2015年11月10日 星期二

-[10/11-2015]-In US, "doctrine of white supremacy", "Republican Party" under the "notorious -KKK party", was the Anonymous to expose their evil collusion, anonymously voice their "vote fraud" do affect our political situation of the US Democratic Party election results !! Anonymous expose them: "These groups generally opposed to race relations, homosexuality and illegal immigration and historical expression of this idea, by terrorist acts."...!- and By HackRead reported- and by revolution-news.com reported-and reported by the information from the techworm.net-& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported-*All The World Lauguage*- -[10/11-2015]-美國的白人主義至上的"共和黨"下的"惡名昭著-KKK黨",被匿名揭露他們的官奸勾結,被匿名説出他們的"造假投票"影响我們的美國民主黨政情選舉結果!!匿名揭露他們 : "這些團體普遍反對種族關係,同性戀和非法移民和歷史表達這種思想,通過恐怖行為。"...!和由HackRead資訊的報導-和由revolution-news.com reported-和由techworm.net資訊的報導-& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported--[29/10-2015]-This is mentioned in an article by the Hong Kong Apple Daily writer (senior hedge fund manager ,, Mr. Qian Zhijian) - "I recently asked 葛志红 Sophie, who is about eight years to come to her new immigrants to 25 years old. while still a member of the Communist Youth League, came to Hong Kong after 89 '' Pro-democracy '',sixty-four '' Massacre ''learned the truth. However, the next opportunity in case, she went to a church to hear me, "about Jesus' testimony, and later participated in the peace accounting in the financial group, to evolve out now "2047 Hong Kong monitoring."- Witnessed in Hong Kong - is the mainland communist dictator liar - erosion of freedom, democracy, fairness and dictatorship mechanisms, erosion academic freedom, escapism equality under the law, .. '!-*All The World City Lauguage*- -[29/10-2015]-這一篇由香港蘋果日報的論壇主筆(資深對沖基金經理,,錢志健先生)文中提到-"我最近問了葛志紅Sophie,一位大約八年前來港的新移民。她到25歲時還是共青團成員,來到香港後才了解到八九六四的真相。遇然機會下,她到一教會聽到我「講耶穌」見證,後來參與了和平佔中金融組,到現在演變出來的「2047香港監察」。"-在香港地區親歷香港人被"胡作非為"謊話連篇的大陸共産獨裁侵蝕的自由,民主,公平和公開機制,學術自由,法律之下人人平等,..!'--*[25/10-2015]Looking the "Lu Feng," Mr.("盧峯 ") so clear economic analysis - we augmented knowledge! One a originally a Mainland cheater beast communist China-pig (referred zoonotic swine, the same below),.and by twitter "六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂" the news!- The last - by"(Apple Daily Forum)Ping On:Liang Zedong "when the dead" is a true proposition!"-The Famous Writer"Li Yi" Mr."(李怡)-*All The World City Lauguage*- 看到“呂鋒(“盧峰”)”先生,這樣清晰的經濟分析 - 令我們增廣了知識!一個原本是內地騙子畜牲共產的支那豬(簡稱畜共的豬,下同),.和Twitter的“六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫☂”的新聞 - !最後 - 由“(蘋果日報論壇)蘋論: 梁澤東「幾時死」是真命題 - 由著名作家,李易(李怡)“先生。!”-

--[10/11-2015]-In US, "doctrine of white supremacy", "Republican Party" under the "notorious -KKK party", was the Anonymous to expose their evil collusion, anonymously voice their "vote fraud"  do affect our political situation of the US Democratic Party election results !! Anonymous expose them: "These groups generally opposed to race relations, homosexuality and illegal immigration and historical expression of this idea, by terrorist acts."...!- and By HackRead reported- and by revolution-news.com reported-and reported by the information from the techworm.net-& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported-*All The World Lauguage*-嵌入永久的圖片連結
-[10/11-2015]-美國的白人主義至上的"共和黨"下的"惡名昭著-KKK黨",被匿名揭露他們的官奸勾結,被匿名説出他們的"造假投票"影响我們的美國民主黨政情選舉結果!!匿名揭露他們 :  "這些團體普遍反對種族關係,同性戀和非法移民和歷史表達這種思想,通過恐怖行為。"...!和由HackRead資訊的報導-和由revolution-news.com reported-和由techworm.net資訊的報導-& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported-
-[29/10-2015]-This is mentioned in an article by the Hong Kong Apple Daily writer (senior hedge fund manager ,, Mr. Qian Zhijian) - "I recently asked 葛志红 Sophie, who is about eight years to come to her new immigrants to 25 years old. while still a member of the Communist Youth League, came to Hong Kong after 89 '' Pro-democracy '',sixty-four '' Massacre ''learned the truth. However, the next opportunity in case, she went to a church to hear me, "about Jesus' testimony, and later participated in the peace accounting in the financial group, to evolve out now "2047 Hong Kong monitoring."- Witnessed in Hong Kong - is the mainland communist dictator liar - erosion of freedom, democracy, fairness and dictatorship mechanisms, erosion academic freedom, escapism equality under the law, .. '!-*All The World City Lauguage*-

*[25/10-2015]-Looking the "Lu Feng," Mr.("盧峯 ") so clear economic analysis - we augmented knowledge! One a originally a Mainland cheater beast communist China-pig (referred zoonotic swine, the same below),.and by twitter "六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂" the news!- The last - by"(Apple Daily Forum)Ping On:Liang Zedong "when the dead" is a true proposition!"-The Famous Writer"Li Yi" Mr."(李怡)-*All The World City Lauguage*-[25/10-2015]看到“呂鋒(“盧峰”)”先生,這樣清晰的經濟分析 - 令我們增廣了知識!一

個原本是內地騙子畜牲共產的支那豬(簡稱畜共的豬,下同),.和Twitter的“六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫☂”的新聞 - !最後 - 由“(蘋果日報論壇)蘋論:梁澤東「幾時死」是真命題  - 由著名作家,李易(李怡)“先生。!”-

**Please use the Google god of high-tech translator to translate your national / local language ah ^^ -
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**Fadlan isticmaal ilaah Google ee turjumaan farsmada heerka sare ah loo turjumi / ka ah luuqada maxaliga ah ee qaranka ^^-
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**आफ्नो राष्ट्रिय / स्थानीय भाषा आह ^^ अनुवाद गर्न उच्च-प्रविधी अनुवादक को गुगल देवता प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् -
**Bonvolu uzi la Google dio de alta-tech tradukisto por traduki vian nacian / lokan lingvon ah ^^-

You can now buy a hacked ID belonging to a Briton for $30 (£20) on dark web - Read here: http://bit.ly/1WmJMR8
Thousands of British ID's For Sale on The Darknet

Thousands of British ID’s For Sale on The Darknet

October 31st, 2015 | by Anon.Dos.
Thousands of British ID’s For Sale on The Darknet
 ens of thousands of identities of British citizens are currently available for purchase on the darknet, including National Insurance Numbers, bank account details and other personal information, according to the insight according to one British government official. The authorities further say that the database includes plenty of detailed information compromised from the country’s hidden computer systems, with all the information essential to ultimately take control of a person’s electronic identification. These ID’s were hacked out of the Government Gateway servers, which stored data from departments including Department of Work & Pension, HM Revenue & Customs. An official from the PCL Whitehall Security firm stated that the information was recently made available ranging from $30 – $75. However, a person can only pay $30, and they will be provided with enough insight to take out money from an individual’s bank account.

The larger of the data leak was due to the TalkTalk hacks. The organization revealed that merely a small fraction of it’s overall customers ended up being affected. A teenager aged fifteen was busted in the County of Antrim from Northern Ireland with the collaboration of both the Met Police and as well as the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The fifteen-year-old has been granted bail till further notice (maximum up to November of 2015). However, the official says that they have spent more than eight hundred and sixty million pounds and are willing to spend more to improve cyber security systems for protecting the government, business and the United Kingdom in general. And yet personal information of more than six hundred thousand customers ended up being stolen from organizations throughout the United Kingdom last year. The deep web, dark web or the darknet – these are just a few names that it goes by with, and this deep dark world of hacks and crimes is not accessible via regular browsers or search engines.
Source: TechWorm


SDK Flaw Puts 100 Million Users Vulnerable to Backdoor Attack |

SDK Security Flaw Puts 100 Million Android Users Vulnerable to Backdoor Attack

SDK Security Flaw Puts 100 Million Android Users Vulnerable to Backdoor Attack

A software development kit that has been provided by Baidu (A Chinese search engine) can easily be exploited for installing backdoors on Android devices.
About 100 million users* do not see the freebuf.com= it is lies..peoples, please see the brother comments..1st...haha.. are in danger of getting affected due to this vulnerability as according to Trend Micro‘s report the SDK has been used to make 14,112 Android applications till now. Out of these 14,112 Android applications, 4014 have been made by Baidu itself.
This SDK is known as Moplus and on opening it launches an HTTP server. The HTTP server runs in the background and the users hardly have any idea about it.
The server can be controlled by the hackers and they can send commands through a particular port to execute their commands. Currently, researchers found SDK using 2 ports i.e. 6529 and 40310.
But, you must be wondering how come hackers are able to handle the server so easily? Well, HTTP is a web server which is launched by SDK on startup so for hackers they only need to scan the mobile networks and find the ports they are looking for, next is sending the commands to the ports to execute.
Here is a list of tasks hackers can ask for ports to execute:
* Get phone details
* Send SMS messages from the phone
* Make phone calls
* Add new contacts
* Download files on the device
* Upload files from the device
* Get a list of local apps
* Install apps
* Push Web pages
* Trace phone’s geolocation.
Baidu has now been notified of the issues and they have updated the SDK by limiting some of its functions. Like it cannot download or upload files, scan for local apps and add new contacts.

But, it was not before Trend Micro researchers found SDK for a malware. The malware they found is known as “ANDROIDOS_WORMHOLE.HRXA.” The Wormhole vulnerability was originally identified by a Chinese IT security company Woo Yun.
If you own an Android device watch out for malware and don’t download apps from a third-party platform. Such platforms upload apps without scanning or verification and most of them are developed for the purpose of snooping into your device.


These comments highlight the]] -

    Suddenly discovered ,, reply
    Baidu family bucket [smile]
    ) 7 (
    All sorts of various seed ,, reply
    well said! This clearly is Baidu themselves left to their own back door, is now found only said to repair. Who knows what the hell means they have not been found: mad:
    ) 7 (
    Director ,, Reply
    What the hell, it is estimated that the goods leave the back door Baidu mess, full of Baidu products
    ) 6 (
There are 44 comments
    Suddenly found a floor 2015-10-28 Reply
    Baidu family bucket, [smile]
    chamd5 2015-10-28 reply, 2nd Floor
    Part of the software has been uninstalled
    o ,, 2015-10-28 reply 3rd Floor
    Wash sleep, tired early
    dawner ,, 2015-10-28 reply, 4th Floor
    Thanks Freebuf Ali contributed to some employees KPI ... funny farce force
    whoamiecho 2015-10-29 reply to the fifth floor
    Baidu family bucket ,, everyone careful yo ...
    WOODHEAD Stupid ,, reply 2015-10-29, 6th Floor
    Schadenfreude in. Baidu hate them so ruthless family bucket, let the machine appear in his family bucket annihilated Baidu
    Storyteller admin ,, 2015-10-29 reply on the 7th floor.
    Baidu has long been fixed release information, the message a bit slow ,,
    soso2012 ,, 2015-10-29 reply, 8th Floor
    I guess the port number is 7777
        360dw ,, 2015-10-29 Reply
        @ Soso2012 7777 it is deft, ah 6259
    Rookie ,, 9th floor 2015-10-29 Reply
    Baidu app is ordinary privileges ah, also need to install the application manually determine it? ? Permission to apply a variety of sensitive, security software will prompt it, seeking to explain the principles cattle! ! !
        Look ,, 2015-10-29 Reply
        @ Rookie ,, non-root can not only download the silent installation, there are exaggerated ingredients
            dodola ,, 2015-10-29 Reply
            @ Look ,, Yes, there are plug-in system, rewrite method utilizing reserved instrumentation system interface can be run directly without installation
    I picked up a stone floor cloth ,, 10 2015-10-29 Reply
    Baidu garbage Repost
    BG1HGC ,, 2015-10-29 11 House reply
    Android on my machine, there's no one Baidu products [ha ha]
    2015-10-29 horizon passing onions ,, reply 12th floor
    Shuiguang nine days ,, reply 2015-10-29, 13th Floor
    Somehow my phone to automatically unlock the screen twice, will not be poisoned?
    hackbs (1 level) ,, 2015-10-29 14 House reply
    Somehow my phone hot, hot to play games, watch videos hot, standby short is not the kind of virus?
    All sorts of various seed ,, reply 2015-10-29, 15th Floor
    well said! This clearly is Baidu themselves left to their own back door, is now found only said to repair. Who knows what the hell means they have not been found: mad:
    (1) ,, reply 2015-10-29 16 House chenglei
    Mom eggs, no one is safe!
    Who's reply to the 17th floor Gemma__ ,, 2015-10-29
    It has always been Baidu's backdoor, and I was wondering what would happen if not found? Oh ~
    Who Gemma__ (1 level) ,, reply 2015-10-29, 18th Floor
    It's actually the back door yourself Baidu it, if not to be found, and who knows what will happen
    LBE security master, 19th Floor ,, reply 2015-10-29
    However LBE security master can cut a variety of APP wake
    Xgrick ,, 20 F 2015-10-29 Reply
    Scorpion_Sleepy ,, 21 F 2015-10-29 Reply
    Fortunately, the phone does not install such a mess of things
    Frozen smile (1) ,, 2015-10-29 22 House reply
    It has direct unloaded ~
    Director ,, 2015-10-29 23 House reply
    What the hell, it is estimated that the goods leave the back door Baidu mess, full of Baidu products
    Y90K ,, 2015-10-29 24 House reply
    I have posted it → _ →
    Happy Happy supreme supreme ,, reply 2015-10-29, 25th Floor
    Baidu photo album with pictures or have any privacy to get family bucket of Baidu Baidu cloud to quickly remove it with a very good look at me now what vulnerabilities are not but also set a password [to force] [to force]
    Stupid search reply 26th Floor ,, 2015-10-29
    excuse me ???
    baaaaaallerina ,, 2015-10-29 27 House reply
    But I still do not like Baidu
    zjwniccn (1 level) ,, 2015-10-29 28 House reply
    When ESET detected previously did not take it seriously. . . .
    blackHot (1 level) ,, 2015-10-29 29 House reply
    Baidu rogue finally a ~ ~ sincerely hope CAO CAO turn back GOOGLE baidu
    Li Huang Di - Di made the legendary 30th floor KHOL ,, 2015-10-29 reply
    Fortunately, I did not choose Baidu
     Look ,, 2015-10-29 31 House reply
    October 32 ,, 2015-10-29 reply desert floor _
    Baidu rogue
    lnterface (2) ,, 2015-10-29 33 House reply
    I quickly scared off the network
    Nuclear attack (1) ,, http://lcx.cc/ Nuclear'Atk (nuclear attack ... 2015-10-29 reply to the 34th floor
     Baidu official backdoor
    Rotation (a) reply to the 35th floor ,, 2015-10-29
    Black also have to have a basis for it black
    The crowd around the 36th floor of a reply ,, 2015-11-01
   What are the product of black word it? Today fortunate to see a brother style, this life without welding ah
    (1) ,, reply 2015-11-02 37 House nbawrl
   Very calm and said a Baidu's APP, I have not installed
    Ning Jingsi far -_- reply to the 38th floor ,, 2015-11-03
    I also help Baidu to find a reason: development tools is wrong [hee hee]
        tongsens (1 level) ,, 2015-11-03 Reply
        @ Ning Jingsi far -_- ,, the SDK is homegrown Baidu ~ ~
    Little sun Julie ,, 2015-11-03 39 House reply
     Shopping slow walk to the big lie, my partner stayed yield huge benefits. Bright blind 11 big promotion, organizing shopping relay.
    JackFree (8 grade) ,, 2015-11-03 40 House reply
     This time Baidu lose big fat friends.


