2015年11月29日 星期日

[29/11-2015]From this chivalrous anonymous "Anonymous Tw"(Facebook) brings us the latest news! And Hong Kong and Taiwan Apple Daily news. And we are a continent of the Communist Party '' Fifty Cent '' Red Guards' asshole pretending Japanese slaves of the yuan on Twitter We come framed, this '' wimp '' slander us are CIA spies!- [29/11-2015]由這個俠義匿名"Anonymous Tw"(Facebook)帶給我們最新資訊!和香港及台灣蘋果日報的新聞.及我們在Twitter上被某個大陸共產黨''五毛''紅衞兵''人民幣的屁眼奴隸假装日本人來誣陷我們,這個''窩囊廢''誣蔑我們是CIA的特務!-

*[29/11-2015]From this chivalrous anonymous "Anonymous Tw"(Facebook) brings us the latest news! And Hong Kong and Taiwan Apple Daily news. And we are a continent of the Communist Party '' Fifty Cent '' Red Guards' asshole pretending Japanese slaves of the yuan on Twitter We come framed, this '' wimp '' slander us are CIA spies!-
[29/11-2015]由這個俠義匿名"Anonymous Tw"(Facebook)帶給我們最新資訊!和香港及台灣蘋果日報的新聞.及我們在Twitter上被某個大陸共產黨''五毛''紅衞兵''人民幣的屁眼奴隸假装日本人來誣陷我們,這個''窩囊廢''誣蔑我們是CIA的特務!-


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Angel of Death: The Man Who Killed 1500+ ISIS Members

November 29th, 2015 | by Anon.Dos.
Angel of Death: The Man Who Killed 1500+ ISIS Members
Since there is an ongoing fight for Tikrit, in which the Iraqi and Iranian armies and associated Iraqi Shia and Sunni soldiers are making an effort to eliminate hidden Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant attackers, contributing to increasing deaths along with the materialistic damage of their metropolitan land. Also, there is a synchronized war that is being and has been conducted around the online world and via the mainstream media, which causes the development of combatants which both the Iraqis, as well as Iranians, can core too.

Image Source: Google Image – A picture of Abu Azrael standing in full gear and showing the victory sign.
Pictures from a variety of internet sources show a man who is a hero to some and some merely a cause of death to other. Named, Ayyub Faleh al-Rubaie also known as Abu Azrael, which roughly translates to Angel of Death, once an average man now partaking in the battle for Tikrit, is definitely no less than a superhero character to arise with what has developed into a lengthy struggle in Iraq. Worldwide media maintains up this information, together with its love affair together with the climb of ISIL as well as its utilization of social media.
However, Ayyub Faleh al-Rubaie happens to be a fabled Shia (mostly* minorities around the world) fighter whose courage plus his notoriety have also gained him the recognition of Iraqi Rambo. He’s come to be the people’s supporter in standing up to the ISIL in the Iraqi territory. His practices and his visual appearance accommodate the barbarity of the so-called Islamic State, also known as Daesh and ISIS. Such as, he has photographed carrying guns, daggers, axes and holding swords and in many cases maltreating the dead bodies of ISIS soldiers.
Image Source: Google Image – Abu Azrael picture in crouch position taken possibly in the middle of a battle or perhaps training.
The question we elevate is why him, seeing as there are thousands and thousands of people struggling and fighting in the cause they believe in just like him – to this we can only say being in the right place at the right time. To merely express the emphasis on this subject or his identity raises a wider dilemma of the fusion amongst cyberspace and real violent clash, where it is now much more challenging to split actuality from the mediated adaptation created in the online world.
Fighting the enemy has grown to be – fair to say, postmodern, be it if they are the Shia side of fighters building an idol in order to be similarly preferred as similar to what the State Department is creating strategies of Twitter posts to disrepute ISIL. Needless to say, with such a significant breakthrough of new techniques along with the beclouding of truth, there exists facts above any uncertainty on the soil that features people of Syria and the people of Iraq that continue to be and are being forced out and thrown into the streets (in their country as well as the countries that have granted them asylum) considering the Syrian civil war as well as the surge of ISIL.
Image Source: Google Image – A cartoon depicting Abu Azrael holding the flag of Daesh (ISIL or ISIS).
Allegiance, irrespective of whether it is the army fighting Daesh or with ISIS, itself, should not be based on social networks, but should be a result of a long phase system of acculturation and character development. However, things the social media is doing has authorized individuals away from the combat zone to turn into ‘look and judge’ type towards the present war, which allows to facilitate the development of digital personalities that are to commemorate or compel, you be the judge.


死亡天使:誰殺了1500+ ISIS成員的男人

2015年11月29日| 通過Anon.Dos.
死亡天使:誰殺了1500+ ISIS成員的男人
 由於是一個持續的鬥爭提克里特 ,其中伊拉克和伊朗軍隊和相關的伊拉克什葉派遜尼派士兵正在努力,以消除隱患伊拉克伊斯蘭國和地中海東部的攻擊者,促進隨著物慾橫流傷害增加死亡的大城市的土地。 此外,還有一個同步的戰爭正在並一直圍繞著網絡世界,並通過主流媒體,這會導致戰鬥的發展其中兩個伊拉克人,以及伊朗,CAN內核也進行的。
從各種網絡資源的圖片顯示一個人誰是英雄了一些和死亡的部分僅僅是一個事業等。 命名, 阿尤布Faleh人,魯巴伊還稱阿布死神,大致翻譯到死亡天使,一旦普通人現在單打獨鬥的戰鬥提克里特,絕對不超過一個英雄人物少出現的是什麼已經發展成為一個漫長掙扎在伊拉克。 全球媒體保持了這一信息,連同其戀情與ISIL的攀登,以及其利用社交媒體。
但是,阿尤布Faleh AL-魯巴伊恰好是一個傳說什葉派(在世界各地多為*少數民族)戰鬥機的勇氣加上他的惡名也得到了他的認可伊拉克蘭博。 他來是人民的支持者在站起來的ISIL在伊拉克領土。 他的行為和他的外觀滿足了所謂的伊斯蘭國家的野蠻,也被稱為Daesh和ISIS。 比如,他拍攝了攜帶槍支,匕首,斧頭和控股劍在許多情況下虐待的ISIS士兵的屍體。
我們提高的問題是,為什麼他的,看到有成千上萬的人掙扎和他們相信,就像他的事業戰鬥,數千 - 對此我們只能說在正確的時間正確的地點。 僅僅表達強調這一主題,或他的身份提出了一個融合的網絡空間之中,並真正的暴力衝突,它現在更加具有挑戰性,從在網絡世界創造的調節適應分裂現狀的一個更廣泛的困境。
殺敵已經成長為 - 公平地說,後現代主義,無論是如果他們是戰士建立一個偶像,以什葉派一邊被相似的首選是類似於國務院正在創建的Twitter的職位戰略,以蒙羞ISIL。 不用說,隨著與真理的beclouding新的技術,例如一個顯著的突破,存在以上,具有敘利亞人民和伊拉克人民的繼續和被迫出來,丟在土壤上的任何不確定性的事實街道(在他們的國家,以及那些給予他們庇護的國家),考慮到敘利亞的內戰以及ISIL的激增。
忠誠,無論是軍隊戰鬥力Daesh或ISIS,本身不應該基於社會網絡,而應該是文化適應和性格是一個長期發展相系統的結果。 然而,事情的社交媒體在做授權人遠離戰區變成“外觀和法官的類型對目前的戰爭,這使得以方便數碼人格,是為紀念或強迫的發展,你是法官。


 on November 25, 2015.

 (Update: Added 41J Dubbed Movie) .

Militant group "Islamic State" (IS) today released the latest movie, "without ceasing" (No Respite), which refers to the anti-national members of the Islamic State "War", and Taiwan in this movie is the Islamic State of "naming" , and the emergence of Taiwan flags.

Beginning of the film to introduce the Islamic State is a glorious country, are bigger than the United Kingdom, Belgium, and is a racial integration of the country, all just follow Allah. The film cost a lot more love mocking American war, the US military seems strong, but the average every day, 18 US troops committed suicide.

