2014年11月30日 星期日

-----By an Apple Daily report---*"apple" reporter Yu Wan garbage receive SMS* ---feelings implied ... "- ---由一篇蘋果日報報導---*《蘋果》記者收逾萬垃圾短訊 *---引申的感想..."- ---애플 일일 보고서에 의해 ---*"사과"기자 유 완 쓰레기는 SMS를 수신*--- 감정 ..."암 시- ---Par rapport Apple Daily ---*"pomme" journaliste Yu Wan ordures recevoir des SMS*---sentiments implicite ... "- ---Per Apple Daily raporto---*"pomo" raportisto Yu Wan rubo ricevi SMS*--- sentoj implicita..."- **USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**---Update--- Apple Daily reported that the Communist mainland tortoiseFUUUK opposing evil people,

Adky Cheung님의 사진.---By an Apple Daily report---*"apple" reporter Yu Wan garbage receive SMS* ---feelings implied ... "-
---由一篇蘋果日報報導---*《蘋果》記者收逾萬垃圾短訊 *---引申的感想..."-
---애플 일일 보고서에 의해 ---*"사과"기자 유 완 쓰레기는 SMS를 수신*--- 감정 ..."암 시-
---Par rapport Apple Daily ---*"pomme" journaliste Yu Wan ordures recevoir des SMS*---sentiments implicite ... "-
---Per Apple Daily raporto---*"pomo" raportisto Yu Wan rubo ricevi SMS*--- sentoj implicita..."-
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

*---Apple Daily updated information and a petition letter to my ... "
사진: 箍頸,極近距離使用胡椒噴霧,在地上拖行…你可能己經覺得,這是警員對付示威者的「慣常」方式。但「慣常」不代表可以合理化,更不代表這手法被人看慣了,習慣了,就是對的行為。
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement---애플 매일 업데이트 정보 내에 청원 편지 ... "
---Informations mis à jour Apple Daily et une lettre de
pétition à ma ... "
---Apple Daily updated informon kaj peton leteron al mia ... "
/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**
**Today's Apple Daily reported that a sensation! We

are looking forward to wolf Zeitou Leung ching-ying want government to the people of the time, let the international court that Leung ching-ying and mainland Communist terror Zeitou underworld violence against public security of our students, Reporter people charges etc., so that people in different countries around the world to witness the transition of power under the umbrella shot exercise! watch us live today in Hong Kong Apple Daily Hong Kong stays unprecedented event ... million people look forward to the day ~!!**
---** 今天的蘋果日報報導轟動了!我們正期待狼賊頭梁振英要還政於民的時候了,讓國際法庭判决這恐怖賊頭梁振英和大陸共產黨黑社會公安暴力對待香港學生,記者, 人們等等的罪名,讓全世界鏡頭下不同國渡的人們見證這個雨傘運動的力量吧!我們一起收看蘋果日報今天直播的香港人撐香港人的空前盛況...萬人期待的日 子~!!**
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

-**Please use the god home use Google translator to translate the language of your country or city Oh ^^-
-**국가 또는 도시 ^^ 언어를 번역하는the 하나님의 가정에서 사용하는 구글 번역기를 사용하십시오-
-**Se il vous plaît utiliser l'utilisation de la maison de Dieu traducteur de Google pour traduire la langue de votre pays ou ville Oh ^^-
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-**Будь ласка, використовуйте бог домашнього використання перекладач Google перевести мову вашої країни або міста Oh ^^-
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-**Utere deo, domum usu translator Google Translate to the language of patriae, civitatem O ^^-
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- **Utere deo, domum usu translator Google Translate to the language of patriae, civitatem O ^^-
-**Silahkan gunakan penggunaan dewa rumah Google translator untuk menerjemahkan bahasa negara atau kota Oh ^^-
-**Brug venligst gud hjemmebrug Google oversætter til at oversætte sproget i dit land eller by Oh ^^-
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-**Bonvolu uzi la dio hejmo uzo Google tradukisto por traduki la lingvon de via lando aŭ urbo Ho ^^- ** 

 *---By an Apple Daily report---*"apple" reporter Yu Wan garbage receive SMS* ---feelings implied ... "-
---由一篇蘋果日報報導---*《蘋果》記者收逾萬垃圾短訊 *---引申的感想..."-
---애플 일일 보고서에 의해 ---*"사과"기자 유 완 쓰레기는 SMS를 수신*--- 감정 ..."암 시-
---Par rapport Apple Daily ---*"pomme" journaliste Yu Wan ordures recevoir des SMS*---sentiments implicite ... "-
---Per Apple Daily raporto---*"pomo" raportisto Yu Wan rubo ricevi SMS*--- sentoj implicita..."-
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-


"Apple" reporter Yu Wan received SMS spam

 ■ Dual Sunday school 21:00 escalation after being announced, the newspaper reporter, at least four private telephone immediately attacked.
WASHINGTON double in Sunday school 21:00 being announced escalation, calling the presence of the public surrounded Lands, at this moment, at least four newspaper reporter's private phone immediately attacked, to close in a minute to come from the same phone number issued over 2,600 pieces SMS alone is a reporter will receive up to 18,000 cumulative, to blockade the number did not stop; the same time, the reporter has an average number of calls received by a hidden every two minutes, the phone numbers are not the same each time, unable to block the attacks until 5:00 yesterday after more than to stop, like intentionally escalate during the two-school reporter paralysis ability to use the phone external communication.

From a number of local and Mainland

Upgrade umbrella movement, at least four, "Apple Daily" reporters in front dual school surrounded by government announced the General Logistics Department, then the private telephone calls by WhatsApp SMS and unknown attacks, SMS content are from four local and mainland numbers, duplicate content, including meaningless figures, mainland renting, tutoring, English tutoring presentation and herpes ointment such as advertising. One reporter received more than 18,000 accumulated over 2,600 messages per minute, to block numbers after the stop.
Three are in the Admiralty was attacked reporters live action, during which the phone every minute sound, no response after answering, affect the power consumption of the three worried were shut down and uninstall SMS software to avoid attacks. Caller four points, respectively, 21:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:00 and continued until 5:00 pm and stopped.
There are victims of organized and premeditated action considered aimed at paralyzing frontline reporter's phone, hinder the work of journalists, but is temporarily unable to find the "culprit", nor intend to report.



【本報訊】雙學在周日晚上9時正宣佈行動升級,呼籲在場巿民包圍政總,就在這一刻,本報至少四名記者的私人電話隨即受襲,在一分鐘內收到來自同一電話號碼 發出超過2,600條短訊,單是一名記者便累積收到多達18,000條,至封鎖號碼才停止;同一時間,記者又平均每兩分鐘收到一次隱藏號碼的來電,電話號 並非每次相同,無法一一封鎖,襲擊至昨日凌晨5時多才停止,似有意在雙學升級行動期間癱瘓記者利用電話對外溝通的能力。


雨傘運動升級,至少四名《蘋果日報》前線記者在雙學宣佈包圍政總後,私人電話隨即受WhatsApp短訊及不明來電攻擊,短訊內容分別來自四個本地及內地 號碼,內容重複,包括無意義數字、內地租屋、補習、英語補習介紹及疱疹藥膏等廣告。其中一名記者累積收到逾18,000條,每分鐘超過2,600條訊息, 至封鎖號碼後才停止。


"애플"기자 유 완은 SMS 스팸을 수신

 더블 21:00 에스컬레이션 발표 후 일요일에 배울 ■ 신문 기자, 최소한 네 개인 전화는 즉시 공격했다.
주일 학교 21시에서 워싱턴 더블 분에 완료, 적어도 네 신문 기자의 개인 휴대 전화가 즉시 공격,이 순간에 대중 둘러싸인 땅의 존재를 호출, 에스컬레이션을 발표하고 동시에, 기자, 전화 숨겨진 2 분마다 수신 통화의 평균을 가지고 단독으로 2,600 조각 SMS를 통해 발행 된 같은 전화 번호에서 온 것은 기자가, 수는 멈추지 않았다 봉쇄 누적 18,000까지받을 것입니다 숫자는, 의도적으로 전화 외부 통신을 사용하는 두 학교 기자 마비 능력 중 확대 같은 중지하는 것보다 더 후 5시 어제까지 공격을 차단 할 수없는 때마다 동일하지 않습니다.

로컬 및 본토의 숫자에서

적어도 네 우산 움직임을 업그레이드 정부에 의해 둘러싸여 앞에 이중 학교에서 "빈과 일보"기자는 싸이 월드, 미투데이 SMS 및 알려지지 않은 공격, SMS 함량 개인 전화 통화, 중복 콘텐츠를 포함, 네 지역 및 본토 숫자에서있는 일반 물류학과를 발표 의미없는 수치, 본토 임대, 과외, 영어 과외 프리젠 테이션과 같은 광고와 같은 헤르페스 연고. 한 기자는 18,000 개 이상의가 정지 후 번호를 차단하기 위해, 분당 2,600 메시지를 축적 받았다.
세 해군에 공격을 받았다 기자 동안 전화가 매 분마다 사운드, 응답 후 응답이 종료하고 공격을 피하기 위해 SMS 소프트웨어를 제거했다 걱정 세 가지의 전력 소비에 영향을 미치는 행동을 살고있다. 발신자 네 점은 각각 21:00 2:00 4:00 5:00과 5:00 분까지 계속 중단했다.
일선 기자의 전화를 마비 목표로 간주 조직적이고 계획적인 행동의 피해자가있다, 기자의 일을 방해하지만, "범인"을 찾을 수 일시적으로없는, 나보고 할 계획입니다.


 *"To Locate ... This is a fight for democracy and freedom, true meaning of universal suffrage, and the people of Hong Kong spirit Lion scraps gone ?? Why are some children loner in the political scene scratch hands are not always present additional assistance people Shi ?? in the end of the three sub-accounts accounted for the "surrender" is to the mainland on behalf of the Communist Party and the political abuse of violent abuses Leung ching-ying spiteful treatment of students, people, mass media reporters, volunteer groups, and so make a negative example of the group? ?
Although surrounded by a lot of the political frontline staff always made by a mob hit caused by badly beaten public security,
This surrounds the government always successful.
Inside moving load is great courage to every soldier might say "NO" ~
These forces humbling, almost point only support,
Is a field motion fruits of victory!

Huang Feng黃之鋒 just a student, initially directed at citizens rushed Connaught Place,
Continental is tens to hundreds of public security triad forms its body punches ... catch conceivable within 48 hours how much abuse he suffered?!
Huang Feng never said the campaign in an ill
Do not forget that he was a walk in the vanguard of the students,
He was unable to attend on behalf of a number of Hong Kong people?!

Surrender until today that people are breaking the law surrendered thing ??
Persist in the end what to say, do not forget the original intention,
Back I have forgotten.

Bloodshed who want it to happen?
Faced with brutal totalitarian terrorist rude Leung ching-ying thief leader,
Politics does not respond, the Communist mainland public security deal with hybrid public,
A large number of international media scene mining permits, and they can disregard for human rights,
Loss of physical disorders to miss bats batons, beaten on the streets of any standing, people resist this unscrupulous government !! @

Ying totalitarian terrorist leader now changed admitted thief missed it ??
Terrible is that this beast also thinks right, spiteful behavior has to take people as shields
Anti say connivance own means of public security thug is right ??? !!
Really surprised that there are so evildoer in the world,
If something goes wrong it again in Hong Kong,
Infiltration unimaginable conditions.

黃之鋒 in the hunger strike, I left a message on his facebook,
I believe he will understand clever little head thinking extends many Hong Kong's unique ~

Students, Scholarism, education associations, the Federation Federation of the Democratic Party, LSD, reporters Journalists Association, various Western countries, European countries, Human Rights Concern Group, the umbrella movement that touched people's drinking places share the effects of different sizes the important role.

