2015年3月16日 星期一

---By Apple Daily and ltn.com.tw and setn.com news gathering songjang--- and bring out the message---''Brutal evil cult of the Communist Party in Chinaman did not educate citizens abroad etiquette, many countries Suffer from the mainland chinaman like bully behavior & a shameless!''- ---由蘋果日報及ltn.com.tw和setn.com的新聞集結成章---而帶出的信息是--- ''在大陸殘暴邪教共產黨支那人沒教育國民出國禮儀,令不少國家遭受內地惡霸般的無恥行為!''- ---애플 데일리와 ltn.com.tw 및 setn.com 뉴스 수집 songjang ---에 의해 해외 시민 에티켓, 많은 나라 교육을하지 않은 메시지---'중국인 공산당의'잔인한 악마 숭배를 이끌어 깡패 행동 및 뻔뻔한 같은 본토의 중국인 고통!''- ---En Apple Daily et ltn.com.tw et setn.com collecte de nouvelles Songjang---et de faire ressortir le message---''secte perverse Brutal du Parti communiste Chinois ne ont pas éduquer les citoyens à l'étranger, l'étiquette de nombreux pays Souffrent de le Chinois du continent comme intimidateur comportement et un sans vergogne!''- ---蘋果日報とltn.com.twとsetn.com取材songjang ---とメッセージを引き出す---「中国人で共産党の「残酷な悪のカルト海外で市民を教育しなかったエチケット、多くの国によっていじめっ子の行動&恥知らずのような本土の中国人に苦しむ ''! - ---โดยแอปเปิ้ลวันและ ltn.com.tw และ setn.com รวบรวมข่าว songjang---และนำข้อความ---''ลัทธิชั่วร้ายโหดร้ายของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ในชาวจีนไม่ได้ให้ความรู้แก่ประชาชนมารยาทในต่างประเทศหลายประเทศ ต้องทนทุกข์ทรมานจากชาวจีนแผ่นดินใหญ่เช่นพฤติกรรมพาลและไร้ยางอาย''- ---Per Apple Daily kaj ltn.com.tw kaj setn.com novaĵoj renkontiĝon songjang--- kaj elirigos la mesaĝo---''Brutala malbono kulto de la Komunisma Partio en ĉino ne eduki civitanojn eksterlanden etiketo, multaj landoj suferi de la ĉeftero ĉino kiel bravulaĉo konduto & senhonta!''- **All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-

renkontiĝon songjang--- kaj elirigos la mesaĝo---''Brutala malbono kulto de la Komunisma Partio en ĉino ne eduki 泰國女星痛批中國遊客相當野蠻。(圖擷取自YouTube)新聞圖片*---By Apple Daily and ltn.com.tw and setn.com news gathering songjang--- and bring out the message---''Brutal evil cult of the Communist Party in Chinaman did not educate citizens abroad etiquette, many countries Suffer from the mainland  chinaman like  bully behavior & a shameless!''-
---애플 데일리와 ltn.com.tw 및 setn.com 뉴스 수집 songjang ---에 의해 해외 시민 에티켓, 많은 나라 교육을하지
않은 메시지---'중국인 공산당의'잔인한 악마 숭배를 이끌어 깡패 행동 및 뻔뻔한 같은 본토의 중국인 고통!''-
---En Apple Daily et ltn.com.tw et setn.com collecte de nouvelles Songjang---et de faire ressortir le message---''secte perverse Brutal du Parti communiste Chinois ne ont pas éduquer les citoyens à l'étranger, l'étiquette de nombreux pays Souffrent de le Chinois du continent comme intimidateur comportement et un sans vergogne!''-
---蘋果日報とltn.com.twとsetn.com取材songjang ---とメッセージを引き出す---「中国人で共産党の「残酷な悪の
カルト海外で市民を教育しなかったエチケット、多くの国によっていじめっ子の行動&恥知らずのような本土の中国人に苦しむ ''! -
---โดยแอปเปิ้ลวันและ ltn.com.tw และ setn.com รวบรวมข่าว songjang---และนำข้อความ---''ลัทธิชั่วร้ายโหดร้ายของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ในชาวจีนไม่ได้ให้ความรู้แก่ประชาชนมารยาทในต่างประเทศหลายประเทศ ต้องทนทุกข์ทรมานจากชาวจีนแผ่นดินใหญ่เช่นพฤติกรรมพาลและไร้ยางอาย''-
---Per Apple Daily kaj ltn.com.tw kaj setn.com novaĵoj
civitanojn eksterlanden etiketo, multaj landoj suferi de la ĉeftero ĉino kiel bravulaĉo konduto & senhonta!''-
**All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-

기를 사용.
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**All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-
*제발 권한이있는 사용자는 아 ^^ ~ 사용하는 위대한 하나님의 언어를 번역하는 구글 번역 *Please privileged users use Google translator to translate the great God language you use ah ^^~


自由時報Chinese hackers attack 3.77 million times in the NSA "Wanjun" May the Army

"Domain Security Service" NSB planning to set up operations will begin in May, which is one major change Xiang Li-chou (left) received after 任国安 Secretary. (According to the information, reporters Luopei De photo).
 2015-03-16 07:03
"Domain Security Department" [WASHINGTON] NSB planning to set up operations will begin in May, which is the NSA 20 years, the first time the creation of new units, but also one of the major changes in Li Xiang Zhou received after 任国安 Secretary.
 According to "China Times" reported that "the security of the domain," the government will be responsible for network security defense and intelligence gathering. Combined with the capacity of civil network master, common network security to defend Taiwan.
Internationally, since 2003, China, Russia, the United States, Britain, Germany, South Korea, Israel, Japan, India and other countries, and continual establishment of network operations and security and defense units, in view of China and the National Security Bureau Network Army's combat power surge, it was decided to set up a "safe place domain."
China has long been a goal of the NSA and Cyber ​​Army hacker attacks long-term average annual event infestation reached 3.77 million times, malicious intrusion 120,000 times. While the number of Chinese Cyber ​​Army about 18 million people, so Li Xiang Zhou believes in intelligence units, is engaged in the most effective way to combat Internet.
It is understood that, "Domain Security Department" prepare an initial director, four groups of about 70 people, members of the network in addition to the existing master NSA, the more poaching in the civil service and private companies army personnel.


中國駭客年攻377萬次 國安局「婉君」5月成軍





Chinese legislators bombers flight M503 weak Macedonian Government

[Reporter Pengxian Jun, Lin Jiaqi, Tianbin Luo, Qiu Yanling / Taipei] controversial M503 route, China yesterday morning flight testing. Mainland Affairs Council said yesterday, in order to ensure flight safety M503 routes, the official pre-flight, must be measured on the fly along the navigation, radar, communications, automation systems and other issues, it is the "check flight", confirmed by both parties to communicate After the Chinese side to fly measured eleven o'clock yesterday, informing the flight test route, using models and other information.

DPP Legislator Li Yi. (According to the information, the reporter Wang Min as photo)

MAC: China prior notice

TSU Secretary-General 林志嘉 is criticized, China is "determined to leave," a good plan to be creeping toward Taiwan, the Ma administration is deliberately turn on the water, China and the Government of Malaysia jointly collaborate with each other, there are more than a year presidency Ma Ying-jeou, " This is the most dangerous moment in Taiwan, "Taiwan's sovereignty may be lost.
 TSU Secretary-General Lin Zhijia. (According to the information, the reporter Wang Yi Siong photo).
 DPP Legislator Li Yi also said that the government does not agree with the horse designated M503, but agreed to fly test, what does this mean? And that when the Chinese Civil Aviation Authority had designated M503, have to be reported to the national security of the unit, but the unit ignore national security, "who is instructed to swallow?"
 DPP Legislator Kuan Bi-ling. (According to the information, the reporter Wang Min as photo).
 Li Yi stressed that this issue of national security issues at stake, not just give in, he called on the Malaysian Government, "Do not you see the Chinese Jiaoruan."
CAA ATC leader Li Jianguo said that China informed the 13 "may" be conducted flight tests M503 route through the small two sessions at the 15th.
The MAC pointed out, M503 route flying test results, including the safety, technical parameters, the Chinese side will be informed Taiwan. As for the official opening of the route time, both sides make a further contact.
Li Jianguo said that flight tests are dependent on flight plan route by flying test aircraft to verify the air route navigation aids, communications and radar coverage accuracy and validity, such as the Chinese New Year before the Taoyuan International Airport south runway to enable, for example, is measured by the Civil Aviation Authority to fly aircraft flight test, the purpose of verifying the aid navigation signals, lights, compliant open after use.
China has not yet announced the M503 route enabled time, but Li Jianguo pointed out that the world has sixteen airline flight M503 application route, including the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries of the airline, flight the next day, about thirty vehicles.
China officially launched the M503 to route, flight documents must be sent to each flight information region of ATC units and the airline, and to ensure that both parties will be conducted in accordance with the content at the time of execution, but because the route is designated M503 in China The flight information region, China has the right to execute enabled, "Taiwan is also only passively being told."
DPP Legislator Kuan Bi-ling questioned on Thursday she was in the Transportation Committee question when China agreed to fly test? MAC then replied, "No, that must consult fly measure also negotiate," but said the national implementation of the CAA flight testing "without coordinating with us."

