2015年4月12日 星期日

-(5)Update-To quote a series of Apple Daily reported - are requested anonymity chivalrous our dear friendship huge Legion Do not stop to attack the mainland and Hong Kong evil cult demon Communist Chinaman @ 689 LeungChun-ying thief wolf government crashing ! - -(5).更新-再引述一系列蘋果日報的報導-務請我們親愛的友好俠義匿名龐大軍團不要停止對大陸邪教魔妖共產黨支那人及香港@689梁振英LeungChun-ying賊狼政府的轟然攻擊!- - (5) Mettre à jour-Pour citer une série d'Apple Daily a rapporté - sont requis l'anonymat chevaleresque notre chère amitié énorme Légion Ne vous arrêtez pas à attaquer la partie continentale et Hong Kong secte démon communiste Chinois @ 689 LeungChun-ying voleur gouvernement du loup se écraser! - - (5)更新することが報告蘋果日報の一連の引用 - 匿名性男気私たちの愛する友情巨大な軍団要求さを689 LeungChun-YING泥棒狼政府がクラッシュ@共産党中国人悪魔本土と香港の邪悪なカルトを攻撃するために停止しないでください! - **All The World Lauguage**----Update (5) to give us the great and omnipotent friendly dear anonymous chivalrous huge legion,they be sure to conscience and human rights defenders! Look of the mainland and Hong Kong demon evil cult Communist Chinaman thief wolf @ 689 Leung chun-ying Chinaman slaves all bullying, make deep huge attack !! We ask our dear Anonymous chivalrous almighty huge legion look by Apple Daily reported (1). to collect over 2,000 signatures to promote community police to purchase water withdrawal artillery.!?- (2).@ Leung chun-ying: passenger fell loud siren will disseminate anti-parallel would be punished (FuCk!)-(3).Attorney Shen custody Cen Ao Hui岑敖暉,,黃之鋒Huang Feng- (4).were police beatings during pursue the occupation!!?, now a private criminal control engineering staff Shen police- (5).【壹錘定音】[One] tuning hammer Chair: Li Huiling ^^ [Update:] 马恩国 radio interview since the ratio of Yue Fei? Yue Fei no Australian passport !! (shameless!)- By the Liberty Times reported (6).to China to go to war! Google will remove the trust verification of the CNNIC ^^! - (7).Macedonian Government disputed the Asian investment bank / Ke ︰not learned a lesson from the service trade.?! (Ke" is a Good leader!) - (8)."too tired to go to school."Chinese 11-year-old boy hanged himself actually !! [sad ...]- by the media coverage of the wind (9).China to adopt new ways to expand abroad ,, Internet blockade (mainland Chinaman fuck jerk @?! !)- by techworm.net reported (10).The world's first head transplant volunteers may encounter some "worse than death" !! {by Vijay on April 10, 2015} - ---更新(5).給我們友好親愛的偉大而無所不能的匿名俠義龐大軍團,務請良知與人權的維護者使用你們的精準姿勢把大陸妖魔邪教共產黨支那人和香港@689賊狼梁振英支那人奴隸所有欺凌,作出深重的龐大攻擊!!我們懇請無所不能的匿名俠義龐大軍團看看由蘋果日報報導的(1).團體收集逾二千簽名促警撤購水炮車!- (2).@梁振英:旅客跌響警號將宣傳反水貨會受懲處!(FuCk !)-(3).律政司申羈押 岑敖暉,,黃之鋒 !?-(4).追究佔領期間遭警毆打,,now工程員申私人刑事控警!-**All the World Lauguage**-

-(5)Update-To quote a series of Apple Daily reported -

are requested anonymity chivalrous our dear friendship huge Legion Do not stop to attack  the mainland and Hong Kong evil cult demon Communist Chinaman @ 689 LeungChun-ying thief wolf  government crashing ! -
- (5) Mettre à jour-Pour citer une série d'Apple Daily a rapporté - sont requis l'anonymat chevaleresque notre chère amitié énorme Légion Ne vous arrêtez pas à attaquer la partie continentale et Hong Kong secte démon communiste Chinois @ 689 LeungChun-ying voleur gouvernement du loup se écraser! -
- (5)更新することが報告蘋果日報の一連の引用 - 匿名性男気私たちの愛する友情巨大な軍団要求さを689 LeungChun-YING泥棒狼政府がクラッシュ@共産党中国人悪魔本土と香港の邪悪なカルトを攻撃するために停止しないでください! - **All The World Lauguage**-

*---Update (5) to give us the great and omnipotent friendly dear anonymous chivalrous huge legion,they be sure to conscience and human rights defenders! Look of the mainland and Hong Kong demon evil cult Communist Chinaman thief wolf @ 689 Leung chun-ying Chinaman slaves all bullying, make deep huge attack !! We ask our dear Anonymous chivalrous almighty huge legion look by Apple Daily reported (1). to collect over 2,000 signatures to promote community police to purchase water withdrawal artillery.!?-
(2).@ Leung chun-ying: passenger fell loud siren will disseminate anti-parallel would be punished (FuCk!)-(3).Attorney Shen custody Cen Ao Hui岑敖暉,,黃之鋒Huang

Feng- (4).were police beatings during pursue the occupation!!?, now a private criminal control engineering staff Shen police- (5).【壹錘定音】[One] tuning hammer Chair: Li Huiling ^^ [Update:] 马恩国 radio interview since the ratio of Yue Fei? Yue Fei no Australian passport !! (shameless!)- By the Liberty Times reported (6).to China to go to war! Google will remove the trust verification of the CNNIC 自由時報^^! - (7).Macedonian Government disputed the Asian investment bank / Ke
︰not learned a lesson from the service trade.?! (Ke" is a Good leader!) - (8)."too tired to go to school."Chinese 11-year-old boy hanged himself actually !! [sad ...]- by the media coverage of the wind (9).China to adopt new ways to expand abroad ,, Internet blockade (mainland Chinaman fuck jerk @?! !)- by techworm.net reported (10).The world's first head transplant volunteers may encounter some "worse than death" !! {by Vijay on April 10, 2015} -
(2).@梁振英:旅客跌響警號將宣傳反水貨會受懲處!(FuCk !)-(3).律政司申羈押 岑敖暉,,黃之鋒 !?-(4).追究佔領期
間遭警毆打,,now工程員申私人刑事控警!-(5).【壹錘定音】主持:李慧玲^^【更新:電台訪問】馬恩國自比岳飛?岳飛沒有澳洲護照!!(無恥!)-由自由時報報導的(6).向中國開戰!Google將移除對CNNIC的信任驗證!^^-(7).馬政府入亞投行爭議/柯︰沒從服貿學到教訓?!(good leader!)-(8).「上學太累」 中國11歲男童竟上吊自殺!!-[悲哀的...]-由風傳媒報導的(9).中國採取新方式,,網絡封鎖擴大到境外?!(他媽的大陸支那人混球@!)-由techworm.net報導的(10).世界上第一頭移植志願者可能會遇到一些“比死還要痛苦”!!{由維杰 上 2015年4月10日}-
**All the World Lauguage**-

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 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

  *-(5)Update-To quote a series of Apple Daily reported - are requested anonymity chivalrous our dear friendship huge Legion Do not stop to attack  the mainland and Hong Kong evil cult demon Communist Chinaman @ 689 LeungChun-ying thief wolf  government crashing ! -
- (5) Mettre à jour-Pour citer une série d'Apple Daily a rapporté - sont requis l'anonymat chevaleresque notre chère amitié énorme Légion Ne vous arrêtez pas à attaquer la partie continentale et Hong Kong secte démon communiste Chinois @ 689 LeungChun-ying voleur gouvernement du loup se écraser! -
- (5)更新することが報告蘋果日報の一連の引用 - 匿名性男気私たちの愛する友情巨大な軍団要求さを689 LeungChun-YING泥棒狼政府がクラッシュ@共産党中国人悪魔本土と香港の邪悪なカルトを攻撃するために停止しないでください! - **All The World Lauguage**-


[One week] must see
No la Tour Mongolia forced to kneel powerful men humiliated

Chinese tourists recently in Mongolia tour humiliated, forced to kneel in the event, causing widespread concern, but rose to a diplomatic incident between China and Mongolia. Humiliated videos and photos in China exposure, aroused public indignation. Mainland netizens Mongolia shouted boycott, even: "withdraw Mongolia!" But some introspection: "?? I would like to ask why the neighbors hate us why we do not have a true friend in the world."


24 hours before
Yinnam Tang
Chinese people reflect kindly scare you, not even the world's favorite Mi Jiala you, you Mi Mi decline Yeah, a money, too bad you Mi Chung hatred Yeah, see you home with GOD Mi and money from other countries to endure Die ye scare you, kindly plot scare DS, read more books have taught Honesty and Honor GOD generous friends, best left to burn this Pulled wool quotations.

1 day ago
Michele Ming
Last mentioned, are the great-uncle of captive animals under the animal was dry under the "good" thing leads to anywhere in the world people do not want to see this group of animals, animals!

Internet users have great-uncle wrote a "recall", do not attempt to speak to laugh it! Fifty to sixty years old no personally identifiable people independent gar! That was the beginning of this century, the Great Northern substantial land flew only half the jurisdiction rag paper miserable island Link Hello!

1 day ago
Mui Choi
No cheerleader forced to kneel? Terrier final line Zo people do bad again Ye it!

1 day ago
Yue Rose
Chinese food fantastic powers mistakes people make greedy greedy and careless complacency repeatedly corruption Tanlang thief free gift no culture of corruption did not dress ceremony did not respect the point!


無啦啦迫下跪 強國男遊蒙古受辱

中國遊客日前在蒙古國遊覽時受辱、被迫下跪的事件,引發廣泛關注,更上升為中蒙兩國外交事件。受辱視頻和照片在中國曝光,引起民憤。有內地網友高呼杯葛蒙 古國,甚至:「收回蒙古!」但也有人自省:「我想問問,為甚麼鄰國都討厭我們?為甚麼我們在世界上沒有真朋友?」


[Week] ying morning A row of less than two mystery

 A mystery this morning, Mr Leung less than two.
 [One] tuning hammer center will sign a multi-line to line one week, Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying in the new arrangement officially announced about an hour later, immediately met with reporters, claiming that it is the Government last June to the central requirement.

But these "good news" forced "One hammer tuning" hosted Li Huiling puzzled. She asked: "? If the people of Hong Kong have such a chief executive with a prescient, why parallel passengers, the free exercise of the problem is still made a wok bubble."

Huiling first question is: "If Beijing last June to propose that the SAR government a year ago found that the problem is serious, far-overload, then why has not yet been accepted by the Central, Hong Kong people see Mr. Leung efforts fight, but to persuade Mr Leung in Hong Kong, mainland people obviously have the right, you have to take away, is wrong? ying done anything this year, Hong Kong people to fight for it? Or Mainland hesitancy, he does not see the potential of gas, Early obediently shut up? "

The second question: "Even if the central not accepted last year to see if the Hong Kong SAR Government to bear than a sign multi-line, a line should be changed to a week, why do not first ying management for this area in Hong Kong, Hong Kong people by reducing the impact? What he did? knowingly Hong load less, but do not do anything, it is equal to nothing about them! "

Presented last June, the year it was implemented, in response to a reporter's question this morning when Mr. Leung, protesters blame drastic action to increase the difficulty of implementation of the policy, Huiling criticism with the facts, because the anti-parallel off protests in recent months, it has become more intense.






慧 玲第一個疑問是:「如果去年六月就向北京提出,即是特區政府一年前就發覺問題嚴重,遠超負荷,那為甚麼中央遲遲未接納,香港人見不到梁振英努力為香港爭 取,梁振英反而勸香港人,內地人明明已有的權利,你要拿走,是不對的?梁振英這一年做過甚麼為香港人爭取呢?抑或內地稍有猶豫,他見勢氣不對,早乖乖收 口?」


去 年六月提出,今年中才落實,梁振英今早回應記者提問時,歸咎示威者的激烈行動增加政策落實難度,慧玲批評與事實不符,因為反水貨客示威近幾個月才轉趨激 烈。


Miss Maria: Members despise 689 votes

 Miss Maria yesterday means to be given by the Chief Executive by universal suffrage acceptability.
 WASHINGTON - Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying in the chief executive election since 2012 when only 689 votes eligible to be ridiculed as "689", the Basic Law Committee of Miss Maria yesterday admitted that the current Legislative Council has made tens of thousands to more than 30 million votes, not ying to only 689 votes in the eyes, and therefore need to give the Chief Executive by universal suffrage acceptability.

"The Chief Executive must have mass."

Miss Maria speech attended law seminar "Basic" 25th anniversary yesterday, describe the current relationship between the executive and the legislature are at the crossroads of the territory, such as the need to improve the relationship between the executive and the legislature, the chief executive must have a solid mass base and popular mandate.
Miss Maria said: "Now (the political environment) 689 votes to do tens of thousands of tens of thousands of votes, or 30 votes generous legislators, Department of Drainage Die Well Chief Executive and the government will be placed in the eye." Miss Maria stressed by political reform support In addition to the general election in response to public demands, can also solve administrative legislation "compressed" problem.
The Justice Yuen Kwok-keung yesterday before departure to Beijing at the airport asked the President Jasper describe political reform is zero chance of being passed, said there is not yet open pan of the Legislative Council, said people consider changing positions, so by government reform work is arduous, but stressed that after the reform package came out, the Government will continue its efforts to persuade the public that Members will support the pan, while expressing hope that Hong Kong people's willingness to fight for universal suffrage.
■ reporter Yaoguo Xiong

 That is like apples Supplement No. innovative "fruit seed" FB!


【本報訊】特首梁振英在2012年選舉特首時因為只獲689票而被謔稱為「689」,基本法委員會委員譚惠珠昨坦承,現時取得幾萬至30多萬票的立法會議 員,不會把只有689票的梁振英放在眼內,因此需要通過普選賦予特首認受性。



即 like 蘋果副刊革新號《果籽》FB!

[3 minutes] the free exercise of deconstructing system really help to Hong Kong?