    转瞬间才发现 ,,回复
    种种种种种子,, 回复
    说的好!这分明就是百度自己留给自己的后门,现在被发现了才说要修复。谁知道他们还有什么鬼手段没被发现的 :mad:
    厅长,, 回复
已有 44 条评论
    转瞬间才发现  2015-10-28 回复 1楼
    chamd5  2015-10-28 回复 2楼
    o  ,,2015-10-28 回复 3楼
    dawner ,, 2015-10-28 回复 4楼
    whoamiecho  2015-10-29 回复 5楼
    WOODHEAD笨笨 ,, 2015-10-29 回复 6楼
    说书人admin ,, 2015-10-29 回复 7楼.
    soso2012,,  2015-10-29 回复 8楼
        360dw ,, 2015-10-29 回复
        @ soso2012 7777是快手的啊 6259吧
    菜鸟,,  2015-10-29 回复 9楼
        随便看看 ,, 2015-10-29 回复
        @ 菜鸟,, 非root只能下载不能静默安装,有夸大的成分
            dodola ,, 2015-10-29 回复
            @ 随便看看,, 可以的,里面有插件系统,重写系统接口利用预留插桩的方法,可以不用安装直接运行
    I石头捡到布 ,, 2015-10-29 回复 10楼
    垃圾百度 Repost
    BG1HGC,,  2015-10-29 回复 11楼
    我的安卓机上,居然没有一款百度的产品 [哈哈]
    天涯过客葱,,  2015-10-29 回复 12楼
    水光九天,,  2015-10-29 回复 13楼
    hackbs  (1级) ,, 2015-10-29 回复 14楼
    我手机莫名其妙发烫,玩游戏发烫, 看视频发烫, 待机超短 是不是种病毒了?
    种种种种种子,,  2015-10-29 回复 15楼
    说的好!这分明就是百度自己留给自己的后门,现在被发现了才说要修复。谁知道他们还有什么鬼手段没被发现的 :mad:
    chenglei  (1级),,  2015-10-29 回复 16楼
    谁的Gemma__ ,, 2015-10-29 回复 17楼
    谁的Gemma__  (1级) ,, 2015-10-29 回复 18楼
    LBE安全大师 ,, 2015-10-29 回复 19楼
    Xgrick ,, 2015-10-29 回复 20楼
    Scorpion_Sleepy ,, 2015-10-29 回复 21楼
    冰封一笑  (1级) ,, 2015-10-29 回复 22楼
    厅长,,  2015-10-29 回复 23楼
    Y90K ,, 2015-10-29 回复 24楼
    我有个贴吧 →_→
    快乐至上快乐至上,,  2015-10-29 回复 25楼
    百度相册有图片的 或者有什么隐私弄到百度全家桶的百度云就赶紧清除吧 看看我现在用 挺好的 漏洞啥的都没有 而且还有设置密码 [给力] [给力]
    傻蛋搜,,  2015-10-29 回复 26楼
    excuse me???
    baaaaaallerina,,  2015-10-29 回复 27楼
    zjwniccn  (1级) ,, 2015-10-29 回复 28楼
    以前ESET 检测出来的时候 没把它当回事。。。。
    blackHot  (1级),,  2015-10-29 回复 29楼
    李皇谛-谛造传奇KHOL ,, 2015-10-29 回复 30楼
     随便看看 ,, 2015-10-29 回复 31楼
    漠_十月 ,, 2015-10-29 回复 32楼
    lnterface  (2级) ,, 2015-10-29 回复 33楼
    核攻击  (1级),, http://lcx.cc/ Nuclear'Atk(核攻...  2015-10-29 回复 34楼
    旋转  (1级) ,, 2015-10-29 回复 35楼
    围观群众围某,,  2015-11-01 回复 36楼
    nbawrl  (1级) ,, 2015-11-02 回复 37楼
    宁静思远-_- ,, 2015-11-03 回复 38楼
    我还帮百度找了一个理由:是开发工具的错 [嘻嘻]
        tongsens  (1级),,  2015-11-03 回复
        @ 宁静思远-_- ,,那个SDK是百度自己开发的~~
    小小的太阳Julie ,, 2015-11-03 回复 39楼
    JackFree  (8级),,  2015-11-03 回复 40楼





 大約1億用戶* do not see the freebuf.com= it is lies..peoples, please see the brother comments..1st...haha..是在得到受影響的危險,由於這個漏洞根據為趨勢科技   報告SDK已被用來製作14112 Android應用至今。 出於這些14112 Android應用程序,4014已經由百度自身。

 該SDK被稱為 Moplus 和上開口它啟動HTTP服務器。 HTTP服務器在後台運行,用戶幾乎沒有任何想法。
服務器可以通過該黑客來控制並且它們可以通過一個特定的端口發送的命令來執行其命令。 目前,研究人員發現,使用2個端口的SDK,即6529和40310。
但是,你一定想知道黑客是怎麼來能夠如此輕鬆地處理服務器? 嗯,HTTP是由SDK的推出在啟動時使黑客,他們只需要掃描的移動網絡,並找到他們正在尋找的港口,其次是發送命令到端口執行Web服務器。

 必讀 銀行惡意軟件偽裝成的PayPal應用程序針對Android用戶
百度現在已經通報的問題,他們通過限制它的一些功能已經更新了SDK。 喜歡的話可以不下載或上傳 ​​文件,掃描本地應用程序,並添加新的聯繫人。

 但是,這是不是之前趨勢科技的研究人員發現SDK的惡意軟件。 他們發現該惡意軟件被稱為“ANDROIDOS_WORMHOLE.HRXA。”蟲洞漏洞最初是由一家中國IT安全公司確定了胡運

 如果你擁有一個Android設備當心惡意軟件 ,不從第三方平台下載應用程序。 這樣的平台上傳應用程序不掃描或驗證,其中大部分是為窺探到你的設備的目的而開發的。

Chinese and Russian hackers attempted to hack into top ­secrets of Australia’s future submarines

By on Chinese and Russian hackers attempted to hack into top ­secrets of Australia’s future submarines

Chinese and Russian hackers attempted to steal top secret futuristic submarine plans being built for Australian Navy

Cyber espionage is the new mantra for countries. Every other country is doing it and China and Russia are no different. Chinese and Russian spies repeatedly attempted to hack into the top ­secret details of Australia’s future submarines being built submarine facility in Kiel, Germany.
According to The Australian, cyber spies from Beijing and Moscow are believed to have mounted repeated cyber attacks in recent months. The hacking attempts have been aimed at the submarine builders in Germany, France and Japan bidding for the $20 billion contract to build the new fleet. The bidders are holding highly sensitive information about the Royal Australian Navy’s technical requirements for its new-generation submarines.
After the repeated hack attacks were noticed, the bidders switched hand deliveries of the most sensitive information. Manfred Klein, campaign manager Australia for Germany’s TKMS, said at the company’s submarine shipyard in the German port of Kiel: “We have about 30 to 40 (hacking) attempts per night, that’s what our IT people say.”
Mr Klein said the cyber attacks were all directed at the submarine facility in Kiel and came at a time when the shipyard had a team of 120 people finalising its design for the future Australian submarine.
“The Australian government has raised it with us, and they think it’s significant,” said TKMS Australia board member Jim Duncan, who is helping put together the German bid.
TKMS Australia chairman John White said the attempted industrial espionage was to be expected on such a sensitive and important defence project. “They’re trying to get into everyone’s communications,” Dr White said. “Espionage and breaches of security … you just ­assume it is happening. Everybody is in that game. It’s a space that people play in. We don’t suspect anyone, we suspect everybody.”
TKMS declined to say which countries were behind the attempted hackings, but all three foreign bidders privately believe China is leading the push to glean information about the submarine ­project. Other strategic rivals, including Russia, are also suspected of recent hacking attempts and it is also possible the three bidders for the lucrative contract are seeking to spy on each other.


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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ― Mahatma Gandhi.

Chinese and Russian hackers attempted to hack into top ­secrets of Australia’s future submarines


網絡間諜活動是對國家的新口頭禪。 所有其他國家這樣做是與中國和俄羅斯並沒有什麼不同。 中國和俄羅斯的間諜一再試圖侵入了澳大利亞未來潛艇是德國基爾建造潛艇設施絕密細節。

 澳大利亞 ,北京和莫斯科的網絡間諜據信已在近幾個月反复安裝網絡攻擊。 該黑客攻擊已經瞄準了潛艇製造商在德國,法國和日本申辦$ 20個十億合同,建造新的艦隊。 投標人都是抱著對澳大利亞皇家海軍為其新一代潛艇的技術要求高度敏感的信息。
經過反复黑客襲擊注意到,投標人交換最敏感的信息,手交貨。 曼弗雷德·克萊因的競選經理澳大利亞德國TKMS,在基爾的德國港口公司的潛艇造船廠說:“我們有大約30至40(黑客)每晚的嘗試,這就是我們的IT人說。”
TKMS澳大利亞董事長約翰·懷特說,試圖工業間諜是可以預料在這樣一個敏感而重要的國防項目。 “他們試圖進入大家的溝通,”白醫生說。 “間諜和破壞安全的......你只是假設它正在發生。 每個人都在那場比賽。 這是一個空間,人的發揮。我們不懷疑任何人,我們懷疑每一個人。“
TKMS拒絕透露是哪些國家是試圖hackings落後,但所有這三個外國投標者私下認為,中國正在引領推動收集關於潛艇項目的信息。 其他戰略對手,其中包括俄羅斯,也被懷疑近期的黑客攻擊,並也可能三個投標人的利潤豐厚的合同正在設法刺探對方。



生活,如果你明天就要死。 了解,如果你將永遠活著。 - 聖雄甘地.


stands true to its words, leaks more data on alleged members |

Anonymous stands true to its words, leaks more data on alleged KKK members

Anonymous stands true to its words, leaks more data on alleged KKK members

The online hacktivist Anonymous released what they called a list of Ku Klux Klan members and sympathizers on Thursday.
As reported earlier, the Anonymous hacktivists are leaking personal information of the members belonging to the white supremacist Christian organization the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). 
Now, in the second phase of their OpKKK the hacktivists have leaked a trove of data of the alleged KKK members on Pastebin.
The leaked data includes full names, email addresses, related news articles, social media profiles from Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
The leaked data is available on Pastebin.

OFFICIAL 2015 Data Release. With Love, Anonymous

During the first leak, the group exposed the credentials on Pastebin and claimed that four U.S senators have connections with the KKK. However, all four officials denied any affiliation with the KKK group.

dox part 1: http://pastebin.com/An3jXvEt  part 2: http://pastebin.com/9K8gfnPL  part 3: http://pastebin.com/47EYpYyW 

Anonymous and KKK has been in the cyber war for quite some time now where the hacktivists have always been in the commanding position, at one point they nearly dismantled the KKK group on the Internet by exposing many of the group’s members.
At that time, the war seemed to have stopped but a recent incident of an anonymous member’s girlfriend being harassed by a KKK member restarted the war.
From there on Anonymous has shut down many of the KKK’s sites and also has promised to expose 1000 KKK’s members.
Anonymous has a history of targeting racist websites. In the past, the hacktivists hacked and defaced the official website of Mississippi-based white supremacist organization The Nationalist Movement.
Stay tuned for more!

  click the link see more...



Waqas Amir is a Dubai based cybersecurity journalist with a passion for covering latest happenings in cyber security and tech world. In addition to being the founder of this website, Waqas is also into gaming, reading and investigative journalism.


Anonymous stands true to its words, leaks more data on alleged KKK members


 正如之前的報導   匿名黑客行動主義者都滲出屬於白人至上主義基督教組織三K黨(KKK)成員的個人信息。

OFFICIAL 2015 Data Release. With Love, Anonymous

 在第一個漏洞,該組曝光的憑據 引擎收錄 並聲稱4名美國參議員與三K黨的連接。 但是,所有四個官員否認與KKK組的任何從屬關係。
 有傳言,在那裡,匿名無關了漏出的KKK數據。 但是,看著最大的匿名微博賬號(@YourAnonNews)之一,目前還不清楚,如果這種索賠是基於事實或宣傳。

dox part 1: http://pastebin.com/An3jXvEt  part 2: http://pastebin.com/9K8gfnPL  part 3: http://pastebin.com/47EYpYyW 

 匿名和三K黨 已在網絡戰爭很長一段時間,現在 那裡的黑客行動主義者一直在指揮位置,在一個點上,他們幾乎被揭露許多團的成員拆除KKK組在互聯網上。
從那裡 匿名已經關閉了很多的三K黨的地盤 ,並承諾將公開1000三K黨成員。
匿名有針對種族主義網站的歷史記錄。 在過去, 黑客行動主義者砍死污損和 密西西比州的白人至上主義組織的民族主義運動的官方網站。


Official OpKKK HoodsOff 2015 Data Release

By: WestFlorissantAvenue on Nov 5th, 2015 (edited).

 click the link see more...


Tens of Thousands in Kabul Protest Taliban Beheading’s

By on
Two women, a 9-yr-old girl and 4 men from Kabul have been beheaded with razor wire by members of the Taliban
Tens of thousands took to the streets of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on Wednesday with coffins carrying the bodies of seven ethnic Hazara demanding justice after their beheadings.
The Hazara hostages were captured by Taliban fighters more than a month ago and held in Arghandab district of Zabul province.
Two women, a 9-yr-old girl and 4 men had been beheaded with razor wire, officials said. The Hazaras were abducted in Ghazni and their bodies were later found in Zabul province.
Maryam Jamal, who also took part in the march, told Aljazeera it was important to pressure the government to halt the escalating violence in the country. “They’ve now started killing women and children,” she said.
“It can be me tomorrow, can be my children. This protest is historic and we are adamant to not back off until something is done about this. We’ve had enough.”
“Today they kill us, tomorrow they kill you,” some chanted. Others carried banners bearing photos of the victims and shouted “Death to the Taliban”.
Officials said the seven were among dozens of Hazaras kidnapped in a number of abductions dating back to last year.
Afghan security forces have reportedly stopped live coverage of the protests by private television channel Ariana News TV.

Tens of Thousands of Demonstrators On the Streets of Kabul

TOLOnews  Video: Coffin of a 9-year-old girl beheaded by insurgents in Kabul on the shoulders of women protestors.

 TOLONews broadcast footage of protesters shouting “Death to Ashraf Ghani!” and “Death to Abdullah Abdullah!” – Afghanistan’s president and chief executive.
Security forces fired weapons to disperse the crowds at the gates of the presidential palace and 7 people were injured in the shooting, their current condition is unknown.
Demonstrators protected by a human chain called for Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah to resign. “Realistically we all know they can’t quit, but they must wake up and address the fact that their own people don’t feel safe, physically or financially,” said Omaid Najafi, 39, originally from Ghazni.

.The biggest ever in recent years.showing mass frustration with gov. Wake up call for

women demanding real action against the .



