Lahj into Aden on June 18, the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, when it was hit by an airstrike. Two men sitting alongside him were killed. With both his legs broken and suffering from third degree burns, Saeed dragged himself out of the upturned truck. He lay on the side of the road for more than two hours before someone came to help him. Two months later Saeed is still in the hospital. At night the sound of the incoming missile haunts him when he tries to sleep. “I can’t blame the Houthis,” said Saeed from his hospital bed. “It’s clear who is responsible.” Last week, 23 human rights organizations called on the United Nations Human Rights Council to create an international commission of inquiry to investigate alleged violations of international laws by all sides in the ongoing conflict. This includes the U.S. and Britain. Some 45 U.S. advisers are currently assisting the Saudi coalition from joint operations centers in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, while the American government has also supplied intelligence, in-flight refueling of fighter jets, and weapons, including, according to rights organizations, banned U.S. cluster munitions.

America’s continued support of Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen comes as Saudi-U.S. relations have been strained by President Obama’s pursuit of a nuclear deal with the Kingdom’s regional nemesis, Iran. Adam Baron, a visiting fellow with the European Council on Foreign Relations, suggests that the U.S. has been more eager to conciliate Saudi Arabia than usual, “because they want them and the other Gulf States to at least not actively oppose the Iran deal.”


qadar N的伊斯蘭概念,你神聖的命運是不可避免的。如果你試圖欺騙死神就會找到你。對於兩個女人在六月中旬一個塵土飛揚的道路上阿拉伯半島西南角,他們多次試圖躲閃命運悲慘的失敗而告終。
駕駛在他們面前的是一個四口之家在的Hilux皮卡車,在公路沿線的許多檢查站放緩,各地在瀝青坑洼織。 4:30之間到下午5點,不知從何而來,第一枚導彈擊中。該Hilux的翻轉成cartwheeling火球,造成兩個孩子和他們的家長裡。
身著黑色abiyas - 婦女在也門統一著裝 - 他們爬出自己的沙結合的汽車。眼看兩人被困婦女,穆罕默德·艾哈邁德·薩利姆拉過他的車。薩利姆是帶著他25歲的女兒Lahj省,並充滿了他的公交車乘客,以幫助支付燃油。乘客騰出了兩個女人,誰離開自己的男性親屬等待一個家庭成員,以幫助恢復崩潰的豐田。但是,當他們感謝上帝他們九死一生,第三和最後飛彈出來的天空。巴士和大約10名乘客被抹殺。
圖文:艾奧娜克雷格今年三月,沙特 - 美國和英國的武器和情報幫助 - 企圖逼退胡塞武裝組織,誰他們認為伊朗代理開始了轟炸。此後,從薩達省北部的首都薩那,從塔伊茲和伊布的中心城市狹窄的街道,在亞丁灣的心臟地帶,空襲分數砸中人口密集地區,工廠,學校,民用基礎設施,甚至營地的流離失所者。
“奧巴馬政府迫切需要來解釋美國在沙特的狂轟濫炸競選確切的角色是什麼,”柯里Crider,在國際法律界緩刑戰略總監說。 “這非常看起來像有一個如此回答在這裡 - 不僅為沙特人,但對於誰是站在他們身後的任何西方機構。國際法避開在戰爭中平民的蓄意目標 - 在美國,它是一個嚴重的聯邦罪“。
這些平民的死亡發生在佔只是少數數以千計的空襲中進行的沙特為首的聯軍自空中運動開始的罷工。特別值得關注的是美國式的“槍王”罷工 - 在後續罷工打擊的會來拯救的初始導彈攻擊的受害者 - 這成為在巴基斯坦秘密中情局無人機襲擊一個臭名昭著的商標。 7月6日,例如,至少35救援人員和旁觀者被打死試圖幫助交易者的成績創下了罷工在一個農貿市場5分鐘前在Fayoush,在也門的Lahj省。
穆罕默德Awath Thabet俯瞰由一個“槍王”的罷工,在Fayoush,也門殺害了至少50名平民在7月6日的第一枚炸彈留下的彈坑。
圖文:艾奧娜克雷格穆罕默德Awath Thabet,一名52歲的教師誰幫雙擊後,收集死者的屍體,稱至少有50人,所有平民從青少年男子60多歲,總共被打死。 “50後,這是很難說,”Thabet說。 “其餘的人都身體部位。人們碎屍萬段。屬於誰哪些部分?我們不能告訴。有些是動物器官。其中有些是人類,“他補充說,指著在附近的煤渣牆由已經堅持它被爆炸的力量一個人的頭上留下了褐變。他和其他目擊者說,在該地區沒有想到的軍事目標和胡塞戰士。
6月12日,空襲六天後兩亞丁的達累斯薩拉姆薩阿德區,拉米優素福·阿里,23的邊緣拆分大型公交車,發現他28歲的弟弟,阿卜杜,還在糾結於腐爛的屍體殘骸。拉米和阿卜杜已通過WhatsApp的時刻被聊天巴士被炸之前,他們的父親,優素福·阿里,也死了罷工,造成至少16名平民。據目擊者稱,該爆炸事件也被擊中兩輛車運載胡塞戰士。 (這是八罷工調查了胡塞的戰士似乎一直是目標,而不是平民的唯一案例。)雖然沒有殘存的車都是在罷工現場看到,兩分公交車的扭曲的金屬仍然在於砂,生鏽的亞丁的夏日陽光的炙熱。在後台熟悉的聲音遙遠的爆炸事件,從轉變前線共鳴隨著戰鬥的動作上。
穆斯塔法·-阿卜杜勒阿瓦德說,他失去了他的弟弟,穆罕默德,七父親。當阿瓦德親臨現場,以恢復他的哥哥的身體,他數超過30人在兩爛花總線的骨灰。誰去收集他們的死其他親屬說,遇難的總卻高達52“他們把我們的一切,”喊阿瓦德,邊說邊指著晴空。 “為什麼呢?告訴我為什麼“。
莫 - 侯賽因 - 奧斯曼日至4月25 LahijRev
圖文:(selfie)穆罕默德·侯賽因·奧斯曼(奧斯曼已故)Abdulkhader·侯賽因·奧斯曼穆罕默德·侯賽因·奧斯曼,23,也被殺害的那一天,留下他4歲的兒子,拉希德,誰已經失去了他的母親出生。 “我的爸爸去天堂與我的媽媽”之稱的小男孩,坐在他的​​祖母,Itisam的一圈,而上了年紀的女人微笑著看著他去世前不久被她的兒子selfies。
隨著沙特聯軍的轟炸,美國軍艦也有助於實施海上封鎖,沙特說的是要防止武器出貨的胡塞武裝組織,他們所聲稱伊朗的支持。根據聯合國,這種集體懲罰已經離開這個國家“關於飢荒的邊緣,”食物的絕望的短缺,醫療用品和燃料 - 重要的不僅是交通,但是從國家的貧水深處抽日益稀缺的水資源表。五分之四的也門人現在需要人道主義援助。
一些觀察家,如人權觀察說,有證據表明許多沙特為首的罷工似乎是“法律 - 戰爭的嚴重侵犯”,而另一些人強調,許多平民死亡是錯誤的結果。在亞丁灣,在那裡的數十名平民也已在地面戰爭持續了四個多月被殺,南反抗軍戰士把歸咎於反胡塞武裝分子和他們的聯盟夥伴在利雅得之間的協調不力死亡。 “這是沒有組織,說:”沙特“在管理現代戰爭的第一次嘗試的稅務總監和南部的抵抗支持者穆罕默德·奧斯曼。 “那些要求在罷工的老指揮官誰也不知道這個城市的近期佈局。”(我們的會議後一天,奧斯曼被槍殺由胡塞狙擊手。)
圖文:艾奧娜克雷格但是,一些在南方的地面上還難以開脫沙特為首的聯軍。舒克里·阿里·賽義德說,他駕駛他從Lahj​​平板車到亞丁灣6月18日,在齋月的第一天,當它遭到空襲。兩個男人坐在他旁邊被打死。隨著他的雙腿折斷和三度燒傷的痛苦,賽義德踉踉蹌蹌地走出上翹卡車。他躺在路邊的兩個多小時前,有人來幫助他。兩個月後,賽義德仍在醫院。晚上來襲導彈的聲音困擾著他,當他試圖睡覺。 “我不能責怪胡塞武裝組織,”賽義德說,從他的醫院病床。 “很明顯,誰負責。”


