2015年2月18日 星期三

---"Some members of several days to sort out their home, today to see the Apple Daily / other message broadcast media, seeing the evil of the Communist Party and the Russian mainland Chinaman and losers in Iran. leading to the Emirates, led by our great American Empire responsible for monitoring global terrorists and spies theft, rogue attacks reality and network resources constantly theft, violation of the original manufactures various national intelligence, steal military intelligence in the countries of the continent Chinaman cult of Nazism and the Communist Party of Russia, Iran and losers, Russia is so cunning, mainland Chinaman cult Communist aggression and counterfeiting imitation inhumane killing unscrupulous land ..., '' why Russia cunning spies and Communist mainland Chinaman cult with Iran back to the losers in the IS terrorists Petroleum resources to support this and other unscrupulous cold poison murderer....IS"??!- ---"我們多日來整理各自成員家居,今天査看蘋果日報/其他報播媒介,眼看大陸支那人邪教共產黨和俄國納粹主義及伊朗的失敗者,導致把聯合大公國為首的我們大美帝國負責監控全球恐怖份子及間諜偷竊,流氓攻擊現實和網絡不斷的偷竊資源,侵犯各個國家原始製成品情報,竊取各國家的軍事情報的大陸支那人邪教共產黨和俄國納粹主義及伊朗的失敗者,俄國是如此狡猾,大陸支那人邪教共產黨是侵略和製假仿制品的殺人無良無人道之地...,''為何俄國狡猾間諜和大陸支那人邪教共產黨與伊朗的失敗者在IS恐怖份子背後以石油資源支持這等無良冷毒的IS殺人犯.....??!- ---"몇 일의 일부 회원은 에미레이트 항공을 선도.이란 공산당의 사악한와 러시아 본토 중국인와 패자를보고, 애플 매일 / 다른 메시지를 방송 매체를보고 오늘, 자신의 집 밖으로 정렬 주도하는 글로벌 테러리스트와 스파이 도용, 악성 공격이 현실과 네트워크 자원을 지속적으로 도난, 원래의 위반이 다양한 국가 정보를 생산하고 모니터링 할 책임이 우리의 위대한 미국의 제국, 나치의 대륙 중국인 숭배와 공산당의 국가에서 군사 정보를 도용 러시아,이란, 패자는 러시아는 너무 교활하고, 본토 중국인 숭배 공산주의 침략과 위조 모방 비인간적 죽이는 파렴치한 땅 ... ','왜 다시 IS 테러리스트 석유 자원의 패자에이란과 러시아 교활한 간첩과 공산주의자 본토 중국인 숭배 이것과 다른 파렴치한 감기 독 살인자를 지원하기 위해...."??입니다!- ---"Certains membres de plusieurs jours pour régler leur maison, de voir aujourd'hui les médias Apple Daily / autre message diffusé, voyant le mal du Parti communiste et le Chinois de la partie continentale de Russie et des perdants en Iran. Conduisant à des Emirats, a conduit par notre grand empire américain chargé de surveiller les terroristes mondiaux et le vol des espions, attaques voyous réalité et les ressources réseau en permanence vol, violation de l'original fabrique différents renseignement national, voler renseignement militaire dans les pays du continent culte Chinois du nazisme et du Parti communiste la Russie, l'Iran et les perdants, la Russie est si rusé, continentale Chinois culte agression communiste et la contrefaçon imitation mort inhumaine terres sans scrupules ...,'' Pourquoi la Russie espions rusés et communiste Chinois de la partie continentale culte avec l'Iran remontent aux perdants des terroristes, ce est les ressources de pétrole pour soutenir cela et d'autres sans scrupules poison froid meurtrier.....QUEL "??!- **All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-

*---"Some members of several days to sort out their home, today to see the Apple Daily / other message
South Sudan US 
broadcast media, seeing the  evil of the Communist Party and the Russian mainland Chinaman and losers in Iran. leading to the Emirates, led by our great American Empire responsible for monitoring global terrorists and spies theft, rogue attacks reality and network resources constantly theft, violation of the original manufactures various national intelligence, steal military intelligence in the countries of the continent Chinaman cult of Nazism and the Communist Party of Russia, Iran and losers, Russia is so cunning, mainland Chinaman cult Communist aggression and counterfeiting imitation inhumane
killing unscrupulous land ..., '' why Russia cunning spies and Communist mainland Chinaman cult with Iran back to the losers in the IS terrorists Petroleum resources to support this and other unscrupulous cold poison murderer....IS"??!-

---"몇 일의 일부 회원은 에미레이트 항공을 선도.이란 공산당의 사악한와 러시아 본토 중국인와 패자를보고, 애플 매일 / 다른 메시지를 방송 매체를보고 오늘, 자신의 집 밖으로 정렬 주도하는 글로벌 테러리스트와 스파이 도용, 악성 공격이 현실과 네트워크 자원을 지속적으로 도난, 원래의 위반이 다양한 국가 정보를 생산하고 모니터링 할 책임이 우리의 위대한 미국의 제국, 나치의 대륙 중국인 숭배와 공산당의 국가에서 군사 정보를 도용 러시아,이란, 패자는 러시아는 너무 교활하고, 본토 중국인 숭배 공산주의 침략과 위조 모방 비인간적 죽이는 파렴치한 땅 ... ','왜 다시 IS 테러리스트 석유 자원의 패자에이란과 러시아 교활한 간첩과 공산주의자 본토 중국인 숭배 이것과 다른 파렴치한 감기 독 살인자를 지원하기 위해...."??입니다!-
---"Certains membres de plusieurs jours pour régler leur maison, de voir aujourd'hui les médias Apple Daily / autre message diffusé, voyant le mal du Parti communiste et le Chinois de la partie continentale de Russie et des perdants en Iran. Conduisant à des Emirats, a conduit par notre grand empire américain chargé de surveiller
Go to the Globe and Mail homepageles terroristes mondiaux et le vol des espions, attaques voyous réalité et les ressources réseau en permanence vol, violation de l'original fabrique différents renseignement national, voler renseignement militaire dans les pays du continent culte Chinois du nazisme et du Parti communiste la Russie, l'Iran et les perdants, la Russie est si rusé, continentale Chinois culte agression communiste et la contrefaçon imitation mort inhumaine terres sans scrupules ...,'' Pourquoi la Russie espions rusés et communiste Chinois de la partie continentale culte avec l'Iran remontent aux perdants des terroristes, ce est les ressources de pétrole pour soutenir cela et d'autres sans scrupules poison froid meurtrier.....QUEL "??!-
**All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-


United States Sending Over 4,000 Ground Troops To Kuwait

Four years on from the US withdrawal from Iraq, the arrival of fresh combat troops reinforces the largest American ground force in the Middle East as the White House considers a ground offensive against the jihadists.
 South Sudan US
(ANTIMEDIAThe United States government is sanctioning the deployment of over 4,000 ground troops to be stationed in Kuwait immediately. The brigade, which will be equipped with tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles, will be the largest U.S. ground troop force currently stationed in the Middle East. It appears the armed service men and women are being sent overseas to engage in combat missions against ISIS.
The soldiers, who are from Fort Carson, Colorado’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, had their deployment ceremony just two days after President Obama sent his authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) to Congress.
“We’re no strangers to deployment,” according to Col. Greg Sierra, the brigade’s commander. “We are absolutely ready for this mission.”
Colonel Sierra stated that his force has been training for this mission for over a year and “are prepared for any contingency.”
The U.S. military has had a brigade stationed in Kuwait since 2011 and are currently utilizing those troops to assist in training allied forces meant to oppose the Islamic State, better known as ISIS.
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force


Syrian rebel leader vows guerrilla war in 路透社south against Hezbollah, government

BEIRUT Thu Feb 12, 2015  Photo
 (Reuters) - A Syrian rebel commander in the south vowed to wage guerrilla war against the Lebanese group Hezbollah and Syrian government forces which have launched a major offensive against insurgents in the sensitive border region near Israel and Jordan.