 兩個女人,一個9歲大的女孩和4名男子已被斬首用鐵絲網,官員說。 哈扎拉人被綁架的加茲尼省,他們的屍體後來在查布爾省的發現。
瑪麗亞姆賈馬爾,誰也於遊行參加,告訴半島電視台向政府施壓,以制止該國暴力升級是非常重要的。 “他們現在已經開始殺害婦女和兒童,”她說。
“這可能是我的明天,可能是我的孩子。 這次抗議活動是歷史性的,我們堅決不後退,直到事情是做這件事。 我們已經受夠了。“

 “今天,他們殺了我們,明天他們殺了你”,有的高呼。 其他攜帶橫幅軸承照片的受害者,並高喊“打倒塔利班”。

Tens of Thousands of Demonstrators On the Streets of Kabul


 TOLONews播出示威者高喊“打倒阿什拉夫·甘尼!”和鏡頭“打倒阿卜杜拉!” - 阿富汗的總裁兼首席執行官。
示威者被人鏈要求加尼兼首席執行官阿卜杜拉保護辭職。 “現實我們都知道他們不能退出,但他們必須醒來,解決的事實,他們自己的人不感到安​​全,身體上還是經濟上,”Omaid納傑菲,39,最初來自加茲尼說。

.The biggest ever in recent years.showing mass frustration with gov. Wake up call for

women demanding real action against the .


- Our friendly cordial President Barack Obama, Mr.,
He is to have black skin, and he is the first US African president,
And because in the US "White supremacy doctrine", "Republican Party",
Always make things difficult and cunning in the use of the majority of seats in Congress of policy,

Our friendly kindly President Barack Obama Mr. grants the purposes of the disadvantaged;
By the "White supremacy doctrine.", "the Republican Party,"to make a lot of criticism, critical,
Rude cluster gangs - overthrow our President Barack Obama, Mr. the  Constitutional is superior in force.!

Today, the huge Anonymous announced "White supremacy doctrine" "Republican Party" under the "notorious -KKK party" organization list of terrorist acts, it is our country's great news!
Anonymous is omnipotent, if "notorious -KKK party" will fall to Anonymous attack, then the better!

Only humans are good guys and bad guys,
Regardless of geography, regardless of race, regardless of religion, regardless of class, regardless of poor or wealthy, regardless of sexual orientation ..., etc.,

Thank you, Thanksgiving ~
Tiny Melody.Blog Sincerely yours ~









 Ali was charged with selling fake Gucci ,, Ma retorted sell expensive?!
Selling fakes Alibaba most sensitive topic, seeing "double eleven" (ie, online shopping day) coming, Ali Chairman Ma are especially sensitive to talk about Ali being sued for selling fake brand-name luxury goods in France, he almost from the couch the jump, said: "I would rather lose the lawsuit lose money", but also help the seller to speak; he even asked those luxuries, "how to sell so expensive it's ridiculous?!" recommends that they should reflect on their business model. Ma's remarks caused by hot Internet users, some even ridiculed Ma: "! Chinese-style bullying."[■ Ma plain clothes, had worn worth more than 40,000 yuan of Bucherer watches. ] ■ Ma plain clothes, had worn worth more than 40,000 yuan of Bucherer watches."Would rather lose money," ridiculed rogue users
In May this year, France KERING (Kering SA) 's multiple luxury brands in Manhattan federal court on 阿里提 proceedings, including Gucci and YSL, etc. This is KERING second time for the same reason to sue Ali in less than a year. The plaintiff asked the court to issue injunction to prevent Ali provide or assist in selling counterfeit goods, and to seek compensation. "Forbes" Network reporter recently on the case and interviews with Ali and selling things Ma, Ma bluntly: "! But we will win with dignity and respect" "! I would rather lose the case, they would rather lose money." In fact, since the listing in the United States did after Ali Expand the more stringent measures to be US Trade Representative Office Taobao removed from the blacklist. But in the luxury brand, we are still not doing enough to find Ali."If you simply say" take it off. "This is not fair to the seller." Ma said, counterfeiting is not a "black and white" thing "we have to protect these people, not just to protect brands. You must be concerned about all people, to defend their rights. "Ma believes the major brands should be cooperation rather than" killed by soldiers. " Because they were a nuisance counterfeiting problem, Ma own estimate for the luxury brand did a good impression, he said: "? How can Gucci (Gucci) or any other brand handbags sell so expensive it's ridiculous." He suggested that the luxury goods company We must also reflect on their business model. In response, the Mainland netizens said: "! Ma shameless power comes from the people's ignorance."Reported that if Ma called "win dignity and respect" means Ali's Taobao millions of small businesses, he was right. Ma's Web site last year, commodity transaction amounted to 3,940 billion (about HK $ 3.05 trillion), five times on eBay. Horse, these sellers are his lifeline. However, one does not recognize the fact that: Alibaba huge empire to a considerable extent is built on the basis of illegal counterfeit products. Because Ali, Ma's personal net assets reached $ 21.8 billion (HK $ 1,690 million). If you want to eradicate fake Ali What happens? US senior intellectual property lawyer Harley Lewin (Harley Lewin) bluntly: "They will go bankrupt.""Forbes" websiteInternet users have something to say
‧ "Chinese-style bullying."‧ "How can suffered a defeat, winning dignity can not read!"‧ "not bad money, only people with such confidence and courage."‧ "against fake, it is a key aspect of a country's ability to revival, belittled !!!"‧ "Ma shameless power comes from the people's ignorance!"‧ "have handled the sale of counterfeits? Really the suction mouth sub. Sell expensive is another thing, you can not buy high profits, this is not the reason!"‧ "Alibaba are not law enforcement agencies, industrial and commercial counterfeiting should be things that have anything to do with Ali Baba?"‧ 'own brands sell fakes also suspect others Why sell so expensive, really served! "‧ "really fake, he is playing his lifeblood."‧ "Ma as banker to provide a platform for the convenience of the Director-General at the same time we must be restricted by law. Otherwise, such a bookmakers and casinos, shampoo shop, bathe Church so what difference ???"Source: Phoenix / Netease


售賣假貨是阿里巴巴最敏感的話題,眼看「雙十一」(即網購日)即將來臨,阿里主席馬雲對此尤為敏感,談到阿里因販賣假名牌被法國奢侈品起訴,他幾乎從沙發 上跳起來說:「我寧可輸掉官司賠錢」,也要幫賣家說話;他甚至反問那些奢侈品「怎麼能賣到這麼貴?這很荒謬!」建議它們應反思自己的經營模式。馬的言論引 起網民熱議,有人甚至譏諷馬:「中國式耍流氓!」


今年5月,法國開雲集團(Kering SA)旗下多個奢侈品品牌在紐約曼哈頓聯邦法院對阿里提訴訟,包括Gucci和YSL等。這是不到一年內開雲集團第二次以同樣原因向阿里提出訴訟。原告要 求法院發禁令阻止阿里提供或協助假冒產品銷售,並尋求賠償。《福布斯》網記者近日就官司和阿里售假的事採訪馬雲,馬直言:「我寧可輸掉官司,寧可賠錢!」 「但我們會贏得尊嚴和尊重!」事實上自阿里在美國上市後確實展開更嚴格措施,使淘寶網能被美國貿易代表辦從黑名單刪除。但在奢侈品牌方面,仍覺得阿里做得 不夠。
「如果只簡單說『把它拿下』,這對賣家是不公平的。」馬雲說,打假不是「非黑即白」的事,「我們必須保護這些人,而不只是保護品牌企業。你 必須關心所有人,維護他們的權利。」馬認為各大品牌應合作而不是「殺死士兵」。因為被打假問題滋擾,馬自己對於奢侈品品牌估計也沒了好感,他說:「古馳 (Gucci)或任何其他品牌的手袋怎麼能賣到這麼貴?這很荒謬。」他建議奢侈品公司也必須反思自己的經營模式。對此,有內地網民稱:「馬雲無恥的動力來 源於國人的無知!」
報道指,如果馬雲所稱「贏得尊嚴和尊重」是指阿里旗下淘寶網上數百萬小商戶,他說得沒錯。馬旗下網站去年商品交易總額達 3,940億美元(約3.05萬億港元),是eBay的5倍。對馬而言,這些賣家是他的生命線。然而,一個未予承認的事實是:龐大的阿里巴巴帝國在相當程 度上是構建在非法假冒產品基礎上。因為阿里,馬雲的個人淨資產達到218億美元(1,690億港元)。假如阿里要根除假貨會發生甚麼情況?美資深知識產權 律師哈雷·勒溫(Harley Lewin)直言:「他們會破產。」




 Shenyang severe haze ,, hospital forced burst !!
November 10, 2015.

The largest city in the northeast Shenyang consecutive days relock haze, air pollutants PM2.5 average of 1,155 micrograms / cubic meter, breaking the 1,400 local, severe burst table; hot air choke throat eye, people shouted "toxic"; drugstore anti-haze Masks sold off the city; Hospital Respiratory been forced to burst patient. Authorities to start a (most advanced) air pollution emergency response.A week after the North into the heating season, Shenyang ushered in sustained serious air pollution.
8th Shenyang City was gray haze shrouded, visibility less than one hundred meters. Haze has been increasing, the vehicle slowly, people wearing masks (left) in a hurry. People in the pharmacy to buy masks, shop door, said anti-haze masks these days sell off city, now only an ordinary mask. Liaoning Province Hospital Respiratory geriatric patients seeking treatment increase, respiratory wards were full. Although air pollution started a response, but actually paralyzed Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau website, the staff on how to deal with ignorant. PM2.5 refers to particulate air can be inhaled into the lungs of toxic content of the standard value of 100 or less, and more than 100 for the pollution, over 250 serious pollution; Shenyang amounted to 1,400 rare mainland cities, the next two days, the city is still a haze lock .


北 方進入供暖季一周後,瀋陽市迎來持續空氣嚴重污染。8日瀋陽市城區被灰白色的煙霾籠罩,能見度不足百米。霧霾不斷加重,車輛行駛緩慢,戴口罩民眾(左圖) 行色匆匆。民眾在藥房選購口罩,店戶稱這兩天防霾口罩賣斷市,現只有普通口罩。遼寧省老年病醫院呼吸科求醫病人大增,呼吸科病房已經爆滿。儘管啟動一級空 氣污染響應,但市環保局網站居然癱瘓,工作人員對如何應對一無所知。PM2.5指空氣可吸入肺的有毒微粒含量,標準值在100以下,超過100為污染,超 過250為嚴重污染;瀋陽市達1,400為內地大城市罕見,預計未來兩天仍是霧霾鎖城。

 Ping On: Hong Kong election did abnormal ,, let Taiwan laughable !!
November 10, 2015.
Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Por yesterday criticized the election is indeed remarkable: one of his own to none to taunt overwhelmingly elected in direct elections, Mr Raab, could be so from the black, the audacity to say he should not be, but it should encourage more members like him burst seed. Second, he criticized the Hong Kong electoral deformity, it is to the point. Hong Kong is not just sometimes long 2-30000 ticket can victory, but as long as the 689 votes can be elected chief executive, and has a detached position and with 6.89 million votes in Taiwan's presidential election are not.Hong Kong election deformity, the first performance to have the same rights in the same institution elected and not elected by a considerable number of similar category or group of voters, the legislature would be so, the University Council also true, and even some people is through the appointment on and elected enjoying equal rights.
Por zero votes elected, can also occupy the position of the Chairman of the Finance Committee, but the pan people Members elected by the voters one vote, not even the right to Rab have been cut off. Century school reputation was dragged down Hong Kong University Vice-school event, not a little more class by appointment rather than election of the members of the Council of words and deeds?
Second, whether elected representatives of the public, although the amount can not just vote, but can not look at the ratio of the amount of votes with the public or voters. Leung Chun-ying in 2012 with 689 votes was elected Chief Executive of HKSAR, with respect to the seven million Hong Kong residents, not only the problem of the lack of public support, the more the public is denied the issue. And when Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan's re-elected president that same year was 6.89 million votes, the vote was 51.6%.Ma Liang supervised special detachment
Mr Leung and public support Ma Ying-jeou of the ruling simply not comparable, but sadly, Ma Ying-jeou was elected to 6.89 million, still subject to the supervision of the DPP and the voters, Mr Leung 689 votes to be elected, have expanded into a transcendent chief executive. Taiwanese Ma Ying-jeou's policy proposals, in particular the cross-strait policy has oversight opposition right, even if he and Xi Jinping held a historic meeting in Singapore, but also to open the trip, conversations and accept the people and public opinion. Meet and Leung Chun-ying north China's leaders or ministry officials, leave the decree or true mass will, and who can supervise him?
Third, the electoral system in Hong Kong is not determined by the people of Hong Kong, the Chief Executive, the Legislative Council elections scheduled by the Chinese Communist Party control. A 8.31 decided to overthrow the people of Hong Kong can achieve genuine universal suffrage in 2017, the dream, but also the people of Hong Kong bags I know. The realization of one person one vote in the presidential election in Taiwan for 20 years, experienced a change of ruling party. CCP could laugh elected President Chen Shui-bian corruption, but how can we deny the self-correcting function of democracy is not available in the CCP? It is this feature that allows Chen Shui-bian to step down and stand trial, this is the same function, so after the return to power of the Communist Party of the Kuomintang favor, next year will again step down. But anyway resentment Hong Kong, Leung Chun-ying calls to step down how high, as long as the CCP shelter he can stop his start impeachment procedures, voters do not vote directly his chance lesson.Inability to compete with Hong Kong Chinese Communist intervention
Fourth, in the electoral process, from the chief executive of a small circle election to the Legislative Council election, the District Council election, the Liaison Office to intervene openly, it is the destruction of Hong Kong's largest foreign election democratic forces, and so far unable to compete with Hong Kong forces. Although the CCP has repeatedly attempted to interfere process Taiwan's presidential election, but whether it is text or a military attack scare, is often counterproductive.
This time at a critical moment in Taiwan's presidential and legislative elections, the first time agreed to in the third Congress Xi Jinping face, official and pro-communist who also has nothing to do with the election of Ma Ying-jeou chicanery and too self-deception, right? We can say that learning the horse will not focus on the impact of the results of presidential elections, because it was not in the KMT's will, but how could the KMT legislative elections to lift the stock market did not attempt? Of course, this is just one study political purposes Jockey Club.For Taiwan, Hong Kong's electoral system, election, even on Election Day must use Sunday, the length of voting time, all it is laughable. "Today, Hong Kong, Taiwan tomorrow," the fear, not only because Hong Kong Fusion, undermine local economic policy, because Hong Kong's political manipulation, elections. And for Hong Kong, District Council elections on March 22, is the first time no elections appointed seats, the public should have to vote not only exercise their rights, but also to make the responsibility of citizens.
Published Monday to SaturdayLi Ping




1 day ago
Ka Kei Cheung
Well Taiwanese people laugh out under targeted missile, Hong Kong people will laugh it? Besides an umbrella movement of Hong Kong people to tell the world that Hong Kong people do not accept the false elections!

    Reply Share

2 days before
Thomas Kam
Why Hong Kong Link deformity? Dixia Shina will understand!

    Reply Share

2 days before
Fang Lin
Mr insurance sector por por zero votes in membership should be canceled, revoked buried the insurance functional constituency

    Reply Share

2 days before
Fang Lin
Por you were twisted like functional constituency votes are Nuisance, Nuisance opponents under circumstances unopposed por own secondary deformities, and even not as district board members, Mr. Leung was 689 votes to call 689, por none should be called Chen Chen a zero or zero votes.

    Reply Share

2 days before
Henry So
Funny, still half of Hong Kong people be deceived by the Communist Party of sugar-coated poison.

    Reply Share

2 days before
Raymond Chan
Even Vietnamese, Burmese people are laughable. But there are numerous people in Hong Kong, Chinese people think we are too low quality, unworthy of a democratic election, this is the funniest.

    Reply Share

2 days before
Stephen Moh
Best example of Hong Kong today = Tai Wan tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply Share

2 days before
chai wong
Why Taiwan University graduates wages only get 5,000 yuan a month. Hong Kong is about $ 10,000. Chinese students can now catch up with Taiwan!