In addition, the film is more echoes previously referred to US President Barack Obama "coalition against terrorism", the film points out in addition to Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries to join the fight against the Islamic State, as well as 60 countries are among the list wherein the Taiwanese flag was displayed in the film, finally, the movie is more audibles, "put your horse over," he says once more "set full of" 80 countries, will be war, then we are "burnt." It is reported that in addition to the English version of the movie, as well as Russian, French and Turkish version.

After the ASEAN summit held in Malaysia before Obama's press conference, he said: "In the past few years, our partners in Asia are victims of terrorism, many of which are our closest partner in the anti-IS, . ...... These partners include Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. "IS February this year has issued 101 building simulation according to attack, not Taiwan's first appearance in IS related promotional screen. (Fluttering Shi Jie / Dow Jones reports)

[Link] original movie
 Related News "Islamic State" Online licensing locking Taipei 101 as the goal?
IS sent the latest "War" movie, there Taiwanese flag, next to the American flag, the Chinese national flag appears in the top row. Turn from the picture


 on November 25, 2015.

武裝組織「伊斯蘭國」(IS)今日發布最新影片《沒有停歇》(No Respite),其中提到對反伊斯蘭國的國家成員們「抗戰」,而台灣在這支影片中被伊斯蘭國「點名」,並出現台灣國旗。


此 外,該影片更呼應美國總統歐巴馬先前所指的「對抗恐怖主義聯盟」,影片中指出除了俄羅斯、土耳其、伊朗等國加入對抗伊斯蘭國的行列,還有60個國家都在名 單之中,其中台灣國旗就被顯示在影片之中,最後影片更嗆聲「放馬過來」,更說一旦「集滿」80國,就會發動戰爭,然後將大家都「燒毀」。據悉該影片除了有 英文版,還有俄文、法文和土耳其文版。

歐巴馬之前在馬來西亞舉辦的東南亞國協峰會後記者會上表示:「在過去幾年來,我們在亞洲的夥伴們都 是恐怖主義的受害者,其中很多都是我們在反IS上的親密夥伴。……這些夥伴包括澳洲、加拿大、日本、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、新加坡、南韓和台灣。」IS今年2 月也曾發布攻擊101大樓的模擬照,並非台灣首次出現在IS相關宣傳畫面。(施旖婕/綜合外電報導)



【相關新聞】「伊斯蘭國」網上發照 鎖定台北101為目標?


Taiwan's participation in the anti-IS Union Department of State: only non-military humanitarian relief operations

 Counter-terrorism exercises. Profile Photo.
 on November 23, 2015.

US President Barack Obama yesterday to attend the ASEAN-plus-one activity in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, he stated publicly that "Taiwan" can also be a partner in the international anti-terrorism. For US President Obama mentioned that Taiwan is one of the United States Anti-IS alliance members, the Foreign Ministry responded noted that our role is mainly to assist international humanitarian aid and emergency relief work, at this stage I of humanitarian relief operations for refugees in the Middle East offer , but is not involved in relevant military operations.

Foreign Ministry said Taiwan-US mutual trust and strong, both sides through pluralistic, multi-level of communication channels, close cooperation in the political, economic, security and other fields, especially in the present (2015) the two sides jointly established "Global Cooperation and Training Framework" (GCTF) for The Building the capacity of international humanitarian assistance to strengthen cooperation. As for international cooperation against terrorism, our role in assisting major international humanitarian aid and emergency relief work, at this stage I am of the Middle East to provide humanitarian relief to refugees, even eligible for the US and the international community's recognition.

Foreign Ministry noted that "the founders of peace in the region" active play in the international community "humanitarian aid providers" and, as an important diplomatic policy objective of President Ma, for the Middle East in recent years by the spread of terrorism and war refugees and the poor, ROC government continued to provide through the United States and relevant national and international humanitarian aid organizations, including donations prefabs, LED lighting and other equipment and medical supplies, donation amount up to nearly ten million US dollars for humanitarian aid contributions to the Middle East's own strength, but No involvement of relevant military operations. For President Obama is certainly my contribution to international humanitarian aid, the Foreign Ministry said thanks.

Foreign Ministry stressed that the future of Taiwan-US cooperation will continue to expand regional and global issues of the increase Taiwan's visibility in the region and internationally in the areas of, and enhance the role of Taiwan can play it, in order to fully demonstrate the country as an international "humanitarian assistance The provider "and founder of" peace in the region "spirit. (Political Center / Taipei).

2015年11月23日. 美國總統歐巴馬昨天在馬來西亞吉隆坡參加東協加一活動時,公開指出「台灣」也可以成為國際反恐的夥伴。對於美歐巴馬總統提到台灣是美國反IS聯盟成員之 一,外交部回應指出,我方的角色主要在協助進行國際人道援助及急難救助工作,現階段我對中東難民提供之人道救援行動,但並無參與相關軍事行動。

外 交部表示,臺美互信堅強,雙方透過多元、多層次之溝通管道,在政治、經濟、安全等領域密切合作,尤其本(2015)年雙方共同建立「全球合作暨訓練架構」 (GCTF)針對國際人道援助之能力建構加強合作。至於國際反恐合作,我方的角色主要在協助進行國際人道援助及急難救助工作,現階段我對中東難民提供之人 道救援行動,甚獲美方及國際社會肯定。

外交部指出,在國際社會積極扮演「人道援助的提供者」及「區域和平的締造者」,為馬總統之重要外交 施政方針,對於中東地區近年來受到恐怖主義及戰亂波及之難民與貧民,中華民國政府持續透過美國及相關國家與國際組織提供人道援助,包括捐贈組合屋、LED 照明器具及醫療物資等,捐贈金額高達近千萬美元,為中東地區之人道援助工作貢獻己力,但並無參與相關軍事行動。對於歐巴總統肯定我於國際人道援助之貢獻, 外交部表示感謝。




Thanks to my top interactors! @JusticeAnarchy via


 17 小時前
also known as and are trying to track down anons using their executable. report <-- new Sabus

Just installed that app...It says "Thank you for downloading, all your data will be with us shortly"

 17 小時前
lol don't trust . they are purposely trying to track down anons and pull a Sabu.

daeshbag URL : references caliphate and French attacks in German.

Heilung für die Brüste der Gläubigen

Wir wissen, dass die vielen Angehörigen der Tausenden getöteten Muslime durch die Französischen Luftangriffe lange getrauert haben.
Wir hoffen, dass die vielen trauernden Angehörigen nun ein wenig Abkühlung und Heilung in ihren von Leid geprägten Brüsten erhalten.
In der ungefähren Bedeutung des Quran [9:14] auf Deutsch heißt es:
…Allah wird sie durch eure Hände strafen, sie in Schande stürzen, euch zum Sieg über sie verhelfen und die Brüste von gläubigen Leuten heilen´
Möge ALLAH die Tränen der Mütter trocknen, die durch die Luftangriffe Frankreichs ihre Töchter und Söhne verloren.
Und Möge ALLAH Freude und Heilung in die Brüste der Witwen bringen, die ihre Ehemänner durch die feigen Bombardierungen der Franzosen verloren.
Und Möge ALLAH den gekränkten Kindern, die Mutter und Vater verloren, durch Frankreichs Terror gegen die Muslime, ein breites Lächeln schenken, wenn sie erfahren, dass der Islamische Staat sie gerächt hat.
Ja, der Islamische Staat hat Rache versprochen, und sein Versprechen eingehalten. Wenn Al Dawlah Al Islamiyah spricht, dann folgen Taten bi ithn ALLAH.
Und an die Kuffar, die mich derzeit in den Nachrichten und Kommentaren nerven:
Wisset, dass ich mich nicht in euren dreckigen Ländern befinde. Ich bin im Herzen des Kalifats. Das Kalifat, was den Schrecken in eure verdorbenen Herzen brachte.

“Muslimische” Prediger distanzieren sich von Muslime und schleimen bei Kuffar. Während alle Kuffar sich solidarisieren.