The offensive that got under way this week is focussed in an area south of Damascus that is the last notable foothold of the mainstream armed opposition to President Bashar al-Assad, who has consolidated control over much of western Syria.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks the war, says the push is being spearheaded by Hezbollah, and that government forces and allied militia have made significant progress.
The Syrian army said on Wednesday that territory including four hills and three towns had been secured from insurgents it identified as members of the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.
The mainstream rebels known collectively as the Southern Front are dismissive of Nusra's role in the area. The battle -- the most serious effort to date by the state to take back the south -- was mostly brought to a halt on Thursday by snow.
"The battle could be lengthy. It will be hit and run -- this is the system we are going to use in battle," said Abu Osama al-Jolani, a senior commander in the southern rebel alliance.
"We are not a state army defending borders ... we operate a system of guerrilla warfare. As far as we are concerned, land is not important," he added, speaking to Reuters via the Internet from an area near the Syrian-Jordanian border.
Jolani, who held the rank of major when he defected from the Syrian army in 2011, said the attacking forces had sustained heavy losses and their gains were insignificant. He is now deputy commander of the "First Army", formed from three smaller rebel groups in January.
Rami Abdulrahman, who runs the Observatory, said four days of fighting had killed 19 combatants on the government side and 48 on the opposition side. He said the advances by Hezbollah and the government should not be underestimated.
The Syrian defence minister visited the frontline on Thursday, Hezbollah's al-Manar TV station reported.
The Southern Front rebel alliance includes groups that have received support from foreign states opposed to Assad. The support has included what the rebels describe as small amounts of military aid, including some U.S.-made anti-tank missiles.
With much of the north and east held by jihadist groups including the powerful Islamic State, the southern rebels see themselves as the last bastion of the revolt against Assad that erupted in 2011 before descending into civil war.
The opposition complains that while the Syrian government has received vital military support from Assad's allies, including Hezbollah and Iran, Arab and Western states that want to see Assad gone have failed to do the same.
A Lebanese columnist close to Hezbollah wrote on Wednesday that the decision to launch the southern offensive had been taken several weeks ago at the highest levels of the "Resistance Axis" - a reference to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.
The battle is being waged a short distance from the Israeli frontier on the Golan Heights, a sensitive area at the intersection of Syria, Lebanon and Israel.
An Israeli official briefed on intelligence said the current offensive "involves Hezbollah more heavily than in previous operations". "There are hundreds of their fighters involved," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Jolani said the Syrian army was playing no role in the battle. "This is a very important test for the Southern Front," he said. "We ask all the states of the world to help the Syrian people and to help us the way Iran and Russia help the regime."
(Additional reporting by Dan Williams in Jerusalem; Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Andrew Heavens)



貝魯特 週四2015年2月12日

 (路透社) -在南方敘利亞叛軍指揮官發誓要發動對黎巴嫩真主黨和敘利亞政府勢力在靠近以色列和約旦邊境的敏感地區的發動了對武裝分子的主要進攻游擊戰爭。
主流叛軍統稱為南線是不屑一顧Nusra在該地區的作用。 戰鬥 - 最嚴重的努力迄今由國家收回南 - 雪大部分是陷入了停滯週四。
“這場戰鬥可能是漫長它將被打了就跑 - 這是我們將在戰鬥中使用該系統,”阿布·烏薩馬AL-Jolani,南部反政府武裝聯盟的高級指揮官說。
Jolani,誰持有少校軍銜,當他從敘利亞軍隊變節在2011年表示,攻擊部隊遭受重大損失,其收益是微不足道的。 他現在是“第一軍團”,由三個較小的叛亂集團在一月份形成的副司令員。
拉米·阿卜杜拉赫曼,誰運行的天文台,說的是四天激戰打死19戰鬥上的反對方政府方面和48。 他說,真主黨和政府的進步不應該被低估。
南方陣線叛軍聯盟包括已獲得支持,反對阿薩德外國團體。 該支持包括什麼叛軍形容為少量的軍事援助,其中包括一些美制反坦克導彈。
一名黎巴嫩專欄作家接近真主黨寫上週三推出的南部攻勢的決定已經採取了幾個星期前,在“抵抗軸”的最高級別 - 引用敘利亞,伊朗和黎巴嫩真主黨。
一名以色列官員介紹了情報說,目前的攻勢“包括真主黨更沉重比以往的操作”。 “有數百他們的戰士參與其中,”該官員說,一位不願透露姓名的條件。
Jolani說,敘利亞軍隊是打在戰鬥中沒有任何作用。 “這是南部的前面一個非常重要的測試,”他說。 “我們要求世界上所有的國家,以幫助敘利亞人民,並幫助我們的方式,伊朗和俄羅斯幫助的制度。”


List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display Tracking 家Dots


This is a list in progress of color laser printer models that do or do not print yellow tracking dots on their output.
We are in the process of trying to interpret the information conveyed by these dots as part of our Machine Identification Code Technology Project.

Limitations of this information

A "no" simply means that we couldn't see yellow dots; it does not prove that there is no forensic watermarking present. (For example, the HP Color LaserJET 8500 series does not include any yellow tracking dots that we can see, but it may still include some kind of forensic marking, since the majority of other Color LaserJET models do. Other forensic marking techniques have been invented, and we do not yet know how to determine whether these techniques are used by a particular printer.)
A "yes" simply means that we (or another source, as noted) saw yellow dots that appeared anomalous to us. Until we decipher the marking schemes or receive other confirmation, this does not constitute proof that any particular kind of information is represented by these dots. In a very few cases, for example, they might be the result of a dithering technique, rather than a forensic mark, or they could be the result of a poorly calibrated printer. In most cases, we are confident that the arrangement of dots is intentional and is intended to track users.

Sources of information

We have employed three sources of information. We looked at printer output under a blue light and/or a computer microscope; we consulted press reports about printers (e.g. at Druckerchannel); we relied on printer manuals and other manufacturer statements. We welcome additional statements by manufacturers, resellers, or technicians.
Thanks to our friends at software firms and symphonies, public schools and physics labs, semiconductor fabs and ice cream parlors, in about a dozen countries around the world.