    Reply Share

2 days before
Stephen Moh
In lies and cheatings !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply Share

2 days before
Hinhing Wu
You Xi-what to you? Hong Kong University graduates a monthly salary US $ 10000? Are refers to 689 hand-picked people? .

    Reply Share

2 days before
Wah Kwong Wong
Alas! Low Energy Department spent fifty cents worth of Dove uh you respond generous, bell crazy roots, buried in the ground-based La rub milk, Zhongyou generous deed canal old son Bo Guagua it pieces of Chinese students Chung Jin twist it! Far more than catch up with Taiwan, straight love super twist over Saudi Arabia it! Quadrillion dollars 㖭! Cock twist SEVEN think it GOD scrap wood, you enjoy Cock it! GOD twist with contempt discuss NIE Qi Ye ah! Sai twist gas!

    Reply Share

2 days before
bug killer
People's Republic of China have been happier kinky, and the first person trampled to death, killed people years, more toxic milk drink, young girls between the family survive to serve a total of secondary officer Tim Cock

    Reply Share

2 days before
chai wong
Then why the salaries of taiwan university graduate only can get 5000 dollars a month. And hk is about 10000 dollars .While chinese students now can catch up with taiwan!

    Reply Share
5 \
2 days before
bug killer
People's Republic of China have been happier kinky, and the first person trampled to death, killed people years, more toxic milk drink, young girls between the family survive to serve a total of secondary officer Tim Cock.


Ka Kei Cheung


Thomas Kam
點解香港社會咁畸形?  睇下支那就會明白!


方 林


方 林


Henry So


Raymond Chan


Stephen Moh
Best example of Hong Kong today = Tai Wan tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!


chai wong


Stephen Moh
In lies and cheatings !!!!!!!!!!!!


Hinhing Wu


Wah Kwong Wong


bug killer


chai wong
Then why the salaries of taiwan university graduate only can get 5000 dollars a month. and hk is about 10000 dollars .While chinese students now can catch up with taiwan!

bug killer


立法會財委會主席陳健波昨日對香港選舉的批評的確可圈可點:一是他以自己的零票去嘲諷在直選中高票當選的拉布議員,能如此自黑,不應再說他厚顏,而應鼓勵 更多像他一樣的議員爆seed。二是他批評香港選舉畸形,更是說到了點子上。香港不只是有時只要二至三萬票就可以勝選,而是只要689票就可以當選特首, 兼且擁有以689萬票當選的台灣總統都沒有的超然地位。

其 二,當選者是否代表民意,雖不能只看得票多寡,但不能不看得票多寡與市民或選民的比例。梁振英在2012年以689票獲選為香港特區行政長官,相對於 700萬香港居民,不只有缺乏民意基礎的問題,更有市民的選舉權被剝奪的問題。而馬英九在同一年連任台灣總統時的得票數為689萬,得票率為51.6%。


梁振英與馬英九執政的民意基礎根本沒有可比性,但悲哀的是,馬英九以689萬當選,仍然要受到民進黨和選民監督,梁振英以689票當選,卻要膨脹為超然特 首。台灣人對馬英九的政策主張,特別是兩岸政策都有監督、反對權,就算他與習近平到新加坡舉行歷史性的會面,也要公開行程、對話內容,接受民眾和輿論監 督。而梁振英北上拜見中共領導人或部委高官,假傳聖旨或真傳旨意,又有誰可以監督他?

其三,香港的選舉制度並不是由香港人決定的,特首、立法會的 選舉安排都由中共操控。一個8.31決定,就可以推翻港人在2017年實現真普選的夢想,還要港人袋一世。而台灣實現一人一票選總統已經20年,經歷了政 黨輪替。中共可以譏笑民選的總統陳水扁也貪腐,但豈能否認民主的自我糾錯功能是中共所不具備的?正是這種功能,讓陳水扁下台和受審,同樣是這種功能,讓重 新執政後偏向共產黨的國民黨,明年將再次下台。但香港無論如何民怨沸騰,要梁振英下台的呼聲如何高漲,只要中共庇護他,就能阻止啟動彈劾他的程序,選民沒 有直接用選票教訓他的機會。


其四,在選舉過程中,從特首的小圈子選舉,到立法會選舉、區議會選舉,中聯辦公然插手干預,是破壞香港選舉民主的最龐大的境外勢力,也是迄今港人無力抗衡 的勢力。而中共雖然屢屢企圖干預台灣總統選舉的進程,但無論是文攻還是武嚇,往往是適得其反。
今次在台灣總統和立委選舉的關鍵時刻,習近平破天荒 同意與馬英九在第三國會面,官方和親共人士還要強辯與選舉無關,未免太過自欺欺人吧?可以說,習馬會不着眼於影響總統選舉結果,因為那已不以國共的意志為 轉移,但豈會對拉抬國民黨的立委選舉行情沒有企圖?當然,這只是習馬會的政治目的之一。

對台灣來說,香港的選舉制度、選舉方式,甚至選舉日一定要 用周日、投票時間的長短,都實在是貽笑大方。「今日香港,明日台灣」的恐懼,不只因為中港融合、破壞本土的經濟政策,也因為香港被操控的政治、選舉。而對 香港來說,本月22日的區議會選舉,是第一次沒有委任議席的選舉,市民理應踴躍投票,既是行使自己的權力,也是盡公民的責任。



 -[10/11-2015]-In US, "doctrine of white supremacy", "Republican Party" under the "notorious -KKK party", was the Anonymous to expose their evil collusion, anonymously voice their "vote fraud"  do affect our political situation of the US Democratic Party election results !! Anonymous expose them: "These groups generally opposed to race relations, homosexuality and illegal immigration and historical expression of this idea, by terrorist acts."...!- and By HackRead reported- and by revolution-news.com reported-and reported by the information from the techworm.net& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported--*All The World Lauguage*-
-[10/11-2015]-美國的白人主義至上的"共和黨"下的"惡名昭著-KKK黨",被匿名揭露他們的官奸勾結,被匿名説出他們的"造假投票"影响我們的美國民主黨政情選舉結果!!匿名揭露他們 :  "這些團體普遍反對種族關係,同性戀和非法移民和歷史表達這種思想,通過恐怖行為。"...!和由HackRead資訊的報導-和由revolution-news.com reported-和由techworm.net資訊的報導-& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported-

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To former members of the Communist Youth League true universal suffrage
(Senior hedge fund manager Qian Jian)

 Ge Zhihong (Sophie) worked for the Communist Youth League member, about eight years ago to Hong Kong. Qian Zhijian provide a picture.
 After Hong Kong's former enthusiastic umbrella umbrella friends, no snake cake vegetarian rice dumplings, no background, only a cavity enthusiasm, hoping to change the parliamentary culture. After the former umbrella organization umbrella (I mean before and after accounting for) past and present limited resources, might trick is to find a celebrity is inseparable from the recommendation on election leaflets or on large posters were. Plough is a need for a long time, not "hit and run." Having said that, but also to re-deploy election after election, the first time so hard to win.
Left more than 20 days is the District Council elections, how do we move voters to support their sacred votes? Yesterday I once again ask the Alfred Cheung. Zhang Director unique secrets, both in any field, is the ability of the parties guidance "storytelling" ability, the sincerity revealed. For example, a slightly bulky physique candidates Plough in difficult areas, sweat and run up and down and waved to neighbors, is to get brownie points. Never a candidate seats, television debates in the media may arrange testimony. Suppose sitting on the seats closest competitors have four or more, paratroopers candidate is to a phrase, we talked about how they can bring some change for the community.  

Some changes may be the conservation issue, maintaining the status quo like the massive construction projects is more important. Suppose there are more than ten thousand to twenty thousand a district resident, more than four thousand registered voters, more than 20 days later, on November 22, how can I move them out to vote for him? I can only say that every vote can be described as "A Journey", with sincerity and practical action to earn back.

Consider election district will continue to fight

The topic of the extension, within "2047 Hong Kong monitoring" group, there are a handful of people are new arrivals from the Mainland, Hong Kong permanent residents have a Samsung or the past 20 years to settle in Hong Kong's elite. They will mourn Tiananmen, did not agree to bring the NPC and CPPCC in name only these can "survive" in Hong Kong. They are also a good election of new votes, and I absolutely believe in the four years after the District Council, or the Legislative Council next year, and someone will debut, hoping to enter parliament.
I recently asked a 葛志红 Sophie, who is about eight years new immigrants come to Hong Kong. Her 25 years of age or a member of the Communist Youth League, came to Hong Kong after eight thousand nine hundred sixty-four learned the truth. Then next chance encounter, she went to a church to hear me, "about Jesus' testimony, and later participated in the peace accounting in the financial group, now evolved to the" 2047 Hong Kong monitoring. " Miss Ge in Chinese Mainland graduate department, have been engaged in the securities industry, is now involved in full-time education. Four years after she lived in Hong Kong for more than a decade, when the District Councils election or consider an appropriate time. Her power of the Communist Party, own some experience. Protest in the form of her choice, that is, electioneering or election.
New Hong Kong Mainland course background should join parliament, if given the opportunity and talented and passionate words of politicians. Because integration into a new environment, not only service-oriented residents and new immigrants may represent sound. New Hong Kong people treasure most, of course, is Hong Kong's rule of law, democracy, freedom of speech and fair competition. Once the passion is like an umbrella movement has dissipated, but the ripple is generated after the umbrella organization of large and small springing up, people's political awakening worth surprise.
Have the opportunity to participate in the Friends of the District Council electioneering activities, benefited. Learning to manage a campaign team is not easy and takes a lot of effort, but also face some unexpected opponent's attack, the slightest lack of wisdom and perseverance are very difficult to stick to it. Of course, personally drop zone advocacy, waving exchange and communication with residents, can learn practical experience not learn in books. I would like to thank my friend brought a precious life district election experience. Support true universal suffrage is a basic human rights, including self-determination, the right to free and fair elections.
Finally, I do not agree with some petty newcomers, it will be "snake vegetarian rice dumplings cake" style occupation. Be aware of new immigrants votes, a handful of people or deeper than you and I love Hong Kong, to defend its core values!

Qian Zhijian senior hedge fund manager


(資深對沖基金經理 錢志健)


熱心香港的傘前傘後朋友,沒有蛇齋餅糭,沒有背景,只有一腔熱誠,希望可以改變議會文化。傘前傘後組織(我指佔中前後)過去及現在也資源有限,可能花招也 是離不開找名人推薦,放在選舉的單張上或大海報當中。深耕細作是需要一段長的時間,並非「hit and run」。話雖如此,選舉也是為了選舉後的再次部署,第一次好難贏。

還剩下20多天便是區議會選舉,究竟如何感動投票人支持他們神聖的一票?昨天 我再次請教了張堅庭。張導演的獨門秘笈,無論在任何領域,就是有能力指引當事人的「講故事」能力,把誠意表露無遺。舉例,一位身形略為笨重的候選人,在難 以深耕細作的區域內,汗流浹背兼且跑上跑落向街坊揮手,拿到的便是印象分。從未有議席的候選人,可能在傳媒安排下作電視辯論。假設競爭對手已經坐擁議席接 近四年或更長時間,傘兵候選人就是要一語中的,講到他們如何可為社區帶來一些改變。

一些改變,可能就是保育議題,維持現況好比大興土木更為重要。假設一個 區有萬多至二萬居民,四千多個登記選民,20多天後,即11月22日,如何可以感動他們出來投票支持他呢?我只可以說,每一選票可謂「粒粒皆辛苦」,用誠 意及實際行動賺回來的。


把話題延伸,「2047香港監察」群組內,也有一小撮人是內地新移民、已是三星香港永久居民或過去20年才定居香港的精英。他們會悼念六四,並不認同要拿 人大、政協這些虛銜才可以在中港「求存」。他們也是很好的選舉新票源,我也絕對相信在四年後的區議會、或明年的立法會,會有人初試啼聲,希望能進入議會。

我 最近問了葛志紅Sophie,一位大約八年前來港的新移民。她到25歲時還是共青團成員,來到香港後才了解到八九六四的真相。遇然機會下,她到一教會聽到 我「講耶穌」見證,後來參與了和平佔中金融組,到現在演變出來的「2047香港監察」。葛小姐在內地大學語文系畢業,曾經從事證券行業,現全職參與教育工 作。她四年後便在港居住超過十年,到時或者是考慮參選區議會的合適時間。她對共產黨的強權,自有一番體會。她選擇的抗爭形式,就是助選或參選。

有 內地背景的新香港人當然應該加入議會,如果有機會又有才華和從政熱情的話。因為融入了新的環境,不僅為本區居民服務,而且可以代表新移民發聲。新香港人, 最珍惜的當然是香港的法治、民主、言論自由及公平競爭等。雨傘運動曾經的激情好似已消散,但產生的漣漪就是大大小小的傘後組織如雨後春筍,民眾的政治覺醒 值得驚喜。

有幸參加朋友的區議會助選活動,獲益良多。學習到管理一個競選團隊的不易和需要付出很多的心血,還要面對突如其來的某些對手的攻擊,缺 少半點智慧和毅力都很難堅持下去。當然,親自落區宣傳、揮手及同居民溝通交流,也可以學到一些書本學不到的實踐經驗。衷心感謝這位朋友帶來的人生中寶貴的 一次區選體驗。支持真普選,是基本人權,包括自決、自由與公平選舉權利。




 "Mr. Qian Zhijian said very right, seriously mainland communist dictatorship and disregard for public opinion in Hong Kong;
No political capabilities thief wolf '' Leung Chun-Ying '' and a group of corrupt and incompetent communist bandit DAB ,,
Deliberately destroyed the original Hong Kong and tear strong local culture,
So some of the new arrivals come Hong Kong,know that incident and learned the truth of 4 June massacre,

No matter where from the new immigrants moved to Hong Kong this land,
All will experience the '' umbrella campaign '' of '' awakening ''
Although the '' umbrella campaign '' the passion seems to have dissipated,
But the ripples it generates is, after large and small umbrella organization; springing up,
The political awakening of the people deserve a surprise.

Of course ,It is to cherish, - support true universal suffrage is a basic human rights, including self-determination, the free right to and fair elections.
We think this should be the common idea of ​​everyone.

We were born in a free, democratic and open place where,
Before, we did not think a lot of people in this world nor even the basic human rights.
Happiness is not inevitable, can experience and reflection people really small.

Whether the new immigrants are little greedy "little cheaper", that we can not jump to conclusions.
In Hong Kong, we are now regarded as a new immigrant.
Just as we said after Mr. Qian Zhijian umbrella organization,

Although we have not yet succeeded,
However, since the goal has been set,
Even if all money, material has been exhausted
We are also in the community to do our own ability.

Long time ago, Martin Luther King,Mr. in the fight for the rights of black people's skin,
Also an arduous journey before they get success.
In 20th Century, Who would think our respected American President is - Mr. Barak Obama,
He is the first American African president!

And his cordial, Experience and friendly to people of the lower classes,
Set up health-care system,
This is a necessary life "(Born, grow old, sickness, death) ''(出生,老去,疾病,死亡) of process!
If living in a life without a healthy body, even with 5000000000 / When the world's richest man, will it be happy?!
And it's not every state or local are building this welfare for people!
More importantly, let  who fight in war, after exiting military service will not be '' forgotten '',
Veteran after the welfare of construction to commemorate their contribution to the country!

So everything is as fate, is can not force."

