2015年3月10日 星期二

---Updating our favorite friendly tribe anonymous tips Legion ~ most handsome pose ^^ ah! - ---更新我們最愛的友好匿名部落軍團~最帥氣的技巧姿勢啊^^!- ---업데이트 우리가 제일 좋아하는 친절한 부족 익명의 팁 군단 ~ 가장 잘 생긴 포즈 ^^ 아! - ---Mise à jour de notre tribu amicale conseils anonymes Légion préférée ~ pose plus beau ^^ ah! - ---更新私たちのお気に入りの優しい部族匿名のヒント軍団〜最もハンサムなポーズ^^ああ! - --- Aktualisierung unserer Lieblings-freundliche Stamm anonyme Hinweise Legion ~ schönste Pose ^^ ah! - --- Ĝisdatigante niaj preferataj amika tribo anonimaj konsiletoj Legio ~ plej bela pozo ^^ ah! - **All The World Country / City Lauguage**- ** Tutan mondon Lando / Urbo Lauguage ** ----update our lovely heros blog of... *Anonymous*DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- ---更新我們可愛的英雄的博客... *匿名*DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- ---우리의 사랑스러운 영웅 블로그를 업데이트 ... *익명 *DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- --- mettre à jour notre belle blog héros de ... *Anonyme *DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- ---私たちの素敵なヒーローのブログを更新... *匿名*DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- --- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ... *Anonym *DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- --- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ... *Anonym *DIGITΛSHΛDØW --- **All The World City/ Coutry Lauguage**----Our favorite is his link *Anonymous *DigitaShadow ~ Anonymous friendly today chivalrous Legion *Anonymous*DigitaShadow not talking about it, look at their wonderful position to deal with ISIS insects! Haha...really should be reported in the world's most good ah ^^ ( Smart & handsome...!)- ---我們的最愛連結便是他*Anonymous*DigitaShadow~今天匿名友好俠義軍團*Anonymous*DigitaShadow不是説説而已,看他們的美妙姿勢對付ISIS小蟲, 哈哈...真的是世界上最應該報導的好事啊!^^(很帥...!)- ---우리의 마음에 드는 익명 * DigitaShadow ~ 익명 친화적 인 오늘 기사도 군단 *익명 *DigitaShadow 그것에 대해 이야기 ISIS 곤충을 다루는 그들의 훌륭한 위치에 보이지 않는 * 자신의 링크입니다! 하하...정말 세계에서 가장 좋은 아 ^^에보고해야한다 (스마트 & 잘 생긴...!)- ---Notre préféré est son lien *Anonyme *DigitaShadow ~ Anonyme amicale aujourd'hui Légion chevaleresque *Anonyme *DigitaShadow pas en parler, de regarder leur position merveilleuse pour faire face aux insectes ISIS! Haha... vraiment doivent être déclarés dans la plupart ah bon du monde ^^ (Smart & beau ...!)- ---私たちのお気に入りは、今日男気レギオン*匿名*DigitaShadowはISIS昆虫に対処するための彼らの素晴らしい位置を見て、それについて話していない彼のリンク*匿名* DigitaShadow〜匿名フレンドリーです!ハハ...本当に世界で最も良いああ^^に報告されるべきである(スマート&ハンサム...!) - ---Unser Favorit ist seine Verbindung * Anonym * DigitaShadow ~ Anonymous freundlich heute ritterlichen Legion * Anonym * DigitaShadow nicht, darüber zu sprechen, in ihrem wunderschönen Lage mit ISIS Insekten beschäftigen aussehen! Haha...sollte wirklich in der Welt gut ah ^^ gemeldet werden (Smart & schön ...!)- ---Nia preferataj estas lia ligilo * Anonima * DigitaShadow ~ Anonima amika hodiaŭ kavalireca Legio * Anonima * DigitaShadow ne parolas pri tio, rigardu iliajn mirindajn pozicio pritrakti ISIS insektoj! Haha...vere devus esti anoncitaj en la mondo plej bona ah ^^ (Smart & bela ...!)- **All The World City / Country Lauguage**-

---Updates"strong friendship of our favorite chivalrous anonymous tribal Legion!^^
---우리의 마음에 드는 기사도 익명의 부족 군단의 업데이트 "강한 친구!^^
---Mises à jour "forte amitié de notre préféré chevaleresque anonyme Légion tribale!^^
---Updates "starke Freundschaft unserer Lieblings-ritterlichen anonymen Stammes Legion!^^
---Ĝisdatigoj"fortan amikecon de niaj preferataj kavalireca anonima triba Legio!^^
**All The Wotld City /Country Lauguage**-
**Ĉiuj La Wotld Urbo / Lando Lauguage**-