 The central government's decision to tighten Shenzhen "a sign multi-line" to "line of the week," Shenzhen passengers a year are expected to be reduced by about 4.5 million people, the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying refers to the effectiveness of the new policy will take some time to appear, this adjustment is expected to affect the outside world About 4.5 million mainland visitors to Hong Kong people. Some welcomed the new measures, some people are on the sidelines. In fact, the central 2003 to send the free exercise of "gift" in 2009 coupled with a push Shenzhen signed a multi-line; in the past 12 years, the free exercise of mainland visitors to Hong Kong brought in 2004 by over 400 million people, rose last year nearly 30 million people, this is what has brought an endless supply of mainland tourists in Hong Kong's "gift", it really can help Hong Kong's long-term?

In 2003, the Hong Kong economy Yin Shashi epidemic slip, the central government decided to launch mainland residents to visit Hong Kong individually plan (free exercise) to help revitalize our economy after the introduction of 12 years, the free exercise of visitors to Hong Kong last year rose to nearly 30 million people , just 10 years rose nearly 7 times.

Freedoms and a sign multi-line does make a lot of visitors from the Mainland consumption last year, but the night of mainland visitors, total spending amounting to 32.9 billion, but at the same time, what impact these measures are residents of Hong Kong? MTR five declared last line saturation, but over the past 10 years, the cosmetics shop, a pharmacy and an increasing number of boutiques, including cosmetics and personal care stores more significant increase in the number of 15 times, the opposite number of household goods and stationery stores fell by nearly 30%, and many shops and old will escape the doom graduation.

Individual visitors favorite personal care stores and pharmacies can open to go into the city, "grab milk" is also the main reason behind. Hong Kong's imports of milk powder from 2006 to 2014 doubled, but many Hong Kong harbor mom dad still want big sigh around "flutter milk", until the implementation of limited government in 2013 to make milk, milk powder market before resuming stability.

There are real estate agency is expected to tighten the central government if a multi-line to a week to sign a row, Sheung Shui, Tuen Mun and Mong Kok and other ground floor rents will fall by 30%, some 20% of the pharmacy business, less expected, or set off a passing tide. Final tightening a sign of how much influence the line, yet to continue to monitor the implementation of the new policy.

The free exercise of people:
2004 ── 425 万
2008 ── 961 万 年
2010 ── 1,424 Wan
2014 ── 2,959 Wan

Milk powder imports:
Wan 年 2008 ── 1,500 kg
2012 ── 4,400 kg Wan
2013 ── 2,848 kg Wan
2014 ── 3,168 kg Wan



中央政府決定收緊深圳「一簽多行」至「一周一行」,預計深圳旅客一年將減少約450萬人次,特首梁振英指新政策的成效要一段時間才顯現,外界預料今次調整 會影響約450萬內地客訪港人次。有人歡迎新措施,亦有人對此持觀望態度。事實上,中央2003年送自由行「大禮」,2009年再加推深圳一簽多行;12 年過去,自由行為香港帶來的內地旅客,由2004年的400多萬人次,增至去年近3,000萬人次,究竟這份為香港帶來源源不絕內地旅客的「大禮」,是否 真的可長遠幫助香港?


自 由行及一簽多行確實讓大量內地旅客來港消費,去年不過夜的內地旅客,消費總額更達329億,但與此同時,這些措施又為香港居民帶來甚麼影響?港鐵5條路綫 於去年宣告飽和,而過去10年,化妝品店、藥房及時裝店愈來愈多,其中化妝品及個人護理店數量更大增15倍,相反家庭用品及文具店數目則下跌近30%,不 少小店及老字號亦難逃結業厄運。



2004年 ── 425萬
2008年 ── 961萬
2010年 ── 1,424萬
2014年 ── 2,959萬

2008年 ── 1,500萬kg
2012年 ── 4,400萬kg
2013年 ── 2,848萬kg
2014年 ── 3,168萬kg


[Line] Claudia Mo refute one week ying: Qujiangdiye twisted talk come out and walk

 For ying no longer be criticized, Claudia Mo means "GOD Ye twisted canal will come out and walk to speak." (Zhuyong Lun photo).
 Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying see a reporter this morning refers to the Legislative Council in the Tsim Sha Tsui has launched "drag trunk" action is slowing the SAR government and the central government to discuss tightening one of the reasons, "a sign multi-line." Mr. Leung has been named the lead anti-parallel means passengers Civic Party Legislative Council responded Claudia Mo means Tsimshatsui Leung Chun-ying referred drag trunk action occurred in March last year, was never heard of any government measures to improve the problem of mainland visitors, and ying last month means that the central government still will not tighten policy mainland visitors, criticized him for "GOD Ye will come out and walk twisted speak."

Claudia Mo ying denounced the remarks as usual down the opposition, in order to discredit her with the opportunity to take advantage of the new Democratic Alliance Gary Fan, is "dishonest chief executive."

Gary Fan refers, Leung Chun-ying has not propose appropriate measures to improve the problem of mainland visitors, "always have to wait for the Department of the Beijing government shot," Mr Leung also considered part of the parallel finger off for Hong Kong people are purposely divert attention. He was "the week line" policy is not optimistic that the reduction in the number of mainland tourists just over 400 million people, compared to the mainland is a drop in the bucket of the total passenger traffic is expected to parallel the problem will continue.

"Hong Kong local" last March 8 in Tsim Sha Tsui, launched five flagpoles "drag trunk" parade, Claudia Mo and Gary Fan, such as about 10 members asked the Government to restrict the free exercise, and cancel "a sign multi-line" policy, but also in Hong Kong People living space.



 對於再被梁振英不點名批評,毛孟靜指「佢將啲嘢扭曲嚟講」。 (朱永倫攝).
特首梁振英今早見記者時指,有立法會議員在尖沙嘴發起「拖篋」行動,是減慢特區政府與中央政府商討收緊「一簽多行」原因之一。曾被梁振英點名指帶頭反水貨 客的公民黨立法會議員毛孟靜回應指,梁振英所指的尖沙嘴拖篋行動於去年3月發生,當時從未聽聞政府有任何措施改善內地訪港旅客問題,又指梁振英於上月仍指 中央政府不會收緊內地訪港旅客政策,批評他「將啲嘢扭曲嚟講」。



「香 港本土」於去年3月8日於尖沙嘴五枝旗桿發起「拖篋」遊行,毛孟靜及范國威等約10名成員要求政府限制自由行,並取消「一簽多行」政策,還香港人生活空 間。


Government set overall goals of general education for remote detonation no data to support Members

 That is like apples Supplement No. innovative "fruit seed" FB!
 As the school year means the Department of Education, 70% of primary and 37% secondary practiced in individual class or school to teach Mandarin Chinese. In today's Legislative Council Panel on Education meeting, several members criticized the Department of Education stated pan people in the file is a comprehensive general education "remote target," made no consultation, no studies support the effectiveness of which Democrat Albert questioned Putonghua to teach Chinese government set the goal for the future is based on political considerations, "not (research) data, to set goals, Department of Mi cart before the horse?"

Huang Biyun belong to the Democratic Party in opposition to general education, counseling criticized as not made before the next target, "the Department of Education (Policy) Department of support given both policy and political decisions?" People Power Ray Chan noted that many students are not even Cantonese said errors, often lazy tone, anxiety tend to learn Cantonese and Putonghua lead to bad, pointed to teach Mandarin Mandarin dignified number should be increased, rather than the implementation of general education.

Secretary for Education Eddie Ng responded that in the general education as "remote destination," Standing Committee on Language Education and Research is the year 2003 set. He was referring, EDB has learned trial in 160 general education, the results show the importance of manufacturing an appropriate contexts. He also stressed that the implementation of general education is not stifled in Cantonese.

New Democracy Party Mrs Ip said many schools such as St. Paul's Co-educational College, Chinese International School teaching Mandarin and other parents also flock to Eddie Ng Mandarin immediate response refers to the high level of parental help improve students' language environment, Chairman Lam Tai-fai then asked: " Link newcomers generous generous school students a good language environment Mia? "

 Review49 minutes beforeBrian ChiuA group of thieves to sell Hong Kong, hateful50 minutes beforeBrian ChiuAnd Department of political tasks, to dwarf Cantonese, Cantonese ability ultimately to destroy the next generation, to the end to be fully integrated continent.It seems also to carry out a new front. Guardian of Hong Kong to defend Cantonese!
2 hours beforeEdmund TamPolitical considerations will certainly matter, if general education in the Department of Zo simply improve Chinese level, while home Chinese point solution you agree to the great poet street poet, but who reads vulgar unsightly uncommon. As for the "manufacturing is very important for the context of" what nonsense point system, the Department learn a language everyone knows, it does not always go to school book Link Bei Bei exposed Pulled a better environment in which to learn the language, but do not you agree to a "general education Poor "extended to reason" Putonghua to teach, "generous, otherwise available come out and walk the same reason as" any general education subjects "escort. As for general education in the Department of microphone should strangle Cantonese, you point the Air Link to the Air La, I have seen have a fine way to buy a drink tube Luo Ye think, talk with each other, "I want to support 'straw'." Air news reports have detailed the way women talk, because lifeguards leave en masse Nuisance swimming Hao Wu was happy because drainage had "come out and walk recite live" swimming "."3 hours beforePilot Chan
Your Link stir me up children, I will riot squad Gouguan die with you, I had to try any of the Luo come out and walk, enough ginger you implement it!
24 hours beforeSamsan NgBan Liang's dog waste wood!34 hours agoPeter LoIf a flutter Street next session Wugai fried distance Zo46 hours beforeChris CrucisAlthough the word has been sent fai is formed, but I do not like him such facts unbiased Shoe central government camp a few have a favorable impression. Members traditional left shoe simply can not be compared with him.
46 hours beforeFelicity YimInch well be, ha ha ⋯⋯407 hours beforeJacky Law9 inch too big Hui Master Wu Youmao weigh Pulled segment piece 睇呀? The best kind of shadow to ditch a seven Younie reactionOnly then D Boss 689, it can be the first D seven to make chief.


政府定全面普教中為遠程目標 議員轟無數據支持

即 like 蘋果副刊革新號《果籽》FB!

教育局指截至上學年有70%小學及37%中學在個別班級或全校實行普通話教中文。在今日立法會教育事務委員會會議上,多名泛民議員批評教育局在文件中寫明 全面普教中是「遠程目標」,未有作出諮詢,也沒有研究支持成效,其中民主黨何俊仁質疑政府定普教中為未來目標是基於政治考慮,「未有(研究)數據,先訂目 標,係咪本末倒置?」



新 民黨葉劉淑儀表示,不少名校如聖保羅男女中學、漢基國際學校等家長亦對普通話教學趨之若鶩,吳克儉即時回應指普通話水平高的家長有助改善學生語言環境,委 員會主席林大輝隨即反問:「咁新移民嘅學生嘅學校語言環境咪好好?」


6,000 people took to the streets to initiate the trade union struggle fifty-one interests

 May Day parade sponsored labor legislation when pro-government as soon as possible standard; Pictured situation last march.
 WASHINGTON - This year is a crucial year for workers fight for their rights, standard working hours and a universal retirement protection scheme introduced in the coming year is expected to have. Three labor unions Labor Day will be launched this year 6,000 people took to the streets to honor their commitments require the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, legislation and implement a universal time scale surrender as soon as possible.
CTU which organized "fight dignity" largest parade, expected to mobilize more than 3,000 people attended, General Meng trillion of appeal to workers staring ying, will fight for re-election and to please business and sacrificing the interests of wage earners.

Surrender to the critical moment when the mark

CTU launched a "fight Dignity Day Parade" will be held at 14:00 on May 1 starting at Victoria Park, after the parade to the government headquarters. Engage in hand-Mongolian trillion of that this year is an important year for the labor sector, as workers fight for many years and the National Legislative mark surrenders, had gone to the decisive moment, "I believe next year will be given life and death"; plus the government plans to relax input limit foreign workers, local workers ready rice bowls, he called on the workers to stand up for their rights.
FTU this year will be at 10 o'clock on the morning of May Day procession from Southorn Playground in Wan Chai to government headquarters, deputy director of the Committee to Protect FTU ming said the parade theme this year is "to honor their commitments to protect workers' initial estimates mobilize 2,000 people attended.
Ming acknowledged that this year is a crucial year for workers, a number of policy has been to the decisive moment, in addition to standard time and surrender FTU require a statutory holiday days and public holidays Air Qi, uniform 17 days per year; and as soon as possible to cancel the MPF Hedge.
Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions are as in previous years, a week in advance on the 26th of this month to hold meetings and processions in Sham Shui Po Maple Street Stadium. President Wuhui Yi said that this year to increase the number of trade unions, feeding 800 people attended the parade, more than last year.
She said that many workers Commission intends to standard working hours prescribed in the contract only requires employers to work very unhappy that there must be a standard working hours by legislation before they protect workers from exploitation.
■ reporter Lu Wenlie

Procession of six demands labor fifty-one

• Standard working hours legislation to implement universal retirement protection • • • opposes the expansion of the hedge cancel MPF SLS • uniform labor a few days leave and public holidays, 17 days per year collective bargaining legislation • Source: Confederation of Trade Unions, Federation of Trade Unions and AFL

 That is like apples Supplement No. innovative "fruit seed" FB!


【本報訊】今年是打工仔爭取權益關鍵一年,標準工時及全民退休保障未來一年可望有方案出台。勞工界三大工會今年五一勞動節將發起6,000人上街,要求特 首梁振英兌現承諾,盡快就標時立法及推行全民退保。


職工盟發起的「拚尊嚴 五一大遊行」將於5月1日下午2時在維園出發,之後遊行至政府總部。搞手蒙兆達表示,今年是勞工界重要一年,因為打工仔爭取多年的 標時立法及全民退保,已經去到決戰時刻,「相信未來一年會定生死」;加上政府計劃放寬輸入外勞的限制,隨時令本地工人飯碗不保,他呼籲打工仔為自身權益站 出來。



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MARTIN: Not really one country unrealized equal suffrage

 Young 柏贤摄.
 This year marks the 25th anniversary for the "Basic Law" was promulgated 23 Pan Man of the Legislative Council today issued a statement jointly signed, that the central government intervention in Hong Kong affairs, so that one country over the years, Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy-existent, has also failed to implement dual universal suffrage, worrying. Before the "Basic Law" refers to the Drafting Committee Mr. Martin, "Basic Law" to protect Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy, but not really a day of universal suffrage in Hong Kong, we can not masters, also failed to achieve the equivalent of "one country," the "two systems" .