This article let us reflections more,
Thank Hong Kong Apple Daily, and Mr. Qian Zhijian Share
Also thanks to God and Grace of the people  ~

Melody.Blog Sincerely Yours ~














 *-[29/10-2015]-This is mentioned in an article by the Hong Kong Apple Daily writer (senior hedge fund manager ,, Mr. Qian Zhijian) - "I recently asked 葛志红 Sophie, who is about eight years to come to her new immigrants to 25 years old. while still a member of the Communist Youth League, came to Hong Kong after 89 '' Pro-democracy '',sixty-four '' Massacre ''learned the truth. However, the next opportunity in case, she went to a church to hear me, "about Jesus' testimony, and later participated in the peace accounting in the financial group, to evolve out now "2047 Hong Kong monitoring."- Witnessed in Hong Kong - is the mainland communist dictator liar - erosion of freedom, democracy, fairness and dictatorship mechanisms, erosion academic freedom, escapism equality under the law, .. '!-*All The World City Lauguage*-
-[29/10-2015]-這一篇由香港蘋果日報的論壇主筆(資深對沖基金經理,,錢志健 先生)文中提到-"我最近問了葛志紅Sophie,一位大約八年前來港的新移民。她到25歲時還是共青團成員,來到香港後才了解到八九六四的真相。遇然機 會下,她到一教會聽到我「講耶穌」見證,後來參與了和平佔中金融組,到現在演變出來的「2047香港監察」。"-在香港地區親歷香港人被"胡作非為"謊話 連篇的大陸共産獨裁侵蝕的自由,民主,公平和公開機制,學術自由,法律之下人人平等,..!'-

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 Apple Daily Forum

Ping Theory: China's economy will gradually "dry"! (Lu Feng)

 Chase real thing burst size city that like Apple [site] FB!
Chinese government more than two months for the second time, "to cut interest rates drop quasi" monetary easing, hoping to revive the continued weakening of the economy. According to mainland media reports, the Chinese premier Li Keqiang in internal speech stressed that the Chinese government adopted a targeted monetary policy can keep a certain economic growth rate will not stall. He also stressed that the Chinese government is still considerable scope for fiscal policy stimulus measures can be taken. That is, if this does not work to further relax monetary policy, failed to promote sustained economic growth in China, the Chinese government may well increase government spending again to a deficit budget and infrastructure investment to stimulate the economy again.
"RRR rate cut" is regarded as Chinese-style "quantity wide," the goal is to feed a lot of money in finance, banking system, pushing borrowing costs low, to encourage business investment and private lending, reducing the debt burden of interest, thereby invigorating the economy. The problem is that China has caught economists within the meaning of Secular Stagnation (long-term stagnation), and deflation and economic slowdown too much pressure, this progressive "wide amount" or "to cut interest rates drop quasi" could not play any significant role, economic downward trend is difficult to improve.
Secular Stagnation become a hot topic the past two years, the former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers (Larry Summers) has repeatedly pointed out that the US economy because the decline in the labor force and productivity growth, bringing the total economy stagnant and shrinking demand, this is the United States in the financial the root causes of the economic crisis has failed to healthy growth. Even if the Fed to maintain zero interest rates or ultra-low interest rate policy, a strong rebound in the US economy is difficult, if premature rate hike will make the economic recovery more "stalling", Summers has been strongly opposed to this so the Fed to tighten monetary policy. He and other scholars also consider that Japan's past 20 years of stagnation, decline, the key also lies Secular Stagnation of this long-term trend of economic transition (workforce reduction, productivity growth slowed down) rather than just policy failures.

Demographic dividend almost exhausted

Looking back at the situation in China, over the past three decades China labor force growth and productivity growth at a high level, both thanks to the rapid population fifties and sixties growth, also benefited from the reform in particular was broken "mess" caused by productivity and efficiency soar. However, the demographic dividend and the reform and opening-dividend today has almost exhausted, China has begun to enter the labor force although the stage of negative growth, the number of surplus rural areas no longer cheap labor flowing into the city, while economic reform and civil society is because of the rigid political system by Pressure stalled, less effective. A few months before the stock market crash occurred and violence bailout precisely move an inch deep reform of proof. In the demographic dividend is exhausted, stagnant economic efficiency reform before the circumstances, the Chinese goose caught in the long-term stagnation of Japan's footsteps (Secular Stagnation), it is difficult to extricate themselves.
Some people say that China is still on-quarter economic growth of 6.9 percent, the growth rate is far better than the developed countries, do not worry too much. This argument is a bit deceiving. On the one hand, China's economic data of water very much, especially when the economic downturn also need to stabilize the confidence cook the books (do a few) to create the illusion of all unharmed. In fact this time after third-quarter GDP data in different economic analysts (including the Mainland and the West) believe that data and experience with the real economy, a far cry from 6.9 percent questioned too overvalued.
More importantly, Secular Stagnation is not the stormy collapse, but the dry style of atrophy. Japan entered a standstill early nineties, when most people, including Japanese government officials believe this is only the aftermath of the bubble economy burst, economically disadvantaged soon be over. At that time, the Japanese economy although unlike the seventies and eighties like freshness, but basically maintain moderate growth, social prosperity is not too bad. Until the late nineties, from government to academia was suddenly discovered in Japan even if the interest rate to zero plus the government budget deficit for many years failed to regain its former glory, and from the "lost decade" become "lost a quarter of a century." .

RRR cut interest rates to stimulate failure

China's current situation with the situation in Japan is very similar to the nineties: the economy is not bad, government officials still full of confidence, and consciously controlled everything, and believe that we can gradually reduce interest rates as the economy RRR power through fine-tuning policy responses. But the truth is that the original population handy reform dividend have been exhausted, a new growth point, to further enhance economic efficiency and reform difficult physical, use "squirt toothpaste formula" limited amount of wide-scale and effect, is not enough to make drastic economy , but because the old and already moves within market expectations gradually lose their effectiveness and stimulation. It is expected that this time the Chinese government "to cut interest rates drop quasi" stimulus effect will be short-lived, and then once every future results will be even worse.
Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that in the UK visit, the Chinese economy will not be a hard landing. He said probably want to stabilize the confidence of domestic and foreign investors, to avoid the deterioration of the economic situation. Unfortunately, the Chinese economy is actually not the biggest risk of a hard landing, but infected "Japanese disease" but Secular Stagnation and "dry." This dilemma is not "cut interest rates drop quasi" can be resolved!
Published Monday to Saturday

Lu Feng



追實城中突發大小事,即 like 蘋果【現場】FB!
中國政府兩個多月來第二次「減息降準」,放鬆銀根,希望重振不斷轉弱的經濟。據內地傳媒報道,中國總理李克強在內部講話中強調,中國政府採取的是有針對性 的貨幣政策,可以保住經濟有一定增長速度,不會失速。他還強調,中國政府在財政政策上仍有相當餘地可以採取刺激措施。也就是說,假若進一步放寬貨幣政策仍 不奏效,仍未能促使中國經濟持續增長,中國政府大有可能再次增加政府開支,以赤字預算及基建投資再次刺激經濟。

「減息降準」被視為中國式「量 寬」,目標是把大量資金送進金融、銀行系統,推低借貸成本,藉以鼓勵企業投資及私人借貸,減輕債務利息負擔,從而搞活經濟。問題是中國已陷入經濟學者所指 的Secular Stagnation(長期停滯)中,通縮及經濟放緩壓力太大,這種漸進式的「量寬」或「減息降準」不可能發揮甚麼重要作用,經濟下行的趨勢難以改善。

Secular Stagnation這兩年來成了熱門話題,前美國財長薩默斯(Larry Summers)就一再指出,美國經濟因為勞動力及生產力增長下降,令經濟總需求停滯不前及收縮,這正是美國在金融海嘯後經濟始終無法健康增長的根本原 因。即使聯儲局保持零息或超低息政策,美國經濟也難以有力反彈,若過早加息更會令經濟復蘇「死火」,此所以薩默斯一直強力反對聯儲局收緊銀根。他及其他學 者又認為,日本過去20多年的停滯、萎縮,關鍵也在於Secular Stagnation這種經濟長期趨勢轉變(勞動人口減少、生產力增長放緩)而不僅是政策失誤。


回看中國的情況,過去三十年中國勞動人口增長及生產力增長處於高水平,這既得力於五、六十年代的人口急速增長,也得益於制度改革特別是打破「大鍋飯」帶來 的生產力及效率暴升。可是,人口紅利及改革開放紅利到今天已幾乎耗盡,中國勞動人口固然開始進入負增長的階段,農村也再沒有多少剩餘廉價勞動力流進城市, 而經濟改革則因為政治體制的僵化及民間社會受壓而停滯不前,事倍功半。前幾個月發生的股市崩盤及暴力救市正是深層改革寸步難行的明證。在人口紅利耗盡,改 革停滯經濟效率不前的情況下,中國正步日本後塵陷身於長期停滯(Secular Stagnation),難以自拔。

有人說,中國上季經濟仍有 6.9%增長,增速遠勝發達國家,不用太擔心。這樣的說法其實有點掩耳盜鈴。一方面,中國的經濟數據水份甚多,特別在經濟不景時為了穩住信心更需要 cook the books(做數)來營造一切無恙的假象。事實上今次公佈第三季GDP數據後不同經濟分析員(包括內地及西方)都認為數據跟實體經濟及經驗相距甚遠,質疑 6.9%過份高估。
更重要的是,Secular Stagnation不是急風暴雨式的崩潰,而是陰乾式的萎縮。日本九十年代初進入停滯,當時大部份人包括日本政府官員相信這不過是泡沫經濟爆破的後遺 症,經濟弱勢快就會過去。而當時日本經濟雖不像七、八十年代般生氣勃勃,但基本上維持溫和增長,社會的景氣也不算太差。直到九十年代末從政府到學界才猛然 發覺日本即使把利率降至零再加上政府多年赤字預算也未能重拾昔日的光輝,並從「失落的十年」變成「失落的四分一世紀」。


中國當前的情況跟九十年代日本的情況很相近:經濟不太壞,政府官員仍然信心滿滿,自覺一切受控,並相信可以透過微調政策如逐步減息降準令經濟回復動力。實 情卻是,原本唾手可得的人口、改革紅利已用盡,新的增長點,進一步提升經濟效率及體質的改革舉步維艱,使用「唧牙膏式」的量寬規模及作用有限,根本不足以 令經濟釜底抽薪,反而因為招式已老及在市場預期之內而逐步失去效用及刺激。可以預期,今次中國政府「減息降準」的刺激作用只會曇花一現,而未來每一次再用 的效果只會更差。

習近平在英國訪問時一再強調,中國經濟不會硬着陸。他這樣說大概是希望穩住國內外投資者的信心,避免經濟形勢惡化。可惜,中國經濟最大的隱患其實不是硬着陸,而是染上「日本病」,而是Secular Stagnation及「陰乾」。這個困局可不是「減息降準」能解決的!



Shao Jiang 邵江 10月21日
Ongoing protest at Downing st.唐宁街正在进行的抗议.

  June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
CHRD October 21] -
CHRD: Wuxi human rights defenders Bin Shen love black jails full range of material exposed the government (the country's first) (Figure) http://wqw2010.blogspot.com/2015/10/blog-post_890.html?spref=tw ...
维权网 10月21日
维权网: 无锡人权捍卫者沈爱斌曝光政府黑监狱全套材料(全国首例)(图)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wuxi human rights defenders Bin Shen love black jails full range of material exposed the government (the country's first) (Figure)

(CHRD information officer Zhang is reported) June 22, 2013 23 am, the eastern suburbs of Xishan District of Wuxi City Changan business hotel there was a shocking "to get people" incident, Wuxi Taihu Lake District neighborhood in the hotel within organized the "petitioners legal education classes" of five students was 20 a few people taken away.
But then, Wuxi Taihu Lake District Comprehensive Management Office Director朱勤new street (now been arrested, it is necessary adjudication) and the security company responsible for Shen Donghua (now been arrested, and朱勤new are accomplices) led more than 100 social Xianzarenyuan the Dinghong Fen Shen fruit winter, Xu Haifeng, Ding Hongxiang, Yangjian Yan, Qu Fengsheng, who arrested on the spot.

CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee also set up a "Ding Hongfen disturbing social order case" task force, and on June 26, 2013, will participate in "rob people" Shen Ai Bin, Yin Sikkim, Wu Ping, Yin white girl, Zheng Bing Yuan, Shi Gaohong, Hua Xiaoping, Zhu et al arrest.

July 2, 2013 and the 3rd, the above-mentioned persons to "alleged mob to disturb social order" criminal detention, public security organs in the investigation, "the prosecution submissions," said: they impact the government set up in the eastern outskirts of the Lake District Business Hotel The "petitioners legal education classes" (also called "government classes", "Legal study sessions"), took away the students, but also kick the door is broken.

The Wuxi rights petitioners consider that the Government set up the "petitioners legal education classes" is to limit personal freedom and freedom of communication of the participants of illegal detention, black jails run classes point is commonly known as "red Cinder Cave."

In the end, love Shen Bin, Ding Hongfen, Shen fruit winter, Qufeng Sheng Yin Sikkim and five people, was to "intentional destruction of property crime" to enter the judicial process, Shen love Bin Ding Hongfen were sentenced to a year and a year and a half and nine months of imprisonment, three others convicted did not hold.

The focus of this case, is the government's "legal education classes petitioners' is legitimate, whether the restriction of personal freedom. If the "government classes" legitimate, that Shen Ai Bin, Ding Hongfen and others to "get people" behavior is illegal, if the "government classes," is to limit the personal freedom of illegal detention, and that Shen Ai Bin, Ding Hongfen and other people's behavior is self-defense or courageous, do not constitute a crime.

Absurd is that after entering the judicial process, the Lake District Prosecutor's Office and the courts did on the "petitioners legal education classes" to review the legality, knowing that "the government classes," there is no legal basis and constitute an illegal detention after, but Chinese Communist Party and government leaders by Wuxi requirements to "intentional destruction of property crime," qualitative judgment.

So, the CPC committees and governments Wuxi's "legal education classes petitioners" in the end is what things? Bin Shen love after serving his sentence in prison, see the criminal case files from all participants we have never seen the "petitioners legal education materials", particularly surprise.

Next, Shen Bin will love to share this information to everyone, we must come to believe after reading the "petitioners legal education classes" is the thing!

These data, Wuxi municipal government and the Lake District, there are three co-Office of the Taihu Lake neighborhood activist Shen fruit winter held the "petitioners legal education classes" of data between November 13, 2012 to November 28 date, He taught a class reason: I threatened to Beijing to appeal in the party during the eighteen.

"Petitioners legal education materials," Contents are as follows (total 19):
1. With regard to the petitioner's legal education program
2, the list of the Working Group on Legal Education staff
3, the petitioners legal education study program
4, the petitioners legal education learning curriculum
5. Petition Legal Education Application Form
6, the petitioners legal education learning notice (stub)
7, petitioners legal education learning notice (notification Union)
8, Wuxi petitioners legal education learning notice (I)
9, Wuxi petitioners legal education learning notice (dependents)
10. The petitioners disciplinary legal education classes
11. The petitioners awareness book
12. The petitioners legal education learning Fact Sheet
13, the lifting of petitioners Legal Education Application Form
14. The petitioners solution teach about legal education learning decision
15. The petitioners legal education classes summary
16, legal education of the masses on duty table
17, legal education classes on duty record table
18, the legal duty to ease the work study table thinking
19 SYSTEM learning ideological persuasion work record

See complete information on these classes, Wuxi three levels of government co-run the "petitioners legal education classes" illegal detention of petitioners offense has been red naked naked in public.

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推 民生观察
活摘器官的生意不會中止的,除非這個政府倒台。 “@YE5MQ5Vtp2jlWX7: 这又是打算活摘???
 June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black ☂ @ 64heishan_com October 21]] -
June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black has retweeted Livelihood Watch] -

Organ harvesting business will not be suspended, unless the government fell. "@ YE5MQ5Vtp2jlWX7: This is going to live off ???