Legislator: Government to sell Taiwan bare

Kuan Bi-ling stressed that international practice test is not required to fly with us to coordinate things, we actually let out negotiations fly test, but also lied to Congress on Thursday, the Mainland Affairs Council, there is a "cover China, deceive people," completely with China, called on the government to step down as soon as the horse, "Do not wait any longer, the government has been incompetent to Taiwan to sell bare it!"
M503 test flight on the route, Defense Ministry spokesman Luo Shao and yesterday stressed that the existing military airspace execution Rengyi war, speech, training mission for the aircraft in the airspace near the Strait, Guojun each ISR units can effectively grasp, and complete the relevant response preparedness, the situation will depend, according to the provisions applicable at the disposal.


中國試飛M503 立委轟馬政府軟弱

〔記者彭顯鈞、林嘉琪、羅添斌、邱燕玲/台北報導〕引發爭議的M503航路,中國昨天上午進行空中飛行測試。陸委會昨表示,為了確保M503航路的 飛航安全,在正式飛行前,必須就沿路的導航台、雷達、通訊自動化系統等問題進行飛測,也就是「校驗飛行」,經雙方溝通確認後,中方於昨天上午十一點進行飛 測,事先告知飛測的路線、使用機型等資訊。



 民進黨立委管碧玲。(資料照,記者王敏為攝) 民進黨立委管碧玲。(資料照,記者王敏為攝).




自由時報Chinese tourists' behavior annoying! Korean restaurant to hang banners "Rejecting Chinese passengers'

South Korean television station MBC reported some uncivilized behavior of Chinese tourists traveling in South Korea, where there are cafes and even instructions not to entertain visitors from China. (Figure captures since the "democratic Taiwan and Hong Kong Connection" Facebook Pages).
 2015-03-16 14:31.
Often seen when Chinese tourists overseas countries reported some special behavior, Korea made recently on MBC news reports described the Chinese tourists in Korea Tourism; [WASHINGTON] Chinese tourists going abroad behavior can be described as "leads the world", the formation of a special culture Some of uncivilized behavior, but said these acts "shameful."
According to the "Taiwan and Hong Kong Democrats' Facebook Pages to share videos, the South Korean MBC reported in detail some Chinese tourists traveling in Jeju, Korea's" uncivilized "behavior. For example, the film side took Chinese tourists forced to cross the road, ignoring the zebra's behavior, the local had to ask police to teach Chinese tourists to cross the road, and even hair Simplified Chinese "flyer" to teach Chinese tourists to cross the road to follow traffic rules; there are local cafe owner in cloth hung door, show the "cafe not entertain Chinese travelers or groups."
The report also said, even though there are clear signs that read Chinese "no smoking", many Chinese tourists still love smoking, warning signs deaf ears, but also throw cigarette butts. In addition, despite the ban users toilet mapping step on the toilet, the toilet is still ignoring Chinese tourists, local people causing trouble.
Related Videos:

A South Korean woman said in an interview, Chinese tourists love to step on the bathroom toilet, causing distress to clean on. (Figure captures since the "democratic Taiwan and Hong Kong Connection" Facebook Pages).



 2015-03-16  14:31.
據 「台港民主連綫」臉書專頁分享的影片中,韓國MBC詳細報導了中國遊客在韓國濟州島旅遊時的一些「不文明」行為。例如,影片側拍了中國遊客強行穿越馬路, 無視斑馬線的行為,當地只好請交警教導中國遊客過馬路,甚至發簡體中文「傳單」教中國遊客過馬路要遵守交通規則;也有當地咖啡廳老闆在門口掛上布條,表明 「本咖啡廳不招待中國旅客或團體」。



自由時報Chinese tourists good "barbaric"! Thai female celebrity Watch collision disorder

 2015-03-14 11:41
[WASHINGTON] disorder uncommon acts of Chinese tourists! Thai celebrity Fei 琪泰芬 (Duangjai Phichitamphon) the day before yesterday in the face book put some in Korea Airports queue rebate film clips, she complained to ignore the original Chinese tourists queuing order to disrupt the team hit from all sides, so that the situation is extremely chaotic scene.
  • 泰國女星抱怨日前在南韓機場退稅時,中國遊客排隊不守秩序。(圖擷取自YouTube) Thai actress complained recently in South Korea, airport tax, Chinese tourists queuing unruly. (Figure retrieved from YouTube)
  • 泰國女星痛批中國遊客相當野蠻。(圖擷取自YouTube) Thai actress criticized Chinese tourists quite brutal. (Figure retrieved from YouTube)
"Thailand headlines" Yesterday, "Chinese tourists once again let the Chinese people to shame" as the standard, reported the Thai celebrity encounter 琪泰芬 Fei Chinese tourists in Korea Airports fragment, she pointed out, brutal Chinese tourists scrambling to disrupt the original team order to allow other countries travelers unbearable, reported to spend more severely, "even the basic education are not" describe low literacy criticized Chinese tourists.
In fact, the Chinese tourists embarrassing state is not new, including the recent ban on Chinese tourists in Thailand Baimiao into the event, visitors recently broke nude in a public toilet, washbasin feet of controversy, so much pressure on the Thai official, recently proposed the introduction of Chinese movie, advocacy tourists come to play an essential precautions.


เธอแน่มาก! ด่าคนจีนต่อหน้าแบบจัดหนัก แต่ถึงกับเงิบเมื่อด่าว่าแซงคิว แต่คนจีนคิดว่าเป็นคำนี้

Ohozaa Clip

自由時報中國遊客好「野蠻」! 泰女名人直擊衝撞脫序

 2015-03-14  11:41
〔本報訊〕中國遊客的脫序行徑屢見不鮮!泰國名人霏琪泰芬(Duangjai Phichitamphon)前天在臉書放上一段在韓國機場排隊退稅影片片段,她抱怨中國遊客無視原來的排隊秩序,從四面八方襲來打亂隊伍,讓現場狀況極度混亂。
  • 泰國女星抱怨日前在南韓機場退稅時,中國遊客排隊不守秩序。(圖擷取自YouTube) 泰國女星抱怨日前在南韓機場退稅時,中國遊客排隊不守秩序。(圖擷取自YouTube)
  • 泰國女星痛批中國遊客相當野蠻。(圖擷取自YouTube) 泰國女星痛批中國遊客相當野蠻。(圖擷取自YouTube)


自由時報Agricultural products outside the county to help test Ke P: someone else is helping themselves

Taipei Mayor Wen-Je Ko (right) and Zuo Fu Chiayi County Magistrate Helen Chang (left) with tasting tomatoes. (Reporter Zhang franchisor photo)
 2015-03-16 10:05.
[WASHINGTON] frequent storms in recent years, food safety, food security for Taipei mayor Wen-Je Ko founded the "Food Safety Committee", and he served as convener, personally hope for food safety checks. Wen-Je Ko yesterday south of Chiayi County, inspect agricultural and fishing origin, and expressed willingness to provide outside Taipei county food security-related assistance, "but also to help others help themselves."
According to the "wind media" reported Wen-Je Ko said that after several food safety crisis found Taipei alone can not solve the problem of food security, many products do not Taipei production and other agricultural counties so it is important to reach a contact; he also said that the idea is to come from Keelung Mayor Lin Youchang, because Lin had Youchang and he mentioned that 36% of the fishery from Keelung, Taipei. So Fresh Ann Taipei other agricultural and fishery upstream of origin to establish contact, is very important.
Chiayi County Magistrate Helen Chang yesterday and exchanges, Helen Chang Wang, founder of Formosa Plastics mentioned in Chiayi County have donations cover food safety inspection building, Wen-Je Ko believes that if there is software, or related technology needs support staff, will be willing to provide relevant Taipei assistance.


自由時報幫外縣市農品檢驗 柯P:幫別人就是幫自己

 2015-03-16  10:05.
據 《風傳媒》報導,柯文哲說,在幾次食安風暴後發現,只靠台北市是無法解決食安問題的,許多產品根本不在台北生產,所以和其他農業縣市達成聯繫很重要;他也 表示,這個想法是來自於基隆市長林右昌,因為林右昌曾和他提及,台北市36%的漁產是來自基隆。所以台北市的食安和其他農漁業產地上游建立聯繫,是非常重 要的。


Obama comedy ridicule Clinton scandal

 Obama again "pumping" no e-mail server of your own home with a smile. Associated Press.
 While Hillary Clinton confidant allegedly burst Benedict "Email door" cheat, but Obama did not evasive, but a reporter at the dinner last night organized events to take a dig at themselves and each other about it.
Washington veteran reporter organization will grill (Gridiron Club) annual dinner last night held a dress, officials invited to attend the convention, some politicians will stand-up comedy. Obama took a public politician himself and joked, leaving boiling "Email door," a natural topic.