Uns haben in diesen Tagen cirka 100 Hass-Botschaften von Kuffar erreicht. Sie sind voller Wut, weil sie mit ihren Kuffar-Brüdern mitfühlen, die ein bisschen von dem gekostet haben, was sie seit Jahrzehnten den Muslimen an Schaden zufügten.
Viele dieser Kuffar die uns in den Nachrichten bedrohen waren selber niemals in Frankreich, können maximal 3 Wörter Französisch und könnten Paris gerade mal so auf einer Landkarte finden.
Trotzdem sind sie voller Mitgefühl und Solidarität mit ihren Tausend Kilometer entfernten Brüdern in Frankreich. Sie können sie zwar nicht verstehen aufgrund verschiedener Sprachen, doch ihre Herzen sind vereint und sie sind ihnen 100 % Loyal. Sie sind eine Millah.
Mit großem Bedauern stellen wir fest, dass bei der MEHRHREIT, die sich dem Islam zuschreiben überhaupt nicht so eine Loyalität und Solidarität mit den Muslime vorhanden ist.
Alle Kuffar rücken nun näher zusammen und färben ihre größten Türme, die sie haben, in die französischen Flaggen-Farbe, sei es in Lodon , New York oder Berlin als Zeichen der Solidarität.
Hingegen haben wir von vielen Derjenigen, die sich der Islamischen Ummah zuschreiben , nie so eine Loyalität und Solidarität mit den Muslimen gesehen. Nie sahen wir, dass sie näher zusammen rückten, weil Muslime Massenweise in vielen Teilen der Welt abgeschlachtet werden, sei es in Syrien, Irak, Afghanistan oder oder oder…. Wir reden nicht von 130 getöteten Muslimen. Sondern von 130.000.000 getöteten Muslimen und mehr…
Reichen den Kuffar denn 100 getötete Brüder von ihnen, dass sie sich auf etwas einigen… und den “Muslimen” reichen keine Millionenen getöteten Muslime ?
Was ist nur los mit dieser “Ummah” ??
Und Leute die sich dem Wissen zuschreiben, sich Schaikh, Gelehrter oder Prediger nennen meinen, dass sie in diesen Tagen nichts besseres zu tun hätten, als dass sie gegen Muslime hetzen und bei Kuffar schleimen ??
Ihr seid keine Vorbilder der Ummah !!!
Guckt euch im Screenshot unten an, was uns ein Prediger und “Gelehrter” (“Priester”) der Kuffar schrieb. Er hat 100 % Solidarität mit seinen Brüdern und Argumentiert und Kämpft für seine Kuffar-Brüder und seine “Ummah” UND NICHT GEGEN SIE !!!
Ya ALLAH schenke den “Muslimischen” Predigern Rechtleitung, welche sich dieser Tage bei den Kuffar einschleimen und den Speichel der Tawaghit lecken.
Ya ALLAH schenke ihnen Rechtleitung, oder lähme ihre Finger und ihre verlogenen Zungen. Allahuma Amin
Hier der Screenshot von den Worten des “Priesters” [Achtung: Viel Kuffr ist enthalten!] :

Islamischer Staat macht massenweise Kriegsbeute bei Angriff auf “Assad” Soldaten in der Provinz Hama

Der Islamische Staat hat beim Angriff gegen die Nusairi Soldaten von Baschar “Al Assad” in der Provinz Hama Massenweise Kriegsbeute gemacht.
An alle Verschwörungstheoretiker, die immer sagen ” Ja, aber woher haben sie ihre Panzer und Waffen”. Die Antwort ist: GHANIMAH ! KRIEGSBEUTE.
Der Rizq des Islamischen Staates liegt unter dem Schatten ihrer Speere. Und dies ist der Beste Rizq.
Und all die Kriegsbeute an schweren Waffen und Panzer, welche der Islamische Staat von den Soldaten “Assads” erbeutet hat, die werden wieder zum Krieg gegen die “Assadisten” und den anderen Kuffar genutzt.
Und so handelt der Islamische Staat schon seit cirka 10 Jahren, seit seiner Gründung:
ALLAHU Akbar. was für eine 3izzah. was für eine Ehre. VIDEO ANSCHAUEN !!!
  Aktuelle Nachrichten | Kommentar hinterlassen

Unsere Loyalität gehört den Muslimen – nicht den Franzosen. Al Wala wal Bara

Sollten jetzt alle Muslime ihr Profilbild ändern und die Flagge des Islam ins Profilbild setzen, als Solidarität mit den Tausenden Muslimen, welche im Islamischen Staat durch die Luftangriffe Frankreichs getötet wurden ?
Manche haben wohl vergessen, dass Frankreich seit cirka einem Jahr regelmäßig und massiv Luftangriffe auf den Islamischen Staat fliegt. Und sie werfen keine Schokolade und Bonbons ab. Sondern hochexplosiven, tödlichen Sprengstoff, an dem manchmal bei einem Luftangriff Hunderte Muslimische Frauen und Kinder sterben.
Manchmal findet man die Hand eines Muslimischen Kindes abgefetzt auf einem Baum wieder.
Und Manchmal verbrennen Muslimische Frauen in ihren eigenen Häusern, als Folge der französischen Luftangriffe.
Wir wäre es mit einem Profilbild-Wechsel als Solidaritäts-Bekundung mit den zig Muslimen die durch Frankreich getötet wurden ?
Oder ist das Blut des französischen Kreuz-Anbeters wertvoller, als das Blut eines Muslims ?
Schande auf jeden, der sich auf die Seite der Franzosen stellt !
ALLAH säubert die Reihen. Und es zeigt sich immer deutlicher der Wahrhaftige von dem Lügner.
Viele sind Lügner in ihrer Behauptung ” Wir lieben die Muslime”.
Vielmehr lieben sie die Kuffar.
Und in Akhirah werden sie in sha’a Allah mit denen versammelt werden, für die sie in der dunja Loyalität und Liebe haben, mit denen sie sich solidarisiert und befreundet haben, mit denen sie getrauert und geheult haben.
Al Wala wal Bara

Muslime weltweit freuen sich. #Paris_Attacks

— An jenem Tage werden die Gläubigen glücklich sein —
Die Muslime weltweit freuen sich.
Und die Kuffar und Heuchler ärgern sich.

IS schlägt erst die Russen, dann die Schiiten und nun die Franzosen. Der IS ist stark und fähig zur Rache.

Erst hat der Islamische Staat das russische Flugzeug vom Himmel geholt und über 200 russische Kreuzanbeter getötet.
Eine Weile darauf hat der IS im “Libanon” zugeschlagen und etwa 50 Schiiten/Rafidah ( viele von Hizb-Al-Laat) getötet.
Und erst gestern erschütterte der Islamische Staat Paris und brachte den Boden unter den Kreuzzüglern zum beben. Ca. 150 Franzosen wurden getötet.

Und jetzt die Frage…WER hat diesen Krieg angefangen?

