2015年3月18日 星期三

--Update you must know ah"--By Our friendly & kindly Anonymous@YourAnonNews 2小時]- ''Global call to action from Aboriginal Australian communities''[ https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877] More info:[ http://www.donotlink.com/e68t] #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA)- {..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~} Anonymous@YourAnonNews 3月17日]Anonymous lists OVER 9000 Twitter accts linked to #ISIS after hacktivist collaboration [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…] #Anonymous #GhostSec #Ctrlsec)- [http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/02/anonymous-isis-sites-than-ever-after-the-u-s-government-and-twitter-refuse-to-act/]- [http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/03/03/the-u-s-government-should-pay-anonymous-in-bitcoin-to-fight-isis/?wp_login_redirect=0]- {..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~} -Update你必須知道啊!“--通過我們的友好和善意匿名@ YourAnonNews 2小時] - ''從澳大利亞土著社區的全球行動電話'[https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877]更多信息:[http://www.donotlink.com/e68t] #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA) - {..&..更多你不知道-By匿名@YourAnonNews信息啊〜} 匿名@ YourAnonNews 3月17日]匿名黑客活動列出的合作後,掛#ISIS OVER 9000微博accts [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…] #匿名#GhostSec #Ctrlsec) - [http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/02/anonymous-isis-sites-than-ever-after-the-u-s-government-and-twitter-refuse-to-act/]- [http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/03/03/the-u-s-government-should-pay-anonymous-in-bitcoin-to-fight-isis/?wp_login_redirect=0]- {..&..更多你不知道-By匿名@YourAnonNews信息啊〜}-**All The World Country Lauguage**--By Anonymous friendly chivalrous Legion released---"Lauri Love petitions to get his electronics bad: still refuses to decrypt his drives. [ http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ]- '' Such a serious infringement of privacy to the masses rogue hackers, arrogant and presumptuous! @ Make people internationally privacy information being secretly injected SSL criminal code / malicious viruses,....!!"- ---匿名友好俠義軍團公佈---''勞裡愛請願得到他的電子不好:仍然拒絕解密他的驅動器.[http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/...| http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20]- ''這麼嚴重的侵犯到羣眾私隱的流氓黑客所為,囂張妄為!@令國際上的人們私隱資料在偷偷的被注入SSL的犯罪程式碼/惡意病毒,....!!"- **익명 친화적 인 기사도 군단 나쁜 자신의 전자를 얻을 수---"로리 사랑 청원서를 발표함으로써 --- : 여전히 그의 드라이브의 암호를 해독하기를 거부 [. http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ] -'',대중에게 오만하고 주제 넘은 악성 해커가 개인 정보 보호의 이러한 심각한 침해'! @ 사람들은 국제적으로 개인 정보를 비밀리에, SSL 형법 / 악성 바이러스를 주입되는 확인...!!"- **All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-

**--Update you must know ah"--By Our friendly & kindly Anonymous@YourAnonNews 2小時]- ''Global call toStop the genocide action from Aboriginal Australian communities''[ https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877]  More info:[ http://www.donotlink.com/e68t]  #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA)-
{..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~}
Anonymous@YourAnonNews  3月17日]Anonymous lists OVER 9000 Twitter accts linked to #ISIS after hacktivist collaboration [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…]
#Anonymous #GhostSec #Ctrlsec)-

{..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~}
-Update 你必須知道啊!“--通過我們的友好和善意匿名@ YourAnonNews 2小時] - ''從澳大利亞土著社區的全球行動電話'[https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877]更多信 息:[http://www.donotlink.com/e68t] #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA) -
匿 名@ YourAnonNews 3月17日]匿名黑客活動列出的合作後,掛#ISIS OVER 9000微博accts

[http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…] #匿名#GhostSec #Ctrlsec) -
{..&..更多你不知道-By匿名@YourAnonNews信息啊〜}**All The World Country Lauguage**-

Loophole in United Kingdom's The Pirate Bay ban, TPB running full steam in UK

--By Anonymous friendly chivalrous Legion released---"Lauri Love petitions to get his electronics bad: still

US Federal Reserverefuses to decrypt his drives. [ http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ]-
'' Such a serious infringement of privacy to the masses rogue hackers, arrogant and presumptuous! @ Make people internationally privacy information being secretly injected SSL criminal code / malicious viruses,....!!"-
---匿名友好俠義軍團公佈---''勞裡愛請願得到他的電子不好:仍然拒絕解密他的驅動器.[http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/...| http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20]-
**익명 친화적 인 기사도 군단 나쁜 자신의 전자를 얻을 수---"로리 사랑 청원서를 발표함으로써 --- : 여전히 그의 드라이브의 암호를 해독하기를 거부 [. http://www.databreaches.net/accused-
british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ] -'',대중에게 오만하고 주제 넘은 악성 해커가 개인 정보 보호의 이러한 심각한 침해'! @ 사람들은 국제적으로 개인 정보를 비밀리에, SSL 형법 / 악성 바이러스를 주입되는 확인...!!"-
**All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-

 *Note This Sharing By Anonymous^^~

Global call to action from Aboriginal Australian communities More info:

Aboriginal Australian communities announce a global call to action


Stop the genocide
Kimberley Aboriginal communities have declared a GLOBAL CALL TO ACTION to stop the forced closure of Aboriginal communities within Western Australia amidst the growing campaign by State and Federal Governments to withdraw their support and remove Aboriginal people from their traditional homelands. Prime Minister Tony Abbott has whipped up a great amount of fear, anxiety and doubt amongst the already marginalised First peoples of this nation when he said that 'What we can't do, is endlessly subsidise choices, if those lifestyle choices are not conducive to the kind of full participation in Australian society that everyone should have".

Abbott's statement was in support of the declarations made by Premier of Western Australia, Colin Barnett in a press statement released 12 November 2014, suggesting that the State could no longer support 150 Aboriginal Communities, flagging the prospective removal by the end of 2015.

We who live in the remoter areas of Australia do not believe it is a lifestyle choice but an intrinsic fundamental human right to live in our own communities and our own country. We hold significant cultural obligations to our Ancestors to maintain Sovereign ties to our lands. After successive breaches of Human Rights conventions and the forced removal of the Aboriginal Community of Oombulgurri in 2014, we maintain a vote of no confidence in both the incumbent State and Federal Governments in their actions toward Aboriginal people.

On Thursday 19th March 2015, Australians across the Nation are being asked to celebrate Close the Gap Day — but for many of our countrymen the gap has been significantly widened placing increasing pressure and trauma on our people. Starting in the Kimberley at 10am, we will march not for this Government agenda, but instead to show our objection to the threatened proposed closures to Aboriginal communities.

We stand in solidarity with all other regions in Western Australia and South Australia who have the veil of threatened remote community closures hanging over their lives and understand that the precedent for a National attack by Government toward Aboriginal people living on their homelands, has already been set in the Oombulgurri closure. We ask the National and International community to stand with us in this action, and the subsequent actions that will ensue as we mobilise effective campaigns to secure our cultural right and entitlement.

For All Media Enquiries Contact:
Jodie Bell +61418094287(Jodie.bell@gme.com.au)
Mitch Torres +61481054829 (mitchtorres@hotmail.com)
www.sosblakaustralia.com www.facebook.com/sosblakaustralia Twitter: sosblakaust



 金伯利原住民社區甲肝 é聲明呼籲全球行動來制止西澳內土著社區的強行關閉煙雨日益增長活動由州政府和聯邦政府撤回他們的支持,並從他們的傳統家園去除原住民。 總理艾伯特已經刮起了恐懼,焦慮大量和懷疑之中,這個國家的邊緣化已經第一人民時,他說,“我們不能做的,是無休止補貼的選擇,如果這些生活方式的選擇都不利於那種在澳大利亞社會,每個人都應該有充分的參與“。
我們誰住在澳大利亞邊遠地區不認為這是一種生活方式的選擇,但住在我們自己的社區和我們自己的國家固有的基本人權。 我們認為顯著的文化責任,我們的祖先保持主權的聯繫,我們的土地。 連續違反人權公約,並強制拆除的原住民社區後Oombulgurri 2014年,我們維持在對待土著人的行動沒有信心,無論是現任州政府和聯邦政府的一票。
在2015年三月19日(星期四),遍布全國的澳大利亞人被要求慶祝縮小差距日 - 但我們的許多同胞的差距已經拉大顯著把越來越大的壓力和心理創傷對我們的人民。 上午10點開始在金伯利,我們將不會進軍這一政府議程,而是表明我們反對威脅封建議原住民社區。
我們站在聲援在西澳和南澳的所有其他地區誰擁有遠程威脅社會倒閉的面紗籠罩著他們的生活,明白了先例,由政府國家對襲擊土著人生活在自己的家園,已經設置在Oombulgurri關閉。 我們要求國內和國際社會站在我們這個動作,那將接踵而至,我們調動有效的運動,以確保我們的文化權和授權後續行動。
朱迪·貝爾61418094287( Jodie.bell@gme.com.au
米奇托雷斯61481054829( mitchtorres@hotmail.com
www.sosblakaustralia.com www.facebook.com/sosblakaustralia微博: sosblakaust
官方#標籤:#SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA #NOconsent #Lifestylechoice







勢頭2015年三月建設全球行動當天週四19對原住民的家園社區的被迫關閉。 抗 議和遊行被關押在澳大利亞為:羅伯恩,菲茨羅伊隧道,霍爾斯克里克,德比,杰拉爾頓,卡爾古利,一隻胳膊點,比格灣,黑德蘭港,珀斯,貝林根,利斯莫爾, 堪培拉,奈傑爾·斯卡利恩在愛麗絲泉,Yarrabah辦公,阿德萊德,悉尼,雷德芬帳篷使館,本迪戈,墨爾本,朗塞斯頓和虛擬抗議。 [FB -停止原住民社區的強行關閉]



澳大利亞的人必須明白,種族滅絕是一個國際犯罪。 最壞的犯罪世界。 [1948年公約關於預防和懲治滅絕種族罪 ]

[ http://nationalunitygovernment.org/content/australia-commiting-genocide-scale-unequalled-anywhere-modern-world ] 和[ http://nationalunitygovernment.org/content/refugee-camp-perth-and-developing-humanitarian-crisis ]

在ACT最高法院[ACT SC 1998年12月18日]在Nulyarimma V湯普森種族滅絕案是司法克里斯平誰統治,澳大利亞沒有反對種族滅絕國內法,而從大屠殺發生在澳大利亞的替補承認。 [見“背景”之下詳情]反對種族滅絕缺少國內法律使政府,企業和個人逍遙法外行事。