"Technology Link" nowhere near each other

"The really big change in six years, when I was young and tech-savvy home ...... Hillary now even have a server it! I can not catch ah." Obama pretending to complain, won the audience laugh.
Turn to Wisconsin Gov. Walker (Scott Walker) battle, the Republican presidential candidate popular, that is, a potential rival Hillary election next year, also get email pumping door ridicule Hillary donors closely with Wall Street, said: "Sheila Li's e-mail I have, you can directly contact her campaign headquarters is hillaryclinton@wallstreet.com Well, "he inch mouth immediately after the" irresponsible "by Sen. Joker grinning Warren (Elizabeth Warren) hands.; Warren advocated the strengthening of supervision of Wall Street, is expected to compete for the party nomination with Hillary Clinton.
Not only was mocking Hillary, Obama, Vice President Biden ridiculed, said: "He also has a massage for me!" Biden earlier in the inauguration ceremony of the newly appointed secretary of defense for Mrs. Carter Carter sweet shoulder massage, suffered ridicule and criticism.
For former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani recently criticized him unpatriotic, Obama has been a sizable crowd of visitors, along with a "non-US-born Obama" conspiracy theory, be responded: "If I do not love America, it will not come from Kenya immigrants." is laughter.
Reuters / AFP


奧巴馬棟篤笑 嘲希拉莉醜聞

華盛頓老牌記者組織烤架會(Gridiron Club)一年一度盛裝晚宴前晚舉行,按慣例應邀出席的官員、政客會棟篤笑一番。奧巴馬拿自己和一眾政客開玩笑,鬧得沸騰的「電郵門」自然成為話題。


輪 到威斯康辛州州長沃克(Scott Walker)上陣,這位共和黨總統候選人熱門、也即是明年大選希拉莉潛在對手,也抽水拿電郵門調侃希拉莉與華爾街捐款人關係密切,說:「希拉莉的電郵我 也有,可直接聯繫她的競選總部,就是hillaryclinton@wallstreet.com嘛。」他寸嘴後隨即「卸膊」,笑嘻嘻說笑話出自民主黨參 議員沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)之手;沃倫主張加強監管華爾街,有望與希拉莉爭奪黨提名。


Jeb Bush's private e-mail deal with alleged official

  Jeb Bush announced the accused when he was governor of Florida, a private e-mail deal with the deployment of National Guard troops and nuclear power plant problems.
 Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is to expose their private e-mail handle official business, the Democratic Party she belongs to divert attention, to consider the presidential election has announced former Republican President George W. Bush's brother Jeb Bush (Jeb Bush) get involved, means He also made the same mistake.

Said the e-mail does not involve sensitive confidential information

When the "Washington Post" reported that the day before the follow-up, as Florida Governor Jeb Bush 1999 至二 ○○ seven private email server account, send email 过数 official seal of thousands, including 911 Florida National Guard deployment and after training, reduce the protection of nuclear facilities and other sensitive issues, and discuss strategies to attract foreign investment. Security experts have pointed out, the lower the degree of security of private e-mail system, easily hacked theft.
Jeb Bush aides response to inquiries from reporters that these emails have not sensitive and confidential information, talk about a lot of information was already publicly available. Jeb Bush last month to set up the site open email when he became governor, according to the Florida Archives Act will pay two hundred and eighty thousand state government e-mail archiving, but only about half the number of his private e-mail servers, buckle up his thought privately or content involving sensitive security issues email, Florida Secretary of State said that this week will account for withholding guidelines.
Jeb Bush on Friday also personally denied to escape public scrutiny and use private e-mail accounts: "We have to comply with the law, and in front of Ms. Hillary happened already open e-mail so that we consult, is completely different."
Reuters / AFP



美國前國務卿希拉莉被揭用私人電郵處理公務,她所屬的民主黨為轉移視線,把已宣佈考慮選總統的共和黨前總統喬治布殊之弟杰布布殊(Jeb Bush)拖下水,指他亦犯同一錯誤。


《華盛頓郵報》前日跟進報道,杰布布殊在一九九九年至二○○七年擔任佛羅里達州州長時,以私人電郵伺服器戶口,發過數以十萬封公務電郵,內容包括佛州國民 警衞隊九一一後的部署和訓練、減少核設施保護等敏感問題,又討論吸引外資的策略。保安專家指出,私人電郵系統保安程度較低,易被黑客入侵竊密。
杰 布布殊幕僚回應記者查詢時稱,這些電郵沒有敏感及機密資料,談及的資料很多當時都已公開。杰布布殊上月設立網站公開他當州長時的電郵,並按佛州檔案法將二 十八萬封電郵交州政府存檔,但只佔他私人電郵伺服器電郵數量約一半,扣起他認為屬私人或內容涉敏感保安問題的電郵,佛州州務卿表示本周將交代扣起準則。


Mainland drag trunk party attack machine can not do anything on the Japanese flight attendants with cooker

 There are fly lines Hong Kong Japanese stewardess reflect Mainland visitors often before boarding buy large appliances, electrical machines on a more direct hand, she and colleagues to spend extra time and effort put into the luggage rack of these appliances.
 [One] yen fell tuning hammer, Japan became the new darling of Mainland visitors. Japan has a fly line to Hong Kong flight attendants "One tuning hammer," complained, saying the mainland visitors often in the airport before boarding nearby shopping mall to buy large appliances, portable appliances machine on a more direct impact of their work.

Narita airport near AEON shopping center, recently became final on mainland tourists in front of the machine, "cargo sweeping" hot spots. There are flight attendants, said before boarding mainland visitors, often with the same drag trunk to the shopping mall, more favorite rice cookers, vacuum cleaners and other large appliances. She also said that many tourists shopping too much, you can not send the entire cabin, to direct the handheld machine rice cookers and other appliances, she and colleagues to spend extra time and effort put into these appliances cabin luggage rack above, teach a bitter public stewardess unspeakable.

The flight attendants also said that some mainland visitors to teach Japanese offensive behavior, such as the ban on JR train carriages loud telephone call; this should tidy airport restroom, but appear shoeprint in closets board suspect someone squatting toilet-board toilet.

 Travel writer Akio Hong accept the "one hammer tuning" visit, said that he had seen above: "Wu Dao plug on the luggage rack above, paper bags, plastic bags, rope tied Zo generous fruit appliances GOD, GOD microphone earn a stewardess Li engage Hello. "He even said that the majority of mainland visitors due to the large number of baggage, boarding rooms required extremely long line from Narita Airport to fly specially opened in Beijing, Shanghai and other mainland routes, those routes so that passengers queuing.


內地拖篋黨襲日本 帶電飯煲上機難為空姐


 成田機場附近的AEON購物中心,最近成為內地旅客上機前的最後「掃貨」熱點。有空姐表示,內地旅客登機前,常帶同拖篋到該購物中心購物,更心儀電飯煲、 吸塵機等大型電器。她更稱,不少旅客購物太多,無法全部寄艙,要直接手持電飯煲等電器上機,她與同僚要花額外時間和精力把這些電器塞進機艙上方的行李架, 教一眾空姐苦不堪言。
 旅遊作家項明生接受《壹錘定音》訪問時,表示曾見過上述情況:「塞唔到上行李架上面,紙袋、膠袋、綁咗繩嘅電器果啲,咪搵著啲空姐黎搞囉。」他更指由於多 數內地客的行李數量較多,登機所需間特別長,成田機場特地為飛北京、上海等內地航線開設專線,讓那些航線的旅客排隊。


February 28 incident warning (freelance writer Ji Xu)