Table of printers

Manufacturer Model Dots? Comments

HL-2700CN yes volunteer test

HL-4200CN yes EFF test

CLC 1000 yes EFF

CLC 2400 yes EFF

CLC 3002 yes EFF

CLC 4000 yes EFF

CLC 5000+ yes EFF test

CLC-iR 3200-C1 yes EFF test

Color imageRUNNER C2570 yes EFF test

Color imageRUNNER C3100CN yes EFF test

Color imageRUNNER C3200 yes EFF test

Color imageRUNNER C3200N yes EFF test

Color imageRUNNER C3220 yes EFF test

Color Laser Copier 1150 yes EFF test

Imageclass MF8170C yes EFF test

LBP 2410 unclear faint dots; could be artifacts

3000CN yes EFF

3100CN yes EFF

5100CN yes EFF

AcuLaser C900 yes EFF test

AcuLaser C1100 yes EFF test

AcuLaser C1500 yes EFF test

AcuLaser C1900 yes EFF test

AcuLaser C3000 yes EFF test

AcuLaser C4000 yes EFF test
Fuji: see Xerox

Color LaserJET 1550L yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 1600 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2250LN no
EFF test

Color LaserJET 2500 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2500L yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2500N yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2550 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2550L yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2550N yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2600N yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2680 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 2700N yes volunteer test

Color LaserJET 2840 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 3500 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 3550 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 3600DN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 3700 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 3700DN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 3700N yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4500 no EFF test

Color LaserJET 4500DN no EFF test

Color LaserJET 4500N no EFF test

Color LaserJET 4550 no EFF test

Color LaserJET 4550N no EFF test

Color LaserJET 4600 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4600DN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4600HDN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4600N yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4650 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4650DN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4650DTN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 4700 yes volunteer test

Color LaserJET 4700DN yes volunteer test

Color LaserJET 4700DTN yes volunteer test

Color LaserJET 5M no EFF test

Color LaserJET 5100CN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 5500 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 5500ATN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 5500DN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 5500HDN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 5550 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 5550DN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 5550DTN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 8500 no EFF test

Color LaserJET 8500DN no EFF test

Color LaserJET 8550 no EFF test

Color LaserJET 8550DN no EFF test

Color LaserJET 8550GN no EFF test

Color LaserJET 9500 yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 9500HDN yes EFF test

Color LaserJET 9500MFP yes EFF test

Infoprint Color 1454 unclear dithering?

Infoprint Color 1464 PS3 yes dithering?

Bizhub C252 yes EFF test

Bizhub C350 yes EFF test

Colorforce 1501 yes EFF test

Colorforce 8050 yes EFF test

DialtaColor CF 2001 unclear dithering?

DialtaColor CF 2002 unclear dithering?

Ikon CPP500E yes EFF test

Magicolor 2 Desklaser no EFF test

Magicolor 2200 DL yes EFF test

Magicolor 2210 yes EFF test

Magicolor 2300 DL yes EFF test

Magicolor 2300 W yes EFF test

Magicolor 2350 yes EFF test

Magicolor 2350 EN yes EFF test

Magicolor 2400 W yes EFF test

Magicolor 2430 DL yes EFF test

Magicolor 2450 yes EFF test

Magicolor 3100 yes EFF test

Magicolor 3300 yes EFF test

Magicolor 5450 yes EFF test

Magicolor 7300 yes EFF test

C2630D yes EFF test

FS-C5016N yes EFF test

FS-C5020N yes EFF test

FS-C5030N yes EFF test

FS-C8008 yes EFF

Mita KM-C2230 yes EFF test

LD238C yes EFF

LP125CX/LP126CN yes EFF test

C510 yes EFF

C720 unclear retest

C752 yes EFF

C752N yes EFF

C760 yes EFF

C910 yes EFF

C912 yes EFF

DSc38 yes EFF

C5100 no EFF

C5150 no EFF

C5150N no EFF

C5200 no EFF

C5300 no EFF

C7200 no EFF

C7350 no EFF

C7400 no EFF

C7400N no EFF

C9200 no EFF

C9300 no EFF

C9400 no EFF

MIP C5540 no EFF

OkiLAN 8100E no EFF test

Workio KXCL-500 yes EFF test
    (see also

Aficio 1224C yes EFF test

Aficio 1232C yes EFF test

Aficio CL 2000 yes press report

Aficio CL 3000 yes EFF test

Aficio CL 3000E yes EFF test

Aficio CL 6010 yes EFF test

Aficio CL 7000 yes EFF test

AP 206 yes EFF

Infotec/Danka ISC 2838 yes EFF test

CLP-500 no EFF

CLP-510 no EFF

CLP-550 no EFF

CLP-550N no EFF

C3210 yes EFF

CLP35 yes EFF

eStudio 210c yes mfr. statement

eStudio 211c yes mfr. statement

eStudio 310c yes mfr. statement

eStudio 311c yes mfr. statement

eStudio 2100c yes mfr. statement

eStudio 3100c yes mfr. statement

eStudio 3511 yes EFF test

FC15 yes mfr. statement

FC15i yes mfr. statement

FC22 yes mfr. statement

FC22i yes mfr. statement

FC25P yes mfr. statement

FC25Pi yes mfr. statement

FC70 yes mfr. statement

DocuColor 12 yes EFF test

DocuColor 40 yes EFF test

DocuColor 1521 yes EFF test

DocuColor 1632 yes EFF test

DocuColor 2000 yes mfr. statement

DocuColor 2045 yes EFF test

DocuColor 2240 yes EFF test

DocuColor 3535 yes EFF test

DocuColor 5252 yes EFF test/mfr. statement

DocuColor 6060 yes EFF test/mfr. statement

Phaser 560 no EFF test

Phaser 740 no EFF test

Phaser 750 (Z750V) no EFF test

Phaser 750P no EFF test

Phaser 790 yes EFF test

Phaser 850DP no EFF test

Phaser 860DP no EFF test

Phaser 1235 no EFF test

Phaser 6100 no EFF test

Phaser 6200 no EFF test

Phaser 6200DP no EFF test

Phaser 6250DP no EFF test

Phaser 6350DP no EFF test

Phaser 7300DN no EFF test

Phaser 7300DT no EFF test

Phaser 7700 no EFF test

Phaser 7750DN no EFF test

Phaser 8200DP no EFF test

Phaser 8200DX no EFF test

Phaser 8400 no dithering?

Phaser 8400B unclear dithering?

Phaser 8400DP unclear dithering?

Phaser 8400DX unclear dithering?

Phaser 8400N unclear dithering?

Phaser 8440DP unclear dithering?

