2015年3月8日 星期日

---By the Liberty Times reported in a series of news; we take a look at our country its a swastika Republic Taiwan legislators and the people of Taiwan to the mainland Chinaman evil cult Communist conspiracy exposed liar Ma馬雲 .. @ Chinaman let disgrace Taiwan Republic of Thinking of advanced intelligent national ! @- ---由自由時報一系列報導的新聞;我們一起看看我們其一家國台灣民國的卍立委和台灣民眾對大陸邪教共產黨支那人的騙子馬雲的陰謀曝露..@恥辱了台灣民國的民族的高級智能族的思考!@- ---자유 시간으로 뉴스의 일련의보고; 우리는 우리 나라를 한 번 봐, 그 만자 공화국 대만 의원과 본토 중국인 악마 숭배 공산주의 음모 노출 거짓말 쟁이 엄마 馬雲 대만의 사람들..@ 중국인 고급 지능형 국가의 사고의 불명예 대만 공화국하자! @- ---Par les Liberty Times rapporté dans une série de nouvelles; nous prenons un coup d'oeil à notre pays une croix gammée ses législateurs République de Taiwan et le peuple de Taiwan à le Chinois de la partie continentale secte conspiration communiste menteur exposée Ma 馬雲..@Chinois laisser disgrâce République Taiwan de la pensée nationale des intelligente avancée!@- ---リバティタイムズは、ニュースの直列に報告した。我々は、本土の中国人邪悪なカルト共産党の陰謀暴露嘘つき馬馬雲にそのA卍共和国台湾議員と台湾の人々、私たちの国を見てみましょう.. @中国人は、高度なインテリジェント国民の思考の不名誉台湾共和国ましょう! @- ---Durch die Liberty Times berichtet, in einer Reihe von Nachrichten; wir einen Blick auf unser Land ist es ein Hakenkreuz Republik Taiwan Gesetzgeber und die Menschen in Taiwan auf dem Festland Chinesen bösen Kult kommunistischen Verschwörung ausgesetzt Lügner Ma 馬雲..@Chinesen lassen Schande Taiwan Republik Denken an fortgeschrittenen intelligenten nationalen!@- ---Per la Liberty Times raportis en serio de novaĵoj; Ni rigardu nia lando lia pli swastika Respubliko Tajvano leĝdonantoj kaj la popolo de Taiwan al la ĉeftero Ĥino malbono kulto Komunisma konspiro elmontritaj mensogulo Ma 馬雲..@ Ĥino lasu malhonoro Tajvano Respubliko de pensado de progresinta inteligenta naciaj! @- **All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-

*---By the Liberty Times reported in a series of news; we take a look at our country its a swastika Republic Taiwan legislators and the people of Taiwan to the mainland Chinaman evil cult Communist conspiracy exposed liar Ma馬雲 .. @ Chinaman let disgrace Taiwan Republic of Thinking of advanced intelligent national ! @-

---자유 시간으로 뉴스의 일련의보고; 우리는 우리 나라를 한 번 봐, 그 만자 공화국 대만 의원과 본토 중국인 악마 숭배 공산주의 음모 노출 거짓말 쟁이 엄마 馬雲 대만의 사람들..@ 중국인 고급 지능형 국가의 사고의 불명예 대만 공화국하자! @-
---Par les Liberty Times rapporté dans une série de nouvelles; nous prenons un coup d'oeil à notre pays une croix gammée ses législateurs République de Taiwan et le peuple de Taiwan à le Chinois de la partie continentale secte conspiration communiste menteur exposée Ma 馬雲..@Chinois laisser disgrâce République Taiwan de la pensée nationale des intelligente avancée!@-
---リバティタイムズは、ニュースの直列に報告した。我々は、本土の中国人邪悪なカルト共産党の陰謀暴露嘘つき馬馬雲にそのA卍共和国台湾議員と台湾の人々、私たちの国を見てみましょう.. @中国人は、高度なインテリジェント国民の思考の不名誉台湾共和国ましょう! @-