Until today, an umbrella movement of participants in Hong Kong did not get a little conscience "are suffering," the response,
They have their own performances in the streets,[cantonese]"Dove woo' = " shopping"action group,
Nobody is saying surrender or that wrong actions of members of the accused,
This is truly representative of their own sense of injustice to resist the regime. "

      For the people of Hong Kong, an umbrella group of selfless movement while writing ``
              This caused the tribe most sincere wishes ~
                   Melody.Blog heartfelt Sincerely ~



裡面裝載的是偉大感人的勇氣的每個戰士的向強權say "NO"~











"위치를 찾는데 ...이 왜 처음 손을 항상 존재 추가 지원이 정치 현장에서 일부 어린이 외톨이을하지는 않습니다 ?? 사라 민주주의와 자유, 보통 선거의 진정한 의미, 홍콩 영 라이온 스크랩의 사람들을위한 싸움이다 사람들이시는 ?? "항복"을 차지 세 개의 하위 계정의 끝에서 공산당과 양조위 학생, 사람들, 매스 미디어 기자의 짓궂은 치료를 칭 잉 폭력 남용의 정치적 남용을 대신하여 본토에있다 그룹 자원 봉사 등 그룹의 부정적인 예을?
항상 군중에 의해 정치 일선 직원을 많이 둘러싸여 있지만 심하게 구타 공안에 의한 히트,
이는 정부가 항상 성공적으로 둘러싼 다.
부하를 움직이는 내부에 "NO"라고 할 수있는 모든 군인에게 큰 용기입니다 ~
이러한 힘은, 거의, 단지 지원을 가리 겸손
승리의 필드 모션 과일입니다!

처음에 시민에 지시 황풍 단지 학생, 코넛 플레이스 돌진
대륙 공안 깡패 수백 그가 고통을 얼마나 학대 48 시간 이내에 생각할 잡을 ... 몸 펀치를 형성 수십이다!
황풍은 병에 캠페인을 말한 적 없어
그는 학생들의 선봉에서 산책 것을 잊지 마세요,
그는 홍콩 사람들의 수를 대신하여 참석 할 수 없습니다!

법을 어긴 사람들이 일을 항복 오늘까지 항복?
초심을 잊지 말고, 무슨 말을 결국 지속,
위로 내가 잊어 버린.

그것을 실현하려는 유혈?
잔인한 전체주의 테러 무례 렁 칭 잉 도둑 리더에 직면
정치, 하이브리드 대중과, 공산주의 본토 공안 거래를 응답하지 않습니다
국제 언론 장면 광산 허가의 많은 수의, 그들은 인간의 권리를 무시할 수
물리적 장애의 손실이 박쥐 봉을 놓치고, 모든 서의 거리에서 구타, 사람들이 부도덕 한 정부에 저항! @

잉 주의적 테러 지도자는 이제 인정 도둑이 그것을 놓친 변경 ??
끔찍한이 짐승도 잘 생각한다는 것입니다, 짓궂은 행동은 방패로 사람을 취한다
안티 공안 깡패의 묵인 자신의 의미를 잘 말할 ??? !
정말 세계에서 그렇게 악을 행하는 있다는 것을 놀란,
뭔가 홍콩에서 다시 잘못되면,
침투 상상할 수없는 조건.

黃 之 鋒 단식 투쟁에, 나는, 자신의 페이스 북에 메시지를 남겼
나는 그가 영리한 머리 생각을 이해할 생각은 ~ 많은 홍콩의 고유 확장

학생들은 Scholarism, 교육 협회, 민주당의 연합 연맹, LSD는 기자 기자 협회, 여러 서방 국가, 유럽 국가, 인권 관심사 그룹, 감동 우산 운동은 사람들의 마시는 장소가 서로 다른 크기의 중요한 역할의 효과를 공유 .

오늘까지 홍콩에서 참가자의 우산 운동이 조금 양심이하지 않았다 "고통 받고있다"고 응답,
그들은 거리, [광동]에서 자신의 공연을 "비둘기 우 '="쇼핑 "조치 그룹,
아무도, 항복 또는 피고인의 구성원의 잘못된 행동을 말을하지 않습니다
이 정권에 저항하는 불의의 자신의 감각을 진정으로 대표입니다. "

       ``쓰는 동안 홍콩, 사심 운동의 우산 그룹의 사람들을 위해
               이 부족의 원인이 가장 진심으로 소원 ~
                    Melody.Blog은 ~ 감사합니다 진심으로



»Pour localiser ... Ce est un combat pour la démocratie et la liberté, vrai sens du suffrage universel, et les gens de Hong Kong bouts esprit de Lion disparu ?? Pourquoi certains solitaire des enfants dans la scène politique les mains à gratter sont pas toujours présents aide supplémentaire les gens Shi ?? à la fin des trois sous-comptes représenté la "remise" est de la partie continentale au nom du Parti communiste et de l'abus politique des abus violents Leung Ching-ying traitement méchante des étudiants, des personnes, journalistes des médias de masse , groupes de bénévoles, et ainsi faire un exemple négatif du groupe?
Bien entouré par un grand nombre de personnel de première ligne politique toujours fait par une foule hit causé par la sécurité publique roué de coups,
Ce entoure le gouvernement toujours couronnée de succès.
Inside charge mobile est un grand courage pour chaque soldat pourrait dire «NON» ~
Ces forces humilier, presque à bout seul soutien,
Est une motion sur le terrain fruits de la victoire!

Huang Feng juste un étudiant, d'abord destinée aux citoyens se précipita Connaught Place,
Continental est des dizaines à des centaines de triade de la sécurité publique forme ses coups de poing corps ... attraper envisageable dans les 48 heures combien l'abus qu'il a subis ?!
Huang Feng n'a jamais dit la campagne dans un malade
Ne oubliez pas qu'il était une promenade dans l'avant-garde des élèves,
Il n'a pas pu assister au nom d'un certain nombre d'habitants de Hong Kong ?!

Surrender jusqu'à aujourd'hui que les gens qui enfreignent la loi sont rendus chose ??
Persister dans la fin quoi dire, ne oubliez pas l'intention originale,
Retour Je ai oublié.

Effusions de sang qui veulent que cela se produise?
Face avec le leader grossier Leung Ching-ying voleur terroriste totalitaire brutal,
Politique ne répond pas, la partie continentale communiste sécurité publique beaucoup avec le public hybride,
Un grand nombre de permis miniers internationaux de la scène médiatique, et ils peuvent ne pas tenir compte des droits de l'homme,
Perte de troubles physiques manquer chauves-souris matraques, battus dans les rues de toute règle, les gens résistent ce gouvernement sans scrupule !! @

Ying leader terroriste totalitaire maintenant changé voleur admis manqué ??
Terrible est que cette bête pense aussi à droite, le comportement méchant doit prendre les gens comme boucliers
Anti dire connivence propres moyens de voyou de la sécurité publique est juste ??? !!
Vraiment surpris qu'il ya tellement malfaiteur dans le monde,
Si quelque chose va mal à nouveau à Hong Kong,
Infiltration des conditions inimaginables.

黃 之 鋒 à la grève de la faim, je ai laissé un message sur son facebook,
Je crois qu'il va comprendre ingénieux pensée se étend de la tête unique de nombreux Hong Kong ~

Les étudiants, Scholarism, associations d'éducation, la Fédération Fédération du Parti démocratique, le LSD, les journalistes Association des journalistes, divers pays occidentaux, les pays européens, Human Rights Concern Group, le mouvement général qui a touché les débits de boissons de personnes partagent les effets de différentes tailles le rôle important .

Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, un mouvement de coordination des participants à Hong Kong n'a pas obtenu un peu de conscience "souffrent", la réponse,
Ils ont leurs propres performances dans les rues, [cantonais] "Dove Woo '=" "groupe d'action commercial,
Personne ne dit que de renonciation ou de mauvaises actions des membres de l'accusé,
Ce est vraiment représentatif de leur propre sentiment d'injustice pour résister au régime. "

     Pour les gens de Hong Kong, un groupe de coordination de mouvement désintéressé tout en écrivant ``
               Cela a provoqué la tribu vœux les plus sincères ~
                    Melody.Blog sincères Sincèrement ~




---Update--- Apple Daily reported that the Communist mainland tortoiseFUUUK opposing evil people, by word and pointing Scholarism Federation Council of thugs !! interest charges framed double the Federation Council and other nasty ugly you do not support students will go home to reflect on it! do not delay this monkey to juggle Ma Hong Kong grow bright umbrella movement, not the mainland of Hong Kong people! ask yourself before speaking of democracy and freedom seen it !! unscrupulous and incompetent believers .. @ roll it !! "
*USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-


[Total] surrounded by political police chased protesters through the aid station shouting "save another point?"

 Double school yesterday announced escalation after protesters once occupied Lung Wo Road, police later dispersed, police beat several demonstrators were beaten to.

Miss Hall last night to call when staying aid station, "one hammer tuning", said the situation last night when winching. She said that was kept in the first aid station volunteers in rescue injured people were baton "bashing" the head, beaten to sent in, she and her companions as he bandaged and bleeding. At this point the police station into the ambulance, the ambulance crew opened the intent, desire to continue playing the wounded, the only ambulance staff were more than stop. They stressed that he is saving lives, the police response: "? Save another point."

Miss Howard said that he occupied every night to, but the police chased protesters through the situation first-aid station, she is the first time I saw.


【包圍政總】警追打示威者至急救站 大叫「救人又點?」


昨夜留守急救站的霍小姐致電《壹錘定 音》時,透露昨夜拯救傷者時的情況。她稱當時急救站內義工不停在拯救傷者,有人被警棍「扑」頭、頭破血流地被送進來,她和她的同伴為他包紮和止血。此時有 警察衝入救護站,意圖把救護人員拉開,欲繼續打該名傷者,唯遭多名救護人員阻止。他們強調自己正在救人,該警察回應:「救人又點?」



 "Why so popular BBC Chinese The Foreign Ministry continent Oh please ??!
Is there a diplomatic spend too much gossip ??
The Foreign Ministry is of course a lot of exchanges between senior officials,
As diplomatic ....... spend the continent, it is easy not to provoke thought ....
Officialdom obscene, pornographic mainland officials but also to use the same diplomatic flowers
Bed and XXX ha ha, here are plenty of side communicative news ah !!
BBC Chinese web editor who really understand Lu ah
We wait for you long for home continent diplomatic ....... well polished shoes,
You certainly have a lot of cool stuff to burst ~ it!
Hey .... "

!! Great God in Google News, we are surprised Alarmed released in Hong Kong ISD a news item
>>>>> Police force to disperse demonstrators at the lowest >>>>

Wow, that is another thug Leung ching-ying slaves prove collusion,
Now we can be sure that Leung is really a jerk, no beast bitch! @
This entry is not to see its contents,
Shameless unrepentant thug,
Seeing the animals did not make more than men from the bottom of its citizens to be cheap spiteful cold face,
Wolves Leung ching-ying exposed their true colors spiteful cold-blooded.
This entry in the international news Google Great God, in addition to the mainland Communist blockade outside of Google network,
National People around the world can see how to deal with the Hong Kong horror thief leader Leung ching-ying of the people of Hong Kong!
Hey ... expose their short horror thief is now a global leader Leung ching-ying people accuse and ridiculed !!
Ha ha ha ..... ^^

**Hong Kong people an umbrella movement of refueling Oh ~







 ---Apple Daily updated information and a petition letter to my ... "
---애플 매일 업데이트 정보 내에 청원 편지 ... "
---Informations mis à jour Apple Daily et une lettre de pétition à ma ... "
---Apple Daily updated informon kaj peton leteron al mia ... "
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

 사진: 其實係淋花啫(好似係)

【警方:灑水唔係水炮 非常溫和】
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
  [Police denied water cannon argued "watering"]
[Police: sprinkler water cannons you agree very mild]
[Long Road 7:00 am and the second cleared out water cannon]

【警方:灑水唔係水炮 非常溫和】
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive

사진: 箍頸,極近距離使用胡椒噴霧,在地上拖行…你可能己經覺得,這是警員對付示威者的「慣常」方式。但「慣常」不代表可以合理化,更不代表這手法被人看慣了,習慣了,就是對的行為。
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement 
 Hoop neck, very close to the use of pepper spray, dragged on the ground ... you may have felt that it is police officers to deal with "the usual" approach demonstrators. But "usual" does not mean you can rationalize, but does not mean that the way had been used to seeing, habits, is to act.