Phaser 8550 no EFF test

Phaser 8550DP no EFF test

Phaser 8560MFP/D no EFF test

WorkCentre M24 yes EFF test

WorkCentre Pro (all
yes mfr. statement

Related Issues






一個“不”只是意味著,我們不能看到黃色的小點, 它並不能證明沒有取證水印存在 (例如,在HP Color LaserJet 8500系列不包括任何黃色的跟踪點,我們可以看到,但它仍可能包含某種法醫標記,因為其他大多數彩色激光機型做。 其他的法醫標記技術已經被發明的,我們還不知道如何確定這些技術是否使用由特定的打印機。)
A“是”只是意味著我們(或其他來源,如備註) 看到黃色的小點所出現的異常給我們 直到我們破譯了評卷或接收其他的確認,這並不構成證據表明任何特定類型的信息是通過這些點來表示。 在極少數情況下,例如,它們可能是的結果抖動技術 ,而不是一個法醫標記,或者它們可以是經過校準的不良打印機的結果。 在大多數情況下,我們有信心點的安排是故意的,目的是跟踪用戶。


我們採用了三個信息源。 我們看了下,藍光和/或計算機顯微鏡打印機輸出; 我們諮詢了一下打印機(例如,在媒體報導Druckerchannel ); 我們依靠打印機手冊和其他製造商的聲明。 我們歡迎製造商,分銷商,或技術人員額外的語句。


生產廠家 型號 點? 評論

HL-2700CN 是的 志願者測試

HL-4200CN 是的 EFF測試

CLC 1000 是的 EFF

CLC 2400 是的 EFF

CLC 3002 是的 EFF

CLC 4000 是的 EFF

CLC 5000+ 是的 EFF測試

CLC-IR 3200-C1 是的 EFF測試

色彩的imageRUNNER C2570 是的 EFF測試

色彩的imageRUNNER C3100CN 是的 EFF測試

色彩的imageRUNNER C3200 是的 EFF測試

色彩的imageRUNNER C3200N 是的 EFF測試

色彩的imageRUNNER C3220 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光複印機1150 是的 EFF測試

的imageCLASS MF8170C 是的 EFF測試

LBP 2410 目前還不清楚 淡淡的點; 可能是假象

3000CN 是的 EFF

3100CN 是的 EFF

5100CN 是的 EFF







彩色激光1550L 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光1600 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2250LN 沒有

彩色激光2500 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2500L 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2500N 是的 EFF測試

2550彩色激光 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2550L 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2550N 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2600N 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2680 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光2700N 是的 志願者測試

彩色激光2840 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光3500 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光3550 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光3600DN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光3700 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光3700DN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光3700N 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4500 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光4500DN 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光4500N 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光4550 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光4550N 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光4600 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4600DN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4600HDN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4600N 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4650 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4650DN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4650DTN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光4700 是的 志願者測試

彩色激光4700DN 是的 志願者測試

彩色激光4700DTN 是的 志願者測試

彩色激光5M 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光5100CN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光5500 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光5500ATN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光5500DN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光5500HDN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光5550 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光5550DN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光5550DTN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光8500 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光8500DN 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光8550 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光8550DN 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光8550GN 沒有 EFF測試

彩色激光9500 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光9500HDN 是的 EFF測試

彩色激光9500MFP上正確 是的 EFF測試

色彩的InfoPrint 1454 目前還不清楚 抖動?

色彩的InfoPrint 1464 PS3 是的 抖動?

BIZHUB C252 是的 EFF測試

BIZHUB C350 是的 EFF測試

Colorforce 1501 是的 EFF測試

Colorforce 8050 是的 EFF測試

DialtaColor CF 2001年 目前還不清楚 抖動?

DialtaColor CF 2002年 目前還不清楚 抖動?


的magicolor 2 Desklaser 沒有 EFF測試

2200的magicolor DL 是的 EFF測試

的magicolor 2210 是的 EFF測試

2300的magicolor DL 是的 EFF測試

2300的magicolorW¯¯ 是的 EFF測試

2350的magicolor 是的 EFF測試

2350的magicolor EN 是的 EFF測試

的magicolor 3200W可 是的 EFF測試

的magicolor 2430 DL 是的 EFF測試

的magicolor 2450 是的 EFF測試

的magicolor 3100 是的 EFF測試

3300的magicolor 是的 EFF測試

的magicolor 5450 是的 EFF測試

7300的magicolor 是的 EFF測試

C2630D 是的 EFF測試

FS-C5016N 是的 EFF測試

FS-C5020N 是的 EFF測試

FS-C5030N 是的 EFF測試

FS-C8008 是的 EFF

美達KM-C2230 是的 EFF測試

LD238C 是的 EFF

LP125CX / LP126CN 是的 EFF測試

C510 是的 EFF

C720 目前還不清楚 複試

C752 是的 EFF

C752N 是的 EFF

C760 是的 EFF

C910 是的 EFF

C912 是的 EFF

DSc38 是的 EFF

C5100 沒有 EFF

C5150 沒有 EFF

C5150N 沒有 EFF

C5200 沒有 EFF

C5300 沒有 EFF

C7200 沒有 EFF

C7350 沒有 EFF

C7400 沒有 EFF

C7400N 沒有 EFF

C9200 沒有 EFF

C9300 沒有 EFF

C9400 沒有 EFF

MIP C5540 沒有 EFF

OkiLAN 8100E 沒有 EFF測試

Workio KXCL-500 是的 EFF測試

光Aficio 1224C 是的 EFF測試

光Aficio 1232C 是的 EFF測試

CL複合機2000 是的 新聞報導

CL複合機3000 是的 EFF測試

數碼複合機CL 3000E 是的 EFF測試

數碼複合機CL 6010 是的 EFF測試

CL複合機7000 是的 EFF測試

AP 206 是的 EFF

INFOTEC /丹卡ISC 2838 是的 EFF測試

CLP-500 沒有 EFF

CLP-510 沒有 EFF

CLP-550 沒有 EFF

CLP-550N 沒有 EFF

C3210 是的 EFF

CLP35 是的 EFF

ESTUDIO 210C 是的 MFR。 聲明

ESTUDIO 211C 是的 MFR。 聲明

ESTUDIO 310C 是的 MFR。 聲明

ESTUDIO 311C 是的 MFR。 聲明

ESTUDIO 2100C 是的 MFR。 聲明

ESTUDIO 3100C 是的 MFR。 聲明

ESTUDIO 3511 是的 EFF測試

FC15 是的 MFR。 聲明

FC15i 是的 MFR。 聲明

FC22 是的 MFR。 聲明

FC22i 是的 MFR。 聲明

FC25P 是的 MFR。 聲明

FC25Pi 是的 MFR。 聲明

FC70 是的 MFR。 聲明

DocuColor 12 是的 EFF測試

DocuColor 40 是的 EFF測試

DocuColor 1521 是的 EFF測試

DocuColor 1632 是的 EFF測試

DocuColor 2000 是的 MFR。 聲明

DocuColor 2045 是的 EFF測試

DocuColor 2240 是的 EFF測試

DocuColor 3535 是的 EFF測試

DocuColor 5252 是的 EFF的測試/ MFR。 聲明

DocuColor 6060 是的 EFF的測試/ MFR。 聲明

移相器560 沒有 EFF測試

移相器740 沒有 EFF測試

移相器750(Z750V) 沒有 EFF測試

移相器750P 沒有 EFF測試

移相器790 是的 EFF測試

移相器850DP 沒有 EFF測試

移相器860DP 沒有 EFF測試

移相器1235 沒有 EFF測試

移相器6100 沒有 EFF測試

移相器6200 沒有 EFF測試

移相器6200DP 沒有 EFF測試

移相器6250DP 沒有 EFF測試

移相器6350DP 沒有 EFF測試

移相器7300DN 沒有 EFF測試

移相器7300DT 沒有 EFF測試

移相器7700 沒有 EFF測試

移相器7750DN 沒有 EFF測試

移相器8200DP 沒有 EFF測試

移相器8200DX 沒有 EFF測試

移相器8400 沒有 抖動?

移相器8400B 目前還不清楚 抖動?

移相器8400DP 目前還不清楚 抖動?

移相器8400DX 目前還不清楚 抖動?

移相器8400N 目前還不清楚 抖動?