– Waren erst die Russen in Syrien und haben den IS bombardiert oder wurde erst das russische Flugzeug durch den IS vom Himmel geholt ?
Erst waren die Russen in Syrien !
– Waren erst die Schiiten des Libanon in Syrien und haben Ahlu Sunnah getötet, oder war erstmal der IS im Libanon und führte Anschläge durch?
Die Schiiten des Libanon sind seit mehreren Jahren am töten der Ahlu Sunnah in Syrien.
War erst Frankreich mit seinen Kampfflugzeugen in Syrien und im Irak und hat den Islamischen Staat bombardiert oder war der IS zuerst in Frankreich ??
Frankreich fing den Krieg gegen den Islamischen Staat an und bombardiert massiv den Islamischen Staat im Irak und in Syrien, bevor der Islamische Staat überhaupt einen einzigen Franzosen tötete.
Der Islamische Staat ist kein Boxsack, in den man einfach rein schlägt, und nichts zurück kommt.
Vielmehr ist der Islamische Staat wie ein Bienenstamm. Solange man die Bienen nicht angreift, so greifen sie nicht an. Doch sobald man sich aggressiv ihrem Nest nähert, so sind tausende von Bienen bereit ihr eigenes Leben zu opfern, um den Angreifer zu vernichten. [Eine Biene stirbt nachdem sie eine Attacke ausgeführt hat. Daher kann sie nur einmal zustechen und greift deshalb niemals grundlos an]
Der Khalifah und Amirul Mu’menin Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi hat schon oft geschworen, dass Rache genommen werden wird. Auch wenn dies eine Weile dauern sollte. Rache wird genommen.
Und der Islamische Staat hat nun schon öfters gezeigt, dass er ein mächtiger, starker Staat ist -durch die Gunst von ALLAH – und die Fähigkeit besitzt, Rache zu nehmen.
Wer das nicht verstehen will, und das Gebiet des Islamischen Staates angreift, der braucht sich nicht wundern, wenn “plötzlich” Männer im eigenen Land sind, die – unter Opferung ihres eigenen Lebens – bereit sind, dem aggressiven Angreifer eine Lektion zu erteilen. Die Mujahedin tun dies niemals grundlos !
Und wer das nicht versteht, der soll nur ein einziges Mal in ein Bienen-Nest reinhauen. Vielleicht versteht er dann… (wenn er überlebt).


Cure for the breasts of believers

We know that many members of the thousands killed Muslims mourned by the French airstrikes long.
We hope that many grieving relatives now get a little cooling and healing in their marked by suffering breasts.
Interpretation of the meaning of the Quran [9:14] in German reads:
"... Allah will punish them by your hands, falling into disgrace, you help them to victory over the breasts of believers and heilen' people"
May Allah dry the tears of the mothers who lost by the air raids of France their sons and daughters.
And may Allah joy and healing to the breasts of widows bring that lost their husbands through the cowardly bombing of the French.
And may Allah lost the injured children, the mother and father, by France's terror against the Muslims, give a big smile when they learn that the Islamic state has avenged them.
Yes, the Islamic state has promised revenge, and adhered to his promise. If Al Dawlah Al Islamiyah speaks, deeds bi ithn ALLAH.
And the Kuffar who am currently nerves in the news and comments:
Know that I do not find myself in your filthy countries. I am in the heart of the Caliphate. The caliphate, which brought the horror into your depraved heart.

"Muslim" preacher distance themselves from Muslims and schleimen at Kuffar. While all Kuffar their solidarity.

We have in these days reached about 100 hate messages by Kuffar. You are full of anger because they sympathize with their Kuffar brothers who have tasted a bit of what they inflicted on the Muslims to damage for decades.
Many of these Kuffar who were threatening us in the news itself never in France, a maximum of 3 words French and Paris could just as found on a map.
Nevertheless, they are full of compassion and solidarity w ith its thousand kilometers away brothers in France. You can not understand because of different languages, but their hearts are united and they are 100% loyal to them. They are a Millah.
With great regret that we note that not so a loyalty and solidarity with the Muslims is present in MEHRHREIT who attribute themselves to Islam.
All Kuffar are now moving closer together and dye their biggest towers that they have, in the French Flag Colours, whether in Lodon, New York or Berlin as a sign of solidarity.
However, we have many of those who ascribe the Islamic Ummah, never seen such a loyalty and solidarity with Muslims. We never saw that they were getting closer together, because Muslims are slaughtered in mass way much of the world, be it in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, or or or .... We're not talking about 130 killed Muslims. But by 130 million Muslims killed and more ...
Rich because the kuffar 100 killed brothers of them, that they agree on something ... and the "Muslims" not submit Millionenen killed Muslims?
What's wrong with this "Ummah" ??
And people ascribe themselves knowing my call Shaykh, scholar or preacher that they have to do these days is nothing better, than that they stir up hatred against Muslims and Kuffar schleimen at ??
SHAME on the heads of these false preachers.
You have no models of the Ummah !!!
I watch you in the screenshot below at what a preacher and "scholar" ("Priest") wrote us the Kuffar. He has 100% solidarity with his brothers and argues and fights for his Kuffar brothers and his "Ummah", not against them !!!
Ya Allah bestow the "Muslim" preachers guidance which einschleimen this day when the Kuffar and lick the saliva of Tawaghit.
Ya Allah give them guidance, or crippling their fingers and their deceitful tongues. Allahuma amine
Here is the screenshot of the words of the "priest" [Note: Much Kuffr included!]:

Islamic State makes masse war booty in attack on "Assad" soldiers in the province of Hama

The Islamic State has made Tons of war booty in the attack against the soldiers of Bashar Nusairi "Al Assad" in the province of Hama.
To all conspiracy theorists who say always "Yes, but where they have their armor and weapons." The answer is: GHANIMAH! SPOILS OF WAR.
The Rizq the Islamic State is under the shadow of their spears. And this is the best Rizq.
And all of the spoils of heavy weapons and tanks, which has captured by the soldiers, "Assad" the Islamic State who are being used to wage war against the "Assadisten" and the other Kuffar.
And so is the Islamic state since about 10 years, since its inception:
Allahu Akbar. What a 3izzah. what an Honour. WATCH THE VIDEO !!!

Not the French - Our loyalty is to the Muslims. Al Wala Wal Bara

Should now change their profile picture and put the flag of Islam to the profile picture, as solidarity with the thousands of Muslims who were killed by the air strikes in France in the Islamic state all Muslims?
Some have forgotten that France since approximately one year regularly flies and massive air raids on the Islamic state. And they do not generate any chocolate and candy. But highly explosive, deadly explosives at which sometimes ftangriff when Lu hundreds of Muslim women and children die.
Sometimes you get the hand of a Muslim child deposed on a tree again.
And sometimes Muslim women burn in their own homes, as a result of French air strikes.
We would be with a profile picture change as expressions of solidarity with the tens of Muslims who were killed by France?
Or is the blood of the French Cross-worshiper valuable than the blood of a Muslim?
Shame on anyone who stands on the side of the French!
Allah cleans the ranks. And it is becoming increasingly clear the truthful from the liars.
Many are liars in their claim "We love Muslims".
Rather, they love the Kuffar.
And in Akhirah they will be in sha'a Allah gathered with those for whom they have in the Dunja loyalty and love with which it shows solidarity and have friends with whom they mourned and wept.
Al Wala Wal Bara

Muslims around the world rejoice. #Paris_Attacks

- On that day the believers will be happy -
Muslims around the world rejoice.
And the Kuffar and hypocrites fret.
Posted in News | Leave a reply

IS proposes only the Russians, then the Shiites and now the French. The IS is strong and capable of revenge.

Only the Islamic state has the Russian aircraft out of the sky and killed more than 200 Russian Kreuzanbeter.
For a while it has slammed the "Lebanon" and about 50 Shiite / Rafidah killed (many of Hizb-Al-Laat) of IS.
And only yesterday shook the Islamic State Paris and took the ground from under the Crusaders to the quake. Approximately 150 Frenchmen were killed.

And now the question ... Who started the war?

- Goods until the Russians in Syria and bombed the IS or only was the Russian aircraft brought by the IS from the sky?
Only the Russians were in Syria!
- Have only the Shiites of Lebanon in Syria and have Ahlu Sunnah killed, or was the first IS in Lebanon and carried out attacks?
The Shiites of Lebanon have for several years at the Ahlu Sunnah killing in Syria.
France was only bombarded with his fighters in Syria and Iraq and has the Islamic state or was the first in France ?? IS
France began the war against the Islamic state and massively bombed the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria before the Islamic state ever killed a single Frenchman.
The Islamic state is not a punching bag, in which one proposes simply pure, and nothing comes back.
Rather, the Islamic State as a bee strain. As long as one does not attack the bees, so they do not attack. But once you get aggressive approaches her nest, so thousands of bees are willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to destroy the attacker. [A bee dies after executing an attack. Therefore, they can sting only once and therefore engages never to reason]
The Khalifah and Amirul Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Mu'menin has often vowed that revenge will be taken. Even if this should take a while. Revenge is taken.
And the Islamic state has now already repeatedly shown that he is a powerful, strong state -through the favor of Allah - and has the ability to take revenge.
Anyone who does not want to understand, and the area of ​​the Islamic State acts, who need not be surprised if men in our own country are "suddenly", which - are prepared to give the aggressive attackers a lesson - at the sacrifice of their own lives. The Mujahedin never do this without reason!
And who does not understand that is to tuck only once in a bee-hive. Maybe he understood then ... (if he survives).