#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
   Good gug ^^~
 蘋果日報Adky Cheung님의 사진.

 "To see such animals as dogs slave underworld Liang Zhen Ying its nest unscrupulous spiteful establishment faction, really cheeky look you wait in vain !! born man's actions, not repent, anti responsibility towards defenseless in Hong Kong people !!
    Once again, I call you a conscience, a mighty force who swastika moral humanity, international friends to support democracy and freedom of the people-oriented big country, I hope you can love and attention of the world to this issue caught the attention of people in Hong Kong umbrella movement of solidarity, so that they carry on, to get rid of the Communist mainland disgraceful, bastard son of a bitch did not manipulate people's summit down to family and fight !!
    I call living in Hong Kong Korean people, the French people, the United States, Britain, countries that people ask you also to human dignity against the corrupt officials, hoard hypocritical collusion between officials and businessmen to extort large sums of money from Hong Kong "are bitter "!!

     My dear brothers anonymous friend, man, will you put a good attitude about playing this beast is not as the leader of Hong Kong thief Liang Ying Zhen its thousand filthy and black organizations DAB ... even a Gansi oh)) )


   Finally, there is a letter I have written to us liberal democracy leader, Mr. President Obama's petition letter the day before yesterday, and today, I have posted on this, in my tiny little cotton extraordinary force, I support people's fight for freedom and concentric whole tribe democratic, fair and just system of totalitarian injustice to build strength in groups
Long-term cold to be spiteful against Hong Kong government Leung ching-ying---@to step down@!!! "throw your monther@! FUCK!!@


Petition reads as follows:
 *To my dear and respected '' President Mr. Obama:
You may already know that Hong Kong '' umbrella campaign '' of the latest news,
I sincerely hope that you can personally visit Hong Kong again,
Today, the peace movement developed into a spontaneous movement, no one is the instigator, the order of each system and social injustice spontaneously took to the streets.

Hong Kong people's tax coffers have been drawn with the mainland draw out the Communist Party for 17 years,
Since 1997, the mainland from the Communist Party of hybrid continuous duty hard-working people of Hong Kong SAR Government, through the Chief Executive's office to extort a puppet slaves of people tax money the library, use corrupt construction in mainland China, the mainland of Hong Kong people are relying on remittances aid a.
Today, garbage spiteful Liang Zhen Ying put people's basic facilities and benefits are exploited.

Hong Kong People's Congress in the following part of the income of HK $ 14,000, which is the most basic of every monthly basis, in a little middle-income people in about 30,000 to 50,000 to HK $ 80,000 or more, or finally the affluent.
Hong Liang Zhen refuse spiteful British Treasury money to spend no need / redundant construction waste from 30 billion to 50 billion yuan on the mainland port of ground connection, not to monitor its corruption !!
People's well-being has never been increased, but no complaints from nobody to monitor this spiteful beast of Leung Chun-ying.
It never communicate with Hong Kong residents, but also with the establishment faction anything DAB banditry conspiracy income people profiteering from again.
Hong Kong people of several generations of people born and raised only stop work and contribute to society, while Liang Zhen Ying land at a cheap price to sell real estate, from pumping a lot of money from the commission. Real estate land prices pushed up yet, no elevator 100 feet of old buildings room, have their prices to HK $ 3500 per month.
Two families want to live in bigger units, the same can choose not only the old buildings elevator room, 130 sq ft room rent of HK $ 5000 per month.
No medical benefits, the cheapest lunch meal also HK $ 3.2.
Ying beast in terms of education is more pleasing to the Communist mainland
Hong Kong native [Cantonese, English] want to change into a mainland Mandarin ?? !!
It did not appeal route
Open to citizens of Hong Kong Connaught Place is it a person arbitrarily decided to close the line.
Members of the Hong Kong PFP seats only 23, how can I ask that
Help of corrupt officials, government officials colluded with DAB, the proposal can improve people's livelihood has it ??!
Most angry people rushing to work hard for a living,
Unable to resist resist this time ignore the hardships facing the people to be cold,
Never respond to the aspirations of Zeitou ying! Therefore, students from a moral awakening, the first of the first resist unscrupulous government nor Zeitou ying energy.

87 issued September 28 of tear gas to non-students against the reporter, the mass media, 200,000 Hong Kong people were hurt, irrational violence.

November 24 evening, a mob of 5,000 people in Mongkok, the public security area,
Mixed with batons beat rally people, reporters, students spend 14 years old times again !!! pepper spray against the Hong Kong meeting people, reporters, students !!

My Dear President, Mr. Obama, I sincerely implore you to intervene in any way in Hong Kong, but even a lot of people in Hong Kong subsidiary of the soil rather as your citizens under your command. These are the size of the network, Hong Kong people chat topic.

If you can personally to the Hong Kong people, and
This is Hong Kong people are most eager to grand aspirations.
Even if you can not personally to Hong Kong,
Maybe you can set up to monitor the human rights situation in the Hong Kong branch,
Hong Kong people have also complained and help get stretched way ah ~
This is what I worked day and night can not sleep peacefully reasons.

 I'm even less vague, no achievement can not, it is commonplace for a woman,
But my conscience that I gave you the courage to write a lengthy letter.
I might not get a reply, at least I try to write people's hope.

     Yours sincerely
                         Small as dust MelodyRO Sincerely ~






 致我最親愛而且敬重的''總統奧巴馬先生 :








                        渺小如塵 MelodyRO敬上~


 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20141201/516182/北京鎖香港 拒英議員入境查真相

 Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed in 1984. Hong Kong's Apple Daily.
 British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee of 11 members, the original plan before the end of Hong Kong, the British Government's implementation of the investigation, "Joint Statement", but the Chinese Embassy has them that if their visits, will be refused entry.

British "Daily Mail" reported Committee Chairman Sir Xiaotawei (Richard Ottaway) will require the House of Commons held an emergency meeting to discuss the incident Monday.

He said, "Chinese embassy known to himself, if we try to Hong Kong, will be refused entry. This committee is composed of elected members of parliament composed of a democratic country, want to investigate the British diplomatic work in Hong Kong, but the Chinese government openly against attitude, refusing to let immigration duties. "

The Chinese government has repeatedly stated in recent months, opposition to the Commission for investigation.  

**Sir Ottaway has pointed out, this trip is designed to investigate whether the British government in accordance with the Joint Declaration signed in 1984, the implementation of policies on Hong Kong will investigate any itinerary described as "interference in the internal affairs of other countries' claims are" absurd. " (Lin Huan Cheng / Dow Jones reports)

The British goverment must to visit to hong kong,*Sir Ottaway, would perform administrative and political oversight Britain, Hong Kong people will warmly welcome you to your visit ~

 Apple Daily
09:48 PLA Hong Kong headquarters of one of the units on fire, temporarily unknown cause of the fire, fire engines rushed to the scene.
26 minutes · Edit record
     Popular Comments
     DyDy Yuen-Lam, Lewer Ng, Gary Ho and others say 1,004 people like this.
     121 Share
     Kathy Tsang small Xifeng played Wugai ~~~
     77 · 26 minutes ago
         Bobbi Kay to shake you down than small Xifeng it XD
         3 · 8 minutes ago
     Henry Ho occupied either not attempt the past, but the enemy at any time
     73 · 24 minutes ago
     Book Yeung Lai must also account for the number of friends, do Well the Department Youmie
     39 · 18 minutes ago · Edited
         2 replies · 18 minutes ago
     Andy Chung carefully directed and starred earn an excuse to attack
     35 · 22 minutes ago
     Grace Cheung off very spiritual brother
     33 · 23 minutes ago
     Colin Lai Congress arson came.
     29 · 26 minutes ago
     Justin Yim lay dead not even burn off Hong Kong Personnel
     23 · 24 minutes ago
         2 replies · 17 minutes ago
     Billy Chung
     Billy Chung's photo.
     21 · 24 minutes ago
     Jethro Lau who occupied the way the old pike arson, after the PLA apprenticeship famous.
     20 · 20 minutes ago
         Eric Lam soil altogether will care apprenticeship known it?
         4 · 17 minutes ago
     Redred CI Hey, come out and walk off the fire fighting Shenzhen called friends, I pray for a good one thousand Hong Kong SAR of China's military intervention.
     15 · 19 minutes ago
     BennyBong Wu millet with poor electrical Firebird
     11 · 18 minutes ago
     ManLing Choi left cold weather, fire heating ye Fire do not attempt to interfere with China's internal affairs matter, be it by the Drainage
     11 · 20 minutes ago
     Heung Kin Chan China will explode and reasonable
     10 · 23 minutes ago · Edited
     Ken Ken Davy Chow given to the fire department because of the occupation tease ~
     10 · 25 minutes ago
     Fai Chow great opportunity to use the charging cable mainland accident
     9 · 21 minutes ago
     Rita WS Cheang in the country rose, other countries, or five good intervention by the Drainage burn it!
     8 · 16 minutes ago · Edited
     Korea still soft necessarily want to use the Chinese system for making arms point to know the problem - blew !!
     8 · 24 minutes ago
     Ida Lele PLA self-immolation
     8 · 26 minutes ago
     NokWai Chan "China will explode."
     7 · 17 minutes ago
     Penny Yeung Department of mainland side you agree silly smoke pot Aberdeen Department of bed training with left
     7 · 18 minutes ago
     chow ken me to another person puzzle than raw pork
     7 · 22 minutes ago
     Ming Chan curse
     7 · 24 minutes ago
     Eric Wong
     Eric Wong's photo.
     6 · 21 minutes ago
     Elaine Fung bar after the fire?
     6 · 26 minutes ago
     Derek Wong burst Daily old and bent in a mob attack PLO account
     5 · 14 minutes ago
     Claire Cheung finished eating cigarette butts chaos d fing
     5 · 25 minutes ago
     Winglok Lo self-immolation
     12 · 26 minutes ago
     Yau Tsz Hin sun block even if I set fire to all the friends I add PLO headquarters guarded to exclude self-directed speech
     4 · 19 minutes ago
     Jason Cheung bent anyway, through top Wugai
     4 · 23 minutes ago
     Dawn Sze such as PLA can openly come out?
     4 · 25 minutes ago
     Brian Chan as good as burning sun Drainage
     4 · 25 minutes ago
     Chun Lam Cock, and I have to bend Dove
     4 · 25 minutes ago
     Celine Li warmly enthusiastic piano to sing
     4 · 25 minutes ago
     Eric Lam speaks truth, even if Bei yellow silk fire, earth altogether are Wugan loud friends. Sergeant base dignified, even generous than the hands of ordinary citizens no strings iron mixed with fire? Speak out are laughable people come out and walk it.
     9 · 10 minutes ago · Edited
     Nmc Ng wild continent Well odd explosion, the cause of non-suspicious
     10 · 24 minutes ago
     I finally believe Sauyi Chan causal loop
     3 · 12 minutes ago
     Jackson Lui Chow may be put as people than money, care, Qu demonstrators put, you can clear the field right.
     3 · 12 minutes ago
     Benny Au save NIE q Yeah, smart people to Link twist, firefighters went to shoot it better than kerosene
     3 · 15 minutes ago
     Ming Lau auspicious column after fire
     3 · 15 minutes ago
     Cheng Lok Yin retribution?
     3 · 16 minutes ago
     YIn Chan blue corpse than d, then the Department of accounting Intermediate thugs do. . . Convex friends. Blue Corpse
     3 · 17 minutes ago
     Jason KS Ng sun burned it every minute of all Department of Drainage continent civilians killed
     3 · 17 minutes ago
     Leslie Ng in line with conditions
     3 · 22 minutes ago
     Andy Chung things well under a multi-microphone days should reward Hello, retribution came to La 64
     3 · 21 minutes ago · Edited
     Silas Wong arrived dead twist
     2 · 9 minutes ago
     Yuk Ying Woo Chang Qing carefully by Italy, Mark rogue who do come
     2 · 10 minutes ago
     Ray Lam Qu dove me to arson
     2 · 14 minutes ago
     Saiko Kai To calm Oh! Do not give out the PLA by imports Oh!
     2 · 15 minutes ago
     Patrick Yeung total ban military planes hit the smoke?
     2 · 15 minutes ago
     Redred CI bar after the fire, point to defend China's 1.3 billion people die
     2 · 18 minutes ago
     152 of 50