移相器8440DP 目前還不清楚 抖動?

移相器8550 沒有 EFF測試

移相器8550DP 沒有 EFF測試

移相器8560MFP / D 沒有 EFF測試


是的 MFR。 聲明



The Islamic State of burned alive 45 people found partially burnt corpse

 IS the militants came 45 people burned alive in Iraqi towns, "Baghdadi." (Associated Press).
 [WASHINGTON] militant group "Islamic State" (IS) Following the recent beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians today after it was rumored that IS the militants burned to death 45 people in the Iraqi town of Baghdadi (Baghdadi), according to local police chief revealed that part of the deceased may be security forces personnel.

 "BBC" reported that Assad is located in the vicinity (Ain al-Asad) Air Force Base, the Islamic State of Baghdadi was captured last week, according to local police chief Oubei Di (Qasim al-Obeidi) pointed out that 45 militants burned alive people, some of them from the security forces, in addition there are Iraqi soldiers, police, etc., but it is not known militants motives.
"Al-Jazeera," the report, 30 were burnt alive in the coke has been found dead in a small town west of Iraq.
In addition, Oubei Di also mentioned that there are local officials and family members residence Vian officers were attacked and called on the international community to support the Iraqi government as soon as possible.
Assad (Ain al-Asad) Air Force Base and Baghdadi Jinju 5 km, local 320 US Marines stationed there, training them in this camp, trying to wipe out the Islamic State, is a very important military stronghold.




Democrats denounced Mr Leung Wai Ming

Liu contributed donations involving conflict of interest

 Former ICAC 林卓廷 (left) questioned ying without arousing suspicion led to serious conflicts of interest involving donations. (Lin Junqian photo).
 [Update: New Movie]
"Next Magazine" reported Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying led Chinese Estates chairman Lau Ming-wai, the son of Liang Chuan Xin Karolinska Institute in Sweden attended donation of HK $ 390 million to help medical school opened in Hong Kong, "Liu Ming Wei Regenerative Medicine Centre" conduct stem cell research. Mr Leung Lau Ming-wai had admitted mention space for cooperation with Hong Kong's School of Medicine, as well as being the son of the school research. Former director of the Democratic Party, the ICAC investigation General Lin Zhuoting criticism ying "highly suspicious, I do not know to avoid arousing suspicion," suspected of a serious conflict of interest.

Lin Zhuoting means, Leung Chun-ying should declare son is not only to study Medicine, but should avoid arousing suspicion, no contact Medical matters should not involve fundraising, but Mr. Leung has not avoided visiting the school and participate in the ceremony, this donation also United Office officials involved, questioned whether the same led by Leung Chun-ying.

He proposed two questioned, including Liang Chuan Xin if not in medical school tenure, Mr. Leung will still recommend the school, as well as the identity of, if not the chief executive Leung Chun-ying to Liu Wei Ming, Liu Wei Ming Will make donations. Lin Zhuoting initiative requires the ICAC investigation of this incident, Democratic Party legislators SIN will follow up the question raised in the Legislative Council.


Go to the Globe and Mail homepage CSIS's new powers: How the new legislation will affect security agencies

The Globe and Mail
Last updated Wednesday, Feb. 04 2015, A sign for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service building is shown in Ottawa, Tuesday, May 14, 2013. (Sean Kilpatrick/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

The federal government has unveiled security legislation that has faced criticism for expanding the powers of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service without added public oversight.
Here's a breakdown of what the new powers will allow and how the legislation will affect Canada's spy and security services.

What the new security measures would allow

Canada's spy service would become an agency that actively tries to derail terror plots at home and abroad – not just one that collects intelligence and hands it off to the RCMP.
The bill would give authorities the power to order the removal of "terrorist propaganda" from websites. It would also create a new criminal offence of encouraging someone to carry out a terrorist attack.
Authorities could apply to a court if they believe terrorist activity "may be carried out." The previous threshold called on authorities to state they believed an act "will be carried out."
The bill extends the length of time authorities can detain suspected terrorists for up to seven days from three and expands the no-fly regime to cover those travelling by air to take part in terrorist activities.
The bill grants government departments explicit authority to share private information, including passport applications or confidential commercial data, with law-enforcement agencies.

CSIS then and now

Not allowed.
Being used, but CSIS won't say where/how
Not allowed.
Explicit mandate in new legislation
No explicit mandate to do it
Explicit mandate in new legislation
Rarely worked with RCMP/Communications Security Establishment
Constant interaction with Communications Security Establishment and RCMP
$500-million and growing
Incompetent/ finding its feet
Breaching its "duty of candour" to judges, watchdogs

Pillars of protection

RCMP National Security Criminal Investigations
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Communications Security Establishment
Domestic law enforcement
Threat reporting
Collecting "foreign intelligence"
British MI-5
U.S. National Security Agency
The criminal justice system
Ministry of Public Safety
CSIS, Privy Council Office, Department of National Defence, Department of Foreign Affairs, RCMP
Everywhere but Canada
Superior Court judges
Federal Court judges in secret
Secret Defence Minister authorizations
"Probable cause" to suspect a crime
Reasonable suspicion of a threat
No threshold
Government intelligence dossiers
Government intelligence dossiers
170 core employees in unit
3,000 employees (organization wide)
2,200 employees (organization wide)
Appointed "complaints commissioner"
Five political appointees
A retired senior judge

A brief history of CSIS

The RCMP Security Service burns down a barn in rural Quebec to prevent a meeting between suspected Front de libération du Québec separatists and Black Panthers. The act comes to symbolize years of unconstrained "disruption" activities by the Mounties.
A federal commission of inquiry recommends the disgraced RCMP security service be spun out into a highly scrutinized spy agency.
After Parliament passes the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, CSIS spies are constrained by Federal Court warrant processes, an inspector-general's oversight, and the politically appointed Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC).
The Air India terrorist attacks kill more than 330 people, a made-in-Canada massacre that occurred amid fighting between CSIS and the RCMP.
Parliament passes the Anti-Terrorism Act, giving Canada's foreign-intelligence spy agency, the Communications Security Establishment, greater latitude to share the fruits of bulk-collected electronic communications with CSIS.
A CSIS mole posing as a Toronto terrorist is lent to the RCMP, a new template that sets the stage for national security investigations – and the "Toronto 18" bust.
Fearing too much intelligence sharing and warrantless wiretapping, a retired Supreme Court justice urges that CSE and CSIS clarify their relationship.
Another retired Supreme Court justice finds that CSIS's intelligence exchanges with Egypt "likely contributed" to the torture of a detained Canadian.
A CSIS director tells Parliament his spies "have saved Canadian lives" in Afghanistan – highlighting the domestic spy agency's growing number of foreign forays.
The Supreme Court faults CSIS for having unlawfully interviewed a teenaged Canadian prisoner in Guantanamo Bay.
A former CSIS director is caught venting about judges and the public living in an "Alice in Wonderland" reality, in a leaked U.S. State Department cable.
The Conservative government shuts down the CSIS inspector-general's office, one of the agency's two watchdogs.
A Federal Court judge accuses CSIS of breaching its "duty of candour" to unlawfully obtain a surveillance power.
CSIS's remaining watchdog criticizes it for unlawfully carrying guns in unspecified overseas countries.
Follow us on Twitter: @GlobePolitics