在以往的對抗由君主聯盟向聯合國條約機構在2000年初的報告,英聯邦政府代表認為,他們不能做關於種族主義的法律,因為聯邦安排在澳大利亞各州和領地,那就是,聯邦政府不能告訴國家什麼和領地政府該怎麼做。 澳大利亞政府使用它來保護自己免受國際社會的監督。 但是,這僅僅是一個煙幕。 英聯邦政府根據國際法,有義務與州和地區政府參與,保證人權,國際法和保護人民的權利,但沒有權利侵犯人民基本人權。


PM艾伯特的種族主義語言是不相稱於一個國家的領導者。 這是令人失望地看到主流媒體僅僅譴責和攻擊艾伯特的選擇的話,而沒有把重點放在家鄉倒閉的真正的實質性問題。

儘管他的話巴內特政府繼續關閉社區有罪不罰的政策。 對於原住民的唯一結果是讓他們無家可歸,並在街道上,這將導致監禁,並剝奪其子女。 所有這些壓力可能會導致巨大的精神傷害到組,我們將看到增加自殺率和不斷惡化的心理健康,並最終破壞了幸福的人民。

Demoralising人民到這個程度是危害人類的國際罪行,是一個日益嚴重的人道主義危機,但我們已經有了跨越澳大利亞作為一個整體,沒有人願意談論它。 這就是為什麼所有的澳大利亞人必須協助鍛造的解決方案。 我們不能在我們的眼皮底下發生的種族滅絕權,而公共懶懶地坐在了,認為它是一種“生活方式的選擇”住在鄉村。 我們的文化正在遭到破壞。 人們在苦難。 不安全感和不確定性是生活的我們人民'的方式 [ http://theconversation.com/aboriginal-lifestyles-could-fix-the-hole-in-the-heart-of-australia-38701 ]

對導致人民的破壞和道德墮落的人的咄咄逼人的進攻的基本優先級可以通過識別的基本規則和戰爭的學科加以說明。 優先順序是依賴於運動,它們分別是:

  1. 摧毀人民的溝通能力,如。 關閉NITV消息;
  2. 破壞交通手段和方法;
  3. 切斷基本服務:水,排污,電力,燃料,獲得食物;


現實情況是土著人被刪除掉,他們擁有和曾經擁有的千年的土地。 聯邦,州和領地政府應該向他們的選民的真正原因,他們說,國土社區提供的服務過於昂貴。 這是因為他們的交易破產。 吉娜·萊因哈特和安德魯·福雷斯特Twiggy的是強制關閉社會的主要受益者-而不是政府或澳大利亞的人口,因為他們的礦業公司不徵稅不夠。 政府要依靠個人所得稅,而不是礦業公司“的稅收。 各國政府徵稅的工人,誰是買單,而不是礦業公司。 我們呼籲公平圍棋澳大利亞信條。

聯繫方式:Ghillar邁克爾·安德森ghillar29@gmail.com 0427 292 492



1998 年Wadjularbinna Nulyarimma,從杜馬德吉Gungalidda長老,卡奔塔利亞灣採取了種族滅絕的情況下對PM約翰·霍華德和整個聯邦議會在原住民土地權法案修 正案,其中承諾的原住民土地權權益鋪路“滅火鬥載荷”道路暢通的採礦和其他發展。

在ACT最高法院[ACT SC 1998年12月18日]在Nulyarimma V湯普森種族滅絕案是司法克里斯平誰統治,澳大利亞沒有反對種族滅絕國內法,而從大屠殺發生在澳大利亞的替補承認。 克里斯平的裁決維持原判在澳大利亞聯邦法院的[Nulyarimma V湯普森呼籲[1999] FCA 1192 ]。


有充分的證據,以滿足我的種族滅絕行為澳洲殖民期間提交。 [第78]

這是澳大利亞歷史的原住民的批發破壞是有關他們的土地的平均批發篡奪血腥頁面清晰。 然而,在我們現在知道它的光現在看來,這當然是違反甚至英國法律。 [第32] 1


很顯然,雖然該法有效地批准該公約的主旨並非把公約的條款納入澳大利亞國內法。 [第66]

我的結論是種族滅絕罪沒有被稱為澳大利亞的國內法。 [第73]


...有很好的理由,為什麼這個法庭應該是建立行動基礎上的議會故意選擇不直接併入澳大利亞刑事法的國際權的新的民事訟案很慢。 2


該公約的起源表明它是聯合國打算譴責和懲罰種族滅絕“根據國際法的罪行”......該公約的基本原則是這是由文明國家作為對各國具有約束力公認的原則,即使沒有任何傳統的責任......。 在這樣的約定締約國沒有自己的任何權益; 他們只是有,一個個都,有著共同的利益,即那些高而言這是該公約的存在理由的成就。 3


澳大利亞聯邦仍未完全進口滅絕種族罪公約納入國內法。 滅絕種族罪公約的部分是由國際刑事法院的方式(相應修訂)法案 2002年進口到國內法,但只有總檢察長可以開始種族滅絕情況下,如果他/她拒絕有號召力,也沒有理由不正確需要給予。 [268.121 - 268.122。 這是違背了長期滅絕種族罪公約的意圖,這是澳大利亞的第三國簽署。

國際刑事法院 2002年(相應修訂)法案














(四)決定做或者拒絕與決定給予或拒絕給予,同意書或第(一 ​​)項所指的決定做任何事情的連接,(b)或(c)條;


當澳大利亞完全進口的1948年公約的防止及懲治滅絕種族罪納入國內法的處罰上 ,與原住民社區被強制關閉了有罪不罰現象將不得不停止,因為每個人在進行這些罪行將親自負責的滅絕種族罪公約,並沒有防守,聲稱你是從上面的接單,或已還清貸款。

1948年關於防止和懲治滅絕種族罪公約 :從摘錄













1在 對訓令令狀針對菲利普R·湯普森單方面Wadjularbinna Nulyarimma,伊莎貝爾科,比利·克雷吉和羅比·索普(申請人),湯姆Trevorrow,艾琳·沃森,凱文Buzzacott和邁克爾·J·安 德森(干預者)應用程序的問題[ 1998] 136 ACTSC(1998年12月18日)

2 聯邦法院成績單Nulyarimma V湯普森沒有5 1999年和No第23 1999年,1999年5月31日在.nulbu 31.5.99P-4





請願書: 停止取代澳大利亞原住民土著社區的關閉。 致力於為客戶提供基本的服務,他們需要住並承諾在澳大利亞土著維護人權


  Anonymous Anonymous retweeted
50 DAYS OF LULZ ►Ryan Ackroyd’s Talk at Sheffield Hallam University


  Anonymous retweeted



Loophole in United Kingdom’s The Pirate Bay ban, TPB running full steam in UK
 Loophole in United Kingdom's The Pirate Bay ban, TPB running full steam in UK

Loophole in United Kingdom’s The Pirate Bay ban, TPB running full steam in UK

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The Pirate Bay finds a loophole in the UK Ban order with CloudFlare CDN to evade ISP blockade

The news reports indicate that the popular torrents website The Pirate Bay is up and running in all parts of United Kingdom despite the ban in place.  A court order had put a ban on TPB in all of United Kingdom in late November. After the resurrection of TPB, post the raid on its Nacka Data Center in Sweden, it has been available for all users through most ISPs in UK with thepiratebay.se now accessible for Virgin, EE, BT and TalkTalk customers. Sky is the only popular provider still managing to block the site to its customers.

The Resurrection

After it had been down and out for 3 months, The Pirate Bay moved to CloudFlare content delivery system and enabled HTTPS Strict for its domain. The United Kingdom block on TPB was a ISP level one which means that the ISPs had to do the blocking.
When an ISP wants to block traffic to a site there are multiple methods at its disposal. Most ISPs use IP, by DNS name and URL blocking as a favourite tool. URL blocking means using the whole internet address of a site and tends to also include all protocols like HTTP, FTP, HTTPS  for blocking whereas DNS blocking refuses to resolve any IP attached to a domain name without any consideration to the protocol. IP blocking allows resolution of the domain to an IP, but just does not allow traffic to get there.
So how does TPB evade the blockade? By using CloudFlare’s content delivery network. The ISPs tend to go for IP blocking most of the time. CloudFlare’s service manages the connection between users and website hosting servers, reducing bandwidth burden and protecting against DDoS attacks and other threats. At the same time it hides IP information from the ISPs effectively rendering the blockade helpless.
Another factor helping TPB is the HTTPS strict request.  When this service is enabled, the HTTP header is striped during the processing of the HTTPS strict request which effectively prevents the connection from registering when the look up on the ban lists happens.
thepiratebay.se is using a combination of loopholes in the ISP level block system to somehow reach its fans in the United Kingdom but how longer it manages to hold its head above the water is anybody’s guess.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety - Benjamin Franklin
 Loophole in United Kingdom's The Pirate Bay ban, TPB running full steam in UK


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新聞報導表明,流行的洪流網站海盜灣已啟動並不顧禁令到位英國各地運行。 法院命令穿上了TPB禁止在所有英國在十一月下旬。 城規會復活後,張貼突襲其納卡數據中心在瑞典,已經通過大多數ISP在英國已經為所有用戶提供thepiratebay.se現在處女,EE,BT和TalkTalk公司的客戶訪問。 天空是唯一流行的提供商仍設法阻止該網站給客戶。


之後,它已經窮困潦倒了3個月,海盜灣搬到CloudFlare的內容交付系統,並啟用HTTPS嚴格為其域。 在TPB英國塊是一個ISP一級,這意味著互聯網服務供應商不得不做的阻塞。
當ISP想阻止流量的站點有多種方法供其使用。 大多數ISP使用IP,通過DNS名稱和URL阻止作為一個最喜愛的工具。 URL阻止意味著使用一個網站的整個互聯網地址,而且往往還包括如HTTP,FTP,HTTPS協議,所有的攔截,而DNS攔截拒絕解決連接到一個域名沒有考慮到協議的IP。 IP阻塞允許域名解析到一個IP,而只是不允許流量到那裡。
那麼,如何規避TPB封鎖? 使用CloudFlare的內容分發網絡。 互聯網服務供應商往往會去阻止IP大部分時間。 CloudFlare的服務管理用戶和網站的託管服務器,減少帶寬的負擔和防止DDoS攻擊和其它威脅之間的聯繫。 同時,它隱藏在互聯網服務供應商有效地渲染封鎖無奈IP信息。
另一個因素幫助TPB是HTTPS嚴格要求。 當啟用此服務,HTTP標頭的HTTPS嚴格的要求,有效地防止註冊時的禁止列表中的樣子了發生在連接的處理過程中條紋。

  Pirate Bay

50 Servers seized in police raid on The Share on Google+Pirate Bay

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Police seized at least 50 Pirate Bay servers and left no hardware unturned.