  Young 柏贤摄.
Pan public statement refers to the white paper last year, the State Council promulgated the country, two systems, Hong Kong judges and judicial officers as a "ruling by" the court intent loss of independence; the White Paper emphasizes the central administration of the port has the full right, also against one country and the intent of the high degree of autonomy.

In addition, the statement also refers to the 2004 National People's Congress on the political reform was part of the "Basic Law" interpretation, the trilogy quintet to increase the threshold push political reform, coupled with the 2007 National People's Congress rejected suffrage in Hong Kong in 2012, strangling three times in 2007, 2008 and 2012 Hong Kong Chief Executive and the opportunity to be election of the Legislative Council.



今年為《基本法》頒佈25周年,23名泛民立法會議員今日發表聯署聲明,指中央政府干預香港事務,令多年來一國兩制、港人治港及高度自治形同虛設,雙普選 至今亦未能實行,情況令人憂慮。前《基本法》起草委員會委員李柱銘指,《基本法》保障港人治港及高度自治,但香港一日未有真普選,便不能當家作主,亦等於 未有實現「一國兩制」中的「兩制」。


另 外,聲明又指2004年全國人大曾就《基本法》中政改部分釋法,將三部曲改為五部曲,增加推行政改門檻,加上2007年全國人大否決2012年香港普選特 首,扼殺2007、2008及2012年3次港人可普選特首及立法會議員的機會。


Outlier coexistence Hong Kong-style

political participation (Zhongshan University associate professor of politics and administration, research assistant Huangwei Hao, Chen Siheng)

 During the occupation movement, part of the occupiers of the "Big Taiwan", picketing and other organizations discontent, friction occurs between the occupiers. Profile picture.
 Hong Kong has experienced an umbrella movement after the baptism, is no longer a dilemma faced by a lack of political awareness and involvement, but political energy released by the movement, often take a heavy personal, but resist the leaders and organizations, and even mistrust and morphology appear to attack each other. It has gradually formed a "Hong Kong characteristics" of political participation model, a situation the participants but no organization, many participants can coexist in the same collective movement, but keep a distance from each other, each other does not mean that the other side "from group coexistence "strange phenomena. This phenomenon is the author of the territory-wide survey has also been confirmed (Note 1), for the democracy movement in Hong Kong anterior added worries.
Under the umbrella campaign, we saw massive Hong Kong people, in fact, hidden danger that too much emphasis on the individual and the lack of political participation in close coordination and strengthening, weakening the influence of the final movement.
To confirm this statement, and a more comprehensive understanding of the overall situation of Hong Kong political participation, the author of the survey refer to the Harvard University political scientist Pippa Norris study (Note 2), the use of the "politically active index" (Political Activism Index, called PAI) As a measure of the indicators of political participation. PAI four-oriented: Poll (Voting), election-oriented (Campaign-oriented), the purpose of this (Cause-oriented) and community-based (Civic-oriented).
In addition to voting, each face down and then divided into different options. Election-oriented and is a measure for the main political parties and political organizations associated with participation; for the purposes of participation under the tendency in a more personal and outside the establishment of means, such as parades and other signatories and achieve the purpose of the individual sports; Community oriented then asked respondents whether certain organizations, such as members of trade unions, churches, professional groups and environmental organizations, and through its network of organizations to measure the level of participation.
Assuming the study, namely Hong Kong political participation patterns tend to dislike or reliance through tissue, and tend to participate in a personal capacity, was supported and confirmed. Schedule details the composition of the PAI of 21 to participate, according to the number of the amount of each order. Ranked first in the poll, show a high degree of civic awareness of Hong Kong people. However, the vast majority of projects are ranked in the forefront of the tendency of the purposes of personal items, pay attention to election-oriented organizations and community-based ranking of most of the project and participation rates low.
No. 2,5,6,7,8 involved in the project, such as signing a statement, protest and boycott or purchase a product, all belong to the purpose of this. Such participation model, relatively low dependence on the host organization and recognition, participants often participate in their personal capacity, simply agree to join any organization without action, it can always choose to make a clean break from the action. For example, even in the procession or a joint statement, individual participants may not agree with the organizers. The most notable recent example is during the occupation, although supporters of the movement itself public, but individual participants or groups, double science, accounting for the three sons, as well as "big Taiwan" very dissatisfied, followed by the institutions more derivatives linked back action.
Election-oriented project, participation behavior associated with the more stringent of the organization (eg political parties), in Hong Kong is not mainstream, ranked 3,14,17,20,21. The reason why people have to show them a considerable mark (No. 3), and I believe most of them are related to the special circumstances umbrella movement may not have much connected with any organization. Similarly, in addition to religious organizations, and participation rate ranked community-based project is very low, showing the people of Hong Kong to participate in organized resistance or mistrust.
This because of the "Big Taiwan" distrust of leaders held a grudge, but not close to any organization purposed, just trust your own personal power "outlier coexistence" participation model, the long-term opportunity to further tear down civil society, greatly reduce the possibility of bringing change. Return to political reality, the role of the Solidarity movement in the organization of the masses against the power still can not be ignored.
In this reflection after anterior umbrella era, many have seen the movie, "Martin Luther King: Dream Way" (Selma) my friends, is the leader of the most profound feelings of solidarity and strategies to fight the final victory in the struggle important. As the film's theme song, "honor" (Glory) lyrics said: No one can win alone (no one can win the war individually) in the war. Only exclude differences, the effective integration of personal power, is the dream of honor to victory road!
Note 1: Politics and Public Administration Department commissioned the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the mass and Opinion Research Center, in November 2014 were 12-14 and 17-20, "Media and Public Affairs' opinion poll.
Note 2: Norris, Pippa (2005). "The Impact of the Internet on Political Activism: Evidence from Europe." International Journal of Electronic Government Vol.1 (1): 20-39.
Huangwei Hao, Chen Siheng Zhongshan University associate professor of politics and administration, research assistant



(中大政治與行政學系副教授、研究助理 黃偉豪、陳思恒)

經歷了雨傘運動洗禮後的香港,所面對的困局不再是缺乏政治醒覺和參與,而是由運動所釋放出來的政治能量,往往是採取一個重個人,而抗拒領袖和組織,甚至互 不信任和互相攻擊的形態來顯現。這逐漸地形成一個具有「香港特色」的政治參與模式,一個有參與者但沒有組織的情況,眾多參與者可以共處於同一個集體運動 中,但又互相保持距離,互不代表對方的「離群共處」怪現象。這個現象在筆者的全港性調查中也得到了印證(註一),為香港民主運動的前路添加了隱憂。
為 了證實這個說法,及更全面了解香港人政治參與的整體情況,筆者的調查參考了哈佛大學政治學者Pippa Norris的研究(註二),使用了「政治活躍指數」(Political Activism Index,簡稱PAI)作為量度政治參與的指標。PAI分為四個面向:投票(Voting)、選舉為本(Campaign-oriented)、目的為 本(Cause-oriented)及社群為本(Civic-oriented)。
除了投票外,每個面向下再分為不同選項。選舉為本的面向主要是 量度和政黨及政治組織相關的參與;目的為本面向下的參與,傾向以較個人化和建制外的手段如聯署和遊行等,達到個別運動的目的;社群為本則詢問受訪者是否某 些組織,例如工會、教會、專業團體和環保組織的成員,透過其組織網絡來量度參與程度。
研究的假設,即香港人的政治參與模式往往不喜歡透過或依賴組 織,而傾向以個人身份參與,得到了支持和證實。附表詳細列出組成這個PAI的21項參與,並按每項之人數多寡排序。排名第一的是投票,顯示香港人的高度公 民意識。可是,排名前列的絕大部份項目均是傾向個人化的目的為本項目,重視組織的選舉為本及社群為本的大部份項目的排名及參與率均偏低。

排名第2、5、6、7、8的參與項目,例如簽聲明、遊行抗議和杯葛或購買某產品,都屬於目的為本。這類參與模式,對主辦組織的依賴和認同相對較低,參與者 往往以個人身份參加,只需認同行動而毋須加入任何組織,更可隨時選擇脫離行動以劃清界線。例如,即使共同參加遊行或某聲明,個別參與者也未必認同組織者。 近期最明顯的例子是佔領期間,雖然運動本身支持者眾,但個別參與者或群體,對雙學、佔中三子,乃至「大台」甚為不滿,其後各院校更衍生退聯的行動。
選 舉為本的項目,即與較為嚴緊的組織(例如政黨)有關的參與行為,在香港並非主流,排名為3、14、17、20、21。當中之所以相當多人曾展示標記(排名 第3),相信大部份是和雨傘運動的特殊情況有關,未必與任何組織有太大相連。同樣地,除了宗教組織外,社群為本的項目的排名及參與率均十分低,顯示了香港 人對組織化參與的抗拒或不信任。
在 這個反思前路的後雨傘時代,對很多看過電影《馬丁路德金:夢想之路》(Selma)的朋友來說,感受最深刻的是領袖、團結和策略對在抗爭中爭取最後勝利的 重要。一如電影的主題曲《榮譽》(Glory)的歌詞所說:沒有人能在戰爭中單獨取勝(no one can win the war individually)。只有排除分歧,有效地整合個人力量,才是通往勝利榮譽的夢想之路!
註 二:Norris, Pippa.(2005)"The Impact of the Internet on Political Activism:Evidence from Europe." International Journal of Electronic Government Vol.1(1):20-39.


Hero Yuen Kwok-keung (Tamar M)

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 After 金钟清 field Tsang see reporters, said that within three months of high-profile people to pull the sun classes, murderous. So fast in the past three months, the arrest and prosecution of one thousand, of which an adult has been on the court and judgment, Hong Kong people should Diqing Chu, called "arrested according to law to prosecute," what is the same thing. According to "stand News" statistics, as of April 10, police arrested about a thousand people, of which 112 were on the court, more than half has been concluded, there is the result of 52 single case, there are five people convicted seven people not guilty 18 people quashed the charges, not to mention the evidence of nine people indicted, pleaded guilty in 11 people among six lines Lansi.
It shows what a bunch of numbers? Establishment faction opinion of the judges, members public pressure that "the police pulling people, the court put the people." Establishment faction angry Zaza jump impression that the judge is a hero to defend the rule of law, resisted the "severely punished Yellow Ribbon" political pressure. But I think the real defenders of the Yellow Ribbon, the Department of Justice Yuen Kwok-keung.
Police to control the situation at that time, there overfishing situation, we all know the Air sheet total margin on the last one barge mouth leaves a stir on the head of the character away, the most classic example of the Department of "Nutty Li vs pig hybrid" cases, captured on the spot the attacks were the picket 柯耀林 and 郭绍杰, thought back to the Central Police Station to assist the investigation, point to know to go to the first line found themselves accused, detained and charged with the crime of assault, after a few months to be timed to the renewal, the first month quashed charges. Thus absurd events visible so-called "law arrest" is what it is about. 18 Department of Justice to withdraw the control case, it shows the police had arrested too outrageous.
But the Attorney General's "defense of the Yellow Ribbon Campaign" not because they withdraw control case, and the Department of Justice knowingly Well enough material remains hard to prosecute, and ultimately judges the top hang on, what kind of case seriously affected the professional image of the Attorney General, when the judge When there are opinions on the future of Jiucheng not on the court case, adversely affect the very. After the occupation of Mong Kok Ming dove arrested persons appearing self-defense when he was brought to the police burst, there are police officers who arrested him and asked, then no response, then there is the white police officers Lee Chi Hung said that "you did not break the fast today, You make it a matter. " Later, when a statement from the defendant, but to hear a statement from the policewoman in charge of negotiations with Lee "To Folder Fan GOD time." Police magistrate refers doubtful evidence, convicted after trial the defendant not guilty. Reporter charged with assault another case, three different police statements, two of them together wrong place dragon word "agriculture and road." There are police statements after the Air sheet change, some people filming in court to prove that the police is lying. It two months to hear the case, the police and the Attorney General professional standards seriously questioned.
As for the two to not mention the evidence to prosecute, the number of many irksome, questioned Attorney threatened to prosecute abuse, forced guilty pleas good behavior. Because generally do not mention evidence to prosecute, was arrested two men fighting one of them did not hold, then the Attorney General does not provide evidence to prosecute. Since the Government has talked about the Occupy movement Han big thing, and involving public order, enough material to build, Well enough material should release, Well should stress.
Yuen Kwok-keung Department of Justice had gatekeepers to completely objective to measure the police evidence, with rigorous and professional approach to the decision to prosecute, but we have witnessed all kinds of "riding it" evidence in court, questioned by the judge, and ultimately only release. If you are dissatisfied with this situation establishment faction should not be embarrassed Tsang, to be accountable to earn counterparts: Hero Yuen Kwok-keung.
Tamar M



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金鐘清場後曾偉雄見記者,高調表示三個月內拉晒班人,殺氣騰騰。三個月好快過去,被捕及檢控者近千人,當中一成人已經上庭及判決,香港人應該睇清楚,所謂 「依法拘捕、依法檢控」究竟是怎樣一回事。根據《立場新聞》統計,截至四月十日,警方拘捕約一千人,當中112人上庭,逾半未有結果,有結果的52單 case中,有5人罪名成立、7人罪名不成立、18人獲撤銷控罪、9人不提證供起訴、在11人認罪當中6個係藍絲。
警 察當時為控制局面,出現濫捕情況,大家睇片都知,總之一駁嘴就上孖葉,一起哄就拉走頭目人物,最經典例子係「肥佬黎vs豬雜」案例,當場擒獲施襲者之糾察 柯耀林及郭紹傑,原本以為返中區警署協助調查,點知去到先發現自己係被告,扣留控以襲擊罪,之後幾個月都要定時去續保,上個月先獲撤銷控罪。由此荒謬事件 可見,所謂「依法拘捕」是甚麼一回事。律政司18宗撤控case,就說明當初警方拘捕太離譜。
但律政司之「保衞黃絲帶行動」並非因為這些撤控 case,而係律政司明知唔夠料,仍然硬去檢控,最終法官都頂唔順,呢種case嚴重影響律政司專業形象,當法官有意見時,對日後九成未上庭的case, 產生極之不利影響。佔領後旺角鳩嗚被捕者出庭自辯時,爆出他被帶上警車後,有警員問是何人拘捕他,當時無人回應,之後有白衣警向警員李志雄表示「你今日未 開齋,你做呢個啦」。被告後來錄口供時,更聽到負責錄口供的女警與李商討「要夾番啲時間」。裁判官指警員證供有疑點,經審訊後裁定被告罪名不成立。另一宗 記者被控襲擊案,三名警員口供不一,其中兩人一齊寫錯地點「農和道」個龍字。還有警員睇片後改口供,亦有市民拍片呈堂,證明警察講大話。呢兩個月審理案 例,警察及律政司專業水平大受質疑。
律 政司袁國強本來係把關者,要完全客觀去衡量警方證據,用嚴謹且專業態度去決定檢控,但大家目睹各種「騎呢」證據呈堂,受法官質疑,最終只有放人。如果建制 派對此情況有不滿,不應為難曾偉雄,要問責就搵對口單位:律政英雄袁國強。