09:48 解放軍駐港總部其中一個單位起火,暫未知起火原因,消防車趕往至現場。
· 編輯紀錄
  • DyDy Yuen-Lam 、 Lewer Ng 、 Gary Ho 以及其他 1,004 人都說讚。
  • Kathy Tsang 小鳳姐出場唔該~~~
    77 ·
    • Bobbi Kay 你地比小鳳姐抖下啦 XD
      3 ·
  • Henry Ho 佔領既唔好過去,隨時又屈人
    73 · 
  • Book Yeung 一定又賴佔中數啦,有咩係做唔出
    39 · 
  • Andy Chung 小心自編自導自演搵借口出擊
    35 · 
  • Grace Cheung 關二哥很靈的
    33 · 
  • Colin Lai 國會縱火案來了。
    29 · 
  • Justin Yim 燒撚死都唔關香港人事
    23 · 
  • Billy Chung
    21 ·
  • Jethro Lau 順便老屈佔領人士放火,之後解放軍就出師有名。
    20 · 
    • Eric Lam 土共會在乎出師有名的嗎?
      4 ·
  • Redred CI 喂, 叫深圳消防落嚟救火啦, 香港特區千祈吾好介入中國軍事.
    15 · 
  • BennyBong Wu 小米差電器著火鳥
    11 ·
  • ManLing Choi 天氣涼左, 生火取暖咋. 消防唔好去干預中國內政啦, 由佢地啦
    11 ·
  • Heung Kin Chan 中國的會爆炸, 合情合理
    10 · 
  • Davy Chow 肯肯定係因為佔領嬲到著火~
    10 · 
  • Fai Chow 很大機會用了大陸的充電線出事
    9 ·
  • Rita W S Cheang 中國內玫,其他國家或地區5好干預,由佢燒啦!
    8 ·
  • 麗靜柔 一定係想用中國制做軍火點知出問題~自爆!!
    8 ·
    伊達樂樂 解放軍自焚
    8 · 

  • NokWai Chan "中國的會爆炸"
    7 · 
  • Penny Yeung 方唔係傻系大陸仔係床煲煙訓著左
    7 ·
  • chow ken 我地又要比人砌生豬肉了
    7 · 
  • Ming Chan 天譴
    7 ·
  • Eric Wong
    6 · 
  • Elaine Fung 火燒後欄?
    6 ·
  • Derek Wong 一陣人民日報又老屈佔中暴徒攻擊解放軍
    5 · 
  • Claire Cheung 食完煙d 煙頭亂fing
    5 ·
  • Winglok Lo 自焚
    12 · 
    Yau Tsz Hin 封鎖曬就算放火都入吾到啦 加上解放軍總部森嚴到 吾排除自編自導自演
    4 ·

  • Jason Cheung 反正都屈,通頂唔該
    4 ·
    Dawn Sze 等解放軍可以光明正大地出來?
    4 · 

  • Brian Chan 不如燒曬佢
    4 · 
  • Chun Lam 屌,又屈鳩我地
    4 · 
  • Celine Li 熱烈地彈琴熱烈地唱
    4 ·
  • Eric Lam 講真,就算喺黃絲放火,土共都唔敢出聲啦。堂堂軍士基地,竟然比手無串鐵嘅普通市民混入放火?講出嚟都笑死人啦。
    9 ·
  • Nmc Ng 大陸野爆炸唔奇,起因無可疑
    10 · 
  • Sauyi Chan 我終於相信因果循環
    3 ·
  • Jackson Lui 可能是周融比錢叫人放、小心謹慎、屈示威者放、可以清場有理。
    3 · 
  • Benny Au 救乜q呀,人地咁撚叻,消防員去射火水好過啦
    3 · 
  • Ming Lau 火燒後欄 好意頭
    3 ·
  • Cheng Lok Yin 報應?
    3 · 
  • YIn Chan 比d藍屍話係佔中班暴徒做的。。。凸啦。藍屍
    3 · 
  • Jason K S Ng 燒死晒佢啦 分分鐘個個係大陸殺過平民
    3 ·
  • Leslie Ng 合乎國情
    3 · 
  • Andy Chung 做得好事多咪個天獎勵下囉應該,64報應來到喇
    3 · 
  • Silas Wong 抵撚死
    2 · 
  • Yuk Ying Woo 小心借意清塲,無賴的人嘜都做得出
    2 · 1
  • Ray Lam 屈鳩我地縱火
    2 · 
  • Saiko Kai 要平靜喔!不要給解放軍藉囗出來喔!
    2 · 
  • Patrick Yeung 班共軍打飛機打到出煙?
    2 ·
  • Redred CI 後欄起火, 點保衛中國13億人民呀
    2 · 
  • 152則中的50則



[Surround] Long Lands Road, 7:00 am and the second cleared out water cannon

 Wireless news footage.
Federation called for containment of Lands to morning rush hours, the police is precisely in time before 7:00 am suddenly cleared, not out "water cannons" to disperse the Lung Wo Road occupiers, but all the way straight into the Tamar Park, and then empty the Admiralty flyover, the large number of demonstrators back to the Admiralty. Because suddenly, when cleared, many people are still in place while sleeping, some people in the tent were pulled police officers, together with police batons and pepper spray to open, keep moving forward, resulting in a lot of people fall . Lung Wo Road is open again at 7:30.

Administrative Department announced that due Tamar government headquarters leading channel blocked, the government temporarily closed the headquarters of the morning, the staff at the government headquarters in the morning without having to return to the workplace, and should work in accordance with the contingency plan bureau or department, Lands all morning visitor activity will be postponed or canceled.

[Umbrella] revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive



學聯號召圍堵政總至早上上班時間,警方則正正趕在早上7時前突然清場,不單驅散龍和道佔領者,更一路直入添馬公園,再清空海富天橋,將大批示威者趕回金 鐘。由於事出突然,清場時不少人仍然就地而睡,有人則在帳篷內被警員拉出,加上警員以警棍及胡椒噴霧開路,不停向前推進,導致不少人跌倒。龍和道則於7時 半恢復通車。


【雨傘革命】: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive


[Apple] LIVE updates clearance officers repeatedly gesturing provocative rally

 Apple" live picture.
[Umbrella] revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive3

[08 points 37 points News] Authority said Sunday night from 10:00 7:00 this morning, Hong Kong Island accident and emergency departments of public hospitals received 31 action and seek medical attention because of the occupation of the cases, including the Queen Mary Hospital receives 11 wounded, law RH and Eastern Hospital were treated with 10, all were in stable condition.

[08] 30 pm news coming out of the Federation of the Standing Committee Guo Liang Admiralty occupied, did not respond to reporters' questions.

8:25 [08] After a night of escalation message, no action had left behind were dissatisfied with the outcome of the morning went to the big stage Admiralty abusive foul language "double science" accused "double science" action too conservative, less well-planned, and The key moment no leaders appeared. There are those who can not help but support dual school rebuttal shall discourage others spaced slightly reply calm atmosphere.

[08] 8:15 news Legislative Council Secretariat announced that the closed-door meeting of the PAC scheduled to be held this morning, the PAC public hearing and Financial Affairs Committee meeting to be canceled or rescheduled. Office of the Legislative Council Public Complaints have been suspended this morning, education guided tours already canceled. Council libraries, archives, children's study room and other facilities remain closed open until further notice.

[08 points] After 01 minutes the message reached the Admiralty Centre Police Range Control footbridge connecting MTR station exit, go back on the bridge guarded by police officers during which more than make "Come" gesture to the ground rally, someone clap.

[07 6:45 News 7:40 am], Jinzhong Long and road line opened. TD expects the North Island today will be very congested traffic, motorists are advised not to travel to affected areas.

[News] 07 points 15 points by the dragon and the police cleared the way to reach the Admiralty Road, attempting to completely empty the Admiralty MTR station footbridge connecting range, along telling anyone pushed or driven to batons, a group of plainclothes officers with helmets once more in Admiralty Centre chased demonstrators.

[07] The police news 10:15 advancing all the way, even the Tamar Park has also been cleared, the protesters are driven back to the Admiralty.

[07 points 00 points News] Police and second in the long road to batons cleared the demonstrators gaining Tamar Park.

[06] 6:45 messages to a large number of police officers suddenly Admiralty Centre footbridge leading to the government headquarters in reinforcements, learned that some of the iron railings have been removed, now working with the occupiers confrontation.

[06] Although the 30 pm news made it clear that the police must take action to restore the dragon and road traffic, but am yet to have action, heavy accounting Lung Wo Road demonstrations have place to sleep.

[05] 40 points News Police said that as of 5:00 in the Mong Kok area arrested 12 men on suspicion of "obstructing Police officers perform their duties", "possession of an offensive weapon," "disorderly conduct in public places." "assaulting a police officer" and "resisting arrest" and so on, there are a large number of protesters criticized in Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei and Tsim Sha Tsui area, blocked roads in various excuse, but slowly back and forth across the road, stay in the lane shouting, deliberately obstruct passers-by and vehicles, cause trouble and create confusion, deliberately disrupting traffic and disrupt public order. http://bit.ly/1y4Uuh8

[04] 8:25 news briefing, Senior Superintendent Xuwei Xiong Admiralty action until midnight last night, referring to the arrest as of 3:00 35 men and 5 women, a Senior Superintendent and three policemen were injured. He refers to militant violence that has found a lot of homemade weapons. http://bit.ly/1w7z182

[04] Point 05 news shows were once again occupied by the dragon and road, more out large quantities of materials from clogging the road near the site. Police have re-armed, and the speaker called on them to leave immediately, otherwise disperse or arrest. http://bit.ly/12hOrci

[03] Long 8:25 news and just a short road to traffic, police retreating protesters see that once again out of the dragon and the Road to set up roadblocks. http://bit.ly/12hOrci

[03 points 05 points News] British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee has 11 members, had intended visiting the British Government's implementation of the investigation, "Joint Statement", but the Chinese Embassy in London has shown that if their visits, will be refused entry. Committee Xiaotawei Jazz (Richard Ottaway) will require the House of Commons on Monday held an emergency meeting to discuss the incident.

[02] 6:45 news once in the Tamar Park police dispersed the demonstrators, but due to the large number of demonstrators failed, now the protesters have returned to a series of stair-bit Tamar Park Road Long and confrontation with the police officers was raised "red flag" warnings.

[01 points 58 points News] Police Lung Wo Road clearance, during subdue people away, including LSD Vice Chairman Wu away. In addition, police said cut 12 midnight, the former Long and road clearance, along Admiralty arrested 18 men and 2 women.

[01] 30 pm news PTU large police batons and pepper spray to disperse demonstrators dragon and trail, chaotic scene, people were police uniforms on the ground. http://bit.ly/1zGDnka

[01 points and 28 points News] Long Road Chief Executive's Office again pediment demonstrators outside the police raised "red flag" warning, but also robbed demonstrators umbrella. What happened was the arrival of Labor Legislative Councillor Lee Cheuk-yan, called on protesters to be peaceful, rational and non-violent, but the protesters are believed to upgrade operations, deliberately forward, leading to the conflict, yan then discouraged. http://bit.ly/1zGDnka

[01 points] ACSF 10:08 midnight news issued a statement calling for containment of Lands to working hours, total paralysis of government operations, forcing the government to respond to the demands of universal suffrage. Secretary-General of the Federation midnight Zhou Yongkang met with the media, referring to a large number of people to participate in the evening surrounded by the Lands, and reflect their fight for universal suffrage did not give up hope. He again criticized the Government for delaying tactics, reluctant to respond positively to the demands of universal suffrage. For the night, many conflicts, Zhou repeatedly criticized the police for using excessive force to subdue the evening demonstrators.

[00 points 35 points News] protesters are occupying the dragon and the road, more and more police officers dressed in overalls and helmets reinforcements, but protesters continue to deliver Zheyi helmet to the front, and the atmosphere tense.