This time around the raid was very different. The announcements, when they arrived, were considered vague.
Paul Pintér, police national coordinator for IP enforcement, read from a statement;
There has been a crackdown on a server room in Greater Stockholm. This is in connection with violations of copyright law,”
Paul Pintér had a modest tone which was a result of 12 years of virtual humiliation at the hands of the world’s most arrogant torrent site. Previous big announcements of raids and permanent closures became pie in the face of officials when the site returns in 72 hours like it did following the previous Pirate Bay raids in 2006.
The recent raid was confirmed to take place in the datacenter located in Nacka outside Stockholm, the datacenter itself is embedded into the side of a mountain just outside the capital. Very few details have been made available since the recent Pirate Bay raid. The only new information was the police left no stone unturned to ensure that The Pirate Bay was properly taken down. A witness to the Pirate Bay raid has confirmed that more than 10 officers showed up to for the raid.
Along with the raiding law enforcement officials was a computer forensics team responsible for securing all available related digital evidence on the Pirate Bay site.
To ensure no piece of evidence was accidentally left behind, on December 9, 2014 the officers present seized around 50 servers under suspicion of even thought to be connected to The Pirate Bay. More than the 21 virtual servers the Pirate Bay site claimed to operate.
In other words the police not only took away servers that had been live at the time of the raid, but they also were able to gain access to the datacenter’s storage rooms where officers seized old equipment, just in case any of it had been used to operate The Pirate Bay.
The prosecutor, Fredrik Ingblad confirmed that the process would like take months to complete as evidence is now being sifted through as part of a criminal investigation against Pirate Bay.
It is uncertain whether The Pirate Bay will ever return. Some hints and suggestions have been appearing on the Pirate Bay’s temporary homepage but as yet not a single torrent or magnet link has been indexed.
50 Servers seized in police raid on The Pirate Bay
To that end the Pirate Bay site is still attracting millions of visitors. According to Alexa, the site is still the 159th most-trafficked in the world.
Pirate Bay
I am a Freelancer, Privateer, Software Engineer, Programmer and UI Designer.




這周圍的襲擊時間是非常不同的。 該通知,當他們趕到時,被認為是模糊的。
我們一直在大斯德哥爾摩服務器機房進行鎮壓。 這與違反版權法的連接,“
保羅·品特曾溫和的語氣這是12年的虛擬屈辱,在世界上最囂張的洪流網站手中的結果。 突襲和永久關閉以前的大公告成了餡餅在官員面前時,該網站會返回在72小時內就像它繼先前海盜灣襲擊在2006年
最近襲擊被證實發生在位於斯德哥爾摩郊外納卡數據中心,數據中心本身嵌入山就在首都以外的一面。 由於最近海盜灣突襲很少的細節已經公佈。 唯一的新信息是警察想盡一切辦法,以確保海盜灣被正確取下來。 一位目擊者向海盜灣襲擊已確認10餘警員到場進行突襲。
為了確保沒有一件證據不小心留下的,在2014年12月9日的人員在場下甚至想到要連接到海盜灣查獲涉嫌周圍50台服務器。 超過21個虛擬服務器海盜灣網站聲稱操作。
換句話說,警察不但帶走了曾經住在突襲的時間服務器,但是他們也能夠獲得對數據中心的存儲室,海關人員檢獲舊 ​​設備,以防萬一任它被用來運營海盜灣。
這是不確定的海盜灣是否會再回來。 一些提示和建議已經出現在海盜灣的臨時網頁但至今沒有一個單一的洪流或磁鐵鏈接已被編入索引。
為此海盜灣網站仍吸引了數以百萬計的遊客。 根據Alexa,該網站仍是159最販賣世界。


GCHQ empowered to hack any device anywhere without terrorist, criminal threat – UK court doc

GCHQ empowered to hack any device anywhere without terrorist, criminal threat – UK court doc

Published time: March 18, 2015 00:03
(Reuters / Pawel Kopczynski)
(Reuters / Pawel Kopczynski).
The government has admitted to possessing far-reaching hacking powers to break into computers, phones and communications networks anywhere across the globe in the absence of national security and criminal threats, a court document reveals.
The startling revelation surfaced after civil rights group Privacy International (PI) filed a legal challenge in 2014 questioning the hacking powers of UK government intelligence agency GCHQ.
The legal challenge sought to examine allegations relating to “state-sponsored hacking” uncovered by ex-NSA computer analyst and whistleblower Edward Snowden.
PI subsequently obtained a court document, penned by government lawyers, in which the government outlined its authority to infiltrate mobile phones, laptops, iPads and networks used on a day-to-day basis.
The privacy rights group made the decision to publish the document on Wednesday.
READ MORE: ‘No evidence that mass surveillance saves lives’ from terror attacks – Liberty
Nestled deep within its body, is the admission that UK intelligence services need authorization to hack into devices used by “intelligence targets,” but hold the power to infiltrate computers and mobile phones worldwide – irrespective of whether they are suspected of being linked to a criminal or terrorist threat.
PI, which has long campaigned for increased privacy rights in Britain, said these powers amount to a “massive invasion of privacy.”
“Hacking is the modern equivalent of entering someone’s house, searching through her filling cabinets, diaries and correspondence, and planting devices to permit constant surveillance in future,” the group warned.
“If mobile devices are involved, the government can obtain historical information including every location visited in the past year and the ongoing surveillance will capture the affected individual wherever they go.”
The privacy rights group added intelligence agencies such as GCHQ assert the right to “exploit communications networks” in clandestine maneuvers that seriously undermine the security of the world wide web.
READ MORE: ‘Britain is leading the war against human rights’ – Amnesty International
The court document, central to PI’s revelations, was heavily reliant on draft code relating to equipment interception. Previously a secret government policy, it was made public on the same day Britain’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal found GCHQ had unlawfully shared information with America’s National Security Agency (NSA).
Over the last decade, GCHQ has engaged in widespread “state-sponsored hacking,” in the absence of this code, PI says.
The group warns this glaring lack of transparency violates the requirement that British intelligence agencies comply with UK law. The draft code is yet to be backed by Parliament.
“The government has been deep in the hacking business for nearly a decade, yet they have never once been held accountable for their actions,” said Eric King, Deputy Director of Privacy International.
“They have granted themselves incredible powers to break into the devices we hold near and dear, the phones and computers that are so integral to our lives,” he added.
King warned the spy agency believes it has the right to target anyone it wishes in the absence of legal justification.
He called for an end to this “suspicionless hacking,” and for British intelligence agencies to be forced to comply with UK law.
READ MORE: Snowden ‘changed nothing’ says Norway’s top spy, ‘business as usual’
Jan Girlich, a spokesperson for Germany’s Chaos Computer Club, said GCHQ appears to think its powers are unlimited.
“Hacking of network infrastructure and people's phones and devices for claimed national security reasons is actually undermining the IT security on a structural level,” he said.
Girlich stressed the UK government cannot justify hacking devices worldwide by simply publishing rules governing these activities.
“It leaves our infrastructure vulnerable and the people's personal information in the hands of a secret service not bound to the law, wielding massive power over everybody they wish,” he said.
RT queried GCHQ directly on the extent of its hacking powers. Asked how the hacking of communications devices and networks in the absence of a related criminal or terror threat can be justified, a spokesperson for the spy agency declined to specify. She insisted, however, GCHQ’s hacking practices are regulated.
"As will be seen from the Government's Open Response, assertions/suggestions that GCHQ can carry out Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) operations in an unregulated way are simply untrue,” she told RT. “Strict legal controls, safeguards and requirements apply to this activity, which can only be carried out for statutory purposes e.g. national security."


GCHQ有權在任何地方亂砍任何設備,​​而不恐怖,犯罪威脅 - 英國法庭文檔

(Reuters / Pawel Kopczynski)
了解更多:“英國是導致對人權的戰爭” -國際特赦組織
法庭文件,中央對PI的啟示,是嚴重依賴與設備截取法草案。 此前一個秘密政府的政策,這是在同一天,英國的調查權力法庭發現GCHQ有非法共享與美國國家安全局(NSA)的信息公之於眾。
該集團警告說,這種明顯缺乏透明度違反了英國情報機構遵守英國法律的要求。 該守則草案還有待議會的支持。
RT詢問GCHQ直接在其黑客權力範圍。當被問及如何對通信設備和網絡在沒有相關的犯罪或恐怖威脅的黑客可以是合理的,一個發言人間諜機構拒絕說明她堅持,但是, GCHQ的黑客攻擊行為進行調節。
“正 ​​如從政府的公開回應,斷言/建議看出,GCHQ可以進行計算機網絡開發(CNE)業務不受管制的方式僅僅是不真實的,”她告訴RT。“嚴格的法律管制,保障措施和要求,適用於本活動,只能進行法定用途,例如國家安全。“


Anonymous wants humanity to go into outer space and 'explore other worlds'

 anonymous goes into space
Hacktivist collective Anonymous is mostly famous for launching attacks on the Church of Scientology, ISIS, world governments, child pornography websites and, er, Kanye West. But its latest mission is to unite humanity and get us working together to go into space and colonize new worlds. No, seriously.
I suspect someone at Anonymous may have enjoyed Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar a little too much.
A new video sets out the goal, and it’s impressively lofty. Here’s the idea:
Greetings citizens of the world,
There's been a lot in the news lately; From threats of war, to future space endeavors. Two very different ends of the spectrum with vastly different consequences for humanity. While politicians bicker over power plays by opposing nations here on Earth, we continue to face many threats from beyond this world.
The unfortunate truth is that while our generation may survive the next 100 years... it's only a matter of time till humanity as a whole faces catastrophe on a global scale. We occupy one tiny world, around a single star out of billions, in a single galaxy out of trillions in the observable universe. That alone shows how fragile our species really is.
Thus we come to a realization, and an inevitability; Earth cannot remain our only home forever. Some of the voyagers we set forth to the farthest reaches of the galaxy will lose contact with us, and we'll never hear from them again in our life time. Nevertheless, our legacy will live on through them as they colonize new worlds across the stars...
While we can ensure the survival of humanity through migration & colonization, we can also help ensure the survival of Earth through unification. As we unite to explore other worlds, we'll in turn find ourselves securing our own. Earth will always be our homeworld, and as such it will always hold a special place in our hearts. While we don't know what the future might hold, we do know one thing for certain; it will be much brighter with humanity united.
If we continue on our current course, our mutual destruction is ensured; so some may ask why we continue to have wars and fight amongst ourselves? Humans are influenced by their cultures and many other factors growing up. From what their parents believed, to what school and religion teaches them. With that in mind, it's no wonder with over 270 religions, 196 countries, and with modern society being derived from thousands of different cultures... that people tend to bump heads on worldly views.
Nonetheless, those differences are what makes humanity so unique! Rather than being used to divide us, they are precisely what should be bringing us together. From art, to food, and even technology, those differences in culture make humanity... and that's what should be celebrated. Every year we do share in a celebration, people from all over the world come together to celebrate the New Year. We stand together and share in our cultures, and for one day we are united as a planet.
Now we must channel that same energy and use it into coming together again; not for personal gain, not for the promise of money, or fame, but to embark in the greatest journey humanity has ever made. It took just 12 years to go from launching the first artificial satellite, to landing humans on the moon and returning them back to Earth safely. In the 43 years since Apollo 17 humanity has never gone back, nor accomplished a greater manned mission... Not for a lack of money, nor a lack of technology... but because priorities changed and collectively humanity no longer has the drive to venture beyond Earth.
With that being said, the direction and future of humanity itself is on the line, and our priorities must be clear. Due to the theory of special relativity, interstellar travel is possible within our lifetime, and entirely doable with technology that on a much smaller scale already exists today. Therefore the choice is now entirely up to you! Will we unite as a species to ensure the survival of the human race and explore the unknown? Or will we continue to fight each other and play Russian roulette until all the chambers are loaded?
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We can Forgive,
Though we shall Never Forget,
Expect us!