"Echoes of the Basic Law."
(Kyorin awakening any member Peter Wong)

 Rare vacation and saw a large flat-replay "Echoes of the Rainbow," obediently sat in front of the TV. Once again relive this wonderful and moving out of local Hong Kong films, once again let Simon Yam and Sandra makes me tears.
The story tells about the fifties and sixties a typical Hong Kong poor families struggling to survive in the tough, how to poverty, corruption, disease, suffering in the typhoon there, clinging to hope. Even well-behaved son suddenly suffering from an incurable disease, even life stretched, but shamelessly unscrupulous police request for additional bribes, Simon Yam and Sandra Ng played Roche couples still believe they can always relying on his hands, stay out one day.
Yes, when they are so, the achievements of the Hong Kong. However, in recent years there have been attempts to tell us another version of the story.
They said that the original because "Basic," we will have a sound legal system; because the "Basic Law", we will have a clean society. Even we were able to enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of choice of occupation, all because of "the Basic Law." The reason for today's Hong Kong, simply because the great "Basic Law" implemented.
It is in the Public Interest, that a knot so popular: "Everything from the" Basic Law "." As if, before the handover of Hong Kong, North Korea would have been the same as the Iron Curtain countries, after the reunification suddenly liberated, "Basic" immediately given a wide range of freedoms and rights in Hong Kong, and outrageous.
Our beautiful city, has always been countless Luo father, Luo mother suffer out. Half a century since the Hong Kong People's Congress roll up our sleeves roots, the construction of a brick out of this social justice, as well as a clean system that envy of the world, and finally to the previous generation of Hong Kong people can live and work. Our fathers in order to survive, and painstakingly built out of all of this, how suddenly it becomes a credit for "Basic" in?
As a mini-constitution, the Basic Law of the most, is the role of "safety" and "set out" our freedoms and rights, and certainly not a "given." Because freedom of speech, fair and honest, democratic, these universal values ​​of justice, originally beings are born with them. Moreover, Hong Kong people during the colonial era, has long established himself a perfect rule of law and good governance system (but after the reunification, the implementation of "Basic" in recent years, the rule of law and integrity have both backward collapse of the elephant), how they how to "everything from the" Basic Law "," it?
Well, they went to great lengths poor, to write this "" Basic "gives all Hong Kong people" lie, so this "Basic" stolen generations past in Hong Kong's credit, for what purpose? We recently the central government and the Hong Kong speech tone, you can see the clues.
Tsinghua University Law School Dean Wang Zhenmin first said "every resident should conduct a" Basic Law "as the highest guidelines should have a copy, carry," and later said, "" Basic "in the 25th anniversary of the seminar" Basic "is with Legal deep feelings, reflecting the central and the National People's deep love for Hong Kong. "Basic" back and forth, side to side are full of love. " Ying immediately put "" Basic "overriding authority to draft" Basic Law ", the program Nuisance citizen who then nominated words also Nuisance baa international standards" on the same occasion remarks.
Oh, I see.
They create a "" Basic "gives all Hong Kong people," in the background, to compose a "loving" Basic "supreme," the theme for today is to sing this, "" Basic "is not specified, it means not allowed do "drama. Hong Kong and then to fight for democratic elections, fasten "unconstitutional" hat.
No wonder Liang special bribery fifty million, has no criminal investigation of. Because loving "Basic" No Lie Mingte prime honest. No wonder the government can bypass the legislature, brutal launched a three-run push hard. Because loving "Basic" There is no government policy to be in line with procedures set out in righteousness. No wonder trio of political reform can ignore "BO" in radio and television political ads sold. Because loving "Basic Law" does not specify the officials to be law-abiding.
Hey, wait a minute. "Basic" is not specified in the frame 831, the gate was not specified in the ultra-high threshold of 1/2, right?
Ah, strange.
Huang Kuang Xinglin awakening any member


(杏林覺醒成員 黃任匡)

故 事大概講述五六十年代一個典型的香港窮苦家庭,如何在艱苦中奮力生存,如何在貧窮、貪污、颱風還有疾病的煎熬裏,緊抱希望。即使出色乖巧的兒子突然罹患不 治之症,即使生活捉襟見肘,無良的警察卻無恥地要求增加賄款,任達華和吳君如飾演的羅氏夫婦依然相信,他們總能夠憑着雙手,捱出一片天。
我 們這座美麗的城市,本來就是無數的羅爸爸、羅媽媽捱出來的。香港人大半個世紀以來咬緊牙根,一磚一瓦的建構出這個公義的社會,以及這傲視全球的廉潔制度, 終於使上一代的香港人能夠安居樂業。我們的父輩們為了生存,而辛辛苦苦建立出來的這一切,怎麼突然就變成了《基本法》的功勞?
作為小憲法,基本法 的角色極其量就是「保障」和「列明」了我們的自由和權利,而絕不是「賦予」。因為言論自由、公平廉潔、民主、公義這些普世價值,本來就是人皆生而有之。況 且,香港人在殖民地時代,早就自己建立了一套完善的法治和廉政制度(反而是回歸之後,實施《基本法》的近年來,法治和廉潔都有雙雙倒退崩壞之象),試問又 何來「一切源於《基本法》」呢?
清 華法學院院長王振民先是說「每位居民的行為要以《基本法》為最高指引,應人手一冊,隨身攜帶」,後來又在《基本法》25周年研討會中說「《基本法》是帶有 深厚感情的法律,體現中央及全國人民對香港的濃濃愛意。《基本法》前前後後、左左右右都充滿愛」。梁振英旋即於同一場合提出「《基本法》有凌駕權威,起草 《基本法》時,方案冇人話公民提名,亦冇話咩國際標準」的言論。
怪 不得梁特涉嫌受賄五千萬,至今都沒有立案調查了。因為充滿愛的《基本法》沒有列明特首要廉潔。怪不得政府可以繞過立會,野蠻硬推三跑上馬了。因為充滿愛的 《基本法》沒有列明政府施政要合乎程序公義。怪不得政改三人組可以無視《廣播條例》,在電台電視大賣政治廣告了。因為充滿愛的《基本法》沒有列明官員要守 法。


Chinese export fall raises growth fears

 The container pier at Yangshan Port in the Shanghai free trade zone. nnnhua/Landov/Barcroft Media Photograph: nnnhua /Landov / Barcroft Media/nnnhua /Landov / Barcroft Media.

Greece could default if no creditor agreement by end of April, says FT

Greece could default if it does not reach agreement with its creditors by the end of the month, the Financial Times is reporting:
Greece is preparing to take the dramatic step of declaring a debt default unless it can reach a deal with its international creditors by the end of April, according to people briefed on the radical leftist government’s thinking.
The government, which is rapidly running out of funds to pay public sector salaries and state pensions, has decided to withhold €2.5bn of payments due to the International Monetary Fund in May and June if no agreement is struck, they said.
“We have come to the end of the road . . . If the Europeans won’t release bailout cash, there is no alternative [to a default],” one government official said.
A Greek default would represent an unprecedented shock to Europe’s 16-year-old monetary union only five years after Greece received the first of two EU-IMF bailouts that amounted to a combined €245bn.
The warning of an imminent default could be a negotiating tactic, reflecting the government’s aim of extracting the easiest possible conditions from Greece’s creditors, but it nevertheless underlined the reality of fast-emptying state coffers.
  Bruno Waterfield @BrunoBrussels
Greek eurozone default creeps closer. 1 May begins a long bank holiday weekend… http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c5964f9c-e1ef-11e4-bb7f-00144feab7de.html#axzz3XAkLXMKn 

 On that note, it’s time to close up for the evening. Thanks for all your comments, and we’ll be back tomorrow for, among other things, the UK inflation figures.



  在洋山港的集裝箱碼頭在上海自由貿易區。 n華社/ Landov /巴克羅夫特媒體圖片來源:v華社/ Landov /巴克羅夫特媒體/記者/ Landov /巴克羅夫特媒體.


“我們已經走到了路的盡頭。 如果歐洲人不會釋放救市資金,別無[為默認],“一位政府官員說。

  Bruno Waterfield @BrunoBrussels
Greek eurozone default creeps closer. 1 May begins a long bank holiday weekend… http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c5964f9c-e1ef-11e4-bb7f-00144feab7de.html#axzz3XAkLXMKn 

關於這一點,是時候收起來的夜晚。 感謝您的意見,我們會回來的明天,除其他事項外,英國的通脹數據。


Fire in the hole! Dangerous crater, possible portal to Hell found at Chinese construction site

 hell 1
 Remember when you were a child and you tried to dig a hole to China ? Although our chances of popping out anywhere close to China were not even remotely possible, a surprising discovery at a construction site will give you a pretty good reason to not try .
A crater suddenly opened up that is slowly but surely growing in size , and we aren't talking about a simple sinkhole either. The lingering smell of sulfur that hangs in the air is an immediate warning sign that something deeper is going on.

A crater measuring one meter (about 3.3 feet) in diameter opened up on April 7, 2015, at a construction site in Urumqi , the capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. Workers were more than a little wary of the hole when they detected the smell of sulfur floating up from it.
Trying to get a better handle on what exactly they were dealing with, at first the workers decided to try the scientific method of throwing some rocks inside the hole . Evidently there was no sound or reaction from the first test. What followed was the next step in the scientific process, poke it with a stick . The results were almost immediate as the branch caught fire after only 6 seconds of being in the hole .
hell 7
hell 3
As the saying goes, where there is smoke there is fire, and where there is fire there is a 792° Celsius (about 1457° Fahrenheit) gaping hole into the mouth of hell.
hell 4
Most likely construction has halted in the area as lingering white smoke and the smell are causing real safety concerns. Perhaps what is even scarier is that according to eyewitness accounts, the hole is growing larger and larger each day.
hell 6
hell 5
Mother nature can be a terrifying beast, so it always pays to be careful of pitch black caves or holes. You never know if your next spelunking adventure will turn into a case of human combustion, so you might want to put your backyard “hole to China” project on hold for the time being.
Source: Toychan
Images: Wangyi News


消防在洞口! 危險的火山口,可能的門戶地獄發現,在中國施工現場

 請記住,當你還是個孩子,你想挖一個洞來中國嗎 雖然我們突然跳出任何接近中國的機會都沒有,甚至遠程可能,一個驚人的發現一處建築工地會給你一個很好的理由不嘗試
火山口突然打開了正在緩慢而穩步地增長規模 ,我們現在談的不是一個簡單的天坑要么。 硫磺的氣味揮之不去,掛在空中是一個立即的警告標誌, 更深層次的東西是怎麼回事。

火山口直徑測量一個米(約3.3英尺)開闢了2015年4月7日,在施工現場的烏魯木齊 ,中國人民共和國的新疆維吾爾自治區的首府。 工人多一點警惕孔,當他們發現硫磺的氣味就飄了起來。
試圖讓究竟是什麼,他們正在處理,在第一工人更好地處理決定嘗試扔一些岩石洞內的科學方法 顯然沒有來自第一測試聲音或反應。 隨之而來的是在科學過程的下一步, 戳它用棍子 結果幾乎立即作為分支中的孔是唯一的6秒後起火
常言道,那裡有煙有火,哪裡有火災有一個792攝氏度 (約1457華氏度)大洞進地獄的嘴。
最有可能的施工已經停止在該地區的纏綿白色的煙霧和氣味都造成真正的安全問題。 也許是什麼更可怕的是,根據目擊者的描述,該孔的每一天越來越大。
大自然可以是一個可怕的野獸,所以它總是值得小心的漆黑洞穴或孔洞。 你永遠不知道你的下一個洞穴探險的冒險會變成人類燃燒的情況下,所以你可能會想要把你的後院“洞到中國”項目擱置暫時。
來源: Toychan
圖片: 王毅新聞


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

 "As people of conscience, we hope under requests of our dear friendship chivalrous huge legion of anonymous do not stop dealing with disregard for human rights, not morality,
The people's information blockade, seizure of religious believers,
People dissent appeals to violence to hit badly beaten, intimidated people, prison arrested people,
,, No justice without law, not the people who can be brutal dictatorship voice complaints
Only thing indiscriminate violence every day !! prison abuse occurred in mainland China and Hong Kong
The worst place in the world of human rights is the cult magic demon by the Communist mainland Chinaman manufacture various corruption all mainland provinces, city !!
@ they are Beast ! Also create fake food poisoning output States global/around the world  human
!! @ FuCk! ''

Melody.Blog tiny `` good faith


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~


渺小的 Melody.Blog真誠地``


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

"Comme les gens de conscience, nous l'espérons, en vertu des demandes de notre chère amitié chevaleresque énorme légion de l'anonymat ne se arrêtent pas traiter avec mépris des droits de l'homme, pas la moralité,
Informations blocus du peuple, la saisie des croyants,
Personnes dissidence appels à la violence de frapper sévèrement battus, les gens intimidés, arrêtés prison les gens,
,, Pas de justice sans loi, et non pas les personnes qui peut être dictature brutale plaintes vocales
La seule chose de violence aveugle tous les jours !! abus de la prison se est produite en Chine continentale et à Hong Kong
Le pire endroit dans le monde des droits de l'homme est le culte démon magie par le Chinois de la partie continentale communiste fabriquer divers corruption toutes les provinces de la partie continentale, la ville !!
@ Ils sont Bête! Également créer sortie intoxication alimentaire mondiale faux Unis / autour du monde humain
!! @ Merde! ''

Melody.Blog petit `` bonne foi


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

!! @くそ! ''