[23:57] news on Dinner "double science" surrounded by government announced that the General Logistics Department, a large number of demonstrators several attacks police defense, and successfully occupied the dragon and the way all the lanes are being erected barricades with iron railings, etc., and the confrontation with the police . Police refers protesters has killed the dragon and comprehensive road congestion, they also criticized the violent police attack defense, attack the police with iron railings, the organizers claimed departure from the principle of non-violence. Police said the protesters would never want to have, especially students, because of the impact of aggressive behavior and living among the rioters suffered any harm.

[23:30] HUCOM message issued an urgent appeal for Admiralty area students and staff to remain calm and rational, not to participate in the impact of the government headquarters, and stay away from areas of conflict, if personal safety is threatened, be sure to evacuate immediately. If necessary, seek assistance, please contact with the school.

[23:01] message Admiralty police clash with protesters repeatedly, while there are hundreds of people began to Mongkok "dove woo" stop across the street. http://bit.ly/1y4Uuh8

[22:26] news demonstrators several attacks police defense, police batons Meng Hui, it was badly beaten.

[22:13] a large number of news out of the dragon and the protesters occupied lane road, the police failed to control the scene, the situation is chaotic.

[21:46] Police issued a press release refers to the news, now illegal rally in government always outside, and there are radical and create confusion among the rioters mixed, urged the public not to participate in and away from the premises, and should not provoke the audience to obstruct or the impact of the police, and keep a safe distance from the police. http://bit.ly/1B2YdhA

[21:41] messages in Lung Wo Road police uniforms and took several demonstrators.

[21:36] police news Lung Wo Road to pepper spray protesters repeatedly cast and waving a stick to drive, some close to the protesters face police "pepper spray", and robbed the people to resist the pepper spray umbrella. Both sides repeatedly pushing. http://bit.ly/1rHDH3u

[21:29] messages intercepted by the police in Long and road access to the CEO of a large number of people, "Essentials Mi" means too many scene number, the public should not be calling for more people to come, people go to a counter-proposal Tamar Park and Harcourt Road rally the presence of the police anti-people do not stop the crowd would have no problem, should not hamper the smooth pavement, shouting "police open."

[21:12] ACSF message appealed to the public can go to surround Chief Executive's Office, but large numbers of police in Long Road neighborhood and stopped public confrontation between the two sides. Police also warned the public not to lift the yellow shock defense. http://bit.ly/1v7bNNN

[21:01] double science news on Admiralty announced surrounded Lands rally, people began to leave for the presence of rallies Tim Mei Avenue, urged the public to adhere to nonviolence double science, not 掟 matter and attack police. http://bit.ly/1v7bNNN

[20:53] DFLP news Concern Group convener Chen Shuhui police powers that night received a public complaint about the Langham Place in Mong Kok to the newspaper stall outside the police near the corner of the beatings, belongings were unreasonably detained.

[20:50] Scholarism news convener Huang Feng, who met earlier to discuss the Legislative Council building, whether escalation and action details are not clear.

[20:25] Reporter news gathering visual scene nearly 4,000 people involved, and the crowd on the bridge at the Admiralty at least 400 people. Earlier, dozens of riot police from politics by the Admiralty Head Hashiguchi, once aroused public nervous.

[20:14] ACSF Standing 罗冠聪 news on facebook message means: "After the party at the Admiralty questions put patience to eat tonight, tonight is not the surrender of time to wait.."

[20:05] news reporter at Tim Mei Avenue, there are 30 police officers lined the visual alert, Lands West Wing also increased police presence. Police set up in addition to the iron railings at Tim Mei Avenue, in the Chief Executive's Office outside of Tim Wa Avenue also cavalry.

[19:55] two cultural news violent prison member Denise and Anthony Wong said in assembly stage Mongkok police violence, Denise refers to the public lose confidence in the police, but police believe the public in case of indiscriminate violence, should have the courage to report. http://bit.ly/12hpfTl

[19:28 pm] initiated the message "ascetic" of high school students in Admiralty rally stage to clarify that they are not called on high school students do not support the upgrade action, but to consider carefully before they come out. Some have criticized it for "austerity" approach, a female student to tears when speaking, refers to the regime they were not kneel, but explain to the public he is a bitter fight for democracy the way, but to persevere. http://bit.ly/1HPbzQv

[19:14] For news gathering stage Admiralty Federation said that if the assembly line of action would be to support the volunteers there. Volunteer defense clarified Federation had contacted them to support student volunteer action, not dominated by the escalation of defense volunteers; once Federation have action, defense volunteers will try to help, no plans to emphasize the impact.

[18:54] news reporter on the scene saw more than 2,000 people in Admiralty rally, two social workers came to the police a few days ago about the violence in Mong Kok clearance and beat demonstrators abuse case, refers to the time, police said the protesters "have to come out and walk out Pre-Zo people give me a fight, "the police also advised his colleagues not to impose stick indiscriminate violence.

[18:42] ACSF Standing 罗冠聪 message refers to the recent chaotic Mongkok non someone "dove woo," but the entire police station in Mong Kok Police, constantly feeding and attack passers-by, destroy people's lives, in Hong Kong by white evolved into the red terror violence, calling party to remain in the community after the Admiralty, and insisted the principle of non-violence to peace, "I do not have to get off the ground." http://bit.ly/1y9r3vz

[18:31] double science news on the stage shouting "alignment regime, vows fight democracy," spokesman Li Wenluo Scholarism describe the relationship between the police and the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying will be pushed to the cliff edge, "to the mainland three powers co-operation "to Hong Kong, two school forced to reluctantly decided to escalation, hope the public tonight," explosive force Admiralty "stay until the last minute to announce details later tonight action. http://bit.ly/1y9r3vz

[18:20] Scholarism news spokesman Li Wenluo in the General Assembly urged the public not to act alone on stage, otherwise difficult to be someone else to support, but do not take the initiative to remind the destruction of public facilities, the police if brute force, the collective call them cool, hand equipment is used only to protect themselves. http://bit.ly/1y9r3vz

[18:01] double science news Admiralty rally began, the Conference play "hold up an umbrella," the opening song, hundreds of people gathered in front of the stage, many people respond to double science appeal to bring along a helmet to attend. Scholarism spokesman Li Wenluo urged people close to the Admiralty large desk, ACSF Tim Mei Avenue, "the fate of the independent" double school desk and dedicated facebook page message, do not be misled into believing rumors. http://bit.ly/1y9r3vz

[17:17] News Secretary for Transport and Housing Anthony said the government will try to maintain the normal operation of Lands, hoping to keep the students to express their views in a peaceful way, and hope that people can "have had the amount of providers' attitudes to discuss constitutional development of. http://bit.ly/1HOB30n

[17:10] News Police Public Relations Branch, said Senior Superintendent Jiang Minjiang, any group should not preach to others involved in illegal activities, if any person or political impact of the total sum of the police, the police will take decisive action to stop the use of minimum force. http://bit.ly/128FR0t

[16:28] News Secretary for Education Eddie Ng said the meeting would have to worry about Admiralty "imminent physical conflict," and called the students' deep consideration, rein, lest more step deeper, "the government should not always surrounded by parents also To attention of children life safety. http://bit.ly/15LIczZ    
((stupid ???! haha....)i said..吳克儉is a mad man!!



【雨傘革命】: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive3











【05 點40分消息】警方表示,截至凌晨5時,在旺角區一帶共拘捕12名男子,涉嫌「妨礙警務人員執行職務」、「藏有攻擊性武器」、「公眾地方行為不檢」、「襲 警」及「拒捕」等,批評有大批示威人士在旺角、油麻地至尖沙嘴一帶,以各種不同藉口堵塞道路,又緩慢來回過馬路,停留於行車線上叫囂,刻意阻礙途人及車 輛,引起事端,製造混亂,蓄意擾亂交通及破壞公共秩序。 http://bit.ly/1y4Uuh8

【04點25分消息】高級警司徐偉雄簡報昨晚至凌晨金鐘行動,指截至3時拘捕35男5女,1位高級警司及3名警員受傷。他指有激進份子採取暴力行為,又搜出大量自製武器。 http://bit.ly/1w7z182

【04點05分消息】示者者再次佔領龍和道,更從鄰近地盤搬出大批物資堵塞馬路。警方已經重新佈防,並以揚聲器呼籲他們馬上離開,否則驅散或拘捕。 http://bit.ly/12hOrci

【03點25分消息】龍和道僅短暫通車,示威者見警員撤退,即再次衝出龍和道架設路障。 http://bit.ly/12hOrci

【03 點05分消息】英國國會下議院外交事務委員會共11位議員,原打算訪港調查英國政府執行《中英聯合聲明》的情況,但中國駐英大使館已表明,若他們訪港,將 會被拒入境。委員會主席奧塔韋爵士(Richard Ottaway)將於周一要求下議院召開緊急會議,討論事件。



【01點30分消息】大批機動部隊警員以警棍及胡椒噴霧驅散龍和道上示威者,現場混亂,多人被警員制服地上。 http://bit.ly/1zGDnka

【01點28分消息】龍和道特首辦外示威者再向前衝,警方舉起「紅旗」警告,又搶去示威者雨傘。事緣工黨立法會議員李卓人到來,呼籲示威者要和平理性非暴力,但示威者則認為要將行動升級,故意向前衝,導致雙方衝突,李卓人則在勸止。 http://bit.ly/1zGDnka

【01 點08分消息】學聯午夜發出聲明,呼籲圍堵政總至上班時間,癱瘓政總運作,逼使政府回應普選訴求。學聯秘書長周永康午夜則會見傳媒,指晚上大批市民參與包 圍政總,反映市民爭取普選並未死心。他再次批評政府採取拖延策略,未肯正面回應普選訴求。對於晚上多次衝突,周永康批評警方晚上多次採用過份武力制伏示威 者。


【23 點57分消息】晩上「雙學」宣佈包圍政總後,大批示威者多次衝擊警方防線,並成功佔領龍和道所有行車線,現正用鐵馬等架設路障,並與警方對峙。警方則指示 威人士已造成龍和道全面堵塞,又批評他們以暴力衝擊警方防線,用鐵馬衝擊警方,背離組織者聲稱的非暴力原則。警方表示,絕對不想有示威人士,尤其是學生, 因身處激進及滋事分子的衝擊行為當中而受到任何傷害。


【23點01分消息】金鐘警方與示威者多次衝突的同時,旺角有過百人開始「鳩嗚」,不停過馬路。 http://bit.ly/1y4Uuh8



【21點46分消息】警方發新聞稿指,現時有人在政總外非法集結,並有激進及滋事分子混雜當中製造混亂,呼籲市民不要參與並遠離該處,在場人士亦不要挑釁、阻撓或衝擊警方,並與警員保持安全距離。 http://bit.ly/1B2YdhA


【21點36分消息】警方在龍和道向示威者多次施放胡椒噴霧和揮棍驅趕,部分警察近距離向示威者面部「噴椒」,又搶走市民抵擋胡椒噴霧的雨傘。雙方多次推撞。 http://bit.ly/1rHDH3u


【21點12分消息】學聯又呼籲市民可前往包圍特首辦,不過大批警察在龍和道附近截停市民,雙方對峙。警方又舉起黃旗警告市民勿衝擊防線。 http://bit.ly/1v7bNNN

【21點01分消息】雙學在金鐘集會上宣佈包圍政總,在場集會市民開始出發前往添美道,雙學呼籲市民堅持非暴力,勿掟物和攻擊警方。 http://bit.ly/1v7bNNN






【19點55分消息】2名文化監暴成員何韻詩和黃耀明在集會台上提到旺角警方的暴力行為,何韻詩指警方令市民失去信心,但認為市民遇警濫用暴力,應勇於舉報。 http://bit.ly/12hpfTl

【19點28分消息】下午發起「苦行」的中學生在金鐘集會台上澄清,他們並非呼籲中學生不支持升級行動,而是希望他們考慮清楚才出來。對於有人批評其「苦行」手法,有女學生發言時落淚,指他們並非向政權下跪,而是向市民說明爭取民主是條苦路,但要堅持下去。 http://bit.ly/1HPbzQv









【16點28分消息】敎育局局長吳克儉稱擔心金鐘集會將有「肢體衝突一觸即發」,呼籲學生「深深考慮、懸崖勒馬、以免愈踩愈深」,更不應包圍政府總,家長亦要高度關注子女人生安全。http://bit.ly/15LIczZ      (stupid ???! haha....) i said ... 吳克儉is a mad man!!