Anonymous - The Fate of Humanity




 黑客行動主義集體匿名大多是著名的發動達基,教會攻擊ISIS ,世界各國政府,兒童色情網站和,呃, 肯伊威斯特 但其最新的任務是團結人類,讓我們共同進入太空和殖民新世界。 不,認真。
新的視頻列明目標,這是令人印象深刻的崇高。 這裡的想法:
目前已經有很多在最近的新聞; 從戰爭的威脅,未來的空間活動。 與人類截然不同的後果頻譜兩個非常不同的目的。 而政治家在地球上反對國家鬥嘴了權力遊戲,我們繼續面臨來自超越這個世界的許多威脅。
不幸的事實是,雖然我們這一代人可以存活在未來100年......這只是時間的問題,直到整個人類面臨的災難在全球範圍內。 我們佔據一個很小的世界,圍繞一個明星出數十億,在一個星系了數萬億的可觀察到的宇宙。 這本身就說明了如何脆弱的我們人類真的是。
因此,我們就來認識,和必然性; 地球不能保持我們唯一的家園永遠。 一些航海家,我們提出到銀河系最遙遠的地方將失去聯繫我們,我們會從他們又在我們的生活的時間從來沒有聽到。 然而,我們的遺產將生活在通過他們,因為他們在整個殖民星星新的世界......
雖然我們可以保證人類通過移民和殖民的生存,我們也可以幫助確保地球通過統一的生存。 當我們團結起來,探索其他星球,我們將反過來發現自己保護自己。 地球將永遠是我們的家園,因此它始終堅持在我們心中特殊的地位。 雖然我們不知道未來會持什麼樣的,我們知道一件事肯定; 這將是更美好的人性團結。
如果我們繼續我們現在的進程,我們相互毀滅保證; 所以有人會問,為什麼我們繼續戰爭和對抗之中自己呢? 人類是由他們的文化等諸多因素的成長的影響。 從他們的父母認為,要什麼學校和宗教教他們。 考慮到這一點,這是擁有超過270宗教,196個國家,並與現代社會正在從數千種不同文化的衍生難怪......,人們往往會碰到頭對世俗的看法。
儘管如此,這些差異是什麼使人類如此獨特! 而不是被用來分裂我們,他們正是應該把我們聯繫在一起。 從藝術,食品,甚至科技,文化的差異使得人類......而這正是應該慶祝。 每年我們做一個慶祝的份額,來自世界各地的人們聚集在一起,慶祝新年。 我們站在一起,分享我們的文化,並為有一天我們團結一致的行星。
現在,我們必須信道相同的能量,並用它再次將走到一起; 不是為了個人利益,而不是為了金錢,名利或承諾,但在最大行程人類踏上曾經進行。 僅僅過了12年發射第一顆人造衛星,為人類登陸月球上,並返回他們回到地球平安去。 在43年阿波羅17號人類從來沒有出爾反爾,也完成了一個更大的載人飛行......不會是因為缺少資金,也不缺乏技術......但由於優先級改變和集體人類不再具有驅動器大膽地超越。
有了這樣說,人類本身的方向和未來的上線,和我們的工作重點必須明確。 由於狹義相對論,星際旅行是可能在我們的有生之年,而且完全可行與上規模要小得多今天已經存在的技術。 因此,選擇現在完全由你! 我們將團結作為一個物種,以確保人類的生存和探索未知? 還是我們繼續打對方玩俄羅斯輪盤賭,直到裝入所有的室?

Anonymous - The Fate of Humanity



'Britain is leading the war against human rights' – Amnesty International

Published time: February 25, 2015 16:26
Edited time: February 26, 2015

Britain's Prime Minister Cameron. (Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett)
Britain's Prime Minister Cameron. (Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett)
 Ramped up surveillance in Britain against a backdrop of dwindling legal protection has contributed to the most rattling assault on human rights in Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall, human rights experts warn.
In its annual 'State of the World's Human Rights' report, Amnesty International heavily criticized the British government's record at home.
The NGO condemned the coalition government for rushing counter-terror and surveillance legislation through parliament without reasonable time for debate.
It also criticized the coalition for passing laws that erode fundamental civil liberties, and stressed continued cuts to legal aid in Britain is a recipe for injustice.

'A recipe for injustice'

In 2014, David Cameron pledged a re-elected Tory government would scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a home-grown British Bill of Rights. He also vowed to limit the power of the European Court of Human Rights if the Conservatives win May's general election.
Amnesty's report, published on Wednesday, said the Tory's proposals are an attack on the European Convention on Human Rights. The group accused Prime Minister Cameron of leading this assault.
  Amnesty UK         @AmnestyUK
The UK is leading the charge against basic human rights - our annual report in @Independent http://amn.st/60160Uc4 

​'Britain is leading the war against human rights' – Amnesty International

Published time: February 25, 2015 16:26
Edited time: February 26, 2015 06:52
Britain's Prime Minister Cameron. (Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett)
Britain's Prime Minister Cameron. (Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett)
Ramped up surveillance in Britain against a backdrop of dwindling legal protection has contributed to the most rattling assault on human rights in Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall, human rights experts warn.
In its annual 'State of the World's Human Rights' report, Amnesty International heavily criticized the British government's record at home.
The NGO condemned the coalition government for rushing counter-terror and surveillance legislation through parliament without reasonable time for debate.
It also criticized the coalition for passing laws that erode fundamental civil liberties, and stressed continued cuts to legal aid in Britain is a recipe for injustice.

'A recipe for injustice'

In 2014, David Cameron pledged a re-elected Tory government would scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a home-grown British Bill of Rights. He also vowed to limit the power of the European Court of Human Rights if the Conservatives win May's general election.
Amnesty's report, published on Wednesday, said the Tory's proposals are an attack on the European Convention on Human Rights. The group accused Prime Minister Cameron of leading this assault.
Amnesty also noted the rise of discriminatory, nationalistic policies in Britain. It warned “nationalist, thinly veiled xenophobic attitudes” were instrumental in an increasingly restrictive migration policy and anti-EU rhetoric, which targets human rights.
The group also expressed deep concern over Britain's Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act. The legislation, which came into force in 2014, increases UK authorities' powers of interception – reaffirming Britain's status as a leading surveillance state.
With respect to the Act, Amnesty argued the British government failed to set up adequate safeguards to ensure surveillance is authorized and carried out in accordance with citizens' rights to privacy and freedom of expression.
Amnesty's annual report concluded the international human rights framework in Europe is the most fragile it has been for 25 years.
“At no time since the fall of the Berlin Wall has the integrity of, and support for, the international human rights framework in the Europe and Central Asia region appeared quite so brittle,” the report said.

A call for reform

Director of Amnesty International UK, Kate Allen, said Britain “is going in the wrong direction on rights, protections and fairness.”
She acknowledged public safety is paramount, but stressed it should not be achieved at the cost of fundamental civil liberties.
“The UK talks the talk on the global stage on human rights but this year's summary shows they need to tend to their own garden,” she said.
“Twice this year GCHQ spies have been rumbled breaking the law. We should be concerned about waking up in a surveillance state, without having a proper public debate about it first.”
  Amnesty UK         @AmnestyUK
The UN Security Council's permanent members should renounce their veto to stop human rights atrocities http://amn.st/60120Uis 

 Amnesty's damning report also condemned global leaders for failing to adequately intervene in recent conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine and Syria.
It described 2014 as a “catastrophic year” for millions trapped in violent and dangerous surroundings.
The human rights group also urged the UN Security Council to discard an influential veto power wielded by permanent member states: Britain, China, France, Russia and the US.
Such a move would make it easier to send peacekeeping troops into conflict zones and prevent genocide, it said.
The UN is yet to respond to Amnesty's call for reform.