Melody.Blog小さな ``誠実


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

"Illi qui conscientiam habent, sub quo speramus postulatis ingentem NOBILIS amicitia nostra, et ne prohibueritis legionem anonymis quae neglegentia de humanis iuribus, non moralis,
Populus scriptor notitia obsidione, capta religiosis a fidelibus,
Populus dissent uiolenta ad ledo male victus, deterritum populus, populus captus in carcere,
,, Non sine lege justitia, non autem populus, qui potest esse inhumanum dictatura vox querelas
Solum res indifferentem illam violentiam quotidie !! Hong Kong in continenti Sinis et in abusione in mentem carcerem
Pessimum est locus in mundo, de iuribus hominis ad cultum daemonum magicam ab omni corruptione communistarum continentem travectus Chinaman fabricabimus variis provinciis, urbs !!
@ Sunt Pecus! Etiam fictus creare cibum veneficii output States global / humana circum orbem terrarum
!! @ Irrumabo! ''

`` Melody.Blog parva, bona fide


"Як люди совісті, ми сподіваємося, на прохання наших дорогих дружби лицарського величезного легіону анонімних не перестане займатися з ігноруванням прав людини, а не мораль,
Народний інформаційна блокада, захоплення віруючих,
Люди інакомислення заклики до насильства, щоб вдарити сильно побили, залякані люди, в'язниця заарештовували людей,
,, Немає справедливості без закону, а не люди, які не можуть бути жорстокою диктатури висловлювати скарги
Єдине, неизбирательного насильства кожен день !! Зловживання в'язниця відбулося в материковому Китаї та Гонконгу
Найгірше місце у світі в галузі прав людини є культ магії демон Комуністичної материкової частини китайця виробництво різного корупцією у всіх провінціях материка, місто !!
@ Вони Звір! Крім того, створення підроблені вихід харчове отруєння Штати глобального / Світ людини
!! @ Блядь! ''

Melody.Blog крихітні `` сумлінність


"양심의 사람들, 우리는 인권에 대한 무시를 다루는 중지하지 익명의 우리의 친애하는 우정 기사도 거대한 군단의 요청에 따라 희망이 아니라 도덕,
사람들의 정보 봉쇄, 종교 신자의 발작,
폭력에 대한 사람들의 반대 호소가 심하게 구타 치고, 협박 사람들이 감옥은 사람을 체포
,, 법이 없으면 정의가 아닌 사람들은 잔인한 독재 음성 불만 없을 수있는 사람
한가지 무차별 폭력 매일! 감옥 남용은 중국 본토와 홍콩에서 발생
인권의 세계에서 최악의 장소는 공산주의 본토 중국인에 의해 숭배 마법 악마는 각종 부패 모든 본토 지방, 도시를 제조입니다!
@ 그들은 짐승이다! 또한 세계 인간의 주위에 미국 전역 가짜 식중독 출력을 생성 /
! @ 빌어 먹을! ''

Melody.Blog 작은``선의의


"Kaip žmonės sąžinės, mes tikimės, kad pagal prašymų mūsų brangūs draugystei galantiškas didžiulis legiono Anonimiškai nesibaigia susijusios su nepaiso žmogaus teisių, o ne moralė,
Liaudies informacija blokada, konfiskavimas tikinčiųjų,
Žmonės nesilaikys kreipiasi į smurto nukentėjo blogai mušami, įbauginti žmonės, kalėjimas suimti žmones,
,, Ne teisingumas be teisės, o ne žmonės, kurie gali būti žiaurūs diktatūra balso atsiliepimai
Vienintelis dalykas, prievartą kasdien !! Kalėjimo piktnaudžiavimą įvyko žemyninėje Kinijoje ir Honkonge
Blogiausia vieta žmogaus teisių pasaulyje yra kultas magija demonas komunistų žemyninėje Chinaman Gaminame įvairius korupcija visų žemyno provincijos miestas !!
@ Jie Žvėris! Taip pat sukurti netikrą apsinuodijimo maistu produkcija narės pasaulinį / Pasaulyje žmogaus
!! @ FuCk! ''

Melody.Blog maža `` sąžiningumas


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

"أما من لديه ضمير، ونحن نأمل في ظل طلبات صداقتنا العزيزة فيلق ضخم شهم من مجهول لا وقف التعامل مع تجاهل لحقوق الإنسان، وليس الأخلاق،
الحصار الإعلامي الشعب والاستيلاء على المؤمنين المتدينين،
مناشدات الشعب المعارضة إلى العنف لضرب ضرب المبرح، تخويف الناس، سجن القبض على الناس،
،، لا عدالة دون قانون، وليس الناس الذين يمكن أن يكون الشكاوى صوت دكتاتورية وحشية
الشيء الوحيد العنف العشوائي كل يوم !! ووقع الاعتداء السجن في البر الرئيسي للصين وهونغ كونغ
أسوأ مكان في العالم لحقوق الإنسان هو شيطان السحر عبادة من قبل الرجل الصيني البر الرئيسى الشيوعي تصنيع مختلف الفساد جميع المحافظات البر الرئيسى، والمدينة !!
@ هم الوحش! أيضا إنشاء وهمية الناتج التسمم الغذائي الولايات العالمي / حول الإنسان العالم
!! @ اللعنة! ''

Melody.Blog صغير `` بحسن نية


"Ухамсрын хүмүүсийн хувьд бид хүний ​​эрхийг үл тоомсорлон ажиллаж зогсоож чадахгүй бол нэрээ нууцалсан эрхэм нөхөрлөл эрсийн их Легионы хүсэлтийн дагуу найдаж биш, ёс суртахуун,
хүмүүсийн мэдээллийн бүслэлт, шашны итгэгчид хураан авах,
Хүчирхийлэл Хүмүүс татгалзаагүй давж заалдах муу зодуулж цохих, айлган сүрдүүлэх хүмүүс, хорих, хүнийг баривчилжээ
,, Хууль байхгүй бол шударга ёс биш, хүмүүс харгис дарангуйлал дуу хоолой гомдлыг хэн байж болох вэ
Зөвхөн зүйл нь эмх замбараагүй хүчирхийлэл өдөр бүр !! шоронгийн хүчирхийлэл эх газрын Хятад, Хонг Конг-д гарсан
Хүний эрхийн Дэлхийн хамгийн муу газар коммунист эх газрын Chinaman гэхэд тахин шүтэх шидэт чөтгөр янз бүрийн авлига бүх эх газрын аймаг, хот үйлдвэрлэх юм !!
@ Тэд Араатан байна! Мөн дэлхийн хүн эргэн тойронд улс дэлхийн хуурамч хоолны хордлого гаралтыг / бий болгох
!! @ Зөндөө! ''

Melody.Blog жижиг `` сайн санааны


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

"Kiel homoj de konscienco, ni esperas sub petoj de nia kara amikeco kavalireca grandega legio de anonimaj ne haltas kontraktanta kun la malrespekto de homaj rajtoj, ne moralecon,
La popola informoj blokado, prenita de religiaj kredantoj,
Homoj malkonsento vokas al perforto bati malbone batita, intimidado homoj, malliberejo arestita homoj,
,, Neniu justeco sen leĝo, ne la homoj kiuj povas esti brutala diktatoreco voĉo plendoj
Nur afero indiscriminada de perforto ĉiutage !! malliberejo misuzo okazis en kontinenta Ĉinio kaj Hong Kong
La plej malbona loko en la mondo de homaj rajtoj estas la kulto magio demono de la Komunisma ĉeftero Ĥino fabriki diversajn korupto ĉiuj ĉeftero provincoj, urbo !!
@ Estas Besto! Ankaŭ krei falsan toksiĝo alimentaria eligo Ŝtatoj tutmondaj / tutmonde homa
!! @ FUCK! ''

Melody.Blog eta `` bona fido


 *-(5)Update-To quote a series of Apple Daily reported - are requested anonymity chivalrous our dear friendship huge Legion Do not stop to attack  the mainland and Hong Kong evil cult demon Communist Chinaman @ 689 LeungChun-ying thief wolf  government crashing ! -
- (5) Mettre à jour-Pour citer une série d'Apple Daily a rapporté - sont requis l'anonymat chevaleresque notre chère amitié énorme Légion Ne vous arrêtez pas à attaquer la partie continentale et Hong Kong secte démon communiste Chinois @ 689 LeungChun-ying voleur gouvernement du loup se écraser! -
- (5)更新することが報告蘋果日報の一連の引用 - 匿名性男気私たちの愛する友情巨大な軍団要求さを689 LeungChun-YING泥棒狼政府がクラッシュ@共産党中国人悪魔本土と香港の邪悪なカルトを攻撃するために停止しないでください! - **All The World Lauguage**-



Groups urge police to collect over 2,000 signatures to purchase water withdrawal artillery

 Pictured dispatched police to end the occupation of pepper spray to disperse the demonstrators. (Picture).
 Budget expose police to spend $ 27 million to purchase three "crowd management special purpose vehicle" (that is, water gun carriage), civil rights groups in Hong Kong to observe March 30 launch online signatory, requires police to withdraw water artillery funding application, as at April 7, received a total of 2,443 individuals and organizations signatory.

Hong Kong's civil rights cases observed mean signatories than expected, reflecting the concerns of many citizens to purchase anti-riot water artillery. Hong Kong Civil Rights Watch said that since the umbrella movement lost the public's trust in the police, community relations continued to deteriorate. If the police continue to refuse to pay, according to the agent and the introduction of the lack of transparency in the case of anti-riot water gun carriage, except to make the event even more serious security risk participation in public meetings and processions, the more people will exacerbate distrust of the police, urged the police to withdraw the purchase of water The decision artillery.



財政預算案揭露警方斥資2,700萬元,購入3輛「人羣管理的特別用途車」(即水炮車),團體香港民權觀察3月30日發起網上聯署,要求警方撤回水炮車撥 款申請,截至4月7日為止,共收到2,443名個人及團體聯署。

香港民權觀察指聯署情況超過預期,反映不少市民關注購入防暴水炮車。香港 民權觀察認為,自雨傘運動以來市民對警方信任盡失,警民關係不斷惡化。假若警方繼續拒絕交代理據及在欠缺透明度的情況下引入防暴水炮車,除令市民參與公眾 集會及遊行時遇上更嚴重安全風險,更會加劇市民對警方的不信任,促請警方撤回購入水炮車的決定。


Leung: passenger fell loud siren will disseminate anti-parallel will be punished (FuCk!)

 [Update: New video]
Departure to Wuhan this morning before departing Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said the resurrection and Qingming holiday period, the number of tourists arrivals fell across the board, believed to have set alarm bells ringing, not only because the Hong Kong dollar, more important factor is the emergence of the anti-parallel off of our actions, the Government Later this month will launch promotional action to promote Hong Kong tourism, including the strengthening of the anti-parallel propaganda action is only "a handful of people illegal", will be affected by legal penalties.

Mr Leung reiterated that tourism is an important industry in Hong Kong, providing a lot of employment opportunities for the grassroots, the government will be more publicity to attract visitors in the Mainland and overseas. He criticized the anti-parallel-off action is actually "anti-mainland tourists' actions seriously damage the international image of Hong Kong, must be stopped.

A reporter asked the shop to rent your impact on the retail industry, Mr. Leung responded that the only issue involved in the rental market supply and demand factors, may recognize as part of the New Territories and opened a lot of parallel off pharmacy, has resulted in demand for premises, pushing rents.


梁振英:旅客跌響警號將宣傳反水貨會受懲處 (FuCk!)

出發前往武漢的特首梁振英今早離港前稱,復活和清明長假 期間,來港旅客數字全線下跌,認為已經響起警號,除了因為港元匯價問題,更重要因素是本港出現反水貨客行動,港府本月稍後將會推出促銷行動,推廣來港旅 遊,包括加強宣傳反水貨行動只是「極少數人違法行為」,會受法律懲處。


有 記者追問舖租貴對零售業影響,梁振英只回應稱租金問題涉及市場供求因素,承認新界部份地區可能因為水貨客而開設了不少藥房,亦造成對舖位的需求推高租金。


Attorney Shen Ao custody Cen Huang Hui Feng

  Cen Ao Feng Huang Hui and during last November 26, Mongkok occupied cleared arrested and subsequently charged with contempt of court.
 WASHINGTON - Attorney General Mong involved in criminal contempt of court case occupiers, apply to the court for Scholarism Huang Feng, Deputy Secretary-General and the Federation last Cen Ao Hui launched custody. Yellow indicates that the action does not affect the possibility for a new wave of outbreaks in June protest action.
Cen Huang yesterday and are contained in the notification letter from the Department of Justice on facebook, content refers to the court on Thursday has made an ex parte application, asked the court to permit the two last November 26 on suspicion of criminal contempt of court case, expand the committal process.

Huang called on to provide the date of the court as soon as possible

Huang Feng, the newspaper said it expects a long judicial process, I believe that the break will not be in the short term, do not worry about the possible impact of the outbreak in June a new wave of protests. He added finger, will lead to the Legislative Council vote on political reform fierce struggle, depending on whether people like the Pan-five years ago as a temporary "turn hand drive" to support political reform. He urged the people, Mr Pan Shou Connaught, do not want any pan-China human betrayed umbrella movement, "the less chi, Hong Kong (first live stand bag), rejected the more promising political reform."
Huang Feng reiterated Mong cleared and bailiffs of no physical contact, but also called on the Department of Justice as soon as possible on the court date, hope it will not end with the university exam in April to May head "clash."
Ao Hui in facebook Cen said mentally prepared to face political prosecution, conviction and even imprisonment, "the fight against the unjust regime, must pay the price ...... I would be comfortable with, do not need to feel sorry for us, but do not need to worry about." .
Court injunction last year occupied Mongkok, indicated by the bailiff told the occupiers responsible for content injunction authorizing police arrested reason to believe that impede or interfere with the implementation of the bailiff who Officials injunction if necessary. Legal profession, said, when general, the Department of Justice to submit such an application to the court, must be carefully set forth specific acts involving violation of a court injunction and a criminal contempt justifications, those involved in the public hearing may be a defense, then by Judges decide whether the alleged offenders constitute contempt and committal.
■ reporter Bai Lin

Huang Feng, Cen Ao Hui, detention, criminal contempt


律政司申羈押 岑敖暉 黃之鋒



黃之鋒向本報表示,預計有關司法過程漫長,相信不會短期內了斷,不擔心會影響6月有可能爆發的新一波抗爭。他續指,立法會表決政改時會否引發激烈抗爭,視 乎泛民會否像五年前般臨時「轉軚」支持政改方案。他促請泛民議員守諾,不欲任何泛民中人出賣雨傘運動,「香港越少黃成智(主張袋住先),否決政改便越有希 望」。
法 庭去年就旺角佔領區頒佈禁制令,指明由執達吏負責告知佔領者禁制令內容,有必要時授權警方拘捕有理由相信阻礙或干擾執達吏執行禁制令的人士。有法律界人士 表示,一般而言,律政司向法庭提交上述申請時,必須仔細闡述涉案者違反法庭禁制令的具體行為及構成刑事藐視的理據,涉案者則可於公開聆訊抗辯,再由法官定 奪涉案者是否構成藐視並交付羈押。


Was beaten by police during the occupation investigated
Members of Shen now works private criminal police control

 WASHINGTON engineer Bruce now News interview last year during the occupation movement in Mong Kok, was once charged with assaulting a police officer, but police suspected to have been beaten. He formally apply to the court the day before a private criminal prosecution, "the Offences Against the Person Ordinance," on page 39, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, arising from either police officers held criminally liable, the Occupy movement is the first case last year after police charged by way of a private criminal prosecution Members of the cases. Solicitor 陈惠源 said the incident was immediately reported to the police Bruce Lee, but the police has been slow to act, just helpless proposed private criminal prosecution.
Reporter: Tan Jingwen
Last 79 days of the Occupy movement, police questioned some of the public in violation of the guidelines, such as the occupation of demonstrators were beaten police, truncheons bashing caused by blood flow Phi face, during an interview with journalists have been brutally pushing police, blocked shots, even Labelling charges.
Which now news station engineer Bruce November 25 last year, in Mong Kok during an interview with the Occupy movement, suddenly taken away by the police in his hand aluminum ladders, accused of allegedly assaulting a police officer, police uniforms were over on the ground, he was Someone stepped on his head several times, and finally the head and multiple injuries.Bruce Lee.