---Updating our favorite friendly tribe anonymous tips Legion ~ most handsome pose ^^ ah! -
---업데이트 우리가 제일 좋아하는 친절한 부족 익명의 팁 군단 ~ 가장 잘 생긴 포즈 ^^ 아! -
---Mise à jour de notre tribu amicale conseils anonymes Légion préférée ~ pose plus beau ^^ ah! -
---更新私たちのお気に入りの優しい部族匿名のヒント軍団〜最もハンサムなポーズ^^ああ! -
--- Aktualisierung unserer Lieblings-freundliche Stamm anonyme Hinweise Legion ~ schönste Pose ^^ ah! -
--- Ĝisdatigante niaj preferataj amika tribo anonimaj konsiletoj Legio ~ plej bela pozo ^^ ah! -
**All The World Country / City Lauguage**-
** Tutan mondon Lando / Urbo Lauguage ** ----update our lovely heros blog of...

---우리의 사랑스러운 영웅 블로그를 업데이트 ...
--- mettre à jour notre belle blog héros de ...
--- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ...
--- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ...
**All The World City/ Coutry Lauguage**-

*---Our favorite is his link *Anonymous *DigitaShadow ~ Anonymous friendly today chivalrous Legion *Anonymous*DigitaShadow not talking about it, look at their wonderful position to deal with ISIS insects! Haha...really should be reported in the world's most good ah ^^ ( Smart & handsome...!)-
---우리의 마음에 드는 익명 * DigitaShadow ~ 익명 친화적 인 오늘 기사도 군단 *익명 *DigitaShadow 그것에 대해 이야기 ISIS 곤충을 다루는 그들의 훌륭한 위치에 보이지 않는 * 자신의 링크입니다! 하하...정말 세계에서 가장 좋은 아 ^^에보고해야한다 (스마트 & 잘 생긴...!)-
---Notre préféré est son lien *Anonyme *DigitaShadow ~ Anonyme amicale aujourd'hui Légion chevaleresque *Anonyme *DigitaShadow pas en parler, de regarder leur position merveilleuse pour faire face aux insectes ISIS! Haha... vraiment doivent être déclarés dans la plupart ah bon du monde ^^ (Smart & beau ...!)-
---私たちのお気に入りは、今日男気レギオン*匿名*DigitaShadowはISIS昆虫に対処するための彼らの素晴らしい位置を見て、それについて話していない彼のリンク*匿名* DigitaShadow〜匿名フレンドリーです!ハハ...本当に世界で最も良いああ^^に報告されるべきである(スマート&ハンサム...!) -
---Unser Favorit ist seine Verbindung * Anonym * DigitaShadow ~ Anonymous freundlich heute ritterlichen Legion * Anonym * DigitaShadow nicht, darüber zu sprechen, in ihrem wunderschönen Lage mit ISIS Insekten beschäftigen aussehen! Haha...sollte wirklich in der Welt gut ah ^^ gemeldet werden (Smart & schön ...!)-
---Nia preferataj estas lia ligilo * Anonima * DigitaShadow ~ Anonima amika hodiaŭ kavalireca Legio * Anonima * DigitaShadow ne parolas pri tio, rigardu iliajn mirindajn pozicio pritrakti ISIS insektoj! Haha...vere devus esti anoncitaj en la mondo plej bona ah ^^ (Smart & bela ...!)-
**All The World City / Country Lauguage**-

 *---Updates"strong friendship of our favorite chivalrous anonymous tribal Legion!^^
---우리의 마음에 드는 기사도 익명의 부족 군단의 업데이트 "강한 친구!^^
---Mises à jour "forte amitié de notre préféré chevaleresque anonyme Légion tribale!^^
---Updates "starke Freundschaft unserer Lieblings-ritterlichen anonymen Stammes Legion!^^
---Ĝisdatigoj"fortan amikecon de niaj preferataj kavalireca anonima triba Legio!^^
**All The Wotld City /Country Lauguage**-
**Ĉiuj La Wotld Urbo / Lando Lauguage**-