 February Incident become an important milestone in the independence movement, the picture shows two hundred twenty-eight Monument. Profile picture.
 About contradiction between Hong Kong and intensified recently, there is a conspiracy theory to explain, to spearhead the mainland official, said that in order to shift the focus of domestic two sessions. This interpretation is true, we are left aside, but objectively true effect. Weibo, the micro-channel users on the mainland, Hong Kong overwhelming accusations, so that they no longer care about two proposals, what retirement security, judicial reform and the like, does not seem important. In this backdrop, the impact of various acts of extreme faction of Hong Kong, can not say no to the CCP to offer a great stability maintenance policy, a big help.
Return almost eighteen years, the most worry is the growing cooperation between Hong Kong and the government closely, but it was an unbridgeable gap folk. Two mutually hostile people, teach people to think of two hundred twenty-eight eve of Taiwan. And look at the causes and consequences of the February 28, mutatis mutandis, in Hong Kong today, really chilling.
February 28th fuse, it is the relationship between economic issues of people's livelihood. In 1945 after the Japanese took over the KMT from Taiwan, the implementation of a series of wrong economic policies, leading to the Taiwan people are destitute. People live, had to do some illegal small business. Mai Lin Jiang widow selling cigarettes at the time, was caught at the time of seizing the team, and to confiscate all of her goods. Lin Jiang Mai knees for mercy, I said business to feed two children, the result was severely beaten with rifle butts seizing members. See this scene, the crowd suddenly Taiwanese people's anger was ignited long-standing grudges like volcanic eruptions like unstoppable. Riots, seizing a team and manslaughter passers-by. The next day the newspaper out to the streets, "killed two people," the title impressively in the head.
At first, there was indeed a conflict occurs natives and outsiders, and died a few outsiders. However, the Taiwan people's anger was quickly stabilize the local gentry, immediately restored petition, demonstrations, marches and other peaceful protests. Taiwan people endure brutal rule mainlanders enough, then to the then Chief Executive of Taiwan Province, Chen Yi made several demands, including autonomy and grassroots elections and other natives, and in the writings of Sun Yat-sen, to prove it is reasonable to give Taiwan's democracy . Chen Yi feedback on very hypocritical side Xuyuweishe, a false situation facing the mainland, said Taiwan independence forces and the Communist Party of the riots have penetration, the request to send troops to Taiwan to suppress. More no bottom line is that Chen Yi actually engage in "Infernal Affairs", sent undercover mixed populace protest, shouting slogans independence and the Communist Party in order to collect future repression "justifications."
After listening to the reasonable demands of the mainland to Taiwan people, response and really fight for universal suffrage in Hong Kong today to hear exactly the same: the Japanese at the time why do not you want democracy? Some people even take the Taiwanese language prick: Why do you only speak Japanese and Taiwanese? You are not the Chinese people? These colonies should kill all dogs! Public opinion in China and Taiwan mainlanders in Taiwan Taiwanese repression became Zhongkoushuojin only option. Thus, public opinion riding a tiger, the February 28 incident massacre repression really big happens ......
Two hundred twenty-eight causing what the consequences? Until now, still a pain in the hearts of the people of Taiwan. It should be said, in 1945 enthusiastically welcome the return of a generation Taiwanese, February 28th after a thorough Broken Dreams. Taiwan was ceded to Japan before 50 years, in fact, that many people harbor home country. However, a two hundred twenty-eight make Taiwanese on the mainland to give up hope. Later, many theories and so-called independence of public opinion, in fact, come from two hundred twenty-eight.
Who is responsible for two hundred twenty-eight? Chen Yi personally launched the crackdown, although no direct responsibility afterwards. But history has a set number somewhere. In 1950, Chen Yi Tang Enbo vote total because of abetting the case, was ordered executed by firing squad in the streets of Taipei Chiang Kai-shek. Before his death, he wrote the poem must document: "the cause of the tragedy of his life more than the history of the study of how the loop, silly patriotic Hunwang old, love to infatuation that is magic." However February 28 incident, Chen Yi Is it only one person is responsible for it? Taiwan's reunification in 1945, is a modern civilized country from Japan, then return to the pre-modern non-civilized continent. Continental condescending attitude people have to look down on the people of Taiwan. Although Japanese bad, but there is no sinister Kuomintang. In the environment of the party-state authoritarian regime, a kept "patriotism", was accepted on behalf of Taiwan's Chen Yi book drop WWII Japan, is how to be a step by step into a serial killer? Appears to be a little bit against the Taiwanese machinations, is how the cumulative crush Taiwanese patriotism? That is what we want to think about.
February 28th Incident caused many people never leave the mainland to Taiwan. Even after Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan to continue to strengthen brainwashing education, but nothing changed. This place, the original homeland on the mainland is full of warmth "democratic regression" faction. Seeds of independence, whether it is long out of Taiwan, the mainland is still being planted?
Today, Hong Kong, which came on the eve of two hundred twenty-eight step? History to repeat itself, the tragedy could have been avoided.
Ji Xu freelance


(自由撰稿人 許驥)


關於最近中港之間的矛盾白熱化,有一種陰謀論的解釋,把矛頭指向大陸官方,說是為了轉移國內兩會的焦點。這個解釋是真是假,我們暫且不論,但客觀效果確實 如此。微博、微信上大陸網民對香港排山倒海的指摘,令他們不再關心兩會提案,甚麼退休保障、司法改革之類,似乎都不重要了。在這種大背景下,香港極端派的 各種衝擊行為,不可謂沒有為中共維穩獻大策、幫大忙。
二 二八的導火線,正是關係民生的經濟問題。1945年國民黨從日本手中接管台灣之後,施行了一系列錯誤的經濟政策,導致台灣民不聊生。老百姓活不下去,只好 做一些違法的小本生意。寡婦林江邁在販賣私煙的時候,被當時的查緝隊員抓住,並要沒收她所有貨品。林江邁跪地求饒,口稱做生意為養活兩個孩子,結果被查緝 隊員用槍托打得頭破血流。見此景,圍觀台灣老百姓的憤怒情緒頓時被點燃,長久以來的積怨像火山爆發一樣不可遏止。騷亂中,查緝隊又誤殺一名路人。第二天報 紙出街,「擊斃市民二名」的標題赫然在目。
剛開始,確實有本省人與外省人的衝突發生,也死了一些外省人。但是,台灣民眾的憤怒情緒很快被當地士紳 穩住,旋即恢復了請願、示威、遊行等和平抗爭。台灣民眾忍夠了外省人的殘暴統治,於是向當時的台灣省行政長官陳儀提出數點要求,包括本省人自治以及基層普 選等,並以國父孫中山的著作為依據,證明給予台灣民主是合理的。陳儀的回饋意見十分偽善,一面虛與委蛇,一面向大陸虛報情況,說台灣騷亂有台獨勢力及共產 黨滲透,請求派兵來台鎮壓。更為沒有底線的是,陳儀竟然搞「無間道」,派便衣混入抗爭民眾中,高喊台獨及共產黨口號,以便收集將來鎮壓的「理據」。
大 陸人聽了台灣民眾的合理要求,反應和今天聽到香港人爭取真普選如出一轍:日本人在的時候你們為甚麼不要求民主?甚至還有人拿台灣人的語言挑刺:為甚麼你們 只會說日語和閩南語?你們是不是中國人?這些殖民地的狗就應該全部殺光!在大陸和台灣外省人輿論中,鎮壓台灣本省人成了眾口鑠金的唯一選項。於是,民意騎 虎難下,二二八的大屠殺、大鎮壓就真的發生了……
二二八造成了怎樣的後果?時至如今,仍然是台灣人心中的痛。應該說,1945年滿懷熱情歡迎回歸 的一代台灣人,在二二八之後徹底夢碎了。之前台灣被割讓日本50年,其實心懷家國的人不在少數。但是,一場二二八令台灣人對大陸死心。後來所謂台獨的許多 理論及民意基礎,事實上都來自二二八。
誰該對二二八負責?親手發動鎮壓的陳儀,雖然沒有在事後直接承擔責任。但歷史冥冥中有定數。1950年,陳 儀因教唆湯恩伯投共案,被蔣介石下令在台北街頭執行槍決。臨死前,他寫下絕筆詩:「事業平生悲劇多,迴圈歷史究如何,癡心愛國渾忘老,愛到癡心即是魔。」 然而,二二八難道只有陳儀一人要負責嗎?1945年台灣的回歸,是從現代文明國家日本,回到當時前現代非文明的大陸。大陸人卻以居高臨下的態度,看不起台 灣人。日本人雖壞,但沒有國民黨陰險。在黨國專制體制的大環境下,一個口口聲聲「愛國」,曾代表台灣接受日本二戰降書的陳儀,是怎麼被一步步變成殺人惡魔 的?看似一點點的對付台灣人的陰謀詭計,是怎樣積少成多,壓垮台灣人的愛國心的?這才是我們要思考的問題。


Eurozone has become a Monster
(Senior media person Lu Feng)

  eurozone countries fiscal tied, some countries can not make light of their own circumstances adjustment policies to stimulate the economy. Profile picture.
 French economist Thomas Piketty of the "21st Century Capital" information rich and detailed, the tone calm and rational, becoming the best-selling book really is a miracle, perhaps with the disparity of wealth in a more direct relationship too seriously. But the original Piketty have "poison tongue" side, to fix mistakes, stupid economic policy officials, politicians criticized mercilessly.
Without any kind of criticism when setting up an interview with German Spiegel recently Piketty talk about the status of the network to access the debt crisis in Greece and the single currency is a major error, and refers to the euro area has evolved into a monster who can not control (Monster). According to him, the tax system is inconsistent, the eurozone's fiscal policy (Fiscal Policy) have their own considerations, we have not been able to coordinate fiscal discipline under the hasty introduction of the single currency, the euro, in turn, became a member of the straitjacket, so they can not adjust domestic economic conditions or unexpected external shocks and make adjustments, such as Greece, Portugal and other European pig will not be in response to the Great Recession and let reconstruction competitive devaluation, can only rely on wage and fringe benefits to repay, the results fall diminisher vicious circle shrink, and now more than six years of debt crisis still do not see the dawn.
Piketty believes that 2008 financial crisis hit Europe and at the same time, the US financial system and the economy, I'm afraid bigger hit than in Europe. After more than six years, the US economy has been out of the shadows, the unemployment rate back to 5.5% of the low, the amount of broad policy ended, abnormal state of zero interest rates are also expected to end this summer. Europe is not the same, six years down the unemployment rate in the euro area as a whole is still more than 10%, GDP size still lower than that before the crisis broke out in 2007, of which 25% contraction in Greece. Piketty believes that as long to get to Europe, America comparison and is not difficult to find, specifications and wrong policy is outdated eurozone debt crisis, economic crisis, no long-term improvement of the underlying causes.
However, Piketty not criticize the eurozone, he and French President François Hollande, the French government is also welcome. He believes that regardless of the internal affairs Hollande and European Affairs lacked courage, not casually moves that drift. In the euro area transactions, for example, the French can make different sounds of the balance tightening bias in Germany, so that the euro area can strike a balance between growth and debt reduction. But Hollande did not play this role, but despite leading German situation, no hum. The results become lopsided austerity, European countries, including Greece, but to keep the pig to tighten their belts for the resulting debt, the local economy because the outflow of funds to continue dying.
Ruoguo Hollande really hard up, really willing to challenge Germany's austerity policy, the situation will not like we do not know, anyway, if there is no history of. However, France, as the euro zone's second largest economy in the diplomatic, military leadership there, it did win the other Member States to Germany conditional pressuring Germany to relax a little tightening insistence willing to allocate resources, European pig assistance funds to rebuild the economy. Even so, the French shot, then you can at least make the European Central Bank President Mario Draghi will not go it alone, he's QE and negative interest rate policy can also play a greater role. Unfortunately, neither the capacity nor Hollande resolve any economy as dangling like sleepwalking, so no reason to miss the Eurozone bottomed out early timing.
Piketty visit interesting places in addition to his answer, but when a reporter's question that the German Spiegel standard and rude attitude is also very rare. One of the problems is the Greek Prime Minister directed Piketty Qipulasi spokesman, said he was not advocating the Greek debt. However, Piketty not fuel-efficient lights, refers to the German counterattack immediately after the Second World War did not fully repay past debts, to waive the allies, with today's Greece is similar!
Lu Feng, senior media person