Who showed reporters identity

Lee said at the time reporters who have worn card, more has repeatedly shouted that he is a reporter, but it was ignored. Police then refers Lee allegedly attacked police with an aluminum ladder, he will be arrested, detained him more than 24 hours, after which released unconditionally, after he was beaten by police also report a complaint, ask the police to conduct a number of police officers for criminal investigation .
Bruce last night officially Kowloon City Magistracy proposed private criminal prosecution request to "Offences Against the Person Ordinance," Article 39, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, arising from either police officers held criminally responsible.
Bruce Lee's lawyer, said Chen Huiyuan night Lee was immediately reported to the police, and continued to provide information to the police, hoping the police investigation and prosecution, but the police has not been any action, just helpless proposed private criminal prosecution, police held criminally liable to someone .
Commissioner of Police, Mr Tsang yesterday at the police academy graduation ceremony, would not comment on individual cases, but stressed that no matter what the case, even if the case will be professional and careful handling complaints against the police. Zheng Li Jin, vice president of news stations now says that Lee is a private criminal prosecution in their personal capacity, as a colleague expressed support, but who will pay the costs of the case, she declined to comment. Lee was released the same day, now news stations have expressed confidence that the event has not ended, it will continue to provide assistance to employees.

Chen Yu-feng Dihuochekong

Bruce Lee to the court for this private criminal prosecution, the Occupy movement is the first case of police officers charged with the way the event through a private criminal prosecution. In January this year the High Court filed by two citizens, refers to the end of November last year, Mong Kok "Dove woo" the scene, police were being beaten and even indecent, that the police action illegal and violation of human rights, filed with the High Court to the Commissioner of Police and related police investigated, all claims of at least $ 10 million, the case has been scheduled this July 9 hearing, the hearing conducted audit checklist.
In addition, volunteers representing the Secretariat in Chen Yu-feng Chen brother accused of embezzlement Hakusan neighbors WiFi Internet access, login facebook invite unlawful assembly, accused of dishonest use of computer crime. Hearing the case last month, the prosecution for lack of evidence and the withdrawal of control. Chen Hakusan time show, will propose to the Government claims 95,000 yuan, hoping to become the other due to the occupation is indiscriminate arrest those who have suffered losses precedent.



【本報訊】now新聞台工程人員李小龍去年在旺角採訪佔領運動期間,一度被警方控告襲警,更疑遭警員毆打。他前日正式向法院申請私人刑事檢控,以《侵害人 身罪條例》第39條,襲擊致造成身體傷害,追究涉事警員的刑責,是去年佔領運動後首宗透過私人刑事檢控方式控告警員案件。代表律師陳惠源稱,事發後李小龍 已即時向警方報案,但警方遲遲未有行動,才無可奈何提出私人刑事檢控。
其中now新聞台工程人員李小龍去年11月25日,在旺角採訪佔領運動期間,突然被警員拉走他手上的鋁梯,被指涉嫌襲警,遭多名警員制服在地上,他感到有人多次踏他的頭,最後頭及身體多處受傷。 Which now news station engineer Bruce November 25 last year, in Mong Kok during an interview with the Occupy movement, suddenly taken away by the police in his hand aluminum ladders, accused of allegedly assaulting a police officer, police uniforms were over on the ground, he was Someone stepped on his head several times, and finally the head and multiple injuries.李小龍.


李小龍當時稱身上有佩戴記者證,更曾多次高呼自己是記者,但未有人理會。警方當時指李涉嫌以鋁梯襲擊警員,將他拘捕,扣查他超過24小時,之後獲無條件釋 放,他之後亦報案投訴被警員毆打,要求警方就數名警員的行為作刑事調查。
警 務處處長曾偉雄昨日出席警校畢業禮時表示,不評論個別個案,但強調無論是甚麼個案,即使是投訴警察的個案都會專業及認真處理。now新聞台副總裁鄭麗矜就 表示,李小龍是以個人身份提出私人刑事檢控,作為同事表示支持,但案件的訟費由誰支付,她則不予置評。李獲釋當日,now新聞台曾經表示,相信事件仍未結 束,會繼續向該名員工提供協助。


李小龍今次向法院申請私人刑事檢控,是佔領運動首宗透過私人刑事檢控方式控告警員事件。今年1月也有兩名市民入稟高等法院,指去年11月底途經旺角「鳩 嗚」現場時,分別遭警員毆打甚至非禮,認為警方行動違法及侵害人權,入稟高院向警務處處長及相關警員追究,各索償至少1,000萬元,案件已排期今年7月 9日開庭,進行核對列表審核聆訊。
此外,佔中秘書處義工陳玉峰胞弟陳白山被指盜用鄰居WiFi上網,登入facebook邀請他人非法集結,被控 不誠實使用電腦罪。案件上月審理,控方因證據不足而撤控。陳白山當時表明,會向政府提出索償9.5萬元,期望成為其他因佔領行動被胡亂拘捕而蒙受損失者的 先例。


Maen Guo Yue Fei than self? Yue Fei no Australian passport

 [Update: radio interview]
[One] tuning hammer proposed to develop "anti-independence law in Hong Kong," the DAB Maen Guo, a radio program this morning with sake since the ratio of Yue Fei, but "one hammer tuning" hosted Maen Guo Li Huiling reminder: "Yue Fei did Australia Passport! "
Since the ratio Maen Guo Yue Fei.
Maen Guo Hong Kong and Taiwan this morning to accept the "2000s" telephone access, the legal profession and the Legislative Council Dennis Kwok on "anti-independence Port Act" discussion. Dennis Kwok think the discussion should be 23 at the local level in the framework of the discussion, without to Beijing, Fang Jingtuan describe disrespect "Basic Law", a "grandfather rub shoe."

Ma Enguo this made the following statement:

"Guo lawyer could understand Well, there is a general named Yue Fei Song, drainage canal back stab Grandma Bei Zo sake words, Drainage and later to resist foreign Song, Song protect the territorial integrity, national unity, if you think of Yue Fei Department of shoe-shine boys, rub Song generous shoes, Han Yue Fei together with I am willing to do a shoe-shine boys generous defending the homeland. finished. "

Hui-ling said that the Australian passport holders Maen Guo, if wanted Yue Fei, "Thank You in advance to give up first Australian passport! Willing to do?"


馬恩國自比岳飛? 岳飛沒有澳洲護照






自由時報War to China! Google will remove the trust verification of the CNNIC

Google announced that its Chrome browser will no longer accept the way China Internet Information Center (CNNIC) certification of any sites. (Associated Press).
 2015-04-03 17:22
[Breaking News / roundup] global Internet search engine giant Google and the Chinese government finally choked out! US local time on April 1 announced that its Chrome browser will no longer accept the way China Internet Information Center (CNNIC) certification of any website, which means users have to enter the CNNIC certified sites, the screen will appear warning message telling users Google can not determine the safety of the site.
  • Google發佈聲明稿。(圖擷取自google官網) Google released a statement. (Figure retrieved from google's official website)
  • Google在2010年因內容審查紛爭,搜尋服務全面退出中國市場。(歐新社) Google in 2010 due to censorship dispute, search service to completely withdraw from the Chinese market. (Europe Novosti)
US technology news website "The Verge", Google found more than without the authorization of network security certification in the last month in an attempt to invade the domain services such as Gmail, Google after investigation, found the road behind is China Internet Information Center Certification One of the company.
Google this month on the 1st update message said, because the chain of events, the future will be all CNNIC accredited Chrome URL to cancel "trusted" slogan, and after the next update, users can see the relevant warning until CNNIC improve the verification process and apply again and trust through verification before Google, CNNIC related sites will not be marked as "trusted sites", but Google also stated, Chrome users can still see in a short time the Google site, see Part CNNIC certified sites already obtained.
After the China Internet Information Center was informed way, also issued a statement condemning today that Google's decision is difficult to understand and accept calls Google should give full consideration to the interests and protect the user.
In fact, Google and China dispute is not the first conflict was, in 2010 due to censorship issues, a comprehensive search services out of China, and later in 2014, the Chinese government blocked Google in Christmas's Gmail, triggered a global uproar.



 2015-04-03  17:22
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕全球網路搜尋引擎巨擘Google終於要和中國官方嗆明!美國當地時間4月1日公佈,旗下Chrome瀏覽器將不再接受中國 互聯網路信息中心(CNNIC)認證的任何網站,意味著網友們進入CNNIC認證的網站,畫面中都會出現警告訊息,告訴用戶們Google無法確定該網站 的安全性。
  • Google發佈聲明稿。(圖擷取自google官網) Google發佈聲明稿。(圖擷取自google官網)
  • Google在2010年因內容審查紛爭,搜尋服務全面退出中國市場。(歐新社) Google在2010年因內容審查紛爭,搜尋服務全面退出中國市場。(歐新社)
美國科技新聞網站《The Verge》,Google在上個月發現多個未經安全授權的網路認證,企圖入侵Gmail等服務網域,經Google調查後,發現幕後黑手是中國互聯網路信息中心認證的公司之一。
Google 這個月1日更新訊息表示,因為一連串的事件,未來Chrome會將所有CNNIC認證的網址取消「可信任」的標語,並在下次更新後,使用者就可看到相關的 警告訊息,直到CNNIC改善驗證流程並再次申請且通過Google的信任驗證之前,CNNIC的相關網站都不會被標記成「可信任的網站」,不過 Google也聲明,短時間內Chrome用戶還是可以在Google網站看,看到部分早就獲得CNNIC認證的網站。


Macedonian Government disputed the Asian investment bank / Ke ︰ did not learn a lesson from MAST

[Reporter Tu Min Ju, Li Xinfang, Chen Yanting / Taipei] Ma administration application to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (ADB investment bank) decision-making processes and procedures, causing highly controversial, student groups but also to the former presidential palace in protest. Taipei Mayor Wen-Je Ko approved yesterday said the biggest problem is that the government make major policy decisions, the Presidential Palace, the executive president should come forward to explain how to do it, should not be stealthy, mysterious look, seems not to have learned lessons from the clothing trade events.
  • 台北市長柯文哲昨被問及亞投行爭議時說,最大問題在於政府作重大決策,總統府、行政院長都應出面說明要怎麼做,不該鬼鬼祟祟。 (記者方賓照攝) Taipei Mayor Wen-Je Ko said when asked about the controversy yesterday Asian investment bank, the biggest problem is that the government make major policy decisions, the Presidential Palace, the executive president should come forward to explain how to do it, should not be sneaky. (Reporter Fang Bin photo photo)

Ko Ma government ︰ learning ability Biamiba protozoa worse

Wen-Je Ko yesterday to participate in "The public child clubs" garden party, when asked about the Asian investment bank, said the dispute, "the shadow of clothes and ran out of the trade event," because the government has experienced an event again, reasonable to say that learning should be improved, "otherwise Biamiba (protozoa) worse, learning too bad! "

SUN Li-qun ︰ follow-up will be transparent and accept supervision

For Wen-Je Ko criticism, SUN Li-qun Executive Yuan spokesman said yesterday, for the participation of Asian investment bank, the government will follow a transparent, open and accept the supervision of the Congress, he did not respond in particular Wen-Je Ko, but different in nature and serve Asian investment bank, trade agreements, service trade agreement After talking and signing the two sides, and I want to get the support of the Government in the Legislative Yuan, and Asian investment bank is currently only government "hands" to express their wishes, have not even go to.
SUN Li-qun said clothing trade agreements are economic and trade issues, and other issues related to tariffs, but Asian investment bank is a new international organization, the two can not be true analogy. Executive Yuan pointed out that the participation of Asian investment bank to be a founding member in order to participate to talk about the Constitution provides, negotiating future problems involved, will moderate let congressional caucus cadre understanding, acceptance congressional oversight, but some are still to be confidential expressions of interest in government After follow-up does not have a black box problem.

Legislator ︰ vague assessment report of the Executive Yuan "Only essay"

Although the Executive Yuan table Minya investment bank case transparently, openly and accept the supervision of Congress, but the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mainland Affairs Council the day before submitting the application added an assessment of the investment bank's report to the Legislative Yuan, content to spend a lot of space to explain China's Asian investment banking policy, national attitudes Highlights of our assessment process, but then we added a few pros and cons to assess inking, criticized by legislators hastily, "just a fig leaf!"
DPP Legislator Zheng Lijun yesterday pointed out that China is the ADB Member States, but also actively participate in the European Bank for Reconstruction, but to participate in the experience before that? For industry and whether there is a real diplomatic helpful? Should be included in the assessment. Tajima made secretive government report, the government said the number of Asian investment bank will expand the international space empty, "simply no assessment at all!"
DPP Legislator Ho Hsin-chun also criticized the Ministry of Economic Affairs report, the country added an investment bank to consider only two and a half pages of content, and there is no argument with the data, only "writing."
Ho Hsin-chun said, adding that there are many international development banks should consider the direction of countries to assess whether to join, you should discuss the mechanisms through open congressional hearings, in order to "meet the best interests of the country," to measure, rather than the exalted "more good than harm," the slogan of the people perfunctory .