*---Updating our favorite friendly tribe anonymous tips Legion ~ most handsome pose ^^ ah! -
---업데이트 우리가 제일 좋아하는 친절한 부족 익명의 팁 군단 ~ 가장 잘 생긴 포즈 ^^ 아! -
---Mise à jour de notre tribu amicale conseils anonymes Légion préférée ~ pose plus beau ^^ ah! -
---更新私たちのお気に入りの優しい部族匿名のヒント軍団〜最もハンサムなポーズ^^ああ! -
--- Aktualisierung unserer Lieblings-freundliche Stamm anonyme Hinweise Legion ~ schönste Pose ^^ ah! -
--- Ĝisdatigante niaj preferataj amika tribo anonimaj konsiletoj Legio ~ plej bela pozo ^^ ah! -
**All The World Country / City Lauguage**-
** Tutan mondon Lando / Urbo Lauguage ** -

 ---update our lovely heros blog of... *Anonymous*DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- ---更新我們可愛的英雄的博客... *匿名*DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- ---우리의 사랑스러운 영웅 블로그를 업데이트 ... *익명 *DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- --- mettre à jour notre belle blog héros de ... *Anonyme *DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- ---私たちの素敵なヒーローのブログを更新... *匿名*DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- --- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ... *Anonym *DIGITΛSHΛDØW--- --- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ... *Anonym *DIGITΛSHΛDØW --- **All The World City/ Coutry Lauguage**--

-Our favorite is his link *Anonymous *DigitaShadow ~ Anonymous friendly today chivalrous Legion *Anonymous*DigitaShadow not talking about it, look at their wonderful position to deal with ISIS insects! Haha...really should be reported in the world's most good ah ^^ ( Smart & handsome...!)
 *This Sharing By Anonymous


 *---Updates"strong friendship of our favorite chivalrous anonymous tribal Legion!^^
---우리의 마음에 드는 기사도 익명의 부족 군단의 업데이트 "강한 친구!^^
---Mises à jour "forte amitié de notre préféré chevaleresque anonyme Légion tribale!^^
---Updates "starke Freundschaft unserer Lieblings-ritterlichen anonymen Stammes Legion!^^
---Ĝisdatigoj"fortan amikecon de niaj preferataj kavalireca anonima triba Legio!^^
**All The Wotld City /Country Lauguage**-
**Ĉiuj La Wotld Urbo / Lando Lauguage**-


Major Islamic State recruiter at ID 431857735 Block and report.



How you can contribute to Operation ISIS. Retweet and share.


We have just discovered another facebook clone at












 ''We are fascinated by the great Anonymous legion ...
Text can not describe our love for Anonymous legion of ~
Small smoke humble as fragile dead stag winds come out '
Yours sincerely Melody.Blog ```


渺小如煙 卑微如麈 風一吹來 脆弱歿掉''


''우리는 위대한 익명 군단에 매료되어...
텍스트는 ~의 익명 군단에 대한 우리의 사랑을 설명 할 수 없습니다
작은 연기 겸손으로 깨지기 쉬운 죽은 사슴 바람은 '나와
너의 진심 Melody.Blog```


''Nous sommes fascinés par la grande légion Anonyme ...
Texte ne peut pas décrire notre amour pour Anonymous légion de ~
Petit fumée humbles vents fragiles de cerf morts sortent »
Cordialement Melody.Blog ```


敬具Melody.Blog ```


''Wir freuen uns über die große Anonymous Legion fasziniert...
Text kann nicht beschreiben, unsere Liebe für Anonymous Legion von ~
Kleine Rauch bescheiden wie zerbrechlich toten Hirsch Winde kommen aus '
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Melody.Blog ```


''Ni logita de la granda Anonima legio...
Teksto ne povas priskribi nian amon por Anonymous legio de ~
Malgrandaj fumo humila kiel fragila mortinta cervo ventoj eliru '
Sincere via Melody.Blog ```


 *---Updates"strong friendship of our favorite chivalrous anonymous tribal Legion!^^
---우리의 마음에 드는 기사도 익명의 부족 군단의 업데이트 "강한 친구!^^
---Mises à jour "forte amitié de notre préféré chevaleresque anonyme Légion tribale!^^
---Updates "starke Freundschaft unserer Lieblings-ritterlichen anonymen Stammes Legion!^^
---Ĝisdatigoj"fortan amikecon de niaj preferataj kavalireca anonima triba Legio!^^
**All The Wotld City /Country Lauguage**-
**Ĉiuj La Wotld Urbo / Lando Lauguage**-



---Updating our favorite friendly tribe anonymous tips Legion ~ most handsome pose ^^ ah! -
---업데이트 우리가 제일 좋아하는 친절한 부족 익명의 팁 군단 ~ 가장 잘 생긴 포즈 ^^ 아! -
---Mise à jour de notre tribu amicale conseils anonymes Légion préférée ~ pose plus beau ^^ ah! -
---更新私たちのお気に入りの優しい部族匿名のヒント軍団〜最もハンサムなポーズ^^ああ! -
--- Aktualisierung unserer Lieblings-freundliche Stamm anonyme Hinweise Legion ~ schönste Pose ^^ ah! -
--- Ĝisdatigante niaj preferataj amika tribo anonimaj konsiletoj Legio ~ plej bela pozo ^^ ah! -
**All The World Country / City Lauguage**-
** Tutan mondon Lando / Urbo Lauguage ** -

This songs for you Islamic State.