Just so you know- is a pedophile who asked to have sex with a 14 year old. RT so ppl know! Proof:

French radical imam doxing -> Rachid Eljay alias Rachid Abou Houdeyfa


By: a guest on Nov 30th, 2015.
|DOX LIBERTY | @DoxLiberty - French no affilated hacktivist
Rachid Eljay alias Rachid Abou Houdeyfa
Crime : as a Brest (France) Imam : He told to children that if they listen music they will become pigs or monkeys
Lastname : Eljay (EL jey or El-jey, depends)
Firstname : Rachid
Country : France
City : Brest (48°23′N 4°29′W)
Postal code : 29200
Job : imam in Sunna mosquee
Phone (need confirmation) : +33.664843591
Email address (need confirmation) : alwassat29@hotmail.fr
Photo : http://www.hexagones.fr/story/christian-curtenelle/2014-10-14_a-brest-lislam-a-deux-visages/media/eljayd.jpg
    Twitter account : https://twitter.com/Abou_Houdeyfa


 ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●ISIS Twitter Data●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
These are some of the people that have been supporting isis. #vandasec

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/YemneAdhd19
Account creation: 28 Nov 2015 at 03:30 - - located in Saudi Arabia

APP                      DATE & TIME                IP LOCATION
Twitter.com            29 Nov 2015 05:34   (Bulgaria)
iOS                    29 Nov 2015 05:07  (France)           
iOS                    29 Nov 2015 03:55  (Saudi Arabia) 
Twitter for iPhone     29 Nov 2015 03:47   (Saudi Arabia)
Twitter for iPhone     28 Nov 2015 20:27 (Saudi Arabia)
Twitter for iPhone     28 Nov 2015 03:30 (Saudi Arabia)
Twitter.com            28 Nov 2015  06:49  (Saudi Arabia)


Twitter account: https://twitter.com/17Asdrf300
Account creation: 18 Nov 2015 at 14:21 - - located in Egypt

APP                      DATE & TIME                IP LOCATION
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 06:12 (Netherlands)
Twitter.com           23 Nov 2015 12:10   (Italy)
Twitter.com           23 Nov 2015 12:10   (France)
Twitter.com           19 Nov 2015 11:49   (Latvia)
Twitter.com           19 Nov 2015 06:15     (France)
Twitter for Android   19 Nov 2015 06:11   (Egypt)
Twitter.com           19 Nov 2015 05:05   (Netherlands)
Twitter for Android   19 Nov 2015 04:50  (Egypt)
Twitter for Android   19 Nov 2015 03:51   (Egypt)
Twitter for Android   19 Nov 2015 03:26  (Egypt)
Twitter for Android   19 Nov 2015 01:33  (Egypt)
Twitter for Android   18 Nov 2015 18:47 (Egypt)
Twitter for Android   18 Nov 2015 17:47  (Egypt)
Twitter for Android   18 Nov 2015 15:45  (Egypt)


Twitter account: https://twitter.com/kurdish2323_hfd
Phone: +964 7507953596
Account creation: Nov 18, 2015 at 2:03 AM - - located in United States

APP                      DATE & TIME                  IP LOCATION
Twitter.com           Nov 29, 2015 6:23 AM (Netherlands)
Twitter.com           Nov 23, 2015 12:10 PM  (Italy)
Twitter.com           Nov 21, 2015 4:14 PM    (Netherlands)
Twitter.com           Nov 20, 2015 10:58 AM  (France)
Twitter for iPad      Nov 19, 2015 8:51 AM (United States)
Twitter for iPad      Nov 19, 2015 8:35 AM  (United States)
Twitter for iPad      Nov 19, 2015 8:19 AM (United States)
Twitter for iPad      Nov 19, 2015 7:47 AM (United States)
Twitter.com           Nov 19, 2015 6:30 AM (United States)
Twitter for iPad      Nov 19, 2015 6:28 AM (United States)
Twitter.com           Nov 18, 2015 1:17 PM (United Kingdom)
Twitter.com           Nov 18, 2015 1:09 PM (United States)
Twitter.com           Nov 18, 2015 1:03 PM  (Romania)
Twitter.com           Nov 18, 2015 1:01 PM   (France)
Twitter for iPad      Nov 18, 2015 2:03 AM  (United States)


Twitter acccount: https://twitter.com/combatbaskq
Account creation: 11 Nov 2015 at 08:52 - - located in Iraq

APP                      DATE & TIME                IP LOCATION
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 07:00  (Japan)
Twitter.com           26 Nov 2015 10:36     (United Kingdom)
Twitter.com           24 Nov 2015 14:09 (Germany)
Twitter.com           24 Nov 2015 14:09 (United Kingdom)
Twitter.com           24 Nov 2015 11:07  (France)
UberSocial© PRO       24 Nov 2015 10:52 (France)
Twitter.com           24 Nov 2015 10:51   (Sweden)
Twitter.com           23 Nov 2015 14:29  (Germany)
Twitter.com           23 Nov 2015 14:29 (Sweden)
Twitter.com           23 Nov 2015 12:48 (Romania)
iOS                   23 Nov 2015 12:17 (United Kingdom)
Twitter.com           23 Nov 2015 12:10
Twitter for iPhone    23 Nov 2015 12:06 (United Kingdom)
Twitter for iPhone    23 Nov 2015 10:42 Kingdom)


Twitter account: https://twitter.com/YemneAdhd19
Account creation: 28 Nov 2015 at 03:30 - - located in Saudi Arabia

APP                      DATE & TIME                IP LOCATION
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 07:10   (Japan)
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 06:07 (Netherlands)
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 05:43    (Bulgaria)
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 05:34   (France)
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 05:07  (United States)
iOS                   29 Nov 2015 03:55   (Saudi Arabia)
Twitter for iPhone    29 Nov 2015 03:47   (Saudi Arabia)
Twitter for iPhone    28 Nov 2015 20:27    (Saudi Arabia)
iOS                   28 Nov 2015 12:43  (Saudi Arabia)
Twitter for iPhone    28 Nov 2015 06:49  (Saudi Arabia)
iOS                   28 Nov 2015 03:31    (Saudi Arabia)
Twitter for iPhone    28 Nov 2015 03:30    (Saudi Arabia)


Twitter account: https://twitter.com/mmm4nno1
Phone Number: +966582440894 - Activation date: 28 Nov 2015 - Country: Saudi Arabia  - Carrier: zain_sa
Account creation: 28 Nov 2015 at 15:42 - - located in Saudi Arabia

APP                      DATE & TIME                 IP LOCATION
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 07:34 (Liberia)
Twitter.com           28 Nov 2015 17:41  (France)
Twitter.com           28 Nov 2015 17:38  (United States)
Twitter.com           28 Nov 2015 17:30   (Sweden)
Twitter for Android   28 Nov 2015 16:58    (Saudi Arabia)


Twitter account: https://twitter.com/hazaahazaa38
Account creation: 28 Nov 2015 at 13:14 - - located in Tunisia

APP                      DATE & TIME                 IP LOCATION
Twitter.com           29 Nov 2015 07:39 (Liberia)
Twitter.com           28 Nov 2015 17:06  (United Kingdom)
Twitter.com           28 Nov 2015 17:05  (United States)
Twitter.com           28 Nov 2015 15:14     (Tunisia)


Twitter account: https://twitter.com/zhrany101k
Account creation: Nov 17, 2015 at 9:17 PM - - located in United States