〔記者涂鉅旻、李欣芳、陳彥廷/台北報導〕馬政府申請加入亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(亞投行)的決策過程與程序,引發高度爭議,學生團體還到總統府前抗 議。台北市長柯文哲昨批說,最大問題在於政府作重大決策,總統府、行政院長都應出面說明要怎麼做,不該鬼鬼祟祟、神秘的樣子,似乎還沒從服貿事件學到教 訓。
  • 台北市長柯文哲昨被問及亞投行爭議時說,最大問題在於政府作重大決策,總統府、行政院長都應出面說明要怎麼做,不該鬼鬼祟祟。(記者方賓照攝) 台北市長柯文哲昨被問及亞投行爭議時說,最大問題在於政府作重大決策,總統府、行政院長都應出面說明要怎麼做,不該鬼鬼祟祟。(記者方賓照攝)

柯︰馬政府學習力 比阿米巴原蟲還糟糕


孫立群︰後續會透明公開 接受監督

孫 立群說,服貿協議是經貿議題,涉及關稅等議題,但亞投行則是一個新的國際組織,二者不能如此類比。政院人士指出,參與亞投行必須是創始會員才能參與談章程 的訂定,未來涉及的談判問題,將適度讓國會各黨團幹部了解,接受國會監督,但有一部分仍必須保密,在政府表達意向後,後續不會有黑箱的問題。

立委︰政院評估報告空泛 「只有作文」

儘 管政院表明亞投行案會透明、公開、接受國會的監督,但財政部、經濟部、外交部及陸委會前天向立院遞交我國申請加入亞投行之評估報告,內容花了許多篇幅交代 中國的亞投行政策、各國態度、我國評估時程大事紀,卻對我方加入的利弊評估極少著墨,被立委痛批草率,「只是遮羞布!」



"Too tired to go to school," 11-year-old Chinese boy hanged himself unexpectedly

 2015-04-12 10:18
[Breaking News / roundup] China Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Yang Yang Garden Elementary School 11 year-old boy (a pseudonym), suspected because learning too much pressure on the 7th of this month actually committed suicide by hanging in the kitchen. Yang Yang, who had been on the Internet message: "Learn tired, too tired to go to school, live too tired." Yangyang families, said the day of the incident but had not completed their homework son being scolded teacher.
  • 中國11歲男童疑似因為學習壓力大,在自家廚房上吊自殺。(圖片擷取自中國《新京報網》) Chinese 11-year-old boy suspected because learning pressure, hanged himself in their own kitchen. (Picture extracted from the Chinese "New Jing Baowang")
According to China's "Beijing News" reported Yangyang mother that morning to send his son to school when he mood is normal, no, went home after 18:00, they found her son hanged himself in the kitchen. After the local police arrived at the scene, initially determined Yangyang suicide.
Yangyang mother said the family did not find a suicide note left by his son, also said Yangyang usually poor academic performance, more mischievous, the situation had not finished the job, but will communicate with parents, Ching Ming Festival did not find son Any abnormal emotional instability.
According to reports, Yang Yang, who had been on the Internet message: "Learn tired, too tired to go to school, live too tired." She pointed out that Yang Yang said the day his son because the students did not pay their homework in the classroom is the teacher scolded. School responded by saying that after the police investigation, did not find a teacher misconduct.
You care about freedom newsletter ︰ not solve the problem of suicide, not help the weak brave, warm community everywhere, will be able to survive.

自由時報「上學太累」 中國11歲男童竟上吊自殺

 2015-04-12  10:18
  • 中國11歲男童疑似因為學習壓力大,在自家廚房上吊自殺。(圖片擷取自中國《新京報網》) 中國11歲男童疑似因為學習壓力大,在自家廚房上吊自殺。(圖片擷取自中國《新京報網》)

Wind MediaGoogle China to adopt new ways to expand the overseas network blocked
at 09:54 on April 11, 2015
 The latest research report, China began to use the flood of traffic impact US site, trying to help Chinese netizens paralyzed access blocked website.
The researchers found that in the attack, the Chinese used a powerful new weapon. Overseas Chinese readers visit the website or click on the ad to be monitoring China.
Report "Citizen Lab" researcher Friday (the 10th) by the University of Toronto, said the United States was attacked popular coding website GitHub, researchers initially thought that the CCP will use the Great Firewall huge traffic to hit the target in order to make it crash. But now found that China did not use the Great Firewall, but the use of a powerful new weapon, which they called "the cannon."
The report notes that when traffic flows of foreign Chinese site, after the "cannon" to intercept, inject malicious code and then sends them to the target.
The most recent application of this system is to intercept the flow of traffic and advertising Baidu site, and then take their bombing and anti-censorship website GitHub GreatFire.org. These attacks continued on Thursday.
But the researchers believe that this system may have more powerful capabilities. After some adjustments, "cannon" that can be used to spy on any web content to read Chinese people, even those who visit included non-Chinese Chinese advertising content website.
The report said, "cannon" to run the deployment represents a significant upgrade from the national level to control information. It is "open and widely used assault weapons Implementation Review."
Beijing continues to strengthen its efforts to review the National Internet Information Office under the leadership.
Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto Citizen Lab senior legal adviser, the report co-author Sarah McKune said the Chinese government's position is that any release of its contents as a hostile efforts are hostile and provocative behavior, is political stability and national security threats.
(Compiler / Editor: Road West)

中國採取新方式 網絡封鎖擴大到境外Wind Media
多倫多大學全球事務芒克學院公民實驗室高級法律顧問、報告共同作者Sarah McKune說,中國政府的立場是,任何發佈其視為敵對內容的努力都是敵對和挑釁行為,是對政權穩定和國家安全的威脅。

TechWorm Share on Google+World’s first head transplant volunteer could experience something "worse than death”
 For the first time in history a 30-year-old Russian man will become the live guinea pig for human head transplant operation. Valery Spiridonov announced that he will become the subject of the first human head transplant ever performed. He said that he had himself volunteered to have his head removed and installed on another person's body.
If you think this is some kind of joke, no we are serious. Earlier this year, Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero outlined the transplant technique he intends to follow in the journal Surgical Neurology International, and said he planned to launch the project at the annual conference of the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons (AANOS) in the US in June, where he will invite other researchers to join him in his head transplant dream.
Now with Spiridonov volunteering to be a live guinea pig for Canavero, his head transplant dream could be a success or unluckily for Spiridonov fail. Christopher Hootan at The Independent says is predicted to be a 36-hour operation requiring the assistance of 150 doctors and nurses.
Hootan in his report dug into the mysteries of head transplant.
“A Werdnig-Hoffman disease sufferer with rapidly declining health, Spiridonov is willing to take a punt on this very experimental surgery and you can't really blame him, but while he is prepared for the possibility that the body will reject his head and he will die, his fate could be considerably worse than death,” says Hootan.
Another eminent personality Dr Hunt Batjer who is the president elect of the American Association for Neurological Surgeons, stated that, “I would not wish this on anyone. I would not allow anyone to do it to me as there are a lot of things worse than death.”

Head transplantation -- The future is now | Dr. Sergio Canavero | TEDxLimassol

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety - Benjamin Franklin


世界上第一頭移植志願者可能會遇到一些“比死還要痛苦”Share on Google+

World’s first head transplant volunteer could experience something "worse than death”
 這是第一次在歷史上有30歲的俄羅斯人將成為活體豚鼠人的頭部移植手術。 瓦列裡·斯皮里多諾夫宣布,他將成為有史以來進行的首次人體頭部移植的問題。 他說,他有他自己主動安排他的頭上取下和安裝在另一個人的身上。
如果你認為這是某種玩笑,沒有我們是認真的。 今年早些時候,意大利醫生塞爾吉奧Canavero概述他打算在雜誌外科神經內科國際追隨移植技術,並說,他計劃推出的項目,在神經和矯形外科醫生的美國學院(AANOS)在美國的年度會議在六月份,在那裡他將邀請其他研究人員和他一起在他的頭上移植的夢想。
現在斯皮里多諾夫志願是一個活的豚鼠Canavero,他的頭部移植的夢想可能是成功還是不幸的斯皮里多諾夫失敗。 克里斯托弗Hootan在獨立預測是一個36小時運行要求的150醫生和護士的協助。
“與迅速下降的健康狀況Werdnig - 霍夫曼疾病患者,斯皮里多諾夫願以平底船在這個實驗手術,你真的不能責怪他,但是當他準備的可能性,該機構將拒絕他的頭,他會死,他的命運可能比死亡要糟糕很多,“Hootan說。
另一個知名人士亨特Batjer醫生誰是神經外科醫生的美國協會的當選總統,說,“我不希望這對任何人。 我不會允許任何人那樣對我,因為有很多東西比死還要痛苦。“

Head transplantation -- The future is now | Dr. Sergio Canavero | TEDxLimassol


他們誰放棄基本自由獲得一點臨時安全值得既不自由,也不安全 - 本傑明·富蘭克林

threatens another terror act against US after hackers' attack


and stand with the French Republic and her people in the battle against the Islamic State.

 嵌入永久的圖片連結 Via




CloudFlare criticised as Anonymous wages DDoS war on ISIS websites |


 RO Melody RO Melody retweeted
OperationChina: Anonymous Hacks Chinese Police, Govt. Websites

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Operation China: 161 domains of China Hacked We are here and we will stay! You should have expected for us.

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i'm so happy she has such a wonderful daddy since douchebag got me preg n disappeared..marry me?

RO Melody retweeted DIGITΛSHΛDØW
ever support Anonymous~ DIGITΛSHΛDØW Love you moe~  

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One of our many new Anon groups working hard...give em a follow=>

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Quiz Night ►Wednesday 9pm GMT on ►Schedule

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 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

 "Give us the great and omnipotent friendly dear Anonymous chivalrous huge legion,
Conscience and human rights defenders are!
the Communist mainland Chinaman the evil cult of demons!
And Hong Kong @ 689 thief wolf Leung chun-ying slaves Chinaman all bullying,
To ignore the majority of people, beaten badly beaten,
Framed corruption and incompetence of various civil rights,
Anonymous huge legion of chivalry ridden huge attack!
All the jerk of the mainland's corruption government closed!
Hong Kong @ 689 slaves thief wolf Leung chun-ying Chinaman government and all of the 民建聯DAB's pro-China out of it! "

'' People suffered false accusation, and even organ harvesting from living unscrupulous brutal means!!
We have a great police Anonymous chivalrous huge legion---attack the Chinaman and the evil cult of the Communist Party and
@ 689 Hong Kong slave thief wolf Leung chun-ying Chinaman  !!

Anonymous chivalrous huge corps will make the most massive retaliation
And that revenge will not stop ....
Until human rights and justice back in the hands of ordinary people!

Also in this infinitely grateful to our dear great and omnipotent friendly Anonymous chivalrous huge legion ~
For people to come forward to defend peoples sufferings ~
In the tiny light years short of life
We have to let people understand the true meaning of the great Anonymous chivalrous huge legion of worldwide under different sky!
Can record such an important historical moment! '
Small as dust wind died away to come to our Thanksgiving Melody.Blog Sincerely~





渺小如塵 風吹來 我們歿掉去 Melody.Blog感恩敬上~


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~


«Donnez-nous le grand et omnipotent cher sympathique Anonyme chevaleresque énorme légion,
De conscience et de défenseurs des droits humains sont!
le continent Communiste Chinois culte mal de démons!
Et Hong Kong @ 689 voleur loup Leung Chun-ying esclaves Chinois tout l'intimidation,
Pour ignorer la majorité des gens, battu sauvagement battu,
Encadré la corruption et l'incompétence des différents droits civils,
Anonyme énorme légion de la chevalerie monté attaque énorme!
Tout le réflexe du gouvernement de la partie continentale de la corruption fermé!
Hong Kong @ 689 esclaves voleur loup gouvernement Leung Chun-ying Chinois et tous de la 民建聯 DAB pro-Chine hors de lui! "

'' Les gens ont souffert fausse accusation, et même le prélèvement d'organes de vivre moyens brutaux sans scrupules !!
Nous avons une police de grande Anonyme chevaleresque énorme légion --- attaque le Chinois et le culte perverse du Parti communiste et
@ 689 Hong Kong esclave voleur loup Leung Chun-ying Chinois !!

Anonyme énorme corps chevaleresque fera les représailles plus massive
Et que la vengeance ne se arrêtera pas ....
Jusqu'à droits de l'homme et de la justice entre les mains des gens ordinaires!

Également dans ce infiniment reconnaissant à notre cher grand et omnipotent sympathique Anonyme chevaleresque énorme légion ~
Pour les personnes à se manifester pour défendre les peuples souffrances ~
Dans les minuscules années-lumière courtes de la vie
Nous devons faire comprendre aux gens le vrai sens de la grande Anonyme chevaleresque énorme légion de partout dans le monde sous un ciel différent!
Peut enregistrer un tel moment historique important! '
Petit que le vent de la poussière se éteignit à venir à notre Melody.Blog Thanksgiving Sincèrement ~


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

689奴隷泥棒狼レオンチョン英中国人の政府とそれから民建聯DABのプロ中国のすべて@香港! "

689香港スレーブ泥棒狼レオンチョン英中国人@ !!


そのような重要な歴史的瞬間を記録することができます! 「



"Da nobis omnipotens et magni carus amicus Anonymous NOBILIS ingens Legion,
Iurium humanorum defensores, et conscientia;
communistarum continenti Chinaman cultu daemonum in malum!
Hong Kong et lupus @ DCLXXXIX fur Leung Chun-Ying Chinaman omnes truculentaque servos,
Plerique ignorare victi verberatus,
Framed incompetentia et corruptione varia jura civilia,
Ingens ingens uis hominum sedit: Anonymous legio milicie!
Omnis inprobus ex continenti scriptor regimen corruptionem clausa!
Hong Kong @ DCLXXXIX servi fur lupus Leung Chun-Ying Chinaman et imperium omnium 民建聯 pro-DAB Sinis scriptor de ea! "

'' Et dimisi calumniam, et etiam organum, vivens ex messe quod pravus inhumanum !!
We have a magnus vigilum Anonymous NOBILIS adgredienda ingens legio --- Chinaman et malum cultum et communistarum Party
@ DCLXXXIX Hong Kong servus fur lupus Leung Chun-Ying Chinaman !!