Neimeng Ning County Petitioners Zhao Yufu Blood samples were collected by the police home

Author: Editor livelihood Source: Original Site Updated: 2015-10-21 23:00

Livelihood Watch Studio 2015/10/21 message: Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, Nanjing County petitioners Zhao Yufu, said county public security bureau this morning we collected blood samples to find my home, this is the third time has come, let the Public Security Bureau so "care" only he and a man named Li Jingfu of petitioners, other people did not go to the police.

Police to 赵玉富 home when they are not just at home, only child at home, they go home at night I heard this, 赵玉富 sister called and asked the police, you are neither a hospital, but not epidemic prevention station, nor why the Academy of Sciences to Blood samples our home, police say there will be the second time, Zhao Yufu sister comeback you this is the third time. Zhao Yufu said first one was in 2013, and twice this year, the police are also looking for blood samples they did not succeed, he suspected that the police ill-conceived.

It is reported that, because of Chifeng City, Inner 赵玉富 Nanjing County Water Conservancy Bureau deputy director of the old Ha River high rd Runner, law enforcement team captain Wei Yun abuse of power, conniving battle boss Wang Licheng, five Guoming, Wang Gang, illegal sand mining plant, profiteering, not only destroyed He's arable land, Zhao Yufu a three petitions to repay the arable land have all been detained.

(Editor: Minsheng edit)



作者:民生编辑 文章来源:本站原创 更新时间:2015-10-21 23:00
民生观察工作室2015/10/21消息: 内蒙古赤峰市宁城县访民赵玉富称,今天上午县公安局找到我家采我们血样,这已经是第三次来了,让公安局这么“照顾”的只有他和一个叫李景富的上访人,其他人家警察没去。

警察到赵玉富家时正好他们不在家,家里只有孩子,晚上他们回到家听说此事,赵玉富的姐姐电话询问警方,你们既不是医院的,又不是防疫站的,也不是科学院的 为什么要到我们家来采血样,警方说不会有第二次了,赵玉富的姐姐回击你们这已经是第三次了。赵玉富说,最早的一次是在2013年,今年警方又两次找他们采 血样也都没有得逞,他怀疑警方居心不良。



 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Shao Jiang 邵江10月23日
Protest against at Downing St 唐宁街抗议习近平  June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Shao Jiang Shao Jiangshaojiang October 21] -

Protest against #XiJinping at Downing St protest Downing Street Xi Jinping.

如此温和的举牌抗议究竟违反了英国什么法律?为什么要抓还要搜家? : Protest against at Downing St 唐宁街抗议习近平


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
Tibet Society 10月21日
Two Tibetans & a Chinese democratist arrested outside for trying to wave flag as 's car passed

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
Xi Jinping's remarks on human rights should be acted on visit:


 June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Fun Yearsszstupidcool October 21] -

You people will not see the photos.



 June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Fath Fan Qiang Po Shan Sexi ※fightcensorship October 22] -

Depth network (deep web) saw a fundraising ISIS website, claiming that the wiring in the United States, need money, calling young Muslims to participate in jihad. E-mail server it uses Sigaint, instant messaging software Pidgin + OTR, receivables with bitcoins.

※范强※法特姗瑟希蒲※ 10月22日
在深度网络(deep web)看到了一个ISIS募款网站,声称在美国布线,需要资金,呼吁年轻穆斯林参与圣战。它使用的电子邮件服务器是Sigaint,即时通讯软件是Pidgin+OTR,收款是用比特币。


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Louisa Lim  10月22日
China Holds Top Reporter on 'State Secrets' Charges

China Holds Top Reporter on 'State Secrets' Charges


 Authorities in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangxi are holding a top investigative journalist on suspicion of "obtaining state secrets," his newspaper has reported.

Liu Wei, a journalist for the cutting-edge Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily, was placed under criminal detention on Oct. 9 by Jiangxi's Pingxiang municipal police department, according to a copy of his detention notice seen by RFA.

"In accordance with Article 80 of China's Criminal Law, Liu Wei was placed under criminal detention at 5.00 p.m. on Oct. 9 on suspicion of illegally obtaining state secrets," the notice said.

"He is currently being held at the Jinxian County Detention Center, Nanchang city," it said.

Liu, a highly respected journalist known for his expose of the links between celebrity qigong master Wang Lin and prominent public figures, had been incommunicado since Oct. 8.

Liu had written a number of articles detailing the links between Wang Lin and celebrities, business people, and Communist Party officials.

By the age of 37, Liu had risen to become deputy director of the paper, which has fallen foul of the ruling Chinese Communist Party's propaganda department in the past because of its relatively daring reporting.

Liu's detention comes after the paper ran a black page as an advertisement on the International Day of Democracy last month, prompting some to wonder if the ad was making a sly reference to a lack of democracy in China.


Liu "disappeared" at Chengdu airport, in the southwestern province of Sichuan, on Oct. 8, and the paper then contacted Jiangxi police to speak up in his defense and to post bail, which was refused, the South China Morning Post reported.

Liu began investigating Wang in 2013 after he was accused of charging exorbitant fees for medical services he was allegedly unqualified to perform.

Jiangxi police detained Wang in July in connection with a kidnapping and murder investigation after a Jiangxi provincial lawmaker, one of his followers, was found dead.

Southern Metropolis News later published several documents given to Liu by an ex-wife of Wang's, who bought them from a police officer.

The ex-wife and the police officer are also being held on suspicion of illegally obtaining state secrets, and Liu appears to be a defendant in the same case.

A journalist who answered the phone at the Southern Metropolis Daily offices on Sunday declined to comment on the case.

"Our bosses have stopped responding to queries even from domestic media, starting last Friday," the journalist said.

"The Southern Metropolis Daily has been working hard to clarify matters via [social media] all along, ever since the beginning of this whole affair," he said.

Tightened controls

In an earlier exchange on Saturday, another employee confirmed that the paper had sent a lawyer to Liu in Jiangxi.

An officer who answered the phone at the Pingxiang municipal police department also declined to discuss the case.

"We would only tell the relatives [information like that]," the officers said. "I can't respond to your queries over the telephone, because I have no way to confirm you are who you say you are."

"I am unable to discuss any of this with you."

The state news agency Xinhua on Monday quoted the public security ministry in Beijing as saying that it was overseeing Liu's case "in response to public concern."

Meanwhile, the Southern Metropolis Daily has pledged to cooperate with the investigation, it said.

'Supernatural powers'

Xinhua said that Wang Lin first came to public attention in 2013, "when images of his supposed 'supernatural powers' were posted on the Internet."

"These 'powers' include conjuring snakes from thin air and posing for pictures with celebrities," it said, adding that the July 9 kidnapping of one of Wang's disciples, Zou Yong, had drawn further media attention.

Wang and another suspect were arrested on the charge of illegal detention, while the other two were charged with intentional homicide, it quoted Jiangxi police as saying.

Hebei lawyer Li Weida said Liu's detention suggests that the authorities are continuing to tighten the leash on China's already tightly controlled media.

"The authorities have continued to tighten controls on the freedom of expression and on public opinion, with an increasing crackdown both on journalists and lawyers," Li told RFA.

"Journalists and the media haven't been free since 1949 in China," he said. "They have always been under the ideological control of officialdom."

'Taking responsibility'

A Beijing-based veteran journalist, who gave only a surname, Shi, said the Southern Metropolis Daily is being surprisingly active in giving out details of Liu's detention, and in showing its public support for the journalist.

"It shows they are taking some responsibility," Shi said.

But he said the ruling Chinese Communist Party's powerful propaganda machine has already made the transition from a system that tries to eliminate unwanted content, to one that tries to proscribe all content.

"In such a society there are still media organizations and some individual journalists with a conscience, who try to expose abuses in that society," Shi said. "Especially when those cases involve government officials, or are particularly murky."

"But overall, we can see the policy direction that this crackdown on the media is headed in," he said.

In a press statement Monday, the Paris-based press freedom group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) called for Liu's "immediate and unconditional release," saying he was "guilty of nothing more than doing his job in a professional manner and with a sense of duty."

"By using a 'state secrets' charge to gag the source of information of public interest, [Chinese president] Xi's party has betrayed its real goal, which is to protect its members and prevent a new blow to its legitimacy," Benjamin Ismail, head of RSF's Asia-Pacific desk, said.

China led the world in imprisoning journalists in 2014, with a total of 29 behind bars, amid fears Beijing may be exporting its model of censorship within the East Asian region, RSF said in a recent report.

China ranks 175th in the world, just fifth from bottom, in RSF's Press Freedom Index. The authorities are also holding 73 netizens out of a global total of 178, it said.

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Ka Pa and Wen Yuqing for the Cantonese Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.


June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black ☂ @ 64heishan_com October 22]] -

really? In trouble they are afraid to see a banshee! ------ @ Y_Shuai: Retweeted northerly (warm cloud over, Yunchao Wen) (wenyunchao):

Chuan-up artist has applied for political asylum in situ. http://fb.me/2jtySKcfZ] -

真的吗?闯祸了都不敢见女妖了! @Y_Shuai: Retweeted 北风(温云超, Yunchao Wen) (@wenyunchao): 传化妆师已经就地申请政治庇护。

June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black ☂ @ 64heishan_com October 22]] -

Ultra-modern style, the latest fashion makeup! szstupidcool: Professor bunker.

超现代风格,最新流行妆!@szstupidcool: 教授碉堡了。


June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
rassietzmwm October 21] -

Joshua Wong Chen
Hong Kong democracy activist Chinese people Quan Xi Jinping athlete ga pa ni Ritz one then holds the 20th protest video game ro nn nn
Joshua Wong FB Yori
https://www.facebook.com/joshuawongchifung/posts/922474627845046...] -

rassie 10月21日
⇒ 黃之鋒と陳光誠 香港の民主運動家と中国の人権運動家が習近平パレードに抗議デモ 20日ロンドン 黃之鋒FBより

 rassie October 20] -
rassie been retweeted Naomi Westland]] -

Chinese blind activist Chen Guangcheng people Quan Xi Jinping's mo pa Ritz one then holds video game scene ni
(2012 ni kara emerge from the house under house arrest, crossing meters).

 rassie 10月20日
rassie 已轉推 Naomi Westland
⇒ 中国の盲目の人権運動家 陳光誠氏も習近平パレードデモ現場に  (2012年に自宅軟禁から脱出、渡米)


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
HE Juan usHejuanus October 24] -

I seriously doubt, 唐志顺 Fortunately, Yin Qing was abducted Oct. 6 and falls after Chinese police, are subject to a very inhuman treatment of torture, and is likely to be left temporarily difficult to heal trauma, which leads to Chinese police CCTV after two detainees told to return home, still refused to disclose two detention handling unit. The large number of media attention Inner Mongolia police, Tianjin police, as well as historical cases of human rights violations in Hexi Detention Center! -

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
何娟us 10月24日


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Wei Shi watson meng  October 23] -

Boxun run since 2000, was the biggest blow may be, youtube video suddenly removed Boxun thousands of accounts. Of course, someone reported that the so-called individual video violence, but you can not delete inappropriate youtube video, why have to delete all?

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
韦石 watson meng 10月23日

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Release Wenjun (Hou Wenzhuo II)swjhouwz October 24] -

I recommendshaojiang not only to court proceedings from a human rights point of view, but also directly sue tort, requiring compensation for mental and physical reputation. They can help find excellent lawyer. I see reports Shaojiang Fu women affected by mental harassment, the feeling of terror such as the CCP, called secondary trauma psychology. V compensation, the United Kingdom just took China's orders, so they spit out some blood. ZhouFengSuo
@sliangq ]] -

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
释文君(侯文卓二世) 10月24日
我建议@shaojiang不仅从人权角度去法庭诉讼,而且直接起诉民事侵权,要求精神名誉和身体的赔偿。大家可帮忙找优秀律师。我看报道邵江夫妇受到精神骚扰,感觉恐怖如中共,心理学叫二次创伤。诉赔偿,英国刚拿了中国的订单,让他们吐点血出来。@ZhouFengSuo  @sliangq]]

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Xu Meicun @ YE5MQ5Vtp2jlWX7 October 24] -

Superman legend! -----
'' His 16-year-old dropped out of school in northern Shaanxi Institute Shangougou bitter Russian British law ...... 19-year-old Latin American Indian literature popcorn shouting Shakespeare, and the woman on the Tsinghua attunement Paul, after a Department of Chemical Engineering graduate of Doctor of Laws. That year he entrance exam, the North China Electric Power University of Reading level professionals, incredible read into the Tsinghua University Department of Electrical Engineering Masters. Microcomputer Principle repeatedly hanging branches, Zhou Mingde old man is not to over. Red II omnipotent, is Superman! ''

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
传说中的超人! 他16岁辍学在陕北山沟沟苦研俄美英法拉美印度文学……19岁苞米地里喊莎士比亚,农妇点化保上清华,后成化工系毕业的法学博士。那年他高考落榜,到华北电力大学读职专,匪夷所思转入清华电机系念硕士。微机原理屡次挂科,周明德老先生就是不给过。红二代无所不能,都是超人!


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
 October 24] -

'' Protest video game holds "Down with Communists" su as have nn ga ga ka hear me cry ru,, Logistics clubs supervisory authority Dui market exclusivity ni su ru protest video game holds ,, the 22nd China Wuhan, Hubei Province]] -

"Thousands of businesses were street processions Wuhan someone shouting" Down with the Communist Party, ""] http://chinaexaminer.bayvoice.net/b5/people/2015/10/24/184792.htm%E6%AD%A6%E6%BC% A2% E5% 90% 8D% E8% A1% 97% E6% 95% B8% E5% 8D% 83% E5% 95% 86% E6% 88% B6% E9% 81% 8A% E8% A1% 8C- % E6% 9C% 89% E4% BA% BA% E5% 96% 8A% E3% 80% 8C% E6% 89% 93% E5% 80% 92% E5% 85% B1% E7% 94% A2% E9 % BB% A8% E3% 80% 8D.html ...] -

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
rassie 10月24日
抗議デモで「打倒共産党」のスローガンが聞かれる 物流会社と監督機関の市場独占に対する抗議デモで 22日中国湖北省武漢 武漢名街數千商戶遊行 有人喊「打倒共產黨」


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Peter Brookes  10月23日
My cartoon Friday Times. Today takes his leave (and much else besides)


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Jian Alan Huang October 23 Sydney, New South Wales] -

"British Chinese war of words that guy Fifty Cent videos, the most funny is this: I heard the word Tibet, a good shake clever little fifty cents on fried hair, it is recommended to talk to British guy Scottish people talk about independence matters, did not British guy think he is proud to announce that the Soviet Union alone molecules. this frustration, even three days watching the news network will not necessarily be able to calm down. "

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Peter Walker  10月23日

我的北大學長邵江,在英國讀書並獲得政治學博士學位。他其實也可以過一個穩定安逸的生活。但是26年來他都不願意也從未放棄當年的理想。昨天,他因為抗議習近平被英國警嚓逮捕,家裡也被搜查,把他當恐怖分子看待。 英國政府太不要臉了!!! 我決定下週去英國駐臺辦事處,當面向他們表達我的抗議。
Peter Walker 10月23日
Peter Walker 已轉推 Shao Jiang 邵江
Chinese rights activist Shao Jiang arrested on Weds now banned from going near Heathrow & Chequers....