法國經濟學家Thomas Piketty的《二十一世紀資本論》資料豐富翔實,語調平和理性,成為暢銷書委實是奇蹟,也許跟貧富懸殊太嚴重關係更直接。卻原來Piketty也有 「毒舌」的一面,對定出錯誤、愚蠢經濟政策的官員、政客批評毫不留情。
前不久Piketty接受德國Spiegel網訪問暢談希臘及歐債危機現況 時就毫不客氣的批評設立單一貨幣是個重大錯誤,並指歐元區已演化成一隻誰也控制不了的怪獸(Monster)。根據他的說法,歐元區各國的稅制不一致,財 政政策(Fiscal Policy)各有考慮,在大家還未能協調財政規範下倉卒引入統一貨幣,歐元反過來成了成員國的緊箍咒,令它們無法因應國內的經濟情況或突如其來的外來衝 擊而作調整,例如希臘、葡萄牙等歐豬就不能因應經濟大衰退而讓貨幣貶值重建競爭力,只能倚靠減薪、減福利來還債,結果陷入越減越縮的惡性循環,到現在債務 危機爆發超過六年仍看不到曙光。
Piketty認為,08年金融海嘯歐美同時受創,美國金融體系及經濟打擊只怕比歐洲更大。六年多過後,美國經濟已走出陰霾,失業率回到5.5%的低水 平,量寬政策告一段落,零利率的畸形狀態也可望在今年夏天告終。歐洲卻不一樣,六年下來歐元區整體失業率仍在10%以上,GDP規模比07年即危機爆發前 仍要低,當中希臘收縮兩成半。Piketty認為,只要拿歐、美比一比就不難發現,歐元區不合時宜的規範及錯誤的政策是債務危機、經濟危機長期無起色的根 本原因。
不過,Piketty不僅僅批評歐元區,他對法國總統奧朗德及法國政府同樣不客氣。他認為奧朗德不管在內政及歐洲事務上都缺乏魄力,不是 胡亂出招就是隨波逐流。以歐元區事務為例,法國本該可以發出不同聲音,平衡德國的緊縮傾向,令歐元區可以在增長與減債間取得平衡。但是,奧朗德沒有扮演這 個角色,反而任憑德國主導形勢,不哼一聲。結果緊縮政策變得一面倒,歐豬各國包括希臘只能不斷勒緊褲頭把所得用以還債,本地經濟則因為資金流走而繼續奄奄 一息。
若果奧朗德真的硬起來,真的願意挑戰德國的緊縮政策,局勢會否不一樣大家都不曉得,反正歷史是沒有如果的。但是,法國作為歐元區第二大經濟 體,在外交、軍事上又有領導地位,它的確有條件拉攏其他成員國向德國施壓,迫使德國稍稍放鬆對緊縮政策的堅持,願意多撥資源、資金協助歐豬重建經濟。退一 步看,法國出手的話至少可以令歐央行行長德拉吉不致單打獨鬥,他的QE及負利率政策也能發揮更大效用。可惜,奧朗德既無能力也無決心,任經濟像夢遊那樣亂 晃,令歐元區平白錯過及早走出谷底的時機。
Piketty訪問有趣的地方除了他的回答外,Spiegel記者提問時那種德國本位及不客氣態度也非常罕見。其中一個問題直指Piketty是希臘總理 齊普拉斯的代言人,說他鼓吹希臘不用還債。不過,Piketty也不是省油的燈,立時反擊指德國在二次大戰後也沒有全數償還過去的債務,要由盟國寬免,跟 今天的希臘相似!


Patriotic thief (Tamar M)

 That is like apples Supplement No. innovative "fruit seed" FB!
  Mrs Law said recently before the entry of prospective teachers to make Hong Kong to the Mainland after learning conditions. Profile picture.
 After an umbrella movement suddenly exalted anti harbor independence flag, know the Air generous knows another political campaign debut preparation, and sure enough, the deputies and the guild beam powder Mrs "Sword", in Beijing suddenly put before the Hong Kong Teachers' entry should return the mainland accept the "national education "co-taught by a teacher also affected by these opposition groups. According to the establishment faction human whisper, when 689 earlier and CPPCC meetings, has made no secret show to deal with the HKU Faculty of Law launched in 戴耀廷 account belongs, and has said that teachers should rectify.
Umbrella movement for liquidation, has opened wave, HKU Faculty of Law Johannes Chan criticized just before departure flag ceremony swearing goats, with the hand from the beam will be placed powder control UGC, Chairman of the Council and other "strategic" position against PTU, teachers and student organizations. Recently in sponsoring and use PTAs affect schools, the Government has achieved initial success. Nevertheless, at the "education front", the most important part of a teacher, like loss as government, I do not know where to start. As early as UGC chairman Antony Leung's, depending on the PTU has three big mountains for education reform, trying to wave agitation, weaken the influence of the PTU. To Arthur Li, Mrs ruled education, the two sides have played against each other piece, Mrs and PTU and education representatives of the Legislative Council Ip Kin-yuen have holidays, because under reform species, then there are teachers committed suicide, allegedly too hasty reform implementation, resulting in a heavy burden , Mrs public response refers Ruoguo and reform related to Well Link only few people commit suicide, his cold-blooded extent that the public outcry had to leave Mrs EMB transferred the Commissioner, not knowing that she again broke in 2004 the EC Another single scandal when the Permanent Secretary Office, the Institute lecturer Ip Kin-yuen drainage dissatisfaction wrote in a newspaper criticizing the reform, calling rap leaves, and then call the professor teaching hospital 莫慕 Zhen, requiring punishment Ip Kin-yuen, the event caused an uproar, the government appointed a judge to conduct an independent investigation, confirmed that she had interfered with academic freedom, Mrs early retirement in July 2007.
Drainage Remediation PTU and teaching hospital, old passions can speak a melting pot, then turn on the upper canal, it is natural to do to Han Han to do, before Chung words have self-regulation within the government, whenever the public face of the large response event, will conduct an independent investigation, to assuage public concerns. Now Ceremony Disintegration, lawlessness, three years down the rampant political manipulator, four deal with dissidents, crossed with political, partisan. This kind of struggle and governance style, just so deep, "Revenge" believers consciousness beings, on the one hand to Beijing to make suggestions, make "people return to work" hand holding a feather when everyone happy, holding Anti-independence flag in Hong Kong, four to find the enemy. Event of opponents, even neutral, professional, organizational, or you can wear a hat collusion opposition.
Three years, this extreme style combat modus operandi of a large, not only the Government fully into isolation, but also further exacerbate centrifugal Hong Kong. Hong Kong people request, but was "to convince us by civilization," and you agree to use power, the yuan, the free exercise or astronaut. The more you use the education system hard Sale Department of the great motherland, Hong Kong people, the greater the rebound. Sacred Heart Primary School sing ten times, "China is my home," the cause resentment, the Department of the way the problem, it kind of rough, poor, going through the motions-style "national education" seriously out of touch with the times, but also out of touch with the world. Hong Kong people's aversion to the central government, it is the low-level classes by patriotic thief contributed.
The main University of Hong Kong in the global ranking fell on, because after worries outside the umbrella of academic freedom movement can not be maintained, which is the cost of engaging in a political struggle for the sake of their own political win, lose Foundation University for many years, primary and secondary classrooms into a battlefield, parents split, against each other, 𠵱 home Zhong Yao "grab teachers' re-education, then you will leave Hong Kong Well Pujie!
Tamar M



 That is like apples Supplement No. innovative "fruit seed" FB!
  Profile picture.羅范椒芬日前表示要讓香港準教師到內地學習國情後方可入職。資料圖片.