#OpISIS Dismantling The Cyber Caliphate

Operation ISIS Islamic State Web Asset Target Master List. and

If you locate a Islamic State account follow and report it to and it will be terminated.

is-tube.cf Website Administrator

dawatehaq.cf Website Admin

 *---Updating our favorite friendly tribe anonymous tips Legion ~ most handsome pose ^^ ah! -
---업데이트 우리가 제일 좋아하는 친절한 부족 익명의 팁 군단 ~ 가장 잘 생긴 포즈 ^^ 아! -
---Mise à jour de notre tribu amicale conseils anonymes Légion préférée ~ pose plus beau ^^ ah! -
---更新私たちのお気に入りの優しい部族匿名のヒント軍団〜最もハンサムなポーズ^^ああ! -
--- Aktualisierung unserer Lieblings-freundliche Stamm anonyme Hinweise Legion ~ schönste Pose ^^ ah! -
--- Ĝisdatigante niaj preferataj amika tribo anonimaj konsiletoj Legio ~ plej bela pozo ^^ ah! -
**All The World Country / City Lauguage**-
** Tutan mondon Lando / Urbo Lauguage ** -



  @DigitaShadow  ·  19小時

Allah can ISIS come out to play?  

Anyone contributing to we ask that you check this list for your Twitter account.

Why did Katy Perry & Justin Bieber embrace Islam? Here is what happened

Katy Perry: There are many religions in the world
Katy Perry: And, every religion says: "I am the only true religion, the only way to be saved and happy after death and the only way to paradise"l
Katy Perry: So, how can we know which one is really the truth?l
Justin Bieber: By proof(s), true miracles and scientific evidence(s)l
Katy Perry: But, which religion has proof(s), living true real miracles and scientific evidence(s)?l
Justin Bieber: Islam is the only one, Sunni Islam
Justin Bieber: For example, if you search YouTube for "scientific evidences for Islam", you will find many of them such as this link
Katy Perry: WAAAW! What an amazing link?! I watched all of it without feeling the time
Justin Bieber: The previous link also proves that the Bible still has some divine parts which prophesized the coming of prophet Mohammad clearly by name in Hebrew despite the distortion which led to the contradictions between the current distorted Bible and some scientific facts.
Justin Bieber:You also must visit the best math, scientific & religious website in the world ever, the following amazing great website
Justin Bieber: When you click on (Other Languages)'s icon inside the following link, you will find out clearly how computers and math prove now that there is a hidden scientific complicated and extremely amazing (((mathematical structure))) inside the Holy Quran (Koran) which proves that the Koran is really the word of God, word by word. Because if we remove or add only one word or even one letter to the Koran, or from the Koran, this great mathematical structure will be lost! Glory to Godhttp://www.islamnoon.com  
Katy Perry: WAAAW! This is really the greatest website ever. Thank you so much Justin Bieber. I want to be a Muslim too, NOW before I die
Justin Bieber: Massive congrats and welcome  :-). And, if any 1 lies to you by saying that Islam contradicts any scientific fact, take (the key words of his lie + Islam), then search for them together here: http://scholar.google.com to find a trusted scientific reply to his lie. And, to find the Islamic places around you, you may search here: http://www.islamicfinder.org. I have a very good news for you. Albert Einstein embraced Islam before he dies according to his friend Karl Jaspers in the minute 3:18 on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9bkjPdtr2o … 
Justin BieberPlease don't miss this link: http://justpaste.it/va 
Katy Perry: WAAAW! This is an extremely awesome link
(4free ds http://www.noblequran.com/translation, http://quran.com & http://www.zeeshan.gift r the best translations of Koran until now with fewer mistakes. A perfect translation s comin n few years & I'll put its link on this page, God willin. Don't miss readin the greatest book ever)l
To obtain salvation in the hereafter, be a very good practicing pious Sunni Muslim. God said in the holy Quran (19/72): "Then I save the ones who were pious and leave crouching behind in it (the hell fire) the oppressors to other creatures by doing evil and to themselves by doing sin".
Dear readers, if you like this page, or this page led you to embrace Sunni Islam, please tell me here: http://ask.fm/NSASJB Thanks.