  Anonymous retweeted


Mozilla approves Nazi-themed, anti-feminism Firefox extension [Update]

Mozilla approves Nazi-themed, anti-feminism Firefox extension [Update]

 Mozilla Men Kampf Firefox extension
Mozilla could soon find itself at the center of a new controversy, as it just approved a Firefox extension, called Men Kampf, designed with the sole purpose of replacing so-called "radfem rethoric [sic] with nazi friendly alternatives".
Men Kampf scans the page that the Firefox user visits for any words considered to be linked to feminism -- certainly not radical feminism, as claimed in the description -- and replaces them, on the fly, with said "alternatives". As such, an article about feminism will quickly appear to be one about nazism. The developer behind the extension, Erim Secla, says that it's all "just for fun" in Men Kampf's description. Except that it's not.
It's offensive. While feminism is a movement that aims to make the world a better place by promoting equality, nazism is a movement which is linked to one of the darkest periods in history, when millions of people lost their lives and were discriminated against because those who shared the ideology strongly believed in and promoted inequality. Tomato, tomato, eh?
You can see Men Kampf in action by opening the Wikipedia page about Feminism in Firefox, and then another browser. Below is how it looks on Firefox and Google Chrome, respectively.
Men Kampf Firefox Chrome Wikipedia
Next, I wanted to see how Men Kampf works on pages that aren't linked to feminism, so I opened Facebook. Here's how the signup page looks on Firefox and Chrome, respectively -- the extension, in this case, replaces "Male" with "Jew".
Men Kampf Firefox Chrome Facebook
Men Kampf is apparently inspired by a Chrome extension called "Man Kampf" (in reality, it's called Men Kampf and is available in the Chrome Web Store), which is equally offensive. The Chrome counterpart "Turns SJW nonsense into pro-Nazi propaganda. Changes words such as 'Men' into 'Jews' to make any radical feminist post sound like something straight out of Hitler's mouth!", claims its developer in the description.
As you may notice in the screenshot posted at the top of the page, the Firefox add-on store lists it as "preliminary reviewed". What does that mean? Well, it means that Mozilla's editors have reviewed the source code for "security issues and major policy violations", before deeming it fit for the store. However, that does not automatically mean that the app has also been installed, prior to approval; in most cases Mozilla says this doesn't happen.
However, in the "policies on specific add-on practices" it's clearly stated that "Add-ons that make changes to web content in ways that are non-obvious or difficult to trace by their users" would not be permitted -- an example of a page where the extension infringes upon this policy is Facebook. Another is the Wikipedia page for Gender equality, where only certain words are replaced, like "men" with "Jews" and "women" with "Germans". I've reached out to Mozilla for clarification.
But, surprisingly, Mozilla does not have a policy in place which would prevent extensions that promote Nazism from being approved. Anything goes, as long as it meets the technical criteria. But perhaps it's time to reconsider. After all, Mozilla is a self-proclaimed supporter of equality, isn't it?
Update 1: Mozilla responded, saying that the extension has been removed. At the time of writing this article, the extension's landing page says "This add-on has been disabled by an administrator". A statement will follow.
Update 2:Here comes the statement. "Mozilla reviews and responds expeditiously to reports of abuse. 'Men Kampf' was removed after Mozilla received such reports today and it was determined that the add-on violates our Conditions of Use", says Mozilla director of marketplace and content ecosystem Bertrand Neveux.
As you can see, Mozilla acted swiftly to remove the extension from the Firefox add-ons store, following reports. Meanwhile, the similar Men Kampf for Chrome continues to be available in Chrome Web Store.
Mozilla Men Kampf Firefox extension



 Mozilla的可能很快就會發現自己在一個新的爭論的中心,因為它只是批准了Firefox擴展,稱為男人的奮鬥 ,設計來取代所謂的“radfem rethoric [原文]與納粹的替代品”的唯一目的。
男人的奮鬥掃描,對於任何考慮的話火狐用戶訪問鏈接到女權主義的頁面 - 肯定不是激進的女權主義,如權利說明 - 並取代它們,對飛,有說“替代品”。 因此,有關女權主義的文章將很快出現在一個約納粹主義。 背後的延長,開發商ERIM Secla說,它在人的奮鬥描述的一切“只是為了好玩”。 不同之處在於它不是。
它的進攻。 雖然女權主義是旨在促進平等,使世界變得更美好運動, 納粹主義是被鏈接到一個最黑暗的時期在歷史上,當數以百萬計的人失去了生命,被歧視,因為那些誰共享運動思想上堅信和推動不平等。 番茄,番茄,是嗎?
你可以看到男人奮鬥的行動在Firefox打開有關女權主義的維基百科頁面,然後其他瀏覽器。 下面是它的外觀上的火狐和谷歌Chrome瀏覽器,分別。
接下來,我想看看男人奮鬥的工作原理上是沒有關係的女性主義的頁面,所以我開的Facebook。 下面是註冊頁面上看起來Firefox和Chrome分別 - 擴展,在這種情況下,取代“男性”和“猶太人”。
男人的奮鬥是一個Chrome擴展叫“男人的奮鬥”顯然靈感(在現實中,它被稱為男人的奮鬥,並且可以在Chrome網上應用店),這是同樣的進攻。 Chrome的對應“打開SJW廢話成親納粹的宣傳。改變的話,如”男人“變成”猶太人“做任何激進的女權主義者的聲音後喜歡的東西直出希特勒的嘴!”,聲稱其開發的描述
正如你可能會發布在頁面頂部的截圖看到,在Firefox插件商店將其列為“初步審查”。 這意味著什麼? 嗯,這意味著是Mozilla的編輯們審查了“安全問題和重大政策違規”的源代碼,認為它適用於商店之前。 然而,這並不意味著該應用程序也已經安裝完畢,之前審批; 在大多數情況下,Mozilla的說,這不會發生。
然而,在“特定的附加行為政策”它明確提出了“附加組件,使的方式是不明顯或難以通過他們的用戶跟踪更改網頁內容”不會被允許 - 一個例子一個頁面,擴展侵犯這項政策就是Facebook。 另一個是維基百科頁面性別平等 ,其中只有某些詞所取代,像“男人”與“猶太人”和“德國”,“女”。 我伸手Mozilla的澄清。
但是,奇怪的是,Mozilla的沒有到位的政策會阻止擴展,促進納粹主義獲得批准。 任何事情都會發生,只要它符合技術標準。 但也許是時候重新考慮。 畢竟,Mozilla是一個平等自稱支持者 ,不是嗎?
更新1:Mozilla的回應,稱該擴展已被刪除。 在寫這篇文章的時候,擴展的目標網頁說:“這個附加已禁用的管理員”。 聲明將隨之而來。
更新2:這裡談到的聲明。 “Mozilla的審查和響應迅速地虐待的報告,”男人的奮鬥“被刪除的Mozilla今天收到這樣的報告後,它被確定附加違反了我們的使用條件 “說,市場和內容生態系統伯特蘭Neveux的Mozilla的主任。
正如你所看到的,Mozilla的迅速行動,以消除擴展從火狐附加存儲,以下報告。 同時,類似男性的奮鬥為Chrome仍然是Chrome網上應用店提供。



Protesters Clash With Riot Police Near New European Central Bank Headquarters In Frankfurt

  Anonymous retweeted
"Capitalism Kills"

  Anonymous Anonymous retweeted
A severe solar storm created beautiful aurora borealis yesterday in Alaska. (Wendy Johnson)


Lawyer For Doctor That Helped CIA Find Bin Laden Gunned Down In Pakistan

  Anonymous retweeted


Anonymous lists 9,200 Twitter accounts linked to Islamic State after hacktivist collaboration

FRench media website have been knocked offline in cyber-attack
 Anonymous has joined forces with GhostSec and CtrlSec to wage cyberwar against Islamic State

The biggest ever list of social media accounts related to Islamic State (IS) has been released following an historic collaboration between three major hacktivist groups: Anonymous, GhostSec and Ctrlsec.
Around 9,200 account names were released online as part of #OpIsis in an effort to draw attention to the growing presence of IS online and to track individuals associated with the terrorist organisation.
"This is historic amongst the digital world as it's the first time these groups have come together for something this large," said an affiliate of Anonymous instrumental in compiling the list, which was revealed first to IBTimes UK.
"Usually they are very closed off and not willing to work outside of their circles but this has become so large of a problem they're willing to form an alliance for what is seen as a greater good.
anonymous twitter isis (censored)
A Twitter profile that features a baby's hand holding an Islamic State flag.
"The outcome of hundreds of hackers across all three major groups is the largest compiled and verified list ever to be released to the public."
IBTimes UK has checked a number of the accounts, all of which are still active and appear to be related to IS, however due to the size of the list it has not yet been possible to verify all of the accounts.
Anonymous #OpISIS campaign, which launched earlier this year, has already claimed to have disrupted almost one thousand websites, email accounts and VPN connections related to IS adding that it would treat IS "like a virus, and we are the cure".
In a post linking to the Twitter accounts on Medium, the hacktivist group called on members of the public to help spread the word:
The more attention it gets the more likely it becomes Twitter takes action in removing these accounts and making a serious impact on the ability of ISIS to spread propaganda and recruit new members. You don't have to be tech savvy to contribute, simply clicking retweet or like could mean the difference between almost 10 thousand active accounts or 10 thousand suspended ones. Help us fight

Cyber Caliphate

Social media, in particular Twitter, has provided a key platform for IS to spread propaganda to a worldwide audience and gain sympathisers and supporters to its vision of an Islamic Caliphate.
The micro-blogging site has suspended certain IS-related accounts but has so far proved ineffective in preventing Isis from using the service in this manner. IBTimes UK contacted Twitter but the firm has refused to comment on the matter.
IS uses what is known as swarm accounts to stay active despite Twitter's suspensions. According to the Anonymous source, they create a multitude of accounts and use them to cross promote each other, creating a hydra-like platform in which to thrive.
isis anonymous opisis opiceisis
Isis uses "swarm accounts" to stay active on Twitter
Other sites are also used to spread information, including Justpaste for text, Sendvid for videos, and Archive.org for retrieving propaganda content that has been deleted by an internet service provider.
However, it is Twitter that provides the linchpin for the entire system to function, according to the Anonymous source.
"Twitter in combination with these other sites are allowing them to always keep content alive and easily accessible," the source said. "Without Twitter being the central hub they wouldn't be able to move this content around at all."

US government 'should team up with Anonymous'

The ongoing issue of IS using social media to spread propaganda and gain support recently led a US defence policy researcher to call on the US government to support Anonymous in disrupting
In an article published in Foreign Policy on 3 March, Emerson Brooking, a research associate at the Council on Foreign Relations, questioned: "How is it that the US government, capable of coordinating a complex air campaign from nearly 6,000 miles away, remains virtually powerless against the Islamic State's online messaging and distribution network?
"If the United States is struggling to counter the Islamic State's dispersed, rapidly regenerative online presence, why not turn to groups native to this digital habitat? Why not embrace the efforts of third-party hackers like Anonymous to dismantle the Islamic State - and even give them the resources to do so?"
Brooking suggested that one way of implementing the "fig leaf" to hactivist collectives would be through offering bounties paid in semi-anonymous currencies like bitcoin. More support could also be given to Twitter in order to stem Isis' prolific operations.
"At this point Twitter is the primary social network used by Isis and is being leveraged to drive internet traffic through all of their other content including websites," the Anonymous source told IBTimes UK. "They will continue to thrive and grow online as long as they have these Twitter accounts.
"I understand they are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of these accounts but they need to be accountable for the content on their service."