---Durch die Liberty Times berichtet, in einer Reihe von Nachrichten; wir einen Blick auf unser Land ist es ein
Hakenkreuz Republik Taiwan Gesetzgeber und die Menschen in Taiwan auf dem Festland Chinesen bösen Kult kommunistischen Verschwörung ausgesetzt Lügner Ma 馬雲..@Chinesen lassen Schande Taiwan Republik Denken an fortgeschrittenen intelligenten nationalen!@-
---Per la Liberty Times raportis en serio de novaĵoj; Ni rigardu nia lando lia pli swastika Respubliko Tajvano leĝdonantoj kaj la popolo de Taiwan al la ĉeftero Ĥino malbono kulto Komunisma konspiro elmontritaj mensogulo Ma 馬雲..@ Ĥino lasu malhonoro Tajvano Respubliko de pensado de progresinta inteligenta naciaj! @-
**All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-


自由時報Do not rely on privilege have today? Chou Yu-acid Ma molested young

 Chou Yu-acid Taobao sale of counterfeits is not news, questioning the first mention of creative entrepreneurship, that if the idea was stolen how to do. (According to the information, reporters Panshao Tang photo).
 2015-03-04 13:16
[WASHINGTON] Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma in Taiwan, today announced the establishment of a ten billion yuan, nonprofit fund to support young entrepreneurs in Taiwan, Oprah Chou Yu in "beautiful island newsletter," the author's satirical "Ali Baba do not rely on privilege, have today? "Ma acid is suspected of molesting the public.
Chou Yu said he admired Mr. Ma Yun non-relative, it took out $ 10 billion to help young entrepreneurs in Taiwan lofty aspiration, but Taobao sale of counterfeits, not news, entrepreneurial creativity first mention, that if the creative team is Ma Stole how to do? Chou Yu more choke "Alibaba does not rely on privilege, there today?" Think even well-intentioned, but that much, balloons inflate, public suspicion of molesting there.
Chinese CPPCC Chairman Yu had declared at the CPPCC session, "To do the work for Taiwan Green," Chou Yu questioned alone do not it only "platform", several alternative arrangements "Celadon Interactive discussion" all? Anger choking so no sense approach not only Taiwanese, young people do not appreciate, and even Chinese President Xi Jinping will be the heart question mark.
Chou Yu said that cross-strait issues can not be bought, more young people in Taiwan is not for sale, she pointed out that China and Taiwan, the party system from different places; lifestyle essentially different, just go free Internet access, it would be like two different worlds, so that China's restrictions suffocation, young people may not endure, choking Yu, "then great helping hand to help, how many invisible visible shackles can cut?"

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 2015-03-04  13:16
周 玉蔻表示,自己佩服馬雲先生非親非故掏出100億元,要協助台灣年輕人創業的豪情壯志,不過淘寶網賣假貨,不是新聞,創業要先提創意,那要是創意被馬雲團 隊偷了怎麼辦?周玉蔻更嗆「阿里巴巴不靠特權,會有今天嗎?」認為就算立意良好,但說多了、汽球吹大了,就有調戲大眾之嫌。



自由時報China moves frequently Jianzhi Pan C'mon Ma "let go."

 Ke do Jianzhi Pan former spokesman criticized President Ma Ying-jeou poor leadership, please do not let go of the tube. (According to the information, the reporter Tu Min giant photo).
 2015-03-04 14:08
[WASHINGTON] Chinese New route to Taiwan and Ma recently aroused heated debate, the former spokesman for the PAN Jian Ke do moves frequently fail to materialize over China, President Ma Ying-jeou and Wang Zhu fell into disputes, today Facebook scolded on, to horse Do not let go all tube-government.
Jianzhi Pan horse shelling poor leadership to manage well even their own people, he pointed out that Ma Ying-jeou of the general Chang Hsien-yao Wang Yu Qi has to get out and leave, but noisy and Wang Jin Chu Un, in addition to the requirements of the Executive Yuan and horse party, defense Diplomatic all together to let go, do not control everything, but choke a horse can stay inside the presidential palace, manage resources like recycling within the government.
Taiwan Chinese government without permission from the midline in the Taiwan Strait and other designated M503 four routes, causing flight safety and national security concerns; Chairman of the Board of Alibaba Group Jack Ma to Taiwan speech, but also let it bring money to help young entrepreneurs, Jianzhi Pan Xi Jinping describe Taiwan pulled and hit that goal is the same Communist Party of China, fast-paced.
Jianzhi Pan face full text:

BillyPan 潘建志醫師
公眾人物 · 141,387 個讚
· 3月3日 20:49 · 編輯紀錄 ·
 BillyPan Jianzhi Pan, MD· 141,387 a public figure like· At 20:49 on March 3 · Edit Records ·
China M503 route announcement, coupled with Ma to Taiwan announced 10 billion fund for green hit home into the heart of youth. Xi Jinping pulled and hit Taiwan, the Chinese Communist Party unity of purpose, fast-paced.
And Ma Ying-jeou of the general Chang Hsien-yao Wang Yu Qi get out leave, he and Wang Jin Chu Un noisy. Leadership poor to even their own people are managed well, please do not control what the president, in addition to the Executive Yuan and party affairs, defense and foreign affairs are let go together, okay?
Ma Ying-jeou can stay inside the presidential palace, recycling within the government manage just fine. Ah yes, I remember Paul bottles to be sent to the Tzu Chi Lake blanket factory (mistakenly) make blankets Oh, chirp Mi ^. <


自由時報中國動作頻頻 潘建志拜託馬英九「放手」

 2015-03-04  14:08

自由時報 http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/paper/859500

China is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan ︰M503 group launched line

 Laizhong Jiang. (According to the information, the reporter Zhang Jiaming She).
[Reporter Xiao Ting Fang / Taipei] Chinese government arbitrarily designated M503 close the Strait of midline other four routes, causing me 方飞安 and national security concerns, although last night, both sides confirmed M503 temporarily take effect March 5, but economic democracy commissure and other civic groups broadside, M503 route is not canceled, and then further westward movement of the so-called six-mile actual flight, there is no significant meaning concession stand "Cancel M503", "Chinese aircraft exit (Taiwan Strait) midline", "the Taiwan Strait is not in the country sea ​​"," M503 is the Chinese invasion of Taiwan launched the line. "

Called on the people to go to tomorrow afternoon Xiamen Airlines subsidiary protest

Economic Democracy commissure and other organizations to refer to the Baltic Estonian nationals "singing revolution" against the Soviet power of experience, called on students, office workers tomorrow (24) noon, located in the mountains south of Taipei, China Airlines, Xiamen Taipei aviation branch, singing Taiwanese people against M503 route will.

Laizhong Jiang ︰ national security concerns beyond the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996

Even after people convener Laizhong Jiang said that all the people of Taiwan in the Taiwan Strait is a safe barrier, the China unilaterally designated M503 route purposes in the past 1996 missile crisis, and President Lee Teng-hui to 1999 published " two states, "China continues to send fighter beyond the Strait of midline provocative consistent purpose, which is to the Taiwan Strait in the geopolitical region as China gradually satisfied" inland sea. "
Laizhong Jiang said that when the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, the Chinese fighter will not even fly along the Strait of midline, M503 route of national security concerns than was much higher.
Even after people think you must choose to "gentle" approach, referring to the Baltic Estonian nationals "singing revolution" against the Soviet power of experience, inviting people to the streets sing-noon tomorrow "beautiful island", "brave Taiwanese", etc. song to peace operations firm will express aggression against Taiwan.

Estonia imitation "singing revolution" against the power

Estonia was annexed in the Soviet Union after World War II. November 9, 1988, tens of thousands of musicians and singers Estonian people gathered in the capital Tallinn singing games, choir singing revolution (Singing Revolution) Overture to protest Soviet rule and fight for democracy and independence, triggering attention.
Eventually, by the collapse of the Soviet Union an opportunity to succeed independent Estonia.

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〔記者蕭婷方/台北報導〕中國政府擅自劃設貼近海峽中線的M503等四條航路,引發我方飛安與國安疑慮,雖然昨晚雙方確認M503三月五日暫不生 效,但經濟民主連合等公民團體痛批,M503航路未取消,所謂實際飛行時再往西移六浬,是沒有顯著意義的讓步,主張「取消M503」、「中國飛機退出(台 灣海峽)中線」、「台灣海峽不是中國內海」、「M503就是中國侵台發起線」。





仿愛沙尼亞「歌唱革命」 對抗強權

愛沙尼亞在二戰後遭蘇聯併吞。一九八八年十一月九日,數萬名愛沙尼亞歌唱音樂工作者與民眾聚集於首都塔林歌唱場,合唱歌唱革命(Singing Revolution)序曲,抗議蘇聯統治並爭取民主獨立,引發矚目。


Ten billion venture capital fund "Do not pretend foreign investment."