APP                      DATE & TIME                 IP LOCATION
Twitter.com          Nov 29, 2015 7:51 AM (Liberia)
Twitter.com          Nov 19, 2015 2:43 AM  (France)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 4:23 PM  (Russia)
Twitter for iPad     Nov 18, 2015 2:00 PM (Singapore)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 1:51 PM   (Netherlands)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 1:40 PM      (Germany)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 1:36 PM   (United Kingdom)
Twitter for iPad     Nov 18, 2015 1:09 PM   (Netherlands)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 12:35 PM   (Luxembourg)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 12:35 PM   (Romania)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 12:12 PM (Singapore)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 10:38 AM     (United Kingdom)
Twitter for iPad     Nov 18, 2015 10:28 AM     (United Kingdom)
Twitter for iPad     Nov 18, 2015 10:25 AM (Singapore)
Twitter for iPad     Nov 18, 2015 4:41 AM  (United States)
Twitter.com          Nov 18, 2015 2:35 AM  (Netherlands)
Twitter for iPad     Nov 18, 2015 2:23 AM  (Netherlands)
Twitter.com          Nov 17, 2015 9:21 PM   (United States)
Twitter for iPad     Nov 17, 2015 9:17 PM   (United States)

                                            VandaSec ~ https://twitter.com/VandaSec

                 _uP~"b          d"u,       Dear ISIS,
                dP'   "b       ,d"  "o      your persistant attempts to launch terrorist
               d"    , `b     d"'    "b     attacks against allies in Europe may take some brothers lives,
              l] [    " `l,  d"       lb    but as we unite as one, your reign of oppression will be
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●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●We ARE WATCHING EVERY STEP YOU TAKE●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬





 China has publicly criticized the human rights situation in Chinese Miss World Canada title 林耶 Where (Anastasia Lin), are not eligible for the Chinese government to issue a visa invitation letter, unable to participate in 65th overall World Group finals held in Sanya, South China Sea. I'm try to "pass through" from Canada via Hong Kong to Sanya transit, because Sanya City authorities refused to issue visas, denied the machine, currently stranded in Hong Kong. I'm so sad interview bluntly, is even a 25-year-old Chinese girl did not dare let her entry, "Do you not have confidence in their own government?"

林 耶 who said this morning 6:00 arrival at the airport in Hong Kong, interchange Dragonair intend to Sanya, but Dragonair staff that she did visa, not eligible for release. I'm That retort, Canadian citizens have the right to apply for visas on arrival in Sanya. Staff subsequent queries to Sanya authorities, and that she should telephone interview from authorities. Lin said, the Bureau staff questioning her birth date, hometown, when to leave China to Canada, but also to confirm the last of her Chinese name.

"When I heard the Chinese name, the other side said:" Oh, you're not the joint venture '! "林耶 Fan said, the other did not explain the reasons for refusal to issue a visa," he said there was no reason, I repeatedly asked him, if you want to deny my visa, can face refusal, not in the phone (phone) above, "followed for convenient hang up the phone, and called Dragonair staff receive SMS Telegram, can not let her board the plane.

林 耶 who said it was her understanding that she was the only participant did not receive an invitation, "I feel particularly sad that a country so large, even a 25-year-old girls are not put into it," reflects the Chinese government itself no sense of security, "Do you not have confidence in their own government?" She was referring to the Chinese, whether in China or abroad, the long-term situation in a very selfish life, said a few words the truth does not work, or can not get a visa. "Under this situation the long-term no one to tell the truth, long-term effect is a very unhealthy state of society."

Lin Ye who emphasizes that she is not a member of Falun Gong, practitioners just one, but does not exclude therefore refused entry, she returned to China for the last time, is at the age of 14 with Chinese citizenship to immigrants. Father still Hunan, two or three years did not meet, she said he was worried his father safe, two did not dare to be contacted by phone, fear eavesdropping, but she reluctantly says keeping with his father from the anti-father can make safe.

Refused entry to China, but lost the election to participate in the Miss World competition, 林耶 who do not give back, will continue sounding, want to be like her father's generation who experienced the Cultural Revolution, there is more freedom of thought, especially as people affected by persecution human rights lawyers, etc., can be loyal to their own conscience, "I (participate) pageant original intention was to encourage everyone to be able to see hope, do not give up, if I am now back then, a lot of hope I can do for them vocal people, then Root did not feel that there is no hope. "

Lin Ye who will hold a press conference this morning to explain events. Earlier online Joint Action, called on Chinese President Xi Jinping let Linye Where competition entry, has supported nearly 2,500 signatures.


曾公開批評中國人權狀況的加拿大華裔世界小姐冠軍林耶凡(Anastasia Lin),不獲中國政府發出簽證邀請函,無法參與在南海三亞舉行的第65屆世界小組總決賽。林嘗試「闖關」,從加拿大經香港轉機往三亞,因三亞市當局拒發 落地簽證,被拒上機,目前滯留香港。林接受訪問時直言特別難過,是中國連一個25歲女孩也不敢讓她入境,「難道對自己政權那麼沒信心?」

林 耶凡表示,今早6時抵達香港機場,打算轉乘港龍航空前往三亞,但港龍職員指她沒簽證,不獲放行。林即反駁,加拿大公民有權利在三亞申請落地簽證。職員其後 向三亞當局查詢,並指她要接受當局的電話訪問。林表示,局方職員查問她的出生日期、家鄉、何時離開中國到加拿大,最後更要確認她的中文名稱。

「當 聽見我的中文名,對方就說:「噢,你不合資!」」林耶凡表示,對方沒解釋拒發簽證的原因,「他說沒有原因,我反覆問他,如果你要拒絕我的簽證,可以當面拒 絕,不要在phone(電話)上面」,其後對方便掛斷電話,而港龍職員則稱收到Telegram短訊,不能讓她登機。

林耶凡表示,據她了 解,她是唯一沒有收到邀請函的參賽者,「我覺得特別難過是這麼大的一個國家,連一個25歲的女孩子都不放進去」,反映中國政府本身沒安全感,「難道對自己 政權那麼沒信心?」她指無論在中國或海外的華人,長期在非常自私的情況下生活,說一兩句真話也不行,或拿不到簽證。「這個情況下長期沒有人說真話,長期下 去就是一個非常不健康的社會狀態」。


被 拒入境中國,更失去參加世界小姐選舉賽事,林耶凡不輕言退,會繼續發聲,希望像她父親經歷過文化大革命那一代人,有更加自由的思想,尤其受逼害的人如維權 律師等,能忠於自己的良知,「我(參加)選美的初衷就是要鼓勵大家,能夠看到希望,不要放棄,如果我現在就退縮的話,很多希望我能為他們發聲的人,那就會 覺得根未沒有希望」。

王子俊攝 王子俊攝 王子俊攝


 November 13th, Paris was slain Islamic State of several terrorist attacks, more than 100 civilians were killed, and hundreds injured. On the same day, the CCP public security but triumph, "wipe out" group in Xinjiang "terrorists", also published online on the scene, in which a grid despite playing, but still gives the original to see, that was "wiped out "Among the group of people," There are women and children. " Under the Communist counter-terrorism stately dressed, so exposing himself away terror destroy the people.
According to Radio Free Asia reported that the Communist annihilation of "terrorists" are Uighurs, who assault Baicheng a police station, made to wear police uniforms, and then attacked a nearby coal mine, after the attack killed a number of policemen, escaped on the Tianshan Mountains. What, then this should be a group of righteous people, bear Communist reign of terror, chop wood arms. The late Qin Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising, fought the mad Xisha, Taishi public respect for the "family", the CPC has a certain public security dismissed as "terrorists."
On the global terrorist organization, leading, definitely not what the Islamic country, but Communist countries. According to a Chinese civil rights organizations to submit information on the United Nations, the CCP against terror civil rights lawyers, to name a few, such as the cone thorn anus, genitals bamboo insert, high voltage electric batons Cookin, drug injection, intubation nostril-feeding , narrow cages captivity and so on. Other than torture, the CCP rule the people, of course there are other ways, such as September 15 "Nanfang Dushi Bao" reported the day before, Linyi City, a total dry commanding thugs, after robbing Zhang Jimin residence Tangguh Village, Zhang Jimin negative corner recalcitrant, to burned alive, after his wife is to kicking, to abandon the street, I do not know life and death; their two young daughters, I do not know what the future presume what more dependable. The Islamic State of terror against the enemy, and the Communist country as compared to really look less dust.