蘋果日報Apple Daily
7 am, police clearance from the dragon and all the way to reach the Admiralty Road, attempt to completely empty the Admiralty MTR station footbridge connecting range, along telling anyone pushed or driven to batons, a group of plainclothes officers with helmets once more in Admiralty Centre chased demonstrators.

[Surround] Lung Wo Road Lands 7:00 am second clearance


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【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

08:48 有警員在海富橋向集會人士舉中指。(讀者提供圖片)
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

사진: 08:48 有警員在海富橋向集會人士舉中指。(讀者提供圖片)
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

 Apple Daily
08:48 There are police officers in the Admiralty bridge to give the middle finger rally. (Readers provide pictures)
 08:48 有警員在海富橋向集會人士舉中指。(讀者提供圖片)


07:35 警方清理海富中心外橋底雜物。
07:38 示威者大為緊張,一度與警方對峙。 (http://on.fb.me/11G1lAR)

--------------------------... 더 보기

사진: 07:35 警方清理海富中心外橋底雜物。
07:38 示威者大為緊張,一度與警方對峙。 (http://on.fb.me/11G1lAR)

【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
 07:35 警方清理海富中心外橋底雜物。
07:38 示威者大為緊張,一度與警方對峙。 (http://on.fb.me/11G1lAR)

【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement


07:45 橋下示威者高叫「警察可恥」以示不滿。
07:40 警方於海富天橋拆除示威者掛起多日的標語。(電視畫面)
<Took the opportunity to clean up! ? >
07:45 bridge demonstrators shouted "Police shameful" to show discontent.
07:40 Police dismantle demonstrators hung banners in several days Admiralty flyover. (TV screen)

http://bit.ly/1CwankJ... 더 보기

사진: 〈乘機清理!?〉
07:45 橋下示威者高叫「警察可恥」以示不滿。
07:40 警方於海富天橋拆除示威者掛起多日的標語。(電視畫面)

【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

07:38 海富中心外,警方與示威者一度爆發衝突,氣氛緊張。

【蘋果LIVE最新消息:http://bit.ly/1ypDykw... 더 보기

사진: 07:38 海富中心外,警方與示威者一度爆發衝突,氣氛緊張。

【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
 <Speed clearance>
7 am, Lung Wo Road police play second stick, use of pepper spray cleared, quickly advancing to the Admiralty Centre defense within half an hour. Half past seven in the morning, the dragon and the road opened again.


【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement

사진: 〈極速清場〉

【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
 사진: 07:16 警方從龍和道開始,先將防線推向添馬公園,再於海富中心天橋上,一直向金鐘方向推進。

07:00 龍和道警方再度開始驅散行動,示威者向添馬公園退去。

【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
 사진: 最新消息,政府總部上午暫停開放。
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
 Garbage recycling bins = text in the picture
사진의 쓰레기 재활용 쓰레기통은 = 텍스트

 경찰의 만행 심지어 음란 쓰레기! ??
Police brutality even any indecent garbage !! ??

 YauHung Cheung 的相片。
Dogs polices, shit...@@@!!

 사진: 07:00 龍和道警方再度開始驅散行動,示威者向添馬公園退去。

【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com】
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive】

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
 Dogs polices  , shit...@@@!!
개 정책, 이런 ... @@@!

 지옥 @에 데리고!
take them in hell@!!


[Bell] occupied nearly 4,000 people rally twin study reaffirm nonviolent struggle

Admiralty occupied large gatherings beginning 6:00 tonight, the theme of "alignment regime, vows fight democracy," Reporters at 8 pm visually nearly 4,000 participants. ACSF Standing Luoguan Cong speech that get a lot of support in the occupation of the Federation movement, but also to withstand a lot of pressure, "have their own ideas, history, political blueprint," he stressed Federation still focus on civil disobedience and non-violent protest principle, I believe the public can bring to a brighter future.

He also reiterated that some people's behavior beyond the ACSF political program, is not afraid of the Federation is not involved in liability, but to be responsible for their own political ideas, appealed to the public after the meeting to remain in the occupied territories Admiralty.

Scholarism spokesman Li Wenluo called for rally to stay calm and not take the initiative to destroy public facilities. He reminded everyone the event of incidents to protect themselves, emphasizing everyone to wear the equipment is not used for attacks on public officials, but to protect their own safety.

Umbrella Revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://goo.gl/HrnM2A


【佔領金鐘】近4000人集會 雙學重申非暴力抗爭

金鐘佔領區今晚6點開始大型集會,主題為「對準政權、誓爭民主」,記者晚上8時許目測近4,000人參與。學聯常委羅冠聰發言時稱,學聯在佔領運動中得到 不少支持,但亦承受不少壓力,「有自己想法、歷史、政治藍圖」,他強調學聯至今仍然注重公民抗命及非暴力抗爭的原則,相信可以為市民帶向更光明的未來。



雨傘革命: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://goo.gl/HrnM2A


[벨] 4,000 명에 가까운 사람들이 쌍둥이 연구는 비폭력 투쟁을 재확인 집회 점유

해군은, 테마 시각 오후 8시 거의 4000 참가자에서 기자들에게 "정렬 정권이, 서약, 민주주의 싸움"6시 오늘 밤부터 큰 모임을 점령했다. 연합 운동의 직업에 지원을 많이받을뿐만 아니라, 많은 압력을 견딜 수 있도록, ACSF 서 Luoguan 뭉친 연설 "자신의 아이디어, 역사, 정치 청사진을 가지고"고 연맹 여전히 시민 불복종과 비폭력 시위에 초점 강조 원리는, 나는 대중이 밝은 미래를 가져올 수 있다고 생각합니다.

그는 또한 ACSF 정치 프로그램을 넘어 사람들의 행동, 책임에 관여하지 않고, 자신의 정치 사상에 대한 책임을 연맹의 두려워하지 않는 것을 반복, 점령지 해군에 남아 회의 후 공개 호소했다.

집회가 공공 시설을 파괴하는 주도권을 쥐고 침착하지하는 Scholarism 대변인 리 Wenluo라는. 그는 공무원에 대한 공격에 사용되지 않는 장비를 착용하는 것이 아니라 자신의 안전을 보호하기 위해 모든 사람을 강조, 모든 사람에게 자신을 보호하기 위해 사건의 이벤트를 상기시켰다.

우산 혁명 : http://umbrella.appledaily.com
유튜브 : http://goo.gl/HrnM2A


[Surrounded Lands], "Apple" and Long Road out aerial moment

In the evening a large number of demonstrators gathered in Lung Wo Road, surrounded the government headquarters in preparation, the ultimate success of the dragon and out of the road, occupying more lanes. "Apple" aerial cameras captured the demonstrators to break through the police line of defense, and the road out of the Dragon moment. 

 When police defense brief retreat, the demonstrators would prowl out, about 10 seconds later, a large number of protesters have occupied the dragon and the two lane road, up to about two minutes later, the protesters have occupied the dragon and the road back and forth lanes.

Umbrella Revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://goo.gl/HrnM2A




當警 方防線稍作後退,示威者便伺機衝出,大約10秒過後,大批示威者已經佔領龍和道2條行車線,直至約2分鐘後,示威者已經佔領龍和道來回行車線。

雨傘革命: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://goo.gl/HrnM2A


[둘러싸인 땅], "애플"롱로드 아웃 공중 순간

시위대의 다수의 도로 우와 폐에 모여 저녁, 준비에 더 많은 차선을 점유 용의 도로 밖으로 궁극적 인 성공을, 정부 본부를 포위. "애플"공중 카메라는 방어의 경찰 선을 돌파하는 시위대를 점령하고, 드래곤 순간 중 도로. 

 경찰 방어 간단한 후퇴, 시위대가 밖으로 배회 할 때, 약 10 초 후에, 시위대 많은 수의 약 2 분 후까지, 용과 2 차선 도로를 점령 한 시위대는 용 도로 이리저리 차선을 점령했다.

우산 혁명 : http://umbrella.appledaily.com
유튜브 : http://goo.gl/HrnM2A


[Surround] Lung Wo Road Lands 1:30 people were cleared away

Last night protesters occupied Lung Wo Road, but short of about four hours, a large number of PTU officers with batons and a large cast that pepper spray and tear gas agent, dragons and trail disperse demonstrators, chaotic scene, people were subdued ground.

Originally into midnight, a large number of demonstrators and police officers to maintain a stalemate, until about 1:30 am on Labor Legislative Councillor Lee Cheuk-yan soon go to the Chief Executive's Office, the appeal for peace rational nonviolent demonstrators, but the protesters are believed to action upgrade, deliberately forward, clashes with the police, Lee Cheuk-yan in discouraged, but failed, demonstrators threw more debris to the police, a large number of PTU officers suddenly rushed to the front batons to disperse demonstrators, a large number of police officers adding reinforcements, and has been driven forward demonstrators, just a few minutes a smooth clearance. There have been many people were subdued away.

Umbrella Revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive


[A1] double science headlines surrounded Lands shield array called anti baton over injury



Umbrella campaign 65 days, Beijing and Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to fight for power and violence in response to the public the true universal suffrage, the Federation and Scholarism decided to upgrade action 9:00 last night announced that surround government headquarters, protesters occupied the Admiralty at least two-pronged were occupied by Tamar Park and Long Road footpath and road tunnels into dragons and things to occupy two lanes, driving from the cavalry. 

Meanwhile demonstrators in front homemade shield array advance to the police, the police Luanhui batons to disperse demonstrators, some demonstrators were beaten to the head, "blew up" the blood flow Phi face, there are protesters fainted; police used pepper spray and tear agent, causing casualties everywhere. About 11:00, said the Federation has surrounded Lands, calling the demonstrators to stay.

Please note that "Apple Daily" reported.

Umbrella Revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://goo.gl/HrnM2A






原 本踏入午夜,示威者與大批警員保持對峙狀態,
但示威者則認為要將行動 升級,故意向前衝,與警方衝突,李卓人則在勸止,但未能成功,示威者更向警方投擲雜物,大批機動部隊警員突然衝出,

以警棍驅散前排示威者,大批警員加入增 援,並一直往前驅趕示威者,短短幾分鐘便順利清場。其間有多人被制伏帶走。

雨傘革命: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://bit.ly/umbrellalive


[Occupied] Admiralty conflict Mong Mong hundred people at the same time is not flat, "Dove woo"

 Chiu Yi photo.
Admiralty night clash between demonstrators and police repeatedly and successfully occupied the dragon and the road, there was chaos. At the same time, hundreds of people arrive late for the third consecutive Mongkok "dove woo," but the number less than the second night. Police canceled at 10 am Sai Yeung Choi Street pedestrian zone and pull both sides of the road defense, public discontent, once the two sides dispute. Later in Sai Yeung Choi Street police cavalry patrol. Hundred police the morning again, "occupy" the slow lane on both sides of Nathan, to prevent the public out of the road, but so many buses to "bury the station."

Chiu Yi photo.
 Chiu Yi photo.

Police also point to several public footpaths, warning each other not to make trouble, there are more police, said: "You, sir, do not attempt to provoke booing again, otherwise commit crimes," police gaffe also said:? "You go baa not you agree with you I only smoke baa? "Police also intercepted four people, searched their belongings. Mr Liu refers to members of the public were intercepted shopping with a friend, plainclothes police told him rant, and asked him, "Department of Mi want to play?" Liao Police describe bad attitude.

Nearly 11:00 pm, a large number of "dove woo" tour by Sai Yeung Choi Street to Nathan Road footpath wandering again in Dundas Street and Nathan Road at the junction of multiple "cross the road" along the road shouting "I want to True universal suffrage "," I want to Once Upon a Time, Well To Tsang, "and other slogans, people patronize vendors selling drinks. Close to the morning, two people said to be pushing the police for no reason, he incurs when subdued by the police asked, his eyes bleeding.