 National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University Union, Normal, 台科大 three school student, Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma invited lecture. (Reporter Luopei De photo).
[Reporter Huangpei Jun / Taipei] Alibaba announced that it will provide young entrepreneurs to Taiwan ten billion yuan fund, the Investment Commission yesterday stressed that Alibaba must submit an application to the Chinese identity, and the establishment of venture capital funds in Taiwan may not have initiative, not holding more than half, if the calculation of ten billion yuan, Ma not invested more than five billion; and warned Alibaba "Do not lawful and high-profile", if they follow past Taiwan branch "fake foreign" ways to apply only will "discuss skin pain."
 Alibaba Taiwan branch 二 ○○ 2008 at the supplier on behalf of Singapore to Taiwan registered into being, the Investment Commission at the monthly "afterthought" open fined twelve million Taiwan dollars, and require divestment, Alibaba issued a statement stressed that the proposed appeal, according to the provisions padded information or to apply; Investment Commission yesterday stressed that in accordance with regulations is to divestment, "can not place a legitimate", but also "no additional documents issue" has been identified as the main cause is owned substantive control over, and to make fine divestment ruling, supplement to no effect.
As for Taiwan, the third-party payment licensing is expected in May, Alibaba is likely to present in front of divestment Taiwan branch status Please photographs, the Investment Commission with respect "by the probability is very low."



〔記者黃佩君/台北報導〕阿里巴巴宣布將提供一百億元基金給台灣年輕人創業,投審會昨強調,阿里巴巴必須以中資身分提出申請,且在台設立創投基金中 資不得擁有主導權、不得持股過半,若以百億元計算,馬雲不得出資超過五十億;並警告阿里巴巴「不要不合法又高調」,若又循過去台灣分公司「假外資」途徑申 請,只會「討皮痛」。

阿里巴巴台灣分公司二○○八年以新加坡商名義來台註冊闖關成功,投審會上月「亡羊補牢」開罰十二萬台幣,並要求撤資,阿里巴巴發出聲明強調將提出訴 願,按規定補齊資料或再申請;投審會昨強調,依規定就是要撤資,「不可能就地合法」,也「沒有補件問題」,主因是已認定中資擁有實質掌控權,做出罰款及撤 資裁決,補件沒有任何作用。


Ma hit ten billion to help entrepreneurs Cyrus Chu: young people in Taiwan and let him fear domination

 Academia Sinica in Taiwan worried Cyrus Chu key technology startups may lose control, with the Ma "domination." (According to the information, the reporter Lin Cheng Kun Chang).
 2015-03-07 16:40
[WASHINGTON] Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who spent NT $ 30 billion ready to help young entrepreneurs in Taiwan. However, the Academia Sinica Cyrus Chu questioned Ma is purely want to borrow money, or ulterior motives, more worried about Taiwan's key technology startups may lose control, with the Ma "domination."
Ma would like to provide funds to assist young entrepreneurs in Taiwan, but the motivation behind it was questioned. Cyrus Chu Ma also come out to ask if the new companies to accept the money, to the time the balance sheet is to be classified as "debt", or to the column "proprietary interest" mean? Taiwan's Ma questioned simply want to create a new company, "the boss."
Cyrus Chu stressed that, regardless of the key technologies, or to enter the market timing, Taiwan's new record company may lose mastership, "With his domination", we must first think clearly.
Cyrus Chu said Taiwan's young people to be able to break through the current industry difficulties, on the development of innovative patterns of economic development, but the problem is that the current government lacks a clear industrial policy.
Cyrus Chu believes that industrial policies do not have much, but you can not just shouting numerous slogans, Finance Executives must be thinking very hard to find, within Kasei policy, in order to convince the people, thus pushing.
Ma would like to provide funds to assist young entrepreneurs in Taiwan, but the motivation behind it was questioned. (According to the information, reporters Luopei De photo).


馬雲砸百億助創業 朱敬一:台灣年輕人恐任他宰制

 2015-03-07  16:40


 ''(Ma Wan face like a clown...evil cult Communist Chinaman) Ma Wan and occupation of our continent evil cult Chinaman Taiwan Republic of China Communist Party ??! Demons of darkness money, Who want you to waste products ah !!
Taiwan people are not need trying to poison, dark wash filthy black money ?!!(Shit...Chinaman!)
Taiwan Republic of Taiwan united unity does not welcome you !! Get out of here ...! @ Did not mother FuCk shameless bastard! @ !!''