 A sign for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service building is shown in Ottawa, Tuesday, May 14, 2013. (Sean Kilpatrick/THE CANADIAN PRESS)


加拿大的間諜服務將成為一個機構,積極試圖破壞恐怖陰謀海內外 - 不只是一個收集情報,並把它關到皇家騎警。
該法案將賦予當局下令從網站上移除“恐怖宣傳”的力量。 這也將創造鼓勵別人進行恐怖襲擊的一種新的犯罪行為。
當局可以適用於一個法庭如果他們相信恐怖活動“可以進行”。 以前的門檻要求當局說明他們相信行為“將被執行。”






加拿大皇家騎警安全服務燒毀魁北克鄉村穀倉,以防止涉嫌魁北克解放陣線的分裂和黑豹之間的會晤。 該法案涉及到象徵多年的騎警不受約束的“混亂”的活動。
一個CSIS摩爾冒充多倫多恐怖分子借給皇家騎警,一個新的模板,設置階段為國家安全調查 - 與“多倫多18”半身像。
一個CSIS總監告訴國會他的間諜在阿富汗的“拯救生命的加拿大” - 突出了國內間諜機構的越來越多的國外突襲的。
按照我們在Twitter: @GlobePolitics


The loudest and quietest places in America — in one map

17 Feb 2015sn-scivismap

February 17, 2015
Douglas Main.


最響亮,最安靜的地方在美國 - 在一個地圖



“(S)ince this is a challenge that we can only meet together, I’m announcing that next month we’ll convene a White House summit on cybersecurity and consumer protection. It’s a White House summit where we're not going to do it at the White House; we're going to go to Stanford University. And it’s going to bring everybody together — industry, tech companies, law enforcement, consumer and privacy advocates, law professors who are specialists in the field, as well as students — to make sure that we work through these issues in a public, transparent fashion.”

— President Obama, January 13, 2015

Watch the live-stream of the Summit below, or at WhiteHouse.gov/Live.

Collaborating on Cyber Solutions

The Summit will bring together leaders from across the country who have a stake in this issue — industry, tech companies, law enforcement, consumer and privacy advocates, law professors who specialize in this field, and students — to collaborate and explore partnerships that will help develop the best ways to bolster our cybersecurity.
From increasing cybersecurity information sharing to improving adoption of more secure payment technologies, here’s a look at the topics that panels at the Summit will address:
  • Public-Private Collaboration on Cybersecurity
  • Improving Cybersecurity Practices at Consumer-Oriented Businesses and Organizations
  • Promoting More Secure Payment Technologies
  • Cybersecurity Information Sharing
  • International Law Enforcement Cooperation on Cybersecurity
  • Improving Authentication: Moving Beyond the Password
  • Chief Security Officers’ Perspectives: New Ideas on Technical Security

The Five Things You Need to Know: The Administration's Priorities on Cybersecurity

Cyberspace touches nearly every part of our daily lives — from the broadband beneath us to the wireless signals around us to the networks that power our hospitals, schools, and our nation. The Obama administration is pursuing five key priorities that will strengthen our approach to cybersecurity threats by:
  1. Protecting the country's critical infrastructure — our most important information systems — from cyber threats.
  2. Improving our ability to identify and report cyber incidents so that we can respond in a timely manner.
  3. Engaging with international partners to promote internet freedom and build support for an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable cyberspace.
  4. Securing federal networks by setting clear security targets and holding agencies accountable for meeting those targets.
  5. Shaping a cyber-savvy workforce and moving beyond passwords in partnership with the private sector.
Learn more about the Administration’s cybersecurity priorities at WhiteHouse.gov/cybersecurity.

BuySecure Initiative

The President’s BuySecure Initiative, launched in October 2014, expands these cybersecurity efforts — providing consumers with more tools to secure their financial future by assisting victims of identity theft, improving the government’s payment security as a customer and a provider, and accelerating the transition to stronger security technologies and the development of next-generation payment security tools.

Top priorities of the BuySecure Initiative are the forthcoming Summit and:
  • Securing payments across the economy, including by advancing federal efforts to transition to more secure payment systems, building public-private awareness about more secure authentication, and calling on industry to enhance the security of their own systems and offer more secure options for their customers.
  • Helping Americans secure their good name, by improving resources to identify and remediate identity theft. This includes supporting credit score transparency and improving identity theft resources available to American consumers.
  • Enhanced information sharing, by enhancing the ability of federal agencies and industry to regularly exchange information about consumers’ compromised accounts.
Get more facts on the BuySecure Initiative here.

Get Involved

If you want to participate in the Summit, please send your questions to CyberSummit@who.eop.gov.
Join the conversation by using #CyberSummit on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


 ''Why cunning Russian spies in Iran and losers IS terrorists behind petroleum resources to support this and other unscrupulous cold poison IS murderer ??! -
And evil in the world reverse it? Confused like spyware, theft steal tools such as new discoveries ?? Is the world only large state-owned defense of US imperialism software ??
So the cult of the Communist Party in China Chinaman multiple theft and theft of Russian Nazism and losers Iran should want to execute? !!
In the flames of war in the world today, people are confused IS extremist terrorists anxious,

Who led the elite troops on war and drinking places enemy?!
Our great American Empire Obama is flesh and blood to human right,
People in various countries / areas experiencing catastrophe also to help us big American Empire,
Why people do not seek help from the Russians ??!

We are really surprised! IS was non stop beast, right and wrong change in five days as the fell down ??!
Conscience and human rights and to witness the fact that black and white,
Do not broadcast media reported the case of right and wrong inflicted,
Money put into unscrupulous selling conscience,
Shortage is simply absurd !!
Very angry,
So rare positive media ....but forget the evil with the Chinaman of the Communist Party..
Cold murderous totalitarian segment Hong Kong people, reporters, students mutilation, events ... etc.,
In the end is of our fault to seek the cooperation , or the fault of some individuals inflicted such a big ridiculous ??!

We just felt cold, ugly human nature .... !!
We message from the conscience of the people crossing different countries,
Good and evil are clearly defined,
Do not be tempted to put a black and white confuse vanity ah ~
Yours sincerely humble Melody.Blog ~






이란과 패자에 왜 교활한을 러시아의 스파이 ''은 석유 자원 뒤에 테러리스트이 다른 파렴치한 감기 독 살인자 지원하는 것입니다?! -
그리고 세계에서 악을 반대? 스파이웨어와 같은 혼란, 절도는 새로운 발견 같은 도구를 도용? 세계는 미국 제국주의 소프트웨어의 대형 국영 방위 건가?
그래서 중국 중국인의 여러 도용 러시아 사회주의와 패자이란의 도난 공산당의 숭배는 실행하고자 하는가? !
오늘날 세계에서 전쟁의 불길에서, 사람들은 혼란이 극단적 인 테러 불안하다,
누가 전쟁과 마시는 장소 적에게 엘리트 부대를 주도!
우리의 위대한 미국 제국 오바마, 인권에 살과 피
여러 나라에있는 사람들은 / 지역은 큰 미국의 제국 우리를 도와 또한 재난 발생
왜 사람들은 러시아에게 도움을 요청하지 않는다?!