Ingens corpus Anonymous NOBILIS faciet maxime ingens talionis
Et vindictam nescit ....
Hominis iurium et justo Donec tergo penes vulgus!

In hoc quoque gratus ad infinitum et omnipotens, amicus noster, magnus Anonymous legio ~ ingens NOBILIS
Populus enim ad deinceps ad tueri eorum dolor populorum ~
In parvis annis brevis lux vitae
Habemus ad homines intelligere verum sensum magnam Anonymous NOBILIS ingens legionem Eae sub alio caelo!
Potest hoc ipsum, historia notare! '
Sicut pulvis Small ventum est ut veniat ad nostrum Gratiarum actio Melody.Blog sincere ~


"Дайте нам великий і всемогутній дружній дорогою Anonymous лицарський величезний легіон,
Совість і правозахисники!
материк Комуністична китаєць злий культ демонів!
І Hong Kong @ 689 злодій вовк Leung Chun-ін раби китаєць всі знущання,
Щоб ігнорувати більшість людей, били жорстоко побитий,
Підставив корупція і некомпетентність різних цивільних прав,
Anonymous величезний легіон лицарства їздив величезний атаку!
Всі ривок корупції в уряді материка закритий!
Hong Kong @ 689 рабів злодій вовка Leung Chun-ін китаєць уряду і всі 民建聯 DAB в про-Китай з нього! "

'' Люди постраждали помилкове звинувачення, і навіть вилучення органів у живих недобросовісних жорстокі засоби !!
У нас є великий поліцейський Anonymous лицарський величезний легіон --- атакувати китайця і злий культ, Комуністичної партії та
@ 689 Hong Kong раб злодій вовк Leung Chun-ін китаєць !!

Anonymous по-лицарськи величезний корпус зробить найбільш масований удару у відповідь
І, що помста не зупинить ....
До прав людини і задньої правосуддя в руки звичайних людей!

Крім того, в цьому безмежно вдячні нашому дорогому великого і всемогутнього дружньої Anonymous лицарського величезного легіону ~
Для людей, щоб вийти вперед, щоб захистити народи страждання ~
У крихітних світлових років коротких життя
Ми повинні дати людям зрозуміти справжній сенс Великої Anonymous лицарського величезного легіону в усьому світі під іншим небом!
Може записувати таку важливу історичний момент! "
З повагою,
Малий як пил вітром помер від прийти до нас подяки Melody.Blog повагою ~


"Giv os den store og almægtige venlige kære Anonymous ridderlig enorme legion,
Samvittighed og menneskerettighedsforkæmpere er!
den kommunistiske fastland kineser den onde kult af dæmoner!
Og Hongkong @ 689 tyv ulv Leung Chun-ying slaver kineser alle mobning,
At ignorere de fleste mennesker, slået tævet,
Indrammet korruption og inkompetence af forskellige borgerlige rettigheder,
Anonym enorme legion af ridderlighed redet enorme angreb!
Alle jerk af fastlandet korruption regering lukket!
Hong Kong @ 689 slaver tyv ulv Leung Chun-ying kineser regering og alle 民建聯 DAB pro-Kina ud af det! "

'' Folk har lidt falsk anklage, og endda orgel høst leve skrupelløse brutale midler !!
Vi har en stor politi Anonymous ridderlig enorme legion --- angribe kineser og den onde kult af det kommunistiske parti og
@ 689 Hongkong slave tyv ulv Leung Chun-ying kineser !!

Anonym ridderlige kæmpe korps vil få mest massiv gengældelse
Og det hævn vil ikke stoppe ....
Indtil menneskerettigheder og retfærdighed tilbage i hænderne på almindelige mennesker!

Også i dette uendeligt taknemmelig for vores kære store og almægtige venlige Anonymous ridderlig enorme legion ~
For folk til at komme frem til at forsvare folks lidelser ~
I den lille lysår korte af livet
Vi er nødt til at lade folk forstå den sande betydning af den store Anonymous ridderlige enorme legion af hele verden under forskellige himmel!
Kan optage en så vigtig historisk øjeblik! '
Med venlig hilsen
Små som støv vinden døde bort for at komme til vores Thanksgiving Melody.Blog venlig hilsen ~


"우리에게 위대하고 전능 친화적 친애하는 익명의 기사도 거대한 군단을 줘
양심과 인권 수비수입니다!
공산주의 본토 악마의 악마 숭배 중국인!
그리고 홍콩 @ 689 도둑 늑대 양조위, 노예 모든 왕따 중국인 천 잉
대부분의 사람들을 무시하려면, 구타 심하게 구타,
프레임 손상 및 다양한 시민의 권리의 무능력,
기사도 익명 거대한 군단은 거대한 공격을 쟁이!
본토의 부패 정부의 모든 바보 폐쇄!
홍콩 689 노예 도둑 늑대 양조위 천 잉 중국인 정부 @ 홍콩과 民建聯 DAB의 친 중국의 모든 그것을 밖으로! "

'사람들은 거짓 고발하고 파렴치한 잔인한 수단을 생활에서조차 장기 적출을 입었다'!
우리는 중국인과 공산당의 악마 숭배를 공격 --- 좋은 경찰 익명 기사도 거대한 군단을 가지고
@ 689 홍콩 슬레이브 도둑 늑대 양조위 천 잉 중국인!

가장 대규모 보복을 할 것입니다 익명 기사도 거대한 군단
그리고 그 복수는 멈추지 않을 것입니다 ....
인권과 평범한 사람들의 손에 공 백까지!

또한 우리의 친애하는 위대하고 전능 친화적 인 익명 기사도 거대한 군단이 무한 감사 ~
사람들이 민족 고난을 방어하기 위해 앞으로 올 들어 ~
삶의 짧은 작은 광년에서
우리는 사람들이 서로 다른 하늘 아래 전 세계의 위대한 익명 기사도 거대한 군단의 진정한 의미를 이해 할 수있다!
이러한 중요한 역사적 순간을 기록 할 수 있습니다! '
먼지 바람으로 소형 ~ 감사합니다 우리의 추수 감사절 Melody.Blog에 와서 떨어져 사망


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

"Hãy cho chúng tôi thân thiện mến Anonymous quân đoàn khổng lồ hào hiệp tuyệt vời và toàn năng,
Lương tâm và bảo vệ nhân quyền đang có!
Cộng sản Trung hoa lục địa tà giáo của quỷ!
Và Hồng Kông @ 689 tên trộm chó sói Leung Chun-ying nô lệ Trung hoa tất cả bắt nạt,
Để bỏ qua đa số người dân, bị đánh đập đánh đập nặng,
Tham nhũng đóng khung và sự bất lực của các quyền dân sự khác nhau,
Anonymous quân đoàn lớn của tinh thần hiệp sĩ cưỡi tấn công lớn!
Tất cả các chính phủ tham nhũng hất của đại lục đóng cửa!
Hồng Kông @ 689 nô lệ tên trộm chó sói phủ Leung Chun-ying Trung hoa và tất cả các 民建聯 DAB của pro-Trung Quốc ra khỏi nó! "

'' Những người bị vu khống, và thậm chí mổ cắp nội tạng sống từ các phương tiện tàn bạo vô đạo đức !!
Chúng tôi có một cảnh sát Anonymous quân đoàn khổng lồ hào hiệp tuyệt vời --- tấn công người Trung hoa và tà giáo của Đảng Cộng sản và
@ 689 Hồng Kông nô lệ tên trộm chó sói Leung Chun-ying Trung hoa !!

Anonymous đoàn khổng lồ hào hiệp sẽ trả đũa lớn nhất
Và sự trả thù sẽ không dừng lại ....
Cho đến nhân quyền và công lý lại nằm trong tay của những người bình thường!

Cũng trong này vô cùng biết ơn đến thân thiện Anonymous quân đoàn lớn và toàn năng thân yêu của chúng tôi hào hiệp rất lớn ~
Đối với những người phải đứng ra để bảo vệ người dân đau khổ ~
Trong năm ánh sáng nhỏ ngắn cuộc sống
Chúng ta phải để cho mọi người hiểu được ý nghĩa thực sự của đại Anonymous quân đoàn lớn trên toàn thế giới hào hiệp dưới bầu trời khác nhau!
Có thể ghi lại một thời điểm lịch sử quan trọng như vậy! '
Trân trọng,
Nhỏ như gió bụi chết đi để đến với Lễ Tạ Ơn Melody.Blog của chúng tôi Trân trọng ~


 *NOTE: This Sharing For/ By Anonymous~

"Donu al ni la granda kaj ĉiopova amika kara Anonima kavalireca grandega legio,
Konscienco kaj la homaj rajtoj defendantoj estas!
la Komunisma ĉeftero Chinaman malbono kulto de demonoj!
Kaj Hong Kong @ 689 ŝtelisto lupo Leung Chun-Ying sklavoj Chinaman ĉiuj intimidación,
Ignori la plimulton de la personoj, batita malbone batita,
Framed korupto kaj nekompetenteco de diversaj civilaj rajtoj,
Anonima grandega legio de kavaliroj rajdis grandega atako!
Ĉiuj jerk de la ĉeftero de korupteco registaro fermis!
Hongkongo @ 689 sklavoj ŝtelisto lupo Leung Chun-Ying Ĥino registaro kaj ĉiuj 民建聯 DAB la por-Ĉinio el gxi! «

'' Homoj suferis falsa akuzo, kaj eĉ organo rikoltante vivadon senskrupulaj brutalaj rimedoj !!
Ni havas grandan polico Anonima kavalireca grandega legio --- ataki la ĉino kaj la malbono kulto de la Komunisma Partio kaj
@ 689 Hongkongo sklavo ŝtelisto lupo Leung Chun-Ying Ĥino !!

Anonima kavalireca grandega korpo faros la plej amasaj reprezalioj
Kaj ke venĝo ne haltos ....
Ĝis homaj rajtoj kaj justeco reen en la manojn de ordinaraj homoj!

Ankaŭ en ĉi senfine dankema al nia kara granda kaj ĉiopova amika Anonima kavalireca grandega legio ~
Por homoj veni antaŭen por protekti popoloj suferadoj ~
En la eta lumjarojn mallonga de vivo
Ni devas lasi personoj komprenas la veran signifon de la granda Anonima kavalireca grandega legio de ĉiuj malsamaj malalta ĉielo!
Povas gravuri tiel gravan historian momenton! '
Malgranda kiel polvo vento formortis veni al nia Thanksgiving Melody.Blog Sincere ~


 -(5)Update-To quote a series of Apple Daily reported - are requested anonymity chivalrous our dear friendship huge Legion Do not stop to attack  the mainland and Hong Kong evil cult demon Communist Chinaman @ 689 LeungChun-ying thief wolf  government crashing ! -
- (5) Mettre à jour-Pour citer une série d'Apple Daily a rapporté - sont requis l'anonymat chevaleresque notre chère amitié énorme Légion Ne vous arrêtez pas à attaquer la partie continentale et Hong Kong secte démon communiste Chinois @ 689 LeungChun-ying voleur gouvernement du loup se écraser! -
- (5)更新することが報告蘋果日報の一連の引用 - 匿名性男気私たちの愛する友情巨大な軍団要求さを689 LeungChun-YING泥棒狼政府がクラッシュ@共産党中国人悪魔本土と香港の邪悪なカルトを攻撃するために停止しないでください! - **All The World Lauguage**-

*---Update (5) to give us the great and omnipotent friendly dear anonymous chivalrous huge legion,they be sure to conscience and human rights defenders! Look of the mainland and Hong Kong demon evil cult Communist Chinaman thief wolf @ 689 Leung chun-ying Chinaman slaves all bullying, make deep huge attack !! We ask our dear Anonymous chivalrous almighty huge legion look by Apple Daily reported (1). to collect over 2,000 signatures to promote community police to purchase water withdrawal artillery.!?-
(2).@ Leung chun-ying: passenger fell loud siren will disseminate anti-parallel would be punished (FuCk!)-(3).Attorney Shen custody Cen Ao Hui岑敖暉,,黃之鋒Huang Feng- (4).were police beatings during pursue the occupation!!?, now a private criminal control engineering staff Shen police- (5).【壹錘定音】[One] tuning hammer Chair: Li Huiling ^^ [Update:] 马恩国 radio interview since the ratio of Yue Fei? Yue Fei no Australian passport !! (shameless!)- By the Liberty Times reported (6).to China to go to war! Google will remove the trust verification of the CNNIC ^^! - (7).Macedonian Government disputed the Asian investment bank / Ke ︰not learned a lesson from the service trade.?! (Ke" is a Good leader!) - (8)."too tired to go to school."Chinese 11-year-old boy hanged himself actually !! [sad ...]- by the media coverage of the wind (9).China to adopt new ways to expand abroad ,, Internet blockade (mainland Chinaman fuck jerk @?! !)- by techworm.net reported (10).The world's first head transplant volunteers may encounter some "worse than death" !! {by Vijay on April 10, 2015} -
(2).@梁振英:旅客跌響警號將宣傳反水貨會受懲處!(FuCk !)-(3).律政司申羈押 岑敖暉,,黃之鋒 !?-(4).追究佔領期間遭警毆打,,now工程員申私人刑事控警!-(5).【壹錘定音】主持:李慧玲^^【更新:電台訪問】馬恩國自比岳飛?岳飛沒有澳洲護照!!(無恥!)-由自由時報報導的(6).向中國開戰!Google將移除對CNNIC的信任驗證!^^-(7).馬政府入亞投行爭議/柯︰沒從服貿學到教訓?!(good leader!)-(8).「上學太累」 中國11歲男童竟上吊自殺!!-[悲哀的...]-由風傳媒報導的(9).中國採取新方式,,網絡封鎖擴大到境外?!(他媽的大陸支那人混球@!)-由techworm.net報導的(10).世界上第一頭移植志願者可能會遇到一些“比死還要痛苦”!!{由維杰 上 2015年4月10日}-
**All the World Lauguage**- 

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