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Wang Dan @ wangdan1989 October 23] -

"My seniors Peking University Shao Jiang, studying in the UK and a Ph.D. in political science. He actually can lead a stable and comfortable life. But 26 years he has never reluctant to give up the ideal of the year. Yesterday, he protesting Xi Jinping Jenna was arrested by the British police, the family was searched, viewed him as a terrorist.
The British government is too shameless! ! !
I decided to go to England next week in Taiwan office, when they face to express my protest. "

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
王丹 10月23日
我的北大學長邵江,在英國讀書並獲得政治學博士學位。他其實也可以過一個穩定安逸的生活。但是26年來他都不願意也從未放棄當年的理想。昨天,他因為抗議習近平被英國警嚓逮捕,家裡也被搜查,把他當恐怖分子看待。 英國政府太不要臉了!!! 我決定下週去英國駐臺辦事處,當面向他們表達我的抗議。


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
Share Video: a survivor ARRESTED for peacefully expressing free-speech during


June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Amnesty International Chineseamnestychinese October 23] -

"Urgent attention: Overseas Democrats, sixty-four witness Shao Jiangshaojiang because in the streets of London to protest and was taken away by London police, housing was searched." [Http://goo.gl/OPMwzA] # Xi Jinping visit to the UK h / t.

紧急关注:海外民主人士、六四亲历者邵江 因在伦敦街头抗议而被伦敦警方带走,住宅遭搜查。 h/t


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Ye Tibet Xi 10月24日
Two Tibetan Women Released on Bail; Homes Searched by Police – Tibetan Community UK

Two Tibetan Women Released on Bail; Homes Searched by Police

BY IN Publications & Artcles

Two Tibetan Women Released on Bail; Homes Searched by Police
London, 23 October 2015
For Immediate Release
Tibetan Community in Britain welcomes the release of Sonam and Jamphel, two Tibetan women who were taken into police custody on the afternoon of 21 October 2015 for peacefully protesting against Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mansion House. We also stand in solidarity with Shao Jiang, Chinese activist and Tiananmen Square survivor, who was arrested and released at around the same time.Sonam, 31, and Jamphel, 33, were released on bail on 22 October 2015 at around 4pm from Bishopsgate police station to a crowd of supporters and well wishers. “Whilst I welcome Sonam and Jamphel’s release, these two Tibetan women should never have been arrested in the first place,” said Tsering Passang, Chairman of the Tibetan Community in Britain. “Metropolitan Police have completely overreacted to Sonam and Jamphel’s small and spontaneous protest. I am appalled that their homes were searched in the night of 21 October while they were in police custody. Any belongings of their’s confiscated​ ,​such as laptops, phones and USB sticks should be immediately returned.”
The solicitor representing Sonam and Jamphel, Bill Nash of BSB Solicitors said:
“My clients were arrested for what was a peaceful and what many would see as a legitimate non-​violent protest concerning the treatment of their country by the Chinese regime. Despite the fact that no one suggests that any violence was contemplated or offered a decision was taken to further arrest for an offence of Conspiracy to contravene section 5 of the Public Order Act of 1986. In over 40 years of legal practice I have never previously heard of an arrest for such an offence. This smacks of overreaction to a considerable degree. Perhaps it is time that we should focus some of our concentration on our own civil liberties at the same time as we criticise others for their stance on human rights.”
Sonam and Jamphel said in a joint statement,
“We’d like to thank all Tibetans and supporters who have expressed their concern for us. We spontaneously decided to wave our Tibetan flags and make a stand on behalf of Tibetans in Tibet who do not have this right. We never expected to be arrested or to have to spend 24 hours in police custody. Even though this is nothing compared to what Tibetans in Tibet have to live through every day, the Metropolitan Police should allow all Tibetans and supporters to freely protest without fear of arrest.
Surely the signing of billions of pounds in trade deals by the UK did not include signing away this fundamental right of all British citizens but in particular silencing Tibetans.”
Tsering Passang
Chairman, Tibetan Community in Britain
(1) For details and photos of Sonam and Jamphel’s protest and arrest, see: http://tibetancommunityuk.net/publications-artcles/two-british-tibetan-women-and-chinese-democracy-activist-arrested-by-police/
(2) Photo attached, left to right, Tsering Passang (Chairman of TCB), Jamphel, Wangdue Tsering (Office of Tibet), Sonam, Thenlay
Tibetan Community in Britain
C/o Tibet House
1 Culworth Street
London, NW8 7AF
United Kingdom
Web: www.tibetancommunityuk.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UKTibetan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TibetanCommunityUK
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClTOr5Sx_ebPU_-xPgvBEww/feed
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六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Wu Renhua October 25 West Covina, CA] -

"Former student leader, Shao Jiang eighty-nine student movement due to the peaceful protest Xi Jinping visited London, was arrested by British police, raid, 邵江刚 told me:" computer, tablet, mobile phone all in the hands of the police, such as this week Japan is still not yet, could face prosecution. "Shao Jiang tweets number isshaojiang please be solidarity, sympathy."

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推]]-
吴仁华10月25日 West Covina, CA]-

"原八九学运学生领袖邵江因以和平的方式抗议到访伦敦的习近平,被英国警方逮捕、抄家,邵江刚才告诉我:“电脑、平板、手机全在警方手里,如这个周日仍没有还,可能面临起诉。”邵江的推特号是 @shaojiang 请大家予以声援、慰问。"


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black ☂ @ 64heishan_com October 23]] -

"Patriotic thief and Communist who, this is my personal archives oath: I belong to China's right, this is what I can not choose; however, China does not belong to me, why should I not my love is yours and not my country? no, never! I want to build together with you a part of our country that we all deserve to love the new, its name will never be "people's Republic of China!" I love that does not want to belong to my country? door nothing!"

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 10月23日


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
C.A. October 23] -

"BBC reporter visited Beijing three locations to respond Xi Jinping called" Lies always pay attention to human rights situation in China ": 1) Ilham Central University for Nationalities in the past to teach the students about his grievances are forgotten; 2) to visit Liu Xia Liu Xiaobo residence, but was watching the guards unreasonably arresting; 3) access to Gao Yu residence, her son Wang Yi called on the British government Mo Yinli "[
] -

An alternative tour of Beijing following Xi's comments on 'human rights'

22 October 2015 Last updated at 16:17 BST
The trip that's been described as the start of a "new golden era" between Britain and China is drawing to a close.
Chinese President Xi Jinping will dine with the British Prime Minister at his country retreat and pay a visit to Manchester before heading home on Friday.
The two countries have signed an array of business deals worth billions of dollars.
But questions about the visit will not go away.
On Wednesday, in rare comments on the subject, Xi Jinping told the British press that China "attaches great importance to human rights".
From Beijing, our correspondent John Sudworth takes an alternative and rather revealing tour of the city.

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
C.A. Yeung 10月23日


六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
A sauce October 23] -

"News reports say Harbin male died of a heart attack, dissected, heart attack! And his lover to hit anyone! People just pulled out of security outside the shop!? I want to ask, there are other versions of it?"



 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Chen Yuanhua @ chenyuanhua1971 October 24] -

The legendary "learning Fans"? 😂😂😂))


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Wei Shi watson meng October 23] -

"Since Boxun 2000 run, was the biggest blow may be, youtube video suddenly removed thousands Boxun account. Of course, someone reported that the so-called individual video violence, but you can not delete inappropriate youtube video, why have to delete all? '"

What ?? My Great God = Google ... =. =))

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
韦石 watson meng 10月23日

 What ?? My Great God = Google ... =. =)) ROMelody88

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Jigme 10月23日
From to Mansion House Square.


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Xu Meicun October 24] -

'[Shakespeare] when introduced to Chinese translator Ham Rong Shi 1964 years ago published "The Complete Works of Shakespeare," the preparatory work, which was published in 1978. If someone have to say that in 1966 the Chinese mainland have read the works of Shakespeare, it is almost certain: he read was "What is the forced ah" !! "

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
許梅邨 10月24日

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
The new order? Tiananmen survivor a criminal, & the President of China his victim

 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Primrose Riordan 10月24日
U.S. warships or aircraft may be sent near China's artificial islands in the South China Sea within days
  Sat Oct 24, 2015.

U.S. patrols to raise stakes with Beijing in disputed South China Sea

U.S. plans to send warships or military aircraft within 12 nautical miles of China's artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea, possibly within days, could open a tense new front in Sino-U.S. rivalry.
A range of security experts said Washington's so-called freedom of navigation patrols would have to be regular to be effective, given Chinese ambitions to project power deep into maritime Southeast Asia and beyond.
But China would likely resist attempts to make such U.S. actions routine, some said, raising the political and military stakes. China's navy could for example try to block or attempt to surround U.S. vessels, they said, risking an escalation.
Given months of debate already in Washington over the first such patrol close to the Chinese outposts since 2012, several regional security experts and former naval officers said the U.S. government might be reluctant to do them often.
U.S. allies such as Japan and Australia are unlikely to follow with their own direct challenges to China, despite their concerns over freedom of navigation along vital trade routes, they added.
"This cannot be a one-off," said Ian Storey, a South China Sea expert at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
"The U.S. navy will have to conduct these kinds of patrols on a regular basis to reinforce their message."
The Obama administration has said it would test China's territorial claims to the area after months of pressure from Congress and the U.S. military. It has not given a timeframe.
"I think we have been very clear - that we intend to do this," State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters last Monday.
Chinese Foreign Ministry officials said this month that Beijing would "never allow any country to violate China's territorial waters and airspace in the Spratly islands in the name of protecting navigation and overflight".
Under the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, 12-nautical mile limits cannot be set around man-made islands built on previously submerged reefs.
Four of the seven reefs China has reclaimed over the last two years were completely submerged at high tide before construction began, legal scholars say.
China claims most of the South China Sea. Other claimants are Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.
Bonnie Glaser, a security expert at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies, said U.S. missions would likely be regular, with the navy wanting to ensure it did not become effectively shut out of the area.
"I know the U.S. does not want that outcome. Nobody wants to give the Chinese a new no-go zone and an effective territorial sea they are not entitled to," she said.
Glaser said she believed China would be careful about interfering with a U.S. patrol, despite past frictions.
Myles Caggins, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, declined to comment when asked whether a U.S. show of force might be more symbolism than substance unless there was a sustained naval effort, or whether the administration was factoring in further Chinese assertiveness.

He said U.S. thinking was illustrated by President Barack Obama's statement at a news conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Washington last month that "the United States will continue to sail, fly and operate anywhere that international law allows".
Despite Xi's comment at the news conference that the man-made islands would not be militarised, some mainland Chinese analysts believe the reclamations will form the heart of a new military screen protecting Chinese submarines on southern Hainan Island, as well as boasting extensive civilian facilities.
These submarines will soon carry nuclear weapons and represent the core of China's nuclear deterrence, giving it a second strike capability.
While China's outposts are seen as vulnerable in a conflict, up until that point they will allow Beijing to extend both civilian activities, such as fishing and oil exploration, as well as military patrols. One airstrip is finished and two others are being built.
Zhang Baohui, a Chinese security expert at Hong Kong's Lingnan University, said he feared a "dangerous escalation", with China likely to react to any attempt to make the patrols routine.
Rather than freedom of navigation, Zhang said he believed Beijing saw the issue as one of great power rivalry.
"It is all about power, and that is what makes this so dangerous," he said.
China had never formally declared a 12-mile territorial zone around the reclamations, so any U.S. show of force was premature, he added.
Sam Bateman, an adviser to Singapore's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies and a former Australian naval officer, also noted the lack of any formal declaration, adding Washington risked underestimating China's angst over being contained in the South China Sea.
"There is a real risk of a confrontation between China and the U.S. that the U.S. might have to withdraw from," he said, urging more diplomacy instead.
"I'm not sure what their end-game is."
(Reporting by Greg Torode in HONG KONG; Additional reporting by Matt Spetalnick and David Brunnstrom in WASHINGTON; Editing by Dean Yates)


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Dan Nguyen  10月24日
The English should just use headlines generated from the Google translation of its Chinese edition.


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Cai Chu October 25] -

Liu Qian: Supreme Court Civil Division verbal notice: blood transfusion infected with HIV inadmissible
"Zhang Junmei holding me howl,,
Zhang Junmei weeping, said -
My boy, six years old because heart disease when blood transfusion, infected with AIDS, now sixteen years old and we have found what I thought the taste ah! "

  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Cai Chu October 25] -

Liu Qian: Supreme Court Civil Division verbal notice: blood transfusion infected with HIV inadmissible
"Zhang Junmei holding me howl,,
Zhang Junmei weeping, said -
My boy, six years old because heart disease when blood transfusion, infected with AIDS, now sixteen years old and we have found what I thought the taste ah! "


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
Happy Birthday ! For just $1.20 in postage, you can send him a message of hope in prison:

Happy Birthday ! For just $1.20 in postage, you can send him a message of hope in prison:


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes @ 64heishan_com 22 hours, 22 hours ago ☂]] -

"Xi Jinping reading method is: first read the cover, read the back cover, this year has not yet finished studying a book published book is how to read it uh ...... I will have to ask him that I found his life in Shaanxi seven.?. in reading the book, and has for decades not forget, also worse than the computer. other times no, Shaanxi seven years have had to go to a doctorate. "

  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 22小時22 小時前


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes @ 64heishan_com 20 hours and 20 hours before ☂]] -

(("Equality before the law" behind:
In China, the unequal treatment under the law, the difference between different identities, geographic, ethnic, class, et al treatment, rights and privileges, equality refers only to the official claims of "enforcement of equality." Enterprises treatment also varies according to the investor
In a democratic society, the legal treatment of full equality, without any discrimination and differential treatment will be the same, no different rights, benefits and privileges. Natural law is "equality". ))

  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 20小時20 小時前
"法律面前人人平等"背后: 在中国,法律待遇不平等,不同身份、地域、民族、等级等人之间待遇、权利和特权不同,平等仅指官方宣称的"执法平等"。企业待遇也按投资者不同而不同 在民主社会,法律待遇完全平等,没有任何歧视和不同待遇一律相同,没有不同权利、待遇和特权。执法自然是"平等"的。


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes @ 64heishan_com 20 hours and 20 hours before ☂]] -

"According to the principle, I doubt whether the United Kingdom is still democracy and freedom, law actually can change according to personal stand, viewpoint occurs, a peaceful protesters because of their political stance and become" terrorists "by the law as suppressed by the of. "
"Britain, Cameron government,
You're still a democratic rule of law country? In your country there is freedom? "

  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 20小時20 小時前
据此原则,我怀疑英国是否仍为民主自由的国家,法律居然可以按照个人的立场、观点而发生改变,一个和平的示威者因为其政治立场而变成"恐怖分子",受到以法律为由的打压。 英国,卡梅伦政府, 你还是一个民主法治国家吗?你国还有自由吗?


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Midnight homelessbafield July 17] -

"@ Xiaoya Paper Moon: Jia Ping-wa works in his autobiography," I am a farmer ", the record of the personal experience of the Red Guards to kill atrocities: casually caught a five molecule, blindfolded, tied at the back of explosives ignited fuse, and then ordered the "running", the Red Guards to appreciate that "Boom" sound Xuerouhengfei behind the scenes. in contrast ISIS civilized than the Red Guards! today's Red Guards of the Cultural Revolution still called "passion Burning years. "

  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
午夜游民 7月17日


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推

  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Clouds  19 hours ] -

"United Nations support universal suffrage in Hong Kong [
..]! -


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ 已轉推
南昌傅志彬案本周五(十月三十日)上午九点半在南昌市青山湖法院开庭,辩护人:张赞宁。请方便前去旁听的朋友相互转告!谢谢!傅志杉老师为《洗脑的历史》作者。 专访《洗脑的历史》作者傅志杉_孙林


  六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black have Retweet
Hu Haibo 14 hours

"Nanchang 傅志彬 case this Friday (October 30) half past nine in Nanchang Qingshan Lake Court, defender: Zhang Zanning please go to attend a friend spread the convenience thank 傅志 fir teacher!!" Brainwashing history. "On. [
...] interview "brainwashing history" author _ Sun Lin Fu Zhi Shan. "


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -

Hu Haibo 14 hours] -

"Harbin 刘冰刚 just send a message:" I am in Cangshan Jinshan police station, residence by unidentified persons off, the alarm no police, no place to live if people would live in the police station tonight, "and" There I stuff robbed by intimidation, carefully walking on the road was hit. "Liu has been active in recent years in the country fighting line, hope everyone's attention!"