Sometimes members of the Islamic State of Qian Wang field, captive foreigners hostages; there are spies rampant foreign CCP, the Chinese people captive back to the mainland. Causeway Bay, Hong Gui Minhai bookstore owner, has published "Communist Ms. Gao Guan Confidential," "Shanghai to help women" and other CCP banned last month in Thailand missing, his three employees also were arrested in Shenzhen. Five year later, in June, the CCP sent spies to the United States, ready to make the completion of stress fugitives back to the mainland, by the US State Department warning, Xinhua News Agency also author asks: "America's ass is not just sitting here?" What, spoil the Islamic State of hostages, and Communist country compared to another is lagging far behind.

Ming Hongzhi years, Zhejiang Renhe county magistrate Chen Embezzlement disabled people. Anxi county was mountainous Tigers, Chen sent someone to hunt, "and is eligible for day three tiger", and offered to take credit for guarding, a very kind words awards. Scribes 俞鸣玉 because poetry derision: "Tiger sue xianggong listen to my song, Dear husband more than I eat people xianggongzhuang Ruoken row benevolent, I went across the river from both.." ("Yaoshan hall outside the discipline" Juanba fourteen, "Seven repair class draft "Volume XII) If the CCP is marked by the so-called terrorists, tens of thousands of Communist Party cadres are the size bit size Chen. They eat as many do not know is marked by a few tens of thousands of times.
CCP, the Chinese Xiaomin all terrorists. So, after civil rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng was released from prison, still under house arrest, to go to treatment in prison traumatized teeth, it is also banned, to prevent "endangering national security." Sham visible teeth, can be listed as a terrorist attack weapon.
November 19, President of the Chinese Communist country Xi Jinping said: "Terrorism is the common enemy of mankind." He was right. The common enemy of mankind, even murder, "women and children" are left off, however, verbally, they'll "just sitting here."

Gu Deming columnist


十一月十三日,巴黎遭伊斯蘭國幾名死士恐怖襲擊,百多平民喪命,還有幾百人受傷。同一天,中共公安卻高奏凱歌,「全殲」了新疆一群「恐怖分子」,還在網上 發表現場筆錄,其中一句雖然打了格子,但原文還是給人看到,即遭「全殲」的那群人之中,「有女人和小孩子」。中共反恐的堂皇衣冠之下,於是露出恐怖剿民的 馬腳。
據自由亞洲電台報道,中共殲滅的「恐怖分子」,是維吾爾族人,曾突擊拜城縣一派出所,取得警察制服穿上,再攻擊附近一座煤礦,襲殺多名警察 之後,逃上天山。然則這應是一群義民,不堪中共恐怖統治,斬木揭竿而起。秦末陳勝吳廣起義,襲殺狂秦兵將,太史公尊為「世家」,中共公安卻一定貶為「恐怖 分子」。

論全球恐怖組織,首屈一指的,絕對不是甚麼伊斯蘭國,而是中共國。根據一中國民權組織呈交聯合國的資料,中共對付民權律師的恐怖手段,不 一而足,如尖錐刺肛門、竹簽插生殖器、高壓電警棍亂打、藥物注射、鼻孔插喉灌食、窄小鐵籠囚禁等。酷刑之外,中共治民當然還有其他辦法,例如九月十五日 《南方都市報》報道,前一天,山東臨沂市共幹指揮打手,強搶後東固村張繼民居所,張繼民負隅頑抗,給活活燒死,妻子則給拳打腳踢之後,委棄路旁,不知死 生;他們兩個未成年女兒,以後更不知何怙何恃。伊斯蘭國對付敵人的恐怖手段,和中共國相比,實在望塵不及。

伊斯蘭國成員有時會潛往外地,擄外國人 為質;中共則有特務橫行外國,把中國人擄回大陸。香港銅鑼灣書店老闆桂民海,曾出版《中共高官夫人秘聞》、《上海幫的女人們》等中共禁書,上月在泰國失 蹤,他的三名僱員也同時在深圳被捕。又今年五、六月,中共遣特務往美國,準備脅迫逃犯令完成回大陸,遭美國國務院警告之後,新華社還撰文質問:「美國的屁 股是不是坐在正義這邊?」然則伊斯蘭國之擄掠人質,和中共國相比,又是瞠乎其後。
明朝弘治年間,浙江仁和縣知縣陳榮貪墨殘民。當時縣內安溪山多虎 患,陳榮遣人捕獵,「一日而獲三虎」,獻於鎮守邀功,甚得美言嘉獎。文士俞鳴玉因作詩譏刺:「虎告相公聽我歌,相公比我食人多。相公若肯行仁政,我自雙雙 去渡河。」(《堯山堂外紀》卷八十四、《七修類稿》卷三十二)假如中共所謂恐怖分子是餓虎,中共大小幹部就是千千萬萬位大小陳榮。他們食人之多,不知是餓 虎之幾千萬倍。



 See who "love Port force 'representative Chen Jing Xin's face and as the heart out of only two words:" ill. " Hong Kong singer Miss Lu Kaitong and Miss Lin Erwen because she "microblogging" on complain, requested the organizers to pursue their sport in the account in words and deeds "is quit" Mainland concert, we can not meet with the love of their fans. This in order to curry favor with those in power, in order to cater to the preferences of those in power and the practice of indiscriminately expand striking surface is not "ill" is it?

Yes, Miss Lu Kaitong umbrella movement during the last year have expressed support for the movement, there is real hope of universal suffrage in Hong Kong, I hope Hong Kong a better place. But what is wrong with that? Miss Lu is a singer, but she is also a member of the Hong Kong people, but also people who love this city, and she hoped there turning political reform, support for students, members of the public peace protest what is wrong with that? Why therefore should be a snitch, it is prohibited to perform it? However, there happens to Chen Joshin this number malevolent characters, not only from willing lackey minions as those in power, not only willingly give up the dream and dignity, but also to force other people to give up and insist on things injustice in silence. This approach not only incited hurt Miss Lu, but also in manufacturing white terror against open and inclusive society, it must be severely condemned.

Chen Joshin suddenly engage settle scores

Even so, the Miss Lu and other singers to the mainland to attend the concert with only appreciate their fans meet, but to a professional performance, not engaged in politics, but not take an umbrella campaign message to the mainland; and organizers also just put They are generally regarded as the singer for the invitation did not make any political review. You can have such a much ado about nothing Chen Jingxin, suddenly, huh usual suspects in Hong Kong, political censorship, the fanfare to put pressure on the organizers, asking them to push back the Miss Lu and other singers to show their support for an umbrella movement punishment. This is not only unfair to Miss Lu, etc., to their fans not fair, it is the destruction of harm Hong Kong's core values. Scumbag like this, like this high-pressure tactics of the autocratic layers of overweight people, people really should be united condemnation, condemnation.

However, ill again not just Chen Joshin this and other dirty tricks roles. Also full of temples and the university formed such a figure, also has a variety of "Chen Joshin ', they just dressed more stress, more righteous sophistry to say it. Colonel Port Authority Meeting recordings were not disclosed on the exposed one after another to settle scores of hideous appearance it?
In large physician who Chung Mau Lo example, in order to prevent the appointment of Hong Kong school outspoken, independent of Professor Chen Wenmin as vice president. He not only "Swept Away" baseless question people's academic status, to belittle the proposal by the President Peter Mathieson leading recruitment committee. More ridiculous is the people in his "injured" but did not greet him furious, thus negating qualifications Professor Chen as Vice President. This casually find a reason to fight against the practice of independent and outspoken intellectuals, with Chen Joshin online snitch oppress singer What is the difference?