우리는 정말 놀랍니다! IS 아래로 떨어졌다로 5 일 비 정지 짐승, 옳고 그름을 변경했다?!
양심과 인간의 권리와 그 흑백 사실을 목격,
방송하지 마십시오 매체는, 권리의 경우를보고 잘못 쏜
비양심적 인 판매 양심에 넣어 돈,
부족은 단순히 터무니!
매우 화가,
그래서 드문 긍정적 인 미디어는 ....하지만 공산당의 중국인과 악을 잊지 ..
등 콜드 살인 전체주의 세그먼트 홍콩 사람들, 기자, 학생 절단, 이벤트 ...
결국 협력, 또는 개인의 잘못을 추구하는 우리의 잘못의 그런 큰 말도 입은입니까 ??!

우리는 감기, 추악한 인간의 본성을 느꼈다 .... !!
다른 나라를 횡단하는 사람들의 양심에서 우리는 메시지,
선과 악이 명확하게 정의되어,
검은 색과 흰색 혼동 허영 아를 넣어 유혹하지 마세요 ~
너의 진심으로 겸손 Melody.Blog ~


'' Pourquoi la ruse espions russes en Iran et perdants EST terroristes derrière ressources pétrolières pour soutenir cela et d'autres poison froid sans scrupules EST assassin ??! -
Et le mal dans le monde inverser? Confus comme les logiciels espions, le vol voler des outils tels que les nouvelles découvertes ?? Le monde est seule grande défense appartenant à l'état de logiciel de l'impérialisme US ??
Donc le culte du Parti communiste en Chine Chinois vol de multiples et le vol de Russie nazisme et perdants Iran devrait vouloir exécuter? !!
Dans les flammes de la guerre dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, les gens sont confus EST terroristes extrémistes anxieux,
Qui a dirigé les troupes d'élite sur la guerre et débits de boissons ennemi ?!
Notre grand empire américain Obama est chair et sang aux droit de l'homme,
Les gens dans différents pays / régions connaissent également une catastrophe pour nous aider grand empire américain,
Pourquoi les gens ne cherchent pas l'aide des Russes ??!

Nous sommes vraiment surpris! IS était bête non stop, le changement bien et le mal en cinq jours que le coup bas ??!
De conscience et de droits de l'homme et de témoigner du fait que le noir et blanc,
Ne pas diffuser médias ont rapporté le cas de bien et le mal infligé,
L'argent mis dans la conscience de vente sans scrupules,
Pénurie est tout simplement absurde !!
Très en colère,
Donc médiatique positive rare .... mais oublier le mal par le Chinois du Parti communiste ..
Froids meurtriers segments totalitaire de Hong Kong personnes, journalistes, étudiants mutilations, événements ... etc.,
En fin de compte est de notre faute à rechercher la coopération, ou la faute de certaines personnes infligé un tel ridicule ??!

Nous avions vraiment l'impression de froid, la nature humaine laid .... !!
Nous message de la conscience des personnes qui traversent différents pays,
Bien et le mal sont clairement définis,
Ne soyez pas tenté de mettre une vanité ah confondre noir et blanc ~
Cordialement humble Melody.Blog ~


''なぜ狡猾なロシアのスパイイランと敗者では、これをサポートするために、石油資源の背後にあるテロリストであり、他の不謹慎な冷たい毒は殺人者IS ??! -
だから、ロシアのナチズムと敗者イランの中国中国人複数の盗難や盗難で共産党のカルトは、実行したいですか? !!

私たちは本当にびっくりです! ISは、倒れたとして5日間でノンストップ獣、善悪の変化であった??!

私たちはただの風邪、醜い人間​​性を感じました....​​ !!


'' Warum List russische Spione im Iran und Verlierer IST Terroristen hinter Erdöl-Ressourcen zur Unterstützung dieser und anderer skrupelloser kalte Gift Mörder ??! -
Und das Böse in der Welt umzukehren? Verwirrt wie Spyware, Diebstahl stehlen Werkzeuge wie Neuentdeckungen ?? Ist der weltweit einzige große staatseigene Abwehr des US-Imperialismus Software ??
So der Kult der Kommunistischen Partei in China Chinesen mehrere Diebstahl und Diebstahl von russischen Nationalsozialismus und Verlierer Iran will ausführen? !!
In den Flammen des Krieges in der heutigen Welt sind die Menschen verwirrt IST extremistische Terroristen besorgt,
Wer führte die Elitetruppen über Krieg und Trinklokalen Feind ?!
Unsere großen amerikanischen Imperiums Obama ist Fleisch und Blut zu Menschenrecht,
Die Menschen in den verschiedenen Ländern / Gebieten mit Katastrophe auch uns helfen großen amerikanischen Imperiums,
Warum die Leute nicht um Hilfe von den Russen ??!

Wir sind wirklich überrascht! IS war non stop Tier, richtig und falsch Wechsel in fünf Tagen als fielen ??!
Das Gewissen und die Menschenrechte und die Tatsache bezeugen, dass schwarz und weiß,
Übertragen Sie Medien berichteten den Fall von Recht und Unrecht zugefügt,
Geld in skrupellosen Verkaufs Gewissen gestellt,
Knappheit ist einfach absurd !!
Sehr wütend,
So selten positive Medien .... aber vergessen, die das Böse mit dem Chinesen der Kommunistischen Partei ..
Kalte mörderischen totalitären Segment Menschen in Hongkong, Reporter, Studenten Verstümmelung, Veranstaltungen ... usw.
Am Ende ist der Fehler, die Zusammenarbeit oder die Störung von einigen Personen zu suchen zugefügt so eine große lächerlich ??!

Wir fühlten uns nur kalt, hässlich menschliche Natur .... !!
Wir Nachricht aus dem Bewusstsein der Menschen über verschiedene Länder,
Gut und Böse sind klar definiert,
Nicht versucht, eine Schwarz-Weiß-verwirren Eitelkeit ah gesetzt werden ~
Mit freundlichen Grüßen bescheidenen Melody.Blog ~


"Kial ruza Rusa spionoj en Irano kaj perdantoj ESTAS teroristoj malantaŭ petrolo rimedojn por subteni tion kaj aliajn senskrupulaj malvarma veneno estas murdisto ??! -
Kaj malbono en la mondo sxangxi? Konfuzitaj kiel spyware, ŝtelo ŝteli ilojn tiaj kiel novaj malkovroj ?? Ĉu la mondo nur grandaj ŝtata arierulo de usona imperiismo programaro ??
Do la kulto de la Komunisma Partio en Ĉinio ĉino multnombraj ŝtelo kaj ŝtelo de Rusa naziismo kaj perdantoj Irano devus volas lanĉi? !!
En la flamoj de milito en la mondo hodiaŭ, homoj estas konfuzitaj ESTAS ekstremisma teroristoj maltrankvila,
Kiu gvidis la élite en milito kaj trinkado lokoj malamiko ?!
Nia granda usona Imperio Obama estas karno kaj sango al homa rajto,
Homoj en diversaj landoj / areoj spertas katastrofo ankaŭ por helpi al ni granda usona Imperio,
Kial homoj ne serĉas helpon de la rusoj ??!