匿名黑客活動列出的合作後,與伊斯蘭國家9200 Twitter賬戶

FRench media website have been knocked offline in cyber-attack
anonymous twitter isis (censored)
更注重它變得越有可能成為Twitter上採取行動,在消除這些帳戶並就ISIS的傳播宣傳,招募新成員的能力造成嚴重影響。 你不必是科技知識的貢獻,只需點擊轉推或類似可能意味著近1萬個活躍賬戶,或10000中止那些之間的差異。 幫我們打


該微博網站已暫停肯定的是相關帳戶,但迄今收效甚微防止從伊希斯以這種方式使用該服務。 國際財經日報UK聯繫的Twitter,但該公司拒絕對此事發表評論。
IS採用了被稱為群帳戶保持活躍,儘管Twitter的懸浮液。 根據匿名消息來源,他們創造了許多賬戶,並用它們來交叉相互促進,營造出水潤般的平台,在其中茁壯成長。
isis anonymous opisis opiceisis
“微博與這些其他站點組合讓他們始終保持內容的活著,交通便利,”該人士說。 “如果沒有微博作為中央樞紐,他們將無法移動此內容身邊的。”


在發表的一篇文章外交政策 3月3日,艾默生布魯金,副研究員在外交關係委員會提出質疑:“怎麼回事,美國政府能夠從近6000英里外協調複雜的空中戰役中,幾乎保持無力對抗伊斯蘭國家的在線信息和銷售網絡?
“如果美國正在努力對抗伊斯蘭國家的分散,快速再生的網上存在,為什麼不能變成群體原產於這個數字的棲息地,為什麼不接受第三方黑客喜歡匿名拆除伊斯蘭國家的努力 - 甚至給他們的資源,這樣做呢?“
布魯金認為,實施“遮羞布”,以hactivist集體的一種方式是通過提供像比特幣半匿名的貨幣支付賞金。 更多的支持也可以以幹伊希斯“多產運營給予的Twitter。
“在這一點上微博是用伊希斯的主要社交網絡,並正在通過利用所有的,包括網站的其他內容,以推動互聯網流量,”匿名消息人士告訴國際財經日報英國 “他們將繼續蓬勃發展,並在網上成長,只要他們有這些Twitter賬戶。

Counter Current News

Anonymous Hacks More ISIS Accounts Than Ever, After U.S. Government and Twitter Refuse To Act

February 16, 2015. opisis_tango-down
Just about a week and a half ago, we broke the story on the “hacktivist” group Anonymous destroying months of recruiting work for the terrorist network known as ISIS. Anonymous took over dozens of accounts on Twitter and Facebook, which have been overtly used as recruiting tools for the group to gain more numbers.
Just days after that, the hacktivist group hit back in what we at Counter Current News termed “Round 2.”

Anonymous- #OpISIS Continues... Round 2.

Maj Houl

In that second round of attacks, Anonymous took down and exposed literally thousands of accounts!
They explain that “Round 2” of #OpISIS was “just to show what your government is not doing.” They comment that it is “not that difficult” to fight back against ISIS online. So they raise the question as to why the governments who claim to oppose ISIS are not doing what Anonymous is doing?
In their latest “Round 3” video, Red Cult Anons issued an ultimatum to Twitter and the U.S. Government.
Watch the latest #OpISIS “Round 3” video below…

Anonymous- #OpISIS Continues....Round 3

Maj Houl

Anonymous “hacktivists” have compiled the most comprehensive list of ISIS social media accounts to date, including many which were just created to replace those targeted by Anonymous just days ago. Anonymous said they did this to “help,” but essentially told Twitter that the proverbial ball is in their court now.
They gave Twitter the room to “do their jobs” and shut these accounts down, just as Twitter had pledged to do, and claimed to be concerned with. If they are not shut down, Anonymous said that they would just have to do it themselves…
Last night, that’s just what they did. Check out the latest list of ISIS pages that Anonymous has taken down because the U.S. Government and Twitter have refused to…
Anonymous Red Cult has asked us to let YouTube know that they offer a special thanks to them for promptly dealing with ISIS recruiting pages when reported. For now, social media that proves unwilling or unable to do their jobs at removing these accounts quickly enough will have the “assistance” of Anons who will take care of the accounts for them.
The new, expanded list of ISIS accounts that Twitter and the U.S. Government have been unwilling or unable to touch have been compiled by Anonymous, RedCult team as follows:

 *Note....inside the link you will see more..

ISIS Accounts !!



McDonald’s management’s response to workers’ burns on the job: “Just put some mustard on it”


**--Update you must know ah"--By Our friendly & kindly Anonymous@YourAnonNews 2小時]- ''Global call toStop the genocide action from Aboriginal Australian communities''[ https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877]  More info:[ http://www.donotlink.com/e68t]  #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA)-
{..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~}
Anonymous@YourAnonNews  3月17日]Anonymous lists OVER 9000 Twitter accts linked to #ISIS after hacktivist collaboration [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…]
#Anonymous #GhostSec #Ctrlsec)-

{..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~}
-Update 你必須知道啊!“--通過我們的友好和善意匿名@ YourAnonNews 2小時] - ''從澳大利亞土著社區的全球行動電話'[https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877]更多信 息:[http://www.donotlink.com/e68t] #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA) -
匿 名@ YourAnonNews 3月17日]匿名黑客活動列出的合作後,掛#ISIS OVER 9000微博accts


[http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…] #匿名#GhostSec #Ctrlsec) -
{..&..更多你不知道-By匿名@YourAnonNews信息啊〜}**All The World Country Lauguage**-
* http://melody-free-shaing.blogspot.com/2015/02/by-anonymous-friendly-chivalrous-legion.html


Lauri Love petitions to get his electronics bad: still refuses to decrypt his drives |

Accused British hacker, wanted for crimes in US, won’t give up crypto keysOffice of Inadequate Security

Feb 212015.
Cyrus Farivar reports:
An alleged British hacker who has criminal charges pending in three American federal districts is preparing to petition a Suffolk County, United Kingdom court to compel the National Crime Agency (NCA) to return his encrypted seized computers and storage devices.
The BBC reported Friday that Lauri Love “will petition Bury St Edmunds magistrates for the return of his property,” adding that “the BBC understands that the NCA has been unable to decrypt some of the files and does not want to return the computers and media devices until Mr Love helps them to decrypt them.”

US hacking case: NCA refuses to return Lauri Love's computer

 Lauri Love
 Lauri Love, 30, of Stradishall, Suffolk.

Police in the UK, who arrested a man accused of hacking FBI computers in the US, are refusing to return his computer because they cannot decrypt its files.
Lauri Love, 30, of Stradishall, Suffolk, who is accused of hacking offences in the US, was arrested in Britain in October 2013.
The National Crime Agency (NCA) searched his home and seized property, before releasing him from bail in July.
Mr Love is now taking the NCA to court after it refused to return items taken.
On 12 March he will petition Bury St Edmunds magistrates for the return of his property.
US Federal Reserve Mr Love has been accused of being involved in hacking the computers of the US Federal Reserve
The BBC understands that the NCA has been unable to decrypt some of the files and does not want to return the computers and media devices until Mr Love helps them to decrypt them.
The NCA told the BBC that as a court case was pending, it would be inappropriate to comment.
Mr Love told the BBC: "Should police, having obtained a reason to acquire information but lacking any overt evidence of criminality sufficient to bring prosecution, be allowed to withhold private data?
"There is a very dire risk that this power will be used to disrupt protected journalistic and political activity."
He said if this "abuse of power" went unchallenged it would set a "troubling precedent".
Mr Love is accused in the US of working with at least three other people - who have not been named - to breach the security of the US military, US space agency Nasa, the Environmental Protection Agency, FBI and the US Federal Reserve computers.
He allegedly worked with "other hackers around the world to gain access".
In July the Crown Prosecution Service said: "The CPS provided investigative advice on the available evidence. The NCA then made the decision to release the man from bail."



美國聯邦儲備委員會 愛先生已被控參與黑客攻擊美聯儲的電腦
愛先生被指控在美國與其他至少3人的工作 - 誰沒有被命名 - 違反了美軍的安全,美國航天局NASA,美國環境保護署,聯邦調查局和美國聯邦儲備委員會的電腦。


Accused British hacker, wanted for crimes in US, won’t give up crypto keys

 by - Feb 21, 2015.
 An alleged British hacker who has criminal charges pending in three American federal districts is preparing to petition a Suffolk, United Kingdom court to compel the National Crime Agency (NCA) to return his encrypted seized computers and storage devices.
The BBC reported Friday that Lauri Love “will petition Bury St Edmunds magistrates for the return of his property,” adding that “the BBC understands that the NCA has been unable to decrypt some of the files and does not want to return the computers and media devices until Mr Love helps them to decrypt them.”
Love, who was arrested in the UK in October 2013 and was released on bail in July 2014, did not immediately respond to Ars’ request for comment. The NCA is the rough British equivalent to the FBI.
UPDATE 3:50pm CT: Love contacted Ars and said that his petition was submitted to the court earlier this month, and that he will make an appearance before the court on March 12, 2015. He is representing himself in the case.
"I cannot speak to the contents," he told Ars via online chat. "Except that they are mine. This is the only salient detail as far as I'm concerned. I am not on trial, nor is my data, and I am under no obligation to speak for it. But my property is being withheld from me, and that must be justified. The current justification is due to the inability of the NCA to understand certain data. It remains for them to establish why this is my problem and for the court to decide if this gives them authority to convert chattel."
An NCA spokeswoman told Ars, “We are not aware of a court date” and declined to comment on whether the NCA was unable to decrypt Love’s seized files.
According to the BBC, Love said, "Should police, having obtained a reason to acquire information but lacking any overt evidence of criminality sufficient to bring prosecution, be allowed to withhold private data?”
"There is a very dire risk that this power will be used to disrupt protected journalistic and political activity," he added.
The United States could, but apparently has not yet, formally request that Love be extradited. If that occurs, and even if UK authorities are able to access Love's data, it could takes years for his extradition to ever be fully executed. Another British hacker, Gary McKinnon, who was accused of hacking American government facilities in 2001 and 2002 and was charged with crimes in the US, eventually had his extradition blocked by the UK government in 2012.
The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to Ars' Friday afternoon request as to whether it had begun the extradition process.
UPDATE Saturday 3:25am CT: Peter Carr, a Department of Justice spokesman, told Ars by e-mail: "As a matter of policy, we generally do not comment on extradition-related matters."