Port authorities are the exclusive domain of Dacheng

Some other Port colonel Commission not much better. Some of right and wrong in black and white, the Professor Chen refuted allegations of pro newspapers as his guilt, in order to deny his qualifications. In some people do not make a big fuss doctorate, or even count the number of other people's papers as evidence. Surprisingly, the Court had awarded him an honorary title of Senior Counsel (currently the only one in Hong Kong) in recognition of his contribution to the legal profession. There's also reason to mention the school committee does not come out even, simply tantamount to "unwarranted" charges: "does not match the interests of Hong Kong" and oppose his appointment, Darling Harbour Management no reason to lose a rare talent, Darling Harbour independent academic freedom crumble, He became the exclusive domain of those in power.
Beijing authorities and the exclusive right to high-pressure pipe rule Hong Kong Leung Chun-ying has been the face of unprecedented pressure, has made Hong Kong's core values ​​continue to be hurt, now coupled with the ill Joshin ilk such as Chen, Lu Chung Mau and other masters to please layers overweight, constantly against, injuries conscience speak and act in Hong Kong, and constantly in all walks of life and different parts of the manufacturing white terror, forcing people to abandon independent thinking, to accelerate the destruction of Hong Kong, the former Governor PATTEN it right: "I Beijing worries not intervene in Hong Kong, but some people a little bit of the ruin Hong Kong's autonomy. " Joshin Chen, Lu Mao and his ilk dry pet is such deeds, we can not but alert.

Lu Feng published Monday to Saturday


看到那位「愛港力」代表人物陳淨心的嘴臉及作為,心裏冒出的只有四個字:「為虎作倀」。本港歌手盧凱彤小姐及林二汶小姐就因為她在「微博」中告狀,要求主 辦單位追究她們在佔中運動的言行而「被退出」內地的音樂會,沒法跟喜歡她們的歌迷見面。這種為了討好當權者,為了逢迎當權者的喜好而胡亂擴大打擊面的做法 不是「為虎作倀」又是甚麼呢?
是的,盧凱彤小姐在去年雨傘運動期間有表態支持運動,希望香港有真普選,希望香港變得更美好。但這有甚麼錯呢?盧小 姐是個歌手,可她也是香港市民的一分子,也是熱愛這個城市的人,她希望政改有轉機,支持學生、市民和平抗爭有甚麼錯呢?為甚麼因此要被打小報告、被禁止演 出呢?然而,偏偏就有陳淨心這號充滿惡意的人物,不但自甘作為當權者的鷹犬爪牙,不但自甘放棄夢想與尊嚴,還要逼其他人放棄堅持及對不公義的事默不作聲。 這種唯恐天下不亂的做法不但在傷害盧小姐,更是在製造白色恐怖,打擊社會的開放與包容,實在必須予以嚴厲譴責。


退一步來看,盧小姐等歌手到內地出席演唱會只是跟欣賞她們的歌迷見面,只是來一場專業演出,不是搞政治,更不是要把雨傘運動的訊息帶到內地;而主辦單位也 只是把她們看成一般歌手作邀請,沒有作甚麼政治審查。可就有這樣一位無事生非的陳淨心,忽然在香港搞起秋後算賬,政治審查來,大張旗鼓的向主辦單位施壓, 要他們逼退盧小姐等歌手,以示對她們支持雨傘運動的懲罰。這不但對盧小姐等不公平,對她們的歌迷不公平,更是對香港核心價值的摧殘傷害。像這樣的卑鄙小 人,像這種把專權高壓手法層層加碼的人,市民實在應該齊心聲討,同聲譴責。

以 那位大醫生盧寵茂為例,為了阻止港大校方任命敢言、獨立的陳文敏教授為副校長。他不但「踩過界」毫無根據的質疑人家的學術地位,貶低由校長馬斐森領導的招 聘委員會的建議。更荒謬的是以人家在他「受傷」時沒有問候他而大發雷霆,從而否定陳教授擔任副校長的資格。這種胡亂找理由打擊獨立敢言知識分子的做法跟陳 淨心網上打小報告欺壓歌手有甚麼分別呢?


其他一些港大校委也好不了多少。有的顛倒是非黑白,把陳教授反駁親中報章的指控當成他的罪狀,以此否定他的資格。有的以人家沒有博士學位大做文章,甚至數 算人家的論文數目作佐證。誰知終審法院早已頒他一個名譽資深大律師的名銜(目前香港唯一一個)以肯定他在法律界的貢獻。還有的校委連理由也提不出來,乾脆 以形同「莫須有」的罪名:「不符港大利益」而反對他的任命,令港大管理層平白失去難得的人才,令港大學術自由自主土崩瓦解,成了當權者的禁臠。
北 京當權者及梁振英的專權高壓管治已令香港面對前所未見的壓力,已令香港核心價值不斷受到傷害,現在再加上為虎作倀之流如陳淨心、盧寵茂等為討好主子層層加 碼,不斷針對、傷害憑良心說話、做事的香港人,不斷在社會各階層及不同角落製造白色恐怖,逼大家放棄獨立思考,要香港加快沉淪,前港督肥彭實在說得對: 「我憂慮的不是北京出手干預香港,而是某些人一點一滴的把香港的自治葬送」。陳淨心、盧寵茂之流幹的正是這樣的勾當,大家可不能不警覺。



 "If we are CIA spy would be nice!
To kill the mainland Xi Jinping spree evil will be much easier!
Our lives can exchange 130000000000000000 people's freedom,
That is how valuable thing!

We just like every city ordinary people,
Only to find ways to help!

Money can sell a person's dignity as well as his body
But people will not lose dignity, and to make the loss of conscience thing.
Such beast as it waits for mercy?!

Our understanding of the past, to chivalrous Anonymous, are constantly on the Twitter exchange,
We have heard of some Anonymous asked if we work at CIA,
After heard, we just feeling very funny, how we get information confiscation??!
Also look for more chivalrous on Twitter Anonymous, and ask them to help?!

We also said that who sell American Empire and Taiwan all of us,
The betrayed person is our enemy!
Former Snowden, is our enemy!

Now Russia is ISIS extreme terrorist attacks,
'' Snowden '' but not to hide the sound,
Russian military aircraft en route to attack ISIS terrorists in Turkey's airspace was unprovoked attack down!
Brave soldiers sacrificed their lives on this!
By Russia for many years protected-defect '' Snowden ', really a little "human touch" is not?

Now some how the Ukrainian people, want to be merged together with Russia, Mr. Putin,
Because they clearly see Mr. Putin that  protect people in the world,
Leading many elite troops to the Islamic Salvation more innocent hostages kidnapped!
Ukrainian people put aside past prejudices and be willing to accept this courageous head of state protection to survive.

Since the ISIS series of terrorist attacks in France in seven places of pleasure,
Sacrifice many innocent lives!
French President Hollande and the United Nations agreed to annihilate ISIS terrorists!

We as a human race, but also to pay attention, will you do not care?!

Corrupt Communist dictatorship is more vicious than ISIS terrorists!
Cunning, no credibility, no fair legal, there is no "human nature", as the people such as tools,
Deprive people of human rights, deprive people of "body parts", this place is the world's most corrupt and terrible!

Our fragile life,
Just a moment will past,
There are ways that help, we have not try it?!

Wuhai a person is very easy,
Greed can never be satisfied,
But this made people can see the true face of others framed animals!

Conscience the ability to identify the authenticity!"

Small ordinary, no talent, no chasing fame and fortune
Is us!

















 *[29/11-2015]From this chivalrous anonymous "Anonymous Tw"(Facebook) brings us the latest news! And Hong Kong and Taiwan Apple Daily news. And we are a continent of the Communist Party '' Fifty Cent '' Red Guards' asshole pretending Japanese slaves of the yuan on Twitter We come framed, this '' wimp '' slander us are CIA spies!-
[29/11-2015]由這個俠義匿名"Anonymous Tw"(Facebook)帶給我們最新資訊!和香港及台灣蘋果日報的新聞.及我們在Twitter上被某個大陸共產黨''五毛''紅衞兵''人民幣的屁眼奴隸假装日本人來誣陷我們,這個''窩囊廢''誣蔑我們是CIA的特務!-





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