Umbrella Revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://goo.gl/HrnM2A


【佔領旺角】金鐘衝突未平 旺角百人同時「鳩嗚」

 Chiu Yi photo.
金鐘晚上示威者與警方多次衝突,並且成功佔領龍和道,場面混亂。同一時間,過百人連續第三晚到旺角「鳩嗚」,但人數較第二晚少。警方晚上10時許取消西洋 菜南街行人專用區,並在馬路兩旁拉起防線,令市民不滿,雙方一度爭拗。交警鐵騎其後在西洋菜南街巡邏。逾百警察凌晨又「佔據」彌敦道兩邊的慢線,以防市民 衝出馬路,但令不少巴士不能「埋站」。

Chiu Yi photo.
 Chiu Yi photo.

多名警察又指向在行人路市民,警告對方不要滋事,有警察更稱:「先生你唔好再挑釁起哄,否則干犯罪 行」,亦有警察失言道:「你走咩?你唔係同我隻抽咩?」警方亦四出截查市民,搜查隨身物品。市民廖先生指與朋友逛街時被截查,便衣警察對他講粗言,又問他 「係咪想打?」廖先生形容警方態度惡劣。

晚上近11時,大批「鳩嗚」團友由西洋菜南街到彌敦道一帶行人路遊逛,又於登打士街和彌敦道交界 多次「過馬路」,沿路高呼「我要真普選」、「我要黃飛鴻,唔要曾偉雄」等口號,有人光顧賣飲品的小販。接近凌晨,兩名市民稱無故被警推撞,向警反問時即被 按地制服,眼角受傷流血。

雨傘革命: http://umbrella.appledaily.com
YouTube: http://goo.gl/HrnM2A


[Umbrella] revolution Wang Dan: If violent repression will promote international tribunal to prosecute Leung ching-ying

 Wang Dan said that if the Government's violent repression of the Occupy movement, in conjunction with the requirements of international human rights organizations sued Leung Chun-ying.

Taiwan's "Jiuhe Yi 'end of the election, the KMT suffered an unprecedented defeat. Student movement leader Wang Dan this morning at its special facebook page said the election results as early as the police in Sunflower Student Movement in the moment of the students have decided to fight, warned, "is the suppression of the student movement," the Government does not have a good end.

Wang Dan quoted Mao Zedong once said that "the suppression of the student movement, to no good end," believe "Mao is wicked, but the wicked sometimes see very thorough", so suppression of the student movement of the KMT, and the current repression of the student movement of the Government and even a long time ago had suppression of the student movement of the CCP, there will not be a good end, "Mao still know very much about politics."

Wang Dan this morning to accept the Hong Kong media interviews in Taiwan, it will monitor the situation and Scholarism tonight Federation initiated rally, fearing escalation If the students, the Government would have been caused by violent means to suppress the bleeding, then he will, together with other international Human rights groups called on the international tribunal to prosecute Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying.

He said the international court of human rights crimes involving four, if it unjustified to massive force to suppress the people, as in the past some of those in power will be brought to an international court, like the dictator on trial, he had to consult a lawyer to advise on the event.

[Umbrella] revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com



台灣「九合一」選舉結束,國民黨遭受前所未有的大敗。八九學運領袖王丹今早在其facebook專頁中表示,選舉結果早在警察於太陽花學運中對學生大打出 手的一刻已經有決定,告誡「正在鎮壓學生運動」的港府不會有好下場。




【雨傘革命】: http://umbrella.appledaily.com


[Umbrella] cultural revolution to alert police investigate cases involving the abuse of power and promote beaten occupiers

 Action Group sent Anthony Wong (left) and Denise (right) to the police.

"Cultural violence monitoring group" in conjunction with the NLD and other total of four groups outside police headquarters this morning assembly, recently criticized the police for abuse of police power in Mong Kok to disperse violent people, even people passing by the police for no reason with baton bashing. Action Group members, singer Denise and Anthony Wong reported to the police and to provide videos, ask the police to investigate whether there are unjustified violence against public officers.

Denise said that recently received a number of complaints from the public were beaten by the police cases, even more people are afraid of the police after being credited Profile liable grudge against "no possible drainage Die Bei Bei roadside street level prices, no cheerleaders are catch kick people out but you agree arrest, there is a lot of it GOD, when the police had you agree to protect the public, as if to come out and walk the other city private drainage Die help redress the complaint. "

DFLP Concern Group convener Chen Shuhui police powers to question police use batons force meets the minimum requirements, but also criticized the IPCC refused to send someone to the scene to monitor the police action. He refers to the response to "double science" sponsored rally tonight in Admiralty, the police may dispatched more police, those who wish to participate in meetings of caution and safety.

[Umbrella] revolution: http://umbrella.appledaily.com







【雨傘革命】: http://umbrella.appledaily.com



04:41 龍和道現場,警方重申現場人士為非法集結,要求示威者立即離開,否則警方會採取進一步行動。
【現場直播 (網頁):umbrella.appledaily.com
【現場直播 (YouTube):bit.ly/umbrellalive

#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovement
7分鐘 · 編輯紀錄



#HKClassBoycott #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaMovemen
10月31日 · 編輯紀錄
  • Edward Siu 、 Miranda Wun 、 Tim Wong 以及其他 9,348 人都說讚。
  • Ngai Chun Wu 公投不能以退場作為前提! !
  • Miracle Mak 好 老實講...今日放學見到有咩「反佔中」等簽名活動...我都知唔會係好野-.-連我屋企樓下個黃毓民辦事處都開機播關於「毓民」講「港共政權」既野.. 知道今日係有d唔同-.-但望番去「反佔中」簽名到...我眼見各個簽名人士....無一個係青少年/大人,只有老人家,我係見到d老人家行埋去就俾人叫 簽名,好似完全唔知咩事咁,但當我上前一睇,佢叫我簽...我反問..反佔中係咩..佢地答唔到我...連搞簽名個位條友都答唔到我..咁姐係咩意 思???當初我都唔係幾信facebook流傳果d圖「咩c朗拿度簽名阿」果d..點知..經過今日...我終於都開始相信..果d簽名係幾咁「真實」, 完全體現到唔知乜水講話,佢地去遊行係唔需要知道遊行既目的同當中既意思同意義,以上純粹個人感受
  • 丁一 他們害怕民意
  • Dick Ho 其實我開始擔心選舉事務處都開始會向親政府一方傾斜,做成選舉不公
  • 雷文 其實希望買票敵不過真民意,加油佔中
  • Cynthia Tong 我身邊好多朋友本來唔鍾意佔領運動,最後變成支持,因為喺呢個月來佢地睇到很多不公義事件不斷發生,以及政府官員果種低能歪理抹黑事件,令佢地醒覺。我好開心有呢班朋友。:-)
  • Vicky Chui 真真實實來一次公投比一比,等那些吹水蓝絲帶,無知婦孺看一看,香港真正的民意,唔好再七七吓听埋D假消息……綱上經藍絲帶發放的消九成假,用眼用心去看吓喇
  • Ben Cheung 現在有很多身邊人已經開始醒覺到正苦可恥!
  • Yishi Wong 共狗最撚驚係民主投票
  • Aarnes Wong 樓上,我反對,我每日放工行過見到簽名的都唔是老人。大家是有自己的原因去簽的正如有人有自己的原因的去佔中一樣。
  • Lulu Amy 白頭狗作大,才可生存,何必理條狗啫,十三億簽又點啫?當權者唔知咩??
  • Sun Chan 行將入木個d當然覺得香港無晒人權都無所謂,你地番屋企等死啦
  • Amber Koo 他們説是大部分人,唔明點解大部分都怕真普選?選一次咪贏得光明磊落囉!
  • Yau Tsz Hin 可用上次電子公投港大pop vote app投票 要短訊驗證 一個電話身分證就得 重有如果用呢個方法既話  贏硬
  • 陳雋風 看到中共的新聞就好反感 一邊要演給香港跟台灣看 一邊又支持香港政府 太假了
  • Chun KA Chan 果班反佔人搵班咩人簽名,如果黃絲簽既多過反佔幾倍啦。最好唔好計埋d小朋友。蝗蟲簽。對埋身份証,一人一票
  • Sun Chan 個d香港新移民係米即係唔愛國,愛國做咩走落嚟,個d咩淨心舉家番深圳啦
  • Eric Chiu 讓民意一決高下???乜你哋聽民意嘅咩!
  • Tsang Hin Cheung 有冇得投票叫你收皮呀?如有我即刻去投!
  • Susana Susana 頭大無腦,成個E,T,咁,回家好好静思己過啦,小朋友!
  • Goal Go Ko 輸唔切? 您真心唔知邊面多人啲?
  • 陳振翰 共產黨能讓人民作主就不叫共產黨了
  • Ring Tone 何必為個冇人信的簽名活動搞個公投
  • Yue Lee 超多五毛
  • Ketchup Ling ,你地交重稅比錢政府搞到個經濟曉飛又點,月入萬四都係窮人。
    安穩又點,你地都係窮人( ´_ゝ`)

  • Smile Mok 冇民主點會有民生
  • 鄭美英 我支持公投!
  • Autumn Yeung 青年人夠18歲快D登記選民。
    • Sandy Poon 雖然我唔止18,我今晚係旺角攞咗份登記做選民
  • 洪良 這次係一場未比就知結果既決鬥,因比公投,白頭佬輸足百幾條街
  • Amelia Wu 我今日經過佢哋兩個簽名站,人都冇個,on99
  • Alex Tong 白頭鳩融早知應該吹大十陪個數啦!
  • Franklin Leung 上次70萬人網上公投,政府當你透明...可唔可以七十萬人逼滿佔領區實際D喎...
  • Ling Ho 對家有蛇齋餅糭票,殺人放火新香港人鐵票,一屋二十姓種票,有啲擔心喎😦

  • Chan CH 全世界都痴線,佔路本身係極大民意,全方位想人退場,用番普通方法表達。我想講,香港唔只多人支持真普選,仲打算同中央死過,係咪有呢個option揀?
  • Mingsiu Hong 更系唔好公投,如果被民建聯搞破壞,真是選唔返,到時就麻煩,成個議會都是他的人,要諗深一層呀…
  • Joey Leong 班藍絲鍾意擺街站咪比佢擺個夠!起碼等佢地洗晒啲錢擺街站,冇錢請黑社會搞學生!學生會更安全!
  • Olivia Lam 玩咩你都吾服吾認輸 浪費時間 慢慢在街頭玩啦 北風就到啦
  • Willie Leung 而家D政府部門都比較難信
  • Victor Kung 個白頭周 基本上佢講乜。我都唔會信啦。。以前佢做節目好地地。。唔知係未知個頭近。。做啲野越離黎黑人憎。。
  • Alice Chan 佢地作假!費事同佢地比!萬萬比不上我們的公義!
  • 399則中的50則


 "We are looking forward to wolf Zeitou Leung ching-ying want government to the people of the time, let the international court that Leung ching-ying and mainland Communist terror Zeitou underworld violence against public security of our students, Reporter people charges etc., so that people in different countries around the world to witness the transition of power under the umbrella shot exercise! watch us live today in Hong Kong Apple Daily Hong Kong stays unprecedented event ... million people look forward to the day ~!!

Leung ching-Ying beast forced onto the streets of Hong Kong to provoke harm,
Students, reporters, people are subjected to violence violent underworld of public security,
Wolf was doing coward Zeitou Leung ching-ying out that Mom @!!@!
This is no longer big enough for it to be people sitting in the cold,
Far more than the total encirclement politics, people should occupy Lands,
The Lord of the garbage beast expelled Lands septic tanks,
Beast that can control people's summit down to family !!

Taiwan's people gathered to see the power of democracy and freedom of the results,
Cai Li Gu people like statements.
No people, and that government
That there is a fair mechanism ~

Today, Hong Kong people gather together, and
A vast movement of people in Hong Kong,
To return power to the people is the time !!!

I urge the fundamental human conscience,
So that more people support this great liberation movement and drinking places.
Hong Kong people to be real,
Chinese people are not slaves, life is a dignified stand up!

Witness is willing to ferry people in different countries to make a conscience
International court on charges of abuse of a number of violent abuses Zeitou Leung ching-ying and those violent underworld beast public order !!"