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
胡海波 14小時
哈尔滨刘冰刚刚发出信息:“我在福州市仓山区金山派出所报警,住处被不明身份人员断电,报警后无人出警,如果没有地方住今晚人将住派出所了”, “还有我的东西被抢被威胁恐吓,小心走在路上被打”。刘冰近年来一直活跃在全国抗争一线,望大家关注!

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Hu Haibo 14 hours] -

"@ huhaibo1029 residence by unidentified persons off after the alarm no police, no place to live if people would live in the police station tonight," and "there are things that I robbed by intimidation, carefully walking on the road was hit." Liu has been active in recent years in the country fighting line, hope everyone's attention! Liu Tel: 18620784521
Police Station Tel: 05918305110] -

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
胡海波 14小時
住处被不明身份人员断电,报警后无人出警,如果没有地方住今晚人将住派出所了”, “还有我的东西被抢被威胁恐吓,小心走在路上被打”。刘冰近年来一直活跃在全国抗争一线,望大家关注!刘冰电话:18620784521 派出所电话:05918305110


 六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
VOA Chinese network 13 hours

"#VOA Connection Trailer: Three and a half months, more than three hundred victims from July 9 after human rights lawyer Wang Yu was arrested by the Chinese authorities interviewed, summoned, restricting the exit, residential surveillance, criminal detention, arrest. and the number of missing has exceeded three hundred people. tonight, China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group is headquartered in Hong Kong, a spokesman for Ms. Chen will introduce the latest situation. "

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂ June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black been retweeted]] -
Chinese RFI - Radio France Internationale 12 hours] -

"Beijing - Tokyo Forum due to miss each other and give a joint statement [http://rfi.my/1LWG9e0]! -

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推

六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂  已轉推
. apparently used the tank man image for one of their ad campaigns in 2009:  


中間人作用有三:1、借中間人污名化學聯和其他組織者。2、借中間人給組織者施壓,類似說一些棉裏藏刀的話,恐嚇組織者,給組織者施壓。3、最重要的:將原本公開的對話,通過中間人,而變成私下交易,使抗議者失去支持HKFS1958,, hk928umbrella,, Scholarismhk]

Nail election tweets
June Fourth, the global Chinese together wearing black clothes and black ☂ @ 64heishan_com 2014 10 15

"Intermediary role has three: 1, by the intermediary chemical associated stigma and other organizers .2, through intermediaries to the organizers of pressure, similar to say a few words of cotton in knives, intimidation organizer, to put pressure on the organizers. 3, the most important: the original open dialogue, through an intermediary, and become private transactions, so the protesters lost the support of "HKFS1958 ,, hk928umbrella ,, Scholarismhk]] -!


 Looking the "Lu Feng," Mr.("盧峯 ")&Mr.李怡 so clear economic analysis - we augmented knowledge! One a originally a Mainland cheater beast communist China-pig (referred zoonotic swine, the same below),
 In mainland communist network media who have that is courageous enough to reported,
And will be exposed the '' zoonotic '' of lies the fact that over the 1.5 century??!
'' Zoonotic '' How could tolerate '' dissidents '' appear?! Haha,
'' Zoonotic '' - '' Fifty Cent slaves 'have crossed the' zoonotic '' does not allow the people '' over the wall '' behavior !! -
'' Fifty Cent slaves ''not afraid of being '' zoonotic 'miscellaneous swollen monster to ' prison' raid ,, 'implicated 9 of clan' you??!

It seems Hong Kong Apple Daily indeed  'reputed and foreign'';
Ignorance and shame these two adjectives, must be described '' zoonotic '' Fifty Cent uneducated slave,
And often appear in on the size of Hong Kong Apple Daily news commentary,
Use Chi-na language, that Simplified character, China-pig slaves write uneducated text!
(Swine; they will know how to write the letter?? so afraid...ah) ha ha...servility die hard's... pig Oh!!

This is the mainland Internet users and investors will not see the circumstance occurs of the continent!
God "to eliminate the CCP,  華族Ethnic Chinese, quickly quit the Communist Party ,, China fifty cents slaves party to security and peace!

Next, let's global Google great God to show allow that..in fact,
Eacch of '' zoonotic 'miscellaneous swollen monster of all evil!
In mainland provinces, cities and counties people,
These circumstance occurs, are you also behind bars of it??

International human rights organization Society, Please, we ask...are whether these atrocities more cruel than ISIS extremists, more terrible and must be punish - those executioners it!?

In the world of some place  the devil castigate human rights, the devil is in "play" to people's life !!
In the end who will punish all of the devil's criminal acts...!!?

Humans are good guys and bad guys in two kinds respectively!
Regardless of religion, regardless of nationality, regardless of color, regardless of sexual orientation, regardless of class, regardless of poverty and wealth, ..., etc.,

There is a famous Cantonese famous sentence: greed, prostitution, captive seize the property of others, everything looting others the bad guys actually get the gold belt;
                              Build bridges, Buxiu roads good peoples but they are until dead also can't seen their corpses bone!

While saying ironically and so aptly, it is now Reverse right and wrong, confuse black and white real society a part of.
And Who will - go for their judgment a fair result?!

Melody.Blog sad sigh ~


看到"盧峯 "先生& Mr.
李怡 這麽清晰的經濟分析,真是教我們獲益良多!








廣東話有一句名句: 貪,淫,擄,掠的壞人竟然獲得金腰帶;


Melody.Blog悲哀 嘆息~



 The day before yesterday on the question and answer session in the Legislative Council, Wong Yuk-man, Mr Leung Chun-ying made to "many voters to pressure me and told me to ask him a question," is to ask him, "How long will die." WONG Kwok-kin immediately questioned questions Wong Yuk-man offensive chief executive, requested the Chairman Tsang Yok-sing ruling. Mr Jasper ruling made was: "Mr Wong Yuk-man speeches, I think that the Chief Executive can be completely respond." After the meeting Mr Jasper said Mr question whether it is appropriate, should be handed over to the Chief Executive, the Chairman and members of the public to judge, "Well Mr WONG needs to teach Drainage Die (other Members) edge GOD should speak, while GOD Well should say. " He also said that no one would think to ask Mr Leung, "when death" is really the problem, but with the nature of the question and answer session of the General Assembly the question of the different weekdays, except Mr question policy, we will also take the opportunity to express their views to the chief executive, is "political repartee." , instead of by his ruling, Mr question whether out of order, it would be referred to the Chief Executive to decide whether to answer, "Mr generous Department of Mi proper question, the Chief Executive Well brilliant answer was brilliant, the public system to hear."

Problems talking about political life

I agree with Mr Jasper ruling. Although the problem apparently is offensive, can not expect a clear answer can Leung Chun-ying, but the one that is the intention of many people emotional, and secondly, the problem itself is not about the real life of the beam, because no one cares how much he longevity no one would predict how much he longevity, the problem is actually talking about the political life of the beam. The true meaning of the problem is: When the end of your political life? How long do you kill us? We have to live with your governance to what time?
This question actually asked and there is no answer in a question and answer session that many Members echoed.
Sin Chung-kai in the question and answer session on Leung Chun-ying announced the 2011 Chief Executive election, still DTZ director of identity and Australian engineering firm UGL signed a secret agreement, in exchange for $ 50 million reward for the event, when asked whether Mr. Leung has declared office, "Bei You should be detained and interrogated Mainland La. " Liang has not asked to declare their interests to the Chief Justice? You will go to surrender? Detained for interrogation, surrender, talking about the political life of the beam.
Leung Kwok-hung, Mr Leung Chun-ying choose one respond to the requirements of the five issues: public holds 99.9% stake in the business details of the British Virgin Islands offshore company; HK UGL5,000 received ten thousand Australian enterprise "secret expenses"; said foreign evidence of occupation forces involved in operations; universal retirement protection: standard working hours. These questions are directed at the crucial point of the beam political life.
Wong Kwok-hing proposed establishment faction beam to how to fulfill campaign promises in the remainder of the term, the abolition of mandatory hedge, benefiting the territory "wage earners." "Remainder of the term" shall mean the end of political life.
Mr Felix Chung on behalf of the business sector, small and medium micro enterprises to the Chief Executive 'debt collection. " Asked about the lifting beams mentioned in the election platform and promote Hong Kong's wholesale industry, Hong Kong manufacturers to support the transition, review the regulations and administrative measures to unfavorable business environment and other items, the number of years the policy are all gone.
Lee Cheuk-yan will Beams election platform two things to the 689 "debt collection": one is his commitment to the phasing out of mandatory severance payments and hedging, the second is the legislative standard working hours. LEE questioned whether Beam want to drag themselves to implement the platform, to tell you, "I have time to do", and then Bo re-election. Namely the continuation of political life.
The entire question and answer session, most of the speakers, and even part of the school establishment, are concentrated in the three-beam special achievements "go a few," he's a liar, he's already qualified for the scandal in the mainland "double regulations" should investigating, he not from Hong Kong's Chief Executive, he was executed for his Beijing "to decolonization" command, will become the university campus, "Liang powder Club" in Hong Kong. And there are indications that he was a hard line with Beijing to Hong Kong, for the continuation of his political life that is re-elected. Talked about the election, Lee Cheuk-yan said: "You do not attempt to scare me!"

End Liang Zedong non-pseudo-proposition

Therefore, "when death" obviously refers to "political life", it is by no means a pseudo-proposition, but true propositions. And Mr Leung responded in the Legislative Council under the President's ruling is a reference to Mao Zedong's poem "complaints Too heartbroken," confirmed a number of Members raised by the Leung Chun-ying and Mao spelled "Liang Zedong 'avatar attend question and answer session, also confirms the Wong Yuk-man said, "since more than three years, perverse, made outrageous, detestable, but he not only did not know shame shame, but also Grievance must be reported, in order to fight for the music," these are not the rule of Mao Zedong and the Chinese mainland are also twenty-seven years did it?
Liang Zedong "when dead"? Indeed is the voice of the majority of Hong Kong people, including the establishment faction may well be the voice of the majority and the civil service. His re-election, 真箇 is: "You do not attempt to scare me!"

Li Yi published Monday to Saturday


前天在立法會答問大會上,黃毓民議員向梁振英提出「很多選民給壓力我,叫我問他一個問題」,就是問他「幾時死」。黃國健議員隨即表示質疑黃毓民的提問冒犯 特首,要求主席曾鈺成裁決。曾鈺成作出的裁決是:「黃毓民議員的發言,我認為行政長官完全是可以回應的。」會後曾鈺成表示,議員的提問是否恰當,應交給特 首、主席和市民判斷,「唔需要黃議員教佢哋(其他議員)邊啲應該講、邊啲唔應該講」。他又指,無人會認為問梁振英「幾時死」是真的問題,但答問會與平日大 會質詢的性質不同,議員除質詢政策外,亦會藉機向特首表達意見,是「政治對答」,與其由他裁定議員的提問是否合乎規程,倒不如交由特首決定是否回答,「議 員嘅提問係咪恰當,特首答得精采唔精采,市民係聽到」。


筆者贊同曾鈺成的裁決。儘管問題表面看來是冒犯性的,也無法期待梁振英可以明確回答,但一來這是許多市民情緒上的意向,二來這問題本身不是講梁的真實生 命,因為沒有人關心他有多長壽,也沒有人會預知他有多長壽,這問題講的其實是梁的政治生命。問題的真實含義是:你的政治生命何時終結?你還要害我們多久? 我們還要忍受你的管治到甚麼時候?
單仲偕在答問大會上就梁振英2011年 宣佈參選特首後,仍以戴德梁行董事身份與澳洲工程企業UGL簽訂秘密協議,換取5,000萬元報酬的事件,追問梁振英上任時有否申報,「喺內地你應該被雙 規喇」。又問梁有沒有向首席大法官申報利益?會不會去自首?雙規,自首,講的是梁的政治生命。


整 個答問大會,大多數的發言,甚至部份建制派,都集中在梁特三年政績「走數」,他的謊話連篇,他的醜聞在大陸已夠資格「雙規」更應查辦,他不是香港人的特 首,他在香港是執行北京給他的「去殖化」命令,將大學校園變成「梁粉俱樂部」。而有迹象顯示,他正配合北京對香港的強硬路線,爭取延續他的政治生命即連 任。講到連任,李卓人說:「你唔好嚇我!」


因此「幾時死」明顯是指「政治生命」,那就絕不是偽命題,而是真命題。而梁振英在立法會主席裁決下的回應是引用毛澤東的詩「牢騷太盛防腸斷」,印證了一些 議員出席答問會時舉起由梁振英與毛澤東拼出的「梁澤東」的頭像,也印證了黃毓民所說的「三年多以來,倒行逆施,弄得天怒人怨,神憎鬼厭,但是他不但不知愧 恥,還要睚眥必報,以鬥爭為樂」,這些不也都是毛澤東統治中國大陸二十七年的所作所為嗎?


 *-[10/11-2015]-In US, "doctrine of white supremacy", "Republican Party" under the "notorious -KKK party", was the Anonymous to expose their evil collusion, anonymously voice their "vote fraud"  do affect our political situation of the US Democratic Party election results !! Anonymous expose them: "These groups generally opposed to race relations, homosexuality and illegal immigration and historical expression of this idea, by terrorist acts."...!- and By HackRead reported- and by revolution-news.com reported-& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported-*All The World Lauguage*-
-[10/11-2015]-美國的白人主義至上的"共和黨"下的"惡名昭著-KKK黨",被匿名揭露他們的官奸勾結,被匿名説出他們的"造假投票"影响我們的美國民主黨政情選舉結果!!匿名揭露他們 :  "這些團體普遍反對種族關係,同性戀和非法移民和歷史表達這種思想,通過恐怖行為。"...!和由HackRead 的報導資訊-和由revolution-news.com reported-& by http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com reported-

-[29/10-2015]-This is mentioned in an article by the Hong Kong Apple Daily writer (senior hedge fund manager ,, Mr. Qian Zhijian) - "I recently asked 葛志红 Sophie, who is about eight years to come to her new immigrants to 25 years old. while still a member of the Communist Youth League, came to Hong Kong after 89 '' Pro-democracy '',sixty-four '' Massacre ''learned the truth. However, the next opportunity in case, she went to a church to hear me, "about Jesus' testimony, and later participated in the peace accounting in the financial group, to evolve out now "2047 Hong Kong monitoring."- Witnessed in Hong Kong - is the mainland communist dictator liar - erosion of freedom, democracy, fairness and dictatorship mechanisms, erosion academic freedom, escapism equality under the law, .. '!-*All The World City Lauguage*-
-Looking the "Lu Feng," Mr.("盧峯 ") so clear economic analysis - we augmented knowledge! One a originally a Mainland cheater beast communist China-pig (referred zoonotic swine, the same below),.and by twitter "六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫 ☂" the news!- The last - by"(Apple Daily Forum)Ping On:Liang Zedong "when the dead" is a true proposition!"-The Famous Writer"Li Yi" Mr."(李怡)-*All The World City Lauguage*-
看到“呂鋒(“盧峰”)”先生,這樣清晰的經濟分析 - 令我們增廣了知識!一個原本是內地騙子畜牲共產的支那豬(簡稱畜共的豬,下同),.和Twitter的“六·四,全球華人一起穿黑衫☂”的新聞 - !最後 - 由“(蘋果日報論壇)蘋論:
梁澤東「幾時死」是真命題  - 由著名作家,李易(李怡)“先生。!”-

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