雨傘運動後忽然高舉反港獨旗幟,識睇嘅都知道另一場政治運動登場準備中,果然,人大代表兼行會梁粉羅范「亮劍」,在北京忽然提出香港教師入職前要返內地接 受「國情教育」,又指教師受教協此等反對派團體所影響。據建制派中人耳語,689早前與政協會面時,已毫不掩飾表明要對付發起佔中的戴耀廷所屬的港大法律 學院,又曾表示教師要整頓。
對雨傘運動的清算,已經開波,港大法律學院陳文敏捱批只是誓師出發前祭旗的山羊,跟手自會安插梁粉控制教資會、大學校 董會主席等「戰略」位置,對付教協、教師及學生組織。日前在辦學團體及利用家教會影響學校方面,政府已取得階段性勝利。但無論如何,在「教育戰線」上,最 重要一環是老師,政府猶如老鼠拉龜,不知從何入手。早在梁錦松當UGC主席年代,已經視教協為教育改革的三座大山,試圖鼓動風潮,削弱教協影響力。到李國 章、羅范主政教育,雙方已互片交手,羅范與教協及教育界代表立法會議員葉建源有過節,是因為教改種下,當年有教師自殺,被指教改推行過於急進,造成沉重壓 力,羅范公開回應指若果與教改有關,就唔止咁少人自殺,其涼薄程度令公眾譁然,羅范黯然離開教統局調任廉政專員,殊不知又再爆出2004年她出任教統局常 秘時的另一單醜聞,佢不滿教院講師葉建源在報章撰文批評教改,致電斥責葉,並再致電教院教授莫慕貞,要求懲罰葉建源,事件引起軒然大波,政府委任大法官進 行獨立調查,證實她有干預學術自由,羅范在07年七月提早退休。
佢整治教協及教院,可以講新仇舊恨共冶一爐,呢期輪到佢上位,自然有咁盡去咁盡, 以前仲話政府內部有自我監管,但凡遇到公眾大反應之事件,會進行獨立調查,平息公眾疑慮。現在禮崩樂壞,無法無天,三年下來政治黑手橫行,四出對付異己, 用政治劃線,黨同伐異。這種以鬥爭為綱的管治作風,正好令深具「復仇」意識之徒大展拳腳,一方面為北京出謀獻策,進行「人心回歸工程」,另一方面手執雞毛 當令箭,高舉反港獨旗幟,四出尋找敵人。一旦遇上反對者,即使是中立、專業、建制,也可以扣上勾結反對派帽子。
三年來這種極端作風,打擊一大片之 行事方法,不單令政府全面陷入孤立,也進一步加劇香港人的離心。香港人要求,只不過是「用文明來說服我們」,而唔係用強權、人民幣、自由行或太空人。你越 係利用教育體系硬Sale偉大祖國,香港人反彈就越大。聖心小學唱十次《中國是我家》之引起反感,係手法問題,呢種粗糙、劣質、走過場式的「國家教育」, 嚴重與時代脫節,也同世界脫節。香港人對中央政府的厭惡,正是由呢班低水平愛國賊促成。
香港主要大學在全球排名告跌,原因是外界憂慮雨傘運動後學 術自由不保,這就是搞政治鬥爭的代價,為求一己政治上位,賠上大學多年基業,中小學課室變成戰場、家長分裂、互鬥,𠵱家仲要「抓老師」進行再教育,你話 香港唔仆街就假!


Breathing short-lived! ? Smog haze clouds floating people around the world: never take off the mask


 Reporter Li Li Xun / roundup
China Beijing, Shanghai's air quality is poor in the world-famous, and neighboring countries to pull the alarm, because the smog and haze across the sea, moving toward Japan and South Korea, so that the two countries, the pitch-dark, people dare to wear masks to go out, Because fog and haze to be a long, toxic substances invade the body with cancer, I am afraid; but after China, India has become the hardest hit PM2.5 aerosols, air pollution in New Delhi, three times worse than Beijing, not only child asthma cases surge even more than half the population of 3.2 years Life Lost!
 Smog haze worsen again! India, Japan and Korea are occupied
 Skyline blur a whole Seoul shrouded in polluted air, poor visibility, the vehicle can only slow down, more people are going to wear a mask, dare to go out, because of the smog and haze from China, already the whole territory of the invasion! South Korean experts said the atmosphere, the yellow desert dust haze is from China, and the fine dust in the air is China with South Korea each half.
The setting up of air pollution monitoring unit, ready for the public release of the alert, because once airborne toxins into the body through the nasal mucosa, 74% of the cadmium and 42% of lead will dissolve the lungs. Physicians said: "Inhalation of heavy metals in the body, though now only trace amounts, but at high concentrations the state, long-term inhalation and accumulation in vivo, and certainly impact on health."
Smog haze worsen again! India, Japan and Korea are occupied
Not only the entire Korean Peninsula bordering suffer, China poison haze more flying over the sea, Fukuoka, Japan, bear the brunt. Japanese reporter explained: "The Administration has not issued an alert air attention, but as you can see, the sky is the vast expanse." PM2.5 aerosols, clouds, the three major metropolitan areas, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and all of the fall, Japanese people said absolutely not off masks.
Afraid chronic breathing gas, the Japanese government on tenterhooks steps to develop countermeasures, but in addition to Northeast Asia, even India has become the hardest hit of PM2.5! Hospital noted that in New Delhi, every five people, there is both suffering asthma, or other respiratory related diseases. Indian doctor also said: "Compared to a decade ago, a substantial surge in asthma cases, I think the main reason is that the air pollution."
Smog haze worsen again! India, Japan and Korea are occupied
Even worse air pollution in New Delhi China, Beijing three times, more than 15 times the WHO standard! Rapid urbanization, a large number of automotive and industrial emissions, so that the air quality global bottom, 3.2 years more than half the population of Life Lost, if long-term living in the smog haze invisible killer, every breath of air, I am afraid it will accelerate the shortened life expectancy.


呼吸會短命!?毒霧霾遮天蔽日飄全球 民眾:絕不脫口罩


中國北京、上海空氣品質差世界聞名,而鄰近國家也拉警報,因為毒霧霾漂洋過海、朝日本和南韓移動,讓這兩個國家、伸手不見五指,民眾要戴口罩才敢出門,因 為霧霾天氣待久了,有毒物質入侵體內恐怕罹癌;而繼中國後,印度也成為PM2.5懸浮微粒重災區,首都新德里空氣污染,比北京還要嚴重三倍,不僅兒童氣喘 病例激增,甚至過半人口減壽3.2年!
 Smog haze worsen again! India, Japan and Korea are occupied

天際線模糊一片,整個首爾籠罩在汙濁的空氣中,能見度差、車輛只能放慢速度,民眾更是要戴口罩、才敢出門, 因為來自中國的毒霧霾,已經全境入侵!南韓大氣環境專家表示,黃色的塵霾是來自中國沙漠,而空氣中的細塵則是中國跟韓國各佔一半。
毒霧霾再惡化! 中日韓印度皆淪陷
不只接壤的朝鮮半島整個遭殃,中國毒物霾更飄揚過海,日本福岡、首當其衝。日本記者說明:「當局並未發布空氣注意警報,但如您所見,空中是白茫茫一片。」PM2.5懸浮微粒、遮天蔽日,三大都會區, 東京、大阪、名古屋也全部淪陷,日本民眾表示,絕對不脫口罩。
毒霧霾再惡化! 中日韓印度皆淪陷


BERNARD: Hong Kong Government

should contradictions partly responsible for warming

 Parallel multi-line sign-off and a problem of too many visitors recently sparked a series of demonstrations, but officials, establishment faction attacked the demonstrators concentrated caused conflict. Port, who is also a member of the NPC guild Bernard in Beijing to accept the "South China Morning Post," visit that the Hong Kong government for years ignored the problems caused by social integration (overlooked issues stemming from growing social integration), and Hong Kong shall bear contradiction warming on the part of the blame.

Recently appointed by the Government to "reduce salt and sugar in food committee" Chairman Bernard, outspoken Hong Kong and the mainland government over the past 30 years only concerned with economic integration, but that Hong Kong is facing the problem of social integration, measures the welfare and immigration departments also prove does not work (efforts had proved far from sufficient).

For the rampant problem of parallel-off to become the new battleground in the harbor contradictory Bernard believes "we underestimated the Chinese people's creativity, they use both goods spread money." To resolve this contradiction, he thinks, and to establish a platform freely admits, so officials and non-governmental organizations together to discuss countermeasures.

In addition, the former Secretary for the Civil Service Joseph Wong in "am730" column also mentioned anti-parallel demonstrations controversy, criticism part of senior government officials, businessmen and formed faction "Hong Kong people started to talk he taught, saying all married off, mainland visitors are Hong Kong and other words of god "that Hong Kong people to the foundation ceremony of hospitality, is the other side" does not harm himself or his family's normal life, do not let the majority prevail over the interests of the minority people's well-being. "

Mr Wong Hong powerful people questioned political wisdom, less recently visiting Taipei Mayor Eric Chu, "He (Chu) fully understand the feelings of the people is more important than the business of fun."