''(어릿 광대 같은 마완 얼굴 ... 악마 숭배 공산주의 중국인) 마완과 중국 공산당의 우리의 대륙 악마 숭배 중국인 대만 공화국의 직업?! 당신이 제품을 아을 낭비하고 싶지 어둠 돈의 악마 !!

대만 사람들은 독, 어두운 세척 더러운 검은 돈을하려고해야하지?! (젠장 ... 중국인를!)
대만의 대만 공화국은 당신을 환영하지 않습니다 단결을 결합! ... 여기서 나가! @ 어머니 뻔뻔한 놈 섹스를하지 않았다! @! '


''(Ma Wan visage comme un clown ... secte communiste Chinois) Ma Wan et de l'occupation de notre continent secte Chinois de Taïwan République de Chine Parti communiste ??! Démons de l'argent de l'obscurité, qui veulent que vous perdez produits ah !!

Peuple de Taiwan ne sont pas besoin d'essayer de poison, lavage foncé sale argent noir? !! (Merde ... Chinois!)
République de Taiwan Taiwan uni unité ne pas vous accueillir !! Sortez d'ici ...! @ Je ne ai pas la mère Fuck bâtard sans vergogne! @ !! ''



台湾の台湾共和国団結団結はあなたを歓迎していません! ...ここから抜け出す! @母親恥知らずろくでなし性交しませんでした! @ !! ''


''(Ma Wan Gesicht wie ein Clown ... böser Kult kommunistischen Chinesen) Ma Wan und Beruf unseres Kontinents bösen Kult Chinesen Taiwan Republik China Kommunistische Partei ??! Dämonen der Finsternis Geld, wer Sie Produkte verschwenden ah wollen !!

Taiwan Menschen nicht brauchen versucht, Gift, Dunkle Wäsche schmutzig schwarzes Geld? !! (Scheiße ... Chinesen!)
Taiwan Republik Taiwan vereinigte Einheit nicht Ihren Besuch !! Raus hier ...! @ Nicht Mutter ficken schamlose Bastard! @ !! ''


 *---By the Liberty Times reported in a series of news; we take a look at our country its a swastika Republic Taiwan legislators and the people of Taiwan to the mainland Chinaman evil cult Communist conspiracy exposed liar Ma馬雲 .. @ Chinaman let disgrace Taiwan Republic of Thinking of advanced intelligent national ! @-
---자유 시간으로 뉴스의 일련의보고; 우리는 우리 나라를 한 번 봐, 그 만자 공화국 대만 의원과 본토 중국인 악마 숭배 공산주의 음모 노출 거짓말 쟁이 엄마 馬雲 대만의 사람들..@ 중국인 고급 지능형 국가의 사고의 불명예 대만 공화국하자! @-
---Par les Liberty Times rapporté dans une série de nouvelles; nous prenons un coup d'oeil à notre pays une croix gammée ses législateurs République de Taiwan et le peuple de Taiwan à le Chinois de la partie continentale secte conspiration communiste menteur exposée Ma 馬雲..@Chinois laisser disgrâce République Taiwan de la pensée nationale des intelligente avancée!@-
---リバティタイムズは、ニュースの直列に報告した。我々は、本土の中国人邪悪なカルト共産党の陰謀暴露嘘つき馬馬雲にそのA卍共和国台湾議員と台湾の人々、私たちの国を見てみましょう.. @中国人は、高度なインテリジェント国民の思考の不名誉台湾共和国ましょう! @-
---Durch die Liberty Times berichtet, in einer Reihe von Nachrichten; wir einen Blick auf unser Land ist es ein Hakenkreuz Republik Taiwan Gesetzgeber und die Menschen in Taiwan auf dem Festland Chinesen bösen Kult kommunistischen Verschwörung ausgesetzt Lügner Ma 馬雲..@Chinesen lassen Schande Taiwan Republik Denken an fortgeschrittenen intelligenten nationalen!@-
---Per la Liberty Times raportis en serio de novaĵoj; Ni rigardu nia lando lia pli swastika Respubliko Tajvano leĝdonantoj kaj la popolo de Taiwan al la ĉeftero Ĥino malbono kulto Komunisma konspiro elmontritaj mensogulo Ma 馬雲..@ Ĥino lasu malhonoro Tajvano Respubliko de pensado de progresinta inteligenta naciaj! @-
**All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-

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