Ni estas vere surprizita! IS estis Non Haltsignalo besto, bono kaj malbono ŝanĝo en kvin tagoj kiel la elfalis ??!
Konscienco kaj la homaj rajtoj kaj atesti la fakto ke nigraj kaj blankaj,
Ne amaskomunikiloj raportis la kazon de dekstra kaj malĝusta truditaj,
Mono meti enen senskrupulaj vendita konscienco,
Malabundeco estas simple absurda !!
Tre ĉagrenita,
Tiel maloftaj pozitivaj amaskomunikiloj .... sed forgesas la malbonon per la ĉino de la Komunisma Partio ..
Malvarma murdema totalismaj segmento Hong Kong popolo, raportistoj, studentoj kripligo, okazaĵoj ... ktp,
En la fino estas de nia kulpo, por peti la kunlaboradon, aŭ la kulpo de iuj individuoj truditaj tiaj granda ridinda ??!

Ni nur sentis malvarmon, malbela homa naturo .... !!
Ni mesaĝo de la konscienco de la homoj trairante malsamaj landoj,
Bono kaj malbono estas klare difinita,
Ĉu ne estas tentebla meti nigrablankan konfuzas vanteco ah ~
Sincere via humila Melody.Blog ~


 *---"Some members of several days to sort out their home, today to see the Apple Daily / other message broadcast media, seeing the  evil of the Communist Party and the Russian mainland Chinaman and losers in Iran. leading to the Emirates, led by our great American Empire responsible for monitoring global terrorists and spies theft, rogue attacks reality and network resources constantly theft, violation of the original manufactures various national intelligence, steal military intelligence in the countries of the continent Chinaman cult of Nazism and the Communist Party of Russia, Iran and losers, Russia is so cunning, mainland Chinaman cult Communist aggression and counterfeiting imitation inhumane killing unscrupulous land ..., '' why Russia cunning spies and Communist mainland Chinaman cult with Iran back to the losers in the IS terrorists Petroleum resources to support this and other unscrupulous cold poison murderer....IS"??!-
---"몇 일의 일부 회원은 에미레이트 항공을 선도.이란 공산당의 사악한와 러시아 본토 중국인와 패자를보고, 애플 매일 / 다른 메시지를 방송 매체를보고 오늘, 자신의 집 밖으로 정렬 주도하는 글로벌 테러리스트와 스파이 도용, 악성 공격이 현실과 네트워크 자원을 지속적으로 도난, 원래의 위반이 다양한 국가 정보를 생산하고 모니터링 할 책임이 우리의 위대한 미국의 제국, 나치의 대륙 중국인 숭배와 공산당의 국가에서 군사 정보를 도용 러시아,이란, 패자는 러시아는 너무 교활하고, 본토 중국인 숭배 공산주의 침략과 위조 모방 비인간적 죽이는 파렴치한 땅 ... ','왜 다시 IS 테러리스트 석유 자원의 패자에이란과 러시아 교활한 간첩과 공산주의자 본토 중국인 숭배 이것과 다른 파렴치한 감기 독 살인자를 지원하기 위해...."??입니다!-
---"Certains membres de plusieurs jours pour régler leur maison, de voir aujourd'hui les médias Apple Daily / autre message diffusé, voyant le mal du Parti communiste et le Chinois de la partie continentale de Russie et des perdants en Iran. Conduisant à des Emirats, a conduit par notre grand empire américain chargé de surveiller les terroristes mondiaux et le vol des espions, attaques voyous réalité et les ressources réseau en permanence vol, violation de l'original fabrique différents renseignement national, voler renseignement militaire dans les pays du continent culte Chinois du nazisme et du Parti communiste la Russie, l'Iran et les perdants, la Russie est si rusé, continentale Chinois culte agression communiste et la contrefaçon imitation mort inhumaine terres sans scrupules ...,'' Pourquoi la Russie espions rusés et communiste Chinois de la partie continentale culte avec l'Iran remontent aux perdants des terroristes, ce est les ressources de pétrole pour soutenir cela et d'autres sans scrupules poison froid meurtrier.....QUEL "??!-
**All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-

 ---「数日の一部のメンバーは、共産党の悪とイラン、ロシア本土の中国人と敗者を見て、アップルデイリー/その他のメッセージが放送メディアを見て、今日、彼らの家を整理する。エミレーツにつながる、つながった我々の偉大なアメリカの帝国による世界的なテロリストやスパイ窃盗、不正な攻撃の現実とネットワークリソースを常に盗難の監視を担当、オリジナルの違反は、様々な国の知性を製造し、ナチズムとの共産党の大陸中国人のカルトの国に軍事情報を盗むロシア、イランと敗者は、ロシアはとても狡猾され、本土の中国人カルト共産侵略と偽造の模造非人道的な殺害不謹慎な土地...、 ''なぜ帰ってきたテロリスト石油資源の敗者にイランとロシア狡猾スパイと共産本土の中国人カルトこれと他の不謹慎な冷たい毒殺人者をサポートするために.....IS "??! -
---"Einige Mitglieder von mehreren Tagen zu sortieren, ihre Heimat, heute, um die Apple Daily / andere Nachricht Rundfunkmedien zu sehen, da das Böse der Kommunistischen Partei und der russischen Festland Chinesen und Verlierer im Iran., Die zu den Emiraten, führte durch unseren großen amerikanischen Imperiums zur Überwachung globalen Terroristen und Spionen Diebstahl, Schurken Angriffe Realität und Netzwerkressourcen ständig Diebstahl, Verletzung der ursprünglichen Verarbeitungsgrades Geheimdienste verantwortlich, zu stehlen Militärgeheimdienst in den Ländern des Kontinents Chinesen Kult der Nationalsozialismus und der kommunistischen Partei Russland, Iran und Verlierer ist Russland so schlau, Festland Chinesen Kult kommunistische Aggression und Fälschung Nachahmung inhumane Töten skrupellose Land ... '', warum Russland List Spione und kommunistischen Festland Chinesen Kult mit dem Iran zurück zu den Verlierern in den IS Terroristen Petroleum-Ressourcen um diese und andere skrupellose kalten Giftmörder unterstützen.....IS"??! -
---"Kelkaj anoj de pluraj tagoj por ordigi siajn hejmon, hodiaŭ vidi la Apple Daily / aliaj mesaĝon amaskomunikiloj, vidante la malbono de la Komunisma Partio kaj la rusa kontinenta Ĥino kaj perdantoj en Irano. Kondukante al la Emirolandoj, kondukis per nia granda usona Imperio respondeca por monitori tutmondaj teroristoj kaj spionoj ŝtelo, fripono atakoj realo kaj reton rimedoj senĉese ŝtelas, seksperfortado de la originalaj fabrikadoj diversaj naciaj inteligenteco, ŝteli milita inteligenteco en la landoj de la kontinento Ĥino kulto de Naziismo kaj la Komunista Partio de Rusio, Irano kaj perdantoj, Rusio estas tiel ruza, ĉeftero Ĥino kulto Komunisma agreso kaj falsificación imitaĵo nehumana mortigado senskrupulaj lando ...,''kial Rusio ruza spionoj kaj komunisto ĉeftero Ĥino kulto kun Irano reen al la perdantoj en la IS teroristoj Petrolo rimedoj ebligi tiun kaj aliajn senskrupulaj malvarma veneno murdisto....ESTAS"??!-
**All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-

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