Anonymous Asia - 匿名亞洲分享了 Anonymous China-匿名中国的貼文
‪#‎AnonymousChina‬ was blocked yesterday.
This is the new one
https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=940837325974699///////////not want to see the beast!
‪#‎匿名者中國‬ 專頁被誤刪, 這是新的.
Anonymous China-匿名中国

 *Really ?! Good Job~ hahaha...#opchina 
#OPHK #OpTaiwan #OpRussian #OpISIS #Op_Tibet 
Thanksgiving~ The Great Anonymous~^^





'' Moral Anonymous; regardless the country, regardless of religion, regardless of color, regardless of race,
Regardless of rich or poor, regardless of health and disability...! ''

On different sky of all Anonymous,
All support / meaning to help people who are be hurt that
So that people know; they are not alone and help!

All things happen
Whatever is tyranny, abuse "authoritarian regime"
Anonymous all know!

Although the world is now a lot of natural disasters and man-made disasters;
Different sky of Chivalrous Anonymous are help...

Panic and being poisoned, nuclear explosion,make the sacrifice of innocent lives, and the victim's family / friends,
Anonymous somewhere who secretly for you to fight against to the rubbish unscrupulous "authoritarian regime" l!

Comfort broken hearts and retaliation in the ongoing ...

Melody.Blog Thanksgiving unlimited ~
Note: So sorry that we can not leave a message to thanks for the Anonymous facebook pages!
Also please chivalrous Anonymous forgive ~










 *- See "Halifax" Nova Scotia Anonymous' and "Elite Cyber ​​Security" Anonymous' and "Anonymous Asia" under the different sky; when they... seeing toxic man-made nuclear explosion to the continent mainland!  They 'feel like the mainland peoples feeling hurting' - and same feeling of their body''...post!  And they revenge.. #opchina #OPHK ...!!-(and reference -thehackernews.com news articles & www.ntdtv.com!)-
-請看不同天空下的“哈利法克斯”新斯科舍省匿名'和"Elite Cyber Security"和 "Anonymous Asia";...在看到人禍的大陸有毒核能爆炸災害;對於內地人們的''感覺如同自己身體所感受''(簡稱感同身受)的舖文!並報復..#opchina #OPHK...!-(並引用-thehackernews.com的資訊文章!)-
- Siehe "Halifax" Neuschottland Anonym "und" Elite Cyber ​​Security "Anonymous" und "Anonymous Asia" unter verschiedenen Himmel; wenn sie... sehen toxischen Menschen verursachten nuklearen Explosion auf den Kontinent Festland! Sie "das Gefühl, das Festland Völker das Gefühl zu verletzen '- und gleiche Gefühl ihres Körpers''...Pfosten! Und sie Rache.. #opchina #OPHK ...!! - (und Referenz -thehackernews.com News-Artike & www.ntdtv.coml!)-**All The World City Lauguage**-

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