@DigitaShadow  ·  19小時 


*---update our lovely heros blog of...
---우리의 사랑스러운 영웅 블로그를 업데이트 ...
--- mettre à jour notre belle blog héros de ...
--- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ...
--- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ...
**All The World City/ Coutry Lauguage**-



  @DigitaShadow  ·  3月1日
islamicstatevideos.tk by
 *This Sharing By Anonymous



 *---Updates"strong friendship of our favorite chivalrous anonymous tribal Legion!^^
---우리의 마음에 드는 기사도 익명의 부족 군단의 업데이트 "강한 친구!^^
---Mises à jour "forte amitié de notre préféré chevaleresque anonyme Légion tribale!^^
---Updates "starke Freundschaft unserer Lieblings-ritterlichen anonymen Stammes Legion!^^
---Ĝisdatigoj"fortan amikecon de niaj preferataj kavalireca anonima triba Legio!^^
**All The Wotld City /Country Lauguage**-
**Ĉiuj La Wotld Urbo / Lando Lauguage**-

---Updating our favorite friendly tribe anonymous tips Legion ~ most handsome pose ^^ ah! -
---업데이트 우리가 제일 좋아하는 친절한 부족 익명의 팁 군단 ~ 가장 잘 생긴 포즈 ^^ 아! -
---Mise à jour de notre tribu amicale conseils anonymes Légion préférée ~ pose plus beau ^^ ah! -
---更新私たちのお気に入りの優しい部族匿名のヒント軍団〜最もハンサムなポーズ^^ああ! -
--- Aktualisierung unserer Lieblings-freundliche Stamm anonyme Hinweise Legion ~ schönste Pose ^^ ah! -
--- Ĝisdatigante niaj preferataj amika tribo anonimaj konsiletoj Legio ~ plej bela pozo ^^ ah! -
**All The World Country / City Lauguage**-
** Tutan mondon Lando / Urbo Lauguage ** -

---update our lovely heros blog of...
---우리의 사랑스러운 영웅 블로그를 업데이트 ...
--- mettre à jour notre belle blog héros de ...
--- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ...
--- Aktualisierung unserer schönen Helden Blog von ...
**All The World City/ Coutry Lauguage**-

 *---Our favorite is his link *Anonymous *DigitaShadow ~ Anonymous friendly today chivalrous Legion *Anonymous*DigitaShadow not talking about it, look at their wonderful position to deal with ISIS insects! Haha...really should be reported in the world's most good ah ^^ ( Smart & handsome...!)-
---우리의 마음에 드는 익명 * DigitaShadow ~ 익명 친화적 인 오늘 기사도 군단 *익명 *DigitaShadow 그것에 대해 이야기 ISIS 곤충을 다루는 그들의 훌륭한 위치에 보이지 않는 * 자신의 링크입니다! 하하...정말 세계에서 가장 좋은 아 ^^에보고해야한다 (스마트 & 잘 생긴...!)-
---Notre préféré est son lien *Anonyme *DigitaShadow ~ Anonyme amicale aujourd'hui Légion chevaleresque *Anonyme *DigitaShadow pas en parler, de regarder leur position merveilleuse pour faire face aux insectes ISIS! Haha... vraiment doivent être déclarés dans la plupart ah bon du monde ^^ (Smart & beau ...!)-
---私たちのお気に入りは、今日男気レギオン*匿名*DigitaShadowはISIS昆虫に対処するための彼らの素晴らしい位置を見て、それについて話していない彼のリンク*匿名* DigitaShadow〜匿名フレンドリーです!ハハ...本当に世界で最も良いああ^^に報告されるべきである(スマート&ハンサム...!) -
---Unser Favorit ist seine Verbindung * Anonym * DigitaShadow ~ Anonymous freundlich heute ritterlichen Legion * Anonym * DigitaShadow nicht, darüber zu sprechen, in ihrem wunderschönen Lage mit ISIS Insekten beschäftigen aussehen! Haha...sollte wirklich in der Welt gut ah ^^ gemeldet werden (Smart & schön ...!)-
---Nia preferataj estas lia ligilo * Anonima * DigitaShadow ~ Anonima amika hodiaŭ kavalireca Legio * Anonima * DigitaShadow ne parolas pri tio, rigardu iliajn mirindajn pozicio pritrakti ISIS insektoj! Haha...vere devus esti anoncitaj en la mondo plej bona ah ^^ (Smart & bela ...!)-
**All The World City / Country Lauguage**-





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