   I sincerely pray awakening the conscience of the people, not to hurt people are totalitarian oppression, stand fast in front of people, the liberation of human rights, democracy, freedom ~
             Ordinary petty MelodyRO fervent prayers ~







            平凡渺小的  MelodyRO熱切祈愿~


"우리는 그래서, 그 렁 칭 잉과 학생들의 공공 보안에 대한 본토 공산당 테러 Zeitou 지하 폭력, 리포터 사람들이 요금 등 국제 법정을하자, Zeitou 렁 칭 잉이 당시의 사람들에게 정부를 원하는 늑대 찾고 있습니다 세계의 다른 국가에서 사람들은 우산 샷 운동에서 권력의 전환을 목격하는 것을! ~ 만 명이 하루에 기대 ... 전례없는 이벤트를 유지 홍콩 애플 데일리 홍콩에서 오늘 라이브 도움이 필요하세요?!

렁 칭 - 잉 짐승은, 해를 자극하는 홍콩의 거리에 강제
학생들은, 기자, 사람들은 공안의 폭력 폭력 지하을 실시한다
늑대는 겁쟁이 Zeitou 양조위 밖으로 칭은 잉하고 있던 엄마가 @! @!
이 추위에 앉아 백성을 위해이 더 이상 충분한 크기입니다
훨씬 더 총 포위 정치보다, 사람들은 땅을 차지한다
배출 쓰레기 짐승의 주님은, 정화조 땅
가족에 이르기까지 사람들의 정상 회담을 제어 할 수 있습니다 야수!

대만의 사람들은 결과의 민주주의와 자유의 힘을보기 위해 모여
문 같은 카이 리 구 사람들.
사람이 없습니다, 그리고 정부
공정한 메커니즘은 ~가 있음을

오늘날 홍콩 사람들이 모여, 및
홍콩에있는 사람들의 광대 한 운동,
사람들에게 힘을 돌아가려면 시간이다!

나는 기본적인 인간의 양심을 촉구,
그래야 더 많은 사람들이이 위대한 해방 운동과 음주 장소를 지원합니다.
홍콩 사람들은 진짜하기
중국 사람들은 노예입니다, 인생은 위엄 스탠드 업입니다!

증인은 양심을 만들기 위해 다른 나라 사람들을 페리 기꺼이
폭력 남용 Zeitou 렁 칭 잉과 그 폭력 지하 짐승 공공 질서의 숫자의 남용 혐의로 국제 법정 !!"

    나는 진심으로 사람들의 양심을 각성기도, 사람들이 전체 주의적 억압 사람들 앞에 굳게 다치게하지, 인권, 민주주의, 자유의 해방 ~
              보통 사소한 MelodyRO 열렬한기도 ~


«Nous sommes impatients de loup Zeitou Leung Ching-ying veulent que le gouvernement les gens de l'époque, que le tribunal international que Leung Ching-ying et le continent terreur communiste Zeitou enfers violence contre la sécurité publique de nos étudiants, des personnes Reporter charges etc., afin que les gens dans différents pays du monde entier pour assister à la transition du pouvoir sous l'égide tiré exercice! nous regarder en direct aujourd'hui à Hong Kong Apple Daily de Hong Kong reste événement sans précédent ... million de personnes attendent avec impatience le jour ~ !!

Leung Ching-Ying bête forcé dans les rues de Hong Kong de provoquer des dommages,
Les étudiants, les journalistes, les gens sont victimes de violences enfers violente de la sécurité publique,
Loup faisait lâche Zeitou Leung Ching-ying que maman !! @ @!
Ce ne est plus assez grand pour être des gens assis dans le froid,
Bien plus que la politique d'encerclement totales, les gens devraient occuper les terres,
Le Seigneur de la bête des ordures expulsés des terres fosses septiques,
Bête qui peut contrôler le sommet de gens vers le bas à la famille !!

Le peuple de Taiwan se sont réunis pour voir la puissance de la démocratie et de la liberté des résultats,
Cai Li Gu personnes comme les relevés.
Aucun peuple, et que le gouvernement
Qu'il y ait un mécanisme équitable ~

Aujourd'hui, les gens de Hong Kong se rassemblent, et
Un vaste mouvement de personnes à Hong Kong,
Pour rendre le pouvoir au peuple est le temps !!!

Je exhorte la conscience humaine fondamentale,
Alors que plus de gens soutenez cette grande lieux du mouvement de libération et de boire.
Les gens de Hong Kong pour être réel,
Peuple chinois ne sont pas des esclaves, la vie est un stand up digne!

Témoin est disposé à transporter les gens dans différents pays pour faire une conscience
Tribunal international sur des accusations d'abus d'un certain nombre d'abus violents Zeitou Leung Ching-ying et ceux qui violent l'ordre public enfers bête !! "

    Je prie sincèrement éveiller la conscience du peuple, de ne pas blesser les gens sont l'oppression totalitaire, demeurez fermes devant des gens, la libération des droits de l'homme, la démocratie, la liberté ~
              Prières ordinaires petits MelodyRO fervents ~


"Ni atendas al lupo Zeitou Leung Ching-Ying volas registaro por la homoj de la tempo, lasu la internacia tribunalo ke Leung Ching-Ying kaj ĉeftero Komunisma teruro Zeitou submondon perforto kontraŭ publika sekureco de niaj studentoj, Raportisto homoj postenoj ktp, por ke la personoj en malsamaj landoj ĉirkaŭ la mondo atesti la transiro de potenco sub la ombrelo pafis ekzerco! spekti nin vivi hodiaŭ en Honkongo Apple Daily Hongkongo restas senprecedenca evento ... milionoj homoj rigardas antaŭen al la tago ~ !!

Leung Ching-Ying besto devigita sur la stratoj de Hong Kong kolerigante damagxo,
Lernantoj, raportistoj, homoj estas submetitaj al perforto perforta submondon de publika sekureco,
Lupo faris kovarda Zeitou Leung Ching-Ying ke Panjo @ !! @!
Tio estas jam ne suficxe granda por ke ĝi estu homoj sidantaj en la malvarmo,
Multe pli ol la tutan baras politiko, homoj devus okupi Teroj,
La Sinjoro de la rubo besto forpelita Lands sepsa tankoj,
Besto kiu povas kontroli popola pinto malsupren al familio !!

Tajvano rekolektita vidi la potenco de demokrateco kaj libereco de la rezultoj,
Cai Li Gu homoj ŝatas deklaroj.
Neniu popolo kaj registaro
Tio estas bona mekanismo ~

Hodiaŭ, Hong Kong homoj armos kaj
Vasta movado de homoj en Honkongo,
Reveni potencon al la popolo estas la tempo !!!

Mi alvokas la fundamentaj homaj konscienco,
Por ke pli da homoj apogas tiun grandan liberigo movado kaj trinkado lokoj.
Hongkongo homoj esti reala,
Ĉinoj ne estas sklavoj, la vivo estas digna Stand Up!

Atestanto pretas transporti homojn en malsamaj landoj por fari konsciencon
Internacia tribunalo por postenoj de misuzo de nombro de perfortaj misuzoj Zeitou Leung Ching-Ying kaj tiuj perfortaj submondon besto publikan ordon !! "

    Mi sincere petas veki la konsciencon de la homoj, ne vundi homoj estas totalisma turmentojn, staru firme antaŭ la homo, la liberigo de la homaj rajtoj, demokratio, libereco ~
              Ordinara malgrandanima MelodyRO fervoraj preĝoj ~


---By an Apple Daily report---*"apple" reporter Yu Wan garbage receive SMS* ---feelings implied ... "-
---由一篇蘋果日報報導---*《蘋果》記者收逾萬垃圾短訊 *---引申的感想..."-
---애플 일일 보고서에 의해 ---*"사과"기자 유 완 쓰레기는 SMS를 수신*--- 감정 ..."암 시-
---Par rapport Apple Daily ---*"pomme" journaliste Yu Wan ordures recevoir des SMS*---sentiments implicite ... "-
---Per Apple Daily raporto---*"pomo" raportisto Yu Wan rubo ricevi SMS*--- sentoj implicita..."-
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

---Update--- Apple Daily reported that the Communist mainland tortoiseFUUUK opposing evil people, by word and pointing Scholarism Federation Council of thugs !! interest charges framed double the Federation Council and other nasty ugly you do not support students will go home to reflect on it! do not delay this monkey to juggle Ma Hong Kong grow bright umbrella movement, not the mainland of Hong Kong people! ask yourself before speaking of democracy and freedom seen it !! unscrupulous and incompetent believers .. @ roll it !! "
---更新蘋果日報報導---那些惡民相向的大陸共產黨烏龜 @FUUUK,藉詞指向學民思潮和學聯聯會的暴徒!!你等下流收取利益誣陷雙學聯會的醜惡??!!不支援學生便回家反省吧!别以耍弄馬猴戲延誤這場香港人 的壯大光明的雨傘運動,香港人不是大陸人!請自問見識過民主自由才發言吧!!無良無能之徒..@滚吧!!"
*USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

 --Apple Daily updated information and a petition letter to my ... "
---애플 매일 업데이트 정보 내에 청원 편지 ... "
---Informations mis à jour Apple Daily et une lettre de pétition à ma ... "
---Apple Daily updated informon kaj peton leteron al mia ... "
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

--Update.appledaily.com.tw!!-**Today's Apple Daily reported that a sensation! We are looking forward to wolf Zeitou Leung ching-ying want government to the people of the time, let the international court that Leung ching-ying and mainland Communist terror Zeitou underworld violence against public security of our students, Reporter people charges etc., so that people in different countries around the world to witness the transition of power under the umbrella shot exercise! watch us live today in Hong Kong Apple Daily Hong Kong stays unprecedented event ... million people look forward to the day ~!!**
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-
---**오늘의 애플 데일리는 감각보고! 우리는 그래서, 그 렁 칭 잉과 학생들의 공공 보안에 대한 본토 공산당 테러 Zeitou 지하 폭력, 리포터 사람들이 요금 등 국제 법정을하자, Zeitou 렁 칭 잉이 당시의 사람들에게 정부를 원하는 늑대 찾고 있습니다 세계의 다른 국가에서 사람들은 우산 샷 운동에서 권력의 전환을 목격하는 것을! ~ 만 명이 하루에 기대 ... 전례없는 이벤트를 유지 홍콩 애플 데일리 홍콩에서 오늘 라이브 도움이 필요하세요?!**
---**Apple Daily de Today a rapporté qu'une sensation! Nous sommes impatients de loup Zeitou Leung Ching-ying veulent que le gouvernement les gens de l'époque, que le tribunal international que Leung Ching-ying et le continent terreur communiste Zeitou enfers violence contre la sécurité publique de nos étudiants, personnes Reporter charges, etc., de sorte que les gens dans différents pays du monde entier pour assister à la transition du pouvoir en vertu de l'exercice de tir parapluie! nous regarder en direct aujourd'hui à Hong Kong Apple Daily de Hong Kong reste événement sans précédent ... million de personnes attendent avec impatience le jour~!!**
---**Hodiaŭaj Apple Daily raportis ke senton! Ni atendas kun ansias lupo Zeitou Leung Ching-Ying volas registaro por la homoj de la tempo, lasu la internacia tribunalo ke Leung Ching-Ying kaj ĉeftero Komunisma teruro Zeitou submondon perforto kontraŭ publika sekureco de niaj studentoj, Raportisto homoj postenoj ktp, do ke la personoj en malsamaj landoj ĉirkaŭ la mondo atesti la transiro de potenco sub la ombrelo ŝoton ekzerco! rigardas nin vivi hodiaŭ en Honkongo Apple Daily Hongkongo restas senprecedenca evento ... milionoj homoj rigardas antaŭen al la tago~!!**
**USA/UK/SEAOUL KOREAN/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/HKS/FR/JP/UKN/DE/FA/POL/VI/ESP`/CO/ARG/PY/MEX/MO/AUST./RU/HO/MAL/NW/CA/IT/PH/Swedis/Mongolian/TUR/Arabic/Latin/INDON./Greek/Dansk/THAI/......All the world lauguage**-

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