A targeted attack

As Ars reported previously, Love and other alleged hackers are said to have breached networks belonging to the Army, the US Missile Defense Agency, NASA, the Environmental Protection Agency, and others, in most cases by exploiting vulnerabilities in SQL databases and the Adobe ColdFusion Web application. The objective of the year-long hacking spree was to disrupt the operations and infrastructure of the US government by stealing large amounts of military data and personally identifying information of government employees and military personnel, according to a 21-page indictment filed in federal court in New Jersey.
"You have no idea how much we can fuck with the US government if we wanted to," Love told a hacking colleague in one exchange over Internet relay chat, prosecutors alleged. "This... stuff is really sensitive. It's basically every piece of information you'd need to do full identity theft on any employee or contractor" for the hacked agency.
According to prosecutors, Love used automated scanners to identify vulnerabilities in large ranges of IP addresses. He would then exploit them to inject powerful SQL commands into a site's backend database. He exploited similar types of vulnerabilities in sites that used ColdFusion, the Web application software whose full source code was recently found on a server operated by hackers.
The ColdFusion security flaw, which has since been corrected, allowed Love to gain administrator-level access to computer servers without proper login credentials, a separate criminal complaint filed in a Virginia federal court alleged. After breaching the websites, Love allegedly planted backdoor code on the servers that gave him persistent access to the networks so he could return at a later date and steal confidential data.
In New York, Love was charged with hacking and identity theft in relation to his hack against the Federal Reserve.



  - Feb 21, 2015.

愛情,誰是在英國被捕,2013年10月,並於2014年7月獲得保釋,並沒有立即回應人工魚礁“發表評論的請求。 在NCA是粗糙的英國相當於FBI。
“我不能說的內容,”他通過網上聊天告訴人工魚礁。 “除非他們是我的。這是唯一顯著的細節就我而言,我不審判,也不是我的數據,我沒有義務來說話吧。但我的屬性被扣留來自我,必須是合理的。目前的理由是由於NCA的無法理解某些數據,這仍然是他們樹立為什麼這是我的問題,由法庭決定是否該給他們的權力轉換動產。 “
美國可能,但顯然還沒有正式請求愛被引渡。 如果發生這種情況,即使英國當局都能夠訪問愛的數據,它可能需要數年時間向以往完全執行他的引渡。 另一位英國黑客加里·麥金農,誰被指控的黑客美國政府的設施在2001年和2002年被指控在美國的罪行, 最終不得不將他引渡受阻在2012年由英國政府。


作為人工魚礁報導之前,愛和其他所謂的黑客表示,在大多數情況下,通過利用在SQL數據庫漏洞和Adobe ColdFusion的已違反屬於陸軍,美國導彈防禦局,美國航空航天局,環保局,以及其他網絡Web應用程序。 在長達一年的黑客熱潮的目的是通過竊取大量軍事資料和個人身份的政府僱員和軍人的信息擾亂了美國政府的運作和基礎設施,按照21頁的起訴書提交聯邦法院新澤西。
“你不知道我們有多少可以,如果我們想向美國政府他媽的,”愛情告訴黑客的同事在一個交易所通過互聯網中繼聊天,檢察機關指控。 “這......東西真的很敏感。它基本上每一條信息,你就需要做全面的身份盜竊的任何僱員或承包商”為砍死機構。
據檢察官,愛使用自動掃描識別IP地址的大範圍的漏洞。 然後,他將利用它們注入強大的SQL命令到一個網站的後台數據庫。 他在網站中使用的ColdFusion,Web應用軟件的全部源代碼是利用類似類型的漏洞近日被黑客操作的服務器上找到
ColdFusion的安全漏洞,這已經被糾正,讓愛來獲得不正確的登錄憑據計算機服務器管理員級別的訪問,單獨提起在弗吉尼亞州刑事起訴聯邦法庭指控。 違反網站後,據稱愛情後門種植代碼,讓他持續訪問網絡,以便他能回到在稍後的日期和竊取機密數據的服務器上。
在紐約,愛被控涉及黑客和身份盜竊他對黑客美聯儲 。


  recently found on a server operated by hackers.

Adobe source code and customer data stolen in sustained network hack

Theft could give hackers a new way to exploit widely used Acrobat, ColdFusion apps.

 by - Oct 4, 2013.

Adobe said it suffered a sustained compromise of its corporate network, allowing hackers to illegally access source code for several of its widely used software applications as well as password data and other sensitive information belonging to almost three million customers.
Adobe dropped the bombshell revelation shortly after Krebs on Security's Brian Krebs reported that the hack began sometime in mid-August and was carried out by the same criminals who breached LexisNexis and other major US data brokers. In the course of investigating the earlier intrusions, Krebs said he happened upon a 40 gigabyte trove of source code, much of it belonging to Adobe. Adobe confirmed its ColdFusion Web application software and its Acrobat document program were among those that were stolen.

A new generation of exploits

The Acrobat software family, which is intimately linked to the nearly ubiquitous Reader application, has long been a favorite target of malware developers looking for ways to sneak their malicious wares onto people's computers. The specter of hackers having full access to the raw source code of those applications is troubling, because it could make it easier to identify bugs that can be surreptitiously exploited in drive-by website attacks.
"This breach poses a serious concern to countless businesses and individuals," a statement issued by Hold Security, which assisted in Krebs' investigation, warned. "While we are not aware of specific use of data from the source code, we fear that disclosure of encryption algorithms, other security schemes, and software vulnerabilities can be used to bypass protections for individual and corporate data. Effectively, this breach may have opened a gateway for a new generation of viruses, malware, and exploits."
Adobe Chief Security Officer Brad Arkin said officials aren't aware of any unpatched vulnerabilities being targeted in any of the company's products. "However, as always, we recommend customers run only supported versions of the software, apply all available security updates, and follow the advice of the Acrobat Enterprise Toolkit and the ColdFusion Lockdown Guide," he added. He thanked Krebs and Alex Holden of Hold Security for their help in responding to the intrusion.
Krebs said Adobe engineers are still in the process of checking on the integrity of its source code. The investigation includes looking for "anomalous check-in activity on its code repositories," which could indicate the intruders were able to introduce backdoors or security bugs or otherwise tamper with the underlying applications.
"We are looking at malware analysis and exploring the different digital assets we have," Arkin told Krebs. "Right now the investigation is really into the trail of breadcrumbs of where the bad guys touched."
In an advisory, Arkin said attackers removed information for 2.9 million customers from company computers. That data included customer names, encrypted credit or debit card numbers, expiration dates, and other information relating to orders. Attackers also accessed customer IDs and "encrypted" (by which Adobe probably means cryptographically hashed) passwords. Customer passwords will be reset, and Arkin recommended customers change passwords on other sites if they matched those used in their Adobe accounts. Arkin said company employees have notified banks that process customer payments so they can work with payment card companies and card-issuing banks to protect customer accounts.
Krebs said that one of the related intrusions he uncovered—into the network of the National White Collar Crime Center—appears to have been initiated by exploiting weaknesses in Adobe's ColdFusion product. While Adobe plugged all known security holes in the product a few months ago, many networks run outdated versions that expose the users to serious hacks. "This indeed may have also been the vector that attackers used to infiltrate Adobe's own networks," Krebs said.




  - Oct 4, 2013.
土坯扔下重磅炸彈啟示後不久克雷布斯安全上的布賴恩·克雷布斯報導, 黑客的某個時候開始在八月中旬 ,並進行了誰違反LexisNexis公司相同的犯罪分子和其他美國主要數據經紀人。 在調查早期的入侵過程中,克雷布斯說,他偶然發現的源代碼的40千兆字節的寶庫,其中很大一部分屬於給Adobe。 土坯證實其ColdFusion的Web應用軟件和它的Acrobat文檔的程序是在那些被偷走。


在Acrobat軟件家族,這是密切相關的幾乎無處不在的閱讀器應用程序,一直是惡意軟件開發者最喜歡的目標想辦法潛入他們的惡意商品到人們的電腦。 黑客有完全訪問這些應用程序的原始源代碼的幽靈是令人不安的,因為它可以更容易地確定可以秘密地利用驅動器,通過網站的攻擊漏洞。
“這違背帶來了嚴重關切無數的企業和個人,”一個被保持安全發出聲明 ,在克雷布斯'調查它的幫助下,警告。 “雖然我們不知道具體的使用從源代碼中的數據,我們擔心披露的加密算法,其他安全方案和軟件漏洞可以被用來旁路保護個人和企業數據。實際上,這違反可能已打開網關為新一代的病毒,惡意軟件和漏洞“。
的Adobe首席安全官布拉德·阿金說,官員是不針對任何公司的產品發現任何未打補丁的漏洞。 “然而,一如既往,我們建議客戶只運行支持的軟件版本,應用所有可用的安全更新,並遵循的建議的Acrobat企業工具包和ColdFusion的鎖定指南 ,“他補充說。 他感謝保持安全克雷布斯和亞歷克斯霍頓他們在應對入侵的幫助。
克雷布斯所述的Adobe工程師仍在檢查關於它的源代碼的完整性的過程。 調查包括尋找“其代碼庫異常簽入的活動,”這可能表明入侵者能夠引入後門或安全漏洞或潛在的應用程序,否則篡改。
“我們正在尋找惡意軟件分析和探索,我們有不同的數字資產,”阿金告訴克雷布斯。 “眼下調查真的是到那裡的壞人碰麵包屑的踪跡。”
在一個諮詢 ,阿金說,攻擊者刪除的信息從公司電腦290萬客戶。 這些數據包括客戶名稱,加密的信用卡或借記卡號碼,到期日期,以及與訂單等信息。 攻擊者也訪問客戶I​​D和“加密”(通過它的Adobe可能意味著密碼散列)密碼。 客戶密碼將被重置,而阿金建議客戶更改密碼在其他網站上,如果他們匹配那些在他們的Adobe帳戶使用。 阿金說,公司員工已通知銀行處理客戶的付款,使他們能夠支付卡公司和發卡銀行的合作,以保護客戶的賬戶。
克雷布斯說,相關的入侵,他發現,到國家白領犯罪網絡的一個中心,似乎已經開始在Adobe的ColdFusion的產品利用的弱點。 同時插入的Adobe產品中所有已知的安全漏洞在幾個月前,許多網絡運行過時版本的用戶暴露在嚴重的黑客攻擊。 “這的確可能也被攻擊者用來滲透到Adobe公司自己的網絡載體,”克雷布斯說。

 *Note This Sharing By Anonymous^^~

''Such a serious infringement of privacy to the masses that rogue hackers, arrogant and presumptuous! @ Make it in the information on international secretly being injected SSL criminal code / malicious virus.

Fortunately, we have the honor to get the help of Anonymous legion friendly chivalrous released rogue bad behavior, but rogue hackers contrary to the network rules, caused serious damage to many businesses and individuals, the family's loss!!"

Nisshin advanced network, if  people's does not knowledge the computer information,
Is the stolen / loss is completely unaware ah.
Mentioned herein security expert Brian Krebs,Mr. in has been monitoring. / paying attention.