 That is like apples Supplement No. innovative "fruit seed" FB!


水貨客和一簽多行旅客過多的問題,近期激起連串示威,惟高官、建制派集中抨擊示威引起的衝突。身兼港區全國人大代表的行會成員陳智思在北京接受《南華早 報》訪問時,認為政府多年來忽視中港社會融合帶來的問題(overlooked issues stemming from growing social integration),須為中港矛盾升溫負上部分責任。

近日獲政府委任為「降低食物中鹽和糖委員會」主席的陳智思,直言香港和內地政府過去30年只關注經濟融合,但認為香港正面對社會融合的問題,社福和入境部門的對策亦證明不奏效(efforts had proved far from sufficient)。


此 外,公務員事務局前局長王永平在《am730》專欄,亦提及反水貨示威爭議,批評部分港府高官、商人和建制派「開口閉口便教訓港人,說甚麼過門都是客、內 地客是港人的衣食父母等話」,認為港人待客以禮的基礎,是對方「不能損害自己或家人的正常生活,也不能讓少數人的利益凌駕大多數人的福祉」。


即 like 蘋果副刊革新號《果籽》FB!

 **Please privileged users use Google translator to translate the great God language you use ah ^^~
*제발 권한이있는 사용자는 아 ^^ ~ 사용하는 위대한 하나님의 언어를 번역하는 구글 번역기를 사용.
*Veuillez utilisateurs privilégiés utilisent Google traducteur pour traduire la grande langue Dieu vous utilisez ah ~^^
* กรุณาผู้ใช้สิทธิพิเศษใช้ Google แปลที่จะแปลภาษาพระเจ้าที่ดีที่คุณใช้อา ^^~
* Bonvolu privilegiita uzantoj uzas Google tradukisto por traduki la grandan Dion lingvon vi uzas ah ^^~
**All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-

 *'Erosion / weakness of local officials and property Brutal evil cult Communist mainland Chinaman only know ,the different parties .
Object refers to these parties more different / weak to fight corrupt local officials... haha ​​...
Really is the world's most humiliating place.

Only the Communist mainland Chinaman often brutal cult play them live pigs playing tricks yards,
But the world is also well known cult brutal Communist mainland Chinaman filthy collusion,black money laundering,
More then to wash up countries around the world! @

See the British government to bury morality and conscience,
British people will make more annoying now filthy political darkness transaction.
2015 British shameless their species!

Our firm US position,
Taiwan's National League and the Japanese empire,
In the era of cutting-edge technology,
Aside the previous generation of hatred,
With feelings of love and attention and build solid friendship of the state ~

South Korea much more advanced,
Our famous white tiger park in South Korea more priceless.
This is our ally in the United States, not sell to the Communist mainland Chinaman brutal cult treasure.
Communist mainland Chinaman often steal the international reputation in science and technology have information, confidential documents ... etc.,
South Korea is also fortunate that we do not sell the account to a nation full of suffering greed Zeidao place.

Chinaman's brutal Communist mainland evil cult estate property throughout the city fell,
Mainland seen like a ghost empty residential waste terrible !!
The mainland city stock market continued to decline, down to the suspension ...
Financial tsunami power.... to make the chinaman staged "Under the Dome" ....
Make the world into being poisoned mortality surge
Communist mainland Chinaman brutal evil cult gangster Ma wan 'fake food,
Counterfeiting [beyond safety testing of mercury content is too high, high lead content, etc .... toxic products] take imitation,
The city is also the province's numerous odd fake food, fake goods export country.
Various prototype body can pollute the Earth mankind !!

In this respect the conscience of the wish/hope people as a wake-up call you
Not because of the money and sell the goodness of human nature,
British government  shameless as a national human rights and cognitive distortions authenticity inhumane and wrong, evil !!
Human dignity shame !! ''

Small smoke Contentment was live ~ Sincerely sincere faith Melody.Blog








渺小如煙 知足為本 Melody.Blog誠摯敬上~


'지역 공무원과 재산 잔인한 악마 숭배 공산주의 본토 중국인의 침식 / 약점은, 다른 당사자를 알고있다.
개체 하하 ... 손상된 지방 공무원 싸울 약한 이상의 다른 이들 파티 /를 참조 ...
정말 세계에서 가장 굴욕적인 장소입니다.

만 공산주의 본토 중국인은 종종 잔인한 숭배는 그들이 트릭 야드를 연주 돼지 라이브 연주,
그러나 세계는 잘 알려져 숭배 잔인한 공산주의 본토 중국인 더러운 공모, 검은 돈을 세탁,
더 많은 다음 세계 각국을 씻어! @

도덕과 양심을 묻어 영국 정부를 참조하십시오,
영국 사람들은 더 짜증나는 이제 더러운 정치 어둠 트랜잭션을 만들 것입니다.
2015 영국은 자신의 종을 뻔뻔한!

저희 사무소는 미국의 입장,
대만의 내셔널 리그와 일본 제국,
첨단 기술의 시대에,
이외에도 증오의 이전 세대,
사랑과 관심과 국가의 단단한 우정을 구축의 감정을 ~

한국 훨씬 더 고급,
한국에있는 우리의 유명한 화이트 타이거 공원은 더 귀중한.
이것은 미국에서 우리의 동맹, 공산주의 본토 중국인 잔인한 숭배 보물로 판매하지.
공산주의 본토 중국인들은 과학 기술의 국제적인 명성을 도용, 정보, 기밀 문서를 가지고 ...
한국은 우리가 탐욕 Zeidao 장소를 고통의 전체 국가에 계정을 판매하지 않는 것이 다행이다.

도시 전역에 중국인의 잔인한 공산주의 본토 악마 숭배 부동산 속성은 떨어졌다
본토는 빈 주거 폐기물 끔찍한 유령처럼 보이는!
본토 도시 주식 시장은 서스펜션에 이르기까지, 계속해서 감소 ...
중국인를 만들기 위해 금융 쓰나미의 힘은 ... ... "돔에서"개최
인 중독 사망률 급증으로 세계를 확인
공산주의 본토 중국인 잔인한 악마 숭배 갱 마완 '가짜 음식,
[수은 함량의 안전 테스트를 넘어 지나치게 높으면, 높은 납 함유량 등의 제품은 독성 ....] 위조 모방 걸릴
도시는 또한 지방의 수많은 이상한 가짜 식품, 가짜 상품 수출 국가이다.
다양한 프로토 타입 몸은 지구 인류를 오염시킬 수 있습니다!

이 점에서 웨이크 업으로 소원 / 희망의 사람들의 양심은 전화
때문이 아니 돈과 인간의 본성의 선함을 판매,
국가 인권인지 적 왜곡 진위 비인간적 잘못 악으로 영국 정부의 뻔뻔한!
인간의 존엄성의 수치! ''

작은 연기 자족은 ~ 감사합니다 진심으로 믿음을 방송했습니다 Melody.Blog


'Érosion / faiblesse des responsables locaux et des biens Brutal secte communiste Chinois du continent ne connaissent, les différents partis.
Objet fait référence à ces partis les plus différents / faibles pour lutter contre les fonctionnaires locaux corrompus ... haha ​​...
Vraiment, ce est endroit le plus humiliante du monde.

Seulement le Chinois de la partie continentale communiste culte souvent brutale jouer les porcs vivants jouer des tours mètres,
Culte, mais le monde est également bien connu brutale Chinois de la partie continentale communiste collusion sale, le blanchiment d'argent noir,
Plus de se laver les pays autour du monde! @

Voir le gouvernement britannique pour enterrer la moralité et de conscience,
Les Britanniques feront plus ennuyeux maintenant sale transaction obscurité politique.
2015 Colombie dévergonde leurs espèces!

Notre position américaine de l'entreprise,
Ligue nationale de Taiwan et l'empire japonais,
Dans l'ère de la technologie de pointe,
Outre la génération précédente de la haine,
Avec des sentiments d'amour et d'attention et de construire solide amitié de l'état ~

Corée du Sud beaucoup plus avancé,
Notre célèbre parc de tigre blanc en Corée du Sud plus inestimable.
Ce est notre allié aux Etats-Unis, se vend pas à le Chinois de la partie continentale communiste culte brutale trésor.
Chinois de la partie continentale communiste voler souvent la réputation internationale en science et technologie ont des informations, des documents confidentiels ... etc.,
Corée du Sud est aussi la chance que nous ne vendons pas le compte à une nation pleine de souffrance cupidité Zeidao lieu.

Brutale propriété communiste continentale mal immobilier culte de Chinois à travers la ville est tombée,
Mainland vu comme un fantôme déchets résidentiels vide horrible !!
La Bourse de ville continentale a continué de diminuer, jusqu'à la suspension ...
Puissance de tsunami financier .... pour faire le Chinois a organisé «sous le dôme" ....
Faites le monde en étant poussée de la mortalité empoisonné
Nourriture faux Chinois de la partie continentale communiste brutale secte gangster Ma Wan,
Contrefaçon [-delà des tests de teneur en mercure de sécurité est trop élevé, à haute teneur en plomb, etc .... produits toxiques] prennent imitation,
La ville est également de nombreux aliments faux impair de la province, les marchandises contrefaites pays d'exportation.
Divers corps de prototype peut polluer l'humanité de la Terre !!