Rogue hackers can be any greedy person is not satisfied,
Continue to disrupt individuals, businesses, home network credit system.

Fortunately, we chivalrous Anonymous legion friendly everywhere,
They allow people to recognize the true face of the Rogue hackers.
Rogue hackers like take a knife,take a gun to stole with people and businesses looted.
Behavior brought to light not repentant criminals@honestly to admit robbery@ Shame on nasty !!

Small as dust Melody.Blog sincere gratitude ~






渺小如塵 Melody.Blog誠摯感恩~


''대중에게 개인 정보 보호의 이러한 심각한 침해를'악성 해커, 오만하고 주제 넘은 그! @ 국제 비밀리에 주입되는 SSL 형법 / 악성 바이러스에 대한 정보를 확인합니다.

다행히도, 우리는 익명 군단 친화적 인 기사도 발표 불량 나쁜 행동의 도움을 얻을 수있는 영광을 가지고 있지만, 네트워크 규칙에 반하는 악의적 인 해커, 많은 기업과 개인, 가족의 손실에 심각한 손상을 야기! "

닛신 고급 네트워크, 사람들의하지 지식 컴퓨터 정보를 않는 경우,
도난 / 손실이 완전히 인식하지 아입니다.
언급 여기에 보안 전문가 인 브라이언 크렙스 씨. 에서 모니터링하고있다. /주의를 기울이고.

악성 해커가 만족되지 않은 탐욕스러운 사람이 될 수 있습니다
개인, 기업, 홈 네트워크 신용 시스템에 혼란을 계속합니다.

다행히도, 우리는 도처에 친화적 인 익명 군단을 기사도
그들은 사람들이 악성 해커의 진정한 얼굴을 인식 할 수 있습니다.
, 칼을 약탈 사람과 기업과 훔친 총을 같은 악성 해커.
동작 솔직히 불쾌한에 강도 @ 부끄러운를 인정하는 @ 빛을 회개하지 범죄자을 가져!

먼지 Melody.Blog 진심으로 감사의 마음으로 작은 ~


''Une telle infraction grave à la vie privée pour les masses que les pirates voyous, arrogant et présomptueux! @ Faire dans l'information sur le protocole SSL code pénal / virus malveillants internationale secrètement injecté.

Heureusement, nous avons l'honneur d'obtenir l'aide de Anonyme légion amicale chevaleresque mauvais comportement voyou sorti, mais les pirates voyous contraires aux règles du réseau, causé de graves dommages à de nombreuses entreprises et les particuliers, la perte de la famille !! "

Nisshin réseau avancée, si les gens de ne pas la connaissance les informations de l'ordinateur,
Est le vol / perte est ah complètement inconscients.
Mentionné expert de sécurité présentes Brian Krebs, M.. en a suivi. / Attention.

Pirates voyous peuvent être toute personne avide ne est pas satisfaite,
Continuer à perturber les individus, les entreprises, le système de crédit de réseau domestique.

Heureusement, nous chevaleresques Anonyme légion amicale partout,
Ils permettent aux gens de reconnaître le vrai visage des pirates Rogue.
Pirates voyous comme prendre un couteau, un pistolet à prendre volé avec des gens et des entreprises pillés.
Comportement mis en lumière les criminels repentis @ honnêtement pas à admettre le vol @ Honte méchant !!

Petit Melody.Blog de poussière sincère gratitude ~


''大衆にプライバシーのこのような重大な侵害を'不正なハッカー、傲慢とおこがましいこと! @国際密かに注入されるSSL刑法/悪質なウイルスの情報でそれを確認します。


言及ここにセキュリティの専門家ブライアン·クレブス氏。で監視してきた。 /注意を払って。





''Solche eine ernsthafte Verletzung der Privatsphäre zu den Massen, dass skrupellose Hacker, arrogant und anmaßend! @ Machen Sie es in der Informationen über internationale heimlich eingespritzt SSL Strafgesetzbuch / bösartiger Virus.

Glücklicherweise haben wir die Ehre, die Hilfe von Anonymous Legion freundliche ritterlichen freigegeben Schurken schlechtes Verhalten zu bekommen, aber Schurken Hackern im Gegensatz zu den Netzwerkregeln, verursacht schwere Schäden an viele Unternehmen und Privatpersonen, Verlust der Familie !! "

Nisshin erweiterten Netzwerk, wenn die Leute das nicht Wissen der Computer Informationen
Ist das gestohlene / Verlust ist gar nicht bewusst, ah.
Hier genannten Sicherheitsexperte Brian Krebs, Herr. in wurde die Überwachung. / Aufmerksamkeit.

Rogue Hacker jede gierige Person nicht zufrieden sein,
Weiter zu Einzelpersonen, Unternehmen, Heimnetzkreditsystem zu stören.

Glücklicherweise ritterlichen wir Anonymous Legion freundlich überall,
Sie ermöglichen es Menschen, das wahre Gesicht des Schurken Hackern zu erkennen.
Rogue Hacker wie ein Messer, nehmen Sie eine Pistole an Stola mit Menschen und Unternehmen geplündert.
Verhalten ans Licht nicht reuige Verbrecher @ ehrlich zu Raub @ Schande über böse zugeben !!

Kleine Staub Melody.Blog aufrichtigen Dank ~


''Tia serioza malobservo de privacidad al la masoj kiuj fripono hackers, aroganta kaj aroganta! @ Faru ĝin en la informo sur internacia sekrete injektis SSL kriminala kodo / malica viruso.

Feliĉe, ni havas la honoron ricevi la helpon de Anonymous legio amika kavalireca liberigita fripono malbona konduto, sed fripono hackers kontraŭe al la reto reguloj, kaŭzis seriozan damaĝon al multaj entreprenoj kaj individuoj, la familia perdon !! "
Nisshin antaŭita reto, se popola ne scio la komputilo informo,
Estas la ŝtelitan / perdo estas tute senkonscia ah.
Menciita ene difinitaj sekureco sperta Brian Krebs, Sro. en estis supervisando. / Paganta atenton.

Rogue hackers eblas ajna avidaj persono ne satigxas;
Continue interrompi individuoj, entreprenoj, hejmo reto kredito sistemo.


Feliĉe, ni kavalireca Anonima legio amika ĉie,
Ili permesas ke oni rekonas la veran vizaĝon de la Rogue hackers.
Rogue hackers kiel preni tranĉilo, preni pafilon al ŝtelis kun homoj kaj entreprenoj prirabitaj.
Konduto enlumigis ne penta kriminalaj @ honeste agnoski ŝtelo @ Hontu aĉa !!

Malgranda kiel polvo Melody.Blog sinceran dankemon ~


 *--Update you must know ah"--By Our friendly & kindly Anonymous@YourAnonNews 2小時]- ''Global call to action from Aboriginal Australian communities''[ https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877]  More info:[ http://www.donotlink.com/e68t]  #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA)-
{..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~}
Anonymous@YourAnonNews  3月17日]Anonymous lists OVER 9000 Twitter accts linked to #ISIS after hacktivist collaboration [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…] #Anonymous #GhostSec #Ctrlsec)-
{..&..Much More you dont know that -By Anonymous @YourAnonNews imformation ah~}
-Update你必須知道啊!“--通過我們的友好和善意匿名@ YourAnonNews 2小時] - ''從澳大利亞土著社區的全球行動電話'[https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137877]更多信息:[http://www.donotlink.com/e68t] #SOSBLAKAUSTRALIA) -
匿名@ YourAnonNews 3月17日]匿名黑客活動列出的合作後,掛#ISIS OVER 9000微博accts [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/anonymous-lists-9200-twitter-accounts-linked-islamic-state-after-hacktivist-collaboration-1492035…] #匿名#GhostSec #Ctrlsec) -

 **All The World Country Lauguage**-
--By Anonymous friendly chivalrous Legion released---"Lauri Love petitions to get his electronics bad: still refuses to decrypt his drives. [ http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ]-
'' Such a serious infringement of privacy to the masses rogue hackers, arrogant and presumptuous! @ Make people internationally privacy information being secretly injected SSL criminal code / malicious viruses,....!!"-
---匿名友好俠義軍團公佈---''勞裡愛請願得到他的電子不好:仍然拒絕解密他的驅動器.[http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/...| http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20]-
**익명 친화적 인 기사도 군단 나쁜 자신의 전자를 얻을 수---"로리 사랑 청원서를 발표함으로써 --- : 여전히 그의 드라이브의 암호를 해독하기를 거부 [. http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ] -'',대중에게 오만하고 주제 넘은 악성 해커가 개인 정보 보호의 이러한 심각한 침해'! @ 사람들은 국제적으로 개인 정보를 비밀리에, SSL 형법 / 악성 바이러스를 주입되는 확인...!!"-
**All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-

---Par Anonyme amicale Légion chevaleresque libéré --- "pétitions Lauri Rencontres pour obtenir son électronique mauvaise: refuse toujours de décrypter ses lecteurs [. http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ] -''Une telle infraction grave à la vie privée pour les masses pirates voyous, arrogant et présomptueux! @ Faire personnes internationalement informations de confidentialité secrètement injectés virus SSL au Code criminel / malveillants, .... !! "-
**匿名優しい騎士軍団が悪い彼の電子機器を得るために--- "ラウリ愛の嘆願書をリリースすることで---:まだ彼のドライブの暗号化を解除することを拒否[。 http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ] -''、大衆に傲慢とおこがましい不正なハッカーのプライバシーのような重大な侵害を'! @ ....、人々は国際的にプライバシー情報を密かにSSL刑法/悪質なウイルスを注入されて作る!!」 -
---Durch Anonym freundliche ritterlichen Legion veröffentlicht --- "Lauri Liebes Petitionen, seine Elektronik zu schlecht: nach wie vor weigert, seine Laufwerke zu entschlüsseln [. http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ] -''Solche eine ernsthafte Verletzung der Privatsphäre zu den Massen Schurken Hackern, arrogant und anmaßend! @ Lassen Sie Leute international Datenschutzinformationen heimlich SSL Strafgesetzbuch / böswillige Viren injiziert,....!!"-
---Per Anonima amika kavalireca Legio liberigita---«Lauri Amo petojn por akiri lian elektronikon malbona: ankoraŭ rifuzas malĉifri liajn diskojn. [ http://www.databreaches.net/accused-british-hacker-wanted-for-crimes-in-us-wont-give-up-crypto-keys/…|http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20 ] -''Tia serioza malobservo de privacidad al la masoj fripono hackers, aroganta kaj aroganta! @ Faru homoj internacie privatecon informo esti sekrete injektis SSL kriminala kodo / malicaj virusoj,....!!"-
**All The World Country/ City Lauguage**-

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