À cet égard, la conscience du peuple souhait / espoir comme un réveil que vous appelez
Pas à cause de l'argent et de vendre la bonté de la nature humaine,
Éhontée du gouvernement britannique en tant que l'authenticité nationale des droits de l'homme et des distorsions cognitives inhumaine et le mal, le mal !!
La honte de la dignité humaine !! ''

Petit fumée contentement était en direct ~ foi sincère Sincèrement Melody.Blog



もっとして、世界中の国々を洗浄する! @





人間の尊厳の恥! ''



'การชะล้างพังทลาย / ความอ่อนแอของเจ้าหน้าที่ท้องถิ่นและทรัพย์สินลัทธิชั่วร้ายโหดชาวจีนแผ่นดินใหญ่ของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์เพียงรู้ว่าบุคคลที่แตกต่างกัน
วัตถุหมายถึงบุคคลเหล่านี้แตกต่างกันมากขึ้น / อ่อนแอที่จะต่อสู้กับเจ้าหน้าที่ท้องถิ่นเสียหาย ... ฮ่าฮ่า ...

เพิ่มเติมจากนั้นไปล้างประเทศทั่วโลก! แอท

2015 อังกฤษหน้าด้านสายพันธุ์ของพวกเขา!

บริษัท ของเราตำแหน่งสหรัฐ
กับความรู้สึกของความรักและความสนใจและสร้างมิตรภาพที่มั่นคงของรัฐ ~

ชาวจีนแผ่นดินใหญ่ของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์มักจะขโมยชื่อเสียงระดับนานาชาติในด้านวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีที่มีข้อมูลเอกสารที่เป็นความลับ ... ฯลฯ
เกาหลีใต้ยังเป็นโชคดีที่เราไม่ได้ขายบัญชีให้กับประเทศที่เต็มไปด้วยความทุกข์ทรมานความโลภสถาน Zeidao

แผ่นดินใหญ่เห็นเหมือนผีของเสียที่อยู่อาศัยที่ว่างเปล่าที่น่ากลัว !!
เมืองแผ่นดินใหญ่ตลาดหุ้นลดลงต่อเนื่องลงไประงับ ...
พลังคลื่นสึนามิทางการเงิน .... เพื่อให้เจ๊กฉาก "ภายใต้โดม" ....
แผ่นดินใหญ่ชาวจีนคอมมิวนิสต์ลัทธิชั่วร้ายโหดร้ายนักเลง Ma Wan 'อาหารปลอม
ปลอมแปลง [เกินกว่าการทดสอบความปลอดภัยของปรอทสูงเกินไปปริมาณตะกั่วสูง ฯลฯ .... ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่เป็นพิษ] ใช้เลียนแบบ
เมืองนี้ยังจังหวัดต่าง ๆ นานาอาหารปลอมแปลก, สินค้าปลอมประเทศการส่งออก
ร่างกายต้นแบบต่างๆสามารถก่อให้เกิดมลพิษมนุษย์โลก !!

ในแง่นี้มโนธรรมของความปรารถนา / ความหวังเป็นคนปลุกโทรหาคุณ
รัฐบาลอังกฤษไร้ยางอายเป็นสิทธิมนุษยชนแห่งชาติและการบิดเบือนความรู้ความเข้าใจที่ถูกต้องไร้มนุษยธรรมและผิดความชั่วร้าย !!
ความอัปยศศักดิ์ศรีความเป็นมนุษย์ !! ''

ควันขนาดเล็กพอใจเป็นสด ~ ศรัทธาจริงใจขอ Melody.Blog


'Erozio / malforteco de lokaj funkciuloj kaj proprieto Brutala malbono kulto Komunisma ĉeftero Ĥino nur scias, la malsamaj partioj.
Objekto referencas al tiuj partioj pli malsama / malforta por batali koruptaj lokaj respondeculoj ... haha ​​...
Vere estas la monda plej humiliga loko.

Nur la Komunisma ĉeftero ĉino ofte brutala kulto ludi ilin vivi porkoj mistifiki yardas,
Sed la mondo estas ankaŭ bone konata kulto brutala Komunisma ĉeftero Ĥino malpurega koluzio, nigra mono blankigas,
Pli poste lavi supren landoj ĉirkaŭ la mondo! @

Vidu la brita registaro enterigi moraleco kaj konsciencon,
Brita popoloj faros pli ĝena nun senbrida politika mallumo transakcio.
2015 Brita Shameless iliaj specioj!

Nia firmao usona pozicio,
Tajvano Nacia Ligo kaj la japana imperio,
En la erao de tala-rando teknologio,
Aparte la antaŭa generacio de malamo,
Kun sentoj de amo kaj atento kaj konstrui solidan amikecon de la stato ~

Sudkoreio multe pli antaŭita,
Nia fama blanka tigro parko en Sud-Koreio pli senpreza.
Tio estas nia aliancano en Usono, ne vendi al la Komunisma ĉeftero Ĥino brutala kulto trezoro.
Komunista ĉeftero ĉino ofte ŝtelas la internacia reputacio en scienco kaj teknologio havas informon, konfidencaj dokumentoj ... ktp,
Sud-Koreio ankaŭ estas feliĉe, ke ni ne vendos la konton al nacio plenaj de suferado avareco Zeidao loko.

Ĥino la brutala komunisma ĉeftero malbono kulto bieno proprieto tra la urbo falis;
Ĉeftero vidita kiel fantomo malplena residenciales malŝparo terura !!
La kontinenta urbo sako daŭre malsupreniris, malsupren al la pendado ...
Financaj cunamo povo .... fari la Ĥino scenon "Sub la Kupolo" ....
Faru la mondo estiĝis venenita morteco ondadon
Komunista ĉeftero Ĥino brutala malbona kulto kanajlo Ma Wan 'falsaj nutraĵoj,
Falsificación [preter sekureco testado de hidrargo enhavo estas tro alta, alta plumbo enhavo, ktp .... venenajn produktojn] preni imitaĵo,
La urbo estas ankaŭ la provincan multnombraj nepara falsa manĝaĵo, falsa varoj eksportado lando.
Diversaj prototipo korpo povas malaperigi la Tero homaro !!

Tiurilate la konsciencon de la deziron / esperon homoj kiel alvoko de garde vin
Ne pro la mono kaj vendi la bonecon de la homa naturo,
Brita registaro senhonta kiel naciaj homaj rajtoj kaj kognitiva distordoj autenticidad malhumana kaj malĝusta, malica !!
Homa digno honto !! ''

Malgrandaj fumo kontenteco estis live ~ Sincere sincera fido Melody.Blog


*---By Apple Daily and ltn.com.tw and setn.com news gathering songjang--- and bring out the message---''Brutal evil cult of the Communist Party in Chinaman did not educate citizens abroad etiquette, many countries Suffer from the mainland  chinaman like  bully behavior & a shameless!''-
---애플 데일리와 ltn.com.tw 및 setn.com 뉴스 수집 songjang ---에 의해 해외 시민 에티켓, 많은 나라 교육을하지 않은 메시지---'중국인 공산당의'잔인한 악마 숭배를 이끌어 깡패 행동 및 뻔뻔한 같은 본토의 중국인 고통!''-
---En Apple Daily et ltn.com.tw et setn.com collecte de nouvelles Songjang---et de faire ressortir le message---''secte perverse Brutal du Parti communiste Chinois ne ont pas éduquer les citoyens à l'étranger, l'étiquette de nombreux pays Souffrent de le Chinois du continent comme intimidateur comportement et un sans vergogne!''-
---蘋果日報とltn.com.twとsetn.com取材songjang ---とメッセージを引き出す---「中国人で共産党の「残酷な悪のカルト海外で市民を教育しなかったエチケット、多くの国によっていじめっ子の行動&恥知らずのような本土の中国人に苦しむ ''! -
---โดยแอปเปิ้ลวันและ ltn.com.tw และ setn.com รวบรวมข่าว songjang---และนำข้อความ---''ลัทธิชั่วร้ายโหดร้ายของพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์ในชาวจีนไม่ได้ให้ความรู้แก่ประชาชนมารยาทในต่างประเทศหลายประเทศ ต้องทนทุกข์ทรมานจากชาวจีนแผ่นดินใหญ่เช่นพฤติกรรมพาลและไร้ยางอาย''-
---Per Apple Daily kaj ltn.com.tw kaj setn.com novaĵoj renkontiĝon songjang--- kaj elirigos la mesaĝo---''Brutala malbono kulto de la Komunisma Partio en ĉino ne eduki civitanojn eksterlanden etiketo, multaj landoj suferi de la ĉeftero ĉino kiel bravulaĉo konduto & senhonta!''-
**All The World City/ Country Lauguage**-






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